beetlejuice-e · 4 months
texts between basketball! abby and her cheerleader gf!
authors note - so sorry for abandoning you guys 😓 this is also just a little preview of what eleven would be like :)) will try to get out a tiny preview chapter soon ☺️
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My Next Writing Projects
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Untitled Casval x Garma College AUFic: I'm thinking of continuing a tradition for Gundam watchers and writing a yaoi Gundam 0079 Collegefic from the viewpoint of Garma, who is deeply in love with his longtime best friend Casval, but has absolutely no idea how to express it due to their shared conservative upbringing. Amuro is involved, most are gamers, (Still very much in the planning stages but I have a decent amount of planning done)
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Fair Trade: Classic fae trickery story in the modern world, potentially surreal but only in an unintentional sense. (Currently writing)
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Packages: Soft slice of life story about a house's previous tenant, and what she still gets in the mail. (Currently writing)
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Untitled Covid Zombie Story: Not Covid Zombie as in, the zombies caught covid or became zombies through Covid. But the Zombie pandemic used as an allegory for our handling of the Covid Pandemic, and how it feels to be dragged into rejoining a society that has collectively agreed that letting some people become zombies is just an acceptable risk of life continuing on as it always has, after spending a literal year or two in near complete self isolation and the constant fear of losing loved ones. (Still in the planning stages, might be longer than the others)
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bammediaz · 2 months
Week 2 Pac 12 Football Simulation E Michigan vs #20 Washington #collegef...
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coachprimetv · 2 years
Please Join my YouTube/TikTok/Tumblr Channels so I can share More Videos! Follow, Like, Comment, Share, Subscribe!
TIKTOK CHANNEL HIGHLIGHTS https://www.tiktok.com/@coachprimetv
TUMBLR https://lnkd.in/eGnpEyzS
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lemonluvgirl · 3 years
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New Everlark Modern AU Fic Sneak Peak!
Hitting The Target By: SparklingStella & LemonLuvGirl87 
Summary: “When you shoot, you’ve got to keep both eyes on what you want to hit.” Katniss tells him seriously. “Do you bring this kind of tenacious focus with you to all aspects of your life?” Peeta asks, hoping his wildly mounting attraction for her isn’t as obvious to her as it feels to him. “When the situation calls for it. I’m good at going after what I want. And I find my mark almost every time.” She tells him with such a straight face he would have believed they were still talking about archery if her smoldering grey eyes weren’t glued to his mouth. 
When hot shot college archery rookie Katniss Everdeen makes it to the USA Archery Collegiate National Championships her first year on the team, the university’s newly appointed  college sports reporter Peeta Mellark is sent on assignment to cover her and the archery team’s meteoric rise to fame. What he never intended was to get so invested in the subject of his article, or to get so infatuated with the girl herself. 
~Snippet From Chapter One:
“Peeta! Where’s that article on the golf team’s latest tournament?” A frustrated feminine voice rings out through the university newspaper work room. 
“Fuck me,” Peeta mutters tiredly under his breath while trying to simultaneously shrink down to inconspicuous levels so his editor, Johanna Mason, won’t hear him or see him. But even the hunching of his massive shoulders and lack of reply can't help him now. She knows he's here. She knows he's not done. He feels a sweat break out on the back of his neck as she approaches his work station. Knowing Johanna she’d take his curse words as an invitation for sex, not as an expression of utter unenthusiastic dread. And he doesnt want to have sex with Johanna. He doesn't like her that way. Actually, he's found himself almost resenting her in recent weeks. She's the reason he's got writer's block right now. He’s dreading having to finish this article. It's driving him nuts. 
Peeta hates golf, (he told Johanna this when she gave him the assignment) and he’s been doing nothing but covering their university’s shitty golf tournaments for the last few weeks. And even though he’s seen enough mediocre college golf to last till the end of eternity, he can’t for the life of him finish this pathetic golf article that was due half an hour ago. The thing is just a boring, uninteresting, cold fish piece of shit. And he hates himself for writing it. He hates Johanna even more for assigning this piece to him. It's like she knows exactly which soul sucking assignments he desires least and saves them just for him. 
 “Mellark! Are you still stuck on the conclusion? Stop playing with your dick and finish the fucking article already! We’ve got a deadline to meet!” Johanna says when she finally reaches his desk and stands over his shoulder, only to find he’s stuck in the same spot he was an hour ago. 
“I’m trying Johanna! But this--this story is just--”
“Just what asshole? Too hot for you to handle? It's a damn 600 word news piece, not a 60 minutes interview for god sakes!” 
“It's BORING! And there’s no way to make it interesting! I’ve tried! Its just---garbage! Dry, utterly boring and sleep-inducing garbage!” 
Johnna stands stock still for a minute. Peeta worries he may have gone overboard. 
Then she starts shaking with silent laughter. 
“Well, yeah duh! I mean it's college golf, not exactly riveting stuff. ” She says in between involuntary shoulder shakes. 
“So you knew. You knew it was a crap assignment and you made me write it anyway! That’s just great Jo. That’s terrific. Why couldn’t you assign it to Beetee or Wireless or something? Didn’t you tell me when I joined the paper that I had the best ‘authentic writing voice’ you’d heard in years? And yet Marvel and Cato get to cover our basketball and football team every season! What am I doing here JO? How is this a good use of my skills?” 
“Mellark, you’re talented. That’s exactly why I give you the tough assignments. You can dress up a pile of shit and make it look like a chocolate sundae. But, you’ve only been on the team for a year. You still have to pay your dues rookie. But, look, I’ll make you a deal. Finish this shit show of an article, and make it readable. If you can do that I’ll give you a better assignment this coming week. Not basketball or anything super big, because you know, baby steps, but I promise it will be a step up from the golf crap.” 
“Fine Jo. But I’m holding you to your promise! Maybe I should make you sign a contract so you don't go back on your word,” 
“Yeah, yeah, Mellark. No need to break out the ritual sacrifice knife to make me sign my soul away in blood. I'm a woman of my word. I'll deliver on my promise. But, you better wow me with this conclusion, or else it's back to the golf carts, pretentious khakis, and designer sunglasses for you.” 
“It's going to be the best shit sundae you’ve ever had Jo. I promise.” 
And it was. Peeta managed in the next 20 minutes to tweak and finish the article until it was actually an interesting and engaging college sports piece, and by the time the story had to go to print Joanna was smiling.
“So, I take it that smile means I’m going to get assigned something decent this coming week?” 
“Well, since you actually pulled it off, I’d say so.” Johanna slams a piece of paper down on his desk. It contains a name, email address, and office phone number.  
Haymitch Abernathy [email protected] 555-451-1213
“What’s this?” 
“Contact info for your next assignment. Email this guy and set up a time to go and observe his team at practice. He’s the head coach for the university’s archery team. Word around campus is there’s a new freshman blowing all the competition out of the water. The team’s got a shot at nationals this year. I want you to do a full piece on her, and the team. You can interview the coach too. The higher ups want to make this feature article a two page spread.” 
“Two pages?!” 
“Yep. So don’t say I never did nothing for ya Mellark. Oh, and take your camera and get some candid shots. Apparently she’s hot. That’ll be good for the article too.”  
Peeta laughs, only Johanna would so openly comment on sex appeal as a way to increase their readerbase. 
“Ok, Jo. Sure thing. And thank you! You won’t regret it!” 
“Yeah, yeah. Bring me back something spectacular and we’ll see if you deserve to be bumped up permanently to something more substantial after this.” 
Peeta nodded, and smiled. He was hopeful, enthusiastic, and most of all really intrigued to find out more about his newest assignment. Maybe he can gain more than he imagined...Johanna did say SHE, the apparently female assignment, is hot. Most interesting...
More Coming Soon!!! Story will be posted to AO3 as a collab between @sparklingdust4612 (SparklingStella on AO3) and @lemonluvgirl87 
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whiskey-woe · 5 years
I posted my first ever Rhink fic. its a college fic. go give it a read and let me know what you think!!
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addictedtofiction03 · 6 years
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Never Stopped (on Wattpad) https://my.w.tt/EoUmANLlxR It's been a year since Betty has seen Jughead. It also has been a year since she left Riverdale without a word to anyone. She tried moving on with her life and thought she was doing a good job until she transfers to a different university only to run in the Jughead who happens to go to the same school. What will happen when she tells him the truth? That she didn't do what they agreed? Will Jughead forgive her? Can she forgive herself? Bughead Cover by Elizabethbettscooper on tumblr.
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elliotannhella · 8 years
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Part 2 of #collegefancy . . . Cheap wine in a mug and critical feminist theory #thelife #dreamsdocometrue
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traincat · 7 years
The only WIP I have with the word “pepper” in it is 21k of Iron Man: Armored Adventures Steve/Tony identity porn collegefic that I started forever ago and is really freaking good you guys but that I don’t know if I’ll ever post because it’s linked to some weird stuff in my life. But also: it’s really freaking good:
“I am so out of my depth,” Pepper said, wide-eyed, assoon as they walked through the doors. She was wearing a long dress in Rescue’scolors and clutching her new armor-purse like a lifeline.
“Me too,” said Tony. “Let’s leave.”
“Oh my God, tiny little sandwiches,”Pepper gasped and dragged him by their linked arms over to the buffet.
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belovedplank · 5 years
Sam/Dean – they forget where they are and PDA Basically, a sweet and fluffy PDA which means they've kinda accidentally come out to someone (you can choose who!)
Sam/Dean as a result of the ‘Eye of the Tiger’ scene...I'm SURE you know the one I mean. Maybe Dean was trying to make Sam laugh...
Sam/Dean - Angel Cross-Over. They go to Caritas for whatever reason and one/both end up singing for Lorne. I was thinking it could be either Sam trying to find a way out of the deal (and Lorne telling Dean he cannot sell what isn't his - the implication being that Dean's soul belongs to Sammy) or possibly him trying to get Dean to work through his emotional demons post-hell...whatever works.
Sam/Dean - post Mystery-Spot Sam has a bit of a breakdown the first time he hears Asia's 'Heat of the Moment' Dean makes it better.
Sam/Dean - When Sam leaves for Stanford, Dean stands up to his Dad for the first time, and says he won't leave Sammy; even though John issues him with the same ultimatum.
Sam/Dean - whilst Sam was in Stanford, Dean passed the time by teaching himself the acoustic guitar, which lives in the backseat of the Impala.
Sam/Dean - I guess could be kinda linked with the Caritas, but basically a get-together fic involving the boys and karaoke
Sam/Dean - Leverage Crossover - Dean met Elliot Spencer whilst Sam was in Uni. One of v few people he slept with that he actually kept in touch with. When him and Sam are in Boston trying to deal with a demon running some big business - not only killing people but scamming them too....well Dean thinks a visit to McRorys is in order. Sam is jealous. Can be established Sam/Dean, or get-together.
Sam/Dean - does anyone else think Dean would make a GREAT ballistics expert? Basically, and AU where Sam and Dean work in the CSI lab.
Sam/Dean - I <3 and adore smart!Dean fics, and I've read quite a few where Dean didn't go to college not because he wasn't smart enough or didn't apply, but because he chose to keep his family together. SO what if Dean got into Stanford (or some other Uni nearby) when he first applied (on full scholarship), and when Sam told him he'd got in, Dean contacted the Uni to see if he could still take his place and they said yes! Dean could leave with Sam, or just turn up in Palo Alto, whichever, but it'd be so great! I <3 collegefic!
I LOVE tattoofics, but have read pretty much every one in existence. Any others would be great.
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kusumay · 8 years
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""Kamu naksir orang, tapi orang itu justru naksir orang lain. Hal itu akan terus terjadi and you just can't help it. Itulah kenapa istilah 'jomblo' exist. Kalau kamu naksir orang dan orang itu naksir kamu balik, berarti itu namanya keajaiban."" - from Beda Sembilan Tahun Itu Seksi (on Wattpad) http://my.w.tt/UiNb/cn9pXGRo5x
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libraryofsports · 5 years
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