#concerned for Harshaw
saanjhish · 3 years
We talk about Wylan as the arsonist of Grishaverse
Are we forgetting about Harshaw???? Manz burnt a whole village down after his brother was killed by Shu doctors for being Grisha- and he's V E R Y obsessed with fire ...
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charles-rxwlands · 3 years
Grishaverse Characters as Things My Friends Have Said
p1 p2
(containing an abundance of innuendos and swearing)
Kuwei: I'm not fucking Wylan you dumbass
Jesper: fuck fuckfuck fu uuuuck
Jesper: I have a nickname for mommy
Matthias: What, so we're calling Nina 'mommy' now? I get she's attractive but-
Jesper: No I meant Inej and Kaz
Kaz: shut the fuck up.
Kuwei: This chat is kinda sus and gay
Jesper: Yeah no shit it's gay cause im here
Nikolai: *looking into a mirror* your hair is so smooth...
Nikolai: and silky...
Nikolai: and SPONGEY
Harshaw: *gasp* Mal-
Harshaw: dad-?
Mal: no.
Zoya, appearing out of nowhere: Mal isn't your dad, but he is daddy
Nikolai: Tell Alina she looks scrumptious
Genya: and yummy
Genya: and tasty
Nikolai: and spicy
Nikolai: *a few minutes later* i told her but mal was also there and he swore at me :(
Kuwei: who's Wylan?
Jesper: the hot one
Jesper: the sexy one
Jesper: no homo tho
Inej: So Jesper just called me going on about wrists and being gay. Should I be concerned?
Nina: No he just saw Wylan it's no big deal
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dreamsatdusk · 3 years
Character for the ask game: baghra :p
For this ask game. Thank you! (Sorry for the slowness too! Had some Things come up and wasn't feeling up to writing much.)
How I feel about this character
Baghra is the ambiguous Baba Yaga type character of the tale and I've always found those elements about her the most interesting, while simultaneously wishing there were a bit more of an undercarriage provided for it in the books. She is unkind, but also functions to set the heroine on her path so to speak, more than once. That said, I do wish Alina had not been so passive in the S&B post-fete situation. I think there was insufficient reason shown for her to so deeply believe what Baghra told her then - later on she even starts coming up with more assumptions about the Darkling's intent based on nothing at all save what Baghra said and it's rather weird when looked at closely, particularly when you look at how horrid she was to Alina.
I think it would have been very cool to see some more folktale-inspired notes to Baghra's actions, to go along with the surface details.
All the people I ship romantically with this character
Such thoughts have never crossed my mind*L* I can't think of anyone in the books working for this. Baghra seems so unbelieving in the very idea of romance because she's convinced people are just pretty terrible and also, they'll die sooner than her and so aren't worth it. Frankly I think she has some (understandable) baggage from her parents' relationship. Overall, the situation could be interesting to explore in fic.
My non-romantic OTP for this character
I don't have an OTP here, but it's good to have scenes between her and someone that results in high amounts of amusing snark. Nikolai can be good for that. I've seen some amusing fic with she and Ivan interacting too.
My unpopular opinion about this character
I don't know that it's unpopular, but for whatever reason, I see very few people mention that Baghra is outright abusive as a teacher. I see talk of her being 'mean' to Alina, but then too often it's excused as all being part of the plan. (Not everyone does so by any means, but.) But in addition to both more than once whacking Alina with her cane and being emotionally belittling and nasty pretty much constantly, we later find out how she treated other young Grisha. She resented Harshaw for having an accident when learning about his power, refused to teach him further, and hit him so hard in the leg that he still had a lump from it who knows how many years later. Nadia and the bees (wasps?) (and boy I hope the Healers were able to calm her system down as that sort of situation can lead to future life-threatening allergic reactions), refusing to teach David at all because, supposedly, he reminded her of his father (not David's fault! and presumably he was just a child during this?), telling Zoya she had 'porridge for brains', etc. Extrapolate that out to everyone else she would have taught and...wow. That is all cruelty. It's also kind of glossed over in the narrative itself.
I've actually wondered if the Darkling even knew about some of what went on. I could see it both ways. If he didn't witness it directly, would anyone have dared say anything to him?
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
I would have really liked to somehow see some clues to what turned Baghra from the woman see in Demon in the Wood, to the one in the S&B trilogy. I'm writing a bit more about that in reply to another ask. But something else I'm curious about is her being at the Little Palace at all during the events of the book, living under her own name.
Obviously this needed to be the case for narrative reasons, but I'd have liked to see the in-universe explanation at least hinted at. We're given to understand she is considered old enough to have been the 'current Darkling's' teacher, but what about before that? The Little Palace has been there for centuries. It strikes me as dubious that the Darkling would go through shenanigans over and over to convince people there have been lots of different Darklings, but that Baghra could have been teaching, under her own name, all that time with no misdirection used. So perhaps she was elsewhere for long periods of time, occasionally returning to the Little Palace.
But why use her own name, when she had been so very adamant about hiding identities before? Why was she there at this point in time versus not? A possible in-universe explanation for the latter is that at one point in mentioned this particular Darkling had taken even more strides to draw in Grisha from places outside Ravka. We also know he was concerned about what increasing technology levels would mean for Grisha 'relevance'. Perhaps he called his mother back to assist in teaching because it was more important than ever?
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blue-heronstairs10 · 3 years
R&R quotes I tabbed
{…} = thoughts in book
(…) = my commentary
*…* = action
emojis = expressions
[…] = my subtitles
italics = it’s italisized in the books
-…- = not actually said in book
Apparat: he should not address you so.
Alina: why not?
Apparat: it was the Darkling’s title and is unfitting for a Saint.
Alina: then what should he call me?
Apparat: he should not address you directly at all.
Alina: next time he has something to say, I’ll have him write me a letter.
Zoya: are you ever going to name that thing?
Harshaw: she has a name.
Zoya: Oncat is not a name. it’s just Kaelish for cat.
Harshaw: suits her doesn’t it?
{David and Genya kept falling behind, but he seemed to be the one responsible for the lag. finally, Toyla hefted the huge pack from David’s narrow shoulders.}
Toyla: what do you have in this thing?
David: three pairs of socks, one pair of trousers, an extra shirt. one canteen. a tin cup and plate. a cylindrical slide rule, a chondrometer, a jar or spruce sap, my collection of anticorrosives,-
Toyla: you were only supposed to pack what you need.
David: *nods emphatically* exactly.
Alina: please tell me you didn’t bring all of Morozova’s journals.
David: of course I did.
Alina: maybe they’ll make good kindling.
David: is she kidding? *concerned look* I can never tell if she’s kidding.
Alina: {I was. mostly.}
Genya: David is oblivious. he’s been babbling about mineral compounds for the last hour.
Zoya: maybe he and Toyla will just put each other to sleep.
Harshaw: *cuts the sides of his scalp so there’s only hair in a single stripe down the center of his head*
Zoya: *shrieking* what did you do? you look like a deranged rooster!
Harshaw: Oncat insisted.
Mal: everyone okay?
Genya: never better.
David: *raises his hand* I’ve been better.
Mal: I am becoming a blade.
Ekaterina: I saw the prince when I was in Os Alta. he’s not bad looking.
Nikolai: *in the trees* not bad looking? he’s damnably handsome.
Nikolai: *still in the trees* brave in battle, smart as a whip. an excellent dancer. oh, and an even better shot.
Nikolai: *shoots Luchenko between the eyes*
Nikolai: first vomit, then tears. don’t tell me I’ve lost my touch.
Alina: I’m just happy you’re alive. though I’m sure you can talk me out of it.
Alina: thank goodness we had the foresight to be captured.
Nikolai: Saints, Alina. I hope you weren’t looking at me to be the voice of reason. I keep a strict diet of ill-advised enthusiasm and heartfelt regret.
Nikolai: we’re heading into Fjerda.
Alina: oh good. enemy territory. and here I was starting to relax.
Nikolai: it’s good to see you, Oretsev.
Mal: you too. thanks for the rescue.
Nikolai: everyone needs a hobby.
Mal: I thought yours was preening.
Nikolai: two hobbies.
Nikolai: Baghra, how are you this evening?
Baghra: still old and blind.
Nikolai: and charming. never forget charming.
Baghra: whelp.
Nikolai: hag.
Baghra: what do you want, pest?
Nikolai: I’ve brought someone to visit.
Alina: hello, Baghra.
Baghra: the little Saint. returned to save us all.
Nikolai: well she did almost die trying to rid us of your cursed spawn. 
Baghra: couldn’t even manage martyrdom right, could you? come in and shut the door, girl. you’re letting the heat out.
Baghra: *turns to Nikolai* and you. go somewhere you’re wanted.
Nikolai: that’s hardly limiting. Alina, I’ll be back to fetch you for dinner, but should you grow restless, do feel free to run screaming from the room or take a dagger to her. whatever seems most fitting at the time. 
Baghra: are you still here?
Nikolai: I go but hope to remain in your heart.
Baghra: wretched boy. 
Alina: you like him. *disbelief*
Baghra: greedy. arrogant. takes too many risks.
Alina: you almost sound concerned.
Baghra: you like him too, little Saint. 
Alina: I do. he’s been kind to me when he might have been cruel. it’s refreshing. 
Baghra: he laughs too much.
Alina: there are worse traits. 
Baghra: like arguing with your elders? *turns to Misha* boy, go fetch me something sweet.
(I’m sorry it’s so long it’s just,,, they’re so iconic and cute)
Alina: how does Nikolai know you’re the Darkling’s mother?
Baghra: he asked. he’s more observant than the rest of you fools.
Mal: I don’t reserve my friendship for perfect people. and, thank the Saints, neither does Alina.
(did mans just insult himself ?? 💀)
Genya: *talking about how David didn’t look at her before*
David: I know metal.
Genya: what does that have to do with anything?
David: I...I don’t understand half of what goes on around me. I don’t get jokes or sunsets or poetry, but I know metal. beauty was your armor. fragile stuff, all show. but what’s inside you? that’s steel. it’s brave and unbreakable. and it doesn’t need fixing. *kisses Genya*
Genya: 👁👄👁
Genya: *kisses David back empathcially*
David: *kiss ends* *😳😊*
Genya: *☺️😄*
(they’re the sweetest S&B couple don’t @ me)
Mal: you can introduce him to Ana Kuya.
Alina: I already unleashed Baghra on Nikolai. he’s going to think I stockpile vicious old women.
Mal: but I guess I’m the same selfish ass I’ve always been. for all my talk of vows and honor, what I really want to do is put you up against that wall and kiss you until you forget you ever knew another man’s name. so tell me to go, Alina. because I can’t give you a title or an army or any of the things you need.
Alina: goodnight, Mal.
Alina: *hits the side of a mountain with the Cut*
Everyone besides Baghra: *claps and whoops*
Baghra: hmph. they’d clap for a dancing monkey.
Nikolai: all depends on the monkey. and the dance.
Nikolai: does Morozova strike anyone as a little…eccentric?
Alina: if my eccentric you mean insane, then yes. I’m hoping he can be crazy and right.
Genya: I can’t believe I’m saying this, but Nikolai is growing on me. he’s nothing like his father. and the man can dress.
Nikolai: if you’re going to jump, at least give me time to compose a ballad in your honor. something with lots of sad fiddle and a verse devoted to your love of herring.
Alina: if I wait, I may have to hear you sing it.
Nikolai: I happen to have a more than passable baritone. and what’s the rush? is it my cologne?
Alina: you don’t wear cologne.
Nikolai: I have such a naturally delightful scent that it seems like overkill. but if you have a penchant for it, I’ll start. 
Zoya: toss him over. break his heart cruelly. I will gladly give our poor prince comfort, and I would make a magnificent queen.
Alina: you actually might, Zoya. if you could stop being horrible for a minute. 
Zoya: with that kind of incentive, I can manage a minute. possibly two.
{they wanted a Grisha Queen. Mal wanted a commoner Queen. and what did I want? peace for Ravka. a chance to sleep easy in my bed without fear. an end to the guilt and dread that I woke to every morning. there were old wants too, to be loved for who I was, not what I could do, to lie in a meadow with a boy’s arms around me and watch the wind move the clouds. but those dreams belonged to a girl, not to the Sun Summoner, not to a Saint.}
Genya: the day I curtsy to you is the day David performs an opera naked in the middle of the Shadow Fold.
Baghra: I am Morozova’s Daughter, and the Darkling is the last of Morozova’s line.
Alina: or a Ravkan heiress or a Grisha like Zoya.
Nikolai: Zoya? I make it a policy never to seduce anyone prettier than I am.
Nikolai: I love it when you quote me.
Genya: you’re the prettiest walrus I know.
Alina: turned out I needed a good cry.
Zoya: next time, invite me. I could use one too.
Zoya: do you know what Baghra told me at my first lesson with her? pretty face. too bad you have porridge for brains.
Harshaw: I sent fire to her hut in class.
Zoya: of course you did.
Harshaw: accidentally! she refused to ever teach me again. wouldn’t even speak to me. I saw her on the grounds once, and she walked right by. didn’t say a word, just whacked me on the knee with her stick. I still have a lump.
Nadia: that’s nothing. I had some kind of block where I couldn’t summon for a while. she put me in a room and released a hive of bees in it.
Mal: same way Ana Kuhn got me to stop begging her to keep a lantern lit at night. 
Alina: really?
Mal: yes. told me I had to be brave for you, that if I was scared, you’d be scared.
Alina: well she told me I had to eat my parsnips to set a good example for you, but I still refused to do it. 
Mal: and you wonder why you were always getting the switch.
Alina: I have principles. 
Mal: that means, ‘if I can be difficult, I will.’
Zoya: if you’re not up here before I count it ten, I’m going back to sleep and you can carry me to Dva Stolba.
Alina: Mal, if I murder her in the Sikurzoi, will you hold me accountable?
Mal: yes. 
Mal: that means, ‘‘let’s make it look like an accident.’
Alina: *being mad and realistic then apologizing*
Zoya: maybe you’re hungry. I always get mean when I’m hungry. 
Harshaw: are you hungry all the time?
Zoya: you haven’t seen me mean. when you do, you’ll require a very big hanky.
Harshaw: to dry my tears.
Zoya: to stanch the bleeding. 
Toyla: he watches her the way Harshaw watches fire. like he’ll never have enough of her. like he’s trying to capture what he can before she’s gone.
Zoya and Alina: 👁👄👁💓
Zoya: you know, if you turned a bit of that poetry on me, I might consider giving you a chance.
Toyla: who says I want one?
Harshaw: I want one!
Zoya: Oncat has a better chance than you.
Harshaw: *holds up Oncat* why, Oncat, you rogue.
Zoya: you really didn’t think they were ghosts, did you?
everyone: 😬
Zoya: I am surrounded by fools.
Harshaw: Oncat objects to the landscaping.
Alina: Mal is the third amplifier.
[TW: hanging]
{the oak I’d once climbed on a dare still stood, untouched by the fire that had taken Keramzin. now it’s branches were full of bodies. the three Grisha instructors hung from the same thick limb, their kefta fluttering slightly in the wind- purple, red and blue. beside them, Botkin’s face was nearly black above the rope that had dug into his neck. he was covered in wounds. he’d died fighting before they’d strung him up. next to him, Ana Kuya swayed in her black dress, her heavy rings at her waist, the toes of her button boots nearly scraping the ground.} 
Darkling: she was, I think, the closest thing you had to a mother.
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booknerdateen · 3 years
The Grishaverse Series
A mini dramaticness before we begin
Also note: there are spoilers so beware
It all started with Six of Crows. I read the book either last year or a few years ago. The news came when Shadow and Bone was being adapted into a show. So, I decided to go down the rabbit hole and read the trilogy before I watched the show so I can get a more depth of the world and all that. I finished the books with eight days to spare. A few days after I finished the season, I went to Barnes to get the other books. I already had Six Of Crows, but y’all can never have too many copies. Soon, I reentered the world of the Crows. Finally at last, I was able to read Crooked Kingdom (one of my best friends been dying for me to read CK). After the catastrophe of CK’s ending, I delved into King of Scars. I didn’t really know much about Nikolai’s duology besides it being about him, Zoya, and Nina. With the annoying ending of Scars, I started Rule of Wolves the next day. I started this journey from Alina and the Darkling to the Crows and their hiesting to seeing Nina’s happiness and Nikolai and Zoya dealing with their demons-figuratively and literally. So, here we are reaching and end of an era for me. I am glad I got to read an amazing series of this world.
The Grisha Trilogy
Aright yall!
I went into the trilogy not knowing much, besides the teaser trailer knowledge
I went in trying to not be biased about the Darkling cuz Ben Barnes
Did it affect me, yes yes it did
Although I don’t like Darkling
Some of y’all hate me for this but I ship Darklina
Yes yes, they toxic, but man you can’t convince me Darkling and Alina had that amazing chemistry in the first book
Not counting when Alina found out bout his true intentions and all that
I didn’t understand why we hated Mal until half way through Siege and Storm
I’m not Malina, but I can understand why we ship them
My amazing love of my life, Nikolai/Stormhund!
Him revealing himself as the prince, omg
Nikolai planting a kiss on Alina and her hitting him afterwards, love it
Tamar and Toyla are amazing!
I actually didn’t realize they were Shu until King Of Scars
Do I see why they betrayed Alina and used her for the Apparat (who needs to freakin die!), yes
Should they’ve, no but I see why though
Harshaw is me half the time
I love him teaming up with a random cat and called him Oncat pure wholesome
Alina going back to the Palace to start the Second Army and understandably putting a whole in the cafeteria ceiling, yes bruh
It’s not the cafeteria but I can’t remember what it’s called so hush
I thought she was gonna murder someone with that cut
Zoya declaring her alliance to Alina
Alina being sus about Zoya….I get that
Genya’s iconic “I am not ruined, I am ruination” I freakin love that!
Nikolai putting his father in his place and potentially exposing the king to r*pe
I freakin lived for that!
I did suspect that what happened between him and Genya, but it was more implied until R&R
Deaths=man, we lost some amazing peeps
Founding out Mal is the third amplifier, blew my mind
Mal dying=was not having that
Mal resurected=didn’t think it had worked, but it did
Darkling being stabbed and killed by his own knife by Alina…..wow
I didn’t like that
Sorry not sorry
I thought it felt a little rushed when that happened
I’m still confused on how he died
Overall: 9/10 I loved it
Six of Crows Duology
I don’t remember what happened in this book when I first read it
I longing to live to be part of the Crows
I love their friendship
Reminds me of my friends
“Compromise. I’m sorry does the trick and uses fewer bullets”
I’ll probably do a post about my favorite lines of the books
Oh yes, so I read SoC after watching S&B
Reading Nina and Matthias’ parts with the shipwreck and all that and it being the same as their scenes in the show
I loved that
Well vice versa it should be….show being line for line like the book with them
“Please, my darling Inej, treasure of my heart, won’t you do me the honor of acquiring me a new hat”
I actually texted my mom that but reworded it as a way of asking her to get Taco Bell breakfast after her PT
It worked
Wesper, Kanej, Helnik=yesssss
My cinnamon roll Wylan
Jesper, Inej, and Wylan hijacking a fjierdan tank=high speed chase but with teenagers
The 180* that Van Eck and Kaz kept doing in the end, omg
Van Eck being a total evilness, man I wanted to smack him
Inej almost giving up on escaping
Kaz pushed Wylan against the wall about to kill him
Jesper’s father being afraid of Little Jesper being killed cuz Jes being grisha
Speaking of that, I did not see that coming
Kaz and Jesper getting into a fight and Wylan and Kuweii being the only ones concerned
Jesper Llewellyn Fahey
Jesper kissing Kuweii thinking he was Wylan
Wylan being broken-hearted
Them making up ahhhhh
The auction….that’s it that’s the only thing
Matthias being shot
Him going to Nina to say he loves her
Chapter 40= I tossed the book and dramatic screamed (not actually screaming)
Omg, Wylan finding out his mother aint dead but in a rehab place bruhhhhh
Kaz reuniting Inej with her parents
Kaz’s small steps of touching people again
Overall: 10/10 I’m biased about this duology
Nikolai Duology
Nikolai transforming into darkling creature at night is the equivalent of a werewolf turning at night (depending if we do every full moon and all that)
Nina burying Matthias’ body 😭
He found peace
Nina being the best necromancer grisha
Nina wanting to choke the ever living death out of Brun
Genya and David being married
Nadia and Tomar being married
David threating the monk
The monk 🤦🏾‍♀️
Wait no, the “Starless Saint” Cult 🤦🏾‍♀️
Nina mentioning about the Crows, mentally not verbally
Kuweii setting a tree on fire
The fold universe is very confusing
Sankta Eve…whats her name betraying them all to bring Darkling to life
Zoya being amazing as always
The Apparat really needs to die
I cannot stand that dude
The attenpted assination on Nikolai and Princess Shu (I forgot her name)
Isaak willingly to take Nikolai’s place while he in the fold
Isaak falling in love with Princess Shu
Or should i say “Princess Shu”
Isaak deserved better
Darkling ressurected 🙄
Nina and Hanne 💜
Freakin Brum I swear
Ramus deserved to die
Alina, Mal, Misha, and Oncat cameo
The Crows cameo!
Inej cameo in the end!
“Captain Ghafa”
Darking decided to give a redemption
Why….just why
Zoya turning into a dragon, that’s my zoya!
Nikolai turning into darkling creature to risk Ravka’s future
Brum being exile
Hanne tailored as Ramus bruhhhh
I feel like Hanne is a trans coded character, I’ll go depth in another post
Freakin fjeirda in general
Fjeirda soldiers bowing down to “Sankta Zoya”
Nikolai stepping down the throne
Giving the throne to Zoya!
Queen Zoya
David’s death….I was not prepared for that 😭
Inej suspecting Alina to be actually Alina to Nikolai
Nikolai brushing her off as an old friend from the country
“I need Stormund to send a message to Kaz Brekker. I have a job for him”
Not word for word but ya know
Six of Crows 3??!?!?!! Ahhh
Overall: 8/10 loved it!
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wafflesandkruge · 5 years
What They Wanted
Here’s that jealous/graduating Nikolai fic for my Hogwarts AU. Big thanks to @dregstrash for helping me go over it and supporting me! 
To an outside observer, Nikolai Lantsov seemed to be living the life. He was Head Boy, the Quidditch team he captained was well on their way to win the House Cup for the second year in a row, and Puddlemere United had already offered him a contract. And a rather lucrative one at that. But as he leaned against the stone wall outside of the Charms classroom and tried to focus on studying his orderly N.E.W.T.s notes, he couldn’t help but feel like everything was moving too fast and sooner or later, his life would hit some obstacle and shatter into a million pieces. 
A sudden symphony of chattering students and the screeches of chairs had Nikolai hastily shoving his notes back into his bag. He straightened his tie and head boy pin, then ran a hand through his hair. The heavy wooden door creaked open and sixth year Gryffindors and Hufflepuffs started streaming out. Nikolai spotted Zoya’s glossy black curls and a smile instantly appeared on his face. Then faded as he saw her laughing and walking arm in arm with Harshaw, one of her housemates. It wasn’t that Nikolai didn’t like Harshaw- he was a great chaser, and always friendly- but there was something about seeing him and Zoya so happy together that left a sinking feeling in his gut.
He caught Zoya’s eye and a grin spread across her face. He watched her wave goodbye to Harshaw with a promise to study charms together that night in the common room. 
“Shouldn’t you be in Potions right now” she asked with a teasing smile. She stood on her tiptoes and pressed her lips to Nikolai’s for a chaste kiss. They started making their way to the Great Hall together for lunch. 
“Got out early,” he replied curtly. Nikolai urged his mind to come up with one of his usually witty or charming quips, but he couldn’t think of anything. An awkward silence fell between them.
Frowning, Zoya tugged on his arm to get him to stop moving. She examined his face carefully and Nikolai felt like she could see straight into his brain and was puzzling over what to do with the tangled web of thoughts trapped inside. 
“You look tired,” she finally said. “Do you want me to go buy some invigoration draughts from Wylan?”
“It’s nothing. Just stayed up a little too late studying.” Nikolai forced a smile. Why was he acting so strangely? Zoya didn’t look happy, but they resumed walking. 
At the doors of the Great Hall, they ran into Inej who was walking with Kaz. Nikolai frowned at how close the two were. They nodded their greetings and an idea popped into Nikolai’s head. 
“Inej, we should get going to Quidditch practice soon.” 
Her brow wrinkled. “Practice?”
He widened his eyes empathetically.
“Ah…” she said slowly as a spark of realization entered her eyes. “Right. I’ll see you later Kaz.”
The younger boy shot Nikolai a knowing look and walked into the hall without another word. 
Nikolai turned to Zoya, an excuse already on his lips. He’d say he scheduled a small session with Inej and it had slipped his mind until now. But before he could open his mouth, Zoya had already pulled away from him, her mouth set in a flat line. 
“Have fun at practice,” she said with an edge to her words. Then she was gone, swallowed up by another crowd of students. Nikolai took a step in her direction, then thought better of it. Maybe it was for the best. He was graduating soon anyways, it wouldn’t be fair to-
“Practice?” Inej asked. There was nothing but concern in her dark eyes. 
“Just-” Nikolai sighed. Inej was as good of a confidant as anyone else. “Let’s head down to the pitch.”
Inej was a fantastic listener, Nikolai had to admit. They sat in the middle Quidditch goal facing each other, backs against opposite sides of the circle. If Inej was bothered by how high up they were, she didn’t show it. Nikolai, on the other hand, kept his legs clamped tightly around the cool metal. Their brooms hovered nearby.
In the last fifteen minutes as they passed a Quaffle back and forth, he’d already told her about the recent developments in his life, including the Puddlemere United offer. She’d just nodded along seemingly unsurprised by the news which he had been keeping secret, but he didn’t miss the smirk that ghosted across her face. He had no doubt she’d won some kind of bet with their teammates. 
He took a deep breath, trying to figure out how to word the next part in his tale of woes. The familiar leather of the Quaffle was a welcome sensation as he turned it this way and that. “And now...I’m not quite sure what I’m going to do regarding Zoya after I graduate. It’s going to be tough, you know? She’s still going to be at Hogwarts while I’m off doing Merlin knows what. It wouldn’t be fair of me to expect her to wait for me when she has so many other options. I mean, literally half of her year is in love with her and who am I to-”
“You’re being an idiot,” Inej told him primly. He nearly dropped the Quaffle. 
“I- what?” Nikolai stared at her, baffled. 
“You. Are. An. Idiot,” she repeated. “You think Zoya would cheat on you if you weren’t here?”
“Of course not!”
“Then why are you so worried about leaving?”
He kept his eyes trained on the Quaffle, not wanting to meet Inej’s eyes. “I’m saying it wouldn’t be fair of me to ask her to wait for me. She deserves better than some absent boyfriend who probably won’t be around a lot.”
It felt good to finally say that to someone. He was fully prepared to part ways with Zoya, even if it meant he’d be cutting out a piece of his heart and leaving it with her. She deserved more than he could ever give her.
“And what would Zoya think about this? She loves you too, you know.”
Nikolai hesitated. “She’d move on.”
Inej threw up her hands in frustration. “Sometimes, you’re so dense it physically hurts me. Zoya’s probably worried about the same things you are right now. She thinks that you’re going to leave her to become some sort of Quidditch superstar and that she won’t be good enough for you anymore and that’s why you’ve been so distant lately. But clearly neither of you want to break up.”
Was that really what Zoya was thinking? That he thought she wasn’t good enough? Even the notion itself was ridiculous. Zoya Nazyalensky was the most wonderful, perfect, and capable person he knew. He didn’t even deserve her. He dropped the Quaffle and watched its long drop to the ground. 
“What should I do?”
“Stop hoping that the problem will fix itself. Take the first step.”
“That’s what I’m scared of,” he muttered.
Inej gave him a pointed look. “I think you should be more scared of Zoya if you two don’t make up.”
He winced. “Good point. I will get started on that first step right away.”
“You better have woken me up for a good reason, Genya.” Zoya’s voice echoed from the bottom of the stairwell to Nikolai up in the Astronomy tower. He wrung his hands and checked one last time to make sure everything was in place. The pillows were in their proper positions. Fluffy blankets were stacked in the corner. The charm he’d cast on the ice cream to keep it from melting seemed to be holding. But no matter how perfect everything seemed, he couldn’t stop the flip-flopping of his stomach. It was worse than the time he’d almost thrown up before his first Quidditch match, or even when his brother had hidden his Hogwarts letter from him and had spent days calling him a squib. 
“Why in god’s name do you want me to climb- oh. Nikolai.” Zoya had arrived, looking positively radiant despite her plain pajamas and mussed hair. Nikolai gave an awkward wave, then instantly regretted it and clamped his hand to his side. Genya’s footsteps retreated until it was just the two of them.
They hadn’t really talked over the last week because of the “practice” incident. They had stuck to their routine- meals together, walking to dueling club, Quidditch scrimmages- but it had been nearly silent. Nikolai hadn’t known how to approach her and he suspected Zoya’s pride had been too bruised to extend the olive branch first. So here they were. He cleared his throat and spread his arms wide, gesturing at his setup.
“We need to talk. Sit and have some ice cream?”
She gave a little huff, but thankfully, sat down on a pillow. Nikolai took the pillow across from her, then flicked his wand. A small bowl of vanilla ice cream drifted over to Zoya and a bowl of mango for him. They ate in silence for a moment. The whistle of wind and clink of silverware echoed in the tower. 
Nikolai had three spoonfuls of his mango sherbert before he decided to bite the bullet. He cleared his throat. “We’ve been a bit distant lately.”
She rolled her eyes and stabbed her spoon into her ice cream. “No shit, Lantsov.”
That stung a little, but he soldiered forward. “It’s my fault. I’ve been so worried about what would happen to us after I graduate and I didn’t consider that I was pulling away. I never meant to hurt you. I’m sorry, Zoya.”
Her eyes narrowed and Nikolai had to fight the reflex to lean away. “Nikolai Lantsov, are you breaking up with me?”
Merlin’s beard, he was going to die tonight. He held out his hands in placation. “No! Of course not, absolutely not, how could you even-”
“Then why are you so worried?” She leaned forward, ice cream forgotten, and suddenly Nikolai couldn’t look away from her stormy blue eyes. “We can always meet in Hogsmeade or during the summers. We can be back together all the time after I graduate anyways. Nothing has to change if we don’t want it to. Even if you’re off being the next David Beckham or something.”
He frowned. “I don’t understand that reference.”
“Football. Muggle game. Exhilarating. Anyways, what I’m saying is you have no reason to be worried. We’re still as good as we’ve always been.”
Nikolai released a breath he didn’t know he had been holding. “Thank you. You have no idea-”
Zoya continued on, eyes flashing in amusement. “And stop looking at Harshaw funny. He’s kind of scared of you at this point, with you always glaring.”
Nikolai’s shoulders tensed even as his cheeks flushed from being caught. “I am not-”
“Oh hush.” She leaned back onto the stack of blankets with a light smile and a warm sensation flooded Nikolai’s body as he realized something. They were going to be okay. An elated grin stretched across his face. He knew he probably looked like some over-eager child, but he was beyond the point of caring. 
“I also got you a present.” He made a small motion with his wand and a neatly wrapped parcel appeared on the floor between them. Zoya pounced on it.
“I would say ‘you shouldn’t have,’ but you’ve been an absolute ass the last- Oh. Oh.” There was a moment of silence and Nikolai braced himself for her reaction. “HOLY FUCK YOU GOT SIGNED BY PUDDLEMERE UNITED?!”
Nikolai winced. “Say it a little louder, won’t you? I don’t think Filch heard you.”
Zoya clamped her hands over her mouth but her eyes were wide as saucers. Nikolai reached over and unfolded the jersey for her. It was a deep navy blue, almost as dark as Zoya’s eyes, with two golden broomsticks crossed on the front. On the back, his name was embroidered with golden thread as well as his new number, 00. A season pass with Zoya’s name printed on it was pinned to the hem. 
“Technically, I wasn’t supposed to tell anyone until pre-season officially starts, but what can I say,” he said with a shrug of his shoulders. “I can’t imagine not telling you would have gone over so well.”
She floundered a little more, but soon regained some ability to speak. “Jesus Christ, Nikolai, this is amazing! How you- Are-”
She gave up and resorted to throwing herself at Nikolai. The air flew out of his lungs as he fell backwards, Zoya on top of him with her arms wrapped around his neck. His arms instinctively went around her.
“I’m so proud of you,” she whispered into his ear. “Really. I can’t wait to see what you’ll do.”
He turned his head and kissed her cheek. “Thank you.” 
He didn’t just mean for the compliment. He was including her patience, her joy, all the time she’d invested into their relationship. All the times she’d made him laugh when he’d wanted to cry, all the outings to muggle London, every Quidditch scrimmage. His heart was so full of love for the Zoya Nazyalensky in his arms that he knew there was only one thing he could do.
“I love you.”
She stilled for a bit. It was the first time either of them had said it to each other. For the briefest of seconds, Nikolai was worried she’d pull away. Then she propped herself up on her elbows and looked down at him. She has the face of a queen, Nikolai thought.
“I know. I...I love you, too.”
Zoya’s face was blushing furiously as she admitted that, and she quickly hid in the crook of his neck. He laughed and started stroking her hair. This. This was what he wanted for the rest of his life. 
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angstmongertina · 5 years
A Common Goal (Cross-faction Shenanigans)
I finally got around to finishing the continuation of Regulation Standoff and Second Impressions. Yes, they were written in 2016 and 2017. I regret nothing. Yin is a little shit and I love her.
Will I write more for this? IDK, ask me again in 2021 or something.
Yin scowled as she rounded the bend, only to find what seemed like a full company on guard outside of House Ulgo. House Thul had made it seem so simple: enter the home of the ones who had stolen the crown from House Panteer, defeat their leader, and depose of him with none the wiser. Of course, she had no intention of actually doing the last part but that didn’t change the fact that it would take an undue amount of energy to even reach the front door; clearly House Ulgo had been preparing in case of such an insurgence against them.
Sighing even as she did so, she turned to give Quinn a nod as she reached for her lightsaber. Before she could unclip it, however, a cry rang out across the grass clearing. “Enemy spotted!”
She turned, half in mystification; she had made a point of staying out of sight from the troops stationed by the roads, intent on minimizing the casualties, if only to save what remained of both her energy and her patience for the planet. None of them should have noticed her.
A second later, sounds of battle to her left caught her attention, and she watched as two figures stormed towards the small barricade set up, blaster rifle shots near exploding against the ground and sending Ulgo’s men flying. The pair dispatched them in short order, quickly closing in on her location, armor gleaming in the bright Alderaanian sun.
A pair in very familiar Republic armor, no less.
Ignoring Quinn’s protest from beside her, she hopped into view of the main road, a hand raised in greeting. “Fancy meeting you again, lieutenant.”
She regretted her hasty appearance the next moment, as she found herself on the receiving end of two military-grade barrels. Her responding “Wait, it’s me!” was more yelp than dignified announcement but it was enough; the rifles lowered as the Republic lieutenant gave her a look of half-apology, half-admiration.
“Whatever you may be lacking in common sense, Sith, you've certainly made up for in guts.”
“I concur.” Quinn’s sharp disapproval could cut through transparisteel. Unluckily for him, her blitheness had withstood worse.
“That, Captain, is beyond the point; it all worked out, didn't it?”
The equally cheerful grin she received from the lieutenant gave him that boyish appearance which set her at ease in their last meeting. “What’s life without a little risk?”
“What is, indeed,” she returned, unable to keep from beaming as she noted his willingness to play along; whatever else this Lieutenant Rylmos Harshaw was, he was clearly willing to reach out and find a kindred soul in the most unlikely of places. “So. I take it you intend to storm Ulgo’s castle.”
His response was instantaneous and drier than the sands of Tatooine. “My, how ever did you guess such a thing?”
“The Force, obviously.”
He snorted. “Indeed. And you're here to do the same.” It was a comment, not a question, so she simply inclined her head in agreement. “What do you intend to do with Lord Ulgo once he's been beaten?”
“A trial,” she replied promptly.
That clearly took the lieutenant by surprise; he paused, seeming to wrestle silently between remaining silent and verbally expressing his disbelief, before taking what she could only assume was the middle ground. “Huh. Well, I can’t say that’s not a relief.”
Crossing her arms over her chest and losing her fight against a teasing smile, she raised an eyebrow. “Not all of us Sith are indiscriminate murderers, lieutenant.”
“No, only most of you.”
She smirked. “Touché. Much like you Pubs and being sanctimonious bastards, no?”
That earned her a genuine chuckle. “Exactly. I—”
Before he could finish his thought, he was cut off, presumably by his surprise when she barreled into him, shoving him out of the way as she activated her lightsaber. The blaster bolt deflected off of her saber, instead scorching a mark into the trunk of a nearby tree, and she grimaced; nature was already the only redeeming part of Alderaan so of course she would find a way to participate in its destruction.
Even knowing that the Republic soldiers were at her side, her nerves sang at the heavy shots of a blaster rifle whizzing close by as he rushed forward to join her side. She shifted to the side, granting him space to maneuver, and vaguely caught what could have been two muffled curses from behind them. Strange.
A second later, a pistol shot ripped by her ear, singeing the edge of her braid. She swore, ducking out of the way as another flew over her head, and thrust her saber forward, slicing cleanly through the armor.
The man fell with a gurgling scream and she grimaced, pulling back to scan over the immediate vicinity. It seemed, between the four of them, they had dispatched the rest of Ulgo’s perimeter guards with quick efficiency, at least until more reinforcements arrived.
Whether that said more about their capabilities or the lack thereof of Ulgo’s soldiers, she couldn’t be sure. Perhaps both.
Drawing a deep breath, she relaxed her stance, letting her surroundings filter back into her consciousness. Almost immediately, Quinn was at her side, examining her for injuries with that familiar mix of exasperation and concern. She relented with amusement; experience had already long since taught her protesting was futile, and it was touching, in his own, studiously professional way.
Much, interestingly enough, like the treatment her recent ally was receiving at the same moment. She caught his gaze, exchanging fond eyerolls as he tolerated his own appraisal.
Only when Quinn had completely satisfied himself with her uninjured state did she move back within earshot of the lieutenant, grinning as she caught the end of a furious scolding courtesy of the sergeant that only petered off when she was noticed.
“You too?”
He grinned, shaking his head with mock consternation. “Of course. Nothing like a lecture on my recklessness and inattention to assure me that I’m in good shape. But I digress.” A brief pause as he brushed his hair out of his eyes and considered her, and then, “Well… Since our goals align here, I don’t suppose you would want to work together?”
She could not have prevented the delighted laugh bubbling in her chest if she had tried. “Oh, very good, lieutenant. And here I was thinking you would end up bowing to the same cowardice that plagues so many of your ilk, even after I saved your hide.”
“You did nothing of the sort. I would have—”
“Taken the blaster bolt to the chest very gallantly, I’m sure.” She mimed patting his chest, grinning as he threw his head back in an open laugh. When the woman beside him barely twitched, however, she turned to her next with a placating smile. “Not that I don’t believe you wouldn’t have done a flawless job of patching him back up, sergeant, but it’s just so much nicer to not have to, wouldn’t you agree? Or, at least, I’m sure that’s what Captain Quinn over here would tell you.” She paused, forcing her face into a show of pensiveness. “Not that I’ve ever listened, of course.”
“My lord!”
“We all know you were thinking it even if you weren’t saying it, Captain,” her newfound partner in mischief added, green eyes dancing. “But I don’t believe that was a reply though the offer still stands…?”
Ignoring the sergeant’s quietly horrified mutter of there now being two of them, a sentiment with which Quinn no doubt concurred, Yin grinned, reaching for the proffered hand and shaking it with a feigned businesslike manner. “Lieutenant Harshaw? Gladly.”
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shirewalker · 5 years
nikolina + 5
And it’s steamy. And LONG (+5k xD) and scifi!!
+ “I thoughtI lost you.”
 Rated E ;)
Alina wasnot one to admit out loud to be wrong, although it was known to happen. But notwhen it came to Nikolai Lantsov. The captain of the Volkvolny, the fastest shipin the galaxy. And also the man that had stolen her and her friends away fromthe clutches of a mogul wishing to milk their powers for his personal profit.
Now, Alinawas thankful for the pirat—privateer to have saved her and her friends when hehad little to gain from it. Just the bounty the Darkling had put out forwhoever could find the missing Grisha ambassadors. But the man wasinsufferable, had an ego larger than his ship, and worst of if all… He washandsome. So handsome it made her want to throw food at him. Especially theherring Tamar and Harshaw seemed so fond of, a mystery no saint would everdiscover.
But NikolaiLantsov was also a brilliant and good man and, surprisingly, a good friend.When she didn’t feel like throttling him for his endless flirtation, Alina heldconversations with him that she couldn’t with anyone else. Not even with herold friend, Genya. Saints knew he was the opposite of Mal… The differencebetween these two men was that Nikolai supported every part of her. And this iswhere she was forced to admit to be wrong. She liked Nikolai, she had grownfond of the mischievous captain and his elaborate speeches and his annoyinglybeautiful hazel eyes and that hair so golden it had to be fake. And she had beenso sure she wouldn’t even consider him… cute. Or a close friend. Or even… more.
However,the universe and the oldest of saints have a strange sense of humour. Becausenow that Alina was growing used to her feelings for Nikolai… The captain haddisappeared.
They hadstopped by the Keramzinian service station, one that looked more like a tinymoon than an actual service station. Nikolai had gone to make some paymentswhile Tamar handled the refuelling. Alina had gone with him, just because he’dtold her there was a place where she could find art supplies and she hadn’tbeen able to resist that pull. Now, nearly three hours after waiting by theirmeeting spot, Alina was growing worried.
Theartificial rain poured just a few steps away from her as she nursed the mug ofcoffee she’d eventually purchased. The small hotel café was growing empty bynow, the guests having moved back to their rooms or to the restaurant in the undergroundlevel, where the walls were made of glass, a lovely fish tank circling theroom. Alina only knew of this because the café, in the ground level, had alovely ad showing up once in a while, trying to interest passers-by with thenovelty of the restaurant design. Having waited so long, Alina could have gonedownstairs to eat a proper meal, but Nikolai could show up any minute… so shestayed here, drinking the fifth cup of coffee in the night.
“Miss?” Awaitress came to her side, “Are you…” the woman frowned, “Miss Sunshine?”
Alinablinked at the name, stumped when the nickname the idiotic captain had givenher was spoken by anyone but him. Then it dawned on her… Nikolai...! “Yes, Iam. Is something wrong?”
Thewaitress wasn’t sure how to answer, “I don’t know, miss. But a message came foryou. ‘Return to ship. Tell Tamar to go to the Spinning Blade at once.’” Shefinished the message, her expression showing some concern. It was clearlysupposed to not raise alarm, but either Nikolai hadn’t bothered with keeping itsecretive or he… hadn’t had the time.
Alina paidthe coffees and tipped the waitress for her work, “Thank you. Huh...” shehesitated, “Do you have an umbrella?”
Thewaitress nodded, “I have mine. Do you need it?”
“I’d ratherpay for it.” She felt bad enough to take someone else’s umbrella, paying for itwould be the only fair option.
Thewaitress shook her head, “You can take it, I just started my shift. When it’sover, the rain will be over as well. It’s scheduled to end around three in themorning.” She eyed the street, illuminated by neon lights, “Though they’renever punctual with the announced minutes.”
Alina tookthe umbrella and tipped the waitress again before disappearing into thestreets. For a few minutes she walked briskly towards the ship, but then shepassed by a hologram map of the station and a thought came to her. Nikolai hadasked just for Tamar’s presence. Maybe it wasn’t as serious as her nerves hadmade it sound. Alina stepped to the map’s little gazebo and cleared her throat,“Direct call to the Volkvolny.”
“That willbe 37 credits.” An electronic voice answered.
“Paid indestination.”
A beep and,“Calling. Please wait. Would you like a privacy shield?”
Alinalooked around. Not many people walked about, many just walking away from therain as fast as they cool. She turned back to the hologram, “No.”
A fewseconds passed by before a rough voice answered, “Who calls?”
“Tolya, it’s Alina. Where’s Tamar?”
“Outside,waiting for you and the captain. Where are you?”
“Downtown.Is Tamar supposed to bring anything to him?”
“Not that Iknow of. The captain took everything needed for the transactions. Is there anyproblem?”
“I don’tknow. I—” The hologram fell silent.
“Call lost.Due to the heavy rainstorm communications are unavailable. Would you likeanything else?”
Alinaalmost said no but Tolya’s answer and worried tone had put her nerves on edge,“Tell me where I can find the Spinning Blade.”
“TheSpinning Blade.” The map announced with a red dot on a lower city level,“Located on level 002. Would you like more information?”
Well,wasn’t that dainty… Alina sighed, “Give me a route.”
“Calculatingthe best route.” A beep and soon a green line was moving from her spot to theSpinning Blade. The hologram remained silent, waiting for Alina’s next command.
“Is there asafe and fast way to get there?”
Thehologram beeped for a moment, translating her question into an order, “Aprivate elevator is available for you. It’ll take you directly to the SpinningBlade. Would you like to call it? It’ll be 58 credits.”
Alinasighed, “Bill it to the Volkvolny.” She hadn’t brought enough money for thesethings, so she hoped Tolya wouldn’t mind taking in these surprise bills for thetime being. She would pay back, of course.
A wooshingsound came from her left and when she turned a tube of glass had appeared inthe corner of the map’s little house. Alina hated these elevators. Everythingwas see-through and simply… terrifying. But the thought that Nikolai could behurt… Her heart ached with fear. She took a deep breath and stepped into thething, hoping the journey would be quick.
TheSpinning Blade seemed to be… an illegal gambling spot. Alina wasn’t sure ifthis surprised her or not. Nikolai hadn’t seemed like the gambling kind, atleast not in this kind of things, so it was a bit odd to find him here.
A windowshattered as a mass of something flew through it. Alina swallowed a scream andhid in the shadows before realising it was… “Nikolai…!” Without thinking asecond thought, she rushed to his side as he climbed to his knees and spit outblood. “Oh saints. Are you all right?”
Nikolai’shazel eyes found hers, dark with adrenaline which was quickly replaced bysurprise and worry, “What the hell are you doing here, sunshine? I told you togo back!” He searched the darkened street, “And Tamar?”
“She’s nothere…” Alina winced, no longer sure of her stupid plan. It wasn’t even a plan,it was just… irrational worry. “I was close. I thought…”
Nikolailooked over his shoulder and stood on wobbly legs, “No matter. We have toleave.”
“Are yousure you’re all right?”
“I’mperfect, sunshine. Want to make sure?” He winked, though the strength of histease was like a damp piece of coal trying to catch fire.
Alina cuthim a look, “I’m serious. You flew through a window and spit blood.”
He grabbedher hand and took her through a dark side street, “I’m spectacular, Alina. ButI won’t be for long if we don’t catch that elevator again.”
“Didn’t itgo back?”
“How muchdid you pay?”
“Then itmight still be there. You pay for distance but also time. Aha!” He beamed atthe sight of the glass tube. “A wonderful system, don’t you agree?”
“Come now,it’s efficient. Go on, ask for it to open. It probably answers only to you still.”
Alinagroaned. Efficient… “Elevator. Open.”
The dooropened without a sound and the two stepped inside. The space was barely enoughfor both of them, but Alina was too worried with Nikolai’s health to overthinkabout this little fact.
“TheSpinning Wheel square.” Nikolai asked and soon they were flying through thegrid of elevators.
“Oh, youfound your friend!” The waitress beamed as the two walked in.
“Yes,here’s your umbrella. Thank you so much.”
“Noproblem. Is there anything else you need?”
“Yes.”Nikolai answered, “We’d like a room for the night. A private one. And anuntraceable phone line for the duration of our stay as well.”
Thewaitress nodded, taking them to the room booth, “And would you like automatedroom service or the classic service?” She asked as she tapped on the screen.
“What’syour opinion on the automated service?”
She pausedfor a moment, surely unused to clients asking for her opinion, “Oh. It’s good.Though I wouldn’t recommend it on Sundays. Too many clients, so the food isnever as good. Today the menu is delicious. Grilled salmon. Tomato soup. Blini,my favourite.”
“Thenautomated room service it is.”
She tappedone last time and a card slid out of the booth. “Your room is room 307. Theelevator will take you there. Enjoy your stay.”
Alinafollowed Nikolai, dying for a moment of privacy to make a tiny question. Thedoors closed, “What the hell?!”
Nikolaihummed to the elevator music before turning to her, “We can’t go back to theship yet, Alina. They know me. Staying in a hotel that offers anonymity is ourbest chance. And since they don’t know you’re with me, if we stay together thenthe chances of being found are even less.”
“Whathappened down there? Why did you need Tamar but when I got there you fled likea scolded kid?”
“Tamar canhandle that place. You can’t.”
“Like hellI can’t. I’m not a coddled princess!”
Theelevator pinged and the doors opened with a swooshing sound, “I know, sunshine.But you didn’t go there prepared for that place, you only went… Why did you come?” He asked, pausing bytheir door.
A violentblush took over her cheeks. Answering this question would mean giving in to anattraction that she kept denying to his face. Not answering would only make himsuspicious and eventually find the truth. Either way, Alina wasn’t walking outof this without having her feelings known. She looked away, “I… I was worried.Scared. I thought… When you flew out that window I thought you were seriouslyhurt. I thought…”
“Alina?” Heasked when her silence stretched on forever.
“I thoughtI lost you, ok?!” She screamed before covering her mouth with both hands, hereyes widening with shock at her own outburst. Not that she didn’t scream oranything, but it usually didn’t involve admitting this kind of truths.
Nikolaiblinked twice before a smile slowly grew on his lips, “Alina…”
“Are yougoing to open that door today or not?” She interrupted him before he couldshower her with his famous teases.
Nikolai nodded and swiped the card. She walkedpast him in a flash before stopping short at the sight of just one bed. Ohsaints, right. They were checked in as a couple. “So, about that thing you justsaid…” He sat on the bed, wincing slightly as his sore body finally met anothersurface.
Alina was ready to deny saying anything, buther worries seemed to take over any other thought, “Are you sure you’re fine?”She eyed the bloody lip, split by a punch, no doubt.
“Well…” He removed his shoes painfully slowly,“I am a bit banged up, but nothing that in the morning won’t be better,sunshine. After all, I am the captain.”
She rolled her eyes and went to get a damptowel, “How does that work with you being hurt? Does being a captain of a shipsuddenly grant you immunity?” She called from the bathroom, ignoring theluxurious bathtub that called for her.
“Perhaps. Perhaps not. But it does mean I havehad to grow a thicker skin.” His eyes fell on the damp towel when she returned,“Plus, I have been through worse, sunshine. No need to worry too much.” Henodded at the towel, “Is that for me?”
“Not if you’re fine.”
Suddenly Nikolai made a pained face and leanedback on his elbows, moaning for good measure, “Saints, Alina… I think I’mdying… Please, sunshine… Help me.”
Alina didn’t know whether to roll her eyes orlaugh at this theatricals. She chose scoffing as she sat next to him and forcedhim to sit back up, “Come on. We need to clean that cut before it infects.” Shesaw his knuckles, “And those too.”
“My saviour.” A corner of his mouth curled upin a smile that made her heart skip a handful of beats.
Alina watched his face for a moment, lookingfor any other injuries while ignoring those eyes of his. Satisfied there wereno more bruises, she lifted the towel to his lip. His swollen but still lushand enticing lip. Saints damn her. She was avoiding his eyes and that hazelthat made her think of emeralds and the sea and honey and gold and other sillycomparisons and now she was stuck with watching his mouth. His infuriatingmouth. And the way it curved to one side with that strange smile, and the pinkshade that made her think of kisses under the sheets and behind library shelves.
Slowly she wiped away the dried blood, takingextra care not to open the wound any deeper. It had stopped bleeding and itreally didn’t need another excuse to spill any more blood. Nikolai hissed. AndAlina quickly put the towel away, “Does that hurt?”
He winced, “A little, yes.”
“We should have asked for some first aid.” Shesaid, raising the towel back up.
“We couldn’t, sunshine. Ouch...!” He hissedagain before pushing the towel away, “I believe the towel has helped enough. Itwon’t make it better than it is.”
“Then I guess dinner will have to help when itcomes. I don’t have anything else to help you.”
Nikolai’s secretive smile turned mischievous,“Well, I have heard rumours that kisses can make it better rather quickly.”
Alina’s stomach fluttered, “Would you like meto kiss it better?”
His eyes flickered to her mouth, “I wouldn’tcomplain.”
She threw the towel at him, “Well, I’m not yourmother. Want a kiss? Do better than getting yourself hurt.” She stood.
But Nikolai caught her hand and soon she wasflopping back to the bed, “Are you really cross with me, sunshine?”
Alina ignored him for as long as she could, butthat hand remained on her wrist and those eyes continued to search for hers.She huffed, “Yes. I am. Very… cross.”
Nikolai rose her hand to his lips and kissedher palm, “I’m so sorry, Alina. I shouldn’t have worried you.” He kissed theinside of her wrist and Alina’s heart stopped working properly, “I should haveknown to go there prepared for the worst scenario.” He kissed her knuckles, “Itwas a stupid decision on my part, sunshine. I deeply regret it.” He was back onher palm, slowly pressing his lips to her skin, as if this was the most importanttask the captain had ever had to do. As if it was the only thing he lived for.
Alina, on the other hand, was close to dying.His kisses were driving her crazy. Her heart, her mind… her body. Oh saints,there were parts of her body that were tingling and pulsing with anticipationright now and all he was doing was kiss her hand. Thoroughly. As if this wasthe height of kisses.
“Would you like me to kiss it better,sunshine?” He rasped, his eyes finally finding hers.
Alina’s mind was blank. No words came out. Noteven a snarky remark. But she knew what she wanted. And that suggestion was…rather… appealing. She nodded.
“Speechless. I have to say you do that do mesometimes too, Alina.” He put her hand back on her lap and cupped her nape,“You make a fool out of me. A speechless fool.” He whispered as he leaned in,his breath teasing her with the promise of a kiss that seemed eager to stretchtime before happening at all.
And then, it happened.
The first thing Alina noticed was the metallictang of blood, blended with the taste of coffee as Nikolai slowly pressed hislips to hers. It was a tender kiss, one asking for permission again and again.He pressed and pulled, his mouth gliding over hers as their lips grewacquainted with each other and more daring.
A groan grew in the back of his throat asNikolai’s hand knotted into her hair and he deepened the kiss, his body leaninginto hers, his other hand on the small of her back and pulling her closer.Alina let out a moan and circled his neck with her harms, eyes rolling in theirsockets as his tongue met hers and made her see stars. Saints, this wasincredible. It was like tasting only the best things in the world, likewitnessing the birth of a star or opening her palms and illuminating the world.Her blood rushed faster and faster in her veins, pumping harder with each teaseof Nikolai’s tongue, with each pull of his wicked mouth and each second theyleaned lower into the bed.
Alina took in a shuddered breath of fresh airwhen the kiss was broken, her lips missing Nikolai already. But not a momentlater his mouth was on her skin again, lacing her jaw and neck with kisses thatwent from chaste and tender to hot and passionate. Her skin tingled withanticipation, her throat echoing sounds that drove Nikolai lower and lower.
He was at her cleavage when the kissing slowedto halt. His breath was hot against her skin for a handful of heartbeats beforehe spoke again, his voice so raspy it should be illegal, “Perhaps… Perhaps weshould—should slow down…?” He said, though Alina felt like he wanted theopposite.
Her eyes fluttered open and she eyed theceiling, dark and covered in the tiniest of lights that blinked much like thestars above in the sky. What a beautiful ceiling. She bit her bit and pulledNikolai’s face up until their noses were brushing against each other, “I loveyou, Nikolai.” She whispered, just a little surprised with the words that cameout. That hadn’t been the plan, but then again… “I want you, to be with you. Idon’t want to slow down, not in the way you meant.”
Nikolai stared at her, speechless as she hadbeen earlier. His eyes were wide with shock, his mouth parted, waiting for hisreply to come. But before words could be made, a smile slowly curled thecorners of his lips, growing into a smile that was nearly blinding withhappiness. “Oh, sunshine. Those words are…” He let out a breath and shook hishead a little, “They are a dream come true. Oh, Alina…” He kissed her, “I loveyou too, sunshine. So much it makes my heart palpitate in scary ways.” Helooked up again and nodded, “No slowing down tonight then. Your wish is mycommand, sunshine.”
Nikolai undressed her ceremoniously, taking hissweet time with each layer he peeled away. He kissed every bit of uncoveredskin with the patience of a saint, each time he did so driving Alina just alittle crazier.
His clothes fell away in more of a rush, Alinataking charge of this before he could have a chance to strip in slow motion.Nikolai chuckled when she undid his pants and kissed his throat, that heartyand warm laughter vibrating against her lips and lighting up places in herheart that Alina hadn’t known of before. “Hasty?” He teased her, his hands limpas he let Alina do whatever she wanted to do to him.
Alina almost rolled her eyes, if it wasn’t forwhat her hands were uncovering down below, “If I don’t stop you, you will spendthe whole night undressing, Nikolai. And I would very much like to do more thanwatch you undress.” She bit hard on her lip as her hands finally found him. Hewas so hard already, so deliciously hard and he still had the nerve to teaseher. “Take it all off, Nikolai, please.”
“As you wish, sunshine.” He rasped, his voiceshowing a little of how worked up he was after her brief touch. “Saints, youare… So beautiful, Alina. So… Beautiful.” He whispered in awe as he kneeled onthe bed, his eyes taking in the sight.
Alina laid on her back, breathing erratic asNikolai’s gaze made her feel things she hadn’t felt in a long, long time. Likeshe was worth it all. Like she was the sun in the sky, the stars up above. Shelicked her lips, “You’re not so bad yourself…”
Nikolai chuckled, “Oh, sunshine, that mouth ofyours is just further evidence of my words.” He leaned down, hands caressingher thighs as he slowly parted them, “I can’t wait to hear every word thatcomes out of it,” He added, his eyes flickering from hers to her centre. Andthat alone had Alina breathing faster even before she felt the first lick.
It was quick and playful. Nikolai teased herwith his tongue, that mischievous tip living up to the fame it had in Alina’smind as he played her. Lazy strokes and quick licks, Nikolai spared no expenseat pleasuring Alina, drawing moan after moan out of her. “Oh… yes…!” She clawedat the sheets, trying to catch herself as Nikolai teased her into a realitythat dangled just out of reach, yet full of wonders. Another stroke, anotherlick and Alina was tipping over the edge, the world rewriting itself as shecried out Nikolai’s name and practically ripped the sheets apart in the heat ofthe moment.
Nikolai was beaming with pride when Alina sawhim again, his eyes dark with lust, his mouth stretched with a smile that madeher want to kiss him until time itself ended. “That was… incredible.” He said,and kissed the spot just below her jaw.
“I… Shouldn’t I be the one… oh, yes… sayingthat?” She moaned, this kiss already winding her tighter and tighter.
Nikolai slid a hand between her thighs anddipped a finger in her folds, “Thank you.” Was all he said before he startedteasing her once more.
Alina dug her hands on his back, the tonedmuscles a lovely spot to leave whatever nail marks she had to leave tonight.Nikolai’s finger teased her clit slowly, winding her tighter than ever untilAlina was certain she would burst apart if he didn’t stop, if he stopped alltogether. “Nikolai…”
He didn’t need her to utter another word.Nikolai knew exactly what she wanted. And he was going to give her, the wholenight if he had to.
The first press drew a surprised gasp out ofAlina. Her eyes fluttered open to find Nikolai staring at her, a soft lineforming between his eyebrows as he sank into her as slowly as he could. Hepressed his forehead to hers and whispered her name over and over again, like aprayer, like a vow, like a promise to live by forever. And then he was snuginside of her, fitting her perfectly.
Alina couldn’t keep her lips from cracking intothe most satisfied and happy smile of her life, “Saints, you feel so good,Nikolai… So good.”
He drew a little, a groan echoing his moves, “Likewise,sunshine.” And sank back inside, drawing a low moan out of her. “I want tonightto be special, Alina. I want you to know that it is special to me.” Hewhispered into her mouth, moving in and out of her so slowly she wouldn’t havenoticed it if wasn’t for all the nice and wonderful reactions it drew out ofher body and mouth. “I love you so much… So much.”
“I love you too, Nikolai… Oh, yes…!” His pacestarted to pick up. Nikolai took every hint that Alina gave him and followed itto completion, kissing and touching her whenever she needed him. And moving.Moving, moving, moving. His hips began to rock harder against hers, faster andfaster and faster. Alina’s low moans turned into louder cries, her handsdigging deeper into his back before she knotted one in his hair and pulled witheach new thrust of his.
Nikolai breathed fast, his mouth showeringAlina with kisses and groans and sweet nothings he couldn’t stop himself fromuttering. And it was all just wonderful and special and magical. It was everythingshe had ever dreamed of and better and then…
“Nikolai!” She cried out with a final thrust,her body, mind and soul tipping over the edge once more and disappearing in aworld of wonders. Nikolai followed her close behind, his cry for her like musicto her ears. Like sweet, sweet music.
“Look, sunshine. Blini.” Nikolai said from theother side of the room, where an opening in the wall offered a tray of food.“And chocolate as well.” He dipped a finger in one of the two mugs and moaned alittle after tasting, “And it’s really good.”
“Bring it over, you ass.” Alina demanded, herstomach still aching for food. After the soup and the salmon, Alina still hadstomach for blini and hot chocolate. Nikolai had… worn her out. Saints. Theechoes of their cries still lingered in the room, her body sore in all theright ways.
Nikolai flashed a smirk, and took off his robe.He slapped his backside playfully and posed for Alina, who just broke down inlaughter. Nikolai just posed with even more meaning, “I knew you liked it,sunshine. Don’t think I didn’t see you ogling my well defined body.”
“Just bring the food, all right?” She said, herface still stuck in a grin. Both out of his ridiculous poses and the fact thathe was butt-naked.
“As you wish, my love.” He brought over thetray, the scent of fresh blini and hot chocolate filling the room in his wake.“Here’s one for you,” He served her a mug, “And one for me.”
“Thank you.” She drank a little and sighedhappily, “This is so good… Oh! Snow?” She looked outside the window where snowwas beginning to fall.
Nikolai followed her gaze and nodded, “Theyhave a very interesting weather schedule here. I suppose it’s for visitors tonever miss a thing.”
“Isn’t it… Annoying for those who live here?”She thought about a life here, having to plan her whole day around a weatherschedule that could go from hot summer breezes to cold snowy nights. It mightbe fun at first but she knew she’d grow tired of it after two or three days.
Nikolai shrugged and served her a bit of blini.Alina arched an eyebrow at the fork but she took the bite anyway. His hazeleyes were stuck on her mouth, watching her eat for a moment before he spokeagain, “Most likely, but residents grow used to it.” Then he leaned in andpressed a quick kiss to her chocolate-covered lips. “Saints, you taste sogood.”
“It’s the chocolate, you horny idiot.”
He shook his head, “Horny? Maybe. But I’d argueI’m more of an idiot in love. A happy to be in love idiot. An idiotically inlove idiot.”
Alina rolled her eyes and pushed him lightly,“You really are an idiot.” Nikolai grinned at her and she scoffed.
The two ate in relative silence until nothingwas left behind on their plates and mugs. Alina sighed content, her stomachfinally full. “That was fantastic.”
“Better than me?” Nikolai pouted at her, goingas far as making his lower lip tremble.
“Oh, shut up.”
A playful grin danced on his lips, “Make me.”
Alina almost turned him down before sheremembered he was completely naked. She reached down with one lone finger, and drewa low moan out of him, “Careful what you wish for…” She danced with her fingeraround him, and up and down, and down and up, until Nikolai was hard as a rock.
Nikolai caught her hand and kissed her palm,his eyes dark with lust and love, “I wish… Saints… I wish to stay with youforever, Alina.”
She blinked, her heart stopped. “What…?”
Nikolai looked sheepish for a moment, “I don’t…I don’t want you to go back.”
“Os Alta?” He nodded. “Nikolai… Is that why youtook the long way around?”
“I’m afraid it was part of my reasoning, yes.”
She shook her head softly, a smile on her lips,“I had a feeling there was more to it than just safety. But Nikolai… I have aduty.”
“And yet you say it as if it’s a burden.”
He was right. Alina had cleared the Fold, shehad helped Os Alta and Ravka, that beautiful planet, and now she was just aGrisha held in the highest of regards, kept close just in case. The Darklingpraised her and her powers, and so did many, many others. Some days… Alinasecretly wished someone would take her away to see the world. When things gottoo much, when she felt like her job was done and she had nothing more to do inRavka. “Would you take me away?” She asked, her voice raw.
“If that’s your wish, sunshine. I would takeyou with me aboard my ship and show you the world. Discover the universe byyour side. Plant roots in a nice little moon. Whatever you ask of me, I will doit.”
Alina’s heart couldn’t take it anymore. It wasso full. So full. His words, his smile, the meaning behind everything he’duttered to her. Nikolai was ready to give her the world or walk away from hers.He just needed her word, her decision. She bit her lip and rose to her knees,carefully straddling him until their bodies were mere seconds away. She brushedher nose against his and smiled, “I like those ideas. I haven’t seen much ofthe universe yet. I’d barely seen Ravka before the attack. Before you saved usand I got to see so much aboard your ship.”
“Then the universe it is, sunshine…” He rasped,his voice thick and pained. Alina was staying just out of reach and he wassuffering with the distance.
“But I still have to go to Os Alta.”
“Of course, Alina. My job isn’t done yet…Saints, sunshine. You are so… wicked.” He rasped when she played with him againbefore guiding him to her entrance. “So deliciously wicked…” He whispered asshe sank onto him.
Alina moaned softly when he was snug inside ofher, drunk in the sensation of him, in his scent, his touch, his love. Shebegan to move. They still had a long time before returning to the ship. Shemoaned. They would make the most of it. She rocked her hips with his andsmiled. The universe. He was going to show her the universe. She couldn’t wait.
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elfyourmother · 6 years
So to cheer myself up I was thinking about the au and who all actually runs the dungeons/defeats primals with Gisele
Cause as the game canon is concerned the Warrior of Light doesn’t actually do these things with the other Scions most of the time, your random duty finder party group is a bunch of adventurers that does these things with the WoL and specifically other folks with the Echo (because Primals can basically put mind control whammies on people. Ppl with the Echo are immune to it)
Unlike WoW I’m not really interested in making a whole group of OCs that are intertwined with each other cause this is really just Gisele’s story. So today I was toying with the idea of having expies of my various protagonist OCs from different games show up as like the ultimate self indulgent shoutouts to be Gisele’s crew
Obviously the main contenders would be the other DA ladies and Imani but I want to go waaay back and pull some of my older ones in too. I have to change some of their classes for balance/variety sake though cause uh. they’re basically all mages just about lmao
- Ravenna Harshaw aka my Bhaalspawn/CHARNAME the half-elf bladesinger I would probably make a Roegadyn Warrior/Machinist
- Kariza de’Camyras aka my Hero of Undrentide the Drow Ranger/Cleric of Eilistraee would be a duskwood elezen Bard
- Skye Cordana aka my Revan the LS Jedi Consular would def be a hyur White Mage
Then obvs the most recent ladies:
- Marisol Hawke would be a miq’ote Summoner/Scholar
- Khedira Lavellan would be an Au Ra Ninja/Black Mage
- Imani Shepard would be a Roe Dragoon
- Rauthien Brightblade, my blood elf Paladin and basically my WoW “protagonist” (even tho he’s part of an ensemble as it were he’s the “heart” of the group) would be an elezen Paladin and would be an Ishgardian temple knight for sure. He’s prolly the Sixth Ranger that comes along at Aymeric’s behest
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warsraging · 5 years
❣ (10) for harshaw and zoya !!
send a number for a kiss!  |  @sacrifiicium  |  accepting10 - an assertive kiss
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“stop. squirming.” her words are punctuated by a tugging on his bandages; it’s half trying to keep him in place, half her own exhaustion. she’s a squaller. not a healer     and yet she sits beside him now, tending to harshaw’s wounds as best she can. if he asks, it’s simply due to them being short on corporalki to treat everyone. certainly not out of concern. “you’ll only make it worse. and i’m already doing a lousy job as it is.” under normal circumstances, zoya would never shoot down her own abilities. but it’s different now, with the inferni hurt and needing her assistance. there’s a lot riding on this.
so it’s no wonder that every little thing makes her stressed, every time he shifts, every word he speaks that’s mostly going over her head anyway; he’s probably just flirting, she reckons. stop. she needs to focus. to make sure he’s okay. but it’s hard when everything else is tugging at her attention. zoya exhales deeply, frustration evident as she all but drops harshaw’s injured arm entirely. instead she moves closer, presses her lips to his in a rushed kiss. there’s urgency in the way they collide, and the squaller finds that albeit an impulsive decision, she’s certainly not regretting her actions now either.
when she pulls away, her breathing is heavy, lips still parted as she forces herself to sound commanding instead of this mess. “stop talking. and stop moving. let me do my job.” she doesn’t wait for an answer before sitting back into her chair, promptly focusing her attention back on his injuries. she hopes he won’t pay too much mind to the lingering smile on her lips.
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courtneytincher · 5 years
Johnson’s Bumbling Brexit Is a Blow to Global Security
(Bloomberg Opinion) -- When I was supreme allied commander of NATO, the 16th in that line, I often sought guidance in the speeches of the first to hold the job: Dwight D. Eisenhower. Shot throughout his thinking was the powerful idea that a democratic and unified European continent would represent a profound geopolitical advantage for the U.S. The next 70 years fulfilled his vision: The general consolidation of Europe and the creation first of a common economic market, then a political union. The U.S. gained a strong partner willing to advance shared values throughout the world.But that partnership is increasingly imperiled these days, as we watch U.K. Prime Minister Boris Johnson describing himself as “the Hulk” and returning empty-handed from a visit to negotiate a new Brexit agreement. While there is still hope for a measured, agreed-upon departure program, the odds are shifting to a disorderly crash-out – with some high costs to U.S. and global security. What are these challenges, and how should we think about them?First and foremost, the EU will be without a strong, articulate voice advocating for adequate defense spending and military coalition building. Again and again when I was the NATO commander, I knew I could count on the British voice inside the EU to support U.S. positions in Afghanistan, Libya, Iraq, Syria, the Balkans and on counter-piracy missions. While France has recently been fairly strong on spending and policy, without the U.K., the EU will likely be far less oriented toward military missions, no matter how justified or important to the U.S. Brexit will also mean that Britain won’t contribute forces to EU missions around the world. Today, the Europeans participate in UN efforts globally, from humanitarian response to peacekeeping. Typically, the U.S. does not, relying on the EU and others to take up such projects in the Middle East, Africa or even Latin America. With the departure of the U.K., the most capable military in the EU will be stepping away. It seems unlikely that Germany, France, Italy, Spain and Poland – the other five major militaries – will be willing to make up the difference. (In a spot of possible good news, Britain may be willing to put more emphasis on participation in NATO.)A third concern will be the reduction in shared intelligence and cybersecurity. Given that intelligence analysis is really about combining information from a vast number of sources to build up a “mosaic” picture, this means European assessments will be far less valuable. While the British will perhaps increase activity within the so-called Five Eyes structure (U.S., U.K., Canada, Australia and New Zealand), the reduction in quality of EU-produced products will create a net loss for global intelligence.Another concern is reduced cohesion in European defense projects – the shared production and maintenance of high-end hardware ranging from fighter jets to tanks to missile-defense systems. How the various U.K. defense firms will choose to find partners remains to be seen, and they certainly will be looking more to the U.S.; but the overall reduction in defense technology coming from Europe will be a blow to the global security system.Finally, the loss of political energy and international “throw weight” for Europe will be noticeable. Think about the U.N. Security Council: At the moment, two of the five permanent seats are part of the EU. After the U.K.’s departure, only France will retain veto power representing the group. Any international organization which has an EU representative will sense this significant weakening of the union. More broadly, as the EU seeks to influence international events through negotiation and engagement, the departure of its second largest economy and population will be significant.None of this is necessarily a death knell for the EU (in fact, many would bet on the dissolution of the U.K. coming first, with the potential departures of Scotland and Northern Ireland). The remaining 27 nations in the EU collectively have the second-largest gross domestic product globally, ahead of China. Europe retains a large, well-educated population and a peaceful continent. But the departure of the U.K. not only weakens the union, it saps America’s global strength.  Eisenhower would be profoundly saddened to see this step back from all the postwar progress, and no doubt would encourage the rest of the Europeans to continue on a unified path in the wake of Britain’s departure.To contact the author of this story: James Stavridis at [email protected] contact the editor responsible for this story: Tobin Harshaw at [email protected] column does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the editorial board or Bloomberg LP and its owners.James Stavridis is a Bloomberg Opinion columnist. He is a retired U.S. Navy admiral and former supreme allied commander of NATO, and dean emeritus of the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy at Tufts University. He is also an operating executive consultant at the Carlyle Group and chairs the board of counselors at McLarty Associates.For more articles like this, please visit us at bloomberg.com/opinion©2019 Bloomberg L.P.
from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines
(Bloomberg Opinion) -- When I was supreme allied commander of NATO, the 16th in that line, I often sought guidance in the speeches of the first to hold the job: Dwight D. Eisenhower. Shot throughout his thinking was the powerful idea that a democratic and unified European continent would represent a profound geopolitical advantage for the U.S. The next 70 years fulfilled his vision: The general consolidation of Europe and the creation first of a common economic market, then a political union. The U.S. gained a strong partner willing to advance shared values throughout the world.But that partnership is increasingly imperiled these days, as we watch U.K. Prime Minister Boris Johnson describing himself as “the Hulk” and returning empty-handed from a visit to negotiate a new Brexit agreement. While there is still hope for a measured, agreed-upon departure program, the odds are shifting to a disorderly crash-out – with some high costs to U.S. and global security. What are these challenges, and how should we think about them?First and foremost, the EU will be without a strong, articulate voice advocating for adequate defense spending and military coalition building. Again and again when I was the NATO commander, I knew I could count on the British voice inside the EU to support U.S. positions in Afghanistan, Libya, Iraq, Syria, the Balkans and on counter-piracy missions. While France has recently been fairly strong on spending and policy, without the U.K., the EU will likely be far less oriented toward military missions, no matter how justified or important to the U.S. Brexit will also mean that Britain won’t contribute forces to EU missions around the world. Today, the Europeans participate in UN efforts globally, from humanitarian response to peacekeeping. Typically, the U.S. does not, relying on the EU and others to take up such projects in the Middle East, Africa or even Latin America. With the departure of the U.K., the most capable military in the EU will be stepping away. It seems unlikely that Germany, France, Italy, Spain and Poland – the other five major militaries – will be willing to make up the difference. (In a spot of possible good news, Britain may be willing to put more emphasis on participation in NATO.)A third concern will be the reduction in shared intelligence and cybersecurity. Given that intelligence analysis is really about combining information from a vast number of sources to build up a “mosaic” picture, this means European assessments will be far less valuable. While the British will perhaps increase activity within the so-called Five Eyes structure (U.S., U.K., Canada, Australia and New Zealand), the reduction in quality of EU-produced products will create a net loss for global intelligence.Another concern is reduced cohesion in European defense projects – the shared production and maintenance of high-end hardware ranging from fighter jets to tanks to missile-defense systems. How the various U.K. defense firms will choose to find partners remains to be seen, and they certainly will be looking more to the U.S.; but the overall reduction in defense technology coming from Europe will be a blow to the global security system.Finally, the loss of political energy and international “throw weight” for Europe will be noticeable. Think about the U.N. Security Council: At the moment, two of the five permanent seats are part of the EU. After the U.K.’s departure, only France will retain veto power representing the group. Any international organization which has an EU representative will sense this significant weakening of the union. More broadly, as the EU seeks to influence international events through negotiation and engagement, the departure of its second largest economy and population will be significant.None of this is necessarily a death knell for the EU (in fact, many would bet on the dissolution of the U.K. coming first, with the potential departures of Scotland and Northern Ireland). The remaining 27 nations in the EU collectively have the second-largest gross domestic product globally, ahead of China. Europe retains a large, well-educated population and a peaceful continent. But the departure of the U.K. not only weakens the union, it saps America’s global strength.  Eisenhower would be profoundly saddened to see this step back from all the postwar progress, and no doubt would encourage the rest of the Europeans to continue on a unified path in the wake of Britain’s departure.To contact the author of this story: James Stavridis at [email protected] contact the editor responsible for this story: Tobin Harshaw at [email protected] column does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the editorial board or Bloomberg LP and its owners.James Stavridis is a Bloomberg Opinion columnist. He is a retired U.S. Navy admiral and former supreme allied commander of NATO, and dean emeritus of the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy at Tufts University. He is also an operating executive consultant at the Carlyle Group and chairs the board of counselors at McLarty Associates.For more articles like this, please visit us at bloomberg.com/opinion©2019 Bloomberg L.P.
September 20, 2019 at 01:00PM via IFTTT
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newsfundastuff · 5 years
(Bloomberg Opinion) -- Much has been made of the willingness of Democratic presidential candidates to risk taking positions that aren’t popular with voters at large in order to boost themselves in the primaries. Democratic politicians and strategists are aware that most people don’t want to see private health insurance banned, for example, but such leading contenders as Senators Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders have come out for it anyway.There has been less focus on the political risks of the candidates’ approach to climate change. In part that’s because so many Republicans have taken their own unpopular stance on the issue: denying that there’s a problem. Gallup finds that nearly two-thirds of voters believe that human activity is causing the globe to get warmer, and that percentage has been rising over the years. Young voters are especially concerned about the issue. It’s part of the reason that some Republicans, such as Representative Matt Gaetz of Florida, have broken with many of their colleagues on the matter. “I think history will judge very harshly those who are climate deniers,” he said.But the Democrats may be getting overconfident. At last week’s “climate town hall” on CNN, Senator Warren, former Vice President Joe Biden, and South Bend, Indiana, Mayor Pete Buttigieg all endorsed a carbon tax. Senator Kamala Harris did, too, although she called her tax a “fee.” All of these candidates are breaking with past Democrats. Neither President Barack Obama nor Hillary Clinton endorsed a carbon tax. A memo for the Clinton campaign estimated that a carbon tax of $42 per ton on greenhouse-gas emissions would raise annual energy costs by $478 for the average household, and by $268 for the poorest fifth of households.When considering that number, keep in mind another poll finding. In November 2018, the AP-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research ran a survey about climate change that found, in line with other polls, that most Americans believe it is happening and that human activity is causing it. Nearly half of respondents said that recent extreme weather events had influenced their thinking on the issue. But 68 percent opposed paying even $10 extra in their monthly utility bills to address the issue.The Clinton campaign’s memo also noted that the revenues from the tax could be rebated so that only the highest-earning fifth of households ended up with a net tax increase. But this should be less reassuring to Democrats than it appears. For one thing, several of the candidates either aren’t promising to rebate the taxes or aren’t emphasizing the point to deflect the inevitable attack on them. When asked about carbon taxes, Warren and Biden didn’t say they would have a rebate. Harris said that some of the money would go “to empower those communities that for too long have been ignored,” which doesn’t sound like a tax rebate.Even a tax increase on the top fifth of households is a heavier political lift than Democrats have been prepared for. A household with an annual income of $130,000 is in that fifth. The tax increases of the last two Democratic presidents kicked in at a much higher threshold. And the gross cost may matter politically, not just the net cost. Even if the Democrats promise a rebate, Republicans can sow doubt that voters will actually see one.Washington State’s relatively liberal electorate has rejected carbon taxes twice in recent years. In 2016, a carbon tax was paired with a sales-tax cut and drew the opposition of 59% of voters. In 2018, on a generally good day for liberal causes, 56% opposed a carbon tax with no rebate.You can approve or disapprove with the public’s low tolerance for higher costs in the fight against global warming. (I myself favor lower-cost alternatives to carbon taxes.) But even those who consider it shortsighted have to reckon with it. Resistance to the costs of taxes and regulations is likely to be a bigger obstacle to climate plans, in the end, than disbelief in global warming.The journalists at Vox did one of those round-ups of who won and lost from the climate town halls. (Winner: CNN; loser: meat.) But they ignored someone who might turn out to be the biggest winner: President Donald Trump, who will surely hit the cost issue hard as we get closer to the election.To contact the author of this story: Ramesh Ponnuru at [email protected] contact the editor responsible for this story: Tobin Harshaw at [email protected] column does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the editorial board or Bloomberg LP and its owners.Ramesh Ponnuru is a Bloomberg Opinion columnist. He is a senior editor at National Review, visiting fellow at the American Enterprise Institute and contributor to CBS News.For more articles like this, please visit us at bloomberg.com/opinion©2019 Bloomberg L.P.
0 notes
(Bloomberg Opinion) -- Much has been made of the willingness of Democratic presidential candidates to risk taking positions that aren’t popular with voters at large in order to boost themselves in the primaries. Democratic politicians and strategists are aware that most people don’t want to see private health insurance banned, for example, but such leading contenders as Senators Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders have come out for it anyway.There has been less focus on the political risks of the candidates’ approach to climate change. In part that’s because so many Republicans have taken their own unpopular stance on the issue: denying that there’s a problem. Gallup finds that nearly two-thirds of voters believe that human activity is causing the globe to get warmer, and that percentage has been rising over the years. Young voters are especially concerned about the issue. It’s part of the reason that some Republicans, such as Representative Matt Gaetz of Florida, have broken with many of their colleagues on the matter. “I think history will judge very harshly those who are climate deniers,” he said.But the Democrats may be getting overconfident. At last week’s “climate town hall” on CNN, Senator Warren, former Vice President Joe Biden, and South Bend, Indiana, Mayor Pete Buttigieg all endorsed a carbon tax. Senator Kamala Harris did, too, although she called her tax a “fee.” All of these candidates are breaking with past Democrats. Neither President Barack Obama nor Hillary Clinton endorsed a carbon tax. A memo for the Clinton campaign estimated that a carbon tax of $42 per ton on greenhouse-gas emissions would raise annual energy costs by $478 for the average household, and by $268 for the poorest fifth of households.When considering that number, keep in mind another poll finding. In November 2018, the AP-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research ran a survey about climate change that found, in line with other polls, that most Americans believe it is happening and that human activity is causing it. Nearly half of respondents said that recent extreme weather events had influenced their thinking on the issue. But 68 percent opposed paying even $10 extra in their monthly utility bills to address the issue.The Clinton campaign’s memo also noted that the revenues from the tax could be rebated so that only the highest-earning fifth of households ended up with a net tax increase. But this should be less reassuring to Democrats than it appears. For one thing, several of the candidates either aren’t promising to rebate the taxes or aren’t emphasizing the point to deflect the inevitable attack on them. When asked about carbon taxes, Warren and Biden didn’t say they would have a rebate. Harris said that some of the money would go “to empower those communities that for too long have been ignored,” which doesn’t sound like a tax rebate.Even a tax increase on the top fifth of households is a heavier political lift than Democrats have been prepared for. A household with an annual income of $130,000 is in that fifth. The tax increases of the last two Democratic presidents kicked in at a much higher threshold. And the gross cost may matter politically, not just the net cost. Even if the Democrats promise a rebate, Republicans can sow doubt that voters will actually see one.Washington State’s relatively liberal electorate has rejected carbon taxes twice in recent years. In 2016, a carbon tax was paired with a sales-tax cut and drew the opposition of 59% of voters. In 2018, on a generally good day for liberal causes, 56% opposed a carbon tax with no rebate.You can approve or disapprove with the public’s low tolerance for higher costs in the fight against global warming. (I myself favor lower-cost alternatives to carbon taxes.) But even those who consider it shortsighted have to reckon with it. Resistance to the costs of taxes and regulations is likely to be a bigger obstacle to climate plans, in the end, than disbelief in global warming.The journalists at Vox did one of those round-ups of who won and lost from the climate town halls. (Winner: CNN; loser: meat.) But they ignored someone who might turn out to be the biggest winner: President Donald Trump, who will surely hit the cost issue hard as we get closer to the election.To contact the author of this story: Ramesh Ponnuru at [email protected] contact the editor responsible for this story: Tobin Harshaw at [email protected] column does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the editorial board or Bloomberg LP and its owners.Ramesh Ponnuru is a Bloomberg Opinion columnist. He is a senior editor at National Review, visiting fellow at the American Enterprise Institute and contributor to CBS News.For more articles like this, please visit us at bloomberg.com/opinion©2019 Bloomberg L.P.
from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines https://ift.tt/318HAlc
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worldnews-blog · 5 years
(Bloomberg Opinion) -- Much has been made of the willingness of Democratic presidential candidates to risk taking positions that aren’t popular with voters at large in order to boost themselves in the primaries. Democratic politicians and strategists are aware that most people don’t want to see private health insurance banned, for example, but such leading contenders as Senators Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders have come out for it anyway.There has been less focus on the political risks of the candidates’ approach to climate change. In part that’s because so many Republicans have taken their own unpopular stance on the issue: denying that there’s a problem. Gallup finds that nearly two-thirds of voters believe that human activity is causing the globe to get warmer, and that percentage has been rising over the years. Young voters are especially concerned about the issue. It’s part of the reason that some Republicans, such as Representative Matt Gaetz of Florida, have broken with many of their colleagues on the matter. “I think history will judge very harshly those who are climate deniers,” he said.But the Democrats may be getting overconfident. At last week’s “climate town hall” on CNN, Senator Warren, former Vice President Joe Biden, and South Bend, Indiana, Mayor Pete Buttigieg all endorsed a carbon tax. Senator Kamala Harris did, too, although she called her tax a “fee.” All of these candidates are breaking with past Democrats. Neither President Barack Obama nor Hillary Clinton endorsed a carbon tax. A memo for the Clinton campaign estimated that a carbon tax of $42 per ton on greenhouse-gas emissions would raise annual energy costs by $478 for the average household, and by $268 for the poorest fifth of households.When considering that number, keep in mind another poll finding. In November 2018, the AP-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research ran a survey about climate change that found, in line with other polls, that most Americans believe it is happening and that human activity is causing it. Nearly half of respondents said that recent extreme weather events had influenced their thinking on the issue. But 68 percent opposed paying even $10 extra in their monthly utility bills to address the issue.The Clinton campaign’s memo also noted that the revenues from the tax could be rebated so that only the highest-earning fifth of households ended up with a net tax increase. But this should be less reassuring to Democrats than it appears. For one thing, several of the candidates either aren’t promising to rebate the taxes or aren’t emphasizing the point to deflect the inevitable attack on them. When asked about carbon taxes, Warren and Biden didn’t say they would have a rebate. Harris said that some of the money would go “to empower those communities that for too long have been ignored,” which doesn’t sound like a tax rebate.Even a tax increase on the top fifth of households is a heavier political lift than Democrats have been prepared for. A household with an annual income of $130,000 is in that fifth. The tax increases of the last two Democratic presidents kicked in at a much higher threshold. And the gross cost may matter politically, not just the net cost. Even if the Democrats promise a rebate, Republicans can sow doubt that voters will actually see one.Washington State’s relatively liberal electorate has rejected carbon taxes twice in recent years. In 2016, a carbon tax was paired with a sales-tax cut and drew the opposition of 59% of voters. In 2018, on a generally good day for liberal causes, 56% opposed a carbon tax with no rebate.You can approve or disapprove with the public’s low tolerance for higher costs in the fight against global warming. (I myself favor lower-cost alternatives to carbon taxes.) But even those who consider it shortsighted have to reckon with it. Resistance to the costs of taxes and regulations is likely to be a bigger obstacle to climate plans, in the end, than disbelief in global warming.The journalists at Vox did one of those round-ups of who won and lost from the climate town halls. (Winner: CNN; loser: meat.) But they ignored someone who might turn out to be the biggest winner: President Donald Trump, who will surely hit the cost issue hard as we get closer to the election.To contact the author of this story: Ramesh Ponnuru at [email protected] contact the editor responsible for this story: Tobin Harshaw at [email protected] column does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the editorial board or Bloomberg LP and its owners.Ramesh Ponnuru is a Bloomberg Opinion columnist. He is a senior editor at National Review, visiting fellow at the American Enterprise Institute and contributor to CBS News.For more articles like this, please visit us at bloomberg.com/opinion©2019 Bloomberg L.P.
from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines https://ift.tt/318HAlc
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7newx1 · 5 years
(Bloomberg Opinion) -- Much has been made of the willingness of Democratic presidential candidates to risk taking positions that aren’t popular with voters at large in order to boost themselves in the primaries. Democratic politicians and strategists are aware that most people don’t want to see private health insurance banned, for example, but such leading contenders as Senators Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders have come out for it anyway.There has been less focus on the political risks of the candidates’ approach to climate change. In part that’s because so many Republicans have taken their own unpopular stance on the issue: denying that there’s a problem. Gallup finds that nearly two-thirds of voters believe that human activity is causing the globe to get warmer, and that percentage has been rising over the years. Young voters are especially concerned about the issue. It’s part of the reason that some Republicans, such as Representative Matt Gaetz of Florida, have broken with many of their colleagues on the matter. “I think history will judge very harshly those who are climate deniers,” he said.But the Democrats may be getting overconfident. At last week’s “climate town hall” on CNN, Senator Warren, former Vice President Joe Biden, and South Bend, Indiana, Mayor Pete Buttigieg all endorsed a carbon tax. Senator Kamala Harris did, too, although she called her tax a “fee.” All of these candidates are breaking with past Democrats. Neither President Barack Obama nor Hillary Clinton endorsed a carbon tax. A memo for the Clinton campaign estimated that a carbon tax of $42 per ton on greenhouse-gas emissions would raise annual energy costs by $478 for the average household, and by $268 for the poorest fifth of households.When considering that number, keep in mind another poll finding. In November 2018, the AP-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research ran a survey about climate change that found, in line with other polls, that most Americans believe it is happening and that human activity is causing it. Nearly half of respondents said that recent extreme weather events had influenced their thinking on the issue. But 68 percent opposed paying even $10 extra in their monthly utility bills to address the issue.The Clinton campaign’s memo also noted that the revenues from the tax could be rebated so that only the highest-earning fifth of households ended up with a net tax increase. But this should be less reassuring to Democrats than it appears. For one thing, several of the candidates either aren’t promising to rebate the taxes or aren’t emphasizing the point to deflect the inevitable attack on them. When asked about carbon taxes, Warren and Biden didn’t say they would have a rebate. Harris said that some of the money would go “to empower those communities that for too long have been ignored,” which doesn’t sound like a tax rebate.Even a tax increase on the top fifth of households is a heavier political lift than Democrats have been prepared for. A household with an annual income of $130,000 is in that fifth. The tax increases of the last two Democratic presidents kicked in at a much higher threshold. And the gross cost may matter politically, not just the net cost. Even if the Democrats promise a rebate, Republicans can sow doubt that voters will actually see one.Washington State’s relatively liberal electorate has rejected carbon taxes twice in recent years. In 2016, a carbon tax was paired with a sales-tax cut and drew the opposition of 59% of voters. In 2018, on a generally good day for liberal causes, 56% opposed a carbon tax with no rebate.You can approve or disapprove with the public’s low tolerance for higher costs in the fight against global warming. (I myself favor lower-cost alternatives to carbon taxes.) But even those who consider it shortsighted have to reckon with it. Resistance to the costs of taxes and regulations is likely to be a bigger obstacle to climate plans, in the end, than disbelief in global warming.The journalists at Vox did one of those round-ups of who won and lost from the climate town halls. (Winner: CNN; loser: meat.) But they ignored someone who might turn out to be the biggest winner: President Donald Trump, who will surely hit the cost issue hard as we get closer to the election.To contact the author of this story: Ramesh Ponnuru at [email protected] contact the editor responsible for this story: Tobin Harshaw at [email protected] column does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the editorial board or Bloomberg LP and its owners.Ramesh Ponnuru is a Bloomberg Opinion columnist. He is a senior editor at National Review, visiting fellow at the American Enterprise Institute and contributor to CBS News.For more articles like this, please visit us at bloomberg.com/opinion©2019 Bloomberg L.P.
0 notes
(Bloomberg Opinion) -- Much has been made of the willingness of Democratic presidential candidates to risk taking positions that aren’t popular with voters at large in order to boost themselves in the primaries. Democratic politicians and strategists are aware that most people don’t want to see private health insurance banned, for example, but such leading contenders as Senators Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders have come out for it anyway.There has been less focus on the political risks of the candidates’ approach to climate change. In part that’s because so many Republicans have taken their own unpopular stance on the issue: denying that there’s a problem. Gallup finds that nearly two-thirds of voters believe that human activity is causing the globe to get warmer, and that percentage has been rising over the years. Young voters are especially concerned about the issue. It’s part of the reason that some Republicans, such as Representative Matt Gaetz of Florida, have broken with many of their colleagues on the matter. “I think history will judge very harshly those who are climate deniers,” he said.But the Democrats may be getting overconfident. At last week’s “climate town hall” on CNN, Senator Warren, former Vice President Joe Biden, and South Bend, Indiana, Mayor Pete Buttigieg all endorsed a carbon tax. Senator Kamala Harris did, too, although she called her tax a “fee.” All of these candidates are breaking with past Democrats. Neither President Barack Obama nor Hillary Clinton endorsed a carbon tax. A memo for the Clinton campaign estimated that a carbon tax of $42 per ton on greenhouse-gas emissions would raise annual energy costs by $478 for the average household, and by $268 for the poorest fifth of households.When considering that number, keep in mind another poll finding. In November 2018, the AP-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research ran a survey about climate change that found, in line with other polls, that most Americans believe it is happening and that human activity is causing it. Nearly half of respondents said that recent extreme weather events had influenced their thinking on the issue. But 68 percent opposed paying even $10 extra in their monthly utility bills to address the issue.The Clinton campaign’s memo also noted that the revenues from the tax could be rebated so that only the highest-earning fifth of households ended up with a net tax increase. But this should be less reassuring to Democrats than it appears. For one thing, several of the candidates either aren’t promising to rebate the taxes or aren’t emphasizing the point to deflect the inevitable attack on them. When asked about carbon taxes, Warren and Biden didn’t say they would have a rebate. Harris said that some of the money would go “to empower those communities that for too long have been ignored,” which doesn’t sound like a tax rebate.Even a tax increase on the top fifth of households is a heavier political lift than Democrats have been prepared for. A household with an annual income of $130,000 is in that fifth. The tax increases of the last two Democratic presidents kicked in at a much higher threshold. And the gross cost may matter politically, not just the net cost. Even if the Democrats promise a rebate, Republicans can sow doubt that voters will actually see one.Washington State’s relatively liberal electorate has rejected carbon taxes twice in recent years. In 2016, a carbon tax was paired with a sales-tax cut and drew the opposition of 59% of voters. In 2018, on a generally good day for liberal causes, 56% opposed a carbon tax with no rebate.You can approve or disapprove with the public’s low tolerance for higher costs in the fight against global warming. (I myself favor lower-cost alternatives to carbon taxes.) But even those who consider it shortsighted have to reckon with it. Resistance to the costs of taxes and regulations is likely to be a bigger obstacle to climate plans, in the end, than disbelief in global warming.The journalists at Vox did one of those round-ups of who won and lost from the climate town halls. (Winner: CNN; loser: meat.) But they ignored someone who might turn out to be the biggest winner: President Donald Trump, who will surely hit the cost issue hard as we get closer to the election.To contact the author of this story: Ramesh Ponnuru at [email protected] contact the editor responsible for this story: Tobin Harshaw at [email protected] column does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the editorial board or Bloomberg LP and its owners.Ramesh Ponnuru is a Bloomberg Opinion columnist. He is a senior editor at National Review, visiting fellow at the American Enterprise Institute and contributor to CBS News.For more articles like this, please visit us at bloomberg.com/opinion©2019 Bloomberg L.P.
from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines https://ift.tt/318HAlc
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