musaboth · 8 months
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I would really appreciate repainting my whole story. Create a new persona. Like in those movies: Love, Simon and others. Well, actually it was pretty easy for him. He is gay. However he had supportive parents. Great friends. He was only scared of nobody accepting him. When he assumed his real self, he went into paradise. He also had the most beautiful first kiss ever. Who in the world has something like this? Everything was perfect. I should've hated that movie. But I do not. Because in all these movies, everybody is so perfect. If they are not accepted they already have someone who loves them. They all are so handsome and has those muscled bodies, blonde hair, blue or green eyes. They might be poor, but they always are gorgeous. When you come from a small town, where every single human being is closed minded, and they believe that the only way to educate their children is punching them as hard as they can, it is not that easy to assume even for ourselves what we really are. And what to say about do this publicly. The homosexuals I know in this town, have the brand of being prostitutes or even worse. In school you would be punched on the face for no reason. I know that everyone has its own issues. Its own struggles. We don't have anywhere to go. We don't have anyone who we can count to. We are here for ourselves. And sometimes we must learn how to live a lonely life. Hidden on the shadows. In the darkness of our closets.
Some of us grow up in the church. Hearing that homosexuality is a sin (believe me, it still happens nowadays). Parents teach their kids that homosexuality is something wrong. So, these kids, most of them, grow up hating, hurting, preaching the hate.
I remember when I was a kid, and everywhere I went, everyone used to make offensive noises. Like gay moans. And most of these kids, boys and girls, were the same age as I was.
Life is not easy. I know. But it gets worse when you realize you are something the world teaches you that is wrong and a sin. And in some countries, homosexuality is pusinhed with death.
Nowadays, for some of those kids, I can't even look at them, 'cause they still think I am gay (even though I really am).
A few times, in my childhood (from my 7 to 10 years old), my own dad used to say:
- If someday when you grow up, you turn to me and say that you're a faggot, I will cut your balls off - he doesn't know about me yet. But it just makes me scared to come out to him. Well, actually it doesn't need to be directly for him, if I told to anyone in this town that I am gay, he would know about it in a blink.
Everyday I have to wake up and see that it's another hidden day. Struggling with self issues. And much more stuff. It is stressful.
I can barely count how many times I fell in love with some boy. Most of them, from what know are straight. There was only one that was Bisexual, however I knew that neither him wanted to be with me. It is funny 😊
The point is, we always dream in have a beautiful story as Simon's. But not all of us are going to have. If you have you have someone to lean on, or supportive parents/friends you are in a paradise.
In the meantime, there are boys out there, boys like me, who dream with a beautiful love story. And we don't have anyone who we can tell these stuffs. We have to hide all inside of us. Or use our imagination and put it in blank pages. And it is tiring. It's really tiring.
Sorry for the writing mistakes
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kitza-cura-blog · 5 years
So yeah...(srry this a bit of a rant)
(Warning!!! there will be words that will offend people, I apologise in advance but i really need to speak my mind)
I recently watched the movie “Love, Simon” which I enjoyed a lot and I relate a lot too when I was coming out to my parents. It makes me wonder about my school life. When I came out to my parents, they said they would support me (tho they don’t rlly show it) and I was ready to come out more.
But the thing is, that my school can be really homophonic. I hear the term “fag” or “homo” used at least 3-4 times a day. Which really pisses me off because they don’t even use it on people who are gay (or at least 100% confirmed gay/bi/pan/etc). I hate how those terms have basically become another way to say “you f**k” or any over way of hurting someone. I have come out to some people who aren’t exactly in my friend group but I still talk to and they support me but some of them are still being quite homophobic.
It’s also the fact the teachers don’t do anything to prevent any of this. My school is your normal school, they do support LGBTQ+ but when it comes to homophobia, they ignore it. For example: a classmate(let’s call him cal) was getting called fag by people in the same year as him and a fight started . From what I know, he is openly gay. Now, the thing is that the people who insulted hin didn’t get suspended but instead he did which is bullshit because he was standing up for him self and cal shouldn’t have gotten treated like that. Which is one of the main reasons why I don’t rlly want to come out to everyone in my school
(Sorry for ranting, as well as the harsh language used. I’m going through a rough time and I can’t really tell anyone about it)
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johnsrushton · 5 years
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When you understand where you are in life and "let go" you actually have more control than you ever realised. For some they will never understand this, for others they will understand every word. It matters not, its what and how you live your life that counts not others. When others have no control over you, you are invincible and have a mind that rests in peace. #johnrushton #auntybronwyn #happiness #hope #emotions_expert #coming_out #thelifedoctor #gayteen #gaylife #gayboy #thelifedoctor #fashion #alone #success #happiness #hope #thelifedoctor #gay #emotions_expert #perfume #fragrances #cooperjohnsonlifestyle #liferadiointernational #gardening #wine #fashion #food #picoftheday #instagay https://www.instagram.com/p/BtO5q7vgNN6/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=3m6ftwtd1xn2
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blackgayblog · 3 years
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How Bolu Okupe Coming Out Can Get All of Us Thinking... https://www.blackgayblog.com/2021/01/23/how-bolu-okupe-coming-out-can-get-us-all-thinking/?feed_id=108&_unique_id=600c7452e716f
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sharonica-logic · 4 years
📚Pre-Release Blitz📚 incl. Sharonica's Logical Review: Home Again --by-- WS Long
📚Pre-Release Blitz📚 incl. Sharonica's Logical Review: Home Again --by-- WS Long #SecondChances #ComingOut #Novies_Shorties #MenWithKids @wslongauthor @gaybookpromo
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Book Title: Home Again
Author: W.S. Long
Publisher: JMS Books, LLC
Cover Artist: Written – Ink
Release Date: 4.11.2020
Genre: Contemporary M/M Romance
Themes: Coming out, forgiveness, second chances
Heat Rating: 2 flames
Length: almost 30k words/ 97 pages
It is a standalone story.
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just a list of vampire films i want to watch because i don’t know how to use bookmarks
Lesbian Vampire Killers (2009)
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jacensolodjo · 3 years
LGBTQ AAPI resources
National Resources
Asian Pride Project (http://asianprideproject.org/) – “an online space for family and friends of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) Asian & Pacific Islander (API) people. It is a place to share our stories and experiences with each other, in the languages of our communities, in video, sound, pictures, and words. Together, we can move towards understanding and celebrating our families and friends for who they are.”
The National Queer Asian Pacific Islander Alliance (http://www.nqapia.org/wpp/) – “The National Queer Asian Pacific Islander Alliance is a network of Asian, South Asian, Southeast Asian, and Pacific Islander LGBTQ organizations.”
The Visibility Project (http://www.visibilityproject.org/) – “A national portrait + video collection dedicated to the Queer Asian American Women & Trans* community. The Visibility Project breaks barriers through powerful imagery and storytelling.”
Coming Out: Living Authentically as LGBTQ Asian and Pacific Islander Americans by Human Rights Campaign Foundation (https://assets2.hrc.org/files/assets/resources/HRC-Coming_Out-API-FINAL-web-2018.pdf) -LGBTQ resource guide helping Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders with the coming out process.
Regional Resources: New York
PFLAG NYC API Project (http://www.pflagnyc.org/content/api-project-helping-asian-families-stay-close-lgbt-loved-ones)- “a new initiative of PFLAG NYC to help families and lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender individuals of Asian & Pacific Islander (API) backgrounds”
Regional Resources: California
Asian and Pacific Islanders for LGBT Equality – Los Angeles (http://apiequalityla.org/)- “API Equality-LA’s mission is to build power in the Asian and Pacific Islander community to achieve LGBTQ equality and racial and social justice.”
Asian Pacific Islander Queer Women and Transgender Community  (http://www.apiqwtc.org/resources/api-lgbt-groups/)- Based in Bay Area, “APIQWTC seeks to build an infrastructure to bring local API queer groups together to socialize, organize, politicize, and promote pride and visibility of API queer women and transgender people in the queer API communities, here and abroad.”
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nonbinarywiki · 4 years
Coming out advice
In our current society, almost nobody is assumed to be nonbinary by default. That means most nonbinary people have to make decisions about whether to come out to the people in our lives. Whether it's the first time or the fortieth that you're telling someone about your gender identity, these tips can help you prepare for the process of coming out. 
Build a support system. Even if it’s just one person, having somebody who supports you and who you can talk to about coming out is an invaluable resource. It’s OK if you don’t have someone like that in your life; online connections can be just as supportive, so feel free to check out our Discord if you’re looking for community: https://discord.gg/3mEyU8s
Safety first. If you think coming out is likely to leave you without support or resources, it's okay to wait or refrain from telling people about your identity. Have a backup plan for getting the support you need if you do come out to someone who might be unsupportive.
Test the waters. Mention LGBT media, celebrities or current events and see how people respond. If they’re generally accepting, it’ll give you a sense of how they might react which can help build your confidence. If they’re not, that’s valuable information that can inform your decision to come out.
Think about why you want to come out. Focus on the positive outcomes that will make it worthwhile. Will your relationships be stronger, more authentic? Will you feel more free to be yourself? Whatever your reason, you can use that as your motivation.
Have a plan. Decide who you’re going to talk to, when, and how. Remember, you don’t have to come out to everyone at once (or at all). You can start with the people who you’re closest to, or who you think will react the most positively, and then add those people to your support system. Try to pick a time when everyone involved is fairly relaxed, if possible. You may want to talk to them in person, through phone or online messaging, or write a letter. 
Do research. Knowing that you’re well informed about your identities can help you feel more prepared for coming out, and will help you to combat any misinformation that might come up.
Practice what you’re going to say. Feel free to write it out. What’s most important for them to understand? How do you want to get that information across? Go over your talking points out loud, maybe to a mirror or a pet. Consider the reactions you might get and practice responding to them.
Acknowledge your audience. Change can be scary for the people in our lives, no matter how supportive they are. A little reassurance can go a long way. If you're talking with someone you're close to, let them know that you're telling them about your identity because the relationship you have is important to you. Ask them questions so they feel heard and address their feelings and questions.
Be clear about changes you want to see. Make sure they’re aware if you want them to use a new name, pronouns, and/or other language for you. You may also want to address how you want them to talk about you with other people - should they correct other people, or keep using old language until you're ready to tell others?
Consider passive options. If you’re comfortable with it, you may find ways to come out passively, such as wearing pins with your identities on them, or putting your identity in an online bio or signature. These can act as conversation starters, or allow you to bypass the coming out conversation entirely in some situations. They can also be helpful reminders for people you’ve already come out to.
Do it scared. If coming out is important to you, don’t wait until you’re not afraid to do it. If everyone waited til they were totally confident to come out, very few people would be living openly today. Instead, remind yourself that it’s OK and normal to be scared. Being brave is being scared and doing it anyway. 
After you’ve come out a few times, you may find these conversations get easier. People may surprise you, and the more prepared you are the better you can handle whatever happens.
You can find more coming out advice on our wiki here: https://nonbinary.wiki/wiki/Coming_out
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johnsrushton · 5 years
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Especially today with pseudo devisive politics and lying media it's more important than ever to hold on to the truth. This truth applies to those around you too, they change which you may not like but must accept that and if pertinent move onwards. Be happy having the ability to take charge and seek newer and more compatible people, don't move forward with endless regrets. #johnrushton #auntybronwyn #happiness #hope #emotions_expert #coming_out #thelifedoctor #gayteen #gaylife #gayboy #thelifedoctor #fashion #alone #success #happiness #hope #thelifedoctor #gay #emotions_expert #perfume #fragrances #cooperjohnsonlifestyle #liferadiointernational #gardening #wine #fashion #food #picoftheday #instagay https://www.instagram.com/p/Bs3KWxMlqPc/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=6how36cy7tgg
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johnsrushton · 5 years
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You are No1 in your life because if you aren't are you a permanent second best? Your life was designed for you, no one else. You are not a toy or plaything for anyone else either. No one controls you unless you allow it to happen. Stop being a nobody and start being a somebody its who you are. #johnrushton #auntybronwyn #happiness #hope #emotions_expert #coming_out #thelifedoctor #gayteen #gaylife #gayboy #thelifedoctor #fashion #alone #success #happiness #hope #thelifedoctor #gay #emotions_expert #perfume #fragrances #cooperjohnsonlifestyle #liferadiointernational #gardening #wine #fashion #food #picoftheday https://www.instagram.com/p/BsQvDwLlUn8/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=9lp84fakeq39
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johnsrushton · 5 years
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The media, presenters, reporters, very talkative people, etc all have in reality nothing to say. The expression "empty vessels make most noise" is so true. Your truth is the only one that matters. Go your way and disengage with the abundant "fake news" it has nothing to do with you. #johnrushton #auntybronwyn #happiness #hope #emotions_expert #coming_out #thelifedoctor #gayteen #gaylife #gayboy #thelifedoctor #fashion #alone #success #happiness #hope #thelifedoctor #gay #emotions_expert #perfume #fragrances #cooperjohnsonlifestyle #liferadiointernational #gardening #wine #fashion #food #picoftheday #instagay https://www.instagram.com/p/BsI95Nol9xO/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1b9rpue1d4yzy
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johnsrushton · 5 years
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The ONLY people that matter in your life are those that either love you or want to be with you. Everyone else even family that doubt you or treat you as less of a person are not warranted to be on your future no matter how hard you look at the so called "sentimental" ties. You are not a toy or a plaything for anyone else regardless of who they are so don't make yourself a toy by fooling yourself as something you are not. #johnrushton #auntybronwyn #happiness #hope #emotions_expert #coming_out #thelifedoctor #gayteen #gaylife #gayboy #thelifedoctor #fashion #alone #success #happiness #hope #thelifedoctor #gay #emotions_expert #perfume #fragrances #cooperjohnsonlifestyle #liferadiointernational #gardening #wine #fashion #food #picoftheday #instagay https://www.instagram.com/p/BsI7QsMl8cN/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1vss6o9lk4vzb
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johnsrushton · 5 years
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Stop listening to others sob stories of their past and upbringing because that was then, nothing to do with now. What you have to ask yourself is why have they not changed when they know the difference, why did they chose not to make the change? Whatever the reason, and you dont need to know, just move on you are not a sponge to their stupidity. You try yourself for a better life and that's all that matters. #johnrushton #auntybronwyn #happiness #hope #emotions_expert #coming_out #thelifedoctor #gayteen #gaylife #gayboy #thelifedoctor #fashion #alone #success #happiness #hope #thelifedoctor #gay #emotions_expert #perfume #fragrances #cooperjohnsonlifestyle #liferadiointernational #gardening #wine #fashion #food #picoftheday #instagay https://www.instagram.com/p/BsIwj8ElXkR/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1kyryv7oypjx8
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johnsrushton · 5 years
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Your heart and your mind are in unison, they don't comprise a check list or a devised thought structure or an emotional desire. This unison seeks what is inherent in your own blueprint and this is what both excites you and draws you which may be different from your previous structured thoughts. Go with this inherent feeling its where you are happy. #johnrushton #auntybronwyn #happiness #hope #emotions_expert #coming_out #thelifedoctor #gayteen #gaylife #gayboy #thelifedoctor #fashion #alone #success #happiness #hope #thelifedoctor #gay #emotions_expert #perfume #fragrances #cooperjohnsonlifestyle #liferadiointernational #gardening #wine #fashion #food #picoftheday #instagay https://www.instagram.com/p/BsIjmuVFdtE/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=w084myqtets8
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johnsrushton · 6 years
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Always look beyond the wicked smile, the contrived deed, the peseudo rhetoric, the designer deeds, it denotes the makings of a sociopath playing their game like Teresa May, only seeking a single way forward with no thought for anyone else. Its a mental health problem nothing more. Do what excites you and not follow the broadcast strategies by useless people. You are better than being a puppet. #johnrushton #auntybronwyn #happiness #hope #emotions_expert #coming_out #thelifedoctor #gayteen #gaylife #gayboy #thelifedoctor #fashion #alone #success #happiness #hope #thelifedoctor #gay #emotions_expert #perfume #fragrances #cooperjohnsonlifestyle #liferadiointernational #gardening #wine #fashion #food #picoftheday #instagay https://www.instagram.com/p/BrvK4UtlSiQ/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=57my7do0wz9n
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