kal8elle · 19 days
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fandumb-whimsey · 1 year
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zahri-melitor · 8 months
the Background Default Canon thing always gets me when authors bring the Justice League into Bat fanfics. it's one thing to fudge the timelines because there was some big event happening that took everyone out of commission for a little while, or to play loose with what characterization would have been current for side characters, but so often none of the members they include were even on the League in the years surrounding the events they're writing about. just set your stuff in the DCAU at that point.
Ah yes, I am familiar with that irritation, particularly the "why are Barry, Ollie and Hal alive and members of the Justice League right now" form of it. Barry's the worst offender. Is this story set at any point between COIE and Flashpoint? Barry shouldn't be on the League.
But yes, there's so often a blindness to the fact that the 'classic' JLA lineup was basically absent between COIE and 1997, and had plenty of roster changes over the years from 1997 to 2011. It doesn't have to be perfect, but you could at least take a peek at who were core members around the time.
Because sometimes that sort of story is like "and then the Justice League showed up to help" and you're blinking going... which version? Did Bruce really call Maxima, Ray Terrill, Ted Kord and Captain Atom to help out? Because I can guarantee Bruce didn't want that list to turn up to help out.
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vholecekart · 1 year
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Mold successfully made. Now I can make more than one at a time. #moldmaking #resincasting #coldcasting #artlife #project https://www.instagram.com/p/CqMDD_OL2Jy/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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casscainmainly · 2 months
Top 3 Cassandra Cain Canon Love Interests
Based on this poll! Thank you to everyone who voted :).
Without further ado, in third place we have...
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Sal from Batgirl (2008)!
With 9.1% of votes. A surprising third place given I don't think many people know about him, but he's pretty nice in the 5 or so panels he appears in. He mentions going to Jakarta so he's probably Indonesian. Has anyone written a fanfic about Cass/Sal yet???
Prize: Getting a call from Cass after being ghosted since 2008!
In second place, we have...
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Tai'Darshan from Batgirl (2000)!
With 33.3% of votes. TAI'DARSHAN YOU DESERVE THIS SO MUCH. My own personal #1 pick, Tai'Darshan was instrumental to Cass' development in many ways and fought for the freedom of his country. He deserves a LOT more than what canon gave him.
Prize: Coming back from the dead and beating up Batman!
And in first place, probably to no one's surprise, we have...
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Superboy (Batgirl 2000)!
With a staggering 45.5% of votes. There's no competing with Conner and Cass' fun relationship, especially since it lasted beyond romance into a lighthearted and stable friendship. They have the honour of being the only couple on this list with fanfics AND tons of good fanart. Congrats KonCass shippers!
Prize: Getting to date at least one member of the Batfamily!
Coldcast and Zero both got 6.1% of votes, and poor Javier got nothing (though City of Light is awful so that makes sense). I think this goes to show Cass needs better canon love interests, her fanon/alt ones are miles better. Anyway, congratulations to all the winners!!!
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I don't love the MAWS Livewire because, basically, she's not 'saying' anything about society.
I really liked how they reinvented Parasite (though I would've preferred if he was still called Rudy Jones than Prof. Ivo) because his character says rather succinctly–billionaires are parasites. Boom. Perfect. No notes. Great social commentary.
Livewire's old job was supposed to be a criticism on right-wing sensationalist news pundits (which would've be extremely relevant right now) and how they're all just narcissistic attention whores who don't care how what they do/say hurt people (they did do something like that with Vicki Vale, which is admittedly nice).
MAWS's Livewire says. . . nothing. She's just a generic mercenary/thief with superpowers. They could've made her Atomic Skull, Volcana, Anomaly, or even a genderbent Coldcast, and nothing would be different.
Yes, Livewire has been changed before in shows like Young Justice and Supergirl, but that shouldn't excuse MAWS from missing an opportunity to say something meaningful.
Just say you hate the fact that this incarnation is a person of color and save us all the trouble.
This show gave its unique take on all the villains, yet you don't see anybody getting worked up over the fact that Silver Banshee doesn't speak with an Irish accent now do you?
The MAWS incarnation of Intergang are a group of petty crooks with no connections to Darkseid, yet nobody is making a huge fuss about that.
Not every villain has to be some thinly veiled metaphor for a real world issue. Some villains are just evil for the sake of being evil.
And don't sit there and act like this show was scared of tackling real world issues, the writers had Lex Luthor spout out a bunch of right wing xenophobic talking points when Viki Vale interviewed him.
Livewire doesn't need to be an Alex Jones expy to be compelling.
Don't like this version of the character? Cool, go watch the 90's animated series or Supergirl.
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dizzymudskipper · 2 months
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I blacked out and a demon took over my body.
They said.
"Redraw The Elite members. Do it now"
I woke up and this is what remains. I ran out of space to draw Coldcast :( I'll draw him later.
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dailycass-cain · 2 years
My Thoughts on Lazarus Planet: Dark Fate #1 (aka the Cass portion)
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An hour past noon. Enough time for some thoughts on one story, Lazarus Planet: Dark Fate #1. Some thoughts to keep us warm until Spirit World #1 arrives...
The thing that always interests me with Alyssa Wong when they tackle Cassandra Cain is they take the character and use stuff Cass has faced and then spin something new.
Cass has only encountered magic a handful of times. Only once in her entire series (ironically near the tail end with Lazara).
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In truth, Cass has encountered magic outside her own comic more (Young Justice, the Zee arc in Tec Knights, and just recently the big battle in “Dark Crisis” where she literally was dodging attacks from Spectre) and--
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JL: Elite with her and Coldcast being in the "world of shadows" and they encountered some Lovecraftian creatures.
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Literally, outside the main universe, Cass encountering mystic stuff seems more common. We have Cass getting Shazam powers in DCeased, her fighting vampires (and teaming up with Frankenstein briefly) in DC vs. Vampires--
-- and another place in an animated adaptation of a comic she was never in originally (Batman: the Doom that Came to Gotham).
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So all of this is a nice treat to see Wong take the character outside their "comfort" area and into something that's an open area for the character to explore, magic.
We get the perfect gateway character for that with Cass in the newly introduced character Xanthe.
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Though I have to admit this brief little tease Wong gives introducing Cass maybe hints at what she's been up to during the Batman vs. Robin mini prior. Not jobbing, but making the city safe while everyone else was occupied.
Which kind of makes sense truthfully for someone of Cass's skillset. Nezha couldn't incapacitate or maybe twist her like everyone else. So the next best thing is to keep her so busy that she doesn't have any time to do anything else.
At least what I'm going with by reading this.
The thing that fascinates me early on in Cass and Xanthe's team-up is how Cass calls the vampires one thing and Xanthe calls them and I love the editor's note here because I'm utterly clueless with it comes to Chinese mythology (save a few things).
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I also love that Wong showing their knowledge of Cass knowing what to do due to being such a movie junkie (and I liked that this was brought up. The nod made me smirk cause it's been A WHILE since someone referenced Cass's old habits).
I also just love that this isn't the end of the story and that Xanthe, Cass, and John Constantine (a character Cass has barely any meetings of in canon, but had one out of it in DCeased).
There was SOOOO much of this story and the art by Haining gives us a nice expressive Cass. Again, I don't mind the white eyes when an artist makes them so expressive and Haining gives Cass some nice reactions throughout this tale.
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Not to mention some nice fluidity in her move set too. Literally, the only negative I can say is how quickly the story ended and make me hunger for more. Thankfully we only have two more months before we get just that in Spirit World #1.
The premise in that, Xanthe/John in a quest to save Cass. I'm game for. Though I do hope we just see a character like Cass see the Spirt World thru her eyes. Cause body language and also for new readers this be a nice treat.
Plus the chance to see Cass actually struggle not have it be ooc? To learn something new? Yeah, I'm game for that.
The side bonus to all of this is we get a full-on tale by Alyssa Wong. No one part (ala Batman: Urban Legends #8) and a short (but amazing story in DC: Doomed & the Damned #1).  Just a full-on story Wong has with Cass and I'm all for that.
Though I am hopeful that maybe Batgirls can deal with this issue's fallout? I'm game for Babs/Steph to have an issue or more with them wondering where Cass is at? Or maybe Cass show up and have an editor's note (read Spirit World #1).
Just to give that nice bridge to both comics that Cass is in. Besides it gives us that moment with Steph to see her own thoughts when Cass is out of the picture (will she read Cass's letter?).
Not to mention see Babs' thoughts on handling what occurred with Steph in #15 and now Cass going on a crazy Spirit Adventure with others.
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If you can't tell I really REALLY dug this story and can't wait for May for more of this.  It truly is a nice surprise to not only get a bonus mini that has Cass in it but is written by Alyssa Wong?
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Foreshock (Villainous Oc)
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Name: Clayton Knox 
Ethnicity: African American 
Sexuality: Straight
Relatives: Malcolm Knox (father-deceased); Harriet Knox (mother-deceased); Curtis Knox (older brother-deceased)
Affiliations: PEACE; The Elect 
Abilities: Earthquake Generation 
Headcannon Voice Actor: Catero Colbert (English); Alan Bravo (Spanish) 
Residence: Compton, California (originally); Marin City 
Personality: Just like the other member of the Elect, he is a very ruthless superhero who shows no mercy towards villains and think they deserve everything they get. However, despite being unforgiving towards villains he does have a soft spot for children and families due to what happened with his family. He also is the one who has the most doubts about if the person they are targeting really deserves the brutality and is often remind by his other teammates what happens if you let evil run amok. He is very loyal to his companions and will defend them even at the cost of his wellbeing or life. 
Background: Originally from Compton, California he grew up in a relatively working class environment where he had a happy life with his family. However, it soon changed when one day when his neighborhood was having a barbecue a shooting happened and killed his family. He became so enraged that he charged at him, snatched the gun, and shot him. The event forever changed himself and he would vow never to let anyone evil manage to kill his loved ones again. He later was recruited into the PEACE program where he got powers and became a member of the Elect under Sydney Spyke. 
* He's a fan of old school rap like Tupac, NWA, and Biggie. 
* He's a big comic and anime/manga fan. 
* He has a soft spot for kids and families. While he is nonchalant about endorsing murder, he also wants children to never fear losing their families like he did. 
* He keeps a picture of his family as a memento. 
* He is very close to Sydney Spyke and consider each other best buds. 
* He is based on Coldcast from the Elite. 
Created through picrew.me/en/image_maker/13358…
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hugdjarfur · 1 year
Closed starter for: @coldcasted
Týr wished for nothing but to forget. They wanted to forget the fires that had ravaged the city, they wanted to forget the eternal fire and the burning of the mages and most of all they wanted to forget Odin and the flood of memories that they brought with them. At first they had no intention of going out. They had started the evening at home, but after the royal visit, their house, which had always exuded safety, no longer felt as safe as before. No matter how often they looked through the windows to see nothing but an empty street, they still wondered if Huginn and Muninn were sitting on a roof watching them. So it was no wonder that they found themselves in the tavern, after all it was the best place to help them forget.
To strangers, it seemed that all was well with the strange mercenary. It was not unusual for Týr to be in the tavern, with their hair beautifully adorned as if they belonged in a palace rather than a run-down tavern, and the corners of their eyes were darkened with kohl, which made their blue colours seem even colder. Nor was it particularly strange to see them dancing with strangers to the sounds of music. However the fire that usually burned bright in their eyes and in their laughter didn’t burn quite as brightly that night.
They had no intention of stopping their dancing, because if they stopped for too long, the memories and thoughts they had banished from their mind would creep back to them. But after a moment, they noticed a familiar figure in the crowd. Loki… Týr paused for a moment as they brushed a strand of hair from their face that was clinging to their skin. They should leave them be, but before they knew what they were doing, their feet led them across the room to Loki, and without greeting them, they took their hand. “Will you dance with me?”
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kal8elle · 7 days
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sincere-community · 1 year
#lotusflower #rubbermould #silicon #coldcasting #freegift
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quirkwizard · 2 years
Good Day/Evening, Quirkwizard. I was wondering if you have any Quirks which would fit members of DC Comic's The Elite Team? Specifically, Manchester Black, Coldcast, Menagerie, and The Hat.
Not really, at least not new ones. Even if you scaled down the absurd level of power, half of them already exist in the setting and aren’t unique enough to make new powers. The Hat can make things, which is covered by "Creation", and Manchester Black can move things with his mind, which is covered by "Poltergeist". That only leaves Menagerie, with her ability to make various physical additions, and Coldcast, with electromagnetism powers. However, I've already done that with Quirks like "Bio Weapon" and "Biomagnet", respectively.
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catholicjapanese · 1 year
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vholecekart · 2 years
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Shined up #sculpture #goth #gothlifestyle #darkart #darkartists #vampire #vampireaesthetic #coldcasting https://www.instagram.com/p/CpYeJxPJlpn/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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