#confessions and theories
confessbeatles · 4 months
honestly, looking at the photos Paul took of John in 1964 it's so easy to see how much Paul was attracted to John's masculine features - like his nose, hands, shoulders, arms and so on; Paul was attracted to John and not despite the fact John was a man.
I really do hope they had a sexual relationship and sometimes I do genuinely think they did because Paul is actually a good liar and can spin a tale
It’s so clear that Paul was so taken by Johns masculine beauty. The way he talks about when he first saw John on the bus or the chip shop just makes me cry cause it’s just so sweet and endearing; he loved his sideburns and his hair and how he looked like a tough ted. And yes those pictures that paul took in Paris of John, you can just see and feel the love through them.
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bxndit-bunny · 9 months
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shaylogic · 3 months
Edwin's Notebook => Diary?
ok but actually past the hell notes, do you think his lil notebook has extensive notes of him trying to figure out his feelings about cat king, monty, and charles?
Charles: running through hell, flips to the wrong page
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loveaetingkids · 4 months
After seeing this post I decided to insert my little blorbos in here:
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(Like or reblog if you wanna use)
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then-be-a-warrior · 5 months
Can we NOT do this?
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Can we NOT do this?
Let's not call people/theories stupid because you don't agree.
The person who wrote this confession doesn't know what happens next in the show (BECAUSE NONE OF US KNOW) so who are they to say what's stupid or wrong? MAN I wish this wasn't anonymous.
And another thing: THIS THEORY IS VALID.
Yes, in his right mind, Mk would never go against Mei and his found family. But as you can SEE, when he fought Azure, MK's sense of reason was gone. (He's the one who messed up his own plan. MK's plan was to trap Azure back in the scroll. But because he WASN'T IN THE RIGHT STATE OF MIND, he kept fighting Azure to the point where he used too much power and couldn't control it anymore). He wasn't JUST angry. He was having fun for the first half of the fight.
As for MK and Mei's relationship, there are tons of parallels between them and Wukong and Macaque. AND the fact Ink Mk said "Your friends will turn on you. Seeing you for the monster you will become." Foreshadowing, people.
Everyone should be allowed to theorize whatever the fuck they want. I was in the Steven Universe fandom and literally 75% of the fandom thought that the theory of Rose being Pink was idiotic. And guess what turned out to be true? Point is: shut the fuck up.
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swan2swan · 4 months
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angxliquel · 3 months
was it casual when you said you were pretty sure I was the reason you had any feelings at all
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lelslizzylebs · 2 months
Possibly a crack theory? Please tell me what you guys think.
In chapter 56, we see this picture of the interpersonal dynamics of Laios’s party pre-story. 
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There’s somebody not shown who’s attracted to the hubby-hunter and hates Laios (probably as a direct result). Somebody she considers a prospect.
There’s also one person who 1. We know was part of Laios’s party pre-story, and 2. Is not shown in this panel. 
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Am I crazy? It doesn’t look like it worked out, especially given that he left before she did, but do you think Dandan could have had a thing for her? Do you think that might have been part of the reason Chilchuck disapproved of her behavior so strongly?
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A strange theory about two Rubies.
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I am a very persistent and stubborn person. I will not give up my theory that the dragoness in the Winter turning prologue is NOT Ruby. I will never believe this, they are too different in behavior. Therefore, the theory:
Scarlet once had two daughters: Ruby and Tourmaline. Ruby first challenged her but lost. However, she was not killed and Scarlet banished her to the very north, to the border with Ice Kingdom. That’s why we see her in the prologue of Winter turning, because what would quiet Ruby, a princess, do on the battlefield in the tundra? Then who is the new Ruby? As we already know, Scarlet turned Tourmaline into an almost exact copy of Ruby, only calmer. That’s why their behavior is so different, and even their appearance is a little different (the scales on the face are different).
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himboextraordinaire · 17 days
I love domestic/fluffy Byler so much, but what I really want is for them to be a mess.
Everything about their relationship with the involvement of the upside down and Eleven is a mess. Will is carelessly lying to Mike about El and his painting, Mike is not communicating and was being particularly distant to Will for virtually no reason on his birthday (which btw I totally don’t buy it that the Duffers and the writers room just “forgot” Will’s birthday when they remembered Will’s favorite candy just so they can have it as a silly little easter egg in like two scenes). Everything about it that has been building up to this point is just a huge pile up at this point.
They’re going to likely be with each other for most of season 5 because of the promise that they made to each other at the end of season 4 (and the BTS photos but yknow), which gives time for a lot to happen. Will and Mike are not perfect people, and it’s clear that their friendship isn’t either. The confession isn’t going to be light and fun. That pileup is going to collapse under it’s own weight and it will not be pretty at all. It’s going to be a mess, it’s going to hurt, and I am HERE FOR IT.
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confessbeatles · 4 months
22:07 --- John and Paul being a married couple & George and Ringo being their children is the most accurate thing ever lol
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The way it’s supposed to be 💔
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respectthepetty · 8 months
How does it feel to stay winning Petty? Also who would've guessed that baby Barcode would be the one of the BOC boys to collect kisses from all the homies!?
Anon, I appreciate you sending this because, right now, I feel like an elite status female rapper. Like CL from 2NE1 rapped in their 2011 hit, "I am the best", Be On Cloud owns me, and y'all can't tell me shit about this show.
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I know I have some Wild Ass Theories and I'm always clownin' in these BL streets, but I love when my theories actually hit their target like . . .
When I knew Teacher Chadok was in a relationship with Teacher Dika since the first episode of The Eclipse.
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When I knew Kanghan's house was going to be robbed and his dad would be shot since the third episode of Dangerous Romance, even though I thought Saifah would do it.
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When I knew Pat was working with Joke to win over Zo since the first episode of Hidden Agenda.
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I love making Wild Ass Theories no matter how crazy they are, like my belief that the twins' dad is involved in this whole murder and sex work plot in Playboyy. No matter what happened in this past episode, I still believe it and am eagerly awaiting the upcoming chaos to see how hard I clowned.
Which is why I LOVE Dead Friend Forever.
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I want the record to state that no matter what happens after episode seven, that at this exact moment in time, I love this show. It makes me happy to be alive at the same time this is airing, and I'm not joking. I want to remember that at one point, this show was everything to me, and even if it goes down hill, it had all my attention in the first seven episodes. I want to appreciate it right now because regardless of what happens, it did everything right in the first half.
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With the way some shows keep losing their footing in the end, sometimes we forget how good they were in the beginning, and the emo in me doesn't want to forget this feeling. Some of my favorite movies are Scream, Heathers, and Jawbreaker so this show has been giving me the explicitly queer version of kill your frenemies since the very first episode, and I love it.
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My internal alarm went off the second Tee got upset that Phi was speaking to White in episode one, then the dark hand touched him making him enemy #1. I didn't like the way he told White he needed to obey him, and I feel like the dark hand wasn't too pleased with it either. It was a vibe.
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And now Non has a hurt hand in the past from falling off the bike . . .
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Then, Jin was the main character of the previous film, so he was either the killer or the biggest baddie.
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But Phi was just so sus, that I clocked him as a killer.
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Which meant Phi and Jin were the killers, but Tan has no backstory and people with no history are intentionally hiding it, so they can kill everyone and peace out.
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So in my mind, Tan and Phi were regulated to the killers, Tee was the second to last to die, which I'm hoping it's by his boyfriend White who he thinks disobeys him, and the rest of the squad would die as needed. Which left Jin to be the baddie.
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All of my theories could blow up at any second because we don't know if Jin actually sent that video or if his computer fizzled out before it finished uploading, so he could still be a killer avenging Non instead of a baddie who wronged Non (but he took the video and that is messed up regardless of what he planned to do with it).
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But either way, I'm hoping it comes down to Phi and Jin in that forest because the show started with them.
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And I don't think Jin realizes who Phi is to Non since Jin never got a good look at Phi's face in the past.
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The Twitter folks spotted that Phi's dad was the police chief from the letters the boys got calling them in for interrogation in episode six.
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And now the knife from episode two is showing up in the past in Non's backpack.
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Up until this point, I feel the show has laid out a solid story with a good cast, and I think Be On Cloud relied on their KinnPorsche casting to throw people off in this show because who expected Us to be doomed in the first episode? That was like Drew Barrymore dying at the beginning of Scream.
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People have felt off about JJ's character, but the show wouldn't really have JJ do anything bad to sweet Barcode, right?
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And Barcode and Ta being paired together was a pipe dream for the Macau x Porchay shippers, so it could never happen here!
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Especially because Ta and Copper won The Hidden Character, which meant they were going to be the main pair of this show, right?
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Barcode is gonna be involved in some fucked up shit, and according to those MDL comments, people are realizing they messed up making any assumptions before this show started based on what the actors previously did.
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I truly feel like BOC looked at its lineup and said "Baby Barcode was babygirled so hard for the past two years that the audience won't even think his character is capable of such things"
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and I love that for us.
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BOC gave these youngsters (19-23 in age) a script from Dr. Sammon and the Pit Babe writers and said "go HAM, bitches"
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And the audience stays winning.
This isn't about my Wild Ass Theories coming true. This is an appreciation post for what this show has given to me up until this point - a good mystery.
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Every week I have more questions and none of them feel like they will go unanswered. Is Non dead? Did Jin actually upload the video? Is Tan a killer? Why did Phi hook up with Jin? Will White finally snap, crackle, and pop like a bag of Rice Krispies treats for the mere fact that he simply wanted a nice weekend getaway with his boyfriend and now has to deal with all this bullshit?
But most importantly, when did Phi realize he was going to kill all of them after making them run around scared for their lives?
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Because by time the show makes it back to the present day, I'm sure we're all going to want to watch these kids suffer in the worst ways possible.
Manipulate, Murder, Mayhem
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The most recent episode of Interview with a Vampire let's us see Lestat's side of the story and see how it compares to Louis' accounting of their relationship. As a result, it reaffirms just how unreliable of a narrator Louis is, but it also further illuminates elements of his character that the director and writers have been playing with since the beginning of the show.
There's this part in the episode where Lestat turns to Louis and apologizes and it's framed with Lestat turned to Louis on one side and Claudia on his other side. They're the angel and devil on Louis' shoulders, but who is the angel and who is the devil? And as my friend said, Armand and Daniel are placed into that same dynamic with Louis later on. We are being asked to decide who to trust, who's telling the truth, who's the good guy, but the fact of unreliability robs us of that decision.
This whole story is about Louis, he's the protagonist, though not the narrator, and he is constantly being pulled in two directions, no matter when or where he is in his story. He's a mind split in two, divided by nature and circumstance. He's vampire and human, owner and owned, father and child, angel and devil. He's both telling the story and being told the story. His history is a story he tells himself, and as we've seen, sometimes that story is not whole.
Louis is the angel who saved Claudia from the fire but he's also the devil who sentenced her to an life of endless torment, the adult trapped in the body of a child. He's the angel who rescued Lestat from his grief and also the devil who abandoned him, who couldn't love him, could only kill and leave him.
He's pulled in two directions, internally and externally at all times and so it's no wonder that he feels the need to confess, first to the priest, then Daniel, and then Daniel again.
He's desperate to be heard, a Black man with power in Jim Crow America who's controlled by his position as someone with a seat at the table but one who will never be considered equal. He doesn't belong to the Black community or the white community, he can't. He acts as a go-between, a bridge, one who is pushed and pulled until he can't take it anymore. He's a fledgling child to an undead father, he's a young queer man discovering his sexual identity with an infinitely experienced partner. He's confessing because he wants to be absolved, that human part of him that was raised Catholic, that child who believed, he wants to be saved. He wants to be seen.
Louis wants to attain a forever life that is morally pure, but he can't. He's been soiled by sin, by "the devil," as he calls Lestat, and he can never be clean again. Deep down, I think he knows this, but he can't stop trying to repent. He tries to self-flagellate by staying with Lestat and then tries to repent by killing him, but can't actually follow through. He follows Claudia to Europe to try and assuage his guilt. He sets himself on fire, attempts to burn himself at the stake, to purify his body, rid himself of the dark gift.
Louis is a man endlessly trying to account for the pain he has caused and he ultimately fails, over and over again, because he can't get rid of what he is. A monster. He's an endlessly hungry monster. He's hungry for love, for respect, for power, for forgiveness, for death. He's a hole that can never be filled. He can never truly acquire any of those things because he will always be punishing himself for wanting and needing them in the first place. He will never truly believe he deserves them and as a result, can't accept them if they are ever offered. He can never be absolved for he has damned himself by accepting the dark gift and thus has tainted himself past the point of saving.
#iwtv amc#iwtv#interview with the vampire#interview with the vampire amc#louis de pointe du lac#louis iwtv#iwtv spoilers#iwtv season 2#iwtv s2 e7#iwtv meta#interview with the vampire meta#confession as a motif throughout the series#the way catholic imagery is inherent in vampire media#the way this series plays with unreliable narration so you never know who to believe#louis is such a phenomenally well crafted and dimensional character#and i think the show specifically creates a much more nuanced version of his character than he seems to be in the books#at least from what i've heard#i haven't read the books but i have read/been told about the changes they made to his character from book to movie#and i don't think he's as sympathetic or compelling if he's white#i think the way they updated the story with louis and claudia both being black really adds to their characters#it adds so much dimension to the way they interact with the world and also with lestat#lestat as a wealthy paternalistic white european man#in opposition to two black people in america#the multi-dimensionality of that dynamic and how race class and gender play a role in that#i could write an essay about this#i can absolutely find some sociological theory to use as a lens to discuss this#it's fascinating how well the writers and directorial team are doing with this adaptation#most book to movie/tv adaptations are mid at best#and this one pays homage to the original while also improving and updating the content significantly#i think it's also so important how the show is filmed with beauty and horror both taking precedence
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skeletal-butterflyy · 3 months
Can we get a byler and samfro parallel where we can see hawkins crumbling or they’re fighting vecna and everything is going to shit and it’s going super fast but we get a slower shot of Mike saying to will something similar to Frodo’s “I’m glad you are here with me. Here at the end of all things, Sam.”
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teambyler · 4 months
Mike, Will, and the Only Lie They've Kept
As early as the first episode, the show makes clear that Mike and Will are the only friends who NEVER lie to each other. “Friends don’t lie.” In the first few minutes, Will tells Mike the truth about rolling a 7. In s2, Will is completely open with Mike about his visions, and Mike makes clear in words and deeds how much Will means to him:
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Dustin and Lucas lied to Mike about the roll being a 7. El lied to the group, screwed with the compass, and led them away from the gate. Dustin hid Dart from the group. The series establishes that Will and Mike are the most honest characters in the party. Will usually only feels he can open up to Mike. Mike, meanwhile, more than anyone values honesty, and it's key to his leader role in the party. He enforces the party code, and he never lies on important things among them.
So isn't it strange that he starts lying to El in s3, and his entire arc in s4 is his difficulty “being honest” with El to say he loves her? Isn't that strange? And isn't it strange in s4 that Will is dropping truth bombs to Mike and El, telling them to stop lying and to be open about their feelings, but then to his BEST FRIEND, he lies for the first time about the painting?
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Isn't that a lie that will come to light between these closest of friends? And isn't Mike lying about something, too, by not hugging his BEST FRIEND after months apart?
These two are honest with each other in a way they aren't with anyone else. Aren't they nurturing their ONLY LIE to each other?
And hasn't the show used s4 to reestablish that they ARE best friends again, who "don't lie" to each other?
Isn’t everything pointing toward Byler at this point?
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morurui · 3 months
Adding Benlynn to the whole Kenlynn/Dinostar situation feels like one of those dramatic gone wrong tomodachi life love confessions.
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