#coffee smelling
nicoliine · 4 months
About the times when Alastor touched you and when he expected you to do it back.
☆彡 How in the world does the radio demon, who doesn't really like physical contact, end up looking for any excuse to have his hands on you?
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 ☆ Reader is g/n; no pronouns or y/n are used.
☆ Warnings: not really. Does a mental breakdown count as a warning? Alastor is a warning itself yk.
☆ English isn't my first language, so if there's any mistake I sorry-
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You noticed that Alastor didn't like people's proximity when you first arrived at the hotel and he didn't even try to shake your hand. There, with your hand on the air, you stand waiting for his shake as you observe his ramblings about a whole different subject—not that you mind about all the weird souls that can be met in hell—watching him around the other hotel staff, you confirm it.
After a couple of days in the hotel and witnessing his power display, you made a mental note to not mess with him. That being said, you didn't really want to touch him.
You were a very touchy person, content to hug Pentious when you first saw him around in the morning or cuddle on the couch with Angel before he started to make a lewd comment about his job and you just ended up leaving him alone. Nifty seemed to enjoy being all over you, sitting on your shoulders while you were reading or just playing with your hair.
Another one who was happy about your touchy personality was Charlie, but she is just happy about everything.
It started a month from your arrival.
Alastor, being a self-proclaimed gentleman, didn't seem to be aware of your not touching Alastor rule, he started holding the door open for you then creating a shadow to lift up that heavy box that you needed to move, and you ended up—it was hard for you—just trying to move up your body away so you didn't end up too close to him, but he seemed to love your personal space so much.
One time, you were in the hallway, not really aware of your surroundings, until you felt an arm around your shoulders. When you heard his static voice, you froze on your steps, slowly turning your head to see him there, standing with that so-known smile of his. When he started to walk, still holding you, talking about that great idea for the hotel, you just couldn't pay so much attention. Your mind is running on thoughts about his proximity.
This wasn't the only time he ended up having you close to him; being honest, it seems to have a personal liking to your presence. You doubt he was like that before your arrival (as you already spoke with Charlie about it), but he could be found anywhere you were. If you ended up helping fix the balcony fence, he was there behind you—you're glad he's at least silent—or when you are in the bar just scrolling through your phone and he is watching you from the other side of the room, not wanting to be near your technology artifacts, is he just trying to drive you mad? Even though that look of his seems to be asking for something you don't know, you won't ask what it is. Just wait to see how it goes.
His touch soon became more frequent. You often end up with your own theory that it's something involuntary, like something he doesn't even notice by the way it feels, like deep in the end he just wants to be touched but don't know how to ask for it. But with that demon, nothing is sure; everything he does used to be planned. That's why you found yourself confused and don't want to test your luck.
When you are in the lobby in the middle of one of Charlie's activities and his arm ends up holding you by his side.
Or when he just kisses the back of your hand every time you first see him in the morning and every time he leaves, no exceptions, that confusing look of his is always there.
Just about that, your hands—he often takes your hands. While you are in the kitchen and waiting for the pasta on the stove, one of your hands is resting on the counter as you hold a recipe book, reading the next steps. He's by your side the whole time; one of his hands takes your free hand, making you pause your reading and look at him in surprise for the sudden action. He says nothing, and both of you are standing there in silence until you have to go back to cook. However, he doesn't seem to want to let you go yet because he will follow you as you move around the kitchen.
From them, it seems that everyone is aware of this weird Alastor thing.
Nobody talks about it though—you are surprised as they have stayed out of the subject, just making silent bets about the cause of this behavior of his—but you know it wouldn't take long for someone to talk about it.
The last time he put his hands on you, you were scared. So much has passed since the last time you felt this way. Anxious and terrified, everything around you was spinning; you had to run away from the hotel activities all day.
When Alastor found you in your room, you were a mess, all your stuff scattered around the room. You saw him from your seat in a corner on the other side of the room; the only candle in the nightstand seemed to be dead soon. He just stood there in front of you; you didn't even try to look up at him, just his shoes. You can tell so much about someone else by his shoes; his shoes seemed almost perfectly clean even after destroying his enemies. He's such a collected person that it scares you.
"Why, dear, would you look at me?" Alastor surely doesn't enjoy being ignored; you know that. You just couldn't find the strength to move when he spoke to you. It passed almost 5 minutes before you turned your head up, and he was so patient with you the whole time. "What is that troubling your mind, dear?"
You didn't respond right away; you're not sure how much time passed until you did it.
"It's just... everything." Your hands run around your face as you try not to have an attack right away in front of him. "I'm so scared, Alastor."
He just smiled; nothing was said; he didn't even try to touch your shoulder or hold you; he just smiled with that now so common smile of his, —you could swear it was the biggest smile you had seen on his face —one of his arms extended to you.
You have no idea why you did what you did; maybe he asked you directly, or you imagined it all, or his eyes showed what he wanted, or the candle in your room was one of Angel's drugs, or you just simply had a death wish. You don't know.
But you hugged him—just a hug—so hard that you could break his bones. When you took conscience about what you were doing, you tried to back down, not knowing how he could react to your contact.
But he didn't let you; his arm took you by the waist, and his staff was forgotten on the ground when he held your head against his shoulder.
You now understand why he always touched you. While you hands grabbed fists of his coat, he held you so tight, like it wasn't enough, and you just needed to be closer to him forever; he didn't want anything else.
So he did, he didn't let you go for a single moment that night; even when you were in bed, he held your hand the whole time. He just let you go the next morning when Vaggie insisted he needed to go do his job, even so he wouldn't forget to kiss your hand before he left. The ghost of his touch accompanied you all the time; it was like your body grew so used to his presence and his touch that you could feel it as a part of you.
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Touch Starved! Alastor folks!!! Alastor is such an interesting character to write! I want ro respect him so bad.
Likes and reblogs are appreciated 💞
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doctorsiren · 3 months
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Part 10
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dogmandotcom · 5 months
The system feeling when a voice in your head gives input on something you’re doing and it definitely wasn’t your own internal voice but you have no idea who just said that 😶
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katich-pigeon · 6 months
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I saw a funny film Noir parody with Ilkka Villi and i used one moment as a reference from there xD
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indimiart · 5 months
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Rotating them in my head 24/7
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happyheidi · 2 years
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the local pastry shop 🥯 x
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bloodrock-lobster · 7 months
Okay so here's a question, because literally EVERYONE gives me shit about this
note: I know skunk and weed can smell similar but that's not the controversial question here
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ihearnocomplaints · 7 months
Longing is one of the most painful emotions, I think.
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Rb >>>> like
(tags are vvvv appreciated and give me motivation)
Here’s everything I drew in the hour and a half-ish that I had.
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lesbiciousbeginnings · 9 months
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Being an adult is okay sometimes. Please look at how cute my coffee/tea bar is!
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foldingfittedsheets · 4 months
There’s a specific quirk that makes reading urban fantasy really annoying for me, and it’s that without fail the main character is constantly guzzling coffee. They’re grumpy without it, robbed of it for laughs, they only have coffee for breakfast, they seem like they’d likely have 9/10 coffee in their bloodstream.
I’m caffeine intolerant and I’ve never been able to drink coffee, and this holy pedestal it gets placed on is bizarre to me. It’s obviously relatable or else so many authors wouldn’t do it but from the outside looking in all these characters are just grappling with a socially acceptable addiction.
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anantaru · 3 months
i just met a guy so randomly
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thatonewatercat · 2 months
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Cleo from Smells Like Coffee (my book) and Stress from Dear Double-O (written by CloudWritesLife) are on a date together!!
Smells like Coffee: https://www.wattpad.com/1133556251-smells-like-coffee-%7E-etho-x-bdubs-little-intro
Dear Double-O: https://www.wattpad.com/1342323827-dear-doubleo-welcome
With text under the cut!
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Cleo: "so my Etho almost died"
Stress: "yours is stupid too?"
Cleo: "and it took them 32 chapters to half exchange numbers!"
Stress: "god thats pathetic!"
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littleouroboros · 10 months
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V.VIII Pater, V.IV Rusty, and my 621! (they/it)
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pendraegon · 1 month
going on a roadtrip would fix me
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wolfavens · 1 year
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briteBeans  │ ★★★★✩
close to uBrite campus, coffee stale, open late tho. GO DRAGOOONS!!! 🐉🐉🐉
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tazmiilly · 11 months
how do fidleford and stanford have their coffee?
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coffee opinions from someone who doesn't drink coffee
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