#coming from an eagle simp
felixcosm · 1 month
I can't believe I'm surrounded by Hunter simps. Do you guys not CARE what he's DONE. How COULD you side with him!
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biased as always, the number one Anne Stan, ofc i gotta christen this returned account with my girl <3
hlc react to mc developing a crush on anne? from the consistent visits to feldcroft to the occasional outing that mc can take her on, it’s obvious they’re growing to be a little more than friends…
A/N: Anne Sallow simping content coming right up lol
It all started the day Sebastian introduced MC to her. Even with her tired eyes, they were enraptured by her sweet voice and good nature despite being in such pain. Even if Anne was convinced there was no real help for her, MC was determined to make life just a bit more enjoyable.
At first, It was letters with little gifts. Those turned into visits without Sebastian tailing them. Eventually, sneaking Anne out of the house for some "fresh air." Even without Sebastian around, her uncle was rather unpleasant. Always hovering, to the point of being overbearing.
Their most memorable date outing by far has to have been when MC offered to fly her up the hill on their broom to overlook Feldcroft. She sat sidesaddle on the handle in front of MC and she held on to them as they gently glided up into the air. MC struggled to focus on where they were going having her so close.
So close in fact, that if MC hadn't been so distracted, maybe they would have heard the faint but distinctive whisper of ancient magic coming from the scar on her side.
SEBASTIAN SALLOW: He gets suspicious when MC starts asking too many Anne centric questions. Then he gets REAL suspicious when he walked in on MC and Anne playing wizard's chess. He hadn't announced that he was going, so he was shocked to see MC with his sister alone.
Protective Brother™ mode activated. What were they playing at? His sister had enough to deal with right now, she didn't need MC drooling all over her. He doesn't fall for any of MC's excuses, no one visits Anne more than he does, not even her old school friends. There was no way MC's intentions were "just being friendly".
He keeps an eagle eye out for MC. If he can't find them anywhere, he goes straight to Feldcroft to break up the fraternizing. Anne will have to tell him off multiple times.
OMINIS GAUNT: He doesn't know this is going on until Anne casually mentions it in her letters. This....he struggles with this. Anne is very special to him. They'd been close since first year, she was one of his first and few friends and now she...she seems so...taken by MC.
He wrestles with his own pride and self loathing. He should have said something sooner. He should have told her how much he....it didn't matter now. MC was braver. She doesn't deserve a coward like him anyway. He's happy she's happy. That's all that matters...right?
IMELDA REYES: She knew Anne. They were on the Slytherin quidditch team together before Anne fell ill. She reads about Anne and MC in letters and snorts. She advises Anne to not be so quick to admire MC, they aren't that amazing.
NATSAI ONAI: She finds it absolutely adorable. MC always thinks of Anne, constantly asking her if Anne will like what they've found or bought. Even asks for advice, not that she knows much about relationships, but she tries her best.
GARRETH WEASLEY: He gets nosey, seeing MC almost always nose deep in a letter that smells floral with a touch of birch. He'll poke fun that they're infatuated with their special pen pal and not so subtly imply that he has the perfect potion in mind if they want to speed things along. *Wink*
LEANDER PREWETT: Anne who? Sebastian's sister? Pfffft, good luck with that. Sebastian is a bulldog when it comes to family. Very protective, almost possessive.
AMIT THAKKAR: He first realizes that MC is acting strange when they started daydreaming heavily in class. Even in the more interesting classes. What's got them all starry-eyed and distracted from learning? ....he should have known. A girl.
EVERETT CLOPTON: He hears about it second hand from someone else who heard MC and Sebastian going at it over MC seeing Anne without supervision. Rumors spread like wildfire, especially when the arguably most interesting person at Hogwarts apparently developed a crush on Sallow's sister and was sneaking around with her. Made for very juicy gossip.
POPPY SWEETING: She hears about it through the rumor mill as well and tells MC to fly in on a hippogriff next time. That always impresses the ladies, trust her on this.
ANNE SALLOW: MC brought some color back into her life. They wanted to know all about her, they showered her with gifts, and would come to see her even without reason. She caught on fast that MC fancied her and she had fun playing coy.
Oh, MC wants to know what she likes for her birthday? What an odd, totally random question. MC has been staring at her for the last five minutes, not realizing she's stopped talking, how interesting. She loved pointing out MC's blatantly odd behavior and watching them fluster within an inch of their life. It's the Slytherin in her, she thinks it's funny.
When MC starts asking for more private outings, that's when she really starts to feel special. MC was willing to accommodate her in any way she needed. If she grew exhausted from a walk, they would carry her back. If she was having a particularly rough day with the curse, they'd tend to her hand and a foot, almost fussing as much as Sebastian. Almost.
The time MC flew her up the hill to the lookout, she felt herself falling, in the figurative sense. MC may have fallen for her first, but she fell harder. Holding on to them as they flew, she couldn't take her eyes off their face. She almost kissed them. She didn't, however, miss the fact that her scar hurt a lot less that day.
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Please please please could you write a Nikolai x reader fic with the Enchanted prompt?? 🥹💕
Majestic- Nikolai Lantsov x reader
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A/N- Ignore the image looking so big. Anyways, I had so much fun writing this and I really hope you enjoy reading it! I wrote this one in Nikolai's pov because I love my bbg being a huge simp also jealous Nikolai😩😩
Warnings- None
Summary- Nikolai utterly despised how annoying you are, but when he sees you dancing with someone else during a ball, he experiences feelings he never knew of
Nikolai walked around the hall, checking how Genya's preparations for the upcoming ball had been going on. She'd done a marvellous job, undoubtedly, but still he was astonished to find the boring hall look so endearing. Usually he wasn't much thrilled for these events as they were a frequent occurrence, yet he found himself looking forward to this one as you were supposed to be there
"I'm surprised to say that it's quite impressive how you've turned this monotonous area in this palace to this" He looked around the hall, so as to admire the view
"Surprised? I excel at anything I wish to" Genya responded with a smug look on her face
"Well, I'm not arguing that" Nikolai shrugged. 
"Oh and just so you know, y/n has come back so she'll be attending the event" She spoke again.
"Really?" He raised an eyebrow. "That's good, but I don't see why that concerns me" He gave her a disinterested look
"Alright" Genya rolled her single amber eye, not wanting to argue with him further. 
You'd been away for a meeting with the Kerch merchant council for about a week now. Even though Nikolai was relieved to not having to tolerate you making fun of literally everything he did, he was still surprised to find himself missing your devilish grin
Nikolai had wore a black coat with the Ravkan double eagle emblazoned to a side. His hair looked much less messier than usual.  
He entered the now endearing hall with light gleaming from every corner. The whole surrounding was filled with a variety of riches, nobles and high ranking officers from the first army. 
He was having a rather displeasing conversation with some merchant about various kinds of brandies when he noticed you enter the hall. You were wearing a midnight blue silk gown with straps that hung beautifully over your shoulders. Your hair was pulled into a bun and had several loose strands falling in front that were too small to be a part of the bun
You seemed to catch most people's attentions as they recognized who you were. You chatted with most of the nobles and they listened to you speak with great interest. The whole scene made Nikolai roll his eyes and get himself another glass of champagne
Nikolai was watching the perfectly hung chandeliers when he heard your voice from behind
"Looks like you've found your betrothed, moi tsar" you smirked 
Instead of being annoyed, he smiled back and responded "Well she is radiant and much more quiet then the other options"
"You wish you had that option" You gave him a proud expression
"Ah how unlucky of me to not having the most annoying human on earth as an option to become my betrothed" he gave you similar look
"Keep telling yourself that to soothe your aching heart, moi tsar" you tilted your head to a side
Before Nikolai could respond with equally snarky words, you were snatched away by a noblewoman who began to ask you about the architectural designs in Ketterdam. 
Nikolai spent most of his time talking to the guests yet, he could keep his attention towards the conversation which was weird because he was quite good at listening to people talk. He still found his gaze drifting towards you. Why was he even doing that? you were just almost too good at conversating with strangers but why would it matter to him, those people didn't know how annoying you truly were. 
It was maddening how you were hiding your true evil nature so elegantly and how beautiful you were looking in that damned dress and how beautifully it brought out the color of your eyes. 
You were now talking to some, young man who was trying too hard to flirt with you. 
The man was a lot taller than you so you had to look up to meet his gaze. But what was so special about that anyways? Nikolai was a lot taller than you as well or maybe you were just too short. He also had dark hair that was slicked back and small dimples appeared on either side of his cheeks whenever he smiled. What even was so special about dimples anyway? they didn't make him insanely attractive or anything. 
Nikolai was really struggling to not roll his eyes at the sights of all that, yet he couldn't figure out why he was caring so much about it. Why he didn't like it when you weren't spending your evening mocking him but were instead laughing with someone else. 
Soon, the dances were about to begin and the change of the rhythm of the orchestra proved so. 
Several people stepped front to partake in the activity. Nikolai noticed the man with the dimples bringing his hand forward and you taking it as you both stepped in front.
Nikolai stood in a corner with a half empty glass of champagne in his hand as he watched you glide around the hall with the average looking man. 
He spun you around while his gaze remained fixated on yours. And at times, even grinned like an idiot who'd achieved something huge without any effort. 
Though there were a thousand things Nikolai could be doing at that moment, he continued to look at you with immense grimace. He watched you dance with the bloke as he got himself another glass of champagne. 
After what felt like an eternity, the façade was finished and you bid farewell to the man. 
Nikolai was too deep indulged in his thoughts to notice you coming from behind. "You seem to be rather displeased tonight, moi tsarevich" You spoke
He turned around hastily to see you standing in front of him.  "Well, these occasions are all the same, nothing new. People bragging and indulging in useless conversations that might bore you to death and dancing with nincompoops" he grimaced at the last sentence
"All the saints and their aunts, are you jealous your highness?" you smirked
"In your wildest dreams" he responded with a bold expression. "Who even is that guy anyways? Another average man who thinks he can win over anyone with his dimples and weird hair" he muttered loud enough for you to hear
"You know, if you really wished to dance with me, you could've just said so" a corner of your mouth turned up
"Maybe, but you were too occupied grinning with that bloke"
"See? acceptance is a bold step your highness. And don't curse the poor boy so much, he'd already been looking as if he'd been preparing his script for weeks"
"If only he possessed my talents" he smiled proudly
"You know, it's not entirely late for that dance" you tilted your head as you raised your eyebrows.
"Alright then, I shall fulfil that wish of yours too" he responded, his statement making you roll your eyes
He gently offered you his hand and you took it as you both stepped outside the hall.
The euphonic music playing distantly filled up your ears as you took Nikolai's hands in yours. His gaze remained stagnant on yours and he finally noticed how beautifully your y/e/c eyes shone as the moonlight gleamed on them. At that moment, he could think of nothing but you. How beautiful you appeared, even when you'd be working in the scorching heat or the heavy rain. How smartly you managed to handle any situation without engaging in any form of conflict. How could he not like you if you were that way. How was he to despise you when you were so majestic? Through he was now hating you for being so.
"You know, it wouldn't shatter your pride to just accept the fact that I'm simply the most magnificent woman you've laid your eyes on, your highness" you smiled as you raised your eyebrows
"Nikolai, just Nikolai would do. And I that is very bold of you, but you do more work to keep the country stable than anyone else so I wouldn't say much" he returned your expression
"You aren't denying it either, Nikolai" 
His name coming from your lips made him feel different, as he never had before. It was rather rare of you calling him by his name he couldn't even recall the last time you did. But he knew you were right, he truly never hand seen another woman as magnificent as you.  
No matter how much you annoyed him most of the time or made fun of every thing about him, he really never had known one like you. And seeing you dance with someone else, seeing your hands on someone else's, made him feel emotions he never knew he had. 
You swayed to the soft music playing in the distance as your hands rested on Nikolai's shoulders and his on your waist. 
His soft hazel eyes were fixated on yours as the night went by. He brought out his hand without haste and tucked a strand of your hair behind your ear that had been blocking his view of your beautiful y/e/c eye. 
The moment went by in a haste as you spoke in a sudden, "I'm afraid I might have to leave now, so as to bid farewells to the guests and I believe you should do the same" 
"Ye-yes you're right" he spoke in a hesitant voice, not willing to part from you. 
Without having another option, you turned to leave as Nikolai held your hand for a moment and then let it go.
You both went your separate ways as Nikolai slightly flexed his hand from your touch. 
After the party ended, he set on his way to his quarters, not realizing how red his cheeks had become. 
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friendsoup · 6 months
Hello, may I request Medicine Pocket with a Reader who owns cats? Like one day Med decided to follow one of their puppies who usually ran off to who knows where to play with one of the kittens and saw you with the cuties, I hope this is okay! :)
Kitties and Puppies
Recipe: Crush at first sight, Medicine Pocket x Reader, GN! Reader, Reader is thought to be adorable and cute, Medi fumbles the bag so greatly, Flustered!Medi, Reader is a 'crazy cat person', By that I mean reader has 6 cats and their room is a cat paradise, Reader is a sweetie and Medi is an instant simp WC: 1,340 Chef's Notes: This Medi is a little less tsundere than my other ones, mainly bc I think they aren't great with sudden bursts of emotions, and are easily thrown off their game by 'unaccounted for factors' (the sudden development of a crush). I hope that doesn't take away from the fic tho! I think the reader in this fic is my favorite one I've written.
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If there was one thing that Medicine Pocket was good at, it was having all their ducks in a row.
Some called their way of living a ‘mess’, though to them, it was completely organized chaos. They knew where everything was at all times, with everything having a specific place where it lived. That way, Medi knew exactly where to go when they needed something. Nothing was ever lost, and everything was as it should be. They’d heard rumors of a new arcanist coming to the facility. They didn’t exactly care, just another person they’d have to eventually look after. Though the words that spread about this new person were odd. Something about them being a ‘crazy cat person’. Medi had never been much of a gossip, though they were at least slightly intrigued by the rumor. Not enough to seek out this new arcanist, but enough to remember that there was one in the building.
So when their dogs began to sneak off before check ups, Medi had the slightest idea where to check.
It was absurd. Even at the lab, their dogs would never leave their side. As someone who prided themselves on organized chaos, not knowing where their subjects were at all times was beginning to take it’s toll. Usually, Medi didn’t have to place them in cages, the dogs wandering about the lab without being too much trouble. Now, they’d disappear for hours on end, coming back covered in hair, too hyper to be tested on. They had to cage them, just to make sure they didn’t wreck everything they’ve been working towards. It was more than annoying. It was frustrating, it was humiliating, and Medi wanted to know where to take their complaints.
And so, when their dogs began their daily trek, Medi followed them. Trailing behind slowly, as to not be noticed by their canine friends.
The dogs continued down the hall, towards the dormitories, where the other residents of the suitcase resided. Medi made sure to stay a good distance, confusion only growing the further they walked. They weren’t scouring for food at Bunny’s place, nor were they making a mess of Eagle’s stuffed animals. Even stranger, they passed by Leilani’s and Pickle’s rooms without giving a second look. The usual suspects had all been ignored, meaning that their dogs had found something new to play with.
Medi watched, bewildered, as their dogs entered one of the dorm rooms. So this is where they were going? Standing by the door, Medi hesitantly peered in, careful to keep their cover. And that’s when they saw it.
Five kittens, all different colors, pouncing and playing with the dogs. The room had been altered to suit them, a jungle gym of cat condos lining the back wall, with plenty of toys in each cubby. There was a litter box with a cover, a couple of water and food bowls, and scratching posts in every corner. There was hardly any room for a person in the cat based paradise. But that’s not where Medi was looking. For in that room, sitting on a bed pressed against a wall, was one of the cutest people Medi had ever seen. 
You were sitting there, the final (and by the looks of it, eldest) cat sprawled out on your lap. You were petting it softly, giggling as you watched the pets play. Your hair was held up with a myriad of cat themed clips, your sweater mimicking the calico coat of the cat on your lap. You looked so pleased, so at peace, that Medi couldn’t help but stare. 
And then you looked up. Medi froze, suddenly aware of how creepy this all must be. Here they were, lurking outside your room, staring at you from beyond the doorway. A blush crossed their face, embarrassment sinking into their gut. How could they be so stupid? “...Hi! Can I help you?” You ask, tilting your head slightly. Medi wanted to shrink and disappear. Of course your voice sounded like that. Like bells ringing. Like music. “Those are my dogs.” They said, pointing to the pile of playing puppies. “Oh!” You lit up at that, a bright smile crossing your face. “You must be Medicine Pocket, then! The Timekeeper has told me a lot about you!” Medi didn’t know what to do with that, their head spinning. All their brilliance leaked from their head the moment they met you, their heart pounding in their chest as they attempted to think of something smart to say. “Yeah.” They landed on, finally. “That’s the name. Don’t wear it out.” Stupid!!!! They wanted to smash their head into the wall.
“You’re a scientist right?” You ask, that stupid smile of yours lingering on your lips. “I’m sorry if my kittens have gotten in the way of your experiments. I wanted to return your dogs the first time they came over to play, but they got along so well…” You sigh, suddenly downcast. “It’s no problem!” Medi blurts. “Most of my experiments don’t involve the dogs directly. I can handle most of the testing myself. It’d be pretty fucking dumb if I couldn’t work around such a predictable hangup.” It’s a bluff, but the confidence behind it seems to sell it well. Your shoulders drop in relief. “Great! I was worried. Everyone was talking about how dedicated you are to your work, I was worried you’d be mad at me if I got in the way.” How could anybody be mad at someone who looks like you? Medi thought, though they kept their mouth shut. “Don’t be dumb, it’s not your fault my dogs are wandering off. Why would I blame you?”
You blink, thinking about it for a moment. “I guess it was a little silly of me.” You answer. “Well, while you’re here, come take a seat!” You pat the space on the bed next to you. “Relax for a little bit!”
Medi freezes once again, mind trying to find an excuse not to come in. They can’t handle embarrassing themselves further in front of you. The offer, however, is extremely tempting. And you’re looking at them so expectantly… 
Medi sighs, walking into the room. The whole place smells of dried cat food and fresh litter, but their room smells heavily of chemicals and wet dogs, so they aren’t in any place to complain. They sit next to you, making sure to maintain a bit of space. They’re super conscious of their body right now, and how flustered they’re getting. They only hope you can hear how loud their heart is beating.
The cat on your lap looks up at Medi, before stretching out and standing. The lazy thing walks over to them, brushing their face on their arm. You giggle at the sight, and Medi’s face grows warm.
“Seems Ally likes you! That’s pretty special.” You say, nudging Medi slightly.
“It is?” Medi asks surprised, looking down at the cat. They don’t dare touch it, though it continues to brush itself on them.
“She’s a good judge of character.” You explain, “Always has been. When she’s affectionate with someone like this, it means we’ll be good friends.” Medi turns away, their face burning red. They stand, not daring to face you like this.
“My lab is all the way down the hall, then take a right. You can’t miss it.” They explain, hurriedly. “Make sure the dogs get back there when they leave. I… I have a lot to work on.” Medi fumbles with their coat, desperately trying to get their mind back in working order. “I have to go. I’ll be seeing you, I guess.”
You begin to form a few words of protest, before stopping. You shouldn’t hold them back. “Alright.” You sigh. “I’ll be seeing you around then, Doctor.”
Medicine Pocket rushes out without another word, leaving you alone with the animals.
“My my, Ally. How strange are they.” You ponder, scratching the mama cat’s ears. “I hope I see them again, though. They were kinda cute, don’t you think?”
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🧶🌊🌈💖🗡️🐉💙🍪⚡️ for Vincenzia!
Sure! Oh by the way, it is Vincenza.
🧶 - Do they do any arts, crafts, or creative hobbies?
In the aftermath of the war between the Queenguards and their allies and The Titanic Ten, the resurrected legendary warriors, and rebel monsters whose side with them, and the arrival of the continent, Sweetopia, where The Candyfolk Kingdom reside (created by @cooltmoney95) coming to help aid everyone in the rebuilding of Mewni, she take up baking to help provide food aids for the people of baking. Vincenza is fast enough magically to delivery messages (if her crow, Salem is needed by the Second Division) to Captain Fum and food aids. Even considering helping Spikeballs (Her knight, Vega’s dad) out in construction work in repairing villages. But baking is what she got into the most in the rebuilding phrase of Mewni. The scent of breads rising up in the oven, freshly baked are so wonderful. This is all thanks to Vincenza spending her time with Gino Churro.
Cartography (when exploring Mewni in her free-time).
Occasionally singing (Warning: Covers your ears! She sounds like a combination of a mirror-phone vibrating, scratching on the chalkboard, and crow.)
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💙 - Describe their bedroom! Is it personalized, unchanged? Messy, neat?
Vincenza tried to make her room neat and tidy to be presentable of her royal status. Her clothes are kept in her dress cabinet (it is where she stash board games and a box of her maps). She make sure to dusts it before the maids do. However, the room will occasionally have eagle feathers and outdated maps of Mewni, that she drew, scattered on the floor. Vincenza make sure to pick up the outdated maps and put them in a box for safekeeping. Otherwise the maids will throw them away by going into the trash, or worst, her mother see them.
Vincenza personalized her room to be a mix of Bloomcore and in-between Gothpunk and Whimsigothcore.
🍪 - What are their favorite scents?
Earth/Dirt (Thanks to Fum)
Cherry Blossom
The smell of freshly baked breads (Thanks to Gino Churro, @cooltmoney95’s Breadfolk and a part of the Sixth Division)
Bergamot Musk Scented Candle to ease her fatigue (useful for her because it delay her hunger whether she use her magical ability). It also help ease her anxiety.
Roses from Eclipsa’s Garden
Pig-Goat Stew and Smoked Pig-Goat Leg
Goblin Dog
Smell of the maps
Fresh air and floral scents of the the forests (both from Pixtopia and Mewni)
🌈 - Do you associate any colors with them?
Teal Blue
St. Patrick’s Blue
Navy Blue
Cerulean Blue
Vermillion Orange
Red Orange
Bright Red
Cherry Blossom Pink
🐉 - Very serious question… are they more like a dragon, or a unicorn?
A unicorn, due to how rare I am in writing stories about her that I promise to, and her being one of the first Pixie Hybrids in existence in Tales of Mewni. Vincenza only appear in @kururu418’s Tales of Mewni (main storyline), the stories I typed using prompts, and the story of her and @laylaylamode’s Jia exploring Noceto Forest. I really need to finish the sequel. 😥
🌊 - Does this oc have a secret or repressed desire?
Her secret desire is to marry Fum (this character is The Captain of the Fifth Division and he belongs to @kururu418), but everyone in the Queensguard know. Her colleague, Robin Skylight (@cooltmoney95’s ToM SVTFOE next gen character) calls her Simp. 😂. That is why she is honing her size manipulation, in order to becomes bigger. By bigger, I means giant-sized, so she can challenge Fum to a duel of love. However, Lilli (ToM Brownie OC of @doomface) seem to beats her to it 😂.
People to play with in Dungeons and Dragons. (Although, I don’t know how to write a story of people playing that game. 😔)
⚡ - Does this oc have any unusual or “irrational” fears?
Ice Magic (because it is responsible for her unable to fly because of a broken wing), specially Astro’s Ice Magic.
Rubella’s cold stare when Vincenza is late for her lesson on diplomacy. Rubella Lucitor belongs to @cooltmoney95.
Losing control of herself when she get very wrathful/apeshit.
The Grove Guardians in the forests of Pixtopia Dimension.
🗡️ - Does this oc have a signature object, accessory, or weapon?
Her scythe, The Befallen. It is forged in The Waterfolk Kingdom and is a gift from her twin sister, Cordelia.
Her red flowers hair clip.
Navy Blue hooded cape/Snowy Owl (A Beast in Pixtopia that was slain) Feathered Cape
💝 - How much effort do they put into appearances? Do they have a favorite article of clothing?
Vincenza doesn’t put much in though. Usually always wear her double dutch braids in her duty as a knight.
When it come to social events and representing the pixies in Pixtopia, Vincenza put a lot of effort in her appearances when it come to social events. She wears a Dutch Braided Bun when attending meetings with the heirs of Mewni Kingdoms and Monster Tribes on Cordelia’s behalf.
In her time on Earth, Vincenza is low-key into gothic fashion (Originally Pastel Goth. Vincenza is trying out a combination of Romantic Gothic Fashion and Faerie Gothic Fashion). Her theme of fashion is a cherry blossom theme.
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mudinyourshoes · 5 months
Favorite things about Novoland Eagle Flag so far:
-Asule. That's it that's the entire post (jk)
-The actor who plays Asule! Young teen Asule and young adult Asule are played by the same grown adult man, but I did not need to be told that Asule was a kid when we first met him. Unlike so many other drama’s where they have to remind the audience that this is a kid! Don’t forget! Even though they’re being played by an adult! I did not need that and the drama did not do it. The actor is just a that good. The actors transformation from terrified kid to a young adult growing in his confidence was MASTERFUL.
-Asule the character. The way he manages to hang on to his softness and gentleness through violence and trauma. My god. I think his bio dad and I are on the same team here and that team is: “I’ve had Asule for 5min but if anything happened to him, I’d kill everyone here and then myself.”
-Asule’s bravery. I’m a believer in the saying “you can’t be brave unless you were afraid”. Asule freezes when confronted with violence. He does this over and over again. He freezes, he tries to run. And then he puts himself between the violence and someone he wants to protect because he is incredibly brave.
-Asule relationship with his dad! The gradual shift from Asule hating his dad and wanting to kill him to trusting and loving him. Their affection for each other breaths off the screen. It hasn’t been an easy relationship and the drama does a beautiful job of conveying it in remarkably few scenes and dialogue, given the emotional depth of the relationship and how profoundly it changed over time.
-The budget. Sue me, I’m shallow. I love it when a show - especially a fantasy type show - does beautiful, sweeping world building with scenery, costumes, and sets. Lord of the Rings was the first visual media that gave me a taste of this when I was a kid and I’ve never gotten over it. Novoland is delivering in spades.
-The meet cute between our three main characters. Scrappy young man and scrappy young lady are so focused on each other and their own problems that I don’t think either of them properly noticed Asule and how AMAZINGLY he handled that entire situation. It was extremely humorous (which I always love) and I think it’s indicative of how many characters are going to treat Asule, which is to say, they are going to overlook and underestimate him because he’s mild and soft spoken.
-If you can’t tell already, I’m an Asule simp
-The way the drama quickly establishes that the three main characters come from radically different walks of life. When Asule is dreaming of home and the people he’s lost, scrappy young lady is stopped from drawing on his face because he starts crying and she says “but I haven’t even drawn anything yet!” Young lady, your drawing on his face wouldn’t even register compared to his other problems… They are worlds apart in term of life experience. Meanwhile, scrappy young man is shown to come from an impoverished and abusive home. When asked why he wants to learn to fight, he says it’s because he doesn’t want to die a “nobody”. What a contrast to Asule answer to the same question! It marks their differences and the reasons for these differences so clearly.
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In Defense of Tech's Hairline
It breaks my heart when I see fan art of Tech with a full head of hair. 
While I don’t mind seeing different versions of him (darker skin and different features to better resemble Temuera Morrison is awesome, and I love it!), it does seem as if fans are trying to override a critical part of aging for many adults. 
After all, 50% of biological men will lose their hair before 50, 25% of them before the age of 21. 21! 
So, when people change Tech’s hairline, it makes me feel quite sad. It’s something that many people go through, and it’s as if the message is: “If you’re balding, you’re not handsome enough. I need to fix that.”  
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(Tech's skin, bone structure, and puppy dog eyes prove that statement is wrong, as seen above).
Which is far from the truth. There’s plenty of incredibly handsome folks with less hair, but even so, it’s a part of aging that many people are incredibly insecure and embarrassed about, because society sees thick hair as beautiful, and receding or balding as old or silly. 
Look, I’m a lady with long blond hair in real life. So why am I worked up about this? 
Well, let me tell a quick story, namely, of a guy I know who reminds me so much of Tech. 
That guy is my husband of almost a decade. 
A chief systems engineer with a graduate degree in science, my husband is an adrenaline junkie, an Eagle Scout, a gaming geek, and an absolute loving papa bear to our daughters. He’s Tech IRL, and it’s part of the reason I fell head over heels in love with that member of Clone Force 99. 
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(Above: Tech, but I'm sure my spouse has said that to me when I've asked when we're finally going on vacation to Hawai'i).
My husband and I met in graduate school, when he was 23 and  I was 24. He wrestled in high school, and did competitive jiu-jitsu throughout undergrad and graduate school as well. As a result, his fair hair was always buzzed, making it impossible to grab during a grapple. But there was another reason he kept his hair very short.
My then-boyfriend was already going bald, in his early 20’s. 
He could have been sensitive about it, but, ever the stoic cowboy type (I married a Texan, what can I say?) he just shrugged it off, and kept his hair barely above stubble, so few noticed. Eventually, he grew it out, but his receding hairline still bothered him.
He made up for it by growing a magnificently sculpted beard, but snarky remarks from friends and strangers still came through, ranging from how he looked older than me, to asking who he was cursed by to have so much facial hair but none on his head. 
Finally, the inevitable ‘halo’ happened, shortly after our wedding. You know what I’m talking about:
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 My husband was not even 30. When he noticed the inevitable full loss of his hair, because of a friend’s unflattering picture of him on Facebook, the clippers came out, and he’s had a fully buzzed and shaved head (a la Captain Picard) ever since. 
Once in a while, he lets his hair grow back…and that hairline comes out, along with the halo on his crown. And guess who happened to be on the screen when my toddler and I were scrolling through Disney + one fine day? 
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Sure enough, my almost two year old actually pointed at the screen and screamed, “DADA!” when Tech appeared. The fact that it was a scene where Tech was happily ignoring everyone and tapping away on his data pad was pure kismet--that was my husband on the screen!
My youngest and I got hooked on the show ever since. 
My husband is a dashing, handsome, confident guy who knows he’s smart and that he’s loved.
Just like Tech. 
Seeing the internet go donkey bonkers for him and that hairline of his makes me grin nonstop. (We will not discuss the finale on season 2 here and no, I have not let my toddler watch it either) I like knowing that a ton of people are absolutely simping and crushing on a guy with a receding hairline.
It gives me hope that many who are not feeling confident due to hair loss can see someone like Tech, and suddenly think: “The man is self-assured as all heck, and he has hair like me. Maybe I should be more like him!”
We do not talk as much about hair loss, because, ironically enough, Tech has a quote about it: "It is a fundamental part of life."
So, when I see Tech redrawn with a full head of hair, I just think of the heartache my poor honey went through as a young guy in his 20’s, already facing an inevitable part of aging the vast majority do not look forward to. 
It's inevitable, but there's plenty of handsome dudes with little to no hair, ranging from Picard to Jason Statham and now, our animated neurodivergent prince of the Marauder. I love his hairline.
 Besides, we all can’t be Howzer, dang it, with his flawless fade and mop of glorious hair.
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("Howzer deserves his own issue of Tiger Beat," - Reddit)
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leorawright · 2 years
Interested of what your take in self aware tf2 is
Huh self aware tf2... like they know their in a video game?
Self aware tf2 headcannons
Scout is so smug everytime he sees how many people like his character
Demo's favorite thing is seeing how many different outfit combinations people come up with
Spy is not surprised by how many people simp over him
Medic and Heavy have seen the ship of them and they don't know how to handle it
Pyro adores every bit of fanart they find of themselves (they are annoyed if people misgender them despite knowing that no one knows their gender)
Engineer is extremely concerned by the fandom but he's glad to see the others enjoying it
Pauling is with Engi on this matter but seeing how much Pyro and Demo enjoy it stops her from saying anything
Soldier is very excited to see so many pieces of fanart with him and a American flag or a eagle
Sniper spends a lot of time trying to puzzle out why the fandom ships two characters
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Crash Headcanons
Very easy going and laid back, joking around and all that. Does his best to see the good in people
Takes care of bringing rogue Programs and Viruses to the Containment Zone.
Used to be a Moderator under Warden before he joined the Adminspace.
He will jump headfirst into anything without thinking, as long as he knows he'll make it out alive.
A sadomasochist
Huge adrenaline junkie. He doesn't actively seek it out, but he loves the thrill.
Very deadly in hand-to-hand combat. He can use weapons, but he excels at actual fighting.
When fighting, he gets deadly silent and focuses purely on what's happening. He's serious when it comes down to his job, as laid back as he is. That's just how he is.
Crushing SO hard on Download its painful. He's been called a simp by Buffer multiple times now.
The amount of times he's gone to Vitality while covered in blood that isn't his..
Somehow purrs when content/happy, despite his Manuver Form being a crowned eagle and him having no feline features. This secret is under lock and key.
"You're telling me a shrimp fried this rice?!"
A bit of a sucker for praise.
Tends to neglect his own health from time to time, typically on accident. He just.. forgets
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fireemblems24 · 2 years
Golden Wildfire - Ch 5
Spoilers for GW under the cut.
Judith!!! Why aren't you playable 😭. Imagine if she and Rodrigue hooked up. Double the sexy.
Claude said "three houses." I'm easily entertained.
Holst is always eating mushrooms and getting sick before meetings.
Shez just fighting this war to get at Jeralt and Byleth, lamo.
At least it's nice Edelgard won a battle not against the church. She actually chased the Alliance back. Though, it's only because of heel-face-turns.
Raphael's eyes are too light-colored. He looks creepy. And, man, Claude is really hard-carrying the Golden Deer for looks for men.
Arval is shitting on Claude for constant retreating lamo.
Still have no idea why he didn't ask Dimitri for help. He's like, oh, shit, the Empire's huge ass army is kicking our ass. They're also fighting the Kingdom. Oh, no, what do we do? Talk to Dimitri? Of course not. Why would we do that?
LINHARDT AND HILDA HAVE SUPPORTS. FUCK YES. It's the lazy duo. OMG, yes. I wanted this soooooo bad. It better be comedic genius.
Don't worry, Lorenz. Your dad isn't really betraying everyone.
The only place Gatekeeper really makes sense is the Kingdom right now. Why wouldn't he continue guarding the church?
There's a lot of Judith simping going on, and I'm here for it.
Lysithea over here openly hating the Empire. Can't blame her. I feel like all that "honorary Black Eagle" nonsense forget she HATES the Empire.
Why is Claude blaming himself for the Empire's aggression? Did I see this conversation in SB? I don't remember.
Once again, someone is unable to make reforms because Edelgard started a war lol. Both Claude and Dimitri had plans for reform and positive change, but they got halted because of Edelgard.
Is it just me or is Lorenz like really good? He and Dimitri are by far my favorite to play as so far.
Ready for some mercenary bonding, I'd expect.
Uh oh. I forgot that they may disagree over Jeralt. Surprised she didn't react to Leonie name-dropping Jeralt though.
This is a pretty interesting support for lore potential.
Judith! I love it when other characters show up in supports.
Is Hilda going to make Marianne do all the work? Oh, thank God. She's not, lol.
Hahah, Marianne sucked at organizing. 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Judith does not approve. This is funny so far.
Aww, Hilda is taking the fall. That was sweet.
Lamo at Shez charging head-first into every battle. Very shonen of them.
They have two very different fighting styles lol.
Aww, Hilda is looking out for Shez.
Lysithea is like, I expected you to be more reckless! Meanwhile, that support with Hilda she's too reckless.
I really don't get the vibe that Claude trusts Shez despite what Lysithea said, since he's not telling Shez anything.
Oh, no, Shez called Lysithea the "k" word. She's really prickly.
Love Shez calling Lysithea out for being a hypocrite and saying she's acting like a kid lamo.
That support is everything I hate about Lysithea.
Bummed they only go to B. They might be my favorite pairings for each other.
Aww, man, that SUCKS for Leonie. I didn't think about that. She had to raise so much money to attend, only for it to last like a month. That hurts. It seems the church gave some back at least.
This is really similar to Shez and Lorenz's support, but I think Lorenz seems like he's coming from a much better place this time. In that one he was so fixated on class. Here he seems more worried he failed to help a commoner out.
Marianne got forced into this war 😭 Now I feel so bad for using her. But she's my favorite Golden Deer.
Lorenz offered to speak on her behalf. That's sweet.
I like him encouraging her, but it's still an example of why Dimitri/Marianne is so good. There's no "oh, just cheer up!" that rings so hallow. Raphael/Marianne is pretty good too, because he actually just cheers her up.
"Oh, Hilda, perfect!" - Leonie. "I am, aren't I?" - Hilda 🤣 It's even funnier because Leonie's not even fazed by it.
Leonie asked the wrong person to train lol. Hilda never wants to.
These two are so mismatched. 🤣🤣
Hilda just called Leonie cute lamo.
Did Hilda just invite "cute" Leonie to come to her tent for a bath?
Wow, they haven't spoken during the whole timeskip?
And Ignatz not bringing up his art at all is super sad.
So Ignatz doesn't want to be a knight and is one, and Raphael wants to be a knight but can't be one. All because of the war.
I learned absolutely nothing about either character in this support.
At least it brought up how the war is ruining common people's lives because Raphael's family can't travel because it's too dangerous.
I love how Claude's like "those silly eagles and lions always fighting each other" when Dimitri literally just wants to be left alone.
This is the moment I've been waiting for.
He's like, lamo, you're working. Why?
"And to be clear. I'm not here to help." Linhardt is golden. "Oh, Linhardt, you're on break? Perfect! Then you can help me with this awful whatever that I'm doing!" He continues to be the most quotable.
"Your life seems to be one permanent break." 🤣🤣
Linhardt's even worse than Hilda. As it should be.
I fully anticipate this to be as awkward and pointless as Claude's and Raphael's support. But it's more Marianne content so . . .
Ohhhh wait, maybe I'm wrong if this is about crest drama.
Fuck that crest scholar. Leave Marianne alone.
Lysithea coming to Marianne's rescue about an annoying crest person is not what I expected, but I'm not upset about it.
Lysithea's really mature here. I like this.
This is the support they deserved in Houses.
NGL, this was actually really cool. REALLY wish it went higher than C.
Linhardt is such a mood.
It's refreshing to see Leonie not pressure Linhardt into changing, she just accepts him as his lazy self.
Linhardt's never been hunting, hunh. It's sweet he thought Leonie could use an owl mask for hunting.
And she got him a useless statue. At least he's trying now.
This is kinda cute, ngl. They made each other laugh.
OK, I was so convinced I accidentally clicked on my SB playthrough that I reset the game, but nope, this really opens with a conversation about why Bernie, a Black Eagle, is fighting . . .
Is this setting up for her recruitment or????
Ok, finally back to Claude and co. Just generic stuff about preparing for Edelgard's invasion though.
Love Judith calling Claude "little Claude." That's what SB is missing, an adult figure like Rodrigue or Judith.
All that talk with Bernie, and only Balthus is recruitable this chapter. Oh, well, I was planning on using him anyways.
Oh, finally! Holst. I was wondering when he's be playable. I should've guessed given I only had 3 units under my control and 4 non-controlled allies running around.
Man, Lorenz is just busted, isn't he?
Claude really doesn't tell his allies anything, does he? I appreciate Lorenz for calling him out on it.
Oh, and Shez can call him out too!
His plan is that Glouster never actually betrayed him, right? That he's a plant to backstab the Empire like in SB?
Balthus and Holst now playable, woot!
Also, it took me like half the battle to figure out that Holst was a sword unit. Like, IDK, he looks like a warrior. I only noticed it when I saw that Ferdinand would blow him away, lamo.
Cool to see Ferdinand leading this stuff though. Seeing him actually get to do something.
Yep, Glouster never wanted anything to do with Edelgard, lamo. Though, why isn't she here?
They really should've told Lorenz this plan. I mean, he's Glouster's kid. I mean, Lysithea knew, so why not Lorenz? Poor Lorenz.
Is it bad I'm more curious about why Glouster didn't tell Lorenz about the plan ahead of time than anything else going on in GW so far? IDK, I just really like more personal drama I guess. Rather than Edelgard tries to kill everyone round, what is it now like 7 routes??
It's better in AG and SB because they're more tied to/involved in the drama. Poor Claude and the Deer seem destined to feel like a third-wheel again so far.
My big hope is that Edelgard realizes she can't take both the Kingdom and the Alliance at the same time, so she decides to focus on the Kingdom only since that's where Rhea is (and, let's face it the country she'll have a WAYYYY harder time bringing to heel under her dominance than the Alliance). So that'll free Claude and co up to do something more interesting than exactly the same thing he did in AM/VW/SS/CF/AG/SB so far. Yikes. I mean, Shahaid or however you spell his name is still there, right? Let Almyra be relevant.
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smokeybrandreviews · 10 months
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Last year, Azur Lane was on fire. All year, there was hitter after hitter. New events, rerun events; It didn’t matter, the content was top tier. As a KMS main, i was eating really good. This year hasn't been as embarrassing in it’s riches, and not just because there has only been a single Iron Blood event. My Kraut dock is brimming with ships so I'm okay with that. Give the Ruskies and the Itais some love, they need it. No, I'm speaking more on the fact that new Events are few and far in between. The content this year, just isn’t as good as last, and it’s glaringly so. Don’t misunderstand me, i am very glad we got what we got. I was able to pick up New Jersey on a Rerun and Confluence of Nothingness added another UR option to my Kraut dock, bringing the grand total of my Rainbow options to four, so, even with this significant step back with the overall content being released this year, i am more than content. And then they dropped the new Priority Ships. Two of which are Iron Blood. One of which, is another Rainbow.
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I am, as we speak, in the process of grinding out Hindenburg. She is one of the two Decisive ships available in Priority Six. The other is an Eagle Union entry, Kearsarge. I’m not going to lie, i might make a run at her, too. I rarely, if ever, use Eagle Union ships but it’s hard not to want Kearsarge. Her design is dope and she’s a beast. However, my Deutsch girls come first and Hindenburg takes priority. If she ends up being anything like her other Decisive kin, she’s going to be a real goddamn problem for my enemies. Fried, Otto, and Agir are mainstays in my first Fleet. Their damage and leadership perks make for a really intimidating, and daunting to battle against, Iron Blood contingent. More than that, Hindenburg appears to be a Vanguard ship and i am in dire need of Vanguard Rainbow options. I only have San Diego to fill that spot and, again, she’s an Eagle Union who i never use, not since actual, natural, Ultra Rares have been introduced. The grind to Hindenburg is as grueling as ever but i am nearing it’s end. I’m sitting on sixty-three percent of that ludicrous twenty-four million Experience; Just the last bit to go and then she will be mine. Then i can move on to the second Iron Blood option in this Priority, Felix Schultz.
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Schultz is an interesting ship to me. I love her design, it smacks of Meltryllis from Fate/Grand Order and we all know how much i simp for that entire franchise, so it’s a forgone conclusion i was going to become a fan but i have no idea what I'm going to do with her. She’s another Destroyer in a dock lousy with Destroyers. Hell, we JUST got Otto in the last KMS event! That sh*t ended a month ago! AND she's one of the best in the game! Never mind Otto, we have Z46, Z1, Z16, Z2, Z24, Z25, Z26, Z28, Z35, Z36, Z20, and Z21. Then there's the Starter for Iron Blood, Z23 who, to this day, is still a top tier ship after her Retrofit. Which i obviously completed. Admittedly, there are only two Super Rare Destroyers, Otto and Z23, so Schultz is a welcome addition in that regard but, come on? Thirteen f*cking options BEFORE Felix is released?? Are you serious? Listen, my KMS choices are fruitful but, like, how about giving me a Rainbow Carrier or something? Sakura got two, Hakuryuu and Shinano. Eagle Union is sitting on Yorktown II and Enterprise. Hell, Implacable is one of the best Ships in the entire game. Slide some of that Air Superiority the German way. I understand that there is a certain amount of historical accuracy in this game so it makes sense that the Japanese and the US have all the jets while the Germans dominate with their torpedoes and U-Boats but, come on? Bismarck Zwei exists and that is a made-up boat! Make up a goddamn Rainbow Carrier then! Felix does look to be a pretty solid ship, though. I’m sure I'll find a way to incorporate her into a Primary Deployment or whatever. I just wish she was a Carrier.
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Priority Six is an impressive lot, no doubt. I still think the best season was Four, just in terms of sheer diversity and power, but six is nice in it’s own right. I mean, it’s really hard to argue against a class which includes Anchorage, Hakuryuu, Agir, and August von Parseval, as the strongest. There’s a great mix of diverse strength in this new class and i find myself kind of wanting all of them for one reason or another. We’ll see how that goes after i finish developing Hindenburg and Felix Schultz. Obviously, i have an eye toward Kearsarge but I'm not sure i want to invest the resources, and time, into the other two. I just don’t care enough about the Vichya Dominion and already have ship that does what Shimanto does, ready for deployment as we speak. There is a decent chance I'll end up making a run at these other boats, though, if I'm honest with myself. Like i mentioned above, Azur Lane has been pretty light on the content this year. I have ample time to do other things. Like, I've already constructed and maxed out Hakuryuu, something i never really expected to do, so why not throw two more ships i have no real interest in, into that lot, too?
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disneyreactor · 2 years
the muppets S2EP02: Mama Bear
Fozzie Bear's mother visits the studio to see Fozzie work on the show. Meanwhile, Gonzo breaks an arm while performing a stunt in the writers' room.
"My ma is visiting today to see me on the show in person," Fozzie says to the camera. "It's going to be great. At least I hope it is because she had to pause her hibernation for this. Take it from me, a tired bear is a dangerous bear."
[the muppets title card]
The camera pans to the studio, more specifically, the stage.
The Electric Mayhem is sitting in the audience chairs, eating some special brownies.
"A cop tried to pull me over this morning," Floyd tells the band. "Keyword is tried. They couldn't outrun my car." He lets out a laugh.
"Like, that's for sure." Janice agrees.
On-Camera Interview
"Well, I ate a few of their brownies this morning; they were good, but I feel all floaty and relaxed," Bobo Bear tells the cameraman. "It's legal, but it's best not to let the boss man catch them with those brownies."
End of Camera Interview. The camera pans over to Fozzie Bear and an older female bear, assuming his mother.
"So, what do you think, ma? I stand at that podium during the show and for warmups, I'm closer to the audience," Fozzie explains. "I warm them up with jokes."
"Oh, my boy, I'm so proud of you." Emily Bear coos at her son with a kiss on his cheek.
"Aw, ma."
"Where is Kermit? I missed that small frog."
"In his office, working as always."
"Ooh, he's a hardworking frog, isn't he?"
"He's the best. Becky's at a close second."
Emily stares at her son. "Who?"
On-Camera Interview
"My ma hasn't met Becky yet," Fozzie tells the cameraman with a hint of fear. "Oh, she's gonna murder me." He chews on his nails to soothe himself.
End of Camera Interview
"Becky is my girlfriend." Fozzie reveal to his mom, his voice trailing off from nervousness.
Emily doesn't say anything for a moment before squealing with excitement. "Ooh! My baby cub has a special girl! I must meet her soon! This is exciting! I can't wait to tell the family!" She pulls her son into a hug.
Fozzie lets out a certain laugh. "Yeah, it'll be great."
The camera pans to the writer's room. Gonzo has their famous costume on with some rollerblades. To the left, there's a ramp leading to the wall.
"Gonzo, Kermit will have us killed if he catches this happening h'okay." Pepe warns.
"Why do you care?" Rizzo interjects.
"I have dates tonight, rat." Pepe says.
"Whatever, okay." The stunt devil counts down from three and rolls onto the ramp. The cameraman catches it all.
Then, everyone hears a crash and a crack, causing them to gag.
"Oh man, that sounds nasty," Rizzo states. "This is coming from a rat, so take that into consideration."
"Oh, this hurts like a cracked egg." Gonzo says, staring at their clearly broken arm.
The scene starts in Kermit's office.
Scooter rushes into the office. "Sir, something happened in the writers' room!"
Kermit sighs as if he's questioning his life decisions. "What?"
"Gonzo broke their arm while performing a stunt."
"How the hell did they--never mind, make sure they get to a doctor." Kermit commands.
On Camera Interview
"I'm not even surprised at this point." Kermit shrugs.
End of Camera Interview. The new scene shows the start of the show as Fozzie's mom sits in the front row.
"Wocka, wocka!" Fozzie exclaims. "My ma is here tonight! Hi, ma!"
The camera pans to the older bear.
"Hi, baby!" Emily bear calls.
"Tonight, we have a musical guest! Please welcome, Lizzo!"
The camera pans to Lizzo, who performs her hit song, Truth Hurts. Then it pans over to Miss Piggy, who mouths the words and dances to it from her desk. It pans over to Kermit who's watching the host of the show.
"Hehe, the frog is simping, h'okay." Pepe lets out a chuckle.
Kermit hears the prawn yet doesn't deny it; he insteads pans the camera on her more than Lizzo which will be something Sam Eagle will be angry about later.
Lizzo ends the song, and Piggy walks to her with a smile. "Thank you, Lizzo, honey. That was amazing!"
"Anytime, Miss Piggy! I loved being a guest on the show!"
Miss Piggy turns to the camera. "That's all for tonight folks, be sure join us next time for more fun!"
The scene goes to the urgent care where Gonzo's arm is being put in the cast.
"I'm gonna do it again." Gonzo says.
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sophibubbless · 2 years
A Fresh Start In Zaun (Silco X Reader)
A whole new fic being posted and a new character for me to obsess and simp over... All aboard!! *choo choo* Updates on AO3, NEW CHAPTERS EVERY DAY. Read the first chapter here, then head over and see the full thing!
You were good at moving on. Constantly adapting and evolving with each new life and new environment, always wondering which one will be your last. The feeling clawed inside you like a trapped bird, ready to spread its wings.
Until you arrived in Zaun, and fell under the gaze of a certain man with mismatched eyes and an intimidating aura. The kingpin, leader of Zaun. All because of your friend's hair brained schemes, you were unwillingly thrown into the deep end.
You were just a baker with, supposedly, no past... But maybe this life could be more.
Chapter One: Cupcakes and Troublesome Kids
It was just another day in your little bakery. The clouds were high outside past your window, fluffy spots on a clear blue canvas. As you walked around tidying off tables, the sun blazed through the glass, walking your skin every time you stepped past. A hum passed your lips, hips swaying to a tune that only came from your wandering mind.
It'd been a busy day. As always, your baked goods were in high demand and the customers had continued to come and sit inside every day without fail. Whether it was your regulars or new customers wanting to try the cakes that were the “talk of the town” … it never failed to keep you busy. Your body reminded you that you needed to take a day off sometime soon, it was aching in places you didn’t know you had.
With a sigh, you peeled off your apron and put the broom away. You’d done enough for now. You’d go to the kitchen, collect any leftovers and take them to the nearby hospital on your way home. Usually, the staff there liked to come here, but it wasn’t often they got the chance, so you liked to drop off what you could when you could. You called it your “good deed for the day”
Folding the apron, you shouldered your way through the staff door, and as you lifted your eyes…
You were met with four children. One was holding the backdoor, like their life depended on it. The other three was scarfing down what last of your cupcakes. You’d caught them red handed… or at least, icing handed.
“P-Please don’t tell anyone” A small blue haired girl squeaked. The three seemed to be quaking in fear, the other seemed… calm. You looked at each of them, up and down, taking in all their features and expressions. They gulped.
To their frightened eyes, you looked like an eagle. All sharp, intimating, head tilted as you stared your prey down for weakness. Two round, yellow eyes scrutinizing them and staring straight inside them. They’d met a lot of nasty people in Zaun, but somehow the brute strength they all seemed to display was no match for your blazing eyes.
And then, unexpectedly. You smiled. The slightest tilt upwards of your lip and a glint of humour within your eyes.
“I take it they taste good? Heard that Zaun doesn’t have many sweet foods”
The two boys, with their mouths stuffed, muttered affirmatives and chewed faster, brushing crumbs off their clothes. The young, blue haired one cheekily reached for another cupcake and gave you a meek little nod. And the one at the back had pink hair… her face was lined with stress and anxiety. It was obvious she’d been through some tough times. If the little scratch marks on her face and the subtle darkness under her eyes was enough, or the bandages wrapped around her hands. But on top of that was a shield of steely fierceness, an expression that told you she’d swing at you if you got too close.
You tilted your head once more, and offered her a slightly warmer smile, eyes moving to the backdoor. It was open a crack, every now and then, her eyes darted to look out. Caught between a rock and a hard place.
“You kids are in some trouble, huh?” You voiced your observation. You set the apron down and leaned against the door you’d come through. Her eyebrows pinched together. You both knew what this meant.
If whoever was looking for them came through the backdoor… they’d have through, you to escape. You were blocking the only other door.
“Yeah… we did something bad…” The blue haired girl spoke quietly, and the older, pink haired girl hissed something. One of the boys, a thin looking one, smacked her shoulder.
“Shut up, Powder!”
She rubbed her shoulder and seemed to sink in on herself.
“So… I’m guessing that loud explosion from earlier was… you?” You took a moment to stretch against the door, eyeing them and wondering how a group of kids had managed such a thing. But it had to be them. Some of them still had bits of rubble on their clothes.
You were met with silence. So, you continued. “And… you’re all from Zaun, yes? I’m not trying to sound rude but your… style… gives you away. And something about the way you hold yourselves. It’s a little obvious”
Perhaps it was the rags, the worn leather, and odd haircuts they were sporting. Guess there weren’t many good barbers down in the underground. It could’ve also been the scratches they all were sporting and the bandages.
“Yeah, and what of it, huh? Bet you think you’re all high and mighty just because you don’t have to struggle? Bet life is all plush and comfortable, you piltys are all the same, you…-”
“Easy there, stick figure” Your light chuckle brought them to a shocked stand still again. That wasn’t the response they expected, after you stood there listening to one of the boys insult you to your face. “What’s your name, kid?”
“M-Mylo…” He took a step back, seemingly disarmed by your unbothered nature. Your eyes darted to the others, as the pink-haired girl let out another hiss.
“Don’t tell her your name! We don’t know her!”
“I mean… I think she’s harmless… right?” came the blue-haired girls meek voice, peeking up at you. You looked down at her, remember they called her Powder earlier. You cracked a small smile.
“I’m just a baker” You looked past at the rest of them. “Look. Here’s the deal. I’m not really cool with you kids getting arrested or anything so I’m not going to go calling the enforcers on you. Don’t get your pants in a twist”
“Wait… really? Why?” The pink haired girl finally seemed to relax her stance a bit, looking you over as if you’d just said the most ridiculous thing ever.
“It’s a bit personal, if you don’t mind. Let’s just say… I’m aware the enforcers don’t go easy on most people, and if you kids ended up in jail, I’d feel shitty about it. I’m willing to help. You probably got a family to go back to, right?”
They looked at each other, the mood in the room lowering considerably and you bit your tongue. Yeah, maybe that wasn’t the best thing to say. You didn’t know them, maybe they only had themselves… you could relate. You had no family either, or if they were like you then… family was a sore spot.
“… I’m sorry” You spoke before really thinking and you were met with a fierce snarl. The pink haired girl stormed towards you, pushing Mylo out the way, and grabbing you by the collar of your white blouse.
Powder went to stop her; the boys held the kind, blue haired girl back from getting in the way. Meanwhile, Vi snarled into your face and you glared icily.
“We don’t need your pity! And we certainly don’t need your help!”
Then came a knock on the backdoor. Everyone froze, and a formal voice politely requested if everything was okay. You stared into Vi’s face for a second, looking her dead in the eye challengingly. You watched her expression fill with fear and dread. And you reminded yourself… she’s just a kid.
With a cool, calm patience, you simply pulled her off you and strode past them all. You opened the door and closed it behind you before anyone could get a look inside. Then came your voice through the door, sweet as honey.
“Hello sirs. How can I help you? I’m afraid my bakery is closed right now… wait, didn’t you both come in yesterday? How did you like the cream puffs?”
And to their baffled surprise, the enforcers that had been chasing them ate it up. They sounded bashful and nervous, speaking to you like schoolboys with a crush all the while you giggled cutely and made polite conversation. After a while, they warned you to be careful because some “filth” from the underground were in the city. Then they left. You took your time to wait for them to leave, then slipped back inside with a breath. All the cuteness had left you, as your eagle-eyed gaze was back on them.
“Alright. So, here’s the deal. I’m going to take you guys back. I know a spot nearby that’ll take you straight into the underground. It’s safe if you can keep quiet. There’s a busy street nearby and I don’t fancy having to explain why I’m smuggling you guys”
You snatched your coat off the nearby rack, shrugging it on. It was long and black with a white fur lining and did nothing to help them shake their mental image of an eagle. Meanwhile, your eyes found the near-empty plate of cupcakes. Looks like the hospital wouldn’t be getting their fill today. You’d have to throw in something extra tomorrow, to make up for it. Otherwise you might start feeling guilty. With that in mind, you boxed the last five and placed it into Powders arms, complimented with a warm smile and wink.
You didn’t know it then, but that action cemented her thoughts on you forever; she liked her. You were awesome. One of the coolest adults ever. Not as cool as Vander, but close, especially for someone from Piltover too.
The kids followed you out, if not a bit hesitantly, while you led them through thin passages and dark alleyways. Granted, not as dark as the lane’s alleyways, but still off-putting when they knew they were alone with you, a stranger. The silence was tense, no one dared utter a word, especially as they could hear the busy street nearby. You weren’t kidding. The voices of people drifted far too close for their liking.
And thankfully, it faded after a few long minutes ticked by. The area opened, until there was nothing. They still had to be careful, it looked like a residential area, and it would only take for someone to lean out their window and look down to see your little group. Still, you started to make conversation. This time, you gave no wiggle room and managed to wrangle their names out of them.
They thought you must like introductions, because you asked them a lot about themselves. What they liked, how life was down in Zaun. How you “always wanted to visit” which was met with more shock and scoffs than you thought were necessary. Guess that was an unusual thing to admit.
Powder and Vi were sisters, and Claggor and Mylo were their brothers but not by blood. Turns out they were adopted. You were glad they did have some form of family, even if they were orphans which you were guessing was where the mood drop came from. You could only imagine how hard it was. Knowing your parents gave you up, didn’t want you… or something worse. You didn’t want to think about it anymore than you already had.
And all too soon, you’d reached the gate. This whole area was hard to find unless you knew where you were going, and you’d stumbled into it one day while you were looking for a quiet place to sit. Past it was an old elevator, that’d lead them straight down into the underground. When you’d realize what it is and where it’d go, you’d been trying to drum up the courage since to use it and go down.
“Well, here we go… now, let’s make a deal. I’m not going to ask what’s in that bag of yours, it’s been constantly jingling this whole walk but I’m guessing you need it if you’re desperate enough to steal it from Piltover… and you promise to stay out of troubling Piltover at least until heat dies down. Deal?” You aimed your held out hand at Vi, whose face scrunched up immediately as she stared you down. And she gave nothing, only turned her back on you and headed for the elevator.
You sighed, and just let it go. Surely, they wouldn’t be silly enough to get into trouble here again anyway. You could tell they’d really shaken things up here. You’d hate to imagine what’d happen if they got caught.
To your surprise, Powder touched your hand. The boys were already following Vi, but the young girl held your hand for a second and spoke in a whisper to you “Thank you for your help… we won’t forget this”
You couldn’t help yourself, moving your hand to ruffle her hair. “You better not, kid. Now, off you go. Your sister is glaring daggers at me”
She giggled and ran off, leaving you with a smile. You watched them go, and nodded to yourself, telling yourself you’d done the right thing. They were sweet kids, and you didn’t know much but enough to guess that the people of Zaun had been struggling. Whatever they’d taken, it was for their survival. You were sure of that if not anything.
So, you’d wish them the best of luck in your head and as you turned your back, you vowed you’d forget about them and turn a blind eye. You’d pretend this never happened.
And for a month, you’d managed to convince yourself that this wouldn’t come back to bite you in the ass.
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randomnameless · 2 years
Realizing super late that Mistake having the Crest of Macuil means that Birdie must've shared blood/held hands with a human. Said human who is not afraid to express how she feels about him lol. Apparently Birdie must have (or did have) some sort of like towards certain humans? Who do you think gave him more shit over his "favortism" towards certain humans, Rhea or Indech? If Birdie saw Mistake simping over Supreme Leader, would he agree with his niece that this is a "low form of comedy"? At least the Middlefrank Opera Company keep to the Old Ways on human courting (or at least what WoH!Ochs told him about it). Now those women know about romance...for humans anyways.
With Willy the Loser's "covenant between the red blood and white sword" with Rhea, WoH!Herving somehow receiving blood from Flayn and NOT getting an Axe of Ubaya to the face from Seteth, and WoH!Ochs somehow managing to get Mr. "Humans are Stinky" to give her the time of day, the WoH!Adrestian nobles must've been chads among chads lol. Meanwhile we're stuck with Supreme Leader painting Plank Sensei and her gaggle of idiots. Kids, step your game up! Your ancestors are weeping over your pathetic performance lol.
I don't think every Saint held the hand of a human and ultimately gave them, and their line, a crest - so Flayn most likely shared her blood the conventional way, without hand holding.
Before 3 Nopes I had this HC that Birdie refused to give his blood to humans - a quick'n'cheap power-up - but prefered to teach them magic, which is why the Empire historically would have a lot of mages.
But that HC died, both with Edel's support with Constance and Mistake von Ochs. Maybe Ochs I (the poet!) simped so hard after him that only a drop of blood could make her go, or maybe Macuil tried to save her and gave her his blood....
In any case, seeing Ochs II and ultimately Mistake's ancestors would have told him that while Ochs I was annoying, the subsequent Ochs grow more and more tiresome and he would have reached the conclusion earlier than Rhea : the descendants of the humans they blood bonded with are not as trustworthy as them.
(and how could you blame macuil for thinking humans stink after seeing Mistake? She's not a low form of comedy, she's a living tragedy - like the rest of Bullshit Eagle Sus Force, to be honest.)
I wonder if SB will hammer like Tru Piss that Supreme Leader and her minions think Rhea deserves to die because her ears are not round when pointy ears was, in 3 Nopes lore, seen as very attractive by Adrestrians back then.
Given how Indech gives his bow to someone who doesn't have his crest, nor has a special talk to the descendants of his chosen human (Hanneman or Bernie) I think he's the Nabatean who doesn't give a fuck the most (even before Macuil, bcs Birdie would be super pissed if he saw Mistake). Then comes Seteth, Flayn, and ultimately Rhea - who still think Edel's betraying Wilhelm's legacy and name.
I'm pretty sure in Tru Piss the Mittelfrank Opera will be purged - both the make sure no embarrassing stories are made about Supreme Leader, but also to make sure all stories about humans "copulating" with cruel beasts disappear, or heavily retooled to have the cruel bease force the poor human, creating hybrid monsters to destroy the world and humanity, only for Supreme Leader to save the day.
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smokeybrand · 10 months
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Last year, Azur Lane was on fire. All year, there was hitter after hitter. New events, rerun events; It didn’t matter, the content was top tier. As a KMS main, i was eating really good. This year hasn't been as embarrassing in it’s riches, and not just because there has only been a single Iron Blood event. My Kraut dock is brimming with ships so I'm okay with that. Give the Ruskies and the Itais some love, they need it. No, I'm speaking more on the fact that new Events are few and far in between. The content this year, just isn’t as good as last, and it’s glaringly so. Don’t misunderstand me, i am very glad we got what we got. I was able to pick up New Jersey on a Rerun and Confluence of Nothingness added another UR option to my Kraut dock, bringing the grand total of my Rainbow options to four, so, even with this significant step back with the overall content being released this year, i am more than content. And then they dropped the new Priority Ships. Two of which are Iron Blood. One of which, is another Rainbow.
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I am, as we speak, in the process of grinding out Hindenburg. She is one of the two Decisive ships available in Priority Six. The other is an Eagle Union entry, Kearsarge. I’m not going to lie, i might make a run at her, too. I rarely, if ever, use Eagle Union ships but it’s hard not to want Kearsarge. Her design is dope and she’s a beast. However, my Deutsch girls come first and Hindenburg takes priority. If she ends up being anything like her other Decisive kin, she’s going to be a real goddamn problem for my enemies. Fried, Otto, and Agir are mainstays in my first Fleet. Their damage and leadership perks make for a really intimidating, and daunting to battle against, Iron Blood contingent. More than that, Hindenburg appears to be a Vanguard ship and i am in dire need of Vanguard Rainbow options. I only have San Diego to fill that spot and, again, she’s an Eagle Union who i never use, not since actual, natural, Ultra Rares have been introduced. The grind to Hindenburg is as grueling as ever but i am nearing it’s end. I’m sitting on sixty-three percent of that ludicrous twenty-four million Experience; Just the last bit to go and then she will be mine. Then i can move on to the second Iron Blood option in this Priority, Felix Schultz.
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Schultz is an interesting ship to me. I love her design, it smacks of Meltryllis from Fate/Grand Order and we all know how much i simp for that entire franchise, so it’s a forgone conclusion i was going to become a fan but i have no idea what I'm going to do with her. She’s another Destroyer in a dock lousy with Destroyers. Hell, we JUST got Otto in the last KMS event! That sh*t ended a month ago! AND she's one of the best in the game! Never mind Otto, we have Z46, Z1, Z16, Z2, Z24, Z25, Z26, Z28, Z35, Z36, Z20, and Z21. Then there's the Starter for Iron Blood, Z23 who, to this day, is still a top tier ship after her Retrofit. Which i obviously completed. Admittedly, there are only two Super Rare Destroyers, Otto and Z23, so Schultz is a welcome addition in that regard but, come on? Thirteen f*cking options BEFORE Felix is released?? Are you serious? Listen, my KMS choices are fruitful but, like, how about giving me a Rainbow Carrier or something? Sakura got two, Hakuryuu and Shinano. Eagle Union is sitting on Yorktown II and Enterprise. Hell, Implacable is one of the best Ships in the entire game. Slide some of that Air Superiority the German way. I understand that there is a certain amount of historical accuracy in this game so it makes sense that the Japanese and the US have all the jets while the Germans dominate with their torpedoes and U-Boats but, come on? Bismarck Zwei exists and that is a made-up boat! Make up a goddamn Rainbow Carrier then! Felix does look to be a pretty solid ship, though. I’m sure I'll find a way to incorporate her into a Primary Deployment or whatever. I just wish she was a Carrier.
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Priority Six is an impressive lot, no doubt. I still think the best season was Four, just in terms of sheer diversity and power, but six is nice in it’s own right. I mean, it’s really hard to argue against a class which includes Anchorage, Hakuryuu, Agir, and August von Parseval, as the strongest. There’s a great mix of diverse strength in this new class and i find myself kind of wanting all of them for one reason or another. We’ll see how that goes after i finish developing Hindenburg and Felix Schultz. Obviously, i have an eye toward Kearsarge but I'm not sure i want to invest the resources, and time, into the other two. I just don’t care enough about the Vichya Dominion and already have ship that does what Shimanto does, ready for deployment as we speak. There is a decent chance I'll end up making a run at these other boats, though, if I'm honest with myself. Like i mentioned above, Azur Lane has been pretty light on the content this year. I have ample time to do other things. Like, I've already constructed and maxed out Hakuryuu, something i never really expected to do, so why not throw two more ships i have no real interest in, into that lot, too?
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Rewrite of the Journey Cats’ Adventures in the Mountains
The Lunar Feles behave a bit differently than the Tribe in canon, so of course I needed to change their plotlines and such to reflect that.
No real changes here except that Midnight tells them that when they eventually encounter cats in the mountains to tell them Midnight sent them. They don't know what this means but agree.
On the way home from meeting with Midnight, the six cats cross through the mountains and Squirrelpaw is seriously injured from being attacked by an eagle who tries to carry her off after she ran off ahead of the group. While the other five look for a place to rest and let Squirrelpaw heal, they encounter a patrol of strange cats. The head of the patrol, who introduces herself as Small Brook, warily asks what they are doing in the mountains and tells them if they have no business there that they must leave immediately for their own safety. They tell her who they are and that Midnight sent them and she and the other cats become much more friendly, as they know Midnight well. The patrol introduces themselves as cats from the Lunar Feles and inform the clan cats that they are more than welcome to stay with their group while Squirrelpaw recovers from her injuries. The clan cats accept and travel to the cave system where the Lunar Feles make their home.
Once there, the clan cats are introduced to the Druid, Stone Sight, who welcomes them to the Lunar Feles territory. He tells them that they were lucky it was only an eagle that found them, and when they ask he tells them about Sharp Tooth. The Lunar Feles seldom encounter mountain lions, who they call the Giant Ones, and those they do meet ignore them unless actively antagonized. Sharp Tooth just appeared one day and began terrorizing them for no discernible. There have been repeated attempts to drive him off or appease him, but it seems as if nothing short of killing him will make him stop. The deity worshipped by the Lunar Feles, Lady Half Moon, sent a message to Stone Sight, telling him that a group of cats would be coming through the mountains and that they would assist with killing Sharp Tooth once and for all. No Specific Prophecy Cat nonsense here, folks!
Brambleflower refuses at first, telling Stone Sight that while he and his companions would help them, Sharp Tooth seems to be incredibly dangerous, they need to be home as soon as possible, and his apprentice is already injured. Feathertail, Squirrelpaw, and Stormfur rebuke Brambleflower, telling him that while their clanmates do need them, the right thing to do would be to help these cats. Tawnypelt is stuck in the middle, and Crowpaw agrees with his crushes (Feathertail and Squirrelpaw) immediately because he’s a little simp like that. They agree to help after a bit of bickering and say that they will only if the apprentices can stay out of it. Stone Sight thanks them but is pretty offended that they would even think that he would let Squires fight a giant murderous creature that has already killed many adult cats, what the hell.
The fight against Sharp Tooth goes as it does in canon but the Lunar Feles actually help the clan cats in the fight. Feathertail is still the one who lands the finishing blow on Sharptooth, but she survives (just barely). It’s a pyrrhic victory, as despite Feathertail’s survival many Lunar Feles cats perish at Sharp Tooth’s claws. Stormfur and Feathertail stay behind as she heals while the other four return to the Clans.
Other New Prophecy Books
Only one thing changes in the rest of the New Prophecy books related to the Lunar Feles, which is that Small Brook and Stormfur don’t return to the clans because they aren’t cast out. Never really understood why they were kicked out in canon so here they aren’t.
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