#Most if not all proshippers too I’m sorry
honeynclove · 6 months
sometimes I block ppl and for literally no reason????
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denspollen · 2 months
some sneezy cold-ridden g/ob b/luth under the cut ft. reluctant caretaker m/ichael :) 1.4k words, cw for minor non-graphic mess
written as a little motivator for @snzfanatic to start this show haha <3
shouldn’t need to be said but proshippers do not fucking interact!! they are brothers!!
It’s not often that Michael truly gets a moment to himself. Between work, his sister and her husband’s constant bickering over the most trivial of matters, keeping an eye on his own kid as well as theirs (because God knows they’re not paying her any attention), unwelcome visits from his mother and the sporadic nights over his older brother spends on the couch, he’s almost always too preoccupied with something or other to give himself a second to relax.
Naturally, on the rare occasion that he’s sat comfortably in the kitchen of the model home, humming quietly to himself with a mug of coffee and a plate of toast, it’s not long until the moment’s interrupted by his aforementioned older brother trudging into the room, snuffling miserably against the sleeve of his robe.
“Morning,” Michael murmurs, turning around to face him. His eyebrows raise incredulously upon one glance at him. “Jeez, Gob. You look… not great.”
“Not feeling well,” Gob mutters stuffily, stalking past him and over to the fridge.
Michael eyes him with half disdain, half pity, gaze subsequently flitting around the room in search of an escape route from his evidently indisposed brother. “Yeah, I can see that, bud. What happened? You seemed fine yesterday.”
“Mmh… I was a little… hh-!”
“Elbow,” Michael reminds him almost automatically — he’s all too aware of Gob’s tendency to forget to cover.
The harsh expulsion is, upon Michael’s aide-mémoire, just barely caught into the crook of his elbow, followed by a thick, drawn-out sniffle. Gob whines softly and rubs at his eyes. “Sorry… I-I was a little stuffy yesterday. Think it just… hh-hih’TSCHHhoo!… hit me all at once.”
“Elbow,” Michael sighs exasperatedly, dragging a hand over his face. “I don’t need you infecting the whole family.”
“Sorry, Mikey,” Gob murmurs, looking to the floor in embarrassment as he presses a knuckle underneath his streaming nostrils, hoping to stem the flow for at least a little while. “They just… sneak up on me.”
He withdraws a bottle of chilled water from the fridge and slams it shut as another tickle strikes in his nose, the condiments rattling inside as he hitches desperately.
“H-huh… mmh… hihhh…” A whimper looses from his sore throat, nose twitching furiously. “Mm… ‘m gonna s-sneeze…”
“I can see that.” Michael hurriedly tears a piece of kitchen towel off the roll on the counter, praying to a god he doesn’t believe in that Gob will see it through his watery eyes before he unleashes another volley of contagion upon the model home. Thankfully, there’s a split second before the release that he manages to snatch it from his brother’s grasp, bringing it up to his flaring nostrils and letting out another heavy, itchy sneeze, this one productive.
“ghh’TXCHheuh!… ugh…” He keeps the sheet held to his nose for a moment, eyes streaming with the force of it. “Oh, that felt good…”
Michael grimaces. “Bless you. Would you go rest in the living room? I’ve got a meeting later; I can’t have you getting germs all—”
He’s abruptly cut off, voice drowned out by the sound of Gob blowing his nose, messily, into the same paper towel, now decidedly saturated and rendered entirely useless. When he eventually withdraws it, his nostrils are red-rimmed and sore, appendage glistening under the light.
“Mikey,” he begins, voice now so hoarse and congested it’s borderline unintelligible. His words are punctuated with thick, stuffy sniffles, nose wiggling irritably all the while. “I’m not gonna get my germs everywhere, guy. I don’t— hehh’GSCHhhuh!… don’t hhave… hh’RSHHhhoo!”
At least he makes an effort to cover that second time. Unfortunately, the sodden tissue in his hand isn’t exactly effective, and both sneezes leave him doubled over, nose streaming freely. An exhausted groan is all he can muster as he drags the silken sleeve of his bathrobe along his face, the material much more forgiving on his raw nose than the rough paper towels.
“Jesus fucking Christ,” Michael grumbles, backing up a little. “Would you please just go somewhere else? Hell, go sleep in my bedroom, if you want. Just, please, for the love of God, do not go anywhere near my son. Or Lindsay, or… anyone, actually. Just rest. Alone.”
“What I was trying to say,” Gob mutters, pausing for a lengthy sniffle. “is that I don’t have the goddamn plague, alright? It’s a cold. It’s not like I’m gonna purposely go around coughing on everyone. I’m sure they’ll… hheh…”
Michael winces at the audible wetness as Gob muffles another one of his seemingly incessant sneezes into the crook of his elbow (thank God). Disgusting as this whole ordeal is, he can’t say he doesn’t feel bad for his older brother — the guy looks legitimately awful. It’s pitiful.
“Bless you,” he sighs, offering him another sheet from the kitchen roll. “Please just go get some rest, alright? I’ll bring you some proper tissues and cold meds.”
Gob rolls his eyes, glaring from behind the tissue pressed against his leaking nose. “Don’t need to baby me.”
“Do you wanna feel better or not?”
“…yeah.” Gob’s gaze drifts sheepishly away from Michael’s, his tone not unlike that of a petulant child. 
“Okay then. Go lie down in the living room; there’s a blanket on the back of the couch. No arguments.”
Gob mutters something under his breath as he snuffles wetly into the crumpled towel, making his way into the living room and practically collapsing onto the plush sofa. Michael soon follows suit, wielding a box of Kleenex and a variety of medicines.
“Here,” he says quietly, setting everything down on the coffee table. “There’s some NyQuil there and the stuff for your migraines. In case you feel one coming on.”
“Mmh… thanks, Mikey.” He shifts uncomfortably against the cushions, a chill running down his spine.
Michael frowns. “Don’t want the blanket?”
Gob sniffles, reaching for a tissue with a shaky hand. “Too hot.”
“Hot?” Michael’s face falls, and he tentatively reaches out to feel his brother’s forehead. “Mm. Think you’ve got a little bit of a fever going there, bud.”
Gob’s brow furrows. “I thought being hot is normal when you’re sick. That’s what Mom always used to say, when— when I’d feel really bad and ask her to stay home.”
“Yeah, well,” Michael sighs, withdrawing a bottle of sanitizer from his suit pocket and pumping a healthy dose into his palm. The strong scent makes Gob’s nostrils flare. “That’s Mom. She’s not exactly one for telling the truth to her kids.”
Gob whines, the sound so childishly pathetic it’s endearing, curling in on himself. Michael swears he sees the slightest hint of tears glistening in his eyes.
“Hey, come on, don’t get upset,” he says quietly, sitting back on his haunches to meet Gob’s level. “Everyone gets sick sometimes, right? Everyone feels like crap occasionally. Even me. Old no emotions, robot Michael.”
“I don’t want to be sick,” Gob groans softly. “I feel so bad. My head hurts and… a-and my throat feels funny and my goddamn nose— hh’EISHHhhiew!… guh…”
As if on cue, he steeples his hands over his nose, shrinking with another exhausted, shuddering sneeze. Michael’s practically biting his tongue at this point to refrain from losing it, because how does his older brother still not know basic etiquette?
“Gob, buddy,” he chides gently. “What have I told you about using your hands, huh? Into your elbow.”
“Sorry,” he croaks, the word buried under a thick wall of congestion. “…’m tired.”
“Yeah, I bet. Hey, I gotta finish getting everything ready for work, alright? You just rest. And… again, please keep your germs to yourself.” Michael shudders at the thought of potentially catching the same horrible, sneezy cold Gob’s been saddled with. “Alright? Feel better.”
“Mhmm… yeah. Thanks.” Gob watches as Michael heads out towards the door, settling into a comfortable position with a throw pillow clutched to his chest. He’s ready to let himself fall asleep when another burning tickle in his clogged sinuses strikes, forcing him upright as his breath hitches once, twice, and a harsh but oh-so-relieving sneeze tumbles out of him, uncovered towards his lap.
“Hih-ehh-! hihh’GSCHHhhiew!… oh, fuck…”
An exasperated sigh in the distance. “Elbow!”
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v0id-echoes · 7 months
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some shit abt me:
• My name is Lilac, no other nicknames atm
• Transfem Genderfae
• Demiromantic/Demisexual Lesbian
• She / They / It pronouns
• I’m taken so don’t be weird
• 18y/o
• I’m bad at talking lmao sorry
• Might occasionally like / reblog some nsfw stuff
I’m kinda just here to vibe, talk to people, ramble annoyingly about my interests and look at funny art really
I mainly post about Pokemon on this account since it’s my biggest interest (or just post random stuff not related to anything) but I might post about other things too. My favourite Pokemon is Ogerpon if that wasn’t obvious :3
I also post quite a lot about In Stars and Time, more of a recent interest but I’m hyperfixated af (please go play it it’s amazing)
Most of the things I’m into:
• Pokemon
• In Stars and Time / Start Again: a Prologue
• Hollow Knight
• Honkai Series
• Metroid
• Sonic the Hedgehog
• Legend of Zelda
• Kirby
• Splatoon
• Undertale / Deltarune / UT Yellow / TS!Underswap
• Celeste
• Risk of Rain
• Murder Drones
• Racist, Homophobic, Transphobic, Sexist, all the standard stuff any normal person wouldn’t wanna deal with
• Zionists
• Proshippers
• Zoophiles
• M.A.P
• NSFW Accounts (I mean like ENTIRELY NSFW, if you just reblog lewd shit sometimes that’s fine I just don’t really feel comfy having whole accounts dedicated to it following me)
• Accounts posting / reblogging untagged gore often, sorry but that stuff is mad uncomfy
might update this from time to time but that’s all the important stuff for now :3
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Making an introduction because I made some on my other accounts, so why not do it here?
Hi! My name is Lance, I am a writer who is working his way into psychology and science, and I do animation and art in my free time. I’m bisexual, and go by he/him.
I like to write fictional stories, specifically about my characters or Voltron. I’m a big fan of alternative universes and headcanons, I love hearing about them! Feel free to send them in my ask box or DMS, I love sharing fanfics too. I also sometimes post stuff about character design!
As you can tell by my page, I am a giant fan of Voltron! My favorite character is Lance, but I also love almost any character from voltron, lmao. Besides Allura. I’ve hated her since the beginning, I’ll continue to hate her now. (But I love the fanart of her, you guys make her looks seriously pretty. Big fan of her design.)
I love writing, punctuation and grammar being my favorite things to do! Although I get called formal, or people say I write like a robot, I enjoy it a lot.
Political stuff is not aloud on my page, due to it making me uncomfortable, so please don’t interact if your whole thing is politics. Same with object show fans with their whole account dedicated to it, please don’t interact. Makes me uncomfortable. Still, free Gaza/Palestine/any other countries experiencing genocide. 🇵🇸
My writing sometimes deals with heavy topics, such as eating disorders and mental stuff because it’s what I experience. Some of my writing dwells into psychological horror, and I barely posts cute stuff that isn’t my art. But feel free to message me writing prompts in my ask box or messages! I would love to write short stuff about it. And if I like it enough, I’ll make it a full story. Wink wink.
Beneath the cut is most of my Alternative universes about Voltron and my DNI/BYI list, so I’d appreciate reading it! (Can you tell I love writing essays..)
That’s all for my basic information, thanks for reading!
Basic DNI list, Zoophiles, Pedophiles, Radqueers, Proshippers, Anything that has to do with Child/Adult ships, Incest enjoyers, Noncon stuff (Consent matters, babe), people who’s page is full of BFDI/Object show stuff (It’s a triggering topic to me, sorry.)
Although I’m perfectly fine with all ships, I am personally uncomfortable with sheith. I see them more like brothers?
I love talking to someone about different disabilities for fun, while also using them to help improve my writing about a certain thing. The more research about anything, the better! :)
Like I said before, some of my fanfics might have triggering topics, such as: Eating disorders, mental disorders, psychological body harm and horror, and many mental stuff. My writing will have the trigger and CW’s at the top and a “keep reading” button, just to help.
They/them is something I don’t like to be called, so please refrain from calling me it! I am an LGBTQ+ supporter, Pro-Blm, Pro-disabilities and supporter of the alterhuman community. Xenogenders and Age/Pet-reg (though I wouldn’t recommend reading my stories with littles, as it might upset them.) are allowed here, too.
Alternative universes
AU!Angel Keith - Keith is a seraphim with a human like form (but with ram legs/eyes on his body and a long white mullet/white eyelashes) who his crazy interested in humans, talking about them for hours and getting judged by other angels. (He also sees lance from earth and gets all embarrassed by seeing him, that’s the main reason he goes down to earth in his “human form”)
AU!80’s Keith and 2000’s lance - Keith is from the 80’s (AND HAS A MORE FLUFFY MULLET OH MY GOD) and Lance is from the 2000’s (he’s a big fan of Beyoncé too), but accidentally get teleported to the 90’s together and meet, they’re judging each other hardcore for what music they listen to + their outfits (Walkman VS iPod..)
AU!Sweeney Todd - Keith is Sweeney Todd, while lance is Ms Lovett, Pidge is Tobias/toby!! Big fan of this one because I’ve had it since I’ve watched the broadway version and the movie, love the soundtrack too.
AU!RENT - Keith is Roger, Lance is Mimi, Lotor is Benjamin, Hunk and pidge is Angel and Tom (and sadly they’re shipped together erm), Romelle and allura are Joanne and Maureen, Shiro is Roger (Keith’s) ex (but in this au; he’s his brother, not his girlfriend like in the musical) and one of my galra ocs is Mark!! Technically, mark would’ve been lance cause he dated allura, but then again.. klance..
AU!Sun ‘N moon god klance - Lance was a Sun god (that’s just an orange glowing body with yellow eyes/mouth/stars in others on his body but you can tell its him because of his hair and flirtatious self) named “Theósílios”, while Keith is the moon god (purple/blue body with blue eyes/mouth/stars, but you can tell its him by his long blue (mullet) and a lighter version of blue scar across his face), named “Selínitheós”. (more info on this alternative universe is on this)
AU!Horror au - Originally named Skinwalker au, but then realized it might be disrespectful to cultures, but this was specifically an AU for Keith; but I can’t write it all out because it would take days. I’ll write the info of it all later.
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justgoji · 11 months
This is my Intro Post Yippee
Hello, I’m JustGoji!! I’m a young Asian (Lao specifically) American from Minnesota, and my interests include but are not limited to Paleontology, VOCALOID, and Monster Hunter. I also have some original characters, and fanart of them is greatly appreciated, especially with my character Heron. Heck, I’ll even leave his reference sheet and render here for you to use as reference!!
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If you want to use my art for something (such as a video), PLEASE credit me. Asking me if you can use it isn’t required, but is helpful in letting me know if my stuff is being used for something.
DNI with me if you’re a pedophile, necrophile, racist, terf, homophobic, transphobic, misogynist, misandrist, proshipper, wish death to any country, etc. I’ll also just block you if you make me uncomfortable or you’re just an overall asshole. I know that last thing probably isn’t a helpful description, but I don’t know how else to put it.
Some other things:
I also swear quite a bit so if you’re not a fan of that, find another blog.
Putting this out here because I’ve seen a couple people follow me without noticing this until it was too late, I no longer make content relating to Wednesday’s Infidelity or Friday Night Funkin. If you followed me because you wanted to see more of this stuff, I’m sorry that I can no longer provide it.
Don’t compare anything I make to Genshin Impact. Just don’t, please.
If you wanna let me know about a user that I shouldn’t interact with, be polite about it and explain why they’re bad please! Chances are I don’t even know why that user is bad, so I could get very upset and confused if you just say stuff like “ew you reblogged from that user”, as that doesn’t provide me with much information and is pretty upsetting to read too.
Most if not all of my edgy and symbolic drawings are made as a way for me to vent my frustrations. Telling me to stop making them just because they’re overused or tiring to you is pretty upsetting for me, as I don’t have many other coping mechanisms to use aside from making these kinds of drawings. So please, let me make edgy and symbolic stuff so I can deal with the problems in my life. Don’t like them? The back door is unlocked in case you wanna leave and find another blog.
As for the rest of you, have fun!! ♥︎
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tamelee · 5 months
Hello, I wondered what you think of the proshipping/anti shipping debate, and maybe where you position yourself?
From what I’ve seen, pro-shipping is usually people saying that you can ship everything you want since you have to "separate reality and fiction"… and most of the time it sounds like an excuse to create/consume incest fanfictions or child porn without guilt
On the other hand, in the anti-shipping side you have people who are treating some media as "irredeemable" for literally nothing… Like, "oh, this story is saying directly into your face that what thing one character has done is bad? So that means the story is not spreading awareness of this harmful behavior"
I think there are wrongs on both sides, but in general I disagree more with the proshipping community, because most proshippers I’ve interacted with are just people who don’t want to accept that there can be consequences to their actions, what they create, and what they consume. I’ve seen a lot of them saying that fiction has no impact on reality, which isn’t true at all. Most of the times proshippers handle sensitive and "problematic" subjects carelessly, sometimes even while spreading misplaced ideas, but don’t want people calling them out on the matter… (by calling out I don’t mean harassment of course, harassment isn’t and never will be a good solution to those problems)
The subject can be pretty complex, I’m curious to hear your thoughts about it! If you want of course, I would understand you not wanting to talk about it… And I’m sorry if expressed myself badly, since I don’t speak english very well
Take care, you’re doing amazing art pieces💙
Hi ^^ it is expressed very well, dw!  And thankyou so much 🧡!!
Well, you specifically talk about shipping, which I think is completely fine. But the debate itself claims so often to be more than just that, using ‘shipping’ for something much too broad to define through these two terms which meaning is questionable. 
The debate is only interesting to me because of the whole fiction=/=reality aspect (at least I personally think that is an enjoyable debate, especially reading the arguments.) The most famous and skilled literary theorists and scholars can’t agree on this matter even today because there are too many variables and barriers like culture for example. A lot of opposites are both deemed true and false at the same time and it often lands on a slightly disappointing “it depends”. You say it yourself also. As well as you “leaning more toward one side” because it’s impossible to put a term on it unless someone would write down a bunch of guidelines to which they then commit to. But then you’re more defined by that than by your own thinking or even preferences. 
It isn’t so black and white that you can just.. idk, simply throw it all into two terms to define a preference that includes your entire life-experience and gain a Universal agreement by what it even means in the first place with everyone else on the internet, as if that’s how it works with this topic y’know? As if suddenly a shipping-filter will shame our literary masters out of any logic “because a fan/shipper wants ‘x’ to molest ‘y’ through non-con sex in fanwork’ and to say whether that’s okay or not in general depends on which of the two terms you used to define yourself in your bio and literally nothing else. And I don’t see how that logic connects when it is used like that and so often in this case. 
I know, this is an exaggeration, but I hope you know what I mean regarding the debate. This isn’t about your ask directly. The “it depends” is kinda frustrating for me too, because I’m always searching for an answer that makes sense for anything >< But what doesn’t here is as I said before, that people don’t even agree with each other either about the meaning of ‘pro/anti’-shipping’. Even the general definition is (or used to?) different and has literally nothing to do with reality/fiction just.. shipping. Whenever another popular post shows up people share that as ‘the next truth’ or even I receive it for clarification for an older post, but then another says something along the lines of “maybe that’s true for them, but to me it means....” 
So, where would I position myself? Well, “it depends” on who asks and what it means to them. Nah, I don’t think a single term about shipping can define how I think about the relationship between fiction and reality, what is right/wrong/acceptable/etc which you’re right- is very complex. At least, I refuse to do that if I can help it. I’ve seen enough misunderstandings and the harassment that you’re talking about to think that this isn’t going about it the most efficient way despite some parts being interesting and definitely topics worth talking about whether it is about shipping or something much broader.
“On the other hand, in the anti-shipping side you have people who are treating some media as "irredeemable" for literally nothing… Like, "oh, this story is saying directly into your face that what thing one character has done is bad? So that means the story is not spreading awareness of this harmful behavior"
And you’re completely right about people using ‘whatever/however/whomever’ as an excuse to justify anything, but that itself is kind of common human behavior and I genuinely don’t know what to say about it. Though you bring up something that (and similar extreme views) is why I would definitely lean more towards a separation of fiction and reality. Not to justify anything, but if anything else... I’ve always rooted for the freedom of expression/creativity whether I agree with it or not because censorship has always been tricky and sometimes outright dangerous. Who's going to decide what exactly? The fact that no one will agree with each other remains regardless. (And yes, I think there are definitely things I don’t want to see either of course, but discussing all that is a whole different topic.) 
“I’ve seen a lot of them saying that fiction has no impact on reality, which isn’t true at all.”
You’re right again, but to quickly note; fiction=/=reality or fiction having impact on reality isn’t the same thing. Storytelling has always shaped beliefs and perspectives all over the world. In fiction especially, morals and ethics are often explored. Almost always a story is a problem in some form or another that needs to be solved because that’s satisfying, but how are you going to do that? And how will you write it in a way that people root for your character? And how else can you do that than involving the encouragement of a readers’ own reflection of their values and beliefs while simultaneously sharing and possibly influence them with your own? 
No one can deny this though? And if they do I wonder about the argument tbh. 
If a story can inspire it can also do the opposite. It’s not one or the other. 
Storytelling is such a powerful tool and imo it should be used wisely which means something else in every case because... aaahhh “it depends” >< 
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transmascpetewentz · 6 months
can you give more details about why/when you got doxxed? that seems really scary and i’m sorry it happened to you.
i'm not going to go into this because i've already addressed this in the past but basically, there were multiple times i've been almost or actually doxxed but this one was on a discord server. it's been long enough that i feel like i can talk about it freely without naming names due to the fact that they've probably gotten tired of stalking me across accounts.
i was on a discord for a bit then i got banned for some drama that happened, then i got suddenly blocked by 90% of the accounts i followed on xitter. one of my acquaintances got some messages he shared with me telling him that they were going to try and make up a fake story about me & find out where i live so they can message my irl family and law enforcement (mind you, the person who i got into the drama with lives somewhere in europe, and i'm usamerican)
one of this guy's friends lives in chicago and talked vaguely about going to find me irl, but nothing ended up happening. some of my friends got banned from the server too because they were "aiding me in stalking" (see: watching the discord to make sure i wasn't going to be doxxed)
this guy has friends who are a lot of popular fandom artists, to the point where a lot of accounts i have literally never heard of in certain fandoms block me. i won't say which fandoms out of fear that they might start harassing me again, but yeah. he's very well connected and has been in the fanbase for years. i suspect that a lot of rumors about me that are floating around were started by his friends: that i'm a "proshipper," that i read noncon fic, that i have certain fetishes. it's all very weird and creepy.
this all was from late may 2023 to early july 2023. i haven't heard from them ever since, and most of his closest friends haven't posted since october.
edit to add: please, if you know who he or any of his friends are, do not harass them. if for no other reason, they will find me and come after me if you do. just leave them alone, block and move on.
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proshiphasfailed · 3 months
I will say, that as much as I’m all for paraphiles using fiction and such to not harm real people/animals, just about every pedo and zoo space that I’ve seen actively advocates for pro contact. I’ve mostly only been exposed to zoo spaces though compared to pedo ones.
With that being said
Just about every zoo I’ve come across has been avid for pro contact. Very few are anti contact. Saying that’s it’s not abuse and so on. It’s just so odd to me that they are animal rights activists (a lot of them donate a shit ton to charities and take better care of their pets that I take care of myself lol) but then they are all for sexually abusing animals at the same time. I don’t think it’s because they only want animals to be treated as equals to humans so they can justify sex (some absolutely think this way, but it really seems like a minority from my perspective at least). I honestly thinks it’s because they are extremely deluded by the cult they surround themselves with. It’s an echo chamber of “there’s nothing wrong with being in love”, “animals CAN consent”, and “they also want a sexual relationship with you”. Through various means, I’ve seen these conversations take place and it’s way too similar to a cult. It amazes me that so many proshippers will say that antis are a cult, but when fellow proshippers are actively part of a different cult, they turn a blind eye. Which is why I honestly see paraphile spaces to be extremely harmful imo for the individuals who are a part of these spaces. Sure, there’s the whole “justifying harm to others” thing that’s downright nasty too, but it’s just something I don’t see a ton of people talking about and I wanted to bring it up!
I don’t think people with paraphilias shouldn’t have a space whatsoever, because there are absolutely places that advocate for not acting on those feelings and thoughts and only using fiction as a means to not act on those things. I just think that there’s nuance with what groups people are using as a place for their paraphilias. And things can turn sour quick if people aren’t careful. Because most para spaces I’ve come across are pro contact and disgusting
Sorry for rambling lmao just can’t really talk much about it on my blog
Anti-contact zoos are definitely the minority. And however anti-abuse they want to call themselves they are not the main ones fighting against those that abuse animals. The amount of people proud of raping their pets makes me sick and feel so helpless about not having the power to stop it.
Zoophiles are not animal rights activists. They are just trying to manipulate, obfuscate, and justify their objectification and sexual exploitation of animals. Their victims are always domesticated animals. They’re so convinced that their pets, bred for thousands of years to trust them and be dependent on them, have agency yet won’t try to form a “consensual relationship” with any wild animals like a wolf. I wonder why? Could it be because naturally an animal would have no interest in you and/or physically harm you? Could your “relationship” with your pet be nothing but your delusional anthropomorphication of your horrific exploitation? Makes you think.
There are also different flavors of “anti-contact” zoos. The lines are fuzzy, some think it’s ok to take sexually enticing photos of their pets. You really don’t know where someone’s lines are just because they’re anti-c.
I understand the frustration, it’s why I made this blog. If it can just be a place for people to vent about the awful things they’ve witnessed that’s fine.
Anti-c’s have to do better if they want to be taken seriously as anti-abuse. They casually share content made by pro-c’s all the time. And that so many of them tolerate pro-c at the very least makes it seem unshakable. You are one person removed from a pro-c at all times.
Anti-c’s also share symbols with offending zoophiles and don’t seem to have an issue with that.
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anqelstears · 2 years
my apology. (from an ex-proshipper)
i encourage both sides to read this, but make sure you read the content warning segment.
CW // sexualization of the following : grooming, abuse, sexual assault, incest, “lolisho”
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i will never post this on my main. i have drowned myself in lies and the guilt of it all will never let me rest.  this is an apology for whoever wants to read and a cautionary tale for the ones who are, unfortunately, going down the same path i regrettably chose for myself. if it brings peace to anyone or if it prevents something truly terrible, i will feel accomplished. my asks will be open if you want to let out your frustrations on how stupid i once was. i am encouraging you to, since i’m too much of a coward to suffer any kind of major consequence, feel free to tell me all of the nasty things you may feel once you’re finished reading this, and to whoever finds nothing wrong with what i have done, please revaluate your stances.
i used to be a proshipper, if the title hadn’t made it obvious enough, and i regret every second of it. i’m not even sure where it even began, everything feels like a blur. the more i try to remember, the foggier it gets. my therapist doesn’t quite understand the discourse, which, of course she doesn’t, but she has told me i have developed an anxiety disorder and according to my version of events (what i remember, at least), she’s convinced i have been taken advantage of by these people who i called my friends.
and i believe her. i hate admitting this. for once, i will put my pride aside and say that i’m gullible. i’m an idiot. i believe her when she tells me they’ve taken advantage of me and i believe her when she said that they radicalized my views and that i would do anything to feel like i belonged in a space. i’m desperate to feel anything else but alienation. all my life, i have longed for this feeling and they knew, taking advantage of my past trauma that i, regrettably, told them about. i was one of those people that used fiction as a coping mechanism to deal with my childhood trauma. i can’t stress enough how dangerous it is for you to make yourself vulnerable like this on the internet, and the worst part of it all, i should have known better. i was 18 years old when this happened.
i have done terrible, terrible things. i forced myself to be okay with lolisho, to be okay with abuse, incest, sexual assault. all because “it was all fiction”, and “no one was getting hurt”, but deep down, it was hurting me and so many others. i engaged in conversations with these people. i was told that my trauma was hot and they wished to be groomed, to be sexually assaulted, and all i could do was nothing because i knew what the consequences were. i would be shunned and would be alone again. these people loved me, they told me so, often.
i drew for them, i wrote for them, i wanted them to love me more. i felt like i was on top of the world, so many people enjoyed my company. i had friends. i was blinded by these rose colored glasses.
they loved me so much, until i started realizing how terrible they were. i saw how other people felt about them, how invalidated other victims felt. i felt terrible, knowing that i had contributed to it. i distanced myself from them and once they realized i did this, i was suddenly a target. i was harassed nonstop for hours, days, even. they love to preach about being anti-harassment until you’re no longer okay with the stuff they enjoy. suddenly, you’re a nasty anti or an anti dickrider. 
they didn’t love me anymore, and leaving was one of the most liberating feelings i have ever felt. i should have known better, but i unfortunately was in too deep. this wasn’t an attempt to excuse my actions, this was my story, my side of things, what i remember. 
i’m sorry if you’ve ever seen my posts on my old accounts, and i’m sorry if i made you relapse, i’m sorry for making you feel like i was glamourizing your trauma, i’m sorry for everything i have done. i denounce proshippers, i denounce this era of my life, i wish i could erase it, but i can’t. i will live the rest of my days with this and i hope that nobody goes through the same things i did. my actions are disgusting and i will never do this again. 
you are not cool, you are not better than anyone. and if you’re a child, please run. run as fast as you can from them, you’re bound to be taken advantage of like i have. they’re all sick in the head. 
this post sums up very well how proshipping may affect real people, please give it a read.
once again, i apologize for all the horrible things i might have caused.
thank you for giving me a chance. like i said, my ask box is open if you want to voice frustrations, ask questions, and essentially, whatever you want.
love, angel.
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aurynne · 1 year
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i blocked this anon and i will continue to block and not respond to anyone coming for my religion. i don’t play w that at all. so this is the ONLY time i will say this:
not all proshippers are Igbt but anyway
you saying i'm homophobic and want to censor all lgbt media just because i'm against proshipping and also happen to be a Christian is nuts. anti proship + Christianity ≠ wanting to censors lgbt media. i'm not against lgbt media in any way. i consume lgbt media as well and have gay ships. i’m against people defending WEIRD STUFF in a given media, and if it happens to be gay then fine.
i also don’t believe we should criminalize gay marriage because God gave us free will so we deserve to keep that. you don't know my relationship with God or traditional values just because I’m Christian. you don’t know a lot of my views.
i also never said a single thing about porn addiction so hop off. i get that you’re saying i’m “helping” the people who have said these things but i don’t speak for anybody but myself and nobody else can speak for me whether they’re Christian or not. i’m not on the side of whoever you’re talking about and they’re not on mine. i’m on God’s side and that’s it.
don’t ever send anything like this again. nobody. i am considering turning off the option to go anonymous because it makes all these creepy stalkers come out of nowhere since they’re too cowardly to go off anon. it’s pathetic and you should be ashamed of yourselves. don’t ever insult my religion nor anybody else’s. it’s my lifestyle and i take it seriously. and i know damn well nobody would’ve done that if i said i was islam (which has more similarities to Christianity than yall think) or literally anything but Christian because then all of a sudden it’s discrimination. but no Christians are just a free-for-all every day. disgusting.
one of the most common practices us Christians are taught is to love thy neighbor. this applies to every single person ever, regardless of any sins they’ve committed, and because we are all sinners anyway. not every Christian is some redneck homophobe but yall don’t know us because you’d rather not get to know us at all or our religious texts before spouting this ignorant bullshit. i’m sorry to be rude because i try not to be mean to my enemies but screw you and leave me alone. you’re an awful person and need to heal from whatever prejudices you have. seriously so gross.
just another day of being Christian…
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multifandomdiscord · 3 months
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Hello and welcome to the ✣★͙⊱•𝑀𝓊𝓁𝓉𝒾𝒻𝒶𝓃𝒹𝑜𝓂 𝒯𝓊𝓂𝒷𝓁𝓇•̩̩͙⊰•✽✣!!!
We are here to show you our shenanigans and our funny moments in our discord servers!
First, let us introduce the mods!!
Woah, A Wild Ossa!
Preferred Name: Ossa
Preferred Pronouns: Any Pronouns
Primary Timezone: Central Timezone
Availability: Monday-Thursday (After 4:00); Saturday/Sunday (All Day)
Hobbies and Interests: Writing, Reading, Singing, and Gaming
Favorites: Most every popular fantasy series - LotR, HP, PJO, etc. Lot of Stephen King. Undertale, FNAF, Game Theory stuff, Markiplier, and the Sun and Moon Show. I also really love purple coded characters. xD
Sillies: Woah, ADHD? Yeah, ADHD. And Disassociative Identity Disorder. And a few other things. Drowning in brain bugs, and I'm making it your problem by writing about the Daycare Attendants, Turtles, and etc.
***"Take that depression!!!" - Lucifer from Hazbin Hotel***
Howdy everyone!
Name: Ghost
Nickname: spoop
Pronouns: she/her
Time zone: central timezone
Availability: varies a lot but almost any time ^^
Hobbies: reading, writing, drawing, and gaming
Favorites: strawberries, peaches, cute plushies, animals, anime, manga, and manwha’s
Fandoms: Omniscient Reader’s Viewpoint, Lout of the Count’s Family, The Greatest Estate Developer, ROTTMNT, Lego Monkie kid, Pokémon, Blue exorcist, Seraph of the End
Name: Chelle
Nickname: Chelle
Pronouns: She/Her
Time zone: Eastern Standard Time
Availability: varies, 8pm and past until 12am EST usually.
Hobbies: drawing, writing, reading, cooking, watching horror videos or movies.
Favorites: blue, blue themed characters, sushi, cats.
Fandoms: Rottmnt, Genshin, Trolls (main three)
Ao3: maybe later
Well look who it is! That’s right! It’s me!
Name: Mej
Pronouns: she/they
Timezone: GMT or BST (during the summer)
Availability: Most days and most times that aren’t midnight until 9am. (I have to sleep sometime!) But my DMs are always open if you need anything
Hobbies: Reading, writing and a little bit of light gaming on the side (whether it’s online, board games or card games)
Fandoms: I’m a little all over the place, skipping through them all the time, but I’m a fan of: ROTTMNT, Transformers, Pokémon, Blue Exorcist, Demon Slayer and FNAF
The discord is about having someone to talk about your favorite fandoms on. Need it be TMNT, HAZBIN HOTEL, FNAF, OWL HOUSE, STEVEN UNIVERSE, etc. Heck, even YouTube channels that you all are into as well.
We are a server that allows you to be yourself!!
• Streaming and Gaming👾🎮🕹️
・ LGBTQ+ friendly ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜
・A 17+ server
・Open to partnerships 🤝🏼
・Open to Creative Ideas 📝💡
・Fun community 🥳🎉
・Social Media 📱💻
・Movie Night 🍿🎥🎞️
Our Discord!! Come join!
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ask-for-name · 1 month
(This design is heavily inspired by batsbolts-andfangs) Hi there, I am anarchy or Hiro tanaka (I’m name-fluid),I’m the individual who obviously runs this account. I may not be as active on here than Reddit and stuff because I’m VERY new and may even edit tthis if I can in the future!
If I do ever post my posts will most likely be the myths of proshipping, alterhuman community and xenogenders^^ and maybe about my disabilities.
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racists, radqueer,transID (ECT), sexists, transmedicalist/truscums, endos
DNF (do not follow):
anti-LBGTQIA+, bigots, anti-xenogenders , anti-xenopronouns, anti-nounpronouns, anti-neopronouns, anti-emoji pronounsC anti-alterhuman, anti-satanists,anti physical nonhumans, anti-pro ships, anti-comships and anti dark ships
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BYI (before you interact):
I am a proshipper! I’m very open about this and if you want to make a discussion on why I’m fine with that. I do also reblog NSFW stuff, so you can say my account can be declared as NSFW if you want. I may not post about NSFW stuff tho.
2nd thing is I am a paraphile, to be more specific i am a biastophile and I’m a frotteurphile, I am a non contact para and I don’t allow any pro-contact paras here. I don’t choose to be a biastophile or a frotteurphile and fiction definitely helps me a lot with it than actually acting upon it. I did become a biastophile because of trauma. In the case of paraphilias, a new distinction is made between a paraphilia (atypical sexual interest or behaviour) and a paraphilic disorder (a mental disorder stemming from the atypical behaviour) I have paraphilias and I have paraphillic disorders.
I also would prefer if you used tone tags with me and to be fluid with my pronouns (meaning not just sticking to one of my pronouns) . I discuss serious topics sometimes too, I’m more prone to spelling mistakes, wording things wrong or not understanding things so I’m sorry if that ever happens^^
Random info about me:
Gender: gender spike, I am always a non binary man and get spikes of 50%/demi agender.
Sexuality: aroace-spec/microlabels (if you want to know them I’ll gladly tell you) and I’m gay (aesthetic attraction)
Pronouns: (main) they/it/xe/thing (but I use any neopronouns and noun pronoun if it isn’t considered feminine)
Alterhuman identities: fictionkin, factkin, holotheric therian , Ahuman , otherkin and funlink, concothere/conthere
Likes: FNAF, discussing alterhuman topics, bread, talking about neurodivergency (and more).
I am:- proshipper, darkshipper, comshipper, pro-recovery (not anti-recovery) , theistic satanist , anti-anti , a furry, biastophile and frotteurphile
(Dx=diagnosed, sx=self diagnosed)
Disorders: ADHD (Dx), ASD (sx), dyslexia (not bad at all but I still have it + sx) , dyscalculia (sx), CPTSD (sx) , delusions (not connected to me being alterhuman and using xenogenders.), social anxiety (sx) depression (sx) OCD (sx)
I support: LBGTQIA+, BLM, ALM, non contact para/maps, alterhuman, xenogenders, xenoprns, neoprns, noun prns ,emoji prns, self diagnoses ,and more.
I don’t support: radqueers, transID (anything relating to this, that includes transracial Ect) , pro-contact para/map , transmedicalist/truscum, endogenic’s (and more)
(Picture credit to oxceen)
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4am-snackers-askblog · 10 months
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(Introduction renewed since 16 August 2023. Click here for previous intro!)
Welcome to our askblog! We hope you enjoy your stay here!
[Rules and Info under the cut! Please read before interacting!]
Hello. I’m Dummy. Before we get started, here are some rules you must follow!
-No NSFW! We’re a kid friendly game with kid friendly people! Swearing is allowed but please refrain from doing so! Father Figure may make some really awful jokes, but don’t worry, he’ll get what he deserves! =)
-Avoid triggering/offensive topics! Orby is extremely uncomfortable with that sort of stuff, and the others and myself aren’t too well with it either.
-If you have any triggers you’d like Kyu to filter, let us know! She'll be sure to tag your triggers so you won’t have to see them!
-M!A’s(Magic Anons), I’m sorry, but you can’t affect us here!
-This is an ASK blog, we don’t do dares!
-This blog is heavily head-canon based. Apologies if we don’t act the way you want us to.
-Don’t spam the inbox please. Orby’s the one who transfers the asks to us, and they get incredibly anxious with too many at once..
-Please don’t repeat asks! If your original ask hasn’t been responded to, please wait patiently! Repeating your asks will not speed up the response for it!
-Replies/Comments will be ignored sorry! Please interact via inbox!
-Ship asks excluding Kyuby are not allowed, sorry. This includes Cashy.
And now time for some info about us!
Kyu-Main holder of the blog, She/Her, friendly and very interactive, I do all the technical stuff here! Orby and I are dating!
Orby-Ask Reader, They/It, Quiet And Shy, Semi-Nonverbal, I Like Reading Asks!
Dummy-Co-Holder, Any pronouns, I don’t really do much, I just enjoy everyone’s company here!
Cashier-i don’t really do anything important here. he/they, thanks.
Player is also here! They’re non-verbal, they never speak (they can somehow speak in pictures though :/). They don’t care what pronouns you use for them, and honestly, none of us know about their sexuality, but we don’t ask about it. They’re pretty chill, but please refrain from giving them toothpaste...
We also have Father Figure, who uses He/Him! He does pretty much nothing but cause trouble, refrain from speaking to him if you can. He’s just rude.
Kyu-She/They. I'm keeping an eye on everyone here, really.
Orby-they/it. i stay close to my kyu here.
Dummy-They/Them. Please do not mind me.
Cashier-he/him. i have nothing better to do.
There's also this rascal Player here too. They're non-verbal, just like the "original" cast's. They use They/It pronouns. Oh yeah, there's our Father Figure too, He/Him, but he's asleep most of the time. He also has a sword for some reason.
And last of all, we have our mod!
🌨 Hello GASA4 community! I go by a lot of different names, but my main names are CCTV or 8-Bit! I run this blog entirely alone so forgive me if hiatuses come around! I do my best to keep this blog running but I haven't been very active in the fandom let alone this ask blog. My main is @peculiar-shardscape​! If you have any questions for me or such, send them over to that blog! I don’t bite! Please enjoy this blog!
Post time is 8:30am once a week! (Time zone is AEST)
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just-antithings · 1 year
i didn't ever believe this'd happen to me, but i just got kicked and banned out of a gc for being a proshipper despite the fact that we'd been friends for years before that,, they're acting like i went to them and attempted to strangle them and i'm not sure how to feel anymore,, that's a pretty huge chunk of my support system removed solely bc they believe that all dark depictions in fiction leads to said things getting romanticized thus normalized IRL,, i guess i put too much faith into most/all of them not being antis
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I’m sorry anon, that’s really shitty
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flowersbark · 3 months
Holy shit. Okay. Hi. I’m also a csa survivor. I’m legit so desperate for anything sort of recognition on this issue I’ve been having for almost 2 years now. https://www.tumblr.com/flowersbark/740288973409288192/fellas-is-it-a-proship-to-project-cocsacsa-on
It relates to this post, except I am going to get EXTRA personal on this.
Tw for r//pe, gr///ming, Self-h//rm, and csa (obvsly)
Okay so I also really really reallyyy don’t like proshippers, I am hypersexual, and I have zero access to any sort of help atp in my life. Now that I have those things out of the way right now, I am essentially in a dilemma a lot like that post. One major problem, it’s not me JUST wanting to project, it’s me wanting to BE in that spot of the victim again for some reason. And I mean like srsly getting assaulted again and all that horrible stuff. Like, i THINK these ideas, thoughts, and urges I have are called “intrusive thoughts”?? But I’m not sure. I’m disturbed by them regardless.
This has been so frustrating to deal with bc first of all, I’m not a victim to gr//ming, second, yes, I am a victim of csa at a young age, and third, I find myself having some sort of YEARNING to be hurt in such a way. (Not cocsacsa, just to not let things get mixed up btw) I have looked around on the internet for so long about this issue and I find NOTHING on it, like, am I just going crazy? Am I trying to cope with it in the worst way possible? Like, I genuinely don’t know, and it drives me mad because on one hand, I have this massive theory that it’s a mental attempt of “self- h//rm”, and then on the other hand, it’s a bizarre extreme version of yearning for touch and affection, but I’m just so unsure because I can’t find any other personal accounts of anyone else!
I acknowledge that your post wasn’t about this oddly specifc scenario, and I’m so sorry that this is so out of pocket, and possibly even counterproductive (idk) but as another csa victim, would you be able to offer some sort of insight? Is that something I can even ask for on here? It’s okay if you can’t, or don’t want to, I fully understand if I just never see a response to this. I really hope things get better for you and that you’re a having at the very least, a decent day regardless. Thank you.
Also p.s., sorry for not being able to answer that question, I myself am also uncertain on a definite answer for that. Like, the most I can say is that I think it’s okay to explore unhealthy dynamics, so long as they’re both acknowledged as bad/unhealthy/traumatizing things, and not put out to the public since people can take/look at things and get weird and nasty🤢 (so generally just used in a private and secure setting)
HI !!! uhh
first off, yes you can ask for advice, insight, anything. thats why i made this blog, other than to just vent to strangers. second, thank you for giving me your opinion on the csa proship situation.
i do think what you're going through are intrusive thoughts, and i get those a lot too. especially about going through what i did again, or worse. i also fucking HATE those thoughts, especially because my mind makes it by people i know irl, especially classmate im close to. it makes me feel disgusting and like im sexualizing and making my classmates horrible people when they ARENT. intrusive thoughts arent a reflection of who you are, theyre a reflection of who you DONT want to be, thats why theyre so disturbing.
again, the almost yearning for it is intrusive. it's also a trauma response. like how people who are used to being mentally abused will seek out and be with people that will treat them like that, its kinda like that. its not a good way to cope, but its not the WORST. as the absolute worst would be repeating the cycle.
im sorry if this doesn't help, its kinda just my word vomit with no revisions,, but i hope it does. it gets better, i promise. keep going.
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olderthannetfic · 2 years
Hello, I’m a very anxiouse proshipper and I’m looking for guidence I guess. For context in 2016, I was a part of the undertale fandom, and the popular problematic ships at the time where frans and fontcest. When drawing fontcest, I got a horiffic message in my inbox, going into detaile about ilr animal abuse related to some fontcest art I drew, and I’ve been turned off to being openly proship since. Throught the years I’ve been feeling very fucked up about calling myself proship, or making anything problematic. At one point I drew vrabbit (fnaf), and HCed him as a pedo cuz that’s the most obviouse vibes he gave off. I never drew him doing anything pedophilic, though I did draw him around his own (killed and robotociced) kids, and got a callout post made on my (that has now since been half deleted, I say half because it was initially a post made under a keep reading, and that og post is gone, but reblogs of the post remain). Recently Encanto came out, and the new ship there was an uncle and neice ship of bruno and mirabel, so of course I drew some art about it, but was scared to post it. And when I finally did, some people got upset at me, understandably so, but instead of ppl just blocking me and leaving, they would confront me directly, saying my art was now tainted, or that they hated me for “normalizing their abuse” (i’ve been abused too, I think, I don’t know if it counts as “real abuse” anymore because it was just sexual assult, and that feels like it’s the bottom of the barrel in comparason to someone being raped on the daily). But it sucks, because I’ve always been into this stuff, I don’t know why, I don’t know if I’m coping, I don’t know if something’s severely wronge with me, I asked my therapist once and they said so long as it’s art, it shouldn’t matter and it’s fine, but I feel like a shitty human being on a near constant basis when I start thinking about it. I’ve remade my blog like 2 times already, I’m wondering if I should do it again, this time just be more clear that I’m proship, or if I should just shut the hell up, because I don’t want more people coming to me about irl animal death. Like I don’t even take these ships all that seriously, I’m just some ace guy putting my kinks onto characters, I don’t care that characters are naked cuz a body that doesn’t arouse me on it’s own, and I want to be able to hc characters as something horrible ontop of how horrible they already are, like vrabbit was litterally murdering children, who’s to say he’s not some repressed pedo trying to counteract that shit with child murder instead? Idk, I don’t know if any of this was consistent, I just want to know if I should even be worrying about this shit or not, if I should start over again, or if I should just give up and forget the ritual of making art and posting it online in the hopes that someone sees it and thinks “ah, I vibe with that”. I’m just, tiered, man. Sorry to come to you with all this shit.
Nonnie, I think you need to talk to your therapist again.
Humans have all kinds of wacky fantasies. Nothing especially bad ever happened to me, and I was looking at snuff stories on the internet as a 13-year-old. Nothing you're into is unusual, and the way you're engaging with it sounds pretty mild and no big deal.
If you feel awful on a daily basis, that's about anxiety or self esteem or depression, not any realistic reaction to your art. Your therapist needs to hear how much you're struggling.
I don't think you need to use the word 'proship' if you don't feel like it. I no longer use it for myself because it's far too tame and watered down for my actual views.
Remake or don't, but turn off all anon asks or the equivalent on every platform. Accept DMs only from people you follow. Block early and often. Post your stuff, but make it very clear you have a zero tolerance policy for jackasses.
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