sandalwoodbox · 3 months
Fast Car | 작은 아씨들 Little Women (2022) fanvid | Oh In-hye / Park Hyo-rin Fandom: 작은 아씨들 | Little Women (Korea TV 2022) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Oh In Hye/Park Hyo Rin (Little Women) Characters: Oh In Hye (Little Women) Additional Tags: Domestic Violence, Child Abuse, Running Away, Happy Ending, Fanvids, Subtitles, Depictions of Police, Self-Harm Summary:
Oh In Hye and Park Hyo Rin finding each other and running away together.
AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/48141091
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nickmacleanjazz · 4 months
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Very excited for the NICK MACLEAN QUARTET feat BROWNMAN ALI to be closing out the first ever CONTXT Jazz Festival! On SUN-JUN-30 we're performing a matinee concert at CONTXT where we'll be playing tunes from our JUNO nominated record 'Convergence' and a few other fun things! I'm so looking forward to sharing the stage once again with the incomparable Brownman Ali (trumpet) and the steadfast Bennett Young (bass), as well as being joined by a newcomer to the group - the incredible Michael Filion on drums filling in for the great Jacob Wutzke! Get your tickets now and make sure to check out all the fantastic events going on during the CONTXT Jazz Festival!
NICK MACLEAN QUARTET feat. BROWNMAN ALI - JUNO nominated modern jazz SUN-JUN-30, TORONTO, ON doors @ 3:30pm | show @ 4pm @ CONTXT | www.ContxtByTrane.com 254 Lansdowne Ave, Toronto, ON M6H 3X9 $15 advance, $20 door TIX: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/912062853547
:: Nick Maclean - piano :: Brownman Ali - trumpet :: Bennett Young - bass :: Michaël Filion - drums (in for Jacob Wutzke)
This modern jazz quartet is deeply influenced by Herbie Hancock's 1960's Blue Note Quartet that featured Freddie Hubbard. Led by 10x Global Music Award winning pianist Nick Maclean & featuring Brownman Ali on trumpet, their recent chart-topping release "Convergence" was a JUNO Award nominee for "2024 Jazz Album of the Year". Maclean has been mentored by Ali for the last decade, was signed to Browntasauras Records when he was 22 and has now released 4 internationally acclaimed albums on the label.
WATCH ROAD WARRIOR from CONVERGENCE (blazing uptempo swing) https://youtu.be/qfOno29FcXM
About CONTXT Jazz Fest 2024
The CONTXT Jazz Festival is a 5-day celebration of musical diversity, where the boundaries of jazz are redefined, expanded & explored. This vibrant event features an eclectic mix of jazz genres, showcasing artists both in traditional jazz & modern jazz flavours, a tribute to reggae-jazz legends, award-winning electric-jazz dynamos & multiple JUNO nominees. As these Artists push the envelope of the jazz artform, this festival is a testament to the rich and evolving nature of this music. Music lovers : join us for an unforgettable journey through the many facets of jazz at the CONTXT Jazz Festival.
5 jazz events, 5 jazz parties, 5 unforgettable experiences!
Wed-Jun-26 : JAZZ Film "Be Known" (Jazz movie night) Thr-Jun-27 : PHIL JIMENEZ TRIO (Classic jazz) Fri-Jun-28 : TRIBUTE to ERNEST RANGLIN & DON DRUMMOND (Reggae jazz) Sat-Jun-29 : ALI BROS feat. Brownman & Marcus Ali (Electric-jazz)
Sun-Jun-30 : NICK MACLEAN QUARTET (Modern jazz)
All events at 254 Lansdowne Ave., Toronto, Canada
Presented by Caliban Arts Theatre, CONTXT & Browntasauras Records
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xcxnxnxrx · 1 year
my headache is sooooo baaadddddddddd
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scucharlie · 3 months
condi's character being a dick in the palworlds video; for about 2 minutes straight
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hollowed-theory-hall · 3 months
Hi! First, I want to say I love your theories! Each one is so compelling to read♡♡♡
Second, I was thinking about holidays breaks at Hogwarts and it lead to "wait, is there some sort of magic 'religion' or have I read too many fics?"
Like, they celebrate Halloween and Weasleys celebrate Christmas, but isn't it a contradiction? I know Halloween has celtic roots, but as it is today, it's "All Hallows' Eve", a christian celebration like Christmas. And both the Catholic and the Protestant Church weren't the ones involved in witches' trials? Shouldn't they avoid each other like plague as a general rule?
Maybe they have some pagan rituals and festivals, like the eight sabbat, and they call it Halloween at Hogwarts instead of Samhain due to muggle influence over time?
I don't know, it's just a thought, but it'd be interesting to see your opinion on it
Thank you so much! 💓
Honestly, I was thinking about this a lot, like, wizards and religion, particularly Christianity. And in the books pure-blood wizards like Ron, Neville and Hagrid use the word "hell" as a swear:
“Oh, she was perfect, obviously,” said Ron, before Hermione could answer. “Perfect deliberation, divination, and desperation or whatever the hell it is — we all went for a quick drink in the
(Ron in HBP)
“I’ll join you when hell freezes over,” said Neville
(Neville in DH)
So their language has borrowed terminology from muggle Christianity. They also celebrate Christmas and Halloween at Hogwarts, as you mentioned, in addition to celebrating Easter as they have an Ester break at Hogwarts. So it appears wizards in the UK are Christian.
If we look at the Dumbledore's funeral:
A little tufty-haired man in plain black robes had got to his feet and stood now in front of Dumbledore’s body. Harry could not hear what he was saying. Odd words floated back to them over the hundreds of heads. “Nobility of spirit” . . . “intellectual contribution” . . . “greatness of heart” . . . It did not mean very much. It had little to do with Dumbledore as Harry had known him.
(HBP, 643-644)
The little man in black had stopped speaking at last and resumed his seat. Harry waited for somebody else to get to their feet; he expected speeches, probably from the Minister, but nobody moved. Then several people screamed. Bright, white flames had erupted around Dumbledore’s body and the table upon which it lay: Higher and higher they rose, obscuring the body. White smoke spiraled into the air and made strange shapes: Harry thought, for one heart-stopping moment, that he saw a phoenix fly joyfully into the blue, but next second the fire had vanished. In its place was a white marble tomb, encasing Dumbledore’s body and the table on which he had rested. There were a few more cries of shock as a shower of arrows soared through the air, but they fell far short of the crowd. It was, Harry knew, the centaurs’ tribute
(HBP, 645-646)
We see a wizard who acts as a priest, and we see speeches for the deceased are allowed along with other tributes. We also know most wizards (like James and Lily) are buried in regular muggle Christian graveyards. They are buried in tombs or coffins like Christians. This all leads to wizarding funerals in Britain being like any muggle funeral in Britain with a bit of a magical flare on occasion.
The fire engulfing Dumbledore's tomb is a surprise to the audience because it's Fawkes doing it and not a wizard customer. The same goes for the Centaurs' arrows (the Centaurs seem to have a different religion).
Then, we also see a wizarding wedding with Bill and Fleur, which looks like any Christian wedding:
A great collective sigh issued from the assembled witches and wizards as Monsieur Delacour and Fleur came walking up the aisle, Fleur gliding, Monsieur Delacour bouncing and beaming. Fleur was wearing a very simple white dresses and seemed to be emitting a strong, silvery glow ... “Ladies and gentlemen,” said a slightly singsong voice, and with a slight shock, Harry saw the same small, tufty-haired wizard who had presided at Dumbledore’s funeral, now standing in front of bill and Fleur. “We are gathered here today to celebrate the union of two faithful souls . . . ” ... “Do you, William Arthur, take Fleur Isabelle. . . . ?”
(DH, 127-128)
Bill has a best man, Fluer goes down the aisle with her father, wearing a white dress and she has two bridesmaids. The wedding is officiated by the same wizard priest from Dumbledore's funeral. And they have the regular "I dos".
Sure there is some magical spectacle afterward, but it's after the ceremony and just that — a spectacle and not part of the proceedings of the wedding.
So, overall it seems like wizards in the UK have a variety of Christianity (most likely most are Protestants (Anglican) due to the whole history of Christianity reform in Britain but I'm not going into that). And it makes sense too, because they lived very close to the muggles (same villages and much more intermarriages) up until 1692 when the Statue of Secrecy was officially established. Even the Malfoy family had close business ties with muggles:
Historically, the Malfoys drew a sharp distinction between poor Muggles and those with wealth and authority. Until the imposition of the Statute of Secrecy in 1692, the Malfoy family was active within high-born Muggle circles, and it is said that their fervent opposition to the imposition of the Statute was due, in part, to the fact that they would have to withdraw from this enjoyable sphere of social life. Though hotly denied by subsequent generations, there is ample evidence to suggest that the first Lucius Malfoy was an unsuccessful aspirant to the hand of Elizabeth I, and some wizarding historians allege that the Queen’s subsequent opposition to marriage was due to a jinx placed upon her by the thwarted Malfoy.
(From Pottermore)
By 1692, Christianity was the main religion in the UK. It stands to reason it'll be the most common religion among the British wizards because of how closely they interacted with the muggles back then; from business to marriage even among supposedly pure-blood families like the Malfoys.
As such, I assume wizarding religion varies just like muggle religion, where different magical cultures would have different religions depending on where they are in the world and the common muggle religion in the area. It doesn't really seem there is a proper "magical religion". I think there were just a lot of influences going back and forth. As you mentioned, Halloween has Celtic roots and probably had some magical roots in the HP universe. The word "hell" originates in Norse and Norse mythology but traveled into English and Christianity. Catholicism especially is very influenced by Roman Paganism, etc. Religions are influenced by each other and no one exists in a vacuum, so it makes sense wizards would just practice the common religion where they are with perhaps some magical embellishments (as we see in the wedding). Similarly, the muggle religions were probably influenced by magic and some muggle religious rituals and ceremonies probably have their roots in magic and wizardry that the muggle world has forgotten about.
As for the witch trials in Europe, in the real world, the church didn't function or involve itself in witch trials until the 15th century. During the Medieval Era, the church defined believing in witchcraft as heresy since you believe in magic that doesn't come from god. Attacks on supposed witches went actively against church doctrine at the time.
During the 14th century, witch trials became more common in France, England, and Germany, but still not a full-on frenzy. The trials then weren't exactly witch trials either as the accusations were of diabolism, heresy, and nocturnal orgies, not exactly witchcraft. Witchcraft accusations grew more common towards the end of the century and in the 15th century, we actually start seeing more of the typical witch trials whose popularity grew with the publication of Malleus Maleficarum in 1486. This book redefined how to recognize a witch and fueled the already growing unrest. This led to more witch accusations as paranoia regarding witchcraft grew.
Only afterward do we see the church outright getting involved in witchcraft and the association of witchcraft and devil worship. This led to the peak of witch trials in Europe between 1560–1630. Even during these trials, many figures in the church (both Catholics and protestants) have cast doubts over the trials and their legality and outright oppose them. The frenzy of the witch trials in the 15th century also lines nicely with the Statue of Secrecy that was drafted a few decades later when the trials were winding down.
The point of all this is that the witch trials weren't led by the church in many places and for most of the trials' history it was considered heresy to even believe in witches by the church. So, I don't think the wizarding world would have an issue with Christianity over the witch trials, but an issue with muggles, which is actually what we see in the books. Also, whole communities don't tend to change their religion overnight, if they were Christian before the witch trials, they'd likely stay Christian after them.
I think a magical religion can be fun to explore in fic, but in the books, they are clearly Christian with a magical coat of paint (at least in Britain).
(There are probably a few British wizards who aren't Christian, just like in Muggle Britain. I personally headcanon Anthony Goldstein is Jewish since his last name is very Jewish)
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tricorderreading · 11 months
#20: The Vulcan Academy Murders
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"Let me help... A hundred years or so from now, I believe, a famous novelist will write a classic using that theme. He'll recommend those three words even over 'I love you.'"
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lu-kario · 2 years
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happy mkku sunday
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sleepzonesworld · 7 months
Random ed art I've done
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samuraijacksoff · 10 months
jack: oh no i lost my sword :(
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heyo @baaulp it's this one
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dm me if you'd like more options lmao
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chemicalarospec · 1 year
Just wrote the most Lawlight exchange ever. It's based off a quote that my brother once said.
"Light," you said to me, "only things that aren't real can be perfect."
"We're perfect," I retorted, making sure to look up into your eyes with an intense glare, just to kill you a little. 
"Yes," you said a little sadly. "We would be."
(People are liking this so I just wanted to say my first reblog has an L POV snippet where I use the same quote!)
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toaster-fire-art · 9 months
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sketches for a novel that doesn't exist yet
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nickmacleanjazz · 1 year
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After crossing the country on an enormous 2-month (50+ gigs/workshops) Canadian national tour, the Herbie Hancock-influenced modern jazz ensemble NICK MACLEAN QUARTET feat. BROWNMAN ALI returns home to Toronto for the tour's final show @ CONTXT. After two months on the road the group's synergy has grown to be almost telepathic, come join us for our welcome home show! TICKETS: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/545543724967 Full Tour Information: www.TourNMQ.brownman.com ----
FRI-JUN-02 show @ 8pm @ CONTXT 254 Lansdowne Ave, Toronto, ON M6H 3X9 $15 adv, $20 door TICKETS: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/545543724967 Facebook Event: https://www.facebook.com/events/579476820874404 Full Tour Information: www.TourNMQ.brownman.com ---- This spring, the multi-award-winning NICK MACLEAN QUARTET feat. BROWNMAN ALI embarks on their extensive, two month national tour across Canada, bringing them from their hometown of Toronto all the way to the Pacific coast and everywhere in between. Led by fast-rising piano star NICK MACLEAN -- an 8x Global Music Award winner and one of the most in-demand young jazz piano players in Toronto -- this contemplative yet thrilling quartet delivers jazz between the two poles of thoughtful introspection and powerhouse conveyance, taking influences from Herbie Hancock's primordial 1960's Blue Note era recordings. Maclean's quartet heavily features one of Canada's most provocative improvising trumpet players -- BROWNMAN ALI -- an internationally acclaimed, multi-award winning jazz iconoclast who has been heralded as "Canada's preeminent jazz trumpet player" by New York City's Village Voice and is best known globally as the last trumpet player to play in the legendary jazz-hip-hop group GURU's JAZZMATAZZ. For this show, Ali & Maclean stand shoulder-to-shoulder with 2 of Canada's top-tier rhythm section players: BENNETT YOUNG on upright bass (in for Ben Duff), and JACOB WUTZKE on drums. - :: Nick Maclean - piano :: Brownman Ali - trumpet :: Bennett Young - bass :: Jacob Wutzke - drums - Come witness these four in full flight, this tour features many nights of deeply exploratory, hard-swinging modern-jazz audiences nation-wide will not want to miss. ----
All tour information can be found at: http://tournmq.brownman.com/ - Wed-Apr-12: Toronto @ La Rev Thr-Apr-13: Oshawa @ Simcoe Blues & Jazz Fri-Apr-14: Waterloo (workshop) Fri-Apr-14: Waterloo @ The Jazz Room Sat-Apr-15: Sudbury @ The Alibi Room Sun-Apr-16: Sault Ste Marie @ Algoma Conservatory Mon-Apr-17 - travel day Tue-Apr-18- travel day Wed-Apr-19: Winnipeg (workshop) Wed-Apr-19: Gimli @ Ship & Plough Thr-Apr-20: Brandon (workshop) Thr-Apr-20: Brandon @ Vincent Massey H.S. Fri-Apr-21: Saskatoon @ The Bassment (solo piano) Fri-Apr-21: Saskatoon @ The Bassment Sat-Apr-22: Edmonton @ Yardbird Suite Sun-Apr-23: Calgary @ Ironwood Stage Mon-Apr-24: Calgary (workshop) Tue-Apr-25: Canmore @ artsPlace Wed-Apr-26: Canmore (workshop) Thr-Apr-27: Salmon Arm (workshop) Thr-Apr-27: Salmon Arm @ Jazz Club Salmon Arm Fri-Apr-28: Kamloops @ On The Rocks Sat-Apr-29: Abbotsford @ Matsqui Community Hall Sun-Apr-30: Vancouver @ Frankie's Jazz Club Mon-May-01 - travel day Tue-May-02: Nanaimo (workshop) Wed-May-03: Nanaimo (workshop) Thr-May-04: Comox @ Little Red Church Fri-May-05: Victoria @ Vinyl Envy Sat-May-06: Nanaimo @ Simonholt Restaurant Sun-May-07: Victoria @ First Unitarian Mon-May-08 - travel day Tue-May-09: Vancouver @ 2nd Floor Gastown Wed-May-10: Abbotsford (workshop) Thr-May-11: Kelowna (workshop) Thr-May-11: Kelowna @ DunnEnzies Fri-May-12: Penticton @ The Dream Cafe Sat-May-13: Vernon @ Vernon Jazz Club Sun-May-14: Golden @ Rockwater Grill & Bar Mon-May-15 - day off Tue-May-16 - day off Wed-May-17: Calgary (workshop) Wed-May-17: Lethbridge @ Geomatic Attic Thr-May-18: Taber (workshop) Thr-May-18: Medicine Hat @ Casa Amigos Fri-May-19: Regina @ Acfr Le Bistro Sat-May-20: Brandon @ Chez Angela Sun-May-21: Winnipeg @ West End Cultural Centre Mon-May-22 - day off Tue-May-23: Dryden @ Dryden Regional Wed-May-24 - travel day Thr-May-25: Sault Ste Marie (recording) Fri-May-26: Sault Ste Marie @ Algoma Conservatory Sat-May-27 - travel day Fri-Jun-02: Toronto @ CONTXT ---- Presented with support from the Canada Council for the Arts. ---- For more info: www.TourNMQ.brownman.com www.NicholasMaclean.com www.Brownman.com www.Browntasauras.com
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xcxnxnxrx · 1 year
im gonna try sleeping
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mx-werebat · 2 months
Ula bow did you even get me to do that my paws arem shaky
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mooneltwo · 1 year
The Eldritch Koby au is like if you swapped the Sunflower Paradise au roles and put it in a modern setting (Everything went well instead of worse)
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