#prison fight
deadliestfishinthesea · 7 months
Love always comes back (like a boomerang)
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How you meet Captain Boomerang while working undercover for A.R.G.U.S. (and eventually fall for him)
Part 1.
Boomerang X Y/n
CW: swearing
2.600 words
You can also read this on AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/54019207/chapters/136749250
“I am aware that you are already well informed of the system I have put into place. But I will warn you again, Dr. Y/n. These people are not your allies. If they see a chance to take the upper hand, they will take it, even at the cost of your life. I hope you keep that in mind if you are to get the chance of working with Colonel Flag on the field.“ Amanda Waller's everlastingly stern voice rang out trough the speakers. Y/n looked at the screen, directly into the woman's cold eyes.
“Yes, ma'am. Of course.“ Unwavering calm ran though her own voice, a skill she obtained with years of communicating with people in power.
“Good. You have been granted access to inmate 117-12-60. Direct contact isn't allowed.“ As if she'd want to be in any kind of direct contact with a dangerous convict.
“Copy that, ma'am.“ The woman disappreared from the screen and Y/n leaned back from the table where the laptop sat. She turned her head to her side, looking at Aaron Cash, one of the main guards around here. He offered her a derisive smile, nodding his head once.
“Ready to swim with the sharks?“
“From what I heard there's only one shark in here.“
Cash let out a short chuckle, crossing his arms in a way that seemed to convey his superior knowledge on the matter, but Y/n wasn't sold on that just yet.
“Oh he ain't the deadliest fish in this sea.“
For the rather unimpressive amount of time she worked in the facility, Y/n had seen with her own eyes a good portion of prisoners be admitted into the so called shithole named Elizabeth Arkham Asylum for the Criminally Insane. And if she was honest, she had to partially agree with the nickname – it definitely was a shithole, just more so for the inmates than it was for her.
One of the prisoners she witnessed being brought in was George 'Digger' Harkness himself, alias 'Captain Boomerang'. Whatever the case was, in this place he went by 'inmate 117-12-60' as stated in the official reports.
She distinctly remembers the man, restrained with metal clasps around his ankles and hands on something resembling a box cart that the guards used to manouver him around. He was unsuccessfully trying to set himself free, cursing at the guards the whole time.
“Piss off ya' fucken' mongrel!“ Colorful, she thought as she watched from a distance. 
“Now that's some fresh meat. Had a bit of trouble finding this guy.“ Cash stood next to her with a smug expression on his face as he spoke.
“Get a dog up ya', ya' wristy-“ One of the guards grabbed him and the clasps opened, nearly sending him to the ground, „Ah, 'coff ya cunt!“
Y/n had a hard time understanding what he was saying from this distance. She frowned as she watched the scene unfold. Once inside the cell, a beep of the comms on the guard's chest could be heard, followed by a few words exchanged, and the laser beams on each side of the cell's entrance lit up, finally imprisoning Captain Boomerang.
She watched the convict with curious eyes the whole time she was leaving, and the last thing she remembers is him turning his head and looking directly at her before she fully turned around.
The memory ended then, and she was back in the present, listening to her and Cash's boots echo on the ground as they walked the halls. Once in front of the big metal doors, they opened with a loud clang and she squeezed her clipboard as they entered the penitentiary, spotting her targeted cell in the corner.
She took a deep breath and reminded herself of her task, glancing at her clipboard. Go in, talk to the inmate, see if he has potential for Waller's plan, get out.
“I think I'll be okay from now on.“ She told Cash with a turn on her head.
“You sure?“
“Yeah.“ She looked ahead at the cell. She needed to do this alone. With a shrug and a mutter of 'okays' and 'fines' Dixen left for the door, leaving her to walk alone towards the guard standing in front of the cell.
While walking she remembered that at this hour, most of the prisoners were sent out for yard time, so nearly every cell in the block was empty. But not Boomerang's. Y/n wasn't sure why he wasn't also outside, and she questioned if the rumors the guards were passing around were actually true. Apparently, a fight breaking out in the yard a couple of days ago resulted in three guards being dropped unconcious and Boomerang being sentanced to lockdown for the rest of the week. Given the place they were in, Y/n considered that an almost merciful punishment. She wondered if that really happened, or if her request for privacy had been granted so they held him back for her arrival.
The entrance to the cell was seethrough thanks to only the lasers acting as doors, but from her angle it didn't show Harkness yet. She approached the guard standing next to the entrance.
“You can go.“ An all access security card was already in her hand, hovering in front of his face.
“I said go.“
He turned with hesitation, but didn't say anything as he walked away. When the guard was out of range, she looked at the cell, but still couldn't see Harkness. She had seen him before, though, even if only once. She stepped to the side, now facing the cell entrance, and Captain Boomerang himself.
Boomerang's back was turned to her, but when he heard the boots outside his cell finally walk up to him he turned around. She instinctively took note of his issued white t-shirt and orange sweats. His hands were in his pockets. He didn't say anything, just stared at her, which created an uncomfortable pit in her stomach that she hoped she hid well enough with her neutral gaze. He started walking right up to her and Y/n realised with every step she wasn't prepared as well as she'd thought. He was huge up close. Not only taller but much bulkier than she remembered. He was so close his body was nearly touching the lasers, and she started to wonder what would happen if he did touch them.
Even with his surprising proximity she didn't move, and she wasn't sure why. Maybe she was caught off guard and frozen, or she didn't want to seem intimidated by stepping back. He stared down at her with his eyebrows drawn in an almost captivating frown and his head cocked to the side in intrigue. Y/n quickly realized he was checking her out, comparing and assesing how much of a threat she was. Should she be offended if he didn't see her as one?
“George Harkness?“ She finally broke what felt like a minute long silence.
“Who's askin'?“ He spoke in a low tone, never breaking eye contact.
“My name is Y/n, I'm a licenced psychologist.“
“Yeah, I remember you. You were the sheila staring at me when I came in here.“
Her eyebrows raised, but she hid the slight embarassment she felt, “Yes. I was sent here to… evaluate some inmates by the request of the warden.“
“Ah, what? I send a couple assholes to medical and all of a sudden I'm qualified for a drongo?“ He scoffed.
“So you did cause a fight in the yard?“ It was true after all, and Y/n realised she could use it to her advantage.
 “Oh, I'm not confessin' anythin' to ya, missy, but you're in the wrong spot. See, I ain't got a 'roo loose in the top paddock like some of these nutcases.“
“I don't think you're crazy. But I was sent here to prove it. If you want to be let out of lockdown you'll have to answer some of my questions.“
He leaned back and glanced around for a moment, “Then shouldn't these therapeutic sessions be done in uh… I don't know, not in the middle of a cell block?“
“Well, I'm afraid it's hard to provide a seaside view lounge on such short notice. We'll have to make due with what we have.“
“Aw, killer. I'm best relaxed when out of handcuffs. Well, most times, that is.“ He sneered. She tried her best to ignore his comment.
“My first question-“
“So they let you in this shithole with no security jus' for a questionaire?“, he squinted at her.
“I asked for a private conversation.“
„That's why you ordered ol' guard here to fuck off like you're his boss?“ Her eyes widened slightly at his words. Did he just figure out she wasn't here for that kind of evaluation? Maybe doing this without Cash by her side wasn't such a good idea.
Harkness saw the way she was caught off guard and chuckled low and taunting, “You aren't just some psychiatrist, are ya, love?“
“Yeah, yeah, but what else?“
She sighed, “It doesn't matter what I am. What matters is if you want to-„
“I'll tell you what I want.“, he lowered his head to match her height, “I want out of here. And not just out this cell, out the whole place. An' if you can't do squat about that, then your questions won't be much help to ya', doc'.“
“You're right. I can't do that.“
Y/n was quiet for a moment.
“Well then, I guess we're done here.“ She spoke quietly.
“Yeah, we are.“ He nearly whispered.
Both of them were quiet for a few seconds, still looking at each other, but when she caught herself observing the loose strands of hair on his forehead she abruptly broke the silence.
“Thank you for your cooperation, George Harkness.“, her proffessional tone cleary got on his nerves, but he stayed quiet. He backed away from the lasers then, and she turned around to leave.
When the big doors opened again, Cash was waiting on the other side. He shot her a questioning look. She started walking down the hall.
“I need to make a report.“
“All in all, you have the upper hand. He is motivated to get out of here, by any cost, and if you grant him that hope I don't see how he wouldn't be willing to do your bitting.“
The woman on her laptop screen nodded approvingly, “Good work, Dr. Y/n. Your next evaluation will be with inmate 00-10-94, so called King Shark. He is the newest added member to our little circus.“ Waller went over some details about the shark, and as she was explaining Y/n looked over to the folder next to her. Captain Boomerang's records.
She knew they were all convicts, guilty of all kinds of crimes. She aimed her attention back to the screen, trying not to think about the conversation she had with Boomerang. It was all just standard procedure she had to follow to work with Rick Flag and the task force Waller wanted so damn much. Still, gathering information to find out whether they would risk suicide for freedom made her stomach turn a little. She knew about Waller's contingency plan, but she didn't know how exactly she planned to make the criminals do anything she wanted. It wouldn't be good enough if she just promised them shortened sentances, they would all escape the moment they stepped foot outside. Y/n could imagine just how far Waller would go to ensure that doesn't happen.
Less than a week later Harkness was let out of lockdown. Y/n spotted him outside during yard time when she was making her way from the north wing to the penitentiary. It was pretty cold out and there was a slight fog in the distance, thouh he was playing basketball. In shorts. He palyed with three other inmates, laughing at them whenever they missed their shot.
She looked to the fence, where an inmate was arguing with a security officer. Y/n approached the fence and a guard opened the entrance for her, letting her into the yard.
“Hey, Gary. What's with the First Amendment over there?“ she watched the argument between the officer and the inmate get more heated.
“Oh, that guy? We call him Rango. Just got him in a couple weeks ago.“
“Hard time adjusting to prison, it seems.“
Before she could reach the door to the building Rango punched the guard he was yelling at across the face, sending him stumbling backwards and nearly bumping into Y/n. It was as Rango went to take another punch which would've hit Y/n that Digger Harkness socked him across the jaw. Where did he come from? Digger landed another uppercut before Rango hit a right hook to his temple.
“Get him, Boomerang!“ she heard an inmate yell before a majority of them started cheering.
Y/n watched in disbelief as they went crashing into a table. Guards quickly ran up to pull Harknss off of the guy, yeling at both of the convicts in the process.
“Really, Harkness!? After you just got out?“
“Give him a break, man, he just really misses his cell!“
Y/n's eyes were on him the whole time as they dragged him away. Did he really just save her? He didn't have to. They both knew he was on thin ice since he fought those guards, now he was definitely up for lockdown again just because he saved her. Holy shit, she thought, he's up for lockdown because he saved her. She had to stop the guards.
After a short time she made her way over to the medical facility. There were a couple of officers standing in front of it and before she could go in one of them spoke up.
She turned to him, “Gary!“
“You okay?“
“Yes, I'm- Where's officer Ryan? I need to talk to him.“
“Uh, broken nose, he's in there. But be careful-“
“Thanks, I know.“ She was already opening the door to the building. When she found the room officer Ryan is supposed to be in she stepped in and walked past Boomerang. He was sat up in the adjustale hospital bed, tied to it with leather restraints around his ankles and wrists, and when he looked up at her surprise spread trough his features, but she didn't have time for that as she walked right by him.
Boomerang couldn't hear any voices coming from the other rooms, so he imagined she already left, but after some time she walked back into the room.
 “Well, fuck me dead, if it it isn't miss pretend doctor?“
She rolled her eyes, stopping at the foot of the bed. She could look at him up close now and notice his black eye, along with a slight bruise on his jaw. He had a couple of stitches on his shoulder, and she could only guess there was more on his back.
“You look like shit.“
“Hah, then you clearly didn't see the other poor bastard. Oh, and you're welcome, love.“
“No, you're welcome. I talked to the guards, they should… shorten your lockdown.“
“Hey, fair suck of the sav, doc'.“
“I saved you from a nasty bruise, but I did the paw patrol a favor too, ya know. That wanker Rango's been up their asses two weeks now. And all I get is a fifty percent isolation discount?“
“You broke a table. And I never said it was fifty percent.“
 He groaned, his head falling back on the pillow. He looked at her, not moving his head, and to Y/n he looked like he was resting on a deckchair on a nice remote beach rather than recovering from a fight in a prison yard.
“Betcha wouldn't even untie me if I asked.“ He wriggled his hands around in his cuffs to emphasize his point.
“You're right.“  
He looked at the ceiling in defeat, but his eyes found her again when she spoke up.
“But.. I did want to thank you.“
“Well, let's hear it, then.“
“You just did.“ she said as she walked out of the room.
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 5 months
"I am finding prison a curious combination of unrelenting tension and acute boredom. The boredom comes from the lack of stimulating things to do, of course; the tension rises out of the collective tension of more than a thousand convicts. On the surface, life here appears to run almost placidly, but one needs to go only a very little beneath the surface to find the whirlpools and eddies of anger and frustration. The muttering of discontent and rebellion goes on constantly: the sotto voce sneer whenever we pass an official or a guard, the glare carefully calculated to express contempt without arousing overt retaliation, the tempers that rise so swiftly to the breaking point.
The noise in H-2 is a measure of this tension. It goes on all the time, of course, as one might expect where almost half a hundred grown men are confined with no real outlet for their energies. But the relatively peaceful hum of a score of conversations and the more-or-less quiet expletives of a forbidden crap game are punctuated constantly by the explosive racket of a half-dozen simultaneous high-pitched arguments.
These latter occasionally erupt into fights, though not as frequently as the violence of their language would suggest. A fight means the "hole" for both parties regardless of the provocation, and a week in the hole is an experience most men avoid.
The arguments obviously provide the needed release for this prison-built tension, but the onlookers keep a wary eye on them while they are in progress. Knifings are not uncommon in here, in spite of the periodic shakedowns, and one can never be sure when a man's anger may overcome his fear of the hole."
- Alfred Hassler, Diary of a Self-Made Convict. Foreword by Harry Elmer Barnes. Chicago: Henry Regnery Company, 1954 (written 1944-1945), p. 70-71.
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bodie-r-hart · 4 months
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Der Demogorgon verliert seinen Kopf
The Demogorgon is beheaded
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wizzard890 · 8 months
"why doesn't this thing in a movie/book/tv show happen exactly like it would in real life" is the most brain dead criticism the internet has to offer, and yet I see it EVERYWHERE.
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trans-axolotl · 1 year
nothing makes me more insane than the phrase "selling your body" btw. like was i not also selling my body at every other job i've had where i had to be on my feet all day, lifting boxes, working in a warehouse, etc. why is it that sex work is uniquely labeled as "selling your body" while every other job is sorted into another category, no matter how much that job might have a physical impact on your body. lmao.
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dinosaurswant2rule · 2 years
I've finally updated my Mac in prison fic from many moons ago. I have no idea if this new section is good or not, I wrote instead of resting/sleeping. Feedback is always welcome :)
Happy whumping everyone!
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sinsmadeclear · 2 years
The Worst have come Back!😈
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caemidraws · 6 months
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Things we promised
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artharakka · 8 months
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Beautiful, But Broken
#bg3#tiefling#tw blood#c: Viivi#so I redid my bg3 character because I wasn't feeling durge that much. So now my sibling does durge and I regular tav Viivi#(changed her to tiefling for funs)#at least I meant to do regular tav but uhhhhh things have gone very unfortunately very fast#anyway. Viivi is an artist; she does painting sculpting poetry and some prose. Experimenting with this and that#unfortunately she is deaf which made making connections a bit hard in the fine arts world#fortunately she has a patreon with one very generous patron (she's fey warlock)✨ who has bestowed some gifts of charms for her#which have opened doors of many art galleries#She's not a fighter so although she is confident in her own lane she is also very aware of her mortality#so she avoided any fights she could#which might have saved her but also got her into the mess of her lifetime#you see she couldn't fight the entire goblin camp and their leaders. She would've just not survived that. So she convinced them#that she is a True Soul. She is good at convincing people. It worked. They thought she is on their side. Good#Halsin also though Viivi was on their side. Halsin attacked Viivi's party. Now Halsin is dead.#So Viivi and her group were still alone deep within enemy fort. Viivi made new plans. She frees the prisoner who says he will warn the grov#Good thinks Viivi now they know to flee. I will go to Minthara and tell we got the information from prisoner of the grove location#she will trust us and we walk off#when we get back to grove they have not fled and Minthara is at the gates#Minthara wants Viivi to sound the horn. Zevlor wants Viivi to sound the horn. Viivi asks Zevlor to please tell this plan in detail.#Zevlor says just blow the horn already. Viivi does that. Minthara thanks Viivi for leaving the gate open as planned#Zevlor does not thank Viivi for that. Viivi is confused as she did not leave the gate open. (for real the damn gate was left open)#So I did a Massacre.#now Karlach is gone Wyll is dead. Lae'zel is also dead#but apparently Minthara is ready to be very loving and sincere with Viivi. The most helpful person she has met in very long time.#Viivi might love her#so that is how she's doing.
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I will always accept the fact that Cardan has a tail and Oak has hooves. I refuse to pretend Cardan's tail and Oak's hooves dont exist.
They arent human. Theyre fae. Of course they have characteristics that arent human 😐. And no, its not disgusting.
To all the Cardan tail haters and Oak hoof haters:
Yall when Fantasy is Fantasy: 🤢🤮😱👹👹👿🙀🖕🙀🤮💀😱👹💀🔪🔪
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"Sacrifice the Yourself" (title pending), the hip new slay the princess swap AU, in which you and the girlies must decide if you're gonna let a giant bird stab you (and maybe.... find love?!)
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ladyloveandjustice · 2 months
Rewatching some episodes of Avatar in my sick state...and man, that silent sequence with Zuko where he sneaks into the Northern Water tribe is still like, the coolest thing. I remember being so impressed with it as a kid because it really made you feel the struggle he was going through to not freeze to death and it was so rare for cartoons to have totally silent sequences like that (minus Zuko briefly yelling at animals) where you were just feeling nothing but the intensity of the life and death struggle. It also just gets across how relentless and tenacious he is, entirely visually.
There's kind of the anime influence there because kids cartoons at the time were all bangbang next piece of dialogue, whereas a Ghibli movie would trust itself to be engaging enough that you could just sit with what the animation was saying.
Plus it was just such a cool firebending effect with the breath of fire and his hands heating up and breaking through the ice...
It's such a small sequence, but it just kind of captures what made the show special, in a way, and I think that kind of sticks with me.
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ezziefae · 8 months
Many jurdan fans are saying that cardan is the type of man to sit in the sidelines and cheer for Jude while she battles and kills people. I get the idea, but i believe that’s NOT true.
Cardan is the type of man to worry for Jude’s safety and fight ALONGSIDE her. He will literally JUMP into the battlefield with no hesitation to fight and defend his queen. We’ve seen him do it before in TFOTA!! Based on HTKOELTHS and TQON, we have witnessed Cardan make huge sacrifices to ensure Jude's safety. Cardan said it himself that he’s no killer!! those were his morals, but he broke them when Madoc’s guards took Jude away, and he killed a dozen of Madoc’s guards just for HER. In HTKOELTHS, Cardan went ahead to take down an enemy by himself because he feared Jude would sneak out and go alone to fight them. he cares for her so deeply and is willing to confront any danger on her behalf. Cardan knows Jude is strong, ambitious, and clever, but despite that, he still FEARS for her safety!! LIKE HELLO???! CARDAN WILL NOT SIT IN THE SIDELINES AND WATCH HIS WIFE FIGHT ALONE!!! HE WILL FIGHT ALONGSIDE HER!!! STOP OVERLOOKING THAT PART OF CARDAN PLEASEEEEE!!
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regonold · 2 years
Plants don't like danny
No matter what he does or how hard he tries they always die in his care
So when sam ask him to take care of her plants while she was away for at most a week he was worried but he could last a week he would stick to sams list of how and when to care for the plants
When sam was delayed for an aparent month because her parents decided to extend their vacation he got worried and when the first plant started to show signs of death he decided to take drastic measures
This is how dr pamela isley aka poison ivy found herself kidnapped out of arkham to care for a young girls plants
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emo-batboy · 1 year
Okay what is this I keep hearing about Harvery Dent and Bruce Wayne being caught kissing???? Storytime?
Okay so this is probably a much longer winded story than I’m sure you expected but here’s my whole explanation of Harvey/Two-Face in the Battinson universe:
I always like to imagine that there is a distinct difference between Harvey and Two-Face. In this world, Harvey is regarded as an accomplished man suffering from DID who is forced to live in Arkham to keep his second personality, Two-Face, behind bars. Meanwhile, Two-Face is a notorious crime boss and master manipulator. They share the same body, yes, and it almost impossible to tell them apart sometimes, yes, but Bruce is the only person that can reliably tell who is in control.
You see, over the years, Two-Face has become an expert at pretending to be Harvey, so much so that the guards at Arkham just refer to them as Dent now. There have been several incidents where doctors believed Harvey was somehow cured of his DID and they gave him more privileges due to “good behavior,” only for Two-Face to bash a prison guard’s skull in while trying to escape.
But the one person he can’t fool is Bruce, the man who knows Harvey so intimately that he can examine his facial features down to the micro expression.
They thought they would get married one day, Bruce and Harvey. It was sickeningly sweet. They were so madly in love. Then the accident worsened Harvey’s condition. Bruce will never forgive Two-Face for taking his true love away from him.
Bruce visits Arkham once a week to see Harvey. Only the guards know about their past relationship because the two can’t stop giving one another heart eyes while they play chess and tell each other about their day. They’ll talk for hours, and it’s no secret that a pretty, Bambi-eyed, lovestruck Brucie Wayne will pay off any guard to see his “friend” for another fifteen minutes or so.
But sometimes, Bruce walks into the room, sees Dent’s face, and immediately storms out. Because it’s Two-Face. Posing as his former lover, wearing his lips and cheeks and nose, but the eyes are just wrong, all wrong, and he’s giving Bruce a smile that isn’t even close to Harvey’s gorgeous smile. And it’s sick. The guards can’t tell, the other patients prisoners can’t tell, no one else can tell but oh, Bruce can fucking tell.
On other days, Bruce will be talking with Harvey one second, only to stop mid-sentence, scowl at him, and say, “Give him back. I’m not talking to you.”
Two-Face breaks into a grin. “I can never pull one over on you, can I, sweetheart?”
“Shut the fuck up. Where is he?”
“He says he loves you, and you look very nice.”
Bruce has been held back by the guards several times for this very reason. He blames himself that they can’t hold hands during visits anymore. Instead, they talk through that stupid fucking glass, but at least they get a private room. The guards now know that even if pretty Brucie Wayne looks sweet and delicate when talking to Harvey, he can also throw a decent punch.
On good weeks, it’ll be nothing but soft words and smiles.
“I finally bought those chocolates you recommended,” Bruce says.
Harvey smiles. “Did you like them?”
“I did. Thank you.”
On bad weeks, Bruce will leave with hot tears streaming down his face, and the guards will treat Two-Face just a little harsher than necessary as they escort him back to his cell.
Sometimes, it’s a mix of both. Even rarer are the days when Harvey comes back right before Bruce leaves to say goodbye to his angel. Those moments are the most tender because they all know Harvey has trouble taking control back. But he did it for Bruce, just to make him smile again before they parted ways.
One day, however, a guard thinks he can flirt with Bruce. He makes a move when no one’s looking and receives an answer in the form of a black eye. Only a day later, he gets maimed by Dent and lands in the hospital. Bruce learns about it during his next visit.
“Your boyfriend’s other half tried to kill that guard last week,” another guard tells him.
“The one that grabbed my ass?”
“Two-Face put him in a coma.”
Bruce chuckles and picks at a loose thread from his dress shirt. “What you makes you so sure it was Two-Face?”
No guard tries making a move on Arkham’s favorite visitor again. And the star-crossed lovers keep seeing one another and confessing their undying love. Even after they accept their fate. Even when Bruce tells Harvey about Selina and how he’s slowly falling in love with her too. But something is holding him back.
“I don’t want to let you go,” Bruce whispers.
“I don’t either,” Harvey says, tracing his love’s hand through the bulletproof glass, “but I want you to be happy.”
“But I’m happy with you.” Bruce was always a crybaby, but he hates crying in here the most.
“You can be happy with me in here. But I can’t bear to be the reason you’re not happy out there.”
After a bit more convincing, Bruce finally agrees. Before beginning a new relationship, he tells Selina about him and Harvey, tells her that it’s non-negotiable, and she accepts it.
The next time Dent breaks out of Arkham, Selina gets a visitor. “Break his heart, and I’ll drown you in the pier,” he says.
Selina smiles as her hoard of cats purr against the stranger. Maybe they can tell just like Bruce can. Or maybe this is Two-Face doing Harvey a favor. Either way, she doesn’t particularly care.
Selina gives him a once-over and nods. “Likewise.”
Anyway, yes, that is my BruHarvey lore. Hope you enjoyed :)
@bruciemilf this is right up your alley, bestie
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brw · 1 year
"but hamas is getting funded by extremist islamic hate groups!" do you think the U.S. government and military giving funding for israeli's war efforts against palestinians is a morally neutral and inherently righteous body that had no influence in the politics of southwest asia as a global colonial superpower. do you really think anything you can say about the people resisting oppression can't be said about the oppressors.
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