#college!harrison osterfield
faefictions · 2 years
Lonely People | Ch 21
Pairing: Harrison Osterfield x Reader
Warnings: Suggestions of domestic abuse 
Word Count: 3566
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Y/n’s friends had already been planning on spending New Year’s Eve together. Harrison had been dreading it, but nothing he had imagined had been as miserable as this. The 4 of them sat in near silence in the living room of the shared apartment all day. Robin sat in y/n’s absence. 
They had all hoped that she would come bursting through the door, ready for their planned party, apologizing for forgetting to mention where she had gone. The false hope was exhausting though. They all knew deep down that she wasn’t coming home. 
Halfway across the country, y/n was getting ready for another New Year’s Eve party. She hadn’t spoken to any of her old friends since her and Robin skipped town. Robin said it was better that way, and she never disagreed with that sentiment. Keeping contact with any of them meant holding on to part of the past she was trying so hard to get away from. Nevertheless, she was excited to see them again. They were never the problem with her life here. 
She was fully prepared to be smothered by them for the night. She knew that they had been worried about her, but she wasn’t aware of the extent. 
Ian had told everyone she was coming, so she didn’t expect them to be as shocked at her appearance as they were. But the second she walked through the door, it took everyone almost a full minute to stop staring at her in disbelief and rush over to tackle her into a group hug. 
She spent the next several hours catching up with each individual boy. She was pleasantly surprised to find out that all of them had graduated and hadn’t done anything dumb enough to land them in jail in the couple years that she had been gone. She had been betting on at least one of them getting caught for doing something stupid. Instead, they had all been attending college or working full time jobs. 
Around 11:30, she was pulled aside by one of the boys she was closest with Senior year, aside from Ian, who had hated how close they had grown. Nick, the only other person aside from Robin who knew what had gone on behind the scenes in her relationship with Ian, the only person who had continued to reach out to her, hoping she would miraculously reply up until this night. He had pulled her into the kitchen, and wrapped her in a hug that filled her with grief because it just reminded her of how Sierra would hug her when she was drunk, tighter than she thought humanly possible. 
“Good god, y/n, I thought you were dead,” he spoke into her shoulder, and she could tell he was holding back tears of relief. 
“I know, I’m sorry. I wasn’t trying to worry anyone,” she tried to explain herself, but he cut her off before she could even begin. 
“You don’t have to justify it to me, I understand why you had to, but just give me a sign you’re still breathing next time, yeah?” 
“By the way, we all have a surprise for you, and I know how much you hate surprises,” he was cut off by her groan, which was met with an amused smile, “But you have to pretend like you aren’t annoyed, ok? It would mean a lot to them.” 
“Fine,” she sighed, but she couldn’t hide the smile that was peeking through. 
Nick led her out to the living room of the apartment the party was being hosted in, and left her side while he went to go whisper to everyone that it was time for whatever they had planned. She giggled as she watched all of them race down the hall without a word, leaving only her and Ian in the room. 
“They really missed you,” he chuckled as he crossed the room to her. 
“Yeah, I could tell,” she tried her best to keep the smile on her face, but their proximity sent a shiver down her back. 
“So, I’ve been thinking, especially after seeing everyone tonight. Ethan and I, we have a spare room we’ve just been using as storage since we moved in. He wanted to turn it into a bedroom so the guys could spend the night if they ever got too drunk, but it kinda seems like fate that we never got around to it.”
“What do you mean?”
“I mean, it would be the perfect place for you to move in. We have rent completely covered, so you could settle in before getting a job to help out. And you can be closer to all of us again.”
She felt like she was going to vomit. She thought they had agreed that she would be back home before classes started back up. She thought he knew that this was just a visit, nothing more. But maybe she hadn’t made it clear enough. 
Before she could say anything, the rest of the party came rushing back down the hall, wrapped boxes and gift bags in each hand, 2 per boy. She shot them all a confused look, and didn’t miss the look Nick was giving her after seeing Ian so close. 
“What’s all this?” she asked, trying to ignore his glare. 
“When we thought you were dead, we bought you presents for your birthdays,” one of the other boys spoke up, with a dopey smile on his face. She couldn’t help but chuckle. 
“Yeah, and thank god you’re alive, because my closet was full and I was about ready to donate them,” another joked. 
Y/n spent the next 20 minutes opening each gift and thanking each person. Most of them were things she would have never wanted or needed, but the sentiment of them remembering to get her birthday gifts, even if she was gone, was heartwarming to say the least. 
It was 2 minutes to midnight when she had opened the last gift, a notebook from Nick that he said he thought she would have loved to use for planning out her photo shoots. 
“I know you’re not really a pen and paper kind of gal, but I wasn’t going to buy a new laptop for a dead person,” he joked, which genuinely made her laugh. 
He offered to help her find a box to put all the gifts in so she could bring everything back with her easily, and led her to one of the bedrooms away from the party. 
“You know I’m not going to be able to fit most of this in my carry on, right?”
“I didn’t think you would even want to with most of it,” he chuckled as he shut the door behind her, checking down the hall before he did, “ I just needed to get you out of there until after midnight. Ian was going to try to kiss you, and I wasn’t about to let that happen.” 
“Oh… well thanks. And I guess leaving all this stuff here would have broken their hearts anyway,” she tried to laugh the situation off, but just like Harrison, Nick wasn’t one to let her avoid talking. 
“Y/n, seriously, why are you here? Don’t get me wrong, I am so happy to see you again,” he paused to grab one of her hands, and found it hard to miss her flinch at the action, “You shouldn’t have come back though. Not with Ian.”
“He showed up at my apartment, and everyone else had left for break. I just didn’t know what else to do.”
“Are you flying back by yourself?” 
“No, he left his car in the parking lot of my complex. He has to fly back out with me.”
“You realize what he’s doing right?”
“Nick, it’s been 2 years. Maybe he’s matured. It’s not like he’s going to hold me hostage in an apartment he shares with Ethan.”
“He asked you to move in, didn’t he?”
“What? How did you-“
“That’s the most Ian play in the book, y/n! What did he even say when you said no?”
“I didn’t get the chance, you all came running back into the room before I could say anything.”
“Well when are you supposed to go back home? I don’t like you staying with him after you have to tell him no.”
“Come on, Nick. We are going to be staying in the same apartment with Ethan, it’s not like he’s going to throw a fit with him there. And if you really think he’s that terrible, why are you still friends with him?”
“I’m not.”
“Well you’re here aren’t you?”
“This group doesn’t belong to Ian. I haven’t talked to him since a month after you left. I kinda…”
There was a pause as Nick weighed the decision of saying what he was about to tell her. 
“What? What did you do?”
“I… I accused him of killing you,” he gave her an awkward smile. 
“You what?! Well of fucking course he’s going to hunt me down halfway across the country, you really thought he would let something like that go?”
“Look, I was drunk, and the rest of the guys were talking about how weird it was that you had just disappeared. They came to the conclusion that night that there was a good chance you died and that was why you hadn’t reached out, because they couldn’t think of any other reason you’d ghost all of us. And I made a comment that if you were dead, he probably did it.”
“God you are such an idiot,” she sighed. She knew that that was not the only motive Ian had for tracking her down, but it didn’t exactly help the situation either. 
“I really don’t think you should go back to his apartment though. You can come stay with me, I can sleep on the pullout.”
“All of my stuff is still at his place, and I don’t trust that he wouldn’t just burn it. I have to go back. He’s paying for my ticket back too, so I have to play nice. So no more murder accusations, ok?”
“Well you’re alive, so it’d have to be something other than murder this time,” he chuckled, but she wasn’t amused. 
They waited out the countdown in the bedroom, having found an empty cardboard box the second they ended their conversation. When they rejoined the party, everyone had a disposable cup filled with champagne, and were considerably tipsier than when they had left the room. 
They were greeted with their own cups filled nearly to the brim with the cheap champagne. Before y/n could even take a sip of hers, Ian rushed over. 
“Y/n, you don’t drink,” he glared at her, taking the cup from her hands. 
“You haven’t seen me in 2 years, and I’ve been living on a college campus. You really think I haven’t touched a drop?”
“You seemed pretty against it last time I saw you.” 
She wanted to say that he was wrong, that he was the one that wouldn’t let her drink, and the only reason she never fought him on it was because she saw how terrible he acted when he was drunk and was afraid of what she would be like. Now she knew the answer, and she hated to think that maybe she had turned out to be like him. He had done some terrible and unforgivable things that she was required to dismiss again and again, but he had never stabbed someone in the hand with a fork for trying to help him. 
“Things change,” was what she said instead, hoping it would have a more favorable response. Nick grabbed the cup back and handed it to her, which she only sipped to prove a point. She didn’t actually want to get drunk. It didn’t feel safe here. 
One of the other, very drunk, boys came over to unknowingly break up the stare down that was going on between Ian and Nick. He nearly knocked y/n to the ground with a hug that was backed by his whole 200 pounds of body weight. 
“I’m so happy you’re home,” he giggled uncharacteristically high for how deep his voice was normally, “Now all we have to do is find Robin and we’ll have the whole group back.”
“Yeah, Rob ghosted us a few months after you disappeared,” Nick explained as he led the boy off of her and back to the couch. 
“Like none of you have heard a peep from him since then?”
“No, and half of us thought you ran off together so you wouldn’t piss off Ian,” another boy teased from an arm chair a few feet away. 
“And I told you that she wouldn’t fucking do that, didn’t I?” Ian called back, trying to hold in his temper at the thought of her betraying him like that. But they hadn’t been entirely wrong. Sure, she hadn’t run off with him in the way they were thinking, but he was the only way she was able to get out. And she was surprised to find out that none of them had heard from him since. She knew that he wasn’t going to be speaking to Ian anymore, but he had known half of these guys since kindergarten, and she wasn’t expecting him to cut contact with all of them. 
It was another hour before Ian finally decided it was time to call it a night and head back home. He went down to start the car he was borrowing from Ethan as y/n said her goodbyes, which Nick used as an opportunity to talk to her one last time. 
“Hey,” he rushed over to her as she was about to open the front door, “If anything happens while you’re still in town, call me. Please. I can give you my number.”
“I actually don’t have a phone on me. I think I left it on the plane or in Ian’s car back home.”
“You’ve gotta be kidding me,” his face fell, and he rubbed a hand down his face. 
“I know, I’m sorry. I promise I wasn’t stupid enough to not double check that I grabbed it when I left my place. I know it was in my purse, it must’ve fallen out.”
“No, I know it’s not your fault. I just want to make sure you’re safe. I’m giving you my number anyway, just in case you need it, ok?” 
He ran off to find a pen and paper to write down his number for her, and returned with a torn of piece of an envelope with his nearly illegible contact information scrawled on it. 
“Glad to see your penmanship hadn’t changed.”
“Shut up,”he laughed, and went to open the door for her, but she blocked it with the back of her foot. 
“Can I ask you something before I go?”
“Yeah, of course,” he assured. 
“Robin. You really haven’t heard from him for the past 2 years?” 
“Yeah. I mean, he told me that he was heading off to college. He never told me where, and we kept in contact for a couple months, but then he deleted all his social media and just stopped replying to my text’s. But don’t worry, I’m sure he’s ok.”
She nodded in agreeance and tried her best to smile as if she were comforted by that sentiment. 
“Oh my god, you know where he is?”
“I didn’t even say anything! Why would you think that?”
“You forget you’re a terrible liar and I’ve been calling your bluffs since middle school. Where the fuck is he?”
“Keep your fucking voice down,” she hushed and guided him down the hall to the room that had spent the countdown in. “I obviously don’t think he wants anyone knowing where he is, and just because Ian blew my cover doesn’t mean his needs to be blown too. And how do you think Ian would feel knowing Robin and I did in fact run off together? I am about to be staying with him for another day and a half, so no one here can fucking know. Got it?”
“You two ran off together? I didn’t know you even liked Robin like that.”
“I need a promise that you aren’t going to be telling anyone else, Nicholas.”
“Fine,” he quickly linked their pinkies together and wiggled his hand around to shake them. The second they were unlinked, he was back to bombarding her with questions. 
“I didn’t and don’t like Robin like that. That’s not what I meant. Robin just saw how shitty of a situation I was in and wanted to get me out of here. So he helped me get a scholarship for the school he was going to and helped me leave without leaving a trace for Ian to follow. But obviously, that didn’t exactly work out. But, yes, he’s living in the same town as me.”
“Well I’m glad you’re both safe but I could fucking kill both of you for having me so worried for so long. You better tell him I miss him when you get back. You don’t gotta tell him I know though.”
“You got it,” she smiled, and opened the door again to head back down the hallway. 
She did one more goodbye for the whole group of boys before heading down the stairs and outside. 
The atmosphere in car was heavier than it had been earlier in the night. On the way to the party, Ian had been cracking jokes and beaming about how excited he was to show her off to everyone. Now, he refused to so much as look at her as she entered the car. 
He began to drive off before he spoke, mirroring so many nights that they had spent together after y/n’s family had died. When she didn’t have a place to go, he let her stay with him, and things were great for a month or two. But things he started acting like he was now, and she could spot the start of it a mile away. 
“What took you so long?” he finally asked as they neared the end of the street and turned onto the main road. 
“Just had to say goodbye to all the boys,” she spoke softly. 
“Yeah? It wasn’t because you needed to sneak off with your little boyfriend up there?”
“Excuse me?”
“Wanna explain why you guys closed the door behind you during the countdown? I bring you all the way back home, pay for your fucking plane ticket, drive you around all weekend, let you stay on my fucking couch, and of course you repay me by fucking him.”
There he was, the Ian she had been running from. 
“Nick? No, Ian, he was just helping me find the box for all the gifts the boys gave me. Which I seem to have forgotten back at the party. Fuck.”
“Don’t try to change the fucking subject. I can’t believe you.”
“I promise, nothing’s going on between me and anyone at that party,” she began, and against her better judgment, she added, “I would never do that to you.”
To be completely honest, she would have done anything to spite him if she had known she was safe doing so, but he didn’t need to know that. 
“Fine, yeah, you’re right.”
The car fell silent for a few minutes, until Ian spoke again, much calmer this time. She suspected that wasn’t going to last for long. 
“So have you thought about what I said earlier?”
“About moving in?”
“Before you start, I already talked to Ethan and he’s totally fine with it. So no worries about anything there.”
“I thought we agreed you would be taking me home before my classes start back up.”
“But this is home, y/n.”
“No, my apartment is my home now. And besides, your car is there, you can’t just leave it there.” 
“I thought about that. All your stuff is back there anyway, so we could fly out and pack you up and head back together in my car. You love road trips.”
“I have to get back to school, Ian.”
“I seriously can’t fucking believe you.”
She knew better than to reply, but that didn’t stop him from continuing. 
“Why did you even come? Tell me what the fuck was going through your mind that made you think I would just pay for all this shit for a girl I haven’t seen in 2 years, as you so kindly put it? Huh? I thought it was pretty obvious that I wanted you to stay.”
“You said you would have me back by the 3rd.”
“I was obviously just being polite! God, you can be so dumb sometimes. But fine, we’ll just fly back tomorrow and you can forget all about me, just like you want.”
She knew he wanted her to cave, to feel bad for him and just agree to at least stay a bit longer, or to keep in touch. If she didn’t leave now, if she didn’t forget him, he would still have a stake on her. So instead of trying to make him happy, like she had done and endless amount of times in the past, she stayed quiet. She refused to let him think he won, but she refused to let him think he lost either.
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elles-archives · 2 years
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I posted 245 times in 2022
That's 99 more posts than 2021!
68 posts created (28%)
177 posts reblogged (72%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 145 of my posts in 2022
Only 41% of my posts had no tags
#chris evans - 82 posts
#chris evans characters - 60 posts
#chris evans x reader - 51 posts
#ellen recommends - 47 posts
#fluff - 46 posts
#sebastian stan - 43 posts
#ransom drysdale x reader - 36 posts
#ransom drysdale - 36 posts
#angst - 29 posts
#sebastian stan characters - 26 posts
Longest Tag: 47 characters
#tom holland and harrison osterfield masterlist
My Top Posts in 2022:
Brother's Co-Star
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(Pictures are from Pinterest)
Dividers by @firefly-graphics
Brother’s Co-Star
Sebastian Stan x Holland!Reader
Summary: Being Tom Holland’s older sister has lead you to meet a lot of his co-stars. One however, catches your eye, and you catch his. Maybe you should have told your brother first.
Word Count: 2k
Warnings: slight language, fluff, a little angst.
See the full post
299 notes - Posted January 6, 2022
Anxiety Support
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Chris Evans x Daughter!Reader
Summary: Chris helps you through a panic attack after you are followed by a group of girls.
Word Count: +1.5k
Warnings: Panic attacks, Anxiety, Being followed when shopping.
Requested on Wattpad
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You had just graduated High School and were due to go off to College in the fall. As excited as you were to gain your independence, you were still worried about leaving the safety of your father’s home. 
For as long as you could remember it was always just you and your Dad. Your Mom left when you were born, signing all rights away to your Dad and was never seen in Boston again. Of Course, you still had your Dad’s family around you, especially your Uncle Scott. 
Scott had stayed with the both of you during Lockdown and for the longest months, it had just been the three of you. You moved to remote learning and only ever left the house to go out to the backyard. You Facetimed all your friends but none of them were going to the same College as you.
You had been accepted into NYU, the same College where your Dad went. You were going to study acting. Much like Chris had been, you were a theater kid growing up and had always had an interest in acting. Originally, Chris had wanted to keep you out of the limelight, much preferring to give you a normal childhood.
However, when you showed an interest in acting, Chris couldn’t help but become overwhelmed with pride. He offered to help in any way he could but also understood that you wanted to make your own image as an actress and not just as Chris Evans’ daughter. 
Acting wasn’t the only thing you seemed to get from your father. Much like Chris, you had severe anxiety. Both social and separation. You were extremely nervous about moving to New York and being away from Chris. Your separation anxiety was so bad that Chris had to hire you a tutor whenever he was out of town and take you with him. You had an agreement with the school that you would attend Summer School classes and that you would keep up the curriculum. 
There was a level of determination though when it came to you moving to New York for College. You wanted to make your Dad proud and hopefully start to work on your separation anxiety. You were on medication and had therapy to help you and so far it was working. Chris had also created a sensory room for you. It was filled with stress balls, fidget toys, weighted blankets, it was your favorite color but pastel rather than bright. The whole room was designed to be your safe space and Chris was the only other one apart from you who went in there. Even then your Dad only came in when you needed him to.
It worried your Dad a bit that you were wanting to pursue acting with your anxiety, he himself knew how difficult it could be but he knew that acting was what you wanted to do and he would support you whatever. 
You needed to get a few things before you went to New York. You would be moving into the dorms there but you wanted to keep your room at home how it is. You went out on your own. Chris had originally wanted to go with you but you knew you needed to build up some confidence to go out on your own. You were quite lucky that in Boston you weren’t followed around that often. However, you still sometimes saw fans of your Dad, who knew who you were.
You had almost finished getting everything you needed when something caught the corner of your eye. A group of girls probably about your age were all giggling and looking towards you. You put your sunglasses down off of your head and tried to ignore them. Despite that, one of the girls came up to you.
“I’m sorry, aren’t you Chris Evans’ daughter?” She asked in a high pitched voice. 
“Um yeah.” You awkwardly nodded, already feeling anxious.
“I thought so. I just wanted to say how much I love your Dad.”
“Okay then.” You tried to walk away but her voice caught your attention once again.
“Is he around then? I've always wanted to meet him.” She giggled.
“No he isn’t. Sorry I’ve got to go.”You quickly rushed away but not before you heard her mutter ‘rude’ underneath her breath. 
You felt your heart race and your breathing pick up. You felt a panic attack about to happen and quickly pulled out your phone and called your Dad.
“Hey Sweetheart, are you ready to come home?” You heard your Dad’s cheery voice through the phone. You automatically felt yourself starting to calm down a little. Chris could hear your heavy breathing over the phone.
“Y/N? Are you alright?” He asked. 
“Dad, can you come pick me up?” Chris automatically knew something was wrong.
“Yeah I’ll meet you where I dropped you off. Is that okay?”
See the full post
327 notes - Posted May 7, 2022
Honey Flower
Floriography – The Language of Flowers 
Andy Barber x Fem!Reader 
Summary: You knew that getting involved with a married man wasn’t the smartest choice. But the love you held for Andy made all the pain worth it. Wasn't it? 
Word Count: 7k 
Warnings: Fluff, Angst, Smut (P in V, Fem receiving oral), Cheating (Not on reader), Swearing, Drinking, Marriage problems, Divorce, Age gap (Specific ages not mentioned), Mention of pregnancy. I think that is all but let me know if I missed anything. This is 18+ only. Minors DNI. 
(A/N: This is my entry for @starryevermore's Welcome to Angst City™ Writing Challenge. I honestly don’t know how good this I so any feedback is welcome. Please do not copy my work. Reblogs are welcome. 
Prompts: How Do You Say ‘Fuck You’ In Flowers? + Fifth Floor + Chris’ Pretty Boys: Andy Barber) 
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You have always loved flowers. Believing that there is more to them that then actual blossom. The Victorians used to use flowers as a way of communication. They would gift each other flowers to send a message. You studied floriography from a youthful age. Fascinated by how flowers could mean so much. They weren’t just for romance. The yellow hyacinth meant jealousy, the orange mock meant deceit and the trumpet flower meant separation.  
Flowers could also be given platonically, between mother and child or between friends. Pussy willow meant motherhood, moss meant maternal love and freesia meant trust or friendship. Working as a florist was magical to say the least. You watched as people tried to woo each other. You saw how people begged for forgiveness. Being able to make different arrangements for different circumstances was always a joy. Weddings, proposals, begging for forgiveness. There were also some not so great, arrangements for example funerals or when one person was dishonest with another.  
You grew up in England, living in the countryside, near the fields where wild flowers grew. Your favourites being daisies, which meant innocence or gentleness, asters which were a symbol of love and ivy which meant wedded love. Marriage. Something you had always wanted.  
When you were in your mid-twenties you moved to Massachusetts. Your Grandfather was sick and was requesting your presence. You barely knew him and only had met him a few times as a kid, but who were you to deny a dying man his final wishes. Turns out your Grandfather was fairly rich. Nothing dramatic but when he did eventually pass on he left you enough to start your own floristry shop in Newton.  
Your parents were going to stay in America too, to be closer to the family you grew up without. So, you decided to accept the money and open your shop ‘Floriography.’ You sold all kinds of flowers, each with the meaning provided. You hoped that when people came in that they would appreciate the knowing what the flowers meant. There was a small apartment above the shop where you could stay. Everything was going perfect in your life.  
‘Floriography’ was popular. Many people came in for their anniversaries and were so impressed that they often came back. Every bouquet you made was made with love. No two were the same. You wanted to make sure that each bouquet was personal and met the customer’s needs.  
About four months after you opened, a man walked in, and you were instantly intrigued. He was tall with dark hair and a neatly trimmed beard. He walked with confidence in an expensive suit but there was some sense of calmness around him. You instantly felt intimidated by him he obviously held some kind of power. He walked up to the desk where you were standing, working on a bouquet of pink roses (perfect happiness) for an anniversary and was patiently waiting for your attention. 
You smiled up at him and asked him to just wait a second as you put the final additions on the bouquet before you gave him your full attention.  
“How can I help you?” You smiled trying not to give away your nervousness. 
“I just came in to have a look, you see my wife has been stressed lately and I wanted to get her something to cheer her up.” His voice was silky and calm.  
“Well, I can make you a custom bouquet for her if you like.” I offered. I had seen this many times a husband coming in to cheer up their partner. 
“Would you mind?” He asked hopefully. “I noticed that you have the meanings of each flower written down so I assume you would know how I can express my appreciation of her?” 
I was more than happy to help him. It reminded me of why I enjoyed my job so much. 
“Of course, well I could use a wild pansy, which means ‘you occupy my thoughts”? Or calla lilies which means ‘magnificent beauty’?” 
He interrupted you. “She does like calla lilies, and they have a great meaning.” His accent coming through strongly compared to your British one. 
“Well, they would look lovely with a little holly, which means domestic happiness. And forgive me if I am overstepping here, but as you are in my shop purely to cheer her up I believe that holly would be appropriate.” 
He let out a small chuckle. “You are not overstepping and yes I would like to this we live in ‘domestic happiness.’ Well, you’re the expert so I will leave it to you.” 
“That’s great. So, I will have these ready for collection tomorrow if you would like to collect them? If not fill out this card and I can deliver them for you.” I smiled at him. 
“I’ll collect them after work tomorrow if that’s okay. I think coming straight from me will mean more to her. Anyway, thank you so much for your help I really appreciate this.” He grinned at me. “I’ll see you tomorrow…” he looked down at the name tag on my apron “…Y/N” 
See the full post
335 notes - Posted May 22, 2022
Unhappy? Happy
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Images from Pinterest
Ari Levinson x Wife!Reader
Warnings: Angst, Arguments, Smut (Fingering, Grinding, Ari cums in his pants, Oral (Fem-Receiving), P in V, Unprotected Sex), Make-up sex, Fluff, Swearing. (I think that's all but let me know if I missed anything.)
18+ Only. Minors Do Not Interact.
Word Count: +1.6k
Summary: Ari wants to leave on another mission, but this time he has more to lose at home.
(A/N: I am reposting this as it didn't appear on any of the tags x.)
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The two of you had been at it for over an hour already. You knew how important the missions your husband went on were, but at the same time with two children in the picture, it was getting harder and harder for you to say goodbye to him each time he went. Especially with how dangerous they could be.
You and Ari went to ‘run’ The Red Sea Diving Resort together along with four others. You had known Ari for years and when he came to you with his latest plan, you knew you had to help. However, at the time you didn’t have a husband, son and step-daughter to worry about. You knew that it was the constant missions and all the time spent away from home which split up Ari’s first marriage and you were determined not to let it happen to yours. 
Maya, Ari’s daughter, was so used to seeing her Dad leave that she barely battered an eyelid anymore but Connor, your’s and Ari’s Son was too young to understand why Ari was never there. After you had Connor, you decided to stop going on missions and start working to help coordinate them instead. Unfortunately, Ari didn’t share that idea and that is what led to this specific moment. Another mission had come up and Ari had to leave for an unknown amount of time.
“All I’m saying is that we - I - promised to go back. You knew this day would come, why are you so surprised?”
“I am surprised because not only do you have Maya now but Connor as well. I understand how important this is but can’t they send someone else?”
“This isn’t about nobody else doing the job! This is about me needing to be the one who does it. I promised Kabede that I wouldn’t abandon anyone. That I would go back.” Ari yelled. At that moment you were thankful that Maya was at her Mom’s and Connor was with your parents, they didn’t need to hear this.
“And I get that Ari but what about your children. What about me? How are we supposed to cope knowing full well that you may not come back to us?”
“So what? I am supposed to leave all those innocent people. I love you, Maya and Connor more than anything in the world but this is something I have to do.” 
You sighed. A part of me felt selfish wanting him to stay, but at the same time, he wasn’t the only person who could complete these missions. 
“We can’t put up with this forever, Ari. When I married you, I promised myself that I wouldn’t let our jobs get in the way but things are different now and I can’t comprehend how you can’t see that.” You said in a low voice. A dramatic change in tone from the yelling.
“Then what do you want from me Y/N? To stay here and be unhappy all the time? Unhappy that I’m not out there?”
You froze. So did Ari.
“Y/N/N, I didn’t mean that…”
“Don’t right now Ari. I can’t… I just…” You went upstairs to your shared bedroom. You knew that he said all that in the heat of the moment but a part of you couldn’t help but over analyse what he said. Was he unhappy in your marriage? Did he want to be out all the time? Did he regret marrying you? 
You sat on your bed and cried. You didn’t know what to say to him. You loved Ari with everything in you. But the idea of him not wanting you nearly killed you inside. You didn’t want to be the one to make him unhappy.
About an hour later, you heard a knock on the door. You didn’t say anything but looked up when you heard the door open. Ari’s eyes were bloodshot and his hair looked a mess. It was obvious that he had been crying just as much as you had.
He didn’t say anything as he made his way over to you on the bed. 
“Sweetheart? Please?” He whispered in your ear. You knew that he felt bad. Slowly, you looked up at him and he could see the tears clouding your eyes. 
“What do you want, Ari? I don’t have any energy to argue with you.”
“I know sweetheart. I came to say I’m sorry. Can I make it up to you?” Closing your eyes you nodded at him. You knew you could never stay mad at him for too long. “Words princess.” Ari growled in your ear. 
“Please Ari.” You whispered. Next thing you knew Ari had you on your back and was devouring your mouth with his. You couldn’t help but moan into his mouth as you felt your lips being chewed at by him. 
See the full post
435 notes - Posted April 30, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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These are the fics that I recommend and Love for Chris Evans and his Characters. Minors DNI
Chris Evans:
Desperate Affairs by @georgiapeach30513 - Multiple Chris Evans Characters x Fem!Reader
Fading Spark by @alisonsfics - Chris Evans x Wife!Reader
Futile by @rocketrhap3000 - Chris Evans x Fem!Reader
Well Shit by @falcqns - Chris Evans x Reader
Gentleman by @lexiawrittings - Chris Evans x Reader
Boston by @secretswiftymarvelfan - Chris Evans x Reader
Floofy Haired Delight by @secretswiftymarvelfan - Chris Evans x Reader
Fixing the Broken by @maemelany - Chris Evans x Reader
Breathe by @buckyownsmylife - Chris Evans x Reader
See by @andydrysdalerogers - Chris Evans x Reader
Steve Rogers:
Slow Like Honey by @heli0s-writes - Steve Rogers x Reader
Reckless by @kinanabinks - Widower!Steve Rogers x Divorced!Reader
(College AU) by @fluffycutecevans - Steve Rogers x Reader
Always You by @fangirlovestuff - Steve Rogers x Reader
My Girl (Part 2 to Nightmare Barns) by @jadedvibes - Neighbour!Steve Rogers x Reader
Flustered by @fqjth - Steve Rogers x Reader
If Only You Knew by @kayteewritessteve - Steve Rogers x Reader (Modern AU)
Let it Happen by @barnesafterglow - Frat!Steve Rogers x F!Reader
Time After Time by @fluffycutecevans - Steve Rogers x Reader
You Are In Love by @stephensfcktoy - Lawyer!Steve Rogers x Fem!Reader
Eavesdropping by @lahyene - Steve Rogers x Reader ft. Johnny Storm (as Steve’s brother)
Andy Barber:
Under the Suit by @simplystevies - Ex’s Dad!Andy Barber x Intern!Reader 
Stay by @geminixevans-stan - Andy Barber x Fem!Reader
Help You Through by @jbreenr - Andy Barber x Reader
Pick Me by @dbnightingale24 - Andy Barber x Reader
Beautiful Stranger by @dbnightingale24 - Andy Barber x Reader
See the full post
448 notes - Posted May 28, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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hilllsnholland · 5 years
Bucket List - Prequel
Wc: 3.8k
Warnings: swearing, drinking, depression, anxiety, and other mental health talk 
Summary: Tom has no idea what he wants to do with his life. He’s stuck in the suburban town of Creekview with Harrison and two idiots friends. No passion, no drive, nothing but a beer by the poolside. Until he meets Y/N, the Deaf rebel who has a bucket list she needs to complete by the end of the summer. The two come together to make their last summer of freedom the best Creekview has ever seen. What could possibly go wrong? Or more so, what could possibly go right?
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Dashboard Confessional’s ‘Hands Down’ played through a wireless speaker while Tom took another sip of beer. Although American beer did not have the same kick as England’s, it would have to do. Nothing was the same here, which was the main reason why Tom was drinking four days out of the week. Since the semester ended a week ago it was a blur of sun, drinking, and constant calls from his parents.
Tom tilted back in the lounge chair, sunglasses sitting perfectly on his face. From the distance, he could hear someone calling his name but choose to ignore it. Tom amplified the sound and sighed. Watching the pool water ripple was becoming mind numbing. But that was the point of doing all of this. Acting like he was a bum on vacation was a facade to mask the over presenting battle in his head. Tom could not stop the pestering thoughts and anxiety from creeping up on him, so he pushed it down with alcohol.
Tom sat lazily in the stiff counselor chair. He had been waiting there for almost twenty minutes now, unsure of what the reasoning was. This was college, not regular high school. Why was he being sent to the office? Maybe they did things differently in America but this felt strange. Every few minutes he would look over his shoulder to see if anyone was coming his way. Tom wasn’t a nervous person, but he felt like he was under arrest. Something was definitely not right.
“Mr. Holland?”
Tom snapped straight up and turned to see the Head of Counseling, Mrs. Scott, reaching her hand out to greet him. He shook her hand, standing up awkwardly and following her as she took a seat at her desk.
“Am I in some sort of trouble?”
Mrs. Scott, who usually wears a bright smile, is flat lipped as she types away on her computer. Tom had met her at orientation with Harrison. She was a middle-aged woman who was wise and a school favorite at Creekview State. Not that Tom had to think about it, it was all Harrison’s fault he was even here. Why would he leave beautiful London for this small Bay Area suburb? His best mate of course.
Somehow Harrison had gotten hooked on the idea of moving to California. Not even LA, but San Francisco area. Tom never understood it. It was a different world out here. The weather was bipolar, people had weird phrases, and the school system made no sense. Yet, Harrison begged him to go to California with him. Showed him the transfer program at Creekview State, and now here they were. Well, here Tom is, sitting in front of a very concerned counselor.
“Tom, just call me Tom,”
Mrs. Scott nods and turns the computer to face him.
“You have spectacular grades Tom, but you haven’t selected your major?” She points to the screen where major is set to ‘undetermined’. “And I believe you are aware of our policy correct?”
Tom nods slowly. At orientation, they had made it very clear that by the end of a student’s two years at Creekview, a major needed to be set. Administrators claimed that it was a way to ensure students achieve success, but Tom could see through that bullshit. Having students select majors early on ensures that the college can get as much money as possible from donors and the state. Tom though, did not have a major planned out.
“So, school ends in a week Tom and I need to know what your major is.” Mrs. Scott puts on a plastic smile.
“Mrs. Scott, I don’t know what I want to major in,” Tom says flatly. “I don’t see a future in any of the careers paths that the school promotes.”
Harrison had found his calling in theatre. He knew what he wanted since he was a kid. Tom however was lost. He found no satisfaction in business or English, not even theatre sparked that joy. He felt lost. A true imposter syndrome at its best. Tom was grasping at straws of life, watching everyone else know what they wanted. Harry and Sam, his own brothers, knew exactly what they wanted. They were set. Tom was the oldest, yet he was in their shadow.
“I’m sure we can find something-”
“Seriously, I’ve tried every career test and gone to all the job fairs. I don’t know my place. I can not figure out where I belong,”
Red was the only word to describe the interaction. Tom’s face was rouged with frustration and embarrassment, his heart pumping against his chest. His hands shook on his thighs, he had never expressed this concern ever. Now Mrs. Scott was blinking at him, mouth open slightly as she tried to figure out what to say. Tom wanted to run out of the building and never come back. This could be the chance to move back to England, start over with his education and figure it out there.
“I can tell you’re under a lot of stress. You’re in a country you didn’t grow up in and now you’re being forced to grow up. I get it Tom, so I’ll give you a choice.” Mrs. Scott brings out a piece of paper and turns it to Tom. “You can pick a major now or I can give you until the first day of Fall term. If you choose now, you get aid and first pick to all classes. If you wait, you’ll have to pay upfront and have to deal with last pick classes.”
A choice. A real fucking choice that Tom had the opportunity to pick. He didn’t have time to contemplate it until his friends or family butted in. He needed to make the choice now and it was all up to him. A few years into young adulthood and he still felt like a lost child, until now. This could be his chance to take the reigns of his life. To stop following what Harrison says, or his family, because now he was in control of his life. Tom looked down at the paper that listed all the different majors. None of them sparked joy. None of them ignited the fire he had always hoped for.
Tom knew the fire was real though. He saw it every day when Harrison would go to rehearsals or talk about an amazing day in Theatre. Tom felt it resonate off Harry when he would show off the latest photography project. The way Harry would tell stories of each photograph, give it life and meaning. Even Sam, who was going to trade school, had the undeniable ambition to become a carpenter. It was something Tom envied. It gave him that pit in his stomach, the dread you get when you know you’ve done something wrong. Tom felt it every time his parents called him and asked about his future. Now though, he had three whole months to figure out his future. If twenty odd years hadn’t given it to him, how would three months?
“I’ll let you know before the first day of term, but I’m not ready right now,” Tom grabs his things and stands up. “Thank you for this though.”
Tom goes towards the door but stops.
“Tom,” Mrs. Scott sighs. “I don’t expect you to have all of your life figured out right now, but take a chance. Explore or do something you’ve never done. Come back to me when you’re ready. I hope to hear from you soon,”
Mrs. Scott is looking to Tom with big eyes. He can tell she’s been through this before. The exhaustion behind her face from the need to balance the pressure from the school and the well-being of the students. Tom felt the pit appear at the thought of causing her more stress or pain. He could just randomly pick a major, change it later when he figures it out, but her words. Those words snapped the chord in his body.
Since he arrived in Creekview he hadn’t explored much. He would go to parties, class, and work. It was a routine to keep his mind off the homesickness. Tom kept himself busy so he wouldn’t miss home, his mom’s cooking, his bed, god he even missed his little brothers. But, he hadn’t lived more than that. Tom hadn’t let himself loose. Maybe that was the fault, maybe he needed to relax. Tom’s mind became clouded with the different anxieties so he pushed them away, sighing audibly.
“I hope so too Mrs. Scott,”
Tom rolled his neck into the bar of the lawn chair, unkinking the knots from his stiff neck. The music that had been playing from the speakers was now being replaced by the nuisance of his ringtone. He saw the picture of his dad appear on his phone requesting a facetime. This wasn’t the time, he thought.
Last time Tom talked to his father was before the guidance counselor meeting. He hadn’t told his family he wasn’t going home for the summer, like the year prior, so they must be wondering where he was or when he’d be coming back. Tom exhaled, fearing what he wanted to talk about. Tom slid the phone to accept and there his parents were, smiling and talking in unison to greet him.
“Hey guys, I miss you both,” Tom pushed back his glasses and melted at the sight.
It hurt. It hurt so much to not be with them. Although they were a major part in his dilemma, it was impossible to feel normal here. Tom knew his parents would make everything better again. Their cooking would settle his nerves, or his dad’s jokes would make him crack a smile finally.
“Tom, you don’t know how much we miss you right now,” His mom gushes. “When are you coming home, sweetie? Last summer you were already here and making a mess of the place?”
Tom laughed with his parents.
“I know mum,” He bit his lip and shrugged. “I was going to talk to you about that…”
“You know Tom we haven’t heard much from you. Is school going alright? Is Harrison still with you?”
“Yeah, he is. We’re at the house right now. I just,”
The weight crushed him. He wanted advice, he wanted to know what they would have to say about the whole ordeal. He knew it would come with nagging and lecture, which terrified him to no end. Failure was not an option.
“We’ve been calling you for a while now. What’s going on?”
“Guys, everything is fine. I just need to...I need to…” His mouth was dry and something came over him. “I need to invite you guys here.”
God he wished he could have shut himself up. Not answer the phone. Fucks sake, just throw the phone in the water and get it over with faster. His parents made a ‘hmph’ noise and cocked their heads at him.
“I can’t leave California due to...school and work...so why don’t you and the boys fly out here? July or August maybe?”
Fuck. Fuck. Fuckity fuck fuck. Why in the world did I do that, he thought. Tom froze at the silence that followed. His parents looked to each other what seemed like a lifetime. This was it, this was the end of the world, wasn’t it?
“Of course we’ll come! We can’t wait to see this little town you’ve been living in!” His mother laughed and smiled. She was giddy.
“I was getting worried Tom,” His dad starts with a small laugh. “I was afraid you were going to tell us you got kicked out or you haven’t picked your major yet. But I can’t wait to see you.”
Yikes was all Tom could think. He laughed along, rubbing the back of his neck and feeling the pool of sweat coming down his skin. Fuck it was hot and he was a horrible liar.
“Love you guys. Talk to you soon,”
Their faces disappear, leaving the lock screen picture of Tessa looking adorable to overtake the phone. Tom flips it over and presses the play button on the speaker to continue the music from before. Fuck, his new favorite word because that was the only thing to describe how he felt. Tom felt stupid, angry, depressed, anxious, probably every emotion under the sun except happiness. This rut was driving him insane, but now he drove himself deeper into it. Tom flipped his sunglasses back down his nose and laid back again.
Was this going to be the rest of his life? Juggling life, unsure of what he wanted or what he needed? Trying to impress and satisfy the ones closest to him? The pit returned bringing with it the feeling of nausea. It must’ve been the beers he had been drinking for the past few hours because he felt sour. Tom clenched his fingers into the bands of the lounge chair, bending them to circulate the anxieties. He picked at things, twisted and broke them, while he was nervous. Either it was his nails, tables, clothes, you name it. It was the only calming factor he had.
“Tommy boy!” An all too familiar voice yelled.
Tom wanted to be dead. He could probably play dead and his so-called ‘friends’ would believe it. He watched as Brant and Ty made their way out to the backyard, holding up bottles of vodka and assorted mixes. Brant was a buff and tall dude, black skin and a face that nobody could say no to. He was known around campus as the star player, of football and hearts. Ty was scrawny, a lacrosse player that actually had talent. He had a long face though, almond eyes that were perpetually bloodshot. He was always high or looking to get high. They were the definition of what Creekview college boys were about.
“Tom, why are you sitting on your ass?” Brant laughed while jumping to take a seat next to him. “Dude, we need to go to Lauren J’s party tonight. With your British accent, we’ll need to be slapping the bitches off of us.”
Tom mentally groaned. He hadn’t been with a girl, not even a date since he got to Creekview. The girls here were not his type he supposed. The ones he had classes with were shallow or too dim-witted. Creekview felt like another dimension honestly. He had never experienced such fakery in his life. Nothing was real, nobody gave a shit about being authentic. It was all Daddy’s money, Mommy’s Lambo, and going to whoever’s lakehouse.
“I think I’ll sit it out. I don’t feel too great,” Tom rolled his head away from the two men looking at him.
“Pussy!” Ty cackled. “Pussy boy is afraid of fun,”
“Ty, shut the fuck up,” Brant elbowed his smaller friend and sighed. “Fuck if I care dude. More hoes for us,”
Brant shrugged it off and walked to the back of the house with Ty following at his tail. God, Ty would do anything to please him. It was pathetic. The only saving grace of the situation is that he didn’t live with them. Tom and Harrison had been renting a house for the year, getting some extra cash from their parents so they didn’t have to live on campus. Although Creekview was safe, the campus was rampant with theft and destruction. It felt like you took middle school children, injected steroids, and let them have the run of a college.
Crisis averted for now, at least. Tom loved parties back home. It was a party to have fun, to get together with your mates and drink. Creekview parties were to show off. Who has the best clothes, best mansion, best alcohol. Tom felt like an alien here. Nothing felt right anymore.
Tom heard the sliding door open again, this time it was Harrison. The blond boy smiled at Tom, shrugging his shoulders as he crossed the backyard. He wore a white shirt with neon splatters on it. There were remnants of neon paint on his face too. Tom quirked an eye at him and slid the glasses off his face.
“What’s with the paint?”
“LJ is having a neon party and she invited us,” Harrison threw a white shirt at Tom. “We should get going if we want to make it there before all the good booze is gone,”
Tom looked at the shirt, splatters of blues, oranges, and yellows scattered it in an abstract pattern. Did Harrison really have time to do this? He met eyes with his best mate, Harrison narrowed worried eyes at him. Harrison knew something was up with his friend, he saw the joy deplete from him every night after class. He saw Tom after the counselors meeting, saw the pain and stress illuminating off of him. The thing about Tom though was that he needed to figure out things for himself. He was constantly needing advice from others while also needing the pride of being self-efficient. Harrison wished to reach inside his best friend’s head and yank out the real Tom again. But, Tom sat there with heavy eyes and sighed.
“I don’t think I’ll go,” Tom rubbed the T-shirt fabric between his fingers.
“Mate, please come. I don’t want to be stuck with Brant or Ty all night,”
“So hang out with Lauren J then,”
The flicker of interest was undeniable. Tom knew Harrison fancied LJ, he could see it miles away. Everytime the sorority girl walked past. Harrison was head over heels in love. Yet, Tom didn’t know if anything had actually happened. He felt the nauseating flirting all the time, he saw the long glances to each other. Harrison however was quiet about it all, maybe out of fear that it would disappear if he spoke of it. This was a concept Tom knew too well.
“Tom, I’m really worried about you. I didn’t think that major thing would-”
“I’m fine Haz,”
Harrison sits to face Tom, hands folded in his lap like he was going to give him a lecture.
“We can talk about it if you want.”
Tom felt the pit deepens. He didn’t want to get Harrison involved, it was a mistake to even tell him. Tom did it so that it wouldn’t be so heavy on his mind but now he infected Harrison with his problems too. The brunet boy sat straight up, throwing off his red shirt and replacing it with the neon one.
“No, you know what let’s go to LJ’s party,” Tom grabbed his sunglasses and stood up as fast as he could.
“Tom, stop avoiding the topic-”
“Haz, you want to go to the party right? Let’s not keep LJ waiting,”
It was the flip in the situation that frustrated Harrison, but he wasn’t going to mention. The reverse psychology trick that Tom always pulled was getting real old, but now was not the time for it. Harrison was just happy that Tom was going to leave the house for once. Tom grabbed his wallet and keys, waiting on the front porch for his friend, nerves building up again. Thank god there will be alcohol at the party or this would be a disaster.
“You know, it’s okay to talk about your feeling,” Harrison comments as they walk towards the Jeep. “I don’t do words,” Tom smirked.
Harrison laughed, it would take a miracle to get him to shut up. Which was why it worried him that Tom had been silent for so long. Tom rolled his back into the leather seat and strummed his fingers against the plastic panel of the car door. Harrison looked to his friend again, exhaling in defeat.
“What’s your fear, Tom? Just tell me that,”
Tom froze his fingers and looked to Harrison. It was a moment of weakness, both having pleading eyes for answers. Harrison needed to know his best friend was alright, while Tom needed to know it was going to be alright.
“I just...don't want to be wrong,” His voice was barely above a whisper.
It was silent. The radio was turned off and the only sound was the car going to the somewhat empty Mainstreet of Creekview. Tom wanted to slap himself for telling the truth. Admitting failure was what was holding him back. It was the agonizing anxiety of having no control and failing to do what’s right. Tom gnawed at his bottom lip, his heart thumping against his chest so loud that he was sure Harrison could hear it. Harrison looked from the street and back to Tom.
“Whatever happens tonight Tom, it’ll be right,” Harrison finally says.
“What do you mean?”
It was the assertiveness that Harrison spoke with that sparked a little hope. He knew how to draw Tom out of his shell in times of darkness, yet nothing had been this serious before. But it was what Tom needed, that stupid faith in him.
“You will do something unequivalently right tonight. That’s final,”
The two looked off towards the sunset, visions of blue, pink, and purple bleeding out into the sky. It was...calm. For the first time since the counselor’s meeting, Tom felt at ease with Harrison, with his lack of decisions. Although it was creeping in the back of his mind, swirling through with random thoughts of terror. Tom felt okay for once and prepared himself mentally for the party.
It would be draining, shitty music and drunk people who can’t handle their alcohol. Yet, Harrison was right. Tom could do something tonight that was right. He wasn’t sure what, or even how, but it settled him for the time being. Tom rested his head on his hand, watching the beautiful colors take the sky. It was a moment of bliss, a moment of freedom that Tom was looking for. He remembered he needed to take chances, go on an adventure like Mrs. Scott had said. Maybe now, maybe this could be his first adventure that leads to many more. Tom just had to leap. He looked over to Harrison and laughed.
“It’s all going to be alright,”
Harrison smiled, nodding along with his words.
“Yes, Tom. Everything will always be alright,”
Tom breathed deeply, taking in the beautiful scene and moment. His eyes dreamily stared off into the sunset to admire the vibrancy. He had never seen anything like it in England. The California sunsets were a different breed. The colors made bubbles of serenity, and Tom smiled. He loved the way the pink shined through, it gave him a weird feeling of knowing. Like he knew something good was going to happen. Tom felt at ease with the color and he didn’t know why. It was odd, but maybe it was the anxiety finally settling so he could enjoy life for a bit.
Pink may be my new favorite color
@screeching-student-unknown / @nyctophilicstyles /  @captainbuckyy / @vintage-moonlight / @breadbudzo / @h-natale / @originalpinkpowerranger/ @happywolves81 / @drunkgreek/ @iamnida95 / @sydthekidsloth / @spiderboytotherescue / @laureharrier / @starksparker / @madon566 / @nophunleague / @itsbrittneynicole / @hereiamhereigo  / @kkaup04  / @way-ward-whale / @thewackywriter
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Congrats on 2.5k!! Do you think you could maybe do angst prompts 1 and 3 for the college au with frat boy harrison???
Sure thing my love!!
Angst 1 - “Everything in me was screaming that you were too good to be true but I wanted to believe, even just for a moment, that this could be real”
Angst 3 - “Of course I still love you, but I hate myself for it”
Harrison’s heart ached as he saw her walking across the college campus.
She wasn’t doing anything special. Just walking with some of her friends from her course. She was laughing at something one of them said, her books and laptop were clasped to her chest.
He used to be the one to make her laugh, to walk her to class. 
She would fall into him as she laughed at something he said and he would shift his stuff into one arm so that he could wrap his arm around her shoulder to bring her closer.
His heart used to flutter when he saw her, not ache with longing. 
“Dude, you okay?” Tom asked, picking up on Harrison’s distracted presence.
“Yeah,” he muttered, tearing his gaze away from Y/N to glare at the floor.
He hated having to admit that he somewhat - massively - blamed Tom for his and Y/N’s break up.
Of course, it was’t wholly Tom’s fault. He never should have taken the bet - the bet that he could get the quiet girl who he regularly saw in the library to sleep with him. It was a bet posed by the rest of his frat to him and Harrison, at the time, had felt he had no choice but to take it lest he wanted to be kicked out of the house. 
Yes, he had, technically, won the bet. Though that had really been the last thing he had in mind when he walked down into the frat kitchen that morning. He was going to make Y/N some coffee, maybe even run to the Starbucks down the road to pick her up a croissant for breakfast and bring it to her as she slept, unclothed from the previous night, in his bed. 
By that point he had completely forgotten about the bet that was the reason for him approaching Y/N in the first place. They had been dating for three months by that stage and Harrison knew he was falling in love with her.
Tom had been in the kitchen. He had greeted Harrison with a laugh, clapping him on the back.
“You’re money’s over there,” he told him, nodding to a cup that sat on the counter, labelled ‘Haz’s Bet’ that Harrison always made sure to hide whenever Y/N would come over.
“Oh right, the bet,” he had replied, the first time it had crossed his mind all morning.
“So, was she any good?” Tom had asked, leaning on the counter, desperate to hear what his best friend had to say.
That was the first time Harrison had ever wished that Y/N was a heavier sleeper than she was. She always woke up when Harrison left his bed, when she was feeling particularly clingy or needy for his attention she would declare it was because she couldn’t sleep without him.
She had stood in the doorway and listened as Tom laughed over the bet that was made and Harrison made uncomfortable comments, not wanting to loose face, desperately wanting to go back up to bed to be with her.
Y/N had broken up with him then. It was a fair choice and Harrison understood why. No matter how much of an explanation he tried to give her it would never make up for him using her in such a way. He had pleaded with her desperately, though, wanting and needing her to understand that he wasn’t faking it by the end. That he really did feel himself falling in love with her.
Three weeks after their breakup and Harrison was still completely and utterly infatuated with her. He was more than just in love with her. He needed her in his life.
“You still miss her?” Tom asked, his voice soft for the first time since they had moved into the frat house together. Harrison shrugged and let out a sigh.
“Yeah,” he admitted.
Before the frat house he and Tom had been best friends. They had lived together in the first year of uni in halls before being invited to join the frat house in their second year, the two of them had been eager to accept. Though it had definitely taken a toll on their friendship as Harrison no longer felt he could talk to Tom about the real things in his life anymore.
“I really am sorry, man,” Tom said and Harrison knew it was true. “I think you should go talk to her - it’s been three weeks, maybe she’d be more up to hearing you out now?” Harrison knew that Tom meant well but he wasn’t sure Tom understood how much his actions had hurt Y/N.
Though, he took his best friend’s advice and went to her home later that day, when he knew her classes were over.
“Harrison? What are you doing here?” She looked defeated from the moment that she opened the door to see him on the other side, the smile that had been ready on her face was wiped off almost immediately.
“I have to talk to you,” he pleaded. Y/N bit her lip and looked back inside her home before letting out a breath and holding the door open further.
“Jessie’s out at work,” she mumbled, allowing him to come inside.
“I love you,” Harrison blurted out the moment the door was closed behind her.
“What?” Y/N asked, shaking her head at him.
“I... I love you, Y/N,” Harrison repeated more surely this time.
“No, I no, what I did was shitty and utterly unforgivable but I promise you, by about a week in there was no part of me faking it at all - I was... I really liked you,” he said hoarsely.
“You know what, Harrison, everything in me was screaming that you were too good to be true but I wanted to believe, even just for a moment, that this could be real,” she confessed, shaking her head at him.
“Please, Y/N/N, I love you,” Harrison begged. “I wasn’t faking it, I really love you,” he pleaded. “Don’t... don’t you love me?” He asked, sniffling.
“Of course I still love you,” Y/N said and Harrison stepped towards her hopefully. “But I hate myself for it,” she shook her head, closing her eyes. “You really hurt me, Harrison.”
“And I hate myself every day because of it,” he pleaded. “I promise you, I’ll spend every day making up for doing that to you.”
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I hit 2.5K - this is my celebration!!
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eightmakar · 6 years
English Boy | One
(College!Harrison Osterfield AU)
Summary: Thank you college for hooking you up with a tutor!
Word count: 1.8k
(A/n: hi guys!!! this is my new Harrison story, give me feedback and enjoy!!!!)
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“Venti iced coffee for (Y/N)!”
You grabbed your coffee and sat down in the corner booth of Starbucks. It was just before noon, and you were waiting for this Harrison guy to help you with your English lit. You were three weeks into the semester and already struggling. You had a paper to write on Macbeth, but had no idea what to do.
You looked down to see a text from Harrison.
Hey, I’m here! Where are you?
Corner booth with the laptop!
You looked up and saw a gorgeous boy standing in the line, looking down at his phone and then up around the restaurant. He made eye contact with you, saw your laptop, smiled, and waved. You smiled and waved back, but your heart was pounding.
He was tall and thin, his dirty blonde hair messily styled. All you could do was stare as he got a coffee and walked over to your table.
“(Y/N)?” He asked cautiously.
You stood up. “The one and only!” His British drawl sounded musical when it spoke your name.
“Nice to meet ya! I guess you’re gonna save my math grade, huh?” he joked as he sat down.
You felt your hands start to shake, but tried to keep them as still as possible. “If you save my English grade!”
He pulled out a binder neatly labeled “Calculus” and placed it on the table. “So what are you working on?”
“I have to write an essay about stupid Shakespeare,” you said with a roll of your eyes.
Harrison laughed. You decided right then and there you needed to hear that musical sound every day for the rest of your life.
“Shakespeare isn’t that bad! Which play is it?”
You looked him in the eyes. “Shakespeare is AWFUL. I read a few of his things in high school, like Romeo and Juliet and Much Ado About Nothing and I hated them. This essay is on Macbeth.”
“What did you hate about them? Macbeth is my favorite of his plays.”
“Romeo and Juliet didn’t think about the ramifications of their actions. They didn’t think, “Oh, maybe we shouldn’t trust this weird Friar guy who is willing to fake our deaths to save our creepy 17-year-old-in-love-with-a-13-year-old romance.” They didn’t think about anything. All they cared about was being in love.”
“So what does that say about life? Does that say anything about young love?” Harrison had a small smile on his face.
“It shows that young love clouds the judgement of people involved in it,” You continued to rant.
“Exactly. That’s exactly what he wanted to demonstrate. You hit the nail on the head.”
Your brow furrowed. “What?”
His smile widened. “I know you were just ranting about how dumb it was, but that’s exactly the point. That’s what Shakespeare wanted to show the world about young love. How fast it comes and goes. At the beginning of the play, Romeo is fawning over Rosaline, remember? He tells his buddies how beautiful she is and how he can’t live without her and all that shit. But as soon as he sees Juliet, he immediately attaches himself to her and forgets all about Rosaline. He tries to woo Juliet instead of Rosaline. Shakespeare did that to demonstrate how stupid it was that teenagers jumped from love to love without any reason or real attachment.”
You thought about it for a second. Had you actually gotten the point of the play? “That’s just a coincidence,” you said.
“Let’s test that, then. What did you not like about Macbeth? What did you like about Macbeth? Is there a particular character you liked or felt bad for?” Harrison’s smile kept getting bigger. His eyes were the most striking color of blue you’d ever seen. The way he looked at you with them made your face feel hot.
“Well, I love Lady Macbeth.”
“Why do you love her?”
“I love her because she’s tragic. She tried everything to escape the role that her society had forced her into, and she hated it. She wished she’d been a man so what she wanted to do was acceptable.”
“Are you sure you need my help?” Harrison asked. “You really have this all down already.”
Your eyes widened. You didn’t want him to leave. “I didn’t know I had it down. Please stay, it’s helpful to talk about it.”
“Oh, I’m not going anywhere until I understand derivatives, love,” he said with a laugh. You melted. You wanted him to call you love again and again and again.
“Well what are you confused on?” You asked, closing your laptop and moving to look at his notes.
“Go over the basics. The power rule, whatever that means.” He took out his pencil, ready to take notes, looking at you hopefully.
“The power rule? Okay, so, let’s say you have a function, something easy, like y = 2x. What does the 2 represent?”
He thought for a moment. “It’s the slope of the line.”
“Exactly! And what’s the derivative of y = 2x?”
“Um, it’s just 2 isn’t it?”
“Yes it is! So one of the things I like to do is visualize what the graph of a function would look like before I ever try to mess with derivatives, because it’ll actually give you a picture of what you’re trying to go for. If you graphed y = 2, it’s a horizontal line, right? So you know the graph of y = 2x has to be something really simple with a slope of 0 and no variability in the Y-axis. In the same way, if you had a function that was crazy and you got a simple derivative, you’d know that was wrong, because the slope of the line definitely wouldn’t be just a simple number.”
You looked up at Harrison. He was lost, you could see it in his eyes.
“No offense,” he started, “but I have actually no idea what the fuck you just said.”
You laughed. “I get that a lot! Don’t worry about it! Here, let me try again!”
You pulled out a sheet of paper to show him what you meant. You drew a few graphs and re-explained in a different way about the relationship between slope and derivative and how you could use it to kind of cheat the system.
“That makes total sense now!” Harrison exclaimed. “So how does that relate to the power rule?”
You smiled. “So the power rule is the easiest way to find derivatives. Let’s say you have the function y = x^3. The power rule says that you can take the exponent, which is 3 in this case, and multiply it by whatever’s in front of the x, which is 1 in this case. Then, you subtract one from the original exponent. So you get 3x^2 as the derivative. Right?”
Harrison furrowed his brow in concentration, biting the inside of his cheek. He looked like a painting, all vibrant colors and soft brush strokes paired with hard lines.
“Right,” he said. You could see the gears turning in his head.
“And then if you graph that, you get a parabola, because it’s an x^2 function, right?”
“Right! Okay, lemme try to explain it to you,” he said, holding up his hands and looking at you. “You have a variable. It has some number as a coefficient in front of it. It has some exponent. To find the derivative, You multiple the exponent by the coefficient, which becomes the new coefficient, and then you subtract one from the exponent which becomes your new exponent?”
“Perfect!” You cheered, clapping your hands.
Instead of cheering with you, Harrison’s brow stayed furrowed. He was thinking about something.
“So what if the coefficient is negative? If you just have an x that’s x-to-the-one, so it’s just X. And anything to the zero power is itself. So the derivative of something like 5x is 5. What’s the derivative of a number?”
You smiled. “Keep talking. You’ve almost got the whole number thing.”
He thought some more. “Would it—would it, no, it can’t be, but, uh, would it just be zero? Since there’s no more exponents?”
“You got it!” You said excitedly. Harrison smiled triumphantly. “If the coefficient is negative, you do the same thing; you multiple the coefficient and the exponent, then subtract. Like 5x^-2. The derivative is -10x^-3.”
Harrison nodded with a smile. “Can you just take over teaching my class, please? You explain it so well. You really love math, don’t you?”
You shrugged. “Numbers make sense. They follow rules and you don’t have to coax anything out of them. You plug them into formulas and presto! You’ve got an answer. None of the read into it bullshit like you have in literature. No offense,” you finished quickly.
He laughed. “None taken. But aren’t there exceptions to the rules sometimes?”
“There can be. But they’re easy to catch, and they have proof and examples you can use to find them. No finagling. No thinking about it.”
You bit your lip, nervous about how he would respond. A lot of people thought you were ridiculous for your love of numbers and math, but you didn’t care. You hoped Harrison wouldn’t be one of those people.
“Can you help me understand?” He said softly.
“Hmm?” You barely heard him.
“Can you show me what you mean? I want to understand and not read into everything. I try to approach everything like a piece of literature, with information and meaning needing to be gleaned from it. But with math, you just needed to know what formula to use. I want to think like you.”
Your hands started to shake again. He wanted to think like you, to understand how your brain worked. That had to mean something, right? Were you starting to think like him now?
“I’ll help show you what I mean if you show me what you mean. I want to be able to read into thinks and not just take everything at face value like everything is a math problem.”
He smiled softly. “What a pair we make, huh?” he said with a light chuckle. “Both wanting to understand how the other person thinks. This is going to be fun, isn’t it?”
@upsidedownparker @ibtomholland @beautiful-holland @idektomholland @whyistomholland @whyispeterparker @notimeforthemessenger @ineedsomemoremetime @unicorngummybears @i-dont-wanna-go-mr-stark @inspiredbynewt @bi-writes
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lauras-collection · 3 years
✮ electric love | teaser ✮
harrison osterfield x fem!reader
fwb!roomates au
|| Masterlist || Series Masterlist ||
Summary: Living with your best friends Tom and Harrison is all fun and games until one drunken night alone with Harrison, you give in to your attraction to him. You tell yourself you should leave it at that, forget about the night you spent with him and move on to not ruin your friendship, but neither of you can stay away from each other. So without considering the possible consequences, you make a deal. But how are you supposed to keep your shenanigans from Tom? And how are you supposed to not break the number one rule of an arrangement like this: do not fall in love.
A/N: ahh I just couldn’t help myself so here’s a teaser!! First part will be posted next Friday April 23rd!!!
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“Shhhh” You shush him, placing your pointer finger over his lips “Don’t question my logic”
Harrison gently wraps his hand around yours to pull it away from his mouth.
“I’m sorry to say this, but there isn’t much logic behind that theory, love.”
“You’re mean” You push your bottom lip forward in a pout.
“I’m not! I’m just stating facts here” He’s still holding your hand in his and you’re suddenly hyper-aware of every inch of your skin that’s touching his. So in an attempt to stop the shivers running down your spine, you try to pull your hand out of his hold, but his grip just tightens. When you look up, he’s already looking at you, a challenging glint in his eyes.
“What are you doing?” You ask your voice barely above a whisper.
“Nothing” He shrugs his shoulders, the corner of his mouth kicking up into a smirk. And then he tugs on your hand, pulling you on top of him, and in a movement that has your head spinning, he rolls both of you over so he’s now hovering above you. You don’t even have the chance to say anything before he’s got his hands on your sides, tickling you.
“Oh my god, Haz, no” You press out between laughs, your stomach already starting to hurt. You try to curl up into yourself to get away from his wiggling fingers, but it’s no use, Harrison’s got you pinned down.
You hadn’t even been aware that he’s positioned between your legs, and the sudden realisation makes your breath catch in your throat. You try to get a grasp on his arms to push him away, get him to stop tickling you, but he’s too strong, taking your hands and pinning them above your head. The motion has his face only inches from yours, his breath hitting your lips, and it takes everything in you to keep still. The air between you is charged, his eyes flitting over your face, and you can feel his chest touch yours with every breath.
By now, he’s completely covering your body on the couch, and all you want to do is wrap your legs around his waist and pull him closer into you. But you can’t move, kept in place by Harrison’s pale blue eyes. And then everything happens so quickly it takes your breath away.
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part one coming April 23rd 2021
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edna-skiffens · 4 years
Calm in the Storm - 3.1K
Calm in the Storm / Harrison Osterfield
Summary: You’re terrified of storms and your friendly neighbor, Harrison, comes over to help you stay calm.
Word Count: 3.1K
Warnings: fluff, sarcasm and cuteness, storms is guess
A/N: This is an excerpt from a fic I’m working on but may never finish. Ha. (But if it ever does get finished then act surprised when it reappears, possibly slightly different.) LMK if you like it and would be interested in a slow burn, college AU fic. :)
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Another crack of thunder roared in the skies, sending a shiver down my spine and a scream from my lips. Call me a wimp if you want. I hate storms. Capital ‘H’ Hate them.
What makes this situation even worse is it being late at night and the meteorologist saying that it won’t let up for hours. The wind is howling, the eerie sound of the flood warning is going off and they tell us of trees down on numerous roads. Apparently half the county is out of power, but thankfully we still hav-
With a flicker of light I’m plunged into darkness, wishing I could’ve knocked on wood sooner.
I think I might have screamed again. I’m not even sure. I just know that I really don’t appreciate Mother Nature tonight.
There’s a rapid knock at my door which evokes the third scream from my lungs this evening; I’m going to lose my voice.
I creep my way to the door, careful to not give away my presence in case it’s a serial killer. They are the only ones out in this weather, right? I mean, that’s what the movies make you believe.
I shouldn’t answer. I’ll just wait here until they go away and they’ll never know someone was in here. But what if it’s someone lost in the storm? I can’t leave them out there. But that’s probably what the serial killer wants me to think.
The knocking starts again, causing me to jump and cover my mouth so my squeal won’t give away my position.
“Y/N, open up. It’s Harrison.”
Harrison? Why doesn’t he go to his own apartment upstairs? At least it’s not a serial killer. God, I hope.
I open the door to see a soaked and slightly irritated Harrison, flashlight in hand. “What took you so long? I knocked twice.” He huffed as he brushed past me and inside the dark apartment. “God, don’t you own any candles. You know the power is out?” I’m starting to regret letting him in as he blabbers on, but I answer anyway.
“Yes, I obviously know the power is out. I haven’t had time to gather any candles.” I answer while fiddling with the flashlight on my phone to find any element of light I could use. “And I was scared,” I admitted in a much softer tone and volume, “I had to make sure you weren’t a serial killer.”
His laugh makes me jump much like the thunder had. “Are you serious? You thought I was a serial killer?”
“Well not you, you. But it could have been a serial killer at my door. It’s storming something horrible outside, that’s how it always happens!” I try to rationalize my thinking.
“God, Y/N. You do realize you don’t live in a Lifetime movie.” He laughs with a much lighter tone. I just roll my eyes, realizing that any other response will result in an endless cycle of teasing at this rate.
“Why are you here any way?”
“Well, I heard your screaming from my apartment and wanted to make sure you were okay.” My heart swoons for a moment, until he continues his thought. “I mean, I had to come protect you from all the serial killers out in this storm..” I whack him with my arm as he cackles, resembling something of a demented monkey.
“Very funny. I don’t like storms, okay?”
“But why?”
“I don’t know? Why are you so funny looking?”
Great comeback. One for the books.
He only rolled his eyes, sensing that I wasn’t in the mood. And we both knew that I was lying because he was far from funny looking.
“Well don’t be scared. You’re safe with me.” He smiled at me in the dim light and we stared for a moment before he continued. “Okay, okay. Let me see what I can do to help.” He said while hanging up his raincoat and walking away, flashlight in hand.
I found all the candles I owned and the two battery powered lamps. I gathered them together in my living room when Harrison joined me.
“I called the power company. They said the better parts of three whole counties are out of power and the storm isn’t even over yet.”
I let out something between a groan and a whine, not caring how much of a child I was acting like. “What does that mean?”
“It means it could be awhile before we get power back, maybe even all night.” He gave me a soft smile before continuing “We best buckle down.”
Every time a particularly loud clap of thunder roared I couldn’t help but jump. I felt so tense. It was growing increasingly annoying and I think Harrison even picked up on it because he stopped teasing me about my fear of storms.
“Let’s do something to distract you.”
“Clearly, you’re terrified. Why? I don’t understand. But still, you are so let’s do something.”
“Well what would you suggest? We don’t have power, we don’t have a great source of light, we-“
“Have a bundle of pessimism from the lovely lady on the right.” He mocked in an overdone voice.
I rolled my eyes, trying to reign in my sass before apologizing. “What would you suggest?” I could tell he didn’t actually have a plan by the way that his eyes scanned my apartment, but they suddenly stopped signaling a thought.
“Go and gather all of your blankets and sheets and quilts for me.”
“Just do it.”
I decided to just listen to him and collect his requests, letting the focus of the tasks distract me from the storm. When I re-entered the living room he had chairs and barstools from my kitchen placed in a sporadic pattern. Seeing my puzzled face, he turned to me with a smile.
“We’re making a blanket fort!”
“Oh my gosh.” I deadpanned. 
“What? What could you possibly have against a blanket fort?”
“Nothing. I used to make them all the time when I was little.”
“So what’s so bad?”
“I made them when I was little.”
“Well what’s wrong with being young every now and then?”
“I mean, I don’t know.” I replied after a moment of thought.
“Exactly. Now put those down and help me move the candles. If we burn this place down it’ll be a much bigger mess tomorrow.” He laughs and I find myself laughing too.
“Speaking of mess, you’re helping me clean this up in the morning.” Without realizing it, I think I just insinuated that he was staying the night. Or did I? He could leave then simply come back in the morning. Stop overthinking everything, Y/N. We’ll cross that bridge when we get there, I guess.
“Aye, Aye, Captain.”
We spent some time working on the fort, the storm never dying down, but my fear of it moved to the back of my mind with a new focus on creating a masterpiece.
Per Harrison’s suggestion, we hung the larger sheets from my ceiling fan. He had to stand on my stools to reach them while I provided light and was ready incase he fell.
“How am I supposed to catch you if you fall? I feel like we would both get hurt in that situation.”
“Don’t worry, sweetheart. I’d never hurt you.” He looked down with a wink. “Plus. I’m not going to fall.”
“Oh really? You’re that confident huh?”
“No. Well.. yes, but I mean I’m done.” He turns around narrowly on the stool and smiles widely.
He hopped down and surveyed the area before we agreed on connecting the sheets to the taller bar stools and two, currently useless, floor lamps. The kitchen chairs were then used to bring the sheets up just high enough for us to comfortably sit up in. 
“Hey, can you grab something to anchor these sheets? They keep slipping off the chairs.”
“Yeah. One second.” Grabbing a flashlight as a guide I searched for things I thought would be useful before returning to Harrison. “Okay I brought some books that could be weights for the sheets. More ponytail holders to tie them together because we are running low. And some fairy lights from my bookshelf.” I smiled proudly, “I forgot they were battery powered.”
“Great.” I handed him the books and he stopped to observe them in the dim lighting. “Of Mice and Men, The Grapes of Wrath, Great Expectations, A Tale of Two Cities, The Complete Works of Shakespeare?” 
“Yes?” He looked up at me with a tilted gaze before shaking his head with a smile.
“No. What.”
“You’re always holed up in your apartment reading or studying. Which is fine. But it’s okay to have some adventures outside of these pages, you know.”
“What’s the point in that when I could be working towards my future?”
“To have fun.”
“I have fun. I have my own fun.”
“I have no doubts about that, sweetheart. I’m just saying you don’t know what you’re missing. If you’d let yourself loose every once in a while you’d discover there is a lot more than your type of fun.”
“I don’t like to waste my time. But, the power is out and reading in the dark gives me a headache and it’s scary outside so.. Here we are.”
“Here we are.”
We got to work finishing the fort. I grabbed soft blankets and pillows for cushion support on the floor. Harrison draped the fairy lights across the top for ambiance. We brought the two battery powered lanterns I had into the corners for light, too wise to bring a candle inside all of this fabric. We made ourselves comfortable with snacks and battery powered flashlights, leaning back against the pillows, taking in our work of art.
“Well, I don’t know about you, but I’d say this is a pretty great creation.”
“Oh? Are you a blanket fort aficionado?”
“Maybe I am and I kept that from you. Would that hurt your feelings?”
I took a second to pretend I was pondering the thought, “No.”
His laugh brought a smile to my face involuntarily. Before I knew it I was laughing with him. As the contagious laughter died down another crack of thunder shook the building, erasing my smile immediately.
Harrison must’ve noticed. He simply raised his flashlight against the blanket roof and started making figures with his hands, coming up with elaborate stories for each character. I wanted to act mature and roll my eyes at another childish gesture, but he had my giggling and I couldn’t help notice his smile as well. 
When his story time ended I gave him an applause that led into a moment of silence before another loud crack of thunder. It seemed to be getting worse outside. I rolled onto my stomach, hiding my face in the pillow, trying to escape somewhere calm..
Suddenly, there was a noise repeatedly slamming against the front of my apartment. I jumped again with wide eyes, into a type of plank position as if I was ready to army crawl away from whatever was out there making this noise. “What. Is that?”
“Relax.” Harrison placed a hand on my back attempting to soothe me, “I’m pretty sure it’s your porch swing slamming against the building. The wind must be picking up. Here, I’ll take care of it.”
He crawled over me to exit the fort before I heard my front door open and shut. A moment later I hear him enter again, muttering a few curses under his breath.
“Thank you. What did you do?”
“I unhooked one of the chains so its resting slanted on the ground.”
“Oh. Well that seemed to work. Thank you.” I smiled sheepishly, taking in his wet clothes. The wind could be heard whistling outside and my mind was back on the storm. If he got that drenched from under the awning it must really be coming down out there. Another roll of thunder shook the apartment, tensing my body. “So if you have any ideas for how to stop the thunder I’m all ears.”
“I think you need another distraction, neighbor.”
“Okay, well we’ve made the fort and watched your shadow puppet show. Now what?”
He sat thoughtfully for a moment, trying to come up with something in the days of television and internet. “Is your computer charged?”
“It should be. I keep it plugged in. We don’t have internet though.”
“That’s fine. Go grab your laptop and your favorite DVD.” I grabbed my phone, turned on the flashlight and left to collect the few items in mind. 
“I noticed you got kind of wet outside so I thought you might want to borrow this sweatshirt to stay warm.”
“Oh thanks.” I handed him the oversized sweatshirt from our school and opened my laptop, smiling because it was at 100% battery. “What’d you pick?” glancing back at him I noticed he was mid-change and his abs were literally shining from the rainwater and lamplight. Oh my. Attempting to focus back on his question, I didn’t say any words, only smiling as I showed him the cover of the DVD case to Beauty and the Beast, animated version. “Really?”
“It’s only the best movie ever.”
“Oh is it now?”
“Well that or Tangled. Hard to choose.”
“Who knew that Miss Y/L/N was a Disney fanatic?”
“Who isn’t?”
“Well, okay. I said you could pick.” I let out a tiny shrill of excitement while placing the DVD in the player and got situated on my stomach. Harrison followed suit, though I’m not sure if he was as excited. 
Throughout the movie I held in my desire to sing along, but I couldn’t hold back my adoration and wonder throughout the movie. It doesn’t matter how many times I see the same movie, it never gets old.
“I see why you like this” He spoke up during the scene where Beast showed Belle his library. I loved this part.
“How so?”
“You’re like Belle in many ways. You’re such a bookworm.”
“I mean, other ways too. I don’t know. I just see it.”
I smiled to myself taking in the compliment; at least I took it as a compliment. “Thank you.”
Somewhere towards the end of the movie I felt myself grow drowsy and made myself more comfortable. I didn’t expect myself to fall asleep, but I must have because when I woke up sometime later Harrison was still wide awake and watching Tangled.
“Well this is a sight to see.” I spoke through the grogginess of sleep, clearly surprising him.
I glanced at the screen to see it was the scene where Repunzel and Flynn Ryder entered the festival in the village; my favorite.
“I like this movie.”
“I like Flynn Ryder.”
“It reminds me of us.” Harrison seemed to be continuing his statement. I looked away from the two dancing on screen to give him a drowsy, yet puzzling look.
“How so?”
“She’s been in her tower her whole life. He helps her break out and takes her on these wild adventures. She’s a little nervous, though she knows deep down it’s what she wants to do. She finally experiences the world. And they have fun.” And fall in love. “You don’t see the parallels?”
“Uhm, now that you mention it, I guess I do.”
We watched the rest of the movie in mostly silence until it ended with my laptop warning of low battery. Harrison closed it and pushed it away as I tried to keep my eyes open.
“Thank you.”
“For what?”
“For tonight. For distracting me. For the fun. For the porch swing. For everything.”
He simply smiled while settling in, himself. “Of course.”
This time I knew I was drifting into sleep, but I welcomed it.
When I woke up my eyes stayed closed. I felt someone’s fingers gently brushing the side of my face, moving my hair behind my ear. I faked sleep a few moments longer, enjoying Harrison’s touch before I let my eyes slowly flutter open and feeling his hand pull away.
“Good morning.” He greeted me.
“It seems as though the storm has stopped. I think we are going to live.” He smiled. “Just some light rain to deal with today.”
I smiled back at him, the effects of sleep fading from me slowly. “Thank you.”
“You already thanked me last night.”
“I know, but I felt like doing it again.”
“Well, you’re welcome again.”
We sat in silence for a few moments and I tried to fight off the sweet thoughts of sleep that were luring me back in. Suddenly the news could be heard on the television, the lights shined above our heads and little noises could be heard everywhere.
“Looks like the power is back.” He enthused.
“Looks like it. I guess we should get to cleaning this up.” 
Harrison made no effort to move but let out a chuckle instead.
“It's okay to lay here for a bit.”
“I know. But I need to charge my phone and-”
“And the world can wait.”
“Yeah but I didn’t get anything done last night so I should really-”
“I am sure it’ll get done.”
“But nothing. It’s okay to take a minute for yourself. The world isn’t burning down outside. Well.. actually I haven’t looked since last night. Maybe we should check.”
“I’m kidding! My point is it’s okay to relax or to have fun. Enjoy others’ company.”
I gave him a small smile and settled back into our makeshift bed on the ground. The television, lights and rumblings faded away along with the thoughts of any responsibility.
“You don’t have to be so responsible all the time.”
“I just want to be productive with my time.”
To that he responded with a light chuckle. When I gave him a puzzled look he answered, “You know, you are scared of thunderstorms, you love Disney movies, I finally convinced you to build a blanket fort with me, but you still try to act so mature. I see you, Y/N. You don’t have to keep up the act. I told you, you’ll always be safe with me.”
We laid there for a little while longer until we decided to finally clean up the place. He left soon after and the guilt of wasted time rushed in. I decided to charge my phone and laptop while throwing out all the now-spoiled food. I heard my phone alert me with a text message, shortly after it turned on.
Look what I found. Just for you.
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My heart fluttered at the sweet sentiment and the thoughtful picture. Maybe some storms aren’t so bad after all.
A/N: Let me know what you think! :) And follow if you liked it.. I’m new but have a lot more planned.
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Send me letters| teaser
A/n: Hello hello, i’m posting fics again (yay)! This is the teaser of a new series i’m writing. This was supposed to be a one-shot but that would’ve been too long and too short at the same time, so i decided to make it a series. 
anyway, this is my submission for @uglypastels 3K writing challenge. I’m using the the prompts pen pals and college AU.
Harrison Osterfield x reader ( college AU) Word count: 184 Warnings: none (for now)
Series summary: coming soon 
Disclaimer: names of (some) people, locations, colleges, businesses, products, events, etc., are made up. Some of these things might be real, but that does not mean that it is associated with anything that i write. This is a work of fiction.
Dear stranger,
I hope this letter finds you well.
I have found your contact details on www.letters-to.com (a pen pal website). I hope you don’t mind me writing you, and I do hope I contacted the right person.
Lately, I have been looking for a pen pal, so I began looking on the internet. That’s how I found the website and you.
I read your description “someone who likes to meet new people, occasionally funny & you can talk to me about everything.”. You seem like a nice and fun person to talk to.
I know the website is a bit old, I don’t even know if you still remember it (or if you’re the right person) and/ or if you are still interested in writing someone. If you’re not interested, that’s totally fine, I get it. But if you are, that would be really great! Either way, could you let me know what you want to do (and if you’re the right person)? My address is on the back of the envelop.
Hopefully, I will see your letter soon.
Kind regards,
Another stranger.
Let me know what’d you think, feedback (positive and negative) is more than welcome! And let me know if you want to be tagged:)
Tagging: @uglypastels @in-a-lot-of-fandoms-tbh
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peterparkoure · 5 years
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Tom looks so much like a frat boy in this, I-
62 notes · View notes
der-strum · 4 years
when a freshman walks into the wrong classroom
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Mutually Beneficial Masterlist
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Harrison decided pretty early on that he absolutely hated you. You could never figure it out but chose to stay friends with Tom despite his feelings. But when Harrison costs you your relationship, you swear revenge against him. But, as they say, karma’s a bitch, and in a surprising turn of events, Harrison needs your help. Can you pretend to be his girlfriend long enough to satisfy his family, and more importantly, what happens when you forget that you were pretending in the first place?
Moodboard Appreciation Post
Series Word Count - 46,057
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uglypastels · 5 years
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request: uni with Harrison (study date) 
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hilllsnholland · 5 years
honestly love you and your writing, can you make more of college!tom and haz x reader, those were so cute and hilarious 💕
This is my favorite blurb series so pls enjoy :) 
The library was packed with students. It was midterm week and it seemed like all festivities had been put on hold. Your head was ducked into a sociology book while you tapped a pencil onto your blank notebook. It had been days that you’ve had a day of relaxation. You knew over studying was just as bad as not studying at all, but god you wanted to pass this stupid class. 
“Y/N?” You perked up at the familiar voice. 
“Hi Tom!” 
Tom Holland, one of your first friends since you started the semester. He had helped you out in your lowest timed, always the life of the party. He could put a smile on your face just by looking at you. Tom pulled the chair in front of you and took a seat. His foot tapped nervously on the carpeted floor as his eyes locked on yours. He was going to ask you something, you knew it, but you were a little too busy reading your notes. 
“Studying hard?” You nod and bite your lower lip. “Well, uh I was wondering if you’d like to…hang out? Maybe study or go bowling or something.” 
You looked up and smiled at him. Tom must have seen how stressed you were and wanted to help take the edge off. He was waiting for your answer patiently, his heart beating against his chest like crazy. 
“I’d love to! Would Tuesday work?” 
“What-Yes! Tuesday is perfect for me,” Tom takes a long sigh of relief and sits back in his chair. “I’ll see you Tuesday then.” 
You squeak out a goodbye as you finally find the section you were searching for. Tom gets up from his seat, cheering himself on for scoring what he thought was a date with you. You were oblivious though, head stuck in the book while Tom planned how he’d rub it in Harrison’s face later. 
It had been three draining hours of studying since you last took a break. Your eyes were sore, your stomach growling, and you were sick of reading about theories. It was around dinner time so you packed your things and decided to go to the cafeteria for some much-needed refueling. As soon as you stepped outside you realized how dark it had become. Although the campus was safe, you got scared when walking across the campus. 
You ventured on though, holding your keys out just in case some creep even dared to cross your path. The lamps around the sidewalks lit your path as you tried to enter a group of people heading to the cafeteria. Your uneasiness doubled once you felt someone close behind. 
“Y/N!” You jumped and raised your hands up to fight, “Woah tiger, I was just trying to say hello,” Harrison blocked his face defensively. 
“Oh shit, sorry Haz,” You put your keys in your pocket and sighed. “I just get scared of walking alone. Can you come with me to the cafeteria?” 
“Of course! Anything for you,” 
Harrison shines that model like smile at you and at last, you felt safe. He was a good friend, always helping with work or errands. He’d probably give the shirt off his back just so you wouldn’t have to walk across a puddle. Which is why you loved having him around. 
“So how’s studying going?” Harrison says between whistling. 
“Good, real tired. My brain feels like it’s gonna explode though,” 
“I guess you’d be up for a little break huh?” 
He raises an eyebrow at you and you nod. It dawned on you though, invite Harrison along on Tuesday! Tom would probably be asking him to come along anyway, why not ask him if he can go? They were best friends after all and you loved hanging out with them. 
“You want to hang on Tuesday? I’m not sure what-“
“Yes, I’d love to!” Harrison jumps the gun and tries to save himself. “I mean I’m down for whatever, you know?” 
You giggle at his weird behavior. Harrison was one to jump at any chance to hang out or go on an adventure. 
“We’ll meet at the bus stop at six o’clock?” You beamed a smile at him and he nearly melted. 
Harrison nods his head while reaching for the cafeteria door, opening it and allowing you through it. He was ecstatic, you asked him on a date! He couldn’t wait to shove it in Tom’s cocky face. You walked through and waved a final goodbye. 
“I’ll see you Tuesday!” 
The sun was dipping down into the horizon, behind the trees it glowed shades of pink and purple. It was a beautiful night to go out, which is what Tom and Harrison thought. Tom was standing at the bus stop, fidgeting with his watch and waiting for you to show up. Harrison was approaching the sign, whistling happily until he saw his best mate standing there. 
“Mate, what you doing?” Haz asked with a laugh in his voice. 
Tom looked nervous, biting down harshly onto his lip while he waiting for you. He only had once chance to make this work with you or Harrison might step in. Especially now since Harrison had shown up to crash his date with you. 
“I should be asking you the same thing,” Tom narrows his eyes at his friends. 
Tom hadn’t told Harrison about this in fear that he’d try to sabotage the night. Harrison had done the same, knowing Tom could easily convince you otherwise. Both of the boys stared down at each other in anger. How did the other find out? 
“There’s my favorite boys!” You laughed as you walked up. “Are you two ready to go bowling?”
Both boys looked to you and to the other. 
“Tom’s coming?”
“Harrison’s coming?” 
Both replied in unison then looked back at each other in frustration. Was this some sick joke? 
“Oh did you guys not talk about it?” Your eyes go wide. “I just thought we could all hang out together. We’re all good friends and all. If you guys are upset-“
“No!” Both say. 
“It’s fine. Just didn’t expect it is all,” Tom sighs and scratches the back of his neck. 
Harrison thins his lips against his teeth and breathes out as quietly as possible. Both boys were annoyed, but the fact they could spend an entire night with was worth it. The bus came around the corner and pulled up to the stop, doors opening wide. You jumped to the first step and extended your arm out. 
“Come on guys! Let’s have some fun!” 
Tom and Harrison followed you, bucking the other out of the way to sit next to you. You were oblivious of course, deciding to sit on the window seat with Harrison next to you and Tom next to him. The brunet grumbled and crossed his arms over his chest like a child. You turned to both and smiled, throwing your arm around both of them. 
“Thanks for getting me out of my studying. I was going crazy.” You squeeze them, kissing both of them on the cheek. “You guys are the best friends I could ever ask for,” 
Both of the boys smiled timidly back, laughing awkwardly at your comment.
“Yup, friends,” Both said and looked to the floor. 
Next time, both thought. Maybe next time they could ask you on a real date. For now, though, it was the three of you being the best of friends. You oblivious to their advances, and both of them fighting for you. It was fine though. Just. Fine. 
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dearestdaffodils · 5 years
Does anyone else ever just get hit with an overwhelming wave of sadness?
Cause I just did! (Finals are fun...)
So send me some things to cheer me up!
Tagging some mutuals:
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grussell63 · 6 years
The Art of Pretending - Chapter 17 (H.O.)
Student!Harrison x Reader
Summary: Being more of a part-time student at the University of the Arts London for Film and Television and part-time hype man for his best friend Tom Holland, there usually isn’t a day where Harrison doesn’t show up late and hungover to class. As a role model student you try your best to stay out of trouble - especially if the boy trouble involves Harrison Osterfield and Tom Holland. What happens when both worlds collide nonetheless?
Warnings: Swearing
Masterlist in bio.
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Feeling incredibly hot when you were woken up by the soft sunlight on your face, you felt yourself tossing and turning in your bed before finally accepting the fact that you were not going back to sleep again.
Opening your eyes, your attention landed immediately on the soft hoodie that you were wearing. It was unusual for you to sleep in anything thicker than a shirt, so it was clear why you were sweating like crazy.
You remember how last night had ended and how Harrison had driven you home before telling you that you could keep the hoodie for now since you couldn’t seem to stop shaking.
Seeing Harrison was painful and at the same time the best thing that had happened yesterday. You loved hearing his voice, you loved the way his eyes crinkled when he smiled - and you loved how he took care of Tom after he had left his safe spot behind the bush.
Tom had slept on his whole drive home and so did Harry, making Harrison and you the only two people awake in that car.
“Have you read the script?” Harrison asked.
“Was going to do that tomorrow, this div kind of stole my me-time.” You said as your eyes met Harrison’s in the rearview mirror.
“Uhm, yeah feel free to fix anything or text me if you want me to fix it.” Harrison shrugged as his eyes were back on the road.
Talking to Harrison was easy, it was like driving a bike, once you can do it you’ll never have to learn to do it again. You knew him better than you would ever admit you did and he probably knew you better than you wished he did, which made this whole thing between you scary as hell for you.
“Why didn’t you want to see me?” You mumbled as you felt Harrison’s hand go across you to unbuckle your seatbelt.
You had fallen asleep at some point and Harrison didn’t want to wake you up, so he figured carrying you to bed was his best shout of getting you home safely.
You opened your eyes only to look into Harrison’s blue ones, the ones that made you go weak in your knees, the ones that painfully tried to cover up the boy’s bleeding heart.
“I never said I didn’t want to see you.” Harrison smiled weakly as he watch you get out of the car.
“You didn’t show up. You sent Tom.” You mumbled, eyes still locked with Harrison.
The boy could see you were sad about him not showing up, but shouldn’t you have known that it would still be hard for him to see you? After you had rejected him when he said he had feelings for you?
“I didn’t think I could bear to see you.” Harrison whispered as he brushed a strand of hair behind you ear, “You need some sleep, Love.”
You felt yourself lean into the boy’s touch. The small gesture probably looked innocent if anyone was watching but for you, it meant everything at the moment.
“‘m sorry, H.”
“Just get some rest.” Harrison smiled as he placed a soft kiss on your forehead before making sure you had gotten safe inside your flat.
Burying your face in Harrison’s hoodie, you felt tears start welling up in your eyes as the realisation hit you: You really didn’t deserve Harrison.
You hurt him by saying that he was just some stupid fuckboy when in reality he was a boy that loved his family and friends to death. Of course he was single and a good looking guy, so why the fuck would he not test his waters and have some fun?
You already knew the boy was incredibly smart after you first went over ideas for your short film. He spoke with so much passion about things he truly liked and it still amazed you to this day.
You didn’t deserve him because you were a total asshole for thinking the only thing Harrison cared about was himself when in reality he cared too much about the people that meant something to him. He had learned to ignore the negative comments from people he barely knew, but everyone he considered friends was still able to hurt him a lot more than he wished they could.
Tom knew how easily Harrison could be hurt when he told you to be careful with the boy. The blonde may look like he’s got a wall built around his heart, when in reality it was just a locked door with the key lying underneath the doormat - it took a bit more effort to get in but in the end all you had to do was lift the mat for him to trust you.
Rolling out of bed, you decided to wear the boy’s hoodie for a little while longer as you strolled into the kitchen to grab yourself a cup of tea. You settled down on the couch with Harrison’s papers in front of you as you prepared yourself for everything except for what was going to hit you in a few seconds.
Going over the first paper, your eyes immediately landed on the title of your possible project: The Art of Pretending
You still didn’t know what you were expecting when you read that title, but you already felt like someone was stabbing you repeatedly - mostly because you knew that you had mastered in that art.
*The Art of Pretending*
Narrator: We are introduced to the art of pretending at an early age. Most of us were scared of monsters underneath the bed, so what did our parents tell us?
Person 1 (Dad or Mum): Pretend that the monster isn’t there and it will go away.
Narrator: And the monster did go away. Most of us scraped their legs and arms while playing outside, and what did our parents tell us?
Person 1 (Dad or Mum): It’s nothing if you don’t look at it and pretend it doesn’t hurt.
Narrator: We end up going through kindergarten and school, pretending that the monsters underneath our bed aren’t real and that our scratches don’t hurt when in reality they did hurt. Of course, the monsters weren’t real, but no one tells the little boy or the little girl that not everything goes away if you pretend it isn’t there.
Narrator: We grow up to be teenagers, we pretend we don’t care about anything but ourselves because not caring is cool right? Your friends will think you’re amazing if you just keep saying you don’t give a shit right?
Person 2 (Teen): Pretend that you don’t care and people will think you’re super cool.
Narrator: We’re cool if we don’t care when in reality we care too much about what everyone thinks. We care what we look like, in fact, we care so much that we go to extremes to try and get to a point where we’re completely happy with ourselves. We care so much about pretending not to care that some of us end up losing themselves.
Narrator: When puberty hits, we’re told:
Person 3 (girl and boy at the same time): Pretend that they’re in love with you when they bully you.
Narrator: No one tells us that there is a big difference between friendly teasing someone and bullying someone. We’re being told to pretend like someone loves us when they harass us or just bully us when in reality they’re nothing but rude and deserve to be called out.
Narrator: We grow up as either the bullies because we were told that if you love someone, pretend to dislike them or we grow up as the victims who pretend like they’re okay when they’re not. We pretend that we’re not hurt by other people’s actions because we were told to pretend that we don’t care about anything and that the monster goes away if we pretend it isn’t there.
Person 4 (girl): I was told to pretend to be stupid so that guy I like thinks I’m cute and not superior to him.
Narrator: What is it with people telling you to pretend to be stupid so people will like you? Are we really going to pretend like any of that is okay to tell a teenager?
Person 5 (boy): I was told to pretend to care about her so she will open up to me.
Narrator: There is a lot of pretending and avoiding going on in our teens. We pretend we don’t see the things that are wrong with most of the things we’re being told. We pretend we’re okay when in reality, most of us are far from being okay. Most of us pretend to survive when in reality we’re barely doing so.
Narrator: Growing older means that you’re realising some stuff you were being told is stupid, some of us outgrow the bully phase, some of us outgrow the stop giving a shit phase, some of us outgrow the pretend to be stupid phase and some of us outgrow the pretend to care about them phase, but what all of us still keep holding on to is the
Person 1 (Dad or Mum): Pretend that the monster isn’t there and it will go away.
Narrator: We grow up thinking that ignoring our monsters or problems will make us happy in the end, when it fact, it ends up tearing some of us apart. We grow up ignoring our problems and our feelings when we should talk about them.
Person 6 (boy/girl): I pretend that I don’t love you, so it’s easier for me to pretend to not get hurt by any of your words.
Narrator: Why is it that a lot of us go through the world, the art of pretending mastered at an early age? Just because we were scared of the monsters underneath our bed? Just because we were to scared to look underneath the bed to see ourselves that there isn’t any monster for us to be scared of?
Narrator: What would’ve happened if we weren’t told to pretend like it doesn’t hurt when in fact, it hurts like hell? When all we want to do is cry and tell someone that we’re hurt and that we need someone to tell us that it’s going to be alright instead of being told that we should act like everything is okay?
Person 7 (little kid): I know there isn’t a monster underneath my bed because I looked.
Person 1 (Dad or Mum): It’s okay to cry if it hurts.
Person 2 (teen): I am cool and I care about what you say.
Person 3 (girl and boy): We know you’re not in love with us.
Person 4 (girl): I am smart and if you’re not cool with that then you don’t deserve me.
Person 5 (boy): I am sorry for pretending to care.
Person 6 (girl/boy): I love you.
*end credits*
By the time you reached the end, the tears didn’t stop falling from your eyes. On the one hand you were incredibly flashed by Harrison coming up with all of that himself and on the other hand, you felt incredibly attacked, because you were definitely one of the people who had mastered the art of pretending because it was easier to pretend that you didn’t feel something for Harrison.
It was easier to pretend that that stupid monster wasn’t lying underneath your bed, waiting to get you in your sleep instead of accepting that the boy had found his way into your heart and your dreams.
It was easier to pretend that you didn’t care about him than admitting that you cared about him - so fucking much, that it felt like everything you needed to be happy was to see him, to hear him and to feel him.
It was easier to pretend that you didn’t fall for Harrison - because then he wouldn’t be able to hurt you, like you hurt him.
A feeling of regret and hurt flooded your body as jumped up from your seat on the sofa. Running to your closet to put on some jeans and shoes, you realised you had no idea how to fix the two of you. Grabbing your phone and your keys, you still didn’t know how to fix any of this - because you were always being told to pretend you didn’t care, to pretend like it didn’t hurt when everything inside of you cared and hurt at the same time right now.
You were out of breath when you reached the boy’s flat. You didn’t know what you wanted to say to Harrison, all you knew was that you wanted to say something to Harrison, that you wanted to show him that you cared, that you were willing to stop pretending if he let you again.
You rang the doorbell only seconds before the door opened, revealing a hungover Tom and an overexcited Tessa.
“You look like shit.” You laughed as he groaned but greeted you with a hug anyway before welcoming you inside the living room.
“What are you doing here?” Tom mumbled as he let himself fall onto the couch.
“Is, uh, Harrison here?” You asked as your eyes noticed that the boy’s bedroom door was wide open.
“He’s out, lunch with his parents. Should be back soon though.” Tom shrugged as he placed a pillow over his face, “Feel free to stay.”
“You look like death, Thomas.” You laughed as you sat down on the armchair, Tessa placing herself next to your feet.
“Why are you even here? Thought you were done with Harrison?” Tom said as he lifted the pillow, looking at you with an eyebrow raised.
“I-I’m stupid?”
“Tell me something new, (Y/N).” Tom scoffed, “Thought I told you to not hurt him.”
“I hate myself for hurting him. I didn’t realise that -”
“- that you love him.” Tom finished your sentence as your head shot up to look at the brunette who was currently displaying a grin on his face.
“No, I just-”
“You’re in love with him.” Tom repeated himself as he got up from his lying position to grin even more at you.
“I’m not in love with him,” You started as Tom raised an eyebrow and pointed to the boy’s hoodie you were still wearing, “yet.” You added in an almost silent whisper.
“You need to tell him.” Tom chuckled as he shook his head, “You’re both so fucking annoying, I swear. One of you realises jack shit until it’s too late and the other one spends his days sulking in his bedroom.”
“You think he wants to talk to me?” You carefully said, not knowing if you wanted to hear the answer to the question you just asked.
“Is water wet?”, Tom laughed, “He’d be the stupid one then if he doesn’t want to talk to you.”
You were interrupted by the front door opening and Tessa getting up from her place next to you. You were prepared for Harrison to walk through that front door, but you weren’t prepared for his family to join him. Harrison’s eyes widened when he saw you hesitantly getting up from your seat as Tom let out a laugh. A fucking laugh, this little shit.
Everything seemed to pass in slow motion before you felt arms being wrapped around your legs. You were too busy staring at Harrison to realise that his niece and nephew were with them as well. Eva had her arms wrapped around your legs as Charlotte was carrying Theo in her arms.
“(Y/N)! Uncle Harr said you can’t come to play today.” She smiled as she looked up at you. Wiping the tears from your eyes with one motion you picked her up to greet her.
“You should’ve joined us for lunch, Darling.” You heard Harrison’s mother say as reality seemed to kick in again and the realisation that Harrison hadn’t told his parents about your “break up”.
“I-I was busy with Uni stuff, I didn’t know it didn’t take as long as I imagine it to take.” You smiled as you were being pulled into a hug by the woman who had no idea about the situation you were in right now.
After greeting Harrison’s stepfather and Charlotte, you were standing helplessly in the room, Eva still refusing to leave your arms as she insisted on playing barbies with you.
“I can’t believe you bring kids over when I am hungover.” Tom groaned from the couch when he saw how helpless you looked.
“You can scream as loud as you want today,” You whispered in Eva’s ear as she started giggling, “Tom won’t mind, right?”
“What won’t I mind?” Tom mumbled as his eyes found yours - that’s for laughing at your situation, you little shit.
“Oh, Thomas, will there ever be a day we come here and you’re not hungover?” Phil laughed as Tom sent her an innocent smile.
“You’re just surprised I am hungover and Harrison isn’t.”
“That is very true, someone seems to be a great influence.” She smiled, looking at you as you felt the heat in your cheeks rise.
You hadn’t said a word to Harrison yet, and he hadn’t said a word to you, because he didn’t know what to say. He wasn’t expecting you to be at his place when he walked through the door and he definitely wasn’t expecting you to still be wearing his hoodie.
Your hair was in a messy bun and you hadn’t put any make up on, and yet, Harrison was still blown away by you. How was it possible for him to still feel something for you after everything that happened? After not even speaking to you for four weeks?
“Anyone want a tea?” Tom asked as he got up from his place on the couch.
As much as the brunette enjoyed the awkward situation, he didn’t really want Harrison to blow his cover. He knew the two of you needed to talk and he knew that he was the only one who could distract Harrison’s family to give you at least a chance to fix things.
“Hey princess, how about Tom shows you where we keep your toys?” Harrison smiled as the girl in your arms nodded.
Letting the girl down, you looked at Harrison who nodded his head into the direction of his bedroom. He knew you needed to talk and you were desperate to tell Harrison why you were here. You felt your hands get sweaty as you followed the boy into his bedroom, you had no idea if this was going to make things worse or if it was going to fix some things, but you hoped that in the end he would at least know that you’re incredibly sorry.
“I-I read the script.” You smiled as you closed the door behind you, “Ended up a crying mess.” You chuckled as you sat down on the boy’s desk chair while he took a seat on his bed.
“Why are you here, (Y/N)?”
“I’m sorry for pretending that I don’t care about you.” You started.
“It’s ok-” Harrison spoke up before he was immediately interrupted by you.
“- wait, let me, uh, let me please say some stuff before you say anything, because I’m not sure if I’ll ever say it if I don’t say it now.” You said as you kept fidgeting with your fingers, unsure of how Harrison was going to react to what followed, “When I agreed to this I had this picture of you in my head, a-and I swore to myself that I wasn’t going to let myself get hurt by you. Turns out I’m the idiot who hurts you.”
Looking into the boy’s the first time since you had entered the bedroom, you saw him softly smile at you as you went on to tell him everything you wanted to tell him, “I don’t know why I don’t like to let people know how I feel about them, all I know is that I like to pretend to not give a shit when I care about you, so much.” You said as you felt a tear slip your eye.
“I really care a fucking lot about you, Harrison - and it scares the shit out of me, because I have this plan and fuck, you weren’t part of that plan two months ago, but all I can see in this plan right now is your goddamn face.” You whispered as Harrison let out a little chuckle.
“I guess, this is why I am here. To tell you that I am so incredibly sorry for what I said to you. I know you’re not the guy everyone says you are, because you’re so much more. Fuck, I don’t even deserve anything you told me back then, but I just want you to know that these feeling were never just one sided and that everything that happened wasn’t just nothing to me.” You smiled as you wiped away another tear.
“I- I feel like falling in love with you was so easy that I almost didn’t realise it. I always thought falling in love meant that you knew from the minute you met them that you wanted to spend the rest of your life with them, but it wasn’t like that for us. I’m currently missing out on the best thing in my life because I didn’t know what falling for someone meant.” You added as you realised that you had finally accepted the monster underneath your bed as a pet you have grown to love.
Harrison didn’t know what to say, he was expecting a lot, but he wasn’t expecting you to tell him that. He was going to speak up just as the door to his bedroom opened and a little girl came running towards you, grabbing your hand.
“You said you’d play with me!” Eva smiled as she pulled on your hand, telling you to follow her.
As you were being pulled out to the living room, you felt yourself looking back at Harrison who was already looking at you, a smile on his face, silently telling you that the two of you would be okay, that he had heard your words.
Sitting down next to Eva, Charlotte came over to sit down next to you which revived Theo’s interest in you as he kept wiggling in the girl’s arms until she handed him over to you.
When Harrison walked out of his bedroom after he kept repeating the words you had said to him, he was met by the sight of you one handedly playing barbies with his niece as his nephew was carefully placed in your lap with your other arm wrapped around him.
Seeing you like that, he couldn’t help himself but imagine you with your own kids, his own kids, which seemed so surreal to him because he had never thought about any kids at all and yet, you still seemed to blow him away with everything you were doing.
Seeing you like that he couldn’t help himself but fall in love with you even more, so he sat down behind you and pulled you into his chest as if he was scared to ever let you go again, as if his life depended on it.
“Hey Beautiful.” He smiled as he placed a soft kiss on the back of your head.
A/N: I was thinking a long time about letting this fic end here, and what can I say, I am incredibly happy with the ending right now. There will definitely be an Epilogue, but as far as their story goes, I really don’t want to add anything else.
I hope you guys liked it and feedback would be appreciated as always. 
Permanent All: @cosmetologynerd @noir-spiderr @queenoflostspirits @stephie-senpai @moonkissedtom @netflixbi @captainbuckyy @cutiepie-holland @phantomhive-shadow @calum-hoodwinked-me @oh-balls-you-idjits @sherlocksangelinwonderland @heartssick @completefictionaltrash @evelynsnightmare* @maybeandperhaps* @thequeensardine @tomhollanders2013 @petalparker @spiderman-n @fairydustparker @sighspidey @hollandfieldblurbs @itsvianny @onewrogue @coffee-and-stories @call-me-wisegirl @gendryia @therealme13posts @emilyle23 @thescarsweleave @ive-got-some-lies-to-tell @mischiefmanaged49 @tomhaz @kateelyse96 @micki-smiles @spiderdudeparker @marvel-slxt @avenirectioner @hey-its-grey @roses-hxlland @justasmisunderstoodasloki @creativexdreamer @peachesnmae @the-queen-procrastinator @allofthebitters @httplayer @almostrosadiazz @underoos-tom @embrace-themagic @hufflepuffsatthedisco @veronicas-littleworld @desir-ae @barbricue @cloverrover @forggetablle @carlaimberlain @san-penedo @savethebabyseals @peter-prkr @summertime-acoustic @musiclover1263 @spideymood @hollandsflowers @desir-ae @lonely--witch @parkerpuff @spider-strange-iron-loki @fabtasticass @theirmidgardian @supernatural-girl97 @ninjassassin13 @anxiousdesignerdancerbandlover @nedthegay @virtualsheepeat @peter-man-parker @kideroos @marvelouspottering @caseoffics @rinemoon @mikalaka @parkeroffline @awkwardfangirl2014 @iamcalledsteph @redwhitenbucky @hollandslut @mynamewontwork13 @wronglanemendes @sweetflamingoqueen @tomshufflepuff @procrastinatingismybiggestflaw 
Harrison: @phia-eilice @justmesadgirl @sincerelymlg @sleepwalkingdragon @crazyfreaker @dragonflyashes @staringmoony @beesarebetterthanpigeons @infinite-blue-skies @isuckatthesefuckingthings* @microgravitea
TAOP: @babyplutoszx2 @spider-mendes @inspiredbynewt @avengersgirllorianna @musicinneverland @peter-parker-fyeah* @peter-prkr @myverysupersecretblog @spacehobbitchild @crazy-bout-books @broke-boujeeandlovingmarvel @sweetheartparker  @parkerspicedlatte @annathesillyfriend @galacticalstarcat  @stuckonspidey @soccerstud004 @rosasdiaz99 @sugardaddyenthusiasm* @officiallyunofficialperson @thebrightfaerie 
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drvrslcense · 5 years
A Shitstorm Kinda Day
• Summary: In which you’re having a bad day and Harrison comforts you.
• Pairing: Bestfriend!Roommate!Harrison x Reader
• Warning: Angst (if you squint really hard, I think), anxiety, mention of mistreatment of a woman, swearing.
• Prompt: “It’s amazing how fast the world can go from bad to a total shit storm,”
• Words: 747
• A/N: This is for @h-osterfield’s 5k writing challenge. Congrats on 5k, sweetie! Happy Birthday!! Hope you enjoy! 
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You angrily walk inside the apartment slamming the door loudly behind you. Watching the TV, who is seated on the couch, is your best friend and roommate, Harrison Osterfield. He jumped, startled from the door loudly slamming behind you. You took one look at him and sat beside him, taking a handful of popcorn from his bowl.
“Hey, hey, hey,” Harrison said, “What’s gotten you in that state?”
You looked at him and sarcastically said, “Isn’t it amazing how fast the world can go from bad to a total shit storm?” flailing your arms wildly while devouring the popcorn.
You just got home from a college lecture you’ve had earlier. Your morning started badly, you missed the bus to the university and from that moment on everything went downwards. You came in late at your lecture, and your seatmate is just…the worst.
“Come on, love. What happened?” Harrison said, putting his arms around you. He knows that you cannot bottle up your anger or else you’ll do something you might regret. So, he handed you his bowl of popcorn, and you continued devouring it while hesitating on telling it to Harrison. You know that talking with him helps, it’s just that he can get very protective sometimes.
“I don’t know,” You said, “I woke up feeling great and suddenly it’s just not great.”
You put your head on his shoulders and continued on to tell him what went down earlier today. You really had a shit storm of a day and it’s only half of the day. You woke up feeling really great, and then you went out by 6:30am to catch your 7am to 9am lecture. It was only a fifteen minutes bus ride, but you missed the first one. So you had to catch the second trip, which took like five minutes. But that time, there was an accident. A car crash, you saw. That created slow-moving traffic which doubled your travel time. That event made you thirty minutes late to class and your professor is just as cranky as the old lady two doors down. And then there’s your seatmate, Jack. The son of the university’s president.
His attitude just brings you a stormy cloud over your head, and you’ve had enough. But you can’t get in trouble with the president. It might cost you the full ride scholarship that you have gotten due to your hard work. And Jack, he’s just a pain in the ass. He kept saying how women can avoid rape by “dressing properly” and how women just really wanted attention. He also kept saying that you just wanted to get into Tom’s pants so you befriended Harrison. And you’ve had enough. So, you snapped at him almost slapping him in the process. Unfortunately, the whole class heard you. They looked at you like you just killed a person, and it was not nice. When class ended, everyone in the hallway was looking at you, it’s like you’re walking down the aisle of shame.
“And it’s making me feel bad because I think that I should say sorry to Jack,” You told Harrison.
“Why would you say sorry to that arse?” Harrison asked, angrily.  
“I don’t know. I think I did something wrong and everything is just gah!” You said, exasperatedly. “You know those times I just overthink stuff and everything goes to shambles? And I’m drowsy and just don’t want to deal with shit but I can’t stop thinking about it.”
“Wait, let me get my phone and call Jack,” You said, looking through your bag to look for your phone. “Aha!” You said as you found your phone.
“Okay, Y/N, enough of that!” Harrison said, taking your phone and throwing it across the room. “You are not calling that son of a bitch, and that’s final. You know, I care about you, and calling him and saying sorry may look like the right thing. But, it’s not. It will only build his ego up and may encourage him to do it every time. Think about it, you’ve done nothing wrong, but you’re the one saying sorry. And it’s not fair, is it?”
You nodded and told him: “I guess you’re right.”
“I know I am,” He picked up your phone and offered it back to you, and you accepted it.
“Now, why don’t we watch this really great show and devour popcorns?” That the two of you did and enjoyed the rest of the day together.
Tagging some wonderful people who might like to check this out and leave a comment so that I can improve my writing (lmk if you don’t want to be tagged): @prince-p-parker @leiasfanaccount648@friendly-neighborhood-ash@petalparker @tomshufflepuff@cutie1365 @marvelousxtsh @wayfaring—-stranger @death-over-coffee @its-the-unknownspideywrites @hollandroos
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