#connor magee
dustoffstartagain · 1 month
Connor Magee Aug 24
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Connor Magee Aug 24
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fionatheicicle · 2 months
My answer to why is solas so popular in dragon age.
In the end his actions created a lot of problems, such as the cult of andraste and the maker (/boblawboblaw) and he is actually trying to correct them. Some would argue that teaching people about spirits and the veil would help; except the people they are talking about have at least a dozen generations of religious dogma clouding their perception of reality. Therefore teaching them the correct way to handle mages and the veil is at least ineffective and at most impossible. So he chooses to burn the entire world to the ground so that another better one may grow from the ashes of the old one. In effect solas represents change, and change is chaotic so people fear it. However in a world that is desperate for change (in my opinion our’s) some if not many are quick to embrace such a concept so long at it is portrayed in a controlled and (fairly) predictable way. Therefore we tend to lean toward solas as he represents an answer to the inherent flaws in our own society.
Btw idk nor do i care if my answer makes any sense because i’m hella drunk right now (thank the goddesses for spell check) however i may care after i’m sober so let me know your honest opinion on this possibly nonsensical take.
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ansburg · 3 months
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Grey Warden, please don't hurt my son. He is not responsible for what he does.
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hexxalite-hecate · 6 months
I don’t know why because there is absolutely no lore in any of the games to support this (in fact quite the opposite), but somewhere along the line I decided that mages in Dragon Age all have different coloured flames, they can’t choose or control or change it, it just is. And I’d already subconsciously assigned most of the characters their colour.
Amaranthe Amell - lapis blue with a heart of iridescent pearl (because she’s God’s favourite princess)
Neria Surana – bright sunny butter yellow
Morrigan – deep gold with a dark amethyst halo
Jowan – pale silver-green marshlight
Anders – umber with a heart of crimson
Wynne – powder-blue, translucent like glass
Connor – jade green
Lanaya – pale daffodil yellow with a grass-green halo
Velanna – sullen orange like glowing embers
Finn – pretty normal looking, but gets a glint of emerald at the centre if he’s super excited about something
Hawke – blood red. Just blood red
Bethany – soft violet
Merrill – scarlet fading into coral
Dorian – rich magenta with royal purple flashes
Vivienne – pastel lavender
Solas – smoke grey with a blinding white halo, hurts the eyes
I have no idea why I did this but it’s my inescapable headcanon now. Feel free to comment if you have a different vision, or a character I didn’t mention, or your own Warden/Hawke/Inquisitor/OC!
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burnouts3s3 · 9 days
Veilguard Trivia: In Bioware's Dragon Age: Origins, Mage characters can strike a deal with the Desire Demon possessing Connor. The Demon will return and the Warden gets to learn Blood Magic. And Alistair approves as long as Connor and Isolde both live.
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tavtiers · 8 months
analyze a Mage of Doom please?
The Mage of Doom [symbols: brain, skull]
The Mage class has its basis in the classic court magician. An example would be Merlin from Arthurian Legend.
The Doom aspect’s main theme is caution. You can find its official description here.
A Mage of Doom is among those who explore energy to influence. This is the “classpect group” they belong to. Members include: the Mage, Seer, Heir, and Witch of Life/Doom. These classes are all opposites or inverses of each other that explore the Life/Doom dichotomy (energy to influence). A description of classpect groupings can be found here.
The Mage of Doom actively knows the Doom aspect. Active classes tell themselves what to do and do so for their own benefit. They are more likely to stand up for themselves, but more likely to be cruel. Mages and Seers possess great knowledge of their aspect and everything it symbolizes. Simplified, the Mage of Doom is motivated by themselves to know caution.
In personality, the Mage of Doom has trouble forgiving their own mistakes and hates confrontation. Personality descriptions can be found here.
Their archetype is the Genius Defender, defined by introspection and caution. Archetypes are explained here.
Their opposite is the Seer of Life, who passively knows growth.
Their inverse is the Heir of Life, who passively manipulates growth.
A classpect or “god tier” is an individual’s best self. All classpects go through a journey from unrealized, to struggle, to realized. When a character is unrealized, they neutrally exist as their inverse. On their struggle, they will wildly flip back and forth between their inverse and true classpect. In their worst moments they will act as their inverse, in their best their true classpect. When realized, they will stabilize as their true classpect. They will still have room to grow, but will become happier, more successful people.
This means that the Mage of Doom begins life motivated by others to manipulate growth. When their struggle arrives and they are at their worst, they will continue this behavior in negative extremes. However, when at their best, they will find purpose in instead knowing caution for themselves. When realized, they will stabilize and continue to know the Doom aspect actively, in a positive way.
They share their archetype with the Knight of Mind, the Defender Genius.
The Mage of Doom would quest on a planet similar to the Land of Thought [Mage] and Doom [Aspect]. An example would be the Land of Dreams and Undead. An explanation of planet naming conventions can be found here.
Two possible gods, or denizens, to reign over their planet would be Hades (God of the Underworld) or Persephone (Dual Goddess of Spring Growth and Decay). Other Doom aspect denizens can be found here.
When the Mage of Doom completes their planet quests and dies on their quest bed, they would rise to ascension on the wings of locusts (symbols of plague). A list of soul animals can be found here.
The characters that I have currently classpected as Mages of Doom are: Sollux Captor from Homestuck [canon example], Connor Guerrin from Dragon Age, Felix Alexius from Dragon Age, Scarecrow from Batman, and Jack Godell from The China Syndrome.
If any of the links not connected to my blog break, the content can be found on my Google Drive.
Official Aspect Descriptions
Personality Descriptions
Aspect Denizens
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eastgaysian · 9 months
the main plot of succession dragon age au would obviously be that logan sends kendall to the conclave and kendall ends up becoming the inquisitor and has to close the portal, but don't ask me about any of that because what i really want to talk about is roman being a templar dropout
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While I’m still thinking about Cata and Origins, if/when I replay her I’m thinking about the repercussions of changing up the main quest order I’ve had her story locked into for like 8 years, and swapping Redcliffe and the Circle, so having Redcliffe first after Lothering, then the Circle, then werewolves Denerim Temple Orzammar.
On one hand, I think Redcliffe first makes a lot of sense. On the other, Cata and Alistair’s relationship arc is “bantering-friendly-allies-of-necessity-and-trauma to silent-strained-allies-of-necessity to ????? to friends to lovers” and Redcliffe is where they have their big blowup fight that shapes most of their arc, so having that come earlier on changes the dynamic some. And Cata doesn’t properly apologize until after the werewolf curse is broken, so there’s longer there that that things are strained between them. On the first hand, that then means that there’s more time later for the ????? stage, which would happen after the Circle tower where being trapped in the Fade forces Cata to realize that she really does care about Alistair, but she’s still too proud and fucked up to properly apologize about it for a while, so after the Fade trip she would be trying to act like things are like they first were between her and Alistair, and Alistair is of course deeply, deeply confused because Cata does not vocalize any of her feelings.
But on the other hand again, the bit with Alistair’s mother’s amulet is kind of important in their arc, too - Cata finds it in Redcliffe and remembers what Alistair told her about it, but they just had that massive fight about Isolde’s death, and Cata doesn’t want Alistair to think she’s trying to bribe her way back into his good graces, so she holds onto it for a while until it gets harder and harder for her to figure out how to admit that she has it so she just sneaks it in with his stuff, and he realizes it must have been her. And I can’t remember if there’s an approval-gate on initially learning about the amulet, or if it just comes up pretty soon once you talk about Eamon/going to Redcliffe.
Well I guess this means I’ll have to replay Origins as Cata again. No other choice. No way around it.
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niofo · 10 months
really overthinking the arl of redcliffe quest.
on one hand i like the idea of the quest. i don't hate isolde (at least for this situation, she was horrible to alistair as a kid), bcos what she did only illustrates how horrible circles are as an idea. she's by far not the first nor the last person who preferred to hide family member away from templars exactly bcos of how bad the circles are. the chantry has another "proof" that the mages are dangerous, as if they weren't the ones who created this situation themselves. if circles weren't kidnapping children never to see their parents, if they were just schools of magic focused on community and learning the whole situation would be entirely avoided.
but the solution of this quest is weird. there is an obvious best solution that saves both connor and isolde, it's not particularly hidden behind complex dialogue choices or anything. but also metagaming aside, just leaving redcliffe for gods know how long to get the mages is really immersion breaking for me. there should be some consequences of just, yk, leaving. i would much prefer the player to be forced to choose between two bad options, like we do with orzammar quests.
but now considering the two remaining options: killing connor or letting islode sacrifice herself, and knowing what i know about the circles, esp with kinloch hold currently raging about abominations everywhere, both i as a player, and my warden (tabris) would be really hesitant to just turn connor to them. lbr, they have a documented history of turning children into tranquils for the crime of having nightmares and being scared, you're telling me they wouldn't immediately jump to this conclusion seeing a former abomination and one that was saved by blood magic on top? like we obviously know that it didn't happen in canon, but that's what i would fully expect this of the circle by what they showed up so far, and so would my warden. (and even when we meet circle mage connor in dai he's depressed and eaten with guilt for something that happen when he was a child and wasn't his fault, i can bet that chantry was feeding those feelings for the last 10 years).
all i'm saying that i have a lot of doubts about sending connor to the circle. fuck the circle. my tabris would never just let this happen, especially knowing that connor's safety is something isolde died for. and then there's jowan. yes, he messed up before, but i would still consider him a preferable option as connor's teacher than a damn circle. we know that if let go, jowan actually helps some refugees and creates community on his own, away from the circle.
apostate connor is what i'm trying to say. apostate connor option would be so cool and better for him than the circle bs. let him be a hedge wizard, using his magic to help people instead and that would maybe help him with the guilt over everything that happened.
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faerune · 3 months
so im still unclear after all this years why connor is able to be exorcised and cured of being an abomination but it isn't used for other mages who are posessed by a demon?
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commandermahariel · 5 months
this might be silly but i like making suboptimal and bad choices in games for characterization and just to make my character less perfect. looking at you zielle
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dustoffstartagain · 3 months
Connor Magee June 24
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Connor Magee June 24
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plisuu · 2 years
bb i have an intense all-consuming need for 'being protective' for Connor/&Solas in any flavour 💚
Thank youuuu! Here's some battle banter something or rather?
wc: 485 @dadrunkwriting
The first time Solas truly saw Connor fight was a sight to behold. Adrenaline and fire, ruthless steel, and an unstoppable force regardless of the opponent. He was no longer the tranquil that fought out of trained instinct, nor with the fear or magic that he once had.
He fought with passion, with fury and no reservation—not that he had held back before, but the logical state of tranquility meant that he once had more regard for his personal wellbeing than… whatever he had now. Every fight spilled blood, his own mixed with the enemy’s in a spray of red mist that shimmered with latent power and evaporated in the blistering heat of his swings, the cherry-red blade clattering across armor and through flesh in showers of sparks.
Connor fought like this time after time, like every fight might be his last, like all of their lives depended on it—and they did. No one could deny the amount of times the Inquisitor had saved them, taking blows that could have been any of their last and staring back into the face of his foe as it glanced off his shield, deflecting it just right to remain standing through impacts that would have felled any other warrior, or facing a blast of magic head on, his cobbled together barrier of spirits, sheer tenacity, and blood magic somehow holding against all but the most powerful blasts.
Solas slowly grew accustomed it, the extra strength he had to put behind his barriers to protect the Inquisitor from his own flames, the extra mana he found himself saving to tend to the man’s wounds after, the silent looks of “Cassandra must never hear of this” shared between party members, and the concerned furrow of his own brow as he chastised Connor’s reckless abandon in battle. The words always seemed to fall on deaf ears, the man’s sheer stubbornness made of strong enough will to match Solas’s own.
It was the same routine, every time, Solas telling him that he could be more cautious, and Connor refuting him with how he does what he must to guarantee their survival. They could argue in circles about it for hours—they had once, before Varric finally stepped in to inform them that they were, in fact, keeping the whole camp awake with their bickering.
They had fallen into a rhythm, the words meaningless when spoken now, merely a formality, like it was a secret joke between the two of them. “Inquisitor, please be careful.” “You know I can’t do that.” “Yes, but I can ask.” “Yes, you can.” The intention was still there, in some form, but it was less of an argument, instead exchanged like a greeting between old friends.
It became a ritual of sorts. A reassurance that, despite everything, things were still normal, that they would continue to fight at each other’s side, doing what they must.
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nebulousmistress · 10 months
Bonds of Family
A story primarily told through correspondence sent and unsent. The year is 9:43, one year before the Inquisition is disbanded.
The drunken row has died down, the letters sent in anger and a brandywine haze. And both parties realize the letters still come. They're still talking to one another.
There is a road to forgiveness.
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burnouts3s3 · 9 days
Veilguard Trivia: In Bioware's Dragon Age: Origins, a mage character can make a deal to let the Desire Demon possessing Connor to possess him when he's older. In return, the Desire Demon gives some... perks. And Alistair will give +7 approval as long as Isolde and Connor live.
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vakarians-babe · 2 years
i just found your account and omg,,, are you doing a full origins playthrough fic???
Hi, welcome!! Yeah I am! It may be a little unhinged, but I actually have a plot laid out to do full playthrough fics for.......all the games. I want to delve a lot more into the implications of Awakening and things I've always wondered about, and it's honestly...really fun. It's sort of like a puzzle - figuring out how to transform my favorite moments from the games into a more narrative style and bringing out the elements that I always wanted to be touched on more fully, like the horror elements of Origins, making it my own while still telling the story laid out in the games.
Anyway, that definitely answered your question lol but if you're interested, my fic is posted on AO3 and updates every Friday! I also have a collection of codex entries that I wrote for the canon worldstate of the fic, since I can't leave any project well enough alone, ever.
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