#connor is cole's dad as well
sisyphusunderthesun · 5 months
Connor would have been a wonderful father to Cole if the boy had survived. Happy family!
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toasttt11 · 2 months
introducing hayden
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Hayden Lee Blake was born June 4, 2001 in San Diego, California to her parents Harrison and Maddison Blake.
Harrison and Maddison met each other when they were very young at a hickey training camp hitting it off immediately, they are childhood sweethearts.
Harrison was drafted second overall in the 1986 draft to the Edmonton Oilers, he played with the oilers for eighteen seasons and won three stanley cups with them, he made many records and had incredible accomplishments in the NHL becoming of the one most well named in Hockey.
Maddison was an incredible hockey player, playing four years of hockey in collage and getting multiple gold medals for her national team, she stopped playing on a team after the birth of her daughter.
Hayden inherited both of her parents incredible hockey skills and passion and knew she wanted to play since she could skate on the ice.
After Harrison retired in 2005, the blake’s moved to Toronto and their house was next store to the Hughes’s.
The Blake’s and Hughes’s both immediately got along so well, Harrison and Jim became the best of buddies, Maddison and Ellen both had so many similarities they became best friends, Hayden and Jack are only a few days apart so they just easily clicked and became each other’s best friend, Quinn becalmed Hayden’s biggest protector and her older brother figure, Luke was young when he met the Blake’s but right away he immediately adored Hayden and would follow her every where.
Quinn immediately saw Hayden as his sister and became a very protective older brother to her, he has always been the person she goes to when she needs a hug and just some comfort.
Jack and Hayden are platonic soulmates, the two are so close and know everything about each other. More often than not they were mistaken for twins.
Luke has been Hayden’s little shadow since they met, Luke had always loved just being around Hayden and Hayden has always treated him as her child and has a very large soft spot for him.
The Blake’s and Hughes’s moved to Michigan in 2019 when Jack and Hayden both joined the program, that’s where Jack and Hayden met the rest of their best friends.
Trevor, his sunshine personality mends so well with Hayden, he is always making her laugh and smile and adores his best friend.
Cole, he became her unpaid therapist and her best friend who always knows what to say.
Alex, the one who brought out Hayden’s chaotic side and the two were usually up to no good when they are together and love to prank others.
Matt, her favorite reading buddy, the two sharing a love for reading and always sharing books, he’s who she goes to when she needs to calm down.
Hayden’s parents tragically passed away in 2018 and she was not yet 18 and had no other blood family alive, the Hughes took her in as that is what her parents had wished for if something had happened.
Hayden’s draft year was extremely tough for her, the pressure of the upcoming draft but also her being heartbroken from her parents death it was a hard year for her, when she in the draft lottery that the Oilers had the second pick she hoped that is where she would get picked just as her dad did.
Hayden found another piece of her family in the Oilers specifically Ryqn, Connor, Zach and Leon and their families.
Hayden’s story is only just beginning.
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v-cain · 2 years
"Personal issues."
Request: can you pls write something with connor from dbh it can be about literally anything 😈😈
Fandom: Detroit Become Human
Warnings: Swearing, Loss of brother, Absent father, Alcohols/Bars, Suicidal tendencies, Brief car crash description, Swearing, Gun, Knife, Sex club mention, Assault
A/N: reader is hank's daughter and cole's twin, and as the year DBH is set in has no significance, we're pretending it's set in 2045 so this makes more sense ;P (pretend hank was born in 1992) well, im tired and projecting, enjoy the hurt/comfort @tzulv ! <33
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You pull your gloves on, shivering as you walk onto the bus. The weather can get horrible in Detroit, especially in winter. Usually your Dad would collect you when it was this cold, but he was busy with his police work. Apparently, he was assigned an android as a partner- which he is not happy about at all. After your brother's accident, your Dad hated androids. You never blamed them though, which caused many intense arguments.
An hour or so later, you arrive back home. You hurry inside, immediately going to turn the radiator on. You dump your bag and coat in your room, and start your daily cleanup. Your Dad has never been one for cleaning, so you're usually the one to do it. You grab last nights takeaway containers, some beer bottles and dump it all in the bin. You wipe down the counters, straighten out the couch and head to your room.
You spend the next few hours studying, eventually coming out of your room to make dinner. You glance around, not seeing your Dad anywhere. He's probably at some bar. You make yourself instant noodles- it being all that was in the cupboard- and head back to your room. The shining lights from the fairy lights reflect softly on your fork as you twirl it in the cup. Your gaze drifts to a framed picture of your Dad hugging you and your brother. Your Dad had a big grin on his face, with a smear of frosting on his face.Your brother was on your Dad's right side looking up at him with a similar grin, frosting coating his hands. Your eyes were scrunched closed from laughing, and you were leaning against your Dad's left arm.
You smile fondly at the memory. It was your and Cole's 6th birthday, and you two ganged up on your Dad and had a cake fight. You recall how afterwards you and Cole had a contest to see who could eat their slice the fastest, and how you both got sick from eating too fast. Your Dad had tucked you both in with promises of more cake the next day. Looking back on memories like those, it was weird knowing you wouldn't ever see your brother again less than a month later.
You stare at the picture for another moment, then tearing your eyes from it. You look down at your now cold noodles and stir them absentmindedly. Your Dad lost himself after the crash. Nothing seemed to matter to him except alcohol, not even you. You were left to bring yourself up. You were the one to do the shopping, cooking, cleaning...you were the adult of the house. A part of you wished he would pull his act together, but a different part knew even if he did you couldn't forgive him.
A window smashing snaps you out of your thoughts. You hear footsteps in the kitchen, and instinctively pull out your swiss army knife. Although your Dad never taught you much, he made sure his daughter knew how to defend herself. You quietly make your way to your door, pressing your ear against. An unfamiliar voice is talking, it's definitely not your Dad. You suck in a deep breath and push your door open.
You creep down the hallway, poking your head around the corner. You stifle a gasp at the sight- your Dad was lying on the floor unconscious with a bottle of alcohol, a gun beside him. There was a man kneeling beside him, practically analysing him. He has yet to notice you. You spare a glance at Sumo, who looks content with the situation, and step forward. The man turns to look at you and you see the blue circle on the side of his forehead- you recognise he's an android.
You hold your knife defensively in front of you, "Who the hell are you?" He slowly stands up and raises both of his hands. "My name is Connor. I'm an android sent by CyberLife, and I'm Lieutenant Anderson's partner. Who are you?" You look down at your Dad, then back at him. Connor seems to understand, "I didn't do this. I came to get him for a case."
You scoff at him, "I know you didn't do this, this happens every fucking night." You lower your knife, acknowledging he isn't a threat. He lowers his hands back down at looks at you expectantly. You hesitate before putting your hand out to shake. "My name is Y/N Anderson. I'm Hank's daughter." Connor shakes your hand, "It's a pleasure to meet you, Y/N." You drop your hand and look back down at your Dad. What you said wasn't a lie- this was a daily occurrence. Most of the time you would prop a pillow underneath his head and throw out the alcohol, other times you would pour water on him. It depends on how late it is.
Connor kneels back down to your Dad and shakes him, "Wake up, Lieutenant!" You roll your eyes and lean against the wall. "You gotta be more aggressive than that." Connor glances back at you, then turns back around and slaps your Dad. Your eyes widen and your mouth falls open slightly, while Connor pulls your Dad up. "Hey, get the fuck outta my house!" he slurs as he stumbles along with Connor. You raise an eyebrow at your Dad while he drunkenly calls for Sumo to attack, not even noticing you.
You trail after the two as Connor sets your Dad on the bath. Despite how late it was, you wanted to see where this goes. To your surprise Connor actually turns on the tap, making you laugh at him. He spares you a glance before turning the tap off again, staring down at your Dad. The latter seems to finally notice your presence, to which you smile, before he turns back to Connor "What the fuck are you doing here?"
"A homicide was reported 43 minutes ago. I couldn't find you at Jimmy's bar, so I came to see if you were at home." Connor responds cooly. You huff a laugh and your Dad shoots a glare your way. "Jesus, I must be the only cop in the world that gets assaulted in his own house by his own fucking android..." he groans as he tries to sit up, then looks up at Connor "Can't you just leave me alone?"
Connor looks like he's contemplating something, before saying "You seem to have personal issues. You should consult a professional who can help you." You involuntarily take a step back as your Dad angrily stands up yelling "Beat it! You hear me? Get the hell outta here!" He sways and Connor sets him back down again. The android straightens up and turns to the door, "I understand. It probably wasn't that interesting anyway. A man found dead in a sex club downtown.." you scrunch up your nose in disgust as Connor continues "Guess they'll have to solve the case without us..."
Your Dad pauses before saying "You know, it probably wouldn't do me any harm to get some air.." You roll your eyes and take this as your cue to leave. You walk to the kitchen, grabbing some cleaning supplies and cleaning up the mess the pair left behind. "Fucking bastard, breaking my window.." you mutter under your breath. CyberLife better be paying for this. A few minutes later, you're done cleaning and Connor re-enters the room. You look at him for a moment, trying to decide what to say.
"I.." Connor turns to you, tilting his head, "Thank you. If you didn't get here.." you gesture to the gun on the floor. "Thank you." He nods before pointing to a picture on the table, "Is that a picture of your brother?" You blink and look at the picture in question. It was a school photo of Cole at the start of Kindergarten. It was his first school photo. You remember being next in line for your picture and pulling funny faces behind the photographer to get him to laugh.
You focus your attention on Connor again, "Yeah, yeah it is." He nods again, looking around the room. You return to your cleaning, and after a few minutes your Dad walks back into the room. He looks at you before saying "Be good. I won't be long." You look at him and say nothing- what could you possibly say? "Ok, also are we going to talk about how you tried to kill yourself?" You knew he would never talk to you about it so there was no point in trying.
You watched the two leave and turn back to the window. It was freezing outside and there was now rain forming a puddle beneath the windowsill. Brilliant. You grab some duct tape plus some old cereal boxes and beer boxes and begin taping it against the window. You take a step back, admiring your handiwork. You walk back to your room and toss the noodles into your bin.
You stretch out on your bed and stare at the ceiling. Given the circumstances, meeting Connor was nice. He seemed like a good person- well, a good android, you suppose. Maybe he'll rub off on your Dad, and then he'll be nicer to you. Or maybe actually have a meaningful conversation with you. You couldn't recall the last time you two spent time together- probably when Cole was around. As your thoughts drift from Cole to androids, you slowly fall asleep.
You and Cole are laughing at each other, making some stupid joke. Dad is laughing along with you, eyes focused on the road. It was a snowy night outside. You tell Dad to turn up the music- Jazz- and he does, doing a little dance too. You and Cole giggle at his antics. You turn to your brother to tell him a joke but all you can see if white and there's a screech and someone's screaming and-
You bolt upright in your bed, cold sweat coating you. You slow your breathing and sip the water on your bedside. You slowly got out of bed and walked out your door. You walked to the sitting room and crawled onto the couch beside Sumo, who happily put his head on your stomach. This is how Hank found you several hours later in the early morning when he got home from the bar. He had walked over to you and pulled a blanket over your legs. You had mumbled in your sleep "G'night Da..", to which he smiled and whispered "Night kid." You slept soundly after that.
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impulsivefanwriter · 11 months
The Lego Ninjago Movie but it’s a D:BH AU
@finn-m-corvex ask and I shall ramble :D
So basically— the Ninjago movieverse is styled like the world of Detroit:Become Human. Dr. Julien (who I hc in the m!verse is actually a good dad to his sons) builds Zane and Echo as the first sentient androids and takes great care of them— until his old coworker turns on him. This coworker, Jacob Harvey (nicknamed “The Mechanic”) captures Zane and wipes his memories while Dr. J and Echo manage to escape. Now armed with the plans to make nindroids, The Mechanic builds Cyberlife and starts his nindroid-selling empire.
He also has Cyrus captured to make more plans for him, leaving him with two assistant nindroids (Pixal “Pel” and Sentry, who obvious Cyrus goes “my kids now” and helps become deviant)
Zane was the original deviant in the sense that he was the original nindroid built to be sentiment and free (aka he didn’t need to be deviant), but after getting semi-reset he forgets and will need to become deviant to regain that ability
Now moving onto the others—
Lloyd is human (well, maybe still part oni-dragon because this IS Ninjago— the dragon is from his mom’s side, btw) and lives with Koko. Nya is his semi-adopted sister (Koko helps caretake for Maya and Ray while they travel on business trips).
Nya’s younger twin brother, Kai, is a nindroid (one of the “kid” models who’s specialty is “aging with human kids as a sibling so they don’t get lonely”). He originally does the chores at home because he’s expected to, but Nya and Lloyd help him become deviant because he’s scared he’ll get replaced if he doesn’t do the chores right. Kai’s the closest equivalent to “Kara’s story”, though less extreme, where Nya (who might secretly be a nindroid too, I’m not sure) runs away with him and Lloyd because a civilian finds out Kai’s deviant during the whole deviant situation and he becomes wanted.
(Side note— along with Kai came a 2-for-1 of the same model, a faulty nindroid names Kaigami who Koko took in for a while— this is the equivalent of movie!Bizarro Kai and later becomes the adopted sibling of movie!Cryptor)
Speaking of movie!Cryptor (or Zero, as I call him), he and Zane are the equivalent of “Connor’s story” where Zane needs to learn how to be deviant (again) while Zero is an incredible efficient deviant hunting nindroid (except, plot twist, he’s actually deviant and has been helping deviants escape for years by pretending to kill them). He was built by the Mechanic and he wants to take down his creator who sees him as nothing more than just a machine.
Rest of the Dorksquad time— Cole is human, though more of a cyborg after an accident (he’s kind of the ‘Cole Anderson’ equivalent, except he lives), and he stumbles upon Jericho by accident and befriends the nindroids there. He brings supplies from outside and updates them on news, and sometimes he DJs a bit for moral.
And Jay is the “Markus” equivalent. He’s an advanced prototype model that was gifted to Cliff Whoredon Gordon and worked for him for a little bit until he stumbled upon a meeting between Cliff and a mafia leader (named Master Chen). Cliff had him thrown to the junkyard in very rough shape where he managed to patch himself up with spare parts and was found and adopted by the young couple (Ed & Edna) running said junkyard. He then meets the rest of the squad and sorta accidentally becomes one of the leaders of the nindroid revolution as part of the “Secret Ninjaforce”.
Bonus— Chen (the Cheerleader) is also a nindroid who eventually gets kicked out by his human family, the Ambers (including movie!Skylor, who is an evil girlboss, and her dads, Master Chen and Clouse) and finds his way to Jericho as well
And yeah that’s the main basics, not too much else planned out yes (it was originally a SPBNR AU too, so show!Kai and show!Zane might show up, much to the latters bewilderment at how there are more nindroids but they are treated worse, and sometimes other show!nindroids make an appearance)
What do y’all think?
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gavinisqueer · 2 years
Tina: Why do you call Gavin and Nines your uncles? You know they're not related to you, right? Gavin's just babysitting.
Gavin: Hey, don't take away my title!
Cole: Well, Dad loves Connor, and that makes Connor kinda my dad too. And Connor is sort of brothers with Nines, so that makes Nines my uncle.
Gavin: See? Smart kid.
Cole: And Uncle Nines loves Gavin, so that makes Gavin my uncle too!
Gavin: Damn straight- wait, Nines *what*?
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connorwhumpaddict · 2 years
“A Happy Birthday”
(A Feel-good fic, father/son relationship)
Summary: Hank get’s thrown a surprise party by his friends and colleagues at work, but that is not the only surprise he receives OR the time Connor calls Hank ‘Dad’ for the first time.
Warning: None! Just feel-good, fluffy, Hank/Connor/father/son goodiness.
Art: By me
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“Come on Hank, we don’t wanna be late for work.” Connor called impatiently, waiting at the entrance to the DPD.
“Relax kid, work isn’t going anywhere and we’re in good time. Why such a rush?” Hank chuckled as he made his way towards the android.
“I’m just.. Excited.”
“For what? Paperwork?” Hank laughed goodnatured. He’d finally reached the door, which Connor was holding open for him, and he reached out and ruffled the kid’s brown locks for good measure as he entered.
“Ah! Hank, not my hair! I finally styled it perfectly this morning!” Connor protested and moved away from under the hand and immediately began shifting through his thick locks to get it back in order as he shot Hank a slight glare and a pout, which only made the older man laugh harder.
Sometimes the kid reminded him of a overgrown pup, not that he minded. Connor had filled his life with energy and joy he hadn’t thought possible for him to ever regain after Cole’s death and his following divorce. It was like the kid had given him a purpose again and it’d helped turn his life around for the better. He’d managed to quit drinking, he’d started exercising and loosing weight and while he still enjoyed the occasional visit to the Chicken Feed, Connor had personally helped him change his eating habits to a more healthy and balanced diet. He couldn’t imagine his life without Connor in it anymore, a thought that had scared him at first, but now made him feel blessed and thankful.
“Alright, my bad.” Hank chuckled and wiped a tear from his eye. He placed his arm around his partner’s shoulders. “Let’s get you to that paperwork you’re so excited for then.” He grinned and lead the way towards the office, he opened the door and…
“SURPRISE!!” The crowd of officers and colleagues yelled out in unison at their entry, almost giving Hank a damn heart attack.
“What the hell!!” He shouted out, startled.
The crowd laughed and cheered at his reaction and started throwing colourful confetti in the air. Hank noticed several of them had adorned festive pointed hats, among them captain Fowler who stood with a wide grin of his own as he clapped his hands in joy and no doubt amusement of his lieutenant’s surprise. A banner was hanging from the ceiling above them all, reading ‘Happy birthday Hank!’ in bold letters.
That’s when Hank realised what day it was, September 6. His birthday.. Which he’d totally forgotten.. He turned to Connor who was still standing at his side, but now with a wide smile of his own.
“You!” He pointed accusingly at Connor trying to act stern and angry, but already feeling his facade cracking into a smile. “You did this!”
“Maybe.” Connor laughed making Hank laugh as well.
Hank hadn’t celebrated his birthday in years. He hadn’t felt like he had anything to celebrate by turning a year older, hence why he hadn’t even bothered to notice todays date, but he actually found.. he didn’t mind this.. For the first time in a long time, the prospect of celebrating his birthday with his colleagues he’d finally reconnected with and with Connor. It sounded.. Nice.
“Come on birthday boy take a seat, we have another surprise for you!” Tina called and pulled out Hank’s desk chair for him to sit.
“Goddamn, I’m not sure my heart can take anymore surprises today. I’m an old man now after all.” Hank joked, but still made his way to sit as instructed.
“Nonsense! 55 is the new 25, everyone knows that.” Chris said, making the crowd laugh.
The lights were suddenly dimmed and Hank watched as Connor exited the break room, carrying a large cake with two lit candles in the shape of the number 5 on top. The kid was smiling that bright smile of his and as he walked towards Hank’s desk the people around him started singing;
“Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday dear Haaank
Happy birthday to you!
From good friends and true
From old friends and new
May good luck go with you
And happiness too!”
As the song ended everybody started clapping and cheering. The kid had made it all the way to stand in front of Hank’s desk, his eyes shining as bright as the blue of his LED at his temple, his face partly illuminated by the soft glow of the candles.
“Happy birthday, Dad!” Connor said, smiling widely at Hank, with the cake held out in front of him, proudly.
Hank’s eyes widened and his face fell slack in shock as he looked up at the kid from his seated position. His heart suddenly hammered in his chest and his tongue felt dry in his mouth, making him speechless. Connor immediately seemed to realise his obvious slip-up as he clamped his mouth tightly shut and his LED chanced from its calm blue to a fast spinning red and his eyes turned wide and panicked. The crowd around them had also fallen silent and looked skittishly between Hank and Connor, the atmosphere suddenly thick with a panicked awkwardness.
“I-l mean happy birthday Ha..Lieutenant!” Connor stammered out, unable to hide his growing distress. “I’m.. So sorry.. I’ll..” an uncomfortable pause followed. All eyes were on Connor, the silence was deafening.
[WARNING: Stress levels 78%^] His HUD offered uselessly.
Connor sat the cake down on Hank’s desk, possible with a little more force than was necessary, and rose into the machinelike posture of attention he’d been used to before he turned deviant. “I apologise for my indiscretion, lieutenant. I promise it won’t happen again. Please enjoy the rest of your birthday, I’ll offer my service to help run patrol the rest of the day should you have need of me.” He reported in a forced monotone voice of indifference, although he was sure his red LED betrayed his inner dread and panic. He needed to get out of here before he’d make Hank even more uncomfortable with his presence. With that he made a beeline for the exit.
The sight of Connor turning and walking away finally snapped Hank out of his stupor. “Wait..” He said, but his voice was hoarse and didn’t carry far enough to be heard by the fast disappearing Connor. “Wait!” He tried again, his voice a bit stronger. He pushed himself away from his desk and fought to stand up in jerky movements. His body felt light and heavy at the same time, making it hard to move, but he finally managed to get up with the help from some of his friends around him. Connor had already left the office in a speed walk and Hank took off in a run to catch up with him. He pushed the door open to the reception area and spotted Connor at the other end of the room. “Connor!!” He yelled out in a strong voice this time.
His voice must have carried the sort of rushed desperation he felt in his stomach, because Connor finally paused in his steps and turned around to look back at Hank. Hank swore he could feel his heart almost breaking at the sight. Connor’s eyes were wide and sad, his LED was still spinning a wild red and the kid just looked so utterly defeated and broken. Hank picked up his pace and raced across the space, not caring people were staring and had to jump out of his way as he came barreling through not to get hit. All he focused on was getting to Connor as fast as possible.
He skidded to a stop mere inches from the android who looked up at him with those damn sad puppy eyes. The machinelike facade had disappeared completely, leaving only the insecure and vulnerable core of the real Connor back, who immediately began a stream of hurried explanations and apologies;
“I know what you’re gonna say lieutenant, I know I was out of line and I’m so sorry! It just.. Came out of me!! I didn’t mean to, I j-just..” But Connor was interrupted as he found himself being suddenly pulled forcefully into a tight embrace, as Hank squeezed him close to his chest and burrowed his chin against the side of the android’s head. Connor’s senses were filled with the smell of Hank’s cologne and the feel of the strong arms that were wrapped around his shoulders. Without conscious thought he found himself immediately returning the gesture and curled his arms under Hank’s and holding on tight on his broad shoulders. He could feel his stress levels falling considerably already.
“Connor.. Son.. You can call me Dad if you want to.. Of course you can!” Hank said, his voice wavering slightly as he fought to hold back tears.
Connor felt his thirium pump increase its rhythm and replayed Hank’s words in his memory-banks several times, positive he’d heard him wrong. But after several replays he was sure he’d heard correctly. “R-Really?!” He asked in disbelief.
Hank tightened his grip even further around his boy. “It would be the best birthday gift I’ve ever received if you would.” He said in a half crying and half laughing into Connor’s hair.
Connor felt his own eyes overflowing with emotion too and burrowed his head into Hank’s shoulder. “Thank you..” He cried, his voice slightly muffled by Hank’s jacket.
“Please, say it again.. For me son..” Hank asked and gently placed one of his hands at the back of Connor’s head.
Connor tightened his own hold even more and smiled into the soft leather against his face as more tears feel from his eyes. “Thank you, Dad..”
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storiedhistories · 1 year
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@stygicniron asked: you gotta rate your dads from worst dad to best dad go!
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To begin with, I have a lot of dads on my blog, so I had to sit down and figure out a rating system, and well, now I guess I have a scale for measuring how terrible a person can be. "On a scale of Kronos to Tom Dupain, what kind of dad are you?
ANYWAY, without further ado, I give you the OfficMAL DADsignation Ranking (two puns for the price of one!)!
Best dad: Tom Dupain. Hands down the best dad. His most problematic trait is being a little overprotective, but after being akumatized, he works on cutting back on that. Even if he still worries about Marinette (and he always will), he knows she can take care of herself.
Percy: The man loves his children and would do pretty much anything for them. YES, there's a quest in the Tal'dorei campaign setting where you have to find one of them, and YES, she has a gun, but still, pretty solid dad. Looks out for his kids and protects them the best he can.
Hudson: Overall, a pretty unproblematic dad. He doesn't know he's Broadway's biological father, but he kind of dads the whole clan.
Macbeth: Actually a pretty good dad before he died the first time! He taught Luach how to be just and good, to think before he acted, to listen to all sides of an argument, and to respect and stick to deals that you had made, especially with your allies.
Hank: He did his best to be a good dad. It wasn't his fault there was ice, and it wasn't his fault that their car got hit by a truck. It also wasn't his fault that the human surgeon was too high to operate on Cole, that the android couldn't save him. Hank loved Cole so much, and he would have done his absolute best to raise that boy right. And with the way I play him, he's going to do what he can to help Connor in this strange, new times they're going into.
The Doctor: I know the Doctor was a father before NuWho, but I'm still working on getting through Classic Who, so we're going with what I know. He also did the whole "I refuse to acknowledge you" thing originally with Jenny (and I mostly play Nine, but we're talking Ten here, which is fine), but he very much turned that around and was heartsbroken when he thought she'd died.
Goliath: Originally starts out denying that he's Angela's dad due to the "hatchlings are raised by the whole clan" mentality gargoyles have, but it's pretty obvious. Once he accepts Angela, he would do pretty much anything to keep her safe, and he definitely does get a bit overprotective at times.
Hades: He knows he's not the best dad, but he's definitely not the worst dad. Hades loves his children very much, and he tried to do right by them, as well as he could. It's not always quite the best thing, but he's definitely trying.
Joel: Despite dealing with being a single dad, he did a pretty good job with Sarah, up until the outbreak. He tried to protect her, getting shot himself in the process, but she still died. And with Ellie, he originally refused to bond with her, but after he did…., there is nothing he wouldn't do for her. He's lower on this list because of some of the circumstances of what he DID do for Ellie, since that went against her wishes.
Alador: He may not have intended to, but he definitely contributed to the emotional neglect of his children. (I'm going to go into a lot of this in its own post, but we're rating right now, so that'll have to wait.) Once he fully realized what was happening and how unhappy they all were, he did stick his neck out and try to change, and it was a long, hard road back.
William Adama: Left when the boys were still pretty young, and didn't realize that their mom was emotionally abusing them for a while. He and Lee do end up patching things up later, but it takes a lot of work on both ends.
Kratos: He did his best to be a good father to Calliope when he was home. However, he did kill her, and her ashes are permanently affixed to his body. And for the first decade of his son's life, he was pretty emotionally unavailable. It took Faye dying and Kratos and Atreus going on the journey to spread her ashes for the two of them to start to understand one another and for Kratos to start truly parenting Atreus. That being said, he would do anything for his son, including die for him, if he needed to.
Thor: Thor wanted to be a good dad so much, but circumstances made that really hard. He was abused by his own father and ended up passing some of that abuse down to his own children. In the end, he was determined to change, to be better for his remaining child, and it got him killed. (I want to rate him higher because I love him, but THIS WAS REALLY HARD, and unfortunately, this is where he ended up.)
Gabriel: Gabriel Agreste is emotionally abusive and manipulative. There are literally bars on his son's room, and he's controlling as fuck. Not to mention the fact that he's a supervillain who routinely tries to beat up his own son (even though he doesn't know Adrien is Chat, it goes against his ranking).
Odin: He is also emotionally abusive and manipulative. He also plays favourites and gaslights his 'lesser' children very frequently. And plays his grandchildren against their parents, if he needs to. the worst part is that he makes it seem like the person he's abusing is just imagining it, like it's all in their head, that of course he's not terrible; you're just an awful person to think such things.
Worst dad: Kronos. In the words of Chiron from the PJO musical: "Remember my lecture: he ate his children."
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mimagines · 2 years
|| New Objective || Connor x Chloe Post Revolution
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After the revolution is won, Connor and his girlfriend, Chloe, had discussed the possibility of adopting a human child. Chloe really wants to be a mother but Connor is a little nervous considering his nature. On a windy day in autumn, Connor finally meets his daughter.
No Warnings
Chloe x Connor
Word Count: 924
Connor had never waited for something this intensely through his entire existence. It felt like time was ticking by slowly, seconds feeling like minutes, minutes feeling like hours and hours feeling like days. The environment of Lieutenant Anderson’s house helped calm him, but not by much. 
He should’ve been happy; the revolution was won, he was free. Markus was out doing what needed to be done, ensuring not only that their kind wasn’t enslaved to humans, but that they had the same quality of life as them as well. This included marriage, but more importantly, adoption. 
Chloe had spoken about wanting to be a mother since before he could remember. When he’d snuck out to see her, going up to her window past the DPD’s hours just to see her smile, to hear her talk about her dreams. She’d talk about how she would see families on the TV while Elijah was watching it…and how she wondered if she could do that someday. 
Back then, he assumed he was investigating deviants, not falling in love.
Even when he deviated, becoming a father was not something he’d planned on doing. He’d never had a connection to parenthood, his only tie being that his partner had once been one. But seeing how Hank’ face shifted when he spoke about Cole, past the grief…he couldn’t help but wonder…
His thoughts were interrupted by Sumo barking softly, perching his paws up by the front door window to see a taxi stopping in front of the house. 
Connor immediately looked up, his body tensing and his stress levels increasing. 
“That must be your girl, Connor.” Hank echoed from the kitchen. 
The androids eyes narrowed as he stood up from the couch, seeing a blonde figure walk up to the door carrying something in her left hand.
The door opened, the first thing Connor noticed was Chloe’s smile. She was glowing.  
“Special delivery for the Andersons!” She exclaimed softly yet excitedly, as try not to wake the small human in the carrier. She closed the door behind her and moved over to the couch, setting the carrier down and sitting beside it. 
Connor looked almost too shocked to move.
Was he scared of what was in that carrier? 
Hank noticed this, getting up and standing by them to mostly make sure Connor was alright. 
“Well? Are you gonna say hi or just stare at it?” He joked.
That appeared to snap Connor out of his staring fit. He couldn’t help it; overanalyzing a situation is what he was programmed to do, and it was official. That was definitely a human baby. Female, 48 hours old. Healthy, thankfully…
He knelt down in front of the couch, right by Chloe's legs to look the child over. It was sleeping, and as careful as he was being, a part of him feared waking her up. 
“Hello, little one,” He spoke softly, under a whisper. Chloe smiled; seeing Connor this vulnerable was a rare sight. He was always on edge, especially after the revolution had been won, always fearful that Cyberlife was somehow watching them.
He slipped his finger into her little hand and the baby started to coo and whine, causing him to look up at Chloe for confirmation that what he was doing was correct. She just nodded and ruffled his hair a little. He was doing well considering how nervous he was. 
Glancing back to the baby, he forced his voice to work again. “I’m Connor…” he introduced. Chloe laughed a little, knowing his discombobulation was probably getting in the way of his speech processors. 
“Dad. You’re Dad.” She corrected him. 
Connor nodded, as if that’s what he meant all along. 
“Right. I’m dad.”
Neither of them were focusing on him, but Hank had this proud little smile on his lips. That changed when Connor looked up at him, eyebrows furrowed just slightly. 
“You’re sure you’re alright with us using his room…?” he asked to confirm. 
Hank shrugged then stuffed his hands in his jacket pockets. “Nobody’s usin’ it now…and I think he’d want me to.” He said, in reference to his late son. It was a lot for him to finally let go of that room, being frozen in time for years…
Connor looked back at the baby, who had opened her eyes at this point. 
The little girl whined a little and Connor leaned back, taking his hand back as well. “Please don’t cry-..” he uttered, begging the baby.
Chloe smiled again, a laugh escaping. “She’s gonna cry, Connor, that’s just what babies do.”
Connor looked concerned.
“Did I hurt her?”
“No, Connor, you didn’t hurt her. I promise. She’s just confused because her world used to be very small..”
That was a big fear when Connor and Chloe were discussing adoption. Connor kept bringing it up, time after time; he was designed to kill. To hunt. He wasn’t like other androids who knew how to care for children, that simply wasn’t in his code, he said. He was terrified that he would accidentally crush such a precious creature without meaning to. Chloe reassured him that he wouldn’t hurt her, and that even though he wasn’t made for it, fathering would come easy to him. Besides…falling in love wasn’t in his program either, but that didn’t stop him before. 
The hunter nodded, holding the baby's tiny hand again. She seemed to relax again and a sense of calm washed over him. He wouldn’t hurt her. He would never hurt her.
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No NSFW please these are children
This takes place post-season 5 pre-season 6 meaning the ninja don’t have knowledge of current seasons and they are not apart of the plot of this AU, also post-movie
There never was and will be a love triangle between show!Nya, Show!Jay and Show!Cole, same goes for Show!Sensei Garmadon, Show!Misako and Show!Sensei Wu, Show!Cole and Show!Wu are aro/ace
As there are 2 verses for this blog i ask that you specify which verse you’re talking about in your ask! please also specify which character(s) the ask is to! (Example: Verse:stuck in a new realm, hey luh-lloyd how are things after the fight with your dad?)
During DOTD show!Morro was dragged through the portal alongside show!cole but the portal was pretty much closed by the time show!Morro went through, allowing him to change between human and ghost
Kyle, Natalie, Connor, Jason and Zack are the names of the show!ninja because my LEAST favourite trope is having amnesiac characters yet they still remember their names, Lance and Mark are just fake names Show!Lloyd and Show!Morro came up with
Lisa is ninjago OC I’ve had for a long time and you will learn about her more as the blog and story is told! 
No M!A’s, at least for the moment they will eventually be allowed as I’m a sucker for those!
Not too much of a rule but if you’re on anon, give yourself a nickname, it can even just be an emoji! I know the point of anon is to stay, well, anonymous, i just always have a feeling that I’m only ever answering one person with anon stuff and it drags me down even if it actually is multiple people sending anonymous asks, my brain just thinks it’s one person and having something that differentiates between anons is nice!
That’s all the rules I can think of at the moment, more might be added later! Now onto some the other stuff!
There are 2 Verses on this blog because my brain gets way too many ideas lmao, Verse:Stuck in a new realm and Verse:like the beginning
Verse:stuck in a new realm is the verse i’d consider the main canon of this AU! The show!ninja end up in the movie realm with show!Morro and Show!Lloyd getting de-aged well the other 5 show!ninja end up with amnesia
Verse:like the beginning is what i’d consider a spin off idea as it takes the idea of the show!ninja still ending up in the movie realm but now there’s no de-aging and show!lloyd also gets amnesia alongside the other 5 ninja leaving show!Morro the only one with his memories
I also have co-artists! @mossdoesartshit and @piereoglyphics!
Sensei G 🐍 :(not available for asks yet)
"lance" 🐲:(not available for asks yet)
"mark"👻 :(not available for asks yet) art by @mossdoesartshit for verse:like the beginning
kyle🔥 :(not available for asks yet)
Natalie💧 :(not available for asks yet)
zack❄️ :(not available for asks yet) art by @mossdoesartshit for verse:stuck in a new realm
jason⚡ :(not available for asks yet)
conner☄️ :(not available for asks yet)
brad🌺 :(not available for asks yet)
gene💻 :(not available for asks yet)
lisa🔪 :(not available for asks yet)
master wu🍵:(available for asks)
lord garmadon🦈:(available for asks)
Koko👩‍👦 :(available for asks)
luh-lloyd🐉 :(available for asks)
morro🐓 :(available for asks)
kai🔥 :(available for asks)
nya💧 :(available for asks)
zane❄️ :(available for asks)
jay⚡ :(available for asks) art by @piereoglyphics for verse:stuck in a new realm
cole☄️ :(available for asks) art by @piereoglyphics for verse:stuck in a new realm
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replicantdeviancy · 1 month
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anderson-residence asked: "Go. To. Bed. That's an order." Some kids would bring their tired dad a blanket. Not Cole. He's in charge tonight, Connor! "And Sumo wil be your weighted blanket to keep your safe and warm and to keep you from getting out of bed."
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@anderson-residence || Lack of Sleep Starters! || Accepting
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The detective had been staying up late recently, busy working on a new case which had popped up only weeks before. One which had been slow going, as leads had dried up & suspects were either absent or eliminated. They were still awaiting the results of some forensic tests & the couple had been making do with what little they had to go on. Hank had been frustrated, as his usual methods hadn't produced results. He was very much still an old fashioned detective at heart, preferring time out on the field & chasing down leads as opposed to sitting around waiting. Connor, too, was much like his husband, but he had his own talents when it came to field work. The scene had held enough evidence to aid in a near-perfect reconstruction of events within his minds eye, but they still couldn't name a definitive suspect.
There had just been something bothering him, something he swore they were missing in the case notes. Thus, he had been scouring them for most of the week, which led to late nights of wakefulness. There was very little time in the day to look over a case which was still pending, as they had more on the table. Between domestic duties - of which Hank took up more than his fair share - & their job, Connor had only been able to steal moments to himself in order to look over the case. It was what had led to insomnia. He had never been one to have a quiet mind, ever the observant overthinker. So, once again, he had found himself downstairs in the livingroom at 3am looking over evidence laid all over the coffee table, a cup of tea in one hand & Sumo sleeping at his feet.
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He had been so focused when Cole approached, that the suddenness of his voice startled the detective, causing him to spill a bit of tea. Thankfully, none had fallen onto the files, much to Connor's relief. Yes, they were copies, but he didn't want to make more. A frustrated sigh left him as he set his mug down & aimed a frown towards his son. "What are you doing up, young man?" he retorted, more focused on Cole than himself in his moment of annoyance. It was just too late & he hadn't been sleeping. He would surely apologize in the morning. "I know I've asked that you not sneak up on me like that. You scared me." He had caught Sumo's attention, as well, the Saint Bernard's head having risen & ears perked as he let out a thin whine of complaint. He was quick to lay back down again, unbothered by Cole's presence. Not like his father, who was more upset at being called out than anything.
Connor didn't try to cover up any of the documents that were laying out, the photos. Cole was used to these kinds of things, used to his parents line of work. It might have been a controversial move, but Connor was careful & he kept a sharp eye on the boy's mental well being. In some instances, it was better to slowly introduce the darkness's of the world rather than shield Cole from it.
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Ahh okay dream 1
These will probably be pretty condensed cause its just one of those dreams where you had to be there....
So, the first dream somehow i was casted into a new mini series tv show. And we basically filmed the pilot or the first couple of episodes not thinking much, but the pilot leaked? and went viral online. It was insane. 
I was the only person in the main cast who wasnt super famous and they just happened to take a chance on. It was me, cole sprouse, lili reinhart, maybe kj apa?? although im not sure, and connor woods like fibulaaa. 
And it was basically riverdale hahaha. But so much better. It was like a dark drama where we were solving mysteries, well we hadnt gotten that far but the pilot was the exposition of a mystery that we were going to come together to solve. We were a group of young friends, and we were sitting in a park/parking lot and talking and connor was throwing a basket ball around the group.
And the color scheme was very filmy and aesthetic and the writing was amazing and most importantly i sounded natural and organic!! Like im literally not an actor lmao, but i did a good job. 
So we filmed it, idk if it was the teaser that got out or the pilot but basically. Something got posted on twitter and it blew up, and it was like INSTANT fame for me. Like i was gaining 100s of thousands of followers, people were looking up everything ive ever done and trying to make connections to the show and my career, it was fucking insane. 
I posted something in regards to the show, and a random person found a bunch of my film pictures which apparently i had some with connor and sally darrs whole group and they put them in the twitter thread so now MY film pictures were going viral. And people were starting to ship me and connor and say like “ooh theyve been friends maybe thats how they got the role”
And i was like omg how did they find those!! Also yes connor and i are friends now but when the pictures were taken it was like our friend groups first time hanging out with connor and sally darrs group and i just happened to take pictures cause i was excited and they really liked us and i wanted to make it look like we were longtime friends. 
So it was crazy. I was on the phone with people flipping out that i went viral. Dalvin even came up to me and was like woah arielle you were cast in “whatever the show was called” and i was like yeah!! and he was like thats so cool. 
At one point i was in hs and m*d* came in my class and i was trying to show her like look, this tweet went viral and im on this show and she was like 
“Does bri river like those people?” and i was like what???? i dont know i don’t follow her, to support you wtf?? How is that the first thing you ask me when im doing something successful like how are you making it about you? (except i didnt say all that just the first part) 
Anyways, everything was happening so fast and i was so excited and because it was going viral it was a big indicator that the show was gonna be picked up and we’d get to film more epsiodes and it’d be popular. It was coming on TV and i was like “woah i didnt even know it was coming on tv yet??” 
I was excited for the press runs, like i wonder what my outfit is going to be and its gonna be so fun to do all of this with like cole sprouse and lili reinhart like im gonna be recognized as a huge actor this is insane. And people were so curious about me because i was the only nobody. 
ahhhhhhhhhhhh isnt that insane!! It was so fun and exciting and i was so happy.
Oh and VERY IMPORTANT, before i fell asleep i SPECIFICALLY asked spirit for help on career path and.....whats my purpose and am i supposed to be applying for sm jobs on linkedin. soo.....don’t know what this means yet. But in addition to my tswift and renee rapp dreams. ALso the dream where my dad posted a tweet that went viral on twitter. Somethings...brewing :)
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ygreczed-3 · 3 years
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The Walking Dead/Detroit Become Human AU
(so basically I was tempted to make a post to apologize about the mess my blog has become lately - feels like I’m posting AUs, artworks, sketches and comic updates in such a chaotic way… I’m really sorry about it ahaha 😅 Hopefully it will get better soon)
So this post is me drawing for hours and forgetting to eat on my break day (I finally did !!! Don’t worry ahaha) because I became obsessed with an idea again. Also I like to make concept arts and storyboards as if I was working on a professional project for a TV show/animation. I find it fascinating ! This time I don’t really have any plot or finished story, I just wanted to draw these scenes badly so… I just did.
I’d like to draw your attention to Connor’s curly hair and Hank’s design (strongly inspired by Kristoff from Frozen). I just LOVE these details.
⚠️Remember this is NOT a new series. Just me having fun with characters and a universe I like (aka The Walking Dead) ! 
Anyway, more ideas below 👀
Hank open his eye again. The walker was shot in the head. Hank pushes the walker away, it falls dead on the concrete.
Looking up, he sees Connor with a gun.
Hank : Jesus… Thank you.  I thought I was…
Connor : I wouldn’t have wasted a bullet for you if it wasn’t for your kid back there. Your car, does it work? Hank : … Yeah… I just… I was looking for some gas when… well… Can I drive you somewhere? Connor : Not really, I’m looking for someone.
Hank and Cole are walking in a gas station with jerricans and pour what’s left of gas from the pump.
Cole : Dad, that mister from earlier, do you think he’s gonna be okay ? Hank : I think, pumpkin. He was the one helping us. Cole : Being alone sounds dangerous… He should have come with us. Hank : …
It’s nighttime, Cole is sleeping in the backseats with a blanket, Hank is sleeping in the driver seat. He wakes up brutally as he hears something tapping softly against the car window : the young man from earlier. He rolls the window down.
Hank : You ? Connor : I’ve looked around the whole city. Now it’s too dark… I need a safe place to have some sleep, I was thinking you could let me in. You owe me after all. Hank : … Yeah sure. Get in.
Connor gets in the car. He takes his bag off and keeps it by his side, out of Hank’s reach. He takes his coat off but keeps a gun near him. Hank stares at him with narrowed eyes.
Hank : … You’re safe here, really. You can trust me. Connor : Sorry, but I only trust myself.
It’s dark outside, Hank can’t really sleep with the stranger next to him. His guts dictate him to stay alert. He watches carefully as Connor turns his head to him, half-opening his eyes.
Connor: Can’t sleep ? Hank : … Well you were right… I don’t know you. What about you ? Did you sleep a little ? Connor : … No. I’m too… cautious. My brain won’t let me sleep with a stranger next to me. Hank : … My name’s Hank. You ? Connor : What the hell are you doing ? Hank : We agreed we couldn’t sleep next to strangers. I’m introducing myself. Connor : It won’t make it any better… *after a silence* I’m Connor. Hank : Nice to meet you. Connor: … Where were you before ? You… you act like a newborn in this hell… Hank : … I had a neighbor with one of those bunkers… with tons of food, water, enough to live for months. We… We were hiding there with her until… until a few weeks. Connor : What happened ? Hank : She thought she had heard a chopper. Thought someone was out there to rescue us… she opened the hatch and she was… attacked by those things… Connor: … the kid… he’s yours? Hank : Yeah… Cole. Connor: … Where’s her mom ? Hank : He’s never known her. Connor: Sorry.  Hank : Don’t be.
Hank : I think… I’m starting to relax… we should try to sleep huh ?
Connor is already sleeping.
Connor takes his backpack as Hank and Cole take a breakfast with some fire.
Hank : You sure you don’t want to eat anything ? Connor : No thanks, I have my own stock. You should save your food for your kid. Hank : … Hey, if you ever need to find us… after you’ve found what  you’re looking for, I have a police radio. Frequency 58,7 kHz. Connor: I won’t need it but- thanks. Good luck.
Connor leaves.
Cole : What should we do now? Hank : … We need to find more food… and weapons. I’ll go downtown today. You… You’ll stay here alright? Cole : No I… I want to stay with you… Hank : I know you’re scared Cole… But it’s too dangerous. You’ll be safe hidden in the car. Cole : You’ll be quick? Hank : Back before sunset, pinky swear.
Hank finds an axe on a bar counter.
Hank : What the-
He runs outside and hides against a wall as walkers pass nearby, heading to the source of the ringing.
He looks up and sees Connor climbing on a ladder but a Walker is trying to grab his leg.
Hank comes and kills the monster. Connor : You..! Follow me !
On the rooftop, they see the church. It’s an automatic bell, the walkers are massively getting around the building. There is something painted on the wall that says “Find Jericho” with black paint and scribbled under it “Find 9s”
Connor : Nines… Hank : What is Jericho ? Connor : … A safe place for survivors. It’s hidden… to keep the thieves and killers away. Hank : … The church. Connor : What ? Hank : Jericho, it has to do with the bible. The message is written on a church’s wall. It’s not a coincidence, there might be… a hint in there. Connor : … But we can’t get inside with those creeps around… Hank : … Maybe they leave when the church stops ringing the bells. Connor : Or maybe we should try to lead them away with… Hank : With what ? Connor : … Your car.
Connor : So, let me get it straight. You drive around the town honking. It will attract the creeps away from the church. I get inside the church and look for any kind of hint. When the bells start ringing I get out before the creeps come back. And what do we do with Cole ?
Hank : He’s going with you. I don’t want to have him in the car with hundreds of undeads trying to get me. Connor : … I don’t- Hank : Don’t worry. He’s a smart kid. He will do as you say. Right Cole? Cole : …Hmm. Connor: … Fine. Let’s do it.
Connor and Cole sneak into the church. Connor kills two of the Walkers still inside the church as Cole follows him cautiously. 
Cole : … Look. *he points out a book on the altar* Connor : … It’s a bible… The chapter about the Battle of Jericho… it can’t be a coincidence. *They look up and see something written with old blood on the wall behind the altar. It says “Rahab the harlot defied the King of Jericho. Here lies the key to the fortress.”* Cole : What’s a harlot? Connor : … You should… ask your father. Now… I have to read… and think. Cole : … We only have one hour left before the bells ring again… Connor : I know.
Connor : … I don’t get it ! There must be something I’m missing ! Cole : … Connor, I found a map ! Connor : Not now Cole, I’m trying to focus… Cole : Connor, look ! Connor : Cole please I really need-…
Cole shows him the map… there is a “9s” written on it.
Connor : Nines ! Cole : Does it help ? Connor : … I don’t know-…
The bells ring suddenly.
Connor : Crap… we have to get out of here. Give me your hand, buddy.
Hank is waiting for them : he has lit a fire and when Cole sees him, he lets go of Connor’s hand and runs to hug his dad.
Hank : I gotcha, pumpkin. *looking up at Connor* Did you find something ? Connor : I think…  Hank : You think ? Connor : I have this map my brother left for me inside the church… there was some kind of riddle on the wall, and it must have something to do with this but… there is nothing noted on it. Hank : What’s the riddle ? Connor : “Rahab the harlot defied the King of Jericho, here lies the key to the fortress.” Rahab was a prostitute, she helped Joshua by hiding spies he sent inside the city… and Joshua spared her when he took the fortress. But I… I don’t see the connection. Hank : … Let me see the map.
Connor gives it. Cole sits next to his father, near the fire, and soon falls asleep. After some time thinking and overthinking it, Hank finally points to a town on the map. A city called Defiance.
Hank : Look. Connor : Defiance… Of course. The key lies in Rahab’s defiance… Defiance is a town… Fuck- You’re a genius…! Hank : Man, I was feeling like a Detective again… felt nice for a moment. Connor: You were a Detective? Hank : A police Lieutenant, to be specific. But yeah. Detective works too. Connor : … I don’t think the treasure hunt is done yet. You’re gonna need your supercop sense again ! Hank : … It’s good to see you all excited. Feels like meeting the real Connor under the survivor’s shell. Connor: It’s nice… that Cole and you don’t have that shell yet… humanity is a rare thing to find down there. Hank : … So, who is “Nines” ? Connor : My little brother. We lived together, in the same group of survivors. Our camp was attacked… we got separated. Hank : Looks like he’s smart. He solved the riddle all by himself. It took the two of us to understand the hint. Connor : He’s always been a nerd. Hank : Pffft… Well we should try to get some sleep. We should be able to reach Stoneton, then we’ll have to find more gas.
Hank gets up and carries Cole to the car seats.
Connor: … Hank…? Hank : Yup ? Connor : Can I… Can I come with you two ? I could go to Defiance by myself but… if you’re heading there too, maybe we could… Hank : What the heck ? Of course you’re coming with us. With our two half-brains we’re gonna need each other’s help to find Jericho and your brother, don’t you think ? Connor *chuckles* : Right.
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inagetawaycarxo · 3 years
Beneath The Surface [COMPLETE SERIES]
Pairings: Adam Cole x Reader, Kyle O’Reilly x Reader, Bobby Fish x Reader, Roderick Strong x Reader, Jay Halstead x Reader [Sibling], Will Halstead x Reader [Sibling], Connor Rhodes x Reader [LI], Austin Smith x Reader, Mob!Boss!Roman Reigns x Reader
Featuring: Y/n, Connor Rhodes, Jay Halstead, Will Halstead, Hank Voight, Kim Burgess,  Kyle O’Reilly, Bobby Fish, Rhys, Carson, Mr Williams, Norah Williams, Kevin Atwater, Austin Smith [OC], Roman Reigns, Jey Uso, Antonio Dawson, Adam Ruzek.
Summary: A small town is rocked by a case of a woman with amnesia, who is she? what happened to her? What is she hiding?
Warnings: involves abuse, violence, blood, whumps, firefighting stuff I got wrong, police stuff I got wrong, medical things I got wrong, medical stuff, light angst, Adam being douche, secrets, errors I missed, PTSD, nightmares, flashbacks, angst, blood, violence, drama, mentions of kidnapping, character death, death, car crash.
w/c; 17523
The tree branches scraped against your skin as you ran through the woods. All battered and bruised. Finding it difficult to see out of your left eye it was swollen. You found it hard to breathe as well. Your lungs felt like they were on fire, but you kept pushing yourself to run. You couldn’t stop now, you had to run.
Hope sparked inside of you as you saw a barn. Quickly running over to the barn as best as you could.
Slipping under the wooden fence. Sucking in a deep breath, pain rippled through your body. but you pushed through. Walking up to the door of the barn. Your hand resting on the door, sliding it open.
You quickly entered the barn. Closing the door behind you. The barn smelled like manure, animals, feed, silage, and wood all mixed together. You made your way over to a hay bale, sitting down on it. You carefully laid down. The barn wasn’t occupied by animals. Your eyes slowly closed, as you winced in pain. Your head was killing you. Every limp in your body felt like it was on fire. Your vision slowly fading into black…
“Dad, I’m sure the animals will be fine,” The daughter of the elderly man huffed out.
“Just want to check on them, they are a new herd of cattle I want to see how they are settling in,” He spoke. Getting up. Walking over to the front door. Taking his coat off the hook near the door. He slipped it on. Slipping into his gumboots. He grabbed the lantern. Grabbing his matches out of his pocket and lighting the lantern. He put the match out. Putting it down on the hallway table. Grabbing his rifle that was in the corner. Slinging the armband that was attached to the rifle over his shoulder.
“They were fine ten minutes ago when you checked on them again,” His daughter sighed. As her father opened the door. Exiting the farmhouse. Ignoring his daughter.
He held the lantern up in front of him. The fire lightening his path. Eyebrows furrowing as he heard his animals make sounds of distress.
“It’s okay,” He reassured them. Not that it worked. He then proceeds to locate what got them so spooked.
Eyes widening in slight fear, as he saw a coyote stalking outside of his barn. He put the lantern down, so he could fire his rifle.
He aimed at the coyote. Pulling the trigger. The sound of the gun breaking through the air. This seemed to cause his daughter to panic rushing out of the house. While her father picked up the lantern. Running over to the coyote to see if he got it. The coyote quickly ran away, fleeing the scene without a trace of a bullet wound.
The elderly man let out a sigh. Looking at the barn.
His eyes widen as he saw a bloody handprint smudged on the door. Taking slow steps he walked to the door. Hand pressing against the door, he slides it open. Heart pounding faster.
The moonlight lit up the barn. What he saw next made his heart speed up. He clutched his chest with his hand, dropping the lantern in the process. Causing it to fall on the floor. Breaking the glass. The fire spread across the hay scatted on the ground, as the elderly man fell to his knees, holding his chest tightly as he had a heart attack. The image of a bloody, beaten-up woman laying on his hay bale was too much for him.
“DAD,” His daughter screamed as she saw the barn light up with fire. She quickly sprinted back to the house. Tearing the front door open. Rushing over to the landline. She picked the cordless phone up. Quickly dialing 9-1-1. Holding the phone up to her ear, rushing back outside.
“9-1-1, what’s your emergency?” The emergency operator spoke.
“HELP ME! My father, he is in the barn and it’s on fire,” She gasped out. Her voice was full of panic.
“What’s your address?” the emergency operator asked. Typing away on a keyboard.
“I… Oh my god,” The women gasped out, as the fire grew larger. She was too shocked to speak. The emergency operator quickly tracked the women’s location. Informing the fire department and the ambulance department.
“Ma’am, help is on the way,” The emergency operator spoke. Only to hear the sound of the phone dropping and a loud cry…
The smell of smoke invaded your nostrils, waking you up. Your eyes widen in panic as you saw fire. You quickly got off the hay bale, rushing to find a way out of this barn, unfortunately, you inhaled too much smoke, making you collapse to the ground…
The sound of the fire siren, as well as an ambulance siren, got louder as they drove up the driveway. The fire rig stopping near the barn. While the ambulance stopped a bit behind the fire truck.
The daughter of the elderly man rushed over to them.
Kyle and Bobby rushed out of the rig. Putting their oxygen mask on and tanks on their backs, before rushing into the building. While the other firefighters rolled the hose out, turning the nozzle on. releasing water.
Bobby and Kyle saw an elderly man laying on the ground. Bobby checked his pulse. Kyle looked around the barn, seeing another figure.
“Bobby there’s another one in here,” Kyle spoke. Pointing at a figure.
“I’ll get him out, and you go get her,” Bobby ordered. Kyle nodded. Carefully walking over to the figure. While Bobby picked the guy up, pulling him out of the building.
Kyle gasped as he took in the figure. It was a woman. Her face was littered with scratches. Not only was her face littered with scratches but there was blood on her face. he put two and two together, they were keeping this woman hostage.
He quickly picked her up carefully, walking out of the building. Glaring at the woman and the guy in the stretcher. Bobby looked up.
“Oh my god,” Bobby gasped out.
The woman looked up from her father. The other paramedic saw Kyle take another victim out. Rushing over to the back of the ambulance van, taking out another stretcher.
“Where you holding her captive?” Kyle spat out. As the other paramedic bought the stretcher over to Kyle. Kyle placed the woman delicately down on the stretcher. While the other paramedic checked the women.
“What?” The daughter of the elderly guy gasped out.
“She’s going to have to go to the hospital, she has a collapsed lung, among other things,” The paramedic spoke. The other paramedic nodded.
Both of them taking you and the elderly man to the back of the ambulance van. Kyle following.
“I’ve never seen that woman in my life, let alone knew she was in the barn,” The women gasped out. Holding her father’s hand,
“Well, then your father knew, maybe tried to hide the evidence of his crime,” Kyle spat out. as they loaded you in then the elderly man. The women hopping in a well.
“I’m not leaving you alone with her,” Kyle growled out. hopping into the back of the ambulance van as well. One of the paramedics hopped in, while the other one shut the doors. Going over to the driver’s side. Opening the door and getting in. they closed the door. Starting the ambulance van, then switching the siren on as they speed off to the hospital. Pressing their foot hard on the pedal. All the while Kyle glared at the women. Praying the woman he thought that they abused was okay…
Kyle felt relief wash over him as the ambulance stopped in the emergency parking space.
The other paramedic rushing out of the driver’s side, opening the doors. Both of them taking out the stretchers.
“You are going to pay for this,” Kyle growled out before he exited the back of the ambulance van…
 • ━━━━━ ••●•• ━━━━━ ••   
Kyle could hear his heart beating as every second went by. His chest felt heavy with anxiety, as he waited for a doctor or nurse to tell him the condition of the woman he saved. Or at least give him some sort of update. He had been waiting in the waiting room for hours.
Other people who were waiting as well, came and left.
He should have been at work, but he couldn't. He had to know the condition of the woman he saved, or at least her name.
Kyle heard footsteps approaching. Relief washed over him. thinking it was a doctor coming to inform him of the condition of the woman he saved, when he looked up it was his friend Adam, who happened to be a detective. Coming over to him.  
“Hey,” Kyle spoke, sitting up straighter. As Adam stood in front of him.
“Heard you made quite a scene,” Adam spoke. Arching an eyebrow.
“Well, you would to if you found a battered and bruised woman in a barn, that was set ablaze, for all I know he was trying to cover his crime up,” Kyle grumbled out. Adam sat beside him.
“You don’t know that Mr. William isn’t that type of person,” Adam Sighed.
“People surprise you, Adam, you should know that,” Kyle grumbled. Adam just raised his eyebrow.
“Look Kyle I get you want to be a hero but you can't accuse someone especially a burn victim of abusing a woman, we haven’t heard the entire story yet,” Adam sighed.
“Like I said before people surprise you,” Kyle grumbled. Adam let out a long sigh. Resting his hand on Kyle's shoulder and squeezing it.
“Let the evidenced do the talking. Just stay out of it,” Adam warned. Letting go of Kyle’s shoulder and getting up. Leaving Kyle to glare at his back as he walked to the nurse's station. Asking the nurse where the room of the woman Kyle found was located in. The nurse quickly gave Adam the number for the room. Giving him a flirty smile. Adam smirked at her. Sending a wink her way as he walked off. walking to the room.
Adam pushed the door open. Smirking as he saw Doctor Rhodes.
“Connor,” Adam smirked. as he took a step forward. His eyes looking at the woman in the bed. She looked awful. There was a bandage wrapped around her head. A scatter of scratches on her face. her lip was busted, her left arm was in a sling, and her left eye was swollen.
“Cole,” Connor responded not looking up from the tablet. It was no secret Adam and Connor butted heads. Connor wasn’t Adam’s biggest fan, and Adam wasn’t Connor’s biggest fan either.
“So, how’s the patient? Is she going to wake up soon, hopefully sometime soon?” Adam asked. Making Connor’s jaw tighten. “She’s been through a lot, I put her induced coma, she’s lucky she’s even alive, she has a collapsed lung, broken arm, head trauma, not to mention…” Connor listed off only to get cut off by an impatient Adam.
“Yeah, yeah, just give her something to wake her up, so I can get answers out of her, then you can put her back in an induce comma,” Adam grumbled. Looking at Connor intensely. Connor’s jaw ticked.
Connor let out an annoyed huff. Putting the tablet down. giving Adam his full attention. His eyes were lit with fury. Blood boiling.
“Get out,” Connor shouted. Making Adam smirk.
“She’s a suspect,” Adam smirked. riling Connor up.
“She’s a victim, and she’s my patient, I’m not waking her up so you can grill her, come back when she actually wakes up,” Connor shouted. Nostrils flaring.
“Well, are you going to give me a set date on when you are going to take her out of the comma?” Adam asked.
“I’ll get one of the nurses to inform you when she wakes up on her own accord, till now leave,” Connor growled. Making  Adam smirk. He turned around walking out of the room.
Connor let out a sigh. Walking over to you. His face edged with worry. He took a hold of your hand. His thumb caressing the back of your hand. His other hand went to your wrist, tracing the tattoo on your wrist. he knew that tattoo, he was there when you got it. Connor sat down on your bed beside you. Eyes filling with worry.
“Oh, y/n, what happened to you?” He sighed.
“I should have never left Chicago,” He spoke again, with so much sadness in his voice….
 • ━━━━━ ••●•• ━━━━━ ••   
Connor starred at you intently. He had a feeling your ex might have caused this. Connor quickly let go of your hand when he heard the door to your room open. He quickly stood up. Pretending to look t the tablet. As a male nurse named Rhys walked in. Rhys smiled at him.
“How’s the patient?” Rhys asked. Going over to you.
Connor let out a small sigh. Looking at Rhys.
“Pretty much the same,” Connor replied.
“If it’s any consolation, I think you made the right choice putting her in an induced coma,”  Rhys spoke. Checking the wires that were connected to you.
“Let me guess Adam was complaining about it when he walked out?” Connor questioned. Making Rhys chuckle.
“Yep,” Rhys chuckled.
“Oh, Kyle is still in the waiting room, did you want me to inform him?” Rhys asked. Looking at Connor.
“No, it’s okay I will do it,” Connor responded. Making Rhys smile. Connor smiled at Rhys. Giving you one last longing glance. Before walking out of your room, and over to the waiting room.
Connor spotted Kyle. Making him let out a small sigh.
Connor smiled at Kyle as he made his way over to him.
“Kyle,” Connor greeted. Standing in front of Kyle.
“Is she okay? Is she awake?” Kyle asked frantically.
“She suffered a lot of brain trauma and I had to put her in an induced coma,” Connor replied.
Kyle looked down in defeat. Feeling like the whole world was closing around him.
“She’s in good hands,” Connor spoke. Giving Kyle a reassuring smile.
“Did you at least find out her name?” Kyle asked. Making Connor suck in a deep breath.
He knew who you were, but he just didn’t know if he should tell Kyle your name. The problem was Kyle was friends with Adam, who he hated, and who was a cop. Connor had a gut feeling your ex-boyfriend, who happened to be a cop did this to you.
“We don’t know, whoever hurt her removed her fingertips, and tried to make her unrecognizable,” Connor spoke. Making Kyle frown.
“You can see her if you want,” Connor spoke again. Seeing Kyle look deflated.
Kyle lifted his head. Eyes brightening with happiness. He got up.
“Thank you,” Kyle beamed. Connor gave Kyle a small smile.
Connor guided Kyle to your room. Opening the door for Kyle.
Kyle rushed in. Connor followed behind Kyle. Closing the door. Watching Kyle closely.
Kyle looked at you with a pained expression. Walking over to you. Taking in your appearance. It was all too overwhelming. Tears collected in his eyes.
He took a huge gulp before speaking.
“Don’t worry, my friend is a cop, and he will find out who hurt you,” Kyle promised you.
“Or side with her ex,” Connor thought to himself.
Kyle was about to sit down when his phone let out a ping. He quickly fished it out of his pocket. Looking at the phone screen. He had to go back to work. He looked at you then at the screen. Letting out a defeated sigh.
“Can I visit her again after my shift ends?” Kyle asked as he got up.
“Sure,” Connor replied. Smiling at Kyle. Kyle gave you one last final glance before walking out of the room reluctantly….
Adam parked his car next to Roddy’s car. Turning the car off and putting it in park. He put the hand brake up. Taking the car keys out of the ignition. Adam opened the door, stepping out of his car.
Roddy quickly walked up to him. Handing him some disposable gloves.
“Any evidence bagged yet?” Adam asked. As the two of them walked over to the burnt-down barn.
“No, everything is burnt,” Roddy spoke. Adam let out a grunt of annoyance.
He was about to speak, but the sound of a car engine coming towards them. Made him turn his attention towards the noise.
Adam saw Kyle get out of a taxi. Giving the taxi driver a couple of notes through the window.
Bobby quickly walked up to Kyle. Greeting Kyle.
“Hey man, how is she?” Bobby asked. Giving Kyle a big hug.
“In a coma,” Kyle responded. As Bobby pulled away.
“I’m sure she will pull through,” Bobby spoke. Putting his hand on Kyle’s shoulder.
Whatever Kyle was about to say was interrupted by the sound of someone talking.
“I found something,” Another cop spoke. Near the wooden fence.
Roddy, Adam, Bobby, and Kyle quickly rushed over.
The cop pointed at the fence. Adam smirked as he saw blood on the wooden fence. He felt confident it was the mystery woman that was lying in the hospital and that Mr. William didn’t hold the woman captive as Kyle claimed.
Adam turned to Kyle with a smug look. Making Kyle narrow his eyes slightly. Bobby and Roddy looked back and forth between Adam and Kyle.
“There's your evidence that Mr. William didn’t hold the woman hostage,” Adam spoke smugly. Making Kyle’s jaw clench slightly.
Adam turned his attention back to the cop.
“Bag it,” He spoke before walking off. Kyle glared at the back of Adam’s head.
It could be the blood of the woman he rescued or an injured animal, he thought to himself…
Chapter Text
 • ━━━━━ ••●•• ━━━━━ ••   
It’s been two weeks since they found a bloody and bruised woman in Mr. William's barn.
Adam exhausted all leads. The blood they found wasn’t human, it was animal blood.
Adam tapped his fingers impatiently on his desk. Looking at the results from the blood they found two weeks ago. He put the piece of paper down. Letting out a frustrated groan.
“How about we get a warrant or something so we can get her blood?” Roddy suggested. Looking up from the PC screen.
“I have a better idea, we wake her up, grill her till she breaks,” Adam suggested. Making Roddy look at him with concern.
“Are you sure?” Roddy asked. Voice laced with concern.
“Unless you want an innocent man wrongly accused, we have no other choice, plus I think it’s time for her to wake up, I’m sure she would remember now, she’s been in a coma for two weeks,”
“How do you know she will remain; they say she has had brain trauma,” Roddy spoke.
“Because it is our only option,” Adam grumbled. Getting up and grabbing his coat. Roddy let out a sigh. Getting up and following Adam…
 Kyle smiled at the barista as she handed him a water bottle and a sandwich he ordered. He turned around, only to bump into a woman.
“Sorry,” Kyle apologized. Giving her a small smile. His smile dropped as he realized who it was. It was Mr. Williams, daughter.
“You should be, because of you everyone in this town thinks my father hurt that woman, that he held her hostage, that he tortured her,” She growled out. Tears collecting in her eyes. She looked like she hadn’t slept in weeks. Or if she, did it must have been a few hours. She had dark circles underneath her eyes.
“Well, what else was I supposed to think, she was injured,”  Kyle snapped.
“Are you just being petty because I broke up with you?” She growled out. Through clenched teeth.
“That has nothing to do with it,” Kyle snapped. Glaring at her.
“Well, I hope you are proud of yourself, my father literally had a heart attack,” She snapped. Spinning on her heel and walking away…
 Adam walked into the hospital. Looking around the hospital in search of Connor. Adam walked over to the nurse's station. Smirking as he saw it was the nurse that always flirts with him. Roddy followed behind him.
“Where’s Doctor Rhodes?” Adam asked her.
“In surgery why?” She asked. Batting her eyelashes.
“No reason,” Adam smirked. Giving her a charming smile before turning around and walking to the unknown woman’s room.
Adam looked around before entering the room. Seeing if the coast was clear. Roddy followed behind him feeling slightly unsure if they should do this. He tried to talk Adam out of it on the way to the hospital, but Adam didn’t listen.
Adam took out a needle, with a liquid substance.
“Where did you get that from?” Roddy asked. Eyes widen in shock.
“A friend,” Adam responded. Walking over to you. He took the cap off the needle. Putting the needle into your cannula.
Adam smirked as he put the liquid substance into you. Roddy felt his heart rate quicken. Gulping as he felt like this was all a bad idea.
Your eyes opened wide. Looking around the room to see two male figures looking at you. You saw two figures standing there. Eyes widen in fear as you saw a police badge on their uniforms. Your mind quickly flashed to the nightmares you were having. The guy who beat you up had a badge. The sound of the machine monitor beeped loudly and rapidly. Roddy felt worried thinking it was the liquid substance that was affecting you. Maybe you were having an allergic reaction…
 • ━━━━━ ••●•• ━━━━━ ••   
 Adam got up in your face. Making you gulp hard.
“Do you remember what happened to you?” Adam demanded. Making you move your head to the side. Adam’s eyes sparkled dangerously. He grabbed your chin hard. Roughly pulling your head to face him. The sound of the machine beeped faster making Roddy panic.
“Dude, just leave her alone,” Roddy sighed. Grabbing Adam’s shoulder and trying to pull him away. But Adam fought against him. Shrugging him off.
You tried to reach out to the button. But Adam grabbed your hand tightly. Making you whimper. Tears gathered in your eyes. As your heart rate speed up the machine beeped frantically.
Was he going to hurt you like that other cop was doing in those dreams you had?
“Tell me,” Adam demanded.
“I don’t remember,” You weakly gasped out. voice trembling with fear.
“Adam,” Roddy warned. Feeling worried about your safety. Yes, they needed answers. But scaring you to answer wasn’t the right solution.
“What the hell do you think you are doing?” Connor shouted. Looking at Adam and Roddy with fury in his eyes, but mainly Adam.
“Just getting answers, I mean it’s been two weeks since she came here, I want to know who our mystery woman is, don’t you?” Adam smugly spoke. Making Connor’s blood boil. While Roddy just shook his head disapprovingly.
“Are you insane, she has had a traumatic brain injury, she needs rest,” Connor growled out. Taking a step closer to you. Adam let go of you. making your heart rate decrease. You cast your gaze down.
“She woke up on her own,” Adam spoke. Connor gave Adam a sarcastic smile. Not believing a word he just spoke. Roddy shook his head no.
“I’m sure she did. Get out,” Connor spat out. Making Adam smirk smugly.
“I’ll find answers, and if you get in the way again I won’t hesitate in charging you,” Adam threatened. Glaring at Connor. Connor glared back at him.
Adam broke eye contact smirking.
“Come on, Roddy, see you later sweetheart,” Adam spoke sweetly. Patting your hair. Making you flinch.
Adam smirked at Connor as Roddy and he walked out of the door.
A whimper caught Connor’s attention.
“Are you okay?” He asked. Eyes full of worry. He quickly checked on you.
You looked at him intensely. Studying his features. He was gorgeous. You felt your breath hitch as he leaned closer. Shining his torch in your eyes.
He was about to speak but you cut him. Something about him made you want to tell him the reoccurring dream you kept having while sleeping. Well, it was more like a nightmare. Like he would keep you safe. that you could trust him. Heck, you would tell him your darkest secrets if you could remember them.
“I think I know who hurt me… when I was asleep, I kept having these vivid images of this guy attacking me. He hurt me so cruelly. And I saw a police badge,” You confessed. Your voice was above a whisper.
Connor looked at you with a heartbroken expression. Making your forehead crease with confusion. Why was he looking at you like that?
He grabbed your hand. Sitting down on the bed. His eyes gathering with tears.
“I don’t want to freak you out too much, but…” Connor spoke. Taking a deep breath before he spoke again.
“I know you; I know who did this to you,” He confessed. Making your breath hitch. Your mouth opening in shock. Eyes locked onto his.
“What’s my name?” You barely gasped out but he heard you somehow.
“Y/n l/n,” He responded.
“I’ll tell you anything, whatever you want to know I will tell you,” Connor spoke, looking at you with concern in his eyes…
 • ━━━━━ ••●•• ━━━━━ ••   
You looked at Connor in shock. Your brain processing the words Connor spoke. Connor looked at you with a worried expression. While you looked down at the sheets.
You looked up at him. Parting your lips.
“Tell me more,” You gasped out. Heart beating faster.
Connor let out a sigh. Inching closer to you.
“You are from Chicago,” Connor started to say. Smiling slightly.
“You have two brothers, Will and Jay. Jay is actually your twin,” Connor told you.
“Twin? I’m a twin,” You gasped out in disbelief. Making Connor smile.
“Not identical though,” Connor chuckled. As a small smile graced your lips.
“You did have a boyfriend, but you dumped him, then got together with another man, which no one knows what he looks like, other than his name, which is Roman,” Connor spoke again.
“Oh, do you think he did this to me?” You asked. Heart plummeting as you waited for his response.
Connor let out a sigh. Casting his eyes down. his thumb absently caressing his thumb across the tattoo on your wrist. your eyes traveled down to where his thumb was. Sparks igniting in your body at his touch.
“ I think he did, I wouldn’t put it past him,” Connor finally spoke. Looking up at you. making your breath hitch.
“But the guy I saw in my dreams had a badge,” You gasped out.
“Yeah, your ex was a cop, wait you had dreams about what happened to you?” Connor spoke.
“Yeah,” You spoke quietly. Connor looked at you with concerned eyes.
“Your brother is a detective, didn’t like your ex-boyfriend, thought he was a corrupt cop,” Connor told you.
“Will or Jay?” You asked.
“Jay, Will is a doctor, and well you are a nurse, Will also hated your ex as well,” Connor replied. As you looked at him. Hanging on his every word.
You didn’t want to hear more about your abusive ex, so you changed the subject.
“What about us? How do we know each other?” You asked. This question seemed to throw Connor off guard. He looked at you with wide eyes. A shocked expression on his face. You raised your eyebrow at him.  Wanting to know why he had that reaction.
It made you want to know the answer even more. Obliviously something went down between the two of you. Since he got nervous under your gaze. He looked away, delaying his response.
“I didn’t ask how you are feeling?” Connor asked. Avoiding your question by asking a question of his own.
This made you want to know even more.
“I’m fine, but you didn’t answer my question,” You spoke.
Connor ignored the last word you spoke. Taking his stethoscope from around his neck. He put the earplugs in his ear. Grabbing hold of the bell. Bringing it towards your chest. You grabbed his wrist, stopping him. Connor’s breath hitched at the contact of your skin on his.
He took a deep breath before speaking. Avoiding eye contact.
“We were friends… best friends,” Connor spoke. You gave him a confused look at how he was reacting. And how long it took him to reply.
You opened your mouth to speak, but Connor beat you to it.
“It’s complicated, we are best friends, but we had a friend with benefits kind of relationship as well, then it went downhill, then I left,” Connor spoke. Still avoiding your gaze. He looked sad.
“Because of me?” You asked. Voice-breaking. This made Connor finally look at you.
“No,” He responded.
“It wasn’t your fault, I didn’t leave because of you,” Connor spoke again. Grabbing a hold of your hand. Both of you gazing into each other’s eyes.
Just as you were about to speak the door opened. Making Connor get up. He stood up. Looking professional, as the nurse made her way into your room.
She arched her eyebrow at Connor.
“Just checking on our mystery patient,” Connor spoke.
“Your up,” She spoke. Directing her gaze at you, then back at Connor when he spoke.
“No thanks to Cole,” Connor grumbled. The nurse gave a forced smile. You could tell it didn’t reach her eyes.
“Doctor Cooper wants you for a consultant on one of his cases,” She spoke. Giving Connor a fake smile. Connor looked annoyed. He gave her a fake smile too. Before looking at you. Giving you a genuine smile.  You could sense the tension between them.
“I’ll see you later,” He spoke. Giving you a sincere smile, before walking out of the room.
“So… what were Doctor Rhodes and you talking about?” She asked.
‘Not much, just asked if I could remember what my name was as well as if I could remember what happened to me?” You spoke. Lying to her. As she checked in on you.
“He seemed pretty close,” She spoke.
“He was just checking in on me,” You spoke. Making her give you a fake smile.
“Okay, I’ll check in on you later,” She responded. Giving you another fake smile, as she exited the room.
She quickly walked over to the nurse's station. Taking out her phone. Unlocking her phone. She quickly went into the messaging app. Pressing the conversation she had with Adam.
No budge. Though Connor and she seem pretty close She sent to him…
 Adam gripped his phone tighter as he reread the message over again. He let out a grunt of annoyance. He was about to reply when the door to his office opened. Mr. Williams Daughter storming in. Roddy trailing behind her. Adam gave her a forced smile. Adam placed his phone on his desk.
“How can I help you?” Adam asked.
“Of course you are just sitting there doing nothing, you should be grilling that woman,” She snapped. Fists clenched.
“The truth will come out, we are doing everything we can, ” Roddy reassured her. But she just turned around to face him. giving him a deadly glare.
“My dad isn’t a kidnapper or abuser,” She snapped. Storming out of the office.
Adam picked up his phone. Typing a message furiously.
Spy on them. Listen in on their conversations, report back to me.
Adam smirked as he sent the message. He would find out who that woman was…
 • ━━━━━ ••●•• ━━━━━ ••   
Kyle felt anxious as he walked into the hospital. Fidgeting with his fingers. He heard through the grapevine, well Adam, the woman he saved was awake. Kyle wanted to visit her, to see how she was.
He walked over to the nurse’s station. He smiled nervously at the nurse. Who happened to be the nurse Adam flirted with.
She gave him a fake smile, which didn’t ease his nerves.
“Let me guess, you are here to see the woman you saved,” She spoke. Giving him a teasing smile.
“Yeah, I heard she was awake,” Kyle spoke.
“You can go see her,” The nurse spoke Kyle gave her a small smile, before turning around and walking to your room.
The sound of the door creaking made you snap your head away from the TV screen to look at the person who entered your room. You hoped it was Dr. Rhodes. But it turned out to be a stranger. You gave him an anxious look as you took in his features. He had brown eyes, a red beard, or maybe it was auburn and brown hair.
Kyle took notice of you looking at him cautiously.
“I’m Kyle, I saved you from the burning barn,” He spoke gently.
“Oh, well, I would tell you my name, if I could remember it,” You lied. You did know your name, you just didn’t know who you could trust other than Doctor Rhodes, which he is yet to tell you his first name.
Kyle let out a chuckle. Grabbing the chair and bringing it to the side of your bed. He sat down. Grimacing at the discomfort. Making you arch an eyebrow.
“You look better than when I first saw you,” Kyle spoke softly.
“Mmm, I don’t feel it, my head is pounding, I look like I’ve been through hell,” You whined. Pouting at him. Kyle smiled.
“But you are alive, that’s the most important thing,” Kyle spoke.
“I suppose, but my head is killing me,” You whined.
“Do you want me to go get a nurse? Maybe they can give you something?” Kyle spoke in a worried tone.
“Nah, pretty sure she hates me, I’ll be fine,” You gasped out. Bringing your uninjured hand up to your forehead.
Kyle felt his heart hurt as he watched you wince in pain.
“Do you remember anything?” He asked. His tone was sweet and caring.
“Just running through bushes and trees, then seeing the barn,” You reply. Eyes widening as you realized you might have revealed too much. Maybe it was how he asked you. Maybe it was those brown eyes staring intently into your soul.
Before Kyle or you could utter a single word the door to the room opened.
“Hey, y/n we’ve…” Connor started to say but stopped when he saw Kyle sitting next to your bed. Jealousy spiked inside of him. His jaw slightly clenching. The reaction didn’t go unnoticed by you. Maybe Kyle but not you.
“Oh, I didn’t know you had visitors,” Connor spoke.
“I just heard she was up, and I wanted to check in on her,” Kyle nervously replied. It was cute. Connor gave Kyle a forced smile.
Kyle seemed nervous.
“Um, I’ll see you soon,” Kyle spoke. Looking at you with a nervous smile, as he got up. You gave him a small smile in return. Watching him walk out of the room.
Your gaze returned to Connor. Giving him a pointed look.
“You seem jealous,” You pointed out.
“I’m not, I’m just worried,” Connor spoke defensively.
“Mmmhm…” You responded. Letting out a gasp of pain as your head throbbed.
Connor rushed over to you. Panic evident on his face.
“Are you okay?” Connor asked.
“Other than feeling pain in my head and body, yeah, I’m peachy,” You grunted.
“Carson is supposed to be giving you pain meds, damn it,” Connor grumbled at the nurse’s failure.
You gave him a quizzical look. Who was Carson?
‘Who’s Carson?” You asked. Voice sounding harsher than it was meant to be.
“The nurse that comes and checks in on you,” Connor responded.
“Oh,” You mumbled.
“I was going to clear you, but…” Connor started to say but you cut him off.
“I’m fine, it’s just pain,” You cut Connor off.
“You have had a traumatic experience,” Connor explained.
“I’m fine,” You huffed out. You would cross your arms if you could. So instead, you just pouted like a toddler who didn’t get their way.
Connor was about to speak but you cut him off.
“Please, clear me, I can’t take the taste of hospital food anymore, I mean the ice cream is great, don’t get me wrong, it’s the only highlight, but I’m bored sitting here,” You whined. Making your headache even worse.
“Ouch, and here I thought I was great company,” Connor fake sighed.
“You are…It’s just this hospital is driving me insane,” You huffed out.
“You’ve only had hospital four times,” Connor chuckled. While you just intensified your gaze. Pouting at him.
“Okay, fine, I’ll run a few tests before I give you the all-clear,” Connor spoke.
“Can’t we skip the tests?” You begged. Giving him a puppy dog look.
“Tests or hospital food for another week,” Connor spoke sternly. Making you let out a whine.
“Fine,” You sighed.
“And you are staying with me when I discharge you,” Connor spoke. Making your heart skip a beat.
Neither Connor nor you noticing Carson outside the door. She took her phone out of her pocket. Unlocking it. She quickly went into the messaging app. Clicking on the messages she had with Adam.
She’s being discharged. Staying with Connor. Kyle visited her btw, maybe you can use him as a pawn to find more about her.
 • ━━━━━ ••●•• ━━━━━ ••   
After hours of CAT scans, MRI scans, CT scans, an echo, blood testes among other tests, among other tests, you were grateful that you didn’t have to take anymore. All you had to do was wait for the results.
Connor walked into the room with a huge smile on his face. Holding a bunch of clothes in his hands. you quirked an eyebrow.
“I got the results back, and you are in the clear, there were a few things that were a bit concerning but as long as you get psychotherapy to gain some of your memory back,” Connor spoke. As you smiled brightly at him. You sat up.
“Finally,” You beamed.
“I got a nurse to get you some clothes to change into, I got Rhys to buy some for you,” Connor spoke.
“Oh,” You spoke. Having no idea who Rhys was.
“He is one of the nurses who work here, and my friend,” Connor spoke. Connor placed the clothes on the bed. As you pushed the blanket back.
Connor’s hand rested on your lower back as you tried to get up. Connor assisted you.
He felt panic rise inside of him as you wobbled a bit. Your hand grabbed his arm for balance.
“Are you going to help me change?” You joked. Making Connor’s face turn red. He awkwardly scratching the back of his neck.
“Do you need help? Because I can get a nurse to help you,” Connor spoke.
“I’ll be fine,” You responded. Giving him a small smile.
Connor arched his eyebrow at you. Looking at where your hand was holding his arm for support.
You quickly took your hand away from his arm. Feeling slightly embarrassed.
“Alright, I will go get my stuff, then come back,” Connor spoke. Giving you one last longing glance, before walking out of your room.
You slowly took small steps towards the clothes. Slowly undoing the hospital gown. You cautiously put the clothes on that Connor gave you.
Just as you put the sweater on there was a knock at the door. Making you turn around.
“Come in,” You called out. Connor walked into the room. An amused smile gracing his lips as he held onto the strap. Keeping it from slipping. He was dressed in dark jeans, a top, and a black leather jacket. You quickly adverted your eyes back to his.
“Don’t laugh, It’s not my fault I have a sling,” You spoke in a pouty tone. Pouting at him. Connor let out a laugh. Walking closer to you.
“I’m not, I just think you look adorable, I discharged you while I was waiting for you to get changed,” Connor spoke.
“What would I do without you,” You jokingly spoke.
Not get beaten up by your toxic abusive ex-boyfriend, Connor thought to himself. He wanted to say that, but instead, he said something else.
“You ready to go?” Connor asked. Making you nod enthusiastically.  He quickly walked to the door opening it for you.
You quickly walked towards him.
“Thank you,”  You spoke. As you walked past him and out the door. Connor followed behind you. Catching up with you. you followed him out of the hospital and towards a car park. Which you assumed it must have been staff parking.
Connor took out his car keys. Stopping at his car.  He quickly unlocked the car.
“Fancy car,” You commented on his car. Connor let out a chuckle. 
“Well, it’s nowhere near as cool as what your car is,” Connor spoke.
“Shame I can’t remember it,” You sighed. Pouting at him.
“It was a Jeep Wrangler, the newer version,” He responded. Opening the car door for you.
“And he is a gentleman too,” You praised him. Making his cheeks blush. You may not remember the history he and you shared, but he did.
You quickly got in. Connor shut the door. Rushing over to the driver's side. Getting in and putting his bag in the back. Connor put the keys in the ignition. Turning the car on. Putting his seat belt on. Connor put the handbrake down, then put the car into reverse. Backing out of the car park. He put the car into gear then speed off.
Connor glanced at you now and then seeing you take in the surroundings. Connor smiled slightly. His heart hurting at what you have been through. He wishes he stayed in Chicago, he wished you at least called him and told him what your ex did to you.
Connor drove into a driveway of an apartment complex. Stopping in front of a garage.
“You live in here,” You gasped out. Mouth a gap.
“Yep,” Connor chuckled. Grabbing a remote from the center console. He pressed a button making the garage door roll up. Connor drove in. Pressing the closed button on the remote button. The roller door closed.
Connor chuckled at your reaction. Finding a parking spot. He quickly parked in the spot. Putting the car into park. He pulled the handbrake up. Turning the car off. Connor turned his body. Reaching in the back to grab his bag. While you exited the car. Connor took the keys out of the ignition. Getting out of the car. He quickly got out. locking the car.
“Come on, I will make you a nice dinner,” Connor spoke softly. You quickly followed Connor. Stopping behind him as he pressed the elevator button. The elevator chimed, as the doors opened.
Both of you walking in. Connor pressed the button to the top floor.
“So, is anyone living with you like a significant other?” You questioned.
Connor shook his head no.
“I haven’t been in the dating scene or been with anyone since Chicago,” Connor spoke awkwardly. The air in the elevator getting thicker.
“Really,  because your hot and a doctor, plus you seem nice, least with me,” You spoke. Connor gave you a small smile.
The elevator dinged as it reached the top floor. Connor quickly exited the elevator. You quickly followed him. walking down the hallway in silence.
You felt slightly worried you may have stepped over a line.
“I’m sorry about that, I just…” You apologized only for Connor to cut you off. As he stopped in front of a door at the end of the hallway. Taking out keys. He put them into the keyhole. Turning it.
“It’s okay,” Connor spoke. As he grabbed the doorknob, twisting the doorknob. Opening the door.
“I…Wow,” You gasped out as you saw the city lights out of the window.
“So pretty,” You gawked out. Rushing over to the window. Connor let out an amused chuckle. Shutting the door and locking it.
You looked around the apartment in amazement. Connor let out a laugh.
“I’ll show you the room you will be staying in, it has a bathroom,” Connor spoke, as he walked over to a room. Opening a door.
“A bathroom, wow,” You beamed. Rushing over to the room.
Connor smiled at your reaction. He quickly looked away.
“Why don’t you have a shower, I still have clothes of yours that you can change into,” Connor spoke.
“You kept my clothes?” You asked. Arching an eyebrow.
“Yeah, from when you left them at my old place,” Connor mumbled. Cheeks flushing a light shade of pink. Why was he embarrassed he knew you.
“Thank you,” You spoke softly. Smiling at him softly.
“I’m going to make us dinner, clean towels are in the cupboard, Oh, and your clothes are in the tallboy,” He spoke, quickly turning around and walking out the room. Your heart beating wildly.
You couldn’t remember what you had with him, or any previous relationship, but for some reason Connor made you feel something. You felt a spark there.
“He is a doctor and can cook, damn, I missed the mark on that one,” You spoke in a dreamy tone.
You let out a heavy sigh walking into the bathroom. Closing the door. Stripping your clothes off.
Your eyes widen as you realized you have a sling on you. A curse slipped from your lips
“Ah, Connor I have a sling, could you get me a plastic bag,” You yelled out. Waiting for him to respond. But he didn’t.
You looked around the bathroom. Noticing a bathtub.
“I suppose having a bath will do,” You huffed out. struggling to take the rest of your clothes up. But eventually, you got there.
You walked over to the bathtub. Turning both taps on. Checking the temperature. Letting out a satisfied hum when it was the right temperature You put the plugin. Grabbing the shower gel. You squirted a bit in the water. Putting the bottle of shower gel down. You waited for the water to get a certain height; you turned the taps off. Carefully getting into the bathtub…
Connor tried to distract himself with making Spaghetti Carbonara, chopping up mushrooms, and bacon into little bits but failed miserably. You were invading his thoughts. It was killing him how he couldn’t just kiss you, but you didn’t have your memories of what he and you shared, and he didn’t want to scare you, let alone start something knowing you still had a boyfriend.
The spaghetti was already strained. All he had to do was put the sauce in. He poured the sauce into the pot. Putting the mushrooms into the sauce as well as the bacon.
Connor stirred the carbonara sauce around in the pot. Warming the sauce up. His mind wandering back to a memory he had with you.
A giggle escaped your lips as Connor’s beard scratched your neck, as he trailed kisses down your neck.
“We should just call in sick and do this all day,” You suggested. Making Connor look up at you tilting his head. He raised one of his eyebrows. Smirking at you.
“That’s a good idea,” Connor smirked. Pressing his lips against yours. The kiss turning feverish…
“I’m finished,” You spoke, in a sing-song voice. Making Connor jump. He quickly composed himself.
“Oh, smells nice,” You commented.
“Um…” Connor stuttered. He quickly checked if the sauce was warm. Thankful that it was.
“You okay?” You asked. Curious and worried.
“Yeah, you surprised me,” He spoke. Pouring the sauce into the pot that was filled with spaghetti. Connor quickly stirred the sauce around in the pot. Mixing the Carbonaro sauce with the spaghetti.
“Dinners ready,” Connor announced. Walking over to a cupboard. He opened it up, grabbing out two bowls. Connor went over to a draw. Pulling it open. He grabbed two forks. Connor turned around. Walking back to you. he quickly picked the spoon he was using. Putting the food into the bowl, before handing it to you.
“Thank you,” You spoke softly. walking over to the table. Connor joined you a second later.
“So, you said I have brothers what do they look like?” You asked. Breaking the silence.
“Well,” Connor spoke. Kind of getting caught off guard. He put his fork down, grabbing his phone.
Connor unlocked his phone, going into the photo app. He quickly pressed the see all option, scrolling until he found the album titled y/n with a red heart emoji. He quickly pressed that album. Scrolling until he found the picture of Jay, Will and you. While you ate more food.
“You were closer with Jay,” Connor spoke. Showing you the picture. You leaned in closer taking in the features of your brothers. One had brown hair and blue eyes while the other one had red hair with brown eyes.
“Because we were twins?” You asked.
“Probably, he and you had a weird co-dependent type of relationship, which surprises me, that he didn’t know who your mystery boyfriend Roman was,” Connor spoke. Making your eyes squint slightly. Trying to remember what Roman looked like, as well as memories with your brothers but nothing came up. You just made yourself get a headache.
“That’s Jay…” Connor spoke, pointing to the guy with brown hair and blue eyes.
“My twin,” You mumbled. But Connor heard you.
“Yep… And that’s Will,” Connor spoke again. Pointing to the guy with the red hair and brown eyes.
Connor noticed you grimace a bit. Your hand coming up to your forehead. Rubbing it.
“You okay?” Connor asked.
“Yeah, just tried to remember who they were, plus Roman,” You spoke. Rubbing your forehead.
“Leave that to psychotherapy,” Connor spoke. Giving you a small smile. Which you returned it by also giving him a slight smile.
The both of you ate in silence again. After dinner, Connor grabbed the plates, cutlery and pots, putting them in the dishwasher. He went over to the cupboard again. Grabbing a glass. Walking over to the sink. He turned the tap on. Pouring some water into the glass. He walked over to you handing you the glass of water.
“Thanks,” You mumbled. As he walked back to the kitchen island, grabbing a pack of tablets. He opened the box up. Popping two tablets into the palm of his hand, then spinning around. He walked back to you. Handing you the tablets.
“Oh, I’m fine,” You spoke.
“It’s your pain meds,” He spoke.
“Oh,” You spoke. Taking them off of him. you put them in your mouth. Taking a huge gulp of water. As you swallowed them. Grimacing at the aftertaste.
Connor let out a small chuckle.
“You’ve never been good with taking medicine or tablets,” Connor chuckled. His blue eyes staring intensely into your eyes. The intensity causes your lower belly to stir. Breath hitching. You may not remember whatever happened between him and you, but your body sure does.
“So, are you going to tell me more about your scandalous friendship?” You asked. Taking Connor off guard. He turned pale. Beads of sweat forming on his hairline. He scratched the back of his nervously.
“Do you want to watch a movie?” He asked changing the subject.
“Let’s watch a movie,” He spoke. Rushing over to the joint living room. He turned the TV on. Going into Netflix. He quickly picked a movie.
“Okay…” You responded. Getting up and walking over to him cautiously. Sitting down on the same couch he was sitting in. wondering if you may have asked a touchy subject by he reacted. Maybe he just didn’t want to talk about it, maybe it hurt him to bring up the past. But the more you thought about the more you wanted to know more about what happened between him and you.
So you decided to try something. Connor didn’t notice you move closer to him. till he felt your body heat.
Connor turned to look at you. Your hands cupped his jawline. Eyes looking at his intensely. Closing the distance between him and you. Connor was hypnotized. Maybe it was because it has been too long since he felt his lips against yours. But he let you kiss him.
Lips moving together in perfect sync. Both of you feeling the spark. Warmth feeling the both of you. butterflies
Connor quickly realized what you were doing. What he was doing too. He pulled away. A look of pain came across his features. Your face dropped into a look of sadness.
“I can’t go down that road not when you are with another man, and not when you can’t remember the history between us,” Connor quaked out. tears pooling in his eyes.
“How am I supposed to remember someone I have no recognition of, let alone a relationship? I feel something with you it seems familiar,” You gasped out. Tears gathering in your eyes. It broke his heart to see you cry. But he needed you to remember him. it wasn’t fair on him nor you.
“I can’t,” He gasped out. turning around and feeling to a room. He shut the door. Sliding down it. While you sat on the couch. Falling back on the cushions. Bringing your knees up to your chest, and hugging them for reassurance….
  • ━━━━━ ••●•• ━━━━━ ••   
You let out a heavy sigh as you heard the front door of his apartment close softly.
Carefully pulling the blanket and sheet off your body. Getting up. You walked to the bathroom. Stripping your clothes off. Turning the bathroom taps on. Putting the plug in. filling the bathtub up with warm water, as well as putting shower gel in the water.
You grabbed a washcloth. Stepping inside the water. Cleaning yourself off. Once you finished cleaning yourself, you got out. Pulling the plug out. The water going down the drain. You wrapped the towel around you. Drying yourself off. Then wrapped the towel around you again. You quickly went over to the basin. Brushing your teeth, then cleaning your tongue.
Once you finished cleaning your teeth, you walked out of the bathroom and into the bedroom. Walking over to the tallboy. Opening the draw, that seemed to have your clothes. It hurt your heart that he kept your clothes, yet he doesn’t want to kiss you. You grabbed a pair of panties. Dropping the towel. You put them on with great difficulty. As well as the rest of the clothes. The jeans were the worst.
You let out a sigh of relief. Walking out of the guest bedroom. You saw a note on the kitchen island counter. Walking over to the counter. Reading the words on the note.  Your psychotherapy appointment is tomorrow at 11 am.
You let out a sigh, dropping the piece of paper. He could have just told you that in person and not left it on a note. You needed air. But you didn’t have the keys to the place. You thought about it for a second before deciding to leave. It was the last unit on the top floor, and you could just wait by the door anyways.
You left his apartment. Closing the door. Walking towards the elevator. You pressed a button. Making the elevator make a noise as it went up to the top floor. Doors opening. You quickly rushed into the elevator. You pressed the lobby button. The doors slide closed. The elevator descended, till it reached the lobby. Making a chiming sound. The doors sliding open. You quickly exited. Sidestepping a woman, as she got into the elevator. You felt a little self-conscious as some people in the lobby stared at you. You felt a little relieved as you exited the apartment complex. You looked back at the building to see a name, but it had no name.
“Great,” You muttered to yourself. You hoped you didn’t get lost.
A cool hitting your face. You slowly walked down the sidewalk. Taking in the buildings and stores.
You weren’t really watching where you were going. Running into a woman and a stand of flowers. The flowers cluttering to the floor. The woman cursed.
You got up. Helping her out. The best you could.
“I’m sorry,” You apologized profusely. The woman took a good look at you before letting out an annoyed huff. Making you grumble.
“Course it’s you. Haven’t you done enough?” She snapped. You looked at her confused. Feeling slightly hurt by her words.
You were about to speak when you heard a familiar voice.
“Seriously, Norah, you don’t have to be a bitch, it’s not like she purposely set out to wreck your flowers,” Kyle snapped. Making Norah look at him. Clenching her jaw. Eyes narrowing into slits. You could tell something happened between the two of them.
“Of course, you would defend her, my father isn’t an abuser, he didn’t do this to her,” She growled out. Storming into the flower shop.
“She hates me,” You sighed. Kyle moved to stand in front of you.
“Don’t worry about her, do you want to go get coffee?” Kyle asked. Rubbing the back of his neck nervously.
“On a date?” You asked. Arching an eyebrow. This simple gesture made Kyle’s heart race,
“Just as a get-to-know basis?” Kyle responded. Making you give him a small smile.
“Aren’t you working?” You asked.
“My shift isn’t until later on,” He spoke. Making you smile.
“Okay,” You agreed. Kyle flashed you a smile.
Both of you walked towards a small coffee shop. Taking a seat on one of the outdoor chairs.
“Say if it was a date would you say yes?” Kyle asked. Making you look at him in surprise.
“Well….I mean….I could be in a relationship or married,” You gasped out.
Kyle looked at your left hand. Seeing no ring occupied it.
“I don’t see a ring on your finger,” He replied cheekily. Making you let out a tiny chuckle.
“True… could have slipped off,” You spoke. Making Kyle frown. Before he smiled again. He was about to speak when a waitress came up to the table. Handing Kyle and you a menu each. Kyle and you smiled at her.
“Thank you,” Kyle and you both spoke at the same time.
Both of you looked at the menu, then ordered. The waitress wrote down Kyle’s order as well as yours. Taking the menus from Kyle and you. Telling the two of you that the coffees should be out soon. Then left to go inside the coffee shop
“So… what’s up WITH Norah and you? I mean I get she hates me because of that whole thing with her father, but I feel like there was something more, I felt tension?” You asked. Kyle let out a heavy sigh.
‘She is my ex, long story short, it was a horrible relationship,” Kyle explained. You gave him a sympathetic smile.
“I’m sorry,” You spoke.
“It’s not your fault, we were young and stupid,” Kyle sighed.
The waitress came back with two cups of coffee. Placing them down on the table in front of Kyle and you.
Kyle and you thanked her. Taking a sip of coffee.
“Y/n,” Connor gasped out frantically. Making you turn around. You gave him a slight smile. He looked frantic. Eyes full of worry. Hair was disheveled.
“I’ve been looking for you,” Connor gasped out. While Kyle raised his eyebrow. What has Connor your keeper?
Connor felt intense amounts of jealousy when he saw Kyle and you sipping coffee.
He knew he had no right to get jealous since he rejected your advances last night. But it was only because he wanted you to remember him. Remember what the two of you shared before he goes down that road again or tries something.
You quickly finished your coffee. Giving Kyle an apologetic smile. You got up.
“I’ll see you around,” You spoke. Giving him a soft smile. You turned around. Walking over to Connor.
Connor and you walked away. Leaving jealousy to boil in Kyle’s veins. He felt so crushed as he watched you walk off with Connor….
 • ━━━━━ ••●•• ━━━━━ ••  
Adam bought the tip of the beer bottle up to his lips. Wrapping his lips around the tip. Tipping of the bottle up. He chugged on the beer. Giving Roddy a nod, as he sat down on the couch next to him
“Well, today was exhausting,” Roddy sighed. Taking a sip of the beer.
“Yeah, still haven’t made progress with that case,” Adam grumbled.
Roddy grabbed Adam’s knee in a comforting gesture.
“We will find out who she is,” Roddy reassured Adam.
“Hopefully soon,” Adam grumbled. Taking another sip.
Roddy and Adam’s attention turned to the door, as Bobby and Kyle came through the door.
“How was work?” Roddy asked as they dumped the duffle bags they took to work near the hallway
“Eventful,” Kyle sighed.
“You’d think people would learn to turn the heater off by now,” Bobby sighed. As he sat down on one of the chairs. While Kyle walked towards the kitchen to grab beers for him and Bobby.
Kyle came back into the living room. Handing Bobby a beer. Sitting down on the couch. He looking dejected. Kyle twisted the cap off the beer bottle. Adam took notice of his friend's mood.
“Why do you look so down?” Adam asked.
“That woman we found in that barn fire on Mr. Williams farm, I had a coffee date with her, but then Connor came, and swooped her away. She must be staying with him, it’s not like I stand a chance against him,” Kyle huffed out. Feeling slightly better he got that off his chest,
Adam had to stop himself from smiling as he thought of an idea. He could finally find out the identity of that woman.
“You should ask her out again, woo her until she falls for you,” Adam encouraged. Kyle furrowed his eyebrows.
“I suppose,” Kyle sighed. Still not convinced. For one he didn’t have your number. He knew where Connor lived. But he didn’t want to seem desperate.
“Come on man, you’re a catch, don’t put yourself down,” Bobby reassured Kyle.
“I’m sure she sees nothing in Connor, isn’t he, her doctor? Bit unprofessional if he is still her doctor,” Roddy spoke.
“I don’t know they seemed pretty close,” Kyle sighed. Taking a sip.
“Firefighters are way better than doctors,” Adam stated. Arching an eyebrow. Kyle rolled his eyes.
“Look dude, if you like her go for it, you haven’t dated anyone since Norah, I want you to be happy, you deserve to be happy,” Adam sighed.
Kyle let out a sigh. Maybe he should ask you out again, try to get out of the friendzone.
“I’ll see if she is free on the weekend. I’m sure she has some sort of therapy, considering what she’s been through,” Kyle spoke.
“That’s my boy,” Adam boasted. As all four of them took sips of their beers.
Adam couldn’t wait to find out the information Kyle would feed him about this unidentified woman….
 • ━━━━━ ••●•• ━━━━━ ••  
Jay glared at Austin as Austin took the stand. He had a suspicious feeling Austin knew more than he was letting on. He had a feeling that Austin had something to do with his sister's disappearance, possibly murder. He hoped this inquest unravelled Austin’s lies.
Jay clenched his jaw as Austin started to answer the question. Will spared a glance at his brother seeing Jay fuming.
“I love her, I just wish Roman would tell us where he put her body,” Austin responded to a question Jay wasn’t listening to. Jay had enough. He stood up in a fit of rage.
“We all that’s a lie, I wouldn’t be surprised if you were the one that killed her, you have abused her before. Which is why I think you kidnapped her and murdered her, then pinned it on some mafia boss she was dating,” Jay snapped. Making everyone in the courtroom turned to look at Jay.
“Mr. Halstead, sit down,” The judge spoke. Making Jay let out a grumble.
“No, he is the reason why my sister is missing. Possibly dead, if he claims he loved her so much, then why did he put bruises on her body. Laid his grimy hands on her. He abused her,” Jay snapped.
“Mr. Halstead,” The judge warned him.
“I did hurt her but that was my PTSD, I felt so bad after I hurt her. You should know that since you were in the military,” Austin spoke. Looking sad. Jay knew it was fake.
“Don’t use that as an excuse,” Jay shouted. Fury in his eyes.
The judge ordered the security guards to escort Jay out.
“I’m going to prove it was you, your lies will unravel, and the truth will come out,” Jay shouted as the guards escorted him out of the room.
Jay walked back to his truck. Fishing the keys out of his pockets. Jay unlocked the truck. Opening the door, and getting in. Putting the key in the ignition.
He wished he could have done more. His mind flashed back to when he last had an encounter with you before you disappeared.
“Y/n, open up,” Jay demanded. Banging on the door. You squeezed your eyes shut. Praying he would go away. You didn’t want him to see you with a black eye and busted lip.
Unfortunately for you, Jay didn’t go away. He pulled out the spare key you gave him. Putting it into the lock and unlocking the door. You cursed under your breath. Taking a step back from the door, as he opened it.
Jay’s eyes landed on you. He looked at you with a worried expression
“What happened? Who did this to you?” Jay asked. Looking at you with concerned eyes.
“Was it that new boyfriend of yours, because I swear if he turns out to be another Austin,” Jay grumbled. Concern turning into fury.
“No, it wasn’t Roman,” You sighed. Looking away from Jay. Glancing at the floor instead of Jay.
“It was Austin wasn’t,” Jay assumed.
“Course it was,” Jay grumbled.
“Jay, please, I’m handling it, he must have heard I was dating and he got jealous,” You sighed out. Giving him a pleading look.
“You are not safe from him y/n, let me handle this,” Jay spoke.
“I’m dealing with it,” You sighed.
“How are you dealing with it?” Jay snapped. Making you flinch. His eyes softened. His hands gently resting on your shoulder. Eyes looking into yours.
“I’m just worried one day you are going to end up in a body bag,” Jay sighed. You gave him a small smile.
“I’m going to get through this Jay,” You spoke softly voice cracking.
Jay went back to reality. He wished he did something that day. But he didn’t. But he was going to do something now. He was going to prove Austin killed you.
Jay turned the key in the ignition. Starting the truck. He quickly put his seatbelt on. Putting the handbrake down. then putting the transmission into gear. Jay pressed his foot on the accelerator leaving the courthouse to go to the 21st district.
Once he got there. He parked his truck. Storming into the 21st district. Not saying hello to Trudy as he walked past the front desk. He ran up the stairs. Punching the code word in. jay rushed up the stairs. Going into the bullpen. Hailey, Kevin, Adam, and Kim looked at Jay as he rushed into Hank's office. They all shared glances at each other. Feeling worried for their colleague and friend. Jay’s been on edge ever since your disappearance.
“I need your help, I’m hundred percent certain, that Austin Smith, murdered my twin sister, I saw her the night she disappeared he hurt her, she had a black eye and a busted lip,” Jay spoke.
Hank let out a grunt. Looking at Jay. He could tell this was wearing Jay down. he also had a feeling Austin wasn’t being truthful.
“I believe you, but if we are going to do this, we have to make sure we get hard evidence, bug his phones, keep this operation hush-hush, he is also a cop,” Hank spoke. Making Jay feel slightly better.
“We’re going to get this bastard, he is going to pay for what he did to my sister,” Jay spoke. Hank got up. Gesturing for Jay to follow him. Jay followed him.
“Alright, for now on we have one case and one case only, do not tell anyone else about the details of this case, you will not utter a single word about this case other than to the people in this team,” Hank spoke.
Hank looked at Jay. Jay nodded. Going to the whiteboard and writing y/n Halstead.
“Y/n Halstead, has been missing for a month, presumed dead, Austin blames Roman Reigns a mob boss in Chicago, for the disappearance of Y/n Halstead, Jay last saw her on the night she disappeared, a black eye and a busted lip, now we can assume Roman did it, but Austin has a history of hurting y/n, maybe he took it to far,” Hank spoke.
“We are going to bug his place, all his devices, till he confesses, gear up,” Hank spoke again. Walking out of the bullpen.
The rest of the team followed Hank. Getting ready to plant a bug in Austin Smith's house. The air was tense…
Hailey and Kim rode with Jay, while Adam and Kevin rode together and Hank drove alone.
“We will find her, Jay,” Hailey reassured Jay. Giving him a reassuring look. Jay tightened his grip on the steering wheel. Pressing his foot on the gas more.
“I just want her back,” Jay mumbled.
Kim and Hailey shared a look.
“How did the inquest go?” Kim asked.
“Horrible, he’s trying to play the victim,” Jay grumbled. Feeling slightly better as they all reached Austin’s house. He parked the truck.
Hailey was about to open her mouth when Jay got out of the car.
“He just wants to find her,” Kim sighed. As they both got out.
All of them slowly and tacitly walked to Austin’s house. Hailey, Adam, and Jay going behind the house, while Kim, Kevin, and Hank were out the front. Checking to see if Austin was home. When they found out he wasn’t. Adam picked the lock. Letting out a laugh of victory. Hailey, Jay, and Adam walked into the house, checking the area. Adam quickly went to the front. Opening the front door. Letting Kevin, Hank, and Kim in.
“Let's get in and get out,” Hank commanded. All of them nodded. Going off and placing bugs discreetly.
Once they finished placing the bug they all exited the house, Jay, Hailey, and Kevin going into the surveillance van while Kim, Adam, and Hank got into the vehicles. All they had to do was wait till Austin exposed himself…
 • ━━━━━ ••●•• ━━━━━ •• 
 You stared at the painting that was hanging in the psychotherapy waiting room. Waiting for your appointment. Technically it was CBT- Cognitive behavioral therapy, at least that’s what Connor told you last night. You were surprised he told you that. He has been acting weird and distant ever since you kissed him.
A woman who looked like she was in her late forties came out of the room. Then another middle-aged woman came out of the room as well. She gave you a warm welcoming smile.
“Come in, my name is Aurella,” She spoke.
You quickly got up. Walking into the room and sitting on the chair. Aurella shut the door. Walking over to the chair in front of you. She sat down.
“So, you’ve been through a lot, and since you suffered a brain injury and a head trauma. Your brain had repressed your memory. I’m here to help you regain some of those memories, like your name, life before coming here, and only if you want to what happened to you that lead you to have such this massive trauma,”  She spoke in a comforting voice. You nodded your head. Giving her a small smile.
“First we are going to start small, we are going to start with your name,” She spoke.
“Lay down, and close your eyes,” She told you. You did as she told you to do.
“Now relax,” She spoke again. You heard paper moving.
“I want you to picture something that makes you feel calm,” She spoke. Looking at your body language.
You tried to relax, but your vision just showed black.
“Some people picture the beach or lying in a field of flowers looking up at the sky,” Aurella spoke.
Your vision slowly picturing the field of flowers. Strolling through the field of flowers, you hear someone call out your name.
“What name do you hear?” She asked.
Your mind pictured you wandering in a field of flowers. A voice saying y/n. you turned around to see a guy with an evil smirk. Your heart racing. You looked down to see blood. You could smell the metallic smell of blood.
Your eyes shot open. Breathing heavily.
“Are you okay?” Aurella asked you. Looking at you with a concerned look.
“Y/n, that’s what I heard,” You told her. Leaving out the part of the guy you saw and the blood.
“Okay,” She spoke. Writing notes down in the book she was holding. She looked back up at you. Giving you a warm smile. As she noticed you looked uncomfortable.
“I’ll see you next week,” She spoke. Standing up.
“It was lovely meeting you,” Aurella spoke. As you got up. She assisted you to the door. Opening the door for you.
“You two,” You responded.
“Take care,” She spoke. As you walked out the door. Giving her a small smile. You walked over to the receptionist. She looked up.
“I have you booked for the same time and day next week. No need to pay Connor, I mean Dr. Rhodes paid for it,” She spoke.
“Thanks,” You spoke. You turned around to walk out of the room, as well as the hospital. Walking through the town.
You saw the flower shop. Your eyes darted around, as you thought whether to talk to Norah. You decided to talk. After that image, you saw you had to tell her. Maybe she would hate you less.
You took a deep breath. Walking over to the flower shop. As you entered the flower shop. The door chimed. Anxiety bubbled up inside of you.
Norah looked up. Her warm welcoming smile disappeared as she realized it was you. She looked angry.
“Norah…” You started to say. But she cut you off.
“How do you know my name?” She snapped out. Your heart quickened.
‘From yesterday,” You gulped out.
“Oh, right, why are you here? What do you want?” She snapped out. Fury in her eyes.
“I’m sorry, for what you are going through, people accusing your father of hurting me, I know he didn’t do it,” You spoke in a soft voice.
“Then tell the cops,” She growled out.
“It’s complicated,” You sighed. She let out an annoyed huff.
Neither Norah nor you noticing someone was listening. Hiding behind the back room. That person happened to be Jey Uso.
Jey’s eyes widened in shock. Mouth a gap. You were alive. He felt a small bit of relief. He had to tell Roman.
‘You know what you can do, go away, everything was fine till you showed up,” Norah snapped.
“I’m sorry,” You gasped out. Feeling tears prick your eyes.
“Why don’t you do everyone in this town a favor and disappear again, this time show up in a town not covered in blood,” She snapped. Storming off.
You let out a heavy sigh. Turning around and walking out the door.
Feeling deflated. You walked down the streets. looking down at your feet.
“Hey,” You heard a familiar voice call out to you. You looked up to see Kyle coming towards you.
“Hey Kyle,” You greeted him.
“How are you doing?” Kyle asked.
“Alright, how about you?” You replied.
“Same, I was wondering if you wanted to hang out again, on Saturday, have some coffee and lunch, at the same coffee shop, only if you want to,” Kyle suggested in a nervous tone.
“Sure,” You replied. Making Kyle smile brightly. You smiled at him.
He took out a piece of paper. Handing it to you. You arched an eyebrow. Seeing numbers on it.
“It’s my phone number,” He spoke.
“Oh, thank you, I don’t have a phone, but I will definitely see you on Saturday, what time?” You asked.
“A bit after eleven,” Kyle responded.
Another voice called out Kyle’s name. Making Kyle turn his attention towards the person who called his name.
Kyle looked back at you. Giving you a warm smile.
“I have to go, I’ll see you on Saturday, take care,” Kyle spoke. Giving you a warm smile.
He took off running towards his friend and co-worker Bobby. Leaving you to stare at the piece of paper that had his phone number on it…
• ━━━━━ ••●•• ━━━━━ ••
Jey was beyond thrilled his shift at the flower shop was over. He was staying in a cabin with Roman at Norah Williams farm. She told him she needed help at the flower shop. So, he helped her, mainly to get on her good books.
He listened for hours on days while she ranted about this unidentified woman who ended up in her barn that burnt down. Jey thought it was interesting that there was an unidentified woman in the town. Maybe it was y/n since they didn’t find her body. Roman thought Austin killed her given he was the one that saved her from Austin. But Jey believed you were still alive, and he was right.
Jey stopped the car at the cabin Roman and he was staying in. putting the handbrake up. Putting the car in park, he turned the car off. Pulling out the keys. He quickly got out. Rushing out of the car. Slamming the door. He quickly ran to the cabin. Opening the door and slamming it.
Roman looked up from the TV giving Jey an annoyed look.
“How was the flower shop?” Roman asked.
“Interesting,” Jey responded. Walking towards Roman. Till he was standing in front of him.
‘I don’t think anything about a flower shop would be interesting unless you met a woman, who is she? You know we can’t stay long here,” Roman spoke.
“I found her,” Jey spoke. Eyes gleaming. Finally feeling happy he got that off his chest. Unfortunately, Roman thought he meant something different.
Roman rolled his eyes. Letting out a drawn-out sigh.
“Jey, this was a temporary thing, we can’t stay here, break up with her,” Roman demanded.
“I don’t think you understand, I found her,” Jey spoke again. Looking desperately at Roman.
“Well, I’m sure you will find another woman at the next town,” Roman grumbled.
“I found y/n,” Jey slightly shouted. Making Roman’s eyes widened. Mouth a gap.
He stood up.
“But he…” Roman gasped out in shock.
“She’s alive, though I think she was amnesia,” Jey spoke.
“Do you know what this means,” Roman spoke.
“Your innocent,” Jay responded. Roman grabbed Jey’s shoulders. Looking into his eyes.
“We can kidnap her and get out of this town,” Roman spoke. Making Jey look at Roman with confusion.
“But she doesn’t remember anything let alone her name,” Jey spoke.
“Doesn’t matter, I can’t lose her again,” Roman gasped out. Jey gulped before speaking.
“Then when do we do it?” Jey asked.
“We keep tabs on her, and when she is alone, we take her,” Roman spoke. Smiling at Jey. Bringing his hand up to Jey’s face and patting it out…
 • ━━━━━ ••●•• ━━━━━ ••
Carson trailed behind Connor at a safe distance. Making sure she didn't get caught. She saw him go into a room.
She quickly pressed her ear to the door. Listening in on the quiet talking.
"Connor, I can't tell you how she went?' Aurella sighed.
"Please," Connor begged. Aurella let out a sigh.
"Her name is y/n, but I have a feeling she saw something else, just by how she woke up in a fright, I didn't persist because that wouldn't help her, given her current situation," Aurella spoke. Connor felt defeated you didn't remember him yet.
Carson smiled to herself as she found out this unidentified woman's name. She sneaked away, going into a supply closet. Taking out her phone. Unlocking the phone. She went into the messaging app. Going into the convo she had with Adam.
Her name is Y/n, didn't get the last name, but I hope that helps. She typed, then pressed sent.
A few minutes later her phone vibrated. She smiled as she saw his reply.
Thank you, it helps a lot. Adam responded.
She quickly replied with a kiss emoji before locking her phone. Putting it back in her pocket. She composed herself before walking out of the supply closet, getting back to work...
❛ ━━━━━━・❪ ❁ ❫ ・━━━━━━ ❜
Adam smirked as he reread the text Carson sent him. He finally had her name.
He looked at the screen of the PC.
"I got a lead, found out her name," Adam spoke, as he noticed Roddy walking into his office, holding a paper bag and a box with two coffees in it.
"Really, did she tell you?" Roddy asked. Eyes sparkling with delight. He placed the box that held the coffees on the desk. Putting the paper bag on the desk as well.
"Nah, a CI told me," Adam spoke, as he took one of the coffees, Roddy stopped opening the paper bag. Looking at Adam curiously.
"Right, is this CI Carson?" He asked as he grabbed his food.
Adam shrugged his shoulders.
"Be careful, I know you want to solve this case..." Roddy started to say only for Adam to cut him off.
"And I have, all I have to do is run her first name through the database, filter it to missing cases, and I have her identity," Adam spoke.
"Right, well I'll leave you to it, I'm on my lunch break," Roddy spoke. Picking up the box that only held one coffee cup now, as well as picking up the brown paper bag.
"Call me if you need me," Roddy spoke, as he walked away. Adam moved his hand in a dismissive gesture.
Adam typed y/n in the database, filtering it to missing, a few names popped up. He looked at every single one of them, feeling deflated. Adam pressed on another one. A smile gracing his lips as he saw the woman had the same similar facial features as you.
"Bingo, Y/n Halstead," Adam cheered.
Adam opened another tab, going into google. He typed in Y/n Halstead. Smiling proudly as he saw results. He went into an article. Reading the words that were written, he scrolled down, till he reached a video. Adam pressed play on the video.
A police officer looked up at the camera with sad eyes. Letting out a sigh before speaking.
"My name is officer Smith," Austin spoke voice full of pain. He looked down at the ground, letting out a sigh. He looked back up with glassy eyes.
"Y/n Halstead has been missing for months, her brother Jay was the last one to see her, y/n might be my ex, but I still care deeply for her. Y/n has been involved with Roman Reigns a notorious mob boss, I believe he may have caused her harm or killed her. Unfortunately, we haven't found y/n yet, but we are hoping if we find Roman and his accomplish Jey, we will hopefully get information on where he is holding her or buried her. If you have any information or potential leads please don't hesitate to call this number on the screen, as well as my number which is flashing across the screen. We just want y/n back Roman; we won't charge you if you cooperate," Officer Smith spoke.
Adam quickly paused the video. Grabbing a sticky note and a pen. He saw a picture of a woman showing on the screen as well as the numbers, it looked a lot like the unidentified woman.
He wrote both numbers down on the sticky note. Adam picked up the phone in his office. Calling Officer Smith's phone number.
Adam heard the phone ringing. Officer Smith picked up on the third ring.
"Hello, officer Smith speaking," Austin spoke.
Adam smirked leaning back on his chair, as he looked out the window. He noticed it was night time.
"Hello, officer Smith, this is officer Cole, I think I have some information on your ex-girlfriend, Y/n Halstead, an unidentified woman who came into our town, and after doing a little digging I believe she is Y/n Halstead," Adam spoke.
"Send me the details of your county and I will come," Austin spoke. As Adam smirked not knowing the danger that was laying ahead....
• ━━━━━ ••●•• ━━━━━ ••
Connor heard muffled crying coming from the guest room as he locked his front door. He quickly rushed into the guest room. Pulse racing.
Connor opened the door rushing inside the bedroom to see you hugging your legs with your uninjured arm. Rocking back and forth. Tears falling from your eyes. Your body was shaking.
"Y/n," Connor called out softly. His voice full of worry, as he cautiously came over to you.
You flinched as he neared you. Letting out a soft whimper. It broke his heart.
"It's just me, Connor," He spoke with a soft reassuring voice. You looked up at him with teary eyes. Lips trembling. It broke his heart even more.
"I remember what he did, what he did to me, how he abused me, how he hit me till I passed out, or maybe he believed I was dead," You sobbed out. Connor looked so heartbroken.
He quickly sat beside you. Wrapping his arms around you. You immediately fall into him. Holding onto him for dear life, as your body trembled.
"I'm here," He reassured you. His hand rubbing up and down your back. Rubbing soothing circles.
Whispering comforting and reassuring words to you. Eventually, your sobs subsided, your eyes growing heavily, slowly drifting back to sleep in Connor's arms.
Connor looked down at you with a sad expression. He was worried about you. Having you in his arms was too painful, especially when you didn't remember him or the history he and you shared. Connor delicately placed you down on the bed. Pulling the sheet over your body. Gazing at you for a second, before he turned around. Quietly walking out the door. He closed the door ever so softly.
Letting out a small sigh, he took out his phone. Unlocking it and going into the contacts. Scrolling down his contacts till he found Jay's contact. Connor pressed on it. Pressing the call icon. Bringing the phone up to his ear.
Connor waited till Jay picked up. When he did, he didn't wait till Jay said anything.
"Hey jay, it's your sister, she came to Florida, all banged up with no memory loss, and I'm worried about her," Connor spoke softly.
Connor heard heavy breathing.
"She's alive..." Jay gasped out.
"Yeah," Connor responded.
"Don't go anywhere I'm coming to get her," Jay spoke. Connor heard rustling on the other end, then a vehicle starting before he heard the phone cut off...
• ━━━━━ ••●•• ━━━━━ ••
Hailey exited the coffee shop. Holding the cardboard cup holder and a takeout bag. She had to beg Jay to take a break with her. Though he told the rest of the team to keep him informed. Hailey smiled politely at a woman as the woman passed her. Hailey heard a vehicle starting up, as well as tires screeching on the road. Hailey saw Jay drive off in a hurry without her. She quickly went over to a table. Putting the cardboard cup holder and bag on the table. She grabbed her walkie-talkie.
"Jay, what the hell?" She spoke into the walkie-talkie.
"I'm sorry, but I found news about y/n," Jay spoke. Cutting the walkie-talkie off.
Hailey was about to talk again when Kim's voice came through the walkie talkie
"Jay, Hailey, Austin got a call from a Florida police officer that y/n is in Florida,"
Hailey let out a relieved sigh, then felt a wave of anxiety wash over her at the thought of your ex finding you first. Possibly killing you.
"Can you pick me up, Jay must have found out first and left me here at a small coffee shop," Hailey spoke.
"Yeah, sure," Kim spoke, through the walkie-talkie...
• ━━━━━ ••●•• ━━━━━ ••
You woke up with a gasp. Drenched in sweat. You looked around to realize you were alone. The house was quiet. He either left or was avoiding you or he was working. A frown formed on your lips. You slowly got up. Your temple throbbing as you did so.
You glanced at the alarm clock on the bed. Eyes widening as you realized it was 11:59 am. You quickly got up. Rushing to the bathroom stripping off your clothes. Turning the taps on to the bathtub.
You quickly did your morning routine, then got dressed. Rushing out of the door. You rushed to the café shop. Seeing Kyle sitting at a table. Looking slightly sad. He heard footsteps approaching him. He looked up to see you approaching him. His face lighting up with happiness.
"I am so sorry, I had a rough night, and I overslept," You spoke. Smiling at him.
"It's okay, are you okay?" Kyle asked as he got up. He was going to pull your chair out for you, but you already sat down. Kyle sat back down awkwardly. Ear burning red with embarrassment.
"Yeah," You responded.
"I have some news, Adam found out your name, it is Y/n Halstead, also, your ex-Austin Smith is coming," Kyle spoke. Kyle noticed your whole demeanor changed to a look of pure fear.
Your heart was beating faster. As flashbacks flashed of Austin hurting you. As well as beating you until you passed out. He probably thought you were dead, and now he found you, he was going to kill you.
"I have to go," You gasped out. Standing up abruptly. The chair clattered to the ground. Not that you cared. You rushed off leaving Kyle to look at you with a worried expression. You were not okay...
You ran as fast as your legs could take you. Passing people. Some of them looked at you like you were on drugs.
You felt a hand clamp around your mouth, then an arm wrap around your body. Pulling you closer to their body. You kicked wildly. Trying to free yourself. But they were stronger. They dragged you down the alleyway. You screamed for help. But their hand clamped down hard on your mouth. Muffling your cries for help. You saw Kyle in the distance, but he couldn't see you. Tears fell from your eyes, as they dragged you to the car. What if this person was Austin or someone he paid. Austin lived in Chicago. Surely, he wouldn't have come to Florida that quick.
They opened the back door. Pushing you into the car. They slammed the door shut. Walking to the front driver's side getting in.
You saw two guys turn to look at you. You shivered in fear.
"You're really alive," Roman gasped out. While you just whimpered, tears falling from your eyes rapidly. He reached out to wipe your tears away, but you flinched, moving back. Roman's facial expression turned into a look of sadness.
"Who are you? Are you going to kill me?" You gasped out. Roman looked at Jey. Before looking back at you. Making you even more anxious.
"I'm Roman, we were dating till your ex kidnapped you and tortured you, but your alive now and that's all that matters, this is Jey, my cousin" Roman spoke. Pointing at Jey who was in the driver's side. Roman glanced at Jey. Jey started the car up, the doors locked making you panic. Driving away. You passed Kyle, along the way. Your pulse racing. You didn't have many options, the doors were locked, the windows were tinted dark. Even if you did pound on the window, it's not like Kyle could see you. Your only option was to wait till they stopped at a petrol station and flee...
• ━━━━━ ••●•• ━━━━━ ••
Austin stepped off the helicopter that landed on a field. He smiled as he saw Officer Cole leaning against a car. He walked over to him with confidence.
Once he reached officer Cole. He stuck out his hand. Shaking hands with him.
"She's living with Connor Rhodes," Adam spoke. Making Austin's jaw clenched tight. Austin smiled at Adam.
"Then we should check there first," Austin spoke. Making Adam smile.
Adam walked towards the driver's side, while Austin walked towards the passenger side. Adam and Austin got into the car. Adam started the car, driving off. Adam sped towards Connor's apartment. Silence settling in.
Adam parked the car in front of the apartment complex. Austin got out before Adam could even utter a word. Adam got out as well. Catching up to Austin. Both took the elevator.
Adam pressed the top floor. Austin and him waiting for the elevator to reach the top floor. Adam could sense Austin was in no mood to chat.
The elevator reached the top floor. The doors slide open. Austin and Adam walked out of the elevator.
"His room is the one at the end," Adam spoke. As they both walked to the last room.
Austin roughly smashed his shoulder into the door. Breaking it. Adam looked surprised at the action.
Austin quickly walked into the apartment. Looking for you. Calling out your name but no answer.
He let out a frustrated grunt. Looking out the window. Clenching his fists. He Saw a few cameras scattered around.
He turned wildly around to face Adam.
"Do those security cameras work?" Austin asked.
"Yeah, I can get the tech to send me the feed if you want," Adam replied.
"That would be great," Austin grumbled.
Adam quickly did what Austin requested. Coming over to Austin once he got the feed.
"The tech guy sent me this," Adam spoke. Showing him the video. It was you running, then a hand grabbed your mouth. Pulling you into the alleyway. A few minutes later a car went out of the alleyway.
"Track the car's plates, put a bolo on that car, it's Roman, we have to save her," Austin ordered. As he exited the apartment. Adam hot on his trail. Doing what Austin asked...
• ━━━━━ ••●•• ━━━━━ ••
Nerves ran through your body, as you made yourself look small.
Roman and Jey were talking amongst themselves. Roman turned around to look at you. He was about to speak when a car crashed into the driver's side, causing such force the car flipped over.
Glass shattered everywhere; the car rolled a couple of times till it stopped on the roof. Roman, Jey, and you all knocked unconscious.
Memories came flooding back to you. Your relationship with Austin, Roman, and you, when he first saved you from Austin, Connor and you having a friend with benefits relationship. Letting him leave Chicago without telling him about your feelings for him, Austin hurting you, walking to this town, your two brothers Jay and Will, everything came back to you in a rush.
Your eyes fluttered open, as you let out a gasp of pain. Everything hurt. Blood crusted on the top of your head. Nose bleeding. You were sure you dislocated your shoulder. Lucky it was the one with the sling.
You looked around your surroundings to realize you were upside down. Your hand reached down to your seatbelt. Undoing it. Suppressing a yelp of pain. If your shoulder wasn't dislocated before it definitely was now that you fell shoulder first onto the roof.
You crawled out of the car. Glass scraping your skin. You staggered to Roman's side. Pressing your index and middle finger against his windpipe. It was faint. Blood was running down his forehead. You looked past him to see how Jey was. Only to see the steering wheel embedded into his stomach. You reached over to check his pulse. But felt nothing. Your stomach turned. You quickly unbuckled Roman. Pulling him out of the car with great difficulty.
Roman's eyes fluttered open. He looked up at you with glazed eyes.
"Roman," You gasped out. Your hand stroking his cheek. Looking down at him with worried eyes.
"Y/n..." Roman grumbled out.
"I remember you," You gasped out. Tears pricking your eyes.
Roman smiled. Before coughing. You quickly accessed his body for wounds. Finding a large piece of glass sticking out of his leg. Before you could treat it, Roman grabbed your hand. Looking at you.
"Is Jey okay?" Roman asked. Making your pulse quicken. You shook your head no.
Roman's eyes watered. He opened his mouth to say something, but a sound of a gunshot rang out. Your eyes widen as you saw a bullet wound in the side of Roman's temple. You let out a scream. Shuffling away from Roman. Breathing getting heavier. You looked up to see your ex- Austin stalking towards you. You quickly got up. Running into the woods. Austin following you.
"You can run but you can't hide," He shouted. As you ran faster. Tree branches scratching your skin, you looked back now and then.
"Come on. y/n, let's finish what we started," Austin shouted. He sounded close. You quickly looked behind you, not noticing a root of a tree sticking out, your foot got caught and you tripped over.
You heard footsteps coming towards you. Looking around. Seeing a thick brunch on the ground. Wrapping your fingers around the brunch. You turned around to see Austin looming above you. You quickly got up. Swinging the brunch hard against his temple. It stunned him. You tried to run away but Austin wrapped his arms around you. Tackling you to the ground with such force it knocked the wind out of you. He turned you around to face him. Sitting on you, so you didn't escape. You tried to escape but you couldn't escape.
Austin looked at you with wild eyes.
"Do it," You growled. Glaring at him.
"I don't want to, but I have to, I love you so much, y/n know that but sometimes you make me angry," Austin spoke. Pressing the muzzle of the gun to your forehead.
Before he could pull the trigger another sound of a gun firing cut through the air. Austin's eyes glazed over as he slumped down on top of you. You quickly pushing him off you.
"Y/n," Jay gasped out. Rushing over to you.
Jay helped you up.
"Jay," You gasped out. As you wrapped your arms around him. Hugging each other.
"I remember..." You sobbed out. As Jay hugged you tighter.
"It's okay, I've got you, he can't hurt you anymore," Jay spoke. Pulling away from you. You nodded. Feeling slightly dizzy.
Jay looked at you with concern. Your eyes rolled to the back of your head as you fainted. Jay quickly caught you picking you up and rushing out of the woods. He didn't stop running till he reached his truck. Opening the back door, place you gently down on the back seat. He closed the door. Quickly going to the driver's side. Opening the door and getting in. shutting the door. Jay turned the keys, putting the handbrake down, he started the truck, pressing his foot down hard on the accelerator. Speeding off towards the nearest hospital. Speeding through every red light.
Jay stopped at the emergency entrance, hopping out and opening the back door. Grabbing hold of you. He rushed into the hospital.
"Help my sister, she fainted," Jay shouted. Nurses rushed over to Jay, taking you out of his arms and onto a gurney. Wheeling you off, leaving Jay to look at the doors they took you through...
Jay sat on the uncomfortable chair, in the waiting room. Waiting for news on how you were. He looked up as he heard footsteps making their way over to him. Jay glared at Connor.
"Jay..." Connor started to say but Jay cut him off.
"You could have called me early when she came into this town," Jay grunted. Standing up.
"Jay..." Connor tried to speak again but Jay cut him off.
"Is she okay?" He asked.
"Yeah, just a concussion, and a dislocated shoulder," Connor spoke. Making Jay sigh.
"You can see her if you want," Connor spoke. Jay nodded his head. As he silently followed Connor to your room. Biting his tongue.
Jay quickly walked into your room. Feeling slightly relieved.
"Hey Jay," You spoke softly. Noticing Connor at the door. Your gaze turned back to your twin brother.
Jay quickly wrapped his arms around you. Making you let out a tiny groan as he bumped your shoulder. Jay loosened his grip. Pulling away and sitting on the side of the bed. Looking at you through tear-filled eyes.
"Come back to Chicago with me," Jay spoke. Your eyes glanced to the door to see Connor wasn't there. Your heart plummeting to the pit of your stomach. You nodded your head. Jay smiled brightly. Glad you were coming home with him.
"I'm going to go get something to eat, do you want something?" Jay asked. You nodded your head no, Jay hugged you again, before leaving to the vending machine.
Jay took out some spare change, putting it into the slot. Pressing the number on the vending machine. Jay's eyes wandered off. Seeing an officer get treated. He quickly grabbed his food, walking slowly. He listened to the conversation. Hearing your ex's name being bought up.
"He crashed into that car," Adam spoke. Jay put two and two together. Anger rising within him.
"I'm so glad you are okay," A nurse spoke.
"You teamed up with my sister's ex, what is wrong with you," Jay snapped. Glaring at Adam, as he stood in the door frame.
"I didn't know," Adam gasped out looking at Jay with a guilty expression.
"I hope you have a bad time sleeping at night," Jay bitterly spoke. Turning around and walking back to your room. Seeing a guy with brown hair holding flowers stand in the middle of the hallway looking into your room, a deflated look on his face. Jay arched an eyebrow. Walking up to him. He looked at what he was looking at, seeing Connor and you talking. Connor was holding your hand.
"Who are you?" Jay asked. Making Kyle jump in fright. Kyle turned to look at the person who spoke to him.
'Kyle, I saved, y/n when she first came here," Kyle responded. Making Jay nod thoughtfully.
"Thanks, but y/n is fine now, she's going back to Chicago," Jay spoke. Making Kyle's heart sink.
"Um, can you give these to her," Kyle spoke, handing Jay a boutique of flowers. Kyle turned around and left, looking dejected.
Jay listened in on what Connor and you were talking about.
"Jay wants me to go back to Chicago though, but to want to give us another try," You spoke. Making Connor smile.
"Me too, I will come back to Chicago with you," Connor spoke. Making you smile.
Jay quickly walked into the room just as Connor and you were about to kiss. Connor and you glanced at him. You arched your eyebrows at him. He shrugged putting the flowers on the side table. He wasn't sure where Kyle and you stood, and he didn't want to jeopardize the relationship that Connor and you had.
"I got you flowers, and also none of that PDA stuff, I just got you back I don't need Connor to hog you," Jay joked. Making Connor and you smile. Letting out a small laugh...
A/N: FEEDBACK IS APPRECIATED! You can also find this series on wattpad & ao3 links in the reblog I reblogged of this.
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mnictasbcl · 3 years
Here is my next story for @connor-sent-by-cyberlife‘s #dbhcarolsandcircuits challenge, prompt DEC 9: Sharing a blanket.
Relationships: Hank Anderson & Connor
Characters: Connor, Hank Anderson
Tags: Fluff and Angst, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Swearing, It started fluffy and now they’re crying, Self-worth issues, Hugs, Hank is best dad, Happy ending
Summary: On the night of Christmas Eve, Connor, excited for his first holidays, can’t sleep. He goes to Hank for help and more feelings are spilt than they were expecting.
 Read it on AO3! Or, read below!
Anticipation was the most predominant emotion Connor felt on Christmas Eve. That, along with mingling excitement and happiness. It was his first holidays as a free android, after all.
The build-up to the day had been eventful. Throughout the month they’d been holiday shopping, putting up decorations, parties at work and with his friends at Jericho… now, the fateful day had almost arrived.
He was also confused. Not entirely sure what the day would entail, despite having asked Hank enough times about his festive traditions.
“Uh, wake up. Do gifts and shit. Pig out on food and fall asleep on the couch.”
The description was simple, yet still boggled his mind. The events of the day sounded normal but yet—
He still thought about it often. So often, in fact, that it consumed the entirety of his mind once he got into bed and shut his eyes.
Christmas. What would it be like? Would he enjoy it? Would he and Hank have fun? And Sumo, of course. Would Hank like the gifts he’d gotten him? Would it be just as fun as all of the seasonal activities they’d done throughout the month?
His eyes flicked open. He groaned, pushing himself up in bed. His mind wouldn’t shut up. So excited for the next day that it wanted that day to be right now.
Even turning on the white noise machine Hank had gave him a while ago for insomnia didn’t work. This… didn’t feel like insomnia, anyway. Not in the usual sense, where he was stressed or scared from a nightmare. This wasn’t that. Then, what was it?
 That question bothered him too along with the rest of the noise, so it wasn’t long before he got out of bed and walked down the hallway, tapping against Hank’s bedroom door.
“Mm… who is it?”
Connor nudged the door open with his foot. Inside the room, Hank fumbled for the light switch.
“Oh. What’s got you up?”
“I…” He then stopped, frowning. What would he say? That he couldn’t sleep? That suddenly sounded very childish in his head.
“…came in here to watch me sleep?”
Connor spluttered. “No. I just… never mind.” He turned to leave, but—
“Get back in here. I know something’s up, don’t try and pull that shit on me.”
He sighed, walking back into the room.
“Spill it. C’mon, I won’t judge you.”
“Fine. I… can’t sleep.”
“Oh. Uh, s’it nightmares again?”
“No. See, it’s stupid. It’s just…”
“Oh. Ohhh, wait a second. I think I know. You just—can’t sleep?”
“Is it ‘cause it’s Christmas tomorrow?”
“Maybe. I don’t know! I can’t stop thinking about it. It’s not that I’m stressed about it. My stress levels are actually very low right now. But…”
“Come over here.” Hank, now sitting up, patted the spot beside him on the bed. Once Connor was seated, he continued. “I know what you mean. Cole… he used to get like this on Christmas Eve. It’s nothing to worry about. You’re just excited, that’s all.”
Connor stared at him. “I’m… not a child, Hank. I don’t—”
“Blah, blah, blah. It’s your first Christmas. You’re allowed to be excited. Doesn’t make you a child.”
“Well… it still doesn’t make sense. I know that Christmas is tomorrow. It won’t be long.”
“Yeah, well, emotions don’t make a lot of sense. You know that by now.”
“…okay. I guess I understand what the problem is now. I’ll—”
But before he could get off the bed, Hank held up his hand.
“You don’t have to go. Still haven’t solved the problem, have we?”
Connor looked at him, confusion evident on his face.
“If you go back to bed right now, what’re the chances you’re gonna fall asleep?”
“I’m… unsure.”
“You’re not, are you? But don’t worry. I know a trick.”
He gestured to the covers, pulling them back.
“You’re… going to give me your blanket?”
Hank groaned.
“No, for fuck’s sake. Come on. You can sleep in here tonight.”
Hank stopped, looking away and thinking hard. “…or maybe that’s weird. Sorry. Fuck, I…”
“It’s not weird. I just—you don’t want me laying beside you. That’s…”
Connor stopped as well. He knew well enough what the problem was. He was close with Hank, sure. But he’d never been so close to someone, to look up to them as a father figure of sorts, so close he might share a bed with them to calm himself down on Christmas Eve night.
“I don’t deserve that.” Is what he finished with.
Hank stared at him, blinking hard. “Don’t… deserve what? The hell are you talking about?”
“Why do you care so much, Hank? You’ve sacrificed so much to take me in and spend this holiday season with me… I don’t…”
“Don’t ever say that.”
He looked across to Hank; now seeing his eyes were wet, glistening with unshed tears.
“Don’t you ever say that about yourself. Please, Connor, those fuckheads at Cyberlife might’ve made you think you were never goin’ to have a normal life. But you are. You have one. And you… You deserve it, alright?”
Connor nodded, taking the edges of the cover in his hands. “Okay.” He conceded. “Alright. I appreciate the offer. I—”
His words cut off as he was wrapped in a hug. He smiled, closing his eyes and taking in a deep breath.
“You deserve everything.” Hank repeated. “You deserve the best fuckin’ Christmas tomorrow, alright? I’ll pull myself together.”
“You do too, Hank.” He replied.
“Yeah, alright. Alright.”
And they sat like that for a while longer, until Hank’s back started aching and they had to pull apart.
“How about we calm down and actually get some sleep tonight?”
“Sounds like a plan.”
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asset35-maya · 3 years
Short series written as part of the DBH LATE SUMMER PROMPT CHALLENGE
(Read Parts 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 and 5 first!)
Ice cubes clinked as Hank swirled the dark liquid in his glass around. He wasn’t supposed to be drinking, but like… how could he not? It was the Fourth of July and everyone who meant anything to him was right by his side.
It was a night of relaxation, of festivity, of celebration. And for the first time in a long while, Hank was filled with an overwhelming sense of calm. Life was good. So good that he had to pour himself a little Jack Daniels… buuuut not good enough to do so without drawing worried glares from his adopted sons.
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So Hank dragged a deck chair to the very edge of his garden… under the cover of foliage… out of sight… and hopefully out of mind while the fireworks burst overhead.
Hank couldn’t see much of the sky, but it wasn’t like he really wanted to look at it. He leaned back leisurely against the canvas fabric and scanned the crowd. A sea of people he’d have never imagined welcoming to his home with open arms.
Humans and androids. Androids and humans. Who would have thought any of this would be possible just a couple of years ago? Organic beings and artificial life. Newfound friends and family. Renewed hopes and dreams and different kinds of love.
Hank shook his head in wonder. He’d been so worried about the kind of world he was bringing Cole into… but it turned out just fine. If only his little boy was around to see it. Hank blinked back tears and lifted the glass to his lips.
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Before he could take a swig, he was distracted by a burst of laughter from the porch. Jeffrey and Jessica Fowler were up to their usual party antics. Twenty-five years together had led to a well-formed habit of roasting each other for everyone’s entertainment. Hank couldn’t hear what was being said, but a smile crossed his face nevertheless. Marriage goals.
He let his gaze wander... and fall upon Chris and his wife at the periphery of the lawn. Unlike others, they weren’t staring upwards impatiently or yelling for someone to go check the fuses. They stood facing each other, locked in a stolen moment of quiet intimacy. Hank knew it wasn’t often that they got a chance to just be. To spend time, however briefly, as a couple... away from the responsibilities of life and work and kids. 
There was a series of small flashes and booms... and the Millers leaned into each other as the fireworks began. Hank’s heart swelled with joy for his protégé. He set the glass of whiskey down on the grass and stretched luxuriously in his chair, now looking for his own brats among the crowd. 
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He easily spotted Nines and Gavin. Each husband held a child in his arms, providing a nice vantage point for the little one to watch the colors painting the night sky. Gavin had one on his shoulders too. Hank watched proudly as the couple handled the shrieking children with expertise, bouncing them up and down, pointing in the right directions. 
Gavin nudged Nines’ shoulder with his own and received a playful shove back. There was an unhurried ease to their interactions. They weren’t chasing any kind of romance.
Sure they had their disagreements (the stuffy studio apartment was the most recent one Hank was aware of)... but they were on a path of utmost stability. Sure Gavin could still be hot-headed at times... and Nines could be too high-handed in his manner... but a vision of rosy-cheeked grandchildren flooded the grizzled Lieutenant’s mind just then.
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The next couple he saw... still starting out with their relationship... still in that rather silly honeymoon phase... was Connor and Tina. They weren’t watching the fireworks... and were doing something distinctly not family friendly. Luckily, none of the little kids were looking. Hank had absolutely not expected to see this degree of passion from Connor.
The RK800 had been through a lot. He’d done a lot and contributed a lot... to the department, to society, to androidkind and the whole damn world. He’d seen a lot too. The best and worst of people. Hank was unsurprised that he remained unattached even two years after the android revolution. He would have understood if Connor wished to stay that way... but was glad there was now something flourishing with Tina Chen, the unassuming and hardworking girl-next-door. It was an unusual match, but made perfect sense in hindsight. 
Hank wasn’t a prude by any standards, but as a father, even he had to avert his eyes when Connor pushed Tina against the back wall of the house and wedged a thigh between her legs. Cheeks aflame, the Lieutenant decided to turn his attention to the fireworks. He leaned forward in his seat and peered up at the sliver of glittering sky visible through the tree branches. 
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He blinked as he noticed a pair of men sitting on his roof. This was why he didn’t usually invite his rowdy colleagues over. Give an inch, they’d take a mile. Hank started to rise to his feet to tell the offenders off but fell back with a gasp as he recognized them. Sixty was prone to such behavior, but Captain Allen? 
They were sitting extremely close to each other... looking up at the pyrotechnics but not at each other... not touching, but definitely talking. Hank had no idea what could be happening... well actually, maybe he did, given the number of seemingly-innocent questions Allen kept asking about Sixty over the course of the evening. The tension between the SWAT heroes was palpable even from where Hank sat under the tree.
The fireworks reached a crescendo. The colorful glow grew brighter and the sounds intensified. Hank watched with bated breath as Allen put a hand on Sixty’s thigh... made the android face him fully... slowly leaned forwards... and kissed him tentatively. Sixty took a moment to unfreeze... and reciprocated.
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Hank couldn’t help but pump his fist with pride as waves of emotion washed over him. He felt higher than he had in years despite his current state of sobriety. For all the terrible shit he’d done in life... his sons would make up for it with the big love they had to share with the world. 
The fireworks wound down and everyone began to return to reality. Before anyone could notice, Hank quickly stuck two fingers in his glass to trap the ice cubes... and poured the alcohol onto the ground. 
Footsteps approached. Hank pretended to not notice, making a show of retrieving the ice cubes from the glass and pressing them to his heated eyelids. He sighed in exaggerated relief... murmuring about the weather in the exact same way he’d seen his grandparents complain when he was a child. Hopefully the act would suffice. 
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It was Nines, carrying a colleague’s baby. For all his superior surveillance programming, he seemed unable to locate the parent among the gradually receding cookout crowd. 
“You okay?”
“Yeah, yeah. Just the heat. Can’t take it like I used to...” 
Nines obviously saw right through his father. He glanced at the wet patch on the ground and his LED spun yellow, no doubt scanning the alcohol content. He refrained from commenting though. 
“Dad, it’s late and there’s a lot to clean up over here. Mind if Gavin and I help and stay over?” 
Hank hoped the multiple layers of appreciation showed in his answering smile. 
“Of course, kid.” 
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mastercherry · 3 years
Heeheehee... Hankvin Idea 😂😂😂
Cole didn't die. He's actually alive and well, causing a lot of problems and even more grey hair for Hank. He's your typical teenager. Doesn't want to listen, wants to have fun, believes he's all grown up. But Hank loves. He's so grateful every day that the accident hadn't taken his son from him. He couldn't be happier.
He gets even happier when he starts dating Connor. He was iffy about it at first, but Connor is amazing. And perfect. He keeps it a secret from Cole at first. Just to see where it goes.
But he eventually wants Connor to love with him so they have to meet.
Here's the problem, Cole still has hope for his parents to reunite. That would be awesome, to be a happy family again. So, needless to say, he doesn't like Connor.
And Connor... is surprised that he doesn't like Cole either. He figured since he loved Hank so much then he would also love Cole but emotions are still... new. He's working on it. It's just- Cole is- He just-
They'll work it out. Right?
Anyways, so yeah. And I say all this to say that Connor was designed to be an adult, but he's still learning. He's still adjusting to human emotions. It puts him in a similar position to Cole wherein they have all these emotions but don't know how to properly express them.
And I imagine a scene where Cole and Connor are going at it. Again. Hank is so over it.
"I don't understand what you see in him, Dad! He looks like a tall baby!"
"I was specifically designed by CyberLife to appear welcoming and approachable, even as an adult man. So thank you."
"Oh please, how old are you really? 3 or 4? I'm old enough to be your dad."
"I am-"
"Okay! That's enough!" Hank has finally had it with them. "Cole, I like Connor because he makes me happy. Isn't that enough? And Connor. Come on, don't tell me your protocols don't have a way for you to deal with children without acting like one yourself. "
Hahaha I think that would be cute 😂😂😂
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