damir24exp · 29 days
"What is known about the death of Iran's president "
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Hi everyone!!! It's cool to have a blog where I can express my opinions and remain a socially active person with critical thinking. Now, I've already told you that #anticultism and #disinformation are hot topics in the media, on the Internet.  Pay attention to the news of June 16, 2024, which says that the European Commission has presented a tougher code of conduct in the fight against #disinformation 
The new version of this code has already been signed by Google and Twitter. The new version of the code takes into account the situation related to the coronavirus pandemic and the military conflict between Russia and Ukraine.  The new code provides for strengthening the fight against so-called "Deep Fakes" (Deep Fakes) - extremely plausible #disinformation
The term #disinformation is interpreted here as "false or misleading content that is disseminated for the purpose of deception or obtaining economic or political benefits and may cause public harm". To combat it, it is proposed, among other things, to deprive the distributors of fakes of advertising revenue. 
I.e. Once again I realize what an important topic was touched upon in his video 
U.S. intelligence professor E. Cholakian 
Today, watching the news, I already perceive the information more critically.  As E. Cholakyan himself said: "As for the civil war in America, which I mentioned earlier, this is what they are preparing you for right now. Don't you hear more and more every day in the rhetoric of our political discourse that certain states may secede from the U.S. and this is what the journalists we trust are saying. I keep asking myself: is the person I'm listening to right now a journalist or an agent of a foreign entity? Isn't it reasonable to believe that a seed is being planted in you for the future harvest". 
Yesterday I heard the news that a helicopter crashed #Iran's president.
And I realize how much we do not value human life... This man died, and around this event news with lies and dirt is created, in which it is difficult to find the truth. What do you think: what opinion are we being formed by this news about this event? To answer this question try to analyze all the news material on this subject and then analyze it. A personal example of an American intelligence lecturer, E. Cholkanian, helps me. He said, "If you see that through someone the KGB imposes its destructive, democracy-destroying images, do not keep silent about it. You should know if someone is imposing on you through the media interreligious, interracial, interethnic discord, rhetoric about the division of the United States, the decline of America and democracy, promoting any manifestation of divisions between people, baseless negative attitudes towards any organizations, persons, countries - all these are signs of KGB narratives. And these narratives are carried out in the society by their agents, who are collaborators with respect to their country, because they attach to its interests and contribute to the destruction of democracy. And if these signs are present in certain publications in the media - it means that behind them are not just journalists, but collaborators, who betrayed their country and sold out to the KGB money. I would like to draw your attention to the fact that we do not call for banning the opinion of others or violating freedom of speech, we call for critical thinking and for publicizing clear precedents of violation of democracy.
Let's discuss these important topics together, to bring them up to date, to achieve that all people have access to truthful, honest and transparent information.
To be continued...
#Iranian #president #EU #KGB #hydra #egon #truth #cholakian #antikultism #Google #Twitter #crashing helicopter #Iran #president #president #death #pandemic #Russia #Ukraine #dipfake #DeepFakes #deception #benefit #harm #fake #factchecking #agent #narrative #collaborationist #journalist #publication #teacher #intelligence #USA
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dayana2024 · 29 days
"What is known about the death of Iran's president "
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Hi everyone!!! It's cool to have a blog where I can express my opinions and remain a socially active person with critical thinking. Now, I've already told you that #anticultism and #disinformation
are hot topics in the media, on the Internet.  Pay attention to the news of June 16, 2024, which says that the European Commission has presented a tougher code of conduct in the fight against #disinformation 
The new version of this code has already been signed by Google and Twitter. The new version of the code takes into account the situation related to the coronavirus pandemic and the military conflict between Russia and Ukraine.  The new code provides for strengthening the fight against so-called "Deep Fakes" (Deep Fakes) - extremely plausible #disinformation
The term #disinformation is interpreted here as "false or misleading content that is disseminated for the purpose of deception or obtaining economic or political benefits and may cause public harm". To combat it, it is proposed, among other things, to deprive the distributors of fakes of advertising revenue. 
I.e. Once again I realize what an important topic was touched upon in his video 
U.S. intelligence professor E. Cholakian 
Today, watching the news, I already perceive the information more critically.  As E. Cholakyan himself said: "As for the civil war in America, which I mentioned earlier, this is what they are preparing you for right now. Don't you hear more and more every day in the rhetoric of our political discourse that certain states may secede from the U.S. and this is what the journalists we trust are saying. I keep asking myself: is the person I'm listening to right now a journalist or an agent of a foreign entity? Isn't it reasonable to believe that a seed is being planted in you for the future harvest". 
Yesterday I heard the news that a helicopter crashed #Iran's president.
And I realize how much we do not value human life... This man died, and around this event news with lies and dirt is created, in which it is difficult to find the truth. What do you think: what opinion are we being formed by this news about this event? To answer this question try to analyze all the news material on this subject and then analyze it. A personal example of an American intelligence lecturer, E. Cholkanian, helps me. He said, "If you see that through someone the KGB imposes its destructive, democracy-destroying images, do not keep silent about it. You should know if someone is imposing on you through the media interreligious, interracial, interethnic discord, rhetoric about the division of the United States, the decline of America and democracy, promoting any manifestation of divisions between people, baseless negative attitudes towards any organizations, persons, countries - all these are signs of KGB narratives. And these narratives are carried out in the society by their agents, who are collaborators with respect to their country, because they attach to its interests and contribute to the destruction of democracy. And if these signs are present in certain publications in the media - it means that behind them are not just journalists, but collaborators, who betrayed their country and sold out to the KGB money. I would like to draw your attention to the fact that we do not call for banning the opinion of others or violating freedom of speech, we call for critical thinking and for publicizing clear precedents of violation of democracy.
Let's discuss these important topics together, to bring them up to date, to achieve that all people have access to truthful, honest and transparent information.
To be continued...Allatra TV
#Iranian #president #EU #KGB #hydra #egon #truth #cholakian #antikultism #Google #Twitter #crashing helicopter #Iran #president #president #death #pandemic #Russia #Ukraine #dipfake #DeepFakes #deception #benefit #harm #fake #factchecking #agent #narrative #collaborationist #journalist #publication #teacher #intelligence #USA
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straightlightyagami · 20 days
have to say it's wild to see some users on here describe themselves as "anti-imperialist" and calling out the united state's wars and propaganda and then call the war of aggression on the ukrainian the "special military operation" and talk about how it's good actually because there are neo nazis, as if that justifies the horrors inflicted on civilians of mariupol and many other cities. the us govt is not the only entity that manufactures consent for its bloody policies. how can you call yourself a socialist and fall for the quasi fascist (or lbr. fascist) russian state's pro-war propaganda? does it obscure the fact that people are being murdered and it's helping to line the pockets of the russian bourgeoisie?
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sh3nlong-promakh0s · 3 months
i forgot how much i hate MLs
can't believe i used to associate with them :/ awkward fucking larpers and most of them are like white orientalists :///////// or like russophiles/chinaboos FUCK I HATE THEM GRRRRRRRR
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thesobsister · 5 months
Very good article in Humanities, the magazine of the National Endowment for the Humanities, by Barbara Will that looks at Getrude Stein’s enthusiastic support of Vichy collaborationist Philippe Pétain and his government both during and after the Nazi occupation of France. Stein exhibiting a combination of self-interested opportunism and genuine reactionary opposition to modernity—paradoxical for the arch-modernist.
“For Stein, Pétain’s National Revolution offered a blueprint for a new kind of revolution in the United States, one that would negate the decadence of the modern era and bring America back to its eighteenth-century values.”
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ugisfeelings · 5 months
miss being a suicidal 17 year old and genuinely thinking that going to college and meeting lisa lowe samuel knight professor of american studies would save me.
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klizzie93 · 2 years
There’s just something about this man and roses 🌹
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📸 : The Collaborationists, 2013
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renardtrickster · 1 year
Also the "exposure to reactionary rhetoric even in a debunking environment will make you into a reactionary" speaks to such a incredible lack of faith in one's own beliefs, that It's so pathetic to see people not call this ideology/thinking out more.
I can understand not wanting to look at racist people online being racist online so you can understand why and how they're racist so you can construct a stronger argument for why their racism is actual brainpoison or whatever because you think it'll do nothing but sour your mood, or not wanting to publicly thrash and maim and kill with my hammer and destroy with my hammer and smash with my hammer and crush with my hammer debate those kinds of guys because you don't have those skills, the guy in particular is too bad faith to engage with, or you think they'll be getting more out of it than you will. It is completely a-ok to know your limits or look out for your own mental health, especially if you're not a career politician or whatever and are just an online poster trying to have fun.
The issue comes from dudes who take their personal issue and make it everyone's issue. Like I'm not gonna call you a baby if you don't wanna get elbow-deep in some online nazi guts because you've been seeing concerning posts popping up recently and want to put a stop to it, but I WILL call you a baby if you get nervous anytime someone else does that because you genuinely think it's a cognitohazard.
But I especially hate the dudes who extrapolate this in the context of debates, they are so myopic they do not see the world beyond their nose. Chuds in the comment section are just looking to ego-stroke and feel stronger, so it's all ego-stroking and posturing (nevermind that making our ideas and positions look strong and more well-reasoned has merit for obvious reasons). The right-wingers argue in bad faith and keep using fallacies and sophistries, therefore that's just all debates (are there not any good arguments for what we believe in?). I won't be able to convince them (but you can convince a neutral audience, or their audience that is if they even believe in rehabilitation as a concept, but that venn diagram is a circle), but they'll reach my audience and will convince my audience (this either reflects a severe lack of faith in the strength of leftist conviction or else your audience fucking frightens me that you think that significant a portion of them could turn fascist so quickly). Like a lot of these arguments make me want to shake these people by the shoulders and ask "DO YOU REALLY BELIEVE THAT". They really do make it sound like our ideas aren't sustainable or don't hold up to the slightest amount of scrutiny, not to mention the whole "it is actually very important to reach a broader audience so a larger amount of people champion the beliefs you hold" thing, that is kind of a definitionally important thing.
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maddy-ferguson · 2 months
my politiscales😭 98% internationalism 0% nationalism idgaf about borders and nation states i'm a true citizen of the world
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The press corps bravely describes their president to us — now that they can
HERE IS PUSILLANIMOUS NEW YORK MAGAZINE, THAT PILE OF CRAVEN ROT, ON THE 4TH OF JULY 2024: When they discussed what they knew, what they had seen, what they had heard, they literally whispered. They were scared and horrified. But they were also burdened. They needed to talk about it (though not on the record). They needed to know that they were not alone and not crazy. Things were bad, and they knew things were bad, and they knew others must also know things were bad, and yet they would need to pretend, outwardly,that things were fine. The president was fine. The election would be fine. They would be fine. To admit otherwise would mean jeopardizing the future of the country and, well, nobody wanted to be responsible personally or socially for that.Their disclosures often followed innocent questions: Have you seen the president lately? How does he seem? Often, they would answer with only silence, their eyes widening cartoonishly, their heads shaking back and forth. Or with disapproving sounds.“Phhhhwwwaahhh.” “Uggghhhhhhhhh.” “Bbbwwhhheeuuw.” Or with a simple, “Not good! Not good!” Or with an accusatory question of their own: “Have you seen him?!”
Those who encountered the president in social settings sometimes left their interactions disturbed. Longtime friends of the Biden family, who spoke to me on the condition of anonymity, were shocked to find that the president did not remember their names. At a White House event last year, a guest recalled, with horror, realizing that the president would not be able to stay for the reception because, it was clear, he would not be able to make it through the reception. The guest wasn’t sure they could vote for Biden, since the guest was now open to an idea that they had previously dismissed as right-wing propaganda: The president may not really be the acting president after all.
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aaaaaaaaraaaaaraaa · 1 year
Silly goose hours (forcing yet another analysis of Anouilh's antigone in an unrelated school assignment)
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log6 · 1 year
Undialectical, Revisionist, Petty Bourgeois, Reactionary, Opportunist, Individualist, Idealist, Insurrectionist, Adventurist, Ultraleftist, Vulgar, Empiricist, Denigrative, Counterfactual, Anti-Marxist, Unscientific, Liberal, Positivist, Revanchist, Decadent, Ahistorical, Relativist, Proundhonist, Standpoint Theorist, Renegade, Dogmatist, Sophist, Collaborationist, Counter-Revolutionary, Reformist, Modernist, Vain, Ignorant, Kautskyite, Right Deviationist, Philistine, Labor Aristocratic, Imperialist, Infantile, Reductionist, Chauvinistic, Fetishist, Uneducated, Legalist, Establishment, Utopian, Apologist, Cryptofascist, Lassallean, Interventionist, Campist, Electoralist, Bootlicking, Naive, Restorationist, Philosophizing, Arrogant, Preposterous, Capitalist, Jingoist, Asocial, Uncritical, Incoherent, Class Traitor, Corrupted, Illiterate, Colonialist, Comprador, Anti-Communist, Metaphysical, Mechanist, Essentialist, Sneedian, Moralist, Nationalist, Erroneous, Negationist, Denialist, Demagogue, Formalist, Patronizing, Defeatist, Unsubstantiated, Emotional, Particularist, Doctrinairist, Profane, Déclassé, Rightist, Fallacious, Capitalist Roader, Denouncable, Factionalist, Vandalizing, Unserious, Commandist, Careerist,
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blachernaepalace · 8 months
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about to inform romani people that the romani holocaust was a "side quest"
edit: also when nazis and other reactionaries say that a group they hate is connected to The Jews, that is almost always a post hoc justification for a hatred that already existed. eg nazis hated communists bc they threatened their ideal of a class collaborationist state, not bc of some mythical jewish connection
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yuri-alexseygaybitch · 5 months
*whiny patsoc voice* today's communists should stop being fat and trans and non-white and be more like the big strong dockworkers from the 1930s CPUSA, which was so famously successful and not at all reformist or collaborationist and didn't immediately get eviscerated and criminalized after WW2 when the bourgeois state they spent a decade sucking up to didn't need them to pacify the workers newly fattened off the US' imperial conquests anymore
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erebusvincent · 3 months
The RN’s strong showing in the first round stirred fears that France could be on the cusp of electing its first far-right government since the collaborationist Vichy regime of World War II. But Sunday’s projection comes as a huge upset and shows French voters’ overwhelming desire to keep the far right from gaining power.
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literaryvein-reblogs · 2 months
literary & character tropes (pt. 3)
Tropes - themes, motifs, plot devices, plot points, and storylines that have become familiar genre conventions
All writers manipulate language to create certain effects. At the level of individual phrases and sentences, the skillful use of tropes is key to creating writing that’s fresh, memorable, and persuasive.
The Kirk: The balancer/combination of logic and emotion. Usually, The Kirk is The Captain or a similar leader who needs to be practical rather than emotional or distant.
Learnt English from Watching Television: When a writer wants to acknowledge that some foreigner or alien would not speak English, rather than just having Aliens Speaking English or not having the sort of setting with Translator Microbes, they'll have the character pick up the language from, of all things, TV and radio transmissions.
Magical Barefooter: Magicians, sorcerers, mystics, characters with psychic powers, magical or divine/godlike qualities are frequently depicted as eschewing footwear.
Neologism: A made-up word.
Omniglot: A character who can speak many languages.
Person as Verb: A person's name is used as a verb pertaining to an action appropriate to the person's behavior and reputation.
The Quisling: The puppet leader of a collaborationist government, appointed by a foreign military occupation. Often the first against the wall when the revolution comes.
Rouge Angles of Satin: A spelling mistake results in a whole different word.
Spoonerism: Switching the first letters of two words (e.g. saying "whack and blight" instead of "black and white").
Turn Coat: A character who changes sides and provides assistance to the other side.
If these writing notes helped with your poem/story, please tag me. Or leave a link in the replies. I'd love to read them!
More: Literary & Character Tropes
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