#content writing website
tippenfunkaport · 8 months
That viral post that's going around about how people who write "book quality" mlm fic are too "normal" to publish and have real jobs so only "weird" people publish their "shitty" fanfic is so completely out of touch with reality and I am giving a massive side eye to everyone reblogging it.
Not only is it completely, easily verifiably untrue (you cannot enter any professional writing space without tripping over a dozen grizzled scifi writers who got their start by filing off the serial numbers and publishing their Star Trek fanfic even going back decades ago??? it's a whole thing?? plus how can you look at the mlm category on Amazon right now and say with a straight face that people aren't publishing shitty Spirk and Stucky fanfic??? Oh, honey...) it's also the perfect example of this kind of sneering elitism that true artists would never sully themselves by seeking profit, they do it only for the purity of the thing that always somehow leads back to, "no one should be paid to make art, actually."
The only reason you're seeing more published fanfic right now has nothing to do with the idealistic purity of your hypothetical government employee written smut of the past vs the debased scribbles of those awful straights of today and everything to do with the fact that a) self-publishing has created a voracious readership that wants a ton of content so it's become a viable, flexible income stream for many, especially disabled people b) anyone can publish now with self-publishing tools so there are less gatekeepers and c) lockdown got a lot of people into fandom and therefore writing who never tried it before.
And if you really think there's no "shitty" published mlm and no "book-quality" m/f writing out there that started as fanfic, then you are clearly not a reader so why are you even talking about this?
#love how they manipulated people into spreading that post by making it seem like a cishet vs gay thing#when the real message is OP thinks trying to sell your writing is cringe and 'weird' and 'normal people' with jobs would never#which would of course never have flown on the fandom website#so they played into the queer shipping is purer than cishet shipping puriteen thing#and it worked!#because my god people are gullible#this is the direct pipeline that leads to AI thievery#''normal' people write for the joy of it anyway so why do you need pay? you are just greedy and 'weird'!'#'oh no this isn't about who we get to call cringe and who gets to profit from art it's about um...#(quick what's a hated m/f ship?).. oh uh 'shitty' REYLO#and not our super pure uh... (spirk is still popular right? lets throw in that avengers one too to make it seem timely) stucky!'#I'm sorry if I have no sense of humor about this but the year is 2024 and people are still way too ready to sneer#about writers trying to earn a fucking living in the shittiest timeline#and i need you to look deep into yourself and ask you why it's so important to you to tell yourself that only people writing what you like#are 'normal' with real jobs and to vilify everyone else as 'weird' and 'shitty'#for trying to make an income during a financial fucking crisis#i would say sorry for ranting about this but I'm not sorry because wtf#write whatever you want#publish whatever you want#there is no moral fucking purity in what the content is#and one thing certainly doesn't make you more 'weird' or 'normal' than the other#like there is soooo much shitty mlm that started as fanfic???#that post is 100% OP made up some guys to get mad about and called them relyos for the clicks#writing#publishing#writblr#writeblr#i wasn't going to tag this anything but you know what fuck it I'm mad#i had like 5 more tags but tumblr cut me off which is fair 😅#fan fiction
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sseniita · 11 months
hero; never learned how to drive
“Ever thought about retirement?”
“We don’t get that luxury.”
Hero glanced at the expensive car she was sitting in. Spotless and shiny. She noticed Villain’s silver watch, also seemingly expensive. 
“What luxuries can I have? I’ve never even driven a car.” 
Villain noticed the undertone. 
“I inherited this car from my father. It’s sentimental.”
“You hated your dad.” she sneered. Villain chuckled. 
Hero continued staring out the window. She felt annoyed at the frost growing on the window for a second until she realised she wouldn’t be able to see anything in the pitch black darkness anyway. She imagined the mountains that must’ve been there and flying past them, then she imagined how it must feel to want to fly and not be able to. She smiled. 
“You think…” she hesitated. “if I lost my powers they’d fire me?” 
“Mm. They’d probably keep you. Like a mascot of sorts. Maybe build a statue.” He said, nonchalantly. “Maybe in front of city hall,” he added. Enticingly. 
“I’d like a statue. Maybe in solid gold.” 
“You’d be lucky to get bronze if you lose a leg or something.” 
“What if I died?” 
Villain stood quiet. Hero waited for an answer. The motor was making a funny noise. 
“What do you mean what if?”
“Well. I’d like to retire.” Hero decided. Rather quickly. 
Villain’s mood was something tricky to read. Over the years Hero had become fluent in deciphering it, but she always imagined it wasn’t her becoming fluent- rather it was him speaking her language. Regardless, both options suggested some sort of intimacy Hero and Villain quietly shared and one that Hero held pride in.
Hero decided she was feeling particularly lucky tonight. “Ya! You could come too! I was thinking we could start with a European museum trip for me. Maybe visit Japan for you. We’ll end up on the beach somewhere in Cuba-”
“Cut that out.” he interrupted. Hero noticed the slight stressful swerve of the car, but kept the lightness to her tone.
 “Don’t like my plan?” 
“I don’t like this game.” 
“What game?” 
“This one. You. Playing with the idea that you and I won't forever be what we are.” 
“And what am I?” 
“A hero.” 
“I hope not at 50.”
“You won’t make it to 50. Maybe at around 38 you’ll have a battle and die bravely and honourably in an impressive way as you save the planet-” 
“-then will I get my statue?” 
They continued quietly down the road. The sound of the car getting increasingly more present, Villain’ knuckles, getting progressively more white on the steering wheel. Finally, once they turned on the main road and the streetlights reappeared, they stopped. Villain got out of the car. He opened the passenger seat and signalled Hero to get out. She did. 
“You know I can fly, right? Deserting me here won’t do any-” Villain offered her the car keys. 
“You drive.” 
Before Hero could argue her body betrayed her and she already had a huge smile plastered on her face and the car keys in her hand. She should have caught onto the driving manual really quick, she was always a quick learner. But she couldn’t help but love the feeling of Villain’s hand on hers as he guided her through the gears five times over. Villain was uncharacteristically patient tonight.  
These were the pair’s favourite type of night. Of course, they’d both enjoyed drunken escapades, scheming all-nighters, and undercover missions, but rare occasions of dreadfully boring mundane activities were the best. It gave Hero a chance to play a normal woman- in this case: a normal woman learning to drive. And it gave the Villain a chance to catch a glimpse of how it could have been if they had met under different circumstances. 
The night ended, as per instructions of the Villain, by crashing the car into a ditch and the long walk back to town, side by side.
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griffincastle · 7 months
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idliketobeatree · 6 months
a gentle reminder to myself: slow down when you're met with someone else's creation. just because it's not in a museum, doesn't mean it's not worth your time. you can skim through your life all you want, you can jump over the annoying cracks and never look back, but when someone presents you (in the most literal meaning of this word – as a gift) with their art you should sit down and pay back with attention. people need creativity that is shared and appreciated, and it needs your focus and care to bloom properly. briefness kills both the idea and the community around it. so, slow down.
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sleepy-stitches · 5 months
my brain is so evil. why do i have no energy to clean my room. why does it all go to writing weird fucked up yuri. like why am i sitting here enraptured heart and soul by a piece of writing that was meant to be a fragment at best but i am discovering has three entire parts to it. why is that where we are at. i need to clean my fucking room
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eternal-reverie · 5 months
got the posting anxiety bad tonight
#click clack#ok a peak into my thought process and anxiety here we go#ok so the art is almost done and up to standard I would post onto my art blog#BUT for some reason the thought of posting art of my ocs there scares me#because even tho it’s my art blog in my mind it’s the equivalent to a art gallery that demands being detached????? from the art#like once I share it there it’s no longer ‘mine’ but to the public#and my ocs (plus the stories that go with them) are like the closest to my heart and relinquishing them feels like a lot#a part of my imagination that I spent so much time with developing over the years to be placed up for judgement…#so then the solution could be to put it here on my personal! the online space cozy enough and filled with other posts that could easily bury#the original posts I put here#but there goes my other dilemma. i don’t want them too associated with my personal for if one day i do muster up something for publication#my big fear is that ppl will find this space and go thru everything. the fear of being perceived and judged 😵‍💫#all the hypotheticals and anxiety for something that may not even happen#dumb mind problems my head made up 🙄#anyway writing it out helped lol I’m posting it to my art blog I decided 👍#I have to work on getting that blog to be comfortable space to post… i should lower that silly self imposed standard I set for myself#and be whatever about ppl being aware of my online presences#maybe… [grinding my teeth] I should post my messy sketches onto my art blog…#I should take my friends suggestion and make a website to feature my ocs…🤔#idk my only other solution that doesn’t feel viable to mitigate the anxiety is to slowly introduce my ocs in the background of setting art#just a slow drip until they are in the forefront#bleghhh whatever much ado about nothing it’s like I never posted my ocs ever when I have indeed posted them before on both places ( º_º )#I’m realizing it happens too when I post too much fanart in a row… I have curator disease??? 🫨#or something I used to be very particular about what order I reblog stuff like it used to be by color and content balanced out#I still do to a lesser degree… but it used to be pretty bad#post order compulsion????#the fear of being abrupt and incohesive in between posts…#if you read this far thanks you can now see how much this consumes me 🙃
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cactuslester · 6 months
Do you think dnp expected us to trend for an entire day and write 10 page essays about dnpc or do you think they were expecting us to go "hahaha demon goes brrr"
trend for an entire day yes i think even if they didn't expect it per se, it totally isn't surprising
as one of us (idr who sorry) said earlier today, this used to be the dan and phil site, so i think they're really used to trending here, and i think they knew how many of us wanted a dnpcrafts comeback, otherwise they wouldn't have put much so much into the (presumed) finale
as for essays, i'm not sure! i'm sure they knew we'd love it, but this is the first time in a long time they made something that was so so tumblr-targeted, so i'm not sure if they were expecting this level of analysis and excitement. like regardless of if it was intentional or not, this niche of weird horror is just exactly what us freaks on tumblr love, and now that we're all old and pretentious, we love yapping about weird niche horror <3
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his-writing-blog · 8 months
I wanna write a narumitsu fic but I have no real knowledge of ace attorney
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charcubed · 2 years
Okay... committing the extreme sin of actually acknowledging discourse and salt, but fuck it, I would like to say this.
Bitching about how Dean and Cas didn’t get to kiss, especially in an industry where m/f couples are able to kiss after only 7 episodes: valid and understandable and correct, we live in a heteronormative society of double standards for media
Bitching that John and Mary “get to kiss already” when Dean and Cas didn’t: you are not seeing the forest because of the trees
The former point is part of what this show is fucking saying, precisely through the very effective, unsubtle, and repeated Destiel parallels. Part of the reason the show exists AT ALL is to convey that very concept.
Like... if you don’t get this show is deliberately commentating on and critiquing the ending of SPN, then you’re not understanding it!!! Or perhaps–whether or not you're watching it (🙄)–you're doggedly approaching the existence of this show with unfounded wariness in bad faith!!!
I get that people were wary when the show was announced, because I too was not immune to being concerned. I shitposted with the best of them. But now? We're seven episodes in. We've seen that this show is very loud and consistent with its themes, motifs, and veritable verbal bricks that Dean Winchester himself beautifully lobs at our heads to make sure there can be no confusion about some of the key takeaways and lessons. He's leading all of us to water and some of you are actively refusing to drink it.
This show isn't being shy about what it is. It takes a special kind of jaded to look at such content that’s speaking to you, vindicating you, and essentially say “this is probably mean and designed to hurt me for reasons I don’t know yet.” It's very evident to me that being angry at the Supernatural franchise is now a sport, and some people are trying to win it, when in reality that is simply loser behavior.
And my thing is that people will lob around words like bait or clowning or being wary, or whatever the fuck, and I'm like... what are people wary OF? Literally what! WHAT is the expectation here, whether good or bad? Some people are bitching as if they're afraid of getting burnt but like ??? how? What is the fear here!! There is none!!!
Are we afraid that John and Mary, as Dean and Cas parallels, are gonna die? Sorry, we know how that goes! Are we taking this as promise Dean and Cas will show up on screen together in episode 13? Well, whoever is implying that or believing that with sincerity is playing themselves because there is no earthly logical reason to expect that at this juncture.
If everyone could just pay attention to the text of a show on its own merit then maybe we’d have world peace. This show is promising nothing specific in any sense–other than surprises and music and Carlos being fabulously reliably bi–and therefore there is no "bait" (for the love of God) and there are no "hopes" to have that could then be dashed. It’s the most low stakes watch ever. Either we get pleasantly surprised by various things or WE KNOW THE TRAGIC END. Every week is just a fun little gift, to be taken on an episode-by-episode basis!
So it's the journey that matters, not the destination, and it also turns out that that journey has been designed to be filled with unexpected depths. They did NOT have to make this the ever-spinning wheel of Dean mirrors show with new reflections every episode! They did NOT have to provide gleeful parallels to Destiel to repeatedly emphasize how romantic Destiel was from start to finish throughout their story! THEY CHOSE TO DO THAT. And it’s like some people can't conceptualize all of these parallels and all of the mirroring can be on purpose, and to a purpose, while also... [checks notes] not promising explicit Destiel content. (Because why would you think that it is?)
It’s almost like the team involved with this especially Robbie Thompson have something to say, like Dean, and are saying it via the avenue available to them. This show is validating us around constraints and having fun along the way. But perhaps the prerequisite to understanding that–and not approaching any of this in bad faith–is knowing and acknowledging the fact that those constraints exist at all. In other words: if you're a person who still blames "the writers" for the fact that Dean and Cas did not kiss, for example, then the forest you are missing is the heteronormative society that media exists in and the censorship that limits it.
The m/f couples get to kiss when sometimes the m/m couples don't get to not because the writers are mean but often because the people who limit the writers are. This show is playing into that, taking John and Mary through some of Dean and Cas' greatest hits–and I suspect it will continue to do so after the kiss, obviously–in order to say If this is romance, then so is Destiel, in case you somehow missed Cas' confession or doubt the love is reciprocal. If John and Mary get to kiss, so should Dean and Cas. And that, amongst other reasons, is why it's so much fun.
You're not pointing out a fault in the show by clocking that. Dare I say you're fucking using the show the way it's meant to be used, and calling bullshit on SPN's ending the way it wants you–in every capacity–to call bullshit on it. Which is why Dean is narrating at all.
Plus, as Robbie Thompson helpfully says in this interview:
When we first got together in the writers room, it was obviously top of mind when you’re dealing with a show that’s a love story. At what point do you want to really show them take that leap? We always knew we were going to have a winter break or midseason finale of some kind, and it felt like from a dramatic standpoint, that was very quickly on the board as it felt like the right place to put it.
And then it was a question of, “Why this moment?” To your point, obviously, life-or-death moments have a tendency to exacerbate things… The fallout of that kiss is something that we’re going to play for the rest of this first season. You have those moments where you’re swept up in the moment, and it’s like, “OK, here we go.” And then it’s like, “Oh, wait, the world didn’t end. OK. Now what do we do?”
Or, to put it simply:
The romantic moment that happens while the characters are trapped in a room while a threat bangs against the door should not be positioned as the end of a love story. Because there's more story to tell.
Anyone who’s actively repeatedly bitter about this show's existence (whether they’re watching it or not) is choosing to give themselves a bad time at this point. There’s no legitimate reason at this stage to be bitter about what this show is doing. If you wanted the show to suck, then I regret to inform you that ship has sailed because it is indeed quite good. And perhaps... if you are determined to be cynical or bitter about it in the corners of the internet or on the posts where people are enjoying it... you could consider Not Doing That.
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musical-chick-13 · 1 year
Okay, no, sorry, I’m still mad about this. “Be critical of the media you consume and examine why you react to it in the way that you do, support marginalized and stigmatized identities.” Yeah, until it’s about mental illness.
A woman (or even man, if he’s deemed over-emotional) makes music about suffering from mental illness and people just go, “What are they complaining about, that’s so immature, hashtag wangst.” (And then, sometimes, inexplicably, if the mentally ill woman gets better and writes happier music, they then talk about how artistically bankrupt she is now and that she should go back to hating herself.) People LOVE cis white pRoBLeMaTiC (straight) fictional men until they are realistically mentally ill, in which case they’re “whiny” and “insufferable” and deserve to die violently, apparently (or, if fandom is merciful, they’re ignored). (And then they celebrate when they DO inevitably get killed off.) “Do your duty and watch [thing I, mc13, personally find insufferable] For The (white) Gays because it has Gays.” Sure, will you watch c4 Pure, the ONLY show specifically about OCD, then? (No, the answer is no, it’s always no.)
I can’t get anyone to watch Doom Patrol. I couldn’t get people (in general-I did convince a few irl friends thank GOD) to watch Crazy Ex-Girlfriend. One of the most popular and acclaimed shows right now has a character with schizophrenia who was turned into the Big Bad Villain for no fucking reason. One of the most commonly-cited examples of Iconic™ queer media involves a mentally ill man being broken over and over and over again before The Ship™ can reasonably happen. DW introduced a major character who was at one point suffering from mental illness in her past, AND THEN ALL MENTION OF THIS WAS COMPLETELY DROPPED IN THE FUTURE, WITH NO BEARING ON ANYTHING TO THE POINT WHERE I FORGOT IT EVEN EXISTED??!?!? R*tched was a thing that existed despite the Sad Sympathetic Backstory treatment being IN DIRECT CONTRADICTION OF WHAT PURPOSE THIS CHARACTER SERVED IN One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest. THEY GAVE. A SAD WOOBIE VILLAIN TREATMENT. TO THE /LITERAL PERSONIFICATION/ OF ABLEISM. THAT IS HER FUNCTION. TO EXIST AS A SYMBOL OF ALL THE WAYS SOCIETY OPPRESSES THE DISABLED AND MENTALLY ILL.
I am!!! Literally!!!!! The only one!!!!!!!!! Complaining about these things!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THE ONLY ONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! No one else has said ANYTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! No one is talking about it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I’m so tired!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
#*OBLIGATORY COMMENT ABOUT HOW REPRESENTATION/FICTIONAL DISABILITY IS NOT THE END ALL BE ALL OF ACTIVISM*#*OTHER OBLIGATORY COMMENT ABOUT HOW LIKING '''pRoBLeMaTiC''' CONTENT DOES NOT MAKE YOU A BAD PERSON OR A HORRIFYING ABLEIST*#THIS WAS JUST ME GETTING MAD IT'S NOT THAT DEEP#In the Vents#the real horror was the ableism we found along the way#like. in some of these cases yes I /KNOW/ it was not meant to come across like that!!! but y'all accept that as a valid type of media#criticism when it's about anything else!!!!!!!! just not this apparently????!?!!!!#I do not understand how there is such an ABYSMAL treatment of the subject of mental illness in fiction when this is the#memetic Mental Illness Website like genuinely I do not get it I am scaling my walls and banging pots and pans and growling like a rabid dog#IF YOU WANNA TALK ABOUT THE MESSAGE A STORY IS TELLING YOU GOTTA APPLY IT HERE TOO#I AM ALSO THE LAST PERSON TO SAY THAT YOU'VE GOTTA ADD A DISCLAIMER OF SOMETHING'S LAUNDRY LIST OF FLAWS BEFORE YOU TALK ABOUT IT#BUT JESUS FUCKING CHRIST YOU HAVE TO ACKNOWLEDGE ON SOME LEVEL EVEN IF IT'S JUST TO YOURSELF THAT THINGS HAVE FLAWS#YOU'VE GOTTA BE AWARE OF SHIT#WHEN WILL WE HAVE THE OUTCRY OVER BURY YOUR DISABLED THAT WE DO OVER BYG (WHICH IS ALSO BAD BTW)#I GUARANTEE YOU WE WON'T BE GETTING A SEPARATE FUCKING CON OVER FANDOM OUTCRY THAT'S FOR SURE#I'm making a rule: if you can prove to me that you've started cxgf after reading this and/or if you can prove to me#that you've watched pure (channel 4/hbo max-the one with charly clive) I'll write a fic for you#let's see if I get sniped for criticizing both the beloved sacred mads show AND the plane crash girls show#if I see ONE more comment about how either of those is a perfect show that Gets What All The People Want I will in fact spontaneously#combust.#(and before you @ me yes I have any and all permutations of show tags blocked I'm not just being mean to be mean)#my god remember what happened the last time I tried to talk about this a;lsdfkajs;ldfkj#good thing I turned off anonymous asks!!#this is not even getting into some of the SMALLER fandoms#like I do not ever want to think about the takes I saw for ctrlz EVER again
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honeynclove · 9 months
sometimes I block ppl and for literally no reason????
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ananke-xiii · 15 days
Form and Void... and Hands and Hearts.
I really like "Form od Void" from S11. It's one of my favorite episodes and it enrages me to no end that it was Andrew Dabb who wrote it. Sometimes a girl just wants to be a hater. But I don't have it in me :(.
Talking about H-A-T-E...
The episodes starts with this word:
H-a-t-e. It was with this left hand that old brother Cain struck the blow that laid his brother low. L-o-v-e. You see these fingers? They're arched. These fingers has veins that run straight to the soul of man. The right hand, friends -- the hand of love. Now watch, and I'll show you the story of life. These fingers, dear hearts, is always a-warrin' and a-tuggin', one against the other. Now watch 'em. Old brother left hand -- left hand hates a-fightin'. And it looks like love's a goner. But wait a minute. Wait a minute. Hot dog! Love's a-winnin'. Yes, siree. It's love that won. And old left-hand hate is down for the count.
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This little monologue here is taken from "The Night of the Hunter" by Charles Laughton, his first and only movie. Laughton was bisexual and I'm telling you this because it's relevant to the usual queer stuff happening in SPN and to the point I want to make in this post.
The title of the episode, "Form and Void" , refers to the Genesis but it contains a meaningful omission. The King James version reads:
In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.
Earth is without form, and void. This changes everything because the subject of the sentence is the earth but here we're talking about "form and void" as nouns, not attributes. It's a brilliant call-back to the Genesis (therefore to the beginning of time and the beginning of SPN) and to the dichotomy of God and Amara but it's a smokescreen. The episode abounds with biblical references but there's more, at least to me. There is a secret.
If we look a little beyond Christianity the terms "form and void" are used in one of the most important sutras from Mahayana Buddhism. The Prajñāpāramitāhṛdaya, "The Heart of the Perfection of Wisdom", or simply called "The Heart Sutra".
I think you know where I'm going with this. The heart of the Heart Sutra is the following: "Form is emptiness (śūnyatā), emptiness is form". Sūnyatā is such a vast concept that I cannot possibly even IMAGINE of summarizing it here. Just for the sake of my argument I'll say that it's often translated as emptiness, vacuity, void... without form. Very broadly (and I'll go to different kinds of Hell in different religions just talking about this stuff in relation to fucking CW Supernatural LOL) it means that ultimate reality is EMPTINESS because there is no FIXED reality, no STABLE self and EVERYTHING is connected and dependent on something else. Therefore form is emptiness and emptiness is form.
You undestand that in this light "Form and Void" is no dichotomy, thefore the episode is telling us to subvert how we view things. And it starts with that quote from "The Night of the Hunter".
Little useful background: the movie is about a fake preacher who preys on two children to get to their father's hidden treasure. He's the big wolf in disguise, a hunter wearing a preacher persona. So we need to take what he says with a grain of salt and he says a lot.
Right hand vs left hand: the preacher/hunter says that the right hand is the hand of love and the left hand is the hand of hate. This follow a well-know misconception regarding everything associated with the left as "sinister" and satanic. It's a Christian view of the world. He also says that Cain killed his brother using his left hand while the right hand has "veins that run straight to the soul of man". This man is conning people.
Notoriously, the hand that has veins that run to the heart is the left hand. This is the reason why people put their wedding rings on their left hand's...ring finger. It's an incredible old assumption that has been debunked by science but we don't care about science here. We care about symbols. And symbolically-speaking the left hand is the hand of the heart and love, not the right hand.
Now where in the hell does this idea of right and left hand? And am I crazy for seeing hints of Buddhism in a story about the Christian God? No.
The left-hand and right-hand paths are two approaches to magic and Western esotericism in general. They're called this way because people in the '800 got interested in Tantrism and translated the sanskrit terms "vāmācāra" and "dakṣiṇācāra" respectively "left-hand path" and "right-hand path". I'm not gonna go into details but I think you understood by now that the "left-hand path" was the "evil" one, the one with sex and other Very Bad Things, while the "right-hand path" was Good and Sexless and Serious and Real. In other words, the right hand represents White Magic and Controlled Sexuality while the left hand represents Black magic and Uncontrolled Sexuality. Practitioners of black magic were evil AND gay.
Let's go back to the serial killer preacher: he says that Love wins and that it's the right hand that triumphs over the left hand. All these fingers connected to the soul that are always tugging and warring and getting entwined and hot dog! it's hot in here! But, remember folks, he's conning people. So what he says it's the opposite of what we should understand.
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the preacher shouldn't be talking about this stuff in front of children. but then again, he's a predator.
Wait there's more: do you want to know if you're left-hemisphere dominant or right-hemishpere dominant? All you gotta do is to weave your fingers. If your right thumb goes over your left one then you're LEFT-dominant. If your left thumb goes over your right one you're RIGHT-dominant.
Confused much? As you know left emisphere controls controls speech, comprehension, arithmetic, and writing while right hemisphere controls creativity, spatial ability, artistic, and musical skills. It's the opposite of what we might think (because of the stupid assumption according to which left is Bad and Evil. Well, ACTUALLY left is rationality and control so the joke's on you, stupid assumption).
The dear preacher over here is right-hemisphere dominant. It may possibly mean that he's LEFT-handed and thus this image is a huge foreshadow of his "evilness" and his eventual demise. It also means that what he's saying is bullshit.
So to sum it up: in this episodes there are hunters and preachers that aren't really hunters and preachers, there are innocent children who might be seen not as innocent, left hand and right hand are subverted and they mean the opposite of what they should mean thus actually meaning what they mean, the title refers to something AND to something else and this something is very much related to hands and love and hearts...
In just one fucking scene we are told the whole episode and I H-A-T-E-that Dabb wrote it, have I mentioned it?
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writerzden · 2 months
What is Content Marketing? Why is it Important in Digital Marketing?
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Table of Contents
Understanding Content Marketing |Content Marketing Explained. 1
Importance of Content Marketing in Digital Marketing. 2
Enhances Brand Visibility and Authority. 2
Boosts SEO and Organic Traffic. 2
Builds Trust and Loyalty. 2
Supports Other Digital Marketing Strategies. 3
Drives Conversions and Sales. 3
Cost-Effective Marketing Strategy. 3
In the ever-evolving digital landscape, content marketing has emerged as a pivotal strategy for businesses aiming to connect with their audience effectively. The best digital marketing agency in Ahmedabad recognizes the power of content marketing in driving engagement and fostering customer loyalty. But what exactly is content marketing, and why is it so crucial in the realm of digital marketing? Let’s delve into these questions and explore the significance of content marketing in today's competitive market.
Understanding Content Marketing | Content Marketing Explained
Content marketing is a strategic approach focused on creating, publishing, and distributing valuable, relevant, and consistent content to attract and engage a clearly defined audience. The ultimate goal is to drive profitable customer action. Unlike traditional marketing, which often interrupts a customer's experience with promotional messages, content marketing provides valuable information that educates and informs potential customers, fostering trust and loyalty.
Importance of Content Marketing in Digital Marketing
How important is content marketing in online marketing? Let’s take a look at a few important reasons why content is indispensable to your digital marketing strategy.
Enhances Brand Visibility and Authority
Content marketing is a powerful tool for enhancing brand visibility and establishing authority in your industry. By consistently producing high-quality content, businesses can position themselves as thought leaders and experts. This is particularly true for companies offering the best content writing services in Ahmedabad, where competition is fierce. High-quality content helps businesses stand out and be recognized as reliable sources of information and enhances the benefits of digital marketing.
Boosts SEO and Organic Traffic
Search engines love fresh, relevant, and valuable content. Regularly updating your website with new content can significantly improve your search engine rankings. Keywords such as "best content writing services Ahmedabad" and "content writing services in Ahmedabad" should be naturally integrated into your content to improve visibility. High-ranking content attracts organic traffic, leading to more potential customers discovering your business without the need for paid advertising.
Builds Trust and Loyalty
Consistent and valuable content helps build trust with your audience. When potential customers find helpful information on your website, they are more likely to return and eventually convert into loyal customers. Trust is a cornerstone of successful marketing companies in Ahmedabad and beyond. Businesses that prioritize content marketing can foster stronger relationships with their audience, leading to increased customer retention.
Supports Other Digital Marketing Strategies
Content marketing doesn't work in isolation; it complements and enhances other digital marketing strategies. For instance, high-quality content is essential for effective social media marketing, email marketing, and even pay-per-click (PPC) campaigns. The best digital marketing agency in Ahmedabad understands the interconnected nature of digital strategies and leverages content marketing to amplify their overall marketing efforts.
Drives Conversions and Sales
Informative and engaging content guides potential customers through the buying journey. From awareness to consideration and finally to decision-making, content marketing plays a crucial role in nurturing leads. Content such as blog posts, case studies, and whitepapers can address pain points and answer questions, helping potential customers make informed purchasing decisions. This approach is vital for content marketing companies in Ahmedabad aiming to convert visitors into paying customers.
Cost-Effective Marketing Strategy
Compared to traditional advertising methods, content marketing is a cost-effective strategy with long-term benefits. While it requires time and effort to create quality content, the results are sustainable and continue to generate traffic and leads over time. For businesses looking for the best content marketing services in Ahmedabad, investing in content marketing offers a high return on investment (ROI).
Content marketing is a cornerstone of successful digital marketing strategies. It enhances brand visibility, boosts SEO, builds trust, supports other marketing efforts, drives conversions, and is cost-effective. Companies, especially in competitive markets like Ahmedabad, must prioritize content marketing to stay ahead. Whether you are seeking content writing services in Ahmedabad or aiming to partner with the best content marketing companies in Ahmedabad, understanding the importance of content marketing is essential for your digital success.
By leveraging the expertise of content marketing professionals, businesses can create compelling content that resonates with their audience, ultimately driving growth and achieving long-term success.
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gaunt-and-hungry · 11 months
OC Introduction: Heinrich (Nemesis) Cornelius Reiss
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Nemesis -- Ancient Greek: Νέμεσις, The name is often connected with the Greek verb νέμειν némein which means "distribute, attribute". The name is also related to the Greek word némein, which means "to give what is due". Heinrich -- Name of Birth -- "Heinrich" Ruler of the Home. Home Ruler - composed of the Germanic elements "heim" and "ric". "Heim" means "home" and "ric" means "power, ruler."
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Born in Salem, Massachusetts. Upper Class. Murdered his parents at thirteen. Has healthy sleeping habits. Possesses the largest occult library in England.
Occultist looking to study the unusual reaches of the world. Knows everything there is to know about the obscure and anomalytic.
Forty Years Old (Or so he says) -- He/Him -- Gay Might not even be human anymore...
A terrifyingly intelligent man with a charming demeanor. Polite, well spoken and well dressed if he does not charm his way through life then he is leaving behind a trail of blood. His aim is to document occult and ritual manners across the globe from very obscure places for his own personal record keeping. Archives forbidden and dark magics and myths. Best friend of Wilbur whom he gifted the name of "Erebus" to. The one person he could never bring himself to eliminate and is strangely fond of the younger man. The Price of Knowledge is invaluable. Knowledge must be sought no matter what the cost... No matter the blood shed.
People of Interest: Leftenant John Irving ~ Dr. Harry Goodsir ~ Thomas Blanky ~ Wilbur Flamel (OC is a character of dubious moral standing. Interactions accepted but engage at your own risk)
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Atrocious. Abhorrent. Salacious. Felonious. Curious. Charming. "It would be crazy if I died! That would be a capital riot!"
Weakness: Ego. Thirst for knowledge. "Obviously it's a tragedy but boy oh boy is that a laugh riot!" Strengths: Knowledge. Incredibly patient. Nothing seems to phase him. Indominable in ways that are borderline horrific. Cold blooded in the face of any conflict. Unshakable and unfettered no matter the eldritch horror unfurling before him. Impassive to all danger. "You all will, in very likely chance, all perish. I do love that for you all. You deserve to die tragically and remind others why you should not have come."
"Friends murder each other all the time!" - "It doesn't take a killer to murder It only takes a reason to kill We've all got evidence of innocence, it's "everything's coincidence" The difference twixt fate and free will is whether you're singing" "You, could you take a look at me? (Man no more than animal is made of moral chemicals) Am I bad, am I bad, am I bad, am I really that bad? (Any form mechanical, thank you, God) We're singing, ooh (from the hordes of cannibals) Whatever you think of me (to psych wards of hospitals) If you were in my shoes (it's a small world, after all) You'd see I wear the same size as you Oh, oh, right!" - (Laplace's Angel - Will Wood)
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"Yes I may be evil and yes I may be deranged and yes I may be abhorrent and beyond all rational comprehension. And yes I might practise dark magic and yes I may be guilty of atrocities and yes there might be no turning back from the horrors I have unleashed on the world. What of it?" - "I drank the blood of angels from a bottle Just to see if I could call the lightning down It hasn't struck me yet, and I would wage my soul to bet That there ain't no one throwing lightning anyhow" - (Blood of Angels - Brown Bird)
"Oh, don't get your filthy blood all over my coat now. We can't have that." - "Such a pure devotion to your skin Who'll absolve you from your sin You flee communion paranoid Now your cup is the void" - (It Tore Your Heart Out - Dirt Poor Robins) "Do not acknowledge me as a human being. It disgusts me."
"I do not like how he makes me feel. He makes me... He makes me feel, Wilbur. He makes me feel; and I do. Not. Like. It." - " "Angel" he calls me Does he know that I'm falling From the precipice that I tripped off long ago "You're so pure," he says Does he knows I'm forsaken The original sinner But soon he'll know For if I'm going down I guess I'll take you with me." - (the fruits - Paris Paloma)
"Names are power, love. Why do you think they call me Nemesis?" - "Kiss me you animal I need to take you in real slow Cause dying on your lips is how I wanna go Connect with the sound you're making Connect with my body whoa Kiss me you animal and don't ever let me go Kiss me animal" - (Kiss me you Animal - Burn the Ballroom)
"Brought to my knees. Oh how the mighty falls. Ironic, isn't it? A mortal man and I have crumbled like Babel." - "Let my hands be your chapel Treat my screams like your Bible I'll deny you of salvation I'll be the reason you repent Kiss me like I'm a conviction Beg for divinity in my breath Regret my touch So much that you Curse your baptism" - (salvation - Christabelle Marbun)
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If there was such a thing as “evil” in the universe, Heinrich Cornelius Reiss would be the flesh and blood of it. If there was such a thing as “evil” in the world of man, Heinrich Cornelius Reiss would be its judge, jury and executioner. If there were such things, of course. To Heinrich, no such thing exists. No such fallacy and fantasy such as “Evil” were anything more than the pitiful cries of those fallen prey to the turbulent cruelty of the universe. If there was a God, then either he hides in fear of Heinrich Cornelius Reiss or he would have tried to cut this man down before he was born. If there was a God, Heinrich would have killed him long, long ago. Not, of course, out of malice or any particular reason thrust upon him. He simply, as he would put it, would like to see what would happen.
Heinrich Cornelius Reiss, above anything else, is a man of hard work, education, and cruelty. One would think he released moral compasses long ago in his life. This is simply not true at all, and instead he navigates with a device within his body and mind that simply cannot be read in any rational human language. It is simply put, not convenient to allow such paltry things to obscure his efforts of achieving a great collection of obscure and rare knowledge as well as accompanying artefacts. It pays to own land. It also pays to own an impressive private library in Central London where he may secure such knowledge.
The man with the power is the man with the knowledge, after all. Sometimes that knowledge must come with a smattering of blood and matted hair clenched in a tight fist with screams that cannot be heard this far underground. Thankfully, his hard work often paid off and yielded handsome results. If only such results could be acquired in the frozen arctic North. Perhaps, yet, he may walk away with something of value, even if it is the first and only thing in the universe to cripple his resolve. Now, to what lengths he will go to swallow his pride and keep these frozen men alive alongside Wilbur... That remains to be seen.
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OC Introduction of Nemesis - AKA Heinrich Cornelius Reiss
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hostiae · 1 year
this isn't about anyone or anything on my dash/said by mutuals/it's just thoughts bc of some trends i've seen recently that i'm just like ???.
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