yurnu · 3 months
Divina Consecutio (2/??)
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likeastars · 4 months
Idk I think Palamedes should have just made out with Ianthe in the unwanted guest, it would have been the worst day of both their lives but when Ianthe finds Palamedes in her lap she'd be so impressed she'd give him Naberius immediately
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trying to write essays in german, as someone who is used to writing them in spanish, is so hard. i can't just use endless subordinate clauses or a matrioshka of genitives and expect the sentence to balance itself out somehow
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officialpenisenvy · 10 months
posso solo dire che se fossi stato il frocio che gambizzò indro montanelli avrei mirato meglio
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sent a text message. noticed the consecutio temporum is fucked. kill yourself
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qu4lc0s41ncu1cr3d3r3 · 3 months
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Consecutio 🤷🏻‍♂️
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dinonfissatoaffetto · 2 months
Parlando, Calvino si inceppava, si interrompeva, emetteva frammenti e rottami aforistici: anche a me riesce quasi impossibile infilare un condizionale e un congiuntivo, o tanto peggio un congiuntivo dietro un altro congiuntivo; ma Manganelli parlava superbamente. Non ho mai ascoltato nessuno parlare così. Come un grande padre predicatore o un papa rinascimentale o un diplomatico secentesco, ostentava gerundi, participi presenti, parole rare, proposizioni subordinate dentro altre proposizioni subordinate, piuccheperfetti, con una esattissima consecutio temporum, nutrendosi avidamente di parole sanguinanti arrosti di sostantivi, colorati contorni di aggettivi, folleggianti salse di verbi e di avverbi. Lo straordinario era che, in lui, il pensiero più sottile e complicato diventava subito, senza un attimo di incertezza e di dubbio, forma verbale: a tal punto la sua mente era dominata dall'istinto formale.
- Pietro Citati
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tanith-rhea · 2 years
hii! I wanna say first and foremost that im loving all of ur larissa/reader fics sm. I really liked the screw ur roommate one ;-; and i wanna give a prompt for a fic if ur up for it! So its like this...
Young larrissa, morticia, gomez and f!reader are at a secret nevermore nightshades party. They play spin the bottle/truth or dare and it starts off harmless till reader's dared to kiss who they think is the prettiest amongst all of them. Everyone thinks its morticia but oop its larrissa. After that, chaos ensues and maybe things get spicier? Light vandalism/skinny dipping mayhaps? Would be cute if there's a flashforward and Principle Weems looks back on that youthful night.
Truth or Dare
Thank you so goddamn much for this ask anon! I had so much fun writing it and I'm really excited about it. I think it's an excellent idea and loved every second of coming up with this! Hope you like it as I did writing it!
Word count: 2.3k
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They've been drinking for a while now. You think, observing Morticia and Gomez eyeing each other. The party was dying down by now, and if it were up to you, you would already be in bed with the rest of the group, but Larissa was going back with Morticia and asked you to keep her company lest she'd be left alone with that disturbingly horny pair.
Morrison and Mccoy were still there as well, but Larissa would be alone to deal with them if you left, so you stayed. There probably wasn't something you wouldn't do for her, and sitting with her in the dock overseeing the lake to Raven Island, you weren't tempted to head back.
"This is getting boring," a sultry voice asserted a few meters back, "We should play a game."
It was Morticia, approaching with Gomez in one hand and a recently emptied bottle of cheap wine in the other; drinking wine at seventeen, The Nightshades were pretentious like that. It spoke of how biased you were that you thought Larissa was the only one who actually pulled it off, looking elegant and thoroughly decadent while drinking straight from the bottle.
"What do you suggest?" Larissa humoured her, making space between you to the others to sit in a circle on the wooden pier.
You wanted to be alone with her, in all honesty, but Morticia had a glint in her eye that piqued your curiosity and made you nervous altogether.
"How about verum aut consecutio?" she eyed the others; the boys had come up and sat as well, Mccoy between you and Larissa, Gomez beside you and Morticia "In turns, we all spin the bottle in the middle of the circle, and the person whose its neck points to is asked to make a confession about themselves, or face consequences" her smile was devilish, you were equal parts excited and terrified.
Maybe it was the alcohol — you were a terrible lightweight — but you liked the idea very much. Antagonism towards Morticia forgotten in the name of fun, you nodded with the others and prepared to start.
Since Morticia was the one to give the idea in the first place, she spun the bottle first. Round and round it went until it stopped, pointing at Larissa. Fuck, this could go horribly bad; but Morticia only seemed amused.
"Larissa..." she smiled, biting her lip "where are you ticklish?"
Oh, that was harmless, maybe this could be fun.
"You know where I'm ticklish" the comment made you uncomfortable and the fake annoyance on Rissa's face was like a slap, "I'm ticklish in my ribs" she arched a defiant brow, a side smile curling her lips.
You knew they were friends a while back, but you didn't know what happened for the easy jokes to turn into a passive-aggressive competition of wit. They were begrudging companions at best now, admiring each other but unable to voice it. You used to think it was sexual tension, but it made you hurt too much to even entertain the idea, so you decided to turn a blind eye.
The next person was Morrison, directly in front of you, and he asked Gomez what would his wishes for a genie be. Several rounds passed by, with some funny confessions and ridiculous consequences. Mccoy was dared to do a sexy crawl up to Gomez and Morticia to, impressively successfully, lick her own elbow.
It was Morrison again, everyone was in high spirits from having seen Gomez twerk for thirty seconds, and he spun the bottle. Until now, it had only fallen on you once and you asked for confession, telling everyone that you had a strawberry-shaped birthmark on the left side of your lower back. This time, you decided to choose consequence.
"Kiss the most attractive person in this circle" wait, what? No one had done something actually physical before. Did you have to? You probably didn't, but the temptation of having an excuse...
The thing was, you had the most embarrassing fancy on Larissa. She didn't correspond to your feelings, quite obviously not interested in anxious lesbians with no control over their lives. She was the most beautiful creature you ever laid eyes on, but not only that, she was kind and caring, compassionate but with a fiery side that could make you roll on the floor laughing or pant to catch your breath at how hot she could be.
You looked at everyone, you knew what they were expecting. The obvious choice was Morticia. It was a consensus that she was the most charming and sexy girl in the school and you were the gayest disaster to ever step on Nevermore's grounds, but you didn't agree with that. Gomez seemed tense and Mccoy seemed bored. Morrison seemed smug for getting himself the pretty sight of two girls kissing. You were just paralyzed with fear. What would she think? Would things be as they always were after it?
"C'mon, quit making us wait" Mccoy grumbled.
With a deep breath, you stood up to cross in front of him, hearing a sharp intake of breath from behind you and looking at a shocked Larissa on your front. You lowered yourself to one knee, foot planted beside her thigh. She was seated on her legs like a courteous little princess, her hands clasped together on her lap, shoulders tensely straight.
"May I have a kiss?" you whispered, looking for any signs she might want this as much as you did, fearing to find the opposite.
"Are you serious?" she seemed so unsure it hurt. You could only look solemnly at her.
She gave a curt nod, still quite incredulous. You couldn't read her, something you weren't used to. You leaned into her, closing the distance.
It was a bit awkward at first, her lips were partially parted and yours weren't, but soon you saved it by cupping her cheek and guiding her through a slow exploration of each other's mouths. She tasted wine-sweet with a hint of the peppermint tea you had before going out. Her lips were soft and lovely caressing yours with gradually increasing enthusiasm. You weren't in a hurry, you could do this forever easily, and if she wanted time to evolve it into something deeper you were happy to oblige. Her tongue teased out; you were already kissing open-mouthed, but the feeling of her tongue slipping between your lips and sucking yours to her made a satisfied groan escape your throat. Just as you were going to cup her neck with your other hand, fingers already ruining her hairdo, a coughing sound interrupted your thoughts.
You parted, face hot in embarrassment you had only seconds ago felt none of, to see the agitated expression on Morrison's face, Mccoy awkwardly trying to look the other way after staring dumbfounded and Morticia grinning slyly. Gomez didn't seem particularly fazed, and you wanted to hug him for it.
"Okaaay," Morrison cut in the silence "that was something..." he cut himself for a moment before blurting "your turn Larissa" and thrusting her the bottle like a hot potato.
The game deescalated after that. Everyone seemed to silently agree that you didn't need much more excitement that night. But after a while, Morticia grew bored, as she usually did, and suggested everyone should take off their clothes and have a midnight swim.
By then, the other boys were passed out on the grass by the boats. You and Larissa hadn't talked since the kiss and she seemed to avoid your gaze every time you looked at her. Which meant she was looking. You tried to fool yourself with hope but secretly hated that you were only paving the road to heartbreak. She didn't feel the same.
Morticia began taking off her dress and jumped graciously into the water, calling Gomez to join her. He did it without a preamble.
You eyed Larissa silently asking if she was alright with it. She finally looked at you and gave a short, tight smile, before taking off her shirt and skirt and lowering herself into the midnight-coloured water. You followed suit, leaving your clothes with hers.
Morticia started a fight of spilling water and soon the tension had gone again. You felt grateful to her for the first time that night. Larissa was laughing and Gomez was an absolute surprise, attacking everyone when they least expected.
It was very late, the moon halfway down the sky. You were all tired from swimming and cold for stopping the War of Water, and you were going to suggest leaving and going back to school when Morticia said:
"I think Gomez and I are going to head back, I'm feeling chilly and would like for someone to warm me" she blinked at him and started swimming away with him in her tow.
You were suddenly left with Larissa, and couldn't help but think Morticia was doing something. Scheming. Was there a reason for all of this? Did her smile mean something back at the game?
Larissa looked at you for a second, not joyful anymore but tense.
"I think we should go too. It is rather cold."
"Larissa-" you didn't know what you were going to say, where you were going with this, but you had to try, right? Things were already a mess, you could tell.
She stopped, her eyes looking at the surface of the water between you.
"I think we should talk about this" you drifted closer into her personal space.
"What's there to talk about?" she looked to the side, seeming very interested in the trees on the other side of the lake.
"About what happened... about us" you tried, carefully placing the pad of your fingers in her jaw to bring her eyes to yours, she let you.
"I don't know what you mean, it was just a game" she didn't look at your face, instead focused on the freckles on your shoulders, covered only by the straps of your baby pink bra.
"Then why won't you look me in the eyes?" you were starting to get annoyed, she looked at you so fast that it seemed as if she was scared; scared of giving something away, betraying how she felt "I know something is different. You didn't talk to me for this passed hour and you look like a dear in headlights every time I look at you."
She wasn't saying anything. Was she spearing your feelings? Was she avoiding you because she didn't want to give you the wrong impression? Was she... Jesus, was she uncomfortable with your proximity?
You floated back a bit, giving her room. You knew this would happen, you knew giving yourself hope was idiotic.
"If you think I'll act differently... I won't" you reassured her in a small voice "I'll be normal, I'll keep it under control just as I've ever done. I won't expect anything to change or for you to want me back. I can do it, Larissa, I'm used to it. Just don't... do what you're doing now, looking at me horrified like that. Are you okay?" her face was slowly contorting into something horrible, shocked and... disgusted? You felt yourself starting to cry. What have you done?
"Oh my god, is this too much? Should I have kept quiet? Fuck! I'm so sorry, Larissa, I am. Please don't be repulsed, please forget it!" now you were sobbing. She didn't feel the same, and she was repelled.
You didn't see anything, tears clouding your almost-shut eyes when you felt the water and her arms around you.
"Shh, love. Calm down" her voice was soft in your hair "I'm not repulsed by you, how could I?" she pitied you, of course.
Still, you weren't strong enough not to give in and bury your face in her. Her chest was hot against your cold face.
"I'm not repulsed by you, I'm surprised with you" she continued whispering "I am disgusted, but only with myself" she parted from you a bit, taking your face in her hand "I'm disgusted that I was such an idiot not to have realized."
Her kind smile is a searing knife to your buttery heart. You didn't have her love, you had her pity, which was almost as painful as a disgusted rejection. She felt sympathy for you.
"Fuck" you let it escape in a broken gasp "I can't look at you Larissa, don't give me that" you were starting to swim away, feeling humiliated when her hand caught your forearm.
"What? Don't give you what? I'm not understanding your signals y/n, in one minute you're confessing to me and the next you are rejecting my feelings?"
What the hell was she talking about?
"What fucking feelings, Larissa?! I don't want your fucking pity, I love you! I can deal with you rejecting me but I can't just stand by as you think oh poor y/n, so desperately in love with me, wish I could feel the same!" you screamed at her, but she wasn't listening, she was smiling; quite beautifully so. She had a smile that could light an entire city plastered on her face.
You were confused and angry and didn't see it coming but in a second you were looking at her and the second she was kissing you. Ferociously. She was smiling against your lips and her hands held your face firmly. You melted into her, giving up the second her lips collided with yours. Of course you would let her do whatever she wanted, even if you didn't understand a flying shit of what was happening.
When she parted from you, smile still in place, you struggled to catch your breath.
"You absolute idiot. We are absolutely the biggest fools in this school" she laughed "I love you too, you silly girl" and she leaned in again, kissing you with the biggest smile on.
You stayed a bit longer at the lake; suddenly you didn't feel so cold anymore.
Sorry for the late post. Saturday is d&d day, so I wasn't at home for most of the afternoon. Kisses!
Part two can be found here.
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lunamarish · 3 months
Pausa pranzo. Vedo un mio collega disperato alla scrivania, gli prendo un caffè e vado da lui. Gli dico che spero non sia successo nulla di grave, che il lavoro ultimamente è uno schifo e che non vale la pena prendersela. "Da che pulpito..." risponde lui. Va bene, incasso. Io resto lì a guardarlo, in silenzio. "Il mio mutismo selettivo mi permette di stare qui anche sei ore a guardarti senza dire una parole, se necessario." Prima sbuffa poi chiude la porta. Mi racconta della sua crisi profonda con la moglie, del divorzio negato, delle terapie dallo psicologo, della sofferenza, dell'insonnia, e che all'ultimo la baby sitter gli ha dato buca e stasera non sa chi a lasciare il figlio. "E se ci rimanessi io, con lui?"
Finisce che vado a prenderlo dal dopo scuola, lui mi riconosce subito perchè a tutti i pranzi e le cene aziendali sono quella che fa le linguacce ai bambini di nascosto e dice "sei la collega di papà!" e lì il mio istinto materno vacillante inizia leggermente a intorpidirsi. Gli dico di farmi da navigatore, anche se so benissimo dove abita. Facciamo un po' di compiti (è in terza elementare) e prepariamo la cena. Dopo che si è fatto il bagno da solo mi chiede se lo aiuto ad asciugarsi i capelli. Si era messo il pigiama al contrario, inizio a ridere, lui con me, glielo sistemo e lui mi chiede se posso rimanere fino a che non si addormenta. Ma certo, gli dico, resto tutto il tempo che vuoi.
Diventa silenzioso, andiamo sul divano, accende disney+ e gli chiedo a cosa sta pensando. Lui mi strappa il cuore dicendomi che con me si sente molto al sicuro ed entriamo in un momento di confidenza, gli chiedo se lui si sentisse al sicuro con i suoi genitori. "No, perché loro litigano sempre e una volta li ho sentiti dire che se non c'ero io non stavano più insieme". Aldilà dei congiuntivi e della consecutio temporum cerco di rassicurarlo, dicendo che spesso i grandi dicono cose che non pensano, che quando sono arrabbiati diventano anche più cattivi, e che non doveva preoccuparsi se, a volte, i genitori litigano, può capitare.
E lì, quel piccolo esserino mi stupisce ancora. "Io se voglio bene a qualcuno non ci litigo. Se litighiamo sparisce il sorriso. Io voglio essere felice da grande, sentirmi sempre sulle nuvole senza paura di cadere. Non lo dire a mamma e a papà che li ho sentiti."
"Sarà il nostro segreto."
"Però ci torni a stare con me se mamma e papà escono?"
Dopo cinque minuti, piccolo esserino dolce si addormenta profondamente sul divano...e io pure.
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libriaco · 4 days
Dai (miei) libri
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Un delizioso, piccolo libro (appena 100 pagine nell'edizione in inglese che ho letto), quello di Anne Fadiman, Ex Libris [1998]. Sottotitolato Confessions of a Common Reader, l'autrice stessa dichiara di aver voluto raccogliere nei diciotto brevi saggi una visione d'insieme della lettura quale se ne può creare, dice Virginia Woolf nel suo Common Reader [1925], anche un lettore non professionista che dedichi nella sua umile stanzetta tante ore a questo piacere solitario. Il testo passa dal come si tratta fisicamente l'oggetto libro a come si risolve il problema di far 'sposare' le biblioteche di due coniugi bibliofili, dall'uso di collettivi maschili invece che femminili o paritetici alla mania per il significato delle parole. E tocca, la Fadiman, anche malattie che mi affliggono e che me la fanno sentire amica e sodale: la passione per il significato delle parole, per i quiz culturali, quella per i cataloghi di qualsiasi natura e infine l'incessante e maniacale caccia, in qualunque tipo di espressione, verbale o scritta, alla TV, sui giornali, sulle pagine web, sui volantini pubblicitari, agli errori di grammatica, di sintassi, di consecutio temporum, di pronuncia. (È in queste pagine che ho scoperto che la malattia che ho da sempre è il compulsive proofreading). Soprattutto però nel libro c'è l'amore fanatico, indiscusso, cieco e a senso unico per la lettura.
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Cosa c'entra adesso la copertina di Pinocchio? si chiederanno subito i miei pochi lettori. Non vedete, immediatamente, le correzioni con cui il progettista grafico della copertina ha evidenziato gli errori che il burattino ha tracciato sul muro? Ecco, questo è stato il primo libro che mi portò Babbo Natale e da cosa credete che venissi attratto, a colpo d'occhio, appena lo ebbi scartato? Tutto è cominciato lì.
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yurnu · 2 months
||🪽 Divina Consecutio 🪽||
Part 3
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falcemartello · 2 years
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"Volodymyr, mi parli della consecutio temporum, vediamo se è preparato!"
Deve essere andata più o meno così...
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abr · 3 months
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Mentre in provincia tocca sorbirsi i quacquaracquà che "la nostra indipendenza" (la finaccia der Puzzone non ha insegnato nulla), affiancati dalle verginelle che "ma difenderci da chi?", per fortuna c'è chi continua a stare all'avanguardia investendo (consecutio logica, star davanti e investire, che i più fingono di ignorare): questa è una foto satellitare pescata da Google Earth di un prototipo, il DRONE SOTTOMARINO Northrop Grumman Manta Ray - sembra appena atterrato da Tatooine.
To date, “Manta Ray [has at least] demonstrated its ability to glide, ascend and descend, turn, hover and anchor,” according to Northrop Grumman “It can do some of [that]… autonomously, avoiding the need for on-site human logistics or a human captain.”
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da https://www.twz.com/news-features/huge-manta-ray-underwater-drone-looks-like-a-docked-star-wars-spaceship
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thoodleoo · 2 years
I feel like learning and translating Latin as an English speaker must be more difficult, I mean, nevermind the vocabulary tend to be pretty different, but the whole syntax and verb tenses are different! At least italian kept the consecutio temporum etc
but is more difficult? I'm curious
there's definitely an adjustment period for my kiddos. the biggest thing that tends to throw them off is the fact that latin doesn't have a strict word order in the way that english does.
but overall i wouldn't stay that they really struggle with it? it forces them to think about language in a different way, and they have to learn some more grammatical vocabulary, but latin and english actually express a lot of grammar in similar (if not identical) ways. what's really cool is that learning latin tends to help them a lot with their english because they can make connections between the two languages!
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autolesionistra · 1 year
Analizzeremo quindi nella maniera speditiva e superficiale che ci è propria alcune dinamiche degli ultimi giorni legate alla segreteria del PD, con particolare attenzione alla direzione prevalente degli schiaffoni arrivati a EllySchlein (spoiler alert: non c’è una direzione prevalente, arrivano a 360°).
Partiamo dall’inizio (circa). I cinque stelle indicono una manifestazione “Basta vite precarie” a tema (in teoria) lavoro, quello su cui si fonda la ns. pregiata repubblica democratica. Per il PD non è che ci fosse modo di uscirne bene in nessun caso, né a disertarla né ad andarci, la segreteria segue quindi un complicato processo decisionale riassunto da questa infografica:
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La linea adottata ricalca più o meno alla lettera le direttive del manuale Manovre Evasive per Feste Sgradite™, ovvero dire di non poter venire per impegni pregressi salvo poi appalesarsi a sorpresa, schiacciare un paio di cinque a persone strategiche e poi andarsene rapidi come un F14 guidato da Tomcrùis.
Su questa dinamica da festa-delle-medie è montato un paglione insensato.
Dalle dimissioni un filo pretestuose di Alessio D’Amato alle esternazioni di Pina Picierno, l’idea di base è che ci sia un qualche nesso fra quello che ha detto Grillo sui passamontagna e la (temporanea) presenza della segretaria PD. Vagamente più sensate per l’ala centrista (almeno a livello di consecutio) le critiche sulle posizioni di Moni Ovadia visto che quello che ha detto domenica lo ripete da un pezzo ed erano uscite un filo più prevedibili. Ma anche lì, i cinquestelle avran chiamato Ovadia ma il PD ad un convegno chiamò pure Guia Soncini, io non starei a fare a gara a chi si piglia l’ospite che le spara peggio.
Comunque, la nobile arte della pugnalata nella schiena al momento opportuno non è che a Roma non sia di casa, e in generale che la componente centrista del PD preferisca far detonare il proprio partito al minimo rischio di slittata a sinistra non è una novità. Certo, potrebbero ricambiare la cortesia per tutti gli anni in cui la frangia a sinistra ha ceduto spazi (e segreterie) al centro senza dire beo, ma non tutti sono così beneducati. La cosa che mi ha colpito è che mentre internamente piovevano critiche sulla Schlein per un suo (presunto) antiatlantismo, contemporaneamente da movimenti a sinistra del PD arrivavano critiche... al suo atlantismo.
E a memoria mia nella storia dei segretari del PD anche infilandoci satelliti come Epifani, Martina e Orfini non c’è mai stata una persona che abbia preso questa costante compilation di schiaffazzi (cit) da dentro e da fuori. Non è che abbia molto da dire sul tema se non che in queste dinamiche c’è un po’ la quintessenza del PD: l’autodistruzione come stile di vita e le difficoltà croniche sul concetto di rappresentanza, anche al proprio interno.
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beardyboyzx · 11 months
20 questions for fic writers
I was tagged by Mia @so-why-let-your-voice-be-tamed. Thank you <3
1. How many works do you have on AO3? 13
2. What’s your total AO3 word count? 124,572 words
3. What fandoms do you write for? I currently write just for the 1D fandom!!
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos? Gray hair is our forever (128 kudos) Tripping All Over (78 kudos) in my head we can love forever (71 kudos) Twenty-Eight (65 kudos) If It Makes You Feel Alive (It's Alright) (64 kudos)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not? I do!! Idk why, I just like to let people know they made me happy with their comment!
6. What is a fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? I don't really know. Maybe Twenty-Eight? But it isn't really angsty
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? The happiest... Idk. The fluffiest might be Gray hair is our forever
8. Do you get hate on fics? Afaik, I don't.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? I've yet to write it for this fandom (apart from in my head we can love forever). I used to write emotional smut, kind of erotic -- based on sounds and smells, rather than actions or words
10. Do you write crossovers? What the craziest one you’ve written? I wrote a City Hunter meets the A-team fic some years ago. And I've got an HP AU in my WIPs
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? Not that I know of.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? Nope.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? Yes!! I've co-written several fics in Italian with a friend of mine!
14. What’s your all-time favorite ship? For this fandom, Ziam. If I have to think of all the fandoms I've ever written in, then... Ryo Saeba and Kaori Makimura, the very first ship I've written something about.
15. What’s a wip you want to finish, but doubt you ever will? If You Only Knew :) I actually want to rewrite it, so I can finish it. I've just gotta find the time
16. What are your writing strengths? Writing feelings, maybe? I've also got some good imaginaries in my writing --- or, well, that's what I'd like to think lol
17. What are your writing weaknesses? In English, it's definitely consecutio temporum. The main reason why I write everything in the present tense 😅
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic? If I have to write something in a language I don't know, I triple-check that that particular dialogue is written correctly and would sound natural. I've read some dubious Italian dialogues in the English-based fandoms I've lurked in, so I try to be extra-careful 😅
19. First fandom you wrote for? City Hunter
20. Favorite fic you’ve written? Either If It Makes You Feel Alive (It's Alright) or waving to the hard times (and I can't wait to go back to write its second part!!)
I'm gonna tag @chai-hat-tea, @imogenleewriter, @nooradeservedbetter, @reminiscingintherain and @larryatendoftheday (but no pressure!)
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