#commander kruger
sbekubutgamer · 6 months
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new reaction gif just dropped
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heckcareoxytwit · 1 year
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The Krakoan Exiles (consisting of Third Eye, Toad, Nekra, Oya, Melter, Nanny and Orphan-Maker; sans Madison Jeffries and Sabretooth) are in dire straits when they have to deal with the powerful orphaned mutant babies who are crying and lashing out with their powers. Also, Sabretooth is absent because he is held captive by Graydon Creed who took advantage of his depowered state by torturing him.
Nanny comes up with an idea to calm the mutant babies down by using mind control and regressing them (the adults and two teenagers) into child-like state so that the babies would not lash out at any adult present. With the exception of Orphan-Maker, the others (the rest of the Krakoan Exiles, Doctor Barrington and Commander Kruger) are reluctant with her idea because it's too creepy for them but they allow her to do that as long as she keeps her promise in reverting them back to normal when the danger passes. As Nanny puts them into a trance, everyone is safe as the babies went to sleep and the Krakoan Exiles finally woke up with their minds intact. Nekra takes charge of the mutant refugees as Sabretooth is no longer around.
(2nd and 3rd pics are the cropped images from the spreadout pages which is the 1st pic)
Sabretooth & the Exiles #5, 2023
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corpsebasil · 1 year
well hello! Hope you're having a great sunday darling! Since you asked so nicely for Nikolai requests, here's one: I have this feeling that dear ol' Nik's love language is touch. Could we get a very smutty smut where we also also explore how much he is a sucker for always touching the reader? I'm also a sucker for Paddy's hands so it would be lovely if they feature somewhere. ^^ Thank you and lots of love!
Why yes I can, but Ima need at least two parts
Second in Command 18+ Part 1
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Nikolai, your captain and fellow privateer, was discussing terms of passage with Alina Starkov and her…whatever his name was…friend. Nikolai was dramatic. He’d always been a drama queen, so when he told her how much she was worth, dead or alive, you’d almost snorted.
You sat at his desk chair, lounging with one leg crossed over the other. He had appointed you as second in command, trusting you the handle the…private affairs that involved weaponry and taking care of rumors. Now he was standing beside his chair as he spoke, and he would not. Stop. Touching you.
You pushed his arm off as casually as you could when he wrapped it around your shoulders. You gritted your teeth in annoyance when his fingers played with your braid as he spoke, his hand out of sight from the two guests. And Saints save you, when he put a hand on your shoulder and rubbed his thumb against your skin, massaging away a knot in your muscle that he’d found with maddening efficiency, you barely stifled a groan and simply knocked him away.
The worst part was this: he didn’t even seem to realize he was doing it. The man was the touchiest person you’d ever met, and it made you feel all sorts of things when you further realized he wasn’t this way with anyone else. But he was flirty, and he was something like a friend, and you could handle unnecessary physical contact if you stayed second in command.
Later, he found you leaning against the rail of the ship, your eyes scanning the water for any signs of life. You tossed a piece of bread down to the waves, hoping in vain to see a fish or a dolphin or something pop out and get it.
“If you toss some meat over we might see a shark.” Your captain said, approaching you, and you smirked over your shoulder.
“Maybe I’ll toss you in. That’d be a show.”
He chuckled as he leaned against the rail beside you, his arm touching yours. Saints, this man had absolutely zero concept of personal space. He ran a hand across the smooth rail, testing it for blemishes, and you tracked the movement. You hated to admit it, but the man had nice hands. Your eyes lingered on the rather large ring on his hand, then immediately looked away when he bumped your hip with his and let out a soft laugh.
“Imagining things, Second?” He teased, but took his ring off, holding it towards you. “Here. Try it on for size.”
“No.” You scoffed. Imagining things. As if.
“Come on.”
“No. I don’t want your ridiculous ring.”
“Suit yourself.” He sighed, tugging it back onto his finger. “What do you think of our new summoner friend?”
“I don’t think anything I don’t care.”
“You’ll care when twenty million Kruger is in your pocket, I bet.”
“All for me?” You asked sweetly, glancing over. He was closer than you’d originally realized and you startled a bit, his blue eyed stare watching you with sleepy amusement.
“All yours, if you want it.” He said, voice soft, and your gaze darted to his mouth, then his eyes. A slow, wicked smile began to spread across his face when you looked away, glaring out at the ocean. What the hell was wrong with you? “But truly. If Alina is as powerful and useful as they say, we’re in for a lot more than just money.”
You blinked, still staring at the water. Money. Think about the money. Not the way his hands look when he’s running them across a rail. Not the way his lips move when he speaks, the curve of his upper lip and—
You almost jumped.
“What?” You asked, heartbeat quickening. He was staring at you with a confused, almost curious expression, eyebrows slightly furrowed.
“I asked if you’re going to the tavern tomorrow. When we dock?”
“Oh.” Your brain scrambled, trying to remember at what point in the conversation did docking even become a thing? “We’re…docking?”
“Yes.” He was still looking at you, eyes narrowed slightly as if with suspicion. “To get supplies? Were you listening to me just now?”
“Yes. Yes I was. I was um—” you swallowed, cursing yourself for being so fucking awkward. You were confident as hell, and he was annoying, for Saints sakes. And now you were thinking about your captain’s hands? “Considering tossing you over again. For fun.”
“Ah,” he said, and it was so obvious you were lying that you almost hit him when amusement lit up in those eyes. “and I was thinking about kissing you. But maybe we’re both liars.”
Your stomach turned and you glanced away, then back, unsure of how to even begin to respond. So when he moved towards you and slipped a hand around your waist, dipping his head down to yours, you had a millisecond to register the whisper of his mouth against your own before you lurched away, stumbling back.
“No. No. What the hell, Nik?”
“You were staring at me like you wanted me to kiss you. So I did.” His expression was innocent. Too innocent.
“I did not want you to kiss me. I don’t.”
“Alright.” He said, calmly, and held his hands up as if in surrender. “No kissing, then.”
“Absolutely no kissing.”
“We’ve—that’s been established. Thank you for the unnecessary and slightly offensive emphasis.”
You scoffed and whirled around, practically stomping as you made your way towards your cabin, the only one on the ship besides your captain’s that you didn’t have to share. He followed you wordlessly, hands in his jacket pockets, whistling lowly under his breath.
You felt warm. Annoying warm as you moved into your room and shut the door, leaning against the wood as you breathed in and out heavier than you’d like. You swallowed. Then you drank a glass of water and sat on your bed. You changed into pajamas. You sat some more.
And then, suddenly annoyed into action, you picked up the nearest coat and pulled it over your nightgown, realizing only after you’d already knocked on his door that it was his own stupid coat. When had he even put it in your room? You—
The door opened, and a sleepy looking Nikolai poked his head out.
“Hello, lovely.” He said, eyeing what you were wearing. “I see you found my missing coat.”
“I was just returning it.” You gave him an annoyed look and shrugged it off, ignoring the appreciative glance he gave your nightgown. All your nightclothes were skimpy, but you hadn’t thought he’d ever see you in them. “Goodnight.”
“What is that—a napkin? Saints you women have interesting choices in clothing.”
“If think this is small you should see my lingerie, you judgmental bastard.” You regretted the words the second they left your mouth, watching as color rose on his cheeks and his eyes glittered with mischief.
“That can be arranged.” He purred, opening the door wider and leaning against the side. “But only if you’re wearing it when I see it.”
“Oh my—you’re such an asshole.” You whipped around to storm back to your room—really, it was only about ten feet away from his so the effect was lost—but were halted when Nikolai reached you in a few strides and grabbed your hand.
You turned to tell him off, annoyed and almost at your wits end, when his arm looped around your waist and he crushed you against him, mouth against yours.
You gasped when his fingers dug roughly into your skin, his tongue slipping between your lips, and damn you if he wasn’t the best kisser you’d ever had in your life. He backed you against the wall, hips to your own, and you almost whined against him when you realized absolutely anyone could see you right now.
“Stop it.” You whispered, pushing at his chest, but he only gave you an inch of space as he raised a brow. “Literally anyone could walk by.”
“Then we should go inside your room.”
“You are not going in my—”
“You could come to mine, if you prefer—”
But then footsteps echoed from somewhere nearby, voices of crew mates talking quietly, and you panicked, opening your door and practically throwing your captain inside before locking it behind you.
“Saints, be careful I almost fell over your—”
This time it was you who lunged for him, almost knocking him over when you seized him by his shirt and kissed him as hard as you dared. He groaned and your heart dropped into your stomach, his hands grasping your waist as he kissed you back. You moved when he stepped backwards, sitting on the edge of the bed and tugging you up onto his lap. You groaned, then, when he ground you down against him and moved his mouth to your neck.
“Is this the moment I see your lingerie?” He teased, and you could only sigh when his tongue and mouth trailed a searing path down your throat to your collarbone.
“Nikolai—” you gasped when he ground up against you again, evidence of his arousal digging into your pelvis.
“Yes, love?” His teeth nipped at your skin as his hands slid your nightgown up, fingers brushing the lace of your underwear.
“Nik, I want you to—”
A knock hit your door and you both jumped, turning to stare in absolute horror at the entrance to your bedroom.
“Miss Y/L/N, do you know where the captain is? We need to ask him about some maps we’re looking over.”
“He uh—" your voice sounded strained and you cringed. “Im not sure where he is, sorry.” Nikolai’s fingers tightened on your hips when you moved to get off him and you shot him a glare.
“Do you think you could look at them, then? Your opinion is just as good.”
“I—” you tried not to squeak when Nikolai leaned into you and began sucking a bruise onto your neck, completely unbothered by the current situation. “I can’t right now. Sorry.” You smacked your captain on the arm, ignoring his grin when he finally let you off him. “Give me like, three minutes.”
“Oh, alright.” A pause from outside. “Do you want us to wait here or—”
“No no. Conference room is fine.” You swallowed roughly and listening to the footsteps fading away, headed off to likely prepare the discussion you were about to have. You sighed dramatically and turned, giving Nikolai a look that promised violence. “Don’t do that when I’m trying to talk I almost—oh don’t give me that look.”
“What look?” He asked innocently, tilting his head to examine your flushed and rumpled features, his lips swollen and hair messed up. “What ever will the crew say if they heard you moaning my name when they think we’ve gone to bed?”
“See, just like that, only with more emphasis.”
“I can’t stand you sometimes.” You groaned, moving to your vanity to grab a robe. “If you’re coming to the meeting, try not to act too suspicious.”
“What ever do you mean?” He teased, coming up behind you as you tied your hair back to pull your ass against his front. “Is this suspicious? What if I—”
You smacked his hand when it slipped beneath your dress and he let out a startled ow.
“Fine, fine.” He rolled his eyes, but took your hand before you could move away and slipped his ring onto your finger. “But wear this. Just so I know how this night’s going to end.”
“I’m not wearing—Saints save me fine.” This man was a pain.
He was a pain and an annoyance and you were a bloody pushover when you looked down at your finger and admired the jewelry instead of cringing at it. It was a bit big for you, though, so you took it off and threaded it onto your necklace’s chain instead. He smile grew when he watched your actions, nodding in approval.
“Never thought I’d be jealous of a necklace before.” He mused, eyeing your chest, and you whacked his arm lightly, trying not to grin at him. “See, I’m funny. You almost laughed.”
“I did not.” You argued, and walked ahead of him as you left the room and went down to meet up with the crew.
No one said anything, but it was obvious to everyone that the captain had been with you the night before when they couldn’t find him. It was a ship, not a castle, and there were limited places a man like him could be hiding without being found.
Plus, to your chagrin, there was the whole matter of Nikolai was being so damn annoying about it. The man was practically strutting around the ship the next morning, his smile wide, and at breakfast, where you sat sipping a coffee and nibbling a bowl of fruit, your nose in a book, he embarrassed you by kissing the top of your head and squeezing your shoulder as he passed.
“Nice necklace, Y/N. New purchase?”
Bastard. Cheeky bastard.
But he continued on like nothing unusual had just occurred, moving to discuss navigation with Mal, as you looked up at Tamar and Alina who were watching you with curious, amused expressions.
“When did that happen?” Tamar demanded, eyes darting from the captain to you.
“It was nothing. He’s just messing with me, I suppose.”
“Liar. Your heartbeat increased.”
“He’s just flirtatious you know that.”
“I think you’d be cute together.” Alina piped up, smiling as she watched the exchange. “You seem well matched. To be honest I thought you already were together when we met.”
“We’re not together, gods above.” You groaned, raising your book to cover your face.
“Basically. That man’s been obsessed with her since they met.” Tamar told Alina, furthering your embarrassment. “Everyone knows. It’s just funny watching them act like we don’t.”
“They do not know.” You insisted, mortified, and Tamar’s laugh was genuine.
“Come on, Y/N. When the guys went to Sturmhond’s room last night to find him, they had already placed a bet on whether he’d be there, or in yours.”
“No.” You protested, momentarily thrown when you remembered that no one else on the ship knew his true name but you. “No they did not.”
“Yes they did. And Wesley won forty Kruger when he was in yours.”
“Scandalous.” Alina giggled, then covered her mouth with a hand when you shot her a dirty look. “Sorry. It’s just funny, them betting over something like that.”
“Plus,” Tamar said, pointing a fork at your neck. “you’ve got a hickey the size of Ravka on your neck. You look like he tried to eat you.”
“Oh my—” you shot up out of your seat, snatching up your book and shooting Tamar a look that would scare almost anyone but her. “That’s it. Dish duty for you for the rest of your life.”
She was still laughing, ignoring your words completely, when you gathered up your breakfast and decided you’d have it in your room instead of bothering with being teased all day.
Whewwww the way Nik gets sassier and sassier every time I post is sending me
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mofffun · 3 months
Ohsama Sentai King-Ohger in Space, a new TTFC special in 2024
set after the end of the show. The kings are working to maintain peace of the whole universe. Himeno meets with Ohtori Tsurugi, President of the Space Federation (Kyuranger). Rita is working with Doggie Kruger, commander of the S.P.D. branch on Earth (Dekaranger). One day, Prince, who was travelling the cosmos to train himself, comes visit Gira...
dir. Sakamoto Koichi, written by Kaneko Kaori (same crew as VS Kyoryuger)
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morbidology · 15 days
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Over a span of just 10 days in August 2013, Nikko Jenkins unleashed a wave of violence that left four people dead in Omaha, Nebraska. His crimes, which he claimed were carried out under the influence of an Egyptian serpent god, have sparked intense debate about the criminal justice system, mental health, and the death penalty.
Nikko Allen Jenkins was born on September 16, 1986, into a family with a long history of criminal activity. Raised in a chaotic and often violent environment in Omaha, Jenkins was exposed to crime and dysfunction from a young age. By the time he was a teenager, Jenkins had already begun his journey into the criminal justice system, with numerous arrests and convictions for robbery, assault, and weapons charges.
Jenkins' time in prison only seemed to deepen his violent tendencies. During his incarceration, he became known for his erratic behavior, frequent outbursts, and disturbing beliefs, including his purported devotion to the Egyptian serpent god Apophis. He spent significant time in solitary confinement, where his mental health reportedly deteriorated further.
After serving more than a decade in prison, Jenkins was released on July 30, 2013. Less than a month later, he would begin his brutal killing spree.
On August 11, 2013, Jenkins committed his first murders. The victims, Juan Uribe-Pena and Jorge C. Cajiga-Ruiz, were lured to a park in Omaha under the pretense of meeting women. Once there, Jenkins shot and killed them both, leaving their bodies in a white pickup truck. The crime shocked the community, but it was only the beginning of Jenkins' rampage.
On August 19, Jenkins struck again, murdering Curtis Bradford, a man he had met in prison and briefly reunited with after his release. Jenkins lured Bradford to a location where he shot him in the back of the head. The next day, on August 21, Jenkins committed his final and most high-profile murder, killing Andrea Kruger, a 33-year-old mother of three. Kruger was abducted at a traffic intersection, and Jenkins later shot her multiple times before leaving her body on a rural road. He then stole her car, which was found abandoned a short time later.
Jenkins was arrested on August 30, 2013, during an investigation into a separate assault. Once in custody, Jenkins quickly confessed to all four murders. His confessions were chilling, as he claimed that he had been commanded to kill by the serpent god Apophis, whom he believed required human sacrifices. He described the murders in graphic detail, showing no remorse for his actions.
During his interrogation, Jenkins also made disturbing statements about his intentions to continue killing if he were released. These confessions, coupled with the brutality of his crimes, led to widespread calls for the harshest possible punishment.
Jenkins' case quickly became a lightning rod for controversy, particularly regarding his mental state and the handling of his incarceration. His defense team argued that Jenkins suffered from severe mental illness, including schizophrenia and bipolar disorder, and that he was not competent to stand trial. They contended that his prolonged time in solitary confinement exacerbated his mental health issues, leading to the violent delusions that fueled his crimes.
Despite these arguments, Jenkins was found competent to stand trial. In 2014, he was convicted of four counts of first-degree murder, along with several other charges related to his killing spree. The trial was marked by bizarre and unsettling behavior from Jenkins, who repeatedly insisted that he was acting on the orders of Apophis. He even attempted to mutilate himself in court. Jenkins carved 666 into his forehead, and sliced his penis and tongue up the middle, believing it would make him appear more serpent-like.
In May 2017, Jenkins was sentenced to death by a three-judge panel.
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(GFL Short Fic) "Holding out for a T-Doll"
Alternative title: "Local Woman Too Angry To Die"
On an infiltration mission to the inner cities, AK-15's S/O has been kidnapped due to their relation with Griffin and Kruger.
Unfortunately for the kidnappers, Task Force DEFY has a tracker on every member of the squad, and they do not take kindly to anyone attacking their own. Post-edit note: SURPRISE SONG FIC!...People still do these, right? This feels super corny but also kinda funny. It's like writing a 90's action flick. Word Count: 2.3K
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AK-12's eyes scanned the building, her glowing pink irises subtly changing colors every few seconds.
AK-15, RPK-16, and AN-94 said nothing as they watched from on top of a skyscraper, looking downward at the warehouse.
(AK-12) "Confirmed. I'm reading S/O's tracker in there."
(AK-15) "Threat assessment?"
(AK-12) "Humans. Doesn't look to be affiliated with Sangvis, or any of the protesters in the city. Might just be human traffickers."
(AN-94) "Our orders were not to cause a scene-"
(RPK-16) "Kind of hard to do when AK-15's beloved is taken, is it not?"
AK-15 just crossed her arms, making no visual recognition of the teasing.
(AK-15) "This is not a matter of relations. S/O is simply a comrade in arms, and a vital source of information on the inner workings of Griffin. If they were to be sold to Sangvis, it could have dire consequences."
(AK-12) "I'm sure that's the entire reason."
AK-15 glared daggers at 12, who simply just shrugged while keeping her smug smile.
(AK-12) "Regardless, I agree. You'll be happy to know I'm ordering that we're going loud, given our primary mission was already accomplished before this whole ordeal happened."
(AN-94) "Our orders?"
(AK-12) "94, get us a ride out of the city and call for the Commander. We're going home after this. Had enough of this place, anyway."
AN-94 nodded and moved downstairs. AK-12 turned to RPK-16.
(AK-12) "I want you to provide cover fire and a distraction to catch their attention. We'll signal when we're all ready, and commence the rescue on your signal. AK-15, you'll be our vanguard to save S/O. I'll move in the shadows to secure your escape in case they get any funny ideas. I also didn't scan anything that could be a significant threat other than a few low grade explosives."
(AK-15) "Understood."
AK-15's ponytail flowed in the wind, stomping towards the stairs and her scowl growing angrier by the second, quickly followed by the other two members of DEFY.
S/O remained tied up in the chair with a piece of cloth crudely fastened over their mouth. The two men in the room spat on the ground looking at them and left.
(Guard 1) "Why the hell aren't we just killing them, they're part of a fuckin PMC with those tin cans!"
(Guard 2) "Apparently boss said we can get some money if we talk to the right people. Let's just-"
The intercom suddenly came alive in the warehouse, making the two men grab their weapons.
(Guard 2) "The hell?!"
The intercom began blasting music at such a high volume that it made them recoil. It was quickly accompanied by several men shouting and rushing throughout the warehouse with their weapons at the ready.
The two went towards the main lobby that had crates and all sorts of construction equipment scattered, everyone taking positions. One of the guards stood near the door where the intercom system, trying to turn the music off.
(Guard) "Turn that fucking thing off already!"
(Guard) "I-I can't! Things not-"
A fist suddenly came through the wall and intercom, grabbing the guard's face and violently dragged him away as he screamed, startling everyone and making them aim their weapons at the rubble.
Before anyone could get a sense of what was happening, the same body burst through the rubble, a massive, angry looking woman dressed in black with a long white ponytail emerged, her light purple eyes glowing.
A panicked guard pulled the trigger once, a single gunshot reflecting off her shoulder, and all she did was give them a glare, scaring the absolute hell out of everyone further.
AK-15 dove behind a crate as gunfire rained down all around her. Trying to analyze the area, she then recognized what song was playing over the intercom.
"Where have all the good men gone And where are all the gods?
(AK-15) "...Seriously?"
"Where's the streetwise Hercules To fight the rising odds?"
An exacerbated sigh left AK-15's mouth before she refocused her attention, reloading the pistol the guard she killed had. Some of the guards had moved to flank her while her position was suppressed, which she immediately turned to shoot.
"Isn't there a white knight upon a fiery steed "
She pulled the trigger three times, each one entering the head of S/O's kidnappers, and AK-15 snuck around the corner they had entered.
"Late at night, I toss and I turn And I dream of what I need"
She stopped right at the end of the crates as the gunfire followed her position. Without warning, a hail of bullets tore through the upper windows, hitting every one of the guards trying to pin her down. AK-15 grunted in thanks, which RPK spoke up.
(RPK-16's Voice) "Coming from the door on your left."
"I need a hero I'm holding out for a hero 'til the end of the night"
AK-15 saw the door swing wide open, and before the men inside could open fire, she kicked the forklift towards them. The machine skidded across the floor and slammed right into the doorframe.
"He's gotta be strong, and he's gotta be fast And he's gotta be fresh from the fight"
Wasting no time, she sprinted up the stairs as more guards came from below, all attempting to shoot her.
She didn't bother to fire back as she dodged the oncoming bullets, knowing that with every second passing, S/O might be in more danger.
"I need a hero I'm holding out for a hero 'til the morning light"
The door she was about to enter had another group exit, one that noticed her approach far too late. She grabbed one of them by the collar and effortlessly tossed them over the railing before punching the next one in her way.
(AK-15) "Get out of my way."
"He's gotta be sure, and it's gotta be soon And he's gotta be larger than life Larger than life"
One of the guards managed to open fire, she was far too close to escape, and the bullet tore into her chest. Even though she felt some amount of pain, she clenched her teeth in ever increasing anger, grabbed the arm holding the gun and snapped it like a toothpick.
With a vicious headbutt, she completely knocked them out and more than likely broke their nose and some of their teeth.
"Somewhere after midnight In my wildest fantasy"
Hearing the fight happening outside, S/O tried to get out of their restraints until a guard ran into the room. The guard immediately had their weapon pulled out and wrapped their arm around S/O's neck, backing away in fear from the door.
"Somewhere, just beyond my reach There's someone reaching back for me"
AK-15 disposed of another group that tried to engage her in close quarters and failed.
Finishing off the last one in the hallway with a bullet to their chest, she felt her head budge towards the wall, accompanied by a metallic clang.
"Racing on the thunder And rising with the heat"
Turning towards the source, one of the guards had gotten up and stared in horror at the metal pipe that was now completely bent in their hands.
"It's gonna take a Superman to sweep me off my feet"
She grabbed the pipe from them and slammed it against their head, the pipe shattering completely as she found S/O's signature, right behind the door with another guard, using them as a shield.
"I need a hero I'm holding out for a hero 'til the end of the night"
S/O and the guard saw the outline of a massive figure standing outside the door, making the guard panic even more.
"He's gotta be strong, and he's gotta be fast And he's gotta be fresh from the fight"
The door flew off the hinges and almost slam into the both of them, the guard diving out the way and aiming for S/O. AK-15 rushed in and immediately got in front of S/O, with her back tanking an onslaught of bullets that opened fire.
S/O looked horrified, more for AK-15 than themselves. She clenched her teeth making sure not to move until the only noise was clicking.
"I need a hero I'm holding out for a hero 'til the morning light"
AK-15 spun around and was prepared to mutilate S/O's attacker before AK-12 leapt down from the vent, on top of the guard and knocking him out.
Her pink eyes glowed in the darkness, addressing them coldly, devoid of her usual emotions.
"He's gotta be sure, and it's gotta be soon And he's gotta be larger than life"
(AK-12) "Everyone blocking your escape is dead. Proceed."
AK-15 nodded and ripped off the restraints on S/O, being a bit more gentle when it came to their mouth.
(S/O) "T-Thank you!"
(AK-15) "Do not thank us yet. We have yet to escape."
(S/O) "Right...By the way, what's with this music?"
(AK-15) "I do not know, I just wish we could've used a less annoying distraction."
(S/O) "If it's annoying you, then it must be annoying the enemy, right?"
AK-15 made a noncommittal grunt before they moved to escape.
"Up where the mountains meet the heavens above Out where the lightning splits the sea I could swear there is someone, somewhere watching me"
AK-15, S/O, and AK-12 ran out the room and down the hallway, kicking open the door they found an empty parking lot. They stood on catwalk that was dozens of feet above the ground.
And without waiting, AK-15 carried S/O bridal style and leapt off with AK-12, making them scream in surprise.
"Through the wind and the chill and the rain And the storm and the flood"
As soon as they landed, several of the guards burst out from the door across from them and tossed grenades at the three.
I can feel his approach like a fire in my blood
AK-15 dropped S/O before grabbing a nearby dumpster, dragging it across the ground and slammed it in front of them, right as the explosions went off.
AK-12 covered S/O as debris ran down, tearing apart their already dirty and battered suits.
(Like a fire in my blood, like a fire in my blood Like a fire in my blood, like a fire in my blood, blood)
Before the guards could do anything else, they dove for the concrete when a wild barrage of bullets almost took their heads off, firing wildly across the wall.
I need a hero I'm holding out for a hero 'til the end of the night
RPK-16 continued to lay down suppressive fire as AN-94 sped into the parking lot, slamming on the brakes and kicking open the door towards the side her comrades were on.
"He's gotta be strong, and he's gotta be fast And he's gotta be fresh from the fight"
Not needing to say anything else, AK-15 picked up S/O like a suit case and threw them into the back seat, quickly joining as AK-12 closed the door behind them.
As the bullets flew through the windows, AK-15 held S/O tightly to shield them from any potential stray shot.
"I need a hero I'm holding out for a hero 'til the morning light"
AN-94 put the pedal to the metal, quickly escaping the warehouse and dodging oncoming traffic and onto the main road so they could not get tailed.
Once they were out of harm's way, S/O took a deep breath as AK-15 released her grip on them.
"He's gotta be sure, and it's gotta be-"
(AK-15) "Turn that off already."
AK-12's pink irses flashed gray before she closed her eyes, the music in the car being shut off. As soon as her eyes closed, her signature smile came back.
RPK-16 rolled up her windows as she turned the safety on her machine gun.
(RPK-16) "I thought the song was quite fitting, honestly."
(S/O) "That was intentional?"
(AK-12) "It was. Clearly it was worth it, seeing how you're in the car with us now."
S/O looked worried at how damaged everyone was. AK-15's suit was almost threads, with the amount of bullets that either flew off her, or entered.
AK-12 and RPK-16 did not fare any better, and even AN-94 had parts of her blue suit scorched with black marks.
(S/O) "I'm...I'm so sorry, everyone. One second I was inside my room, and the next-"
(AK-15) "The fault is mine. You were supposed to be under my watch and-"
(RPK-16) "I don't think it particularly matters whose fault it is. After all, we're still breathing, aren't we?"
(AN-94) "Affirmative. Our damage is superficial. Yours is not."
(S/O) "...I guess I can at the very least say, thank you."
(AK-12) "Hm.~ Apology accepted. Besides, if we let even one of those men lay a finger on you, 15 would've torn us to shreds."
(AK-15) "Please, shut up already."
S/O laid a hand on her back and felt a piece of metal slightly out of place, making them recoil. Sighing, AK-15 grabbed their hand.
(AK-15) "I will be fine. I am entering sleep mode for the duration of the drive."
S/O nodded and moved to give her space before realizing AK-15's grip was not budging. She wanted their hand there. Slightly blushing at that, they rested onto her as well, both of them sleeping.
(AN-94) "A Griffin Black Hawk will be picking us up as soon as we reach the destination."
(AK-12) "Which is how long?"
(AN-94) "Four hours."
(AK-12) "Make it three. I already feel like I'm intruding on their love nest just sensing them."
(AN-94) "Understood."
(RPK-16) "...That song sure is interesting. Music in general is quite fascinating, given how humans normally are-"
AK-15's eyes opened and glanced over to RPK-16.
(AK-15) "Do not start singing it."
RPK just smiled and looked out the window as AK-12 scooched away from S/O and AK-15.
The duration of their escape was a quiet but surprisingly comfortable one. DEFY's mission was successful, and they were leaving with every member accounted for.
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stephensmithuk · 10 months
The Boer War (1899-1902)
If the 1897 Diamond Jubilee is seen as the zenith of the British Empire, the Boer War is arguably the start of its collapse.
There are two conflicts with the name "Boer War", of which the second is by far the better known.
"Boer" is Afrikaans for farmer. The two wars are known as "the Freedom Wars" in the Afrikaans language and "the South African War" in the country itself.
More specifically, the Boers were Dutch farmers who emigrated from the Dutch and then British-controlled Cape Colony north and east into the Transvaal region that is now north-east South Africa, to get away from what they saw as an oppressive government. As well as the fact that the British abolished slavery, which they wanted to keep. So yeah. They were more specifically known as "Trekboers" or travelling farmers. Trek is of course where we get the term Star Trek from.
The first conflict from 1880-1881 started after a farmer refused to pay an illegally inflated tax, had his wagon seized - and his friends then assaulted the auction.
The Boers, better equipped, better trained and far more experienced at shooting than their British opponents, managed to defeat the latter in three major engagements. Unwilling to become engaged in a major conflict, London negotiated a peace deal that gave the South African Republic effectively full control over internal affairs, although the British retained control of external relations. This was the first time the British had lost a war to rebels since the American War of Independence.
Then gold was found in the region and an influx of immigrants, mostly British, turned up, seeking their fortune. Johannesburg emerged as a major community overnight. This caused a lot of tensions, even more so when the government in Praetoria (the SAR capital) denied the 'uitlanders' civil rights.
In 1896, Cape Colony Prime Minister Cecil Rhodes authorised Leander Starr Jameson to conduct a raid into the territory with the aim of triggering a revolution. The raid was badly botched, failed and caused massive embarrassment to the British government, especially when Kaiser Wilhelm II sent a congratulatory telegram to the SAR government... and telegrams showing Rhodes' involvement were found. Jameson, while lionised in the press, spent 15 months in Holloway for the raid.
Shortly after this, the Second Matabele War saw the British have to deal with an uprising by the Ndebele and Shona peoples in what is now Zimbabwe. They defeated it, but with many losses on both sides.
Tensions between the British and the Boers continued to grow after the Jameson Raid; the uitlanders did not see their rights improve, the Boers mistreated the African population, and a lot of the British establishment thought it would be an easy victory. The generals, for their part, did not.
The SAR had acquired high quality weaponry from Germany and France, including bolt-action Mauser rifles. The British Army for its part was in dire need of reform.
The war broke out in 1899 after an ultimatum from SAR leader Paul Kruger for the British to withdraw their forces from the border. The SAR had allied with the Orange Free State by this point.
The Boers had formed civilian militias called "commandos". They launched an invasion of the Natal and Cape Colony, soon putting British garrisons under siege. One notable such siege was at Mafeking, where the British commander was one Robert Baden-Powell, whose use of scouting, along the deception to make his defences look better than they were allowed his force to hold out for 217 days until relieved. He would later use his experience in scouting to form, well, the Scouting Movement.
After a series of major reverses, it was clear the British were going to need to send major reinforcements, recruiting a lot of volunteers - the biggest overseas force Britain had sent to date. They also removed their local commanders and put new ones in.
The sieges were lifted and Praetoria was captured on 5 June 1900 - at which point the Boers (along with foreign volunteers) moved to guerilla warfare, something that they were very adept at, in stark contrast to the British. However, harassment is not the same as taking and holding ground.
Both forces tried to minimise the involvement of people of colour due to fear of what would happen if they armed Africans, but personnel shortages meant they ended up being involved anyway, usually in supporting roles. Mahatma Gandhi, who was a civil rights activist there, formed a corps of volunteer stretcher bearers from the Indian population.
Realising that they were only controlling the territory that they were physically in, the British changed their tactics.
Firstly, they built fortified blockhouses and armoured trains to control their supply routes.
Secondly, the British adopted a "scorched earth" policy; they rounded up Boer and African civilians, placing them in concentration camps, while also systematically destroying farms, crops etc. that the Boer forces could use to supply themselves.
The Spanish had used concentration camps in Cuba earlier in the 19th century, but this was a much wider use. With little or no soap, along with dirty water, disease swept through the overcrowded camps, with over 46,000 dying in them, including a quarter of the Boers in them - African numbers interned were not properly counted. Emily Hobhouse exposed the horrific conditions, and the matter was taken up by domestic politicians. A government commission led by Millicent Fawcett then recommended major improvements, which were largely implemented and brought down the death rate, but the damage had been done by this point.
The brutal tactics were sadly effective; the Boers were beginning to give up. However, the British themselves were running out of time and money, so gave them a generous settlement in the 1902 Treaty of Vereeniging; while the SAR and Orange Free State would be absorbed into the British Empire, Dutch could be used in schools and courts, there would be a general amnesty and reconstruction aid would be given.
Self-government was also promised and granted; it was decided that the issue of black enfranchisement would not be discussed until then - and full enfranchisement would not come until 1993.
The war was controversial in the UK; it was opposed by the opposition Liberal Party. Lord Salisbury called a snap election in 1900 and won with a slightly reduced majority. The next election in 1906 was a massive defeat for them though.
The conflict also exposed the dire state of British public health - with up to 40% of volunteers for the war being rejected on health grounds. This spurred the creation of the National Insurance system.
Arthur Conan Doyle volunteered for military service in the conflict; but was turned down due to his age. Instead, he served for three months in a field hospital and then wrote two books about the conflict. The second one, defending Britain's involvement in the war, was felt by Doyle to be the work that got him his knighthood in 1902.
The war was also notable for one journalist who after being captured by the South Africans, managed to escape from behind enemy lines, using the publicity to get into Parliament on his second attempt. His name was Winston Churchill.
At 2022 values, the war cost Britain over £19.9 billion.
They had also had 26,092 soldiers killed to the Boers 6,189. As with all wars at this time, disease was the biggest killer.
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kraekat29 · 10 days
Scream- Chapter Three
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Kiara swallowed hard as she stood in front of the door, her heart anxiously fluttering in her chest, was it possible she had misheard the man on the phone?
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Regardless she wasn’t taking any chances, she took a shaky breath and headed back into the kitchen, the popcorn was getting ready to burst.
She flinched as her phone rang once more, angrily picking it up, “I told you not to hang up on me” The person said, Kiara didn’t answer, she just hung up the phone.
Immediately her phone rang again and she picked up, “listen asshole-“ Kiara started, “no you listen you little bitch! Hang up on me again and I’ll gut you like a fish” The person said and she froze.
“What do you want..?” She breathed out, “to see what your insides look like” The person said with a dark laugh.
Kiara didn’t respond, alarm bells were blaring in her head to get the hell out of there, but where was this person? Obviously they could see her.
“my boyfriend will be here any second so you better run..” Kiara breathed out, “I thought you didn’t have a boyfriend?” The person questioned.
Kiara was hyperventilating at this point, hot tears streaming down her face, “ I lied! He’s big and plays football and he’ll beat the shit out of you!” She yelled into the phone.
“His name wouldn’t happen to be Steve would it?” The person questioned casually and Kiara swore her heart stopped, “h-how did you know his name..?” Kiara whispered.
“turn on your back light.” The person commanded and Kiara did as she was told, shrieking as she saw her date tied and gagged to a chair, a bloody gash on his head.
“what do you want!” She asked again, sobbing into the phone, “to play a game” The person said simply, “what kind of game?” She breathed out.
“turn off your light..” The person said and Kiara swallowed hard before doing as she was told, blocking out Steve’s muffled protests behind the duct tape.
“Good.. now let’s begin.. it’s a simple game really, movie trivia” The person said, “okay..” Kiara said with a shaky exhale.
“first question: who is the killer in nightmare on elm street?” The person asked, “Freddy.. Freddy Kruger..” Kiara answered after a moment, sniffling.
“Good, that was a warm up. Time for the real deal” The person said, “I cant..” Kiara whimpered.
“Who was the killer in friday the thirteenth?” The person asked and Kiara stood straight up, her heart hammering in her chest, “Jason! It was Jason!” Kiara said.
“Wrong.” The person said and her blood ran cold, “n-no it was Jason..” Kiara argued, “I’m sorry but that’s incorrect” The person said.
“No! It’s Jason! I’ve seen that movie twenty godamn times the killer was Jason!” Kiara shouted, “wrong! If you had seen the movie that many times than you should know Jason’s Mother was the killer, Jason didn’t arrive until the sequel“ The person sneered.
“No.. no..” Kiara breathed out, “you lose, but don’t worry you’re still in for the bonus round, but poor Steve I’m afraid, he’s out” The person growled.
Kiara ran over to the door, turning on the porch light and screaming as she saw Steve, his body still twitching as blood, guts and his own intestines spilled from his body.
Her stomach curled in on itself, a soft whine escaping her lips as she resisted the urge to throw up, her skin prickling with goosebumps at the sight in front of her.
In that moment Kiara Carrera knew she would not be getting out of this alive.
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bracketsoffear · 1 year
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Dark Avatar Tournament Round 1
Ungoliant vs. Slenderman
Batman vs. Daredevil
Dream of the Endless vs. Freddy Kruger
Pitch Black vs. the Babadook
Sol vs. Nightmare Moon
The Shadow Queen vs. Skinamarink
Charlie vs. the Vashta Nerada
Hollow Knight vs. Amara
Aleksander Kirigan/The Darkling vs. Nico di Angelo
Warden vs. Commander Samuel Vimes
W.D. Gaster vs. Wednesday Addams
The Beast vs. Darkrai
Diana Walter vs. Selim Bradley/Pride
Brian Laborn/Grue vs. Moon
Kaname Tōsen vs. Erik the Opera Ghost
Black Sabbath vs. Blackbeard
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tsalala · 8 months
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It has all been happening on Sabi Sabi over the last few days. After the hippo died the predator activity went through the roof with the Southern Pride and the Kruger males feeding off the carcass as well as a huge clan of hyenas.
With all this commotion the Mapogos also found their way down to the southern section of the reserve and although there has not been any interaction seen between the Kruger Males and the Mapogos, we are left to hypothesise what has been happening on the reserve. On the same day the Kruger males and the Mapogos were found relatively close together and the Kruger males seemed to be the lions on the retreat. Could the Mapogos be causing an upset in the chain of command down here in the south?
Photo and words by Sabi Sabi, circa 2007
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rookiesbookies · 9 months
No real post bc Im working on an ask but here’s a teaser for a different fic im doing
Graves Niece!Reader x Konig (might turn into also an X Kruger x Horangi fic for this idk still writing it)
I think this is really funny, tell me what yall think!
This isnt the full fic
For the past couple of years, Graves had dedicated himself to taking care of his niece, a bright girl with a brighter future. As a high school student, she had always excelled, studying diligently and achieving remarkable results. Inspired by her legal guardian's activities, she had set her sights on a career in intelligence, the less dangerous side of the work he did.
Graduating with honors, she effortlessly aced every challenge that came her way, surpassing even the highest expectations. Her exceptional abilities did not go unnoticed, as she was scouted by both the FBI and CIA. Despite the potential dangers associated with such a career path, Graves never fretted. He knew his niece was as tough as nails and unwavering in her determination to work in the field she had chosen.
When she returned to his house after college, armed with the code names Oracle of Delphi and Kassandra, his displeasure was evident.
"Phil, please, let me work for Shadow. It's all I've ever wanted," she pleaded with her uncle, her voice tinged with desperation.
"But it's not our family's company, it's mine. And it's dangerous, I can't let you get involved," he responded firmly.
"Phillip, please!” she whined more, “It's all I've worked for, and we only have each other," she continued.
"That's exactly why I need to protect you from this life," he insisted.
She sighed in frustration, muttering, "I should have joined the CIA. At least they would have given me a tour before shutting me down."
“No they would not.”
“There you go, squashing yet another dream of mine.”
“The men who work in this sphere will not all be as caring for you as I am. I will not be able to protect you from them, dammit.”
“We both know this family only learns lessons the hard way. I want to see the base, at least. Who’s going to take on Shadow after you if not me?”
With a protracted sigh, Graves escorted his mid-twenties niece to the base, providing an extensive list of rules the night before. Recognizing the primal nature of his male-dominated workforce, Graves understood the scarcity of female interaction for his men and anticipated the allure of his niece's figure. Her captivating figure prompted double takes from frat boys, yet she remained steadfast in her pursuit of a 'real man,' dismissing brainless college boys with an occasional fling as insufficient. A brief dalliance with a Law graduate student soured when his self-righteousness eclipsed the capacity to love anyone but himself. In this enclave of primal instincts and complex relationships, Graves sought to navigate the delicate balance between protecting his niece and managing the untamed nature of his workforce.
Arriving at the base, she found herself pleasantly surprised. Graves had arranged for her to have a dedicated barracks, normally shared but now tailored to her needs, boasting top-notch amenities. The introductions with Graves' men were brief, conducted in a group setting. Positioned on a step, Graves gathered his team around him, assuming a commanding presence. The atmosphere buzzed with anticipation and curiosity as she navigated her new surroundings. The personalized accommodations and the commanding introduction hinted at the unique journey that awaited her within the military confines.
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anibanannie · 1 year
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the vice-commander and mr kruger
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firecraker-art-lounge · 7 months
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Day 22: Doggie Kruger and Swan.
After the Commander Cruger drawing, I figured, why not do the Japanese version as well?
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nrdmssgs · 1 year
Darker matters (part 3)
Masterlist Previous part Next part
Angst Pairing: Nikolai x Olga 'Zhar' Samoilova Summary: The fall of Chimeras commander Warnings: Swearing, inaccurate description of military operations.
Author's note: This is a sequel to A heart full of pity. Thanks: My very important people: @homicidal-slvt, @sofasoap and @gamergirlbonestaskforce141riot. And a very special thanks to @pale-elysium for the unbelievably beautiful things and words shared.
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In the first hours, all sounds around her are drowned out by an unbearable noise in her ears. Olga doesn’t hear Iskras worried voice, doesn’t respond to the calls of the rest of the team. 
Deafening white noise, measured hissing. 
Zhar doesn’t remember how she declares the operation completed, how she gets to the city, finds the secret flat, that Chimera members use as a hideout, when they are in need of one. 
She locks the door and slowly crawls deep into the dark, dusty hallway, only to hide in a corner and scream of horror and powerlessness taking over her body and mind. A strange feeling of déjà vu comes over her: this is not the first time, it hurts so much, not the first time, she feels paralyzed. But no matter, how hard she tries - Olga can't remember, what triggered those emotions for the first time in her life. 
Zhar tries her best to count hours, spent alone in silence, in a dark cold flat with tightly curtained windows. Her anxiousness grows, her instincts beg her to get up, gather all her strength, all Chimera soldiers and declare a war. But Olga knows better. If Nikolai is still alive, any rash step of hers could end his life. So she clutches her teeth, suppresses the guttural howl escaping from the chest, and waits.
It seems like the tense silence in Nikolais office doesn't bother Krueger at all. 
“So, anyone has any hiring companies worth of interest on their minds?” One after another, uncomprehending and indignant gazes rise up at him.
“What, I'm supposed to sit tight and mourn our boss, like a good widow? You need that - you go to Zhar, since that joke of a commander decided to not do any-fucking-else.” Iskra turns back to Krueger, ready to put him in his place, but her eyes dart to the entrance and widen. 
“If I'm not mistaken, you all have active contracts…” Olgas voice is hoarse and cold. She flies into the room and walks past soldiers without even turning around. “Yegor - Prague won’t clear itself up. Syd, Kruger - your plane to ‘point 52’ leaves in an hour, so I don’t know what the hell you forgot here. Iskra, you should have returned home yesterday.”
Everybody sit still, not quite understanding, what's going on, while Zhar roams through papers on Nikolais desk. She pauses and looks up on them for the first time. Her face is gray, tired eyes with a dull reddish haze give away her desperate need of sleep.
“Excuse me, did I give any of you a fucking day off today?” Zhar hisses. “Nikolai may not be in this room, but that doesn't mean, you can sit here and relax! Get up and go get angry, Chimeras!”
One by one, every other member except Iskra leaves the room. Staying with Zhar may not be her safest option for now, but Iskra doesn't care.
“Is he alive? Anyone contacted you?” 
Instead of an answer, Olga pulls the recorder from her pocket and places it on the table.
“Those scums even organized a message delivery right to my door.”
Iskra hesitates for a moment, but then turns the device on and presses play button. The message recorded there makes her feel sick. From the very start, when an unfamiliar male voice addresses to Zhar, asking if her back is still rotting, to him proceeding to explain, what is going to happen to her and Nikolai now. 
“I know, you want your friend back. After all, who else would be so merciful to have you every night, yeah? I feel generous today, Olga: you can have that sack of shit back in one piece on one condition. You seem like someone who loves a good show. All that bloody circus you and your comrade brought to my town, after I made a very clear point to stop fucking around my territory…”
Iskra looks up at Zhar and her heart sinks: Olga silently moves her lips, echoing every word coming from the recorder. Apparently she had listened to the message countless times and already knew it by heart.
The recording goes on. “So show it is then: it will be your best one, and I'll make sure, that Nikolai enjoys every single minute of it. You'll take the Chimera and tear it apart. I want every contract turned down, every member deceased, every line of funding dried out. I'm giving you creative freedom here, you piece of meat. And if the thought comes to your mind to call your old friend Price for help, Nikolai will regret that he was not strangled on his first evening with us. Chop-chop, Lieutenant.”
For the next few minutes, the office falls into a deafening silence. Zhar froze, hovering over some documents, scattered on the table. 
“Olya my yego vytashchim... Nikolai zhiv, znachit my yego vytashchim.*” Iskra tries to reach out for Zhars shoulder, but she escapes that friendly gesture.
“I will get him back.” Zhar takes a pencil and starts frantically underlining something in one document. “Keeping you close to myself would mean to draw a big fat target on your backs. So you do your jobs: contracts as usual.”
“And you? Olga, neither I nor others will let you go after Nik alone. Whoever has him - has a network of informants wide enough to find, where you were these days. And they are trying to get Chimera beheaded!”
Olga finally straightens her back, exhales, trying to calm down trembling fingers. “Don't worry - I'm not giving them head of Chimera on a plate. The only way to get our commander back is to start growing the company right now.”
The following weeks passed agonizingly slowly. Iskra rarely interacted with the rest of the company at their base. It didn't make her life easier as well, that Zhar prohibited sharing the fact of Nikolais disappearance with anyone, including even Farah. 
On the outside, Chimera was prospering as never before: contracts, funding and agents incoming almost daily. But Iskra knew the cost too well: Olgas slow agony, her eyes, losing light with every next day, her body failing her in return for not sleeping and eating properly, her thoughts, all centering around one goal. In the rare moments, when Zhar came to fetch something from the base, her appearance and behavior frightened Iskra.
“Give me the names of possible contractors - I'll go find them myself. You need to rest!” Iskra saw for so many times, how Nik used to take a part of Olgas work and force her to go sleep, yet it seemed to work only with him. Zhar didn't even think to let anyone help her, she was too afraid of losing people.
“I'm fine, I just need to collect a few things.” She isn't about to pause, even for an hour, before she takes back, what was hers. 
Every time it was ‘a few more things’, ‘more intel’, ‘more people’. Every night Zhar felt, she was on the edge of breaking down, but something unkind, inhuman made her go on. It wasn't love or hope, it felt like a hungry, raging fire consuming her body and mind. 
Nikolai doesn't react to someone entering his cell. He knows too well to waste energy, when each visit could end up with a beating. An echo of approaching footsteps and the lingering creak with which a heavy chair was pushed towards his mattress don't bother him either. He lays there, folding his arms across his chest, staring at the gray ceiling. Nikolai knows his visitor too well to start speaking first. 
“You know, I start regretting getting you - not her. If it was that stupid cunt laying on your place right now - you'd have already brought a fucking army here. But Olga is no fun - she's good only for hiding and feeling sorry for herself.” The man speaking makes a pause, hoping that Nikolai would answer. But he gets only an indifferent look from his captive, so he has to go on.
“It's been almost a year, since I started taking care of her, you know? She nosed in my business, so my friends and I gave her a clue on how can she live long a sleep sound. A clue so big, she needed her entire back and good half of ass to learn the lesson. Now she lost her boyfriend, so I reached out again and explained, how to get him back. I thought, by this time, she'd learn how to listen, when she's spoken to. Two weeks pass, and she didn't even try to move in a right direction.” Nik bites his cheek, so as not to inadvertently smile after hearing that.
“Talk to me, tovarishch. I know, you fucking love a good conversation.” The man sitting on a chair is losing patience. Nikolai looks to his side briefly, not even moving his head.
“What is there more to say, when you already told everything?” Nik sighs, as if he is sincerely pitying his opponent. “Zhar slapped your face so hard with that operation - it still hurts. And you could win yourself a quick and easy death, but you felt fancy and chose her as your gravedigger instead of me. With each next day, you only realize it more, how deeply fucked you are. So you crawl to me to cry on my shoulder.”
Nikolai is sure, they'll start beating him, so he relaxes and lets himself a small grin. But his captor starts laughing.
“You merry son of a bitch. You Russians are all so bloody funny, when you are on the verge of dying. You know, that actually gives me an idea…” The man laughs so loud, it becomes annoying. “How about we send your girl a helping hand? I know this fella, they'll find so much in common pretty fast. She'll find him… pretty amusing.”
Nikolai doesn't like, how light-hearted his opponent voice sounds, when he has thrown that last phrase, leaving a room, where they kept Nik for the last few weeks.
Olga knows: sooner or later it must happen. Her time runs out, every new piece of intel on her enemies, makes her understand, the fight is going to be unfair and painful. 
Last year, when Price sent her and Nikolai to that ill-fated mission, she crossed too many paths. At some point, a revenge must find her. She was hoping, it will all resolve quickly: one bullet in her skull. But instead they took Nikolai, leaving her nothing, but terror, circling her mind.
Not taking an incredible difficulty with which she managed to obtain every bit of information and win over a new fighter to her side into account, things weren’t going so bad for her. Up to this day.
This informant was especially valuable: he could give away the location of the enemy base where they were holding Nik. She left the station and immediately called him: the meeting was to take place in a back alley. Olga freezes when a fire truck, then an ambulance, pulls out onto the road she was walking along. She quickens her pace and soon starts running. 
Her exhausted body resists, but she stubbornly continues to run. It is only after seeing a massive plume of smoke pouring out of a car parked at their meeting point that Zhar stops. Someone's invisible eyes saw her right now, someone knew about her plans, someone's hands were ready to squeeze around her throat.
Olya my yego vytashchim... Nikolai zhiv, znachit my yego vytashchim. - Olga (diminutive form), we'll get him... Nikolai is alive, so we will definitely get him back.
Next part
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eyecantread · 2 years
One thing I love about the DS9 episode "Civil Defense" is that it can serve as a pretty effective crash course on Gul Dukat's character flaws. Every one of them is on display.
Dukat's pre-canned messages to imagined insurrectionists and programmed countermeasures showcase Cardassian brutality, Dukat's brutality, in amazing detail. First he locks everything down, then he threatens to gas them, then their families, then the fucking FOOD DISPENSERS start shooting at anything that isn't a Cardassian, and then finally he just threatens to blow up the station rather than cede it to rebels. But it's when Dukat himself arrives in the second half of the episode where his flaws start showing. He can't help himself from delighting in petty cruelty which is why he stops by to taunt DS9 and Major Kira in specific. He is a man that just cannot stop himself from indulging in petty cruelties.
Dukat demonstrates that he has full control over the station now thanks to the program and insists that Major Kira allow him to station a garrison of Cardassian soldiers on it. Kira points out, quite astutely, that neither the Federation nor Bajor would honor an agreement, especially one negotiated under duress. Dukat is a seasoned military commander, he has to know this. He's just here to screw around! As an aside, looking back I interpret the fact that he has enough time to dick around like this as another example that Cardassian Central Command has just stopped trusting him with anything important to do.
Then he displays amazing shortsightedness and a lack of thoughtfulness when he tries to beam off the station only to trigger a final lockdown measure that traps him on the station with everyone else making him effectively useless for the rest of the episode (he does come up with the idea to overload the station's forcefield emitters but Garak or Dax could have also come up with that).
While they're having a planning meeting he decides to start flirting with and posturing toward Kira, IN THE MIDDLE OF A FUCKING CRISIS! He, again, cannot stop himself and just loves to indulge his perverse lust. Garak calling him out on it doesn't help the situation but it is fun to watch. And it's his sense of pride that makes him continue to squabble with Garak instead of working to solve the problem. In the end the day is saved when Sisko, Jake, and the hardest working man in the galaxy, Miles Edward O'Brien, stop the reactor overload. They then kick Dukat off the station, for some reason, instead of attempting to charge him with some sort of crime for attempting to hold them all hostage - presumably because they think he's just as useless as the Cardassian government.
Anyway, Dukat is a deluded, Dunning-Kruger blinded narcissist who can't resist his own vices and this is on display all throughout the series but this is episode in particular is a very good example of everything wrong with space lizard Hitler.
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stephensmithuk · 2 months
Bunny and Raffles go to war
CW for discussion of warfare and animal death.
Bunny and Raffles have decided to independently make their way to South Africa to fight in the Boer War on the British side. Raffles is a wanted fugitive and Bunny might not be able to volunteer anyway - his theft conviction would count against him.
There were a lot of "Uitlanders" in South Africa; these were foreign migrants, mostly British, who had worked in the South African diamond and gold industries, or adjacent to it. One reason for the war starting was because of their lack of civil rights under the Kruger government; it certainly made a good reason for public consumption. Retaining their loyalty to Britain, those in the Transvaal region i.e. the Boer-controlled area, had been ordered to leave. After what seems to have been a very hard journey, these refugees wanted to get back at the Boers and formed their own irregular regiments, albeit under British overall command. With a lot of experience of horse riding as part of their work, they were physically fit as well - something not always guaranteed to be found in volunteers.
Others came from Britain and elsewhere in the Empire to join them; Australia had limited space in its own contingent (the various states were rather poor) so many came out independently to join up, using their own money or getting others to provide the funds.
A modern equivalent, in a way, would be Ukraine's International Legion:
A list of these various units can be found here:
Light Horse Regiments were generally mounted infantry. Being aware that modern weaponry - repeating rifles, the machine gun and more accurate artillery - was marking cavalary more vulnerable on an open battlefield, the British and others moved towards mounted infantry.
Basically, these units would travel by horse between their areas of locations, rather than marching on foot. This enabled them to carry more supplies and also, if things got desperate, they had an extra food source. The British in any event lost a lot of horses to injury and disease, by not giving them time to adjust. When "Freddy", a horse that had been the sole survivor of its original contigent was presented to Queen Alexandra at Windsor, she asked why he wasn't wearing a medal. She then ordered he be given one and the War Office did so, with five clasps for the various battles he'd been in:
When it came to combat, mounted infantry got off their horses and fought on foot. If you could park the horses somewhere safe, that was ideal, but you might not be able to.
These continued to be used in both World Wars, then were largely replaced by vehicles. Their modern version might be a Humvee-using infantry unit.
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