#communist mlm
connorthemaoist · 1 year
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We must not depict socialism as if socialists will bring it to us on a plate all nicely dressed. That will never happen. Not a single problem of the class struggle has ever been solved in history except by violence. When violence is exercised by the working people, by the mass of exploited against the exploiters—then we are for it! And we are not in the least disturbed by the howls of those people who consciously or unconsciously side with the bourgeoisie, or who are so frightened by them, so oppressed by their rule, that they have been flung into consternation at the sight of this unprecedentedly acute class struggle, have burst into tears, forgotten all their premises and demand that we perform the impossible, that we socialists achieve complete victory without fighting against the exploiters and without suppressing their resistance. -V. I. Lenin, 1918
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long-sleeved-sandwich · 9 months
wearing nail paint and makeup and reading Anarchism and The Black Revolution in a Drs office waiting room surrounded by karens in rural alabama is the most fun a gay latino guy can have with his clothes on
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icarusxxrising · 2 months
If you're hanging out with a community, and you start noticing the community pushing rhetoric about how "no one will accept us" "we only have each other, everyone outside of us is against us" etc. You need to Run. That's cult shit. That's abuser shit.
The purpose of trying to make you feel alone and like you only have the 1 community to turn to is meant specifically to isolate you and make you vulnerable. Any community, whether queer or political, should encourage you to seek other experiences and educate yourself outside of said community. Your community should empower you, not try to convince you that you're alone in this world.
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American "leftists" who do nothing for natives then see a decentralized general strike being organized in solidarity against genocide and their first response is to shut it down before the feds can
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If you stan B*lly Hargrove, and/or you ship B*lly with Steve or especially Eddie, I need you to get the fuck off my blog and block me.
I’m dead serious. This man is an abusive, racist, misogynistic asshole. Yes, he was a victim of a abuse, but that does NOT, in any fucking way, excuse his shitty behavior. I’m tired of seeing shit using his past as an excuse and how he’s secretly a good guy. He’s not. Full stop. He continued to perpetuate that abusive cycle when he was aggressive with Max. He was very obviously racist towards Lucas. You cannot just blatantly ignore the way he treated Lucas and Max. He’s not a fucking marauder either. There was no “redemption arc.” He didn’t spend time unlearning his hatred and becoming a better person. He made one split second “good” decision, and that does not just erase his racism and abusive behavior.
Not to mention, y’all don’t even characterize him right most of the time. He isn’t soft. He is harsh and cruel. He’s not a fucking leftist? BRO WHAT
Look, I’m not a huge Jonathan Byers fan (the whole photo thing remains stuck in my mind, I’m sorry) but he is an interesting character foil to B*lly. Jonathan also was a victim of abuse, but he GREW from that. He put in the effort to end that cycle. He made sure Will would be protected from that.
You want to talk about characters who have been abused who aren’t massive dickwipes? Look at Jonathan. Hell, look at Max.
You want to talk classism? Again, the Byers family! Max! Robin even! Eddie for all I care! You don’t get to use his shitty situation as an excuse for his shitty behavior! Get a fucking grip!
What’s even worse is how many B*lly stans hate Nancy Wheeler. Why? “Because she was mean to Robin” and therefore “ableist.” Say you’re pulling buzzwords to excuse your misogyny and go. :) Nancy was NOT mean to Robin. There was obvious miscommunication between both of them. Nancy has spent FOUR seasons not being taken seriously, so it’s understandable that she was a little irritated when it seemed Robin wasn’t taking her seriously. That’s why she was mad. It wasn’t “ew Robin is being autistic.” By the end of the library scene, they are already more agreeable, and it didn’t take long for them to sort out their differences. I also saw her get called manipulative and I’d love to know where you got that idea?
Literally shut the fuck up, I’m so tired. B*lly is a horrible human being. Nancy has literally not done anything to excuse the hate so many of you spew at her. You’re just being misogynistic. I have not seen one good take explaining why B*lly is a better character than Nancy. Or why B*lly is a “good guy.” Just admit you’re a misogynistic asshole and want another uwu boy to stick in your mlm ships
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mentalgator · 2 years
i hate you "free" market, i hate you fast fashion, i hate you market competition, i hate you 1000 of the same product, i hate you unskippable ad, i hate you black friday, i hate you shopping spree, i hate you retail therapy, i hate you paper vs plastic bags, i hate you monopolies, i hate you legal slavery, i hate you trends, i hate you paywalls i hate you i hate you i hate you
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ponysongbracket · 10 months
Worst MLP Song Tournament
Please listen to both songs before voting. Remember you’re voting for the WORSE song.
Snips and Snails Rap Propaganda: As if they did not even try
Derby Racers Propaganda: has one line that gets stuck in my head from time to time but it isn't memorable at all. I could not tell you any other part of the song
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The new social system has only just been established and requires time for its consolidation. It must not be assumed that the new system can be completely consolidated the moment it is established, for that is impossible. It has to be consolidated systematically. To achieve its ultimate consolidation, it is necessary not only to bring about the socialist industrialization of the country and persevere in the socialist revolution on the economic front, but also to carry on constant and arduous socialist revolutionary struggles and socialist education on the political and ideological fronts. Moreover, various contributory international factors are required.
Speech at the Chinese Communist Party's National Conference on Propaganda Work (March 12, 1957), first pocket ed. p. 2.
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fella-lovin-fella · 1 year
anti capitalist, pro jingle
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syndician · 2 years
“For when you reduce the Cultural Revolution to this type of episode, this is the stuff of the black legend, a reactionary and ridiculous legend. You are like Dumas fils, who saw nothing in the Paris Commune but petroleuses [arsonist women] in rags. Why not mention, among a thousand other truly astonishing episodes, the case of the port of Shanghai, paralysed by previous struggles, which got set running again when it was taken over by an absolutely novel, practical alliance between the students and workers?”
Alain Badiou
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if we’re assigning dads, mine
>almost made mustard gas with his chemistry set as a ten year old
>almost joined the communist party at 17
>proposed to my mother over the phone (they were not dating beforehand)
> tried to name his band “contour integrals” which was heavily vetoed
>called me socially inept to my face once it was hilarious
leaning towards engie since he is, well, an engineer, but tbh could be anyone
How are u leaning towards Engie this is the most Demo itemized list I've ever read
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connorthemaoist · 1 year
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ironicstink · 2 years
Let’s say I have a type
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txttletale · 1 year
do you think a communist can be religious at all? i'm a fairly well read classical-ish mlm but i'm also deeply religious. i make absolutely no concession to or apologism for organized or statal religion of course and think they probably should've been abolished yesterday but i'm one of those creatures who can't get through life without spirituality and hear a lot from other marxists that religiosity and marxism are an untenable configuration of beliefs. not having a crisis over my faith or my marxism by the way they're here to stay as an uncomfortable marriage, i'm just curious what your thoughts on religious marxists might be (and i get a feeling you'd question the fixation on individualism i'm probably hung up on a little bit here) since you're very well articulated and have a lot of interesting things to say.
in the same article i linked, lenin opines as such:
No number of pamphlets and no amount of preaching can enlighten the proletariat, if it is not enlightened by its own struggle against the dark forces of capitalism. Unity in this really revolutionary struggle of the oppressed class for the creation of a paradise on earth is more important to us than unity of proletarian opinion on paradise in heaven. That is the reason why we do not and should not set forth our atheism in our Programme; that is why we do not and should not prohibit proletarians who still retain vestiges of their old prejudices from associating themselves with our Party. We shall always preach the scientific world-outlook, and it is essential for us to combat the inconsistency of various “Christians”. But that does not mean in the least that the religious question ought to be advanced to first place, where it does not belong at all; nor does it mean that we should allow the forces of the really revolutionary economic and political struggle to be split up on account of third-rate opinions or senseless ideas, rapidly losing all political importance, rapidly being swept out as rubbish by the very course of economic development.
so, basically--it is lenin's position that historical materialism necessary leads to atheism if applied fully--but the 'question of religion' is a fundamentally unimportant one to the revolutionary struggle. so, yeah, i think a communist can be religious.
crucially, one of the arguments made in this article is that--again, under the view of historical materialism--all religions that currently exist are the result of the material conditions they developed under. as those material conditions are abolished, the ideologies (including religions) that arose from those material conditions will follow some generations later. so a revolutionary communist can be religious, but should expect (should a revolution be succesful) that their eventual descendents no longer be religious--at least in a way we can recognize.
while i think that abolishment of religion is a goal of communism, i want to draw all attention to abolishment as aufhebung, as a creative rather than purely destructive transformation. we may well see brand new religions develop under communism, or forms of old religions that are unrecognizable in substance because they are the products of totally new material conditions. ultimately we can speculate on but not truly anticipate the religious situation of the future!
ultimately i think that in the present any religion that does not impute any truths to the material is compatible with revolutionary marxism. as lenin said, unity in opinion on the class struggle is infinitely more important than unity in opinion on the soul or heaven could ever be
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oinonsana · 8 months
ruminating on the leftism that guides much of my thinking. i'm avoiding the very common pitfall of simply applying theory (written by people benefiting from colonialism a few hundred years ago) to living conditions here in the neocolony of america and looking for ways to actually apply historical dialectic into here--it takes a lot of self awareness because as with all things the majority left position in the philippines is based off of joma sison's MLM-ness and the struggle for a national democracy, which has now kind of devolved into a ultranationalist jerk off between colonial intelligentsia and constant protesting and rallying. whenever they are challenged by the state, the main response is that "everything they've been doing is completely legal" and that nothing they've done is wrong. of course, paradoxically, as Mark Fisher writes in capitalist realism, much of this ends up just reifying capitalist reals and borders, and neatly squares away activism into yet another portion of capitalist life. activism (now also commonly romanticized by so many of those in the middle class to the petty bourgeois) is now subsumed into capitalism.
of course, from my point of view, doing something is better than doing nothing. i've participated in the movements of the national democratic mass organizations of the PH (anakbayan, etc.) (and still do, though my capacity has become limited and i'm focusing on supporting the communities closest to me for the time being) but they're increasingly becoming a sort of ideological stepping stone and for the most part i believe they have been completely subsumed into capitalist ideology.
i think the philippines is largely mostly just capitalist now, even with some modes of tenancy in the countryside seeming feudal, it operates entirely within a capitalist mode of view and application.
i don't subscribe to the sort of unilinear evolution of societies espoused by some soviet theorists (the classless -> slave -> feudal -> capitalist -> communist thing)--a lot of classical leftist and marxist theories can be pretty easily seen as sort of eurocentric. that's no bash, that's just the work of limited perspective. future marxists like fanon expand the marxist perspective greatly, though they seem to be largely ignored by the white bourgeois in my experience
i think ph leftism should be a lot more aware of local ideas on society, and use that to sort of influence and shape their leftism. a lot of leftists sort of scoff at "precolonial studies" as sort of cute at best and absolutely ethnocentric backwardism at worst (many ph leftists know jack shit about precolonial ph and/or seasia in general due to the education system of the philippines and the america-centric culture of the metropoles)
if we apply historical materialist dialectic all the way back to pre-hispanic times we get a treasure trove of societies to contrast and synthesize upon. a shared culture and binding connections with the rest of asia. the ideal state is of course international consciousnesses and solidarity--one that doesn't fall into the trap of capitalist reification through nationalism and the enforcement of the cacophony of signifiers that only serves to reinforce capitalist structures (jingles, voting, art that just regurgitates old socialist aesthetic, revolutionary art that doesn't really say anything because these artists lack proper class consciousness and/or perspective [many ph left artists come from the metropoles after all and/or have been subsumed into nationalist agenda through education systems and the need to belong in communities, art ph being one particularly egregious example that reinforces nationalist signifiers while becoming ignorant of the signified).
all in all the philippine left is completely defeated, as a movement. many leftists adopt anarchist tendencies, joyful militancies, try to live outside of the confines of communism through communes or living in the mountains. if we are to have any chance of challenging capitalism the ph left must interrogate its own biases, interrogate nationalism, review its literature, and then look inward, look to fellow tribes and societies, avoid the interventionist failures of soviet societies, and actually fight for a world that won't just degrade into more wage-labor slavery
"that's idealistic!" if you're shooting for the moon you land on the stars. the direction of the movement is more important than the speed. i fully believe ideological recourse is needed in the ph left--some might even say if there is a ph left still. i wouldn't mind abolishing the idea altogether--the left is still a eurocentric categorization after all. perhaps its time for a new revolution that interrogates current structures, even within so-called progressive organizations, with violent indignation, and finds a way to upend capitalism through a firm grasp in pre-capitalist structures and international ties
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yuri-alexseygaybitch · 7 months
Not seeing any of my so-called "woke communist friends" talk about how they erased the fat mlm representation from Dune Part 2 😔
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