#colonel flag x y/n
barleyo · 1 year
Recom! Miles Quaritch X Fem! Reader
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A/N: I finished this is 3 hours, so this might seem a little rushed, but I am obsessed with this man in a life-consuming, unhealthy, scary way. I just feel the need to share the goings on of my mind with you all via my writing, so prepare for a LOT of Miles Quaritch posts. When I say a lot... I mean it.
Wordcount: 1.4k
TAGS: Age difference, phone sex, public masturbation, solo fem and male masturbation, mutual masturbation, voice fetish, sex pollen, phone sex with a stranger, interspecies relationship
Solo missions were not uncommon for Miles. Any one-man job immediately went to him, as a colonel he could hold his own, however, the forests of Pandora were not kind to lone wolves. Everything and anything out in the wild posed a threat, animals and natives. Plants.
He was confident in his physical abilities, and even though he didn’t like to admit it, he was ignorant to the flora and fauna of this world, so in his mind, everything was blended together into a pool of danger and death. Any sound in the still forest was a red flag to him, any leaf crunching or branch shifting caught his attention. That’s why he was so quick to turn around when a loud rustling of leaves sounded behind him.
“Ha!” Quaritch turned around, gun held up in defense, ready to shoot. He held the gun steadily as the sound continued. He slowly brought his gun back into its proper place, strapped over his bare, azure shoulder.
Just as his guard fell, a small wisp of color lunged past him, knocking him onto the forest floor. He looked up, not seeing the creature, whatever it had been. Pushing himself up, he noticed that he had touched a mushroom-like plant. It was bioluminescent, and left a powdery dust on his palm.
“This fuckin’ place,” he sighed, wiping the white dust off onto his cargos. His face scrunched up in discomfort  as an itching sensation ticked at his hand. He scratched at it to no avail. The feeling built quickly from a small itch to a flaming burn. 
The heat spread from his hands to his arms, then to his chest, and soon coated his entire body. It felt as if he were submerged into a body of boiling water like he was being cooked, simmered and stewed in a pot.
“What was that shit?” He groaned, feeling the slick of his sweat drench through his shirt. Quaritch dug through his pant’s pockets and grabbed his walkie talkie, speaking into the front of it. “Colonel to Blue Team, over.” The line was dangerously quiet, the only sound being the fizzing of the radio. “Blue Team? Lyle?” He cursed, not receiving a response. “Forgot how bad the connection was on these things.”
He smacked the device, hoping it would offer him a clear connection. With his slicked palms, he dropped the walkie talkie, muttering profanities to himself. He snatched it and held it to his ear as a final pathetic attempt to connect to his team. “Hello? Anyone there, for God’s sake?” 
To his surprise, there was an answer. Not just any answer, but a soft, clear one.
“Hello? Hello, are you there? This is (Y/N).” 
He shuddered. From relief, maybe, but the warmth spreading to his crotch pointed towards arousal. It confused him, this wasn’t the first time he’d heard a voice as beautiful as this one, but instead of dwelling on it, he frantically spoke back. 
“Yeah, ‘m here, Colonel Miles Quaritch, over.” His mouth was dry and his tongue felt far too large,
“Colonel? Uhm, well, what has you tuned into the lab department’s line? Can I help you?”
Such a beautiful voice, even for a science puke, he thought. “Damn radio won't connect to my team line, but I’m out in the middle of nowhere in this God forsaken forest. I fell on some weird mushroom lookin’ thing and now I’m so itchy and sweaty that I can’t even fuckin’ think straight,” he said into the device, “Hell, I can barely walk. It’s starting to hurt too.” He stretched the fingers on his aching palm, trying to soothe it. It did not work and the pain only shot through the rest of his body, just as the itching and burning had as well.
“Oh, Mr. Quaritch, I’m sorry to hear that,” the woman replied, urgency in her voice, “can you tell me what this ‘mushroom’ looked like more specifically?” There was a twinge of excitement in her voice that pissed him off.
“What’s that gonna do? Damn it, can you just put me on with my team?”
“Please, calm down. If I can figure out what you have interacted with, I can tell you how to fix it.”
He sighed. “I already told you, it was like a mushroom. It left this weird powdery shit on my hand.”
“Powder? Oh my,” she sucked in a breath, “Colonel, I’m going to ask you something, and I need you to answer me. Are you, uh, are you–”
“Miss, can you spit it out already? I don’t have time for this, if you’ve forgotten, I’m in the middle of fucking nowhere and sweating buckets right now.”
“Are you hard right now? Your– your dick, is it hard?”
Quaritch swallowed thickly, feeling the bulge in his pants twitch again.
“Yes, really hard. What does that have to do with anything?”
“The plant that you had touched, it is known to release pollen that arouses one to an extreme, if you do not satisfy yourself soon, the pain will be unbearable.” Miles could hear panic in the woman’s voice and the click of a door as if it were being locked. “You understand, don’t you, Colonel?”
“It’s already awful.” A groan reverberated in his chest as he spoke, “So I’m supposed to jerk myself off in the middle of the forest, right in the open?”
“I’m afraid so, please you must start now, the pain will be much worse without stimulation.” 
He nodded, even though he knew she would not know and unbuttoned his pants, pulled his boxers down, and freed his dick. It was striped, just like the rest of his Na’vi body that he was slowly getting used to. 
Miles nervously grabbed his own length. This wasn’t the first time he had touched himself in his Na’vi form, it was second nature to him now, but this was the first time he had done it out in the open, and the first time he had done it with a woman talking him through it. 
He pumped slowly, fucking his fist. He couldn’t help but imagine his hand being the warm, tight cunt of the woman on the other line. A trembling moan strained from his mouth as he picked up the pace, seeking more friction in his palm. “(Y/N)--”
“I’m still here, sir, don’t worry,” she said, comfortingly.
His face flushed with a purple tint, not realizing she was still there. Obviously she was still on the line, it’s not like she could just leave, he rationalized it in his head. “It still hurts so bad, darlin’, fucking my hand ain’t helping,” he groaned.
“Just try, you must do it. You must cum, Colonel, please. Do it for me,” she whispered into the walkie talkie, embarrassed yet aroused by her own words.
“Fuck,” he hissed, sharp teeth barring down. “Need ya’ to touch yourself too, not fair if it’s only me.” Pre-cum oozed from his fat, leaky tip, beading at his hole.
“O-oh, I’m not sure..” her hands rested on the band of her panties, undecidedly fiddling with the elastic. 
“Can’t cum unless you do it with me, missy, c’mon, need it bad.” His hips bucked into his hand again, moans catching in his throat.
(Y/N) hummed and slipped her hand into her pants. She slid the tips of her fingers through her wet folds, rubbing past her clit with gentle strokes. Focusing on the peaked bud, she drew tight, neat circles over it and felt her thighs try to close over her hand. “Oh, Christ, Mr. Quaritch, it feels good, mm.”
“I know, sweet girl, I know. Tell me when you’re ready, wanna cum with you.”
Lazily slowing down, Miles gave (Y/N) a chance to catch up with him. When he could hear breathy, needy moans from the line, he continued at his earlier pace, slamming his hips into his hand. Her whines were sweet to his ears, he could practically smell her, taste her. He threw his head back and huffed. 
“Close, ‘m really close.”
“Gonna cum, baby girl? C’mon, cum like you’d cum all over my cock,” he rutted into his fist, feeling his balls tighten and stomach coil.
“Yes, fuck, yes,” she drawled out a messy, noisy moan, “Cummin’ now, sir, ah–”
“Good job, baby,” he said through gritted teeth as he spilled his seed on the ground, fucking himself through his fading orgasm.
There was a long, comfortable silence on each line as they each caught their breath. Miles was the one to break the silence. 
“Thank you for helping out, bunny, but it just wasn’t enough. Still hurting. Gonna help me when I get back to base?”
“Yes, sir. Let me find some proper directions so you can come home.”
“Be ready for me when I get there, I wanna see you as soon as I get there, girl.”
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backmuscles21 · 6 months
As Long As You Can Share
Poly Recoms x Reader
Summary: You're the only recom doctor, once you met your patients you knew you were in for it. You wanted all of them, it just took one bold soldier for you to not be able to hold back. All the recoms had to share you and they were okay with that, even more okay with it when you told them what you ultimately wanted which they knew one day, they'd give you.
This took me so long to write, it's not even funny. I've had this in the works for months.
Warnings: smut, gangbang, threesome, foursome, semi-public sex, size kink, overstimulation, spit roasting, face fucking, face sitting, fingering, explicit language.
You held three Ph.D.s, two you got before you were sent to Pandora, and one you got once you were hired by the RDA. They hired you for your doctorates in medicine but once they found out about your interest in alien biology, they let you in on a more secret side of the RDA. They then started to teach you about the Na’vi and their biology, at least what they knew. You received half of your education on Earth with the RDA and then you were sent to space to learn the other half.
Once you had that third Ph.D. in Na’vi biology, you were a qualified doctor for the Na’vi. You started to learn on the job too, you started to piece together more and more and learn more. At this point you were 24 and held three PhDs, you felt very proud of yourself for achieving that on your own.
Then you were offered a new assignment.
You were to be the recom’s doctor.
It was a higher pay grade and would offer more experience, so you took it without really knowing what it entailed.
Seeing the recom soldiers up close was scary, they were tall, like real tall and they were extremely muscular. They could snap you in half in two seconds, part of you wanted them to, they were hot even for being blue.
“This is your doctor; she holds three PhDs. Two for medicine and one for Na’vi biology. She was a doctor before and now she’s one for your Na’vi bodies. You will treat her with respect and she is your only doctor. She is available for you 24/7, just give her a call.”
The head surgeon from the medical department announced you to the soldiers, you could feel them eyeing you up. You wanted to hide under baggy clothes the way you felt, their eyes were burning into your skin. The surgeon left and you stood there with the file he gave you before you both entered.
“Hi, my name is (y/n). As you’ve been told I’m your doctor. It will take me some time to remember everyone’s names, but I never forget a face. I will need to go over everyone’s files as well to ensure I know any previous medical problems. Although, you probably can already tell that if your body was hurting before, it isn’t anymore. You probably also can tell that your body is about twenty years old and I know that to be a corporal and a colonel takes years of experience. So, your once-decaying bodies are now brand new. You're pretty much deadly with all the experience you have in such a young body.”
You smiled up at them as you flicked through pages of files on the soldiers in front of you. They looked dumbfounded, you just proved you were more than a pretty face and could handle your own. You earned their respect without even trying, the soldiers couldn’t believe that you were as smart as you were. You looked at each person’s files, ensuring that you matched the name and the face. You’d look down for a moment and read then flick your head up to each different person.
“I will have to get some blood work done; we have samples I just need to read through everything. So far, no red flags, which is good. Everyone is cleared for duty, also good. None of the other scientists put up any red flags. I would like to do a one-on-one with each person at some point to talk through some things and ensure I have any concerns you guys have noted. We have all your human medical files as well, so don’t think I don’t know how you were before.”
You pointed at them and smiled as you walked out of the room.
“God, is it just me or is she hot, like hot hot,” Lopez said.
“Not just you, bro,” Prager said with a smirk.
“Would you just shut up, no one hits on that doctor. You’d tear the poor girl apart with how tiny she is,” Zdog rolled her eyes and pushed Lopez lightly on the arm.
“I could be into that,” Fike shrugged.
“How about you all shut up,” Miles said while Zdog rolled her eyes again.
“Sorry colonel,” some of the boys said.
The next day you started to call the recoms in for a one-on-one with you, just to gather more information on them and any concerns they had. Some worried about things they dealt with as a human coming back, you told them what you knew. There was a possibility of it never returning as the Na’vi DNA may never allow it to but if it did come back, you’d treat it. Most were comforted by what you told them; they didn’t like the diet they had to follow though.
Their avatar bodies couldn’t handle as much sugar as normal human bodies could, their digestive tract worked differently, they couldn’t stomach human food that well either.
However, one physical stood out to you, you were talking with Zdog. You talked to her about her past and how she felt now, you asked her questions about her body. You had her take her shirt off and you traced your hand on her muscular arms and back. You were feeling how her muscles striated to ensure she wasn’t having muscle cramps like she talked about.
“You haven’t even bought me dinner first doc,” She smirked.
Your one finger traced up her forearm to her bicep and you smiled up at her.
“I wanted to get the second base first,” you winked at her.
“Did you just want to feel me up or is there another reason?”
“Hm, I mean I am checking to see how your muscles lay so you don’t get cramps, but I am enjoying this.”
“I can flex if you want, I know you’d enjoy that.”
“I’m okay. I don’t need to change quite yet, I just barely got dressed.”
“Hm, baby, all you had to do was ask and I’d take ‘em off for ya.”
You felt your body heating up, you told yourself you wouldn’t get with them, but you couldn’t deny how good this felt.
“Okay, it seems like your muscles lay fairly flat, but if they keep spasming, just come in and I can massage it.”
Zdog sat back down on the recom-sized bed and you went to grab your notes but before you could Zdog picked you up and placed you on her lap. Your knees bent and placed on either side of her legs; you were spread open for her.
“I quite like you sitting like this and how red your face is.”
She moved your hips forward and back lightly, your eyebrows twitched and she smiled down at you. She moved in to kiss you and you turned your head away, you were nervous. She kissed your neck instead; she could feel you squirm on top of her as she did. She kissed up your neck to your cheek then finally kissed your lips, her finger held your head in place so you couldn’t shy away.
“I told myself I wouldn’t get involved with you guys.”
“Who said anything about anyone more than me?”
Your eyebrows furrowed and you looked away, her fingers moved your head back to look at her.
“What is it, pretty girl?”
“I’m going to tell you something and you can’t tell a single fucking goddamn soul. Is it bad that I’ve been thinking about you guys gang-banging me?”
She laughed, “oh pretty girl, the boys would love to hear that. They talk about you nonstop. Although, I do kinda just want you to myself.”
“Then I’m all yours.”
“As long as you can share.”
“I have to share with those idiots.”
“Yes, but not yet. You had the guts to get me on top of you so you get first dibs. Until they ask me, it’s just you.”
“Pretty girl, I’m so happy. Fuck. I didn’t think I’d ever taste another pussy ever again.”
You snorted out a laugh at that, “you hang around boys too much.”
And that is how it started, Zdog now had insider knowledge about you and she would occasionally leave to go see you without saying anything to anyone else. She would go to your lab and eat you out like her life depended on it, she fingered you like it was the last thing she’d ever do. You loved that girl so much, but you also longed for the soldiers, you’d look at them when you went in to check up on the other recoms. You wanted to throw yourself at them but they had to approach you and only then would you tell them about you and Zdog.
Next was Lyle Wainfleet, he couldn’t hold himself back, he wanted to talk to you for so long. Then he got his wish, he got a chance to visit you and talk to you and it wouldn’t feel awkward. He was being stupid and happened to slice his arm open.
At two in the morning.
He held a towel over the cut as he went to your room, you told them where it was so that at night time they could come and see you if they got hurt or something happened. You were a doctor, you were used to being on call, not to mention you were their only doctor.
You heard a knock at your door, it woke you up, you heard the knock again and you stood up out of bed and grabbed a sweater and answered the door. Lyle looked at you, he could tell you just woke up. Your hair was slightly messy, you were in your pajamas and you were rubbing your eyes.
“Sorry to wake you but I uhh.”
“Oh my God, Lyle,” you opened the door and ushered him into your room.
“Sit on the bed,” you grabbed your first aid kit from your bathroom and ran over to him.
You took your sweater off and tied back your hair, you washed your hands and put gloves on, you took the towel off and wiped the area around the wound. It kept oozing blood, you placed several gauze pads on the wound, hoping it would help stop the blood flow.
“You’ll be okay, I think you’ll need some stitches, it's hard to say now with all the blood. You’ll get a cool scar too.”
“I’m always down to have a sick scar. I’m always in need of pretty ladies asking me where they are from,” Lyle winked at you.
“Where did you get it from?” You smiled up at him.
“I was being stupid. Throwing my knife around, testing out my reflexes.”
“That is pretty stupid.”
“You’re not even gonna try and make me feel better.”
“Sorry, can’t give you lollipops.”
“Well, maybe you have something else I can suck on?” Lyle wiggled his brows.
“Oh my God, you’re gonna be the death of me.”
“I hope not, I haven’t even gotten to take you out.”
“You wanna take me out?”
“Of course, buttercup. I can’t let my favourite girl be all alone.”
“Well, I haven’t exactly been alone.”
“What do you mean? You got some boyfriend we don’t know about?”
You laughed, “no, but Zdog beat you to the punch.”
“You mean to tell me, my teammate got to you first? Fuck and I was banking on you really having a thing for me.”
“I do and you’re lucky I made Zdog share.”
“What are you saying?”
“I want all of you. Just wanted you guys to ask me. And you took your fucking sweet ass time.”
“Well, how long ago did you and Zdog start?”
“Hm, about two weeks ago.”
“So, like when you started basically.”
“Yeah, pretty much.”
“Fuck, she’s got some big balls.”
“Bigger than yours I bet.”
“We’ll measure one day.”
You laughed, “I’ll hold you to that. She’s been real fucking good though. I’ll tell ya, none of the boys I’ve been with before hold a candle to her. She is amazing with her tongue.”
“Are you trying to make me hard?”
“God, you are so fucking pretty,” Lyle said as he grabbed your face and brought you close to his.
“You can kiss me after I stitch your arm, kay.”
“Sure thing, doc.”
Once the bleeding slowed significantly, you cleaned the area and stitched him a few times in the middle of the cut. Lyle handled it like a big boy and took the pain of your stitching him up and cleaning it out. You placed new gauze on the wound and wrapped his arm up.
“There. Good as new,” you said as you started to clean up the area.
You threw out the packaging and your gloves and placed the needle off to the side to be disinfected. You packed up your kit and put it back and then washed your hands and walked back to Lyle sitting on your bed. You stood in between his legs; his hands rested on your hips.
“Didn’t get to tell you this earlier but your pajamas are cute.”
You only then looked down and realized you were wearing pajama pants that sat low on your hips and a cropped tank top showing a decent amount of cleavage.
“Your skin is so warm and you're so small. Like my hands wrap around your hips like nothing.”
You leaned down and kissed him, his one hand rested on the back of your head the other kneaded the flesh of your butt. When you pulled away, Lyle looked down at you with his classic smirk. His hand on your head moved back to your hip, and from there it moved to the front of your pajama pants. His hand slipped down the front of it, your eyes never left each other’s. Lyle let out a faint fuck when his finger slipped inside your pussy.
You let out a small whimper, you could tell he knew what he was doing, he had experience from before. You gripped his forearm and avoided his injured arm by grabbing his hand just trying to keep yourself quiet, he knew what you were doing.
“You want the other to know, then stop keeping yourself quiet,” Lyle said quietly to you.
You furrowed your brows again, you started to let out your small breathy moans. Occasionally you would whimper and Lyle’s smile would get wider. You moved to sit on his lap, your legs were barely supporting you as it is.
Now you were seeing two people, every now and then you’d spend nights with them or during appointments you’d usually be a little more loving with them than the others.
Next, was Alexander Ja and it happened totally out of the blue, he was a lot more ballsy than any of the others so far. He was in for an appointment, his shoulder was bad again, something about the way he was lifting in the gym. He didn’t really understand the muscle system as well and needed your input, you had him move it a few ways and see how it moved.
You could tell it was his wrist that was weak and causing his shoulder to take the load. You were massaging it for him and told him what exercises to do to help strengthen his wrist. As you massaged his shoulder and back and neck and arm a little, he knew he was in trouble. He moved his other arm to cover the front of his pants, he was getting hard just from you touching him. Grabbed your wrists and turned himself around to face you, you looked at him in his eyes trying to figure out what was happening.
As you opened your mouth to ask him what was wrong, he moved in and kissed you. You, of course, kissed back, your hands wrapped around his neck. He pulled you close up to his body, he forgot all about how hard he was and when it touched you, you looked down.
“Baby, is this all for me?”
He curled in on himself, he was embarrassed, his cheeks tinged purple.
“Don’t be embarrassed baby, I’ve been waiting.”
“Waiting?” His ears moved and he looked back up at you.
“I’ve been wanting to be with you guys for a long time.”
“What do you mean by you guys?”
“All the recom soldiers,” you said bashfully.
“Wait, who have you slept with so far?”
“Zdog then Lyle. Only those two so far. I’m waiting for you guys to ask me. I want it to be natural.”
“So, I’m third then?”
“Yes, you are. I was waiting for when the next one of you got some balls and started something.”
“I can’t wait to tell the other guys.”
“Don’t. Not yet. I want them to find out after they ask. I asked Z and Lyle to keep it airtight.”
“I mean talk has been going around about how Lyle and Z seem happier and how they sneak out a lot. Do they know you’re seeing someone else?”
“I told them they had to share. I want all of you. I told Z that I want you all to fuck me.”
Ja laughed, “you don’t come across as that fuckin’ horny to me.”
“I just want you to all gang-bang me. Like how on earth did I fall for an entire team of reincarnated soldiers in bodies that are huge compared to mine? And blue.”
“We can be gentle. We will take care of you.”
“I don’t doubt that.”
“Plus, I do know how to help you if we happen to hurt you.”
“Good point, but maybe I want to be thrown around by you guys.”
“Man, does Lyle know how kinky you are?”
“We’ve dabbled.”
“Fuck, I can’t wait till they all start to get all up on you.”
Once you and Ja started to hang out, it didn’t take long for Fike and Prager to find out. Those three were closer to each other than the others so of course Ja was going to spill to them after they pressed him.
Now you had Fike and Prager knock at your door at three in the morning, you were up looking through files even though you shouldn’t have. You were in your pajamas, eyeliner smudged all over your eyes from rubbing them. You had your pen shoved into your messy bun that was in the process of falling out, and you were chewing on your highlighter. The knock on the door made your head lift up and you sat up straight, you pushed your chair out and you stood up, walking towards your door.
When you opened your door, you were faced with two large blue men, you looked up at them and smiled, not even remembering how you looked.
“Shouldn’t you guys be sleeping?”
“We should be saying that to you,” Fike said as he leaned against the door frame.
“You could but I’m doing work, even if I shouldn’t.”
“I mean, you look like a hot mess so you probably should get some sleep.”
You started to say what as you sunk back into your room to look in the mirror, “oh my God, I’m a disaster.”
“You’re still cute, baby. Don’t worry,” Fike winked at you.
“I have smudged eyeliner all over my eyes. I look like a raccoon.”
“A pretty one.”
“Stop. You said it yourself. I’m a hot mess. What are you guys doing here anyways?”
“We got some information from Ja,” Prager finally spoke.
“He squealed, didn’t he?”
“How much do you guys know?”
“Everything. Like how you wanna be fucked by all of us. Let me tell ya, that had me going right away,” Fike said.
“So, let me guess. You guys want in too then?”
“Obviously,” Fike smirked pushing you lightly back into your room.
“Are you guys all into me or something? I mean I wanted you all but I didn’t think I’d get it.”
“We are soldiers and not many humans around here want us like this. Except you. We still want to be with a human and God you are gorgeous,” Prager said as his hand cupped your cheek.
“Well, I hope Ja told you everything because you guys do have to share.”
“We can share. If Lyle’s been doing it then it can’t be that hard,” Fike said moving to stand next to Prager looking down at you.
You had to stop yourself from laughing.
“So, is this what you’re into? Fucking blue aliens twice the size of you?” Fike asked.
“Not necessarily. It’s the dominating aura mostly and the height thing.”
“Knew it,” Fike looked at Prager with a smirk.
“You do realize these bodies are bigger everywhere. There is no way you can take us,” Prager said looking worried.
“Maybe not, but I’m willing to try. I like how much smaller I am compared to you guys. Like your hand is the size of my torso and Z barely has to do anything with her tongue to get me to-“ you stopped your rambling and looked down, blushing a little.
“Wanna finish that sentence sweetheart?” Fike said taking his finger and placing it under your chin and pushing your head up slightly to look at him.
Fike was smirking like a madman, it made you smile just knowing he was getting a kick out of this.
“I haven’t had any penetration from you guys yet. I know Lyle keeps trying and I’ll be honest I’m nervous. I’ve studied Na’vi biology, I know what you guys are packing. I’ve just done hand stuff and mouth stuff. I’m nervous of the pain I guess, I’m nervous that I’ll find out I actually can’t take you.”
“Not to worry babe, I’ve seen this porn where the girl takes a lot and I mean a lot,” Fike looked so serious.
“I don’t think you're helping,” Prager said.
“I want to. Just not yet. Now, which one of you wants first dibs?”
Fike wasted no time in picking you up by your armpits until you were face to face with him, he picked you up like you were nothing and your legs wrapped around his torso. He kissed you with passion like he was dying and your lips were the cure. His hand ran up the back of your shirt, his fingers felt heavenly against your skin. Prager joined in behind you and was kissing up your neck, you pulled away from Fike and kissed Prager. Your neck turned to the side and Prager moved to kiss your lips, Fike barely stopped, he moved right into sucking down your neck. Prager’s hands gripped your hips and Fike’s stay buried under your tank top.
“Hey, Fike are you in here Colonel’s got us – what’s going on?”
You guys never heard the door open, even with Prager and Fike’s good hearing they didn’t either. It was Mansk, he came looking for the absentee soldiers and never expected he’d be walking in on this.
“You wanna taste?” Fike looked at Mansk with a smirk.
“I don’t know,” Mansk replied dumbfounded.
“Come on, pretty much everyone else is already in on it. And look how desperate she is. Pretty much begging for us to make her ours.”
“We can’t do that. She’s too little.”
“You’ll turn her on if you keep saying that.”
“She looks pretty turned on already.”
“Come on, just one little kiss and she’s all yours. Don’t pretend like you don’t want her like you’re not so desperately horny.”
“It’s just one simple kiss,” Prager finally joined in on the conversation.
“I want this Mansk, don’t hold yourself back. I’m here for you for all of you.”
Mansk didn’t reply he just steadily walked over and Prager moved away to allow Mansk into his position. You smiled at Mansk as he got close to you, you reached your hands up and pushed his glasses up and onto the top of his head. You smiled at him and leaned closer to him, you pressed your lips to his and kept your hands on the sides of his head.
“I have been, wanting to do that for such a long time. Having you touch me and having to look at you. It was killing me. But now I have you,” Mansk said resting his forehead on yours.
“Yes, you do. As long as you can share.”
“Share with who? These two?”
“No, pretty much your whole team besides Walker and Lopez.”
“I’m surprised Lopez hasn’t already come begging at your feet.”
“Honestly me too. He gives me fuckboys vibes. Thought he’d be before Lyle.”
“Who was first?”
“Really. Doesn’t surprise me as much as I feel though, she is super ballsy.”
“So, now that we’re all a part of the club, what do we do?”
“Think of me like your girlfriend that you share with multiple people. Do whatever you want.”
“Wait, actually?” Fike asked.
“Yeah, what did you think I was doing? Using you guys for my own pleasure? The other day Lyle came in here asking me to give him head ‘cause he was too tired to do anything himself. This is a two-way thing; care about me as much as I care about all of you. Well, I want to be with all of you, I wouldn’t say I love any of you yet. I wouldn’t be upset if it got to be that way, but this is more than sex. I don’t mind helping you out if you want it or just talking if that’s what you need.”
“God, how did we get so lucky to have you as our doctor,” Prager said resting his chin on your head.
“I’m just weird, I wouldn’t say you guys are lucky.”
“When are you telling the others?” Mansk asked.
“I don’t want to tell them; I want them to come to me. I want it to be natural not forced. The way you found out is less than ideal but I don’t regret it, I wanted you to be a part of this just on your own terms.”
“I did decide, a long time ago, just didn’t have the guts.”
“It’s okay, I know I’m scary.”
“You are the furthest thing from scary,” Prager chuckled.
“I’m super mean and tough. Just you wait.”
“Now I’m really scared.”
“You should be, I know how to tease.”
“You sure do.”
Now, the next person to find out more or less found out a while ago and just waited for the right opportunity. Walker saw you sneak into Zdog’s room many times to count, she liked to watch as you walked in and left a few hours later. She would listen to the both of you talk, and talk less about medical stuff and more about how much you loved each other. She would listen to you both giggle then listen to your muffled moans, listen to Zdog eat your pussy and her telling you to keep quiet.
She would be lying if she said it didn’t turn her on to hear you both, she wanted in, she just had to wait till the right moment. She heard you and Zdog talking earlier about you coming to her again, she picked up enough to know that when you were coming here that meant Zdog was giving. She knew you had to wear the oxygen mask when you came into the recom areas, but if Zdog was going to your room then she was receiving more than likely.
She could just imagine how it would feel to have your tiny mouth on her, Zdog was one lucky bitch.
She sat in the common room and waited for you to sneak your way in, like a little mouse. As she heard you punch in the door code, she could feel herself smirking. She watched as you slowly walked over to Zdog’s door, you were about halfway when she spoke up.
“Look at the little mouse scurrying around.”
You stopped dead in your tracks and looked at Walker sitting on the couch, she was smirking.
“Come here.”
You stood there like a dead fish; you didn’t know what to do but slowly walked over. You knew Zdog would be expecting you soon, but you were here just not with her, she’d understand. You stood in front of Walker and she looked at you and smiled, she grabbed your hips and pulled you down to sit on her thigh. Walker leaned forward and put her lips by your ear.
“See, isn’t this a much better spot than Zdog’s bed?”
Fuck, this girl was fucking you dumb and she wasn’t even fucking you, you felt like you couldn’t even speak, you felt naïve, like for once you didn’t have control over what was happening. Walker grabbed your hips and slowly started to move them back and forth, your eyebrows furrowed as you pursed your lips together to keep quiet.
“I know you’re enjoying yourself. Just warming you up for Z. I have heard you talking about being shared with the others in the team.”
You nodded your head slowly at first then sped up, your brain felt slow, she was doing something to you no one ever could, she was making you shut your mouth and take orders.
“Move your hips on your own.”
Again, you nodded and started to move your hips back and forth, gripping her arms as you did.
“Can’t believe all I had to do to get you wrapped around my finger was to get you off.”
“She’s not that easy.”
Both you and Walker turned your heads to look in the direction of Zdog’s bedroom, Zdog stood by the door frame, just shutting her door as she walked over to you both.
“You stole my girl,” Zdog said.
“I thought she didn’t belong to anyone. If anything, she’s ours.”
“She was supposed to be with me tonight.”
“Well, now she’s with us and I have to say, her riding my thigh, I get why you guys like her so much.”
“Wait till she's under you, then she gets real cute.”
“She’s already a mess and we’ve barely started. How does any of the guys get work done knowing she’s around?”
“I don’t know, ‘cause I know I don’t.”
“You guys make me sound horrible,” you whimpered out.
“You are baby, you make all of us hate doing anything else,” Zdog said.
“Why don’t we get comfy in Zdog’s room, that way we get no intruders.”
“Pretty much everyone knows,” you said.
“Yeah, but we want you to ourselves,” Walker said picking you up.
Lastly was Lopez, now he was a little different, he is probably the worst after Lyle in terms of horniness. However, that man was raised right, he wanted to wait till he saw interest from you and then wine and dine you. But after some time, that man shot his shot, the smile you gave him made him nervous like he did something wrong. He was sat on the table in the recom medical room, he felt defeated.
“I’ve been waiting. You’re lucky I had some of your team to keep me company in the meantime.”
“You have! Wait did you say team?”
“Well, you’re the last to know, so basically, I told Z that I wanted you all to fuck me gang-bang style and then it kinda went from there.”
“You had me had at gang-bang.”
“Well now that you know I can be extremely open ‘cause it was kinda killing me.”
“So, I can be very open with you in the recom-only areas.”
“You can be open with me where ever you damn well please. Except, keep it professional if my boss is around.”
“So, I could just,” Lopez grabbed you and pulled you into him and lifted you up and kissed you.
Your legs wrapped around his waist and your lips moved together. His large hand held your back and one rested under your butt to help keep you up, your hands wrapped around his neck and played with his braid a little.
Now everyone knew.
But wait, I know what you’re thinking, where’s the colonel, he’s our daddy so where he at?
Well, the first time you met all the recoms you were doing some checkups on them and trying to attach names to faces. The second Miles looked at you, he was down bad, like really bad. He went to your office later that day and just walked in.
Your head flicked up and you smiled, “hello colonel, what can I do for you?”
“Stand up.”
“I said, stand up.”
You slowly stood and faced him, your head almost tilting all the way back to look at his eyes. He grabbed you from your armpits and lifted you up to stand on your office chair, your hand grabbed his forearms as he lifted you.
It was at this point you knew you were fucked, that slight tinge of wanting to get with one of the recoms just turned tenfold. You knew you wanted to be gang-banged by all of them, just him lifting you up made you thirst for them.
You held onto the colonel’s arms as you stood on your soft rollie desk chair, you still only came up to his pecs.
“Can I help you with something Colonel?”
“You’re so fucking oblivious to all the stares you got in there. You’re so blind to how fucking gorgeous you are.”
“Colonel I –“
“Miles. Call me Miles.”
“Miles? What are you getting at?”
Then he kissed you, he had his hands on your body and you kissed back, you couldn’t lie, he was good-looking even in a Na’vi body.
“I want to be with all of you guys,” you said mindlessly as your lips pulled apart.
“What do you mean?”
“All the recoms. I want all of you guys.”
“Look who’s greedy now.”
“Just to be fucked by all of you at once, ugh.”
Miles smiled at you, his grin was big and wide, “I can make that happen. Luckily, we can share. Once everyone else is on board then we can get started.”
That was how that first day went, you now knew what you wanted and the colonel was all good with it. As you started to get different soldiers confessing to you, you and Miles would still meet up and have time for each other. So many times, you met up and ended with his lips on yours with his hand down your pants or his mouth on your pussy. After the orgasms he gave you, you’d try your best to suck him off with your mouth as small as it is or use your hands as small as they were. There’d be times when you narrowly missed having the other recoms catch you with him, like the night Fike and Prager came by. You were only up so late doing work because Miles came by and distracted you for some time.
Now you found yourself being very open, all the soldiers thought everyone knew but the colonel, boy were they wrong.
“All we have to do is tell the colonel,” Ja said as you sat on his lap next to Prager.
“Regardless, everyone knows so now you can be very open. Lyle has adapted well. He likes to sit me on the countertop and make out with me, he truly couldn’t care less.”
“Lyle is always like that. He and the colonel are close, he could handle the heat,” Ja replied holding back a laugh.
“And you can’t?” Prager said.
“No, the colonel is just, I don’t know, intimidating.”
“Glad to know you find me intimidating.”
Prager and Ja turned their heads around to see the colonel leaning against the wall smiling, Miles moved to sit across from you and the boys.
“Come here,” Miles said.
As Ja went to give you to Prager so he could get possibly reprimanded, you ran over to the colonel and straddled his lap. The colonel’s large hands fell to your hips, his hands slightly moved to squeeze your butt cheeks a little. Ja and Prager’s mouths were wide open, they couldn’t believe that he knew and you were that obedient to him.
The team knew you to be submissive and have an attitude, you were bratty when you wanted to be. You knew how to push their buttons to get them to be rougher with you, that’s how you wanted it. But them seeing you do exactly as the colonel said was new to them, they hadn’t seen you with Walker yet though.
“Baby, how long has the colonel known?” Prager asked calmly with his hands together and elbow resting on his knees while looking down.
You turned your head around to smile at them, “he was the first. He started it.”
“How did you get her so obedient?” Ja asked.
“I’m the colonel how else,” Miles smiled then looked down at you, “I didn’t know you were bratty to the others.”
“You have a commanding aura that I can't help but get off to so, I can’t help but submit. But, I do need my fun.”
Soon enough all the recom knew and they didn’t hide that they were fucking you, they loved to be crass sometimes. You’d come in to take a look at them and you’d have Lopez smacking your ass as you walked by or have Walker lift you up and place you on the kitchen counter to kiss you. Before getting stopped by Mansk telling her not to finger fuck you where they prepare food.
It only got worse, or better, they liked to walk down very public hallways with you. You watched people’s eyes move up the recom you were with and then to you, their faces would look at you with different emotions but always the same three.
Or bewilderment.
The recoms didn’t see it, or if they did, they didn’t talk about it. It didn’t bother you, if anything it made you chuckle. You liked that they looked nervous around you, you liked that they held fear. You would always watch as their eyes went to your hand which was wrapped around two of their fingers. That’s when they held fear, seeing that you were possibly more than professional with them. You liked it even more when you hadn’t washed your hair in a few days so it was up leaving your neck open for the world. The same neck that was riddled with hickies and bites that could only be from the Na’vi teeth, it just added fuel to the fire.
The hard part to explain was how you were always with a different recom, people wondered why you were acting romantic with all of the recoms. They didn’t understand, they didn’t know, they never would, they just saw that you were always holding a different recom’s hand, both the women and the men. It got better when you were with a few of them or a group, the looks were so much clearer, like they couldn’t hold back their astonishment.
You loved being with them and you loved the stares you got even more; you were just wanting for that one thing.
The gang bang.
What you’ve been wanting this whole time, the reason you started to take interest in them.
“Miles?” You asked as he sat in his office.
His head flicked up as he looked at you, a smile started on his face, “what do you need, cupcake?”
You bit your bottom lip, you were nervous to say it, you wanted to say it so badly. A smile crept up onto your face, you felt it getting hot, your teeth let go of your lip as you smiled wider thinking about it.
“I want you all to fuck me.”
He looked surprised, “really? Are you sure you’re ready for that?”
“Yeah. I mean I think, but I want it.”
“We can try. I know the others want it. If it gets to be too much we can always stop.”
“I mean we’ve done other stuff as a group and individually. I should be able to take it.”
“Baby you’ve never taken us fully. You know how big we can be. I don’t want you to take too much. Especially, there are a lot of us taking each one of us can be a lot.”
“I can do it. Actually, Walker and Z have been trying to get my stamina up for this exact reason.”
“They have, have they?”
“Yeah, I’ve been wanting this since day one. I want to experience it.”
“I know sweetheart. I’m willing to give it to ya, just know the consequences.”
“So, is tonight good then? Everyone else should be okay with that. Everyone will be in their rooms, I don’t know exactly where we should – you know, but I’m good with whatever.”
“Don’t worry about it, I’ll handle it.”
Later that night, all the recoms finished their workouts and showered and were lounging in their rooms. You were getting some last-minute work done before you’d head into the recom-only room. Only to get a knock on your office door, you stood up and walked to the door and opened it. There stood all of the recoms, your mouth was slightly ajar, you didn’t expect them to come here.
“We thought here was better for you. In your element, quite literally,” Lyle smirked as he walked in first.
You closed the door once they all entered, and you laughed as they all were drinking you in.
“So, we doing this?”
You nodded with a smile.
Lyle picked you up first, he sat you on one of the recom medical beds, your legs were so far off the floor. Lyle took your black heels off and let them fall to the floor, he then pushed your lab coat off your shoulders.
“Stop playing around. Let’s get to the good part,” Fike said.
“This is the good part, watching her squirm,” Lyle said with a smirk.
“Awe, look her face is going all red,” Zdog said with a degrading baby voice.
“Please just take my clothes off Lyle,” you said slightly whimpering.
“Nah uh uh. This is fun. Watching you beg and whine. We know what you want and we intend to give it to you. in due time,” Lyle said with a smirk.
Your eyebrows furrowed as you whined, your hips ground into the tabletop a few times. You were desperate, you knew that and they were toying with you. you watched them smirk at you and stare at you and every now and again they would breathe through their mask before dropping it back around their necks.
“You keep playing like that and you’ll be watching tonight princess.”
“No, please, Lyle just do something, I’m so fucking horny.”
“I know baby girl; I can smell it.”
That made you whine out, Lyle's large hand rested on your thigh as he stared at you and smirked at you. His hand slowly crept up to remove your shirt, your body instantly pushed into his palm. You saw a few of the soldiers take a seat in recom-sized chairs around the room, and a few decided to stand just to be really close to the main event. The soldiers moved the chairs closer to the table you were sitting on and sat around you like they were watching their favourite show.
You saw a few guys already unzip their pants and take their half-hard cocks out and start stroking them. You expected them to be big, but they were really big, even the smallest here was still too big.
You felt Lyle unzip the zipper on the side of your pencil skirt, he unzipped it but didn’t take it off.
“Lyle, please anything just – I can’t take it.”
Your body was rolling closer to him, you wanted more touch, more anything.
“Awe look at the poor girl, so hot and bothered and no one to help her out,” Zdog stood right next to Lyle.
She smirked down at you; her hand was on your cheek before dropping to your collarbone. Her finger lifted your chin up to look at her, her smile made you even wetter you swore. Her hand lifted off your skin and the next thing you felt was her hand going down your stomach and touching your clit. You whined out at the contact, but she didn’t move her fingers. Her smirk made you whimper, she knew what she was doing, she was torturing you more than Lyle was.
“Just fucking move, please. I need it so badly, please Z.”
“Your pleas and your begging are hard to resist but I don’t give up so easily.”
Your body started to try and move against her fingers, she wasn’t going to be so nice this time. She pinned you onto your back, your breath was rapid but God that only served to turn you on more.
“Baby, baby, baby. Behave and tonight will go as planned,” Zdog said as she kissed your forehead.
“Get me off and I’ll behave,” your bratty side was coming out.
Lyle slapped your hip, nothing hard but enough to shock you, “play nice. We’ve barely started.”
“I just wanna fucking cum.”
“Oh, you will baby. You’ll be begging us to stop,” Lyle said as he picked you up.
Zdog moved slightly and took her hand off you, Lyle pulled your skirt and panties off at once and laid you back down onto your stomach. He unclasped your bra and lifted your torso up slightly to pull it off you, he let your body drop that short distance.
“Now who wants first dibs?” Lyle asked with a smirk.
“Prepare her first, she might be dripping but she’s still tight,” Miles said as he leaned forward on his chair.
You knew he’d be controlling things tonight; he couldn’t help it; he’d always be in charge.
“Aye aye captain,” Lyle said as he dropped to his knees and ate you out.
Your hands clutched the foam bed, you ripped and crumpled the wax paper resting on the bed. The recoms watched your face as your brows furrowed and you slammed your eyes shut, your whines were making them eager. You were crying from the overstimulation, he was good with his mouth but you knew that already, you wanted the good stuff.
“Someone just fuck me already. I’m prepped enough, just give it to me.”
“Don’t come crying to me when you’re crying from not being stretched out enough,” Lyle said pulling away from your pussy.
“Ja, Prager, you two go first. One of your fucks her mouth, she won’t last many rounds and she won’t be able to take two of you at once,” Miles said as he leaned back in his chair.
You had a feeling he got off on telling people what to do and being extra authoritative, you could see how hard he was, the bulge in his pants was huge. He wasn’t even touching himself; he wasn’t even resting his hand on it. Thinking about how big he was and how restrained he was made you arch your back; he was smiling slightly as he saw you staring at him. That smug fucker knew what he was doing, he could get you off on his commanding tone and words alone and he fucking knew it.
“On it boss,” Prager said as he stood.
Ja stood as Lyle stepped back and Ja took his position, Prager moved by the table and he repositioned you so you could suck his dick and Ja could still fuck your brains out. Prager took hold of your hips well Ja went by your head; his large hand swept your hair back and he unbuttoned his pants. Looking right at Ja’s cock, it looked so much bigger right by your eyes, you opened your mouth when the tip hit your lips.
Before you took Ja’s cock into your mouth, Prager was fingering you, you were wet enough, he just wanted to ensure you were stretched enough. He pressed the tip to your small hole and slowly started to press in, he moved so slowly. He wanted to just thrust his hips with reckless abandon but he had to be considerate of you, he had to ensure you got used to him as he pushed inside.
You cried out as he got further in, the stretch was too much but it felt so good. Your hands gripped the table, Prager was still only halfway in and you were crying out, a few tears escaped your eyes. At this point, Ja pushed his cock into your open mouth, silencing your whimpers. Your mouth was small and you didn’t take a lot of Ja into your mouth, but you knew what you were doing. You brought your arms up to fondle his balls and the other stroked his shaft, your tongue was mainly focusing on stimulating the tip.
Ja was moaning out at the stimulation you were giving him, which made you feel good knowing that he was able to get off even with your tiny body. Prager on the other hand, still hadn’t bottomed out, he was close. When his hips finally hit your butt, he stayed buried deep inside you just waiting for you to calm down and adjust to how big he was.
When he finally decided to start moving out a little, your body was instantly reacting, your moans were just making Ja closer. You wrapped your lips around your teeth, your mouth was open as wide as it could go. You could barely feel Ja twitch in your tongue; however, Prager was pulling out further and pushing back in. You gripped the bed under you with all your might, your fingers ripped at the wax paper set out on the bed. Prager was getting faster and pulling out till the tip was the only thing inside, he thrusted back in with more force causing you to take Ja deeper as you were thrusted forward.
You felt so stuffed just from being spit-roasted, you knew Ja would come first, you could feel it. Prager was still thrusting into you harder; you knew he was close too. Every time he pushed in, he would push in deep and stay still for a moment, like he was expecting to fill you with his cum. He wouldn’t stop his ruthless pace; it made it easier to suck Ja off at least.
You felt Ja’s cum fill your mouth and fall down your throat, you felt it come out the sides of your mouth and drip down your chin and neck, there was so much, too much. Ja pulled out of your mouth and suddenly the room was filled with your strangled cries, you kept moaning out loudly just from Prager’s heavy thrusting. He came so deep in you; he probably was pushing past your cervix every time. You felt a few tears fall down your cheeks just from him cumming inside.
You probably would’ve cum yourself if you weren’t so busy taking in all the new feelings of them. You didn’t care that Prager didn’t make you cum because you had so much more to take.
Walker came up next, she didn’t even wait for the colonel to give an order. Once Prager pulled out, she immediately took his spot, she pretty much just shoved him over and flipped you back over. She smiled down at you, she heard no objections from Quaritch so she continued.
“Stupid boys, they don’t know how to treat a pretty girl like you. They’re so useless, they couldn’t even make you cum.”
You whimpered at her words, your hips lifted and ground into her abs.
“I’m gonna fuck you dumb, baby,” Walker said as she wiped your cheeks from the few tears.
“Please,” you whimpered out.
She smiled as she kissed down your lips then your tits then down your stomach and landed on your clit. She started to suck on your clit, she lifted your hips up to really push her face to your body. Your hands gripped at her cornrows, your back arched and you cried out. You were so thankful that they made the med lab soundproof because there was no way you could hold back.
You could feel someone moving to lay on the bed, but you didn’t care, Walker’s tongue on you was all you needed to focus on. Then you were picked up by Walker and she sat you right by the head of Zdog, she smirked up at you. Zdog’s hand grabbed your hips and brought your pussy to her mouth, immediately you bent a little at the waist and gripped the bed as you moaned. Walker straddled Zdog’s stomach and started to finger you as Zdog ate you out.
You had two girls working on you to make you cum, Walker was kissing your neck and you leaned back into her chest. You couldn’t help your hips from moving back and forth to grind down on Walker’s fingers and Zdog’s tongue. It was only then that out of the corner of your eye, you could see Fike stroking himself, it made you smile that he was so turned on by the sight of the three females.
You flicked your head to the front of the bed, he moved and stood right by Zdog’s head and you leaned forward and started to wrap your lips around him.
“You boys will get your turn later, let us have her for at least a few minutes,” Walker spoke.
“I’ve been hearing her moan for too long; I’ll take what I can get,” Fike replied.
You had your hand on the base of his shaft and you took him as far as you could, you could feel him bruising the back of your throat more than Ja already did. Your moans were doing the same thing to him, causing his throbbing cock to twitch on your tongue. His hand gripped your hair and tried to shove himself further down your throat.
“Careful Fike. Otherwise, you’ll sit out,” Miles said with his hand on his mouth and his leg widely crossed over the other.
Fike pulled back a little but you went right back in, sucking him in further than he pushed in. He let out a guttural throaty moan.
“God woman, you really are our little slut, aren’t you?”
You knew you were close, but you probably still had a few seconds in you, but Fike’s words. You came on Zdog's tongue and Walker’s fingers in no time, just from Fike calling you their slut.
“Fuck, you like that don’t you sweetheart. You’re our slut. Only for us.”
You nodded lightly as he started to fuck your throat the best he could with his large cock. You were grinding harder on Zdog’s tongue and Walker’s fingers; you were getting impossibly hornier again. Fike came down your throat, he pulled out and wiped your mouth and held his thumb up for you to lick the remnants off.
You lifted yourself off Zdog and turned around to kiss Walker, you wanted to get her on her back so you could eat her out.
“No, no baby. Don’t waste your energy, you got a lot more to handle,” Walker said.
“But you guys need to get off too,” your brows furrowed as you looked up at you.
“Awe, you’re so cute but I’ll be okay. Me and Z always have each other while we watch you take more.”
“But I wanna taste you.”
“Another time,” Zdog said as she sat up and kissed your shoulder.
Lopez picked you up and he and Mansk went in next, Lopez smiled at you as he sat down on the bed and pulled you into his arms. He faced you towards Mansk who held you up and Lopez slid into your slick hole, your eyes were slammed shut and you whimpered as he pushed deep inside. You were lucky with him; he wasn’t as thick but so much longer. Once you were seated on Lopez with his arm wrapped around your waist, he waited for a moment before moving.
In that time, Mansk took his dick out and you went right to work, you grabbed it by the base and stroked it a few times before you took him into your mouth. Now that you were comfortable with the size and length of the recoms you took him deep and went right to bobbing your head. Lopez started to move his hips; he was fucking up into you.
Lopez held your hips as you leaned forward to suck off Mansk, Lopez used his grip on you to pull you up and down his cock. Your small hands gripped at his lower thighs, your nails digging into the rippling muscles of his legs. You could feel them flex every time he thrusted into you, it just made the feeling more overwhelming.
You knew Lopez was cumming, you could feel it, his cock was throbbing against your gummy walls. You couldn’t stand it, the feeling was so overwhelming, it felt good, not enough to make you cum, but it was a great feeling. His cum dripped down your thighs, mixing with all the other cum. Lopez pulled out slowly, your mouth didn’t leave Mansk’s dick.
It only took a moment for Lyle to slide in, he was like a giddy schoolgirl. You were bent over on your knees, supporting yourself while you sucked Mansk’s dick. Lyle ran his giant hand up your back, his other hand moved down your butt to spread your legs a little more.
“Fuck, look how red your pussy is. Have we been too rough?” Lyle slid his hand from your fucked out hole to your clit, he dragged yours and others' juices up with it. “Does that hurt baby? It’s so fucking red, you’ve been taking too much.”
Lyle slowly kissed your back a few times, letting his teeth lightly scrape over your skin. Every now and again he would lightly bite into your skin causing you to moan around Mansk’s cock. Lyle liked to play, he liked to have fun, he liked to watch you squirm as he degraded you. Lyle freed his cock from his cargo pants, he was already solid and had been since this whole thing started.
Lyle slowly pushed inside, you were stretched out quite well and very slick but still, you were such a tight squeeze. Lyle started to fuck you almost as brutally as he wanted, he held your waist and he just fucked you brutally. You were so focused on Lyle’s thrusts you didn’t even feel Mansk cum down your throat. He held your face as he pulled out of your mouth, your jaw was sore that you knew. You figured there was a possibility of waking up tomorrow with a bruised jaw and probably bruises all over your hips and legs.
Lyle went to town knowing you were everything he had in front of him, no one else was there to take your attention away. He leaned onto your back and wrapped an arm around your waist, his arm held both your bodies up as he lifted you to rest against his chest. His movements were shallower now but he reached so deep, causing your moans to be longer and more whiney.
It didn’t take long after that for his cum to drip your thighs along with yours shortly after. Your head was limp, you were sore and exhausted, Lyle pretty much was the only thing holding you up at this point. He slowly pulled out after a moment or two, you lay on the bed as Quaritch stared at you.
“Come here, cupcake,” Miles said lowly.
You slowly sat up with a whimper and climbed off the bed, your legs buckled slightly and Ja being closest to you went to catch you if you fell. You slowly stumbled over to Miles and rested your hands on his shoulders and straddled his legs. Miles' hands went to your hips and he made you grind on his bulge, your eyebrows furrowed.
“Take it out,” Miles said lowly and monotone.
You slowly unbuckled his belt and unbuttoned his pants, you reached into his briefs and pulled out his hard cock. His hips grabbed onto you tighter and lifted you up enough to have you sink down on his cock. You whimpered out, you were so sensitive and overstimulated.
“How was your gang bang, cupcake?”
“So good, but tiring.”
Miles smiled and rubbed at your back, your head then rested on his pec and your arms were around his ribs and slowly fell limply at your side. You had fallen asleep with Miles’ dick deep inside you and you couldn’t have been more happy to end the day that way.
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deadliestfishinthesea · 7 months
Love always comes back (like a boomerang)
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How you meet Captain Boomerang while working undercover for A.R.G.U.S. (and eventually fall for him)
Part 1.
Boomerang X Y/n
CW: swearing
2.600 words
You can also read this on AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/54019207/chapters/136749250
“I am aware that you are already well informed of the system I have put into place. But I will warn you again, Dr. Y/n. These people are not your allies. If they see a chance to take the upper hand, they will take it, even at the cost of your life. I hope you keep that in mind if you are to get the chance of working with Colonel Flag on the field.“ Amanda Waller's everlastingly stern voice rang out trough the speakers. Y/n looked at the screen, directly into the woman's cold eyes.
“Yes, ma'am. Of course.“ Unwavering calm ran though her own voice, a skill she obtained with years of communicating with people in power.
“Good. You have been granted access to inmate 117-12-60. Direct contact isn't allowed.“ As if she'd want to be in any kind of direct contact with a dangerous convict.
“Copy that, ma'am.“ The woman disappreared from the screen and Y/n leaned back from the table where the laptop sat. She turned her head to her side, looking at Aaron Cash, one of the main guards around here. He offered her a derisive smile, nodding his head once.
“Ready to swim with the sharks?“
“From what I heard there's only one shark in here.“
Cash let out a short chuckle, crossing his arms in a way that seemed to convey his superior knowledge on the matter, but Y/n wasn't sold on that just yet.
“Oh he ain't the deadliest fish in this sea.“
For the rather unimpressive amount of time she worked in the facility, Y/n had seen with her own eyes a good portion of prisoners be admitted into the so called shithole named Elizabeth Arkham Asylum for the Criminally Insane. And if she was honest, she had to partially agree with the nickname – it definitely was a shithole, just more so for the inmates than it was for her.
One of the prisoners she witnessed being brought in was George 'Digger' Harkness himself, alias 'Captain Boomerang'. Whatever the case was, in this place he went by 'inmate 117-12-60' as stated in the official reports.
She distinctly remembers the man, restrained with metal clasps around his ankles and hands on something resembling a box cart that the guards used to manouver him around. He was unsuccessfully trying to set himself free, cursing at the guards the whole time.
“Piss off ya' fucken' mongrel!“ Colorful, she thought as she watched from a distance. 
“Now that's some fresh meat. Had a bit of trouble finding this guy.“ Cash stood next to her with a smug expression on his face as he spoke.
“Get a dog up ya', ya' wristy-“ One of the guards grabbed him and the clasps opened, nearly sending him to the ground, „Ah, 'coff ya cunt!“
Y/n had a hard time understanding what he was saying from this distance. She frowned as she watched the scene unfold. Once inside the cell, a beep of the comms on the guard's chest could be heard, followed by a few words exchanged, and the laser beams on each side of the cell's entrance lit up, finally imprisoning Captain Boomerang.
She watched the convict with curious eyes the whole time she was leaving, and the last thing she remembers is him turning his head and looking directly at her before she fully turned around.
The memory ended then, and she was back in the present, listening to her and Cash's boots echo on the ground as they walked the halls. Once in front of the big metal doors, they opened with a loud clang and she squeezed her clipboard as they entered the penitentiary, spotting her targeted cell in the corner.
She took a deep breath and reminded herself of her task, glancing at her clipboard. Go in, talk to the inmate, see if he has potential for Waller's plan, get out.
“I think I'll be okay from now on.“ She told Cash with a turn on her head.
“You sure?“
“Yeah.“ She looked ahead at the cell. She needed to do this alone. With a shrug and a mutter of 'okays' and 'fines' Dixen left for the door, leaving her to walk alone towards the guard standing in front of the cell.
While walking she remembered that at this hour, most of the prisoners were sent out for yard time, so nearly every cell in the block was empty. But not Boomerang's. Y/n wasn't sure why he wasn't also outside, and she questioned if the rumors the guards were passing around were actually true. Apparently, a fight breaking out in the yard a couple of days ago resulted in three guards being dropped unconcious and Boomerang being sentanced to lockdown for the rest of the week. Given the place they were in, Y/n considered that an almost merciful punishment. She wondered if that really happened, or if her request for privacy had been granted so they held him back for her arrival.
The entrance to the cell was seethrough thanks to only the lasers acting as doors, but from her angle it didn't show Harkness yet. She approached the guard standing next to the entrance.
“You can go.“ An all access security card was already in her hand, hovering in front of his face.
“I said go.“
He turned with hesitation, but didn't say anything as he walked away. When the guard was out of range, she looked at the cell, but still couldn't see Harkness. She had seen him before, though, even if only once. She stepped to the side, now facing the cell entrance, and Captain Boomerang himself.
Boomerang's back was turned to her, but when he heard the boots outside his cell finally walk up to him he turned around. She instinctively took note of his issued white t-shirt and orange sweats. His hands were in his pockets. He didn't say anything, just stared at her, which created an uncomfortable pit in her stomach that she hoped she hid well enough with her neutral gaze. He started walking right up to her and Y/n realised with every step she wasn't prepared as well as she'd thought. He was huge up close. Not only taller but much bulkier than she remembered. He was so close his body was nearly touching the lasers, and she started to wonder what would happen if he did touch them.
Even with his surprising proximity she didn't move, and she wasn't sure why. Maybe she was caught off guard and frozen, or she didn't want to seem intimidated by stepping back. He stared down at her with his eyebrows drawn in an almost captivating frown and his head cocked to the side in intrigue. Y/n quickly realized he was checking her out, comparing and assesing how much of a threat she was. Should she be offended if he didn't see her as one?
“George Harkness?“ She finally broke what felt like a minute long silence.
“Who's askin'?“ He spoke in a low tone, never breaking eye contact.
“My name is Y/n, I'm a licenced psychologist.“
“Yeah, I remember you. You were the sheila staring at me when I came in here.“
Her eyebrows raised, but she hid the slight embarassment she felt, “Yes. I was sent here to… evaluate some inmates by the request of the warden.“
“Ah, what? I send a couple assholes to medical and all of a sudden I'm qualified for a drongo?“ He scoffed.
“So you did cause a fight in the yard?“ It was true after all, and Y/n realised she could use it to her advantage.
 “Oh, I'm not confessin' anythin' to ya, missy, but you're in the wrong spot. See, I ain't got a 'roo loose in the top paddock like some of these nutcases.“
“I don't think you're crazy. But I was sent here to prove it. If you want to be let out of lockdown you'll have to answer some of my questions.“
He leaned back and glanced around for a moment, “Then shouldn't these therapeutic sessions be done in uh… I don't know, not in the middle of a cell block?“
“Well, I'm afraid it's hard to provide a seaside view lounge on such short notice. We'll have to make due with what we have.“
“Aw, killer. I'm best relaxed when out of handcuffs. Well, most times, that is.“ He sneered. She tried her best to ignore his comment.
“My first question-“
“So they let you in this shithole with no security jus' for a questionaire?“, he squinted at her.
“I asked for a private conversation.“
„That's why you ordered ol' guard here to fuck off like you're his boss?“ Her eyes widened slightly at his words. Did he just figure out she wasn't here for that kind of evaluation? Maybe doing this without Cash by her side wasn't such a good idea.
Harkness saw the way she was caught off guard and chuckled low and taunting, “You aren't just some psychiatrist, are ya, love?“
“Yeah, yeah, but what else?“
She sighed, “It doesn't matter what I am. What matters is if you want to-„
“I'll tell you what I want.“, he lowered his head to match her height, “I want out of here. And not just out this cell, out the whole place. An' if you can't do squat about that, then your questions won't be much help to ya', doc'.“
“You're right. I can't do that.“
Y/n was quiet for a moment.
“Well then, I guess we're done here.“ She spoke quietly.
“Yeah, we are.“ He nearly whispered.
Both of them were quiet for a few seconds, still looking at each other, but when she caught herself observing the loose strands of hair on his forehead she abruptly broke the silence.
“Thank you for your cooperation, George Harkness.“, her proffessional tone cleary got on his nerves, but he stayed quiet. He backed away from the lasers then, and she turned around to leave.
When the big doors opened again, Cash was waiting on the other side. He shot her a questioning look. She started walking down the hall.
“I need to make a report.“
“All in all, you have the upper hand. He is motivated to get out of here, by any cost, and if you grant him that hope I don't see how he wouldn't be willing to do your bitting.“
The woman on her laptop screen nodded approvingly, “Good work, Dr. Y/n. Your next evaluation will be with inmate 00-10-94, so called King Shark. He is the newest added member to our little circus.“ Waller went over some details about the shark, and as she was explaining Y/n looked over to the folder next to her. Captain Boomerang's records.
She knew they were all convicts, guilty of all kinds of crimes. She aimed her attention back to the screen, trying not to think about the conversation she had with Boomerang. It was all just standard procedure she had to follow to work with Rick Flag and the task force Waller wanted so damn much. Still, gathering information to find out whether they would risk suicide for freedom made her stomach turn a little. She knew about Waller's contingency plan, but she didn't know how exactly she planned to make the criminals do anything she wanted. It wouldn't be good enough if she just promised them shortened sentances, they would all escape the moment they stepped foot outside. Y/n could imagine just how far Waller would go to ensure that doesn't happen.
Less than a week later Harkness was let out of lockdown. Y/n spotted him outside during yard time when she was making her way from the north wing to the penitentiary. It was pretty cold out and there was a slight fog in the distance, thouh he was playing basketball. In shorts. He palyed with three other inmates, laughing at them whenever they missed their shot.
She looked to the fence, where an inmate was arguing with a security officer. Y/n approached the fence and a guard opened the entrance for her, letting her into the yard.
“Hey, Gary. What's with the First Amendment over there?“ she watched the argument between the officer and the inmate get more heated.
“Oh, that guy? We call him Rango. Just got him in a couple weeks ago.“
“Hard time adjusting to prison, it seems.“
Before she could reach the door to the building Rango punched the guard he was yelling at across the face, sending him stumbling backwards and nearly bumping into Y/n. It was as Rango went to take another punch which would've hit Y/n that Digger Harkness socked him across the jaw. Where did he come from? Digger landed another uppercut before Rango hit a right hook to his temple.
“Get him, Boomerang!“ she heard an inmate yell before a majority of them started cheering.
Y/n watched in disbelief as they went crashing into a table. Guards quickly ran up to pull Harknss off of the guy, yeling at both of the convicts in the process.
“Really, Harkness!? After you just got out?“
“Give him a break, man, he just really misses his cell!“
Y/n's eyes were on him the whole time as they dragged him away. Did he really just save her? He didn't have to. They both knew he was on thin ice since he fought those guards, now he was definitely up for lockdown again just because he saved her. Holy shit, she thought, he's up for lockdown because he saved her. She had to stop the guards.
After a short time she made her way over to the medical facility. There were a couple of officers standing in front of it and before she could go in one of them spoke up.
She turned to him, “Gary!“
“You okay?“
“Yes, I'm- Where's officer Ryan? I need to talk to him.“
“Uh, broken nose, he's in there. But be careful-“
“Thanks, I know.“ She was already opening the door to the building. When she found the room officer Ryan is supposed to be in she stepped in and walked past Boomerang. He was sat up in the adjustale hospital bed, tied to it with leather restraints around his ankles and wrists, and when he looked up at her surprise spread trough his features, but she didn't have time for that as she walked right by him.
Boomerang couldn't hear any voices coming from the other rooms, so he imagined she already left, but after some time she walked back into the room.
 “Well, fuck me dead, if it it isn't miss pretend doctor?“
She rolled her eyes, stopping at the foot of the bed. She could look at him up close now and notice his black eye, along with a slight bruise on his jaw. He had a couple of stitches on his shoulder, and she could only guess there was more on his back.
“You look like shit.“
“Hah, then you clearly didn't see the other poor bastard. Oh, and you're welcome, love.“
“No, you're welcome. I talked to the guards, they should… shorten your lockdown.“
“Hey, fair suck of the sav, doc'.“
“I saved you from a nasty bruise, but I did the paw patrol a favor too, ya know. That wanker Rango's been up their asses two weeks now. And all I get is a fifty percent isolation discount?“
“You broke a table. And I never said it was fifty percent.“
 He groaned, his head falling back on the pillow. He looked at her, not moving his head, and to Y/n he looked like he was resting on a deckchair on a nice remote beach rather than recovering from a fight in a prison yard.
“Betcha wouldn't even untie me if I asked.“ He wriggled his hands around in his cuffs to emphasize his point.
“You're right.“  
He looked at the ceiling in defeat, but his eyes found her again when she spoke up.
“But.. I did want to thank you.“
“Well, let's hear it, then.“
“You just did.“ she said as she walked out of the room.
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maarriiii · 1 year
Breathless | Rick Flag
A/N: In my world, Rick Flag is still alive and well.
Summary: An unexpected visit from the one and only, Colonel Rick Flag, let to a revelation
Pairing(s): Rick Flag x female!reader
Warning(s): None.
my masterlist :))
"Flag?" Rick Flag looked up from his boots and was met with the sight of a confused y/n l/n, standing in front of her apartment door. For a few seconds, the former colonel had to do a double take with how casual her appearance was. y/n was clad in a worn out T-shirt with some sort of stain on her chest and a pair of denim jeans. Her hair was tied up with strands of hair framing her face. If Rick didn't recognize her from the times that they've worked together, then he would've thought that she was just a normal civilian living her life. But, y/n was anything but. A trained assassin wanted by every agencies possible for countless of political assassination domestically and internationally.
"Hello, um," Rick shook his head and cleared his throat. "Hey."
"Hi. What are you doing here?"
"I was just in town and thought I'd give you a visit."
y/n squint, watching his movement. "I never told you where I live in Gotham."
Rick gulped underneath her gaze and stuffed his hands inside his jacket pocket. Rick wasn't a man that's easily intimidated. He had fought many atrocious people during his time in the army and worked with the worst of the worst almost on a daily basis. He needed to grow a thicker skin because of it and he did. But, as y/n watched him intently, trying to decipher the meaning behind his sudden arrival, he couldn't help but remember how deadly this woman in front of him. How she could kill him with a single touch, hide his body and returned to whatever she was doing without anyone noticing.
"Rick." y/n snapped him out of his thoughts. "How did you know where I live?"
"Alright, I might've asked a couple of people to track you down. And I might've asked Dubois too. Since, you know, you both worked together before," he explained, feeling ashamed for some reason.
"Wow, Rick, all that effort just to find me? I'm honored." She smiled.
"Well, you're a hard woman to find. Can't blame me to ask for favors."
Rick heard her genuinely laugh for the first time and he couldn't resist the smile that slipped his lips. She was always so guarded during missions, a few quips here and there about him, Waller or the utter ridiculousness of whatever teammates she was assigned with. Even when Harley let out the most ridiculous things out of her mouth, y/n was always tight lipped. He was lucky if he saw a smirk from her. Rick won't admit it out loud, but he was liking this side of her.
He was immediately engulfed with a delicious smell that almost made his stomach growl when he entered her apartment. It was a small apartment and from where he stood, Rick could see the kitchen with an array of ingredients on the counter and pans on the stovetop. The living room was to his right where the local news was playing on the tv and books were scattered on the coffee table. On his left was a hallway with three doors leading to what he assumed to be bedrooms.
"Bathroom is the second door on the left." y/n looked at him over her shoulder. "You want anything to drink? I have beers, soda, water."
"Beer would be fine. You got people comin' over? That's a lot of food." Rick nodded to the ingredients scattered on the counter.
"Harley's gonna come over soon and she likes to eat a lot." She shrugged, sipping her tea. "You hungry? I think I made enough for three people. Harley's gonna have to share though."
"No, no, you don't have to. I'm fine. Thanks."
"Suits you then. But, for your information, I've been told I'm a phenomenal cook." She winked at him. "So, to what do I owe you the pleasure, Colonel Flag?"
To say y/n was surprised when Flag showed up at her door was an understatement. After the mission in Corto Maltese—and blackmailing Waller—she never thought she'd see the rest of her remaining Task Force X teammates again, let alone her former Colonel. She did keep tabs on all of them, even Nanaue for some odd reason unknown to her, but that was it. The last she heard from the man in front of her was that he quit the task force and moved to D.C. That was five months ago.
Rick was silent for a moment before he spoke. "Just a casual visit to a friend. You know, just making sure you're not getting into troubles."
"Hm. And do you do this house calls to everyone?" y/n questioned, a playful glint on her eyes.
"You just so happened to be my first visit."
y/n rolled her eyes. "If you wanted to see me, Flag, you know you could just say so. There's no need to make up a reason. I won't judge."
"What makes you think that, l/n?" A smirk slipped his lips.
"Oh, please, I was always your favorite on the squad. You always make the effort to personally escort me from my cell—and don't even deny it cause I overheard the guards once. You put an overwhelming amount of trust in me to watch your six and save your ass. And lastly, you stare too much."
"Well, you were—you were the most competent and less likely to kill me if I turn my back on you. What do you mean I stare too much?" Rick frowned.
y/n leaned her elbow on the counter, her head tilted on her hand and a mischievous smile on her lips. She was dangerously close to his face even with the island counters separating the two of them. Rick could smell the spices she used on her and it overwhelmed his senses in the best possible way. The only time they were this close was on a mission where both of them were covered in mud and blood. He had to admit he did sometimes stare at her during mission. y/n would be checking her gear, incapacitating an enemy, or just talking to Harley and he would avert his eyes to her. Harley caught him doing it one time and he had to act like he didn't know what the hell she was talking about. So much for subtlety.
"I mean, sometimes I could feel your eyes on me and when I turned around, you're already looking away," y/n whispered slowly.
"I was just checking to make sure you're not planning something that could endanger the mission."
"At first, I thought the same thing. I thought you were just doing your job. But, then it lingered just a few seconds too long and in places where you shouldn't be staring."
"I, uh, I didn't mean to make you comfortable or anything like that."
y/n smiled at his reaction and inched closer to his face that she could feel his breath on her face. "Don't worry, soldier. I'm just glad the feelings mutual. I haven't exactly been innocent on the staring too."
She trailed feather light touches on his neck with both of her hands and she could feel him tense underneath her touch. She brushed his surprising soft lips with her own and was satisfied when Rick closed her eyes. He leaned his forehead on her and gripped his beer with a little too much force as if he was holding himself back. y/n could just end their waiting and kissed him hard like she always wanted to ever since she saw him shirtless in that hut in Corto Maltese. But, she thought it was fun to torture him like that.
"You're gonna kiss me or just leave a man hangin' like this?" He breathed out, eyes still closed.
"I like seeing you like this. I don't think many people could say they made Colonel Rick Flag so breathless."
"You're killin' me here, sweetheart."
y/n shivered at the nickname. "Wouldn't this be a good way to die."
Without any warning, Rick pressed his lips against hers and cupped her jaw. His calloused thumbs gently brushed the apple of her cheeks and y/n couldn't resist the urge to melt at the gesture. For years, all she ever focused on was vengeance to the people that stole her life and weaponized her. She didn't imagine she would surrendered so easily to the foreign feelings, to Rick Flag of all people. But, as their lips molded like two pieces of a puzzle, all she could focus on was him. y/n held both of his hands and squeezed, a silent sign that she trust him. The man she used to despised with all her being. Her colleague, friend, and something more if the universe deemed her to be a good enough person despite her bloody past.
A small whimper escaped her lips when Rick pulled away, but they were still close enough to feel each other pants. y/n didn't open her eyes, still too caught up in the euphoria that was his lips. Her mind was screaming at her for being so vulnerable and unguarded, but she couldn't care less. All she wanted was him.
"Looks like I'm the one makin' you breathless this time, y/n."
"Seems so." She smiled. "I gotta say, Flag, you're one helluva kisser."
Rick chuckled. "I try not to disappoint."
"Any more secret talent I need to know about?"
"I think I have a few tricks up my sleeve. Though, I'd rather take you out to dinner first."
y/n finally opened her eyes and gazed at him. "I like the sound of that."
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sarahsmi13s · 2 years
Lieutenant Rogers - pt 1
Call Sign ‘Star’
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pairings: romantic!neil ‘omaha’ vikander x rogers!reader, platonic!dagger squad x rogers!reader, plantonic!sam wilson x rogers!reader, platonic!bucky barnes x rogers!reader
characters: y/n rogers, neil vikander, the entire dagger squad (admirals and captain included), penny benjamin, sam wilson, bucky barnes, james rhodes (this chapter only), john walker, lemar hoskins, misc. characters from both universes
warnings: language, blood, fighting, sexual inuendoes, john walker, cannon dangers, cannon deaths, suggestive themes, if i miss any please let me know
word count: ~3.2k
a/n: if you couldn’t already tell, i’m OBSESSED with crossovers. reader is the daughter of steve rogers, and has the super soldier serum as well
sources: Top Gun: Maverick (2022) , The Falcon and the Winter Soldier (2021)
summary: 13 pilots were called back to Top Gun in 2023. at the same time, Lieutenant Rogers learns that her father’s shield was passed down to John Walker. 
reader’s call sign: ‘star’
pt 2  pt 3  pt 4  pt 5  pt 6
You stared at Sam from your spot leaning on your bar. “Say something.” “Why? Why do you want to give me the shield?” “Because you're his child, Y/N. It should belong to you.” You shook your head, “No, Sam, he gave it to you. It’s yours.” “Yes, which is why I am now giving it to you. If it’s mine I can do what I want with it.” 
You rubbed your face, “Sam, I can’t take up the mantle. Dad wanted you to take it over, and I agree with him.” “Why can’t you take it?” “Because I'm on active duty, and the Navy is where I belong.” Sam hung his head.
“I can’t fill his shoes. This shield- it means something to so many people. Me included. But Steve gave it that meaning. I’m gonna let him down.” You sighed and pulled Sam out of his chair. “Sam, I won’t begin to understand why you feel that way. You could never let him down.” You hugged him, “He trusted you with it. And I do too. I know you’ll only do what you think is best.” 
He hugged you back, sighing as he looked at the photo on your mantle in your house and the folded flag in its protective box. Sam wrapped his arms a little tighter around you before letting go.
“I’ll let you get back to getting ready. Have a good night Y/N.” He walked past you to the door. “Sam, wait!” 
He stopped with his hand on the handle, “You sure you don’t want to stay? I’m sure Neil wouldn’t mind you staying for dinner.” He shook his head, “I’ve got plans tonight, but maybe some other time.” You nodded, “Okay. Call me if you need anything. Love ya Sam!” “Love you too kid!”
When Sam told you that his plan was to turn the shield over to the museum for the Captain America exhibit, you weren’t happy. But you realized that this was what Sam thought was best, what he thought was right. You trusted Sam, so you supported him.
He asked you to be there at the ceremony, for support and reassurance. So, that’s what you did, with permission from your superiors of course. 
Wearing your dress blues, you stood right next to Rhodey. “Lieutenant Rogers.” “Colonel Rhodes.” He sighed, “I’m not gonna lie, I’m surprised to see you here.” “Is that because I’m on active duty, or because of a more personal thing, sir?” He chuckled, “Bit of both.” You sighed, “I’m here to support Sam. I know he needs it from me. He sure as hell isn’t getting it from Bucky.” 
“Has he even talked to Bucky since the funeral?” You shook your head, “I don’t think so.” “Have you?” “I’ve tried. I’m not sure he wants to talk to me.” Rhodey just nodded.
Sam stepped up to the podium, “Steve represented the best in all of us. Courageous, righteous, hopeful. And he mastered posing stoically.” The crowd chuckled. “The world has been forever changed. A few months ago, billions of people reappeared after five years away, sending the world into turmoil.” 
Sam paused and tears burned the backs of your eyes. “We need new heroes. Ones suited for the times we’re in.” He looked at you and you gave him a reassuring smile. 
“Symbols… are nothing without the men and women that give them meaning,” he nodded down to the shield. “And this thing,” he chuckled fondly and picked it up. “I don’t know if there’s ever been a greater symbol. But it’s more about the man who propped it up, and he’s gone.” 
You exhaled shakily and looked down, your standard bun not allowing your hair to cover your face. 
Sam looked at you before continuing, “So, today we honor Steve’s legacy. But also, we look to the future.” You looked up and made eye contact with Sam, him giving you a small smile; almost as if to say, You’re his legacy and you are the future.
He looked at the banner behind him. “So, thank you, Captain America. But this belongs to you…” You walked up to be beside Sam as they placed the shield in its display case. Cameras flashing everywhere. You both clinched your jaws. 
To him, this was to honor Steve. But to you, this was like you were truly putting him to rest, and you really didn’t know how to feel.
Afterwards you, Rhodey, and Sam were talking with some government official (that’s literally what the IMDb says). “Thanks again for comin’ forward with the shield, Sam. It was the right decision.” They shook hands and he walked away, nodding to you as he left.
Your phone rang, “I’m sorry, I need to take this.” Both nodded and watched you walk away. “This is Lieutenant Rogers.” Out of the corner of your eye you saw Rhodey and Sam walk away. 
“Star, I know you’re taking care of something personal, but I need you back on base as soon as possible.” You nodded, “Yes, sir. It should take me about four hours to get back.” “That’s alright, just get here.” “Yes sir.” You hung up and went to find Sam and Rhodey.
You walked into the exhibit, running into Rhodey making his way out. He noticed the rush you were in. “You get orders?” “Yeah. I need to be back on base as soon as possible.” He nodded, “He’s back there.” You followed his hand, seeing Sam by the shield display. “Thank you.” 
You moved past Rhodey. “Hey, Star?” You straightened and turned around. “Whatever it is, give ‘em hell alright?” You nodded, “Of course, sir.” You saluted each other before you moved to Sam.
When you came up beside him, he spoke first. 
“Thank you for being here, Y/N. I know this wasn’t what you were expecting me to do,” Sam said with his head hung between his shoulders. “I don’t think anyone was expecting it honestly.” He looked back up, looking at you before moving his eyes to the exhibit. 
You sighed, swallowing the lump in your throat, “I’m needed back on base. I’ve gotta go.” Sam nodded and looked down at you, “You better get going, it’s a four hour drive.” You nodded as well and hugged Sam. 
“Call me if you need anything,” he said once he pulled away, patting your shoulder. “Always do. Tell Sarah and the kids ‘hi’ for me okay?” “Of course.” 
When you got back to base, you changed before meeting with your commanding officer, seeing Omaha and his WSO, Halo, there as well.
Once you were allowed in you stood at attention in front of his desk. “Sir, may I ask why you needed me back so urgently?” “You’ve all been called back to TOPGUN.” You looked down at him in surprise before looking at the two next to you. “Sir?” “I wasn’t informed of why, but you along with 10 others were called back. You’re due to report in two weeks to North Island.” You nodded, “Yes sir.”
Since you had moved to North Island after graduating TOPGUN five years ago, you and your boyfriend were allowed to move in early, to get a feel for the island again.
A few days into your stay at the North Island you were watching TV while Omaha had gone to get groceries.
You had finished your beer and were getting up to get a new one, when a news broadcast took over the rerun you were watching. 
“Unrest, in the wake of recent events, has left us vulnerable. Everyday Americans feel it. While we love heroes who put their lives on the line to defend Earth, we also need a hero to defend this country. We need a real person who embodies America’s greatest values. We need someone to inspire us again, someone who can be a symbol for all of us.” The man said.
You recognized him as the guy who was talking to Sam after his speech.
“So, on behalf of the Department of Defense and our Commander-in-Chief, it is with great honor that we announce here today that the United States of America has a new hero. Join me in welcoming your new Captain America!”
Your throat dried up as some guy walked out, carrying your father’s shield like it was a damn trophy. Your heart ripped in half. You could already tell this guy was bad news and when he winked at the camera, you nearly threw up. 
Tears filled your eyes as you stared at the screen, even though it no longer portrayed the imposter.
You gasped when the bottle shattered in your hand, not even registering how hard you were holding it.
Robotically, you moved to the bathroom, cradling your hand to keep blood off the floor. Then moved routinely as you grabbed what you needed from the drawers and cabinets.
When Neil came home he didn’t expect to see a shattered bottle followed by little droplets of blood on the living room floor and your phone ringing. 
But he didn’t panic, instead he set the grocery bags down and went to your phone, seeing “Bird Boy” displayed as the caller ID. He just let it ring as he followed the little droplets to the closed bathroom door. 
He looked down at your phone before knocking and saw Sam had called you a lot.
“Baby?” He knocked softly. “Y/N, are you okay? What happened?” When he was met with silence he tried the handle, finding it unlocked. “I’m coming in.” Omaha pushed the door open slowly.
You were sitting on the closed toilet seat with a cut up hand and your other hand slightly shaking with tweezers in it as a small pool of blood was gathering at your feet. 
He squatted in front of you, “Doll? You with me?” He wasn’t sure what was going on, maybe you got hit with a bad flashback. But your nod told him it was something else. 
He slowly took the tweezers from you, “Wanna tell me what happened?” You inhaled and clenched your jaw as he wiggled a bigger piece of glass out of your hand. “You don’t have to hide it from me…”
As you exhaled, a small sob escaped your throat, “They gave it to someone, Neil. They fucking replaced him, with some Wal-Mart looking asshole.” Omaha clenched his own jaw and exhaled, “I guess that’s why Sam has been trying to get ahold of you.” You nodded, wincing a little as he pulled out some more shards before disinfecting the cuts.
Your phone rang again, but he moved it out of your reach, “After we patch you up. Talk to me about how you feel.” You swallowed, “I want to go UA just to kick this guy’s ass, but I have to focus on this mission, whatever it is. I need to carry on the legacy of Captain America, shield or no shield.” 
Omaha smiled and pressed a kiss to your now bandaged hand. “Plus, it’s not like the government cares what I have to say on the matter anyway,” you dryly chuckled, flexing your hand.
He pulled you off the toilet and into a hug, “That’s my girl.” You hummed and kissed his chest, where his dog tags were. “No, but seriously the guy looked like Carl from Up, I swear.” Omaha threw his head back and laughed, “Okay, come on now. How does steak sound?” “With your mom’s corn?” He kissed your nose, “Whatever you want, Star-light.” You giggled and kissed his lips.
Your phone ringing again made you pull away. “I should probably answer him before he flies up here.” Neil nodded, “I’ll get started.” He left to the kitchen and you took your phone to the back porch.
You answered the phone, “Sa-” “Did you see the news?” You sighed, “Yeah, I sure did Sam.” “God, I swear had I known they were gonna do that I would have never-” “Sam, Sam, I know. I know,” you cut him off. “Had I known they were gonna give it to someone I wouldn’t have let you. But Sam, I need you to be honest with me...” “Of course.” “I can’t be involved with this, not until this mission is over. Will you make sure this asshole doesn’t ruin my father’s image? Ruin his legacy?” “You have my word.” You nodded, “Good, good. I’ve gotta go, talk to you later.”
********** *1 Week Later*
Checking to make sure you had everything, you threw on your dad’s aviators and threw your hair into a ponytail. Getting the keys, you got on your bike and sped to the Hard Deck to meet your fellow pilots and boyfriend.
Walking in while sliding your sunglasses on your head, everyone right by the door turned and smiled at you, greeting you as you walked by. And of course you said ‘hello’ back but made minimal conversation as you went to the bar. You didn’t make a big deal out of your presence just yet and just looked around.
“Y/N Rogers, to what do I owe the pleasure?” You turned and smiled at Penny, “Hi Penny.” “Are you here for the same reason they’re here?” You nodded, “Yes ma’am.” She nodded, gesturing over her shoulder with her thumb, “Want the usual?” “Yes, please.” She nodded and went to get you an Angry Orchard.
Sure, the serum allowed you to hold your alcohol, you just preferred the cider.
When she came back she smiled, “Hey, don’t worry about this one. It’s on him. I’ll start yours on the next one.” You followed the direction she had nodded her head in, seeing a dark headed guy in a green jacket. You tilted your bottle in thanks and he gave a nod and small smile back.
You turned to the group of pilots at the pool table and decided to make your way over.
You walk over to see Hangman walk away and hear the conversation between Phoenix and Rooster. “Well, he hasn’t changed.” “Nope.” You just smirked and took a seat on the barstool by the pool table, nobody noticing you.
“Check it out,” Fanboy said as he walked over to Phoenix. “More patches.” You glanced around the pillar, seeing the group of 5 khaki clad aviators. Payback did a roll call, “That’s Harvard, Yale, Omaha… Shit, that’s Fritz.” You looked back over at the group in front of you. “What the hell kinda mission is this?” Fanboy asked.
You stood up, boots hitting the hardwood floor, “That’s not the question we should be asking.” 
Everyone turned at the sound of your voice. You smirked a little and gestured to the group with the butt end of your bottle, “Everyone here is the best there is. Who the hell are they gonna get to teach us?”
“Star, that you?” You turned your head, seeing Bob, your best friend. “Robert Floyd, damn it’s good to see you.” You hugged him. “How’s Lemoore?” He shrugged giving you a small smile, “It was good when I left it. How are you holdin’ up?” Bob lowered his voice when he said that last part. You returned his previous smile, “Better than I thought I would be..”
“Well would you look at that? Thought the room looked a little brighter,” Hangman rested his arms on your shoulders and his chin on your head. 
“Who’s ass you kiss to be here?” You gave Bob a smile before elbowing the Texan in the ribs. “No, Bagman it’s kick, not kiss, and I do believe you’re on the list.” He painfully chuckled, groaning as he stood up, “Still as pointy as every, Star.” You nodded, “Best believe it.” You winked before waving to Bob and going over to your boyfriend.
“Hey, Doll,” Omaha said when you walked up to him. “Hey, Baby.” He kissed the top of your head and threw his arm around you.
As you talked with Halo and Omaha, the music cut out and everyone groaned. But soon, piano notes floated into the air, their distinct sound floating over everyone’s voices.
Phoenix was the first to notice that it was Rooster at the piano and got everyone’s attention. “Hey, guys, come on.” You smiled and grabbed Neil’s hand to pull him with you.
Rooster was warming up his fingers when the bell rang. You turned and caught the same dark haired guy from before hanging his head, then everyone began chanting ‘overboard’. 
Omaha winced, “Poor guy.” You chuckled and saw that Hangman, Payback, and Coyote were going over to throw him overboard.
Once he was thrown out, Rooster finally started the song.
You sang along, Neil spinning you around and laughing. “Imma tell the world that you’re mine, mine, mine!” You practically yelled in each other’s faces, but laughed before pulling each other into a kiss. You looked down and noticed that he didn’t have a drink. “Here, watch my drink, I’ll go get you one.” “You don’t have to,” he pulled you closer. “Yeah, but the bar isn’t occupied right now, it’ll only be a second.” He nodded, “Alright.”
You walked up and found Penny looking out the window. “You alright, Pen?” She blinked and nodded as she looked away from the door to you. “Uh, yeah, yeah I’m fine.” 
You looked to where she was looking and saw once again the dark haired man, this time instead of smiling he looked like he wanted to puke. “Who’s that?” “Captain Pete Mitchell, or Maverick.” 
Your eyes widened, “Wait, really?” Penny nodded. You looked at Pete and followed his eyes to Bradley at the piano, and you could put the pieces together. You saw your father with the same look every time he heard a song from his childhood and was reminded of Bucky.
You glanced back to see Omaha dancing with Fritz and you moved to go talk to Mav but he left before you could make it to the door. You sighed and turned back to Penny, who already had the bottle held out to you. “Thanks Pen.”
By the time you made it back over to your boyfriend, Rooster had finished the song and everyone was chanting his name.
After it cooled down, you all regrouped at the pool table. “Star, I didn’t even see you come in! Holy shit, how have you been?” Rooster hugged you, rubbing your back. “Could be worse, all things considered. But how about you?” “Not too bad, not too bad at all.” You smiled and rubbed his shoulder. 
He took a sip of his own drink before his brows shot up and he quickly swallowed it. “How are you and Omaha?” You smiled, a blush spreading across your face, “We’re good. We’re really good.” Bradley smiled and patted you on the back before going over to play Phoenix and Bob in a game of pool.
“Hey, Star-light,” Omaha said, and you could just hear the smile in his voice. “Hi, Baby.” “You wanna play a round of pool? Loser has to do whatever the winner says?” You hummed and raised an eyebrow, “You sure you wanna make that bet, Honey?” He hummed back, leaning down into your ear, “Win or lose, I feel it’ll be worth it.” Neil playfully nipped under your ear. “You’re on.”
I hope you all enjoy this first part in my new cross over series
We’re in for a ride
How do you think the first day at training will go?
tags <3: @milesdickpic​ @luckyladycreator2​ @hotch-meeeeeuppppp​​
<3 love ya babes
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harleyquinnxcrazyx · 1 year
Rick Flag x reader
Warning: Fear, injured, death, intense love
You were on the island of Corto Maltese. Half your team was dead since Blackguard sold you out, but you were pretty sure Amanda Waller had sent you there to die anyways. While stumbling through the forest you escaped to, your only thought was Colonel Rick Flag. Your boyfriend. You and him had been together since the first Suicide Squad was recruited and when he and June broke up, you made your move. He eventually fell in love with you, and even convinced Waller to let you move out of Belle Reve and in with him. Not that you didn’t still have to do missions. That’s why you were here now. As you tripped over a tree branch, you gasped in pain at how it tugged at the burn on your stomach. You felt people’s presence suddenly and jerked up, only to be met with relief that it was the second half of your team. Peacemaker, Ratcatcher # 2, Bloodsport, King Shark, and Polkadot man. “Y/N?” Peacemaker said, with an utterly confused look on his face. “The hell are you doing here?” You didn’t answer, just stared at them. Eventually you trekked off and the next morning found where Flag was being held according to Waller. You sliced and diced and brutally killed everyone that was in sight. As you guys opened the tent you froze as you saw Rick having a drink with a women. His shirt was off. You stood there awkwardly as everyone else. “Rick.” You said warily staring at him and the women in confusion. Rick stood up.
“Darlin’?” He asked, his eyes puffy red. He walked over to you and gently placed his hands on either side of your face. “Baby, I thought you were dead.” He whispers, his eyes glazed over by unshed tears. You kissed him and then immediately noticed everyone staring at you, so you pulled away and rested on his chest instead. “Don’t you ever do that to me again Y/N.” He stated his arms wrapping around you like a shield.
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swan-of-sunrise · 1 year
The Falcon and the Winter Soldier (Part V)
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Summary: Bucky, (Y/N) and the entire Rogers-(Y/L/N) family meets Isaiah and Elijah Bradley when Sam brings them to visit the exhibit that they personally arranged to finally tell Isaiah's story.
Pairing: Steve Rogers X Reader
Word Count: 2.5k
Warnings/Disclaimers: None
A/N: This was an emotional chapter to write, but it’s one that I’m also very proud of! Thank you for reading, I hope you all enjoy!
The Falcon and the Winter Soldier (Part V) June 2024 Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum, Washington D.C. (Previous Chapter)
The month after they successfully thwarted the Flag Smasher’s plans and Sam publicly took up the mantle of Captain America had been filled with several highs and lows. The Global Repatriation Council unanimously decided not to vote on the controversial Patch Act and began working on getting humanitarian aid to the refugees residing in resettlement camps, and they had already voted on providing financial support for those displaced after the events of the Snap; Karli Morgenthau died before she could see her aspirations finally realized, but Sam’s historic speech criticizing the members of the GRC ensured that her sacrifice wouldn’t be forgotten. The four Flag Smashers that had been arrested and taken into custody died in a mysterious car explosion and while both Sam and Bucky suspected Zemo of having a hand in their deaths, he was locked away in the Raft and their deaths were officially ruled an accident by the authorities.
Two days after the incident at the GRC’s New York Headquarters, Bucky came to stay with the Rogers-(Y/L/N) family at their home in Rockport, Maine. The super-soldier had apparently taken Sam’s advice on how to move on from his time as the Winter Soldier to heart, visiting his friend Yori and telling him that he was responsible for his son’s mysterious death; he gave the old man closure and as challenging as it was, he admitted through his tears that he knew he’d done the right thing. In Rockport, Bucky was as relaxed as he’d been in Delacroix and much to (Y/N)’s delight, he and Steve were able to reconnect and take the time to finally re-built their decades-long friendship away from any wars or conflicts. Bucky was beginning to heal and now that he was allowing himself to lean on others for support, he wouldn’t be alone on his journey to self-forgiveness.
While she recuperated from the handful of minor injuries she’d sustained in the fight against the Flag Smashers, (Y/N) worked tirelessly with her connections at the Smithsonian’s Air and Space Museum, the editors at the New York Times and Colonel Rhodes to create an exhibit chronicling the lives and sacrifices of Isaiah Bradley and the hundreds of Black soldiers who were illegally experimented on by the U.S. Army. It took several lengthy Zoom meetings, heated conference calls and a handful of visits to the Smithsonian to oversee the construction progress, but the exhibit was completed almost exactly one month after Sam Wilson made history by becoming the first Black Captain America. It was decided by (Y/N) and Sam that although the exhibit was finished, it wouldn’t open to the public until Isaiah himself had an opportunity to see what they’d built in his and his fellow servicemen’s honor.
“You’re gonna wear a hole straight through the floor if you keep pacin’ like that, doll. Just relax, maybe take a deep breath or two.”
(Y/N) shot an easy-going Bucky a withering look and continued pacing the new exhibit’s floor, the clicking of her high heels echoing through the near-empty space as she anxiously smoothed out the nonexistent wrinkles of her pencil skirt. “I’m currently filled with enough nervous energy to power an entire arc reactor, and I’m supposed to just relax and take a deep breath?”
The super-soldier let out a dramatic sigh and hitched Carina higher up on his hip. “Your ma gets a little crabby when she’s stressed out, doesn’t she, sugar?” The infant giggled when his vibranium fingers tickled the skin beneath her chin and he chuckled. From the moment he arrived at their home in Maine, Bucky and Carina had become nearly inseparable; he was good with children, having helped his parents care for each of his three younger siblings, and Carina absolutely adored having her Uncle Bucky around more.
“You should see her the night before a book release.” Steve adjusted the bill of his beaten-up Brooklyn Dodgers baseball cap, flashing her a mischievous smile while continuing. “Last time, she tossed and turned so much that she ended up accidentally rolling out of bed.” (Y/N) spared both men a displeased glare but allowed Steve to cross the small room and gently cup her cheek as his other hand rested on the curve of her waist; the reassuring gleam in her husband’s azure eyes helped to begin settling her frayed nerves and she felt her shoulders relax as he softly spoke to her. “I don’t know how Isaiah’s gonna react to all of this, but I promise that everything’s gonna be okay, sunshine.”
(Y/N) released a shaky breath and nodded, taking a moment to glance around the exhibit that so many people had tirelessly worked on so that Isaiah and his fellow servicemen’s history would never be forgotten. Projectors flashed black-and-white photographs of Isaiah’s platoon during their training and years of service during the Korean War and situated before a wall-sized image of America’s first Black super-soldiers standing at attention were two distinct items: a bronze statue of Isaiah Bradley, and a plaque dedicated to telling the truth of his life and what the Army had tried to keep buried for seventy years.
Isaiah Bradley
Isaiah Bradley is an American Hero whose name went unknown for too long.
Isaiah was one of a dozen African-American soldiers who were recruited against their will and without their consent for participation in human testing in pursuit of the super-soldier serum. Most did not survive. The few who lived through testing were sent on secret missions during the Korean War. During the conflict, against all odds, Isaiah Bradley rescued his fellow soldiers and 28 other POWS from behind enemy lines.
However, fearful of the ramifications of a Black super-soldier, some individuals within the government tried to erase Isaiah’s story from history. His family was issued a falsified death certificate and for decades, the truth of his unflinching bravery was buried.
The third and final paragraph etched onto the plaque detailed the thirty years of false imprisonment, experiments and downright torture Isaiah was subjected to by the Army and Hydra, and (Y/N) found herself looking away before the words she’d helped to pen could make her tear up; while dozens of people had been involved in the creation of the exhibit, only she and Sam knew that Isaiah was still alive and living in Baltimore. They wanted to protect his desire to live out the rest of his life in anonymity, which was why they arranged for Isaiah and his grandson Elijah to visit the exhibit before its scheduled unveiling. But for the past several weeks, (Y/N) was weighed down by fears that the elderly man wouldn’t approve of the exhibit or would be offended by its very existence, so she spent many sleepless nights ensuring that the story of Isaiah Bradley and his fellow servicemen would be told with all the respect and gravitas that it deserved.
“Guys, Sam just texted that they’re about to walk in.”
Bucky’s heads-up brought (Y/N) back to reality and caused a fresh spike of anxiety within her, but she masked her nervousness with a smile as Steve led her over to where Bucky stood off to the side. Seeing that Carina was beginning to fall asleep in the super-soldier’s arms, (Y/N) leaned down and pressed a soft kiss onto her daughter’s forehead and when she straightened up, she and Bucky shared an understanding look while Steve’s hand gave hers a brief but reassuring squeeze. All three of them stood at the back of the new exhibit and watched as Sam led the Bradley’s inside, and (Y/N) got her first look at the reclusive super-soldier.
Isaiah Bradley was the epitome of a super-soldier, with a muscular build carefully disguised by a windbreaker and jeans and the striking looks of a man decades younger; there was grief etched into every line and wrinkle and a fiery bitterness in his dark brown eyes, but the hardened emotions seemingly faded away the moment he got his first look at the exhibit. Isaiah’s jaw slackened and his gaze was transfixed on the statue bearing his likeness as he rested a shaking hand on his grandson’s shoulder; he spared Sam a brief look as Eli led him towards the plaque and when Sam gave him a nod, his hand slipped down to briefly grip Eli’s as he struggled to remain composed. The Bradley’s studied the statue in awe and when Eli moved to read the plaque chronicling his grandfather’s life, Isaiah stood behind him and held onto his shoulders, and (Y/N) bit her lip as they read the words she’d helped to pen.
Isaiah soon turned and slowly walked over to where Sam stood, his eyes beginning to water as his lower lip trembled. “Now, they’ll never forget what you did for this country.” Sam shook Isaiah’s outstretched hand and gave him another firm nod. “Never.” The older man finally gave in to the overwhelming onslaught of emotions, pulling Sam into a tight hug and shaking with barely-suppressed emotion. (Y/N) accepted the tissue that Bucky offered her and dabbed at her tear-filled eyes as Steve wrapped a comforting arm around her waist and pressed a chaste kiss onto her cheek, both men sniffling and covertly blinking away their own tears. After a long moment, both men separated and Sam waved (Y/N) over. “Isaiah, I’d like you to meet (Y/N) (Y/L/N). I know my best friend like the back of my hand and since she’s gonna start gettin’ all modest in a sec, I’ll tell you now that she’s the one who made this possible.”
“It was very much a group effort, and one that couldn’t have happened without Sam,” (Y/N) countered, playfully bumping her best friend’s arm with her shoulder and extended her hand out towards Isaiah. “It’s an honor to meet you, Mr. Bradley.”
Isaiah shook her hand and gave her an appraising look. “I saw you on the television tryin’ to save those GRC members. You’re an Avenger, aren’t you?”
“Part-time; I’m a historical-fiction novelist whenever I’m not helping save the world or keeping Sam here out of trouble.” The older man huffed out an amused chuckle and (Y/N) took it as a sign to continue. “Mr. Bradley, Sam and I worked with the Smithsonian to create this exhibit in order to educate the world about a part of history that our government’s tried to hide for decades, and I collaborated with the editors of the New York Times to write an article about you and your fellow servicemen that will hold the government accountable for their actions. However, we’ve made it so that the exhibit and the article will not go ahead without your say-so.”
Isaiah seemed a little taken aback by her words and possibly even touched, but he was quick to mask the sentiment behind an indifferent shrug. “Seems like they’re copin’ with a Black Captain America who’s quick to call ‘em out on national television, so why avoid a little more overdue accountability? But it’s like I already told Sam, Ms. (Y/L/N), Isaiah Bradley is dead and I’d prefer him to be left dead. After those thirty years locked away, I’m not willin’ to put a target on mine or my grandson’s back just ‘cause a Black man’s carryin’ that shield now.”
“I understand. According to the government – and in a week’s time, the rest of the world – Isaiah Bradley died in the 1980’s after thirty years of false imprisonment; Sam and I made it so that no one will ever find out that that nurse falsified your records and helped you escape.” The uncertain frown on Isaiah’s face slowly but surely vanished and (Y/N) felt her own smile return as she continued. “The only people who know that you’re still alive are all in this room: Sam, Bucky, myself and my husband.”
The older man followed (Y/N)’s gaze to where Bucky and Steve quietly stood, arching a brow at the sight of the infamous Winter Soldier rocking an infant to sleep in his arms but returning the super-soldier’s nod with one of his own. His eyes flicked over to the shorter of the two men and after a moment, both brows rose in surprise as a look of recognition crossed his weathered features. “Is that…?”
Sam tucked his hands into his pockets and answered Isaiah’s unspoken question with a nod as Steve slowly approached them. “You see, you’re not the first super-soldier we’ve worked to keep out of the public eye.”
Both (Y/N) and Sam stepped back to give Steve and Isaiah some privacy and as she wrapped an arm around her best friend’s elbow, (Y/N) watched their interaction with a soft smile on her face; there was a certain hesitancy about the way the two men walked up to each other, with deliberately slow steps and a studied gleam in their eyes, and despite the obvious differences in their appearances, it was clear that both men were kindred spirits. When Sam told her about his and Bucky’s mission to track down the Flag Smashers in Latvia, he mentioned how Zemo admitted that Steve was an exception to his personal beliefs about the corruptibility of super-soldiers because ‘there has never been another Steve Rogers’; but looking on as Isaiah shook Steve’s hand and listened to everything he had to say, (Y/N) couldn’t disagree with the Sokovian terrorist more. Isaiah is just as good a man as Steve, she thought as she and Sam exchanged a knowing look, only he was never given the same opportunity to show the world who he was.
“That’s one skinny guy.”
Sam shot Eli a reprimanding glare. “Yeah, you really need to learn some manners.”
“Hey, man, I’m just makin’ an observation,” Eli chuckled as he raised his hands in defense. “All those crazy theories online, and not one of ‘em even comes close to the truth. He really gave up bein’ Cap and went back to who he used to be, huh?”
(Y/N) smiled at the teenager’s curiosity peeking out from beneath the adolescent air of nonchalance. “That’s not exactly how he sees it. To him, he just decided to be Steve Rogers on a full-time basis and pass the shield onto the best person for the job.”
“The best and most annoying person,” Bucky added, joining their trio with a teasing grin on his face and carefully passing a fast-asleep Carina over to (Y/N) before lightly bumping Sam’s arm with his elbow. “But hey, I can personally attest that that’s practically a requirement for bein’ the Star-Spangled-Man-With-A-Plan.”
The four of them stood and quietly watched Steve and Isaiah talk to one another, and while (Y/N) rocked her sleeping daughter in her arms, she indulged in her inner amateur historian and took a moment to appreciate the history that only a small handful of people would ever have the opportunity to know of. The thought of that history being passed down through Eli, Aj, Cass and Carina put a smile on (Y/N)’s face, and she rested her head against her best friend’s shoulder as the lyrics of a familiar uplifting song came to mind:
I’m gonna keep rolling on, no matter what the world may do, ‘cause with a love like this, there’s nothing left to do. So, let me tell ya…Doesn’t matter what you say, I’m still, I’m still gonna float away for real. In a minute, ya’ll, I’ll be gone, right or wrong, I’ma just keep rolling on and on and on and on…
A/N: And there we have it! I had an absolute blast getting into this series and in the future, I’ll definitely continue my re-tellings of various Phase 4/5 projects but for the next one-shot, I’ll be focusing on Steve and (Y/N)’s first date after the Battle of Sokovia! Thank you all so much for reading and commenting, and I hope that you enjoyed it!
If you haven’t checked it out already, I’ve created a Spotify playlist inspired by this series and it’s linked below. Enjoy!
Spotify Playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/3ziGMhEsAw833GQ9eV44nR?si=6dfead09c76848d5
Stumblin’ In Book VII: “Superhero Snapshots” Masterlist
Stumblin’ In Book I: “The Winter Soldier” Masterlist
Tagging:  @mrs-obrien​​​​​ @lahoete​​​​​ @awkward117 @cminr @natdrunk​​​​ @momc95​​​​​ @savedbystyle​​​​​ @miraculouscloud @awkwardnesshabitat​​​​​ @marinettepotterandplagg​​​​​ @mangosandmimosas @supersouthy @benakenalove​​​​​ @brooke0297​​​​​ @hufflepeople​​​​​ @becausewelie​​​​​ @outoftheregular​​​​​​ @junipermurdock​​​​​ @ladydmalfoy @mads-weasley​​​​​ @username23345 @crist1216​​​​​ @capswife​​​​​ @lilmschild​​​​​ @avngrsinitiative @crowleysqueenofhell​​​​​ @y-napotat​​​ @mary1raven​​​​​ @groovy-lady​​​​​ @ljej95​​​​​ @innersublimefury​​​ @prettysbliss​​​​​​  
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get-your-fics · 3 years
Worldwide Torture
Summary: You’re a prisoner in Belle Reve, and Rick is tasked with recruiting you for Task Force X.
Pairing: Rick Flag x reader
Word count: 10.6k (it’s a long one)
Warnings: Violence, death, blood, attempted rape, angst of course
A/N: So no one asked for this, but I watched The Suicide Squad and became obsessed with him, so... yeah. Enjoy a non-dark-ish one for a change!
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Belle Reve had a new prisoner.
She came in kicking and screaming, her shrill shrieks bouncing off of the tiled walls. Two guards in full SWAT armor carried her in, keeping their heads down. They moved so fast, they practically lifted her off the ground, her feet barely brushing the floor. The fluorescent lights casting an eerie, green-tinged glow flickered above her one by one as she moved past them.
Rick Flag watched her from a room on the other side of a one way mirror in the hallway, a passive observer. She had on a straitjacket, buckles and straps binding her arms and securing them in place. Tears ran down her cheeks, her eyes red and puffy from crying so hard.
She leaned her head back, and a piercing wail escaped her throat, this one louder than all the rest. The light above her shattered with a thunderous crack, splintering into a thousand pieces. The guards dropped her to shield themselves from the torrential downpour of glass shards raining down on them.
She managed to land on her feet and stood up as straight as a board. One of the guards lunged at her. She glared at him, and he flew backwards as if some invisible force had pushed him. He collided with the wall painfully before sliding down it, collapsing into a crumpled heap on the floor.
The other guard moved to restrain her, but she landed a solid kick to his chest that threw him back. Several other guards came stampeding into the hall until she was soon surrounded. She did her best to fend them off, but they piled on top of her until one managed to stab a needle into her neck.
Her entire body went still. Her eyelashes fluttered, and then Rick swore she looked right at him, even through the trick mirror. He went rigid, his breath caught in his throat. She was unflinching, the hard lines of her face set into a stern expression. It only lasted a second, but he felt like she saw straight through him to his very soul.
Then, her eyes rolled back into her head, and she wavered on her feet, swaying side to side. She finally lost balance as she went unconscious, tipping over. The guards caught her before she made contact with the ground. They hoisted her limp body in their arms and dragged her down the hallway until they were out of Rick's sight.
Beside him, Amanda Waller sipped from her coffee cup like she was watching the weatherman on the local news.
"Marvelous, isn't she?"
Rick tore his gaze away from the scene and looked at her. "She sure is something," he murmured.
She hummed in agreement. "She’s one of our new arrivals.” Her crimson-painted lips smirked over the rim of her mug. “One of the deadliest, too.”
He crossed his arms over his chest. "Is this why you called me here? To show off your shiny, new toys?"
The amusement dropped from her face, and she looked at him. "I brought you here because she, is your new assignment."
Belle Reve was noisy almost all hours of the day, so it surprised Rick when he stepped into the wing his assignment was being held in only to find it dead quiet.
“Special Cases Unit,” Waller told him as they traversed through the labyrinth of cells in Belle Reve. On either side of them, inmates yelled strings of profanities at them and rattled the bars of their cages. He tried to keep a straight face and ignore them, staring straight ahead and not daring to look any of them in the eye. “That’s where you’ll find her.”
There was no doubt in Rick’s mind that the word ‘special’ was a stand in for ‘dangerous,’ or even more likely, ‘exploitable.’
The thud of Rick’s boots against the squeaky clean tile echoed off of the blank, white walls. All of Belle Reve looked oddly pristine, but it was even more off putting and out of place here. It put on the appearance of a hospital, deceptively safe and luring its victims into a decapacitated state. If Rick knew anything about the way Waller’s mind operated, then he knew this ploy was intentional.
The hallway seemed to go on forever, stretching into eternity. He risked a glance at the doors on either side, and he could just catch glimpses of the people on the other side of the tiny, square windows in each. They were screaming, mouths open, eyes wide, and yet, it was so silent, you could hear a pin drop. It was the same as the others, only this time, someone had gotten the brilliant idea to install soundproof walls so you couldn’t hear them, which was strange. Rick thought Waller thrived on the sounds of their screams.
He turned a corner into another, thankfully smaller, hallway of doors. This area was less brightly lit than the others, less clinical and a little more dim. He stopped at the door at the very end. Two guards fully decked out in tactical gear stood at attention on either side, their hands resting on the handguns in their holsters, which even for a heavily guarded prison full of dangerous supercriminals was an odd occurrence.
“Colonel Rick Flag,” he announced himself. “I’m here to give the inmate her lunch.” He jutted his chin down at the metal tray of brown slop and gray mush in his hands.
They eyed him warily, but ultimately stepped aside. He slowly approached and stopped in front of the door, peering in through the small window he could only assume was bullet proof. Through the thick layers of glass, he could make out a brightly lit and fully padded cell that was rather large to contain only one person. At first glance, it looked completely empty until he noticed the girl in the corner.
She was awake now, sitting in the very back wedged in between the padded walls. Her knees were tucked under her chin, and she was rocking back and forth. Her head was down, so Rick couldn’t make out her face. His gaze fell to the straitjacket he had seen her in earlier. She was still wearing it.
“How’s she supposed to eat with that thing on?” he asked.
“How does a pig eat out of a trough?” one of the guards sneered, and they both snickered under their breath.
“Slide it through here,” the other grunted. He bent down and opened a slot in the very bottom of the heavy, solid door.
He raised a brow. “I need to speak to the inmate in person.”
“No one is allowed to enter the cell while she’s present.”
“Well, Amanda Waller gave me clearance.” He stood up a little straighter, displaying his staggering height over the man. “Does that mean anything?”
They both exchanged a meaningful look, something unspoken passing between them, but they ultimately gave in. The guard sighed before undoing the complicated lock on the door and wrenching it open with a metallic screech. “This better not come back to bite me in the ass,” he grumbled under his breath.
Rick swallowed hard before stepping over the threshold and into the cell. For a second, he could hear her mumbling to herself, or maybe it was a few notes of a melody she was humming. But at the noise of his entrance, her body went rigid, and her head shot up, eyes wide with fright and alarm.
There was a thunderous noise behind him, and he looked over his shoulder to see that they had wasted no time in slamming the door closed on him. He huffed before turning back around to face her.
She scrambled backwards and pressed herself even further into the corner, shrinking in on herself. “Stay away!” she exclaimed, panic and distress written all over her features. “Don’t come near me!”
“Hey, it’s okay,” he said in a soft, soothing tone, adjusting his posture to appear non-threatening. “I’m not going to hurt you.”
She shook her head vigorously. “It’s not that,” she gasped. “I can’t control it. I don’t want to hurt you.”
He blinked in shock. Rarely had he ever come across an inmate who was concerned for his safety. Usually, it was the exact opposite. He cracked a small smile. “You’re not going to hurt me.” He held up the tray higher for her to see. “Here, I brought lunch.”
He cautiously crept towards her, his boots making no sound as they sank into the cushioned floor. She was still curled up in the corner, completely closed off from him. The closer he got, the more he could see how badly she was shaking, her chest rising and falling like she was hyperventilating.
He stopped a couple of feet away from her and got down on his knees so they were eye to eye. He set the tray down and slid it the last couple of feet over to her. She recoiled into herself further, like she was afraid she might explode if she touched it.
“See?” He raised his hands in the air. “No harm done.”
She stopped shaking, her breath evening out. She stared at him, her eyes narrowing with suspicion. “They usually just slide it through the door and leave.”
“Well, I’m not the usual.” He pressed a hand to his chest. “My name is Colonel Rick Flag. What’s yours?” He shot her the warmest, friendliest grin he could muster.
She scoffed. “Like you don’t know already.”
It was true. Waller had told him everything about her prior.
She told him her name as she walked slightly in front of him, her hands clasped behind her back. She always liked to be a few steps ahead of everyone, literally and figuratively. "Grew up in Gotham, parents died. Got tossed around the foster system for a while before she became too much for them to handle and was sent to Arkham Asylum.”
“But why bring her here?” He struggled to keep up with her stride. “Why not keep her in Arkham?”
“They no longer had the resources to deal with her… capabilities.” She glanced at him over her shoulder. “It’s better that she’s here with us, anyhow. I can only imagine the kinds of experiments they were doing on her there.”
Rick shuddered, but tried not to show it.
His smile didn’t falter. “I’d like to hear it from you, if you don’t mind.”
Her body relaxed a little bit more. She said her name in a whisper so quiet, Rick barely caught it. Her voice was so small and broken, almost on the verge of cracking.
He said her name back to her. “You have to be uncomfortable in that thing.” He gestured to the buckles going down the front of her straitjacket. “Why don’t I take it off for you so you can eat?”
She went tense again and firmly shook her head. “That’s not a good idea.”
His smile dropped. “Why not?”
“Because,” she hid her face behind her knees, “it’s worse when it’s off.”
“It’ll be alright,” he assured her. “You don’t have to be afraid.”
She seemed to believe him, because after a second, she sat up, tucking her legs underneath her. He scooted forward until he was right in front of her. He reached out and started undoing the buckles. She seemed like she was holding her breath the whole time.
He helped stripped her of the jacket and threw it aside, leaving her in her undershirt. She stayed very still, as if she were waiting for something to happen. What it was, Rick wasn’t sure, but it must’ve never come, because after a second, she let out a deep sigh of relief.
“See? That wasn’t so bad.” He smiled at her. “I told you everything would be fine.”
This time, she returned the smile, or at least attempted to, the corners of her dry lips twisting into a lopsided grimace. She stretched her arms, the joints in them cracking, and wiggled her fingers. She stared at her hands like she had never seen them before. He wondered how long it had been since she last had her arms free.
“You must be starving.” He nudged the tray towards her again encouragingly. “Go ahead. Eat.”
She glanced up at him again wearily like she was making sure he was genuine before she grabbed the tray and dug in. She must’ve been ravenous to devour the unappetizing sludge heaped upon her plate the way she did. He sat there in silence with her, merely watching as she ate with a soft smile on his face.
When she was done, she lifted her head and wiped the crumbs from her mouth with the back of her hand. She stared at him with her round, doe eyes, like she was studying him. “All the others are scared of me,” she tilted her head curiously, “but you don’t seem to be.”
“I don’t see anything to be scared of.” He airily laughed.
Her brow furrowed, and her face contorted into a pensive expression. She retreated back into her shell, hugging her knees to her chest. “Why are you here?”
He laughed again. “I brought you your lunch.”
She shook her head. “That’s not why you’re really here.”
He fought to keep the thin veil of a smile on his face. He felt like she could see right through him again.
“I don’t get it.” Rick got in front of Waller, stopping her in her tracks. “What’s any of this got to do with me?”
She pursed her lips. “I want you to recruit her for Task Force X, see if she is mentally capable enough to be controlled.” She cocked her head. “Can you do that for me, Flag?”
She held out a manila folder to him with the word ‘CONFIDENTIAL’ emblazoned across the front in big, red letters. Her name was on the tab. Rick looked down at it, gritting his teeth. Finally, he relented, snatching it from her hands.
“I’ll see what I can do.”
Rick came back the next day. The guards let him pass without issue this time, and she was back in the corner, her arms restrained by the straitjacket again.
She perked up when she saw him, and that made his heart flutter a little in his chest. “Rick,” she breathed, sounding a little relieved as she stared up at him.
He couldn’t help the smile that crossed his face. “I brought you something.”
He unveiled what he had been hiding behind his back: a pad of paper and a box of crayons. “I figured you must get bored in here with nothing to do. I know it’s not much, but…” It was the most he could smuggle past the metal detectors and scrutinous security.
Her eyes lit up like a little kid on Christmas morning. “No, it’s great. Thank you.”
He smiled. “Great. Just don’t tell anyone. This is our little secret, okay?” He held a finger up to his lips and winked at her. She laughed.
She scooted over as he sat down next to her. He set the paper and crayons down in front of her and reached for the buckles on her straitjacket. “Here, let me–”
“Oh, no need.” She smirked at him before fixing her gaze on the box of crayons. Suddenly, the lid on the box lifted all on its own, and a blue crayon sailed through the air before connecting with the pad, creating spirals and lines and shapes across the paper.
“Woah,” Rick gasped underneath his breath.
He leaned back against the wall and watched her work. He noticed the way her brows furrowed and her tongue poked the inside of her cheek as she focused. She now had three different crayons flitting across the paper of their own accord, moving in tandem together to create a pattern. He leaned closer, peeking over her shoulder, and recognized a familiar symbol taking shape.
“Is that Batman?” he asked.
She nodded shyly. “I always admired him growing up.” Her expression soured. “I wanted to be like him, once.”
He raised a brow. “What happened?”
Her lips pouted, and she shrugged. “Some people just aren’t meant to be heroes.”
He wanted to ask what she meant by that, but the look on her face told him otherwise. So instead, he posed, “It must get lonely, being in here all by yourself.”
She shrugged again. “It’s not so bad. I’m used to it. I’ve always been on my own.”
He turned to face her more fully. “What about in Arkham?”
“I was locked up most of the time, and when I wasn’t…” A look of horror crossed her face, but it vanished as quickly as it appeared.
He tilted his head as he considered her. “You’ve never had anybody visit you?” he asked.
Her countenance turned grim. “There’s no one left to visit.” She shook off the gloom that had overtaken her and dropped her gaze to her drawing. “Besides, I like it here better anyway. I can’t hear the others screaming.”
At that, Rick went tense.
Later, he cornered Waller in her office. “I think it’s time we let her out for meals with the others and have recreational time.”
She barely paid him any mind, shuffling through files on her desk. “Look, Flag, just because you two are playing nice so far doesn’t mean she’s not a menace and a danger to this facility.”
He towered over her, leaning on his hands against her desk. “You brought me on to recruit her for Task Force X,” he reasoned. “How am I supposed to be sure she can work well with others if we never see her in a similar environment?”
Waller stilled at his words, her hands freezing over the paperwork she was sorting. She looked up at him, her lips pressed into a straight line. “Fine. Starting tomorrow, she can join the others for meals and rec, as long as she’s under your supervision.”
He let out a breath he hadn’t realized he’d been holding. “Thank you, Waller.”
She pointed a stern finger at him. “But if this goes tits up, as I expect it will, the blame falls on you, understand?”
He clasped his hands behind his back and gave her a firm nod of his head. “Yes, ma’am.”
“I’m not so sure about this, Rick.”
She stood behind him as he escorted her to the dining hall, doing her best to hide behind his large frame. They passed guards who shot them strange looks, and other inmates whooped at them from their cells, causing her to shrink even further into the opposing wall.
“This’ll be good for you,” he told her. “You need time out of your cell. You’ll go crazy being cooped up in there all day.”
“I already am,” she mumbled under her breath.
They arrived at the dining hall. There were a good amount of female inmates already there, either sitting at the tables or waiting in line to receive their food. Some were obnoxiously loud and joking with each other. Others kept to themselves, sitting alone with their heads down. He didn’t know which ones he should be more cautious of.
Rick waved her forward. “Go ahead.”
She latched onto his sleeve, and he stiffened at the contact. “Please, Rick. Don’t make me,” she begged him in hushed tones. “I don’t think I’m ready for this. I never got along with the other inmates.”
“Don’t worry about them,” he assured her. “I’ll be right here, making sure nothing happens.”
She stared up at him from beneath her lashes. “Promise?”
His heart skipped a beat as he met her gaze, and he swallowed hard. “Promise,” he whispered.
She let out a heavy sigh before letting go of his sleeve. He nudged her over to the line of inmates waiting for their food, and she threw him a playful glare over her shoulder. He stifled a laugh and took his position over by the wall to observe her.
She slinked over and took her place as last in line. Some of the other inmates noticed her and started to whisper amongst themselves until all eyes in the dining hall were on her. She kept her gaze on the tile beneath her feet and hunched her shoulders, trying to make herself smaller. But it was too late. There was already a steady thrum of excitement buzzing amongst the crowd.
“Hey, look at the fresh meat!” one of them called out, and the room dissolved into jeering and snide remarks. She trembled, and her bottom lip started to wobble. She looked like she was about to cry.
Rick clenched his jaw. It took everything in him not to go storming over there and throw her over his shoulder, carrying her out of the room and never letting her out again.
He kept a close eye on her as she shuffled forward in line. None of the inmates had touched her yet; they seemed to know it would be over for them if they did. And Rick knew he would lose his cool if he saw any of them lay a hand on her.
A few of the other guards supervising told the others to knock it off as she made her way forward in line. She finally got her food and squeaked out a thank you before scurrying away. She sought solace at an empty table in the very furthest corner of the room, a good distance away from everyone else. Her hiding places were nothing if not predictable.
He moved a little closer to where she was. She sat on the very edge of the seat with her legs pressed together, eating as fast as possible. Her eyes shifted from side to side, constantly maintaining surveillance for any approaching threats, like she was ready to flee at the first given opportunity. Every now and then, she’d look at him, and he’d shoot her a reassuring smile back.
Rick was so zeroed in on her, he almost didn’t notice the table of female inmates out of the corner of his eye. They shot her an occasional glance with their beady eyes like they were sizing her up and grin at each other with sharp, yellow teeth. Eventually, they stood up wordlessly, the legs of their chairs scraping against the tiled floor the loudest sound in the world.
Rick’s body went rigid as he watched them stalk over to her. He noticed she, too, froze up as she watched them approach. They surrounded her on all sides, looming over her and leering down at her. They looked so much bigger than her, almost twice her size.
They spoke to her in hushed tones, so quiet he had to strain to hear. He barely caught glances of her in between their solid bodies. She was staring up at them with wide eyes like a rat caught in a trap, gripping the seat with both hands so hard her knuckles were white. Then, she locked eyes with him, silently pleading him for help. Except he wasn’t so sure it was her safety she was pleading for.
She looked like a shaken up bottle of soda about to explode.
He shot across the dining hall and was by her side in a second. The prisoners spread out when he approached, assuming aloof positions. “What’s going on here?” he demanded, his voice gruff.
“Oh, nothing, Colonel,” one of them responded, batting her lashes at him innocently. “We just wanted to see if little mouse here wanted to be friends.” She reached out and twirled a lock of her hair around her finger.
It took everything in Rick not to rip her hand away. “Well, I’m sure she can find better friends than the lot of you.” He cocked his head in the direction of their table. ��Go on, back to your seats.”
They grumbled as they retreated back to their table, making faces and crude gestures towards her. “Colonel’s pet,” he heard one of them hissed, although he couldn’t tell which one it was. The rest snickered in response.
When they were far enough away, she closed her eyes and released a breath she had been holding in, her chest hollowing out. She ran her hands through her hair and tried to still her leg that was bouncing up and down incessantly.
Rick leaned down, whispering to her under his breath, “Are you okay?”
She gave a slight nod of her head, imperceptible to anyone else. “They just asked me if I wanted to join their group for protection.”
He bristled. He should be the only one she had to rely on for protection. Not anyone else, and certainly not some stupid gang. “That’s what you got me for, isn’t it?”
She looked up at him and nodded again, her lips curling into the hint of a smile.
“See, now that wasn’t so bad, now was it?”
She pursed her lips. “I guess not.” She shrugged. “Thanks, Rick.”
“No problem,” he almost called her sweetheart, but caught himself before he could. He backed away from her and resumed his post against the wall, smiling to himself. Throughout the rest of the meal, they would lock eyes from time to time, and it was almost like they were communicating with each other silently, entire sentences and conversations going unsaid.
Her appearance caused a commotion that was easily handled the next couple of times, and then the fervor surrounding her presence promptly died out. The nickname ‘little mouse’ quickly caught on with the inmates, and they would shout at her from time to time, but Rick was always a few steps behind her when she would look to him for reassurance. Besides that, she went unbothered.
Except for the day she didn’t.
It was cool enough out that the inmates were allowed to go outside for recreation time. Rick brought her outside, and she squinted as she stepped out into the sun, shielding her eyes with her hands. He wondered when the last time she had seen the light of day was.
He trailed behind her over to the benches on the left side of the little enclosed outdoor space, far away from anyone else, as was typical. She stuck her fingers through the chain link fence and pressed her face against it, gazing out at the stretch of blue sky in the distance. The heat beat down on them still, and Rick was starting to sweat under his bulletproof vest, but she seemed unfazed.
Rick liked to watch her, he had noticed. He liked the way she looked at the world with naive, optimistic, almost childlike enthusiasm, at least when she wasn’t scared half to death. He couldn’t remember the last time he had seen something like that in an inmate. Maybe it was because she had been behind bars almost her entire life.
The radio strapped to Rick’s chest crackled to life, and he picked it up. “Calling for backup,” a voice said over the radio. “We have a situation in the dining hall. Anyone who can get here, please come, now.”
He rolled his eyes and hit a button on the radio, responding. “This is Colonel Flag. I’m on my way over.”
She seemed to have noticed his momentary distraction, because when he looked up, she was already staring right at him over her shoulder with concern. “I’ll be right back.” He pointed a finger at her. “Don’t go anywhere while I’m gone.”
It was her turn to roll her eyes. “Couldn’t even if I tried.”
It turned out to be just a disagreement between two of the male inmates that had gotten pretty heated, nothing out of the ordinary. Fights happened in Belle Reve all the time. This one was handled swiftly, and Rick ended up escorting them back to their cells. Whoever had called for backup must’ve been new and inexperienced.
He locked the last inmate in his cell with a huff. He was starting to get antsy about leaving her alone. He didn’t like being away from her for so long. It turned out he had a good reason to be nervous when he heard his name called out.
“Flag!” He turned to see Waller rushing at him, her heels clicking against the tiled floor. He knew the only times he had seen her this frantic were in a real emergency. “What are you doing? Why aren’t you with the asset?”
“What’s wrong?” His heart started beating faster. “Is she okay? Did something happen?”
“Why don’t you go see for yourself?” she snapped at him.
At that, he took off like a shot down the hall, running at full speed. He passed confused guards shooting him odd looks, but he paid them no mind. All he could think about as the soles of his boots slapped against the floor and the air rushed around him was her, and what harm had been done to her. His heart hammered so hard in his chest, he thought it was going to burst through his ribcage.
The closer he got to the scene, the more he saw inmates and even some guards running in the opposite direction like they were running for their lives. They had horrified expressions on their faces, and Rick went a shade or two paler. Whatever could make them look like that in a maximum security prison certainly wasn’t good.
Rick pushed past the guards herding the inmates back inside and burst out into the rec area. He wasn’t prepared for what awaited him.
There was blood, so much blood, dark and slick and oily, coating the pavement in a thick, oozing puddle. He could smell it, the stench so thick in the dry heat that he nearly suffocated on it, the coppery scent stinging his nose. He coughed, blinking away tears. He couldn’t remember the last time he had seen so much blood all in one place, and the thought that this could be hers, her blood, made his heart seize in his chest.
But then he saw the bodies: multiple bodies cut up and torn to shreds with bits and pieces of metal sticking out of them. Their eyes were wide, their mouths gaped open, completely motionless, no doubt long gone from this world. He looked amongst their faces for hers and was relieved when he couldn’t find her. However, what he did notice was that they were the same group of girls who had approached her in the dining hall a couple of weeks earlier.
He heard a sniffle, and that was when he looked up to see her. She was sitting in the corner of the destroyed fence, hugging her knees to her chest and burying her face in her legs. It was similar to how he had first found her in her cell, rocking back and forth and humming softly to herself, except this time, her orange uniform was splattered with blood.
Rick made his way forward, stepping over the bodies splayed out in front of her like broken dolls. He cringed when he stepped into the pool of blood, the squelch making him sick to his stomach. It was a massacre.
He looked around; there was no one else there except for a couple of guards. They seemed to be glued to their spots and resisting the urge to heave. They stared at him as he approached her like they wanted to tell him to stop but couldn’t find the courage to do so.
Once he was a couple of feet away from her, he called her name softly. “Go away,” was her automatic response. Her voice was small. “I can’t control it.”
He said her name again and squatted down in front of her. “It’s alright. It’s just me.”
She looked up at him, and he got a good look at the tear tracks cutting through the blood on her face. “It wasn’t my fault,” she blurted. “They came at me. They had a shiv…”
Rick gritted his teeth and glared at a cold, limp arm in his periphery. They had offered her protection. Protection, of course, from themselves. “It’s over now. You’re safe.”
He reached out to her, and she flinched away from him, quivering. He shushed her calmly and reached out for her again. When she didn’t react harshly, he scooped her up in his arms and stood up. She didn’t hesitate to bury her face in his neck, her fingers clinging to the fabric of his jacket.
“Don’t worry,” he placated her as he carried her away. “I’m here now.”
“What were you thinking?”
Rick stood on the other side of a door to Belle Reve’s medical unit. He could see her on the other side of the tiny, square window, sitting on a bench with her head hanging low. A nurse sat next to her, stitching up a cut just above her eye. Thankfully, she hadn’t sustained many injuries, just the cut from where a girl had swiped at her with the makeshift shiv and missed before she went down, and it wasn’t very deep. It would hardly leave a scar.
She kept her gaze trained on the floor, completely immobile, almost catatonic. She had the straitjacket back on again.
“Flag, don’t make me ask you again,” Waller hissed next to him, her hands on her hips. “What were you thinking?”
He kept his eyes trained on her as he replied, “I thought I could leave her alone for a few seconds. She was making such good progress.”
He could feel Waller’s eyes burning holes in the side of his face. She let out a sharp exhale through her nose, nostrils flaring. “Well, I have no choice but to revoke her rec time privileges. She’ll go back to being confined in her cell.”
His head snapped to look at her. “What? You can’t do that,” he asserted. “They were trying to kill her. She was just defending herself!”
“Most people don’t slaughter a group of full grown women and almost cause a breakout when they defend themselves,” she shot back. “Now, I have five dead bodies on my hands.”
He swallowed hard, at a loss for words. She continued to stare him down, even when he broke eye contact. “Do you understand, now?” she asked.
He clasped his hands behind his back and nodded. “Yes, ma’am.”
She stared at him a second longer as the silence settled, the air between them fraught with tension. “Do your job and get her under control, Flag.” Waller glanced at her through the window. “I’ll leave you to tell her the bad news.”
She turned on her heel and walked away, the ominous click of her heels fading as she receded.
Rick looked back at the window to see the nurse finishing up. He pulled the door open, and her head shot up as he stepped inside, closing it behind him. The nurse carefully placed a bandage over her sutures and packed all her things away in her first aid bag. He waited as she stood up and scurried away.
When they were alone, he waited a second for her to say something. When she didn’t, he asked, “Are you okay?” His voice was quiet, but in the silence, it was booming.
“You keep asking me that.” She stared through him, her eyes unfocused.
“Because I want to make sure.” He tilted his head. “I’m worried about you.”
“Shouldn’t you be worried about the people I just killed?” she hissed, but then her hardened expression softened into a look of regret.
He squatted down in front of her so they were eye level. “I’m sorry.” He placed a hand on her knee, and she stiffened at the touch. “I should’ve been there.”
She groaned and retracted from him, shirking his hand off of her and tucking her knees under her chin. “How can you blame everyone but me?”
“It wasn’t your fault.” He sat down next to her. “They attacked you, and you got scared. You couldn’t control it.”
She looked up at him almost in awe. “How are you still not scared of me? You saw what I can do.”
He reached up, his fingers ghosting over the bandage above her eye. A tender look a tad too fond crossed his face. “Because I know you won’t hurt me.”
She gazed at him in reverence, leaning into his touch. Then, something changed in her, and she turned away from him. “You’re so nice to me.”
He scooted closer to her, leaning forward. “Why wouldn’t I be?”
“You’re too nice.” She gripped the edge of the bench. “When people are nice to me, that usually means they want something from me.” She looked at him suspiciously.
Guilt twisted in his gut. He knew what he was doing was wrong, getting close to her in order to figure out whether she was fit to join Task Force X or not. But it also wasn’t like he didn’t care for her. In fact, if there was anything he was scared of, it was discovering the extent of just how deep his feelings ran for her.
He placed a hand on her shoulder and leaned down so he met her eye. “You can trust me,” he said assuredly.
The corners of her lips quirked into a smirk. “Promise?”
He nodded, forcing a smile on his face. “Promise.”
She didn’t react as badly to finding out her privileges had been revoked as Rick thought she would. In fact, she seemed a little relieved to have time all to herself again away from everyone else.
He went back to bringing her her meals. Those were the only times of day where she was allowed out of her straitjacket, and he snuck her in more paper and crayons, eventually adding a box of markers and colored pencils to the collection. She was a relatively good artist, and he enjoyed watching her draw, even in complete silence. The quiet between them was never uncomfortable.
She started to show up in his dreams, and even more worryingly, his nightmares. He would dream about being on a mission gone wrong, as they so often did. He was fighting for his life to keep the bad guys at bay, almost out of bullets, when she would call his name so softly he barely heard her above the gunfire.
He whipped around to see her standing behind him, hunched over and clutching her stomach. Blood seeped in between her fingers, and she peeled her hand away to reveal a gunshot wound in her middle. Her mouth fell open, blood dark like ink spilling out like a fountain. Her eyes rolled back into her head just as she fell over.
He screamed, but his voice got lost in the void. He ran forward to catch her, but it seemed no matter how hard he tried, she was right out of reach. She was swallowed by the black abyss, vanishing out of sight. His vision swam with red and the images of chaos and destruction swirling around him until he was yanked out of his subconscious.
He would jolt awake in bed, sitting up straight. His legs were tangled up in the sheets like he had been tossing and turning all night. He pushed his hair matted to his forehead out of his face, and his chest slick with sweat rose up and down as he recovered his breath.
He blinked, adjusting his vision to his room submerged in darkness. His gaze fell on the drawings stuck to the wall across from his bed that he taped up. She had given them to him as a token of gratitude for giving her something to do. He focused on one in particular, a drawing she had done of both of them together. They stood side by side, hand in hand, smiling. He allowed it to ease his fears.
It was just a nightmare, he reminded himself. Just a nightmare. But he was plagued by the knowledge that it could soon become a reality.
The nightmares came more and more often until he was having them nearly every night. The only thing that seemed to help was visiting her, making sure she was safe in her cell. As much as he hated seeing her locked up like a caged bird, it assured him to know she would still be there when he returned the next day.
He went to her cell, tray in hand. He had gotten used to the echo of his footsteps as he walked down the silent halls. He slowed his step, however, when he noticed that the two guards who were usually outside her cell weren’t there.
He walked over and peeked through the window to see it was empty. His heart thudded in his chest, but he told himself that they had probably just taken her to the bathroom.
His pace quickened as he made his way to where the communal bathrooms were. He stopped outside the door, his brow furrowing when he didn’t see the guards there, either. His pulse started to race when he heard a muffled shout from inside.
In the blink of an eye, he tossed the tray aside, sending food flying everywhere. It clattered to the ground with a metallic clang. He pushed through the door and rushed into the bathroom.
He was met with the sight of her and the two guards in the communal showers. One of them had his arm wrapped around her middle and the other clamped over her mouth, trying to hold her still. The other guard was laughing and trying to pull off her pants. She was doing her best to kick at him with her legs, her arms still restrained by the straitjacket.
At the noise of the door swinging on its hinges behind him, they all looked over at him. His eyes locked with hers, and this time her silent plea for help was for her.
He wasted no time launching into action. He grabbed the guard pulling at her pants and threw him into the wall. His head collided with the tile with a loud crack, and he slumped against it, collapsing in a heap on the floor.
The other guard let go of his hold on her, dropping her to the floor. But before he could get a hit in, Rick punched him square in the nose. He stumbled back, gripping his broken nose as blood dripped through the spaces between his fingers. Rick grabbed him by his jacket, slamming his forehead into his. When he let go, the guard sank to the wet ground, unconscious.
Rick stood over him and kicked him in the ribs. He winded up to do it again when a voice broke him out of his rage.
“Rick!” she cried, her voice hoarse. He looked at her over his shoulder. She was sitting in a puddle of water and staring up at him, the spray from the shower raining down on her. “Stop! He’s not worth it.”
He looked back down at the guard crumpled at his feet, his hands curling into fists at his sides. He may not have been worth it, but he deserved much more than what he had gotten. He looked into her eyes again, and something there made all the fury pumping through his veins dissipate.
He stepped down from the guard. He went over to her and knelt at her side. “Are you okay?” He cupped her face in his hands, scanning over her for any injuries. There wasn’t anything overtly obvious besides the blue and purple bruising around her eye and a split lip. “What happened?”
She trembled under his touch. “They told me it was time for me to shower. But when we got there, they went inside with me, and then they started tugging at my clothes…” She trailed off, her swollen bottom lip trembling. Big, fat tears like pearls slipped out of the corners of her eyes and dripped down her cheeks.
He shushed her and wiped them away with his thumbs. “It’s okay.” He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her into his chest. He glared behind her at the guard lying on the floor, his limbs splayed out, and nearly shook with anger once more. “I should kill them.”
“No, you shouldn’t.” She nuzzled closer to him, resting her head on his shoulder. “You’re better than that.”
He didn’t have the heart to tell her that he wasn’t. But he tightened his grip on her, too content with holding her in his arms to let her go, even to kill those assholes who tried to take advantage of her. He sighed, resting his cheek on the top of her head. Now, she’d seen what he was capable of.
“I’m sorry,” he murmured into her hair.
She twisted in his grip to look up at him. “For what?”
“For not protecting you.” Even if that wasn’t really what Waller had tasked him with, he still felt responsible for her. “Your well-being is supposed to be my top priority, and I keep failing you.”
Her brows knitted together in confusion. “Rick, if it weren’t for you, who knows what those pricks might’ve done to me?” She shivered in his arms at the thought, and he squeezed her in response. “You saved me.”
She laid her head back down on his chest, closing her eyes as she listened to his heartbeat. They stayed there underneath the still running shower, their hair going damp and their soggy clothes sticking to their bodies. Rick rocked her back and forth and raked a hand through her hair. The only sounds were of the water streaming out of the shower head and her humming a melodic tune that echoed off of the walls.
The guards were fired.
Rick was furious when he found out that was all that was happening to them. He wanted to see them locked up in Belle Reve themselves, watched them get chewed up and spit out by the very inmates they had abused their authority of for who knew how many years. That was the real punishment they deserved. But they were threatening to press charges for the damage Rick had done to them, and Waller had told him not to push his luck.
As a result, she no longer trusted anyone else to guard her, so Rick was delegated as her entire security detail. He spent almost every hour of every day with her, bringing her meals, trips back and forth from the bathroom, and patrolling while she was asleep.
The upside was that this meant they got to spend more time together. She didn’t have to wear her straitjacket as often, and it was easier for him to smuggle in art supplies for her. Plus, it was hard to have nightmares when he only got the chance to nap for twenty minutes at a time.
The lights switched off at ten pm, plunging the cell into darkness. He sat just inside the door, watching her sleeping form in the middle of the cell. She was lying on her side, her chest rising and falling in even movements. He struggled to keep his eyes open.
His ears pricked at the sound of a pained groan, and his eyes shot open. He looked over to where she was. She was writhing on the floor, her face scrunched up and contorted in pain. She shook, digging her fingers into the cushioned floor.
“No,” he heard her softly whisper, and she shook her head. “No!” she said again, except this time a little louder.
He got up and ran over to her. He called her name. “What is it? What’s wrong?” He knelt down next to her. She must be having a nightmare. “It’s okay. You’re just having a bad dream.”
He reached out to touch her, and when his hand made contact, a spark ignited, like he had stuck his finger in an outlet. He was thrown backwards as if someone had pushed him and launched through the air. His back slammed into the wall, and he slid down, falling to the ground. Thank God this cell is padded.
She gasped for breath as she shot up wide awake, her chest heaving rapidly. The shiny bruise around her eye had faded to a sallow yellow, and the cut in the middle of her bottom lip was scabbed over and healing. Her head snapped to look over at him, and she scrambled over to him as best she could with a straitjacket on.
“Rick.” She sank to her knees in front of him, leaning over him with concern written all over her face. “Are you okay?”
He groaned as he pushed his hands against the floor to sit up. “I’m fine, sweetheart. Don’t worry about it.” He winced as he rubbed the back of his head.
His eyes went wide when he realized what he had said. He looked up at her, but if she had noticed, she didn’t show it. She was too preoccupied with fussing over him. “I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to, I swear. I just…” she trailed off, starting to sniffle.
“Hey, it’s okay.” He placed his hand on her shoulder and stared her straight in the eye. “I know you didn’t mean any harm by it.”
“But I hurt you.” Her bottom lip wobbled. “I promised I would never hurt you.”
He brushed her hair out of her face, cupping her cheeks in his hands. “You didn’t hurt me,” he assured her. “You could never hurt me.”
She stared up at him with stars in her shiny, round eyes. His gaze flickered down to her lips, and she seemed to realize where he was looking. She stilled for a second before her lips parted slightly, and she leaned into his touch.
He pulled away from her, clearing his throat. “Did you dream about the guards?” he asked in a hushed tone.
She blinked rapidly, snapping out of it. She shook her head. “No. I was dreaming about,” she paused, “my parents.”
He swallowed hard. She hadn’t opened up to him about her parents’ death before. Sure, he read about it in her files, but he knew it wasn’t the same. He could tell it was a touchy subject for her.
“Do you want to tell me about it?” he asked, leaning down to catch her eye.
A brief moment of silence ensued, and she broke it when she sucked in a deep breath. “I was back in the car with my parents, in the backseat. There was a storm out, and I got scared. Out of nowhere, the car swerved off the road…” She stopped before a sob could escape, and he could tell she was getting choked up. “Next thing I knew, the front half of the car was completely crushed, but I was safe.” Her eyes welled with tears, and she tried to blink them away. “I killed my parents.”
“The report said they lost control of the car,” he said.
She shook her head. “It was me. I made the car swerve off the road.” She let out a shuddering breath. “The people I care about always get hurt. My parents are dead because of me.”
She burst into tears. Without missing a beat, Rick swept her up in his arms, placing her in his lap like it was second nature to him. He held her close to his chest and carded a hand through her hair. “It’s not your fault. You didn’t know what you were doing.”
He felt a wet spot form on his jacket from her tears, but he didn’t mind. He let her cry it out until she was hiccuping and sniffling when she ran out of tears, her eyes dry. “It’s okay,” he cooed. “You’re safe. You’re with me now.”
He rocked her back and forth. She started humming again, that strange melodic tune. “What is that?” he asked.
“A lullaby my mom used to sing to me as a kid to get me to sleep,” she said. “It helps calm me down.”
“It’s very pretty.” She had a beautiful voice. It was almost haunting, listening to her hum the solemn, melancholic tune in the otherwise dead silent room.
“I’m sorry that I’m making you stay here with me,” she murmured. “You must be so tired. I know it’s unfair.”
“I don’t mind,” he told her honestly. “I want you to feel safe.”
She looked up at him, fluttering her lashes damp with tears. “Then… Do you mind holding me until I fall asleep? I’m scared the nightmares will come back.”
He opened his mouth to respond, but nothing came out. He knew it was inappropriate, that he should push her off of his lap right now. But she was so warm, and it felt so right to have her in his arms, like she belonged there, and when she looked at him like that…
“Of course,” he whispered.
That caused a lazy smile to spread across her lips, and it made his stomach flip knowing that he put it there. She laid back down on his chest and snuggled closer to him, curling up against him. He froze when she buried her face in the crook of his neck, her breath fanning over his skin.
“You’re so warm,” she mumbled sleepily.
He stayed rigid against her until she let out one long snore. He risked a glance down at her face, and her eyes were closed, a peaceful smile still gracing her lips.
He relaxed against her and leaned back against the wall, tightening his hold on her like he was shielding her from the rest of the world. They were like two pieces of a puzzle that fit together perfectly. He rested his head on top of hers and allowed the sound of her even breathing to lull him to sleep. He no longer tried to fight it when his eyes closed.
They slept soundly for the rest of the night.
She looked up at the sound of the door to her cell opening. She smiled when she saw it was Rick closing the door behind him.
“What brings you to my humble abode?” she joked, rolling her eyes.
He strode towards her with both his hands behind his back, a nervous smile on his face. “I have a surprise for you.”
She perked up, sitting up straight. “A surprise for me? Why?”
He knelt down in front of her and revealed what he was holding: sitting in the palms of his large hands was a small cupcake with an unlit candle stuck in it. “Happy birthday,” he said, a wide grin on his face.
Her smile dropped. She looked down at the cupcake and then back up at him, confused. “It’s my birthday?”
“That’s what it said in your file.” His smile started to crack. He could usually read her like an open book, but now he couldn’t tell how she felt, if he had overstepped or not.
“Huh.” She lowered her gaze to the padded floor. “I guess I forgot. It’s been a while since anyone cared to celebrate it.”
His heart wrenched in his chest at how dejected she looked. He couldn’t imagine what it had been like for her to grow up in Arkham Asylum scared and alone with powers she didn’t have control of.
He cleared his throat and held the cupcake out to her. “I made it myself, so if it doesn’t taste good that’s why.” He fidgeted nervously. “I hope you like vanilla.”
She took it and looked up at him with wide eyes. “Is this really for me?”
He laughed slightly. “Who else would it be for?” She plucked the candle out of the cupcake and looked up at him, raising a brow. “I couldn’t light the candle because of fire safety reasons,” he told her.
She shrugged and tossed it over her shoulder. He watched anxiously as she peeled back the wrapper and took a bite out of the cupcake. He raised a brow at her as she chewed. “Do you like it?”
She swallowed before answering, “Of course I do.”
Relief washed over him. “I know it’s not much, but…”
“It’s more than anyone else has ever done for me.” She shied away from him, looking up at him from under her lashes sheepishly. “This is probably sad, but this might be the best birthday I’ve ever had.”
“Well, I’m glad I could make it happen for you,” he said, smiling.
She returned it, her smile growing wider. Suddenly, she flung herself at him, wrapping her arms around his neck. He went still with shock for a moment before returning the hug, rubbing circles on her back.
“Thank you,” she whispered in his ear, and he shivered. “This is the nicest thing anyone’s done for me.”
“You’re welcome,” he replied.
She pulled away, and just as he was about to let go of her, she leaned forward and pecked him on the lips. It didn’t last longer than a couple seconds, but it was enough to make Rick’s brain shut down as he just sat there staring at her with his jaw dropped like an idiot.
She mistook his lack of response for rejection. “I’m sorry. I know that was wrong of me, and you probably don’t feel the same, but I thought I’d at least give it a try.” She paused when she ran out of air, her cheeks flushing a bright red that somehow made her even more adorable. “God, I’m pathetic––”
He cut her off before she could ramble anymore by connecting their lips again. It was her turn to freeze up before she melted against him. She kissed him shyly, like she was unsure of what she was doing. He tangled his fingers in the hair at the back of her neck and took control, moving his lips against hers. When he slid his tongue into her mouth, she let out a moan, the sound sending shivers down his spine. She tasted like vanilla.
When he pulled away, he too was out of breath. He opened his eyes and stared down at her. Her lips were shiny and swollen, and she was staring up at him with those big, doe eyes of hers that made him weak in the knees.
“Was that okay?” she squeaked out.
He cupped her face in his hands. “It was more than okay, sweetheart.” He pressed his lips against hers again briefly. Now that he had finally gotten to kiss her, he wasn’t sure he would ever be able to stop. “It was perfect.”
She practically purred in his hands, closing her eyes and leaning into his touch. Rick ran a hand through her hair and made a vow to himself that he would never let any harm come to her, let alone put her in a situation where it was even a possibility.
“Have you come to a conclusion regarding your assessment of the asset, Colonel Flag?”
Rick stared down at Waller who was sitting at her desk with her arms crossed over her chest. Her eyes, so dark they were nearly black, bore into him intensely as she waited for an answer.
He shifted under the weight of her heavy gaze. He stood in front of her, his hands clasped behind his back and his stance wide. His forehead was starting to break into a sweat, and he swallowed hard.
The truth was, there were many prisoners in Belle Reve who he wouldn’t mind seeing gunned down in the midst of a battlefield somewhere faraway, prisoners who had committed horrible atrocities. But she wasn’t one of them –– anything but. She was meek and soft and fragile, despite the immense power she had displayed. She had already been through so much, he couldn’t stand to put her through anything like the sick, twisted coverups Waller had in store for her. He didn’t want to taint her with the violence and brutality, his own little piece of heaven he could keep separate from the rest of the chaotic world.
He didn’t even want to think about what he’d do if she didn’t make it back.
“I have come to the conclusion that the asset is too unstable and unpredictable to join Task Force X,” he stated in a strong, clear, commanding tone.
Waller didn’t move. She continued to stare up at him, arching a brow. “Is that so?”
He wondered why she was asking him again, but he remained firm in his stance. “Yes, ma’am.”
Then, her lips curled into a devious smirk. “Well, I disagree with your assessment.”
Rick drew his brows together. She spun in her chair to face her computer. “You’re right; she is unstable, but while you were gathering intel on her, I discovered a way of making her cooperate and comply with our demands.”
She waved her mouse, and the computer flickered to life. Rick took a step closer, peering over her shoulder at the screen. Pulled up was security footage from her cell a few days earlier of Rick kneeling in front of her on the ground. Her arms were around his neck, a cupcake crushed in her hand…
His stomach plummeted. Oh, no.
Waller clicked play, and he watched himself on the screen lean forward and kiss her. He watched as his fingers threaded in her hair and stared at the blissed out expression on her face when he pulled away.
Rick’s hands curled into fists at his sides, his nostrils flaring. “You didn’t want me to gather intel on her.” He tried to keep his voice from shaking with rage. “You were using me to get to her.”
“Oh, please, Flag.” She clicked pause on the video and spun in her chair to face him, steepling her fingers like some sort of Bond villain. “Don’t act like I’m responsible for you starting an affair with the inmate you’re supposed to be guarding.”
He scoffed. “Do you think I’d care if you fired me?”
She pursed her lips. “Perhaps not,” then, that smirk he knew only meant trouble crossed her face, “but maybe you would care if she were stuck in here all alone without you. Who knows what the next guards will do to her if they get their hands on her…”
Rick could feel his nails digging into his palms from clenching his fists so hard. “You’re despicable,” he spat.
“You can save the insults. I’ve been called worse.” She pointed at her frozen image on the screen, tapping her finger against the glass. “I’m doing what’s necessary, Flag. I’m not going to let you waste her untapped potential just because you have feelings for her.”
He opened and closed his mouth like a fish out of water. He didn’t know what to do. He didn’t want to recruit her for Task Force X, to betray her trust and ship her out to war. But he also didn’t want to leave her in Belle Reve on her own, unprotected. Who knew what could befall her, then? At least, if she joined, he could keep an eye on her, even if she hated him so much she never wanted to speak to him again…
His hands were tied.
Waller watched the different emotions pass across his face as thoughts bounced around in his head. Once he finally looked up at her, resigned, she knew she had won, although there had been no doubt from the beginning. She always did.
“So, do you want to be the one to break the news to her?” She swiveled side to side in her chair, pleased with herself. “Or should I?”
Part Two: Super Slaughter
Masterlist | Ko-Fi
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lacontroller1991 · 3 years
Where Is My Mind? (Rick Flag x F!Reader)
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RFB Square Filled: Free Space
Pairing: Rick Flag x F!Reader, Platonic!Harley Quinn x F!Reader
Word Count: 1.4k
Summary: You’re apart of a team designed to fix Task Force X up, but it never occurred to you that one day you would have to fix up the love of your life, or could you?
Warnings: Langauge, Blood, angst, character death
Rating: Explicit, Mature (18+)
Created for @rickflagbingo
Masterlist for RFB
The phone rings at 3:43 am disrupting your late night study session. Grabbing the phone, you didn’t bother to look at the caller ID.
“(Y/L/N),” you speak into the microphone as the person on the receiver responds.
“Dr. (Y/L/N), we have a code 04,” Dr. Robertson states as your eyes widen in shock, code 04 meaning someone was seriously fucked up. You quickly throw some clothes on before you head out the door rushing to the black site where you and a few other doctors and nurses would help fix up the ‘Suicide Squad’. It was originally just you fixing up the Colonel Rick Flag when the two of you started dating, but he slowly began to bring more people and so you took the best and most trustworthy medical professionals you could find to form a team that could fix Task Force X up. Arriving at the site, you quickly put your hair up in a ponytail as you prep the surgical site.
“What do we got?” You ask as Dr. Robertson shrugs his shoulders, ordering the nurses and other doctors around.
“I don’t know. Dr. Quinzel wouldn’t say. I just know it’s bad,” he replies as you look at him in question.
“Harley called?” He nods his head as a gut feeling sinks in your stomach. Ignoring it, you quickly scrub in and put on the surgical gown as you catch a flash of black and red and a group of nurses surrounding a gurney.
“37 year old male, puncture wound to right lumbar region and shrapnel to the lungs. Numerous fractured ribs and a pneumothorax,” the nurse rattles on as you freeze looking at the body, his body, “how would you like to continue?” Everyone looks to you but all you could focus on was the bloody yellow shirt that clings to his chiseled body like a second layer of skin. Noticing the way you froze, Dr. Robertson gestures to Harley before placing a hand on your shoulder.
“We got him,” he coaxes you as Harley grabs your arm in a vice grip, “get her out of here,” he instructs as Harley nods, pulling you away.
“Rick! Let me go! Rick,” you call out to him, resisting Harley but she is stronger than she looks, much stronger than you at least, “Rick!”
“Come on puddin’, you’re of no use to them right now,” she comments with sympathy as you fight against her, another set of hands dragging you away.
“Let me go! Rick,” a sob wracks through your body as you watch the team work on Rick, sulking in your helplessness.
“Tell me everything again,” you mumble weakly as the remaining squad looks at each other, Harley rubbing your back as Cleo takes a shaky breath. Your eyes never leave the operating room.
“Peacemaker and Colonel Flag got into a fight and Colonel Flag had the upper hand, he was going to kill Peacemaker but that jerk grabbed the piece of porcelain and stabbed it into Colonel Flag’s chest,” she replies for the sixth time as Sebastian squeaks in her arms.
“Where is the drive now?”
“We used it as a bargaining chip against Waller,” DuBois states as you tense up, turning to look at the assassin.
“You’re meaning to tell me that while the love of my life is laying there on a table fighting for that fucking device, you decided to use it for your freedom?”
“Look puddin,” Harley starts before you cut her off.
“After all Rick does for you guys, this is how you repay him? For your own selfish needs?”
“Look, it’s more complicated than…”
“Harley, please shut the fuck up,” you snap at Harley as her eyes narrow at you, causing you to sigh, “I’m sorry. I just…”
“He’s tanking, hang two more units of A Neg stat,” Dr. Robertson’s voice echoes through the speaker as your blood freezes, watching Rick’s body lose more blood than it can take. The nurses rapidly pack his body with gauze as his blood pressure begins to stabilize. Releasing a breath, you turn back to the squad who gives you a sympathetic smile. Suddenly, the heart monitor begins picking up.
“He’s crashing. Paddles,” the nurse hands Dr. Robertson the paddles as your fingers press against the glass, too in shock to pull away, “charge to 50. Clear!” He yells as the shock of electricity jolts Rick’s body upward. Time begins to slow down as you watch them defibrillate Rick numerous times before Dr. Robertson places the paddles down with a distraught look.
“Time of death, 6:01 AM. August 28, 2021,” your knees begin to shake as the squad stills behind you.
“No,” you mutter out in disbelief, pinching yourself in hopes that this was all a dream.
“(Y/N),” a voice calls to you, your arm automatically reflecting the touch of Harley’s hand.
“No!” You scream in anguish, your legs kicking the chairs over as your hands grab the mugs of coffee and throwing them at the wall, watching the way they shatter into a million pieces like your heart was doing. You let out a loud sob as tears stream down your face, your knees giving out and crashing to the floor as Harley drags you into her pale arms, her hands petting your hair in comfort.
“I’m so sorry, I’m so sorry,” she repeats as you cry into her shoulder, not minding the alien goo that was still on her body as you seek comfort from her.
“He’s gone. He’s actually gone,” you whisper to yourself as you eye the rest of the squad, them all wearing grave faces as the nurses and doctors begin to close him up and clean the mess.
“I know, puddin’. I know.”
“I got a pulse,” a small voice squeaks over the speaker as your head snaps up.
“Did she just say she has a pulse?”
“Anastasia, are you sure?” Dr. Robertson asks as you hold your breath, not daring to hope.
“It’s weak, but it’s there,” she replies as you look at the monitor, no signs of life showing. Pressing the speaker button, you lean over the microphone.
“The monitor is not showing his vitals, if you’re wrong, I will kill you,” you state as her eyes widen. She moves her fingers to Rick’s neck and feels for a pulse again.
“It’s there,” she replies before looking over his body and taking note of the lead that fell off, “one of the lead’s fell off. He’s alive,” she states with a smile causing you to smile.
“He’s alive.”
Rick’s eyes flutter open as he groans, his whole body felt like it was on fire. Adjusting to the brightness in the room, he looks around and takes note that he is not at Belle Reve, nor is he at a hospital, but he’s at the facility you had bought solely for the reason he was there. Turning his head, his eyes fall onto your sleeping form, your head against the mattress as a blanket wraps around you.
“(Y/N),” your name stirs you from your sleep as you yawn. Opening your eyes, you notice that Rick’s were open.
“Rick!” You exclaim, a smile plastering your face as you resist the urge to hug him, instead you move to kiss his lips. “You’re alive.”
“Why wouldn’t I be?” Rick jokes as you run a hand through your hair, your other hand finding his and grasping onto it.
“You almost died. I didn’t know if you’d make it,” you reply with honesty, kissing his forehead and burying his face into your chest as you caress him, “I honestly thought you died.”
“Did I?” He asks as you shake your head.
“No,” you smile with relief as he looks down and takes note of his wrapped chest, “is that asshole dead?”
“Yes,” you reply as he coughs. Grabbing the water pitcher, you pour him a glass and raise it to his lips, allowing him to take a sip. Rick’s eyes close as the water quenches his thirst. Swallowing the liquid, Rick tries to memorize the way you look at him.
“Something on my face?” He jokes as you smile, shaking your head. Carefully, you take his hand in yours and bring it up to your lips, kissing his bruised knuckles.
“Marry me,” you command as Rick’s eyes widen in shock.
“Darlin’, I’m supposed to ask that.”
“I don’t care. Colonel Richard Montgomery Flag, will you marry me?”
Taglist: @marvelousmermaid @yelenas-lova @himbovillain-anon @babblydrabbly @a-reader-and-a-writer @fairchildflag @siliethkaijuy @infatuatedjanes @niki-xie @aestheticallywinchester @loverhymeswith @xoxabs88xox @t-i-n-y-d-i-n-o @witchygagirl @the1redrose @ratcatcher2world @lorecraft @green-socks @heart-0n-fire @weallhaveadestiny @yourjacketisnowdry @rachelh1992​ @tompetersebbuckyhazleo​ @a-girl-who-loves-disney​
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nocapesdahling · 3 years
Rick Flag Alphabet
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After finishing The Suicide Squad, I couldn’t stop thinking about Rick Flag. I did not have an alphabet planned for him, but couldn’t help myself. I have not read any DC comics, so I am basing this off of what we saw of Rick from the movie. 
Dedicated to @clints-lucky-arrow
Rating: M (18+) (Minors DNI please)
Warnings/Tags: Implied sexual content; sexual innuendo; pickup lines; public displays of affection; fluff; brief mentions of canon typical violence; featuring Rick’s cowboy hat, shoulder holsters, and a mechanical bull.
My Masterlist
A = Affection.
Rick’s job means that he has to be stoic most of the time to ensure that Task Force X completes its missions, so when he’s with you he opens up and enjoys showing his affection. He likes to hold your hand on his non-dominant side (He has to be able to go for his gun, even on leave) and he is demonstrative with his affection. Whether that’s through kisses, hugs, or putting his hand in the back pocket of your jeans, he cares and he shows it. Behind his hardened exterior, he’s soft for you.
B = Baths.
He enjoys baths with you, especially if they have epsom salts, when he has the opportunity to take them which isn’t too often. He relaxes with you, a beer in hand while you sip your wine. But he prefers showers. They’re more efficient and more fun in his opinion. You don’t have to worry about water going all over the place in the shower and Rick’s shower is big enough for all of the activities he likes to get up to in there with you.
C = Comfort.
Rick is a bit awkward at first with comfort, but he will do anything for you and adjusts quickly. When you need or want comfort, he lifts you onto his lap and holds you on his thighs and against his chest. He wraps his arms around you and as you trace his tattoos with your fingers, he consoles you and gets you to admit what’s wrong. If someone hurt you, then you have to convince him that Waller wouldn’t be happy if he went around committing murder off the job.
D = Dates.
He enjoys taking you on dates and spending time with you. He wishes that he had more of it. You go dancing at clubs and hang out at bars. You steal his cowboy hat before you ride the mechanical bull that he dared you to the last time you were there. When you fall off, breathless and laughing, he kisses you to distract you and steals the hat back.
He also likes lower key dates with you, like going out to dinner because he gets to see you dressed up and enjoys the look in your eyes when you see him in a suit. He will try any date with you at least once. Axe throwing was a memorable one. Rick enjoys anything with a competition and for your part, among other things, you enjoyed watching his arms flex as he threw the axes. (You’ve been more times since).
E = Embarrassed.
He doesn’t get embarrassed easily if at all. Rick is shameless when it comes to you and with his job not much embarrasses him. He tells you stories about some of his missions. You can see in his eyes that he’s a little embarrassed about the antics that he gets up to with the task force and in particular Harley Quinn, because they don’t fit the stern military persona that he has attempted to cultivate over the years.
F = Flirt.
Oh, Rick can and likes to flirt. He’s flirting with you at every opportunity. He tells you how beautiful you look and how much he’d like to take you home. You know that he says things sometimes for no other reason but to make you flustered or to make you laugh.
As you get off the mechanical bull and after he kisses you, “You looked good up there, sunshine. Riding that bull. What’s to say I take you home and you can ride me?”
As if you weren’t going home with him anyway.
“Really, Rick?” You laugh and kiss him before stealing his hat again and grabbing his hand to pull him out of the bar, “Well, who am I to refuse an invitation like that?”
G = Gestures.
He shows his love in any way that he can, which includes romantic gestures. On his way back from missions, Rick always picks up a bouquet of flowers for you with different meanings. Yes, Rick Flag knows flower language. He had to learn it for a mission and never forgot it. One of your favorite bouquets was one he picked up after a long mission, filled with pink, red, and white camellias, red chrysanthemums, and heliotropes.
He’d smiled at you, embraced and kissed you, and presented the bouquet before going to shower. You looked up the meanings while he was in the shower and couldn’t stop your eyes from tearing up, “Longing for you”; “You’re a flame in my heart”; “You’re adorable”; “I love you”; and “Eternal love and devotion.”
Oh, how you loved this man.
You put the bouquet in water and went to join him in the shower. You had the perfect idea to show him how much you loved him.
H = Hugs.
Rick’s hugs are amazing. He’s big, broad, warm, and strong and you can’t help but feel protected in his embrace. You bury your face in his chest and tune out the world. You could hug him forever.
I = Impression.
Your first meeting happens in a bar. You couldn’t take your eyes off him, even as you weren’t sure about the cowboy hat that he wore surprisingly well. Little did you know that he was watching you right back. Rick came up and bought you a drink and you chatted the rest of the night away. You got his number before you left to drive your friends home and saw him the next day for breakfast, the day after that for dinner, and every day after. For the entirety of his leave.
On the last day, while you were sitting on his lap eating breakfast after a long and satisfying night together, he leaned down, kissed your neck, and asked if you wanted every day to be like this. Without hesitation, you said yes. You’d been together ever since.
J = Jealousy.
Rick is secure in your love and affection, but he does get jealous. Most people find him too intimidating to approach you with his stature, musculature, and tattoos, but some do when he steps away to get you another drink. The majority of the time he lets you handle it (He knows you can take care of yourself), but the last one got a little too pushy for both your tastes. He had smiled as he got into what you liked to call mission mode, letting his eyes go dead and cold and slowly moving his hand to grip where his gun was concealed. They couldn’t get away fast enough.
That was the night you finally convinced him to have sex with you while wearing his shoulder holsters, which had been a fantasy of yours for awhile. The sight of Rick wearing only the holsters had been even hotter than you’d imagined.
K = Kiss.
Kissing Rick is intense and all-consuming. He ensnares your attention and dominates your mouth. You lose track of time while kissing him. He’ll kiss you anywhere and at any time. He’s not someone to shy away from a little PDA. He doesn’t mind everyone knowing how much he desires you.
L = Love.
After the time you spent together on his leave, he was already half in love with you. By the time he returned from his mission, during which you’d texted back and forth and he called you when he could, he thought he might be completely in love with you. But he knew for sure when he saw you again. He didn’t tell you right away because he had always been one to fall in love too hard and too fast. The last time had not ended well.
One day, you went to the beach, messing around in the waves, walking together, and holding hands… He looked over at you and your smile in the sun and was struck by you once more. He told you that he loved you. You smiled at him and told him that you’d known for a while and you’d loved him for just as long.
From then on, every bouquet includes a flower that means “I love you”.
M = Mornings.
Rick is a morning person. He’s been a military man for most of his life and is used to odd schedules. He’s up with the sun even when not on missions, but uses the time to read strategy books and cook you breakfast. He might not be the best cook when it comes to other meals, but he’s great at breakfast foods.
N = Nicknames.
His nickname for you is sunshine. He started calling you that because you came into his life when it was full of darkness and he had never thought that he’d find someone to make him happy again. Yet there you were. He switches it up sometimes and calls you other nicknames, but sunshine is by far his favorite.
O = Open.
With his experiences and job, Rick isn’t used to being too open with anyone. Not anymore at least. Not after June. However, there’s something about you that makes him want to open up. The more time you spend with him, the more he opens up to you.
He knows that not much can hurt him physically with his skill and how many Task Force X missions he’s survived, but he knows that emotions are a different story. Yet the more time he spends with you, the more he opens up like a flower under your sunlight. He had never been an overly poetic man and the thought had surprised and stayed with him. That’s when he decided to call you sunshine.
P = Patience.
Rick is a patient man. He leads a task force of volatile individuals, so he has cultivated a high level of patience which he puts to good use with you. He has a long fuse, but once he’s angry then you’re yelling back and forth at each other before your fuses burn out. Once they do, you talk it out and you make up. Your making up like your fighting is often explosive. Even if you don’t fight with Rick often, when you do you look forward to makeup sex afterwards. Lots and lots of makeup sex.
Q = Quiet.
He is used to being quiet on missions and he’s sometimes quiet at home. He’s not home much however, so when he is he wants to talk to you, hear how you’ve been doing, and what you’ve been doing. He loves you and wants to know you as intimately as possible. You miss him and you miss talking to him when he’s away, so you’ll talk to him for hours intermixed with serene silences of luxuriating in each other’s company after the time apart.
R = Romantic.
Rick is a romantic and he knows it. He’ll show his romantic side in public and wherever you are. He’s in love with you and he doesn’t care who knows it. He brings you flowers and sends you love letters when he can. He leaves little notes hidden around the house, which you stumble across while he’s on missions, with little messages on them that make you laugh and that tell you that he loves you.
S = Security.
He is protective of you and your relationship. He might enjoy being romantic and open in his affections, but he is cognizant of how Waller would use you if she could. He wants to make sure you’re safe and protected, so he does his best to ensure it. He trusts that you can take care of yourself, but he can’t help but want to take care of you. He knows what the world is like and wants you to be safe in it.
T = Teasing.
Your relationship is full of teasing and banter. Rick likes to tease and flirt with you in public as though he’s just met you tonight and you’re not already in a committed relationship. He doesn’t mind teasing you physically while you’re out either. You tease him right back. There’s been some times that you had to pull over on the way home from a date because you needed him and couldn’t wait till you got home. Or vice versa.
U = Unique.
You’ve never dated someone like Rick before. Not someone who’s a Colonel and a leader of a super secret task force. It comes with its own challenges. Rick is away on missions more than both of you would like, but you support each other with your chosen careers and passions. You just miss him and he misses you.
He’s one of the most demonstrative men you’ve dated as well, which took some getting used to, but you know you wouldn’t want him any other way.
V = Value.
Rick values both you and your relationship. It’s an important part of his life. He loves you for yourself and for the normalcy your relationship provides in his often crazy life. He shows you how much he values and loves you each and every day, missing you anytime he’s away.
W = Wild Card.
Rick has a secret sweet tooth. You wouldn’t have thought so given how regimented his lifestyle, training, and missions with Taskforce X can be, but his freezer is full of ice cream and his pantry never lacks chocolate and cookies in addition to all of the healthy foods you expected.
You surprised him with a trip to tour an ice cream factory and he couldn’t stop smiling the whole time.
X = X- Ray.
He can read you well. Too well for your tastes sometimes. You’d been amazed that you had been able to surprise him with something at all. Rick knows how to read people because he has to be able to analyze people as the leader of Task Force X and he had enhanced his skills further once he started working with Waller. He knows what you want and need, even if you haven’t or can’t put it into words. It can be frustrating at times because you wished you could read him half as well. He doesn’t only read your face, but also your body. Sex with Rick is always satisfying. Always.
Y = Yearning.
You and Rick got together quickly after spending every day together, so there was not much yearning beforehand. But when he’s away on missions, you both yearn for each other. Your bed feels cold and empty without him and his presence, and wherever he is in the world he misses your warmth against his side at night. The midnight hours are when your yearning to be together reaches its peak. You both count down the days until Rick will be home again.
Z = Zzzz.
He embraces you while you sleep, holding you close. He’s a light sleeper so any time you move he’s up, but he doesn’t mind. It gives him time to watch you sleep and wonder how he got so lucky to find happiness with you, his sunshine. He didn’t think that he’d ever have that again. It makes him even more determined to keep you separate from his life running Task Force X and to ensure that you’re protected. He watches you dream, thinks about how much he loves you, and wonders what kind of breakfast he should make you tomorrow.
Maybe, he’ll go with cinnamon rolls. Last time that led to some fun times in the kitchen. With that thought and a smile, he pulls you closer and falls asleep.
Likes, comments, and reblogs are much appreciated! Thanks for reading!
My Masterlist
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charnelhouse · 3 years
would u ever give us some rick sex pollen 😳👀
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A/N: Rick Flag x F!Reader. Sex Pollen (dub-con). Floor sex. Slightly rough.
What’s it like to burn? Under your skin? In the meat-pit of your gut?
Flames scorching up your thighs and nipping at your ankles and the worst of it - the greatest pain of all - is the fact that it’s a scratch you can’t itch and it’s swelling in your -
“Jesus fucking christ," Rick chokes as he appears in front of you. “You didn’t? You didn’t open it did you?”
His voice is thick as he blinks - digesting the scene in front of him. His eyes slide over your body - your trembling fingers and the sweat now beading your brow and soaking your hair. You gasp as a cramp twists in your core - a spear of agony that ripples through the rest of you.
You know that he knows what this is. You can see it in the way he grits his jaw - his nostrils flaring and his expression ridged in a fight that he’s taking up against himself.
Because Rick is a good ole boy. Rick cares for his own and this - this - situation calls for something out of the box.
“Flag,” you whimper as another shudder sweeps through the barrel of your ribs. You drop to your knees - hand stitched to your lower abdomen as the room begins to spin. It’s a garish flare of color - lights swathed in chipped paint and metal and glass.
You’d been foolish. You’d opened that container without a care - a single fuck. It had exploded in your face - shooting up your nose as it cracked and sputtered and birthed the fever that was now ravaging your insides.
“How bad?” he breathes as he lowers himself to get on your level. He’s tender as he lifts your chin to catch your eyes. You can’t focus - can’t find a point to zero in on and you must look like shit or half-mad because Rick’s brow furrows deeply. “How bad, honey?”
“Bad,” you husk as you collapse forward - falling into his chest that’s broad and cool and hard with muscle. You curl your fingers into his shirt - the fabric soft and smelling like dirt. You need him to ground you - anchor you in place because the fucking poison is tearing through your senses - nails raking through the back of your nose and across your parted mouth. You feel both numb and like you are feeling every fucking thing at once.
Lights too bright. Smells too cloying. Too fucking warm as you begin to rub up against him. “My shirt..please…get it off.”
“Fuck,” he hisses as his grip on you tightens. “Fucking shit - I don’t - you’re ill, sweetheart. It wouldn’t be -”
“No,” you protest. “No - this is - this is poison, Flag.”
He groans - cursing under his breath. “Maybe - we could get you back in time.”
You manage to glance up at him. You spot the clench of his jaw - his entire structure going all rigid as his enormous hand strokes your waist. You need him to engulf you - possess you - bury you beneath him.The pollen begins to work harder - slicking up your cunt as you shove your cheek against the uncomfortable tac gear.
“Flag...Rick...please...it fucking hurts...hurts so so badly.”
You gingerly climb up his chest - nosing at his throat - snuffling at the skin available. It soothes you - the masculine bite of him. It’s cooling your heavy head - your dizziness.
He grunts when you wrap your thighs around his waist - your arms closing around his wide shoulders. He palms at your ass - his mouth tracing your jaw as he breathes deep and slow. It’s a nudge - a bump forward. Rick is good in all the ways so many aren’t. You hurt and he wants to take it away and at the same time doesn’t want to take something that he cannot give back.
“You have to,” you murmur. “It’ll kill me.”
“I know,” he sighs as his fingertips find the band of your pants - the pop of the button. “I know - fuck - I just - I didn’t want it to be this way.”
There’s weight behind it - your mind sane enough to grab onto the inflection of yearning and regret. Frustration slightly bunched at the end of it.
I didn’t want it to be this way.
You’d ask him after - if you remember - you’ll ask him after.
He’s moving through the opening in your pants - knuckles curling through the dripping slit of your sex. He makes a broken sound - ragged and low from the thick of his chest.
You’re out of words - out of thoughts or sense. You just need him to touch you - break you open on the rod of his cock. You know nothing else - nothing - but Rick - Rick - Rick.
He becomes more frantic in his ministrations - more aggressive and stark as he presses his fingers together before pushing them inside you. You inhale - practically riding his hand.
“Please,” you sob as another cramp stabs through your gut. “Please.”
The side of his face is pressed firm to yours - his chin digging into your shoulder. “I’ve got you. I’m gonna take care of you. Just hold on for me - just like that - just - fuck - hold on, darlin.”
You really don’t know up from down. You know few things except for the weeping, molten ache of your pussy and the punch of Rick’s cock inside it.
You’re clenching around him - spasming by the second. There is climax after climax just from the touch of him - the brutal slide of his length inside you. He’s got you right on the floor - his pants tight under his ass as he pumps himself through the drenched channel of your sex.
He bears his weight - pinning your wrists above your head as you wrap your legs around the snatch of his waist. You cum again and he growls: that’s it - fucking hell - that’s it baby - get it out - breathe through it -
Out of the corner of your eye, there’s a tremble in his forearm and you have enough sense to grip him by the shoulders - smoothing the sweat-damp muscles that bunch beneath your hands. It’s a gesture meant to comfort - to soothe- because you understand Rick and you also understand that he’s probably hating himself right now. You give him words and reassurance.
“Thank you, Flag,” you pant into his ear. “Thank you - fuck - right there - right there.”
His hips snap between your spread legs. His tac gear is sandpaper rough as it rasps against your tender flesh. He’s barely pulling out of you with each draw and shove of his cock. The ridge of his pelvic bone bumps up against your clit and it makes you gush around him - soak him. There’s the wet slap of skin - the guttural break in each feral growl from Rick’s mouth.
You glance down and nearly cry at the sight of him disappearing inside you. Everything is coated in a thin film of your slick - the dark thatch of curls - his abdomen - his thighs. The sounds are filthy and lewd as he pants into the curve of your neck.
You’re returning to yourself with each stroke of his cock - each spear of him burrowing so far to the point where you think he’s hitting you belly-deep. “Rick,” you whisper and he rears back - his eyes golden and warm as they find yours through the mess of it all.
“Yeah?” His thumb slips over your lower lip - his palm gentle. “What is it, baby?”
“Kiss me.”
He looks surprised and you know you’ve changed the rules. This was a cure - something to help you - save you. His mouth quirks and you’ve hit right - a kiss is more - it means something.
He eases his hips back - just enough - just to the head of his perfect cock so that it is still caught inside you. The both of you connected while he scans your face searching and searching until he sees the sharpness in your eyes - the clearness - the familiarity - the you that has returned from the fog of pollen.
“As you wish,” he grins and drops his head.
He presses his lips to yours, his cock sinking fully to the hilt - filling you completely - making everything fucking better and sweet.
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stranger-nightmare · 3 years
𝐒𝐚𝐟𝐞 𝐇𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞 𝐉
Pairing: Rick Flag (DCEU) x (female) Reader
Summary: you’re on Task Force X, you’re on a mission with Col. Flag when things go wrong, leading him to take you to a safe house. In that alone time some feelings get revealed, and one thing leads to another…
Warnings: angst, hurt / comfort, wounds / blood, smut, penetrative sex (m+f), slightly rough sex, choking, orgasm denial, Dom!Rick vibes, minors DNI
A/N: my first time writing for Rick!! I’m still not over my Rick Flag phase from watching The Suicide Squad so I needed an outlet, here’s what I came up with, hope you like it! Also this kind of trope has definitely been done before and I in no way take credit for that, this is just my spin on it! Hope you enjoy!!✨🖤🥰
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This is for people 18+ only. Minors do not read on. If you click ‘keep reading’ you are hereby agreeing that you are 18 or older.
Another day, another mission. This time, however, your team was small. Very small. Just you and Colonel Flag in fact. This mission was more about stealth and strategy rather than heading in somewhere guns a-blazing, as was Harley and Boomer's usual tactics. You and Flag were to break into an abandoned enemy facility and attempt to retrieve any data or info they may have left.
Unfortunately once you got there it turned out that said facility was, in fact, not so abandoned after all. You and Flag were pinned down under a desk, the enemies blocking the hallway and the only way out. There were at least five of them, all with loaded guns, whilst the pair of you were fast running out of bullets and of options.
"Shit" you hear Flag curse to himself as he reloads his gun with his last round of bullets. You knew there was no way you were getting out of this with your guns alone, you needed something else.
"Hey Flag!" you hear one of the men shout. "Tell Waller we're coming for her. We'll kill her and her little band of freaks, starting the pretty one you've brought with you here. There's more where this came from" you hear the man laugh. Shit. They knew who were. And who you were working for, even if it was technically against your will.
You look over to Flag whose face is the perfect picture of rage. You needed to get out of here, time was running out.
An idea strikes you suddenly. It's risky, but would likely give you the break you need to get you and Flag out of here. You knew he wasn't going to like your plan so you decided to just run with it and get it done quickly before he has the opportunity to stop you.
You reach for Flag and grab two grenades from his utility belt. You have just enough time to register the look of confusion and concern before you duck round the desk. You do a quick forward roll to the wall just next to the hallway where the five men were.
"Y/n, what the hell-?" Flag shouts. You don't hear the end of his sentence as you roll forward again, across the hallway gap, throwing the grenades as you go.
Just as you duck into cover behind the opposite wall you feel a sharp pain sting in your shoulder and know you've been hit. Your yelp of pain is cut off as the grenades go off, obliterating the hallway and all five men inside it. You sit stunned, leaning against the wall, your right arm clutching at the wound in your left shoulder. You blink dizzy and confused, the blast from the grenades leaving your ears ringing and your vision blurry.
You see a shape appear in front of you, the blurry outline of a face. You can hear a voice but it sounds distorted and far away. You suddenly feel two hands grab your face, shaking you slightly. You blink several more times and the face in front of you slowly comes into focus. Flag. And it hits you that it's his voice that you can hear, calling your name over and over again. You can see concern and something like anguish plastered on his face.
"Y/n? Y/n? Can your hear me? Hey, hey look at me. Focus on me" he urges you. He sees your eyes start to register the scene, your mind slowly coming back into focus.
"There we go, you can hear me now?" you nod slightly, your face contorting as the movement sends a jolt of pain from your shoulder.
Flag looks down to where your hand is limply holding onto your shoulder, seeing the blood soak through your fingers.
"Fuck" he spits. "Fuck sake y/n." Your eyebrows knit together in confusion as anger spreads across his face again.
He sighs in frustration, grabbing your hand and pushing it harder into the wound, applying more pressure. You yelp in pain again.
"What the hell were you thinking? That was a stupidly risky move" he growls.
"I was thinking it was our only option" you say defiantly.
"It was stupid" he repeats harshly.
"It was pretty much guaranteed we'd die if we did nothing. What I did at least gave us a chance!" You scoff incredulously.
"You shouldn't have done it regardless. I would've come up with something. It's my job. It's my job to protect you. I have to protect you. I can't- I can't imagine..." he rambles quickly, the words seeming to spill out of him almost involuntarily. He ends his ramble with a deep sigh, as if stopping himself from saying anything more.
You're about to prod him, ask what exactly he was going to say when he cuts you off. "Keep pressure on that" he nods towards your bullet wound. Flag rips the hem of his shirt, tearing off a strip which he then wraps tightly around your shoulder in an effort to slow the bleeding. You inhale sharply as he pulls the knot tight.
"That will have to do for now, we need to get out of here before any reinforcements arrive" he huffs. Clearly his anger at you wasn't going to dissipate any time soon. You decided at this point it was probably best to just keep quiet and do as instructed. He was right, you did need to get out of here. You can argue about what you did later. You nod in agreement.
"Can you stand? You're alright to move?" the sudden tenderness in the question takes you by surprise.
"Yeah I think so."
Flag places an arm under your armpit, the arm that did not have a bullet hole in it, and helps lift you to your feet. You grunt in pain as you do so.
"You good?" he checks again, his hands just barely touching the sides of your waist, just making sure you were okay to stand by yourself. You swallow the butterflies blooming in your stomach from his touch. You nod again.
"Yeah, let's just get out of here" you reply. He nods affirmative before heading towards the hallway, making sure you were tucked in close behind him. He grabs one of the guns from the enemy men on the way, taking his military stance, both hands on gun, carefully peaking around each corner before continuing.
You eventually make it out of the facility with no problems. It seems if they did have reinforcements coming they were taking their sweet time. Flag finds a random parked car and jimmies the lock open. You slide into the passenger seat as he hotwires the engine. Within the next minute Flag is speeding down the road, getting you both as far away from the facility as possible.
You didn't even realise you'd fallen asleep until you suddenly blink your eyes open and it's pitch black outside. You can just make out that you're driving down an empty road, completely surrounded by forest on either side.
"Yes ma'am. *pause* I don't think it's a good idea for us to head back to base just yet. *pause* Yes I'm taking her to Safe House J. *pause* Yes of course. I will keep you updated ma'am" you hear Flag talking quietly on the phone.
"Safe House J?" you ask once he's hung up.
"I thought you were still asleep. Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you" he responds. You shake your head slightly. "Yeah I'm taking you to Safe House J, it was the closest to our location. We're almost there actually, ETA 20 minutes." You nod again. You try to cover the sharp intake of breath as you feel the pain shoot through your shoulder again. Of course your sound does not escape Flag.
"How you feeling?" he asks.
"I don't know" you answer honestly. "It hurts, but mostly I just feel dizzy and weak."
"You've lost a lot of blood" he sighs and you can hear the genuine concern and frustration in his voice. "Just hold on, we're almost there. We're almost there." You're not sure if he's trying to comfort you or himself.
You start to feel consciousness slip from your grasp again, the world beginning to go blurry as sleep beckons you.
"You'll be okay. You have to be okay" you think you hear Flag mumble to himself. "I won't lose you, I can't lose you..." the whispers swim around your head and you can't tell what's real and what's not. Then suddenly everything is black and silent.
Your eyes start to open, taking a second to adjust to your dark surroundings. You blink a few times before you realise you're staring at an old wooden ceiling. You can feel that you're lying on a bed. You move to sit up when a wave of pain rolls through your shoulder.
"Shit" you whisper to yourself as you finally manage to pull yourself into a seated position, swinging your legs over the side of the bed. Looking over at your shoulder you see that it's been cleaned and wrapped up properly in bandages. It hurt like a bitch but it felt better then before, and so did your head. Slightly.
"You okay?" you hear a quiet voice speak. You look up to see Flag squatting whilst he tended to the fireplace in front of the bed. His gaze is trained so intensely on the fire, as if he was actively trying not to look over at you.
"Yeah I think so" you answer. Flag stands up and nods curtly but doesn't turn around, he simply remains with his back to you, staring into the fire. You notice he's changed into a tight black tee and tac pants. You can see the tension sitting in his shoulders through the thin material of his shirt, his balled fists, a rage that's barely contained. You feel suddenly awkward, a strange tension simmering in the air.
You clear your throat quietly. "Uh, so where exactly are we?" you venture, trying to break some of this palpable tension.
"Safe House J" Flag answers bluntly.
"Okay... And where exactly is that?"
"It's need to know and you don't need to know. All you do need to know is that we'll be safe here until the rest of those guys can tracked down and dealt with" his voice is as sharp as a knife.
"So like how long exactly do you think we'll be here then?" you push your luck by questioning him further but you simply couldn't stand the deafening silence that was eating away at the room.
"I don't know!" His voice raising slightly as he answers. The sudden small outburst makes you jump slightly. "It'll probably be longer now you've specifically pissed them off" you hear him grumble under his breath.
"What? So this is my fault?" you ask almost outraged. He still refuses to look at you. You scoff loudly in disbelief.
"Those men were after us anyway. All I did was provide a way out. They were gonna kill us! What else was I supposed to do?" You rant at him.
"You should've let me handle it" he states simply. Oh now you could feel yourself boiling into a rage.
"Oh yeah? And what would you have done differently Flag? Huh? How would you have gotten us out of there? I guarantee it doesn't even matter, they were clearly going to hunt us down regardless!!"
He continues to stand silently, staring intently into the fire. A sigh his only acknowledgment that he's heard you.
"Why are you so mad about this?!" You shout now, severely pissed off that he's somehow trying to pin all this on your actions. "I got us out of there, I gave us the opportunity to escape!" He spins around suddenly, his eyes finally meeting yours. His eyes are afire with rage, and yet glossy with what almost look like tears...
"Yeah you got us out of there" his voice suddenly alarmingly quiet and controlled, like glass that's seconds away from shattering.
"And then almost didn't make it much further than that because you recklessly endangered yourself and ended up getting shot for God's sake!!" his voice raising, breaking, the glass cracking.
You're taken aback slightly by his sudden shift in attitude. The rage was most definitely still there, but it was shadowed by something else, something hidden deeper in his emotions.
"Why do you even care huh? What am I to you other than some perfectly replaceable soldier? You know, Suicide Squad?" You emphasise the last two words. "Isn't that kinda our thing? You're the only one that Waller really cares to see return after missions" you spit, standing up at last, your own anger almost getting the better of you.
"This isn't about Waller" he growls, his gaze shifting to the floor.
"Then what is it about huh? What's really the issue? Honestly I don't see what the big deal is. So what if I die? It's not like I'm really living in that prison anyway."
The look on Flag's face instantly makes you regret your words. He looks somehow livid and heartbroken all at once.
"So what if you die?" he whispers, a slight crack returning to his voice. "So what if you die?" he repeats incredulously.
"Yeah. What do I matter?"
Flag's eyes abruptly lock with yours again, a kind of ferocity shining in them. You swallow, suddenly nervous.
Then he's stepping towards you, grabbing your face in his hands roughly.
"You matter" he breathes harshly. "You matter to me" he growls. You can see the sincerity and seriousness in his eyes. That anger that's just softened by something else.
You don't even have a chance to take in what he's just said before his lips are crashing into yours. His hands hold your face firmly in place as he kisses you roughly, teeth clashing. A surprised moan escapes you and Flag takes the opportunity to open up your mouth with his own, letting his tongue slide against your own. You'd be lying if you said this isn't exactly what you'd been wanting for months now. After constantly being sent on missions together your feelings for Rick had only grown. You knew a relationship between the two of you would be forbidden, and you figured that he, a polished military man, would never be interested in someone like you, and so you had bottled your feelings. No need to set yourself up for disappointment.
And yet now you here were. His lips moulded against yours, his hands cupping your face so tightly as if he's afraid you'll pull away. The kiss is sloppy and messy, a feeling of desperation and urgency conveyed through his lips.
And yet suddenly he does pull back, releasing you completely. You stand looking at each other, both of you breathing rapidly.
"I- I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done that. Sorry" he pants quietly.
"Shut up Flag" you say just before attaching your lips to his again. He stiffens for a second before finally relaxing and melting into the kiss again, a moan escaping him this time. You reach up with your uninjured arm to hold onto the nape of his neck, tugging gently at the short hair there, your other arm rests gently on his waist. You use this hand to fist his t-shirt, tugging it gently. Rick gets the hint and steps back slightly to pull his shirt over his head and throw it to the floor.
For a second you're in awe at his spectacular physique. You instinctively reach your hands outs to run your fingers over his impressive chest and stomach. Your lips meet briefly again before you feel him pull lightly at the hem of your own vest shirt, as if asking for permission. You nod once, signalling to him that it was okay. You break the kiss again as he delicately lifts your shirt up and over your uninjured arm, manoeuvring the material so he could slide it down your injured arm with as little movement as possible. You grimace slightly as the shirt brushes past your wound before being tossed to the floor to join Rick's.
"You okay?" his eyebrows furrow with concern.
"I'm okay" you reassure him leaning up to kiss him again, the both of you moaning as your lips make contact. Rick begins to walk you backwards, towards the bed.
"Are you sure about this?" he breathes just as the back of your legs connect with the edge of the bed, resting his forehead on yours.
"Yes. I want this. I want you, Rick" you emphasise calling him by his first name. To further prove your point you reach your right arm behind you and unhook your bra. Rick looks down at you intently. His fingers trace your skin as he slowly drags each bra strap down your shoulder, extra careful to be gentle on your left side. The moment is so painfully intimate, the only sounds your heavy breathing mixing and the light crackling of the fire. Once the straps are down you let the bra fall to the ground between you. Rick's gaze flickers down to your breasts, his eyes lighting up at the view, the tiniest of smirks tugging at his lips.
His eyes meet yours again and his lips latch onto your own. His arms snake around your body, pulling you tightly against him, your bare chests colliding, his dog tags digging into your skin. Your shoulder throbs with the movement but you don't care anymore. You lift both your arms so they can wrap around his neck, ignoring the pain again, you just wanted to keep him close. The urgency from before returns and you're both suddenly frantic for each other, afraid this moment might somehow slip away from you.
Your tongues find each other again as Rick holds you tightly, lowering you onto the bed. Your mouths never part as he shifts to lie on top of you, his hips slotting against yours, finding a home between your legs. You buck your hips up into his, feeling how hard he is even through the fabric of both your pants. Rick responds by rocking his hips against you, grinding his length against your clothed core, applying just enough pressure to tease you. You can feel the cold of his dog tags against your chest again, only adding to the sensations.
"Rick" you moan into his mouth. You pull sharply at his hair, silently asking for more. He groans in response and shifts his hands down to undo your jeans. You wiggle your hips slightly as he pulls them off your legs, leaving you just in your underwear. Your mouths continue to devour each other as you feel him drag a hand down your body, tantalisingly slow, his fingers gently brushing the skin from your neck all the way down to your hips. As he drags his hand down your body his lips move across your jaw and down to your neck. He nips and pulls at your skin roughly before sucking your skin harshly, ensuring to form a bruise later.
His fingers toy with the hem of your pants, teasing you again. You push your hips again, encouraging him. But he doesn't. Not yet. He just continues to trace the skin on your lower belly, following the waistband of your underwear. Your groan in frustration and deliberately dig your nails into his back. You can feel a small chuckle rumble in his chest.
Then, finally, his hand slips under your waistband. His fingers delve lower and, at last, brush against your clit. You're already wet from the teasing when he was just barely grinding into you. Rick swipes his fingers up and down your slit a few times, gathering the wetness there. Before long his fingers are returning to your clit, circling slowly. You moan again at the contact. Rick lifts his head from your neck to watch you as you squirm under his touch. He watches you intently, observing your reactions as he speeds up his circles, applying just a touch more pressure to your sensitive bud.
The intensity of the day, the adrenaline, the fact that this situation was actually happening, all these thoughts and feelings flow through you as you rock against Rick's hand. You were desperate for relief; after today, you needed it. Your moans begin to get louder and more frequent as Rick's movements push your body into a state of euphoria, your release so close...
And then Rick is pulling his hand away from you, leaving you rocking against nothing, your climax retreating. You moan in frustration, looking at him incredulously. You're about to complain when he cuts you off.
"Uh no. You don't deserve to cum just yet. Not after the shit you pulled today" Rick glowers down at you. Okay so despite all this it appeared he was still pretty mad at you.
Rick is then climbing off you, moving to stand in front of you at the foot of the bed. You push yourself up on your elbows to look at him, unsure what exactly he was up to.
"Take off your underwear" he commands in a low tone. You stare at him blankly.
"I said" he grabs your ankle and pulls you to the edge of the bed. "Take off your underwear" he emphasises and enunciates each individual word. He keeps his eyes trained on yours as you reach to slowly work your underwear down your legs before throwing them to the floor. You're leaning back on your elbows again but you have you knees touching so you're not completely exposed to him just yet.
He just barely gives you a nod of approval, that tiniest of smirks returning. He keeps his eyes on you again as he unbuttons his tac pants, shacking them off. He's then pulling of his own underwear, freeing his aching cock. You eyes flick quickly to his cock, it's just as spectacular as his broad chest and torso.
He takes a step forward so he is right at the edge of the bed. He grabs your ankles again, this time to force your legs open, situating himself between them. He looks down at your aching cunt for a second. Rick surprises you by suddenly spitting right onto your waiting pussy. He takes the head of his cock and uses it to spread his spit up and down your folds. He does this for only a few seconds before he's pushing inside you.
Rick gives you no time to prepare for his impressive length as he thrusts inside you right to the hilt. You gasp in shock, a slight sharp pain ringing through your cunt. He pulls almost all the way out again, this time moving slowly, before slamming right back into you again. He quickly sets a ruthless pace, fucking himself harshly into you. It hurts slightly at first, nothing in comparison to the way your shoulder is crying out as you're pounded into the mattress. It doesn't take long, however, for the pain in your cunt to turn to pleasure. The same could not be said for your shoulder, unfortunately. But again, right now, you just didn't care, your focus solely remaining on Rick Flag fucking you mercilessly. He slides his hand down one of your legs, grabbing at your thigh, hoisting your leg up until it was flush against his chest. He leans forward slightly, pushing against your leg and reaching a whole new angle inside you. He was impossibly deep, his cock meeting the most sensitive spot inside you with almost every thrust.
His grunts and breathing get louder as he continues to fuck you hard. Your body is trembling in response, your thighs shaking already, your moans jolting with each slam of his cock inside you.
"Don't ever do something reckless like that again" he suddenly commands, ruthlessly pounding into you. You're barely able to acknowledge his words as your head spins from combined sensations of pain and pleasure.
"Hey" he growls, gripping your jaw in his other hand, his fingers pushing roughly into your cheek. He forces you to look at him. "I said, don't ever do something like that again" he almost shouts in your face, that rage returning to his features.
You just about manage a nod, his grip on your jaw like a vice. He returns an affirmative nod, his face softening the slightest bit before his crushes his lips to yours again in a bruising kiss, still keeping you firmly in place with his hand on your jaw. You moan loudly into the kiss, your orgasm fast approaching. The kiss turns sloppy and uncoordinated as you both feel the pleasure start to take over your bodies.
Knowing that you’re close Rick moves his hand from your jaw to your throat and squeezes gently, applying just the right amount of pressure.
"Oh fuck" you barely choke out as Rick applies just a bit more pressure around your neck. He's pounding into you so hard you're sure he's actually going to split you in two. You drag your hands down his broad back, leaving angry red scratches in your wake.
Your strangled moans just top the sound of your bodies slapping together. Rick can feel how close you are, your cunt starting to tighten around his cock. He shows no mercy, continuing his relentless pace as you're about to tip over the edge and your climax seconds away. Just as you're about to cum Rick releases your neck, allowing the oxygen to flow properly through you again. This added relief timed perfectly with your orgasm has you seeing stars, your vision blurring for a second as your pussy clenches repeatedly around Rick.
"Oh fuck. Yes" you hear Rick groan quietly into your ear as you cum, your clenching pussy causing his relentless pace to falter. His pace becomes sloppy and stuttered, only a few more thrusts before he's stilling and finishing inside you. He collapses forwards as he does so, his huge frame towering over you. He keeps you in place as you both revel in your highs, attempting to regain control of your breath.
After only a couple of seconds Rick pulls of you and walks off to the bathroom. You feel oddly hurt by his abrupt departure, your heart sinking slightly.
Your spirits lift again though when he returns momentarily with a damp cloth in hand which he silently hands over to you. You take it and begin to clean yourself off whilst he searches the floor before pulling his boxers back on. Rick pads back over to you giving you your underwear and his black shirt to put on. You hand him back the cloth and he runs it back to the bathroom again as you pull on your underwear and his shirt, your shoulder protesting the movements. As Rick returns from the bathroom you head over to the fire to feed it a couple more logs. When you turn around Rick is sat on the bed.
You go to walk past him, to climb into the other side of the bed, when you feel his hands grab your waist. He turns you slightly and pulls you into him, slotting you between his legs. You look down at him in confusion, your hands resting on his chest, fingers toying with his dog tags. His eyes look up at you, all the rage and anger from earlier completely gone, replaced with what looked like a sadness laced with worry.
"Is your shoulder okay? I didn't hurt you, did I?" he asks softly.
Damn this man's change in attitudes were gonna give you whiplash. You smile at him reassuringly, placing your hands on his face, stroking his cheeks with your thumbs.
"It's nothing I can't handle" you tell him gently. "Someone patched me up pretty well so I reckon I'll live" you tease him lightly, placing a soft kiss to his forehead. He leans his head forward, losing himself in your chest as he pulls you even tighter to him, locking his arms behind you. You reach to hug around his head tenderly with your good arm, your chin resting on the top of his head. Your injured arm rests lightly on his shoulders, stroking his back absent-mindedly as you remain in this position for a while.
"Seriously. Don't do something like that again" you hear him whisper into your chest. "Please" he adds, his grip on you tightening briefly.
You squeeze his shoulders in response, placing a soft kiss to the top of his head.
"I won't."
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A/N: I actually really like how this turned out, it was definitely fun to write so I hope it was fun to read too!! Fun fact: this was actually like the third thing I ever wrote, it’s just been sat in my drafts for that long😂
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My Only Mission is You
Pairing: Rick Flag x fem! Reader
Summary: After narrowly escaping death, Rick decides to show you just how much you mean to him. 
Warnings: Smut, 18+, cursing, fingering, dirty talk, unprotected sex
A/N: So, I was feeling a certain way and decided to write some smut for Rick... 
I hope you all enjoy and any feedback is appreciated! 
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Walking onto the helicopter, your eyes meet the sight of that strong jawline you’ve learned to love so much. You stare at it for a second, appreciating the sharpness of it, before dragging your gaze up to warm, brown eyes. Eyes that are currently staring you down, drilling through you without even trying. 
“Flag.” You try to keep your voice steady, but the way he makes you feel, you just can’t help it.
“Y/N.” His voice is all cool and collected, making you jealous that he can manage to seem so calm around you. 
Maybe you don’t affect him in the same way he does you. 
That thought makes your stomach turn in the worst way and you brush it off, giving Rick a small smile before finding a seat next to Boomer. 
“Look who it is!” Boomer yells out, eyes lighting up when he spots you. “This mission just got ten times better.”
“Because some girl just got on? What makes her so special?” Blackguard asks as he eyes you up. 
Boomer rolls his eyes. “This girl is stronger than all of us put together, dickhead-”
“I’d choose your next words carefully, Blackguard.” 
You drag your gaze up to see Rick facing all of you, his arms reaching up to grip the railing. Hard. The vein in his neck is protruding. You can tell he’s pissed. 
The sight of him defending you causes a pool of wetness to form in your underwear, making you shift in your seat. Rick doesn’t notice though, his eyes still shooting daggers at Blackguard. 
Control yourself, Y/N. You need to focus.
“Never underestimate a woman, Blackguard. You might just end up with a knife in your neck.” 
Your remark has Rick smirking and he shoots you a quick wink before walking back up towards the pilot. 
Next to you, Boomer is laughing loudly, clutching his stomach with his hand. “You better be a quick learner, mate. Or else, it looks like you’re gonna end up dead!” 
Blackguard scoffs and turns to talk to TDK, leaving you and Boomer alone. 
Boomer grins at you. “I’d say you scared him off.” 
“Let’s hope,” you sigh out, leaning your head back against the wall. You close your eyes, wanting at least a few minutes of peace before the utter chaos that’s bound to happen. 
“Get ready! We drop in five!”
And, there goes your peace. 
Groaning, you slowly get up to grab your duffel bag, rummaging through for your weapons. 
“Sorry for disturbing your rest, sweetheart.” 
Rick’s voice fans across the back of your neck and you clench your thighs in response. 
“Can’t disturb what didn’t even happen.” 
He chuckles at that, his hand reaching out to give your waist a small squeeze. “I’ll make sure you get taken care of later.” 
And with that, he walks away, leaving you to your scrambled mind as you frantically try to piece together what he means by that. 
You can only hope it’s good. 
You wake to the sound of people chatting nearby. Slowly opening your eyes, you squint against the intrusion of bright sunlight, using your hand as a visor. 
Looking down, you see the bloody bandages coating your body and all the events of the previous night smack you in the face. 
Blackguard selling you out. You and Rick running for cover. Most of your team getting killed. Boomer.
Tears gather in your eyes, but you will them away. You’ll find time to mourn him later. Right now, you need to find out where the hell you are. Can’t mourn someone if you’re dead yourself. 
As you’re standing up, the door to your room bursts open, heavy footsteps stomping inside. You whip around to see Rick, his large demeanor taking up the entirety of the doorway. 
“You’re alive.” You were worried he might have ended up like the others. 
“Course I am, sweetheart. Couldn’t leave my favorite person behind, now could I?” 
The way he’s looking at you with so much need, passion, and relief. 
Is he relieved to see you awake and alive?
“Was worried that I’d lose you out there.” 
He’s right in front of you now, his hand reaching out to cup your cheek. “I can’t handle the idea of losing you.” 
Need courses through you at the idea that the man in front of you was scared of your death. The man you thought was afraid of nothing has a weakness. And it’s you.
You rest your hand against his. “You can’t lose me that easily.” 
He takes one look down your body and back up again. “I better fucking not.” 
He slams his mouth against yours then, the kiss nothing but desperation and an unspoken confession of love. 
“We only have about ten minutes. You think I can get you to cum by then?” 
You moan into his mouth, unable to speak your thoughts aloud. You just desperately want him inside you. 
He guides you backwards until your back slams into the nearest wall, his one hand reaching out to wrap around your throat. His fingers press down, adding the slightest bit of pressure. 
“I asked you a question, sweetheart.” 
Your cunt is dripping at this point, convulsing around nothing but air. 
“Yes,” you whisper. “I’ll cum.” 
“I know you will,” he grunts against your neck as he starts to suck on your skin. His hand slides down your body until it reaches your pants, undoing the button before curling his fingers into your belt loops and yanking them down your legs. 
As the cold air hits your clothed center, you gasp. “Please.” 
He bites down on your collarbone as his pointer finger skims between your folds. “Please what, sweetheart?” 
“Please just fuck me.” 
A second later, two of his fingers are deep inside you and you moan out, throwing your head back against the wall. 
“Like this?” Rick teases, slowly sliding his fingers out before shoving them back in. You’re so wet, his long fingers glide with ease, curling up into that special spot. 
You want to slap the smirk off his face, but as his fingers start to pump faster into you, you find yourself unable to do anything but moan. 
He presses into you and you can feel his thick length against your stomach. “Or did you want something else?” 
Instead of answering, you hurriedly undo his belt, shoving his pants and boxers down so they fall around his ankles. Your hand wraps around his dick, pumping him slowly. 
“Fuck,” he curses as you wipe up his precum with your thumb. He pulls his fingers out of you, leaving you feeling empty. That feeling doesn’t last long though as the tip of his dick pushes through your folds. “Ready for me?” 
“Yes.” You jump up, wrapping your legs around his waist, pressing your feet into his lower back to push him inside you. 
You both moan in sync as his dick easily slides in, filling you up completely. The feeling of him stretching you out is overwhelming and you have to close your eyes. 
Rick leans in for another kiss, shoving his tongue into your mouth as his hips pick up speed, thrusting into you rapidly. 
“So fucking tight,” he grunts into your mouth, his hand gripping your waist tightly. “You’re taking me so well.” 
You can feel your orgasm building, your pussy throbbing around his dick. 
As his thrusts start to get sloppy, you feel his teeth nip at your ear. “I’m almost there, sweetheart. Be a good girl and cum with me.” 
The tip of his dick hits that sweet spot again and your orgasm hits you, your walls squeezing Rick’s length as his cum shoots into you. 
The both of you moan, your mouths pressed together as your names roll off each other’s tongue. 
Rick rests his forehead against yours as he goes soft inside you. You keep your legs wrapped around him, knowing they’ll be too weak for you to stand. 
“I’m gonna do everything to make sure we get out of this alive. I’ve got big plans for you and I after this.”
Your heart leaps at his confession, wanting nothing more than to live happily with him. 
“You’ve got my back, I’ve got yours.” 
As he places a soft kiss against your cheek, you feel him smile. “Always, sweetheart.”
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modern-vellichor · 2 years
what do you long for?
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-summary; Rick doesn't know why he's drawn to you, perhaps because of the cloud of secrecy that surrounds you. He just wants to know who you are. -warnings; angst, death mention. -a/n; The Quiet American, Graham Greene.
The snow fell fast and heavy. It was freezing in the little trailer. Rick couldn't get the heating to work. You shook and shivered in your corner, quietly. You hadn't said a word since Rick opened the door for you. Now you were trapped. The snow was piling up. It was enveloping the trailer. You were sure this was the end. You'd die here, frozen and silent and practically alone. Rick gasped happily from the other side of the trailer. Your train of thought ended and you looked over. He was holding his hands over a hissing radiator, sighing with relief.
"C'mere," he grunted.
You wandered over. The radiator was warming up. You pressed your back against the wall and slid down it. The heat was slowly seeping into your bones. You smiled. Rick watched. That was the first time he'd seen you smile since you left. He mimicked your position. He rubbed his cold hands together and hissed. He watched you out of the side of his eye. You didn't move, your gaze was empty. You had zoned out again. Rick wanted to know what you were thinking about.
Rick had been on countless missions with you. You had been with him since the beginning. You came on every mission with him, always close by his side. You and Rick were the only ones who persevered. You were the only ones who survived. You were the only permanence in each other's lives. Yet Rick knew nothing about you. He knew your name, he knew that you were one hell of a marksman, but that was it. He longed to know about you. He wanted to know everything about it. It was almost obsessive, unhealthy. Rick longed for you.
"We'll get out of this," Rick said suddenly, making you jump. "We always do, don't we?"
You nodded.
"Waller better give us one hell of a break after this. I need a holiday."
"Where would you go?"
Rick liked the rare sound of your voice.
"Dunno. Somewhere hot," he joked.
You chuckled softly. The cold was still seeping into the trailer, but the radiator was hot against your back. You shuffled closer to Rick, just a few inches. He noticed though, and reached out for your hand. His finger tips grazed yours, and then you both stilled.
"The name on your jacket isn't yours," Rick said.
There was an army jacked flung over your shoulders. There was a Colonels' badge under the name. A last name Rick didn't recognise.
"My dads."
You didn't say anything else. You and Rick sat in silence. Eventually, you fell asleep. You slumped against Rick. He coiled an arm around your waist, holding you close and trying to keep you warm. When you woke up, Rick tried tirelessly to get you to talk. You could tell that fear was beginning to set in. He was worried. He didn't want to die with a total stranger. Sure, Rick was your best friend, but you knew nothing about each other.
"Poker," he said suddenly.
"Let's play a game of poker," he said, pulling some old cards off of a shelf behind him.
"I'm no good at poker, Flag."
"Neither am I," Rick lied.
You watched as Rick dealt you both two cards, face down, then another three in the middle of you both. Texas Hold'em Poker, Rick's favourite.
"What are we betting?"
"Information," Rick grinned. "I win, I get to ask you a question and you have to answer. And vice versa."
You nodded. Rick won every round. After a few hours, he knew your birthday, all about your parents, and about your little sister back home. He knew all about your childhood, about the constant moving around. He knew about the almost engagement you had in your early twenties. He knew about the tattoo on your hip, about your fear of spiders. He had one thing he wanted to know, still.
"I fold," you said dejectedly.
Rick grinned. He laid his cards on the floor. He would have won anyway. He stared at you, you couldn't look away. You took a deep, shuddering breath while you waited for Rick's last question.
"What's something you long for?"
You didn't expect it. It caught you off guard. You never wanted things. You didn't long for things. You couldn't. Not in this line of work. Rick repeated the question slowly, and offered a half-assed, although genuine, explanation. You had to think. You pursed your lips and furrowed your brow. You had to think for a long while before settling on something.
"From childhood I had never believed in permanence, and yet I had longed for it."
Rick looked at you. Your voice was quiet and on the verge of breaking. He knew where you were coming from. he understood the fear and honesty that coloured your words.
"And I guess I still do. I believed, when I first started this job that maybe I had found permanence. I don't anymore."
"Death is the only absolute value in this world," you cut him off. "Lose life and you would never lose nothing again forever."
Your stare was blank. You were expressionless. Your words were flat and emotionless and it was unnerving. Rick hated it. He hated this feeling of nothingness. He didn't know if you were sad or angry and it was killing him. So many years, you had been his friend. You always knew what he was thinking. You always had a plan. You always followed his orders. And Rick always knew what to say. Now he was speechless.
"Anyway," you said very suddenly, a false joy in your voice. "Let's go to bed, yeah?"
You picked up the cards and stood up. You didn't wait for Rick. You busied yourself with tidying. You cleaned until there was enough space on the floor next to the radiator for both of you. Rick stood awkwardly in the middle of the room as you lay down. You patted the floor behind you; an order. Rick obeyed and curled around you. You pulled the pile of moth-eaten blankets, sheets and jackets over you.
"Honey," Rick began, a hand reaching out for your hip.
"Go to sleep."
"Please, just- Look at me," his touch was soft, experimental.
"Go to sleep, Rick."
He tried being soft. You were being blunt. You weren't having it. Rick wasn't playing games. At the end of the day, he was your superior officer. He always had been. And you always obeyed.
"Lieutenant," he ordered. Your eyes shot wide open. "Turn around and look at me."
You couldn't start disobeying him now. You were probably going to die out here anyway. The snow was piling up against the trailer. The radiator was banging and hissing concerningly. Cold was nipping at the edges of the blankets. No one was going to find you out here, no one was coming for you. You turned around. It was awkward and you were squashed against Rick's chest, but you refused to move back incase the cold got you.
"Yes, sir?" You recite monotonously.
Rick wanted to tell you that everything would be okay. He wanted to tell you he loved you. He wanted to say that you were his best friend. That he'd be here forever. That death isn't the only thing that's permanent. He wanted to tell you that he'd die for you. And that every day he doesn't tell you he kills himself over and over. Living without you is hell on earth. He loves you. He'd kill his own team for you. he loves you. You and him are permanent. He loves you, he loves you, he loves you.
But he can't.
He let out a breath he didn't know he was holding. He shut his eyes and you watch, curious. He kissed you. You gasped against his lips, your whole body going stiff. Rick pulled away, mumbling an apology. You shook your head. You forced your hands away from your sides to pull him in by the neck. He was more than happy to kiss you again. Suddenly, the cold was indifferent to you. It was hot under the blankets, against Rick.
"We're gonna die out here," he pants.
"No, we're not."
"If we die, then. I don't wanna die without tellin' you that I love you."
You shook your head, again. Before Rick continued, you were tugging on his shirt, forcing his lips back to yours. You slipped your hands under the hem of his shirt, sliding up his waist. He was panting and whimpering into the kiss as you maneuvered yourself to sit in his lap. You gripped the shirt and pulled it clean off of Rick. You heard a bang. Both of you froze. The trailer rocked. You lurched out of Rick's lap, hitting your head during the fall. Neither of you made a sound, not even when you watched a set of sharp teeth sink into the metal of the trailer.
You reached for your gun. The door was ripped out. You sighed in relief, dropping the gun and running to your saviours. Rick stayed back, adjusting his pants while you leapt into Bloodsport's arms.
"I've never been happier to see you, DuBois," you muttered into his neck.
He nodded to a shirtless Rick. You watched as Nanaue chewed on what was left of the trailer's door.
Not another word was ever spoken of that night. You and Rick went on as normal. And every time he saw you shoot a wink as DuBois, or smile at him, or hug him. Every time that you looked at anyone who wasn't him, his heart broke a little. Every day, he killed himself over and over for you.
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nopelleen · 3 years
Perish, Pretty Please (1/5)
ꜱᴜᴍᴍᴀʀʏ: Rick Flag was known to be a pretty good leader, it was the reason why he had been chosen to lead a squad of infamously reckless and idiotic criminals, however it was a lot harder to maintain his authority when one member of the team despised his guts for seemingly no reason.
ᴘᴀɪʀɪɴɢ: Rick Flag x Reader
ᴡᴏʀᴅ ᴄᴏᴜɴᴛ: 2.8k
ɴᴏᴛᴇ: i haven’t written in so long but i’m a sucker for the new version of Rick Flag and i just couldn’t help myself, enjoy my attempt at a short enemies to lovers!
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There was something peculiar about jail, something you had been told to expect.
Before being thrown into this dark, moist secluded space they had the audacity to call a cell, you had been the most apologetic, polite person, always so caring about people’s feelings and enjoying this status of people pleaser – enjoying the way people always responded so nicely to your bright smiles. Now, it felt so strange to think back about this small thing you used to be, so weary about appearing disrespectful that you’d bow down and stoop as low as you could to take the least space possible, making yourself smaller and smaller each day. Now, you wouldn’t be caught dead bowing down. Not since you had met him.
Being thrown into jail had been a riveting experience, if not a living nightmare that had chipped away at your soul days after days until you were nothing but a crumbling mess barely held together by a sizzling resentment. The change within you had been slow at first, almost imperceptible. It had taken a few months for you to let go of your old ways, a few months for them to break you. At first, you had been respectful towards the guard in front of your cell. It had apparently been your first mistake, and he had taken this as a challenge to reach into your soul and crush every last bit of goodness in you.
His name was Griggs. He had been the one guarding your cell for the better part of months now and he was without a shadow of a doubt the most repulsive person you had ever met.
They had put a collar on you, had thrown you into a dark and moist secluded cell, and if all of that wasn’t enough to reduce you to nothing, they had put you under his care. Him, who was known for his rough ways around prisoners, who had tortured Harley and somehow managed to chip away a bit more at her sanity. With more cowardice than you’d like to admit, you had told yourself that maybe the woman had fought back a bit too much, maybe if you behaved well enough you’d get out of this experience with as much dignity as possible.
Wishful thinking. Sad, pathetic wishful thinking.
Words, spit, needles, buckets of cold water, there wasn’t any mean of humiliation he hadn’t used on you, and the more you responded, the more you got. If at first you bared your teeth at the slightest attack, as time went on your strength started to fail you and every word you yearned to spit in his face remained unsaid, held back inside of you under the form of a bubbling resentment to which you offered no outlet. It was almost its own form of torture, watching Griggs bark laughter as you shook on the ground, soaked wet from the bucket of used water he had just thrown at you. The others always watched. They never said anything, never even did as much as wince at your treatment, and for that you found completely incapable of holding even just an ounce of respect towards any person of power there. You despised them all so much that it hurt; your entire body constantly ached from the need to yell yourself hoarse, yell your hot hatred towards them for hours on end. They were all the same and you craved to see them die from the most excruciating pain.
This was partly why you had known things wouldn’t go smoothly as soon as Rick had stepped into your cell. In his neatly ironed uniform and squaring up his shoulders behind Waller as if being the crooked woman’s shadow was the peak of his career, the man seemed to stand for everything you had grown to loath over these last years. You saw his eyes flicker from the ground to your bed, acknowledging the state of the cell as he took in the puddles and the dirty torn-up sheet. You saw a hint of worry etched over his features, barely perceptible under his mask of professionalism, and you had to keep yourself from laughing in his face for this ridiculous play-pretend, acting all offended on your account as if he didn’t know how things worked down here. His attention was brought back upon you when Waller made a quick presentation of who you were and what you were capable of, and his eyes barely had time to go over the collar tightly snapped around your neck before his glance was drawn to your dark stare, conveying as much disgust as you could towards him in one glare. If he was a bit taken aback by your hostility, he didn’t show it, and this neutral expression permanently stamped on his face only managed to aggravate you even further.
“Take off her collar. I believe she’s smart enough not to try anything.”
You only responded with a dark look, knowing there was nothing you could say back to this that would make you look good. Waller had a way of choosing her words carefully as to make her interlocutor feel inferior no matter what they tried to answer. Knowing there was no prospect of ending this discussion and feeling good about yourself, you stayed silent, doing your best not to flinch as another worker walked into the cell and approached you with a digital card. You did your best not to let any emotion seep through, however as soon as his hand got close to your neck you could not help but take the tiniest step back. From the corner of your eye, you noticed Flag shifting a bit, as if his first instinct was trying to push him into stepping in, however one pointed dark look sharply directed towards him quickly dissuaded the colonel from helping.
If he ever wanted to get even just a foot near you, he would have to wait for you to give out your last breath – given where you were currently going, he probably wouldn’t have to wait that long anyway.
“The people you are going to be attached at the hip to for the next few days are already in,” Rick Flag announced as you both marched up to the aircraft.
You cast an apprehensive look towards the small stepladder leading up to it which looked way too unsteady, rocked by the vibrations of the helicopter it was attached to. Just wanting to make sure you weren’t about to faceplant in front of the people you were probably about to die with, you took a second in front of the stepladder to readjust your heavy bag onto your shoulder, letting the colonel go in before you. Then, when you looked up again, the strap of your bag now firmly readjusted and perfectly balanced on your shoulder, your eyes landed upon a hand extended towards you. Your gaze traced back the arm until falling upon its owner’s face and you had to fight off the desire to harshly swat the hand away.
“Yeah, no,” you declined coldly, dismissively ignoring his offer as you stepped in alone, proud when you barely vacillated once your two feet were hauled onto the edge of the aircraft.
“Outburst! Didn’t expect to see you there,” Blackguard gushed as soon as you entered his vision. “I feel much safer now knowing that our enemies are gonna be crying before I shoot them.”
Instead of the bitter smile you usually would’ve given to anyone else, you let out a genuine chuckle, greeting him back with a friendly dig at his dyed hair. Rick watched with an incredulous look as you comfortably plopped down on the seat across from the blond man with a beaming smile, not minding the fact that your knees were touching despite the fact that you had just walked past the colonel while leaving as much space as possible between the two of you.
“Outburst?” a man from a few seats away asked – Captain Boomerang, if you recalled right.
“I didn’t choose the name.”
“No, like – what’s your thing?”
“She makes people cry,” Blackguard repeated with a shrug, filling in instead of you.
You pursed your lips and gave a brief half-shrug, finding yourself unexpectedly pleased with the reductive and quite honestly insulting description. It wasn’t like you hadn’t heard worst from Blackguard anyway, you had once met him during a transfer from one cell to another and the guards transporting you had been forced to leave you alone two minutes to break out a fight that had erupted in the men’s cafeteria – these two minutes had been largely enough for Blackguard to ask about the collar and make fun of your ability.
“So, are you happy to be going on a mission with me?”
Blackguard’s lips started to stretch into his usual lazy, wide grin, when a flicker of realization flashed in his eyes and his smile completely fell off his face in an instant. It was as if a switch had been flipped; his eyes flickered to the side, fleeing away from your steady eyes. He looked hesitant for a fleeting moment, but then before you could even start to wonder what this was all about, the bleach-haired man had regained his composure, dragging his attention back onto you with schooled features and mischief coloring his eyes to match yours.
“Oh yeah dude, I can't wait to see you make people laugh until they shit themselves.”
You instantly winced at the expression. “Please never talk about my ability again.”
“I won’t if you show me how to buckle myself in; this shit is confusing.”
Rick watched the scene from afar, quite disconcerted by what he was witnessing. You were currently interacting with one of the most – if not the most – disrespectful member of the squad and smiling at him as if he were a long-lost friend, whilst the colonel had been nothing but courteous to you and had earned in return nothing but cold glowers. It had been quite hard not to notice the way you had very noticeably bit your tongue in an attempt not to swear at him when he had done as much as welcome you to the team.
It hadn’t been much of a surprise when you hadn’t responded well to his small talk on your way to the aircraft either.
“Remember you’re not there to act as a casualty, the other members of the squad are there to protect you and you’re expected to do the same.”
“As long as I don’t have to protect you, I’m good.”
“Well, I am considered a living member of the team so you are expected to have my back.”
He usually wouldn’t have tolerated this talk-back in any situation, but this equation was an entanglement of many factors that needed to be taken into consideration: first, none of you were in any shape or form even close to a soldier, secondly he had been warned by Waller that out of all recruits you would show the most behavioral issues, and finally, when he had walked into your cell, he had expected something entirely different from your frail figure refusing to maintain eye contact with Waller for more than ten seconds and backing up as much as possible like a wounded prey.
It had quickly become obvious to him that the behavioral issues came from fear and not defiance – there was therefore no point in scolding you. Doing as much as raising his voice at you would never play out in his favor, whether it was at the moment or later on the battle grounds. He did not know the extent of your abilities yet, but in a mission carried out by a team infamously labelled as the suicide squad, keeping the odds in his favor was a luxury he could not pass up on.
Turned out there was one thing his superior truly hadn’t exaggerated when he had assigned Rick to his first mission – if you’re relying on odds for the success of your mission, you might as well go on the battlefield with your eyes closed and your hands tied behind your back. This advice wasn’t a detail that slipped out of his mind nor something he particularly disagreed with – it was simply some words he had consciously chosen to ignore for his own peace of mind since it did not bode well for the team he was leading at all. After all, what was the Task X Force if not purely a matter of odds.
As he watched a shouting Blackguard walk onto the beach with his arms lifted up in the air, Rick couldn’t help but think he would’ve probably had more chances of survival lumbering up this beach with his eyes closed and hands tied than with the group of idiots he was accompanying.
“Blackguard get back into your position!”
You watched with wide, bewildered eyes as the bleach-haired man waded out the water and directly engaged onto the beach, his arms up in the air with all the innocence of a man who had just signed his teammates’ death warrant. While everyone else remained speechless as they witnessed the mission go awry barely minutes after it had begun, Flag had been quick to react, barking orders at the stone-deaf traitor who kept walking forward.
Blackguard showed no sign of slowing down and the fact that he wasn’t even acknowledging Rick’s words couldn’t help but make you wonder for a second if he was hearing him. With a low, focusing breath, you fixated your eyes on Blackguard and sent an anxious wave towards him, hoping to make him turn around and abandon whatever he had in mind. Frustration started to build at the pit of your stomach as you were forced to see him keep on walking on, not even looking like he had been affected by your attempt. You weren’t close enough.
Before you could try again, beams of light suddenly switched on at the edge of the rainforest, effectively outlining Blackguard’s silhouette and causing his steps to falter a bit. Despite the hesitation that seemed to overcome him, he still made no move to get back in position or at least duck to safety and one look towards Rick indicated you that no one was about to at least try to physically make him back down. Biting the inside of your cheek, you bounced on the balls of your feet from where you were squatting down behind a rock, mentally preparing yourself before suddenly jumping to your feet.
“Outburst!” you heard Rick bellow as you quickly scurried towards a rock closer to Blackguard, maintaining yourself as low as you could. Once in safety again, you started over, trying to focus as well as you could on your own emotions and muster up enough fear to send him a wave that’d stress him enough to finally back down. “Outburst, stand down!” a voice barked once again directly into your earpiece, jolting you out of your focus.
“Eat shit!” you bit back under your breath, too focused on the task at hand to lend him more than one ear and answer with more than two colorful words. You didn’t really expect your earpiece to pick up on the grumble anyway – you were wrong.
“Oh we can curse?? I didn’t know we could curse!” Harley whined from behind her rock, shooting an accusatory look towards Rick who was too busy trying to keep the team in line to pay attention to her complaint. “Flag!”
Your ears suddenly picked up on the sound of a chopper hovering above the beach and covering even more Blackguard’s words despite his voice getting louder with desperation. Now that you were hiding behind a rock way closer to the enemies than you’d like it to be, the surge of adrenaline rushing through your body was fierce and, as if pushed by anxiety alone, you found yourself jumping to your feet as you sent one last gush of panic towards Blackguard.
The relief when you saw him physically recoil at the sensation was short-lived, swept away by an excruciating pain that knocked you off your feet. As you landed into the sand, your hand automatically came up to brush against the patch of skin where the pain had erupted in, and you felt your stomach drop at the feeling of torn up tissue right below your chest. You could hear shouts coming from your earpiece but paid them no mind, knowing that they probably did not concern you anyway – it was the Task X Force after all, no matter what Flag had told you, there were bound to be casualties. You were just glad you had at least tried to help Blackguard. You hadn’t been like those soulless guards back at Belle Reve. You had done something; you had helped.
Those were the thoughts you held close to your heart as you felt your last thread of consciousness slip away from your fingers, the only thing you focused on as darkness seeped at the edges of your vision, and the last words that echoed through your mind as Blackguard’s faceless body collapsed right beside yours merely seconds before you passed out.
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temptressofwaikiki · 3 years
(N)SFW Alphabet: Rick Flag
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Pairing: Rick Flag x reader
Warnings: Just to be safe let’s warn for brief mentions of cum eating, rimming, mildly drunk s*x, ass biting, various role playing with toys are mentioned but nothing is really described in detail. It should go without saying but minors - do not read this.
Note: I did try to keep the reader as ambiguous and inclusive as possible, if I missed something, please let me know! I’m always up for suggestions.
Note 1.5: I did read through this but please ignore all spelling errors. I will undoubtedly find one immediately after posting. 🤣
Note 2: dedicated to @lunaserenade who is having a day, and to Oscar Isaac for blessing us. Thank you, it was much appreciated and giffed.
A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
He would like to say he’s a perfect gentleman, making sure you’re good (& we know you are 😉) but this is one of the few times he’s fully relaxed, so you give him a pass for falling asleep within 3 minutes.
B = Body part (Their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
For a time he would’ve said his hands were his favourite, given all they can do for you (and to you for that matter) but after years in the military and what he’s done, he prefers his arms - especially when you’re in them.
As for your body, he loves every inch of you but if he had to pick one place to kiss for the rest his life, he’d pick your neck. Something about the tilt of your head, the trust you’re showing him by exposing yourself, it’s something he treasures.
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically… I’m a disgusting person)
A gracious plenty, and while he loves when you swallow it (and you do try to take it all but he’s certainly more than a mouthful), he loves it just a little bit more when you wear it.
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
The man isn’t shy about telling you what he likes, and how you make him feel. However, under extreme duress or an absurd amount of alcohol, he might admit to being curious about you tossing his salad*.
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
He’s no chaste virgin but he doesn’t have a Rolodex of previous partners.
F = Favourite Position (This goes without saying.)
While he’s a fan of you on your hands and knees, or good ole dependable missionary. He loves it when you’re on top and in control. He has to wrangle criminals in high stress situations for a living, sometimes he likes not having to control all the variables, and it’s a luxury to have someone take care of him for a change.
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc)
He can be serious, and intense, and make your body quiver when he has you up against the wall, but give him a few drinks or catch him after a particularly good day? Well you might just end with bite marks on your ass, and vague memories of a cowboy hat, laughter, and an instance where you both rolled off the bed and he still kept going.
H = Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
Lightly groomed, he’s considerate but it’s nothing fancy.
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…)
He can joke around, make you laugh, or look at you so intensely you wonder if you’re going to be able to sit tomorrow, but you know that when it’s just the two of you together? It really is just the two of you. He’s not letting his job seep into these moments he gets with you.
J = Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon)
He definitely jacks off. How frequently really depends on how stressed he is, and if he’s single at the time.
One time, you’d been asleep when he got home, and while he was definitely interested in the skin exposed by sheet bunched at your waist, he didn’t want to wake you. He knew a good night’s rest was hard to come by for the both of you, so he decided to take care of things in the shower. The fact you were tired the next morning was entirely your own fault, since you were the one who woke up, caught a peek at the show, and decided to join him.
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
He loves it when you start to kiss down his chest and then switch to biting and sucking at his nipples. Preferably when he’s on his back and his hands are tied above his head. If you decide to leave him tied up while you sit on top of him and get yourself off? Well he might just have to put a ring on it.
L = Location (Favourite places to do the do)
He’s a simple guy, and prefers the bedroom because his favourite place (other than between your thighs) is his bed. But if he happens to catch you in the kitchen, shower, or like that one time in the supply closet in the Belle Reve infirmary, well he can recognize an opportunity when he sees one.
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
He’s a slutty drunk, just putting that out there. If he’s had a few shots but still able to make decisions, he’s gonna find any excuse to get close to you. Drape his arm around you while you sit, pull your hips against his if you’re dancing, or just flat out ask you to join him in the bathroom.
However if he’s stone cold sober and sees you taking control of a chaotic situation or pulling one over on Waller? You’re getting it good tonight, or in like 5 minutes if the danger has past and there’s somewhere with privacy nearby.
N = NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Anything to do with non-consensual fantasies. It’s a hard no from him.
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
You can’t tell me this man doesn’t love to go down on you like you’re a steak dinner, and he’s fucking starving.
In fact, it might just be his favourite goddamn thing. He can be cooking breakfast, watching the Super-Bowl, or polishing his golf clubs, but if you slide up next to him, kiss him sweetly, and then guide his hand between your legs, well I guess you’re having burnt eggs for breakfast. Enjoy.
P = Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
He likes to take it slow, teasingly slow (to start with at least). It’ll start with his arm around you while you’re seated in a bar, his fingers brushing down your sides, and his face pressed into your neck, his warm breath and even warmer lips distracting you. Once he has you good and ready, then he might up the pace.
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
While he won’t say no to a quickie, he likes the build up as much as the main course. He loves the teasing touches, the filthy comments whispered in your ear that warm your face, and feeling the anticipation build between you.
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
As long as you’re both okay with it, have a safeword in play, and it doesn’t conflict with anyone’s *hard no*? He’d be up for just about anything. He firmly believes sex should be intimate but fun - that it’s a time to be close with you, exploring each others bodies, and seeing all the ways they can be pleasured.
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…)
To be honest, he’s not in his 20s anymore and he’s learned to appreciate the anticipation and build up of sensation. He’s good for one round, maybe two. He’d rather focus on beating his personal record of how many times he can get you off in a night. He’s a bit competitive with himself.
T = Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
He enjoys watching you get off, and you like putting on a show for him. If you asked him to take control and to use it on you, he might just count his lucky stars.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Two words, Cheeky fucker. He’s like tease you, pull you right to the edge, and then pull back. He’ll let you hover there for a few minutes, a couple of hours (and on one occasion a whole day) before following through.
It’s not that he wants you to suffer, it’s just he wants you so ready for that pulse between your legs, the warm flush across your skin, and your heart thrumming in your ears - that you beg him for it (or you get tired of his shit, push him on the bed and use him like one of your toys. He’s not sure which outcome he prefers)
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make)
While he can be quiet and intense when the occasion calls for it, he’s a fan of praise. Telling you how good you feel, and how amazing you make him feel.
W = Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice)
He can get behind role play. When you both figured out you liked bring props and costumes into the bedroom, you turned it into a sort of game night. Characters and situations written on slips of paper, and when you’re feeling extra playful, you’ll draw paper from the suggestion jar.
Sometimes the combinations can lead to ridiculous but hilarious role play, like a sexy police officer and a full body skeleton costume. There were a lot of CSI jokes that night.
X = X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants, picture or words)
🙌🏼 he has been blessed with a nice sizeable dick, and you’ve been blessed with the opportunity to show how much you appreciate it.
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
If you’ve been apart awhile, this man will find any reason to put his hands on you. On one memorable occasion, you’d barely made it out of the Belle Reve parking lot before he was reaching over to palm your sex, his face relaxed as he continued down the road while his fingers slipped beneath your waistband.
He may have also stuck his fingers in his mouth afterwards, something about tasting how much you missed him.
Z = ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
See A
* salad tossing is a term for rimming, basically he’s curious about his ass and your mouth. 😘
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