edwincourtenay · 5 years
I am going to end my cycle of spells with one of my favourite Latin chants ... CIRCUS - meaning circle GLOBUS - meaning sphere AEGIS - meaning shield Visualise when saying the first word a circle of light around you on the floor in pale yellow, then this changing into a sphere of bright yellow energy around you when you say the second word and finally this sphere hardening into a metallic golden shield when you say the third word. In time these three words whispered under the breath will summon a powerful magical shield of light to protect you from harm!! CIRCUS - GLOBUS - AEGIS!! #edwincourtenay #thecunningman #wisewordsfromthecunningman #spiritlightgallery #ipssissimus #pagan #wicca #witch #spiritual #spiritualpagan #ascension #psychic #seer #channel #spellsinger #walkadour #warlock #collegeofpsychicstudies #healer #magick https://www.instagram.com/p/BzgsJdyHaOs/?igshid=ck1rtiqorwea
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mzq444-blog · 6 years
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#collegeofpsychicstudies #thoughtfortoday
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jan-arden · 7 years
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Great article and always grateful for the encouragement and inspiring words. .@janardenartist #outsiderartist #outsiderart #artbrut #visionary #visionaryart #rawvision #selftaught #folkart #shaman #shamanicarts #outsidein #londonart #uk #tribalartist #tribal #tribalart #esoteric #art #artoflife #artsy #paganart #pagan #collegeofpsychicstudies #psychicnews
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edwincourtenay · 5 years
SPIRITUAL PATH MANTRA This is a magical word square - a form of magic as old as time and a mantra and talisman all in one! Either recite the chant or carry it in your pocket or both! Excellent for when you are feeling spiritually lost the words engage the soul and the divine to instigate synchronicities and portents to course correct you on your way! Balam / Avada / Labal / Adava / Malab. Balam is a name for supernatural intuition, derived from the diviner called Balaam in the Torah. Avada is an Estonian word that means "open.“ Labal is the occult name for the revealer of all the mysteries of the Earth (described in The Lesser Key of Solomon). Adava is a Marathi word for a winding road. And Malab is a Somali word for honey, which is a code for “alchemical gold,” which itself is a code for immortality. Woven together into a grid, these words form a charm that conjures magic insight so as to reveal the mysterious pathway toward everlasting light. #edwincourtenay #thecunningman #wisewordsfromthecunningman #spiritlightgallery #ipssissimus #pagan #wicca #witch #spiritual #spiritualpagan #ascension #psychic #seer #channel #spellsinger #walkadour #warlock #collegeofpsychicstudies #healer #magick https://www.instagram.com/p/BzeKkEnHD2Z/?igshid=1pgrmg2v0al4r
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edwincourtenay · 5 years
Some spells are petitions to the God, Angels or Saints - here is a petition to the Goddess of the Sacred Flame Bridget (also a Saint - Saint Bridget) who is healer, poet and smith. Her light can be called upon to help guide us through difficult and dark times, to show us the way and clear a path by transmuting the darkness! Bridget our lady, Healer, smith and warriror, Flame of Divinity, Guide us from the darkness. Just light a candle and repeat the words over and over again whilst let your mind wonder to your challenges and difficulties - Bridget will do the rest!! Petitions are powerful so never use these kind of spells carelessly but rather always with respect! #edwincourtenay #thecunningman #wisewordsfromthecunningman #spiritlightgallery #ipssissimus #pagan #wicca #witch #spiritual #spiritualpagan #ascension #psychic #seer #channel #spellsinger #walkadour #warlock #collegeofpsychicstudies #healer #magick https://www.instagram.com/p/BzbmWTcn9dg/?igshid=346o40p4odli
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edwincourtenay · 5 years
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Guides and Teachers There is not a day goes by when I don’t in some way shape or form turn to my guides, guardian angel or ascended master teacher for personal assistance, help for another or knowledge when writing my workshops and books! My house, office and therapy room is adorned with their pictures - some of which I have created myself - as reminder of their ever watchful loving presence and point of connection to their energy and power. I would whole heartedly encourage everyone - whether you be therapist, healer, guide or light worker walking on the path for you and you alone to endeavour to link into your team every single day. Whether this be when you water your flowers, walk the dog or mow the lawn - reach out with heart and mind and draw them close and near. This way - as and when you will have true need of them - they will be all the closer for your daily efforts. The guides are a true blessing, their love unconditional and the patronage non judgemental - who else can we say that about in life! Would you like an image of your guide or guardian angel? Check out my website and click Visionary Art for more details! #edwincourtenay #thecunningman #wisewordsfromthecunningman #spiritlightgallery #ipssissimus #pagan #wicca #witch #spiritual #spiritualpagan #ascension #psychic #seer #channel #spellsinger #walkadour #warlock #collegeofpsychicstudies #healer #magick #psychicart #guide #guardianangel #spiritguide #ascendedmaster https://www.instagram.com/p/ByD_D17HejJ/?igshid=145mex04wdjld
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edwincourtenay · 5 years
The Voice Of all of the instruments I possess my voice is the greatest and strongest - it is the one I have used the longest and am most expert at - though in no way a master. As a Walkadour - a Norse word for spell singer - I use it to enchant through mantra, chant, toning and song to heal people and places, to empower and enchant, to cleanse and clear energy blockages and karmic patterns. This is an ancient welsh invocation to the Spirit of the Merlin used by magicians to summon his presence and can be found written on his gravestone on Dinas Emrys in Wales. Open your heart and close your eyes and welcome his power and presence into your life. The Spirit of the Merlin - Cosmic Ascended Master and guardian of magick. For those wanting more information about my services as a spell singer go to my website www.edwincourtenay.co.uk #merlin #spell #spellsinger #walkadour #edwincourtenay #thecunningman #wisewordsfromthecunningman #spiritlightgallery #ipssissimus #pagan #wicca #witch #spiritual #spiritualpagan #ascension #psychic #seer #channel #spellsinger #walkadour #warlock #collegeofpsychicstudies #healer #magick #voice #singer #song #chant #mantra https://www.instagram.com/p/Bx5qEAynvlh/?igshid=1k8cfuvg574ca
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edwincourtenay · 6 years
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The Ancient Greek aphorism "know thyself" is one of the Delphic maxims and was inscribed in the pronaos (forecourt) of the Temple of Apollo at Delphi according to the Greek writer Pausanias The phrase was later expounded upon by the philosopher Socrates. Know thyself means just that - don’t hide from who and what you are, don’t lie - stand in your truth and power - walk your talk and own your weaknesses and your strengths. Take responsibility for your actions, know your worth, your value but also your limitations. Don’t try to pretend to be more than you are but at the same time don’t diminish yourself in order to fit in with others. Be loud, be proud, be heard (thank you @toyahofficial for that last one) and stand your ground. Know thyself and be proud! When we stand in our integrity we are well, when we dare to look into the glass and really see ourself we have nothing left to fear. No one can hurt us because we know more than anyone about who and what we are - this is true power, power in vulnerability and strength. Know thyself and by so doing set thyself free! #edwincourtenay #thecunningman #wisewordsfromthecunningman #spiritlightgallery #ipssissimus #pagan #wicca #witch #spiritual #spiritualpagan #ascension #psychic #seer #channel #spellsinger #walkadour #warlock #collegeofpsychicstudies #healer #magick #knowthyself #delphi #otacle #socrates https://www.instagram.com/p/BvSbSGnAv0l/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=zwlicmyyqjzn
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edwincourtenay · 6 years
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The Fox Sisters were the progenitors of modern day spiritualism - although of course talking to the dead and other spirits has been going on since early man. The Fox Sisters however brought the concept back to popular public attention and even though they later confessed that their proof of life had all been a hoax spiritualism was born! It has to be said a year after their confession one of the sisters attempted to recant their statement but alas it was too late and their reputation was shot. It is possible that they were genuine and their confession one given to make money in desperate times! Their method of communication was spirit rapping - noises and knocks emerging from the room about them in response to their calls! Another long abandoned method because of its clumsiness it also requires huge amounts of energy and a physical medium to be present. Still some people - a some stage on the path - will experience something like it when energy builds about them and spirit put it to use! Ultimately whatever was the truth regarding these sisters it is clear that we owe them a great debt for without them spiritually we would not be where we are now! #edwincourtenay #thecunningman #wisewordsfromthecunningman #spiritlightgallery #ipssissimus #pagan #wicca #witch #spiritual #spiritualpagan #ascension #psychic #seer #channel #spellsinger #walkadour #warlock #collegeofpsychicstudies #healer #magick #spirit #spiritualism #thefoxsisters #spiritrapping https://www.instagram.com/edwincourtenay/p/Bt4Y_tZg0dE/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1nophljh6rpqb
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edwincourtenay · 6 years
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Spirit photography - not everyone can take a photograph of the spirit world! It is said to be a gift - just as valid as Clairvoyance or Mediumship is. The ability to either psychically impress an image - present in the mind - onto a photographic image or the ability to capture with the lens something unseen by the eye. Some psychic photographers hold the camera to their third eye when taking the picture - some use the camera in the usual way. As well as capturing spirit the photographer might also capture orbs or flashes of the persons aura! Despite the world of photography having changed over the years still to this day - using digital cameras and mobile phones - many, many people capture not only still images but video footage of the unseen. Maybe you might be the next Ada Deane the photographer who took this image of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle in 1922 - himself one of the past presidents of the College of Psychic Studies! Go on give it a go ... smile for the burst now! #spiritualism #spirit #spiritphotgraphy #spiritphotograph #arthurconandoyle #collegeofpsychicstudies #orbs #edwincourtenay #thecunningman #wisewordsfromthecunningman #spiritlightgallery #ipssissimus #pagan #wicca #witch #spiritual #spiritualpagan #ascension #psychic #seer #channel #spellsinger #walkadour #warlock #collegeofpsychicstudies #healer #magick https://www.instagram.com/edwincourtenay/p/Bt9jDtLgYuM/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1exwydz6a4b6z
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edwincourtenay · 6 years
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What was once called a seance is now called a “contact ritual” it is a process whereby the medium connects the energy of the sitters together to boost their own power and pierce the veil - as it were. The medium would then either enter into Trance or reach out to spiritual clairvoyantly or clairaudiently. Sometime - if the medium were of that persuasion - physical phenomena might occur such as levitation or the manifestation of objects (aports) or ectoplasmic projections which would build into the forms of the deceased. Such rituals are now more a thing of the past - mental Mediumship taking the place of physical Mediumship and private sittings taking the places of the seance - however as time moves on maybe such rituals will re emerge transformed for our modern time into something new! I guess in truth only the spirit world knows!! #edwincourtenay #thecunningman #wisewordsfromthecunningman #spiritlightgallery #ipssissimus #pagan #wicca #witch #spiritual #spiritualpagan #ascension #psychic #seer #channel #spellsinger #walkadour #warlock #collegeofpsychicstudies #healer #magick #spirit #spiritualism #seance #ectoplasm #levitation #contactritual https://www.instagram.com/edwincourtenay/p/Bt66uKtApfo/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1gqzeubigrlo3
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edwincourtenay · 6 years
Cosmic Consciousness or Unity Consciousness as it was once known - is the state of mind and spirit achieved in meditation when we become “at one” with the Universe and/or greater world around us! It is often at first a state which is glimpsed rather than languished in. Rare moments of absorption in to the all that leave us crashing down to earth and singular consciousness with a bump and yet if we can experience it once we can most certainly experience it again and again until in time it becomes constant, natural and entire! It is both a reaching out and a surrendering to the whole, a letting fall our boundaries and a return to a state that was once natural, that we have come from. Empathy and compassion lead us to it but is is ultimately acceptance and surrender that allow us to remain and once there enables us to see and influence the universe from the perspective of Avatar - incarnation of divinity on Earth! From an original picture by #edwincourtenay of the ever inspirational @neiloflondon #ipssissimus #collegeofpsychicstudies #spiritlightgallery #hororscope #cosmic #consciousness #unity #meditation #cosmicconsciousness #neiloflondon #universe #cosmic #cosmos #muscle #body #fitness #bodybuilder #muscleman #muscular #masculine #psychic #spirit #magick #wicca #pagan https://www.instagram.com/p/BokZve9A_xu/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1vv0mxo827y1a
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edwincourtenay · 6 years
Just a little reminder .... #edwincourtenay #ipssissimus #spiritlightgallery #collegeofpsychicstudies @thecollegeofpsychicstudies #webinar #magick #wicca #witchcraft #pagan #spaceclearing #fungshui #psychicprotection #psychic #spiritual
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edwincourtenay · 6 years
My Magickal Space Clearing Webinar at the @thecollegeofpsychicstudies is rapidly approaching - here’s a brief introduction about what to expect - interested? For more details and to book go to www.collegeofpsychicstudies.co.uk #edwincourtenay #ipssissimus #spiritlightgallery #collegeofpsychicstudies #webinar #spaceclearing #magick #wicca #pagan #space #cleanse #paychic #spirit #spiritual #fungshui
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edwincourtenay · 4 years
This Sunday the 11th of October Crystal Magic - a zoom workshop for the College of Psychic Studies! We’ll be covering - crystal amulets and talismans - sacred spaces - the right way to wear crystals - working with stones from your own back yard - healing with sea shells - the angels, gods and spirits of crystals and much, much more!! Go to https://www.collegeofpsychicstudies.co.uk/events/view/id/1847/crystal-magic-online-workshop to book!! #crystals #crystalhealing #crystalmagic #magic #magik #wicca #pagan #angels #spirits #healing #collegeofpsychicstudies #edwincourtenay #zoom https://www.instagram.com/p/CF-kzPhBKk8/?igshid=671cays5gi0l
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edwincourtenay · 4 years
Just popping my head above the parapet (I’m still officially on my hols until Monday) to let you know about this exciting up and coming workshop!! CRYSTAL MAGICK with Edwin Courtenay Zoom workshop for the College of Psychic Studies Sunday the 11th of October - 11:00am - 4:00pm This workshop is perfect for those drawn to using crystals for themselves or others, no matter the depth of their previous experience - as well as those drawn to magic, folk lore and angels. Gemstones and minerals have been used in the practice of magic since the beginning of time - as amulets and talismans, ingredients within spells and in the practice of the creation of sacred space and magical healing. In this experiential workshop, Edwin Courtenay will share ancient magical techniques for using crystals, by drawing upon the wisdom and guidance of the Archangel of Gemstones and Minerals himself - Ochimanuel. Exploring … *The right and wrong way to wear stones *Working with stones found in the garden and on the beech Working with sea shells for emotional healing *How to use them to create a variety of sacred spaces for personal meditation, psychic protection and healing *Looking at magical forms of crystal grid work that can be used in Earth healing, invocation and the manifestation of your desires The workshop will have meditations, exercises and live trance channellings from Archangel Ochimanuel who will reveal hints and tips on how to magically liberate the infinite potential of your minerals and gemstones. *All you need to participate in this day of magic is a quartz crystal point* https://www.collegeofpsychicstudies.co.uk/search?q=Edwin+courtenay++ #crystals #crystalhealing #crystalmagic #magic #magick #magik #angels #archangels #edwincourtenay #wicca #pagan #ascension #seashells #healing #spiritualhealing #collegeofpsychicstudies https://www.instagram.com/p/CFxxCU2BWoV/?igshid=12sy13qu7sc4l
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