#coming up with songs with those words with two pairs of aunts and uncles and my mom lol
happy new year 🥰🥰🥰
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ladylaviniya · 8 months
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The Dog Days Are Over
MasterList || Chapter 2
Chapter Summary: You were destined to be another Alpha in your family...so why does the test say you're an Omega?
Chapter Warnings: 18+ Dead Dove Do Not Eat, Omegaverse, A/B/O, age-gap, vaginal medical examination, inspired by the tragedy and abuse of the Trouble Teen Industries in America.
Pairing: Alpha!Henry Cavill X Omega!Reader
Word Count: 7k
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Inspiring Song: The Dog Days By Florence & The Machine
Author Notes:
★Please if you have been affected by the trouble teen industry scroll down and click one of the links at the bottom of the fic. I cannot promise they will help but I can promise it's always an option to try. 💙 You may have seen this fic posted before.
★I have had to repost this story because my old account had been shadow banned.
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April 15th 2023, 13:00pm, Trinity, California, America.
“Holy shit, holy shit, no, no, no!” You sobbed.
To the light of your bathroom you held a plastic stick test, it’s tip was soaked in your urine. Five other tests were on the floor around your feet, all positive; all Omega.
You couldn’t believe this, your whole life you had heard on repeat over and over “Alpha, Alpha, you are an Alpha.”
Her parents were both Alphas which meant you were supposed to be an Alpha!
The possibility of being an Omega for you had to be less than six percent. The last Omega in your family was your great-great-grandmother on your mother’s side or some distant shit like that. Your aunts and uncles were all Alphas.
Your family have always told you that “to be an Omega is to be a waste of time. A curse. A weak link of society.”
Omegas were submissive, obedient, they were at home looking after pups or in the hospital at the nursery or at daycares looking after loud, slobbering toddlers.
Your family were strongly built, they were made of soldiers, police officers, construction developers, political leaders and company CEO’s. Not pathetic, whiney housewives. Omegas were “too emotional” for those bigger fields.
Currently you were seeing your whole world and way of life swirling down the toilet bowl as you flushed it. You wanted to stay in college and study to be a high paid vet! Now you were risking being sent to a correctional centre or foreign country with extra distant family and forced to knit and paint until finally sold off to a partner or a birthing centre for science.
You sobbed harder before finally vomiting over the toilet bowl induced by the overwhelming stress.
Laying your cheek on the seat you glanced at your phones time and cringed. Your mother would be home any minute! Picking up each test, you considered snapping them in half and clogging the toilet up with them, but what was the point? When scent was in the picture evolution was the final bitch...
Looking at the many smiley faces in your hands you felt like they were mocking you, laughing at your further misery. Normally you would have gotten angry, but now…instead you were consumed by hopelessness and sadness.
You cried and cradled the pee tests to your chest. Stumbling out of the bathroom you floated to your side table and laid the tests down. You slumped and crawled into your bed, beneath your covers, you hugged the duvets and sniffled.
“W-worst day ever,” you whimpered and whined over and over, muffled by the softness of your pillows.
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April 15th 2023, 16:30pm, Trinity, California, America.
“Y/N! Come down here young lady!” Your mother called from the kitchen.
Your eyes flashed open, You were wrapped in a tumble of your sheets and blankets. Your mother must’ve just come just gotten home, she was always so busy with her corporate work. You hadn’t seen your dad in two weeks since his overtime in the city bank.
Who were you to complain? It paid for everything you had ever known...You just wished some money could’ve bought times you missed or never experienced with your family...
You could hear her call again, firmer this time around.
You groaned and dragged yourself up from your bed and down the stairs. Your stomach growled, you were starved...hungry. You looked at your phone again and squinted at the time...four hour long nap.
You wondered what your mother was planning to cook or if she was just going to order another pizza, her cooking sucked if you were being honest...
Stepping into the kitchen your mother was kicking off her leather shoes and ripping her suit blazer over the counter. She looked angry, god why was she so pissed now? What had you done this time?
“What did I say about boys?” She snapped over her shoulder. She slammed the medical cabinet shut and frantically popped a suppressant and painkiller. She swallowed them dry and grunted, clenching a fist and held up an accusing finger at you.
Sure she had every right to be grumpy. It was your job to complete chores while you studied at home. Laundry hadn’t been folded and dishes hadn’t been put away from the dish washer.
But to be mad about boys? Now that, you didn’t understand the sudden burst of tone.
You felt your body loosen and turn icy, your skin covered in goosebumps.
Your mother was furiously popping a second pill before her when you shivered, “D-don’t bring boys over.”
She sneered, her canines flashing; her eyes identical to yours, glared you down.
Stepping around you to the pantry cupboards, she whipped out an air freshener and dosed the room in a scent of lavender…only to be clouded by hormonal pheromones again...the lavender was defenceless against the smell.
You felt the air grow painfully heavy as your mother hissed and sprayed the can out, before furiously slamming onto the counter and slamming the cupboards shut.
“Then why the fuck do I smell an omega?!” her sharp nail pointed to the ceiling and she began yelling as though there was someone upstairs she was calling to, “You tell that bloody boy to get out before I haul his goddamn omega ass out onto the fucking sidewalk!”
Omega…She thinks I brought an omega over…She smells…me…omega…I’m an omega…no…no…
“M-mum…I don’t have a b-boy over,” You stepped from side to side nervously and wrung your hands.
Your mother pinched the bridge her of nose and sighed, “Well Y/N…I didn’t know you were into girls,” gently reaching out, she pulled back your silk cap, releasing your protected hair, “…but she needs to leave.”
 Your mother’s fingers touched your cheek, she flinched at the heat in your face, you were boiling. It was then that colour started to fade from her face.
“Mom, please-” Before you could explain that you were the cause of the flooding scent, she marched her way up stairs and slammed open your bedroom door where a giant wave of humid Omega scent flew out.
No…no! Mom! Stop! No!
Your voice was silent, your lips shut in a worried grimace.
As you ran up the stairs after her, you could hear your mother’s high pitched scream.
April 15th 2023, 17:45pm, Trinity, California, America.
The hospital was…cold…the air-conditioning peltsd down on your neck, it made you want to snuggle deeper into your sweater, it might’ve been spring and warming up but you felt so hot and cold and you knew the soft material is what you needed.
Your mother was trembling just as hard as you were. Her knee was bouncing hard and she.keot wiping her mouth and checking her phone. Your father wasnt responding to any of her texts or calls.... you couldn’t tell if your mother was experiencing fear, rage even …disappointment. She hadn’t let you touch her ever since she found all the positive Omega tests. When you tried to hold her hand, she growled at you from the back of her throat.
It hurt your feelings badly.
You craved touch, you needed support, you needed your mum, you needed affection.
The waiting room was almost empty, the only other people was an Omega man with his pup in a sling while his Alpha wife continued to protectively touch their baby’s forehead. You stared at the baby though… pups…where are my pups?...
“Y/N Y/L/N?” an English accent cut through the train of thought on the baby. In the doorway to the hall, a tall doctor was looking between you and the couple. When you stood up, with your mother hot on your tail, he smiled and led your both to his office.
Awkwardly you sat down onto a waiting chair next to the doctors desk. Taking a deep breath you could smell the scent of Alpha and hand sanitiser. The overwhelming senses made you feel slightly nauseas.
Your mother sat beside you with an annoyed sigh, she lifted her hand out to the doctor to shake it, “Y/M/N, Mrs Y/L/n, Y/N's mother.”
The doctor gave a side glance at her reaction and then looked at you with a soft smile.
He strained in his professional British tone, “Hello Mrs Y/L/N, I’m Doctor Cavill.”
After the two Alphas acquainted themselves he finally sat in his wheeley chair and regarded you.
“What can I help you with today Miss Y/L/N?” he smiled.
You noticed how he looked so clean, and was built like a brickhouse, he smelt like an Alpha. The rooms light glinted on his medical wrist band proclaiming him as his blood type and confirming his own scent.
Behind his spectacles, his eyes were kind, made of two colours, blue and his left eye had a tip of brown…it was merely something you saw...his smile was warm like a freshly baked cookie. Oh god…you was aroused.
You didn’t realise your weren’t answering his question when he stared at you. Your mother finally answered.
“She smells like an Omega.”
Such a dirty word...Omega...you cringed.
....goddess...please don’t let me be a homely sulk.
The Doctor then turned his attention away and pursed his lips and lifted a single brow at your mother, “Is something wrong with that?”
The older woman scoffed and rose her voice to a humiliating state. Your heart was beating fast, your cheeks were heating up and you tried sinking further into the seat. Your nose dug into the woollen shoulder of your sweater. What you would give to be allowed to hide away from this situation.
“Her father and I are both pure blooded Alphas! How can this happen!? The last omega we had was my great-grandmother and that’s it!”
Doctor Cavill sighed calmly as he took off his glasses and placed them on his desk. He folded his arms and stood from his desk, “I see, well then Mrs Y/L/N, please step outside to the waiting room. I will need to conduct a blood and vaginal test.”
Your mother obviously huffed and grumbled about ‘how unprofessional’ and ‘surely I can stay’.
Even now you wanted her to leave with her hostile attitude. Luckily there was no way a female Alpha would argue with a male Alpha. When the door shut though it felt strange. All the heavy tension in the room lifted off of your chest. You felt instantly calmer and made it easier to breathe.
The doctor sat back into his desk chair and crossed a leg over another casually.
“So…” he smiled, “How do you feel Miss Y/L/N?”
You gulped slightly and shakily answered, “Everything is smelling sweeter than normal,” you hated the scent of hand sanitiser but now it was something you wanted to shove up your nose.
If it blocked out every other scent from the dust on the walls to the chocolate in the vending machine outside to the scent of the alpha right in front of you…You would drink it all down.
“No,” he chuckled, pushing back from his desk and started rummaging through his desk for medical items, “I mean, are you okay? Are you stressed or scared, or are you alright? I can always get a cup of water for you. But we need to take your blood first.”
You shook your head and tucked your neck deeper down into your sweater. Your fingers felt the scratchiness of the wool. You nodded and slipped the material off over your head and folded it neatly onto the chair your mother sat.
“I’m terrified,” you confessed, your voice choked up, “I don’t want to be an Omega, I hope this is just a stupid puberty flux…maybe it’s a flip!”
It wasn’t uncommon for this situation to happen. Hormones can sometimes Flip and shows signs for the two other blood types, sometimes blood has become contaminated due to high iron levels or too much sugar intake. Diabetes were always Flipping the board. There were a million things that could cause a Flip in the hormonal pool.
“There’s nothing wrong with being an Omega you know,” the doctor commented sternly, holding up a needle, changing the needle point while you choked.
You felt unusually insulted, “Everything is wrong with being an Omega, I won’t get the job I want and I won’t be allowed to come to parties with my friends, I’ll be stuck home with a…a…a fucking baby. Or sent to a breeding farm! I heard about the science experiments conducted on pregnant Omegas in the camps.”
The doctor turn abruptly at yoj and narrowed his eyes at you, he appeared offended. What does he need to be offended about, he’s an Alpha!
But his frown became a smirk, “You’re aware they are safetly committed with the Omegas consent?”
 He patted the medical chair in the centre of the room, “But whatever case, what do you want to do Career wise?” he asked while you crawled up atop of the tall chair and let him pull up your sleeve and wipe the alcohol on your arm.
“I want to be a vet,” you winced as the needle broke through your skin. You looked away from the bubbling blood being sucked up through the tube.
As he pulled away and capped the needle tip he asked, “Ever thought about midwifery?”
“I don’t like babies,” you snorted ignoring how desperately you were yearning to have one of your own ten minutes ago, “They’re so uncomfortable to be around. And I don’t want to listen to a screaming woman in labour.”
You noticed the movement in his shoulders as they slumped, he nodded and you felt like you were failing an unspoken test. You felt a rising anxiety, you growled to yourself, it’s just a hormonal Flip.
“Fair enough,” Doctor Cavill said off handily, he sealed up your blood tube in a plastic bag and started to write your details. The pen cap lazily hung from his lips. He looked like he smoked…he didn’t smell like it though, maybe it was the way he stood. His scent was so easy to smell and feel…you yearned to know if he could smell you. And to your tragic uncontrol, your underwear were rubbing rough against your sensitive areas, the fumes dragged out this needing slick that was sickening.
Being omega is disgusting, this is what they do all the time? Gross! GET ME SOME ALPHA HORMONES NOW.
You knew this had to be wrong, all the time you had been surrounded by alphas and you had been strong and confident like an alpha, maybe a little strategic like a beta. You were sure though you were alpha rather than beta and there was no possible way for you to present as a dormant omega for this long!
Normally Omegas presented at fucking fourteen to sixteen not your age!!
“How old are you Miss Y/L/N?”
“I’m eighteen,” You informed him of your birthday and he nodded, writing it down in the corner of the bag.
You were officially pissed off, crossing your arms you felt your eyes watering. “I want to be an Alpha or even a Beta,” You whimpered, “I can’t be an Omega, no way.”
The whimper…Shit! Stop whimpering you baby! Stop proving this point! Could you be anymore Omega!?
The doctor placed the test bag on his desk before gifting yoh a soft tissue “Have you taken a home determine test?” his hands settled onto his knees as he crouched down before you.
You broke out into a light sob and nodded, “ugh huh, I took six different ones…all positive for Omega.”
The doctor smiled sadly and handed you the box of tissues he had on his desk. A nurse came knocking barely after you had started. It made you feel puny when you couldn’t stop yourself from crying. You felt helpless, why couldn’t they just get you some alpha hormones already?
“Please take this to the test room,” he asked the nurse, handling a plastic bag with your needle inside.
Doctor Cavill let you cry as long as you wanted and reminded you that it wasn’t a hundred percent if you were an Omega yet.
The doctor rubbed your back and cleared his throat. From a draw below your feet he pulled out a green plastic cape, “Miss Y/L/N would you like to step into the bathroom there and remove your bottoms? Put the gown on?”
Time to get the vaginal confirmation that you were tighter than a needle hole. You pushed his hand away. God he sounded patronising, even if he was being merely polite about the events unfolding you took it as a personal attack, an underlying “You’re a weak omega, deal with it!”
No! I’m not an Omega!
Things were escalating to quickly; you barely realised the conclusions you were leaping to and how dramatic you were pushing with these emotions. You sniffed hard and snapped at him, “Can’t I just take my pants off now?”
Doctor Cavill shifted back uncomfortably, he grit his teeth and scrunched up his eyes, “I merely am offering a more comfortable option,” he clapped his hands, “But you may if you wish, have you ever attended a gynaecologist for a papsmear?” he asked as he got his tools ready from another draw.
You leaped off the chair and slammed yout foot down.
“Duh!” You yelled, kicking your shoes off, and shoving your pants down, You were furious. Moodswings was a popular symptom of Flips.
“I just want to get this over with. Mum is so pissed off. Can’t wait for some fucking A-pills,” you grumbled, leaning back into the chair and spread your legs apart…normally yoh did this with a female doctor but right now you were too impatient to request a woman and you needed to know how fucked up your Flip was and how long would you be experiencing it and how powerful would the drugs be.
You couldn’t even stand the look your mother gave you when she held up the positive determine tests with horror.
The doctor cleared his throat again, snapping white gloves onto his hand and over his wrist band. He squirted a tube of lube over his hands and over the speculum, lining it up to your vagina and pushed it inside slowly, “Miss Y/L/N, please relax for me.”
You huffed to yourself. I am fucking relaxed! -No you’re not, you’re a bad omega, obey him!
The metal was cold inside of you but you were looking forward to the results: Alpha, Alpha, Alpha, I am Alpha.
He took a flashlight and shone the light down your passage, looking down at your inner muscles, “How often do you practise sexual intercourse Miss Y/L/N?” looking up at you from your fuzzy pussy.
Shit, the scent was strong, it was so sweet like maple syrup and honey but sweeter…lick me. Oh fuck please alpha please please.
You shook your head and blushed, “N-never, I’ve only masturbated. So…last papsmear I only came in to make sure I didnt have a yeast infection.”
You swallowed hard, your head felt hot and you swore yoj could feel cold sweat dripping down, “Am I an Alpha or Beta?”
The doctor dipped two rubber fingers inside of you, patting down and around inside You. And suddenly his eyes widened, he gently slipped out his fingers and the cold speculum out. On his fingers was blood…oh shit…
“You may sit up and dress Miss Y/L/N, “The doctor set his tools and gloves into a silver tray. You trembled…what were you? A or B?
He was washing his hands in the sink right beside your head as you bit your lips and tugged up your undies and jeans back up. The room was so quiet, the only noise was the sinks running water and the air conditioner. You shivered and sniffled.
Doctor Cavill’s shoulders were low, he turned his head and faced you. Twisting his fingers together he shook his head, “Miss Y/L/N,” he started with a long exhaled breath, “You’re days away from your first Estrus.”
The earth dropped and the moon broke and the stars were dimmed…“What do you mean Estrus!?” yoj questioned. Tears spurted from your eyes again. Gagged by nature.
No fucking way. Yes way.
“‘Heat’, an Omega will go into Estrus or commonly known as Heat while an Alpha will go into Oestrus commonly known as a ‘Rut’,” Doctor Cavill tried explain only for the blood to boil out of you and make you scream at him.
“I know what it is! I must be going into Oestrus, n-not an estrus, I can’t be an Omega, doctor! Ch-Check again!”
Sweat trailed from your face down your neck, your heart was punching your insides, seeking an escape through your ribcage.
When you tried undoing your pants again, The doctor tore your hands away and took your wrists up, he was breathing harshly through his nose, “Miss Y/L/N I’m going to have to ask you to sit down and take a deep breath. Listen to me.”
You shook your head over and over, you couldn’t believe it! You were beginning to sob hard, choking on tears.
You wailed, “No, no, no, please doctor, please!”
Out of the depth of the doctor’s chest came a stern growl, “Sit. Down. Now. Or I will have to restrain and sedate you.”
Your body was out of control, you didn’t want to sit but your arse met the chair cushion anyway.
Good omega.
The doctor huffed, shaking his head with disappointment, your head flinched down, cowering and humiliated. You felt apologetic, but this wasn’t the real you!!
“Good girl,” he praised, he handed you a paper cup filled with water from the sink, “Now drink.”
The water was gulped down in a heartbeat, yoh needed the refreshment even if you didn’t want it, your doctor nodded, “That’s it.”
As you sipped on some more water the nurse from earlier stepped inside and handed the doctor a sheet of paper. The blood results… You shook on the spot, your red face panicking.
“Pl-please,” you choked on the water slightly, clearing your sore throat, you sniffled, “What does it say?”
There was still a chance, maybe he was wrong; maybe this was just a intense Oestrus that was causing you to bleed. Maybe it was so strong your vaginal walls were stabbing themselves, seeking out an omega cock to claim.
Cavill looked from you to the parchment a few times, he shook his head. He held out the medical sheet to you and pointed to a positive cross.
The world went silent even as he was talking to you…it was a distant noise. Static.
“Miss Y/L/N, you are as I had diagnosed, Omega positive,” he scratched his neck gland gently, “You are days away from your first Estrus. I will give you a choice to either battle through it with medical aids or medical suppressants.”
You dropped the paper and the cup, the shock was as cold as ice. You felt weak, your arms numb, your eyes rolled back and your mouth lulled open. Your life was completely over.
You were Omega...and you fainted.
April 16th 2023, 1:25am, Trinity, California, America.
When you woke up, you were delirious. The world wouldn’t stop twisting and turning. Above you was a bright light, you cringed away and whimpered. There was a mean bite at your wrist.
You felt cold, washed out. Your body was laid out and angled up a slight. Your cheek rubbed into the soft hospital pillow. You smelt blood, so much metallic salt in the air. And your stomach was viciously growling. You peered down and noticed what was pinching your wrist. Handcuffs. You were handcuffed to the railing of the hospital bed!
Clearing your eyes, you noted how you were surrounded by three blue curtains. One was quick to open, making you jump.
The nurse from earlier smiled at you eagerly, her Beta tag was super shiny in the light, forcing you to blink rapidly, “Oh look, you’re awake. Can you please tell me your full name sweetheart?”
When you sat up you moaned out your entire name.
Before you could ask about the handcuffs being removed, the nurse smiled and held up a torch.
“Wonderful, now I am gonna need to shine a little light in your eye, can you please look into the corner of the ceiling dear?”
Doing as you were told, it was quick and over as soon as it had begun. The nurse was pleased, “Fabulous, right, I’ll be right back, Doctor Cavill needs to have a chat with you.”
“B-but my hand…”
Ignoring you, the nurse left.
Something was clearly off. Why did they handcuff you!? You started to tug at the chain, feeling anxiety seep deep and activate a sense of fight or flight. The curtains reopened. And in stepped the doctor.
He grinned and nodded his head to you, “Hello there Y/N, how are we?”
You weren’t amused in the slightest, quick with retort, “Chained to a bed rail.”
He smiled and whipped out a key, uncuffing you from the bed. You cradled your wrist rubbing the ring indent in your skin, murmuring ‘thankyou’.
Your stomach loudly purred, extinguishing the level of discomfort you wanted to send the doctor. “…and hungry.”
“I’ll tell the nurse to get you some jello,” he chuckled, rubbing his hands. Just as he was to leave, you launched yourself forward and caught his medical coat, “Wh-where’s my mom?”
He softly assured you, “She is just sitting in my room, we were discussing options after I showed her and your father your blood results.” Oh…dad…oh jesus…he finally was here.
You suspected your father to have been incredibly furious. How much furniture did he break?
“You…” you paused, “options…” You gulped and smiled at the doctor, “….I want suppressants...as soon as possible.” They would surely fix everything! You could have some and go have a coffee with your friends tomorrow.
“Not those kind of options…” He sighed and perched himself near your feet at the foot of the bed.
That was a weird answer…what does he mean? Could they change my DNA? Could they turn me into an Alpha.
You had heard of some new sciences like that coming in. The ability to change your DNA genome...
“What other types are there?” you laughed hesitantly.
When he didn’t answer you, It was like the air grew icy and heavy…there’s a reason they kept you chained like a bitch.
There was only one other option....a correctional institution. You felt sick, your hungry belly was replaced with nausea. Your nose sniffled.
“I want to see my mom,” you gulped and moved to slip out of the bed. The medical gown was scratchy against your skin, you started to feel worse, your fingers scrunched up and unravelled. Your body felt dizzy when you stood up to quickly. The doctor attempted to block your way when you peeled back the curtain to many empty beds and a single door with a sign above it...
 “Farewell room.”
No, no, fuck, no! Where’s mom and dad!
You ran at the door and shook at the handle, but it was locked. You couldn’t breathe, you were locked in with the doctor. You couldn’t escape. The floor cleaner and bright lights were clouding your senses, blinding you and burning your nostrils.
You ripped a heavy breath, not thinking it would be so painful after holding it in too long.
I won’t cry, no, no crying!
“Y/N I’m going to need you to calm down,” the doctor informed you setting his hands over your shoulders, you were fast to slap them away. You lowly growled at him and bared your teeth ferally.
Don’t you fucking touch me!
When it clicked at the severe reaction you had made especially to an alpha, you felt instant regret and guilt, you choked on more tear and buried your head into the doctors chest. His heart was beating fast too, but not like your rabbit pounding blood.
“N-no,” she cried, “I want my mommy!”
You felt the doctor soothingly rub his hand over your head and down your back. He hushed you until you were just a whimpering woman.
The door unlocked, and finally…“Y/N…” your mother spoke out to you.
You snapped back around and saw her and your father beside the door. Your father barely came inside, his lips curled in, disappointed, disgusted and silent.
A desperate and hopeful smile came to your face, your hands reached out, “Mom!”
But the older woman just stood back from you...she was keeping distance purposely. The closer you reached and sought her, the more she distanced herself and stood closer to the door.
“M-mom? H-hug me…” you begged, “pl-please mom?”
She sighed and looked away from you, refusing to look you in the eye. Shame.
“Doctor Cavill, your father and I believe it is best if you…go away for sometime,” she clutched her own arms, “…where people can help you.”
You did not see it that way at all, and you just knew she was lying out of her arse. She was getting rid of you...betraying you...disowning you....
“I don’t need to be helped,” you sniffled and smiled, “I just-just need some suppressants.”
“Y/N,” she seethed through her gritted teeth, “Go with the nice nurses.”
“M-mommy, please,” you begged pathetically and got to your knees on the cold tiled floor, “Please don’t do this!”
“STOP!” your mother screamed, “You are making a scene!” she rolled her eyes and turned around to leave, “You will go to ‘Saint Selene’s School For Adolescent Omega.’ We may see you during the summer.” And slammed the door closed.
You flinched at the cracking bang that echoed your ears.
You ran to the door and found it locked, you pounded the window with your fists and screamed out, “D-don’t leave me, please don’t leave me Dad!…M-Mummy!” your parents did not look back as they walked away, abandoning their only child.
Their backs and bodies continued to get smaller and smaller the further they walked. The sight broke your heart and soul. The concept of betrayal could not be clearer. Your breath clouded the glass, your tears slid down and tapped onto the floor, onto your naked feet.
Doctor Cavill’s hand reached out and wrapped around your bicep, trying to tug you back from the door.
“Come on,” he said.
 You shouted, “Let go of me!”
When he did not, you snarled and noticed a lonely pen on the end of a bed frame with a clip board. You grabbed it and jabbed his forearm. The blue ink spattered across his skin while he yelled in pain.
“Get the fuck off of me!” you squealed again and held up the pen with both hands, take a few steps back from the now pissed off Doctor. The sound of the door opening again had your heart rushing.
To your massive disappointment, it was the nurse who was shocked by the scene unfolded. Now you were totally surrounded.
“Put the weapon down!” the beta demanded, holding up her own hands in defence, “Now.”
“Calm,” was the word you heard the doctor say beside your ear, before pressing your back into him, grasping your jaw and finally feeling an incredibly long sting in your neck followed by the unusual flow of liquidised drugs into your body, “calm.”
You were scared, unsure of what was going into your body, your chest thundered with your beating heart until it was like you blinked and everything relaxed. Your body felt instant exhaustion and peace...you snapped back and fell back against his chest.
“Calm...” he whispered, “Calm...”
The last thing you heard...
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If you are a victim of sexual abuse, assault or domestic violence or know someone who is please reach out to these links that share helpline services, phone numbers or emails. Consent and respect is important in every relationship whether between friends, family or even strangers. .
Australian Helpline Services
UK Helpline Services
American Helpline Services
India Helpline Services.
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dapper-zappa · 1 year
His Conejita, Her Spider. | Miles Morales
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Pairing: Miles Morales x Fem!Civilian!Reader
Summary: While you're hanging out in your boyfriend's place, a particular sketch in Miles's room intrigues you and then you get to know the meaning behind it.
Word count: ~1,5k
Warnings: Fluff, established relationship, cute Miles, Uncle Aaron death mention, Mama Rio interrupting some couple's time 😭
A/N: I love how the "Childish Gambino inspired Miles" thing has come full circle so don't mind Miles and Y/N talking abt him in the first part of the fic. If you find any mistranslated Spanish, please let me know abt it <3
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Today’s one of those days where Miles invited you to his family’s place because hanging out with his girl is simply one of his favorite things to do, other than drawing various kinds of doodles in his sketchbook. While the two of you don’t have any homework for now, there’s nothing better than to spend the time together… right? Miles’s family also grew a lot on you to the point you almost see his mom Rio as an aunt figure and his dad Jeff as an uncle figure. 
“Hi… Mr. and Mrs. Morales. I’m Y/N L/N, Miles’s classmate.” you greeted shyly. 
Rio let out a warm chuckle. “Oh mija, no need to be shy around me. Feel free to call me Mrs. Morales or Tía Morales, I’m fine with both though so you’re welcome.” (dear)
“You must be Miles’s new girlfriend!” Jeff joined. “Kinda wish his uncle Aaron is still here because he’d love to see his little nephew together with a girl he pulled up, though.” he whispered into your ear, much to Miles’s annoyance. 
The tunes from various songs in Miles’s playlist flowed through the earbud you shared with him in your ear. One of his hands linked with yours the entire time he talked about why he loved the artists featured in his playlist, and you couldn’t help but smile the entire time at your doe-eyed boyfriend passionately rambling about his favorite artists. 
He’s an artsy boy who enjoyed drawing and making , but also in love with music and how it made the world feel more alive, according to him. And you loved him for that because while you’re not an artist yourself, listening to Miles’s rambles about his favorite artists and seeing the drawings he drew by himself made you appreciate the hard work between them more. Even the fact your boyfriend’s mostly self taught in art.
“So I’ve been thinking…” you mused, getting absorbed in the song currently playing from your earbud. 
“Hmm? Told you that you’d like Childish Gambino.” Miles gently nudged your arm. “It’s obvious I love Sunflower by Post Malone at this point but dude’s discography is like, everything to me-“ 
“No no no no, it’s just that for some silly reason, whenever I look at his face… he kinda reminds me of your uncle from the photos here. I can’t exactly describe why but maybe it’s because of his entire vibe? Like, both him and your uncle have this sort of warm, approachable chill vibe? ” you giggled, trying your best to dismiss how silly your brain was being right now. “I honestly don’t know.” 
He thought about what you had just said about one of his favorite artists and his uncle for a brief moment, nodding once he found himself agreeing with it. 
“You know what, you’re right.” he flashed you a dopey grin. “Actually my uncle introduced me to Childish Gambino first.”
“Wait, what? Miles, are you serious?” 
 “Cielo, I’m serious.” he immediately paused the music from his phone. “So it all started with that one time I heard ‘Me and Your Mama’ blaring in my uncle Aaron’s place, then when he told me about the song’s title thanks to him noticing me jamming myself to it, he also said that the song reminded me of my dad falling in love with my mom. While he just thinks Childish Gambino is neat, for me his music means a lot because I was really close with my uncle and he always comes up in my mind whenever I listen to one of his songs.” 
“That explains why he pops up quite a lot in your playlist.” you said. “I like that. You’ve got a great taste.”
Miles shyly scratched the back of his neck. “You do? Well thanks, I mean- yours isn’t so bad either.” 
The more you hung out in Miles’s place, the more you loved his place and his family because of how close you were now with him and his parents. Though you just noticed a particular object displayed on his desk began to arouse the curiosity within when your head turned to face the desk he often used as both his little art studio and his study desk. 
It was a drawing of you with for some reason, rabbit ears on top of your head smiling gleefully, along with sunflowers surrounding your smiling face. It was a really beautiful artwork, from what you’ve seen. Out of the many impressive works made by your boyfriend, it’s definitely your new favorite as of now. 
“Why, thank you!” you beamed, though your demeanor suddenly shifted into a nervous one as your eyes briefly glanced at his desk. “But if you don't mind… Can I look at the little drawing on your desk?” hesitatingly, you pointed at the artwork on his desk but Miles cut you off before you could say anything else.
His eyes widened at the mention of the piece of artwork you were referring to. “Y-you sure you wanna look at it?” he stammered, standing up from the bed. 
Walking towards his desk, he picked up the paper before sitting back on the bed and handing it to you. 
“I hope you’ll like this one.” 
You took the paper from his hands and now focused yourself on the drawing depicted on the paper. You couldn’t believe your eyes as you finally got to see it right in front of your eyes. From the precise ink strokes in the sketch that made up your face’s exact likeness, how the drawing pops from the vibrant yellow, orange, and pink used in it, and to the silly little addition he chose to add this time in the form of bunny ears, you couldn’t help but love the drawing (and Miles himself) more than before. 
“You like it, cielo?” His question made you snap out of your trance.
“This is way more than beautiful, babe!” you squealed, immediately wrapping your arms around him. “I can’t describe how perfect this drawing is and the sunflowers are the best addition because they look so bright and like, everything about this is so amazing.”
“You’re welcome, Y/N.” he replied. 
By this point, both of your faces were beaming with happiness. You from being impressed by your boyfriend’s art skills, and Miles, from the fact you loved this doodle of you that he had drawn. Keeping your arms placed on his shoulders, you slightly pulled away from the embrace in order to face him while his hands reached for your waist. 
“But one question, Miles.” you retrieved the paper again and shoved it directly in front of his face. “Why the bunny ears? It’s not like I hate them or anything, I just wanna know why.” smirking, you waved the drawing to tease him until he revealed the answer..
He playfully shoved the paper away and gave you the biggest and proudest shit eating grin you’ve ever seen as he pulled you closer by the waist, before whispering in your ear. 
“Because you’re my cute little bunny rabbit. That’s why I often call you ‘conejita’, because it literally means ‘bunny’ and the sunflowers represent how much I love you and how happy you make me.”
Before you could say anything, you were interrupted by Rio clearing her throat. You immediately scrambled away from Miles and caught the sight of her holding 2 mugs of steaming hot chocolate standing in front of his bedroom door.
“Just wanna say that I made some hot chocolate, kids!” Rio chimed in as she set down the mugs on Miles’s desk. “And my oh my, Miles, looks like you and Y/N were having some serious love conversations right now from the looks of it.” she teased, putting her hands on her hips. 
“Mamá, ¿por qué no llamaste a la puerta?” Miles whined.  (Mom, why didn’t you knock the door?)
“Dios mío, Miles, ¿no te diste cuenta de que dejaste la puerta abierta?”  (My god, Miles, didn't you notice that you left the door open?)
“I’m sorry, mamá, I forgot to close the door so I didn’t notice you were coming.” 
“Está bien, mijo. Just make sure next time you don’t do it again, okay?” Rio gently patted Miles’s shoulder before she headed to leave her son’s room, only for her to pop her head back in, much to his annoyance. (It’s okay, dear.)
“What again, mom?” 
“I love you both!” she winked, closing the door and truly leaving from the room this time. 
Leaving the tiny awkward moment you two just had because of your boyfriend’s mom barging in, you both continued your previous activities of just chatting with each other while listening to each other’s playlist. It’s really sweet to know that the symbolism Miles put in the drawing of you with bunny ears meant wonders to him thanks to his adoration for you. Now you get why movies and artworks tend to be careful with the colors or details depicted there, because symbolism were pretty much seemingly small things that actually mean a lot, like why Miles chose to draw you with bunny ears and sunflowers around you in the artwork. 
You’re his bunny rabbit, and he’s your spider. How cute is that?
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labyrinth-runner · 9 months
Merry Christmas, Darling
Okay so this is technically centered around Coruscant's winter Fete week for New Years so technically NOT christmas, and the song has no bearing on this piece of work but this is my christmas present to you darlings, so.
Summary: Reader is a senator stuck in Coruscant and misses their family's get together, but a certain Jedi happens to find them and make up for it.
Pairing: Obi-Wan Kenobi x Reader
Words: ~1900
Warnings: None
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The holidays were always rough. They required so much traveling to visit aunts and uncles who really didn't know anything about you but still felt the need to pass judgement. You were almost relieved when the senate called for an emergency meeting. You'd volunteered to stay behind to represent your faction so that Senators Amidala and Organa could go home to their families. The meeting hadn't lasted long. It was the warmonger's attempt to prolong the war while those that wanted peace weren't around. They lost the vote, but you'd lost most of the day and oh no, now it was much too late to attempt to make it home for the holiday. Sorry, Aunt Migante.
Your footsteps echoed off the walls of the Senate as you made your way down to the ground level, your hood pulled well over your face. It was a holiday, so you knew most of the places you normally went to would be closed, but you hoped that at least one would be open.
It was.
Dex's Diner was always your haven. You didn't know how he managed to make some hole in the wall feel like home to people from all walks of life, but he did.
"Dex, thank you for being the only reputable establishment open today," you called, falling into your normal booth towards the back. The window covered half the booth (the half you didn't sit in) so you could see out, but it was hard for those outside to see you.
"Reputable is debatable, kid," Dex called, leaning out the kitchen window. "You're not going home for the holiday?"
"And miss out on your braised shaak roast? Never," you said with a smile. You leaned your elbows on the table, resting your chin on your hands and added, "The senate had an emergency meeting. I'd arrive much too late even if I left now. Besides, I'm not missing much. I'm unattached and don't have any kids of my own. My parents are probably relieved that they don't have to host me on top of everything else going on."
Dex tsked at you. "Don't take family for granted."
You caught site of a familiar brown cloak coming towards the door. Dex grinned wider as the new patron came through the door.
"A Senator AND a Jedi? My humble establishment must be on the up and up," Dex said. You could hear him chuckling above the scrape of the spatula on the grill.
Raising your mug of caf at Obi-Wan in a mock toast, you said, "Welcome fellow traveler."
Obi-Wan smirked, sliding into your booth. "You're in my seat."
"I was here first." You took a sip of caf. "What the kriff are you doing here, though? Don't the Jedi do something to celebrate the holiday?"
Obi-Wan's smile faded. "It hasn't been the same since Qui-Gon. He used to love Fete but now it's a reminder of another year without his guidance."
"That's not a very Jedi-like thought." You teased.
He shrugged. "My master is one with the force. I have learned to let go of most things in life, but you cannot help but miss things, still. It's just a matter of not dwelling on it and letting it ruin you." He leaned back in the booth. "Things come and go, Darling, but the force continues on, and so should we." He raised an expectant eyebrow at you. " Why aren't you going home?"
Now it was your turn to shrug. "Meeting ran late. Too late to go home now."
"I'm sure your family wouldn't care when you showed up." As long as you were there. He didn't say it, but you could feel the implication.
You sipped your caf as the waitress droid placed two roasts in front of you. When she left, you leaned forward towards him. He mirrored your movements. "I don't want to go," you murmured.
"Why ever not?" he asked, his brows raising into his forehead.
"Because I don't want to face their judgment." You sighed.
"You are a galactic senator of well-renown and you are greatly respected. Why would they ever judge you and how could they ever find you lacking even if the did?"
You looked at your roast, cutting it into smaller and smaller bits with every word. "Because I'm not married. I don't have children. I don't have an ounce of talent at the family business." You dropped your cutlery on the table. "It doesn't matter that I am the voice of the people. What matters is that I don't live like them."
"And what kind of life is that?"
"One where your fists matter more than your words and the blood, sweat, and tears you pour into the earth mean more than the contributions you make to bettering the world. We're supposed to care about our own before you go helping others. I never quite agreed with that philosophy," you admitted.
The two of you ate in silence for a few moments before Obi-Wan placed his fork down. "Well, are there any traditions about your planet's Fete that you miss?"
Chewing the roast, and letting the warm spices coat your tongue, you gave his question consideration. "I miss baking the Lemba breads with my grandmother. She was the only one who ever took me seriously."
"How long has she been gone?" His voice was gentle. You knew he understood.
"Almost ten years," you said, feeling hot tears slip down your cheeks. You dipped your head and hastily rubbed them away with your hands. "I'm sorry. I haven't thought about her in a while. Usually because it feels like this when I do."
He reached over and placed a hand on your shoulder. "How about we finish our meal and make some Lemba bread together?"
"You know how to make it?"
"No, but, Darling, you know I'd learn anything for you." He smiled, and you wanted to kiss him.
The thought clanged through you. Obi-Wan had always been a friend to you since you came to Coruscant and he was assigned to protect you on your diplomatic trips. Obi-Wan had always been there, and even now, even here, this was a space that belonged to the two of you, meeting here almost monthly on accident at first, and then on purpose as you made more and more trips here in the hopes of seeing him. Deep down, you knew that you'd come here today hoping to find the comfort of Obi-Wan's presence. He just had a way of making you feel at ease. You spent your whole life listening to others, but Obi-Wan made you feel heard. Obi-Wan, with his chin dimple, and his beard that tickled whenever he leaned in to whisper complaints about the senate to you during meetings. Obi-Wan with his strong arms that pulled you out of danger more times than you could count. Obi-Wan with his heart of gold that you knew could never be yours, even though the realization that he had yours crashed through you like a wrecking ball.
"I like that idea," you finally said, realizing you'd been silent for too long.
He nodded and you continued to eat, answering the occasional question about what Fete was like on your homeworld and what other traditions you missed. You thanked Dex for the meal, and made your way towards the door.
"I'll meet you at your apartments," he said with a secretive smile. "I have something to take care of first."
You gave him a quizzical look, but didn't question in. The closest shop that had what you'd need closed in an hour, so you took off, getting what you needed. Getting back home was more difficult, trying not to lose your loot off your speeder. You stayed mostly close to the ground, choosing to land at the bottom of your apartments and ride up in the lift as opposed to braving the fast paced traffic to land on your balcony.
Music was playing as you got off the lift, and it was getting steadily louder the closer you got to your house. It still didn't prepare you for the inside of your apartment. In the time since you'd parted, he'd managed to decorate your house in lights and candles, just like tradition mandated. Garlands swept across the ceiling, pieces of tinsel dangling down. The culprit himself, caught tying a small green bunch of herbs to the middle of a garland.
You cleared your throat, and he turned to you, blushing.
"I was hoping I'd have a little more time," he admitted.
Your eyes narrowed at what he tied up there, and began to laugh as you realized what it was. "Do you know the purpose of that?"
"You never really said. You just joked about how your cousin stole it one year to take to school. What's the tradition behind it?"
"I could show you," you murmured. You were flirting dangerous territory and you knew it. He didn't. You stepped into his space, running your hands up his chest. He took a deep breath in at the contact. No, you couldn't kiss him like this. Not without him knowing. "That little bough of herbs was said to bless the union of all who kissed under it. "
His adam's apple bobbed as he swallowed that knowledge. But he didn't step away. Instead, he raised a tentative hand to your cheek, stroking his thumb along your cheek bone. "Well, you can't say no to tradition, Darling."
Your eyes widened as he leaned down, pressing a kiss to your lips. It was soft, and then he went to pull away. But, you couldn't let that happen as you'd barely reacted. Your hands fisted his tunic on either side of his chest and pulled him back down for a searing kiss. His arms looped around you, pulling you flush against him. You nipped the bottom of his lip and he opened his mouth, letting you explore. His hold on you was the only thing keeping you upright as you pulled apart since your knees were weak beneath you.
"I...." you trailed off not really knowing how to put into words everything you felt.
"I know," he murmured. "I feel it, too. I've always felt it."
"Felt what?'' you asked, stroking your thumb along his exposed collar bone, his tunic having slipped a little loose by your grip.
"That you're my family," he admitted. "When Anakin was little, he was always just a nuisance, but there was that one time on--"
He nodded. "When you were meeting with Bail and challenged him to a skiing competition but we lost the rest of the party and got snowed into that little cabin. It just..."
"Felt right?" you finished, remembering how you'd all fallen into the domestic life so easy for the three days it took for Obi-Wan to clear the snow enough that you could get back down the mountain."
"I hadn't felt that way since Qui-Gon. And then you were there in the diner on today of all days... and it just felt like a sign," he murmured.
"I think that was the real reason I couldn't go home," you said, tipping up to kiss him on the cheek. "My real family was here."
He cleared his throat, a smile on his face. "So, now that our union has been blessed, shall we make some Lemba to celebrate?"
"I like the sound of that."
"Happy Fete, Darling."
"Happy Fete, Obi-Wan."
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planerot · 1 year
For Mater: 🧸👻🎶👽🦾💔🪢🔪💄😺😭🖕😬📓🍫
(I know it’s a lot, but I really like Mater. Unfortunately, I can’t seem to find any headcanons about him.)
(Sorry it took a bit to get to this, I don't mind how many headcanons you want, I fully agree that Mater gets 0 attention from the fandom :(. A lot of these ones are slightly inspired by the Mater's Tall Tales shorts, so have fun seeing if you can pick out which ones are inspired by which short.)
🧸: I'm pretty sure it's canon that Mater has a big family, (don't quote me on that, it's been a hot second since I've rewatched all three movies), so I imagine that as a kid he would spend a lot of summers travelling out to family reunions and birthday parties and other various events with his extended family.
👻: I think Mater has a fear of abandonment. He knows he can be kind of annoying sometimes and after the events of Cars 2, he especially worries he might accidentally push away those he cares about.
🎶: He's actually a massive fan of rock, punk, metal and heavy metal music. Most people never peg him as the type to enjoy that kind of stuff, but the second any song from those genres comes on, regardless of it's from one of the most famous bands ever or some super obscure indie group, Mater is able to sing along word for word.
👽: There's a part of Mater that genuinely believes in the supernatural/cryptic. He knows all the ghost/alien/cryptid stories and will happily tell anyone who asks about them will 100% sincerity. He is really good at campfire stories because of this, even those not easily spooked can get a shiver up their spine when Mater tells his spooky stories
🦾: In canon, it's been shown that rusty cars literally fall apart, so I feel Mater has some chronic pain because his axles and other such parts are rusted. My headcanon is that rust kinda functions like some mix between a skin condition and a degenerative physical disability. He sometimes just fully breaks down, having to be hauled over to Doc's clinic to be repaired after some part of him just got to rusty and fell apart. It feels a bit ironic that the tow truck needs to be towed around when he breaks down, but the town never makes him feel bad about it. I also headcanon him as autistic. No real reason, hust vibes.
💔: Mater sometimes gets very jealous of Lightning. He loves his bets friend, but it also sometimes feels like he gets sidelined or not given any appreciation compared to his friend. Lightning is constantly in the spotlight, always winning races, getting national attention and having a horde of very loyal fans. Sometimes, it feels like Mater is the stupider of the two, the lesser of the two. Lightning seems to be able to do everything with ease, meanwhile Mater sometimes struggles to even do his job as a tow truck properly. They both are very supportive of each other, but Mater can feel jealous of his best friend, especially when they're fighting.
🪢: Mater has a big extended family! Multiple cousins, uncles, aunts, grandparents and other such family members. His close family, though, is actually pretty small. Just him, his mother, his father, and his sister Mato. Him and his sister are very competitive with each other to the point that outsiders may see the two as actively hating each other.
🔪: Mater's way of fighting is to use his weight and hope that works. He isn't refined at all, just kind of hoping if he hits something hard enough it'll work out. He usually isn't the type to pick a fight though, so it means he's pretty outmatched if he faces against someone who actually knows what they're doing.
💄: A human Mater would be pretty tall and chubby. He'd always be a bit dirty, wearing the same pair of overalls and boots everyday, and he'd probably have a mullet in some shape or form. He'd have a very huggable kind of vibe to him.
😺: Mater likes to feed the local pigeons and crows. (Even though he really probably shouldn't). He feeds them seeds and corn, never enough to make them dependent on him for food, but enough that they recognize his face and love to stop by for a treat.
😭: I feel likes the entire plot of Cars 2 is the worst thing that happened to Mater. Imagine going on a fun little trip with your best friend only to end up roped in a life or death spy thriller involving a mafia plot to discredit alternative fuel that has already killed 2 PROFESSIONAL SPIES. Also you and your bestie are fighting. Like I would've imploded from fear, props to Mater for doing all that with a smile on his face.
🖕: Mater gets very fidgety when he's mad. He'll pace and gesture and just overall be very jumpy. It does take a lot to get him actually angry though since he's just very carefree and happy go lucky, a lot of social cues just flying over his head, especially if it's hidden in sarcasm.
😬: He once broke one of Sally's vases and has never admitted to it. He was in the cozy cone lobby looking for her, backed up to far, and completely shattered the thing. He just kind of brushed it in a corner and drove away because he didn't want her to be mad. To this day she has no idea who did it.
📓: He collects cool rocks. He'll drive around town looking for cool pebbles/rocks and brings the back to his place once he finds one he likes. He has a pretty large collection and some of them are actually really cool, weird rocks and the rest are just normal rocks he thought were nice.
🍫: I think Mater would be a very big fan of salty foods and junk food. Stuff like beef jerky, chips, chocolate, pickled food, ice cream, etc. He isn't picky though and will eat basically all food given to him regardless of quality or actual nutrition.
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pntedstr · 3 years
Parking Lot Phase
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Based on the songs Circa 2015 and Rainbow Bap by Jaden Smith
Pairing: badboy!jisung x Reader
Genre: smut, fluff, angst
Au/Tropes: high school, strangers to lovers
Word Count: 12.5K
Warnings: swearing, jealous Jisung, car sex (kind of), dom jisung?, reckless driving,
a/n: this took me months to write because i kept forgetting about it. The ending was really rushed and i may or may not rewrite it. Its also not proof read so forgive me
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As cliche as it is, Jisung was the boy that every adult figure in your life told you to stay away from.
Your Parents, Grandparents, Aunts, Uncles, Teachers, hell even the bus drivers.
Every day he dressed head to toe in black, the only color being a few pops of red stitched into his leather jacket.
Every single girl in your high school class wanted him and he knew it.
He always teased the girls with long looks and a sweet smile from across the hallway, luring them into him.
Needless to say those same girls were usually found crying in a bathroom stall two weeks later.
Jisung, however, went on with his life, laughing and smiling with his friends like he hadn’t just ruined some poor girl’s self esteem.
Jisung usually hung out with a group of seniors,
Renjun, Jaemin, Donghyuck, and Jeno.
They all dressed and acted the same way...
Like dicks.
However, you assumed they weren’t that bad since your best friend Chenle was often found prancing around with them.
Chenle stuck out like a sore thumb around those boys as he opted for casual streetwear.
Although Chenle usually spent his school hours with the boys, he always made sure to eat lunch with you.
He didn’t want you to feel left out, you were his childhood best friend after all.
He was never going to leave you.
However, he was seriously contemplating it as he stands in front of you with furrowed eyebrows and a slacked jaw.
“What do you mean ‘no’?” Chenle questions carefully.
Jisung had just been gifted his first car by his parents yesterday and all of Chenle’s friends were going out off campus for lunch.
They were begging him to tag along but Chenle refused to leave you alone.
His friends agreed to let you come along too.
But Chenle didn't think for a second that you would decline.
“Lele, I'm not getting in a car with a bunch of random ass guys just so you don’t have to feel guilty.” You told your best friend.
You look over Chenle’s shoulder, noticing Jisung along with the rest of his clique were waiting impatiently by the school entrance.
Jisung coolly swung his car keys around his pointer finger with a bored look painted on his face.
“Random guys? They’re our classmates, y/n.”
“Still strangers to me.”
Chenle sighs, throwing his arms up in frustration
“It’s fine, Chenle, go hang out with your friends and I will stay here and eat my lunch. “ You smile tightly at him. “Alone.”
Chenle scoffed, fully knowing that your statement actually means ‘go hang out with your friends but if you do I wont speak to you for a whole week’
The two you had been in so many petty arguments before; He knows better.
You slam your locker door, preparing to turn away from him until a voice called out to the two of you.
“Hey,” Jisung says from down the hall. “Meet us outside whenever you’re done with....whatever”
The rest of the boys surrounding him nodded along and quickly followed him out of the door.
Chenle took this time to wrap his arms around your shoulders and pull you into a tight hold.
“Y/n, please, I will do anything. This is a brand new Maserati we are talking about here,” Your best friend pleads.
You contemplate for a second.
“Maserati?” You raise an eyebrow.
Chenle nods his head frantically.
“You should’ve started off with saying it was a Maserati.”
“Don’t tell me you’re agreeing to come because its a Maserati.”
You shrug and link your arm with Chenle’s.
“I didn’t take you for the gold digger type”
“I’m just a sucker for sports cars.”
You smile and watch as a wide grin spreads against your best friend's face.
“I’m so glad you’re coming because i don’t think i would have been able to handle you not talking to me for another three weeks.”
You scoff softly, “so you were actually going to leave me”
“Its a Maserati, babe,” Chenle says, leading you to the school’s parking lot.
You weren’t going to lie,
The closer you inched to Jisung’s car the more nervous you got.
Chenle could sense this and squeezed your arm softly.
Finally the the two of you stood in awe next to the sleek black Maserati.
The windows were tinted so dark that you couldn’t see anything inside.
So it shocked you a little when the back door was pushed open from the inside, nearly hitting you in the leg.
The boy you know as Jaemin, pops his head out of the door with a bright smile adorning his face.
“I was hoping you’d say yes,” The boy says out of context.
The comment kind of startled you, you weren’t expecting to have to interact with them so soon.
You were hoping they’d just ignore your presence and do what they usually do.
Without letting you question him, Jaemin slides back into the car.
You notice the lack of space in the back seat.
Looking up at Chenle, you ask him where would you sit.
Once he gets in, the backseat will be full, leaving you with nowhere to sit.
Jeno and Jaemin hastily offer you a place on their laps but you not-so politely decline.
Instead you sit down into the seat that originally was supposed to be Chenle’s before pulling your best friend into your own lap.
He complains the entire time but you refused to be the person to sit on anyone’s lap.
With Jaemin next you, he uses his charming smile to convince you to rethink your choice for the ride back.
"Don't pretend like you don't want to," He says barley above a whisper.
But not low enough to where Chenle couldn't hear it. "I can hear you, Jaemin."
The ride is surprisingly fun, everyone seems to chat with you easily including renjun who was seated in the passenger seat
The only person who didn’t speak to you much was Jisung.
But it was fine you enjoyed the attention that renjun, jeno, Donghyuck, and jaemin were feeding you
Soon enough, you guys were parked at a local diner.
The boys rushed out of the car before Jisung could even come to a complete stop.
Chenle whines as donghyuck and Jaemin quickly place themselves at your side.
Jaemin threw his arm around your waist while Hyuck’s arm rested around your shoulders.
“How can someone so pretty be friends with Chenle,” Jaemin joked
“I was wondering the same thing,” piped Jeno
Renjun laughs. “I think we all-“
You didn’t even notice the smile that was stretching to each side of your face or the giggly feeling that rested below your belly.
Chenle had been the only friend you ever really had.
So being around so many people who clearly enjoyed your presence, filled you with so much joy.
You kind of felt guilty for all of the assumptions you had previously made about them.
Entering the diner, the boys headed for the largest booth in the the back.
You were sandwiched between Jeno and Renjun with Jaemin and Chenle across from you and Donghyuck and Jisung on the ends.
Jisung still hadn’t spoken a word to you.
You nearly let it get to you, but you were quickly taken out of your thoughts as Jeno started pointing out the best items on the menu.
He had somehow convinced you to try something called the ‘Gut buster’.
It was the largest breakfast burrito you had seen in your life, but also the tastiest.
Renjun had spent his time, spoon feeding you deserts and asking you to rate them.
He held his hand underneath your chin and guided a spoon that's over flowing with chocolate desert. "Open up."
You were definitely going to be sick from all of the sugar he had you inhale.
“This is basically just Y/N being on a date with five guys,” Chenle seethed as he watched the boys interact with you.
You open your mouth to protest but you’re immediately cut off by Hyuck.
He grabs your hand across the table, squishing Chenle against Jaemin in the process.
“No she’s just on a date with me, right babe?”
You try to stutter response as the boy rubs his soft finger over your knuckles but everyone beats you to it.
They argue loudly about whose the better ‘date’ which only ends in you guys getting ugly looks from everyone else in the diner.
You tried to hush them and tell them they were too loud, but with Jeno yelling in your ear and Chenle trying to pry hyuck’s hands off your own, your voice got washed out in the madness.
“Don’t you kids have class?” One of the waitresses shouted at you from across the counter.
All of you scramble for your phone to check the time.
“Shit,” Jisung curses, standing to his feet.
The 7 of you realize that you’re super late for class. (20 minutes late to be exact.)
You guys quickly finish what ever you have left and pay for your food
You tried to pay for you own but Renjun quickly pushed your hands down and pulled a few crisp bills from his wallet
“You never pay for my food,” Chenle pouts
Renjun only stuffs his wallet back into his pocket. “Pretty privilege I guess,”
You guys move as fast as possible, all scrambling to find a seat in the car.
Chenle got booted from the back seat and was forced to take the front as Renjun found his way to the back.
This time around you found yourself perched on Jaemin’s lap, while your legs laid haphazardly across Jeno’s.
Throaty laughter and giggles could be heard from the backseat as Jisung sped through lanes of traffic.
The boys notice this and make comments on his reckless driving.
You notice him rolling his eyes but what you don’t notice is how Jisung stares at you through the rear view mirror every time he gets a chance.
When you get back to school it’s drizzling so you all scurry inside.
You guys are a little over 30 minutes late to your class but you don’t mind that at all.
You were just happy that your class wasn’t too far from the entrance.
Chenle, however, had class on the other side of campus so he left the group with a ‘see you guys later’
Renjun was right behind him.
Jeno, Jaemin, and donghyuck parted as their classrooms came into sight.
By the time you got to your class room, Jisung was the only one left walking with you.
It was silent between the two of you.
“Thank you,” was all you could think to say.
He looked down at you, eyes grazing over your pretty face
“For what?”
You didn’t think this through.
You shuffle on your feet. “For letting me hang out with you guys, i guess.”
“And for walking me to class.”
He chuckles, showing off his smile for the first time that day.
“Technically I’m not walking you to class. My class is this way too.”
You roll your eyes playfully, “Then thank you for letting me hang out with you guys.”
“Of course, I loved being a 7th wheel.”
“Oh really?” You say, cocking your head to the side. “You didn’t deny being on a date with me earlier,”
“I didn’t speak to you the entire time,”
“I never said you were a good date.”
The two of you laugh softly before the air between you suddenly became quiet again.
“Well,” you start, “this is my stop, hopefully we can hang out again sometime.”
Jisung nods, “Right, yeah, maybe so.”
He scratches the back of his neck and rocks softly on his heels
You take note of his stance, finding it cute in a way.
Not knowing what to say next, you push open the door to your classroom, bidding Jisung goodbye with a small wave
Once you’re out of sight Jisung visibly relaxes
“Right, yeah, maybe so?” He mocks, repeating his earlier response to you. “What the fuck was that,”
Jisung had been trying to find a way to talk to you all day, but he didn’t want to come off like his friends.
Unlike them, he had actually known who you were before Chenle mentioned you.
The two of you had one or two classes together and he often found himself staring at you when he became bored with the lesson.
It was no doubt that you were beautiful and he found it interesting how you made no effort to make any friends or branch out.
He thought you were just shy but after today he could tell that you were far from shy.
Jisung had been wanting to approach you for so long but he wasn’t sure how to, with Chenle always clinging to you.
He let out a deep sigh and shook his head clear of any thoughts concerning you as he laid eyes on his classroom.
Its needless to say that each one of you got scolded for being late.
You luckily escaped with no punishment.
However others were not so lucky
Others including Jeno, Chenle, And Donghyuck.
They all got after school detention.
Usually Chenle walks home with you after school but with him gone, it was just you.
The drizzle from earlier had turned into a full on storm. Lightening broke out across the sky and was soon followed by a loud rumble of thunder that resulted in shrieks from some of your fellow female classmates.
You sigh.
You could have probably gotten Chenle to call his parents to pick you guys up, but he was stuck in a class room, probably apologizing to said parents through a text message for getting detention.
Your dad wouldn’t be able to leave work to pick you up.
You were just screwed.
You stood idly by the school’s front doors, watching as the rain padded hard against concrete.
Students dashed for their cars, shielding themselves from the rain with anything they had.
These were the times where you wish you knew how to drive.
“You aren’t planning on walking in that, are you?” A voice calls from behind you.
You see Jisung’s reflection in the window of the entrance. “I did for a second,” You turn around to face him. “But now that you’re here, I think my prayers may have just been answered.”
Jisung smirks, shifting onto his right leg. “I wasn’t offering you a ride,”
“Don’t make me beg.” You pout, tilting your head.
He rolls his eyes. “Come on, Let’s go,”
You watch as Jisung shrugs off his infamous leather jacket and holds it over the two of you as a shield.
As soon as he opens the door, he breaks out into a sprint with his hand pressed to your upper back.
If you weren’t so focused on not slipping you would have been overthinking his gesture.
Jisung used his key pad to unlock his car door and quickly opened the passenger side door for you to slip into before running to get into the drivers side.
He plops down inside of the car, throwing his jacket to the back seat and ruffling his slightly wet hair
Your eyes raked over him, finding the wet hair look attractive on him.
He leans back into his seat, lolling his head to the side to meet your gaze.
“Staring now, are we?”
You scoff.
“No, I’m waiting for you to start the car up because I’m wet and freezing”
With a cocky smirk on his face, Jisung cranks up his car and begins to pull out of the parking lot.
The rain is visibly becoming heavier and you are slightly worried if Jisung would be able to drive in it.
“Am I just supposed to guess where you live?”
You roll your eyes, “I live a little past the diner we went to earlier,”
“Great, I was heading that way anyway.”
The ride was quiet, nothing but the sounds of heavy rain pounding down on the vehicle
It seemed like the further you guys drove, the heavier the rain got.
“Can you even see.” You ask the boy.
“No, actually”
You stare at him in disbelief. “Why didn’t you say anything.”
“I was trying to look cool, like i knew what i was doing.” He jokes.
“Pull over somewhere. Let’s just wait until the rain calms down some.”
“The diner should be coming up soon, we’ll pull in there.” He says while nodding his head.
You agree with him and relax into your seat.
Your eyes constantly flicker over to Jisung’s frame.
You couldn’t deny just how attractive he was.
You wanted to be mad at yourself for being in the position you said you’d never be in, but you couldn’t.
Not when jisung was here, left hand gripping the stirring wheel while the other toyed with his bottom lip.
‘Any girl would be going haywire with a sight like that’ is what you tell yourself.
Jisung pulls into the deserted diner parking lot, parking fairly well to say he couldn’t tell where the parking spaces were.
Shutting off his car, he leans back into his seat and uses his hand to push his hair back from his forehead.
It took everything in your being not to stare at him.
Goosebumps started to form on your arms.
“I’m cold,” You told him, rubbing your hands together
“That’s too bad,” He started, tilting his head towards you. “I’m hot.”
You roll your eyes and turn away from him with an obvious grimace on your face. You did this whenever you weren’t getting your way with Chenle and he usually gave in after a few seconds. You were hoping it would work with the boy on side of you.
Jisung, however, just scoffed before reaching into the backseat.
Suddenly something that was rubbery and wet was thrown into your lap.
It was Jisung’s jacket that he used to shield the two of you at school.
“This is wet,” You complain before throwing the jacket back at him.
He throws the jacket back at you. “Beggars can’t be choosers,”
“It’s going to make me colder than I already am.”
“The inside isn’t wet. Just put it on before i take it back.”
You hesitate for a second before ultimately deciding to put it on. “Only because I’m cold.”
“I think it’s just because you wanted to wear my jacket.” He jokes.
“Please, this thing fucking smells.”
It didn’t
“Then take it off,” Jisung says, reaching for the sleeve of said jacket.
You move your arm away from him. “No, you just basically begged me to wear it and now you’re trying take it away. Make up your mind.”
“Begged you?”
“Begged me.”
He shakes his head at you, shoulders jumping as a soft laugh ripped through him.
“You’re annoying,” He teased
“You’re no better.”
A smile plays at the corner of your lips as you look out of the window, enjoying the sight of the rain.
“This rain really isn’t letting up at all, huh,” Jisung says, kissing his teeth.
“Doesn’t look like it, but i don’t mind.”
“You like the rain?” He asks
You hum.
“I dont know i just do. Why do you not like the rain?”
He ponders for a second. “It makes everything too gloomy, for my taste.”
“Gloomy can be pretty though.”
“You can’t do anything in the rain.”
“Thats not true. You can do a lot of things. Its a perfect time to catch up on sleep, listen to your favorite songs, watch your favorite shows, eat your favorite food, have ice cream-“
“So the rain is an excuse to be lazy.”
You give him a blank stare before turning your head back to the window. “No its an excuse to chill and take part the activities that make you happy.”
Jisung hums and nods. “I think I understand what you mean.”
He’s quiet for a second or two. “One of the things you mentioned—eating your favorite food and having ice cream.”
“Well, this diner has a drive thru.”
You smile at him, understanding what he he was suggesting.
Jisung pulls out of the parking spot he was in and makes way toward the drive thru.
The two of you both try something new on the menu and pair it with a milkshake and fries just in case you hated what you ordered.
While the two of you ate, you chatted about cars, school, your friends, and just about any random topic you could come up with.
You didn’t expect to laugh so much, especially with jisung since he didnt speak a single word to you earlier.
You guys stayed in the parking lot until nightfall with full bellies and drooping eyes.
The rain had lightened up two hours before but the two of you were to caught up to realize.
“It’s going on 8:00, I think we are good to go.” He told you, beginning to pick up the remaining trash you guys had from your food.
You couldn’t deny the tinge of sadness you felt, knowing that your day with jisung was coming to an end.
The ride to your place was fairly short. Jisung knew the exact route to your house, considering the fact that he also lived in the same neighborhood.
Your neighborhood was fairly large and had multiple streets so it wasn’t surprising that the two of you hadn’t crossed paths.
“Try not to look so sad,” he teased as he opened your door to let you out of his car.
“In your dreams, Park, I’m ecstatic to finally be home.”
The two of you walk side by side towards your doorstep, not uttering a single word until you were finally face to face with your front door.
“So I checked the weather and i saw that it’s supposed to rain for the rest of the week.” The boy says as you began to strip from his jacket.
You raise an eyebrow at him, signaling him to continue.
“So maybe you could ride with me after school for the week until it clears up.”
It was obvious that he had been working up the courage to ask you that, as he began to rock on his heels like he did once before at school.
“Just say that you want to hang out with me again, Jisung,” You tease, leaning in and pressing his jacket to his chest.
He smiles, casting his eyes away from you an towards the empty street. “Maybe...”
“Say it.”
He rolls his eyes before taking his jacket from you and guiding you towards your door. “Don’t be annoying, go inside.”
“Fine.” You laugh, pushing your front door open, “Goodnight, Jisungg,”
The boy waved you goodnight and then made a dash for his car. As you closed the door you could hear the sound of Jisung and his expensive car speeding off into the night.
Chenle didnt let a second pass before he was ringing your phone. He had been peeking out of his bedroom window, where he had an amazing view of your front yard.
You hesitated to answer your phone, knowing well what he was calling about
you roll your eyes and quickly skip up to your bedroom before pulling open your curtains. From across the street you can see Chenle, standing in a similar position.
Phone pressed against his ear, he puts his hand on his hip. “Do you know how worried I was. I thought you got kidnapped on the way home.”
“What made you think i was kidnapped.”
“I sent you 1000 messages and when i got no response, i tried to knocking on your door and still got nothing. I’ve been watching your front yard for hours now; I was two minutes away from calling the cops, Y/N.”
“Instead of asking anyone if they had seen me?”
“I did, I asked Renjun and Jaemin, thinking they may have walked you home but they said they hadn’t seen you and that they left with sungchan.”
“You’re cute when you worry, lele.” You watch as your best friend frowns and closes his dark blue curtains. You giggle. “Come over, I’ll make you dinner and tell you all about what happened while i was with Jisung.”
He peeks through the curtains. “What kind of dinner.”
“Whatever you want,”
“Fine, give me a second, to take a shower. Im spending the night,”
Before you could protest, the boy hangs up and closes his curtains completely.
30 minutes later, Chenle was walking into your house with an overnight bag slung across his shoulder.
You kept your promise to him and made him exactly what he wanted. Which happened to be a weird pasta recipe that he found on tiktok.
Following the recipe wasn’t hard for you at all considering you often had to cook for yourself due to your dad’s work schedule.
While you and chenle feasted on the pasta, you told him all about your day with Jisung
Patting his full belly Chenle began to speak. “So do you like him?”
You open your mouth to say ‘no’ but for some reason the words never come out. You can’t like Jisung, you only known him for a couple of hours.
However, in those few hours, he had proven to be the complete opposite of your assumptions.
“Well do you?” Chenle questions again
“N-no.” You shake your head and reach for your drink that sat on the coffee table.
Your best friend stares at you for a split second, searching you for a sign of uncertainty.
And boy did he find too many signs.
“Well,” He starts off, “If you did like Jisung. I would tell you that it isn’t smart to get involved with him.”
“And why not?”
“We all know why, Y/N.”
the two of you stare at each other and you’re the first to look away.
“Thought he was your friend,” You grumble.
“He is, but you’re like a sister to me. And believe it or not, I actually care about your feelings.” The boy says, grabbing a hold of your free hand.
You roll your head to the side, a smirk playing on your lips. “Just kiss me already Chenle.”
“funny,” He chuckles. “But don’t say it again, I almost threw up.”
You roll eyes. “Let’s clean up and head to bed; I have an exam tomorrow,”
The boy nods and begins to follow your lead in cleaning.
The next morning, you and Chenle are awoken by the sound of your father’s voice.
“Zhong, I thought I told you five years ago to stop sleeping in my daughter’s bed,” The smile, he was wearing could be heard as he spoke.
Both you and Chenle groan and shield your eyes from the sun that was pouring in through your window
“I could chastise you some more,” your dad continues, “but I think I have other things to worry about. Like the boy that's wearing a leather jacket, driving a badass Maserati, and asking for my sweet child.”
Your head perks up immediately. “Jisung’s here?”
“Is that his name?”
You don’t listen to the rest of your dad’s morning banter and hop out of bed quicker than you ever had before.
“Chenle, get up, get up, get up.” You tell your friend, pulling him up by his arm as you gather your outfit for the day.
You quickly brush your hair and teeth before heading down stairs with none of your school supplies with you.
Thankfully, Chenle was trailing right behind you with your backpack slung over his shoulder.
When you make it outside, you catch sight of Jisung and your dad standing next to each other.
You couldn’t tell what they were saying but from the way they were staring at Jisung’s car, you could tell that it was the topic of their conversation.
Jisung looks up as he hears you approaching, a smile still planted on his face until he catches sight of Chenle.
He tried not to let his smile falter but he had failed miserably. He can only hope you didn’t notice it.
You did.
“You didn’t say you were coming by this morning,” You say and Jisung steps toward you.
“Well you didn’t exactly give me your number or anything last night.”
“Um last night?” Your dad pipes.
“Yeah, Jisung brought be home yesterday since it was raining.”
Your dad doesn’t say anything but you can tell he’s impressed with Jisung.
“Well I’ll let you guys get to school,” Your dad says, “I assume I’ll see you again this afternoon, Jisung.”
The three you get into the car and head to school.
Chenle fell asleep in the backseat, leaving you and Jisung to your own devices.
He made small talk with you, telling you how your dad made him nervous upon first sight.
“I thought I was at the wrong house,” He had told you.
He nearly asked you why chenle was there but he decided against it.
Once you you got to school, you met up with the rest of Jisung’s friends.
All 7 of you hung out before the bell rang, signaling the beginning of the first class of the day.
The day went by slow, the only entertainment being your lunch period.
Today the rain had started a little bit before lunch so the boys stayed in the cafeteria with you.
Instead of eating the school lunch, they raided the vending machines that were stationed in the corners.
The 7 of you got weird stares due to the chaotic nature of the group. You were definitely the loudest table in the building.
You tried not to notice how close jisung was to you the entire time.
His shoulder was practically pressed against yours.
You weren’t the only one who noticed though.
After lunch, jisung walked you to class, much like he did the day before. The only difference was that it wasn’t awkward between the two of you at all.
When it was time for dismissal, you found him waiting for you next to the door.
He already had his jacket off, ready to shield the two of you from the weather.
When you asked about the other boys, he said they had sports practice and that chenle called his parents.
In reality, Jisung told the boys they couldn’t ride him so he could be alone with you. They complained and rolled their eyes but let Jisung be and found themselves bothering Sungchan instead.
He didn’t miss how Chenle seemed to be genuinely annoyed.
He couldn’t find it in himself to care though.
The ride went just as it did the day before.
The two of you pulled into the diner and grabbed some food before munching down on it while having a conversation.
You learned a few things about him.
His favorite color is green.
He has two older brothers and a little sister.
He has a cat named Christmas (named by his little sister)
He hates the corn dogs from the diner.
He makes good grades.
He wants to paint his nails but doesn’t know how and doesn’t want to go to a nail tech to get them done.
And more little things like that.
You guys chatted until 8:30 before Jisung brought you home. This time he remembered to get your number.
The next three days were the same thing.
He picks you up for school that morning, You have lunch with the boys, he walks you to class, he waits on you after class, it rains, he drives the two of you to the diner, you get food, chat in the parking lot, and then he takes you home.
Every night you walk into your house with a goofy smile on your face that Chenle definitely teases you about.
“That’s not very ‘I don’t like Jisung’ of you,” He would say through the phone.
He was right.
Even though you hated to be that girl. You couldn’t help but to fall for Jisung’s charms.
When the two of you are alone, he never fails to make you a bumbling mess when he compliments you, or twirls a strand of your hair around his finger.
Not to mention the way he stares at you when you’re speaking.
“Stop staring, weirdo,” Is what you would tell him before breaking eye contact.
A smirk would slowly etch into his face before he responds with. “I can’t,”
For the weekend, you invite Chenle over since he was complaining about not being able to see you all week.
You arranged a movie night for the two of you.
Chenle brought all kinds of snacks and drinks with him, and wore his pajama set that also matched yours.
With snacks sprawled all over your bed, you and Chenle climb under your blankets and immediately indulge in the sweets as Percy Jackson begins to play by on the tv.
Chenle couldn’t help to notice how you had left your phone sitting in your lap, instead of on your dresser like you always did during movie night.
Not even two minutes later, he realized why.
Your phone lit up every other minute and you didn’t waste a second before picking it up and typing a response to the person messaging you.
Chenle rolled his eyes and shook his head.
This went on for 30 minutes before Chenle found himself reaching for the remote and pausing the movie.
You almost didn’t notice the lack of sound in the room as your fingers quickly typed up a reply to Jisung, but with Chenle’s hard glare on you, you couldn’t help but to notice.
“What?” You ask, slowly bringing your phone down to your lap.
“Who are you texting? They must be pretty damn important to be interrupting movie night for.”
You scoff. “Chenle, we’ve seen this movie a thousand times.”
“That’s not the point.” He says, a look of annoyance written clear as day on his face.
You can tell that he’s genuinely upset as your best friend moves to sit up straighter.
“This was supposed to be our night, but instead you’re here texting Jisung, The person you’ve been ignoring me for all week.”
“Chenle...” You say softly.
“I get it, you like him,” He starts, focusing his attention on the Twix wrapper in front of him. “But I was here first. I’m your best friend and I won’t let you push me aside to become some lame background character in you and Jisung’s weird ‘strangers to lovers’ love story,”
“Is that what this is about?”
“Yes! It’s exactly what this is about. It’s like I never see you anymore and I hate it,”
You sigh and sit your phone down on your bedside table before wrapping your arms around Chenle. “I’m sorry, I didn’t realize just how much Jisung and I had been hanging out. I promise to make more time for you.” You tell him. “Starting now, I’ll turn off my phone and you and I will start this movie from the beginning and pretend Jisung doesn’t even exist.”
You feel him chuckle beneath you. “You don’t have to go that far. I know you’ve been dying to tell me all about these little rendezvous you and Jisung have been having.” He looks up at you. “I’m all ears.”
For the rest of the night, your phone was disregarded and the two of you chatted, mostly about you and Jisung but also about Chenle and the things going on in his life.
Needless to say, the two of you had a better understanding of each other and their feelings.
Chenle spent another night at your house and went home Sunday evening
Monday morning, Jisung was at your house bright and early. Your dad welcomed him inside and let him wait in the kitchen for you.
Once you were done getting dressed, you and Jisung headed off to school.
You didn’t say much because you were tired but that didn’t stop Jisung from asking you why you suddenly disappeared for most of the weekend.
“Why? Were you worried about me Park Jisung?” You tease.
He doesn’t look at you, and instead keeps his eyes trained on the road.
He was waiting on an answer.
You roll your eyes before resting your head on the window. “I was with Chenle.”
“Hm. Chenle.”
You don’t notice how his hand ever so slightly tightens on the wheel or how he just barely pressed his foot down harder on the gas.
He doesn’t bring it up again and neither do you.
Once you get to school its the same old same old. Except you and Jisung spend lunch alone in his car, Feasting on vending machine snacks.
The two of you sit in his back seat, facing each other, with stupid smiles on your face.
“You know I’ve never been in my own backseat before. It looks weird back here,” He says, looking around his backseat in disgust.
You pop a piece of chocolate into your mouth, letting it melt in your cheek before speaking up. “Don’t be mean to Trixy. Everything about this her is beautiful.” You say while petting the seats of the car.
Jisung grimaces. “You named my car Trixy?”
“Yes, Trixy is a sexy name and this is a sexy car.”
He scoffs. “Not sexy enough. Im thinking about having my dad redo parts of the interior. I’m thinking green.” He says leaning back.
“No, do red.”
He shakes his head. “That’s tacky,”
“You never like any of my ideas,” You whine.
“Maybe if they were good ideas.” A chuckle glides through his lips as he looks over at you.
You’re rolling your eyes at him before placing a gummy candy into your mouth.
Jisung doesn’t say anything and only watches as you tilt your head back and let out a soft hum in satisfactory.
“I’m not sure which one I like better, chocolate or gummies.”
Jisung isn’t sure what he’s thinking of or what happens in the next few seconds, but as you bring your eyes to meet his, he finds himself pressing a soft kiss to your lips.
You’re not shocked by the kiss at all. Whether Jisung knew it or not, most of his attention was on your lips. They were the focal point of his line of vision.
He must have started to come to his senses because you could feel him starting to pull away from you.
You knew he would start apologizing right away, and although flustered Jisung would be a hilarious sight to see; you had finally gotten a taste of him and you didn’t want it to end.
Before he could utter a word, you tangle your fingers in his dark hair and push your lips back against his.
He deepens the kiss, not asking for permission as he lets his tongue push past your plushy lips.
The kiss was definitely sloppy but something was telling you that Jisung liked it that way.
He moans into your mouth and allows his hand to rest on your thigh.
Jisung thanks god that you were wearing a skirt. He used this opportunity to push his hand further up your leg until your skirt had risen up and his hand was placed firmly on your waist.
You could feel him slowly pushing you back until your back rested against the car door and your head was up against his window.
Your legs were split and resting on either side of the boy.
You felt a little embarrassed to have Jisung pressed against your middle but he was clearly enjoying himself as he softly rocked his hips against you.
He hands trail back down your thighs to grip the meat of them.
The kiss got rougher.
Jisung bites and licks at your lips, not letting you dominate him for a single second.
You whimper underneath him, feeling yourself shrink down further into the door.
You can’t help how your hips subconsciously buck against the bulge that was forming his pants.
He finally pulls away from you, but only so the two of you could catch your breath. He chuckles darkly as he stares down at you.
His finger traces shapes on your thigh and he begins to trail them to your inner thigh.
Your heart hammered against your chest as Jisung’s finger finally made it to where you wanted it most.
“Jisung,” you moaned out as he presses a finger to your clothed clit.
He bites his lip at the sight of your eyes fluttering shut in pleasure. He presses down harder on the tiny bud, giving it a few more rubs.
“You’re so wet for me, baby,” Jisung coos.
Your hands grip his jacket. “Touch me, Jisung.”
“I am touching you, Aren’t I?” He teases with a knowing smile. “You want more?”
You nod your head. “Yes,”
“Hm?” He says, pretending he didn’t catch what you said.
“Yes, Jisung.”
He chuckles before swiftly moving your panties aside and pressing two cold digits to your sensitive clit.
You choke on your breath for a second as he circles his fingers skillfully before relaxing under his touch.
You whimper, moan, and whither around underneath Jisung but he doesn’t let up.
“You wanted it so bad,” he growls in your ear. “Take it,”
He nips at your jaw as you throw your head back, making sure to leave a bright bruise in his wake.
The way you moan his name only fuels him.
“You want more, princess?” He whispers into your ear.
You can’t form an answer but with the way Jisung’s finger began to tease your hole, you knew he had already made up his mind.
However, before Jisung could go any further, the sound of a fist wrapping against glass broke the two of you up.
Jisung yanked his hands away from you and looked towards the direction the sound came from.
Outside of the drivers side window stood Jeno.
For a second, Jisung’s heart had dropped to his ass, thinking Jeno had saw everything the two of you were doing, but then he remembered the dark tint of his windows kept anyone from being able to look inside of the car.
He sighs before pulling away from you.
You quickly fix your skirt and stay silent as you watch Jisung.
He rolls the back window down, only enough to where his eyes and nose were visible.
“What do you want?” He asks Jeno, trying his best not to sound annoyed.
“Why are you in the back seat?” Jeno immediately asks.
“Y/N and I were eating back here,”
“Ah, why are you only cracking the window down to your nose?”
“Why are you asking me so many questions?” Jisung snaps. “Did you come out here for a reason?”
You can hear jeno click his tongue.
“Yes,” the older boy says. “Class starts in about two seconds,”
“We’re coming. Don’t wait up,” Jisung says quickly before rolling the window back up.
You could see the confusion on Jeno’s face through the window.
“Way to not be suspicious,” You tease.
“Whatever,” Jisung grumbles before pulling you into a kiss.
The kiss is slow and gentle and only last for a couple of seconds before Jisung is pulling away.
His thumb traces over your cheekbone. “I wasn’t too rough earlier, was I?” He asks softly. “I can get a little carried away sometimes,”
You smile up at him. “You definitely surprised me,” you say, causing his face to heat up. “But I liked it.”
“Maybe we can finish up later,” He whispers before kissing you one more time. “As of now, we need to get to class.”
The two of you exit Jisung’s car, leaving all of your trash from lunch still sitting on his seat.
You fumble with your skirt, smoothing it out and making sure that it didn’t look too out of place.
“Stop doing that, it looks fine,” he tells you before reaching for your hand.
Your eyes lock on your intertwined fingers.
Jisung had never been the type for any kind of pda. Whether it was as simple as holding your hand or fidgeting with your fingers.
He seemed to notice you staring. “Are you okay with this?” He asks in a soft voice.
You look up at him and tilt your head. “Yeah…it’s just, you never do stuff like this. I don’t want you to feel like you have to do this,” You say, gesturing to your hands. “I’m perfectly fine with what we were doing before.”
Jisung stops walking and turns to face you with his had still wrapped firmly around yours. He didn’t look at you, instead he looked at his feet and let his hair shield his eyes.
“I really care about you, Y/N. Like a lot.” He starts, “And for you I’m willing to step out of my comfort so that everyone else can know.”
Seeing Jisung like this was too overwhelming for you. Your heart ached and you wanted nothing more than to take him into your arms and hug the life out of him.
However, instead you settled for a quick kiss on his cheek.
“Let’s get to class.” You tell him, squeezing his hand.
He smiles at you before guiding you into to school.
After that day, you and Jisung began spending more and more time alone.
Before school, During school, after school, even at your house.
Your level of intimacy only progressed.
Jisung often kept his hand resting on your inner thigh or knee while he drove.
He would pull you away from classes just to make out with you in an empty class room.
Not to mention, the antics he got into during lunch.
The two of you hardly ever got to eat as Jisung usually opted for bringing you to a release with his tongue during that time.
You hadn’t told chenle what you and jisung had been up to lately, but it wasn’t hard for him to guess.
It was difficult to miss how swollen and red your lips were after lunch. Or how Jisung’s car seemed to always be parked in your yard.
Chenle didn’t have to ask what the two of you were up to.
You would tell him when you were ready.
And you did, eventually.
It was a normal day for you,but instead of leaving with Jisung like you usually would, you told Jisung that you’d be walking home with Chenle.
He pouted and tried to convince you otherwise but after you explained how long it had been since either of you hung out with your friends without one another, he gave in.
You were right, Jisung couldn’t recall the last time he had hung out with his friends, save for the late night gaming sessions.
He took his time to invite them out. They asked if you were coming too.
Jisung expected them to jump with joy when he told them no but instead the pouted and grumbled while getting into his car.
“You’ve been hogging her to yourself this entire time and then you have the nerve to invite us out without her.” Is what Donghyuck said to him.
Meanwhile you were dealing with a disgusted Chenle.
He gagged and grimaced as you told him what you and Jisung had been getting into when you were alone.
“Spare me the details, please,” He said before covering his ears.
You circle your eyes at how dramatic he was being.
“This is corruption at best,” He joked, “In the school parking lot, Y/N, Seriously? And more than once at that. I mean, I’m not judging you, but what if you had gotten caught.”
“We were careful,” you shrug, “-ish.”
Chenle chuckles before shoving his hands in his pockets.
It felt good to be walking through nature and breathing in fresh air instead of the strong smell of Jisung’s car air freshener.
You and Chenle always took the long way (that still wasn’t considered long) home. The route led you through the children’s park and past the old creek that the two of you used to play at as kids.
“So I take this as you and Jisung are now official,” Your friend says with raised eyebrows.
You’re quiet.
Chenle stops and looks at you. “Y/N.”
“Well...” You start, “Not quite.”
He sighs.
“We just haven’t talked about it yet,” You say.
He starts walking again. “That’s the problem, Y/N. Jisung isn’t the type to commit,”
“Who says I’m looking for commitment.”
Chenle scoffs, shaking his head.
“Chenle, I don’t want to fight about Jisung every time we talk. Can we please just change the topic.”
He nods his head.
For the rest of the walk, the two of you chat about random things, falling back into the your old routine.
Eventually Chenle brought up the end of the school year.
The year end had almost slipped your mind.
You didn't realize how long it had been. Your days had just been blurring by.
It was had to believe that you and Jisung had only known each other for two months, It felt like much longer.
“Are we still going to summer camp?” Chenle asked.
“I’m still thinking about it, but I’ll have my answer before summer.”
Chenle nods, not pressing the topic. He already knew why you having to think it over.
The two of you had been going to summer camp for years now.
You’ve only missed one summer since you had been going. But that was only because Chenle’s dad brought you two to a resort that summer.
It wasn’t long before you and Chenle made it home.
Instead of going straight home, Chenle came over to your house.
You two started on your homework, helping each other out on what you didn’t understand.
Soon, drowsiness got the best of you two. So you put away your homework and decided to take a short nap in your room.
The nap lasted longer than what either you had intended. The only reason Chenle had woken up was due to the ringing of your cellphone.
The sound didn’t wake you up, so Chenle took it upon himself to answer your phone— without looking at the caller ID.
“Hello?” Chenle said, voice groggy with sleep.
Jisung was a little surprised to hear Chenle instead of you and couldn’t help but to feel a little annoyed. ‘’Chenle?”
“Where’s Y/N.”
“She’s right here.”
There’s a pause.
“Okay so give her the phone.”
Chenle rolls his eyes. “She’s asleep.”
“So wake her up.”
“No,” If Chenle was being honest, he was being purposely difficult. He could have woken you up, but he didn't feel like listening to you and Jisung flirt with each other. “When she wakes up, I’ll let her know that you called”
Jisung lets out a deep sigh. ‘It’s about to be 11 o’clock.”
“So then, she’ll call you back in the morning.”
‘What are you still doing at her house anyways.” Jisung asked, clearly annoyed with the boy beside you.
“Well I was sleeping before you called.”
The jealously in Jisung had made itself present as his heart rate began to pick up and his palms began to sweat.
“Listen, Jisung, she’ll get back to you soon, trust me. Goodnight,” Chenle said before hanging up.
Jisung chuckles to him self in disbelief before tossing his phone on his bed.
Jisung didnt know why he was so jealous. Deep down inside he knew that you and Chenle were just friends.
But he also knew that Chenle knew you better and longer than he did.
He knew that you trusted Chenle with your life and with every fiber of your being. And that annoyed him to no end.
Jisung had been in your room before, you had a whole drawer and your dresser specifically for Chenle. It had spare clothes, deodorant, and even hair products.
Jisung was beyond jealous but he couldn’t let you know that.
But sometimes it was hard to keep his composure.
The next morning Jisung woke up to a text from you.
‘Walking to school with Chenle, see you when we get there.’
He was annoyed already.
He drove to school alone for the first time in weeks with nothing but the radio playing
in the background.
When he got to school, he spotted you and chenle along with Jaemin, Jeno, Renjun and Donghyuck standing around Sungchan’s car.
He noticed Hyuck’s arm thrown around your shoulder.
A surprised gasp left Donghyuck’s mouth when he felt Jisung fling his arm from around you.
You gave Jisung your own surprised look as he replaced your friend’s Arm with his own.
“You could have just told me to move.” Hyuck said, rubbing his wrist.
Jisung ignored him.
“That was mean,” You whisper to the boy.
He shrugged. “His arm shouldn’t have been there anyways,”
You wanted to press the subject a little further but you concluded that it was no big deal. It wasn’t the first time that Jisung had woken up in a foul mood.
Not too much later, the bell rings, signaling the start of 1st period.
Everyone says their goodbyes before heading to class.
Jisung walks you to class, and leaves you with a long kiss on your lips
You’re baffled for a second since Jisung never kisses you in school but you don’t complain.
When lunch comes around you opt for lunch with the boys instead of lunch in Jisung’s car.
Jisung pouted on the way to the cafeteria, huffing and groaning.
He made sure to sit as close to you as possible.
When the rest of the boys came in, Chenle sat on the other side of you.
Both you and your best friend didn't miss how Jisung slid his arm around your waist and let his hand rest on your thigh.
You tried to shrug his hand off, thinking he sat his hand there on accident, but he only gripped your thigh and grazed his fingers over your inner knee.
“What are you doing?” You whispered, trying not to bring the other boys’ attention to what Jisung’s hand.
However it was hard for them not to notice. The table was hardly concealing anything.
“I’m not doing anything,” He said, face stoic and unmoving
Truth be told, you didn’t really care that his hand wad there, but it wasn’t like Jisung to do anything like that.
The furthest pda went with him was hand holding.
Either way, PDA or no PDA you didn’t mind but it did make you wonder.
After lunch, he walked you to class per usual.
When dismissal came around, Jisung was right there waiting.
He didn’t give you time to acknowledge him before he was taking your hand into his and walking you out of the building.
You call out his name as you struggle to keep up with the pace he was walking at. Any faster and he’d be dragging you.
When you finally made it to his car, he opened the passenger side door and gestured for you to get in.
You slid into the car slowly but silently, curious about why he was acting so weird.
Jisung closed the door behind you and jogged over to the drivers side.
Usually he would give himself time to adjust, fixing his mirror, turning on the air for you, or taking off his jacket.
But he didn’t this time. Jisung pulled out of the school parking lot immediately after sticking the key into the ignition.
He didnt even bother to put on his seatbelt.
The car ride was silent the entire time.
You side eye Jisung, waiting for him to say something or make a move but he doesn’t. He only stares at the road, following the same route that you always follow.
You pull out your phone, shooting a quick text out the boys, asking if something was up with Jisung.
Chenle was the only one who responded.
‘Yeah he’s been off all day’
Jisung pulls into the diner without you noticing.
“What do you want,” he asks you
Its silent.
You ignore his question. “Why are you being so weird today?”
He looks at you with a confused expression. “What are you talking about?”
Jisung knew exactly what you were talking about.
“The excessive touching, giving the guys weird looks?” You say. “Whats up with that?
Jisung shrugs. “I don’t know, what do you want to eat?”
“So there’s no reason behind it,” You say, ignoring his question again.
“No. Plus, why are you complaining about me touching you?” His face crinkles in annoyance. “You never mind when Chenle or Jaemin do it.”
“I'm not complaining, i'm just asking. You never do things like that, Jisung, so its weird”
“It’s weird?”
“Not weird but there’s a difference between you and chenle doing it.”
“What’s the difference?” He challenges with raised eyebrows.
“Chenle has always been overly affectionate-“
“Chenle isn’t your boyfriend.”
“Neither are you, Jisung.”
The boy scoffs and shakes his head
A crack of thunder rips through the sky, breaking the deafening silence in the car.
“Its about to rain,” you say rubbing your hand over your hair. “Take me home, please.”
“Why? so you can invite chenle over and you guys can be affectionate together,”
“I can’t believe how immature you’re being right now. If you were jealous, you could have just said something.”
“I’m not your boyfriend, Y/N. What did you want me to say.”
Rain begins to pour down on the windshield.
“I don’t know, maybe, ‘im jealous of my own friends and your best friend who you’ve known since diapers.”
Jisung is quiet.
“Just take me home, Jisung.”
“No,” he mumbles
“No?” You ask, being sure that you heard him right. “Jisung, take me home.”
He doesn’t listen, and instead stares down at his fidgety hands.
A deep, agitated sigh leaves his throat before he reverses the car and pulls out of the diner faster than he pulled in.
Thank god for your seatbelt.
“Slow down,” you tell him as he speeds down the slippery road.
“You want to go home, so I’m taking you home,” he says emotionless.
“Jisung the roads are wet, you need to slow down before you get us hurt.”
Jisung ignores you, allowing his driving to become more reckless.
“Jisung, seriously, stop.” You say sternly
His hands tighten on the stirring wheel before he finally stomps his foot down on the break.
A scream is released from your mouth as your body is thrown against the car door.
The sudden stop caused the car to spin 80 degrees before coming to a complete stop.
Jisung’s breath is ragged and his eyes were wide, as he stares down at the stirring wheel.
The sound of you unhooking your seatbelt is what brought him from his daze.
Without a word, you push open the car door.
“What are you doing?” He asks, voice weak.
He’s met with the door slamming in his face.
He can see your silhouette through the heavy rain. You duck your head and hug your arms around yourself while walking away from his car and in the direction of your neighborhood.
He contemplated going after you but decided against it. Instead he pulled out his phone and dialed the first person he though of.
“Chenle,” You said through the phone. You had been walking for a little over 4 minutes and the rain just kept getting heavier.
“Hello?” He said loudly
“I need your help.”
Jisung made it obvious that he didn’t care that you had gotten out of his car as you had watched him drive past you two minutes ago.
You had explained what happen each to chenle on the phone and he demanded that you stay put until he got there.
You listened, staying in that very spot. Thankfully the road was empty so you didn’t have to worry about cars not being able to see you through the rain.
Not even a couple minutes later, you spot a blue car that you recognize as Chenle’s dad’s.
Chenle jumps from the drivers side and walks you over to the car.
Once inside, Chenle turned up the heat for you and checked you for any injuries.
“Are you okay?” He asks repeatedly.
You nod your head. “Thank you for coming, you got here fast.”
“Yeah, i came as soon as i could.”
The rest of the ride was silent as you focused on getting warm and not thinking about Jisung.
Once Chenle made it to your house , he walked you inside and told you to take a shower while he grabbed food for the two of you to eat.
Quietly you went to the bathroom and drew yourself a shower.
You dressed in mismatched PJs and sulked to your room where you found Chenle resting on your bed.
He sat up immediately upon your entrance.
Neither of you said anything at first.
“Um, I couldn’t find anything in the kitchen so I ordered pizza.” He told you.
You nod you head and sit next to him. You couldn’t help how the tears welled up in your eyes.
Being next to Chenle reminded you of just how much time you had spent with Jisung and how many times you had defended him.
After hearing you sniffle, Chenle sighs and wraps his arms around your frame.
“Im sorry, Chenle.” You apologize through tears.
“You have nothing to be sorry for.”
The next morning you woke up later than intended but it was the weekend so you didn’t care.
Chenle wasn’t next to you when you woke but you assumed he just went home.
You stayed in bed for a few minutes before you were interrupted by voices coming from your living room.
You thought it may have been your dad’s friends but the voices were way too loud for that.
You groan and get out of bed before jogging downstairs.
You’re met with 6 pairs of eyes.
Chenle, Renjun, Jeno, Jaemin, and Donghyuck sit spread out across your living room while your dad sits on the coffee table telling some elaborate story.
They stop talking upon your entrance.
The five boys greet you with bright smiles.
“Why didn’t you tell me you had so many friends.” You dad says.
Apparently the rest of the guys tracked your house down after finding out what happened between you and Jisung.
Jisung had tried to confide in them last night when he had got home, but they had only been upset with him by the end of the call.
They begged Chenle for your address and then showed up as early as they could.
No one mentioned anything to your dad and told him that you were just feeling under the weather.
Your dad got everyone in the kitchen and let them help make your favorite breakfast.
You spent the day hanging around the house with your friends and watching your dad interact with them.
It was easy for your dad to get along with them, it was like having a house full of sons.
Chenle and Jeno were the only ones with with a present father. So it was easy for the rest of the boys to find joy in hanging out with your dad.
When they left, they pouted and asked your dad if they could stay but he declined and told them to come back the next day.
They did.
Bright and early Sunday morning. They really had absolutely nothing to do.
You weren’t complaining though. Having them around, constantly providing entertainment, kept you from thinking too hard about Jisung.
You had almost forgot about the situation, but when nightfall came and you were in your bed alone, memories of him began to play through your head.
You missed everything about him.
You contemplated forgiving him and letting things go back to normal but it was obvious that Jisung had his own problems to work out.
That night you fell asleep with a racing mind.
The next day you woke up to the sound of your dad knocking on your door telling you to wake up.
You didn’t rush to get ready and instead took your time. When you were done you had gone downstairs to see Chenle waiting on you.
You kissed your dad goodbye and began your short journey to school, not looking forward to it.
Once you and Chenle made it on campus, a text from your dad came through.
‘Jisung came by this morning. He looked upset. Did the two of you break up?” It read.
You roll your eyes at the words “broke up”
‘Jisung and I were never dating’ you reply
The once empty school parking lot filled with loud, chatty students ..including your friends.
You didn’t get to talk to them for long though, when you saw an all too familiar black Maserati pull up, you made and excuse if why you had to leave.
You decided that the best thing to so was avoid him.
You had somehow managed not to run into him at all. You began to think he was avoiding you too.
It hurt to think he didn’t care.
However, you had been proven wrong.
On your way to lunch, you were pulled into a classroom by a random hand.
You were shocked because you weren’t expecting it but you weren’t surprised to see it was Jisung.
He closed the door behind him before taking small steps toward you.
“Why are you avoiding me?” He asks softly.
“Is that really a question, Jisung?” You fold your arms over your chest. “Maybe you should start with an apology instead.”
He sighs and run his hands through his hair. “I’m sorry Y/N,” he says, closing the gap between you two. He slides his hands over your arms. “I really fucked up. I was upset and reckless and I could have seriously hurt the both of us. Please forgive me.”
Your silence scares him.
You shrug his hands off. “Im not upset about how reckless you were being. You were acting completely out of character that night, Jisung. Getting jealous over Chenle out of all people. Not only that, but getting so jealous that you almost crash your car out of anger.” You say not realizing that your voice was raising slightly.
Jisung didn’t look at you and stared at his feet. He couldn’t look at you.
“And the worst part is that you left me there. Stranded in the rain.”
“You jumped out, Y/N.”
“Right, and you left me there.” You scoff. “I had to call Chenle to pick me up, Jisung. You left me there with no resolve.”
He looks confused for a second.
“Do you know how embarrassing that was?”
“Look Jisung, you clearly have a lot of things to figure out at the moment. And until you do, i don’t think we should see each other anymore.”
Jisung could feel his heart crumbling. He couldn’t bring himself to say a word. He had never experienced anything like this before.
Before he could even think of anything to say, you were already out of the door.
His chest ached and his eyes watered. He tried to stop the tears from falling but it was inevitable. Hot salty tears glided down his cheeks like they had done when he was younger.
You fought the urge to to go back to Jisung and take back everything you had just said and headed straight for the cafeteria.
Your lunch table was full of your friends.
“What took you so long?” Donghyuck asked as you sat between him and chenle.
“I got held up by Jisung,” you say with a tight smile.
The table goes quiet.
“Did you guys make up?” Renjun asks breaking the silence.
You shake your head
They look between one another with eyes full of pity.
You sigh. “You guys can go to him. He’s somewhere around the old art room.”
They all nod and thank you before scurrying from their seats. All of them except for Chenle.
You look at him with raised eyebrows.
“I don’t think he would appreciate seeing me right now.”
You smile sadly. “You’re probably right.”
Jeno, Jaemin, Renjun, and Donghyuck all jogged over to the old art room, praying they find their friend still there.
They did.
Jisung sat in a empty desk with red rimmed eyes and tear stained cheeks.
Jaemin was the first one to approach him, resting his hand on they younger boy’s shoulder. Jeno was right behind him.
“Wanna skip?” Jeno asked softly, as if he was scared to break the silence.
“Yeah,” Jisung rasped out after a few moments.
His friends pat his back as he picks up his book bag and follow him from the classroom to his car.
Jisung cried a few more times that day, letting his friends comfort him.
His heart had been broken for the first time ever and he wasn’t sure how to handle it.
Jaemin had told him the story of his first heartbreak in hopes of providing Jisung with some kind of advice but it had only resulted in the both of them being sad together.
You on the other hand were ignoring your feelings by hanging out with your best friend like you usually did before Jisung came into your life.
of you mentioned him and spent the day binge watching anime.
For the next few weeks Jisung didn’t show up for school. according to Chenle,the boy only showed up to collect his work and that was all. The only time Jisung came to school consistently and for the entire day was during finals week.
Eventually summer comes around and and you still hadn’t talked to Jisung, not even during your friends graduation.
Your senior year was the same way, without Jeno, jaemin, Donghyuck, and Renjun it was just you and Chenle. Jisung was back in school but you hadn’t heard from him or seen much of him.
Chenle would check on him every once in a while but their friendship wasn’t the same.
Even though the rest of the guys were attending college (save for Donghyuck, who was taking a gap year) they still made time to visit you and Jisung. However, they never updated you on him because they assumed you didn’t want to know.
However, half way through your senior year Jisung and Chenle rekindled their friendship and began to hang out a lot more.
Jisung found himself always asking about you and your well being. He missed you more than anyone knew. After your ‘break up’, as everyone likes to call it, Jisung couldn’t bring himself to move on. He wanted to make things right but it was clear that he was the last thing on your mind.
That was the most painful part for him.
Graduation came and went and you were accepted into the only college you applied for: The local university.
The university that all of your friends attend because its closest to home.
The one that you assume Jisung also applied to.
It’s been about a year since you’ve talked to him. You think about him a lot and how things could have turned out.
Summer is coming to an end and in less than a week, you will be moving into the dorms of your university.
Your dad was out getting food for you and Chenle as the two of you cleaned your room and packed up your items into a suitcase.
He had been helping you pack and clean since 7am and it was now 3pm
Tomorrow you would be repeating the same process but at Chenle’s house.
“I think we should take a break,” He says, folding a shirt neatly into your suitcase
You stretch and push yourself up from the floor. “Yeah you’re right, dad should be here in a little bit with the take out.”
You fall back on your bed, relaxing against your pillows while Chenle stays seated on the floor, back pressed against your closet door.
“How’s Jisung?” You ask Chenle for the 5th time this week.
He rolls his eyes. “Why don’t you call and ask him Y/N”
Your stomach churns at the thought.
“You’ve been asking about him a lot lately. Do you miss him?”
“I don’t know. In the back of my mind I want him to reach out. I want him to try to mend things like he attempted to a year ago.” You pause. “But, I’m not sure how I would even react to that.”
Chenle nods. “Do you think about forgiving him? You never really talk about that night or mention it at all.”
“It wasn’t that traumatic to talk about. I was scared, yeah but I’m fine. It doesn’t like haunt me.”
He laughs. “Well it haunts me. As your best friend I was terrified getting that call. I wanted to strangle him but I was glad that he called me.”
Your eyebrows furrow.
“My dad was confused when i snatched the keys off the counter and took off but i had no time to expla-“
“Wait you mean when i called you,” you say correcting his mistake.
“Well you both called me. Jisung’s called me first though, thats how I got there so fast. I was already in the car by time you called.”
You sit up from your bed. “You never told me that, Chenle.”
“Well, I thought you knew,” he says, leaning back on his palms.
You scoff. “No, the whole reason i was pissed at him was because I thought he left without a care in the world for my well being.”
“Don’t try to make him seem innocent now, he still left you there, Y/N.” He says. “But then again he did say he thought you would be too scared to get back in the car with him. He still should have made sure, I actually made it to you and that you were safe.”
This new information makes your head spin. Chenle made good points but he also made some of the anger you felt toward Jisung dissipate.
All this time, you thought he had completely abandoned you and left you on your own that night.
Chenle was right when he said Jisung should have stayed to make sure you were okay.
However, knowing that he called Chenle gave you a little hope.
“I’m gonna go get some water,” you tell your friend before getting up from your bed.
Jogging down the stairs, you hold your phone close to your face as you search your block list for a specific name.
Your finger hovers over the contact labeled ‘Jisung 🖤’ for a second.
This is pathetic you think to yourself.
It was obvious that you were waiting for the perfect reason to message Jisung and forgive him, even after all the time that has passed.
What pulls you out of you daze is the knock on your door. You shake your head and pocket your phone. “Coming dad,” you call, assuming that your dads hands were too full with food for him to open the door.
When you pull the door open, you’re met with pretty brown eyes that don’t belong to your father.
There stands Jisung, fingers fidgeting with his car keys while stares at you with the same gaze from a year ago.
You wondered if he could hear your heart pounding.
“Hey…” he says. “It’s been a while. Wanna take a drive?”
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chocominnie · 3 years
One Last Time 02  —  Pjm. (M)
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⇢ pairing: Jimin X Reader
⇢ Genre: Idol!Jimin, Exbf!Jimin, model!reader, sad au, fluff, tons of smut, angst
⇢ Synopsis: Your idol ex boyfriend Jimin cheated on you. You two have been broken up for a while now and the media has been keeping track of you and him. You’re trying to get over him, but the things that happen inbetween makes you re-think the entire breakup, and so does Jimin…
⇢ Song : xxxxx
⇢ Previous : 00   01
⇢ Word Count : 
⇢ Warnings: dominant jimin, makeout sessions, this is honestly a sad angsty au, cheating, pregnancy, unprotected and protected sex, a bunch of sex, no really a LOT of sexual themes too, I know I’m forgetting some but sorry in advance!
⇢ Copyright: please do NOT repost, translate, or modify my works in any way, shape or form, on any platform. If found doing so , it is considered as plagiarism and appropriate LEGAL action will be taken
⇢ Authors note: This is my mini series for the summer! Get your tissues, things to take your anger out on, and sit back and watch the drama unfold. Shall we begin?
Your eyes shoot open, chest heaving heavily as you let out a blood curdling scream. Not this again. The same dream over and over again each night. It leaves you sleepless. The time on the clock on your nightstand reads 3:04 am. Just only four hours ago is when you fell asleep. But a full night’s sleep hasn’t happened for a year so why would it matter anyways.
Once you catch your breath you unplug your phone from the charger and read some of the notifications. From your window, the night-time critters sing their songs along with the persistant owl that’s somewhere around the apartment complex. You’d only noticed him, the owl, just a few months ago when your cat started meowing with his hoots. 
A missed call from your uncle. 
Immediately you unlock your phone and dial the number. Bringing your index finger to your mouth you gently nip on it waiting for it to answer, The rings are agonizing to you. If something has happened you only wish and pray it wasn’t as bad as you think. He’s the only parental figure left in your life.
‘‘ Princess! Hello I was just calling to speak to you earlier. But I realized you are five hours ahead of me and you had probably went to sleep.’‘
His soothing voice calms your emotions making you let out a tiny breath of air. Thank god.
‘’Hey Charlie.” You sigh. Looking towards your left, you spot Clara purring quietly next to you. You can’t help but to smile while bringing a hand over to rub her head with your thumb.  She’s so small under the shining moonlight from your window.
Her white coat shines brightly amongst her, making you remember the first night you had brought her home. All she did was sleep, and it worried you because you had no prior expierence caring for anything, let alone a small animal. Clara only drank kitten milk and slept back then. Occasionally being awake enough to nip at your fingers whenever you pet or touched her.
Now she’s a bit bigger and walks around the apartment like she owns the place. Quite the little attitude she has, but its too damn cute for you to scold her whenever she does something wrong. 
“ Yes I did fall asleep from after a gathering at someone’s house.’’ You continue on, bringing your knees to your chest after opening the curtain of your window fully.
The moons brightness illuminates the entire room, but not so bright for you to complain though. ‘’ Oh- was it Jimin’s? Tell him I said hell-’’
You bite your lip hard at his name. He doesn’t know and you wont even dare to let him know. Knowing him, your uncle would have a fit and oppose to come back to Seoul to ‘set the record straight.’ to Jimin. That’s the last thing you want to do, cause trouble.
‘‘ It was his brother’s house warming party.” You say, lowering your tone in your voice. You look at the nightstand for a couple of seconds just before opening the top drawer of the wooden, polished piece. Your hands shakily pull out a picture of you two together.
It was taken at  Marne-la-Vallée, France right infront of Cinderella’s castle. That was the day that you and Jimin had to went to Disneyland in Paris, France. You cant help but to think, with the picture in hand, that it was one of the best nights ever. It was also the same night your virginity was taken.
‘‘ Oh.. I know that tone. Are you two arguing at the moment.”
You shrug, “ I mean you could say that.’’
No you cant.
‘‘ Alright alright I won’t talk more of him. Let’s change the subject.” He chuckles deeply into the phone.
‘‘ How’s Europe? Anything new happening on base?”
‘‘ Same old Same old. It’s been what? 2 years since I’ve left Seoul? The food is different over here. They don’t have kimchi pancakes sadly.”
You can only imagine the frowny face he makes at you whenever he doesn’t approve or like something. It always turns out to be funny.
You giggle into the phone shaking your head slightly, “ Of course. You are in Europe Charlie. Where are you getting food from anyway if you are on base?’’
‘‘ I can go off base to a certain mileage when I am off duty. I just have to report back in time. But you do know that you can always come live on base with me...’ He trails off.
Oh boy. Here he goes. He’s always talking about moving you on base with him. Hell, he’s been talking about it since before he had to go to be based in Europe. By then you were twenty years old and old enough to live by yourself. Growing up in Daegu, Korea since you were six, you felt as if Korea was home to you and you definately weren’t ready to leave yet.
Especially, after losing your parents here. Around eight years old, your aunt and mother were on the way to pick up your father from the airport. With your mom and dad also being military and based in Korea with your dad’s bestfriend, your uncle Charlie, your father had been called to take military leave to go and be based in Korea for the National Guard.
On the way back from the airport, a drunk driver had struck the car knocking them off the road and colliding head first into the railing of the bridge. All bodies were reported dead upon collision, including your aunt. Charlie didn’t take the news well at all, and so did you. Only eight years old and still a bit new to a foreign country. It was devistating for you and Charlie. Charlie did what was right and stepped up to be your legal guardian while taking some time off from the military. Till this day, he treats you like his sacred little daughter and you can’t ask for anyone better than him.
 “You are old enough to live on your own and housing is avail-”
You jump at his voice on the line again, being too spaced out from the tragic memory. Before he can go on any longer you cut him off. ‘‘ Im fine with the apartment you left me. Im paying the bills on time and taking good care of it.”
‘‘ Alright fine. But that option is always available you hear me? I will always be ready for you to come with me.’’
‘‘ Okay Charlie” You groan.
‘‘ Alright.. sweetie it’s getting late on this side and it’s already 3 am on your side. Get some sleep okay? Don’t you have a model shoot thingy or something? You have those a lot.’‘
‘‘ Yes i actually do in a couple of hours. It’s been a while since I’ve did a shoot. Please eat and sleep well. Don’t injure yourself.’‘
‘‘ I promise. You promise to do the same right?’‘ He says, rustling movements are in the background.
‘‘ Yes I promise. Good night sleep tight..’‘ You smile as you wait for him to finish the rest.
He chuckles one last time on the other end, ‘‘I’ll always love you, goodnight‘’
Beep Beep Beep
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You in a racy light pink lingerie with white duvets and sheets is the concept of your comeback. It’s supposed to symbolize the “Night After’’. Camera’s click and directors yell and praise you in your subtle yet damaging moves and facial expressions. You want.. no need for this comeback to be successful. Not only did your manager schedule this, but she is making sure that they release this same very day.
Nobody in this company’s industry has ever did this before. But you, you are sort of the special one. The special foreigner as they say. It’s not like you don’t like it but you don’t like that they label you as that. Stylists, employee’s hell even anybody who works there treat you as a princess. It’s not bad, but it’s just weird.
‘‘ One last one. Give me a sexy yet innocent look mama.’‘ Elliot, the director says, smiling wide at you.
You slip a finger into your mouth and do a little pout with your lips.
Elliot busts out into a roar of happiness with his hands clapping furiously. ‘‘That’s it mama yes! That’s just what we needed!’‘
Adjusting his microphone earpiece, he turns around to greet and thank everyone, ‘‘ Alright everybody this concludes our shooting! You all worked so hard today. Make it home safe, eat well.’‘
Finally. You sigh out in relief and close your eyes. It’s been a long day. Almost 6 hours of shooting. Three Videos, and five swap outfits for each session of shooting for the ‘’ Night After’’.  As everyone heads out and starts cleaning up you bow your head slightly and thank them.
A stylist brings you a satin robe to cover yourself in. You thank her and put it on just before getting up from the bed and walking towards wardrobe. Once you are done putting on your clothes, your manager leads you straight out the exit. Outside awaits the car that drives you everywhere. Literally everywhere.
‘‘ Tomorrow somebody has put in a special request for you to appear as the main lead girl in their music video. It’s short notice and I told them I would have to bump some things around and notify you. But they are paying us and you good money to be in it.’‘
Money? Sounds like a plan.
‘‘ It’s fine. Who am I shooting for?’‘ You say, fluffing your hair just a little while inspecting yourself in the rear view mirror.
Your makeup is still intact with no ruins and the contacts they had given you suited you very well. A hazel with a slight bit of teal. Suddenly the car moves off into the busy streets of Seoul. You can’t help but to notice every couple that walks along the sidewalks. They seem so happy, glad to be around each other.
On the floor of the car lies your little mini backpack filled with all of your items and belongings. Picking it up, you begin to dig through it looking for some hand lotion to soothe your semi-dry hands. Once you find it you gently start to squeeze the tube.
‘‘ Kim Namjoon.’‘
You freeze. Namjoon? The same Namjoon from the group? Joonie? It’s been well… a year since you’ve seen him in person. Hell since you’ve seen all of Bangtan Sonyeondan together. Except for lastnight when Hoseok and.. that guy showed up.
You sigh already knowing the answer from the question you are about to ask.
‘‘ From…?’‘ You ask then put the lotion back in your bag. Slowly you rub your hands together to moisturize.
Your manager quickly flips through the daily planner, ‘‘ Bangtan Sonyeodan but this is for one of his mixtape songs.’‘
Thank goodness.
‘‘ That’s fine. What time will the car be arriving tomorrow?’‘
‘‘ 8 am on the dot. You need to be there by 8:30. I’ll be tending to one of my other models tomorrow so you will be alone. I can send som-’‘
‘‘ No no it’s truly okay. I know how to manage things myself. Besides, I learn from you.’‘ You reassure her with one of your winning smiles, laying your head on her shoulder.
‘‘ Aigoo what am I going to do with you?’‘
The day ends very well. The movies you’ve been watching have kept you occupied. But not occupied enough for you to keep crying at all the sad parts in the chick flicks. Breakups, someone had died, someone had even just spilled something onto the floor and that was enough to send you into tears.Only because when the main lead boy rushed to help clean it up, it reminded you of Jimin last-night helping Isabel.
‘’What is going on with myself.’’ You blow your nose into a tissue for what seemed like the thousandth time today. Clara lets out one of her meows beside you then goes back to grooming herself.
You place her onto your lap and begin to run your fingers through her fur over and over again. Such a soothing effect to you as you stare into space sulking in your thoughts.
Why is it that you weren’t enough for him? Why is it that every single little thing reminds you of him? You gave him your all and he gave you his but what happened? Where did you go wrong? Cooked, cleaned, satisfied his needs. You guys had even started to plan out what you wanted out of a family. When you wanted a baby and what you would name it. It was fun. The whole relationship was fun. Right until that scandal.
Ding.. Ding.. Ding.. DI-
You unlock your phone immediately to stop that annoying dinging noise. Not surprisingly it’s a text from Jeon Jungkook.
Kookie : Im coming over I’ll be there in exactly 3 minutes.
Kookie: Don’t think about leaving either.
Kookie: Im bringing someone with me.
Kookie: We need to have a serious talk babycheeks.
You roll your eyes at the nickname he’s given you. No matter how many times you tell him you want him to change it, he declines. There’s no point in asking anymore.
Why would he want to talk anyways and who is the person he’s bringing. Eh.. it might just be Ryan they seem to do everything together as a team.
As soon as you step foot out of your bed the sound the door clicking makes your head shoot up. How in the living hell does he know the password to your house? Rage takes over you. That’s something that you hate. When people invade your personal space. In this case, personal home.
‘‘ Jeon fucking Jungkook!’‘ You scream, abruptly stomping your feet all the way to and out your bedroom door. Suddenly you stop at the sight of the two faces staring back at you.
Jungkook’s expression holds a concerned yet upset face while the other just stands there calm and cool. But you on the other hand are way besides that level.
Your eyes must be filled with rage and the expression on your face is no good. How dare he disrespect you like that? Bringing him into your home, knowing the bad blood between you two. Oh, they both have something coming towards them. You begin to walk to them again making each step make the floor shake.
‘‘ Get out. Both of you. One you invade my personal private home..’‘
You grab both boys by their collars, making sure to grip the one on the right’s harder than usual. ‘‘ Two, you fucking invite him over here.’‘ You drag each of them towards the exit. Which is going good until Jungkook rips your hands away from his shirt and takes you over his shoulder.
You’ve had enough of him and his invasive ways. Pounding on his back with your fists, you make sure to scream into his ear. “ Put me the fuck down Jeon Jungko-”
You hiss at the stinging sensation on your ass. Did he just? Jimin stands there awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck. You make sure to make eye contact with him and roll your eyes. Something that always had and will piss him off.
‘‘ Hush. I told you all of us needed to have a deep talk about you.’‘
Jungkook plops your frail body onto one side of the couch in which he sits next to you. He motions for Jimin to come sit across from the both of you but you aren’t having it.
‘‘ Don’t you do it.” You glare at him. Jungkook sighs harshly only to pluck your forehead two times. You whine and rub it with your index and middle finger.
Jungkook shakes his head in disapproval, ‘‘ When are you ever going to learn? Jimin sit down now.”
‘‘ Truthfully.. I feel as though I shouldn’t be here so-”
“ Good. Get out you are unwanted.” You snap back causing him to give you one of his long stares with no facial expression at all.
Jungkook glares at you just before getting up to throw his hands in the air full of disappointment. “ Enough! “
Yelling. Something else you don’t like to hear being done at yourself. You finally sit still and quite avoiding any eye contact with the both of them.
He sits back down and clears his throat. Jungkook gives Jimin a look before continuing on.
‘‘ I gathered us here to talk about you..”
‘‘ Why. Im fine. How many times do I have to say it. Im fine im fine im fine im fucking fine!’‘ You exclaim, getting more mad by the second. When will people accept this?
‘‘ Baby.. ’‘
Your eyes shoot up to him and his soft voice. You didn’t want to but you did because his voice to you is like candy that melts into your mouth.
‘‘ Don’t call me that. You have a girlfriend at-least be loyal to her rather than what you did to me.’‘
‘‘ Fuck is anybody going to just sit here and listen? Can we at-least get to the source of the problem? Huh?’‘ Jungkook leans back into the couch clearly pissed by your attitude.
Jimin’s the first to speak and holds a firm eye contact with you, almost daring you to break away from it.
‘‘ Fine. Im just going to cut straight to it then. Why are you so jealous? You aren’t okay at all. I seen the way you looked at us yesterday. You wanted to break down so bad but you didn’t. It looks like you’ve been dropping weight day by day why aren’t you eating well?’’
You’re taken a-back by his jealous comment. Although you are you just cannot admit it. You are jealous. You do want him back. You cant bear to see him with another girl but you. But the fact that Jimin is concerned makes you really hope. Just hope that there is something left of you still in his heart.
‘‘ Jealous? Jealous tuh.” You scoff, leaning into Jungkook’s arms where you rest his head on your chest. You only do this just to see Jimin’s reaction and by the look on his face he doesn’t enjoy that move one bit.
‘‘ Yes jealous. I mean why else would you put almond extra-
‘‘ Woah. No need to go there. We established that it was a so called accident lastnight.” Jungkook does finger quotes into the air and looks down at you.
You lift your head up and furrow your eyebrows in annoyance, “ So called? So you really believe that I did it on purpose. Wow Jungkook. Escort yourself out.’’
He sighs, wrapping his arms around you securly in hopes of you settling down a  little, “ Honestly it’s not like that. I wasn’t there to see you bake them nor was I watching her eat it. Im just saying that you knew Jimin was coming and obviously his girlfriend was going to come too. It’s a little sketchy is all.”
There’s no fixing what he said. Him adding onto his explanation just made things sound worse than what he’s trying to say. You don’t have time to be ganged up on, nor like it at all. It’s best if they both just leave, to not turn nothing into something.
‘‘ Get out. Now. Before I call and tell Ryan what you said and then she’ll definitely deal with you.’‘ You say, removing yourself from off of him and onto the other side of the couch with your legs crossed.
Mad isn’t even the word to describe yourself right now. You’re just a mixture of all emotions.
Jungkook now looks of sorriness written all over his face. You bite your lip and shake your head while pointing towards the door. He sighs heavily and takes one last look at you while removing himself from the couch. You watch him slip on his coat and shoes.
Jimin gets up from his spot on the couch, ‘‘ I’ll be leav-”
‘‘ Sit down we aren’t done talking.” 
He looks at you with his eyebrows furrowed, sitting back down slowly.
Jungkook keeps his head down as he wraps his blue scarf around his neck. Poor baby, but he shouldn’t of said it. “Please better yourself and talk it out with each-other. Im leaving.”
‘‘ Make it home safely.. Kookie.” You sigh once the door closes behind him. Now you’re here. Face to face with Park Jimin.
The same Jimin who cheated on you. The same Jimin you haven’t seen in a while. You take a few moments to take in his appearance. He seems to have re-gained his muscles that are peaking through his black, longsleeve shirt. His thighs are still thick, just like his luscious lips. Of course he changed his hair color to black. But who knows, he might change it again.
‘‘ You’ve been doing well?’‘ You say, voice low but enough for him to hear. You drop your eyes to your lap instead of keeping intact with his.
‘‘ Yes. But you have not. Im disappointed in you. Why are you doing this to yourself? Don’t do this because of me.”
‘‘ Jimin you don’t know the feeling. You don’t know how it feels to be left wondering why you weren’t good enough for someone. Why they had cheated on you. You don’t understand at all and wont ever.’‘ Your voice cracks on the last sentence and you an feel the lump in your throat become sore.
He bites his lip unsure of what to say next. Those words had hit him good inside. ‘‘ Im sorry. I truly am. But you know the reason why we had to end it. I fucked up bad and the media was making the scandal bigger and messier day by day. It was better to just call it off.’‘
One by one your tears start to drop. You nose begins it’s running trip but you sniffle it back up.
‘‘ You could of denied it. You know you could of made a statement and denied it. But you felt something for her didn’t you? Didn’t you?’‘ You semi-yell, sobs already starting to take it’s way over.
He bites his lip once again and ruffles his fingers through his hair, “ Baby..’’
You wipe your tears with your hands making your face even more puffy from the crying. “ I am jealous. I am I admit it Jimin. But do you know i have been suffering for one year and two months? I can’t sleep at night because im so used to your touch at night. I look at every couple in Seoul and think to myself, Dang they seem so happy. What’s their secret?’’
Jimin sits up, making eye contact with you with tears welling up into his eyes. It hurt’s you more than yourself to see him crying. It always has.
‘‘ Please don’t do that. Don’t do this to yourself. Please get help from someone to try and move on. Please. I don’t like to see or hear you make yourself suffer.’ He begs, getting up from his seat and coming towards you.
Jimin sits next to you, hesitantly opening his arms up to you. Would it be wrong to embrace him? He’s being too sincere, but thats what you want right? You decide to just do it, and lean into him only for him to pull you in closer into his chest.You just lay there crying and sobbing while he runs his fingers through your hair. You shouldn’t be doing this. He has a girlfriend. But it feels so right.
‘‘ What does she have that I don’t? Why couldn’t you love me the same way you love her “  You cry into his chest, soaking his shirt with your tears. 
You’d been waiting for this moment to just let it out. Let everything out.
‘’ Please don’t make this harder than what it is right now. Just try and forget me and move on. Please.” Hypocritcal. How does he expect you to get over him when he’s the one whos holding you so tight right now. Soon enough his sniffles join yours in harmony.
You raise your head up and look him deep into the eyes while you wipe away his tears, “ Don’t cry Jimin. I’m the one supposed to be crying over you. Don’t cry.’’
He takes your hand away from his face and wraps his fist ontop of yours, “Please promise me you will move on okay?’’
You shake your head no, “ I can’t make that promise.”
He doesn’t say anything. He gently cradles you in his arms and lifts you up. You don’t think to where he is going. You just close your eyes and grab onto his shirt firmly not wanting to let go.
Soon enough you feel the cold sheets over your bed. He covers you in the duvet and leans down to your forehead.  A kiss. Your fist is still locked onto his shirt in which he tries to pry it away but you don’t want to let him go. He sighs and raises his arms up as he takes off the shirt revealing an extra plain white wife beater under it. Taking your other hand, he wraps your hand into another fist onto the shirt to where both of your hands are holding onto it.
‘‘ Please better yourself for me baby. Sleep and eat well. “
Is all he says before turning off the lights and walking out your bedroom door.  You can hear him putting on and zipping up his heavy coat but you just don’t make a sound.
The apartment door clicks and beeps letting you know he’s already gone.
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bukojuiice · 4 years
What happens when the bakusquad babysits Katsuki’s daughter? (Dad! Katsuki Bakugo x Mom! Reader) Headcanons + One-shot
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ೃ pairing: (dad! katsuki bakugo x mom! reader)
ೃ  warnings: none
ೃ genre: fluff overload, parent fic/hcs
ೃ word count: 5,141 words
ೃ 1/4 of @bukojuiice’s 800 followers special!
ೃ  my nav  →  my mha writing masterlist  → my katsuki bakugo x reader smau
ೃ   A  sequel in the form of headcanons + one-shot to my dad! Bakugo fic “like the soul of honey” I recommend reading that first before going through this! Don’t worry if you don’t want to though! Both are standalone and not really connected with each other. 
ೃ   This was originally just going to be headcanons, but I didn’t want to keep writing it in hcs style halfway through so be treated to both headcanons + a one-shot instead! as you can tell already, this was so so much fun to write and i felt so soft after writing this uwu
ೃ  shoutout to two of my loves @sparkykatsuki for coming up with this idea!  I just knew i had to do it bc i love bakusquad sm!! they give me such a serotonin boost and I find it really fun writing about them!! Thank you for having such big brain energy and for conspiring this concept franz!  And to @chibishae34​ bc i know she loves baby fics as much as I do HSHSHSH
ೃ   your daughter’s name is hikari which means light. bakugo thought of that name because light is essentially a part of his quirk and hikari is a part of him.
ೃ  please do reblog if you enjoyed!! (feel free to add tags too because i love reading them and my heart swells with happiness when people love my work!) ♡
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—  Hikari is blessed with the best uncles and aunts she could ever ask for!!
—  Both Bakusquad and Dekusquad take turns in helping you and Katsuki get your well deserved rest and relaxation at least once a month ever since Hikari turned 6 as... she became quite the feisty girl. Too feisty to handle actually.
—  She was energetic and playful 24/7. And so, it was hard to keep up with her energy most of the time.
—  She still remained kind and obedient yet she was also an absolute bundle of joy who would just run around the house, play with her toys, and go on roleplaying adventures with you and Katsuki. She had absolutely no idea how much she would tire you and Katsuki, however, and sometimes she would go on for hours and hours just running around the house and interacting with everything she sees.
—  She had an inquisitive mind, and although you always encourage her to be smart and be intrigued with everything, she tends to question almost everything she lays her eyes on and you end up having to come up with a witty and a very childlike answer for her to understand.
—  A good example of this is when she asked you ever so innocently about where babies come from and your husband was ABOUT TO TAKE HER QUESTION LITERALLY and give her the science talk about sexual reproduction. When the two of you agreed to only give her that talk when she turns 8 as she might not even entirely understand it in the first place.
—  “Mommy, Daddy, where do babies come from?”
—  “I guess it’s time for the talk.” Bakugo shrugs, remarking sternly. He takes his daughter’s little hand in his and bringing her to the living room. “You see, Hikari, babies come from the wo-”
—  “Storks!” You cut Bakugo off before he could say another word, nudging him on the elbow. “Hikari-chan, the babies are brought down to this world by the white and strong birds in the sky!” You whisper the last bits of information to her ear. “The storks told me that once you get older, they’ll tell you the secret of where they actually pick up the babies.”
—  “Really!?” She says in disbelief, her eyes gleaming in excitement. “YAY! YAY! YAY! I can’t wait!” She goes back to running around the house looking for even more things to ask about and you breathe a sigh of relief as soon as she leaves.
—  Although it was nice that you are able to bond as a family, it does get pretty tiring sometimes. Of course your weariness is worth the risk if it’s just to see Hikari smile.
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— Especially since you and Bakugo were both pro-heroes (although you mostly do stand by pro hero work meaning you work from home almost all the time.) You found it much more enriching if both you and bakugo are guiding her and working together to create a loving and supportive family for Hikari.
— Both of your respective friend groups, whomst you remained close to ever since high school, noticed how the both of you looked tremendously exhausted and looked like you were in dire need to have 9 cups of coffee every time you would meet up with each other in between your pro hero duties.
—  And so both squads came into an agreement, that they would help the two of you out by giving you a 48 hour day off every month to do whatever the heck married couples do as they would babysit Hikari and have fun.
—  This was also a great way to get closer with their niece even if they dote on her so much already.  As you and Bakugo are the first persons in your friend groups who got married and have a child together.
—  This month, the Bakusquad is in charge of taking care of Hikari and just from the fact that Kirishima, Kaminari, Mina and Sero are going to babysit your daughter alone, you know it’s going to be chaotic.
—  Things didn’t go swimmingly last time (literally), as only Kirisihima and Kaminari were the only ones available the last time they came to babysit. They took Hikari to a community pool, and she came back with a missing tooth and some scratches on her legs from playing too much. Katsuki was NOT pleased and you had to restrain your husband from trying to obliterate his best friends even if Hikari had little to no injuries and it was normal for kids her age to have these things happens to them at least once in their childhood.
—  With your assurance and the look that was on Hikari’s face and how she would not shut up about how she loved spending time with Uncle Eijiro and Uncle Denki, Katsuki eventually let it slide and just gave his friends the usual “Katsuki Bakugo treatment” where he acts cold and angry at them, paired with his easily irritated and idgaf attitude.
—  This month however, was going to be different because Mina and Sero are finally joining along and making sure that Hikari has the best weekend since they weren’t able to babysit last time.
—  Hikari loved her Aunt Mina because she would braid her hair and style her with different cute outfits that only Mina, with her love for fashion and all things girly and pink could attempt to do and end up doing perfectly. She also taught Hikari all the dances to disney songs and nursery rhymes she knows how to do so far. Hikari affectionately refers to her Aunt Pinkie whenever Mina isn’t around.
—  Kirishima, who was the most frequent to visit the 3 of you, out of all of the Bakusquad, considers Hikari as his new #1 best friend. Dethroning and kicking her very own father from that spot. Hikari is a much more gentle and sweet version of her explosive father, and so Eijiro is able to interact and play with Hikari because he already knows Bakugo and his mannerisms very well. Hikari calls him Uncle Sharkie and she always asks her dad about how he and Kirishima became such good friends. To which Katsuki would reply with, “It’s a long story princess.”
—  Kaminari was the fun uncle. He always gave off those vibes ever since high school anyway. Giving Hikari candy behind Katsuki’s back (although you made sure Kaminari didn’t give her any that were tooth rotting sweet ones) Buying her ice cream whenever he came to drop by, and bringing her to the nearby playground amongst many other things. He spoils her a lot (in a good way) and Hikari calls her the fun “sparkie” uncle.
— Then, there was Sero. He retained his love for Spiderman since he was a kid, and he was able to pass that on to Hikari. His way of playing with her was cute since Sero is super tall, he would let Hikari ride on his shoulders, trying to imitate airplane noises as they would “fly” around the house. He gifted Hikari some child-friendly comic books for you and Katsuki to read to her before. bed. Although she never fails to say that the best heroes are her mommy and daddy. She calls Sero her Uncle Spidey.  
—  Uncle Sharkie, Uncle Sparkie, Aunt Pinkie, and Uncle Spidey. The Holy Quaternity.
(One-shot starts below this!)
“AUNT MINA! UNCLE EIJIRO! UNCLE DENKI! UNCLE SEROOO!” Hikari rushes to the door as soon as she hears the doorbell ring, she jumps into Eijiro’s arms and the red-haired pro hero twirls her around. The rest of the Bakusquad forms a circle around her, and can’t help but look at her adoringly.
“How’s my little ball of sunshine!?” Mina squeezes Hikari’s cheekies, earning giggles from the little girl. “I’m fine Aunt Mina! I mished chu!” She begins to talk in a cute accent as she just can’t contain her excitement.
“Hikari-chan! Do you still remember our little handshake?” Sero kneels down to the little girl’s height, offering her his hand. The little girl nods, shakes it and their thumbs twiddle together, as if they were thumb wrestling. They do a few more quirky hand shakes and then end it with a bang by saying “BOOM!” Sparks suddenly fly out from Hikari’s hands, her aunt and uncles coo since noticing how much her quirk has developed ever since they started babysitting.
“Okay you two!” Mina turns to you and Katsuki, as she had noticed you had some distinct luggage packed for a quick hot spring getaway, she practically pushes the two of you out of the door when Katsuki stops in his tracks, turning to his friends.
He glares at them and points his fingers to his eyes in a “I’m watching you” type of gesture. “Not one single scratch on her or all of you are dead to me.”
Kaminari laughs, patting his friend on the back, “We gotchu buddy. Your little ball of sunshine is safe in our hands. She’ll have the best time with us!”
Hikari quickly runs to you and Katsuki, giving you both a tight hug. “We love you Hikari. We’ll just be gone for two days oki? Your uncles and your aunt here will keep you safe this weekend alright? We love you!” You peck her lightly on the cheek, a pout forming on your daughter’s face.
“I’ll miss you Mommy. Daddy.” She doesn’t let go, hugging the two of you even tighter. “I loaf you! See you soon!”
“Be a good girl okay Hikari?” Katsuki kneels down to meet his daughter’s eyes, orbs that were as passionate as his, planting a kiss on her forehead. “We’ll miss you kiddo.”
You could hear Kaminari and Sero silently snicker in the background since they still can’t wrap their head around the fact that their friend could become so soft when in front of his child as opposed to his usual rough demeanor he shows to everyone else.
Katsuki wraps his arm around your waist, holding you tightly, with you dragging along the luggage that the two of you were going to bring on this trip. You bid your final goodbyes with ease and relief, knowing that your daughter will be in “safe hands” the entire weekend.
“We’re going to have so much fun!” Mina squeezes Hikari and the rest of the  Bakusquad into a hug. “What do you want to do first Hikari-chan?”
“Oh! Um! I don’t know if I should ask this b-but..” The blonde little girl hides her hands in her pockets, her feet tapping the floor. “I actually want to know how Mommy and Daddy met! Not the marry or the lovey thing! Just how they met and fell in love!”
“Hikari-chan!! You’re so cuteeeeeeee!” Kaminari begins to weep crocodile tears, pulling Hikari into another hug. “If that’s what you want to do for today, then we’ll gladly tell the story of how your mom and dad met!”
The Bakusquad formed and sat in a circle on the floor. Hikari was sitting on Mina’s lap as the latter braided her hair into what was called a Fishtail braid. Kirishima, with the help of Sato, baked some chocolate chip cookies a few days ago for all of them to snack on while they babysit Hikari.
Sero clears his voice and begins the story. “Your mom and your dad met each other in High School. Along with all of us and your Uncle Izuku, Uncle Tenya, Uncle Shoto, Aunt Ochaco, Aunt Tsuyu-” He continues to recall the names of all the other people Hikari know and love. “They were total opposites actually.”
“O-opposithes?” Hikari tilts her head, a puzzled look on her face as she tries to process what her Uncle Sero had just said. “D-does that mean that Daddy didn’t like Mommy?”
“It’s not like that Hikari-chan. Don’t worry.” Kirishima saves Sero from making the little girl misinterpret what he had just said, nudging his raven-haired friend in the arm. “It’s just that your dad was hot-headed and angry all the time, but he fell in love with your mom because she was sweet, patient and understanding!” Kirishima reiterates, a soft look on his face, looking back on the sweet sentimental memories of high school. “They were perfect for each other!”
“Oh! So daddy was angy all the time? Since mommy is really nice she told Daddy to be nice and they fell in love!?”
Mina giggles, continuing to style Hikari’s hair. “Yes Hikari-chan. That’s exactly what happened! You’re so good!”
“I am!?” Yay!” She claps her hands together, a wide smile present on her face, she was becoming more and more intrigued. “Tell me more please!”
“Well...” Kaminari continued where Kirishima had left off, “Your mom and dad got closer because they got teamed up to fight our pro hero teacher for our exam! They fought and they had a hard time talking to each other but they passed the exam in the end! It was hard at first. Your dad kept on telling us that he didn’t like your mom in a lovey way but we kept on pushing him until he accidentally said that he liked her! Your mommy heard what he said and then she told him that she liked him too!”
“F-fight? I thought Daddy only fights bad guys...” Her voice begins to crack as if she was about to cry. The Bakusquad were about to speak up and explain but failed to because as soon as Mina was done braiding her hair, Hikari immediately stands up and bows politely to the four adults. “I’m going to play with Mr. Rilakkuma for a while. See you later!” She grabs a cookie from the plate and rushes into her room, locking the door behind her.
“See you later Hikari-chan!” Kaminari waves cluelessly, not realizing what he had just said that prompted Hikari to leave the room in the first place. Mina stands up on her knees, shooting him a glare and flicking his forehead, “Did you not realize what you just did!?”
“Ahh what did I do!?” He rubs the spot on his forehead that Mina had just hit, and looks at his two other friends for a clue as to why they were ganging up with him.
“I guess Chargedolt will always be Chargedolt.” Sero shrugs, shaking his head in disappointment.. “Hikari misinterpreted what you said. She thinks that Bakubro used to fight (Y/N) like she’s a villain or something back when we were in High School.”
“Guys. Guys. There’s nothing we can do about it. Both of you slipped, so let’s give Hikari-chan some space first then talk to her later.” Kirishima cuts Kaminari off before he and Sero would start an argument,  which would prompt Hikari to further think more negative thoughts.
“(Y/N) said that Hikari-chan’s been liking Tonkotsu Ramen recently, so I think it’s best if all of us help out in cooking her favorite comfort food to cheer her up.” Mina sighs deeply, crossing her arms. She heads straight to the kitchen without uttering another word, the three other guys follow suit.
After several hours, it was finally night time and time for dinner! At the orders of Mina, Sero and Kaminari came to pick up Hikari from her room.
Sero knocked softly. “Hikari-chan? It’s time for dinner!”
“We cooked your favoriteee Tonkatsu Ramen!” Kaminari added in a playful voice.
No reply.
“Hikari-chan?” Sero knocks again, a bit louder this time. He then turns to Denki and whispers, “Maybe she’s asleep?”
Before the two men were to retreat and go back to the living room, the door to the little girl’s room was unlocked with a long click, as if there was hesitance..
Denki quickly turns the knob to be surprised at the sight of Hikari... packing her clothes into a cute backpack?
“Hikari-chan! W-what are you doing?” Kaminari runs to her, trying to stop her from folding her clothes.
“I’m going to go see Mommy and Daddy! I’ll go take a bus and find them!” She wipes the tears streaking down her cheeks, sniffing her nose while attempting to stuff her teddy bear inside her backpack. “Daddy took Mommy so that they’re going to fight aren’t they!? I don’t want that!”
“No no no no no Hikari. It’s not like that!” Kaminari wipes the little girl’s tears with a handkerchief, he gestures Sero to call Kirishima and Mina whilst he tries to comfort the girl. “Your dad took your mom out because today is their lovey anniversary! It wasn’t because they were going to fight!”
“Ah! Owkay!” Hikari suddenly raises her head, taking the handkerchief from Denki and wiping her tears.  “Can I visit Daddy and Mommy then!?”
“O-oh well...”
“Of course we can go Hikari-chan!” Kirishima barges in, Sero and Mina close behind him. “Let’s surprise them!”
“Yay! Surprising them! I love surprises!” The little girl jumps up and down in her place. “What time do we go!? What time do we goooo!?”
“After dinner you little cutie.” Mina smiles at the younger Bakugo’s sudden shift in mood. “We cooked your favorite Tonkotsu Ramen!”
“AH! TONKOTSU RAMEN TONKOTSU RAMEN!” Hikari wiggles her arms, slightly pushing the adults out of the way and runs out of her room, Sero catches up to her, only to find her sitting properly on the dining table. “I’m ready to eat now! Just waiting for all of you!” She shouts from outside.
“She’s absolutely fricking adorable.” Kaminari remarks. “But Kiri.. are you serious? We’re actually going all the way to a prefecture and bring her to her parents? Isn’t our job supposed to be keeping her here while they rest and relax in the onsen?”
“W-well... It’s not like we can do anything about it right?” Eijiro shrugs off Denki’s concern, holding on to a stress ball that Hikari had in her room. “She’ll be moping around and going back to overthinking about what her parents are doing right now. We’ll take her there and besides, once we do get there, (Y/N) and Bakugo already had a day’s worth of rest. And I think it’s time for us to take Hikari on a road trip and have fun with her!”
“Uncle Eijiro.. Aunt Mina... Uncle Denki... what’s taking you so long?” Hikari yawns and rubs her eyes, still holding on to her chopsticks. “The ramen is going to get cold...”
“Oh no! It is!?” Mina reacts quickly, taking Hikari’s hand and leading her to the table. “Let’s get there before Elsa makes it even colder!”
“NOOOOOO!! Elsa’s going to do that!? Whyyyyyy!?”
“Let’s just hope that this isn’t a repeat of what happened when we took her to the community pool.” Kaminari shakes his head, recalling the past event. “Bakugo almost killed us if it weren’t for (Y/N).”
“I don’t think it will. Besides, Sero and Mina will be with us, so the more the merrier!”
Oh and the merrier it was.
“HAKUNA MATATA! WHAT A WONDERFUL PHRASE!” Bakusquad along with Hikari, sing in unison. Bopping along to the iconic song from Lion King.
“IT MEANS NO WORRIES! FOR THE REST OF YOUR DAYS!” Hikari belts out, the others clapping along to her singing, doing their best to hype her up
Kirishima was singing Timone’s lines, Kaminari was singing Pumba’s, Sero and Mina were the background vocals and and Hikari was singing Simba’s lines.
It was 6 am in the morning and they were finally on the road and on the way to a Hot Springs Resort in Chiba Prefecture, where you and Bakugo were staying in for the weekend.
Kirishima was driving the SUV that he immediately bought when he got his first Pro Hero paycheck, Denki was riding shotgun, and Hikari was seated at the middle squeezed in by both Mina and Sero.
Disney Songs were set to be played for the entire morning to tire out Hikari and so that she can sleep peacefully and rid Bakusquad of the slight annoyance they will receive when she asks “Are we there yet?” every 2 minutes.
Denki had unfortunately messed up the spotify playlist that Jiro had given him, and the piano opening of A Thousand Miles begins to play.
“OMG IT’S OUR SQUAD SONG!” Mina’s eyes lit up as soon as the well-known piano keys blared out from the speakers. “MAKING MY WAY DOWNTOWN, WALKING FAST, FACES PASS AND I’M HOMEBOUND!”
The iconic part before the chorus begins to play and the boys sing along, “AND I NEED YOU! AND I MISS YOUUU!” They shake their shoulders to the beat, and Hikari giggles along.
“CAUSE YOU KNOW I’D WALK A THOUSAND MILES IF I CAN JUST SEE YOU TONIGHTTTTT.” Bakusquad sings dramatically in unison, raising their hands up high and just vibing to the beat.
“Hikari-chan! You should totally hear your dad sing this! He loves this song!” Mina turns to the little girl who continued to laugh at how chaotic her aunt and uncles were being. “Really!? I want to learn it then so that Mommy and Daddy would know that I can be a singer too!”
The song ends and yet everyone else was still vibing. After the current song, the hype and the energy has died down and Hikari is fast asleep on Mina’s lap and her feet were lying on a pillow that was placed on Sero’s lap.
“She really is a spitting image of both (Y/N) and Bakugo. They’re really great parents.” said Sero, who wanted to break the silence and keep the atmosphere lively.
“My mind is still shook over the fact that Bakubro would turn so soft every time he’s in the same room as his daughter. It’s a complete 180 on his personality, and I really wanna tease him about it when we finally get the chance.” Kaminari interjects. “Do you think Bakugo would get mad when we arrive there?”
“Trust me on this guys.” Kirishima says casually, stepping on the gas pedal, as they go up the highway. “Bakugo won’t. In fact, I think both he and (Y/N) would be delighted to see their daughter travel for 180 miles just because of a misunderstanding.”
“Suki-kun... do you think I should call up Mina to ask how Hikari’s doing?” You reach for your phone on the bedside table. “It’s 6 AM maybe Hikari forgot to drink her gummmy vitamins-”
“She’s going to be fine.” Katsuki murmurs in his bedhead voice, turning to your side of the bed to spoon you and nestle his head on your neck. “I trust Kirishima and the others.”
“This is surprising. You’re very casual about this now. What happened to your skepticism? Weren’t you too worried about how they were going to babysit Hikari after the pool incident?”
“To hell with that. If Hikari loves them, and they love her back just as much, might as well just roll with it. They’re my friends anyway and it’s better than Ilda scolding her for eating 4 M&Ms at 9 in the evening.”
You chuckle, holding his hands that were wrapped around your waist. “That’s harsh but you got a point. Although Hikari loves my friends and yours equally, they do think of Hikari as a little Bakugo so, they’re able to connect with her more.”
“What time do the private mixed gender hot springs open up again?” He grumbles suggestively and you giggle. “They open at 9 am. Should I reserve that time slot?”
“You should.” He growls but before you could even reply, he falls back to sleep.
“WE’RE HERE!” Kirishima announces, waking Kaminari, Mina and Sero up from their sleep.
“W-what if this isn’t the right onsen?” Denki yawns, looking around to take in the view.
“I asked (Y/N) last night where they were staying. This is the place! She even gave me their room number for some reason.” Mina stretches her arms then pats Hikari on the forehead lightly. “Hikari we’re here...”
The little girl slowly opens her eyes, sitting up, then looks out the window.
“HOT SPRINGS! ONSEN!” She hastily tidies up her backpack and gets down the car as soon as Sero opens the door.
“Hikari-chan! Wait for us first!” Sero runs after her, making sure she doesn’t get too far.
“It’s 9 AM... I wonder if those two lovebirds are awake already.” Kaminari looks at the watch on his wrist, as he brings down their stuff from the trunk of the car.
“I looked this place up last night. It’s a family friendly hot springs resort, but it’s famed for it’s private mixed gender onsen. I wonder why though...” Mina mused, helping Denki out with bringing their stuff down.
Kirishima gets out of the car and bobs his head up as soon as he heard what Mina had said. He looks at Kaminari trying to tell him something through his stare. The mustard-haired man’s eyes widened when he realized why Kirishima was looking at him, then he turns to Mina who finally realizes what the mixed gender onsen meant.
They enter the beautiful and lush resort, spotting Sero and Hikari who were sitting near the reception area, waiting for their reservation and for the rooms to be confirmed.
“Can’t believe we had to pay double the price for a standard room.” Kaminari pouts, whispering to Kirishima as the red-haired man hands him over the credit cards of each of his friends and then he hands it over to the concierge. He notices how excited Hikari looked and couldn’t help but smile.
As soon as the reservation was confirmed, Bakusquad and Hikari were able to check in immediately. Mina takes Hikari to her room while the three other boys were sharing their room with each other.
“Hikari before you can surprise your parents, you have to wear this Yukata first okay?” Mina helps fasten the bath robe on Hikari, but the little girl can’t help but be energetic and start dancing in her place. “Have you memorized the A Thousand Miles chorus already to sing to your mommy and daddy?”
“I have!”
Mina takes Hikari outside, the other boys were already out too and were wearing their bath robes.
“I saw (Y/N) enter this onsen. Maybe that’s where she and Bakugo are in? Should we take Hikari there?” Kaminari asks his three other friends, sipping on a fruit-flavored ramune, and handing one to Hikari.
“Yes please! I want to see Mommy and Daddy as soon as possible and then surprise them!” She sips on her ramune, looking at her aunt and uncles pleadingly, begging them to bring her there.
“I could have sworn I heard Kaminari-kun’s voice outside.” You tell Katsuki, closing the screen door to the open air bath. You were holding a plate full of sliced Watermelon. Your robe was still on and you wanted to eat something first before getting in.
“Tch. Probably just your imagination.” Bakugo breathes a sigh of relief, slipping in further in the hot water. “I could get used to something like this every month.”
“Oh really?” You raise your eyebrow, and lick your lips. “Could you get used to-”
“If I could fall into the sky, do you think time would pass us ByYYY?”
You jolt up at the sweet and all too familiar voice that was echoing from the outside. Before you could even react properly, someone knocks on the door to reveal...
“Mommy! Daddy!”
She jumps to you and pulls you into a tight hug. “I missed you so much! I thought you and Daddy were fighting that’s why you left!”
“Fighting!?” You look back and forth to Bakusquad then to your daughter. “Of course not! Why would we-”
“Uncle Sewo and Uncle Denki told me that you guys would always fight when you were in school! That’s why I thought that-”
“They did... what?” Bakugo’s tone becomes slightly irritated at the mention of Kaminari and Hanta’s name. The Bakusquad were about to face death and the consequences until...
“Oh! But! They also taught me a song today! It’s called A Thousand Miles! They said it was Daddy’s favorite!” She then turns to her father with such admiration in her eyes as she begins to sing the chorus. “Cause you know I’d walk a thousand miles just to see youuu~”
“Nice one sunshine. Did you learn that for me?” He gestures Hikari to approach him, ruffling her hair as she kneels down to peck him on the cheek. “I did!”
“It’s your favorite song! So, I also traveled a thousand miles to see you and Mommy!”
“Not necessarily a thousand miles, dear. But you’re close enough! You still traveled to see us! Yay!” You clap at the genius remark your daughter had made. You turn to the Bakusquad, nodding your head at them and smile. “Thank you for taking care of Hikari and bringing her here just because she wanted to. We’ll see you later at lunch?”
“Of course! Of course!” Mina waves goodbye, a tired but loving smile formed on her face. “We had a fun time with Hikari and we just couldn’t help but bring her here. But, you have Kiri to thank for all of this though!”
“No, I shouldn’t get all of the credit. This is a Bakusquad group effort, if Kaminari and Sero didn’t slip and if Hikari didn’t misunderstand their words, then we wouldn’t be here in the first place.” Kirishima cuts Mina off in a respectful way. He claps his hands together and pulls your other friends out of the room. “See ya guys later!”
“Thanks guys.” Bakugo nods generously to his friends. It was something he didn’t always do, but when he does, well, it’s worth seeing.
“Bye Uncle Sharkie, Aunt Pinkie, Uncle Sparkie and Uncle Spidey!” Hikari waves goodbye jovially, not realizing that she just called them the affectionate nicknames that she’s too embarrassed to say in front of them.
The four laugh at the little girl’s slip-up and they leave the hot springs in good spirits.
After that wonderful weekend, you explained to Hikari about why you’re taking a rest every month in the first place. She didn’t quite get the concept at first but after a little bit more of explaining, she came up with the idea that the two of you get four rest days in a month. One weekend just for you and Katsuki then the other weekend is for the three of you and if any of the Bakusquad or Dekusquad would want to come along.
It was the perfect agreement and if Hikari was going to grow up in an environment where she had the best aunts and uncles in the universe, then she’s going to grow up to be a great kid. Just like the adults in her life once were.
The End.
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thesmokingguns · 3 years
Not with the band
summary: hi everyone, I wrote this for @ayablackwood . I hope you like it!
A/N: this is my longest oneshot and I hope you all enjoy this! Thank you for Reading. If you want to make a request for a fix either message me or you can request HERE. Thank you!
tag list: @thenobodies-inc , @littlemisscare-all , @ayablackwood @agroupiewhore
Word Count:6102
Izzy POV
The first thing I noticed about her was the big brown eyes. Sad eyes that showed she had lived her life and seen a few things in her time. I had never noticed a girl's eyelashes before but I could see  the long black lashes sweeping down, staring at her drink before looking back up almost doing a reset. Maybe she was like me and thought that these parties took a lot out of a person. The constant talking to strangers, faking politeness or interest in a conversation with someone.
I got a reputation for being indifferent, a quiet introspective sort of person who didn't care about others. But that wasn’t who I was; I just found most people were just boring to be around. There are only so many times you can talk about your band before you realize that it’s not your band they care about. Most girls I met just wanted to sleep with me. It wasn’t even that they wanted to sleep with me but that they wanted to sleep with the guitarist from Guns n Roses. And that was fine. I had no problem sleeping with the girls who didn’t require me to put in any effort because I wasn’t going to waste my time trying to woo them.
But as I watched this stranger across the room, I couldn't help but start to think about who she was. I noticed she had a nervous tick of pushing her straight black hair behind her ear when men came up to her and when she was talking to her friends she’d place her hands on their forearms almost whispering secrets into their ears. She played with the tab of her beer can, the one she only sipped a couple times in the hour that I had been watching her. She wasn’t wearing skyrocketing heels or lace dresses. She had on a button up summer dress with a collar and short sleeves. Every once and a whole she’d stuff her hand in a pocket, letting her eyes sweep the room for someone she knew. She looked ready for a church picnic and not the rock and roll party at a beach house that would probably stretch though the entire weekend. She didn’t even seem to notice that she wasn’t all teased up 80’s glam; she was comfortable in her.
I had no idea who she was or who she came with but I couldn’t stop staring at her. She drank beer instead of the usual wine or booze that the girls at these parties consumed and instead of hanging out near a band member she was around other girls.  They all seemed to come over to her, leaning close to whisper secrets in her ear, the sly smiles they spread across their faces. How did she know so many people here and I had no idea who she was? Finally, Axl’s girlfriend laced their arms, dragging her over to the couch where Axl and I were both sitting, giving me a chance to get to know her.
“This is Y/N, she’s my best friend. Y/N this is Axl and Izzy.'' When the introduction was done she pulled her down on the couch, our legs touching from the close proximity. I watched her lick her lips, turning to lean close to me so she could talk and have me hear what she was saying. I could smell her shampoo, like lavender, and feel the warmth of her body as she gave me a conspiratory look. It was intoxicating being this close to her and having her overwhelm my senses.
“I’m everyone’s best friend because I’m usually the designated driver.” she joked, the smile breaking out over her face like she was sharing this joke with me. Holy shit, it was like staring into the sun when her smile spread across her face, warming up those sad brown eyes and showing a twinkle of joy.
Hook, line, and sinker. I never reacted to a girl like this before and now this stranger was beside me on the couch and I couldn’t even think of something to say. All I could think about was how soft her hair looked and how much I wanted to wrap my fingers around a silky lock. Or how her nails weren’t painted the fashionable red or the neon colors but this soft pink. Everything about her seemed to stick out or maybe she was just sticking out to me because I was already obsessed with her.
“I’m Izzy.” She gave me a look and I realized that introductions had already been made and I was just making a fool of myself. This is exactly what I get for spacing out in so many conversations with girls. I lost any sort of ability to communicate with someone. “Do you want to get out of here?” Following up my reintroduction of myself with a line that I had used on a bunch of one night stands that I had wanted to stop talking about. It was that instant feeling of regret seeping into me.
“No, I don’t.” She didn’t give me any other explanation, only got up from the couch, headed over to a group of people and blended into them with ease. She hadn't even given me a look when she left.
“You have been staring at  Y/N all night and I got her to come and sit down next to you and not even five minutes later you screwed it up. What did you say to her?” the girl on Axl’s lap asked me. I felt like a kid being scolded by my parents and even felt a burning in my cheeks.
“I’ll fix it, don’t worry.” I was standing up, walking across the room to where she was standing. It had been months, maybe years since I went up to a girl and not just let them come up to me. It was like she felt me coming, her head turning, eyes meeting mine and suddenly I was forgetting everything that I had prepared in my mind. Just the way she looked at me had me forgetting the apology that I had in my mind. “Just grabbing a beer.” I reached around her grabbing a beer from the bucket on the table watching her eyes follow me. Smooth. So fucking smooth.
It had been a week since the party and I couldn’t get her out of my mind. I’d go to sleep thinking of her. She’d come to me in my dreams with those brown eyes waking me up. I couldn’t stop thinking about how the side of her lips curled up and her whole face lit up when she smiled. I started to realize I was putting her on this pedestal, obsessing over Y/N, a girl I had met once in passing at a party.
So I did the only thing that I could do. I called up Axl to have his girlfriend plan a  double date so that I could see her again. With the double date she would have her friend there for support but she would also be there with me.  This would give me the opportunity to charm her and show her I was capable of conversations that were bigger than just introducing myself or getting a beer.
The girls were at the bar and my heart got caught in my throat when I saw her. She was wearing a silky green dress, clinging to the curves of her body. Cherry painted lips, full and just needing to be kissed, were in a smile as she sipped a wine glass. I didn’t know how I was going to make it through the night.
Her eyes landed on mine across the room, the soft smile she was wearing blooming larger as she shook her head, leaning forward to her friend before the pair of them were both headed over to us.
“I had a feeling it would be you here tonight.” she had that glint in her eyes again, “What was your name again? I don’t think that I caught it the first time.” the way she teased me so easily put me at ease. I didn't feel the stress like I had the night of the party. She was bringing me out of the shyness, fixing the way my mouth was tongue tied.
Y/N sat next to me at dinner, tight in the booth as we talked about all the usual things people talked about but instead of hitting the highlight rail and painting a rainbow over her life she was raw. When we talked about family she told me about her grandparents who had raised her and Aunts and Uncles who stepped in where her parents failed. She knew about the band because she was actually best friends with Axl’s girlfriend so when she looked at me there was a skeptical look in her eyes as if she knew the secrets and shames of my life. But there wasn't any judgement.
Y/N asked me questions, not about the band and what it felt like to be on stage or if I’d write a song about her but different questions like what it felt like when I held a guitar for the first time and how many songs did he write that never made it past notebooks. We talked and talked, snug in the booth together seeming to forget it was a double date and we just fell into a conversation together.
Finally a waiter came over to us letting us know that the place was closing and that the two of you had to leave. Time had completely gotten away from me as I had stayed wrapped up in her. Looking across the table I saw Axl and his date gone.The check was on the table but before I could reach for it she had thrown money down, smiling up at the waiter and letting him know it was all set.
“I’m supposed to pay for that.” I said as she scooted  gently pushing me out of the booth. Her shoulders shrugged as she walked out of the restaurant, not waiting for me or seeming to care if I was behind her.
The sound of her heels on concrete, gave away which direction she was headed. Her bare shoulders were held high even in the cool night and I was rushing to be by her side, shrugging out of the denim jacket and wrapping it around her. The kind brown eyes looked up at me, skeptical for a second.
“I’m not going to sleep with you, Izzy.” her voice was clear and came out easily, “And I don’t date musicians.” She was matter of fact, shutting off the fact that we had just had a good night together and had gotten to know each other more.
I had watched the way she talked, confirming some of her nervous ticks. Like how she would look down and reset, sweeping her eyes around the room when she wasn’t comfortable. That had stopped about twenty minutes into dinner when we started to get along. There was no beer can tab to bend this way and that so instead her finger swirled around the top ledge of her wind glass in between small sips of wine.
“I never said anything about sleeping with you or dating you.” I said as we got to the corner. Her brown eyes were narrowed, regarding me with a strange curiosity like she was trying to make out what I wanted from her. “I want to kiss you though.” My hand slid through her black hair, as soft as silk, just like I had known it would be. She gasped, her mouth opening in a slight gasp not expecting me to be so close to her. Our eyes met and I watched her search me, as if there would be answers behind my eyes that I hadn’t spoken to her.
“If you kiss me I’ll never speak to you again. I don’t need boys kissing me.” her brown eyes were serious. There was an interesting spark there and it wasn’t like she was telling me that I couldn't kiss her. Y/N hadn’t moved an inch from my arms, she stayed looking up at me with my hands on her lower back. Having her in my arms felt good, not like the carnal or feral pleasure that I had with random girls. It was like we could communicate without words
“I’m not a boy, I’m a man.” The way she smirked at that statement was encouraging but there was still the fear in her eyes that I wanted to see gone. How could I get those brown eyes to only shimmer in happiness. “Let me walk you home.” I pulled back, watching the way her eyes sparkled for a second. It was the first time I felt like I had made the right choice.
Two days later I was sitting on the couch backstage, my fingers picking idolly on the guitar when two giggling girls burst into backstage. And there she was, eyes shiny with joy as she laughed with her friend. The pair of them seemed almost surprised that they were in the room with the band. Y/N looked up, eyes landing on me as if she knew exactly where I would be.
I don’t know why her eyes knocked the wind out of me everytime that they looked at me but I was made stupid in her presence. She didn’t come over to talk to me, staying with her friend. Her black hair was tied back in a red ribbon bow. If she could have reached the ribbon I’m sure she would have pulled it out; she was playing with the end of her ponytail. I didn’t know why she was nervous but I gave her space watching how every few minutes she would look down her eyes looking around until they landed on me. When we would make eye contact she seemed frustrated by it and would pull her eyes away.
I had her phone number which I had called several times since the double date without her picking up once. There had to be a reason she was ignoring me. I had thought of around 100 in the time that I had been obsessing with her. The biggest one, the one that made the most sense is she wasn’t into me because there was someone else. The logical part of my brain accepted this but the other part wanted to fight for her, prove that I was worth it.
Before we went on stage, I looked over at her again.She looked tired, like she hadn’t slept since I dropped her off. Small dark circles that she hadn’t bothered to cover in makeup stood out as she sipped her beer. She wasn’t trying to make everyone laugh or touching forearms as she leaned in to speak to them. One hand was firmly planted in the denim shorts she was wearing and the other on a can of beer that I was sure was warm from how long she nursed it. It felt like something was wrong and I didn't have time to figure out what it was.
During the show I looked over, almost doing a double take when I saw her standing there, watching us perform. Her friends were all moving to the music but she was perfectly still just watching me. Not the band but me. She caught me staring and sent me a small wave in return, I missed the next note getting a scathing look from Axl as repayment.
How could she be so inside my head? I had no idea how to deal with it. All I could think about for the rest of the shoe was getting off stage and talking to her. Or kissing her. I could imagine her pressed against her, her arms wrapping around my neck as I lifted off her feet into a kiss. The feeling of her plus lips on mine, her tongue that I was sure tasted like something sweet, dancing against mine. I blinked myself out of the image, stealing a look over at her as if she could read my embarrassing thoughts. Just like  a high school idiot I was fantasizing about a girl. I needed to get a better grip on things.
It took me almost twenty minutes to find her after the show. Between all the hustle and bustle of people moving around it was like a whirlwind and then suddenly there she was walking towards me, what looked like my denim jacket folded over her arm.
“Hey, I just brought this back for you. I have to head home now.” She tried to hand me the jacket but I was too caught up in the idea of her leaving so soon to grab it.  Y/N must have seen the confusion on my face, “I have a meeting I need to prepare for tomorrow. I probably shouldn’t have even come out to this.” She motioned around to the show and once more held out the jacket for me to take,
“Why don’t I take you home?” The weary look on her face was there again; she didn’t trust me. It was fair. We hadn’t known each other for that long and if she knew the same people as I did it wasn’t really a slight on me to not trust me. It was common sense, “I just want to have a couple more minutes with you. I won’t force myself into your apartment or anything like that.” I could feel my heart breathing as I tried to play off this cool, collected guy. When she nodded in agreement I had to bite my lip to stop the idiotic smile from plastering across my face.
We talked in the car, small talk about little things and I asked her about her meeting. I got to glimpse her face express joy, stress, hope, and a million other emotions at the mention of it and realized this wasn’t just her work meeting but her passion meeting. Y/N wanted to design clothes and had gotten a meeting to work with a company to see her line. If she was taken on she could have a clothing line out as soon as the Spring.
I had been around musicians for so long that it seemed second nature to brag or talk about our work. There would be a million times where someone would just pick up an instrument and other people would join in on a jam session and suddenly a song was written. Or the amount of times composition notebooks were passed around to judge song lyrics someone else had written. No one was really shy about their music because everyone had this sense that they were the best at what they did.
Y/N seemed to have a track record of people not fully believing in her. She told me about her grandparents having sent her to college to get a husband more than they had sent her to get a degree and when she had graduated with her business degree and a good job they had been proud of her but there had been this sense of failure with it. If she told them it would just feel like it was about her step away from their traditional expectations of how she should live her life. Her friends were all so wrapped up in what they were doing, most of them hanging around the scene and trying to land a rich boyfriend to take care of them that she felt like if she shared her work with them they wouldn’t understand what she was trying to do. So she kept her designs to herself, sketching out ideas and tracing out pattern designs when she was alone. She would take vacation days from work just to sew or spend whole weekends pretending she had the stomach flu to give her an escape from everyone else and just focus on something that she wanted to do.
Seeing her talk about it and feeling the sincerity of her passion coming out in her words moved me and I had to see it. I wanted to see what made her so excited and what her dreams were. It felt important to me because it made her happy.
“Do you think I could see what you’re working on?” I asked when we pulled up outside of her place. She looked at me, shocked and stared for a second before giving a slight nod as she got out of the car leading me inside the place that she lived.
It was exactly how I would imagine it to be, pictures on the wall of family and friends, fresh flowers on the counter, a coffee cup with a lipstick smear on her coffee table, and just a mess of fabric everywhere.
“Sorry for the chaos. I’ve been in a panic mood.” she confessed, clearing off the couch and starting to tidy up as I walked around, looking at some of the sketches on the wall and letting my fingers run over the clothing she had on some forms. I could feel her eyes following me, watching me as I moved around.
“You did all of this by yourself?” She nodded, those brown eyes scared as she shared with me the intimacy of her craft. The raw unfinished hems of art in progress. “You’re amazing.” her eyes widened at this and for a second I thought she was going to cry. I took a step closer to her, “You should be really proud of yourself for getting all of this done. And your work is amazing. Will you tell me more about your meeting?”
And she did. We sat on the couch, time once more seeming to melt away around us. Both of us talked about our goals and dreams. The life we wanted and just some of the things that we had dreamed about. It was easy to talk about the life that we both wanted because our puzzle pieces we wanted in our life seemed to fit together.
The sun tickled me awake, teasing me out of sleep as I woke up on a couch. I looked at my side where Y/N was tucked in, fast asleep. There was a smirk as she dreamed about something amusing, drawn over her face. Some of her dark hair had escaped the pony tail and spilled over the gentle features of her face. Absent-mindedly, I tucked them back watching amused as her nose scrunched up from my fingers.
I couldn’t remember waking up next to someone that I hadn’t had sex with. I wasn’t sure what I was even supposed to do. Could I make myself a cup of coffee? Could I sneak out and make it to the band meeting I needed to be at in thirty seven minutes? Shit.
Trying to be gentle I slowly got up from the couch, rearranging Y/N so she would stay asleep. I grabbed my jacket, laying it over her as she resettled into the spot. I wanted to stay so badly but knew that I couldn’t miss the meeting.
Finding a pen I scribbled a note, hoping that she could read my chicken scratch writing and that she saw the message before her meeting. With one last glance I looked at her before leaving the apartment.
Oh man, another night on the couch. My back was protesting against my decision before I even opened my eyes. It smells like cigarettes, sweat, and cologne. It smells like Izzy. My eyes snapped open as I remembered talking to him last night. Now I’m waking wrapped in the denim jacket I tried to give him back and he’s gone. When did he leave?
Looking at the time I started rushing around, packing things up in the garment bags, getting dressed and grabbing my bag. I stopped seeing a piece of paper with different handwriting on the counter, Izzy’s name signed at the bottom.
‘Sorry for sneaking out on you well you slept, you looked so peaceful I didn’t want to wake you. Your work is amazing and they’ll be so lucky to add your designs to the team. Good luck, Y/N. I’ll be throwing a party tonight. Here’s my address. Please come. -Izzy’
The kind words had my cheeks blazing. He believed in mr. He thought I had talent and could see the creativity and love sewn into each garment. He respected my craft and my passions. He had listened to my lamenting the night before about everything and he wanted my dreams to be realities.
The realization that I liked the guitarist started to seep in. The preconceived notions of who the band was and how they slept around was starting to slip; for the past couple weeks Izzy only had eyes for me. And when we talked it was so easy to tell him everything. At the parties and backstage Izzy had stayed away from the girls who wanted to sleep with him. He had even left to take me home. He hadn’t tried anything.
I had made this assumption about him because his band was just like everyone else. After the meeting I’d get ready and talk to him, apologize, kiss him.
Walking into the party I tried not to fidget with the leather dress. My eyes wandered around the house, I knew most of the people here but I couldn’t find Izzy.
It was twenty minutes later when I finally spotted him on the balcony. He looked uncomfortable, three girls crowded around him as he nodded his head absently. Every couple minutes he’d look up, eyes scanning the crowd before looking down at his drink, tipping it back to down the amber liquid. But the girls were going in rotation to the bar to keep them coming.
A weird cramping filled my stomach and my hands tightened in fists. The jealousy overtook me as I tried to figure out a plan.
“You’re staring at Izzy like he usually stares at you.” Looking over my shoulder I saw Axl staring past you to where his bandmate was trapped being held hostage by the hyenas. “Are you going to save him or are you going to let them take him upstairs? Better figure it out kid.” The lead singer moved away leaving me alone. I stewed in my anger, showtime.
One foot in front of another, hips swinging dangerously side to side I watched the eyes follow me. Izzy finally saw me when I got to the balcony, stepping forward to break out from his captors. My hand went to the back of his head, pulling him down a few inches to my lips and planting my lips on his. Hands slid down the smooth sides of the dress around me to my ass and back up to my lower back. Pulling away, my heart beating a million miles a minute, I looked into his shocked eyes. At least it wasn’t just me that felt the fireworks.
“I’ve had a very good day and I’m not going to let anyone ruin that.” I explained to him, flashing him a smile. Izzy cupped my cheeks, his lips hitting mine again as his body pressed me into the balcony. I could feel every part of him, hard and solid against me.
“I’ve been waiting to kiss you for weeks.” His head rested against mine and for a second I forgot that we were at a party surrounded by friends. Izzy seemed to completely forget, his eyes on me, one hand firm against my hip well the other ran through my hair.
“Did it live up to expectations?” I teased, watching the way he was looking at me. His gaze was intense and I felt like I was going to shiver despite the warmth of the night.
“It just left me hungry to kiss every inch of your body.” His words came out husky, vibrating through me and making the dress that barely covered my skin seem too hot to wear anymore.
A flip had been switched on and I couldn’t turn it off. After fighting it for weeks the feeling of Izzy’s hands in my body was exactly what I wanted.
“Are you going to fuck me like one of your groupies?” I asked, “Are we going to go upstairs and in an hour I’ll leave and never hear from you again?” His eyebrows furrowed together, confused.
“Do you think that I’m only going to take an hour with you, honey? That’s cute.” He was taking my hand, weaving us through the crowd and to his bedroom. My cheeks were burning red as he pulled us inside, locking the door behind us. “If you don’t want this, now would be the time to tell me because if you don’t say something in the next ten seconds I’m going to toss you on that bed behind you and do things with your body that I’m sure you’ve never had done before.” His eyes were staring so deeply into me, I gulped trying to picture what he had in mind but not being able to have a coherent thought.
“Why are we still in clothes?”
That was exactly the answer he was looking for. He took one step towards me, looking over my dress before spinning me around, his lips on the back of my neck kissing and biting around to my ear as his fingers pulled the zipper down, his middle finger tracing my spine as it went.
His mouth moved down, kissing until the dress was off, biting my ass cheek as I stepped from the dress. Izzy was on his knees behind me and I felt disoriented that I couldn’t see him.
“Bend over for me. Put your elbows out so you’re comfortable, Y/N. Good job, honey.” Licking my lips I followed his instructions and my body position ass up off the bed.
Hands on my hips rolled my underwear down, pulling it off as well as sliding off my heels. I felt on display, like I was his toy to play with. The idea of it having me bite my lip.
“Look at your pretty pussy.” His finger traced the outside lips, a whimper rolling out of my mouth, “I’m going to take care of you, honey. Don’t worry about that. Let me just enjoy the sight of you and learn your body, okay?” I nodded wishing I could turn and look at him. He rubbed his hands over my ass, pushing my stomach down and arching me higher. His hands went down again, pushing my legs open.
The way that Izzy made a hissing sound followed by a low grunt had me wondering what he was doing.
“Izzy, I can’t see what you’re doing.” I whined out trying to turn. A soft smack on my ass had me freezing in place.
“Do you want me to describe everything to you?” His voice seemed deeper, husky and needy now. “I’m going to get undressed .” The sound of a fly going down, a belt buckle unclipping and the sound of clothes being tossed aside confirmed this. “Now, I’m going to get on my knees behind you and play with your pussy. It’s so juicy and wet I’m going to pump out some of the juices like this.”
Two fingers stretched me open, surging me forward. Izzy moved his fingers quickly for a second, curling them inside to rub against the swell inside of my body. He pulled them out after a second and I heard a slurping sound and a groan of appreciation. I could picture him tasting me off himself and moaning softly into the bed sheets.
“I’m going to get more of your wet pussy juice and use it to stroke my hard cock. Is that okay, honey?” I squeaked out a yes, feeling his two fingers teasing at my hole. My body pushed back, wanting to feel full of him again, “What was that?” He kissed my thigh, wet grin the juices he had just been working from inside of me.
“Please, Izzy. I want you to pump your cock with my wet pussy.” My heart was beating so loudly. I was so horny and just wanted him to work the orgasm from my body. I felt comfortable and trusted him with myself, feeling like he wouldn’t abuse the power in a way I didn’t like.
His fingers were once more inside of me, working at me again. My hands gripped the sheets, trying not to push back against him but I could feel the rocking in my hips.
“Do you need to cum? Am I not finger fucking you hard enough? Let me use my mouth. I’ll fuck you with my tongue and suck on that little swollen clit.” His fingers left my body and I whimpered. I could hear this wet grunting and knew he was fisting his cock as he played with me. “You have me so hard.”
“So fuck me.” I said panting. It felt like he kept getting me so close and stopping. I could feel the quivering in my legs and knew I was more than ready to cum.
“Patience. You made me be patient for you now you be a good girl and let me taste you. I want to lap up your sticky pussy juices before I bury my cock into you.” At the idea of his cock in me I could feel the tightening in my belly.
“Holy-“ I couldn’t finish my sentence. His warm tongue swiped over me, twirling around my home, dancing into my pussy and licking my walls before sliding out down to my slit where his perfect lips wrapped around it like a kiss before his tongue spun around it sucking and pulling it in his mouth.
I was rocking again, over-stimulated and wanting to orgasm more and more. My mind was blank, a coherent thought no longer feasible.
“You can cum for me. I’ll keep sucking and licking you and right at your peak I’m going to push my cock all the way in. You’re going to keep pushing back just like you’re doing now in it, Cumming against my cock and letting me drain myself inside you.” He whispered as he laid these over stimulating kisses over my glistening cunt. His tongue swiped down into me again, then a flat stroke over me and up to my clit. I felt his tongue slide around it sucking the small ball until I was shaking from the orgasm.
Izzy was quick to slide inside me, filling me with his cock, stretching it as he fucked me, dragging out my orgasm as my wetness slid down my thighs over his balls and on his own legs.
“That’s a good girl, cumming so hard against my cock.” His hands were on my hips as I pushed back wanting him to keep fucking me. My hands on the small of my waist helped to pull me back and keep me dripping over every inch of him.
The low groan he gave out let me know he was close and I squeezed, pushing myself back up on my elbows tk throw it back. His hand slid down to my ass smacking it knee again before hands were digging on my hip, his balls slapping my enforced clit as he shuddered inside me.
Izzy stayed like that for a second, both of us panting and gasping for air. He pulled out with a satisfied groan falling beside me on the bed and dragging me close to him in the bed.
His lips were on my head, soft kisses and hair strokes soothing me. Izzy dragged a bed sheet over us, his arms returning to wrap around me. I felt exhausted, safe, comfortable and something deeper for him. A new connection beyond just the carnal pleasure we just had.
“Do you want to stay here for the night? We can do brunch in the morning and you can tell me all about your meeting?” He had remembered the most important step in my career and was making time for me to tell him more about it.
I pulled him into another kiss, his lips tasted like me and I knew we weren’t going to leave this bed until that brucnh he was talking about.
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sincerelyella · 3 years
My Person (Liam x MC)
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Book: The Royal Romance (AU)
Song Inspiration: My Person by Spencer Crandall
Pairings: Liam x MC (Ella) Summary: A one shot of my favorite couple - it’s Liam and Ella’s anniversary and there are big plans in store.
A/N: Okay, I’m gonna be very honest, I am super nervous about posting again. I wrote this maybe last week and kind of finished it earlier today. Thank you to those that I vented to about actually posting my stories, not sure why I feel really sick right now. New blog name (used to be @callmeellabella), new post LOL and I didn’t really know who to tag since it’s been a long time so I’m using my old list. Please let me know if you want off.
A/N2: Participating in @wackydrabbles​ this week. Prompt will be in bold.
Thank you @alyssalauren​ and @ofpixelsandscribbles​ for reading through this for me and kind of handing me that invisible paper bag for me to breathe in. Love y'all!
Warnings: Fluffs. A lot of fluffs.
Words: 1658
Isaiah and Noelle grinned as they filmed their parents in the seat in front of them, holding hands. After 15 years of marriage, Liam and Ella were the epitome of the best partners to each other and parents to their children. There were rough times, of course, you can’t escape those, but the King and Queen handled things in stride.
Noelle’s eyes filled with tears when she watched her dad lift her mom’s hand to his mouth and kiss her knuckles. The way he looked at Ella, like she was the only woman in the world, made Noelle have very high standards for a future partner for herself.
Isaiah grew up knowing how you were supposed to treat a woman, and it was all modeled from how his dad treated his mom. At 15 years old, he grew up in the public eye, but thankfully, his parents allowed him to have a normal childhood. The only time there was mention of royalty was a gala or a ball held at the palace; his Uncle Leo, Max, and Drake as well as his Aunt Olivia and parents all dressed up.
It was their parent’s anniversary that day and Liam had planned a family dinner, just the four of them.
One week ago
“Hey guys,” Liam smiled as he watched his kids sitting at the kitchen island doing homework.
“Hey, dad.” “Hi, daddy.”
Liam hung his keys on the wall by the door and shoved his hands in his pockets. “Next week is mine and your mother’s anniversary.”
Noelle and Isaiah stopped what they were doing and met their father’s gaze.
“I … was hoping you could help me with something,” his brows rounded as he stared at them.
“Sure, what did you need?” Noelle asked.
Isaiah chewed his bottom lip. “No pranks though, right dad?”
Liam chuckled, remembering that anniversary and how it went … so wrong. “No, son. No pranks. Plus, your Uncle Maxwell is not invited until later.”
“Guys, we’re here,” Liam turned to Noelle and Isaiah and widened his eyes at them, the two nodding back with small smiles. Ella missed the entire silent exchange as she climbed out of the black SUV after Bastien opened her door.
Everyone piled into the restaurant, all of them laughed and cried as the kids asked for a cake to be presented to their parents to celebrate their special day.
“How beautiful,” Ella wiped her tears away as she gazed at the red velvet bundt cake covered in cream cheese frosting. “Was this your doing?” She turned to her husband as he smiled.
“No, love, that was them,” he gestured towards Noelle and Isaiah.
“Thank you,” she used a tissue to dab at both her eyes.
“Fifteen years is a long time to be married, ma,” Isaiah dimpled as he looked from his mom to his dad. “Now hurry up and eat it so that we can have a piece!”
The family laughed and dug into the cake. An hour later, they slowly stood from the table, grumbling about how full they were.
“Oh God, why didn’t you stop me?” Isaiah smacked his sister in the arm.
Noelle glared at her brother and punched him in the arm. “It’s not my fault you ate like you never saw food before.”
“Why did you say that?” Isaiah whined.
Liam and Ella walked behind their children, smirking at each other.
“They’re so dramatic,” Ella snorted.
“Wonder who they got that from?” Liam arched a brow at his wife.
“I have no idea what you’re talking about, Your Majesty.”
“Love,” Liam waited until she turned to look at him. “I have a surprise for you.”
“Where? What is it?”
“Come on,” he tugged on her hand and led her out of the restaurant and into the waiting SUV.
“Where are we going?”
“Ma, just wait, we’ll get there in a minute,” Noelle giggled in the back seat.
“You guys know too?” Ella looked from her son to her daughter and back again. “Liam?”
“Just relax, love, we’ll be there soon,” he squeezed her hand and laughed as her nose wrinkled in annoyance.
A few minutes later, Bastien turned into a small, private area for vehicles to park. “We’re here,” he said and turned to smirk at Ella. “Your Majesty, we’re going to blindfold you.”
“You’re … what?!”
Isaiah cackled as he leaned forward to wrap a scarf around his mother’s eyes.
“That’s blocking my nose,” Ella complained. “I can’t breathe.”
“You can breathe out of your mouth.”
“Isaiah Alexander,” she said sternly and he jumped.
“Sorry mom,” he mumbled as he fixed the scarf so it only covered her eyes.
“Okay,” Liam opened the door to her side of the SUV. “Come on, love, I’m carrying you to our destination.”
Ella let out a long sigh and reached up to feel her husband’s neck. She allowed him to carry her bridal style to … wherever they were going. When her family got like this it was usually because of her husband, who loved to take her places to surprise her. She didn’t mind, honestly, but it was annoying when everyone was in on it except for her.
“We’re almost there, love, I promise,” she felt Liam kiss the top of her head and she snuggled into his shoulder.
“Hey, I got a picture from Uncle Max!” Noelle opened the message and gasped.
Isaiah reached for his sister’s phone. “Is it another picture of him and his peacock Lady and the Tramping some spaghetti?”
Everyone began to laugh.
“I can’t believe that damn thing didn’t peck his eye out,” Ella snorted.
“That thing still scares the crap out of me,” Noelle said as her fingers flew over the keys. 
“We’re here,” Liam smiled as he began to step down onto the large rocks towards the private beach.
“Don’t drop me, Liam,” Ella said as she lifted her nose to the air. “I smell the ocean.” She felt her husband lower her to the ground. “What now? I’m still wearing this.”
A moment of silence and some giggling in the distance made Ella furrow her brows.
“Okay, take off the scarf, love.”
Ella quickly undid the knot and opened her eyes; she faced the ocean. “Liam, what-”
“Turn around.”
As she did, she saw her husband on one knee, her children behind him in the distance carrying an old 1989 boombox, the song My Person by Spencer Crandall playing.
I was lookin' for a long time
I never found nobody like you
I got your name, got your number
And we talked 'til they turned on the lights
“A boombox?”
Liam smirked. “You made me watch Sixteen Candles.”
“Oh yeah,” she chuckled. “Liam,” Ella had tears streaming down her face and she wiped them away quickly. “Wh-what is this?”
He took hold of her free hand and ran his thumb over her knuckles. “Love, it’s our fifteenth wedding anniversary. We married that long ago.”
She nodded, the lump on her throat making it difficult for her to speak.
“But we were together before that,” he smiled up at her. “I met you and I was done for, I haven't looked at anyone else since. You came to my social season, I chose you, we were engaged for a year, and then here we are.”
My person
My heartbeat
My slow dance
My Sunday-morning-sippin'-on-coffee in bed
My know-when-you-know best friend
“You’re my person,” Liam bit his bottom lip to control his emotions. “You and the kids are my everything, and you know I’d give all this up for you if you asked.”
“We don’t want that though!” Noelle yelled and they all laughed.
“Ella Brooks Rys, I wanted to ask you if you would remarry me,” he reached into his pocket, pulled out a black velvet box, and opened it. “Renew our vows and our commitment to each other.”
The box held three rings, an emerald-shaped, 6-carat diamond solitaire in the middle, and one plain platinum band on each side of it. One was engraved with Isaiah Alexander and the other with Noelle Marie.
“Of course,” Ella choked out as Liam smiled and the kids jumped up and down.
My saving grace, my everything
I’ve never been more sure that you’re my person
Every minute is a long time
If I ain’t holding on to you
Liam pushed all three rings onto her finger. “You ready, Mrs. Rys?”
“I am, Mr. Rys,” she pulled her husband to her and captured his lips in a passionate kiss.
“Ew, gross!” “Stop! This is not part of the plan!”
Ella was surprised by that last one and turned towards the sound. All of their friends and family were there on the beach, smiling at them.
“What are-”
“You guys are renewing your vows!” Leo hollered and lifted a bottle of champagne in the air. “Let’s get this going so we can get druuuunk!”
“Leo!” Liam snapped at his brother.
“I mean, I’m ready when you are.”
Hana and Olivia rushed towards Ella and hugged her. “Were you surprised?”
“I was,” Ella sniffled. “You guys all knew?”
“My little blossom! You are so beautiful! Let me see the rings!”
Ella gave Max her left hand.
“Whatever you do, don’t let Beaumont touch it. I’m sure he’s got lasagna all under his fingernails,” Drake chuckled as he approached the group.
“Hey marshmallow,” Ella turned to hug him. “And you guys had lasagna without me?”
Liam laughed and put an arm around Noelle and Isaiah. “You guys ready?”
They both nodded.
“I’m ready to marry your mother again,” they all laughed as Ella put her arm around Isaiah. “Let’s go!”
My saving grace, my everything
I've never been more sure that you're my person
Yeah, baby, you're my person
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imagines4thefandoms · 3 years
Bucky Jr.
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so i was planning on writing a small one shot based off of “Ive been watching you” by Rodney Atkins but it grew into a 5K+ imagine.
Takes place during/after endgame so don’t read if you haven’t seen it but it you haven’t are you living under a rock? all of the details based on the movie were written based off memory so if the dialog is a bit off its because i haven’t seen the movie in a while. 
word count: 5k+ like i said i got carried away. 
Bucky Barnes x reader, Steve x platonic! reader
y/n found out she was pregnant three months after they lost to thanos i think you can imagine how this story goes based off the ending of the movie and the song i based this story off of. 
You honestly never thought that you could get Bucky  after you found out that Thanos destroyed the stones. You did everything you could to try and get him back: going to the sanctum to see if there was a spell, pray, hell you even thought you would try to sell your soul. You even looked into the multiverse theory but nothing worked. Three months after half the universe turned to dust you found out that you were pregnant. The thought of having the baby without Bucky there, hurt.  
Steve knew something was wrong when he hadn’t heard from you for a couple of days. He drove over to the house that you and Bucky had gotten.  The only people who knew about the house was you, Bucky and Steve. And because Steve was Steve, he had gotten a spare key, so when he pulled up to the house he just walked right in.  
Steve called out for you but you were too deep into your depression to hear him. You didn’t know that her was here til there was a knock on the bedroom door. You got out of bed so fast cause you thought that Bucky was back.
“Buck,” you asked opening the door.
Your smile fell when you saw that it was just Steve. You had forgotten that Steve knew about the house. Steve game you a soft smile because he knew how hard you were taking the loss. You left the door open and climbed back in into the bed. Steve walked over and sat by your feet.
“He’s not coming back is he,” you asked softly.
“I don’t think so,” he replied.
“I can’t do this without him Steve.”
“Do what?”
You reached into your night stand, grabbed the positive pregnancy test and handed it to Steve. He looked at the text then back at you.
“Did he know,” he asked placing the text on the nightstand.
“No. I didn’t know til last week. Steve I can’t do this alone.”
“(Y/n) you will not be doing it alone. I will be here for you,” he told you pulling the covers off. “Now come on. Time for you to get up.”
“No,” you said taking your pillow and covering your face with it.
“As godfather and favorite uncle it is my duty to get you to get out of bed.”
“Bold of you to assume you're the godfather,” you teased.
~five years later~
Ever since then Steve has been there for you every step go the way. He went to the doctor’s appointments, he helped you decorate the nursery, he even helped you pick the perfect name when you found out it was a boy: James Buchanan Barnes Jr.
Steve moved into the house, Bucky made sure that there was a spare room for Steve, to help you with the long nights after James was born. Every time he woke up to chance a dirty diaper, you would complain and tell him that you got it but he would reply with his same cheesy joke, “I’ve slept for 70 years.”
Steve was there for each step of James’ life. His first word: Steve, well it was te. His first steps, his first day of school. Steve even taught him how to ride a bike. He was like a dad to James, but he never took the role of dad. Every night before bed Steve would tell James stories of Bucky and growing up the two of you made sure that James knew about his father.
“Is daddy ever going to come back,” James asked Steve.
“I don’t think so,” Steve told James sadly.
“Mommy doesn’t talk about what happened to daddy. Can you tell me uncle te,” your son asked.
“Well you know how your parents and I are avengers?”
“Well there was a bad guy that wanted to wipe out half the universe, so us and the rest of the avengers went to stop him. But we didn’t win so he wiped out half the universe and your daddy was one of those people who got wiped away.” Steve explained.
“Oh you mean the blip.”
“I wish I met him,” James said pulling his covers up to his chin.
“Me too bud,” Steve tucking him in.
“Uncle te.”
“Yes buck,” Steve responded using the nick he called Buck. He only calls James that when you’re not around as to night hurt your feelings.
“Do you think daddy would like me?”
“I know your daddy would love you,” Steve assured him as he kissed if forehead.
James grabbed the photo of Bucky that you put of his nightstand and held it against his chest. Steve turned off the lights then left his room. Steve stopped when he saw you standing outside James’ room.
“He wanted to know,” he started to say ready to explain why he told James what he told him.
“He’s old enough to know. Im just glad you told him and not me. I would have broken down.”
Steve pulled you in to a hug. You pushed away from him and gave him a small smile letting him know that you appreciated the hug. Steve left to go to bed while you went to the living room and sat on the couch. You grabbed the photo book off the coffee table full of pictures of you and Bucky and just looked at them til you fell asleep.
The next morning you woke up from James pulling your eyelids open. Steve tried to stop him before he woke you up but he was a little too late.
“Sorry I tried to stop him,” Steve said handing you his coffee.
“But mommy had to wake up cause we are going to see Aunt Nat,” James said sitting down at the table eating his breakfast.
After finishing half the cup you got up and went to kiss James’ head. “Your right how silly of me to sleep.”
You finished the coffee and handed the empty up of Steve on your way to your room to get dressed. Going to your closet, you grabbed one of Bucky’s shirts and a pair of jeans. As soon as you finished getting ready for the day there was a little knock at the door.
“Mommy hurry up. I want to see Aunt Nat,”
You opened the door and ruffled his hair as you walked past him. “It that because she shows you all of the old weapons at the compound,” you asked as you grabbed the toast that Steve had made for you.
James stoped in his tracks and looked at you and Steve. “How did you know. It’s supposed to be a secret,” he asked.
“Thats because your mom knows everything,” Steve replied.
“Nu uh, Mommy what’s 12 x 12,” James asked crossing his hands over his chest and tilting his head a little.
“144,” you answered him.
James went over to Steve and held is hand out for Steve’s phone. He pulled it from his pocket and opened the calculator app. He checked your answer and looked up at you with shock and awe.
“Wow mommy does know everything,” he replied handing Steve back is phone.
After ten minutes and James running back to his room to grab his teddy bear Sarge, which he dressed to look like Bucky, the three of you left for the compound. While in the car, James wouldn’t sit still cause he was too excited to see Natasha.
“James, pleas stop kicking my seat,” You asked him.
“Im just too excited,” he replied using his hands to emphasize his statement. “Can we listen to the song?”
“What song it that buddy,” Steve asked looking to James in the rearview mirror.
“Mommy knows the song.”
Steve looked over at you from the driver seat and you smirked at him while grabbing your phone and finding the video. James quickly calmed down once he knew you were going to put the song on.
“Uncle te, you can sing it too,” He said hold Sarge tight in anticipation.
“I might not know the song,” Steve replied.
“Oh you know it,” you smirked.
The song started to play and James pretended to march in place while in his car seat.
Who’s strong and brave to save the American way
“Not all of use can storm a beach or drive a tank. But there is still a way for all of us can fight” James spoke.
Who vows to fight like a man for what’s right night and day
“Series E defense bonds, each one you buy is a bullet in the barrel of your best guy’s gun”
Who will complain door to door for America
Carry the flag shore to shore for America
From Hoboken to Spokane
The Star Spangled Man with a Plan
“How do you know that,” Steve asked James and you.
“Mommy found it. It’s my favorite,” James replied.
Steve looked over at you and just shook his head. You noticed how red his face was and you just turned it up a little. The entire ride James spoke Steve’s part. After the second go around James convinced Steve to do it with him.
You couldn’t tell who was more happy to see the compound James, to see Nat, or Steve, so you could stop playing his song. As soon as the car came to a stop James unbuckled and got out of the car. Natasha walked out of the compound and held her arms open for James.
“Aunt Nat,” James yelled running into her arms.
“Hey JJ.”
After they went inside you didn’t really see either til lunch time. And since you didn’t hear an explosion you didn’t worry. James was eating a peanut butter and jelly sandwich while nat was talking with Carol, Okoye, Rocket, and Rhodey.
After everyone hung up nat teared up a little because of Clint and James noticed. He grabbed Sarge who was in the chair next to him and handed him to her. “Here Aunt Nat, Sarge makes me feel better when I am sad.” James then went back to eating his sandwich while Steve and Nat talked a little. Then you noticed that someone was at the gate.
“Is that Scott,” you asked.
“How old is that,” Steve asked.
“Its live.”
“James stay here,” you told him as the three of you ran to see if Scott was really back.
The four of you came back to the room and James just looked at confusion. Scott explained how he was here and his plan to get everyone back. You, Nat and Steve looked at each other while Scott sat next to James and ate Natasha’s peanut butter sandwich.
“Hi,” James said pushing a glass of milk to Scott.
“Hey,” Scott replied with a questioning look.
“My name is James Buchanan Barnes Jr.,” James introduced himself. “Wait are you Antman?”
“Yes I am.’
“You are so cool.”
“Thanks kid,” Scott thanked him and finished the sandwich. “I knew your dad.”
“Really, were you friends or did he try to beat you up when Hydra was hurting him?”
“Friends, well I helped him when he was in trouble,” Scott explained.
James nodded his head and thanked Scott for helping his dad, then continued to eat his sandwich. Scott finished his milk then walked over to you and motioned back to James.
“Cute kid.”
~time skip~
After the meeting with BruceHulk, you and Steve knew of the only person who might be able to help. James sat in the middle between you and Scott one the ride up to Tony’s cabin. The entire ride James and Scott were talking about Antman things. Once we got to the cabin James’ fascination with Scott disappeared. All he want to do was play with Morgan. He ran past Tony and gave Morgan a hug.
“Hi Morgan,” James said after their hug.
“James you came to play,” Morgan asked James nodded his head and they ran off to play.
“Hello to you too,” Tony called out to your son.
“Sorry. Hi uncle Tony,” James called out.
Steve, Nat, Scott and you talked to Tony and explained what the plan was. Tony didn’t agree with the plan and kept saying that it wouldn’t work. Morgan and James ran inside. Then Morgan ran back out to “save” Tony. He invited you to stay for lunch which you accepted and went in to see James helping pepper set up the table.
“Aunt pep, I need one more fork,” James said looking at the table counting the plates.
“Here,” she said holding one out for him.
He put the fork in its place and then ran to whisper something in Morgan’s ear. She agreed to whatever he said. They went into the kitchen and grabbed a towel and held it over their arms. James opened his mouth then closed it and went over to pepper. He tapped her leg and motioned for her to bend over so he could whisper in her ear. She whispered something back then came back to stand next to Morgan.
“Lunch will be ready in three minutes,” James said.
“Please wait to be seated,” Morgan stated.
They both came over to Steve and asked for his name. After he gave it name they check the “list” on Morgan’s hand and both nodded their heads.
“Right his way, Mr. Rodgers,” James said leading Steve to his seat.
They did this for everyone and then helped hand out the food to everyone. After lunch the kids played a little while longer but then it was time to leave. You had to figure out time travel without the help of Tony.
“Bye Morgan,” James said sadly.
“Bye James,” Morgan replied equally sad.
The entire time you guys where trying to perfect time travel James was standing next to Bruce wearing a lab coat that was too big and hold a clip board holding some of his drawings. You didn’t tell him why you guys were building a time machine because you didn’t want to get his hopes up.
After all the mishaps with Scott you walked over to James and asked for his scientific opinion on what you were doing wrong. He replied with ‘maybe the clock is broken’. Steve went outside for fresh air while you tried to help Bruce solve this. You were surprised when you saw Steve come back inside with not only his shield but also Tony.
“Let me guess, you were messing around and cracked time travel,” you asked throwing your hands in the air.
“Yes,” Tony said walking over to bruce.
“Wow, is that the shield,” James asked running over to Steve and ran his fingers on the vibranium disk. “Its beautiful.”
“Hold it,” Steve said handing it too James.
His eye lit up and he ran around pretending to be Captain America. After Tony explained how he cracked time travel the team split up to get more people to help with the mission. Tony got Rhodes, Nat got Clint, once rocket and Nebula got back to earth bruce and rocket went to get Thor. You called Pepper and asked her to watch James while you completed the mission and she agreed to so you and Steve brought him back to Tony’s cabin.
Once you pulled up you and Steve looked at each other and decided that now was the time to explain everything to him. Before he opened the door you told him that you needed to talk.
“Do you know why your staying with Morgan and aunt Pep for a couple hours,” you asked him.
“Cause you have a mission,” he asked.
“Yes but do you know what the mission is,” Steve asked him.
“No its top secret. Constitutional.”
“confidential,” you corrected him. “The mission is to bring back daddy and everyone who got blipped away,”
“Your going to save daddy,” James asked.
“I want to help,” he exclaimed.
“I know you do bud but it's too dangerous. And we need you to be safe. Your dad would want you to be safe,” Steve stated to talk him down.
“Fine but you will call me right after.”
“Ok, be safe and save daddy,” James said kissing you and Steve on the cheek before he got out of the car and ran too Morgan.  
Pepper waved to you to let you know everything would be okay then you and Steve drove back to the compound. Once you two got back, everyone was in a room talking about the stones and when the best time to get them was. It was decided that New York 2012 would be the best time to get the mind, space and time stone, 2013 Asgard would be the best time to get the reality stone, and 2014 Space would be the best time to get the soul and power stone. The teams were Steve, bruce, Tony and Scott would go to 2012, Thor and rocket would get the reality stone, nebula and Rhodes would get the power, while you Clint and Natasha would get the soul stone.
Everyone suited up and we all wished everyone good luck on their missions to receive the stones. You were standing next to Steve and the next thing you knew you where on an alien planet in the year 2014. Rhodes enlarged the Guardians’ ship and flew team soul stone to vormir. There was a long hike to where the stone was supposed to be. The three of you climbed to the top of the twin mountains and where greeted by the Red Skull. It threw you for a loop but decided to focus on getting Bucky back then the head of hydra at least for now. He explained how we were to get the stone and it was along the lines of soul for a soul. So the three of you sat there in defeat.
“There has to be another way,” you said looking between the two former assassins who where having a whole conversation without talking.
“We have to get that stone. What ever it takes,” Nat said and Clint repeated ‘whatever it takes’
They both stood up and then looked confused at each other. Then you realized what their plan was. Nat was going to sacrifice herself for the stone and Clint was going to do the same.
“No way. That is not happening,” you told them.
“Its the only way,” Nat said walking over to you. “Tell JJ I love them. And get everyone back.”
Nat gave you a hug and an electric shock surged through your whole body. The amount of electricity that you got hit with knocked you out and you didn’t wake up it after you go the stone. You woke up next to Clint in some lake.
“No,” you cried when you saw the stone in his hand and Nat no where to be found.
The two of you took a second to gather your emotions then pressed your belt and went back to 2023. You came back to the platform where left on and just dropped to your knees. Steve came over and checked you for any wounds.
“She’s gone,” you cried as you wrapped your arms around him.
Everyone gave Tony the stones so he could build the gauntlet while you went out to the lake. One by one everyone showed up too. There was a small argument over whether or not we gaunt get Nat back with the stones but you and Clint knew you couldn’t. Steve walked over to you and sat down.
“How am I going to tell James that she’s gone,” you asked him.
“You won’t have to do it alone cause we are going to get Buck back and then all three of us will go tell him,” Steve said rubbing your back.
Everyone went back inside to prepare to bring everyone back. Thor really wanted to be the one to snap everyone back but it was decided that Bruce would do it. In his works, “its mostly gamma radiation. I was made to do this.” He put the gauntlet on and snapped his fingers. The power of the stones sort of burned his arms and you ripped the gauntlet off of him while Tony tried to help with the burns.
You couldn’t really tell that it worked but you heard birds. Lots of them. Then a phone started to ring and by the look on Clint’s face you were guessing it was his wife calling and so it worked. You looked at Steve and were about to tell him it worked when the whole compound blew up. The force knocked you out a bit and you woke up later next to Clint. You saw the gauntlet laying a couple feet away so you grabbed it cause there was no was a friend blew you up.
And you were right it turned out to be Thanos from 2014 because the nebula that came back want your nice nebula. You were trying to get out from all the rubble when you heard Steves painful groans. Of course Steve was facing the titan by himself. Once you could breath fresh air you looked out at the wasteland that was once the compound. You saw Steve get up and take a stand against Thanos alone. You were about to run to his side when you heard a faint voice on the comms.
“On your left,” you heard Sam say.
You never thought hearing Sam Wilson’s voice you make you cry but it did. Because if he was back so was Bucky. All around golden circles of sparks emerged and dozens of people stepped out. You made your way to take a stand against Thanos and out the corner of your eye you saw him. You fought the urge to run to him and never let him go. That could wait.
Thanos’s creepy alien army charged at us and we charged at them. You killed a bunch of the dog thingy and eventually found yourself next to Bucky. During a small window of peace you turned to him and jumped in his arms.
“Hey doll,” he said holding you tight.
“God I missed you Buck,” you cried.
“Sorry I was gone so long,” he replied pushing you back and pressing his lips firmly against yours. “You look gorgeous by the way.”
“There is something I really need to tell you Bucky.”
He pulled you close to him and then shot at some aliens behind you. “We are kinda in the middle of a war here doll. Tell me after we win.” He ran off to kill more aliens and you did the same. You were taking a hit but over the comms you heard a plan. To get the stones back before Thanos could use them again. So during the fight there was a game of Hot potato that was being played with the gauntlet. It work for a while but eventually Thanos got the stone. It happened so quickly. He was about to snap his fingers when Tony jumped on him. Thanos threw in aside then snapped his fingers. You closed your eyes to prepare for another loss but nothing happened. Then you looked over at Tony and saw that he had the stones. He snapped his finger and Thanos and the other aliens turned to dust.
You ran over to bucky and jumped in his arms again to celebrate the win but stopped when you noticed that Tony wasn’t getting up. Pepper and Peter when over to him. It didn’t look good. You noticed pepper crying and you knew that he didn’t make it. Everyone took a knee to honor him. The Steve, Thor, and Dr. Strange walked over and helped cover his body and retrieve the stones.  You cried into Bucky’s then thought of James. Once Tony’s body was covered and the stones were safely put in a briefcase. You let go on Bucky and ran to Steve.
“James,” you cried.
Pepper walked over to you and you gave her a hug. She told you how Happy was with the kids. You felt bad for only thinking of James while your friend just died. Pepper looked at you and shook her head like she knew what you were thinking.
“Lets go,” Pepper said and you walked over to strange and asked him to do his portal to the cabin.
Bucky was right behind you completely confused on what you were doing. You looked at him and just smiled as you grabbed Steves hand then his and walked the the portal after Pepper. She ran inside but the three of you stayed outside.
“Bucky that thing I wanted to tell you,” you told him.
“I get it doll. Five years is a long time and you didn’t think I would come back,” he said looking at how you were still holding Steve’s hand.
You followed to where he was looking and stepped away from Steve. “No its not that,” you started to explain but were interpreted by James running out of the Cabin.
“Mommy,” he cried running to you. “Uncle Tony.”
“I know,” you dropped to your knees and hugged him.
You didn’t let go til he look over at Steve and he ran out of your arms into his. “Your okay,” James cried.
��Yes buddy. Just a little come cuts but I will be okay,” Steve replied.
You got up and looked over at Bucky was you could tell what he was thinking by the look in his eye. You went to go tell him he was wrong but heard James from behind you.
“You did it. Thats him right,” you son said wiping his tears away.
“Yea. Thats him,” Steve informed him.
James walked over to Bucky and just looked up at him. Bucky knelt down to meet the boy who he thought was yours and Steve’s kid.
“Hey,” Bucky said.
“Hi,” James replied looking at Buck’s face. “You’re taller than I imagined.”
“Yea,” Buck laughed. “Whats your name?”
“James Buchanan Barnes Jr. and this is Sarge,” James said showing Bucky his teddy.
Bucky looked at James then at you. “I thought…”
“You well you were never the sharpest tool,” you cut him off.
“Im glad I get to meet you dad,” James said wrapping his arms around Bucky.
“Me too.”
~time skip~
It has been a couple weeks since Tony and Nat’s funeral and James was taking Nat’s death better than you expected. You were pretty sure he was to busy getting to know Bucky to let her death get to him and you weren’t complaining.
“What happened to your arm. Mommy and uncle Te never told me that story,” James said poking Bucky’s metal arm.
“I lost it when I fell off a train,” Bucky explained.
“That was back in World War 2. How are you still alive? Did you crash a plane into water like uncle te?”
“No but I was frozen like him for a while.”
“When you were getting hurt by hydra.”
“Yes but now I'm all better.”
“Cool will you feel it if I punch your metal arm?”
“Awesome. I want a metal arm.”
“Maybe for Christmas,” you replied laughing.
Steve came into the living room from the kitchen with drinks. James yelled something about doing something important and ran out of the room. The three of you sat in the living room and caught up. You told Bucky everything about James and Steve told y’all about his trip to return the stones. James came back into the living room ten minutes later with a huge smile on his face.
“What did you do,” you asked him.
“Nothing,” he replied.
Steve and Bucky looked at each other and just laughed. They mentioned how much James was like Bucky when he was a kid.
“Mommy can i’m hungry,” James told you as he sat next to Bucky.
You got up to go make his something to eat when you noticed black paint on the floor. You looked over at James and saw that his left hand was black with gold lines.
“James what did you do? And please tell me it comes off,” you asked.
James got up and took off his jacket to reveal that he painted his left arm black and gold to match Bucky’s
“Now I really match daddy, see. Same name and same arm,” he replied showing off the slightly wet arm.
You opened you mouth to yell about how there is paint on your floors and probably on the stairs too and how he ruined his clothes and possible the couch with the paint but just closed your mouth and shook your head.
“Now that you are back this is your problem,” you said walking into the kitchen to feet Bucky Jr.
“Did I do something wrong,” James asked looked between Bucky and Steve.
“No buddy, you just made a mess with the paint,” Bucky said pointing to the black paint on the floor.
“Oops,” He replied.
After eating and cleaning the paint, life started to normal. Steve staying til he found an apartment close by which James couldn’t understand why he was leaving. After Steve told him that he could come over and have guy night he decided that Steve could move out. And with Bucky back James basically pushed you aside and preferred his dad. Everything Bucky did James did. Everything Bucky ate James ate, even vegetables.
“James, I have been trying to get you to eat your vegetables for ever and now that your dad is here you love vegetables,” you asked when you saw him finish his carrots.
“No vegetables are gross but I want to be just like daddy and daddy eats vegetables,” he replied making a face over how gross he thought carrots where.
After he got in trouble for painting his arm James decided to do the next best thing and waste all the foil in the house to wrap is arm. You even caught his pretending to be Bucky while he was playing in the back yard.
“What,” Bucky said wrapping his arms around you are you watched James play.
“Red Skull I am the winter soldier and I am here to put an end to you and the rest of hydra,” James said pointing his toy gun and sarge who was wearing a red hat.
“He idolizes you,” you said resting your head against Buck’s shoulder.
“Jealous,” he asked kissing your neck.
“No just annoyed that he is a mini you.”
“Daddy come play,” James called.
Bucky walked outside and pulled you with him. James explain how Bucky would be on his team.
“We are stopping Sarge, he’s the red skull. And im you so you can be… Uncle Te.”
“What about me,” Steve asked waking into the back yard.
“You can be a bad guy with mommy cause she needs a partner,” James said placing Sarge’s red hat on you.
“Why am I the red skull,” you asked slightly offended.
“Cause you get mad a lot and look like him,” James stated like it was a known fact.
Bucky and Steve started laughing while you took the hat off and changed James around to get back at him.
“Daddy, mommy is crazy help me,” James yelled at the top of his lungs which caused Bucky and Steve to laugh more.
Bucky was too busy laughing so James stopped running and took of his jacket to reveal his foil arm and held it out.
“I am Sargent James Buchanan Barnes of the 107th infantry of the US army and I order you to stop chasing me,” he said and crossed his arms.
You stopped and just took in your son’s appearance. “Mommy you look really pretty,” James said with the same smirk Bucky gives you when he is trying to apologize or get himself out of trouble. Yea James was defiantly Bucky Jr.
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imsorryandthankyou · 3 years
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My Top Posts in 2021
Chu Shuzhi is probably one of my favorite characters in Guardian. He’s a supporting character, which automatically makes me love him more. I love the side characters, the loners, the outcasts, the wounded. He’s different. He’s a  Dixingian, a fact that he is not always proud of, and a fact that separates him from the rest of the Special Investigation Department.
When Guo Changcheng first joins the team, Chu Shuzhi initially appears unimpressed and put-off by the new recruit. But as the show goes on, Zhao Yunlan keeps pairing the two together for various tasks and missions, and we see the softer side of Chu Shuzhi come out, little by little.
He helps train Guo Changcheng on his fighting skills, and reads his journal to better understand him. In episode 17, when the pair go to an underground arena and Fire says that Guo Changcheng is a newbie and that Chu Shuzhi shouldn’t bring trash here, Chu Shuzhi immediately responds “I will protect him. And that is enough.”
The whole team sees their relationship unfolding, even though Chu Shuzhi continues to tease and act intimidating around Guo Changcheng. And as Guo Changcheng gets to know him better, he knows it’s an act too. He sees Chu Shuzhi’s softer, more vulnerable side. He brings out the best in Chu Shuzhi. He even brings him home to play mahjong with his aunt and uncle. He brings his boyfriend home to meet his family. I’m screaming about this scene.
Because Chu Shuzhi may act all tough and menacing and chide Guo Changcheng on this or that thing - he would do anything to protect him. We see that in episode 19 when they are trapped in the laboratory and in episodes 32-33 when we go to Dixing and Guo Changcheng is injured/killed(?) and Chu Shuzhi returns to his dream state of what he wants his life to be with Guo Changcheng and is devastated to hear that Guo Changcheng is not actually okay.
Anyway, many more Chu Shuzhi/Guo Changcheng feelings and videos in the future. I love them so much. And while their love story is different than WeiLan, it is still beautiful to see and experience.
Drama: Guardian (镇魂)
Song: I won't say I'm in love
Artist: Susan Egan (Meg)
Edit: imsorryandthankyou
52 notes • Posted 2021-09-30 15:49:16 GMT
-"For what?"
"Besides you, no one has ever tried to know more about me. They love me, respect me, hate me and reject me. But they are just not willing to sit down and share their real thoughts with me."
--Guardian, ep 35
This conversation is really important for their relationship. At this point, Zhao Yunlan is already in love with Shen Wei and Zhao Yunlan's kindness and authenticity is what makes Shen Wei fall in love with him. Fast forward 10,000 years and Shen Wei still remembers this first interaction they had and the time they spent together (however long that was...in my head, it was longer than a day, but the show doesn't clearly explain how much time Zhao Yunlan was hanging with Shen Wei as 'Kun Lun'.)
Now in present day, Shen Wei remembers Zhao Yunlan and loves him with every fiber in his being and Zhao Yunlan falls in love with him for the first time in his timeline.
This song, "Don't Deserve You," by Plumb, honestly could work for both of our boys. Shen Wei feels unworthy of Zhao Yunlan's affections when he meets him 10,000 years ago, and will do whatever it takes to keep him safe in the present. Zhao Yunlan saved him all those years ago, and Shen Wei is going to spend the rest of his life repaying that life.
Zhao Yunlan, on the other hand, spends many episodes, and I'm sure many sleepless nights, wondering why Shen Wei is helping him, cares for him, takes notice of him. In episode 23, Zhao Yunlan even expresses to Shen Wei that he doesn't feel worthy of everything Shen Wei is doing for him and Shen Wei replies that he's worth it. Zhao Yunlan then has his moment of "then what do you want me to do? Be indebted to you? To bow to you? You are not immortal! Why should I casually owe you a life?" And Shen Wei says, looking absolutely heartbroken that Zhao Yunlan doesn't understand, "This life...is what I'm returning to you." And Zhao Yunlan doesn't understand yet.
I chose to focus on Shen Wei in this video and all the complicated emotions he has and how absolutely happy Zhao Yunlan makes him.
56 notes • Posted 2021-09-29 06:30:43 GMT
Hello lovelies! This is my first-ever fan-made video for the drama Guardian (  镇魂 )  with the song This is War by 30 seconds to Mars. **SPOILERS**
I fell in love with this show so quickly and instantly knew I wanted to help create more content for this beloved shows and these beloved characters.
I made this just for fun and don’t own any of the material or the song.
67 notes • Posted 2021-09-26 04:32:43 GMT
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I haven’t done much fanfic reading yet, but I’m loving the post-canon idea that Shen Wei and Zhao Yunlan just sort of adopt Ye Zun and keep him in line, so he doesn’t do anything super duper evil.
But I also feel like Ye Zun is such a theatrical bitch and would be upset when Zhao Yunlan or any of the team don’t respond to his evil threats anymore. Like the hero that doesn’t respond appropriately to the villain’s taunting/pre-designed script.
Ye Zun comes striding into the kitchen, in full robe get-up...: “What a beautiful morning. Would be a shame if someone ruined it.”
Zhao Yunlan, sitting at the table, drinking coffee and reading the newspaper: “Yeah, yeah, yeah. It’s 8 in the morning. What are you gonna do? Murder the plants? Sit down and drink your orange juice.”
And then like Da Qing, in cat form, just like purrs and nuzzles his leg while he’s eating, and Ye Zun low-key loves it, but he’ll never admit it.
#guardian au things I think about, lol
103 notes • Posted 2021-10-29 08:41:43 GMT
I wanted to count how many lollipops Zhao Yunlan eats during the 40-episode show and it is quite a lot, lol. Some lollipops appeared to be part of the same scene or part of flashbacks of scenes I'd already counted the first time through, so I didn't count them again.
Also kudos to Bai Yu for being so consistent to this little detail. It definitely is a defining characteristic, to the point that Shen Wei uses it to describe him when he loses him in Dixing. I will never be over this show!
Drama: Guardian (镇魂) Music: Frolic Artist: Luciano Michelini Edit: imsorryandthankyou
137 notes • Posted 2021-10-07 21:04:46 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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The Shell of a Girl that I Used to Know Well
Inspired by "Love of three" by @misashabunbun
Thank you @thestressmademedoit and @maleive07 for helping me find the fic.
So this turned out to be longer than I thought it would be (probably because I based it around like 5 songs) so I'll break it into parts and post each part separately. Oh and did I mention this is songfic? Because it's a songfic! No Felix yet, but you guys do see Peter but I surprise surprise I turned this into an OT4 pairing. Anyone wanna guess who the other lucky person is to date Mari, Peter and Felix? Also bonus points for anyone who can figure out Mari's stage name.
The song in this part in Stitches by Shawn Mendes and The Lonely by Christina Perri is where I got this parts title from. Also the song mentioned at the end is Partners in Crime by Set It Off ft Ashley Costello.
Marinette Dupain-Cheng was grateful for the quiet she found in what she was pretty sure was some kind of presentation room. There was a raised platform which she believes is supposed to be some kind of stage and a couple of tables with chairs surrounding them. She still has no idea how she got here, she was just trying to find some peace. She knew her pseudo Uncle and her friends meant well but they were suffocating her. It's been over a week since she left that bastard, not likely that he even noticed. Since Marinette has gotten to Stark Towers everyone has been treating her like she's about to break and she can't stand it. Yes she's hurt, but like give her a chance to fall apart before trying to shove her back together again! Marinette took a deep breath to calm herself as she sat on the little stage to work on the embroidery she was putting on the back of the blouse. She already had a full heart there but it was kind of plain. She wanted to add something but she didn't know what. 
She sighed softly. At times she really missed Tikki being around to be her second opinion. 
Ever since the defeat of Hawkmoth the kwamis asked to be renounced and to have their respective jewelry return the Miraculous box. They were working together to heal poor Nooroo and Dusuu. Even though Marinette had been able to fully fix the peacock Miraculous, as well as heal Emilie Agreste and Nathalie Sancour from the effects of using a broken Miraculous, the two kwamis had to deal with a significant amount of emotional trauma from the whole affair. 
Even though the final battle had been won quietly without casualties it had taken a lot out of everyone who had been a part of it. Adrien's relationship with his father has been very strained to say the least. Even though Gabriel is doing his best to right his wrongs, it goes to say that the only reason Adrien even speaks to his father at all is because of his mother who is desperately trying to make up for years lost between the two of them.
While Marinette was trying to think of an idea for her embroidery she started humming a song she had heard recently on the radio. In her eyes it fit her past relationship with Damian Wayne perfectly. Soon enough she was singing softly.
I thought that I've been hurt before
But no one has ever left me quite this sore.
Even on their worst days Lila's lies, Alya's beratings, hell even Mlle. Bustier's looks of disappointment never hurt half as much as Damian's total disinterest did. She had cooked him a nice romantic dinner yet he barely acknowledged her. More interested in whatever, or should she say whoever, was on his phone. After 5 mins of trying to carry the conversation alone Marinette sighed and just decided to eat the meal she worked so hard on. After 10 mins of stiff silence in their shared apartment, only filled with the sounds of Marinette eating and Damian texting, the latter got up. Grabbing his coat he made his way to the door, barely turning his head towards his fiancee to call out "I've got to go. Something came up at work."
Marinette wasn't even shocked anymore, just resigned. Still she tried to reason with the man she no longer recognized. Sometimes she wonders if she ever truly knew him at all. "You just got here. Isn't there someone else who can handle it? You haven't even touched your dinner."
True to her words, the young heir's meal sat completely untouched, quickly cooling in the AC.
"Mari, you know these things are important. Not just anyone can handle them." Damian's words were patronizing at best. It frustrated the young designer, but she didn't let it show.
"Will you be back tonight?" She knew the answer but she asked anyway.
Damian hummed noncommittally as he walked through the door still looking at his phone and not the beautiful young lady in front of him. "Most likely not. Don't wait up for me." He quickly walked out, closing the door behind him. Marinette quickly placed her ear to the door as he walked away from the humble abode. She could hear him on the phone.
"Yeah. I'm on my way, gorgeous. I just left." Silence. "No, she doesn't suspect a thing." Nothing but his footsteps as he continues to leave unknowing of her distress behind the apartment "Perfect. The less you're wearing, the better."
Marinette crumbled to the floor after she could no longer hear him. She had suspected as much but that didn't make hearing it less painful. 
Your words cut deeper than a knife
Now I need someone to breathe me back to life
She remembers the first time he truly yelled at her. The way he looked at her with disgust. The way she flinched away from his imposing figure and his cutting words. If tried hard enough she could delude herself that he was doing this out of her best interest. The illusion made even easier to believe by the way he apologized and hugged her after he stopped yelling. The way he told her he was worried about her going out and being made a target to Rogues because of her connection to him. The way he feared that he disguises wouldn't be enough even though he himself didn't recognize her at first when she walked back through the apartment door the day. She believed she was safer staying in the apartment because he said so and he only wants what's best for her. So eventually the walls of their apartment was all she saw 24/7. For her safety of course. 
Got feeling that I'm going under
But I know I will make it out alive
If quit calling you my lover
And move on
Marinette's head was spinning. Or was it the room? Was she even breathing? She couldn't focus on any of that. All she could focus on was the picture sitting on the screen on her phone. The phone Damian had bought her. The idea made her feel sick now because all those gifts he was giving her now seemed to have double meanings. Especially when the picture filling her screen was of a naked Lila whose body was hidden behind a sheet lying on Damian's bare chest while he slept. She didn't even think to process how the lying bitch managed to get her number. Instead all she could focus on was tears streaming down her face as she felt her heart shatter. She didn't even process the fact that she left the phone right there with the picture still on the screen and started packing her stuff. She grabbed everything that was hers that she bought herself, later on she'd be surprised at how little that was. She stuffed her things in a small suitcase, put the miracle box in a duffle bag wrapped in her leftover fabric from commissions, grabbed her purse with her wallet and left. After locking the apartment door she slid the key underneath the door so he could have it back. He could have everything back he ever gave her. She was done. She was so distressed she didn't even notice that she had put on the one disguise she had and taken a train to New York until she was standing in the lobby of Stark Tower with her Uncle Tony and her Aunt Pepper holding her while she sobbed.
You watch me bleed until I can't breathe
I'm shaking, falling onto my knees
And now that I'm without your kisses
I'll be needing stitches
Tripping over myself
Aching, begging you to come help
And now that I'm without your kisses 
I'll be needing stitches
Marinette was so engrossed in the lyrics, in her feelings, that she didn't notice the tears falling from her eyes, nor the way she was furiously embroidering the shirt in her hands. And she definitely didn't notice that she had gained an audience.
Just like a moth drawn to a flame
Yeah you lured me in and I couldn't sense the pain
The first time she met Damian it had been an accident. She knew when her classes started she wouldn't have the time to get the fabrics she needed for her last commissions that she agreed to before going on hiatus. She knew juggling her business and school would be hard so told her clients she'd be on break for the unforeseeable future. She was so focused on her phone trying to make sure her list was complete, that she didn't notice the man right in front of her.
"Oh!" She fell back with a little yelp and when she saw what, or who, she ran into she hurried to help them up as well. "I'm so sorry monsieur. Are you okay?"
The man yanked his hand away from her and growled, "You wouldn't be having to ask if you weren't caught up in whatever idiotic nonsense is on your phone."
Marinette fumed silently. "Well excuse me sir, I don't know who you think you are, but that is uncalled for. I apologized and helped you up. All you had to do was walk away. No need to be so rude."
Damian raised an eyebrow at her curiously. "You don't know who I am?"
Marinette crossed her arms still annoyed. "Am I supposed to? You could be the president for all I cared and I still would say you were being rude and disrespectful."
Damian's expression changed slightly to a bit of amused intrigue. "I apologize. I thought you were another fangirl with some kind of ruse to get my attention. If you don't mind me asking, what is a girl like you doing in a city like Gotham? I can tell from your accent you are not from here."
Marinette relaxed a little bit. "I'm here going to college when the semester starts, but right now I was out doing some shopping."
"Perhaps I could join you as a way to apologize for my rude behavior. I could give you a mini tour along the way." Damian smiled softly at her.
"I don't know," apprehension was clear on Marinette's face. "I don't even know you let alone your name."
Damian chuckled lightly. "I assure you, even if you don't know me, the rest of the city does. I won't be able to get away with doing anything to you without being plastered across every newspaper and magazine in town, Angel. But my name is Damian by the way. Damian Wayne." He grabbed her hand and kissed it softly after his introduction.
"A-angel?" Marinette stuttered as she blushed.
"Well, I still don't know your name."
Marinette smiled before introducing herself. "My name is Marinette. Your company would be much appreciated, Damian"
Your bitter heart cold to the touch
Now I'm going to reap what I sow
I'm left seeing red on my own
Sometimes on nights like these Marinette wondered what she did wrong. Because it had to be her of course. Why else would Damian go from her caring, charming, wonderful, Dove to Gotham's very own cold, unfeeling, ruthless, Ice Prince. 
"Hi, Damian. You're home early." Marinette tried not to let the hope seep into her voice. She had a feeling she wasn't successful.
Damian barely grunted at her as he continued to their room. "My idiots brothers dragged me into spending some time with them so I'm forced to change into something less formal."
"Oh okay." She knew she did an even worse job of hiding her disappointment. "You know I finished Uncle Jagged's outfit the other day. He loved it."
Damian hummed noncommittally. She knew he wasn't paying attention, he never was but she kept trying.
"You know how he's doing that "World's Greatest" Tour. Celebrating the hero's of the world in their respective cities. Luka's been opening for him. His career has really taken off. Hell I'm sure half the tickets Uncle Jagged sells are people just trying to see Luka. He'll have to tour solo soon."
"I bet." Damian's voice was muffled from being the closet, but she could still hear the disinterest in his voice.
She sighed as she leaned against the doorframe of "their" room. It was only theirs in name the fact that his clothes were there. She spent almost every night there alone. She took a deep breath trying to gather her courage for what she was going to ask. "Well they wanted to thank me for the outfits. Claimed the tour would have been half as successful without them. They invited me to take me out to dinner tonight to catch up, then for me to hang out backstage during their show. They said they missed me." Marinette hoped he still wasn't paying attention, but as soon as he settled his famous glare on her, she knew she wasn't that lucky. She flinched into herself under his gaze.
"Marinette. You know what would happen if you left this apartment. The famous Wayne Heir's sweet vulnerable fiance. The one never seen in the media anymore. You would get off this block before your picture would be on every media outlet in the city. Then you would be the Rogues target for the night. They would go anywhere you would be. Including the concert. Would you really be so selfish to endanger hundreds, possibly thousands of innocent concert goers just to 'hang out' with people you can see any time you please?" The disappointment on his face and the coldness of his delivery had her feeling ashamed. She hung her head low trying to hold back the tears. 
"I'm sorry." She knew her voice was barely above whisper, but if she tried to speak any louder she knew she'd open the flood gatesp.
Damian brushed past her. "You should be. I'll be heading to the concert with my brothers. I'll inform Jagged of your apologies for not coming."
"Just telling him I'm sick." She offered weakly still not looking up from the floor.
She could feel his judgeful look on her. "Of course not. He'll insist on coming to check on you then he'll see your lying. I'll tell him you're busy with commissions." He left her standing there as headed to leave again. She heard his phone ring and he answered it harshly. "I'm coming down, Todd!" "Of course not, you imbecile! She's a serious designer who can't be bothered out of her schedule to spend time with my idiotic brothers, especially when she's up to her nose in commissions!" She heard the door shut after that statement. I guess her soon to be brothers in law didn't know the real reason behind her lock down either. She stood there for a few more moments before she broke down into loud heavy sobs. She collapsed to her knees and just cried. Not for the first nor last time in that prison she called an apartment.
Got feeling that I'm going under
But I know I will make it out alive
If quit calling you my lover
And move on
You watch me bleed until I can't breathe
I'm shaking, falling onto my knees
And now that I'm without your kisses
I'll be needing stitches
Tripping over myself
Aching, begging you to come help
And now that I'm without your kisses 
I'll be needing stitches
Needle and the thread 
Gotta get you out my head
Her hands were moving furiously as she was trying to rid her mind of her cruel ex.
Needle and the thread
Gonna wind up dead
She wanted to forget everything about him.
Needle and the thread 
Gotta get you out my head
His smile, his laugh, the loving look in his eyes.
Needle and the thread
Gonna wind up dead
His kisses, his hugs, the way he held her like he was afraid of losing her
Needle and the thread 
Gotta get you out my head
His scowl, his glare, his need to hide her from the world
Needle and the thread
Gonna wind up dead
His distance, his apathy, the way he was happy in any other girl's arms but her's
Needle and the thread 
Gotta get you out my head
Get you out of my head.
She wanted to forget loving him and hating him. She wanted her happiness back
You watch me bleed until I can't breathe
Shaking, falling onto my knees
And now that I'm without your kisses
I'll be needing stitches
Tripping over myself
Aching, begging you to come help
And now that I'm without your kisses 
I'll be needing stitches
And now that I'm without you kisses
I'll be needing stitches
I'll be needing stitches.
As she finished singing she awoke from her haze. She felt the tears on her face and wiped them away before looking to see what she had made. The simple heart from before now had a jagged line down the middle that stopped a quarter of the way to the bottom to represent a break. From the bottom it looked like the heart was dripping. The most noticeable change was the crude yet tasteful stitches that laid over the break in the heart. They weren't neat as if she were suggesting they were professionally done. The way she laid them subconsciously represented as if they were self done by someone trying their best.
While she was studying her impromptu embroidery a voice surprised her. "It looks nice."
She looked up in shock to see a brown haired boy around her age, 21 maybe 22, sitting at the table closest to the stage she was on. He looked as if he had been there for a while.
"Sorry I didn't mean to scare you. I heard you singing so I came to see who it was because you have a beautiful voice, but then I saw you crying and I wanted to make sure you were okay, but you seem really focused and I didn't want to interrupt, but I didn't want to just leave you either, but- I'm sorry I'm rambling. My name is Peter. Are you okay?" The boy, Peter, asked her softly, looking concerned. For Marinette it was enough.
She had sat in the chair next to him and finally let out everything she was holding in. The tears were flowing freely now "I don't know. I'm so mad, so hurt, so confused. Where did it go wrong? One minute I'm getting my business degree at Gotham University, the next I'm in a relationship with Damian Wayne. It was amazing he was so kind and sweet and loving and he made me so happy. Then next thing I know after dating for about a year and half he proposes. I'm on cloud 9 and I say yes and I'm so excited for what's to come, but suddenly everything changes. Next thing I know he's saying I can't leave the apartment because he wants me to be safe from the Rogues and I accepted it. Then he's yelling at me for trying to sneak out and I'm thinking I deserve it. I should have just stayed home and he's already apologizing for yelling. Then suddenly he's gone more and more. He's never home and I'm alone and it hurts. Then suddenly I'm selfish for asking to go out to see my friends because how can I put everyone at risk just to go see some friends who I can see anytime I want. Yet nobody is ever allowed over. But I still believe he's right. How can I be So now I'm alone and miserable and it hurts because he keeps getting further and further from me and I'm starting to suspect what's going on but I'm too scared to ask him because if he confirms it, then everything I believed in is a lie and I couldn't live with that. But I didn't even have to ask because soon someone is sending me a picture and it's the girl who made my school life hell by taking everyone I thought was my friend away from me with a few far fetched lies, and here she is laying naked on my fiance's naked chest as he sleeps. And I know he knows who she is and what she did to me because I told him. Yet he doesn't care because here he is fucking her while I'm at home all the time because he told me to be. So I grabbed my stuff and left everything he ever got me and just left. So here I am miserable staying with my Uncle Tony trying not to think about the asshole while my friends try to help me feel better yet I feel terrible because I loved the jerk and I still kinda do and I still have the engagement ring which I should pawn, but it was Bruce's mom's ring and that would be wrong and Bruce would be devastated. Why do I care so much about him and his family when he couldn't be bothered with me?" She felt better after finally letting it all out. She hadn't cried since she came to Uncle Tony. Not when Adrien arrived with Kagami, Marc, and Nathaniel, not when Luka arrived with Uncle Jagged and not even when Chole and Alix arrived. All her friends and pseudo family were there yet she hadn't cried once, nor had she actually told them the full story. But here this stranger asked if she was okay and she let it flow like Niagara Falls.
If Peter was shocked by her rant he didn't let it show. Instead he placed a hand on her before speaking softly "Because you are an amazing person who is a million times better than him. He is insane to choose anyone over you especially someone so foul as a desperate liar. I just met you, but I can already tell that you are a kind hearted, talented girl and anyone would be lucky to have you in their lives and I can tell by the crowd over there by the door that you have many people standing with you who already figured that out." Marinette looked up at his words to see her friends and pseudo uncles and their respective wives standing in the door. 
"Hi guys." As soon as Marinette finished speaking they all rushed towards her. Adrien reached her first pulling her into a tight hug.
"Oh bugaboo, I'm so sorry you had to go through this. Are you okay? Why didn't you tell us, princess?" He buried his face in her neck purring slightly in a way that calmed her.
"I guess I was still processing everything kitty. He really had me thinking he loved me and to find out he didn't was a hard blow." She confessed quietly.
"He'll meet my blade for hurting you, Mari," Kagami seemed to have Chole, Alix and surprisingly, Marc ready to back her. 
"No, Gami, I just want to get over him. He's not worth it." Mari remarked sadly before smiling at her friends. "But thank you, all of you, for having my back."
There were various "Of course" and "Always" that were heard among the group before Tony Stark cleared his throat. "Marinette let me properly introduce Peter Parker, my intern. Peter, this is my niece Marinette Dupain-Cheng also known as MDC owner and head designer of Miracle Designs."
Peter looked star struck. "I love your work. You make the coolest clothes on the planet."
Marinette blushed lightly. "Thank you, Peter. Uncle Tony told me much about you and I was always impressed. You're nothing short of a genius." Marinette missed Peter's blush as she started introducing her friends to him, but Tony didn't.
"This is Adrien Agreste, former model and Physics major. This is Kagami Tsurugi, world champion fencer. This is Luka Couffanie, singer songwriter signed under Jagged Stone. They're dating. This is Nathaniel Kurtzberg and Marc Anciel creators of Miraculous Tales comic. They're engaged. This is Chole Bourgeois, the best lawyer in all of France and probably Europe. And this is Alix Kubdel, X Games Winner, and famous archeologists. These two are also engaged. I'm sure you know Jagged Stone and his manager and also his wife, Penny." 
"You guys are amazing! None of you look much older than me yet you're already so successful! What is in the water in Paris? Some kind of talent steroids?" Peter was amazed.
"Speaking of talent," Luka turned towards Marinette. "Melody why didn't you tell me you could sing like that?" Soon everyone was agreeing that she was an excellent singer.
Marinette was bright red. "It's no big deal guys. I was just singing to myself, I wasn't expecting an audience."
Jagged took his chance to pull his pseudo niece into a hug. "Nettie, my girl you have got to let me sign you. It would be so rocking to have talent like yours produced under my label!"
"No way Uncle Jagged! I'm not even that good!" Marinette began protesting before Luka put a hand on her shoulder.
"How about this? I need some vocals for a song I wrote and no matter how much I love them, my dear boyfriend and girlfriend can not sing." Adrien and Kagami looked at each other before shrugging. No point denying it. "How about you feature in my new single under an alias and if it's hit you'll give an album a try?"
Marinette looked around at some of the most important people in the world to her before sighing and agreeing.
"Alright. But no promises that this will be hit. I'm really not that good. You guys are just biased."
Alix ruffled Marinette's hair. "Whatever you say, DC. Now let's go play some UMS3!"
As everyone was heading out to find a room large enough for all of them Peter prepared to go back to work on a project until Marinette turned back to him with a huge smile and bright eyes. "Come on Peter! Come play with us." 
How could he say no to that? So he came along.
A couple weeks later Luka's single "Partners in Crime" featuring Neon Titanium hit number one on the charts. And the most searched inquiry on Google for 3 days following was "who is Neon Titanium?" Needless to say Marinette was busy for the next couple months. Especially after Luka dropped a music video which she starred in as well wear a full face mask to stay hidden.
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brian-in-finance · 3 years
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Kenneth Branagh on the set of Belfast. Photo: Rob Youngson/B) 2021 Focus Features, LLC.
With the idea of the future losing much of its luster, many of us spent the COVID era thinking about the past. But few took it as far as Kenneth Branagh, who used his sudden downtime to write and direct a black-and-white autobiographical drama. Branagh’s Belfast follows a cherubic 9-year-old named Buddy (Jude Hill) whose childhood is upended by the coming of the Troubles. Despite the creeping sectarian violence, the film is grounded in Branagh’s youthful memories of the city: neighborhood banter, schoolyard crushes, enough Van Morrison songs to soundtrack an anti-lockdown protest. “There is something genuinely bold in giving a movie about Belfast in 1969 the warm glow of the everyday,” wrote our critic Bilge Ebiri. “It reminds us that life goes on.”
Belfast premiered to an enthusiastic reception at the Telluride Film Festival and shortly thereafter won the People’s Choice Award at TIFF, catapulting the film into the Oscar conversation. That was exciting news not just for Branagh but also for my father’s family, a collection of siblings around the director’s age who grew up in Derry and were thrilled that Northern Ireland was getting the Hollywood spotlight. As Branagh made the awards-season rounds, I spoke to him on Zoom about fry-ups, his artistic evolution, and — as my aunts and uncles begged me to — how he lost his Belfast accent.
It might be different in the U.K., but in terms of projects that make it to the States, Belfast is the rare movie about the Northern Irish Protestant community. I have my own theories about why that is, but I’m curious about why you think that is.
What are your theories just by the by?
There’s two parts. The first is that, in terms of things made for the U.S., most Irish Americans are Catholic, and so stories from the Catholic perspective are naturally more appealing to the American audience. And the second — without getting into specific choices made by specific Irish Republicans — is that in general, the Catholic community was more of an underdog than the Protestant community. And thus in those stories, the narrative is a little easier to understand. The moral stakes are more legible.
A perfectly rational theory on both counts. I also think that there is an element of the Northern personality that is expressed, semi-comically in our film, through the preacher, who sets up this rather austere, severe view of life. Protestant ministers really were so fire and brimstone–y that there’s almost an innate suspicion in some Protestant minds of telling stories — that it’s rather indulgent, a bit of frippery. Whereas our job is to joylessly move through life getting ready to hopefully make our way out of purgatory.
Was your preacher in real life that kind of fire-and-brimstone Paisleyite guy?
One-hundred percent. My parents got out of churchgoing as soon as they possibly could, but they were stuck into the ritual of it, so we were sent basically to put money onto the plate. It was very theatrical, very stern. It was always presented in this visceral way, always around the word sulfur. You were going to burn — simple as that.
This is probably not the first time you’ve heard this, but the parents in this film are among the most attractive parents ever put onscreen. When you were a child, did you idealize your parents, turn them into these glamorous, larger-than-life figures?
What they had was this incredible fizz, this passion between them. Since the film was made, I’ve come across a few photos of them in the late ’60s. My mother had a big pair of Gina Lollobrigida glasses — very sort of sexy trexy and glamorous. They didn’t have the money, but she definitely had an innate sense of style. And he was very proud of her sassiness. She was one of 11. Her mother died giving birth to her. To survive in that family, you had to shove, fight, and scream, so she was a firebrand. And, of course, those qualities in people often are very attractive. And Jamie’s dry sense of humor was bang in the center of my own father’s. But ultimately, even I didn’t know quite how photographically zingy the pair of them would be. My wife saw the film and said, “Jesus. Please photograph me like that.”
There are some scenes in the film where you shoot Jamie Dornan like he’s a Socialist Realist hero, this titanic figure who’s twenty feet tall.
In those scenes, I felt like I was writing a western. A picture that I love is Clint Eastwood’s Unforgiven. You’ll recall from the poster, it’s shot from behind him, low, and his hands are on a gun. It was the idea of the kid seeing his dad as a mountain. That’s what he needed to see. He also needed to see a big Belfast sky as well. And then you’ve got Billy Clanton [the film’s Protestant militant] who is a kind of tinpot Hitler sneaking into a power vacuum, becoming Jack Palance from Shane: the raven-haired, implacable villain. Somehow we started to put those images together.
I read your book Beginning and was struck by how many scenes in the film come straight from those memories. But one thing that was different was the portrayal of school. You write about a very Dickensian, very cruel experience, which lines up with things my dad has told me. But the school in this movie is a much more positive environment.
What I wanted to retain about the experience of the school was the obsession with the girl, trying to get further up the class. At one stage, it was in the script. For instance, I got the cane from a headmaster for walking across some flower beds one time. But it just felt like too much. It became a different, almost documentary look. What was key to Buddy is that we all put up with this. It wasn’t like I was coming home going, “I can’t believe I got the cane.” My parents would’ve said, “Are you broken? No? All right, then get on with it.”
Did you ever catch up with the girl in real life?
I never did. I always felt that I just wasn’t good enough for her. And I was absolutely convinced that she basically liked people who could do maths better, and I never could.
Do you think if she saw this movie, she’d recognize herself?
I sometimes wonder. I would like to think. Obviously, the names have been changed to protect the innocent. God willing, they’re all still alive and healthy. But I don’t know. There may be some of this she may not even have understood was coming in such a heartfelt way from me. So she may not remember me.
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Judi Dench, Jude Hill, and Ciarán Hinds in Belfast. Photo: Rob Youngson/Focus Features
I asked my aunts and uncles what kind of questions I should ask you, and completely independently, they all wanted to know how and when you lost your Belfast accent.
It was in the two or three years after I came across. We left when I was 9, May of 1970. And by the time I left secondary school in the summer of ’72, it was probably gone. I think it was to do with wanting to disappear. I wanted to just fit in.
It’s funny: When we came across, there was no desire on my parents’ part to keep up with the Joneses. They had no interest in additional social status or anything. They came over, and they did the things that they did back home. My dad played the horses. My mother played bingo. But we were thrown into a very different social class. From working class, we went to lower middle class. And it was a world that didn’t really understand our world.
As we all became a bit more insular, [my accent] kind of rubbed off. There were a couple of years of not even knowing it was happening, then feeling a bit bad about it. So for a while, I was English in school and Irish at home. And then it started happening at home. My parents didn’t comment about it. I think they felt it was natural enough.
When you went back for the Billy plays [a trio of BBC dramas from the early ’80s about a working-class Belfast family that served as Branagh’s first big break], did you find yourself putting it back on again?
No, I didn’t, but it’s interesting. I went back with a friend of mine, the guy who plays the best friend — an excellent actor who’s a policeman now, called Colum Convey. When we got on the plane on the way to Belfast on the Sunday night before the first day of rehearsals, Colum said to me [in a Cockney accent], “Now, listen, Ken. From tomorrow, I’m going to be completely Belfast. All right?” And that’s what he did. The next day, it was like meeting a completely different guy. Whereas I didn’t feel comfortable with that. I had the mickey taken out of me left, right, and center, but I would do the part and then I would step back into the way I sounded. I’ve never been good at doing that totally immersive thing.
I first became aware of you in the ’90s. In the version of you that made its way over to American audiences, you were presented as sort of England incarnate. It wasn’t until later that I learned of your Northern Irish heritage. Were you cognizant of that disparity? And did that ever give you any sort of identity crisis?
I don’t know about an identity crisis, but I was aware of that disparity. This film, in a way, goes back to understanding what infused my storytelling DNA. It’s very much forged by my background. You can tell from this film: How far away could [working-class Belfast] be from doing Shakespeare in English accents? But my drive to do it was partly to say to my parents, “Look, we can enjoy this as well.” You don’t have to have been to Oxford, Cambridge, Yale, Harvard, Princeton. If it speaks to you, it speaks to you.
And yet I think there was an assumption that I was part of what you might call the English elite or that I would have come from one of those places. I’m not saying there’s anything wrong with that; I’m just saying there were perhaps some assumptions made. I don’t know about identity crises, but all I knew was, God, I couldn’t be what people thought of me: a spoiled posh boy or something. It’s not important enough to try to correct people: “You realize I’ve got proper working-class Belfast credentials here, mate.” But this [film] was a chance to allow the truth that the mix of whatever spawned me as an artist was happening back then.
In the book, you mention that the phenomenon you call “Branagh-bashing” began fairly early on. What do you think it was that made you such an easy target?
I think it was as simple as overexposure in the media. I was absolutely unaware, though people might say, “How could you not be?” We ran a theater company that became a film company, and in doing what I felt was my duty to everybody else involved, I basically spoke to whoever I was pointed at to bang the drum for it. There comes a point where you go, Enough already. I was 27 when I directed Henry V. I was 29 when I got double-nominated as an actor and director in the Academy. For some people, that is incredibly annoying, and they think, Fuck him. As if I was wandering around talking about the cleverness of me when I can assure you I wasn’t. Although, no doubt, I’m sure I was capable of being cocky and arrogant and stupid.
In those early days you were putting yourself on a very ragged schedule: During breaks for one project, you’re writing something, directing something else, rehearsing yet another thing. How long were you able to keep up that pace?
I always had some sense of seizing the day, that you might not have the opportunity again. I had an enormous amount of joy in the work, and I think that always drove me. That kind of crazy schedulizing went through about 2000, when we made Love’s Labour’s Lost. I remember waking up at the Essex House hotel, Central Park South in New York, on the morning when the New York Times review, not good, came out for that film. And it was not alone. I remember thinking, Oh, fuck. That sort of took the wind out of my sails. It wasn’t that I couldn’t do it, but I’d just been in the boxing ring for quite a long time, and I’d taken quite a few punches. I didn’t feel burnt-out, but I did feel bashed-up. Didn’t consider it catastrophic, but I knew I had to ease up a bit.
Do you still pay attention to reviews, or have you learned to cut yourself off?
I have learned that, but you can’t help but pick up on it. You’ll get that response: “Oh God, I’m so cross with that writer X. Don’t you listen to a word of it.” I don’t know what you’re talking about, but now I know somebody said something appalling. You can’t be too insulated — otherwise, you won’t get feedback. But plugging into the sort of vast plethora of how the thing is spoken about, I resist to the maximum. And to be honest, I do respect the contrary opinion. I’m at a point in my life where I understand you can’t please all the people all the time, and sometimes the ones you don’t please are much more interesting.
Do you have a personal contrary opinion?
I believe that Tottenham Hotspur will win the Premiership this year. I would suggest that is contrary to most people’s opinions.
My uncle Thomas is also a Spurs fan. Why are there so many of you in Belfast?
Danny Blanchflower. He was a Northern Irishman who won the Footballer of the Year title in ’57 and ’61. In ’61, he captained the Tottenham Hotspur double-winning side. They’ve never done it since. He also captained the Northern Irish team to the last eight of the 1958 World Cup. He was the one guy in the history of the program This Is Your Life — where a celebrity is ambushed and all the people in their life come into the studio — who just refused to do it. That was how singular he was, Danny Blanchflower. There’s something about that character that is very Northern Irish. Some would call it belligerence; some would call it strong-minded and sort of inspiring. He had a strong position and held it even though it might be exceptional.
In early reviews, you were spoken of as an actor who also directed. At what point did you feel as if your filmmaking talent reached the level of your acting talent?
I didn’t think about my acting talent in any sort of particular high pitch or anything — simply that that’s what I did. I think it’s probably taken till now, to be honest, to begin to understand. This film is partly involved with that. I was surrounded by people who told stories all the time, told jokes, made stuff up. The telling of tales was something inbuilt. Sometimes you performed it, and sometimes you watched other people do it. But the idea that I’d ever do any of this [professionally] was so … I think of that little kid on the pavement reading a Thor comic. If you’d said, “Oh, by the way, 9-year-old, when you’re 50, you’ll be directing Thor, the fourth film in what will become the cinema-dominating universe of the 21st century,” I would’ve thought you’d come from Venus.
You lacked the context to know how a person would even get from there to here.
How do you make films? How do you tell stories? What is directing? What is acting? Work was, You’d be a plumber or a chippy; you worked in a shop; if you’re lucky, insurance company or whatever. Or you went in the army or British Rail. The other stuff wasn’t on our radar.
There’s been some discussion among critics about the wake scene at the end of the film with “Everlasting Love.” The first time I saw it, I just took it completely straight. But I’ve heard other people call it a dream sequence. Is it meant to be ambiguous, or is one of us completely wrong?
I don’t mind if it seems ambiguous. But the truth I was trying to get from it was that the moment after the burial had to be an expression of the opposite of what people had just felt: the dark, joyless, awful grief of losing someone so loved. These were wild nights in the sense of they were frenzied, they were passionate, and they were a release. People would try to make that moment bigger than their lives — a proper piece of closure that is a supernova for the end of this person’s life.
Whose idea was it for Jamie to sing? I’ve noticed he enjoys a musical number in many of his films.
He’s essentially singing alongside the recorded track there and then, but we recorded him afterward, and he has got a terrific voice. As you may know, he sang it live at the L.A. premiere. Ballsy thing to do, but he did a grand job.
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Jamie is somebody who really goes for it, and he was ready to dance and sing. Also, it’s a great lyric for that moment in their relationship. What the film talks about is what Noël Coward famously wrote, rather patronizingly: “Extraordinary how potent cheap music is.” I would say that it’s a profound lyric even though it’s in a pop song. But that’s what we were: consumers of what others might call low culture.
You’ve written very movingly about the smells of Belfast. Is there a particular smell that brings you back to your youth?
Well, the sea you smell, or the loch, as it is. My mother used to eat cockles, and we would go to Donaghadee Beach to eat whelk. We’d get them off the rocks; you probably couldn’t do it now. But you get whelks, and you bring them back, and you boil them. Sometimes put vinegar on, sometimes put butter on. My mother used to have this deeply fishy smell.
The movie used to have a whole theme of dodgy food that was left out. The smell of tripe — Jesus Christ. Poached tripe in milk, you’d be tasting it for a month. And the other thing — not so bad but rough to look at — were pig’s trotters. Cooked for hours and hours. You’d try and find a piece of meat in there. It’s an incredible mystery to get a bit of protein out of a pig’s trotter. Fish and ham is what I smell.
There was a lot of family curiosity about food, particularly the ingredients that make a fry-up. They wanted to know if you preferred potato farls or soda bread.
Both. I had an uncle who used to make it this way: He would melt half a pound of white cap lard. Then he used to put the soda bread in, and he’d sort of boil it. And he would press down on the soda bread until it soaked it up. Then he put the potato farls in there, they’d swim around. All the pieces would soak up the fat. He’d take all the bread out, put aside. Then he would melt another half-pound of lard, into which he’d put sausages, black pudding, tomatoes, bacon, mushrooms. It was a beautiful thing to eat, but you really didn’t need to have another one for a decade.
Remember… I think of that little kid on the pavement reading a Thor comic. If you’d said, “Oh, by the way, 9-year-old, when you’re 50, you’ll be directing Thor, the fourth film in what will become the cinema-dominating universe of the 21st century,” I would’ve thought you’d come from Venus. — Sir Kenneth Branagh
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underoosweb · 3 years
5 More Minutes Ch.1
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No warnings: Bold italics are thoughts/ Italics are dreams
8.5k words
Serenity laughed, watching her cousin deny she was drunk and now she is currently dancing, singing Lick it in front of her whole family. She looked around watching everyone laugh, it was their uncle’s birthday, everyone had been drinking.
“Come on Tia! Sing it!” Her cousin yelled into the microphone
“MY NECK MY BACK LICK MY!” Everyone's attention turned to their aunt, she turned bright red, covering her face from embarrassment, their uncle staring at his wife laughing. 
“Come on Tia! Sing it to him!” her cousin yelled, everyone stared as their aunt recovered from embarrassment, facing her husband and wiggling her finger for him to come over and everyone laughed. Everyone filmed the whole interaction and then she changed the song.
“THIS SONG GOES OUT TO MY TIO!” the familiar melody filled Serenity’s ears.
“ONE TIME FOR THE BIRTHDAY BITCH, TWO TIMES..” Everyone laughed again, her uncle shook his head and laughed. Her cousin sang her heart out
“And she said she wasn’t drunk.” Serenity turned to her other cousin
“Well 5 jello shots and 5 tequila shots will do that.” she laughed and her cousin nodded
“How many have you had?”
Serenity looked at her cup 
“Your sister gave me a cup of vodka and fruit punch about an hour ago and I’m only about a quarter in, pretty sure she’s going to be yelling at me for not drinking it faster.”
“Probably. Is it not good?”
“It’s alright, just don’t want to wake up hungover.”
“True.” Serenity took another sip of her drink, she watched as all her family members laughed, drank, and told stories about their younger days. She and only 2 of her cousins were around the same age and everyone else was either older or younger than them. She mostly grew up on her own, played on her own, she didn’t become close to her cousins till she turned 21. The sun continued to roll down and she was only halfway done with her drink
“Do you want another one?” 
“I still have half.”
“Damn, so slow. Drink up, girl.” Her cousin laughed, teasing her, Serenity smiled small
“I’m not much of a drinker…” she muttered to herself after her cousin turned her attention to someone else. She sighed and continued her conversation with her younger cousin. It was late and they still hadn’t cut the cake. Serenity looked around 
“I’m going to the restroom.” Her cousin nodded, she walked through the house and into the restroom, staring into the mirror, fixing her makeup, and walking into her cousin’s room. She grabbed her bag and walked back into the backyard just in time for them to sing happy birthday to her uncle
“I’m gonna leave after this.” She whispered to her cousin
“Yeah, I have an early day tomorrow.”
“Alright.” She hugged everyone and bid them goodbye. Blasting her music in the 20-minute car ride home, she sang her lungs out. Completely exhausted, putting on a marvel movie for background noise, her eyes fluttering shut and falling into a deep slumber. 
“Sometimes I think you like getting hit.” Bucky smiled at his friend helping him off the ground
“I had it covered.”
“You got your orders?”
“ The one-o-seventh. Sergeant James Barnes. Shipping out for England first thing tomorrow.”
“I should get going.”
“Come on, it’s my last night here. We gotta celebrate.”
Steve was having a long day, he wanted nothing more than just going home, but Bucky decided to drag him to the Stark Expo.
“There are 3 and half-million women here.”
“Yeah, I’d settle for one.” Bucky smiled
“Well, it’s a good thing I took care of that for you.” He nodded towards the girls standing in front of the statue
“Hey Bucky!” the brunette waved, Steve looked at Bucky slightly annoyed for not giving him a fair warning
“What’d you tell her about me?’ He ran his fingers through his hair
“All the good stuff.” Bucky smiled
Steve quietly walked behind the group, eating his popcorn. He looked around
“It’s starting!” Bucky’s brunette friend said in excitement, dragging Bucky to the front of the crowd while Steve followed behind. Applause rang through the expo
“Ladies and Gentlemen Mr. Howard Stark.”
Steve offered popcorn to the blonde girl he was supposed to be on the date with, she stared at him and scoffed, turning her attention forward. Serenity furrowed her brows, why was everything so loud?
“Ladies and gentlemen, what if I told you in just a short few years Your automobile won't even have to touch the ground at all?”
Gasps could be heard throughout the crowd, Serenity covered her ears, it’s too loud.
“With Stark reversion technology you'll be able to do just that” Everyone stared in awe when the car started to lift off the ground, then came a loud bang. Serenity jumped awake, still drowsy, looking around, this wasn’t her living room. Lifting herself slightly off the ground, a car with no wheels sat in front of her.
“Well, I did say a few years.” Everyone in the crowd laughed and applauded
“What the fu…” She whispered to herself, one of the showgirls who was standing on the side of the stage stared at her, she felt someone’s eyes on her, she turned to meet crystal clear blue eyes
“Where? Who? What the fuck is happening?” The girl’s eyes flickered back to Howard, he met her eyes and he moved his head to see Serenity in the shortest short’s and an off-the-shoulder top. Her eyes widened in shock,
“No fucking way,”
“Who are you?” Howard asked, the showgirl ran up to her and stood her up, she looked around the crowd
“What in the world are you wearing? You’re showing too much.” Serenity narrowed her eyes
“I’m showing too much?”
“I’m wearing a stage outfit.” Serenity continued to scan the crowd when she heard a familiar melody play over the speakers
“That’s… that’s not possible.”
“You need to follow me.” Serenity turned and grabbed onto the showgirl's wrist.
“Let me go.”
“I can’t”
“I said, let.me.go.now!” she twisted the girl’s wrist, she screamed in pain
“Security!” She turned her head towards Howard
“No!” She ran towards the front of the stage, looking around for an opening to run. She met another pair of crystal blue eyes. Steve looked at the girl, she looked terrified and confused, she was staring at Bucky, another girl?
“Someone, you know?”
Bucky shook his head “No.”
“Bucky?” She said with a shaky breath, then her eyes met Steve’s
“Steve?” Bucky turned to Steve
“Someone, you know?”
Serenity turned back around, Stark was standing there a device in his hand. She checked her back pockets. Her phone.
“Shit.” Serenity took a step towards Stark, he held the phone back
“Give it back.” out of the corner of her eyes she noticed men in black making their way towards her.
Everyone stared at the stage confused
“What in the world is she wearing?”
“She’s dressed like a floozy.”  She turned back
“I think she heard.”
“Out of all the things I have to do, it's to run and I hate running.” Serenity jumped off the stage, trying to catch herself, she tripped over her feet
“Damn it,” She stood in front of Bucky and froze, wow the movies didn’t do him justice, then her eyes flickered to Steve, she smiled and winked at him. She watched as his face turned red.
“HEY, SOLDIER! GRAB HER!” That was her cue to go. She did hate running and with Stark’s security and maybe even Bucky running after her, she could care less. Her legs burned, ached, her chest heaving. It wasn’t going to be hard to spot her, a girl with her legs out, shoulders out. She looked back, sighing in relief and she hid in an alley. She had no idea how she managed to outrun them but she did. She checked her pockets in a panic.
“Money… money...Ah! Yes!” Poking her head out of the alley, scanning her surroundings. Taking a deep breath, taking one step before someone covered her mouth and pulled her back into the alley, her scream muffled, eyes widened in panic.
“Be quiet!” The voice... Her brows furrowed, she slowly calmed herself. His hand slowly fell from her mouth and she jumped from him, ready to hit him.
“Woah there, doll,”
“Don’t call me that.”
“What? Doll?”
“I’m not your doll.” Bucky chuckled
“Well, we can change that.” Serenity scoffed
“Well, aren’t you confident? What do you want?”
“I’m just wondering why Stark is so interested in you and where you came from since you weren’t there when the car lifted and then all of a sudden you appeared.”
“Maybe I’m a magician.” Bucky laughed
“I doubt Stark would be this interested in a magician.” Serenity lifted a brow and shrugged
“Maybe I’m that good.” Her eyes flickered behind him, checking to see if anyone else came with him.
“I’m by myself.”
“How? I thought I outran you.”
“You did. I was walking back to my apartment and saw you.” She bit her lip out of frustration
Well better him than Steve She thought to herself
“Also how did you know my name and Steve’s?” 
“I have no idea what you’re talking about,”
Bucky cocked his head “Really now?”
“Yup.”  Bucky took a step closer towards her, she took a step back
“Because I could have sworn..” She felt her back hit the wall, his hands on either side of her head.
“I heard you say my name and his, and trust me doll I would remember a dame like you.”
“You mean to tell me you remember every girl you’ve ever met?”
“I doubt that,” Bucky smiled, her breath hitched
“Well, look at that... I believe you're blushing, doll.” Crossing her arms
“I am not, now move.” Shoving him aside, Bucky caught her wrist
“Where are you planning on going?”
“That is none of your business.” 
“Alright, I should just take you to Stark.”  Her head snapped towards him, she could feel his breath on her lips, he was closer than she thought
“You would turn me in, sergeant?” Bucky noticed her eyes scan his body up and down as she said those words, she smiled at him and his heart skipped a beat.
“Now look who's blushing.” Bucky felt a chill run down his spine as she whispered in his ear
“How about this, tell me your name and I might not give you up to Stark.”
“What a true gentleman.”  Bucky chuckled
“It’s Serenity.”
“Serenity?” she nodded
“Nice to meet you, I would introduce myself but it seems you already know who I am.”
“Can you let go now?” Her eyes motioned to her wrist, Bucky dropped his hand and cleared his throat, taking off his uniform jacket and handing it to her. She eyed it.
“There are men who-” Bucky stopped as she took the jacket from his hands
“Right, well thanks, but don’t you need this?” She asked, placing her arms through the sleeves.
“I leave tomorrow, I can get it from you then.”
“Who says I’m going to be around tomorrow?” Bucky rose an eyebrow
“Planning on skipping town, doll?”
“Again none of your business but even if I was, how exactly would I be seeing you tomorrow?”
“Because you are coming back to my place.”
“Excuse me?”
“You are coming back with me.”
“No, I’m not. Do you know what year this is?”
“It’s 1943.”
“Exactly, women, especially unmarried women normally don’t go to houses of men they just met without them getting outcast from society.”
Wait. Why was she worried about this? No one here knows her, nor does she exist in this universe. How does she get back? How did she even get here?
“Trust me, it’ll be fine.”
She did need a place to stay.
“I’ll just say you’re one of Rebecca’s friends.”
“Come on now, it’s getting late. I don’t live too far.” Bucky motioned for her to follow him. 
“Where’s your friend?”
“You know his name is Steve.”
“I was talking about your brunette friend from the expo.”
“God damn it.” Bucky groaned in frustration
“I knew I was forgetting something, Connie is going to kill me.”
“You could go back, you know.”
“It’s too late now, I’ll give her a call when we get back.”
“Someone is going to get an earful.”
“Ah, get chewed out?”
“You have no idea.” Bucky sighed
“I mean I would hate for my date to go off chasing some other girl, then start to flirt with, ''said girl and then invite her over to my house.” Serenity gasped sarcastically
“How dare he.” Bucky laughed
“Very funny.” Serenity shrugged
“Come on now, it won’t be so bad.” Bucky sighed again 
“Don’t jinx me now, doll.”
“And you are still calling me, doll? I’m pretty sure Connie is not going to be happy hearing you call another girl that, Sergeant.” Bucky chuckled and shook his head, quirking his brow, raising his hand towards a set of stairs.
“Truly a gentleman.” She started climbing the stairs, Bucky telling her to keep going.
“Stop.” Serenity stopped dead in her tracks 
“We’re here.”
“I’m so glad, I’m wearing sneakers,” she murmured to herself
“You climb these every day? No wonder you’re fit.”
“Doll,” Bucky smirked leaning against the wall
“Do you have the hots for me?” Serenity’s eyes widened and blushed
“I-I” Bucky laughed
“You are adorable when you get flustered.” 
“Adorable?” She pouted as Bucky unlocked his apartment door. 
“Ladies first.” Serenity walked into the apartment expecting to be bombarded by Rebecca but no one came.
“Where’s Rebecca?”
“Boarding school.”
“Boarding school?”
“No back story?”
“Alrighty then.” Bucky walked past her into the bedroom, she heard him rummaging through his drawers. Serenity looked around, the whole apartment was completely clean, it was simple, open, the living room only had a golden brown love-seat, television, and a little side table. She walked into the kitchen, opening the refrigerator. He had nothing, hearing a cough she jumped.
“Here you go,” Bucky handed her a pair of his Pajamas
“Can I use your shower? Or is that empty too?”
“Yes, you can. Let me show you how to work it and no it’s not empty.”
“Alright, here you go. Let me bring you a towel.”
“Here you go,” Serenity took the towel from his hands
“Thank you,” She smiled, Bucky continued to stand in the doorway
“Umm, Sergeant?”
“Bucky, you can leave now.”
“Right, right. Sorry.”
“Go call Connie.” Serenity smiled as Bucky’s eyes widened in panic. He ran towards the front of the apartment, Serenity rolled her eyes and closed the door, stripping off her clothes, she stepped into the shower. The hot water ran over her tense muscles.
“I hope this is all a dream.” She sighed and just let the water run. 
Bucky winced when Connie sighed. It wasn’t as if they were together, they had gone out on their first date that night sort of a little fling before he got shipped off. Bucky heard the water from the shower turn off.
“I am sorry Connie, I’ll make it up to you.”
“You better, good night Bucky.”
“Good night.” Bucky turned once he heard the door open. Serenity walked out in his clothes, now Bucky had seen countless women walk out in his clothes before but none of them looked like her, she looked breathtaking, her hair had curled from being wet, big doe eyes staring back at him. She smiled and Bucky swore he lost his breath.
“You alright?” Bucky wasn’t paying attention 
“Bucky!?” Bucky shook his head and came out of his trance.
“Yeah, sorry what?”
“You alright? Connie didn’t chew you out too bad now, did she?” Bucky sighed, shaking his head he played with his fingers
“Ooo, that bad?”
“Well, how would you feel?”
“Honestly there would be no second date, but considering that you are probably one of the more good-looking men out there for her there will be a second even if it means waiting till you get back from war.”
“Come on now doll, no second date?”
“Not if you forgot about me.” Serenity smiled again
“Do you have a comb or an extra one? Also a toothbrush?”
“I do.”
“Huh, a lot of girls sleepover?” Bucky ignored her question and handed her the brushes.
“Your hair?”
“What about it?”
“Is it naturally curly?”
“Yeah, I straightened it. I don’t really like curls, it's too hard to manage.”
“You look pretty.” Serenity froze
“I know.” Bucky smiled
“Do you have any extra pillows and blankets for me?”
“You can have the bed.”
“Are you sure?”
“Of course, what kind of gentleman would I be if I let you sleep on the floor or sofa?” She laughed
“Right.” Bucky leads her to the bedroom
“Please never say that again.”
“That bad, huh?” Serenity chuckled
“I would rather be called a doll than ma’am.”
“I thought you weren’t my doll.”
“I’m not, just saying I prefer it over ma’am.”
“Alright then, doll.” Serenity rolled her eyes, trying to hide a smile.
“It’s getting late, soldier, don’t you have an early day tomorrow?” Bucky’s face fell slightly, his lips fell into a tight line
“Yeah, we should go to sleep. Good night.” Bucky took a pillow and blanket from the edge of the bed, walking out of the room
“Good-” Stopping mid-sentence as Bucky closed the door behind him.
“Night... Okay then.” Climbing into the bed, her eyes fluttering
“Maybe when I wake up, I’ll be back home and this was all one big dream.” Sighing, she welcomed the darkness. Bucky on the other hand could not welcome darkness. He tossed and turned on the little love-seat. It wasn’t the best place to sleep, he couldn’t get the fact that he was being shipped off tomorrow. He didn’t want to go to war, hell he didn’t even volunteer but they still drafted him. He was scared. Scared of coming back and not being himself, a completely different person, or worse not coming back at all. Bucky sighed, staring at the ceiling. He checked his watch at 12:45 and he had to be up in a few hours and head out. Bucky sat up, turned on the TV, and tried to see if it would help him sleep, he desperately didn’t want the sun to rise. 
She knew how this was going to end, staring at the date November 15th, 1945. Looking around the train, she knew. She could have stopped this, why didn’t she tell them? In the back of her mind, she knew his fate was set. She ran back towards the middle of the train, why was she even here? How did she manage to escape, she knew he would come for her, even if she didn’t belong in this universe, his fate would still be the same. Him falling off this train. Him being toured. Brainwashed. She couldn’t let that happen to him. She could hear her heartbeat pounding in her eardrums, she felt it in the back of her head. She heard the explosion. NO! She ran faster. No, please! She felt the tears sting her eyes. She saw him fly out of the cart. NO! Please! Grab Him! Help him! Don’t let him fall! She grabbed the sidebar…...and reached out for him. Please. She felt the tears run down her cheeks. He was speaking, yelling at her. She ignored him and continued reaching, please just grab onto her. She felt his fingers brush against hers, then she saw the bar start to break. GRAB HER! She felt someone grab her waist. She screamed as the bar completely broke. She felt her body move forward, then they pulled. She screamed his name, kicked and punched at nothing. 
Serenity jolted awake, screaming Bucky’s name. She had tears running down her cheeks.
Bucky jolted awake when he heard a scream come from the bedroom.
“Shit!” Bucky scrambled, running to the bedroom, quickly opening the door he saw Serenity sitting there, tears stained her cheeks. Bucky rushed to her side, hands cupping her face as he sat on the bed.
“What happened? Are you alright?” Serenity blinked slowly
“What?” She replied slowly
“Where?” It took her a while to take in her surroundings and recognize Bucky. Fuck.
“Yeah, yeah. I’m alright.” She placed her hands onto his, giving him a reassuring smile.
“You sure? You screamed my name.”
“Yeah, I just had a bad dream is all.”
“Do you want to talk about it?”
“Not really.” Bucked nodded and whipped her tears away. She sniffled
“What time is it?” Serenity looked around for a clock
“Ah,” Bucky looked to his right
“4:50” Serenity sighed and nodded
“We should get back to sleep.”
“I’ll just stay up. I have to be up in 30 minutes anyway.”
“Where do I go after you leave?”
“What do you mean?”
“After you leave, I can’t stay here.”
“Yeah, you can.”
“The apartment is getting paid for and since I won’t be here, you can stay.”
“I don’t think your landlord would be too happy.”
“She wouldn’t mind.”
“Don’t tell me…, you worked your charm on her.” Bucked smiled
“She has tried to take me out……, I’m sure her husband wouldn't mind.” Serenity laughed
“Very.” She didn’t even notice his hands still placed on her cheeks, dropping her head slightly, his fingers ending up in her curls. She froze and pulled away from him. Bucky bit his lip, dropping his hands onto his lap.
“I should get back to the couch.” Bucky felt something tugging on his shirt, her fingers grabbed the end of his shirt. She didn’t want him to leave, she was scared of what was going to happen, scared of why she was still there.
“Stay. Please? We can have one normal conversation before you ship off.” Bucky nodded, sitting back on the bed.
“Since I don’t know much about you, besides your name and that Stark wants you, want to tell me about yourself.”
Serenity thought for a moment, it was 1943 right now her grandparents in middle school/ high school. Her aunts, uncles, parents wouldn’t be born for the next 20 years and her 33 years after that. How is she to explain she hasn’t even been born yet. 
Well he doesn’t have to know all the details
“What exactly do you want to know?”
“About you, your family.”
“I’m the youngest out of 3, I have an older brother and sister. My sister is married, I have 3 nephews. My brother is well... He’s just there. I have way too many aunts, uncles, and cousins and I prefer to be alone most of the time. You?”
“Lost both of my parents, I’m the eldest of 4, grew up as kind of an army brat. Met Steve and have been helping him out since we were about 6 years old.”
“Helping him out?”
“Steve tends to get in a lot of fights,” Serenity scoffed
“Yeah, we know.”
“Hmm?” Bucky eyed her
“So, I’m kind of a bodyguard, don’t get me wrong he can hold up on his own but still you would think he would ease up on getting beat.”
“I don’t think that will ever happen.” Serenity smiled and Bucky nodded, letting out a chuckle
“Yeah, I think you’re right.” Bucky glanced at the clock
“I should get ready.”
“Okay.” She said softly, Bucky stood, walking back into the living room, grabbing his uniform he headed to the bathroom. Serenity heard the water turn on, reaching over to the other side of the bed. She grabbed onto the pajama bottoms and put them back on. She hated sleeping with pants on. Turning on the side table lamp, she looked around the room. Simple again, a nightstand, closet, and bed. The apartment didn’t feel like a home, there were a few photos surprisingly but it was just of Bucky and Steve. Serenity smiled, Steve was small. Serenity looked up when she heard heavy footsteps echo down the hall and into the room. She wasn’t one for military men, she had been warned about military men multiple times by her friends, but her heart couldn’t help but skip a beat and her breath hitched. Bucky smirked at her, crossing his arms over his chest.
“You alright there, doll?” Shit. His accent came out.
“Y-yeah.” Bucky’s eyes flicked down to the photo in her hands
“How long ago was this?” She asked handing him the photo
“Years ago, it was on Steve’s birthday. His mom had baked him a cake and I decided it would be funny to shove his face in the cake and his mom took this photo, his face was completely covered and it was nice to see them laugh.” Bucky chuckled at the memory, Serenity smiled. Bucky looked up at her, smiling as he handed her back the photo. She placed it back on the nightstand next to the clock. 
“Your jacket?”
“It’s in the living room.” Serenity nodded
“I’m going to use the restroom and be right out.” Bucky nodded, she walked past him and into the restroom. She stared at herself in the mirror, brushing her teeth. Eyes red from crying, bags appearing under them, hair all over the place. She quickly ran her fingers through her hair, flinching every time they got stuck. 
“Shit, I don’t have any clothes.”  Opening the door
“Hey, Bucky?”
“I just realized I don’t have any clothes..”
“I have some. Hang on.”
“Alright, are they over-sized?”
“I have no idea.” He said handing her the clothes. Her lips fell in a tight line. 
“What size?”
“Depends on the shirt, medium or large.” Serenity nodded looking at the tags, large she let out a little sigh. Closing the door behind her, taking off Bucky’s pajamas, and placing his white button-up, it fit. Her main worry was the pants, it wasn’t like she could wear the shirt as a dress it came down to the top of her thighs. Bucky was lean but she had hips and thighs, his pajama pants fit her snug, she put her legs into the khaki-colored pants. The pants hugged her hips and thighs, luckily it wasn’t suffocating, her shoes were not going to match but something is something. Slipping into a pair of clean socks and her sneakers, she grabbed her hair, ran water through it, brushed lightly, and hopped for the best. Walking out, she saw Bucky leaning against the arm of the love-seat, jacket now on his body. Bucky looked up from his watch, scanned her, and went back to his watch. Serenity saw him shake his head slightly and his head shot up.
“You might get whiplash if you keep snapping your head like that, sergeant.”
Bucky couldn’t speak, he hadn’t seen many women in trousers, they prefer to dress feminine. She left him speechless, his shirt slightly fitting her loose, his trousers hugged her curves perfectly, her thighs and hips on display. Jesus.
“Are you ready to go, sergeant?” She waved a hand in front of his face. Bucky blinked
“What? Yeah. Yeah, I’m ready.” Bucky handed her a coat, she wrapped herself. He extended her arm towards her, she hooked her arm through his and smiled.
“Wouldn’t you be?”
“I’m always nervous.”
Bucky and Serenity walked through the Brooklyn streets, they weren’t as busy as she thought they were going to be. New York was known for being the city that never sleeps, even early in the morning, but with a war going on it makes sense that the streets wouldn’t be busy this early. Serenity couldn’t help but take in her surroundings, her eyes constantly darting back and forth, looking back, looking down at her shoes. She knew Stark was still looking for her and if she ran into Steve, she knew he would take her in, and at this part of the story or movie she should say, he meets Peggy. She was shocked that Steve didn’t run after her as Bucky did, but he did have a lot of health issues and to him enlisting was probably more important to him than anything. He would have already met the doctor and he would have recruited him for the experimentation. Bucky could tell what was going through her mind as he scanned her face. 
“Don’t worry, doll.” She looked up at him
“No one’s gonna take you to Stark.” 
I’m hoping to be gone by then.
She nodded. He gave her a reassuring smile. She knew someone would find her, she stands out, a woman in men’s clothing, shoes from a whole different era, taller than the average woman, tattoos behind her ears, tattoos on her arms, side luckily those were all covered. Serenity looked ahead to see a line of soldiers waiting to pile into the transport vehicles. Everyone dressed in different uniforms. A man ran towards the two.
“Sergeant Barnes.”
“This way.” Serenity dropped her arm
“See you soon,” She smiled
“See you soon, doll.” She placed a kiss on his cheek
“For good luck?”
“Yes.” Bucky walked with the man and waved. Serenity stood there watching as mothers, sisters, girlfriends, wives cried as their loved ones went off to war, she knew their fears. The sun rose high by the time all the soldiers drove off, Bucky’s truck was the last to go. She smiled and waved, Bucky watched her from the rear-view mirror, he dropped his head and smiled. Serenity turned on her heel and walked with the other family members, then she stood still.
Shit. How do I get back? 
She was too into her head earlier to pay attention to the route, groaning in frustration, it’s not like she could ask someone, she didn’t know the address.
“Fuck.” She looked around, everything looked the same to her. The city was beginning to wake up, people opening up their stores, walking up and down the streets. She felt someone bump into her.
“Move out of the way if you’re just going to stand there.”
“Oh, fuc-” She stopped herself, moving against the wall. She stared at all the people coming in and out of apartments, kids running to catch their buses, everyone walked fast. She could hear people chatting, laughing, yelling, horns honking. She rolled her eyes, covering her ears. She hates loud noises, how everyone was so lively early in the morning? She had to get back to Bucky’s or off the street before she got caught. Lifting herself off the wall, she walked back towards where they came.
Did we make a right or left? It doesn’t help that she can’t tell her left from her right.
“Fuck.me.” Then she heard him
“Hey! Wait! Stop the car!” Serenity was getting ready to run
“I wouldn’t if I were you.” Peggy’s accent entered her ears, she slowly looked back towards her. Steve stood to her side and Peggy had her gun pulled out. She scoffed
“Really? A gun? Do I look like a threat to you?”
“You’re the girl Stark wants.” Serenity turned to face Steve
“I’m flattered that you remember me.”
“It’s hard to forget someone who caused a scene.”
“Ouch,” Serenity pouted, crossing her hand over her heart.
“Well, I am known for the dramatics.” She rolled her eyes
“Where’d you get the clothes?”
“None of your business.”
“Did you steal them?”
“No.” Serenity glared, Peggy walked towards her
“Hands.” Serenity held out her hands and Peggy cuffed her
“Handcuffs?” She rose a brow and smirked
“It’s been a while.”
“You’ve been arrested before?” Steve asked and she laughed
“No.” Peggy stared at her in shock, Steve on the other hand didn’t understand. Ah, the innocence. Peggy hoped in the car first, then Serenity and then Steve. Serenity just kept her eyes forward, she leaned over and whispered into Steve’s ear.
“Sorry for interrupting you guys,”
“You and her over here, it’s obvious you like her.”
“No, I don’t”
“Yeah, okay.” Serenity rolled her eyes
“Come back to me when you are ready to admit your feelings.” She knew the exact moment Steve would come to her. She sat back into the seat and closed her eyes.
“We’re here.” I felt someone shake me awake, rubbing my eyes, I noticed I was resting my head on Steve’s shoulder
“Sorry,” I said sitting up
“It’s alright.” I could feel Peggy’s eyes drilling a hole on the back of my head, she reached out and grabbed my arm, tugging. I scooted over
“Alright, alright. I’m coming.” Stepping out of the car, an Antique store. Steve followed behind me.
“What are we doing here?” he asked
“Follow me,” Peggy said, still hanging onto my arm
“I’m not going to run, you know. I’ve done enough running for the year already.” Peggy looked at me, eyeing me, then she dropped my arm.
“For the year?” I heard Steve ask
“Yes, the year. I hate running and I would very much like to avoid it every chance I get. Not only that she has the keys to the cuffs and I highly doubt someone will help me get out of them unless I run into a mobster. Ooo What a fun story that would be.”
I walked in behind Peggy when she opened the door, the bell jingled. Steve and I both looked around the store. It was dim with furniture everywhere, nothing looked antique. An older-looking lady walked towards the group.
“Wonderful weather this morning isn't it?” She asked
“Yes, but I always carry an umbrella,” Peggy said, while I murmured The same thing under my breath. No one seems to notice, the old lady slightly nodded and headed over towards her desk, reaching under it. I heard a faint buzz echo and Peggy led us through the curtain to a cluttered bookshelf. 
“The fact that people believe this is a real bookshelf blows my mind.”
“What do you mean?” Steve asked
“Whoever the artist is, is doing a great job though.” The bookshelf opened hidden doors. Steve looked around in awe. I on the other hand was trying not to have a panic attack, one thing people always told her never to trust military men, and here I was about to be surrounded by them. Peggy grabbed onto your arm again.
“Is she allowed here?”
“Stark wants her.” 
“Yes, ma’am.”  Peggy led them through the cold, dull hallway and then the doors opened, we walked through the doors. Peggy leads us into the hidden lab to Dr. Erskine and his team in a big circular room filled with machinery and a pod in the middle. Peggy still hung onto my arm as we walked down the stairs. 
“Good morning.”  Dr. Erskine says to the group
He shakes Steve’s hand and somebody takes a photograph.
“Please, not now.” The doctor waves him off
The photographer walks away, Steve looks at the pod
“Are you ready?” Steve nods.
“Good. Take off your shirt, your tie, and your hat.” The doctor turned his attention back to us
“And may I ask who you might be?”
“They said Howard was looking for her?”
“I’m looking for who?” I looked over as Stark Howard, scanned my face, and his eyes widened, he rushed towards me, tripping over his own feet. I couldn’t help but laugh.
“You found her?”
“Rogers did.” Howard looked over at Steve.
“You know this is a weird way of asking me out on a date. I mean you even had them handcuff me. Usually I don’t let dates handcuff me until at least the 3rd date.” I extended my wrist towards him. Howard blushed slightly, he was a playboy. I didn’t think my comment would cause him to blush.
“I thought you would be used to hearing these kinds of things Mr.Stark, I guess your reputation is wrong. Can you uncuff me now?” I looked over at Peggy
“I’m not going to run and it’s not like I can cause any damage with a room full of military personnel.” Peggy just stared
“You can uncuff her.” She reached for the key and unlocked the cuffs. I automatically rubbed my wrists and looked over at Howard
“Why exactly do you want me?”
“Who are you?”
“You already asked me that.”
“And you never answered.”
“I don’t see the need to.” Howard grabbed my wrist, taking me to a corner of the room.
“Where are you from?”
“Like my family or me?”
“Where did you come from?”
“Umm... California.”
“No, one second there was no one behind my invention, then a crash and suddenly you appeared behind it and this,” Stark pulled out your phone and it lit up. 
Huh, it’s not dead, that’s a shocker
“What is this?”
“It’s mine and you need to give it back.” I reached for the phone, Howard pulled back.
“Didn’t anybody ever teach you that stealing is bad? My mom would have dragged me back by the ear, made me apologize, and probably would’ve…” I trailed off and shook my head
“Anyway, give it back. Please,” 
“Tell me,”
“You wouldn’t believe me if I did, besides you have more important matters to attend to Mr.Stark.”
“Tell me first and then I’ll get back to it,” I sighed
“I’ll tell you three things. One, my name. Serenity. Two, my birth year. 1996 and three,” I grabbed my phone out of Stark’s hand
“It’s a phone.” He stood there confused
“Stark!” He looked over at one of the scientists who motioned for him to head over
“We’ll continue this later,” I rolled my eyes and walked back over towards Steve.
“Comfortable?” The Dr. asked Steve
“It’s a little big. Can you save me any of that schnapps?”
“Not as much as I should have. Sorry. Next time. Mr. Stark, how are your levels?”
“Levels at 100%.”
“We may dim half the lights in Brooklyn, but we are ready as we’ll ever be.”
“Agent Carter? Don’t you think you would be more comfortable in the booth?”
“Oh, yes. Of course. Sorry.”
“You as well, Miss?”
“Oh, my name is Serenity, Doctor.”
“Serenity, please.” The doctor motioned to the booth, I nodded and turned to walk to the booth
“Serenity?” I turned back, looking at Steve
“It’s a pretty name.” I smiled
“Thanks, good luck.”
“Thank you.”
“Good.” The doctor says once more. He takes a microphone and taps it.
“Do you hear me? Is this on?”  He asks the small group gathered to watch Steve being prepared to become a super-soldier.
“Ladies and gentlemen, today we take not another step towards annihilation, but the first step on the path to peace. We begin with a series of micro-injections into the subjects’ major muscle groups. The serum infusion will cause immediate cellular change. And then to stimulate growth, the subject will be saturated with Vita-Rays.”
“That wasn’t so bad.” Everyone heard Steve over the microphone after he took a shot.
“That was penicillin. Serum infusion beginning in five, four, three, two, one.” The serum is injected into Steve
“Now, Mr. Stark.”
Stark lowers a leaver, the pod moves upright, and encloses Steve inside. The doctor knocks on the capsule that they’ve locked Steven in for the procedure to change him.
“Steven, can you hear me?”
“It’s probably too late to go to the bathroom, right?”
“We will proceed.” The doctor says to Stark
“That’s ten percent. Twenty percent. Thirty. That’s 40 %.”
“Vital signs are normal.” 
“That’s 50 %. Sixty. Seventy.” Stark states, I covered my ears as Steve’s screams echoed through the lab.
“Steven!” The doctor yelled
“Shut it down,” Peggy said
“Steven!” The doctor yells as he knocks on the pod.
“Shut it down!” Peggy yells worried
“He’s fine,” I said, everyone, turned back and looked at me
“Trust me.”
“Kill the reactor, Mr. Stark! Turn it off! Kill it! Kill the reactor!” The doctor yells and everyone turns their attention back to Steve
“No! Don’t! I can do this!” Steve yells 
“If something happens to him,” Peggy turned back and looked at me.
“He’s fine, trust me I know he is.”
“Eighty. Ninety. That’s 100 %.” Everything overloads until the reactor closes itself down.
“Mr. Stark?” Stark opens the pod. Everyone could see smoke coming out of the pod and then Steve appeared, sweaty, a foot taller, about 100 pounds heavier of pure muscle and chest heaving. Everyone was excited, Peggy looked at me again and I shrugged.
“Steven. Steven.” The doctor says concerned 
As he stumbles out of the pod supported by Stark and the doctor “I did it.” Steve managed to wheeze out.
“Yeah, yeah. I think we did it.” The doctor said, patting Steve’s chest
“We did it.” Stark said in disbelief. Everyone except me and another man stood in the observation booth. I looked over at him, I knew I couldn’t change anything, if I did who knows what it would do to the timeline. I smiled
“You don’t want to head down with everyone?”
“Later.” I nodded and walked past him
“Death,” I whispered under my breath. I could feel his gaze burning a hole into the back of my head
“How do you feel?” Peggy asked
“Taller.” I held back a laugh as Peggy lightly touched his chest, she was completely flustered. I walked up next to her
“You look taller.”
“Look? He grew a whole foot and gained 100 pounds or more of muscle, but I mean if no one will say it, I will. You look amazing. Total beefcake.” I said lifting my hand up and down. Peggy glared slightly at me, I leaned over and whispered
“Jealousy isn’t pretty.”
“How do you like Brooklyn now, Senator?”  I overheard someone ask
“I can think of some folks in Berlin who are about to get very nervous. Congratulations, Doctor.”
“Thank you, sir.”
I felt someone grab onto my arm. Stark. My eyes widened when Kruger pulled out his lighter.
Then he detonates the bomb in the observation room, everyone ducked, glass scatters over everyone, women screaming and he uses the confusion to steal the last vial of the serum. The doctor is the first to stand.
“Stop him!” The doctor yells and Kruger shoots him twice, he runs up the stairs and shoots an officer, and flees with Peggy chasing after him. Steve kneels beside Erskine who points at Steve’s chest and dies. I pushed Stark away from me and ran up to Steve,
“Go.” He turned and looked at me 
“GO!” He nodded, running after Peggy and Kruger. I looked down at the doctor, tears welled in my eyes, I felt someone place their hands onto my arms, Stark stared at me, and the doctor who was lying on the floor in disbelief.
“How did you know?” He whispered
“What you said earlier… it’s true?” I hesitantly nodded my head, he let out a slight chuckle of disbelief.
“You knew this would happen, why didn’t you-”
“This isn’t the time nor the place.” I glared at him.
“We can talk about this later.” I stood from my spot, turning to face Stark.
“Where do you want me?”
“Follow me.”  I sighed, following behind Stark.
“You know, I’m not going to run away. You can stop looking back. I’ll hold your hand if you want or put a leash on me if you’re that worried.”  I could hear him smirking
“A leash?” He turned, eyebrow raised and of course a smirk on his face, I rolled my eyes
“Don’t be a pervert.” He laughed and faked a gasp
“You’re the one being the pervert, I wasn’t thinking about anything sexual.”
“Yeah, right.” I scoffed, he extended his hand
“I sadly do not have a leash on me, so your hand will have to do.” I stared at his hand, he lifted it slightly as if saying grab onto it
“Fine.” I grabbed his hand and he smiled. 
“Where exactly are we going?”
“That my dear,” He turned and smiled
“Is a secret.” 
“We’re going to the SSR compound?” His head turned fast
“Any faster and you could get whiplash.”
“I’m pretty sure you, Peggy, and the colonel are going to interrogate me unless you want to keep this a secret, plus Steve should be in there right now getting his blood drawn.” Stark didn’t respond, he opened the doors, the nurse was pulling the needle out of Steve’s arm. 12 test tubes with Steve’s blood were picked up by the nurse, Steve folded his uniform sleeve down. His blue eyes scanned me up and down, his eyes flickered to Stark and froze on our clasped hands. I quickly pulled my hand away from him, Stark rose a brow but looked straight at Steve.
“Think you got enough?”
“Any hope of reproducing a program is locked in your genetic code. But without Dr. Erskine, it could take years.” Peggy stated
“He deserved more than this.”
“If it could only work once, he’d be proud it was you.” 
Stark looked out and down the meds window
“Stay here.” He told me, I rolled my eyes
“Yes, sir.”
“You and Stark?” Steve asked 
“God, no. He just wanted to make sure I didn’t run away again. I offered my hand or a leash but since neither of us have a leash. Hand, it was.” I said, lifting my hand and wiggling my fingers. I could see Steve’s face turn red and Peggy raised her brow and smirked slightly. 
“What? Was the leash too much for you, Rogers?” Before he could respond, we heard the colonel’s voice echo through the compound.
“Great. Why don’t we start with how a German spy got a ride to my secret installation in your car? What have we got here?”
“Speaking modestly, I’m the best mechanical engineer in this country. But I don’t know what’s inside this thing or how it works. We’re not even close to this technology.” Stark responded
“Then who is?” The senator asked
“HYDRA. I’m sure you’ve been reading our briefings.” Colonel responded, Peggy motioned for Steve to follow her 
“What about her?” Peggy bit the inside of her cheek and nodded her head
“I’ll be as quiet as a mouse.” We walked down the stairs into the main room, I saw Stark working on the submarine 
“I’m on a number of committees, Colonel.” Senator responded 
“HYDRA is the Nazi deep science division. It’s led by Johann Schmidt. But he has much bigger ambitions.” Peggy chimed in
“HYDRA’s practically a cult. They worship Schmidt, they think he’s invincible.”
“So what are you gonna do about it?” The senator asked the colonel
“Spoke to the president this morning. As of today the SSR is being re-tasked.” He responds
“Colonel?” Peggy asked
“We are taking the fight to HYDRA. Pack your bags Agent Carter. You too, Stark. You’re flying to London tonight.”
“Sir, if you’re going after Schmidt, I want in.” Steve chimed in. I continued to listen to the back and forth, I felt Stark’s eyes burning into the side of my face
“You’re an experiment. You’re going to Alamogordo.” I accidentally let out a laugh. Everyone looked over at me
“Who are you?” The colonel asked
“Oh, I’m with Stark.” I pointed at him
“The serum worked.”  Steve interrupted 
“I asked for an army and all I got was you. You are not enough.” The colonel stepped closer to Steve
“You’d be surprised.” I murmured under my breath 
“With all due respect to the Colonel, I think we may be missing the point. I’ve seen you in action, Steve. More importantly, the country’s seen it.” The senator said while looking at Steve, snapping his fingers toward his aide.
“Paper.” He said, I slowly made my way towards Stark
“Nazis in New York - mystery man saves child” I whispered
The aide shows them the newspaper and Peggy reads it out-loud
“The New York Examiner’ Vol. XCVII No. 33.634, Wednesday, June 23, 1943), headlines: "Nazis in New York - mystery man saves child"
Stark’s eyes widened
“The enlistment lines have been around the block since your picture hit the newsstands. You don’t take a soldier, a symbol like that, and hide him in a lab. Son, do you want to serve your country on the most important battlefield of the war?” The senator asks Steve
 “Sir, that’s all I want.”
“Then, congratulations. You just got promoted.” Steve shakes the senators hand 
“Too bad all he does is go around in a costume and fake being a hero.” I said to myself, Stark didn’t say anything
“You.” The colonel pointed at me
“I have a name, but yes?” The colonel ignored my comment
“You will be traveling around with Rogers.”
“Wait, Why?”
“If you can handle being Stark’s assistant, you can handle being Rogers.”
“Colonel, I actually need to” Stark was cut off
“She’s going.” 
“I guess.” I murmured and looked at Steve
“May I speak to my assistant before she leaves?”
“You got 5 minutes.” Stark nodded and dragged me off
“No need to pull, I’ll follow you.” Stark opened a door and pulled me inside, we were chest to chest
“Are you insane? Out of all the secure places in this compound, you choose a tiny ass closet.”
“It would be the only place that doesn’t have cameras and audio surveillance.”
“The bathrooms?”
“Aren’t you supposed to be a genius?”
“Now isn’t the time, we only have 5 minutes.”
“Pretty sure it’s less now.”
“Where are you from?”
“How old are you?”
“Why would I be lying?”
“You look like you’re in high school.”
“Well thank you for the compliment, it’s not like you can look me up I don’t exist.”
“Question or statement.” Stark glared
“July 31st, 1996”
“Time travel exists in the future?”
“Well..not exactly.”
“What do you mean?”
“You kind of.. Don’t ex-” The door opened wide, my eyes met Steve’s
Great... Who knows what he’s thinking about me now.
Everyone was just standing there, staring at us. I slipped past Stark and walked towards the group.
“5 minutes are up.” The colonel cleared his throat
“Talk, huh?” Steve said his voice slightly filled with venom
“Seriously? It’s none of your business.”
“It is after I saw you wearing Bucky’s clothes.” I froze
“How do you know they’re his? There’s millions of men on this earth who might have the exact same clothing.” Steve reached to the back of Bucky’s shirt and pulled the tag.
“His initials are on the tag.” I grabbed the tag and tugged it forward there in black ink was J.B.B
“Fuck.” I cursed under my breath
“My mom used to write our initials on our clothes so we wouldn’t get any mixed up when he would spend the night.”
“It’s still none of your business.”
“Follow me.” I walked away from him and followed the senator’s aide
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camelliacats · 3 years
you're nobody until somebody loves you (241-250/∞)
100-word drabbles for a range of ships. *Requests always welcome! Repeats allowed~*
Chapters 241-250: [FFN] [AO3] | ←   → | start from the beginning
Pairings/Characters: Michael Corner/Terry Boot, Fay Dunbar/Sally-Anne Perks, Marietta Edgecombe/Roger Davies, Fred Weasley II/Lee Jordan, Lavender Brown/Rose Weasley, Stan Shunpike/Scabior, Rowena Ravenclaw/Salazar Slytherin, Dean Thomas/Albus Severus Potter, Severus Snape/Lily Evans, & Hugo Weasley/Viktor Krum
Rating: K
Words: 1,000 collectively
Additional info: romance, slash, femslash, cross gen, angst, fluff, hurt/comfort, AU fic, pre-Marauder era, Marauder era, Harry's era, Next Gen era, 3rd person POV
Summary: Song by Sammy Davis, Jr., 100-word drabbles by mew. So is unrequited love always unrequited? | Various pairings, eras, etc. Includes het, slash, femslash, cross-gen, next-gen, but nothing too bad. Read it all or only what you like!
241: MichaelTerry
       Post-war, it's only friends and family, nothing more. Good triumphed over evil—love won—but much was lost. It hurts to think of anything beyond friends and family.
      So when eighth year comes around, Michael, Terry, and Padma stick together, the remaining eagles bound by renewed bonds. Once school's behind them, they begin adult life together. When five, ten years pass, the gents see less of Padma; they think little of it, since they've got each other.
      When a kiss happens, they deny it. Friends're supposed to stay friends, because it's a betrayal to the fallen once feelings develop, right?
242: FaySally-Anne
      Fay couldn't care about Harry and Ron's latest exploits around the castle, without witchly insight. That was Hermione's thing to bemoan.
      She also couldn't find it in her to let Divination nor Professor Firenze spark her interest. No, Parvati and Lavender had that covered.
      Fay even had trouble with Gobstones holding her fancy these days—which was trouble itself, given she aimed to captain the club soon.
      Sally-Anne grinned at her while they studied in the common room, breaking into Fay's train of thought. Her dimples were distracting as she asked, "All right, Fay?"
      "Mngh," Fay replied before turning scarlet.
243: MariettaRoger
      "Sorry, Mari, another time," Cho told her whenever she went to make plans with her best friend. Even the days when Marietta showed up at Tutshill's practice field to surprise her, Cho's obsession with Quidditch that hadn't interfered with their friendship during Hogwarts now butted in during their adult lives!
      "As always, I'm free," Roger piped up before Marietta exited the pitch. Sometimes he dogged her heels.
      "Sorry, Davies," Marietta grumbled. "But, given how my best mate acts, the last person I'd want to date is her equally Quidditch-preoccupied teammate."
      "I assure you: I can have two preoccupations at once!"
244: FreddieLee
      He feels so blessed.
      Freddie waltzes around the Hogsmeade location of his family's store while cleaning, towards closing, feeling blessed. He comes from a family of heroes, a family that survived unscathed in the war, a family that's whole.
      He has his twin, of course, but his thoughts linger on his father and uncle. They have life and, more importantly, love. With his parents a pair and Uncle Fred successfully wooing Aunt Verity…
      Someone chuckles behind him. Oops, he's been seen waltzing.
      But Freddie doesn't mind, because Lee was left to be discovered by him. In more ways than one.
245: LavenderRose
      Lavender chuckled with every snip-snip out here in the garden. Those eyes hadn't move from her hands in over ten minutes. "Rose, I thought you wanted to help me prune things today, luv?"
      "Oh!" Rose snapped out of her daze. "Ah, um. Yes. Yes! I do. I do," she insisted, and she clipped a daisy to add to Lavender's growing bouquet.
      "I thought it'd help, if I took care of the roses… Pruning them, plucking them…" Lavender smirked when she glimpsed the flush creeping up her girlfriend's nape. "I enjoy tending to roses, you know."
      "I know," Rose mumbled, red.
246: StanScabior
      He'd joined by accident. Stan was always all talk—anyone who knew him, really knew him—knew that Stan wasn't actually into Dark things or Dark people. They were fascinating, for sure, but terrifying.
      He wondered while he wandered amongst the Death Eaters, if he were alone in his position. Not everyone partook in the same dastardly deeds. Such as Scabior. No, Scabior appeared to have his own code to follow. It was somehow admirable. Almost…alluring.
      So Stan joined by accident, but he stayed on purpose. And, if they survived this war, Stan desperately hoped they'd survive it together.
247: RowenaSalazar
      She'd seen Salazar's mind stray to faraway places whenever Godric spoke of grandiose plans for the school's future. Each of them came from different backgrounds, but every year proved the times were changing around them, and magic was changing. They needed to keep up, even if it went against long-held beliefs.
      That was why Rowena worried about the darkness she sometimes saw in his eyes. Salazar refused to budge on the purebloods-only issue.
      …but then his outlook would brighten when his eyes landed on her, and she felt she could breathe again.
      She'd love him now and worry later.
248: DeanAl
      Al was delightfully timid, bashful, really, and Dean had long since found it to be a bit of a game. It didn't matter that Al had been an Auror for a few years now; there was still some part of him that crept into Seamus' store, politely requesting help selecting Quidditch gifts for his family, ever surprised to find Dean behind the counter.
      But Dean interacted with him, all smiles and long looks, well past exchanged Sickles, because eventually Al's Slytherin side would peek out.
      And that side took charge and flirted back. Dean was happily the bashful one, then.
249: SeverusLily
      She was on his mind constantly; Severus wondered why.
      He and Lily had seen each other plenty over the summer, so he supposed that had something to do with it. But fourth year had just begun, and her visage kept floating to the forefront of his mind, even when he hadn't thought of her. It was borderline troublesome.
      His textbooks helped none; if anything, they concerned him. They claimed things were wrong with him—he could be bespelled or sick or—
      But how could that be true when he felt nothing but warmth when Lily turned that smile on him?
250: HugoViktor
      Hugo had put school and work first this whole time. So he knew he'd be the last to fall in love in the family, should it happen.
      But that didn't mean he wanted a great love, like his parents'. Or one for the history books, like his aunts' and uncles'.
      No, he just needed the right, handsome stranger to cross his path. Someone fantastic and fun and all for himself.
      Then Hugo came home to find Viktor visiting old friends, and Viktor smiled at him.
      Hugo wondered if Fate was laughing at or rewarding him for all his hard work.
Remarks for—
Ch241: Ngl, I'm v solidly StephenTerry post-war (read "the broken ones"), but there was such nice closeness in "A Fuller Nest" that I couldn't help writing this one, rly.
Ch245: XD Pushing my rating, but worth it! Lavrose light flirting with some vulgar overtones. (Literally, straight from my notes, *lol*.)
Ch246: Me giving myself the Stanior feels after "Less Than Dirt."
Ch248: Not flirting with my rating as much as Lavrose did, but still. Another piece that reminds me how hard I ship smthg and rly gotta write more of them, UNF.
Ch250: Echoes my Vikugh, "Some Die Young," a bit, but honestly this is just me yearning to write them more, *lol*. That last line, tho.
Thanks for reading, and feel free to leave an anon/unsigned review via the FFN link or comment via the AO3 link at the top of the post, especially if you enjoyed this!
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