#considering he ran away from home once... yeah
kissorkill16 · 2 days
Reconciliation: A Hello Neighbor Fanfic
Summary: Aaron ends up staying somewhere he'd least expect.
(P.S., for @spring-vibes-only )
Aaron sprinted out of his house, running on feet he could barely even keep upright. They were starting to turn into jelly.
Mya accidentally fell off the roof, and he couldn't bear to face his father after what he'd just done. So he just ran away.
He thought maybe he'd find a human sized cardboard box he could sleep in for the night, and tomorrow he could find something to eat.
He just kept walking around in circles for what felt like hours, then he bumped into someone.
"Sorry!", he said, backing away. When he looked up to see the man who he'd bumped into, he nearly fainted.
The old Channel 4 station manager, Gordon Cleave.
He was wearing an orange vest and holding a grabbing stick and a garbage bag.
Aaron immediately backed away further and grabbed a brick from off the sidewalk. "You!", he practically shouted, "You're supposed to be in jail!"
Gordon just shrugged, completely unbothered by this kid's little act of bravery. "Yeah, I was. But the judge said he'd shorten my sentence if I took part in community service. Anything to get out of that forsaken shit hole."
A moment of silence.
"What're you doing out here?"
Aaron knew he shouldn't be telling someone who's tried to ruin his family's life in the past, but he felt like he needed to get something off his chest. "I've run away from home.", he said. "My dad's kind of gone a little off the deep end, so..."
"Pfft! A little?", scoffed Gordon. "What about your little sister?"
At the mention of Mya, Aaron felt his eyes fill with tears. He looked at the ground so Gordon couldn't see.
Gordon didn't know why, but something inside him made him bend down and put a hand on Aaron's shoulder, gently rubbing his fingers on it. He opened his mouth to say something, but no words came out. Finally, he said what Aaron least expected.
"Look, I may hate you and your dad's guts, but what if...hypothetically I offered you a place to stay. When I get off, I was thinking about letting you stay back at my place.", he said.
Aaron wasn't so sure about it, but what other choice did he have? He may not have liked the man so much, but staying inside an actual living area was way better than a cardboard box.
Reluctantly, he nodded.
"Also, if it's a mess when we get home, please excuse it. Dale has trouble cleaning up after himself."
Aaron's eyes widened.
"Dale? As in Detective Dale? As in Officer Tapps?", asked Aaron.
"Yeah. We kinda got together in prison.", replied Gordon. "Judge me, I dare you. Just go sit somewhere and I'll let you know when I get off."
Aaron nodded and sat down next to a tree.
All the while, Gordon was still questioning his decision. He had absolutely no idea how to take care of a child, and he hated kids for as long as he could remember. Plus, he'd tried to hurt this kid more than once, and he wasn't so sure that Dale would be so on board with it.
But maybe it'd all be worth it. Maybe Aaron wouldn't cause too much trouble. After all, the kid seemed old enough to take care of himself for most of the time while him and Dale could work. So maybe it wouldn't be so bad.
They'd have to set some ground rules, but he was sure things were going to be fine.
Maybe if Aaron was a good child, he might consider adopting him.
(I was going to add something more. Like maybe a hint of smut, but I felt like that wouldn't be extremely necessary, so you just got this. How do you like it?)
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phantomuheist · 11 months
Why can't you go home?
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You enjoy running too much
It's thrilling, I'll give you that. But eventually you'll get tired. Eventually you'll slow to a halt and realise nothing around you looks familiar. You'll be lost with no hope of ever returning home again. Turn around now, it's not too late. You can go out running again whenever you like.
Tagged by: @sylviareviar
Tagging: you, if you're cold like me rn
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tenok · 3 months
#the thing is. you should believe survivors#also my ex after we broke up tried to go to half of our mutual friend and tell them horrifying stories of abuse he was dealing with#it wasn't even planned smearing campain (I don't think it's his style). he was truly hurt. some things really di happened. some even#happened the way he told it. and some were blowed to 'I went to work with bruises every day' (he was grabbed by hand by other partner once#and had bruises because he was so white-skinned he bruised like from touch)#or how I forced him to live with other man that hated him and turned his life to hell (he forgot to mention that it was my disabled brother#he flew away from our abusive mother as soon as he turned 18 and I gave him shelter. after asking partners to consider this seriously#because it's big commitment. I also stated several times that I'm willing to move out with him if it's unpleasant. also this 'living hell'#was him ignoring my partner completely after he yelled on him several times because as he said he didn't ran away from home#to suffer yelling again)#so yeah. it didn't work that time because my friend actually know everything from me long before my ex came to them#they nodded politely and never talked to him again#but it lingers. and it majes me look really critically at any call out or accusation.#person could be really hurt. really harmed even. and still there could be biases or misunderstanding or any human messiness#it sounds like girl had a horrifying experience. it also looks like she kept illusion of being fully on board and loving it.#was it believably? or he just didn't care#did he pick her because she was young and inexperienced? or because she told him she's interested in bdsm?#did he tried to help her when she was in bad place? or was he calculatingly buying her silence?#was he creepy or was he awkward?#honestly I don't know even... what kind of proofs you can get there#like we have her statement. we have objective thing — texts and vids. we can have Gaiman own statement#so what if he will repeat what stated in messages: it was consensual she literally wrote what she want me to do etc#believe survivors. what if everything she told is true too. but also what in messages are true too#what if she was scared and hurt and also told him yes and more and please master. because people are complicated#would he accused of not reading her mind? would there be charges on not checking enough. HOW WRAP MY MIND AROUND IT#like it's all is ne genuinely trying to understand what's next and how it could be wrapped at all#for the record: even if it was absolutely 💯 consensual and girl like completely lying about everything etc#he's still clearly fucked up and things were messy for a lot of reasons. it's bad!#but there's difference between 'it was rape or coercion' and 'it was poorly planned affair and he should've be more considerate of partners#feelings'. and in any way. hope that girl gets help
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daisythornes · 1 month
SO what i would've done in my epic perfect ending to the umbrella academy is:
- ok, if we must do the downer ending where they sacrifice themselves to save the entire world and must no longer actually exist. what would've been a lot more satisfying and clever in addition to that is: the umbrella academy comics exist in the new world.
Claire is the writer/artist mastermind behind the series, because she has this strange near-memory of someone once telling her these bedtime stories about a group of dysfunctional but endearing superheroes. she assumes it must've been her imagination, but still, there's a resonating echo of love.
boom. our brellies live on and get to learn and grow and be happy in some way, even if it's in fiction.
- when Five is talking to all the versions of himself in the Five Diner, he first thinks it's the whole family that's the problem with the timeline and yeah, that they'd need to die so everyone else could live, but then!
the other versions of him tell him that no, it's not the whole family that's the wrench in the gears of the universe. it never has been. it was him.
this whole time, he's been looking for answers in every direction but within. he was the only variable he hasn't considered, the last unknown.
more specifically, it was him leaving his family that broke the timeline and caused the curse of the inevitable apocalypse.
that led to the Commission, to the Kugelblitz, to the Umbrella Effect/Keepers Cult - to every possible bad ending, in every timeline Five and Lila ever saw.
so, uh... maybe after a conversation with Diego and Lila if they wanted to resolve that whole situation more.... maybe after a conversation with Viktor (Five's childhood best friend, despite the show literally always forgetting about that)...
Five gets on the timeline train one more time, then jumps back to the day he ran away. maybe he's young again but with all his memories intact, because he's figured out how to control that now, maybe he just tells his younger self not to mess with time travel or leave home.
either way, Five goes back to dinner. then he grows up with everyone.
Ben doesn't die, because Five being there helps save him somehow. Klaus gets better, Allison learns to let go, Diego and Luther reconcile, and Viktor has a best friend to tell him he's always been special, and help him sort out his powers properly.
Lila and the other Sparrows and Jennifer are still alive in this version of events, they just grew up differently, in different places and circumstances. they all find their way to the Hargreeves, because of course they do. Allison has Claire. my beloved Grace is there.
Reginald dies, and they dance at his funeral. the world doesn't end eight days from then, or any time after that.
the show ends with the gang dancing to I Think We're Alone Now, but they're in the same room this time, all together in their old house, and everything is the way they've always deserved.
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mattsrod · 10 months
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- ; warnings - smut, sub!matt, a little plot, masturbation, boners, interrupted sex.
- ; 9:05 am
your eyes were still glued shut with sleep as you rolled over in bed, throwing your arm to the right which hit your boyfriend in the stomach, of course.
matt shot awake, clutching his stomach instantaneously. after a few seconds of sputtering out swear words under his breath the said, "new way to wake me up, huh?"
you groaned in response, much too tired to give him a proper answer. the only thing on your mind was going back to sleep, but your boyfriend poking you in your side made that pretty difficult .
"matt, stop." you said curtly, grabbing his hand.
"your the one who woke me up, shouldnt i be mad?" he turned you over so you were facing him, taking a moment to look at all of your features.
"matt i can feel you staring at me." you spoke before opening your eyes. he was already staring into them. fuck. you wanted to be mad at him for not letting you sleep, but you couldn't.
he laughed before sliding his hand under your head, separating you and your soft pillow . you leaned closer to him and he kissed your lips softly.
he pulled away for a moment and you smiled. "come here." you said grabbing his face and brining it to yours, smashing your lips together.
you bit his upper lip and he licked your lower, and soon after his tongue pried your lips apart. he sat you up against the headboard, not separating his lips from yours for a second. he unclasped your bra, taking a tit in his hand.
every second that passed just made the kiss more heated.
your hands slid up and down his body as his tongue explored your mouth. just as your hands made it to his waistband you received a call, to which you ignored.
and then another call came.
and finally a text.
he pulled away, recognizing whoever was trying to reach you probably really needed you, considering the amount of times they had called you.
matt got off of you, letting you recollect and grab your phone.
"fuck." you mumbled
"its my best friend. her dog ran away. she wants me to come over and grieve with her. probaly eat ice cream for three hours? i dont know.." you rambled on, shocked at the messages you had just received
"oh shit. you gotta get going then?" he yawned. handing you a previously discarded bra from the night before.
"i guess so." you slipped the bra over your head. "want breakfast before i leave?" you asked him, grabbing a pair of his pajama pants off of the floor and swiftly putting them on.
"i mean, why not?" he got out of the bed slowly ruffling his hair and then standing up.
you walked over to him, giving him a peck on the lips before walking out of the room "meet you downstairs yeah?"
"yeah." he paused, "your not putting a shirt on?" he said loudly, knowing you were far down the hallway by now.
"i mean its just us at home, right?!" you called back.
hearing that he smiled to himself. rushing out of the room and following you down the steps.
- ; time skip - 9:32 am
"matt, im gonna burn the fuckin' eggs if you keep staring at me like that." you shuffled the eggs around in the pan once more before turning around to look at matt, leaning your hands into the counter.
"what am i distracting you?"
"just let me cook your eggs in peace." you smiled.
saying that you turned around, you knew matt wouldn't let you do that.
you felt matts gaze burning into you as you walked over to the fridge to grab orange juice which you set on the counter next to you.
why not take advantage of this?
you opened the freezer and bent down to grab the mini pancakes you knew matt loved.
you arched your back as you stood up and turned around. "you want some of these, babe?" you held up the box of pancakes, waving them in the air.
your boyfriend traced your curves with his eyes. how his pants hung low on your hips, how your bra held your perfect tits.he was getting harder by the second. who gave you permission to do these things to him?
and then, looked up from the floor where he was pretending to stare, blinking and shaking his head before speaking "oh shit- sorry babe what'd ya say?"
"hm." you crossed your arms and leaned against the counter once again, sighing this time. "what am I distracting you now?"
"i gotta use the bathroom, be right back." he said coldly.
you pursed your lips and then shook your head. "you want the pancakes or not?!"
"yeah!" his voice cracked as he ran to the bathroom.
you giggled and turned off the stove. you knew exactly what he was up to.
matt bee-lined for the bed and threw himself on it, tossing most of the pillows to the floor and stuffing the remaining behind his back, before yanking his sweatpants down to his knees. there was no need to drag this out. he had enough foreplay just watching you downstairs, and not to mention the interrupted scene that morning that had been playing through his head for the rest of the time after that.
he grasped his cock firmly from the spot on his stomach where it had lay hard and wet-tipped against his stomach.
he gasped at the contact and let his head fall back, his mouth falling open as he squeezed himself, before letting his cock fall with a slap against heated skin.
with a flat hand, he pulled the moisture from the tip, smearing it down his length, before curling his fingers over his balls, just grazing his fingertips below them.matt ran his tongue over his dry lips, picturing you in the kitchen, remembering how you'd looked with your pajama pants hanging so low that just the slightest tug would pull them off.
he groaned and brought his hand around his dick again, tugging jerkily, frantically, and bent his knees, planting his feet on the bed.He could see you between his legs, one hand on his thigh, the other pleasuring yourself right along with him.
matt screwed his eyes closed and clamped his other hand over his own thigh, breathing hard and fast and stroking even faster.He imagined fucking you over the counter. both of you whimpering as he thrusted roughly into you, one hand gripping your hips roughly, leaving small marks. his other roped around to the front of your body, rubbing your clit.
the muscles in matts’s arms began to burn as he stroked himself but that barely registered, the only thing he could think of, the only thing he could see, was you beneath him.
him plunging into you and hearing your pretty noises.
your face as it twisted with pleasure.
He stroked himself long and hard, inside and out, his breath ragged and heavy and he knew it wouldn’t be long before his releass. he moaned loudy, picturing you against the counter once again. This sent him right over the edge.
with a loud cry of your name, his knees hit his shoulders as his belly strained and his hips thrust up onto his plunging fingers, his body pulsing around them, and quick lines of milky liquid squirted over his hand and the quivering skin of his stomach.
you opened the bedroom door and matts head snapped at the creaking sound it had made.
"huh. well this isnt the bathroom." you teased, making your way towards the bed.
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astralis-ortus · 4 months
agent(s) of chaos
✱ boyfriend!bc x gn!reader
— there's a reason why you love game nights with your boyfriend's second family.
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w.count → 1.1k genre → fluff, a dash of comedy warning → mild cussing (i think? it's just hints), the chaos that is ot8 stray kids, one time jump, and reader is referred to as baby! no gender specific attributes mentioned aside from reader's hair being soft, heh a.n → based on this request! not gonna lie, i actually got a slight headache from imagining the chaos throughout the fic lol even in my head they're /that/ loudㅠ heh ⋆ see masterlist
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game nights with your boyfriend and his friends might not happen often; but once they all come together and get the event date set?
oh, a (good) chaos will definitely ensue.
“goddamit—chan hyung! get your eyes on the game!”
“yeah! go get it, seungmin!”
“felix you bronze—step on it! catch up!”
a collective of cheers and disappointed groans were imminent as soon as yoshi, seungmin’s character of the night, crosses the finish line; leaving dry bowser and baby mario—which respectively belongs to han and chan, in second and third place. If you didn’t know any better, you would have thought the boys were just competing in some major mario kart competition.
“­wah chan hyung—you’re seriously so bad at this!” changbin loudly protests—to which you genuinely thank yourself for pushing through with the rented villa agenda—while throwing his head back against the sofa in desperation. lee know, their other unfortunate teammate on the other hand, is busy pretending to box against your cackling boyfriend, having a string of ‘sorry’s falling from his lips.
“argh!” switching his target in desperation, changbin immediately puts his hands together and faces you with his attempt of salvation. “please switch teams with me! i can’t do this any longer! he’s so bad!” he pleaded, nearly earning himself a thrown nintendo controller on the head from chan if it wasn’t for your swift hands, snatching the heavy plastic from your pouting boyfriend. Well, not that you mind though, considering how adorable your boyfriend looked while he sulks.
“yah yah yah—changbin hyung!” seungmin intercepted—and if you know something about the kim seungmin, then his iconic multiple-hit comment is about to pop off. “no one told you to be so bad with rock paper scissors anyway!” the younger pointed out, a smug grin etched across the span of his face, “that’s why you ended up with chan hyung!”
“hey!” your boyfriend was the first to react, pointing at the smug younger one—and of course, it’s not changbin if he didn’t follow suit.
“yah! you prick!” huffing and puffing, changbin was quick on his feet as soon as seungmin stuck out his tongue, further provoking the curly haired male while he ran away—only to fish more of changbin’s loud shouts after the younger. “yah kim seungmin! come back here!”
series of laughter follows the disappearance of the two; to which everyone know by heart now, is also the best time for the rest of the kids to take their water and bathroom break—and alongside that, also became the best time for chan to finally take a proper look at you.
“you’re still good, baby?” the switch in his demeanor made you giggle as you lean into chan’s warm touch on your cheek. despite having witnessed the shift countless of times, the way chan’s voice became very soft when he spoke with you never fails to make your heart flutter. “it’s almost 1 am, aren’t you sleepy yet?”
“i’m good,” a smile follows your simple answer whilst your arms found their home around your boyfriend’s waist, snuggling closer to his warmth while chan lifts your legs to cross over his lap. “can last at least 2 more games, i think. besides, i drank some of the coffee jeongin brewed earlier, remember?”
chan’s exaggerated sigh along with his usual disapproving head shake ignites another set of laugh within you, fishing another pout to appear on his plump lips. “knew i shouldn’t have trusted jeongin,” he dramatically piched his nose bridge, trying to look as disappointed as he could. “he’s part of the bad peaches club after all.”
“i heard that!”
jeongin’s resounding shout from the kitchen startles both you and chan—causing your laughter and chan’s to grow in volume. “not sorry!” chan’s reply simply earned a grunt from the younger, not wanting to further continue the discourse while he’s busy arguing with hyunjin about who can get their hands on the last can of beer in the fridge.
“but anyway,” chan’s gaze softened as they returned to you, running his fingers mindlessly in your soft hair, “tell me whenever you feel sleepy, okay? we’ll go to bed right away.”
“i know,” an exaggerated sigh left your lips as you immitate your boyfriend’s previous antics, “this isn’t my first rodeo, you know?” you snickered as you playfully stuck out your tongue—which in turn only further cause the adoration in his chest to bubble.
oh, how he wish you’re all alone right now. he’d immediately tackle you into a cuddle and plant several dozens of light kisses across your face and neck—but he must resist. after all, he wouldn’t want the kids to tease you over something like that.
“gosh, you’re so annoying,” he hummed, lips betraying him as it formed into a massive grin across his lightly flushed cheeks, “think you’ve been hanging around the kids too much. i should keep a schedule for your visits from now on.”
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4 round of games and 20 minutes later, another wave of commotion returns as the race for second place—since first place has again been coveted by the representative agent of chaos, the kim seungmin—ensues between lee know and han.
“han jisung! step on it step on it!”
“lee know hyung! shi—why are you getting as bad as chan hyung!”
“yah! baby, tell—“
chan’s words immediately died down in his throat as soon as his gaze landed on your peacefully sleeping face—plea to defend himself from his kids vaporized and replaced with a soft thump in his chest. You looked so peaceful with your head resting against his shoulder—a massive contrast to the chaos surrounding you—and chan could feel his heart swell. you looked so cute; especially with your fingers wrapped tightly around the controller seungmin had just handed you a few moments prior.
had you been fighting off the drowsiness all along?
carefully pulling you into his lap, chan smiled as he gently peeled the controller off of your hand before dropping it directly onto hyunjin’s unsuspecting lap, startling the younger.
“shut it,” chan hissed between gritted teeth, easily pulling hyunjin’s focus from the chaos happening on screen and to you—who immediately nodded his head knowingly when he realized what’s happening.
“yah lee min—ow! what was th—oh.”
chan’s next target was changbin—who immediately received a slap on the back instead of chan’s quiet warning. it’s rather effective, however, considering outside of the two current players, everyone now has their eyes on you.
“keep it quiet—if my baby wakes up because of any of you,” chan eyed every single one of his kids, not even caring how severe the teasing he’ll receive by the daylight will be for whatever he’ll be saying next,
“i’m not gonna let it slide.”
©️ astralisortus, 2024. | likes and reblogs are highly appreciated♡
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moonstruckme · 7 months
you talked about bartender!sirius in a previous post and omg i can't stop thinking about it!!! could you do a fic with costumer!reader and him being all flirty and stuff (maybe even angst where reader is really drunk or has come to drink all her problems away or someone icky is hitting on her or smth?? idk i trust your judgement<3)
litterly giggling and kicking my feet just thinking about it😭🤭
Thanks for requesting gorgeous <3
cw: alcohol
bartender!Sirius x fem!reader ♡ 1.4k words
There are three people working the bar, and you have basically no hope of ever capturing one’s attention. You’re not as assertive as the other patrons vying to get their orders taken, not willing to lean across the bar or shout like they are and perfectly willing to let yourself be pushed out of the way when one of them decides their cause is more prevalent than yours. It probably is. This pub is noisier and more rowdy than you’re accustomed to, and you’re not much of a drinker to begin with, only trying to pay your tax to sit with the friend that invited you here. You’re considering abandoning the endeavor entirely when the next man shouldering you out of the way gets waved off by the bartender nearest. 
“Oi, she was here first.” 
The bartender’s gaze fixes pointedly on you, which is kind of a lot. He has sharp gray eyes paired with superblack hair—like, the kind of black no light can penetrate—and a crooked smile, a handsome and somewhat menacing combination. He leans across the bar, lowering his voice as if he can tell that’s what you’d prefer. 
“What can I get you, doll?” 
You fumble for your tongue. “Um, can I have a citrus spritz, please?” 
He grimaces. “Wish you could,” he says, “but we just ran out of that gin. Got a second choice?” 
“Oh, uh...” You’d only found your first choice after perusing their menu and asking your friend what each thing was, so no, you do not. You take a step back from the bar, yielding your time. “Sorry, I’ll have to—” 
“No, come on, it’s alright.” The bartender doesn’t move, but his voice is loud enough that it reaches you, gets you to turn around. He’s on you with that smile again, one hand beckoning you towards him. “We’ll figure something out for you, sweetheart. Come back here.” 
You step up to the bar stiffly, more than aware of the irritated looks being shot your way by other patrons. 
“What do you like?” he asks you. 
You feel your eyebrows pinch, shaking your head helplessly. Your face feels like it could heat a small home. “I don’t—I’m not sure, sorry.” 
“You’re alright,” he promises, grin vanishing for a moment as he cuts a glare towards a man trying to talk over you. It’s back before you can miss it. “A sweet kinda drink, yeah? Fruity? D’you want something else with citrus?” 
“That sounds good,” you manage.
He winks and pushes off the bar. “Stay put, babe, I’ve gotcha.” 
You do your best, keeping your front pressed to the bar even as everyone else moves around and into you. You feel like a rock in a stream. With no one else to talk to, you watch him work behind the bar. He grabs a bunch of bottles at once, pouring without measuring or counting or hardly even looking, and when he starts shaking it all in a metal cylinder you have to look away from how his tattooed biceps bulge from the short sleeves of his shirt. You’re scanning the rows of liquor behind the bar when he gets back, trying to will the warmth away from your face. 
“Give this a try.” He sets the drink down in front of you. You notice it’s got a bit of dried fruit on top, and then he sets a small shot glass of something bubbly and transparent down next to it—you wince. A garnish and a side; probably not as cheap as you were hoping for. “If you don’t like it,” he says, glancing between you and the drink expectantly, “don’t tell me. Just bring it to the bathroom and flush it. My ego can’t take the rejection.” 
You press your lips together into something you hope approximates a smile and take a careful sip. It is sweet. You can barely taste the alcohol. You rub your lips together as you set it down, hoping you haven’t gotten foam on your mouth. 
“It’s really good,” you tell him honestly, and he grins in response. You raise it to your lips for more. “What is it?” 
“A pornstar martini.” 
You nearly spit foam right at him, somehow reversing at the last moment so you take in a hearty sip instead. His grin widens, showing canines, like he knew the effect the name would have on you. It should make you feel childish, but he doesn’t seem like he’s laughing at you so much as with you. 
“It’s good,” you say again, taking out your card. “Thank you.” 
He holds up his hands, stepping away from your credit card like it’s a weapon. “Put that thing away,” he says. “You’re insulting me, dollface.” 
You let your card hover in the air between you, unsure. “I can’t let you—”
“Sure you can. You have to,” he insists, setting both hands on the bar and leveling you with a significant look. You can’t look back for more than a second before your gaze flees downward. “If I can’t comp a pretty girl’s drink, what am I doing here?” He lowers his voice, leaning across the bar so his face is just a few inches from yours. “And if I can’t add a pretty girl’s drink to a tosser’s tab—” he flicks his gaze over to the man who’s been especially persistent in trying to get his order in over yours since you’ve come up “—then I may as well quit.”
You press your lips together, trying desperately to keep from looking as flattered and flustered as you feel. 
“You don’t want to leave me without purpose, do you?” 
“No.” You smile down at the bar, privately rolling your eyes. When you glance back up, there’s a waggishness in his eyes that suggests he saw. “Thanks.” 
“Thank you. Have a good night.” 
“You too.” 
You turn, starting back for your table, but stall a couple of steps in. Your seat’s been taken by a man around your age, all smiley and nodding as your friend talks. They’ve both got their elbows leaned on the table, eyes locked like they’re in some sort of competition. And you may not spend a lot of time in pubs, but you know enough to stay away when two people are looking at each other like that. 
You stand awkwardly on the fringes of the bar crowd, looking around for another empty table, but it’s too crowded tonight; there are none. You consider dropping by to tell your friend you’re leaving, but now you’ve got this full drink in your hand. Maybe if you finish it quickly…
“Hey!” You pivot, and the same bartender is looking at you again, craning his neck to see you over the crowd. “Hey,” he all but shouts to be heard, “come here.” 
You’re nothing if not obedient, working your way through the crowd with murmured apologies and your eyes on the ground to ensure you don’t step on anyone’s toes. When you get up to the bar, he’s waiting for you, holding up a hand to pause the man—the tosser, he’d dubbed him—trying to talk to him. You wonder if he’d halted his order halfway through. 
“What’s going on?” he asks, eyebrows twitching together. “You looked lost over there, babe.”
“Sorry,” you say, though you’re not sure what for. “I just—my seat was taken, so I was just trying to figure out—”
“You can sit here.” 
You blink, and he motions to the stools tucked under the bar in front of you, the ones nobody’s using. “I mean, you don’t have to,” he says, the closest thing to hesitant you’ve seen from him yet, “but you’re welcome to. I could use some good-looking company. We’re severely lacking over here.” 
“Fuck off,” says another bartender, skimming behind him to grab a bottle off a shelf. 
“Not counting you, Marls.” He shoots a sharp-edged grin towards the blond woman before fixing it back on you. His eyebrow twitches slightly in question. 
“Okay.” You pull a seat out. “Okay, thanks.” 
“Don’t thank me, doll, you’re doing me a favor.” He sets his forearms on the bar, leaning towards you like you’re having a far more private conversation. “I’m Sirius.” Something about him softens when you tell him your name in response, and you get the sense he’s been waiting for it. He repeats it back to you like it’s something special. “Alright, y/n, enjoy your drink, and I’ll try to be as decent company as I can while dealing with these pricks.” He makes no effort to keep the man beside you from hearing, then turns to him with an extremely false-looking smile. “Hi, what can I get you?” 
Even as the man starts giving his order, Sirius’ eyes flicker your way to see if he made you smile. He did.
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slvtforoldermen · 6 months
Birthday Morning
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Summary: Javi’s birthday morning is always calm, considering it’s the only time of the day he’ll get this tranquility
Pairing: Retired!Dad!Javier Peña x Fem!Mum!Reader
Genre: Fluff
Warnings: suggestiveness ;) gasp! Mads not writing age gap for once, oh my goodness!
Word Count: 436 (only a drabble I’m sorry)
A/N: My second one shot for Pedro’s birthday, a gift from me to you to spark our love for him 🩷 I love you all my loves
The light through the blinds from the sun wakes Javi from his dreamless sleep, it warms his back as his eyes flutter open. He rolls over but the sight of his wife isn’t there, just empty sheets. So Javier did what any man would do: he laid there for a few minutes, waking himself up, before pulling on a pair of sweatpants, that were strewn on the floor from the night before, and trundled his way around the house to find his wife.
And the kitchen was where he found you. Multiple pans sizzling and the coffee machine boiling. You’re humming a sweet tune as he wraps his arms around your waist and buries his face in your shoulder.
“You smell good,” He murmurs, placing a kiss in the crook of your neck.
“Really, I haven’t showered yet?” You smile and he chuckles.
“Where are the kids?” He asks, noticing the unfamiliar quietness of the house.
“School, I took them in a few hours ago,” You explain. “Thought you could use the sleep.” Javi chuckles again. “Then I got back and thought I should make you some breakfast.”
“Well, who needs breakfast when I’ve got you…” Javi smirks, the bristles of his moustache tickling your neck, both this sensation and his words cause you to shiver.
“Well you’ve got from now until tomorrow morning to have me,” You chuckle. “So why don’t you wait five minutes?”
“Tomorrow morning?”
“I managed to convince your dad to take the kids for tonight, but if you get tired of me, then I have no problem going and grabbing them,” You smile cheekily, Javi laughs.
“When could I ever get tired of you?” He asks, placing his hands on the back of your thighs. “They sore?”
“A little… I had trouble walking this morning,” You chuckle. “Had to lie to Bailey’s teacher that I had been riding a bike for too long—“
“Should change my name to bike.”
“Yeah,” You scoff. “Then Bailey looked up at me with suspicious eyes and said ‘But mama, you don’t have a bike?’ And then ran off to go play with their friends, so I turned around and said, ‘Better get home to bike, it’s his birthday’.”
“Well, drop off will be extremely awkward tomorrow,” Javi chuckles as he takes the coffee mug from the counter and sips. “Javier ‘Bike’ Peña.” You let out a laugh and kiss his cheek.
“How do you feel, now that you’re old?”
“Oof, you’re not that far behind me,” He smiles.
“Yet, still not 49,” You grin before kissing him softly, you hear the coffee mug being placed back on the counter before feeling his hands slip round your waist. You pull away jut for a second to whisper against his lips. “Happy birthday Javi.”
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crushpunky · 18 days
kook!reader picks up rafe from a party
Droves of drunken teenagers and young adults filled the house and front lawn, cheering and dancing along to the blaring music as Reader pulled into Topper’s driveway. She had decidedly chosen not to attend Topper’s party that evening, she had been battling a headache all morning and, after attending the pregame with the boys, had instead opted to spend the night at home. That was until she got a call from Kelce telling her Rafe was going crazy looking for her and she needed to get here quickly before things got ugly.
Once she put the car in park, Reader quickly took her keys out before heading towards the wide open front door. Weaving through the crowds of people, she searched the crowd for any sign of the Kook boys.
“There you are!” Reader turned around to find Topper, his hair a mess and some girl hanging off of his arm. It wasn’t Sarah, but Reader wasn’t too surprised considering the two of thems constant fighting and on-and-off relationship.
“Where is he?” Reader asked.
“He’s in my room,” Topper said, “but he’s bad. He was… just be ready, a’ight?”
Reader nodded before going up the stairs towards Topper’s bedroom. As she neared the door she could feel her stomach churning. This was by no means the first time she had needed to pick one of the boys up from a party because they were too drunk to walk, but by how Topper made it sound, she was afraid of what would be behind that door. Would he be passed out? Would he be bleeding from some fight with a Pogue? Would he be dead?
“Did you call her? Is she coming?” She could hear Rafe’s voice pleading from inside Topper’s room.
“Yeah, she’s on her way, she’ll be here any moment you—” Kelce responded.
“Why isn’t she here right now? I can’t— I need her to—” Rafe was cut off when Reader finally opened the door. He was pacing along the floor in front of Topper’s bed, running his trembling hands along his shirt and through his hair. Kelce sat on the edge of the bed in front of him, his eyes filled with worry.
“Fucking finally,” Kelce said, letting out a deep breath. Rafe ran up to Reader quickly, causing her to jump back, running her eyes over the tall boy. His forehead was drenched with sweat, his pupils huge, and his breathing ragged and uneven as he stood in front of her, practically vibrating with energy.
“Thanks, Kels.” Reader said quietly as Kelce nodded before escaping out the door behind her. She closed it quietly before turning back towards Rafe.
“You’re here.” Rafe said breathlessly, cracking a small grin.
“What the fuck, Rafe.” Reader scoffed. Had he really had her drive all the way to Topper’s house just to stand in front of her and stare at her, high out of his fucking mind?
“I know, I know, I fucked up.” He said, taking another step towards her. She backed away, her stern gaze locked on him. She had known Rafe long enough to know that coddling him wasn’t an option when he was like this. She loved him, and he was her best friend, but he was an addict.
“Fucking obviously, Rafe. Jesus, what did you take?” Reader said, her arms crossed.
“I don’t know I was just—”
“You don’t know?” Reader couldn’t believe what she was hearing.
“No, I do I just—” Rafe ran his fingers through his hair with a huff. “I took some coke, alright? I guess my tolerance was all fucked up after I hadn’t had it it in a while and I just took too much so I had some drinks and—”
“Rafe,” Reader groaned, closing her eyes tightly and running her hands down her face. He had been doing so well, nearly two weeks clean from coke and alcohol. In fact, they had just gone out for coffee yesterday to celebrate. He had called it cheesy, but she was proud of him. 
“I know, I’m sorry, I’m so sorry.” Rafe pleaded, grabbing her hands away from her face. Reader pulled them back, not wanting to feel his shaky, clammy hands on her.
“What happened? What changed?” Reader said, her eyes welling up with tears at the sight of the boy.
“I— you— fuck!” Rafe shook, hitting the side of his head with his fists as he paced in front of her. Reader grabbed his wrists, attempting to pull them away from his head. The two grappled for a moment before Rafe finally gave in, dropping to his knees in front of her with a sob.
“I’m such a fucking idiot, I’m so, so stupid. I don’t deserve you.” He said, burying his face into the front of Reader’s shirt and wrapping his arms around her torso. Reader set her hands on the top of his head, soothing his hair as he cried.
“Rafe, you need to tell me what happened.” Reader said quietly but sternly, tilting his head back to look at her. His face was streaked with tears, his bottom lip trembling as he looked back at her. She had seen him like this before, rambling drunkenly or angrily high out of his mind. It wasn’t often, though, that he cried like this, sobs racking through his body and eyes bloodshot as he clung on to her.
“You.” Rafe whispered. “You weren’t here and I… I needed you here.”
Reader looked back at him in silence. Her best friend, the boy she was desperately in love with, on his knees telling her it was her fault he was like this. It was her fault he was feeling this pain. It was her fault he felt the need to drown out the agony he felt inside him by getting high.
“What?” Reader said. She almost felt like she was gonna vomit, various emotions racing through her mind. Was this her fault? No, how could it be? How dare he blame her for this?
“I just…” Rafe sighed. “I don’t know how to… be myself when you’re not here. It feels like I’m fucking drowning without you. I can’t do it. I just can’t keep acting like I’m not in l—”
Rafe cut himself off, burying his head back into Reader’s shirt. Reader felt tears sting at her eyes. He needed her, fucking needed her, to be himself. To be the Rafe she always knew he was, the one he could be… He couldn’t even see it in himself.
“Rafe.” Reader spoke softly, slowly lowering herself to come down to his eye level.
“I’m sorry, that was— I can’t just put that on you. I’m sorry I wasn’t thinking.” Rafe sniffled, wiping his nose on his t-shirt sleeve. He finally met her eyes, his arms still wrapped tightly around her waist.
“Why?” Reader said softly, pressing her hand to his cheek gently. “Why can’t you be yourself? Why don’t you see that in yourself?”
Rafe felt himself melt into her touch as her fingers grazed his skin. He wanted to tell her so much, wanted to dump everything out and tell her how he felt. That being without her was like torture. That having to act everyday like they were just friends, like he didn’t think about her every second, was killing him. Like he couldn’t even picture a future that she wasn’t included in. Like he wasn’t head over heels, ridiculously in love with her… but he knew it wasn’t fair. It wouldn’t be fair of him to do that to her. To pull her even deeper into his fucked up, violent, angry world, risking hurting himself or, god forbid, something happening to her. He wouldn’t be able to live with himself if something happened to her because of him. 
“I… I don’t know.” Rafe said with an exhale, but Reader knew the answer. He had been groomed his whole life to put his self worth into others, never able to have confidence in himself. Always striving to please someone, do things for others, but never for himself. In his own twisted mind, he couldn’t get clean for himself, but he could get clean for her. He couldn’t rationalize doing something as “selfish” as making himself better for the sake of his health or wellbeing, but he would try for her. If that’s what she wanted, of course he would do it. But if she wasn’t going to be there, then what was the point? He might as well waste his life away.
“I just wish that you could see yourself like I see you.” Reader said softly, wiping one of the remaining tears from under his eyes.
“And how do you see me?” Rafe whispered, his eyes scanning her face slowly.
“I see you as that boy who loved playing soccer with his sisters in the backyard.” Reader smiled.
“I see you as that boy who told me about cooties, then proceeded to avoid me for a whole week in kindergarten. I see you as that boy who always made sure to give me one of his Oreos every single day in Ms Katten’s third grade class. I see you as that boy who… hugged me when I was crying at my brother's funeral. I see you as that boy who gave me the best night of my life at Midsummers. Rafe, I see you for the good, kind boy that you can be. That you are.” Reader said, her head swarming with memories of the two of them from childhood. They sat in the quiet for a moment, Rafe sitting in her words. Was that really how she saw him? As a nice person? A good person? Not as a psychotic, violent addict who ruined everything he touched?
“I didn’t realize that was how you thought of me.” Rafe said quietly, his voice barely a whisper.
“I think the world of you, Rafe.” Reader said, her hand pressing into his cheek gently. “I just wish you would think of yourself that way.”
Rafe nodded solemnly before pulling her into him, burying his head in her neck as he held her tightly. She wrapped her arms around him, holding him close and resting her head next to his.
“I love you.” She said into his shirt. Of course she did, he was her best friend. He didn’t need to know that he invaded her every waking thought. That she couldn’t fathom her life without him. That she felt addicted to him, like she needed him to breathe… like she was totally in love with him.
“I love you too.” He said. He meant it, obviously, but he only wished she knew how much he loved her… or loved him the way he loved her.
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fookingmuffins · 8 months
it's time to go
James potter x reader
Summary: Angst. You love James, but it's time to go.
Warning: cheating, screaming and James being a dick.
A/n: lmao I really ran after posting like 4 fics, but I'm doing a little better and even though I'm stressed with uni I've been dying to write something, so I hope y'all enjoy. (This actually took me so long to finish and i dont lobe the ending but i needs to move on, oops)
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You sighed as you prepared to open the door to the house you shared with James. Once upon a time, you would've rushed in without a second thought. But lately the war had taken a toll on the two of you. Once happy moments were now filled with fear and dread, making you feel like you were drowning. And no matter how hard you tried to hold on to the love of your life, you could feel him shutting you out. James had always been an open book anyone who ever met him knew that, but lately he had built this wall meant to keep you away, only you. At first, you tried to understand and be patient considering everything you two were going through, but after countless fights of you begging for him to talk to you, you were tired. You squeezed your eyes shut once before pushing the door open and plastering a fake smile in your face, maybe today would be different.
"Jamie, I'm home, I brought your favorite from the bakery by my work!" you shouted into the house buy were greeted with only silence. After checking the house you realized you were alone which immediately sent you into a spiral of worry since James was supposed to be here an hour ago but deciding that maybe he had gotten caught up with something you tried to ignore your panic and start getting ready for your friend's Alice’s engagement party.
You heard the door open and close while you were finishing up with your hair, causing you to get up and genuinely smile when you saw James make his way to the bedroom that the two of you shared.
"I was wondering where you were, I got you some pastries they are in the counter." you tried, but he just gave you a tight-lipped smile with a wave before passing by you to your shared bedroom. You went after him and saw he was getting ready to jump in the shower. Figuring it was going to be another quiet afternoon, you sat at your vanity staring at yourself in the mirror holding back the tears threatening to spill and ruin your makeup and just prayed that at the wedding maybe you two could have fun like you used to. You didn't even realize how long you sat there until you heard James get out of the bathroom and start getting ready, and you decided to just get dressed too and sit by the window with a book while you waited for James to be ready.
"Are you okay?" You were broken out of your train of thought by James’s question.
"Yeah, why wouldn't I be. " You answered, giving him a similar smile to the one he gave you when he arrived.
"I don't know, you just keep staring into space, and it's kinda creepy." he tried to joke, but what once would've made you smile and roll your eyes instead caused a knot to form at your throat again, and you felt tears prickling your eyes once again.
"Well what am I supposed to do is not like I can talk to you anymore James you always shut me out, and I don’t know what to do anymore to get you to bring down the walls that keep shutting me out! I don't even know what I did for you to shut me out!" You couldn't help but let out everything for the millionth time, hoping that maybe today would be the last time you two were having this conversation and that he would finally open up and let you two go back to normal.
However, you soon realized that it was only wishful thinking because James immediately lowered his head and mumbled "For fuck's sake y/n not this again"
"Yes, this again, James! Please talk to me! Stop shutting me out, please!" you were a sobbing mess by this point, begging him to let you in, not caring if you ruined your makeup.
But James just shook his head and walked out, "I'll wait for you in the car while you get cleaned up, we can't do this right now, or we’ll be late." just like that, he left you alone frozen with mascara running down your cheeks. You felt numb and just quickly tried to clean up but when you were done and staring at your reflection stare back at you with puffy red eyes you just felt pathetic.
On the way neither one of you talked James kept his eyes on the road while you looked out the window too lost in your thoughts to realize your usual music that would usually be playing while the two of you drove was not playing, James realized, and he felt like he was suffocating in the empty car ride.
The wedding was beautiful and despite your problems you couldn't help but imagine that one day it would maybe be you and James standing in an altar professing your love in front of all your friends and family. You turned to look at him as Alice and Ben were sharing their vows, only to catch him staring at Lily, and she was staring right back at him. You felt something break in you as confusion overtook you. Why is he looking at her?
Was she the reason that you were slowly getting kicked to the curb? Back in Hogwarts everyone knew that James was obsessed with Lily but when she finally gave him a chance things just didn't work out. Then you caught James's attention, and the rest is history.
You tried to focus on the happy couple in the altar as the ceremony came to an end, but you felt someone was stabbing you and twisting the knife.
By some miracle during the reception James asked you to dance which shocked you, but his eyes seemed so sincere and like they were almost begging that you couldn't help but to foolishly be filled with hope once again. As you took his hand, he genuinely smiled at you again the way he used to with that same boyish grin that made you fall for him 5 years ago.
The two of you danced in the center of the dance floor spinning and laughing around, you had not been this happy in so long. After a particularly long fit of giggles, James pulled you closer and looked into your eyes with a spark that the two of you hadn't shared in months. When you two were about to lock lips, someone cleared their throat besides you two and the two of you pulled slightly away.
"James could I have a word with you please?" Lily asked looking at James who immediately pulled away from you and went with her after telling you he'd be right back. Just like that you were brought back to reality the cloud 9 that you had been in for a little bit long gone, and again the sinking feeling invaded you, feeling like you were drowning. You needed a drink.
You went to the bar and after getting your drink you decided it wasn't enough, and you needed air. You walked out of the salon where everybody was and made your way to the garden, and that's when you heard it.
"James! You said you two were over, but it sure as hell doesn't look like it! I can't beli-"
"I know, I know, but I can explain Lily please! I-I-I came here with her because she was embarrassed to come alone, so I promised this would be our last outing together." You felt your heart stop, air getting caught in your throat.
"What? That doesn't-" Lily started as you felt the glass in your hands slip and shatter on the ground.
Both of them froze and looked at where you were standing, you could feel a knot forming in your throat but glared at the pair in front of you with tears forming in your eyes.
"Y/n I can explain!"
" I think both of us want an explanation, James, but she deserves it more. Y/n/n I'm so sorry I had no idea you two were still together." Lily went to walk away and James was about to chase after her when she heard you scoff and as you turned around.
"Say goodbye to Alice and Ben for me, would you? I have to go." you rushed out before basically sprinting to the nearest exit, hearing James chase after you, which wasn't hard considering he was taller than you and an athlete. He grabbed your arm when you two had made it to the parking lot and turned you around.
"So that's why I'm getting the cold shoulder." you blurted out before whatever he was able to utter whatever shit excuse he was going to tell you. You almost wanted to laugh, which made you feel like you were insane, but you thought about all the hours you had spent over the past couple of months looking in the mirror trying to see what was wrong with you, overanalyzing every tiny detail in your face. Laying in bed staring at the ceiling, replaying everything you had done that day that might have set James off.
"No no baby, I swear it's not what it looks like, Lily is just bitter we didn't work out, and she's trying to sabotage us! I've just been so stressed because of it, and I am so sorry I let it out on you."
"Bullshit James! You were literally just talking shit about me before i showed up and ruined your little act." You were seething by this point, and James flinched after your outburst. You had never been one to scream, and he knew that, but right now you honestly felt like nothing was the same and you weren't the same. "A-and you wanted to chase after her and you know what? maybe you should. Maybe you have a better shot at getting her back because we are over James Potter! I-I am so tired... I-" You were crying from all the different emotions you were feeling at that moment. Finally getting some enlightenment about why your relationship was dying gave you some relief of the crushing pain you were feeling being hunted by the "what if's" and "why's" you weren't the problem.
James tried to get close and wrap his arms around you. god he felt like an idiot for hurting you. He honestly doesn't know what he was thinking. He had hoped you never found out and had planned to break up with Lily soon enough, but he just needed to explore a little what it could've been like if he had stayed with her. Plus the thrill of it was something that James had loved for the time being, but he never wanted to hurt you. His heart broke at the sight of you, he couldn't imagine what you were feeling.
"Don't even think about it! Don't ever touch me again don't ever look at me, I hate you so much Potter, I don't want to know anything about you from this day on James! We now mean nothing to me, we are strangers!" You glared at him in a way he had never seen you look at anyone, and felt his heart drop.
He tried to protest, feeling the tears leave his own eyes at the idea of losing you completely forever. But you just turned around and walked away.
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wileys-russo · 10 months
bad dog ficlet
bad dog
"i cannot believe you said yes without conferring with me first." "and why do i need to confer with you?" "well i live here too, it affects me!" "you won't do a single thing for him anyway, so really it'll be my responsibility and therefore was my decision to make." "oh that is not fair, do i not get a say in any of this?" "considering its a favour for your family and i've already said yes, no you do not alessia."
your girlfriend groaned, making sure it was long and loud to let you know she was not impressed as you rolled your eyes, unamused by her theatrics. "are you done acting like a child?" you raised an eyebrow, arms crossed over your chest.
"a child she says!" "i'll take that as a no then." "come back here this conversation is not over!" "yes it is, he'll be here by the time you get home." "if i come home!"
"stay at tooneys for the week then." you shrugged casually, alessias mouth forming a small o of shock, your reaction not the one she expected from her light threat.
"i'll have elio to protect me from intruders anyway, no guard dog girlfriend needed love." you smiled, well aware you were getting under her skin as she sat up, grumbling under her breath as she tugged on her trainers and grabbed her gym bag.
"both of us will see you this afternoon." you hung by the front door twirling her keys on your finger, holding them away as she reached for them. you cleared your throat expectantly and raised an eyebrow, your girlfriend rolling her eyes.
"i love you." she grumbled leaning in to give you a kiss, one arm wrapping around your side. her hand on the small of your back she flushed your bodies closer together, plucking her keys from your grasp and pecking your lips a few more times before she was gone.
"oh my god. baby! he's fucking done it again!" alessia shouted angrily, the dopey labrador scurrying out of the room at her raised voice. "don't yell like that you'll scare him." you warned her, alessia scoffing.
"scare him? look what he did!" she held up a pair of her boots which were ripped to shreds. "i told you to stop leaving them laying about. now looks what happened!" you only rolled your eyes, voice lacking an inch of sympathy.
"how is this my fault? he is so badly behaved and you never tell him off!" "lessi, baby he's just a puppy. he's learning!" "yeah? well he better learn not to chew up my shit or he learns how cold it is to sleep in the backyard." "don't you dare. i'll put you out there with him!"
"go and take him for a walk! maybe if he's tired he'll be less of a fucking pain in my ass." alessia huffed, sitting down on the bed and holding her boots in her hand with a groan. she'd not long gotten the new cleats and now she'd not get another single wear out of them.
"are you coming?" you returned a few minutes later, elio of course sitting right by your feet, always ever so obedient for you. "no. he hates me, i hate him, leave it at that." alessia huffed, rolling onto her side where she was laying down on the bed.
"honestly baby you're being ridiculous, he's just a dog! come on, it'll be a good bonding opportunity for the two of you." you cooed, the bed dipping as you sat down. "ah! get down you idiot." alessia kicked out at the dog who followed your lead.
"alessia! don't kick him." you huffed, smacking her in the leg making her whine. "get up, shoes on, you're coming." you ordered sternly, firm glare shutting down her complaining before it could even start.
"hi baby." you smiled softly as your girlfriend returned from a photo shoot for the seasons kit, moving aside your textbook out of your lap as she belly flopped onto you making you laugh.
"how was it?" you ran your hands fondly through her hair, gently untangling a few sporadic knots. "good, missed you." she mumbled, shuffling slowly up your body. and once her lips met your neck you knew exactly what she wanted.
your eyes fluttered closed the kisses soft and tender, sweet nothings whispered in your ear. her hands teasingly ran up and down your sides before they gripped your hips tighter, pushing your body deeper into the mattress as hers settled itself comfortably on top of you.
your breath hitched as suddenly she nipped at your pulse point, your body reacting to every little touch she gave you, switching between her teeth and tongue devouring at the soft sensitive skin, your mumbles of encouragement only spurring her on further.
but it was her who heard the whines and scratches before you did, noises which were not coming from you as your attention wavered momentarily.
"no, ignore him, focus on me baby." alessia purred, moving her mouth back to connect with yours, her hands cupped your face and deepening the kiss. your head swam as her tongue swirled against the roof of your mouth, hips bucking involuntarily up against her.
until the barking started.
"baby i just need to make sure he's okay." your hands gently pushed at her chest, breaking the kiss with a quiet smack as her lips pulled off of yours. "are you seriously choosing a smelly dog over making out with me?" alessia asked in disbelief.
"he doesn't smell! i washed him yesterday." you laughed, ignoring the main focus of her point as you pecked her lips and sat up, the blonde rolling off of you with a defeated groan as of course your attention again shifted to elio.
"tesoro i already said he is not allowed on the lounge! get down." alessia groaned, having showered once you all returned from your walk, though of course it was alone as you needed to feed elio and watch him while he ate so he didn't choke.
yet another strike in alessia's book against the dopey chocolate menace who was ruining her life. four days had never felt so agonizingly long and with each hour her annoyance only seemed to grow, feeling incredibly neglected by you whose attention and time seemed to be only invested in elio.
"elio off!" alessia yelled, much more sternly this time as the canine only stuck his tongue out, not moving a muscle. "see i told you babe, he doesn't listen." alessia dragged her hands down her face in frustration. "its because he knows you don't like him. you have to ask nicely!" you gestured for her to try again.
"what dog book did you read that in? they're supposed to know whose the boss and that it isn't them!" alessia rolled her eyes in disbelief. "elio. off and onto your bed please." you asked softly, alessia withholding the urge to scream as of course he did what you asked.
"see baby? mutual respect." you grinned, opening your arms expectantly as your girlfriend sighed deeply and dropped down into them, her head on your stomach and arms tucked around your torso.
elio finally napping alessia was able to do the same, and you smiled seeing her so relaxed as you played with her hair, glancing between elio and your girlfriend with a content sigh.
alessia awoke to something wet on her cheek, a smile curling onto her lips assuming the tongue belonged to you. though the rancid smell that followed had her eyes shooting open, meeting orbs which did not belong to you.
"urgh get off!" alessia grunted shoving away the dog and furiously wiping at her mouth, just seeing your back facing toward her in the kitchen. "right, you and I need to have a little chat." alessia growled, grabbing the dogs collar and pulling him back over.
"see her? that is my girlfriend. mine! not yours." alessia warned quietly. "you will start to listen to me, and behave, and let me spend time with my girlfriend or you will sleep outside in the rain!" alessia leaned in closer to the canine.
"understood?" alessia warned, letting go of elio and smiling as he shot right back to his bed and sat down. "here baby." the blonde perked up as you handed her a bowl of pasta, kissing your cheek gratefully.
"no, stay." the striker warned as elio stood to join the two of you, ears perking up at the smell of your dinner. "see! he listened." you smiled happily as the labrador dropped right back down into his bed as alessia settled in beside you.
"yeah baby you were right, we just needed some mutual respect."
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suguruilyx · 5 months
Geto x ftm reader
you were currently out buying groceries for you, geto, and gojo, but gojo was out, on some stupid mission, and geto… well you don’t know, he hasn’t texted you in a while ever since you last, not even when you were leaving, not even a ‘I love you’ or ‘yeah’ it kinda upset you, but you went along your day.
“would the boys like this…? Or-“ you cut yourself off when you heard your phone ringing, it was geto!
“hey suguru! I never thought you’d call m-“ you were cut off by getos heavy breathing, he was whimpering something also, you just couldn’t hear what “baby? Are you ok? You’re freaking me out” you said, trying to sound as calm as possible “p—please…c…come home” you could tell something was going on, so you just left your cart right there and left.
When you arrived home, you automatically hugged by the desperate man, standing right in front of the door, “b—baby? Sugu, are you ok?” You ran you hands over his face, checking his cheeks, and forehead, “mm…so warm..~” he whimpered, “ wait…”…
you took a sniff of him, was he in heat?! But why would he call you? He gave him a flesh light and even a dildo, but.. he still wanted you? “Sugu? Are you in….heat?” You asked, he only replied with a lil moan “p..please, get on the bed, I’m begging you, I can’t wait any longer mahal ko…”
“b—but geto…i gave you enough toys, in case this happened wh-?” He cut you off with a kiss, “I—I don’t want some stupid toy, …I want you” he whispered in your ear.
he grinned at how red you got at his words, “sugu…” you hid your face in his neck, as he started taking your pants off “to be honest I would have just ripped them off, but I know how much you love these” he chuckled, his eyes fulled with lust.
“h—holy..! Shit…!” You moaned when you felt getos finger on your clit “d—does it feel good?…” he asked, his eyes looking down at you, “y—yes…~” you whimpered, his cock getting harder at your little sounds, “you feel so tight even with one finger in…” he said, thrusting his finger in and out slowly .
“S—suguru….~” you moaned, this one being more high pitched, and louder then the others, “is my sweet boy about to cum?” He cooed, “y—yes geto! Fuck…!~ boutta…cum!” Your moans deceased when he stopped. “Huh..?” You questioned “I can’t let you cum, not yet atleast, sanggol“
“but suguuu…” you whined “ah-ah-ah baby, don’t you want something bigger in you?…”
Geto was always so soft when he was in heat, which really didn’t add up considering how most alphas are more pushy, and mean when they are in heat, you didn’t care tho, you loved it with suguru was so soft for you.
“what are you waitin for…p‘it in…” you cried, rubbing yourself on his lap “ hey…youll get it soon, ‘Kay?” He chuckled, “,Kay…~” you groaned “atta boy..” he kissed your neck, littering hickeys on it, as he went back to finger you, his hand bullying against your g-spot over and over again.
“mine…mine, mine.. all mine” he repeated, biting, and kissing your neck “agh….suguuu…~ s—so close…~!” Right before your climax, Geto stopper his hand movements, he then placed his cock in between your folds, slowly rubbing them together, “mmh..” he whimpered, feeling how warm you were down there, then pulled away, “so..you want it in?” he waits. you notice his cock twitching and leaking, the room was cold, he wanted to be warmed up, preferably inside your little cunny.
“please! More then anything..” you looked up at him with pleading eyes, “alright pretty boy” he whimpered before thrusting into you like a wild dog in heat (no pun intended) before bottoming out and cumming inside you “that was qu- ngh!~” you moaned, as you felt him grinding into your g- spot “s—sorry..you just felt to tight”.
You giggled at his response, your giggles quickly turning into moaned when he thrusted into you once again, his cock twitching back to life inside of you, “you’re so beautiful, m—my pretty boy…~!” Suguru whimpers, the bed rattling with each thrust, your poor pussy already was a bit red from his thrust, “suguuu!!~ m’ sho closeee….!” You whimpered, as you felt his tongue piercing constantly rubbing against your nipple, “c—cumming!!~…” you moaned, no you screamed, your cunt squirting on his cock.
You felt so sleepy, suguru kissed you on your forehead, “ you did so well my prince, sleep well” he said wrapping you in his arms, and kissing you on the head “l—luv you..” you said before passing out “heh..I love you too” he smiled.
(I can’t make it to 1k words 😭😞)
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288 notes · View notes
bluur00 · 2 months
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hurt/comfort. insecurity. unhealthy diet. mentions of body image. fem!reader. model reader.
When you entered the fashion world as a model you knew you had to keep your body, face, hair, skin at a certain standard. At first it was going well, your everyday diet wasn’t effecting for you to starve.
That was until you started dating the famous baseball player, Kenji Sato. He always pamper you with foods and snacks that he knows you love, he made you forget that you worry about your appearance every single day.
Eventually, the public caught up to your change in appearance, they gave critical comments and comments that had control on what you would have to do to please them.
“why is her body get bigger? her recent magazine cover is trash!”
“what has she been eating to get those kind of pimples?!”
“she honestly let herself go after going viral just for that fashion show.”
and so on.
Everyday, every night, you would get at least thousands more commenting your appearance, which made you decide to start going back to your old diet and start to reject the food Kenji offers. 
You think doing this plan of yours would be easy considering how busy he has been between baseball and ultraman business.
Even though that was your plan, it didn’t get past Kenji, no matter how busy he would be he is still observant for his own girlfriend. He knew how you started to just have granola bars for breakfast, 
“Good morning, baby, I made pancakes for you,” Kenji greeted, you smiled  in acknowledging, “thanks, Kenji but I’m good with some granola bars for now.”
for dinner you would say that you will eat but still just goes to bed before even getting a plate.
“Y/n, you’re not gonna eat?” Kenji asked, noticing how your not getting a plate to eat, but instead your still glued to your phone, scrolling through the comments, “Y/n? Baby?” Kenji called once again, you lifted your head to look at him, “Oh, yeah in a bit, you can finish first it’s okay,” you smiled. He then saw you went upstairs a few minutes after you said you would eat.
He saw how you rejected his snacks, even your favorite ones. They were some that you accepted but he knew you just hid them somewhere he wouldn’t find.
Kenji just got back from an interview and you were waiting for him in the living room, reading magazines that are full of other models. You then heard the front door closed, “Baby, I’m home!” Kenji called out, you immediately closed the magazine and shifted your focus to the television, Kenji then walked in placing a box of cookies from your favorite bakery, “got this for you!” you smelled the cookies, and the temptation to eat it was very high, but instead you smiled and thanked him.
Of course, the next few days Kenji found the same cookies he bought you that night.
He noticed how you measured your weight more often, usually you would only do that when there’s a photoshoot or fashion show event. 
“Y/n, what do you wanna watch?? If you don’t come here I’ll choose the movie for tonight!” Kenji shouted, when he didn’t get a response back he went upstairs and checked the bedroom, there you were standing on a weight measurement. 
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One day, Kenji decided to confront you about it. It was dinner time and as usual, you ran away upstairs without eating. Kenji took a plate and filled it with food according to your own portion, before going up to the bedroom to talk to you about what he recently has been noticing.
Kenji knocked and opened the door, you were laying on the bed scrolling through comments of your recent event, Kenji noticed you tear-stained cheeks, he then knew exactly what has been bothering you.
“Hey baby, brought you your dinner since you escaped from the table,” Kenji chuckled, making his way to sit at the edge of the bed beside ur figure. You lifted your head, noticing the food he held and shook your head, “no thanks, not hungry,” before laying down your head again.
“Y/n, I notice you haven’t been eating properly, your barely ate rice these few weeks, I found so many of the snacks I gave you in your drawer, and now I see your crying because of what? Comments?” Kenji ranted, he was clearly frustrated and concerned about your wellbeing, you turned off your phone and faced your body to him.
His eyes were yearning for answers, you then decided you can no longer keep this from him, it’s unfair as being in a relationship to not tell him what you’re going through, you sat up and sighed, “the public hasn’t been happy with how I’ve been looking like, plus companies I’m working with are forcing me to do something and fix the public view or it will not only cost me but somehow them as well,” you paused, you realized tears slowly started to drop one by one.
Kenji placed the plate to the bedside table, and held your hands, rubbing your skin hoping that it could comfort you, “I figured I might as well go back to my old diet and it could somehow fix this,” you finished, at that time your tears kept on falling that you harshly wiped them, avoiding the urge to break down that instant.
“But what about how people will say?” you said, fearing how mean the public can be, Kenji shook his head, “that’s just the haters, have even try to search for good comments and response? I bet they’re plenty,” Kenji suggested, you immediately picked up your phone but Kenji stopped you, “eat first then sleep we can continue this tomorrow,” Kenji urged, scratch that, he demanded. 
You then wrapped your arms around his waist, pulled yourself to him, planting your face on his chest, breaking down at the point. All the thoughts, the worry, the fear, you let out by crying to him. Kenji gave an understanding look, placing his arms around your figure, placing his chin above your head, muttering, “aw, my baby, been so tired, hm? It’s okay, I’m here,” you eventually stopped crying in a few minutes due to his words.
You and Kenji pulled away, as Kenji wiped the tears that were still resting on your cheek, softly smiling as he reached out to take the plate from the bedside table, taking a spoonful, “now eat.”
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thoseboysinblue · 4 months
Lucky #7
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Mason Mount x reader
You unexpectedly bump into Mason in Manchester after moving back home from London.
Word Count: 5900+
Requested: No
Warnings: Swearing
A/N: This was based on a dream I had. Thanks to @neverinadream as always for helping me flesh things out. Feedback always appreciated.
"Come on, Beck," you plead with your younger brother to hurry so that you can get him dropped off where he needs to be for training, "you're going to be late."
"I'm not," he rolls his eyes at you as he trails along behind you. He throws a haphazard "bye" over his shoulder as he enters the locker room to finish getting ready for training.
"Bye then," you sigh as you turn around realizing you've gotten yourself a little lost at the Carrington training grounds. You clutch onto the forms your parents asked you to drop off as you search through your messages for the name of the person you were supposed to leave them with.
"Finally," you say quietly to yourself once you find it, bumping into someone as soon as you look up.
"Y/N?" Mason chuckles as he realizes who just nearly ran him over.
"Mase, hey, sorry, I wasn't paying attention to where I was going," you shake your head at him.
"It's no problem, what are you doing here? You ok? You seem a bit frazzled," he looks at you warmly, giving you a grin that shows off his perfectly placed dimples, his brown eyes dancing playfully.
"Yeah, I'm fine. Just taking care of my brother while my parents are out of town and need to turn some things into one of the administrators. I think I'm a little lost, though," you sigh as you look around.
"Maybe I can help," he smiles, glancing at the time before ushering you towards the administrative suite.
"That's sweet of you, but I'm sure you've got somewhere else to be," you offer him a smile.
"Nah, I'm good," he shrugs at you.
"I didn't realize you had a brother playing for the academy. Are you just here while your parents are out of town?" he makes small talk as he guides you through the hallways.
"Yeah, he plays for the under 13s and I moved back from London last week actually, it's a long story though," you shake your head.
"I've got time," he grins as he nudges you playfully with his elbow.
"Well, I took a new job working with the city's development department. I thought I had an apartment lined up but that fell through so now I'm living with my parents until I can figure something else out."
"That wasn't that long of a story," he chuckles, "and actually, I almost forgot you were from here."
You roll your eyes playfully at him, "well, I almost forgot you live here now," you grin.
"That hurts," he grins at you. "Here we are," he stops in front of a set of glass doors and tilts his head towards them.
"Thank you," you smile up at him as he nods before moving out of the way.
"Hey, Mase?"
"Yeah?" he turns back to face you.
"Glad to see you back out there," you grin at him.
"I'm glad to be back," he rubs his hand over the back of his neck. "Will I be seeing you around then?" he looks at you, his eyes full of hope.
"Yeah, I guess you will," you smile softly at him.
"It's good to see you," he says as he pulls you into a brief hug.
"It's good to see you too. But go, I know you've got somewhere else to be, I'll be fine now," you shove him away as he lets out a hearty laugh.
You met Mason a few years ago after becoming friends with Ben Chilwell's younger sister. She had introduced you to several of his Chelsea teammates while you were living in London and while you would occasionally swap likes on social media or chat briefly through story replies, you considered most of them friendly acquaintances more than actual friends.
You bump into Mason a couple more times over the next few days of shuttling your brother to and from training.
One afternoon as you are watching him play in an academy match against another academy team you notice several of the first team players coming over to give their support. A couple of them make their way to the sideline, while a few others take seats among the small crowd of family members. Mason glances around, a smile flashing across his face as he spots you and comes over to sit next to you.
"How are you?" he grins as he offers you one of the two hot chocolates he's holding.
"I'm good, thanks for this," you smile as you take a sip.
"No problem, thought you might be out here, and it's gotten chilly again," he says as he bumps his knee against yours and hands you the hoodie he had draped over his arm.
"I'm good Mase, you can wear it," you grin at him. "I'm a northern girl, the cold and drizzle don't bother me as much as I'm sure they bother you."
"Ok there, Elsa," he chuckles as he runs his fingers over the goosebumps that have formed on your arms, "I know you can be stubborn, but you don't have to be cold. And I've got on two layers as it is."
You shake your head in defeat, handing him your drink as you pull the hoodie over your head, thanking him again when you are instantly warmer.
"Elsa huh?" you grin at him.
"I take my uncle duties very seriously. I'm a whiz at all things princess related," he smiles as he hands your hot chocolate back to you.
"I bet you are," you chuckle.
"Which one's your brother?" he says as he turns his attention back towards the match.
"Number 7," you point towards him as he makes a perfect pass to one of the attacking players.
"'That's a good number," he chuckles as he applauds the barely off target shot taken.
"Well his name is Beck, short for Beckham, so..." you trail off, "my dad's a massive supporter of the club," you shrug.
You continue making small talk as you watch the rest of the match, Mason never failing to keep you entertained. The unintentional and glancing touches shared between you becoming more and more intentional as you spend more time together.
When your brother scores the match winning goal in the final seconds the two of you jump to your feet, cheering loudly before he wraps his arms around you and pulls you into a hug, lifting you off the ground.
Once he steadies you back on your feet, the two of you exchange a shy smile while his hand settles over your hip and he gives you a slight squeeze.
You follow him down to the sideline as he chats with some of the other first team guys while you all wait for the academy players to come over.
Your brother makes his way over to you and you quickly hug him and congratulate him on his goal and the win before he spots the first team players and moves on to talk to them.
Mason gives him a fist bump and congratulates him as well before your brother asks if he can get a picture with him.
"Tell you what, I'll take a picture with you, if you'll sign that jersey and give it to me," he nods.
"Really, you want my jersey?" your brother is genuinely surprised by his request.
"Yeah mate, I think it will be worth something someday," he smiles at him. Your heart can't help but flutter at their interaction.
"Y/N, will you take picture of us?" Mason smiles over at you.
"Wait, you know my sister?" he asks out of confusion.
"Yeah, we were friends in London" they both turn to smile at you for the picture.
You take their picture and the two of them chat for a few more minutes, Mason introducing him to the other guys before reminding him he wanted his jersey.
Once Beck leaves to go get his things, Mason turns his attention back to you.
"Will you send me that picture?" he asks.
"Sure," you nod before opening your phone and handing it to him.
"If I scroll through these pics will I find something naughty?" he wiggles his eyebrows at you.
"No," you blush slightly as you smack him playfully on the arm.
"I keep those in a hidden folder, protected by facial recognition," you chuckle at him.
"That's a shame," he grins as he passes your phone back to you having sent the photo to himself.
He walks the two of you to your car, telling you to drive safely and wishing you a good night before you leave.
Once you are home and settled into bed you notice a message from an unknown number, but when you open it you see the previously sent picture of your brother and Mason.
Unknown: had fun hanging out earlier. x Y/N: If you wanted my number you could've just asked. Didn't have to be sneaky by sending yourself a picture. xx Mase: 😎 Mase: Also took a quick selfie you can save as my contact pic xx Y/N: You're actually ridiculous. You know that right? x Mase: Me? Ridiculous? Never 🤭 Y/N: Thanks for what you did with Beck earlier. He didn't shut up about it the whole way home. x Mase: it's nothing, I remember being an academy kid and hanging on every word from those first team guys. Y/N: Well, it honestly made his day. He's already set that pic as his background on his phone 🙃 Mase: I wanted to ask earlier, but I lost my nerve.... Y/N: You? Shy? Am i hallucinating? x Mase: Would you like to go to dinner tomorrow? Y/N: oh. Mase: I'll take that as a no? Y/N: no Mase: now I want to crawl under a rock Y/N: Mase, no, that's not what I meant. Mase: oh? Y/N: I can't go to dinner because I have Beck still. But you could join us for dinner if you want to. Mase: Oh 😅 that sounds good. Y/N: Not used to rejection huh? Mase: Shut it. I was bricking it. Y/N: is 7 good? Mase: 7 is perfect 😉 Y/N: I'm gonna let that slide x Mase: It's a date then xx Mase: Shit. not a date date. Mase: is it a date? Mase: Fuck me, I'm losing it over here Y/N: You ok there? Mase: I don't think so 😅 Y/N: Mase, I'll see you at 7. For dinner. With my brother. For our not a date date 😉 Mase: Kill me now please Y/N: Nah, I think I'll let you suffer a little more. x Mase: Good night, y/n. I'll see you tomorrow. xx Y/N: Night, Mase. Sweet dreams xx
The next day Mason spots you as you are picking Beck up from training and jogs over to speak to the two of you briefly.
"So, I'll see you around 7 then?" he asks flashing a shy smile towards you when you nod.
"I'll send you the address," you grin at him, your cheeks slightly flushed.
Once you're settled in the car and on the way home, your brother begins questioning you.
"Mason is coming to our house?"
"Yes," you nod, "for dinner."
"Mason Mount is coming to eat dinner at our house?" he looks at you dumbfounded.
"Yes, Beck," you chuckle, "we're friends remember?"
"Yeah, but I didn't know you were like friends friends with him. You never even told us you knew him," you can actually see the wheels turning in his brain.
"I told you I knew some of the Chelsea guys through Alex," you say as you continue driving.
"Well, yeah, but not like, come over to our house to eat dinner friends," he still keeps pushing.
"Beck, it's not a big deal, but I need you to be respectful of his privacy and don't go blabbing around that he's coming over, ok?" you speak sternly, suddenly feeling the need to protect Mason.
"I won't. But I can hang out with you right?" He gives you his best puppy dog eyes.
"Yes, of course," you grin at him.
Once you're home you check to make sure you have everything you need for dinner and you realize you forgot to pick up some bread.
Y/N: I hate to do this, but is there any chance you could stop to grab some bread on your way here? Mase: Sure. Anything in particular? Y/N: Not really, just meant to grab some French bread or something like that to toast up. Oh and I'm out of beer if you want any. Mase: Got it. See you soon xx Y/N: See you soon xx
Butterflies flutter in your chest at the fact that he seems genuinely excited to be coming over.
You head to your room and change into something a little nicer, brushing through your hair and placing a few loose curls before lightly touching up your makeup and spritzing on your favorite perfume.
You want to look nice, but not too over the top since you're just staying in for dinner.
You make your way to the kitchen and start pulling out everything you'll need and begin prepping a few things, turning on some soft music to drown out the silence.
A few minutes before seven, Mason rings the doorbell and Beck bounds down the stairs and eagerly opens the door.
"Hey," Mason smiles at you as he follows Beck into the kitchen. He sits a bag down on the counter, pulling out the bread you'd asked for, along with some beer and a bottle of wine, and a small bouquet of flowers.
"For you," he holds the flowers out towards you, a slight blush creeping up onto his cheeks.
"Thank you, Mason," you smile, also blushing slightly as you take them from him and grab a vase to put them in.
Your brother chats with Mason for a few minutes before leaving to go play video games until dinner is ready.
"What can I help with?" Mason asks as he slides his hand around your waist and gives you a light squeeze.
"Hmmm, chopping or stirring?" you grin up at him.
"I'll take over chopping," he smiles as he slides his hand over yours, taking the knife from you.
You dump the veggies you've already chopped into a pan to start sautéing them before you start slicing the bread he brought and placing it on a tray to go into the oven.
You hear Mason take in a sharp breath and drop the knife one counter. Just as you look over to check on him you he pulls his finger to his mouth.
"Did you cut yourself?" you knit your eyebrows in concern as he nods in response.
"Let me see it," you pull his hand away from his face so that you can get a good look at it.
"It's not too bad," you whisper as you wrap a towel over it and grab a bandage and ointment.
You clean the small cut and bandage it up for him as he watches you carefully.
"There, good as new," you place a kiss over the bandage without thinking. The slight brush of your lips on Mason's skin sending both of your minds racing.
"Thank you," he says, barely above a whisper as you look up to be met with a pair of chocolate brown eyes and a faint smile dancing on his lips.
You watch as his eyes flick between your eyes and your lips, his tongue running along his bottom lip as his hand comes up to graze your jaw. He leans in barely as if he's considering kissing you until you both hear Beck coming back down the stairs causing you to take a step back and Mason to drop his hand away from you.
"How much longer until dinner?" Beck asks, not even realizing he just interrupted an almost kiss.
"Um, twenty minutes," you glance up at him before glancing towards Mason and noticing the faint smile still playing on his features.
He really is gorgeous, you think to yourself before shaking your head to clear your thoughts.
Satisfied with your answer Beck returns upstairs, once again leaving you and Mason alone.
"I'll finish these," you say quietly as you pick the knife up and finish chopping vegetables while Mason takes over stirring.
You continue chatting while you finish dinner, Mason bumping his hip against yours and finding subtle ways to touch you the whole time.
While you are waiting the last few minutes for the chicken you placed in the oven to finish he grabs your hand and twirls you around, both of you laughing as you dance playfully.
During dinner, your brother peppers Mason with questions about football and training and getting into the first team. You smile over at him as he continues answering question after question graciously.
You and Mason clean up the kitchen while Beck takes a shower. You grab some sweets you'd bought earlier and settle onto the couch to watch a movie. You sit next to him but leave a respectable amount of distance between you. Unhappy with how far you are from him Mason pulls your legs over his lap and inches a bit closer to you.
Every now and then it seems like he's considering kissing you, but he never musters up the courage, settling for absentmindedly drawing shapes over your legs.
Beck joins you again about midway through the movie, knitting his eyebrows at how close you and Mason seem to be sitting.
You get up to go to the kitchen to grab some more popcorn and drinks. As you are returning to the living room, you overhear you brother questioning Mason.
"Do you like my sister?" he asks.
"Well, yeah, we're friends, I like hanging out with her," Mason answers quietly.
"No, do you like like her?" Beck keeps pushing.
"Oh, well, um" Mason starts, "I mean yeah, we've known each other for a bit, I guess, I don't know her super well, but I'd like to change that," he blushes slightly.
Your brother eyes him up and gives him a stern look, "don't hurt her or I'll have to step up my brotherly duties."
"Got it, mate," he chuckles quietly.
You walk back in trying not grin about the conversation you just heard, taking your seat next to Mason.
He throws his arm over the back of the couch, not necessarily around you, but giving you a little more space to lean into him a bit, your side barely grazing against his as you offer him some popcorn.
You watch tv a bit longer before Beck heads up to bed leaving you and Mason alone again but not before saying "remember what we talked about."
"What was that about?" a flicker of a smile dances over your lips as you look at a seemingly nervous Mason.
"Just doing what I would've done with my sisters," he chuckles.
"Oh," you arch your eyebrows at him before letting out a giggle and a yawn.
"It's getting late, I should probably head out," Mason says barely above a whisper as he drops his hand over your shoulder and traces a few circles with his thumb.
"Ok," you whisper back, leaning into him a bit more.
You walk him to the front door and join him just outside.
"Thank you for dinner," he flashes a smile at you.
"No problem, glad you could join us," you grin as he tucks a strand of hair behind your ear and leans down to press a gentle kiss to your cheek.
"Goodnight, y/n" he whispers sending a shiver down your spine.
"Goodnight, Mase," you breathe out.
He turns to leave and makes his way down the few steps.
"Hey, Mason," you say, before thinking.
"Yeah," he turns around to face you.
"Beck is leaving around lunch tomorrow for a few away games, I have to drop him off at the training ground," you say nervously, "I'll um, I'll have the house to myself a couple of days if you want to hang out again."
"I'd like that," he grins, "a lot actually."
"Ok then" you smile back at him.
"Ok," he closes the distance between you, kissing you again on the cheek, "I'll see you soon."
"See you soon," you push up on your tiptoes to kiss his cheek.
The next day you are standing with Beck and a few of his teammates as they wait to load onto the bus when Mason wanders over.
"Hey guys, good luck over the next few days, I know you will do well," he gives them a few fist bumps and takes a few pictures with them.
"Y/N," he turns his attention to you, "Could you give me a ride home? I rode over with Licha but he's staying for a while longer," he trails off.
"Sure, Mason," you smile at him.
After checking in with your brother for a final time to make sure he has everything he needs, you and Mason make your way over to your car.
"Hope that was convincing enough," he chuckles as he opens your car door.
You glance over to see your brother and his friends watching the two of you before they get onto the bus.
"Yeah, I'm not so sure," you giggle back as he sits in your passenger seat.
You chat as you make the drive to your house, every now and then glancing over to find Mason staring at you.
"What?" you let out a quiet laugh.
"Nothing," he blushes. "Do you remember when we first met?" he asks somewhat out of the blue.
"Um, yeah, I think it was Ben's birthday a few years ago," you shrug.
"Yeah, I think you're right," he nods, "why didn't you ever seem to want to hang out with any of us?" he knits his eyebrows.
"Oh, well, it wasn't that I didn't like hanging out with you, it's more that I was focused on school. And while Alex was used to hanging around footballers, I was a bit more intimidated by it all," you look over to him as you stop for a traffic light. "Besides you seemed to have plenty of other entertainment so I didn't figure I would be missed."
He nods again, his expression softening. "And what about now, still not sure about hanging out with footballers?
"I kind of prefer to think of you as a friend of a friend rather than Mason Mount, the footballer," you blush slightly, "hope that's ok?"
"Yeah, I think I prefer that too," he smiles, "but surely I'm not just a friend of a friend."
"Are you not?" you glance over at him, a flicker of a smile on your lips.
"No, we've sent each other messages, you've cooked me dinner, I'd say we can count each other as proper friends at this point," he winks at you.
"And for the record, I did miss you when you weren't around, I've always liked talking to you, even if it was only briefly," he nods towards the light that has turned green.
You focus your attention back on the road as he turns on some music.
You both hum along for the remainder of the drive sharing brief glances at one another.
Once you've made it to your house, Mason hops out and opens the door for you and follows you up to the front door. His hand settles gently over the small of your back as you unlock the door.
You stop once inside the door and both of you kick your shoes off, Mason immediately pulling you into a hug and burying his face into your hair.
"I've been wanting to do that since I saw you earlier," he grins shyly at you when you lean back slightly.
"So what do you want to do?" he asks quietly, his thumbs drawing circles over your hips.
"Are you hungry?" you study his face, noticing the slight freckles you've never quite noticed before.
"Always," he chuckles.
"I was thinking I would make a sandwich, would you like one?" you smile up at him as he continues running his fingers along your sides.
"I would love one," he grins.
You move to the kitchen, Mason following closely behind you as you pull out a few things to make a sandwich for the two of you.
"So I have some unpacking I need to do, living out of boxes is driving me mad," you roll your eyes, "would you mind hanging out with me while I do that, I know it doesn't sound thrilling but..."you trail off.
"Sounds perfect," he smiles, reaching over to give your hand a reassuring squeeze.
After you've eaten, Mason follows you up to your room. He glances around, taking in the various things you have hanging on the walls, studying a few of the pictures as well, including one of you and him alongside Ben and Alex after a Chelsea match.
"You've been United fan for a while then?" he says as he studies a picture of you as a young girl.
"Yeah, my dad is a supporter of the club, he was close with some of the higher ups when I was younger," you grin at the picture he's studying of you with David Beckham and your dad.
"That was his last match for United," you smile, remembering the day fondly, "I've still got that jersey."
"I was at that match, too," he smiles sitting the picture back on your desk, "you sure you don't have the wrong number 7 in your room?" he chuckles.
You shake your head, "David is far too old for me," you grin.
"David is it?" he arches an eyebrow.
"Yes, he and my dad were actually pretty good friends, he's practically like an uncle to me," you laugh quietly.
"Well that's a relief" he grins.
"I've never had a guy in here before," you look around nervously.
"Really?" he knits his eyebrows.
"Yep, my parents had a strict no boys upstairs rule when I lived here. But I guess once you've lived on your own for a while those rules kind of go out the window," you shrug.
"Well I'm honored, maybe I'm the lucky #7" he smirks. He plops down on the bed, making himself comfortable as you turn on football and drop the remote beside him.
Mason watches football while the two of you chat and you work on unpacking some of your things.
"How long do you think you'll live here?" he asks.
"I'm hoping not too long, just need to find another apartment that hopefully won't fall through at the last minute," you smile at him.
"I don't mind helping you look for a place," he smiles.
"No offense, Mase, but we don't exactly have the same budget," you giggle.
"Doesn't mean I can't help you find something though," he shrugs, "just let me know and I can make some calls, ok?"
"Ok" you nod.
As you finish unpacking what you'll need to get by until you can move into your own place you notice Mason has gone quiet. You glance over to see that he's dozed off.
You smile to yourself, admiring the peaceful look on his face while he sleeps. Quietly, you tiptoe over to the bed and pull a blanket over him. Before you can turn to move away from the bed he grabs your wrist and tugs you onto the bed with him, sitting up slightly and pulling you so that you are straddling him.
You gasp at the suddenness of his movements before settling your hands over his shoulders and then around the back of his neck, your fingers playing with the short hairs on the nape of his neck.
He smirks as he settles his hands over your hips, "I've been wondering when I would get some attention."
"I'm sorry I've neglected you," you giggle.
His eyes continue burning into yours and you find yourself staring at him completely mesmerized.
He glances from your eyes to your lips and back to your eyes again, shifting slightly closer to you.
"You should do it," you whisper.
"Do what?" he arches an eyebrow at you.
"What you're thinking about doing," you study him intently, nervously biting your bottom lip.
He flashes a smile at you before digging his fingers into your sides tickling you.
You let out a squeal of laughter as he continues and flips the two of you over so that he is hovering over you, your fingertips gripping his shoulders.
He brushes your hair out of your face, tracing your jawline with his fingers.
"I really like your smile," he breathes out quietly causing you to blush slightly and a smile to creep over your features.
"Yeah, that one," he smiles back at you, licking his lips lightly before brushing them delicately against yours.
When you react by kissing him back, he sighs softly against your lips.
He kisses you slowly and gently, until you're both smiling against one another's lips.
"You're right, I had been thinking about doing that," he blushes when you nod in agreement.
You pull him in for another kiss, a bit more heat behind it as he runs his tongue along the seam of your lips, moaning quietly when you part them for him and allow him to dip his tongue into your mouth.
The way he kisses you is needy and desperate yet somehow slow and patient like he's savoring every single second of it.
When you break apart naturally, both of you are out of breath as he rests his forehead against yours and you take each other in.
He moves to lay down next to you and you turn on your side to face him while his fingers still trace your jawline and down your neck to your collarbone.
"You're good at that," you whisper quietly.
He bites his lower lip to hide his smile, "yeah?"
You nod in agreement, "you're very good with your tongue," you say before blushing when you realize how that sounds.
He arches an eyebrow, trying to hide a chuckle.
"I mean..." you trail off and close your eyes, clearly flustered, "not like that, I didn't mean it like that," you blush even harder.
He leans over and kisses you again, chuckling quietly as you slip your fingers into his hair and deepen the kiss.
"You're good with your tongue too," he pinches your side lightly as you shake your head.
"Mase," you whisper quietly as he studies your features, realizing just how pretty you are, "what is this?" you ask biting your lip.
He looks at you and blinks a couple of times.
"I'm not trying to have a 'what are we' conversation after a couple of kisses, I'm not silly enough to think this makes me your girlfriend or anything..." you start to ramble. "I just like to be honest and want to make sure we're on the same page here, are you just lonely and needing some affection? I'm not really the friends with benefits type, and if you want to see other people that's fine, I just need to kind of know, what just happened so that I'm not blindsided by anything."
He places a finger over your lips quietening your rambling thoughts before pressing his lips to yours again gently.
"I'm not expecting friends with benefits, y/n, and honestly I wasn't expecting this, but I'm not just lonely and looking for attention or anything. And I'm not seeing anyone else," he reassures you.
"I um, I'd like to just kind of see where things go if you're ok with it. I always wished when we were in London that I could get to know you better but for one reason or another we never really had that opportunity, but we do now." He smiles softly at you.
"Ok," you whisper, "but just be honest with me no matter what. If you're not feeling it then tell me, and if you want to see someone else, just give me a heads up so I don't find out elsewhere, please."
"Yeah, I can do that," he smiles before kissing you again knowing he has no intention of looking for anyone else.
"Tell me something," he says quietly.
"Anything," you whisper back.
"You and Christian seemed to always gravitate towards one another, anything ever happen there?" he asks, "it wouldn't make much difference now, Ben and I just always wondered, and he doesn't kiss and tell," he rolls his eyes playfully.
You let out a small laugh, "Christian and I are both introverts, we'd end up together when we were tired of people-ing, mostly we could just stand there in silence and no one would bother us if we were standing there together. And no, nothing ever happened there, when we did talk, it was usually about you and taking bets on the parade of girls trying to get your attention," you grin.
"Is that so?" He raises his eyebrows.
"Mmm-hmmm, we had your type nailed down to an artform," you nod.
"And what is that exactly?" he quizzes you.
"Someone outgoing, but quieter than you," you giggle, "and more of the naturally pretty type, a little curvy, but natural curves," you shrug, "how'd we do?"
He rolls his eyes, "you introverts just sit around figuring people out huh?" He laughs.
"Am I going to overwhelm you with my extroverted-ness?" he asks earnestly.
"No, not at all, it's good for me, forces me outside of my own head," you grin.
"That's good," he smiles, "I am serious about wanting to see where this goes between us, if you can overlook me being a footballer," he winks.
"Yeah, I guess I can try to overlook that one tiny thing," you grin.
The two of you continue talking and cuddling as you turn on a movie and order pizza to be delivered.
After you've eaten, you settle back in the bed and turn on another movie.
"It's late, do you want me to call for a car to take me home so that you don't have to drive me?" he asks kissing the top of your head as you snuggle against his chest.
"Did you leave an overnight bag in my car earlier?" you turn to look up at him.
"I have my training bag, with some extra clothes and kit for tomorrow," he yawns.
"Then, I think you should go get it," you smile before kissing his chest.
"You're really going to break all your parents rules aren't you?" he chuckles.
"Not all of them," you wink.
You take the opportunity to change into pajamas while he's gone to get his bag. He joins you in the bathroom while you're brushing your teeth and doing your skincare.
As you settle into bed, he takes off his shirt and joggers, leaving him in just his boxers before climbing back into the bed and sliding under the covers.
You can't help but stare at him as he does, admiring his impeccably toned body.
"I might take that back about that one rule," you giggle when he raises his eyebrows.
"As much as I would love to defile you in your childhood bedroom, I'm gonna save that for another night," he grins before pulling you in for a kiss.
"Night, y/n," he whispers against your lips.
"Night, Mase," you sigh as he pulls you against his chest.
@neverinadream @chilwellspulisic @pulisicsgirl @lovelynikol16 @swimmingismywholelife @xjval
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The Devil Wears Armani 4
Warnings: this fic will include elements, some dark, such as age gap, noncon/dubcon, and other untagged triggers. Please take this into account before proceeding. It is up to curate your online consumption safely.
Summary: you’re the CEO’s new PA and you find the work too much to handle. (short!reader)
Characters: Tony Stark, this reader is known as Georgie.
Author’s Note: Please feel free to leave some feedback, reblog, and jump into my asks. I’m always happy to discuss with you and riff on idea. As always, you are cherished and adored! Stay safe, be kind, and treat yourself💜
💼Part of the Bad Bosses AU💼
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The flight makes you restless. It’s more than just the confinement but the company. Each time your hand wanders up to fix your shirt, it’s swatted away by another. You wince as you look at your boss, his eyes glued to his phone screen. 
You fidget and cross one leg over the other, then switch. You crane to see the baggage crate and push yourself to your feet. Before you can stand straight, you’re wrenched back down. 
“Where’re you going?” Stark challenges. 
You wince and shake your head, “just... to get my laptop. I was going to do some work.” 
“Did I tell you to do that?” 
“Well, no, sir, but--” 
“I’m your boss so you work for me. You do what I say.” He puts his phone down on the table and shifts to look you up and down. “If you’re getting up, why don’t you get your bikini and show off for me?” 
“Huh.... what? Er, sir?” Your lashes flutter and your eyes skitter back and forth. 
“Yeah, sure. Gotta make sure it’s hot tub appropriate.” He winks and nudges you. 
“Oh, uh, but...” 
“But?” He sucks his teeth and the humour drains from his face. “Do I need to report you for employee insubordination? Ha. But who exactly do I report you to? I mean, the CEO doesn’t really have anyone above him so...” 
Guilt tugs in your cheeks. You can’t admit your mistake aloud, yet you can’t defy him either. You just nod and stand. You walk slowly across the cabin. You’re not used to the floating sensation that makes you feel heavy at the same time. 
You grab your bag and unzip it. You sift around for the black one-piece.  
“Gotta try it on to get the full effect, sweetheart,” Stark snickers. 
You do up the bag and put it back. You cringe and sidle toward the bathroom. The attendant emerges from behind the curtain and you quickly hide inside the tiny compartment. You roll the door shut and look at yourself in the mirror. You look just as terrified as you feel. 
It’s just the way Stark is. He doesn’t like being refused or any glint of defiance. It all stems back to that day when you got in the way of his fun. Really, it’s your own fault. You should have been patient. You should have waited before you just ran right in. 
You turn away from your reflection and ice flows through your veins. Once he’s thoroughly humiliated you, this will be done. Or you could quit. In mid-air. Without a way home. 
You switch out your business attire for the swimsuit. It’s been so long since you put it on. It’s tighter than you remember. It pulls high along your pelvis and your bottom threatens to fall out completely. You feel little better than naked. 
You face the door and gulp. You amp yourself up to emerge and when you do, you nearly collide with the attendant. Oh god! As much as you want to retreat and hide behind the door, you can’t. You’re locked in place until she disappears behind the curtain. 
Mr. Stark whistles in his seat. You approach, hands hovered over your ass, and stop just beside the leather armrest. You do your best to conceal yourself behind the empty seat. He reaches for his drink and swigs. 
“Can’t see you like that,” he chirps as he considers the dark scotch. 
“Sir... I...” 
You choke down your protest and step up. You turn to face the table and shiver as he looks at you from the corner of his eyes. He frowns at you and his cheek dimples. 
“What the fuck is that, George?” 
“Um, my swimsuit--” 
“That isn’t a bikini.” 
“I know, sir. I don’t have--” 
“I pay you enough to afford one. Don’t act all innocent with me. Turn around.” He spins his finger and you blink. You shake your head and pout. 
“Mr. Stark?” 
He snaps his fingers. You look at the window and the clouds outside. Even if you had the strength to run, you can’t. So, you do what he says. 
“Move your hands,” he demands. You pull your hands to your side and bounce on your heels. He hisses through his teeth, “whoowie, Georgie cakes, that’s a hell of a keester.” 
You quickly twirl around and clap your hands to your bottom. You sputter, “Mr--” 
He snickers and bites his lip, “come on. Put it on me, George.” 
“Hm?” Your brow furrows. 
“Don’t give me that dumb look. It makes me horny so get over here.” 
He squares his shoulders as he leans back into the leather cushion. He drags his hands up and down his pants and wiggles his hips. He purrs as he looks down at the twitch in the fabric. You inhale and hold it in until it aches. 
You turn and shift between the seat and the table. You reach back to touch the armrests to lower yourself but nearly tumble. Stark yanks your wrist and forces you in front of him. Before you can get your balance, he has you by the hips. He pulls you in his lap and wraps his arms around you. 
You wriggle and push on the armrests. “Mr. Stark, this isn’t... appropriate. This... you said... a work trip?” 
“I’m working,” he tilts beneath you. The blunt prod makes you squirm. “Hard. Lot of work to keep from blowing right now.” 
“Huh?” You try to stand but he has you trapped in his arms. 
“Keep rubbing your ass on me like that and I won’t be able to. Relax and... enjoy the flight.” He keeps an arm hooked around you and eases back. You tense as his hand spreads across your stomach, fingers petting just above your pelvis. He pulls you back and rests his chin on your shoulder. 
“Grab my phone for me, will ya?” 
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momolady · 3 months
Somerbron Lake: A Romance (Part Three)
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Female Main Character x Male Monster Dark Romance - Sense of dread - Creepy Neighbors - Sick husband
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It had been so long since James and I had been able to perform the duties a man and wife are thought to do. He’s been so weak, and his doctors had advised against it, especially while he was in the hospital. I missed his touch, I missed him pressed against me. I liked how his hairy chest felt against my breasts. I liked fucking James, he was quite good at it.
We’d been nervous to go about it, but once we started it was hard to stop. Lots of pent up desires came rushing forward and toppled us like a waterfall. Beat under the torrential waves, we gave in, using our marital bed to its fullest for the first time in over a year.
We laid upon the bed, all the blankets had been tossed off and laid on the floor. Both of us were winded, out of practice and out of shape as we were. James let out a laugh, and I had to join in with a giggle. We smiled at one another, cuddling close again, wanting to be within reach once those desires built up again.
“That was amazing,” James sighed.
I ran my hands up and down his back. “It was.” I lifted my head, beaming so bright it could light up the whole time. He kissed me, sighing in relief.
“There you are,” he murmured as he stroked my hair from my sweaty brow. “This is the first time I’ve felt at home here.” He kissed the top of my head and squeezed his hand around my hip.
I furrowed my brow. “First time? I thought you liked it here.”
He was quiet, considering what he could say next. “Well, yeah, Somerbron is a nice place and all, but-” He hissed, sucking hair through his teeth. “I don’t know how to explain it, Lori. It’s like staying in a hotel. It’s nice here, it's fun to visit, but I don’t feel welcomed.”
Pulling away from him, I sat up upon my elbow so we could have this conversation eye to eye. “Everyone has been so nice.”
“Yeah well,” he propped up at well, staring straight ahead to the foot of the bed. “I just feel like everyone is…watching us.”
“I don’t understand,” I murmured.
“Anytime I go into town on my own, it’s like all the women are staring at me,” he said. “They watch me, take in my every move, like I’m going to do something. Something bad. And I feel guilty! But I’m not planning on doing anything. I’m just…I feel as if I’m being invasive.”
“But anytime I’m out they always ask about you,” I try to argue. “Maybe they’re keeping an eye on you because they know you’ve been ill.”
“I don’t want that either.” James shook his head then put his palm against his forehead. “If I could stay out by the lake all day, that would be great, I would be happy. But I can’t keep shaking this feeling that I’m being watched all the time.”
I put my hand over his. “Why didn’t you tell me?”
James exhaled with some force. “The past few years all you’ve done is worry about me. I didn’t want to add to that. You seem happy here, you’ve made friends. I’ve already taken a lot from you, I didn’t want to take this away too.” He looked me in the eye, taking my hand and holding it tight.
It was a hard sentence to hear. I hadn’t thought of it that way at all. But I did feel like being in Somerbron was something for me. I held that back out of guilt. “I don’t want you to feel that way, James. We both deserve to be happy.”
“Maybe so, but I’ve been taken care of for a long time.” He sighed heavily. “It’s your turn to have that comfort. I can get over this, I’m sure. We lived in our last place so long. And I got used to being in the hospital. Being in a whole house to ourselves, a small town, it’s new for now.”
“But you have to tell me things that bother you. Alright?”
James smiled and put his arms back around me. “Okay. I will.” He held me for a long time, both of us quiet.
“Lachlan creeps me out,” he finally muttered.
I laughed, giving him a slight push. “I thought you two were getting along!”
“I guess?” James scoffed. “But it seems like all he cares about is you. It sets off alarms for me.”
“Don’t be jealous,” I laughed.
“I’m not.” James’ voice took a serious turn. “And excuse me if this makes me sound territorial, but I don’t like him being around you. When you both were working upstairs when I had to rest, I don’t know, it made me feel weird.”
“He’s a sweet guy,” I tried to assure him.
James frowned, pursing his lips together. “I don’t know. Maybe it’s just me. Maybe it’s just I’ve grown to mistrust men because of all the doctors.” He shook his head again. “I didn’t mean for us to have a conversation like this.”
We had been having so much fun. The sex was good, a little sloppy, but good. And I had an orgasm for the first time in ages. I didn’t want it to turn sour. I had been hoping to go again. Now it didn’t seem like this was going to shift tones again. “It’s okay. I’m glad you brought it up. I know now.”
James reached off the side of the bed and grabbed up the blanket. He laid flat upon his back and looked up at the ceiling. “Remember in college and I would sneak into your dorm? You had that black light and all those weird posters.”
I crawled under the blankets and curled up beside him. “I remember.”
“That was the first time I felt at peace with myself. I was always so restless as a kid. Being in that dorm room with you was peace on earth.”
I smiled and kissed his chest. “It was.”
“Maybe we should get a black light,” he teased.
I giggled and pressed up against him, hoping to get him aroused again. “I’m sure we could find one. Maybe my mom has my old one packed away somewhere.”
James rolled onto his side to face me. “Maybe we can move into the actual master bedroom at some point.”
“Would that help you feel better?” I asked.
He nodded. “I think I can manage the stairs. One at a time.”
I kissed him, rolling him back onto his back so I was straddling him. He reached up, taking hold of my hair and wrapping it around his fingers.
“I might be getting that all chopped off tomorrow,” I teased. “Enjoy it while you can.”
James chuckled, pulling it so I leaned down to kiss him again.
In the morning, James’ mom came to pick him up for his doctor’s appointment. They’d be out most of the day, as she also wanted to give him some things from his grandmother’s house they were cleaning out. Jane came over not long after to take me into town for my hair appointment. I had set it a couple of weeks ago, back when I still thought I had so much to do moving. But then Lachlan came and helped me with it. I was done so quickly, I was just sitting at home twiddling my thumbs most days.
I was sitting in the salon with Jane looking over catalogs. I still had no idea what I wanted for my hair.  My mind wandered between that and what James had told me the night before. I looked around at the few other women in the room. No one was paying any attention to me. Maybe James was just mistaken. After being in the hospital so long, maybe he thought all eyes were on him.
Jane huffed and set her magazine aside.“Most of these styles I just don’t get. Young women these days are so brave.”
“It’s just a haircut, it all grows back. Nothing is forever,” I murmured, eyes fixated on the glossy pages. The magazine was old and some of the styles were outdated, but I still kept looking.
“How's that husband of yours doing?” Jane asked.
“He’s doing quite well actually.” I set the magazine down and leaned back in the plastic covered chair. “The air seems to be doing wonders for him. And of course he’s down at the lake almost everyday. He’s starting to be like his old self.”
Jane smiled and nodded at me. “Good. Very good. A strong husband is what every wife needs.”
I never needed James to be strong, not in the traditional sense.
“Mrs. McLeod, we’re ready for you.” A light blonde said as she stepped out of the back. Another woman whisked past, going out the door with a glance towards me.
I followed her to the back while Jane sat up in excitement. “I’m sorry, I don’t really have an idea of what I want today.”
The blonde’s all too perfect smile beamed back at me. I was reminded that I needed to check out the dentist here. James and I hadn’t really gone since his illness had progressed.
“That’s alright, I can help you out with that. I’m Rebecca by the way.” She led me to a little room in the back done all up in green with antique pictures hanging on the walls. The whole room seemed out of time.
She sat me down upon the old chair and leaned it back, placing my head upon the lip of the sink. “You do have very thick hair,” she said over me as water began to rush down.
The water was cold, unbearably cold. It made my scalp tingle and my teeth ache. I wanted to say something, but I kept quiet. I saw that creature again, the one that pulled me into the lake. Or was it a nightmare? It seems so fuzzy and vague now. But I recall it clearly. Those eyes. Those big, wide, sad eyes.
“You know, I hear all the gossip around here.”
I opened my eyes and swallowed. The water was growing warmer. “Do you have something about me then?”
She laughed. “Oh just that Lachlan has taken a liking to you.”
My eyes went to the wall again, the faded wallpaper, the mirror that was cracking all around the edges. The pictures on the wall were old, black and white and faded from the sun. There was a photo of a little girl with a bike. Another of a dapper man whose face had faded past recognition. There was a round portrait of a lovely woman who resembled Rebecca.
“We’re a small town with not much going on. Any bit of news gets pulled and twisted like taffy.” Rebecca's fingers were strangely sharp against my scalp as she shampooed it.
I flinched, wanting to yank away, but I couldn’t. “He’s been helping James and I move in. He’s been a big help. James still loses wind fairly easily.”
“But he’s doing much better, I hear.”
I furrowed my brow. “He is.”
Rebecca took the spout and began rinsing my hair. “That's good. A strong man is good for a town.”
I was about to say something when Rebecca gasped. “I know just the perfect style for you!” She said excitedly. “Do you trust me? Oh I promise it’ll look wonderful. And if you don’t like it, you don’t have to pay.”
“I guess?” I was so taken aback I wasn’t sure what to say or do. She seemed genuinely excited.
“Wonderful!” Rebecca sighed in what sounded like bliss.
She worked for longer than I wanted to be in that chair, setting curls, and doing what I suspect was some sort of perm. I was nauseous from the chemical smell. I was set under an old hair dryer and told to relax.
When Rebecca left the room I was there alone, unable to hear anything over the roar of the hair dryer. From where I was sitting now, I could see more pictures on the wall. All old, all faded enough to where things were hard to make out. Lots of pictures of men, all of them had something wrong with the picture, the glass, even the frame. Then there was one of a young woman with dark hair all piled to one side, almost alone at the far edge.
I don’t know if it was the queasiness from the chemicals or the heat, but I was suddenly unwell. I pushed the hair dryer away and tried to stand, but I fell to my knees again. After the initial shock, I stood up shakily and pressed my hand against the wall. I inched slowly, practically dragging myself along.
A deafening crunch fell behind me, and I turned to see one of the pictures had fallen off the wall, glass glittering everywhere. I kept moving, I could explain it to Rebecca later. Then another portrait fell. Then another and another. I was trying to walk and they all fell behind me. I couldn’t move fast enough.
I almost fell at the end of the wall, gripping onto the corner. The portrait of the woman fell, hitting my arm. The sharp frame put a hole in my arm, and the searing pain turned my stomach even more. It fell to the floor face up, I fell to my knees, leaning over top of it. I could see her closely now. Her eyes staring out at me beyond the glass. I saw myself in her place, sitting poised so prettily, wearing a gown that swallowed me up like pretty flower petals. My mouth opened in the portrait, whispering for me.
I smelled smoke, and my dress began to go up in flames. I sat there, surrounded by fire and smoke, unmoving, unblinking. My skin melted away in chunks, peeling back from muscle and bone. Out before me I saw the town, I saw the women shrieking in horror, clawing at the ground as they were held back. Bodies lay at my feet, burnt, melting bodies that I was happy to see.
I smiled, looking back out upon the women. I was truly happy. Burning alive, I was the one who was no longer suffering. They were the ones who were suffering. I can’t entirely blame them. But they were all at fault as well. They could have spoken for me. But they didn’t.
I started to giggle, my mouth opened wide into a horrible laugh. I cackled, I screamed. My mouth tore open wide to red and gore. I laughed harder, I shouldn’t have been able to with all the smoke and flames. I laughed and I laughed and I laughed until there was no more pain. No more fury. Just quiet and peace on earth. True bliss.
“Wake up Lori. Wake up.”
I opened my eyes to the ceiling, seeing Jane fanning me with a magazine. “I told you that damned old hair dryer got too hot, Rebecca!”
“You try to order a new one for me then,” Rebecca huffed back. “Is she okay?”
I swallowed, but my mouth was so dry. My throat was sore beyond belief. “I’m sorry,” my voice croaked and cracked. “I’m sorry about the pictures.”
“Pictures?” Rebecca murmured.
“You passed out!” Jane said slowly and loudly to me.
I groaned and clasped my temple. “My head. I felt sick for a second.”
“Get her some water,” Jane fussed at Rebecca with hushed urgency. She turned back to me, continuing to fan me. “We called your house. Someone is coming to get you.”
I closed my eyes again, still reeling. Jane helped me sit up so I could drink water. But I tasted rancid. I wretched and bent over, throwing up onto the floor. It was all so fast, from one moment to the next it was both eternity and seconds.
There was silence between Rebecca and Jane. I didn’t stay long to say much else. I ran outside for fresh air. But for some reason all I could smell was smoke. I spat into a potted plant outside, then slid down the wall to rest and catch my breath.
“You look like her, you know?”
I opened my eyes to see an old man standing over me. “I beg your pardon?” I heaved, sweat dripping down my brow.
“Goodness, you do look like Laura. That’s not good,” the old man shook his head. “Not good at all.” He sounded frightened.
“Laura who?” I shook my head, it didn’t matter. I felt too bad to care about anything like that.
“This place ain’t good for folks like you,” he whispered. “Ma’am, you shouldn’t have come here. Not looking like that poor girl. I may be old now, but I remember it like it was yesterday. never forgot Laura Harrison. Young lady, take my hand.”
I opened my eyes to look at this old man, but all I saw was Lachlan walking up behind him. “What are you doing here?”
The old man turned around and stepped out of the way. He didn’t say so much as a word to Lachlan and he scurried as fast as he could across the street.
“Are you alright?” Lachlan knelt down beside me. He put his hand over my head, the cold was just what I needed.
I breathed out slowly, relying on his touch to save me. “I don’t know. Jane said I passed out. I threw up-” I went to point but decided he didn’t need to see that.
“Poor thing. It’s all alright now. I’ll get you home.” He smoothed his hand back towards my hair. “Do you think you can get up and walk at all?”
I tried to stand and my legs wobbled beneath me. I took a few steps and then Lachlan picked me up, swooping my legs out from under me. “Wait! It’s-” I was held against Lachlan, and at first I went rigid, but the more I was held in his grasp, the more I was comforted. I closed my eyes, relieved to be off my feet and away from the world.
I saw the woman from the portrait. Myself, I mean. I was dressed in red, sitting by the edge of the pond. A man approached and I was excited, at first I thought it was James. The light reflecting off the water hit my eyes, and I couldn’t quite see him at first. I ran to be near him and I was pulled away. The man became tied and bound, a sack with a morbid face was thrown over him. I cried for him, I screamed, losing my voice in the process. He was thrown into the water while the hands that held me all over my body, pulled my limbs, my hair, they ripped my clothes away from my body and threw me to the floor.
“-even at the garage there was only women there,” I heard my mother in law fussing. “I thought this town was nice at first, now it’s this big lesbian commune.”
“Mom,” James said sternly. “This is what you’re choosing to complain about?”
“I’m just saying-”
“Stop it. I invited you over to help me with the house so Lori wouldn’t have to worry when she gets up.” James' definitive tone made me happy. He sounded strong again. I sat up in bed, looking around at the dark room. All the curtains were drawn tight, but I could see slivers of daylight peeking through.
I sat up from bed and there was a sore, aching pain through all my limbs. What the hell happened to me? All I wanted was to get my hair done. “Fuck-” I grumbled.
“I think I hear her.” James said in a low, hushed voice. Moments later, the door opened. “You’re up. That’s great.”
“My whole body is killing me,” I groaned.
I couldn’t see James as the light back lit him. He came into the room, sitting down on the bed with me. He put his hand upon my forehead, and it was cold. “You probably need something to eat. Definitely some water.”
My eyes adjusted, and I looked up at him. Long hair draped over his shoulders and I was confused. I rubbed my eyes to focus. James' eyes were dark. No, they’re supposed to be blue, right?
“Can you get up?” He asked. His voice sounded different too.
I was more worried about my head than I was about my legs. “I think so.”
James gave me his hand and helped me up. My legs felt more sure than they did before. “There we go. Come on, some fresh air should do you some good.”
“Is she up?” My mother in law called from the kitchen.
“Yes, Mom.”
I blinked a few times, looking up at James as we stepped out. I pulled my hand away, I recognized him, but it wasn’t James. I stepped away, trying to rush along the side of the house to put space between us.
“Lori, what’s wrong?” He asked.
I shook my head, still glaring up at him. “Where’s James?”
He chuckled. “I’m James. Goodness, maybe you're allergic to whatever Rebecca used at the hair salon.” His pale hand reached for me, trying to take my hand but I yanked it away. He looked sad and frightened. “Lori!”
“Lachlan, this isn’t funny.” I glanced back into the house, seeing he was away from the door now. I ran inside, slamming the door shut and locking it. Lachlan beat upon the door and rattled the doorknob.
“Lori, honey,” James’ mother said behind me. “What’s going on, what are you doing?” She came down the hall towards me, wearing one of those gauzy, flowy caftans she liked so much.
I ran to her, grabbing her and trying to pull her away from the door. “Is this a joke? Where’s James really at?”
“Oh, Lori!” She pushed me off and went to the door, unlocking it and opening it. “Stop playing around. We’ve been worried sick about you all day.” She smiled as Lachlan came inside the house again. “James had us rush home when he heard.” She placed her hand upon his back.
“That’s not-” I stepped away, moving towards the back of the foyer. “Is this a joke?” I forced out a laugh. “Come on.”
“Maybe I should call a doctor.” My mother in law stepped away from Lachlan and I darted back into the kitchen. I grabbed the car keys on the table and I ran outside and around the house. I was heading towards the car when Lachlan opened the front door.
“Lori, get back here!” He sounded so concerned. “You’re scaring me.”
I was about to reach the car when I was grabbed from behind. “Lori! I’m so glad you’re okay!” Jane’s hand held me in a death grip. “How’re you feeling?”
I yanked my arm, trying to free myself. I had been trying to stay calm, but this was making me panic. “Let go of me!”
“Thank you, Mrs. Lancaster,” Lachlan sighed with relief. “I think she’s still a bit loopy. It’s like she doesn’t recognize me.”
“I told Rebecca she needed to update her equipment,” Jane scoffed. She handed me over to Lachlan and it was like my body was quitting.
“It’s alright.” Lachlan scooped me up in his arms like he did before. “I’ll put her back to bed.” He carried me inside, Jane watching us intently the entire time.
Once inside, Lachlan took me into the bedroom and set me back down upon the bed. “Lay down. I’ll go get you some water-”
I knocked his hand away from me. “What’re you doing? You’re not James. I know who you are.”
Lachlan looked me over with a gaze I couldn’t read. He touched my face with that cold hand of his. My body relaxed despite my nerves still frying at the ends. He laid me back, brushing my hair away from my face.
“You won’t get hurt again. Not this time,” he whispered.  “No one is around to put their filthy hands on you,” his voice grew dark and raspy. “No one to drag us apart. You came back to me. After all this time.”
Tears ran down my eyes. “Lachlan-”
He pulled the blanket over me and tucked me in. “Don’t worry, Laura. I can protect you now. I promise.” Lachlan lifted my hand, placing it upon his gaunt face. Tears streamed out of his eyes and his skin felt slimy and slick. I wanted to pull away, but I always didn’t want him to cry despite everything that was happening.
“Laura,” he whimpered pathetically, falling over onto the bed. “My Laura!” he sobbed while I laid there.
Eventually my eyes closed, and I saw fire spread out before me.
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