#connor keyway x reader
demigoddessqueens · 2 years
Been a bit behind on posting for the days, but here’s a compilation of writings from the weekend and today’s recent update as well (hyperlinks available)
Day 8
You had been sitting by the fire, copying the manuscripts for the Brotherhood. Part of your duties as an acolyte, Basim had said affectionately though you weren't too fond of these tasks.
Still, the menial tasks seemed to drag on more than early morning trainings ever did. At least you could be with your thoughts, the mind wandering to that of the fair-haired warrior who you had been infatuated with.
Striking eyes, a dry wit and the occasional gift that they had given to you from the raids. You smiled fondly at the gestures and memories, wishing Eivor hadn't gone away for such a longer expedition than the last.
As you were going through the last of the paper, something awaited you at the end of it all. A portrait of you, each line drawn with careful, intimate precision. Your eyes were wide and there was a gentle smile on your face. The gesture touched you as you traced along the illustration, memorizing the details that you never thought Eivor noticed.
A word written faintly in the lowest corner that felt intimate to you. Beloved
Day 9
He was awoken by the heat of the sun beating down on his face. Your kisses were the next that roused him more. "Good morning, Jacob."
The tone in his voice stirred your heart, a sweet smile laced with the morning fatigue. "Good morning to you, my love." He leaned up to place a lazy kiss on your cheek before pulling you into him.
You giggled as the scruff from his chin brushed against you before being tucked under his chin. Pure bliss and contentedness overtook you both, your head on his chest. The beating of his heart, rise and fall of his breath, lulled you back into a sweet sleep.
You were infatuated with his voice, but you enjoyed it more in the more vulnerable moments. "Such a nice present for the day. Getting to enjoy this morning with you."
Day 10
It had been a miserable day and a half for you after being held up in bed. You took an attack meant for your fellow brethren, but remained with a nasty wound to the side. Not even wanting to think of how you would be compromised for days, weeks, months, you didn't want to give up your control.
You hated this feeling. Being helpless and there was a pang of guilt as you saw where Connor was sitting, nodding off to the side of your bed. It was a pang in your heart to see such a dear--friend?
You knew that whatever you felt for him grew deeper than friendship. For the longest time, it had been you two rebuilding the Order. He didn't have to say it, but given the years, you would have done anything for each other.
As you stumbled forward towards the table that had a pitcher of water, you felt two hands help you keep you steady. Looking behind with a sheepish grin, you noted the small smile from him.
"You know, you could have just asked. I don't mind.
"I know, Connor, but it gets hard--at times. Having to ask for help."
He helped you back to the side of the bed to rest your exertions. "It may be, but you've always had me. It's ok to let go of what you can't control and reach out."
Day 11
Though the clothes have been different in many lifetimes, the weight of before still bears on the wearer.
It's the robes that Altair dawned when he became Master Assassin. When he creates the waves that resonated within the Order and finds a sliver of happiness within the family he's created, only for a little while.
A father's robes that are thrown upon his second son in a villa, though they're too big at first. Ezio doesn't realize it at first, but it's his way of carrying the three of them with him as he makes his strides.
The robes that are dawned by a man turned pirate who seeks redemption and second chances. Though the tragedy is he would never know whether his son would bear the same mantle, nor see the impact that his grandson left behind.
Desmond is affront to such robes at first, disillusioned at the legacy that his family had woven. Yet when he faces the loss of one he called friend, it's the drive that compels him to finish what he started.
Unbeknownst to a young boy in his home, will he too follow in Desmond's footsteps.
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komotionlessqueenmm · 3 years
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Headcanon/Preference # 5
(Assassins Creed)
Gifs NOT mine.
If any gif is yours (or you know who's it is) please let me know, so I can give you/them credit.
Gif credits go to - (In order) @naidleen @lockescoles @itspapillonnoir @captain-james @sarky-sassin @itspapillonnoir @iures
Year posted - 2021
Note that text in blue is them talking.
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◉Altaïr Ibn-LaʼAhad◉
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◎ Altaïr is one salty boy.
◎ You thought he was grumpy before, just wait until someone (Malik) points out how much you surpass him in skills and looks!
◎ Don't worry though Altaïr still loves you, but the knowledge of you being more badass definitely pushes him to train harder.
◎ Which usually results in you sleeping alone while he exhausts himself in the training yard.
◎ Another thing he can't stand is when you decide enough is enough, and you drag him out of the training yard to join you in bed.
◎ He's relatively easy to detract from his grumpiness if you're in the mood. (^_-)
◎ Deep down he's insanity proud of you, and so in love with you it almost hurts.
◎ He'll never admit this though, not unless you were like on your death bed, but even then he might not be able to admit it.
◎ The first time he seen you training he assumed the opponent was going easy on you.
◎ Up until it was his turn to train with you.
◎ Before you got together he had a lot of respect for you, and was very formal and professional while around you.
◎ After you guys got together he still has that respect for you, but over time he loosens up a bit, and after the first year he's completely dropped the formalities when your alone together.
◎ But he'll always keep that formality bull up when others are around.
◎ With that in mind, PDA is out of the question... Unless you wanna man handle him into submission, stealing kisses as you see fit because he can't do anything about it.
◎ Practically insists/demands that he will only ever train with you.
◎ Secretly because he hopes to learn your moves and someday have the upper hand. Which is totally not gonna happen!
◉ Ezio Auditore da Firenze◉
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◎ Insert Ezio eeking like a fangirl.
◎ I hope you enjoy being shown off to anyone and everyone in all of Florence!
◎ He gushes about you to just about anyone that will listen, mostly to Leonardo.
◎ Leo totally ships you two hardcore!
◎ He loves watching you train, practically swooning all over again every time.
◎ He'll bring you flowers before training with you, in hopes that you'll go easy on him. And maybe let him win for once!
◎ Despite trying to bribe you Ezio loves how much you push him to train harder.
◎ He knows you do it out of love, and that you want him to be the best he could possibly be.
◎ Which makes him swoon for you even harder!!!!!
◎ Gets super turned on when you dominate him, he never thought that was possible, but he's not complaining.
◎ He totally encourages Claudia to get some training from you, wanting his sister to be taught by the best of the best.
◎ Practically begs (despite not needing to) for you to follow him on every mission, saying that you're a formidable team to be reckoned with.
◎ Smirks smugly when some fool flirts with you, watching in amusement as you deal with the fool yourself.
◎ He did get pretty jealous once though when a master assassin was getting a little to close to you.
◎ He had removed his shoulder cape, and draped it across your shoulder as they spoke to you. Acting as if he wasn't doing anything out of the ordinary.
◎ Gets super clingy when you get hurt on a mission, while it doesn't happen often, he always feels guilty because it's typically his fault in the first place.
◎ Although every time you save him, he's all heart eyes.
◎ And probably pitching a tint. (^_-)
◎ You're his Knight in hooded armor. 😍
◉Connor Kenway◉
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◎ Well this is unexpected. 0.o
◎ Initially confused and jealous that you're more badass than him.
◎ Subtlety tries to mimic your moves, and learn from you without actually asking to train with you.
◎ He takes so much pride in the fact that he's a little more swift than you in the trees.
◎ He also take pride in being your boyfriend when you finally get together.
◎ Even when you get together, he's still to shy to ask you to teach him some of your moves.
◎ Gets all bashful when you take it upon yourself to teach him something here or there.
◎ Ridiculously smug when you meet his father and you not only out class Haytham, but you prove to be more badass than him as well.
◎ He's all like yep that's my girlfriend, she's a total badass and she can totally kick your ass!
◎ He's also a wee bit smug about the fact that he's got his own ship, and you do not.
◎ That smugness vanishes when he witnesses how good you are at Captaining the ship regardless of it being his ship.
◎ He's really proud though, and he secretly wonders if his mother would approve of you.
◎ He's confident she would, in fact he's confident she'd adore you as much as he does.
◎ Asks for your help to find and take down Charles Lee, knowing if anyone could do it, it'd be you.
◎ Despite you being more skilled than him, he still feels the need to protect you at all costs.
◎ Which makes you feel the need to protect him at all costs as well.
◎ It's a never ending cycle.
◎ Conner once had to restrain himself from attacking his father when the older man tried flirting with you.
◎ He practically melted when you called him by his birth name.
◎ Ratonhnhaké:ton just rolled off your tongue so naturally, he was so proud and happy!
◎ He almost cried.
◎ Was there anything you couldn't do?
◉Edward Kenway◉
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◎ Challenge accepted!
◎ He's constantly challenging you to do all sorts of things, and he's both proud and disappointed when you beat him each time.
◎ My ships bigger babe!
◎ He holds that one over your head, it's about the only thing he's got over you so what do you expect?
◎ Despite you being a total badass, he refuses to let you go diving for treasure.
◎ It's to dangerous babe, let me do this for you please.
◎ He swears to you he seen that kraken creature of legend.
◎ How have you killed more whales than him!?!?!?!?
◎ Totally thinks you're related to Black Beard because of the relationship you have with the older man.
◎ Unlike the others Edward is not going to train harder, he knows you're more badass, and he's okay with that.
◎ Similar to Ezio he's gonna show you off to all sorts of people, although his showing you off isn't as wholesome as Ezio's.
◎ It honestly feels more like a dog owner instructing their dog to show off some tricks.
◎ He's completely oblivious to you feeling this way about that.
◎ When he met you it was an instant love at first sight.
◎ He froze in his tracks, went uncharacteristically silent, and just stared at you like you were a goddess among men.
◎ And when he found out you were beautiful and a badass, he was completely and utterly in love.
◎ He stuttered oddly enough the first time he spoke to you, after a long drink from his bottle of rum he got over the stuttering.
◎ He was ecstatic when he made you laugh the first time.
◎ Edward lives for seeing you kick ass.
◎ Not so much however when it's his ass you're kicking.
◎ He will act like a kicked puppy when you beat him during a training session, sulking away to lick his wounds.
◎ Behind closed doors he practically makes you butter up to him, giving you the cold shoulder and all.
◎ At least until he can't take it anymore, and he just attacks you with love and affection.
◎ He's just being a drama Queen, and you're well aware of this, but you're content to play along.
◉Jacob Frye◉
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◎ Is it just Jacob, or is it hot in here????
◎ Like oh my god babe do that again!!!! 😱
◎ You thought Ezio was a fangirl, he ain't got anything on Jacob here.
◎ This teddy bear of a man is just so freaking soft around you it's adorable and ridiculous.
◎ He insists on training with you, and it's totally because he gets super turned on when you beat him.
◎ Like yes that did kinda hurt, but your tits are pressed against me and now I'm hard.
◎ Just like Edward he won't push himself to train harder, he ✨loves✨ the fact that you're more badass than him and Evie.
◎ Laughs like a mad man when you beat Evie in training, which agitates his twin to no end.
◎ Also finds it super hilarious when a new Rook thinks they can flirt with you, or god forbid they challenge you to a fight.
◎ He'll sit back with a beer in hand and just watch the show unfold before him, grinning like an idiot.
◎ Jacob also has a habit of challenging you to do stupid stuff, and he's purely ecstatic when you win the challenge every single time.
◎ Any time he finds a strange looking weapon or contraption he goes straight to you with it.
◎ Will watch you intensely as you try to figure out exactly how said thing works.
◎ He'll smile like a dope when he sees just how fascinating you are by it, especially if it's a weapon.
◎ Now you can be even more badass!
◎ The moment you got together he is certain he will marry you one day.
◎ He admitted this to you once while a wee bit drunk.
◎ Wants to join you on every single mission, mostly just to watch you be a badass.
◎ Although that has been a problem in the past.
◎ Jacob will never forgive himself for the time you almost got killed trying to protect him, because he was being particularly reckless that day.
◎ When that happened he refused to leave your side for anything, not until you were healed up and safe.
◎ Consulted in Evie about it, and his new found insecurity.
◎ Was he good enough for you? Was he holding you back?
◎ Evie went against Jacobs wish to not tell you, and she confided in you about this.
◎ She was doing it for his own good.
◎ Without hesitation he asked you to marry him when you soothed his worries, and assured him that he was stuck with you for good.
◎ Probably screams in excitement when you say yes.
◎ He secretly can't wait to have kids with you, and see just how badass they'll be as well.
◎ He is the sappist & happiest gang leader / assassin to ever live with you by his side.
◎ He's so proud of you he will shout it from the roof tops, especially when he sees you blushing from this.
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◎ Happy Medjay noises!
◎ He adore a badass woman, one that can not only keep up with him, but one that can potentially surpass him as well.
◎ He also likes knowing that you can handle yourself against deadly enemies.
◎ And he feels comfortable with you traveling into the desert, knowing you can survive the harsh terrain.
◎ Loves loves loves traveling Egypt with you by his side.
◎ He also loves that Senu adores you, Senu is his feathered best friend after all.
◎ He totally challenged you to see who could climb up to the very top of the largest pyramid of Giza.
◎ He laughed when he found you punched at the top waiting for him, his chest sweeping with pride.
◎ He proudly presented you to Cleopatra once, gushing to her about how incredible you are.
◎ When he presented the idea of the Hidden Ones to you he was both nervous and excited.
◎ He beamed with pure joy when you encouraged the idea, and agreed to join him on this journey.
◎ Asks you to train with him all the time.
◎ When you train together he enjoys that you push him to try harder.
◎ And when the Hidden Ones become a thing, he asks you to train the first initiates.
◎ Bayek loves racing with you out in the desert, horseback, camelback, or carriages doesn't matter which one he loves it.
◎ He was relieved to have you by his side in the gladiator arena, the two of you together are unstoppable.
◎ He's so far from jealous of your skill.
◎ He loves gifting you with new weapons, and armor.
◎ Seriously fell in love with you when you saved him from a pack of Lions.
◎ He has very few people left in his life that he loves, so he cherishes every second he has with you, and makes the best of it.
◎ He was tempted to get you a puppy hyena when he learned that you find them adorable.
◎ If anyone could tame a hyena pup it would be you.
◎ He would love to settle down with you one day, but he knows you both have a busy schedules so he understands that it won't happen for some time.
◉Desmond Miles◉
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◎ I bet I'm more badass at bartending!
◎ I have lifetimes of training from my ancestors, how are you more badass than me!?!?!?!?!?!?
◎ Totally jealous for a very long time.
◎ He's always trying to prove that's he's more badass, but he fails each time.
◎ He's very stubborn so this isn't gonna stop.
◎ He was super moody and cold with you for the first few months of knowing eachother.
◎ Over time though your charm wins him over and eventually you start your relationship with some sexually frustrated sex.
◎ At the beginning of the night he was a grumpy bitch, but by the end of the night he was all smiles and giggles.
◎ After that you were inseparable, more like he wouldn't leave your side for anything.
◎ He's still a little jealous of you even after you get together, maybe one day he'll get over that.
◎ Despite he's jealousy of you, he is inspired to dedicate himself further to the creed
◎ He doesn't want to train with you, because you don't go easy on him, but he cannot stand when someone else trains with you.
◎ Male or female doesn't matter he's a jealous bitch.
◎ He randomly gets your name tattooed on him as a good luck charm.
◎ Desmond also insists that he's way funnier than you, and he won't be told otherwise.
◎ He got violent once while suffering from the bleeding effect, and he was terrified he'd hurt you, but he's pleased to find that you handled yourself just fine.
◎ He also really appreciates that you help him through the bleeding effect, comforting him like no one else could have.
◎ Hates that you both have to be on the run from the Templar's, and that you can't have a proper date outside of one of the hideouts.
◎ Also hates how busy you both are, often throwing a fit when you're sent out on a mission while he has to stay behind.
◎ He knows you're more than capable of taking care of yourself, but if something happens to you he needs to be there with you.
◎ He looks forward to the day to this will all be over, but with each passing month he's loosing hope that it ever will.
◎ Oh was he a smug bastard when you snapped at his father, taking Desmond's side without hesitation made him feel all giddy.
◎ He just wants to be with you hidden away from the rest of the world, and just living in content bliss in your own little haven.
◎ Desmond tried showing off his bartending skill to you once, but he dropped everything when he seen Altaïr walk right passed you.
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*These boys are just my personal favorites, and the ones I know the best. 😅 ALSO feel free to add to this! 💚
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kisstheassassins · 6 years
If you don't mind me asking, if you haven't done one yet, how do you think the assassins would react if they saw their s/o awake at 2 in the morning, mostly because of anxiety eating them alive? (Your hcs give me life)
Hhhhhhh I am honored to give you this gift~
Also sorry this is so friggin late >.
He’s a light sleeper so it doesn’t take him long to notice that something is wrong. When he sees you on the edge of the bed shaking and crying he immediately goes to your side. He wraps an arm around you and nuzzles the side of your face and neck, pressing light kisses to your shoulder. If you need water or something else he’s quick to get it. He doesn’t say much, feeling that physical comfort is the best solution here. Altair will lay back down with you and pull you close to him, kissing you over and over until you’ve calmed down.
He’s had enough nightmares about his family and other things that he wakes up during the night most nights as well. He’d be sitting at the desk on the other side of the room when he hears your feet plant on the floor, and he’s quick to be by your side, kneeling in front of you and holding your hands. Ezio will kiss your hands, your knuckles, rub your knees and give you gentle kisses, whispering comforting things in Italian. Listening to his gruff and charming voice always seems to work, and once you feel comfortable enough to sleep again, he huddles close to you and presses light kisses to your entire face.
He might be an early riser but trying to wake him up in the middle of the night would be a miracle. You know he’s a bear ‘cause he sleeps like one. Somehow, he wakes up, only to see you at the edge of the bed crying. Coming to realize it’s only anxiety, he’s slow to get up, rubbing his eyes and yawning, but he’s immediate to come up behind you to wrap his arms around you.  He asks what’s wrong and how he can help you, and does whatever you ask of him. He tries to get you to talk about it, and doesn’t push it if you don’t want to, but Connor believes it’s better to get it off your chest than having it run through your mind through the night. Eventually the two of you might run downstairs and get a snack, maybe some tea, and talk about other things. 
He’s kind of awkward in this situation, not really knowing what to say or do. He’s usually up late, checking around the Jackdaw’s deck and interior, paperwork or drinking. So seeing you up so early in the morning he figures at first you’re still working, but upon seeing your shaking form and teary eyes he’s quick by your side, brushing your hair away from your face and wiping away your tears. He offers a bottle of rum or tequila, and happily drinks with you if you accept it. Edward is more of a listener in these types of situations, and will give his input on the matter should you ask of it. He will most likely end up laying down with you, brushing your hair with his hand and maybe even humming a shanty or two to shake the quietness away. 
Depending on how his day went, it may take a moment or two for him to wake up and notice you at the edge of the bed. He’ll wrap the blanket around your shoulders, go get you some tea and sit with you beside the candlelight. He might even take you on a stroll throughout the building and sit out on his balcony, taking in the cool midnight breeze; anything to make your feel better. If you just want to stay inside all huddled under the blankets with each other he won’t object to it. Arno just wants you as comfortable as you can be, peppering you with kisses, light touches and whispering things to you in French. It’s not long before you’re back asleep, this time in his arms.
Like Connor, good luck waking him up. But he just so happens to be drinking that he finds you awake in the bedroom in one of the chairs. Setting aside the bottle, you are now his top priority, seeing that you’re upset and crying. He’s not real good at words, especially comforting words; unless he’s sassing you out then he’s pretty awkward. “A bottle of whiskey always makes me feel better!” “Jacob, I don’t think getting drunk will help me.” “Who said anything about being drunk? I’m not drunk! Just tipsy, and I feel great!”
But no, eventually he’ll get serious and wrap both of you up in the blankets, telling you all the things he loves about you, giving kisses and rubbing your back. He does this until you fall asleep.
A light sleeper, so she’s quick to notice a shift in the bed. Once seeing you she immediately asks what’s wrong and if you want to talk about it. If not she won’t push you. She would get you a cup of tea, maybe even read to you in bed, or just lay with you in silence, staring at the train wall until she realizes you’ve drifted off. Evie isn’t much of a talker in these situations, but her loving actions make up for it.
Talk about snoring, oml. But he’s a night owl so lucky you. It’s so hot that he can’t sleep, but you’re anxiety is keeping you awake, and he doesn’t leave your side for one second. He clings onto you the entire time, holding you tightly against him as he rubs your back. He doesn’t ask questions since he knows it will only make you more worried if you explain, so Bayek just shushes you softly and kisses your forehead a lot. “I’m right here, love.” He never leaves your side until you’re asleep. Most likely the next time you wake up is because he’s snoring in your ear.
Poor man has constant nightmares of seeing his mother dead in that chair, back when he was only 11 coming home that hot day. Sometimes he’ll try to stay awake some nights for the entire night just to avoid said nightmares, but when he sees you sitting on the bed all shriveled up and shaking, he’s slow to approach, being as gentle as he can. It may not be a nightmare you’re suffering from, but he knows the symptoms; shaking, crying, hyperventilating. He knows it all too well. He’ll gently lay you down, and follow soon after once he settles you in. Wrapping you up in his arms, he doesn’t say anything, only looking out the window and rubbing your back gently, playing with the ends of your hair and planting a soft kiss on your head every so often. He manages to sleep this time without the nightmares.
Also a night owl, so once he sees you he kneels in front of you beside the bed and takes your hands away from your face to wipe away your tears, giving you a reassuring smile.
“It’s gonna be okay baby,” he says quietly. He’s had anxiety attacks before, so he knows how it feels, and what you’re going through. Desmond helps the best way he can, giving you water, maybe some snacks, or maybe even go for a walk around town. Or just to sit and talk, maybe put on a movie with blankets thrown over the two of you. He has something going on to distract you, always. He knows you can’t help the anxiety, but Desmond will do everything he can to make you your happy self again.
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demigoddessqueens · 2 years
Day 19
Read here
For as long as you could have remembered, Shay was one you held near and dear to your heart.
The stolen moments you both shared as fellow Assassins, both in camaraderie and with kisses in the corners that kept you both hidden.
He stole your heart and rent it when he turned his back on you all, taking his love and the ones whom you called a second family.
The once sweet kisses were poison on your lips and his gentle touches now felt like burns on your skin.
It was almost a pity when you came across him again. As far as any could see, why would you take him back?
He took everything and everyone taken from you. Well, all except for one.
Having nothing, you turned to the Templars and to the arms of their leader. An unexpected love but one that ironically mended the pieces of your heart.
And now it was just Shay who would pick up the pieces of his instead.
Day 20
Read here
For the longest time, it had been nothing but chaos in Connor's young life. The loss of his mother and...what he came to terms with of his father. Too much to lose, and it would always feel too soon for him.
But he still had you. Ever present and waiting in the shadows as you looked out for him, arms to receive him over the immensity of his actions. Even now, he enjoyed the quieter moments with you and away from the chaos of helping rebuild the Colonial Brotherhood.
It felt perfect, perhaps a bit too perfect but he wanted to make the most of it. You had ceased brushing your fingers through his hair as Connor raised his head from your lap. Turning around to face you, hands engulfed over yours before moving to cup your face.
The way you said his name. He could brand it into his memory for the rest of his life. You anticipated what would happen because chances are you wanted to do the same.
Pulling you body closer, you gazed into his eyes to search for a cue. An order that told you to dive off and throw away your hesitations. You closed the minuscule gap, lips finally meeting his as two became whole.
The slightest bit of gasp kept your heart beating fast as you placed a hand at the back of his head. When you kissed Connor, it felt passionate. Embodying all of your heart's content and bliss.
When Connor kissed you, it was a tidal wave that left him renewed. Stripped away from the chaos he once felt, and a resolve that steeled within him. The beginning of a life he wanted to share with you that started when you broke apart.
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demigoddessqueens · 2 years
Based off a little back and forth with the ever artistically talented and adorable @missbenzayb 💕, these are back to back angsty prompts for two of the best Assassins
One’s comforting and one’s sad AF 🥲
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Connor Kenway + “I appreciate you”
You barged into you and Connor’s shared apartment, deep within your thoughts you didn’t notice his cheerful “hello”. But he noted that stressed and exerted look on your face. As you reached the bedroom, you threw your bag to the side before flopping face down with a deep sigh. The day replayed in your mind: harrowing tasks, being on your feet all day, endless calls, loud and entitled customers along with an equally incompetent manager. Tears began to prickle in your eyes as the overwhelming stress from the day melted from you. Connor had lightly tapped at the bedroom door, hearing your soft sniffles, before entering in.
“Y/n, you alright?” You responded with a small head shake of “no”. Feeling the bed dip where he moved beside you, you relaxed a bit as Connor’s hand massaged and rubbed your back.
“That much of a bad day, huh?” You turned your head to look at him with your tear-stained eyes. “Something like that.” He laid down by your side with that smile, that bright smile that rivaled the sun on the best days. “Well, if it’s any consolation, I appreciate you. Love you. And adore you.”
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Jacob Frye + “this will be the last time you lie to me” + Mentions of break-up 😭😩💔
It had been a routine for some time, but you didn’t want to admit it just yet. What had once been filling your heart with joy just felt robotic. You reciprocated and went through the motions as if it was second nature, but it felt lacking. Jacob started to catch on as well, the tight smile and darting eyes, but he dudes want to admit the truth yet. If he did, it would confirm the worst fears he never wanted to face. You both got your answer the last night he held you.
“Do you still love me?” The tension could’ve been cut with a knife. “Of course I-.” He abruptly cut you off.
“No, not just an answer. At least tell me the truth if this is the last time you lie to me.”
You knew this day would come, but you couldn’t bear this image anymore. It wasn’t fair to Jacob or you. “I do love you Jacob, but not like it was before.”
You felt the sharp pang of guilt through your heart as you heard his shuddered sigh, trying to hold back your own tears. “Is it another?” “No, there’s no one else…it’s just..life, things
Another minute that felt like an hour passed. “Can I still hold you, even if it’s just for tonight?”
“Yes.” Because there was a part of you that didn’t want to admit the truth either for some time.
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kisstheassassins · 6 years
Could you do HCs for a s/o with tall and intimidating and could easily kick someone’s ass if needed, with all the assassins if it isn’t to much to ask ^^’. I love all of your stuff, I can’t find many assassins creed pages on here that are good. Thank you as well if you do this. ^^’
That’s a lot characters ^^’’ I’ll just do the main characters from the games if you don’t mind. If you want me to do more then just send in another ask! 
And thank you for the compliments!!
He’s impressed with your skills and what you can accomplish. He likes to watch you fight and train.
At times he almost feels intimidated, but that’s only because he admires you so much.
Seeing you can hold your own, you’ve already won half his heart.
He doesn’t mind your height, but will get pouty if you tease him if you’re taller than him.
Will totally be turned on if you take control in the bedroom.
He gets real excited and intrigued whenever you’re fighting. Seeing you holding your own gives him a sense of pride and admiration towards you.
If you steal his kill on a mission, he’ll just smile smugly and shake your shoulder gently. “That was mine, amore.”
If you’re tall that means you have long legs, and that’s one of his turn ons. So lucky you.
He’s not so hard-headed when you leave off on missions of you’re own, knowing you will come back to him almost every time.
You may be strong, but there’s a 70% chance that he will still dominate you in bed.
Doesn’t care how tall you are, but he really admires how well you can handle and protect yourself.
You two are a power couple in battle, vicious and swift. A force not to be messed with.
Just your power and confidence alone makes you so amazing and breathtaking to him.
Might have a thing for long legs
Loves to train with you; you’re a challenge and he loves it.
Will totally let you take over in bed if you want.
Everything about you turns him on, like holy shit.
Seeing your power and abilities in battle, especially during ship raids, just makes his heart almost come out of his chest.
He’s sitting there with his tongue hanging and tail wagging.
Although there are times where he does feel intimated by you, and has to prove himself better and stronger. 
Hell yes to long legs.
You’re strong? Well, he feels he needs to show you how stronger he is during alone time.
Stands out of your way when you’re fighting, but will jump in if you need assistance.
He’s glad you can watch over yourself most of the time, since he’s quite busy himself at his office.
Enjoys training with you. You’ve taught him a few things.
If you’re interrogating someone, he lets you do all the work unless he’s needed. He knows you will get the job done.
Prefers to be sub anyways, so if you’re Dom in bed then lucky you.
Hoooo boy, you turn this boy on from the get-go, even when you weren’t together.
It’s really hard for Jacob to concentrate when you’re fighting or going off on someone. Cause holy shit, you’re badass and he loves it.
Will try his best to outmatch you, mostly trying to impress you.
Will have contest to see who has the bigger muscles.
Putty in your hands during naughty times.
She admires your prowess and skills during combat. She likes to know she can rely on your to take care of yourself during fights.
She doesn’t mind if you’re taller than her, but hates it if you start cracking short jokes on her.
If you are taller than her, Evie finds it endearing if you pick her up to hug her or kiss her. Although she prefers it in private.
You two are a sight to behold during battle. It’s almost rehearsed, you two are so in sync.
Naughty times are always…  interesting. 
He’s so giddy when you get all up in people’s faces if they needed to be taught a lesson
Like he’s so proud of you that you’re able to stand up for yourself and kick ass if you need to. He knows you can protect yourself when he’s not around or isn’t able to be by your side.
And it’s kinda hot. 
Will sometimes try to outdo you ends up pulling a leg muscle
“13 for me Bayek.”
(limping) “…  15. I win.” *help me Gods I’m too old for this.*
You wanna take over during naughty times? Go right ahead. He’s enjoying the treatment ;) 
Watch out dearie, everything about you turns this man on.
He’s just like “yes, please,” when he sees you tearing someone a new one.
Definitely loves the view when you’re fighting. All those curves and muscles? Mmmmmhmmmmm.
He’s glad you can look out for yourself, cause he has to do the same for himself. But that being said, he’ll do his best to come to your aid if needed.
He’s pretty intimidating himself, so you two are a power couple in battle.
That also means sex is much more rougher in bed, so … . have some aspirin and a couple heating pads laying around.
Doesn’t care about your height, but don’t go pulling any short jokes on him, cause he’ll roast you right back.
Poor boy is putty in your hands.
You’re so amazing and beautiful to him, omg.
He loves you so much.
You actually intimidate Shaun, so if he’s teasing Desmond and you clap back at Shaun he’ll shut right up usually, the occasional sassy remark. Desmond just smiles and chuckles, kissing you.
Doesn’t like to hide behind you, but he does sometimes. He’s still training, ya know.
Long legs are one of his weaknesses.
He’s more cunning than he is powerful, so you two are an excellent pair in fights.
Loves to be domed by you during naughty times.
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