#container traceability system
earaercircular · 10 months
Bocoloco brings the deposit up to date
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The young company Bocoloco intends to facilitate the return of containers and deposits in store. To do this, it offers a solution focused on support and collection, which facilitates the process for consumers, distributors and agri-food brands.
Gradually, shopping baskets become more virtuous. And more than 9 out of 10 French people say they are in favour of the reintroduction of deposits on beverage packaging, according to an Ipsos survey for Reloop France and Francophonie[1]. However, many consumers still consider that “changing routine is not easy, even if they are concerned about ecology,” says Alexis Dusanter, the co-founder, with his brother Florent Dusanter, of Bocoloco[2]. Launched in Paris in 2019, this start-up aims to bring systematic deposit up to date.
The duo's initial observation is that the expansion of bulk, and therefore the reduction of packaging, is hampered by two main obstacles. Namely, the logistics of the consumers who, often, “do their shopping in a few minutes and are not ready to go to the store bringing along their own containers,” observes Alexis Dusanter.
The other obstacle is the management of a product purchased raw - without packaging -, for which information such as the expiry date or cooking advice is lost. “Hence the idea of making the process as simple as possible, both for the end consumer and for the brands and distribution chains, by facilitating support and collection,” explains the entrepreneur.
Make the user autonomous
Approached quickly after its creation by the Monoprix brand, Bocoloco deployed a “deposit corner” in points of sale, including products packaged in reusable containers, and a deposit collector. “The objective is to make the user autonomous when they return reusable packaging, without having to go through the checkouts, or to contact the brand's operational teams,” explains Alexis Dusanter, specifying that “this gesture is instantly rewarded by the reimbursement of the deposit amount, in the form of a reduction voucher distributed from a terminal”. To date, Bocoloco - that employs around ten employees - enables three segments of agri-food products to be sold through this channel: those from dry groceries (such as biscuits from the Michel & Augustin brand); liquid products (syrups, sodas, Gallia beers from the Heineken group, etc.); and so-called “moist” products (compotes, Bonne Maman jams, etc.). “The aim is to ensure that consumers can find their favourite brands and everyday products,” says the manager, adding that Bocoloco wants to support both distributors, “with an easily deployable device”, and brands. “with a turnkey solution to test the deposit in store”.
Reduce reuse costs
Alexis Dusanter adds that “the container traceability system makes it possible in particular to optimise the management of the reuse loop, and therefore to reduce costs, which is one of the key issues for moving to a large-scale deposit model ". Multiplying experiments in distribution, particularly at Monoprix and Carrefour, Bocoloco is working on scaling up the model.
Enough to make Alexis Dusanter say that there are “effects of regulatory developments, for example with the Agec law[3], or even European directives which push Member States in the direction of reuse”[4]. “The brands have understood that they must identify new models in order to avoid packaging,” concludes the manager of Bocoloco, which is supported by the investment fund Asterion Ventures and has won various prizes, including the Circular Challenge 2023 of the Citeo eco-organisation[5].
Julie Le Bolzer, Bocoloco remet la consigne au goût du jour, in : Les Echos, 13-11-2023 , https://www.lesechos.fr/thema/articles/bocoloco-remet-la-consigne-au-gout-du-jour-2028364
[1] Reloop works at the centre of policy-making with governments, industry stakeholders and NGOs. Leading the transition to a global circular economy, where our natural resources remain resources. https://www.reloopplatform.org/about-reloop/
[2] Democratizing deposits to avoid plastics & packaging is Bocoloco’s mission! An impactful startup launched in 2019, Bocoloco has developed a turnkey deposit solution for distributors and national agri-food brands.Our unique technology has been rewarded on numerous occasions by Retail, Circular Economy and CSR Impact experts: LSA 2021 Trophies, Store Concept category, Winner of the Circular Challenge Citeo 2023 competition, Winner of the 2023 Bulk & Re-employment Salon Trophies. .. https://www.bocoloco.fr/pages/la-tracabilite-des-contenants
[3] The French law on the fight against waste and the circular economy (Agec) sets a collection rate target for recycling plastic beverage bottles of 77% in 2025 and 90% in 2029. Ambitious targets with regard to the rate collection, which is around 59%. This means that 41% of the 315,000 tonnes of plastic bottles consumed per year end up in the household waste bin (therefore incinerated or buried) or in wild dumps.. https://www.lesechos.fr/idees-debats/editos-analyses/economie-circulaire-la-solution-de-la-consigne-plastique-1946930
[4] Read also: https://www.tumblr.com/earaercircular/734175233902346240/recycling-and-reuse-levers-for-accelerating-the?source=share
[5] Citeo is a company with a mission created by companies in the mass consumption and distribution sector to reduce the environmental impact of their packaging and paper, by offering them reduction, reuse, sorting and recycling solutions. To respond to the ecological emergency and accelerate the transition to the circular economy, Citeo has set itself 5 commitments: reduce the environmental impact of its customers' products by anchoring the circular economy and eco-design in their practices and strategies; create the conditions for building the solutions of today and tomorrow that combine environmental and economic performance; giving consumers the keys to reducing the environmental impact of their consumption; co-construct and promote the company's solutions and positions, from the local to the international scale; cultivate the commitment of its employees in the service of its mission. Since the creation of Citeo, consumer goods and distribution companies have invested more than 11 billion euros to develop eco-design, to install and finance selective collection and to create recycling channels, with their partners local authorities, sectors and operators. Today, 72% of household packaging and 62% of paper are recycled thanks to the sorting gesture of the French, which has become the first eco-citizen gesture.
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givemea-dam-break · 1 year
Not a prompt unless you want it to be, but you’re the only one who will appreciate -
George/Reader (or OC) where Reader is a Database Analyst for Fittes. Enemies to lovers.
Reader dedicates her life to making information more accessible/understandable/traceable and George can begrudgingly accept that. They make appointments with each other to argue over the merits of digitization, tagging systems, etc and if these arguments spill over into meal times, maybe they grab a bite and keep arguing, and oh no does everyone think we’re dating??
Anyways <3
a/n: RAHHHHHHHH I LOVE THIS IDEA SO MUCH!!!! i know essentially nothing about technology though so i’ve probably butchered that part of this but i hope you enjoy!!! and thank you to @ikeasupremacy you really helped this go from a 2 page long flop that contained literally fuck all to a 5 page decent piece of work pahaha
warnings: mild language, mild angst words: 2.8K taglist: @neewtmas @locklylemybeloved @aayeroace @gotlostinfiction @waitingforthesunrise @mirrorballdickinson @mischiefmanaged71 @magicandmaybe @wellgoslowly @ettadear gn reader
Nice To Meet You - George Karim
“You know that, on the whole, this will make life way easier for you?”
“Since when do you want to make life easy for me?”
Taking an angry bite out of your sandwich, you say, “I’m not doing this specifically for you, twat. This is quite literally the purpose of my job, so it’s for everyone.”
George Karim sits back in his chair, glaring at you through the green reflections on his glasses. “And what exactly is the benefit of digitalising all of it?”
“Going over this again? Right, well, for one, there’s going to be new computers put into the Archives meaning more people can use them. Have I lost you yet? No? All right. For two, being able to search up what you want in a database is way easier than pacing for hours trying to find an old newspaper that someone might be using already. For three, multiple people can read the same file at the same time. You can’t do that with the musty old paper copies.”
There’s a moment of silence and an air of tension thick enough that you could cut it with a knife. The only sounds beyond George’s annoyed huffs of breath are the jingle of the café’s windchimes and chatter from other customers.
If you had your way, you wouldn’t even be sitting here discussing your plan of action with him, but your supervisor told you that you’d best talk about it to other agencies and their members to see what their thoughts are. Of course, the one time you head to Lockwood and Co. with the intention of speaking to them on purpose, hoping and praying you’d at least be speaking to Anthony Lockwood himself; you were sent off with his second and by far the most infuriating boy in all of London, George Karim. And, well, as you already know, he is a tough nut to crack.
“Why are you so stuck up on physical files, anyways?” you ask. “It’s not like we’re going to burn them on a pyre and force you to use a website. They’ll still be there. It just seems much more convenient to click a few buttons and have what you need.”
“They hold a particularly warm place in my heart,” he says with a hint of sarcasm. “But, fine, okay, life will be made easier for everybody with this new system. So why is it only being implemented now? Smaller agencies could’ve done with this years ago while Fittes and Rotwell and all the big companies have had it this whole time.”
Though you hate it, you can only shrug. “The big companies don’t want to have to compete with the smaller ones.”
“You’re saying this, but you’re working for Fittes, the biggest of the big companies.”
You grip your sandwich harder, pretending it’s George’s throat. “Yes, well, better pay than a smaller company. Some of us don’t get offered a bedroom when being accepted into a job. Besides, as much as I don’t like the big companies making a huge profit off of the Problem, I don’t have a choice. They’re the only ones with the resources I need. And, don’t forget, that’s where you used to work, too.”
Surprisingly, George doesn’t have a quip for that. He takes a thoughtful sip of his tea, glancing out of the café window and onto the busy street just beyond. The sunlight hits the lenses of his glasses in such a way that they shine a reflection down onto the table in front of you.
“So, this would be accessible for everyone?” he asks. “Not just the big agencies and their lackeys.”
“I don’t know how many times I have to tell you this to make you believe it, but yes. If that wasn’t the case, I wouldn’t be doing this.”
Quite frankly, you’re not surprised about having to repeat things over and over. Every single conversation you’ve ever had with George, no matter how fleeting or filled with irritation, has seemed like he had the personal mission of finding flaws in everything you do. Holding your rapier wrong – you absolutely did not, if anything, he was holding his wrong. Pronouncing a word wrong once. Taking a moment longer than him to spell a ridiculously long word on a report.
Now is no different. It’s as if you can see the cogs turning in his mind, working overtime trying to find an issue with this plan. But there’s nothing, that much you know from you and your team’s extensive planning and the look of mild horror on his face.
You can’t help the proud smile that parts your lips. “Go on, then, Georgie. Thoughts?”
He gives you a scathing look that only fuels the pride burning in your chest. “I think…”
“I think that…”
“Carry on. I need to hear you say it.”
“Oh, shut up. I think that it’s a good idea.”
“Hmm? What was that? I couldn’t hear you.”
You’ve never seen such anger in a person’s eyes. “I think that it’s a good idea. Happy?”
“Very. That’s all I needed to hear.”
George opens his mouth to say something, probably something insulting, but a waitress breezes over. She’s a sweet middle-aged lady with a contagious smile that even has him easing up a bit.
With a twinkle in her warm eyes, she asks, “Is there anything else I can get the lovely couple?”
And that does it. If you weren’t so shocked yourself, the horrified expression on George’s face would’ve cracked you up. It looks as if someone stepped on his puppy and then tried to feed it to him. Then, amongst your own disgust, you realise that the expression is at the thought of dating you, and no matter the animosity the two of you share, you can’t help but be a little offended.
“Oh, uh, we’re not –“ You purse your lips. “Nothing else, thanks.”
She leaves momentarily, and your table lapses into an entirely uncomfortable silence. You can’t look at George. He can’t look at you. There’s a weird pit in your stomach. Nausea. Right? Because… Ew.
“I told you we shouldn’t have continued this conversation during my lunch break,” you grumble.
He hums in agreement, finding particular interest in his swirling tea. “We should probably go.”
“Yeah. Yeah, uh, we’ve covered all bases. Of the plan, I mean. Not anything else. The plan. My job.”
But, even still, you’re both sitting. You’re not moving. Why? Maybe you’re paralysed with disgust. Maybe the mere thought of people thinking that the two of you are dating is debilitating. Maybe, maybe, maybe… You’re considering it?
God, no. That’s horrid to even think about.
“I, um, are you heading back to the Archives, too?” you ask.
George takes a moment to respond, as if lost in a daze. “Oh. Yeah – Uh, yeah, I am.”
As soon as you stand, George is on his feet, enough money slapped on the table for the two of you, and heading over to the exit. And, well, as much as you want to let him head off on his own, here comes that realisation that it’s a little insulting that he is the one trying to escape so quickly.
What a little prick.
You’re out of the door almost as soon as he is, insistent that you will be the one ahead. Yeah, sure, you’re heading to the same place and could try to be amenable, but will you? God, no. You want him to know that you can leave just as easily and are just as horrified by this prospect of a relationship as he is.
Why wouldn’t he want to date you? Beyond the constant arguments you have, you’ve always figured you’re a pretty decent person. Smart, but not arrogantly so. Friendly. Funny. Good company. Caring. What’s not to like? How dare he be disgusted!
But he seems just as determined to reach the Archives first. It’s only a few corners away, but it feels like a miles-long race between the two of you. But if the prize is your dignity, then to hell with the distance – you’d go actual miles to preserve that, especially against George.
It comes to a halt when you’re forced to wait at traffic lights, unable to even slip across the street before they change from red to green merely because of the amount of coincidentally flooding traffic.
For what feels like hours, you have to stand beside him, listening to him breathe and mutter and tut as if this is the biggest inconvenience in the world. Hey, if he didn’t think a relationship with you was such a horrible idea then this wouldn’t be taking place!
No matter that you think the exact same. You’re allowed to feel like that.
Do you feel like that?
The beeping of the pedestrian crossing jerks you from your thoughts, and you’re rushing across the street before you know it. And, oh, curse his long legs! He’s getting ahead of you.
There’s an anger building up in your chest now, one that probably isn’t fully justified. Perhaps it stems from deep-rooted feelings of inadequacy you’ve not had the mind to think about for a little while now. Or even just out of pure spite of George Karim that has been pulsing through your veins for years now. Why has it been there? Because of him. Because of his incessant need to find flaws in your work and you, and his need to huff at anything you say or do. Like your existence is a bother.
Either way, the anger forms words before you can think to dismantle them. “What’s your issue with me?”
George pauses, near the side of the pavement, with the Archives in clear view behind him. He’s frowning over back you, dark eyes narrowed and bouncing with golden sunlight. Why should someone that hates you so be complimented by the sun? It’s entirely unfair, especially when it’s only blinding you.
You stop a foot or two in front of him, panting a little from walking so fast. “What exactly is your problem with me? What did I do to you? Because, far as I know, you’ve hated me ever since we first met.”
The words take a minute to process, and it looks as though he’s trying to figure out some hidden meaning behind them. There’s nothing hard about what you’ve asked. Nothing harder than admit you feel ashamed to have even asked it.
“I don’t –“ George’s frown only deepens, taking complete notice of the frustration on your face.
“Forget I asked,” you say. “It doesn’t matter. Stupid question anyways.”
But, when you start to walk away, a hand on your wrist stops you, pulling you back slightly. When you  look back, George is there, hand wrapped around your arm and staring at it as if it isn’t his own skin on yours. You expect him to pull away, disgusted at the thought of touching you, but his grip only softens slightly.
“I don’t hate you,” he says.
Scoffing, you say, “Yeah, right, and I’m Penelope Fittes. Let go of me.”
And, to his merit, he does. But your feet aren’t cooperating. They won’t move. Why, why, why won’t they move?
“I’ve never hated you,” he murmurs. His gaze is fixed on yours, something you’ve always noticed he’s steered clear of doing, and you feel frozen under it. “Intimidated, yeah.”
“Intimidated?” You roll your eyes. “George, come on. I was trying to be serious, but you’re just making a joke of it.”
The look in his eyes at that moment is a mix of desperation and exasperation. “I am being serious. Do you know how hard it is to be regarded as the smartest person someone’s met, to rely on the intelligence as your only form of worth to people, and then find someone smarter than you?”
Words try to form in your throat, only to crumble like chalk beneath too-strong fingers.
“And I’m sorry it’s made me lash out at you,” he continues. “I know it’s a horrible thing to do, but it’s like my mouth doesn’t want to cooperate with my brain. Truly, I regret how I’ve treated you. You’ve never deserved it.”
Your throat feels thick, and it’s hard to swallow. “Georgie, don’t lie.”
There’s a flicker of a smile on his lips then. “You know I like it when you call me that?”
“You told me you hated it when I call you Georgie,” you say, but it feels like your voice is dwindling.
“I told you that so you’d call me it more,” he admits. “(name), I really, truly have never hated you. And, again, I am so sorry I’ve treated you the way I have. I admire your intelligence and your insistence of sticking up for yourself. I just wish I had started things differently between us.”
The anger is back, burning a hole in your chest. “You’ve had years to tell me this. Why? Why didn’t you?”
He’s breathing rather heavily. “I was scared. I was trying to figure things out – my feelings, your feelings. But, more than anything, I couldn’t bring myself to change from the person you’d begun to see, because what if you hated the real me more than this one you know so well?” Now, his eyes tear away from yours as he stares up at the sky, looking for guidance from some divine being. “Even when you insulted me, I enjoyed it because it was from you. How lucky was I to even be able to speak to you, never mind hear you come up with all these unique names? There are millions of people who have never heard you speak, who have never had the pleasure of speaking to you or will never have it again, and I didn’t even want to chance becoming one of them.”
With that, the flames roaring inside your chest are extinguished. Instead, now, there’s a strange, unfamiliar feeling in your stomach that inches its way up your body and into your mouth, holding your tongue and stopping your ability to speak.
Despite all the quips, the need to find faults in what you do, he has never meant it. How horrible does that make you, saying all of these things to him because that was how you genuinely felt?
Do they count, seeing as they were formed on the basis of a personality that doesn’t truly exist?
Your fingers hurt from tearing at the skin around your nails. “You really think I’m so bad that I wouldn’t like the real you? Georgie, there is no way I wouldn’t have preferred it.”
He laughs at that, and the sound only bolsters this strange feeling in your stomach. Not quite butterflies, but almost. More melancholic. Could you have had the opportunity to hear that laugh for years now? To cherish it the way a person does a memory? The way an artist does a creation?
“I don’t think I’ll ever be able to tell you how sorry I am,” he says, and you swear he inches slightly closer. “About the way I acted. The fact it’s taken me this long to admit this to you. All of it. I don’t expect you to forgive me.”
And you don’t. Not really. Not when it’s left a hollow feeling in your chest, left by the realisation that everything you said was unfounded and cruel and based on a person you had no true conception of. Not when this is how it has been for years between you both. Weeks, you could understand. But years?
There’s a part of you, though, that could potentially forgive him, given the chance. George may be quick to criticise or provide information for something, but he has always kept his emotions at arm’s length, that much even you know. So, for him to come and outright tell you all of this takes insane courage.
Even still, you can’t fully comprehend it all.
“Well,” you say, “you paid for my lunch. So that’s a start.”
He smiles then. A flash of white teeth and an insurgence of unfamiliar fondness in your heart.
“We could restart,” he suggests, pushing his glasses up his nose just so.
Despite the hollowness, you nod and manage a small smile. “I’d like that.”
Not even a second later, his hand is hovering in the air just between you both. “George Karim. Nice to meet you.”
It shouldn’t make your smile grow, it really shouldn’t, but it does.
“(name) (last name),” you say, clutching his hand in yours. “Nice to meet you, too.”
And, somehow, that smile of his, one you’re sure you’ll grow more accustomed to, adds a small piece of filling to the hole in your chest.
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granulesofsand · 3 months
Medical Multiple
🗝️🏷️ syscourse, but only about CDDs
I, alter, really prefer MPD to DID. To me, multiplicity defines our system more than dissociation. I get that many CDD-havers don’t feel the same, and that’s okay. But the shift was intended to reduce alters to parts, less than one, by a guy who didn’t want to include the disorder on the DSM at all. We are multiple, not parts, and we want our clinicians to understand that.
We worked hard to elaborate and become full people, and we are not parts of one self just because we live in the same body. I would rather a diagnosis reflect the condition we have than the condition people who’ve never so much as spoken to us force on us for their own comfort. Dissociation means many things in psychology, multiplicity only one.
We believe our multiplicity stems from separation and elaboration of self-states who gained the ability to introspect. We don’t find the number of self-states we can contain to be limited or divided out of a set pool, but that we can gain them from experience. We don’t find that the number of selves is limited, because any self-state can learn to introspect, and there can be any number of self-states.
So we’re multiple! Multiple Person Disorder, if you will. Or, better yet, Multiple Person Structure! Just multiple also works.
We are well aware we share an external body and are seen as singular by the external law, and also that is demonstrably not the case in brain scans and other traceable physiology. We are many inside people living in one outside body, and one day we hope outside people will understand that.
We are medically multiple, culturally plural, and proud of being more than one.
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randommw2writing · 2 years
Safe House (Alejandro x Reader)
A small fic where Reader and Alejandro are married and have a family together, and he keeps his family well hidden until they aren't anymore.
TW: guns, violence, death, slight spoilers for the game
There was a reason that Alejandro kept you a secret. You were hidden from the army, the cartels, and even his own men. You were safe, tucked away, out in the country a bit away from Las Almas. No one he knew ever breathed your name or your kids’ names. When he did get to see you, it was a precarious trip as he had to make sure that he was never followed or seen near your residence, especially after Valeria was revealed. Of course, she got out, the Mexican government was in the pockets of the cartels. The real problem was that she knew him. Los Vaqueros were cowboys, men with nothing to lose, men without an identity, but she knew him. And knew that he had to have something to lose. 
It was a night that he didn’t even plan on coming home. He was at the new base they acquired after Graves helpfully tore down their last one. On the nights when he didn’t come home, where he slept at the base with paperwork piled up on his desk, he contacted you through the burner phone in his desk drawer. You had one at home as well, prepaid and not easily traceable. You two sent small texts back and forth, nothing important in case the messages were intercepted. That night he sent you a quick text, “Mi amor, won’t be home tonight, check in every hour until you go to bed please”. He quickly got a text back, “Of course, my dear, we miss you and can’t wait for you to come home safe and sound”. He replied with a simple, “<3”, a goofy smile lighting up his face. 
“Aye, what are you grinning at hermano?” Rudy asked with a grin of his own across his face.
“Definitely not being stuck here with your ass all night,” Alejandro said shaking his head while Rudy laughed.
“I don’t know, I think I’m pretty great company,” Rudy said sarcastically. Alejandro shook his head again and put it down trying to start on his paperwork.
Half an hour later he feels the phone buzz with a text.
“Finally got the kids to bed, thank god, those demons. Going to read now, hope your night has a little fun.” Alejandro smiled and typed out a quick reply, “Sorry my love, I will make up for not being there next time. You will certainly have more fun than me.” More paperwork sat in front of him, with Rudy next to him, his head down and trying to finish the work.
An hour later he got a text again, “Try not to go to sleep too late my dear, you need your rest.” He chuckled and responded, “Take your own advice and go to sleep, love.” He got a quick response, “Nope, I still have a couple more chapters left in me.”  He put the phone back away and went back to his paperwork. His wife was too much sometimes, you needed to take better care of yourself.
Half an hour later he felt the phone buzz again and he blinked in confusion. You shouldn’t be texting him, the check-in was still half an hour out and even you didn’t read books that quickly. His heart dropped the minute he saw the text from you.
“Security system went off. Car full of men with guns coming in hot. Kids in crawlspace, I’m hiding with gun” He nearly screamed when the follow-up text went through, “I love you and I don’t regret anything”. 
“Fuck fuck fuck,” he swore under his breath as he jumped up and grabbed his gun and his keys. 
“What’s wrong Alejandro?” Rudy asked innocently. Could he trust him? He had to.
“Rudy, my family is in danger, can I trust you?” Alejandro looked at him with tears barely contained in his eyes.
“Of course, Ale, I’m in this with you,” Rudy replied without a moment’s hesitation, grabbing his gun and following Alejandro out to his car. 
It was a long and nerve-wracking drive to his home. Alejandro was sweating bullets the whole time going over scenarios in his head, praying that he wouldn’t come back to see you riddled with bullets or your kids and you lifeless on the ground.
“Please let them be okay, please,” he murmured to himself.
“How many were coming?” Rudy asked.
“She just said a car full of them, with guns,” Alejandro took a deep breath and focused on the road, “She had a gun or more with her as well and she hid our two kids in a safe place, she’s good with a gun Rudy, I know she is, but a car full of them?”
“Where did you two meet?” Rudy asked, trying to make Alejandro focus on anything but the possibility of his wife and kids being dead.
“We were both in Mexican Special Forces together, but once we married, we decided it was safer for her to go into hiding. I was beginning to start Los Vaqueros and I knew that taking on the Army and those corrupt cartel motherfuckers would be dangerous and I wanted her home safe,” his voice broke, “Rudy, I can’t lose them, I can’t. I don’t know what to do if we find them dead.”
“We won’t find them dead,” Rudy reassured him, putting a hand on his shoulder, “Brother, we’re in this together, we will finish this together.”
Suddenly Alejandro pulled up on the driveway and made his way through the gate that had been smashed open. They pulled in behind an ugly green SUV that had bullet holes scattered throughout it and a dead body inside.
“Well she got one before they got in,” Rudy said looking at the deceased man in the driver’s seat, “Looks like Valeria’s crew.”
“I was worried it was that,” Alejandro said while pulling this handgun as they approached the door, another body lying in front of it.
Alejandro and Rudy breached the entrance, scanning the room for more enemies. There were plenty of holes in the walls and ceiling, but no bodies. The two looked at each other and nodded before going over to the kitchen and clearing that room, slowly the men made their way through the bullet-ridden house, finding two more bodies in different rooms. One man lay in the bathroom, his throat slashed and eyes staring at nothing. The other lay in the children’s room, a bullet going through his skull and many more through his body. Finally, they made their way to the master bedroom, where they slowly opened the door. A shot rang out through the opened door with Alejandro and Rudy on either side.
“What is the safeword?” you shouted.
“Dove!” Alejandro immediately shouted back, “Dove, mi carino, please don’t shoot me when I come through the door!” 
Before Alejandro could even step through the door he heard your footsteps as you ran to the door and tackled him in a hug. “Oh Alejandro I thought you were them, I was so worried there were going to be more coming,” you sobbed into his chest, holding him. 
“Where is the last man, my love?” he asked even as he held you, worried someone would pop up and hurt you.
“Dead in the bedroom,” you said in his bulletproof vest, “he came at me and I just kept firing. There were only five, I counted when they pulled up and got out of the car. I don’t think there are any more right now, but we need to get going. I’m worried more are coming.” Alejandro wrapped you in a tight hug and kissed you deeply. 
“Yes, of course, my love, let’s get the children and get moving, there’s a safe house I have that I can put you all in, we’ll be safe,” he said, looking into your eyes as he tucked your hair behind your ears, holding you in a loving embrace, “By the way, this is Rudy, my partner at work, Rudy, this is my wife, (Y/N).”
“Lovely to meet you, Rudy,” you said reaching out your blood-soaked hand and shaking his.
“Nice to meet you too, (Y/N),” he said with a smile back. You all went around the back, guns drawn and ready as you went to the doors leading to the crawlspace. You knocked three times on the metal door before unlatching it and coming down into the darkness. 
“My loves, are you okay?” you asked as your two children tackled you in a hug. They appeared uninjured, but crying and upset, “We’re going to be going away for a bit, this nice man, Rudy is going to take you two to a car while your father and I pack bags for all of us, okay?”
“Can you pack my turtle? Please, mama, I need her!” your child begs as they look you in the eyes nearly crying.
“Of course my darling, your turtle will go in your bag, and your bear will too,” you said turning to your other child who cried silently, nodding at what you said, “Rudy please get them tucked into the backseat, we’ll join you in a minute.” Rudy nodded and ushered your kids to the car out front. Once both you and Alejandro got back inside you tackled him in a hug and cried in his arms.
“I was so worried my love,” he said into your hair, “I was so afraid you would be gone by the time I got here.”
“I almost was,” you replied quietly, “When that man came at me in the bedroom, I was so scared, but I’m here. I’m alive.”
“You are my love. We’re both still here,” he smiled down at you, “Now let's go pack that turtle before we have a riot.” You both laughed and gave earth other a hug before packing your life into a couple of bags and leaving the blood-soaked place you once called home.
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unpluggedfinancial · 4 months
Understanding Blockchain Technology: Beyond Bitcoin
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Blockchain technology, often synonymous with Bitcoin, is a revolutionary system that has far-reaching implications beyond its initial use in cryptocurrency. While Bitcoin introduced the world to the concept of a decentralized ledger, blockchain's potential extends well beyond digital currencies. This article explores the fundamentals of blockchain technology and delves into its various applications across different industries.
What is Blockchain Technology?
At its core, blockchain is a decentralized, distributed ledger that records transactions across many computers in such a way that the registered transactions cannot be altered retroactively. This ensures transparency and security. Each block in the chain contains a list of transactions, and once a block is completed, it is added to the chain in a linear, chronological order.
Key features of blockchain include:
Transparency: All participants in the network can see the transactions recorded on the blockchain.
Immutability: Once data is recorded on the blockchain, it cannot be altered or deleted.
Security: Transactions are encrypted, and the decentralized nature of blockchain makes it highly secure against hacks and fraud.
Blockchain Beyond Bitcoin
While Bitcoin brought blockchain into the spotlight, other cryptocurrencies like Ethereum and Ripple have expanded its use cases. Ethereum, for example, introduced the concept of smart contracts—self-executing contracts where the terms are directly written into code. These smart contracts enable decentralized applications (DApps) that operate without the need for a central authority.
Applications of Blockchain Technology
Decentralized Finance (DeFi): DeFi platforms leverage blockchain to create financial products and services that are open, permissionless, and transparent. These include lending, borrowing, and trading without intermediaries.
Cross-border Payments: Blockchain simplifies and speeds up cross-border transactions while reducing costs and increasing security.
Fraud Reduction: The transparency and immutability of blockchain make it harder for fraud to occur, as all transactions are visible and verifiable.
Supply Chain Management:
Tracking and Transparency: Blockchain provides end-to-end visibility of the supply chain, ensuring that all parties can track the movement and origin of goods.
Reducing Fraud: By recording every transaction, blockchain helps prevent fraud and counterfeiting, ensuring the authenticity of products.
Secure Data Sharing: Blockchain allows for secure sharing of patient data between healthcare providers while maintaining privacy and consent.
Drug Traceability: Blockchain helps track pharmaceuticals through the supply chain, reducing the risk of counterfeit drugs.
Voting Systems:
Secure Elections: Blockchain can provide a transparent and tamper-proof system for voting, ensuring that each vote is recorded and counted accurately.
Increasing Voter Participation: The security and convenience of blockchain-based voting could lead to higher voter turnout and greater confidence in electoral systems.
Real Estate:
Property Transactions: Blockchain can streamline property transactions by reducing paperwork, ensuring transparency, and preventing fraud.
Record-Keeping: Immutable records of property ownership and transactions enhance security and trust in the real estate market.
Challenges and Limitations
Despite its potential, blockchain technology faces several challenges:
Scalability: The ability of blockchain networks to handle a large number of transactions per second is limited, impacting its adoption in high-volume industries.
Energy Consumption: Blockchain, particularly proof-of-work systems like Bitcoin, requires significant energy, raising concerns about its environmental impact.
Regulatory Challenges: The decentralized and borderless nature of blockchain poses regulatory and legal challenges, as governments and institutions seek to manage and control its use.
The Future of Blockchain Technology
The future of blockchain looks promising, with continuous advancements and innovations. Potential developments include improved scalability solutions like sharding and proof-of-stake consensus mechanisms, which aim to reduce energy consumption and increase transaction speeds. As blockchain technology matures, its adoption across various industries is expected to grow, potentially transforming the way we conduct business, manage data, and interact with digital systems.
Blockchain technology, initially popularized by Bitcoin, holds immense potential beyond cryptocurrencies. Its applications in finance, supply chain management, healthcare, voting, and real estate demonstrate its versatility and transformative power. While challenges remain, ongoing innovations and growing interest in blockchain suggest a future where this technology plays a crucial role in various aspects of our lives.
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I posted 3,242 times in 2022
That's 3,242 more posts than 2021!
1,215 posts created (37%)
2,027 posts reblogged (63%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 2,826 of my posts in 2022
Only 13% of my posts had no tags
#roleplay - 2,329 posts
#sherlock roleplay - 2,128 posts
#rp - 2,097 posts
#sherlock rp - 1,688 posts
#sherlock - 1,668 posts
#johnlock roleplay - 1,647 posts
#bbc sherlock - 1,602 posts
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#john watson - 1,406 posts
#sherlock bbc - 1,382 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#i still did nothing wrong but people tend to disregard other people for such things thats why i dont want you to go around telling everyone
My Top Posts in 2022:
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As everyone keeps doubting that I can actually cook, here it is.
And the bacon is vegan, as fried pork products can contain carcinogens like nitrosamines, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and heterocyclic amines, and I do not want John to consume such toxins and potentially shorten his lifespan that way.
The whole flat might have been filled with smoke after I finished cooking and the kitchen in disarray, but I still prepared a fine meal, which is the thing that actually counts with cooking.
117 notes - Posted October 10, 2022
I've got a leg now! And I'm keeping their heart! This ones the first girl I've killed, 35 years old! Dont know her job!
-Murderous Anonymous
Good for you that you have a heart now, because you probably weren't in possession of one before. A thing I also regularly get accussed of, but who cares. So your prefered victims are males? Why? Any particular reason for that? @di-greglestrade we got another one. Looks like he is slowly building up to collecting a whole human consisting of different humans.
121 notes - Posted July 9, 2022
How did you delete your emotions
Put all your emotions into one folder, and then right click on it and click delete. Or pull it into the recycle bin and then empty it, on older operating systems. Press Control+Alt+Delete to terminate the emotional process. Reboot the system and it should be cleaned from all emotions. Installing an emotional firewall can help to prevent another emotional infection. If corrupted data of emotions remain, you need to do a hard reset of your system. But all data will be lost during that process, so treat this as a last resort with caution.
167 notes - Posted May 11, 2022
What's your favorite poison and why?
Finally an interesting question. There are many answers to this, depending on the used definition of poison and for what it would be intended for. Whether I find a poison interesting enough is mostly determined by how fascinating it’s biochemical mechanisms are, but also if it’s nondetectable and rare, how clever it would be in a murder. 
Some more common poisons can have very fascinating biochemical properties like cyanide, which inhibits enzymes neccessary for aerobic respiration and suffocating a person on a cellular level. But they are more commonly used in murders, making them more easily traceable, less creative and thus less interesting then. Just obvious. I prefer rarer poisons, less obvious. The more cunning and sophisticated, the better. Toxins which you can barely detect, unless you know what you are looking for, but most people are idiots and won’t think about it. Perfect murder. Unless you consult me of course.
And especially natural poisons are the most toxic, like Botulinum toxin which was used in some of my cases. Especially neurotoxins like this work in fascinating ways, Tetrodotoxin from pufferfish, shutting down nerve cell communication, slowly paralysing and shutting the body down by respiratory failure. This poison is especially cruel because the victim can still be conscious and lucid, even if they are completely paralyzed, unable to talk or move, to do nothing except to suffer and wait for death approaching. 
Another very potent and very rare poison is Polonium-210, killing by acute irradiation, no antidote and it takes days to show effects, giving the murderer enough time to get an alibi or leave the country. Of course the trail of radiation can lead to the killer if not handled correctly. Very fascinating poison, but difficult to acquire, which is why it’s only knowinlgy used by secret services, but there might be more cases where it was never detected. As you can see it’s difficult to pick favourites with such diverse acting mechanisms of poisons and their interesting ways to kill.  
However, if you meant favourite poison in a more recreational way, then my clear answer is cocaine. Which also has cardiotoxic effects so it can be used as a poison resulting in overdoses, but it’s subjective personal effects are much better than to use it to kill someone, I assure. A more poisonous drug would be fentanyl, very strong opioid resulting in respiratory depression, 120 times stronger than morphine, difficult to dosage. Though I prefer morphine for personal use. But even nicotine can be considered a poison if overdosed. But it’s all just subjective defintions, to quote Paracelsus  “What is there that is not poison? All things are poison and nothing is without poison.”
251 notes - Posted April 30, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Oh, I wish. I would love a slaying for a case right now.
278 notes - Posted June 1, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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ammg-old2 · 1 year
Chronic illness is well hidden from society.
Before I had a name for what ailed my body, I thought of myself as dehydrated and out of shape. I believed that the physical discomfort I’d experienced for years — numbness, pain, tingling and pins-and-needles sensations throughout my body — must be traceable to a cause of my own making. At that time, I looked at chronic illness as an outsider. It was a thing that happened to others, not to me.
That changed on Christmas Eve 2014, when a neurologist at NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital read my M.R.I. and confirmed that I had relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis. This form of the disease, as the name implies, is characterized by unexpected flare-ups and periods of remission.
I was 26. I realized right then that my dream of being an artist, and the unconventional lifestyle I expected along with it, was over before it began. Four months after my diagnosis, I received my first infusion of high-dose intravenous steroids. In the fall of 2015, under the care of a neurologist, I began a monthly intravenous treatment of medication that blocks immune cells from entering the brain and spinal cord. I travel 65 miles to a site in the Hudson Valley for the infusion therapy.
Treatment has been successful, and I have remained in a state of remission while taking it as recommended — every 28 days, indefinitely. But even today, nine years into managing the illness, I struggle with the chronic nature of my condition. I am always aware that if lose my access to regular treatment, I’ll be at risk of severe disability.
Though I don’t like to admit it, every choice I make is determined by my need to maintain uninterrupted access to medical care. This has made my illness the truest navigational force of my life. Rather than orient myself to the cycle of the moon, I orient myself to the cycle of infusion. And it has become a system in my creative work. My body is a clock.
Every 28 days, I point the camera toward myself to document my illness and care. I have used my time as a patient in the infusion suite, a place where I sometimes feel powerless, to reclaim my autonomy as an artist and photographer.
In the infusion suite, both my body and my mind become containers for information. My body holds the new intelligence of the medical drip. As the fluid flows through my body and into my bloodstream, my mind is usually inundated with information from the staff.
Since my diagnosis I’ve thought often of my aunt, who has lived with progressive multiple sclerosis for years. Without health insurance, she did not have access to advanced imaging, diagnostic testing, medication or lifestyle guidance until her disease was very advanced. Instead, she found ways to self-medicate. Now in her early 60s, she is immobile, hardly able to speak and unable to navigate the social programs for which she is eligible.
Whether or not we’re aware of it, we all live in fragile bodies that require tremendous care and attention to function. Each and every one of us exists on a spectrum of illness, often dipping in and out of it. And yet, we also exist in a culture where it is taboo to talk about being sick, and the taboo can allow shame to fester among those who are chronically ill.
Still, I choose not to dwell on the scarier moments of managing the disease — the psychological burden and angst caused by my symptoms as well as the precarity and inhumanity of health care access and costs in the United States. The sophisticated treatments that exist today make this the best time in history to live with multiple sclerosis — if you can get access to care. The politics of this cannot be avoided. To be sick is political.
Maintaining all the pieces to continue to receive care in the current system is exhausting and stressful to navigate. Patient education and advocacy have been critical to my health care experience.
I came of age and of illness after the Obama-era Affordable Care Act established protections for people with pre-existing and chronic conditions. Yet even with this framework and my participation in private insurance, now supplemented by my employer, the recurring thought of losing my coverage and being denied my medication causes me much distress.
We are not prepared for problems that cannot be solved, and living with that reality is part of being chronically ill. There is no practical end. How do we break the silence to begin to discuss pain, loss, a broken health insurance economy, overworked nurses and the precarity of care?
With the coming 2024 presidential election, there will surely be renewed calls to repeal and replace Obamacare. The threat and fear of losing access to care will loom for millions. Even with the recent and ongoing events of the Covid pandemic, an adequate and sustainable system remains out of reach. Hundreds of thousands of Americans have already lost and are still losing access to care as Medicaid pandemic protections expire.
Political responses to this crisis of care matter. But so do personal and artistic ones. What if chronic illness, long concealed and misrepresented by popular culture, was made more visible? What if it was more often a subject for art?
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Dependable Worldwide Cool Chain Management Services
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Cool chain management services play a vital role in maintaining the integrity and quality of temperature-sensitive products throughout the supply chain. Here are some key points highlighting the significance of cool chain management:
Temperature Control: Cool chain management ensures precise temperature control at every stage of transportation, storage, and distribution.
Specialized Equipment: The use of temperature-controlled containers, refrigerated trucks, and warehouses equipped with cooling systems ensures the proper handling and storage of perishable goods.
Monitoring and Tracking: Advanced monitoring systems, such as real-time temperature monitoring and data loggers, enable continuous tracking and provide valuable insights into the condition of the products.
Quality Assurance: Cool chain management services focus on quality control, including compliance with regulatory standards, inspections, and product traceability.
Risk Mitigation: Effective cool chain management minimizes the risks associated with temperature fluctuations, preventing spoilage, and reducing product losses.
Expertise and Experience: Cool chain management providers possess the expertise and experience to handle various perishable items, applying best practices and industry knowledge to ensure optimal product freshness and safety.
Entrust us with your temperature-sensitive products, and experience the peace of mind that comes with knowing your goods are in expert hands. Click here to learn more.
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foxounderscorecube · 2 years
How to Stop Fascism - Paul Mason
4¼ ⭐
This is a hell of a book to read - in a good way, really.
The title is a little bit of a misnomer in that I shall not be single-handedly toppling fascism any time soon, which is a shame. Instead, it analyses the history and philosophy of fascism: its roots in Nietzche, irrationalism, and Futurism; the "perfect storms" that allowed it to develop in the past in different places; and the responses of people and political groups, however they turned out. Mason also looks over the leftist theory at the time in lesser detail - typically more specifically how the prevalent theory and discourse of the time affected the responses of left-wing groups.
I have to say, the whole thing about irrationalism did make the ideology make more sense to me. There are times where I see right-wingers argue points that I believe are abhorrent, but which I can understand in terms of how they got to their perspective; however, often, it all seems very obviously nonsensical and made-up (i.e. whatever is/was going on with QAnon; "women are naturally subservient but I can't get laid because women are too entitled and men are oppressed" incel arguments; "transvestigators" circlejerking about the wrist width of celebrities). That some of the traceable philosophy is quite literally "it is this way because I say so :)" is a much simpler answer than I expected, but it tracks.
That a lot of the philosophy is about leaving behind humanity and becoming objects that simply produce capital is absolutely harrowing, but also kind of makes sense. Of course, any governmental system that scapegoats entire groups of people is going to benefit from dehumanising their targets, but that a lot of it is based around dehumanising themselves is also pretty enlightening.
The history section was pretty frustrating to read because, as ever, the leftists couldn't stop in-fighting. Look, I'm not going to pretend I agree with every leftist out there - quite the opposite. I am a person. But the fact that historical leftists refused to acknowledge the fascist groups of their time as the real enemy, and instead focusing their attacks on each other and anyone else close-but-not-close-enough to their personal political beliefs would sound like a complete joke if I didn't believe that would absolutely happen again. It probably still is! I mean, look at the response to the person who leaked the TSA no-fly list - it was a very important leak, but half of what I saw about it outside of "holy fucking bingle!" memes was people arguing whether or not the labels she used to describe her gender and sexuality were "problematic" or not.
Still, that's kind of the point of the inclusion of it all, isn't it? The successes and failures of anti-fascists in the past need to be taken note of if we're to contain the threat of modern fascism while it's in its infancy. Current politics is taking a dangerous turn, but we're nowhere near the point of no return, thankfully.
Following the spirit of the Popular Front - a short-lived but vitally important alliance of political groups left of centre made to dissolve fascist groups - Mason suggests that a similar attitude of cutting out the in-fighting for five minutes and focusing on the real enemy is probably a good idea. I don't wholly disagree. Those working to remove the rights of minorities will happily team up with just about anyone to bring about their vision, so we should probably be teaming up with others who think that minorities should have rights, actually.
I'll admit, I'm less of a fan of his self-admittedly flawed suggestion of large social media platforms (or the Internet as a whole) requiring ID and such to post. As Mason says himself, people in high-control situations (political, familial, whatever) will be put at a severe disadvantage. Content creators - especially those that make adult content - would be at much higher risk of rogue fans finding their information. Of course, the anonymity of the Internet is exactly what allows people to spread misinformation, pull political strings, and incite violence, so I do see what he's getting at. But god, there's got to be a better way, surely!
My own ramblings aside, though, this is a well-argued, easy-to-understand book that I reckon is worth the read.
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oliverethanrobin · 2 days
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Blockchain Technology Applications in Healthcare
Blockchain has come a long way in transforming the healthcare sector and has potential solutions to some of the configurations that have been in existence for so long. Due to the decentralised, secure, and transparent nature of blockchain technologies they are revolutionising the patient handling, clinical trial processes, and supply chain management.
1. Securing Patient Data
In health care, privacy and confidentiality of patient information are of outmost importance. Business as usual data storage structures are susceptible to breaches and hacking, and vulnerable patient’s data. The blockchain development companies are coming up with a decentralized solution of storing the patient data in a way that is immutable and secure at the same time. The contents of blockchains cannot be edited or removed once they are input into the system and thus are secure. This helps to restrict access to medical records to only those who are authorized to looks at it hence improving on the privacy and security of the data.
Here, blockchain will help healthcare providers protect and secure patient information against fraud and meet complex legal requirements such as the HIPAA guidelines set in the United States.
2. Managing Pharmaceutical Supply Chains
Another industry that is being significantly influenced by the blockchain technologies is the pharmaceutical industrial. Supply chain of the medications is equally challenging and require organizing coordination of several parties that include manufacturers, distributors and the pharmacies. Blockchain in healthcare enables tracking of medications in real time, these make the chain of supply true and real.
This is a common problem that has been rattling the pharmaceutical industry and which is achieved by this transparency. Consumers can be assured that the medications that they are administered are not counterfeit while the caregivers and the policy makers are able to monitor the chain of supply with relative simplicity.
3. Enhancing Clinical Trial Integrity
Various fields have also been influenced by the use of blockchain technology with clinical trials being among them. The conventional systems also pose a high risk in trial data whereby it can be changed, modified or even deleted thus impacting on the outcomes. Services are being provided by blockchain development companies that are building applications that help in maintaining a consistent trial data without the possibility of tampering. The data can easily be audited by researchers, different regulators, and other interested stakeholders, while all the stages of clinical trial can be easily traced.
This means that there is the proper authorization of trials that would lead to the generation of credible data on clinical tests. Thus, through the exclusion of the possibility of data manipulation, the blockchain promotes the advancement of new treatments and medical inventions.
4. Improving the Medical Billing and Claims Management
Medical billing and claims processing are quite a bit intricate and sensitive, which makes it possible for them to contain mistakes. In this case, blockchain can simplify these processes through the availability of an immutable ledger of the business transacting. Healthcare providers can minimize fraud and mistakes and minimize costs through the help of blockchain technologies to facilitate the proper processing of claims.
Through the incorporation of transparency and traceability, the process of billing becomes easier and faster, hence payment from providers to insurer’s become efficient and less complicated.
Dubbed as one of the revolutionary technologies, blockchain is today being implemented in healthcare in addressing some of the issues such as data privacy, attestation of medical supplies, clinical trial, and billing among others. As the blockchain development companies improve on such technologies, the future of healthcare appears to be more assured, secure, and efficient. Through smart application of blockchain in healthcare, providers will be used to enhance patient care delivery, cut costs on ineffectiveness, and build enhanced confidence to the healthcare system.
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favouritefab-blog · 7 days
Quality Control & Standards for Sanitary Napkin Raw Materials Supplier
Quality Control & Standards for Sanitary Napkin Raw Materials Suppliers
In the ever-evolving landscape of personal hygiene products, the importance of stringent quality control and adherence to high standards for sanitary napkin raw materials cannot be overstated. For manufacturers, the quality of raw materials directly impacts the efficacy, safety, and comfort of the final product. Here’s a comprehensive look at what suppliers need to consider to ensure their raw materials meet the highest standards.
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1. Understanding the Raw Materials
Sanitary napkins are composed of several key components:
Top Sheet: The layer that comes into direct contact with the skin, usually made from non-woven fabric.
Absorbent Core: Often made from fluff pulp and superabsorbent polymers (SAP) to manage fluid absorption.
Back Sheet: A moisture-proof layer that prevents leaks, commonly made from polyethylene film.
Adhesives and Linings: Various adhesives and additional linings used to keep the napkin in place and prevent discomfort.
Each component must meet specific criteria to ensure the final product’s reliability and user comfort.
2. Quality Control Measures
a. Raw Material Testing:
Top Sheet Materials: Should be tested for softness, breathability, and dermatological safety. High-quality non-woven fabrics are essential to prevent skin irritation.
Absorbent Materials: The absorbent core must be tested for its fluid absorption rate, retention capacity, and overall performance. This involves measuring the rate at which the material absorbs fluids and how well it retains them.
Back Sheet: The moisture-proof layer must be tested for leak-proof capabilities and durability.
b. Purity and Safety:
Chemical Testing: Raw materials should be free from harmful chemicals and toxins. This includes ensuring that they do not contain any allergens or irritants.
Microbial Testing: Ensuring that materials are free from harmful bacteria and fungi is crucial for preventing infections and maintaining hygiene.
c. Consistency and Reliability:
Batch Testing: Regular testing of material batches to ensure consistency in quality across different production runs.
Supplier Audits: Conducting audits of suppliers to ensure they follow best practices and maintain high standards in their production processes.
3. Compliance with Standards and Regulations
a. Industry Standards:
ISO Certification: Suppliers should ideally be ISO-certified, which indicates adherence to international quality management standards.
FSC Certification: For suppliers using pulp, Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) certification ensures that the wood fibers are sourced sustainably.
b. Regulatory Compliance:
Local and International Regulations: Suppliers must comply with local regulations and international standards such as those set by the FDA or European Medicines Agency (EMA) concerning the safety and efficacy of sanitary products.
c. Environmental and Ethical Standards:
Sustainability: The use of eco-friendly materials and sustainable practices is increasingly important. Suppliers should demonstrate a commitment to reducing their environmental footprint.
Ethical Sourcing: Ensuring that materials are sourced ethically and that labor practices are fair and humane.
4. Documentation and Traceability
a. Detailed Documentation:
Suppliers should provide comprehensive documentation including certificates of analysis, safety data sheets, and production logs. This ensures transparency and facilitates easier quality checks.
b. Traceability:
Maintaining a robust traceability system to track the origin of raw materials and their journey through the supply chain is crucial for addressing any potential issues promptly.
5. Continuous Improvement and Innovation
a. Feedback Mechanisms:
Implementing systems to gather feedback from manufacturers and end-users can help in identifying areas for improvement.
b. Research and Development:
Investing in R&D to innovate and improve raw materials can lead to better performance and enhanced user comfort. This might include developing new absorbent materials or more sustainable alternatives.
For suppliers of sanitary napkin raw materials, maintaining rigorous quality control and adhering to high standards is essential for delivering safe, effective, and comfortable products. By focusing on material quality, regulatory compliance, environmental responsibility, and continuous improvement, suppliers can ensure that their products meet the expectations of manufacturers and end-users alike.
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receiptbuilder · 13 days
The Ultimate Guide to Creating Fake Receipts in 2024
Have you just sold something and collected payment, but are unsure how to create a fake online receipt? Here's some help with that process!
No matter the nature or scope of your business, chances are good that at some point or another you have wondered how best to make fake receipt and what information needs to be included within them.
Let us begin with some essentials. Let us look at how they relate.
What is a Receipt? 
When purchasing goods at any store, customers have the right to a receipt as proof of their transaction.
Receipts serve as evidence of purchase. Typically issued by retailers and requested by customers for their records or warranty proof purposes, receipts provide important proof.
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How to Create Receipts
Receipts can be created in various ways. Most often, sellers receive them directly from their point-of-sale system or cash register system; if this option is unavailable to you there may still be alternatives.
Here are the most frequently employed methods of creating receipts:
Create Your Own Template: Many business owners create fake uber receipt templates in Google Docs, Microsoft Excel or Word in order to save on costs while having more control over its design. One downside, however, is setting the unique reference number manually which might lead to human error; also note that such templates may not be legal in all markets.
Purchase a Receipt Book: Receipt books with pre-printed reference numbers are great solutions for businesses that do not have access to POS systems, as they are simple and low cost to use. However, receipt books do come with some drawbacks; issuing receipts manually takes more time, transactions need to be manually entered into accounting systems manually, making this option time consuming overall.
Create Cash Invoices in Seconds: With a billing program, creating cash invoices takes only seconds. A cash invoice serves as evidence that the sale has taken place and that a payment was received in cash. Using invoicing software saves you both time and effort by easily exporting records directly into accounting systems; human error risks are minimised with minimal risks of human error being introduced into records kept manually by hand. Unfortunately, invoicing software often comes at a cost; there may be free alternatives that offer similar functionality.
Does Cash Invoice Equal Sales Invoice?
Although invoice software makes creating both sales invoices and cash invoices possible, it is essential to remember that they do not equate.
Sales invoices are issued to request payment for goods or services rendered. Cash invoices provide proof that a sale was made and that cash payment was received immediately at time of sale, while making a fake receipt maker free and cash invoice can help track both occurrences of sale.
Conta makes creating sales and cash invoices simple with just three blank fields to fill. Sign up now!
3 Elements That Should Be Included in Receipts
Once you have chosen your method of creating receipts, ensure they include everything they should.
Receipts should include: 
Your business name and organisation number; 
What was sold/delivered (location/date); 
Price with VAT included, (if applicable); 
Traceable receipt number
Fake uber receipts may also contain information such as the name, address and organisation number of the buyer for accounting and tax purposes.
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himanshu123 · 21 days
Blockchain Application Development: Revolutionizing the Future of Secure Digital Transactions 
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Blockchain technology has emerged as a game-changer in the world of digital transactions, offering unparalleled security, transparency, and efficiency. Blockchain application development has become a hot topic among businesses and organizations looking to harness the power of this revolutionary technology. By leveraging blockchain, companies can create secure and decentralized applications that transform the way they store, share, and process data. 
At its core, blockchain is a distributed ledger technology that records transactions across many computers in a network. Each block in the chain contains a number of transactions, and every time a new transaction occurs, a record of that transaction is added to every participant's ledger. The decentralized nature of blockchain ensures that data is immutable and tamper-proof, making it an ideal solution for applications that require secure data storage and exchange. 
Benefits of Blockchain Application Development 
Enhanced Security: Blockchain's cryptographic techniques and decentralized structure make it extremely difficult for hackers to tamper with data, ensuring the integrity and security of digital transactions. 
Improved Transparency: The transparent nature of blockchain allows all participants in the network to view and verify transactions, fostering trust and accountability. 
Reduced Costs: By eliminating the need for intermediaries, blockchain can significantly reduce transaction costs and processing times. 
Increased Efficiency: Blockchain automates processes through smart contracts, streamlining workflows and reducing the risk of human error. 
Scalability: Blockchain platforms like Ethereum and Hyperledger offer scalable solutions that can handle high volumes of transactions, making them suitable for enterprise-level applications. 
Key Considerations in Blockchain Application Development 
When developing a blockchain application, it's crucial to consider the following factors: 
Choice of Blockchain Platform: Select a platform that aligns with your specific requirements, such as Ethereum for decentralized applications or Hyperledger for enterprise-level solutions. 
Smart Contract Development: Ensure that your smart contracts are secure, efficient, and compliant with industry standards. 
Scalability and Performance: Address the scalability challenges of blockchain by implementing techniques like sharding or off-chain scaling solutions. 
Regulatory Compliance: Ensure that your blockchain application adheres to relevant laws and regulations, such as data privacy and anti-money laundering (AML) policies. 
User Experience: Design a user-friendly interface that simplifies interaction with blockchain features, focusing on usability and secure user authentication. 
If you're interested in exploring the benefits of iOS mobile app development services for your business, we encourage you to book an appointment with our team of experts. 
Book an Appointment 
Use Cases of Blockchain Application Development 
Blockchain technology has a wide range of applications across various industries, including: 
Financial Services: Blockchain can revolutionize the financial sector by enabling secure and efficient cross-border payments, trade finance, and asset management. 
Supply Chain Management: By providing a transparent and tamper-proof record of transactions, blockchain can enhance supply chain traceability and reduce the risk of fraud. 
Healthcare: Blockchain can help secure and manage patient data, enabling secure sharing of medical records among healthcare providers and patients. 
Real Estate: Blockchain can streamline property transactions, reduce paperwork, and improve transparency in the real estate industry. 
Voting Systems: Blockchain-based voting systems can enhance the integrity and security of elections by providing a tamper-proof record of votes. 
The Future of Blockchain Application Development 
As blockchain technology continues to evolve, we can expect to see more innovative applications and use cases emerge. From decentralized finance (DeFi) to non-fungible tokens (NFTs), the potential of blockchain is vast and exciting.To stay ahead of the curve, businesses and organizations should consider partnering with a reputable blockchain application development company that can help them navigate the complexities of this technology and create tailored solutions that meet their specific needs. 
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tushar38 · 24 days
Zero Waste Packaging: How Companies are Embracing Eco-Friendly Alternatives
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In an era where environmental concerns are at the forefront of global discourse, the concept of Zero Waste Packaging has emerged as a powerful solution to combat the escalating waste crisis. Zero Waste Packaging refers to packaging solutions designed to minimize waste, promote recycling, and ultimately reduce the environmental impact of consumer products. This approach is gaining traction among businesses, governments, and consumers alike as the urgency to address the environmental degradation caused by traditional packaging becomes increasingly apparent.
The essence of Zero Waste Packaging lies in its commitment to a circular economy, where materials are reused, recycled, and kept in circulation for as long as possible. Unlike conventional packaging, which often ends up in landfills or incinerators, Zero Waste Packaging aims to eliminate waste entirely by ensuring that all packaging materials can be either reused, recycled, or composted. This shift in packaging practices is driven by the growing recognition that the linear "take, make, dispose" model is unsustainable and contributes significantly to pollution, resource depletion, and greenhouse gas emissions.
One of the primary strategies employed in Zero Waste Packaging is the use of biodegradable and compostable materials. These materials, such as plant-based plastics, paper, and natural fibers, break down naturally without leaving harmful residues, thereby reducing the burden on landfills and the environment. In addition, the adoption of reusable packaging systems, where containers and materials can be returned and refilled, is becoming more widespread, particularly in industries like food and beverage, cosmetics, and household products.
Another critical aspect of Zero Waste Packaging is the emphasis on design innovation. Companies are increasingly exploring ways to reduce the amount of material used in packaging, opting for lightweight and minimalistic designs that require fewer resources. This not only helps in reducing waste but also lowers transportation costs and carbon emissions associated with the shipping of goods. Additionally, the integration of smart packaging technologies, such as QR codes and RFID tags, is enhancing the traceability and recyclability of packaging materials, further supporting the goal of achieving zero waste.
The success of Zero Waste Packaging, however, depends not only on the efforts of businesses but also on the active participation of consumers. Educating consumers about the importance of sustainable packaging choices and encouraging them to opt for products with zero waste packaging can significantly drive demand and accelerate the transition to more sustainable practices. Governments and regulatory bodies also play a crucial role in promoting Zero Waste Packaging by implementing policies and incentives that encourage businesses to adopt eco-friendly packaging solutions.
In conclusion, Zero Waste Packaging represents a transformative approach to addressing the environmental challenges posed by traditional packaging. By embracing sustainable materials, innovative designs, and consumer education, the shift towards Zero Waste Packaging has the potential to create a more sustainable and waste-free future. As businesses, governments, and consumers continue to collaborate on this journey, the vision of a circular economy where waste is minimized, and resources are conserved becomes increasingly achievable.
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trendychapter · 24 days
Exploring the Boundless Potential of Blockchain Technology: An In-Depth Analysis 
Blockchain technology has emerged as a transformative force, disrupting traditional systems across various industries with its decentralized ledger system. Moreover, this article delves into the intricacies of Distributed ledger technology, exploring its architecture, applications, challenges, and prospects.
Decentralization as the Backbone
At its core, blockchain operates on a decentralized network. In this structure, multiple nodes record transactions. This ensures data transparency, security, and immutability, rather than relying on a centralized authority. Each transaction cryptographically links to the previous one, forming an unalterable chain.
The Architecture of Blockchain
In blockchain, blocks group transactions, each containing a data set and a previous block’s cryptographic hash. This interconnected chain of blocks creates a tamper-resistant record, ensuring the integrity and transparency of transactions. Additionally, consensus mechanisms such as proof of work or proof of stake validate and add new blocks to the chain.
The Role of Cryptography in Blockchain
Cryptography is pivotal in securing blockchain transactions by encrypting data and ensuring confidentiality, integrity, and authenticity. Cryptographic ledgers provide a robust security framework through cryptographic techniques such as hashing and digital signatures. These measures protect against unauthorized access and tampering.
Smart Contracts and Their Impact
Smart contracts, which are self-executing agreements coded on blockchain platforms like Ethereum, enable automation of transactions and processes. Additionally, they eliminate intermediaries, ensuring transparency, accuracy, and efficiency. Consequently, smart contracts find applications in various sectors, including supply chain management, financial services, and decentralized applications (dApps).
Challenges and Opportunities in the Blockchain Landscape
Despite its transformative potential, blockchain faces several challenges, including scalability limitations, interoperability issues, and regulatory uncertainties. Scalability remains a significant concern, as the increasing volume of transactions strains the network’s capacity. Interoperability challenges arise from the proliferation of diverse Digital ledger technology networks, hindering seamless communication and data exchange. Moreover, regulatory frameworks vary widely across jurisdictions, posing compliance challenges for blockchain adoption.
 “However, amidst these challenges, there are numerous opportunities for innovation and growth. Blockchain offers solutions to longstanding issues such as inefficient processes, lack of transparency, and trust deficits in various sectors. By enhancing efficiency, transparency, and security, chain technology has the potential to revolutionize industries. Its transformative impact is evident from finance and healthcare to supply chain management and beyond.”
 Diverse Applications of Blockchain Technology
 Beyond its association with cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, blockchain finds applications in diverse fields. Healthcare secures the storage and sharing of medical records, boosting interoperability. Additionally, it enables transparent drug supply chains, enhancing patient outcomes. In supply chain management, blockchain ensures traceability, tracking products from origin to destination, thus fostering accountability and trust. It also combats counterfeiting and fosters ethical practices.
Furthermore, blockchain extends its impact to areas such as decentralized finance (DeFi). It revolutionizes traditional banking by offering financial services like lending, borrowing, and trading without intermediaries. DeFi platforms leverage blockchain to access underserved populations, enhance financial inclusion, and challenge conventional banking models.
Environmental Considerations and Regulatory Challenges
 Despite its myriad benefits, a Cryptographic ledger is not without drawbacks. Critics raise concerns about its energy consumption, particularly in the case of proof-of-work consensus mechanisms used in cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin. However, the energy-intensive mining process has led to debates about the impact of digital ledger technology on the environment. Consequently, there is a growing call for more sustainable alternatives such as proof of stake.
Furthermore, the regulatory landscape surrounding blockchain remains complex and fragmented. Governments worldwide grapple with regulating chain technology, balancing innovation with consumer protection, privacy, and security concerns. Regulatory clarity is essential to foster Distributed ledger technology adoption and unleash its full potential while safeguarding against potential risks and abuses.
The Future of Blockchain
As we look ahead, blockchain technology stands poised for continued evolution and innovation. Emerging advancements such as sharding, layer 2 scaling solutions, and interoperability protocols aim to address scalability and interoperability challenges. As a result, they enhance the technology’s potential for diverse applications. Consequently, these advancements enable the chain to support a broader range of applications and use cases. Moreover, research into quantum-resistant cryptography seeks to future-proof chain networks against potential threats from quantum computing. “Ultimately, these developments signify a promising future for Distributed ledger technology. They foster its resilience and adaptability in evolving technological landscapes.”
In conclusion, blockchain technology holds immense promise as a transformative force reshaping industries, economies, and societies worldwide. By fostering decentralization, transparency, and trust, a Decentralized ledger system has the potential to democratize access to financial services. Enhance data security, and promote greater efficiency and accountability across various sectors. However, realizing this potential requires collaboration among stakeholders and regulatory clarity. And ongoing innovation to overcome existing challenges and unlock the full benefits of Distributed ledger technology.
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allyorganicme · 1 month
The Benefits of Organic Soybean Oil: A Nutritious Choice for Your Kitchen
In the ever-evolving landscape of culinary oils, organic soybean oil has emerged as a standout choice for health-conscious consumers. This versatile and widely available oil offers a unique blend of nutritional benefits, making it a valuable addition to any kitchen. As the demand for wholesome and sustainable food options continues to grow, understanding the advantages of organic soybean oil is crucial for making informed decisions about your cooking and dietary needs.
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Nutritional Profile of Organic Soybean Oil
Organic soybean oil is renowned for its impressive nutritional composition. It is a rich source of essential fatty acids, particularly polyunsaturated fats, which are essential for maintaining a healthy heart and promoting overall well-being.
High in Unsaturated Fats Organic soybean oil is exceptionally low in saturated fats, with approximately 15% of its total fat content coming from saturated fatty acids. In contrast, it is abundant in both monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, which make up around 23% and 62% of the oil's total fat content, respectively. This favorable fatty acid profile aligns with the recommendations of health organizations, as unsaturated fats are known to have a positive impact on cholesterol levels and cardiovascular health.
Omega-6 and Omega-3 Balance
Organic soybean oil contains a desirable balance of omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids, with a ratio of around 7:1. This ratio is considered optimal for supporting a healthy inflammatory response and promoting overall well-being. Omega-6 fatty acids, such as linoleic acid, are essential for various bodily functions, while omega-3 fatty acids, like alpha-linolenic acid, play a crucial role in brain health and cognitive function.
Vitamin E Content Organic soybean oil is also a good source of vitamin E, a fat-soluble antioxidant that helps protect cells from oxidative stress. Vitamin E is particularly important for maintaining healthy skin, supporting the immune system, and contributing to the overall well-being of the body.
Versatility in the Kitchen One of the primary advantages of organic soybean oil is its exceptional versatility in the kitchen. This oil's neutral flavor and high smoke point make it a popular choice for a wide range of cooking applications.
High Smoke Point Organic soybean oil has a relatively high smoke point, typically ranging from 450°F to 495°F (232°C to 257°C). This property allows the oil to withstand high heat without burning or producing harmful compounds, making it suitable for various cooking methods, including frying, sautéing, and baking.
Neutral Flavor Unlike some other cooking oils that can impart distinct flavors, organic soybean oil has a mild, neutral taste that does not overwhelm the natural flavors of the food. This characteristic makes it an excellent choice for recipes where you want the other ingredients to shine, as it will not compete with or overpower the dish's primary flavors.
Versatile for Cooking and Baking The combination of a high smoke point and neutral flavor allows organic soybean oil to be used in a wide variety of cooking and baking applications. It can be used for searing meats, stir-frying vegetables, baking, and even for making dressings and marinades, providing a reliable and consistent performance.
Sustainability and Environmental Considerations
Beyond its nutritional benefits and culinary versatility, organic soybean oil also offers environmental advantages that are increasingly important to conscious consumers.
Sustainable Farming Practices Organic soybean farming emphasizes sustainable and environmentally-friendly practices, such as the avoidance of synthetic pesticides and fertilizers, crop rotation, and the preservation of soil health. These practices contribute to a more sustainable agricultural system, reducing the overall environmental impact of soybean production.
Non-GMO and Traceability Organic soybean oil is derived from non-genetically modified soybeans, ensuring that the final product is free from genetically engineered components. This traceability and transparency are valued by consumers who prioritize the purity and integrity of their food choices.
Reduced Carbon Footprint The production of organic soybean oil typically has a lower carbon footprint compared to conventional soybean oil, as it avoids the use of synthetic inputs and energy-intensive processes. This aligns with the growing global effort to mitigate the environmental impact of food production and consumption.
Organic soybean oil stands out as a nutritious and versatile choice for health-conscious consumers. Its favorable fatty acid profile, rich vitamin E content, and environmental sustainability make it a valuable addition to any kitchen. By harnessing the benefits of organic soybean oil, individuals can make informed decisions that support their personal well-being and contribute to a more sustainable food system.As the demand for wholesome and eco-friendly food options continues to rise, the popularity of organic soybean oil is expected to grow. By embracing this versatile and nutritious cooking oil, you can enjoy the delicious and healthy benefits it provides while aligning your culinary choices with your values for a more sustainable future.
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