#convert website to ios app
convertixo1 · 11 months
Convert Website to iOS App
Converting a website into an iOS app offers numerous benefits in today's mobile-driven world. By transforming a website into an app, businesses can tap into the vast iOS user base and provide a seamless mobile experience to their audience. This conversion enhances user engagement, accessibility, and brand visibility. With features like push notifications, offline access, and optimized performance, an iOS app can offer a more personalized and convenient experience to users. Leveraging the native capabilities of iOS devices, such as camera integration, location services, and touch gestures, a website-turned-app can deliver enhanced functionality and better user interaction. Overall, converting a website to an iOS app opens up new avenues for businesses to expand their reach and cater to the evolving needs of their customers.
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freeweb2app · 1 year
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Simply convert your website to iOS app without any coding with Web2appz Visit: https://web2appz.com
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marybeane · 1 year
I will convert website to apps and ios
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eastsonstech · 3 months
Benefits of Converting Your Website into a Mobile App
In today’s digital age, having a strong online presence is crucial for businesses to succeed. With the increasing usage of smartphones, businesses are recognizing the importance of offering a seamless mobile experience to their customers. One effective way to enhance user experience and reach a wider audience is by converting your website into a mobile app. This article explores the numerous benefits of such a conversion and provides insights into the process.
To read full post, Visit: https://tech.eastsons.com/blog/benefits-of-converting-your-website-into-a-mobile-app
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joshiobaskey17 · 1 year
I will convert website to android app and ios app
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initiotechmedia · 2 years
What do you mean by Web to App?
Web to the app is a new proprietary development process that turns your website content into an application. The Web-to-App process is software agnostic and can be deployed in iOS, Android, and Windows mobile formats. Web to App converts your site content into an interface that users will find familiar and simple, tailored for the target device. The Web to App process contains 3 distinct stages, each of which can be completed in parallel-
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christyrdiaz · 2 years
Convert Websites into Mobile Apps
If you’re thinking about building a mobile presence for your company or business, one of the first questions you’ll have to address is whether you want to convert website into mobile apps for users to download , a mobile website, or both. At first sight, apps and mobile websites may appear quite the same. A range of criteria will determine which is ideal for your needs, including target audiences, budget, primary purpose, and essential functionalities.
Like any other website, a mobile website is mainly composed of browser-based HTML pages linked together and viewed over the Internet. It must have been created with a touch-screen interface and a smaller mobile display in mind. Responsive web design is increasingly becoming the latest trend for websites that are not just mobile-friendly but also scalable to any device size – from desktops to tablets to smartphones.
Instead of being displayed within a browser, apps are essential software downloaded and installed on your mobile device. To search and download programs for a particular operating system, users go to device-specific portals like Apple’s App Store or Android Market World. The app may either extract information and data from the Internet in the same way that a website does, or it can download the content so that users can access it without a connection.
Why Does Your Business Need A Mobile App?
People worldwide have become dependent on mobile applications for most of their work in this smartphone era. These mobile apps are the backbone of several businesses, and they have benefited them to take their company or business to a new height.
Some of the world’s most well-known brands had seen the value of mobile applications and opted to convert websites into app or PWAs. They have grown their audience and boosted their revenue due to it.
Aside from that, numerous statistics show that mobile applications are more popular than websites:
According to eMarketer, US people spend 4 hours on their smartphones.
According to Statista, income from mobile applications is predicted to reach $935 billion.
Now, if you also want to convert your website to an android app or iOS app, you’ve come to the right place, based on the statistics. There are various reasons why your business needs a mobile app and why they should invest in one. We’ll go through some of the most compelling reasons to convert a website into an app. Check it out here.
What Is More Popular? : Convert Website Into Android App Or iOS App
As Android and iOS apps have various code changes, you’ll need to pick if your application is for Android or iOS users. It is crucial to think about where your users are. While Android is more widely used worldwide, iOS is more widely used in the United States and Japan.
Both operating systems are similar in function, and you may host your app on any platform if you prefer. The big difference between the two platforms, aside from the volume of users, is the coding style. Android utilizes APK files, but iOS uses IPA files only for iOS.
The clearance guidelines are another variation between Android and iOS. Apple has stringent guidelines, and it tends only to publish engaging and useful apps that make use of iOS-only features. “According to Apple,” Websites served through an iOS app, online material that isn’t optimized for iOS, and limited web interactions, do not make a good app. As a result, web pages transformed into iOS applications or websites to iOS apps are more likely to be eliminated by Apple’s App Store.
Apple is greatly concerned with the user interface. It provides designers and developers with “Human Interface Guidelines” and “UI Design Dos and Don’ts.” Apple will reject your iOS app from the App Store if it has a poor user interface.
What Constraints Do You Need To Take Into Account When Converting A Website To A Mobile App?
Various tools are available to assist with converting websites into mobile apps (Android or iOS). However, such services cannot assure a positive user experience. That’s why it’s advisable to build a native app from the ground up rather than use a third-party solution to convert website to app.
With that in mind, it’s important to remember that Mobile app development needs planning and time. You may not know what it requires to create an app from the ground up if you haven’t built one before. Before you start designing your app, think about the following constraints:
Development Cost And Time
Apps differ from websites because they cannot be created with a low-cost building tool such as a content management system. You’ll almost certainly need a developer or a development team in your ring.
The price of building a native app might be relatively high. As per businessofapps, a simple app with just a basic UI and a package of must-have features costs between $40,000 and $60,000, while a Medium complex app project costs between $61,000 and $120,000, and an Advanced app project costs roughly $120,000, if not more. Also, app development might take anywhere from three to nine months, depending on the app’s complexity and the structure of your project.
However, investing some money at the beginning of the stage and getting the desired result soon is preferable to paying a service to design the interface you want repeatedly.
Screen Size
The mobile market is brimming with one-of-a-kind devices, including several different smartphones and tablets. As a result, while designing a UX/UI, you must keep in mind different screen sizes and make sure that all graphics, charts, and buttons appear good on other devices.
Search Presence
People will often search for your business website before checking for your mobile app. While Google will support you by involving “app packs” in browsing results, you can also notify people about your mobile app via a popup on your website. It will entice users to download your app, especially if your website isn’t mobile-friendly.
How to convert a website into an app (Website to App Guide 2022)1. Determine whether you require a mobile app.
At this step, you may wish to build a mobile app. However, not every website necessitates the utilization of a mobile app. You may not require an app to improve your user experience if your website is mobile-friendly. In such a situation, a mobile app can be an extra investment that doesn’t pay off if more customers choose your website instead. Please plan whether or not a mobile app is appropriate for your business.
2. Make a list of the functionalities that your app must-have.
It’s essential to determine what functionalities you’ll include in your mobile app before diving deep into app development. It will give you an idea of what you’ll need to create, but it will also support you in staying within the budget and calculating prices.
After all, it’s easy to consider the several functionalities your app may have. By creating a confirmed list of features, you’ll be able to develop a real vision for the app and verify that every part is valuable to your target audience rather than just a showy bonus.
3. Hire a development team.
You’ll need to collaborate with a competent and intelligent development team to create a high-quality app. These days, there are two possibilities: recruit an in-house developer team or work with experienced vendors.
Both options have pros and cons. An in-house developer team, for example, is more expensive, and rent, equipment, software, taxes, trips, and other expenses must all be paid for app development. On the other hand, in-house development allows you to manage the development process and produce an app suited to your unique demands.
Outsourcing is often the less costly option to convert a website to a mobile app because you may employ developers from many locations, each with its fee. The cons are that you won’t supervise every growth area and will have to trust that you recruited the right person for the task.
Luckily, setting up a periodic meeting plan with your developers is one method to account for this. It will aid you in staying on the right track with your project and allow you to make modifications as needed during development. This way, you would not get an app that looks nothing like your original design after waiting weeks or months for your developers to finish it.
4. Estimate app development costs.
It’s time to begin crunching statistics after your functionality list and development team are ready to start. There is a general rule; the more complex your application is, the more expensive it will build. According to one survey, developing a “basic app” costs anything from $38,000 to $60,000.
There are various aspects to consider regarding mobile app development expenses. The number of functionalities you wish to include, how long the app will take to create, who you’ll be working with, etc. All of these factors come into play regarding price, and you should consider them before designing your app. If you’ve gone over budget, read over your feature list again to determine which ones are vital and which ones may be added later.
5. Create a user-friendly UX design.
Your UX design is the essential thing to address while developing your interface, aside from the core functioning of your app. After all, what value is a mobile app if it can’t match the responsiveness of your website?
If you can’t build your mobile app as responsive as your main website, you may invest more in the website design rather than building a new app.
6. Test your app.
You must test your application before publishing it to the app store, like any web page, social media post, or email campaign. It will help you fine-tune your app’s functionality and solve bugs or problems before your users see them.
It will not only help you hold users who may have already uninstalled your app due to such issues, but it will also save your support team time from having to answer to users who are facing problems with your mobile app. Even if you can’t solve all of the defects before going live, at the very least, you’ll be aware of possible concerns and can prepare your support staff for these sorts of queries before they occur.
7. Go to the App Store and submit your app.
The last step is to submit your app to the App Store after it is built. The App Stores of both Apple & Android require roughly the same length of time to assess your publishing, and it takes around two to three days in total. Your app should be accessible for download in the relevant app store after being accepted.
Examples Of Various Websites That Converted To Mobile App And Get Popular TodayH&M
H&M is a famous Swedish multinational clothing company launched in 1947, created for its fast-fashion clothing for men, women, teenagers, and children. The company makes its online shopping available in 33 countries using a website portal.
H&M has also created a mobile app for its fashion brand that caters to a wide range of customers by providing the most up-to-date designs and inspiration. Anyone may tap on fashion feeds anytime, anywhere, and all in one place using its app.
Since its formal launch in July 2006, Twitter has evolved to become one of the most popular websites on the Internet. It was created as a tool for users to share 140-character messages with others, sent through SMS or posted online.
Many users now use mobile apps to access Twitter, and you can no longer type your Tweets. While the basic notion of a Twitter feed hasn’t changed, the design has altered with features like embedded media, likes, and Retweets.
It’s hard to believe now, but when Netflix launched in 1997, the home entertainment business was different. People would pay to rent DVDs (a new technology at the time) sent by mail, and it was the first and first online DVD rental service. In 1999, Netflix introduced monthly memberships.
As a result, the original Netflix website looks nothing like it does now. There was no video streaming available online, and there were no endless rows of stuff to scroll through. Instead, you might look through Netflix’s DVD library to see what’s new and featured and then place your purchase.
Now, Netflix has an application and website for streaming that creates incredible television shows, documentaries, films, animations, and other videos on tens of thousands of online devices.
AliExpress is a Chinese consumer shopping website founded in 2010 as a turn from Alibaba, a Chinese wholesale marketplace. AliExpress does not sell anything and acts as a marketplace for third-party vendors. It is popular in Russia, Latin America, and the United States but available in many nations.
AliExpress is known for its low-cost goods, and its initial web page prominently promotes this, with items such as purses, laptops, and bridal gowns all sold at low costs.
The website and its mobile app now have a new look, but it still has the same layout as before, with top navigation, shopping categories on the left, and a center slider displaying the newest discounts.
If you’re going on vacation or looking for a restaurant, you’re probably using Tripadvisor. The travel website is most recognized for gathering user ratings of hotels, rentals, activities, and other destinations.
Stephen Kaufer, Langley Steinert, Nick Shanny, and Thomas Palka created Tripadvisor in February 2000 to make it easier to browse the Internet for customized travel information. It aimed to become the Google of travel by licensing its technology to other companies.
Now, they have developed a mobile app that accepts reservations for transportation, housing, vacation activities, and restaurants online.
Wrapping Up
We’ve concluded our comprehensive guide on converting a website into an app. You may have a low budget when converting a website into an app, and investing a lot of money may not be the ideal solution for you. You can then use the MVP version. There is no alternative for custom mobile app development if you have adequate resources and want to create a high-quality app.
EvinceDev, a mobile app development company, offers various mobile conversion services to help your business grow. We’ve also converted several websites into mobile applications for clients worldwide. As a result, we can better understand your business and design the ideal app possible while keeping your budget and deadline in mind.
Read here originally published blog:
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hrtechservices-blog · 2 years
Ever wondered why one should turn their website to a mobile application?
Besides the desktop sites working efficiently, smartphone users are increasing astoundingly. According to research by Statista, the Global smartphone users shot up from 3.66 billion in 2016 to 6.25 billion in 2020. And it is estimated to be about 7.69 billion in 2027. Mobile apps are a profound way to grab the opportunity of this vast customer segment.
Reasons for converting a website into an app:
Link up with modern users- With a staggering growth in mobile users, desktop uses declined. Now a vast range of customers are looking to fulfill their needs via mobile apps. People are habitual with apps. The constant use of phones make app development a lucrative need of the hour.
Escalate mobile users’ experience- A study was conducted by eMarketers, the result shows that mobile users spend 90% of their time on apps and 10% on site-surfing. The reason why apps are prominent is that it gives a lot better user experience than websites. Apps offer a direct route with one single tap. It saves users from the hassle of searching websites, waiting to load and getting distracted by other notifications.
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disease · 2 months
• Spotify to MP3 | "Download Spotify tracks to MP3." • All Media Downloader | "This shortcut helps you download content from social media apps." • Web Services | "Customise the internet for you." • Better GIF Maker | "Convert videos and live photos to GIFs at highest quality using ffmpeg" • Water Eject | "Powerful water ejection system." • Paywall and Cookie Bypass | "Bypass website paywalls and cookies." • iUtilities | "The only shortcut you’ll need" • Reverse Image Search | "Search by image instead of keywords" • Google Translate | "Quickly translate using the Google Translate API" • iTweak Final Version | "A Jailbreak Alternative With Multiple Features!"
for those unaware: the pre-installed Shortcuts app on iOS/macOS/iPadOS can potentially be a life-changing application in regards to digital productivity.
it's utilized as a hub for your collection of shortcuts and automations. shortcuts allow for just a single click—which many times is conveniently incorporated onto your "share" sheet option panel—to execute one or multiple actions; automations are chosen commands that run at specific/relative times of day without prompt.
people tend to overlook the Shortcuts app due to its available "gallery" of shortcuts being rather limited... with the only other option provided being to build these desired actions yourself, which requires the skill of digital coding. however! that's where RoutineHub comes in: it's a website allowing users to share their own complex shortcuts, free of charge, and has a large selection to choose from.
RoutineHub: Shortcuts {by Popularity}
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specialability · 6 months
Since I've seen some bad "convert to firefox" posts here is the setup I use to only rarely see ads on desktop or android:
Firefox (or Firefox Beta, or Firefox Nightly if you're feeling spicy)
ublock origin
That's it.
Firefox blocks third party cookies and trackers automatically by default, you don't need any additional add-ons for that & they will just slow down firefox. ublock origin (not the plain ublock, not adblock plus) has many filters you can select from the settings and you should go through and add whichever seem to make sense for you. for example, if you're in Germany or visit German-language sites often, there is a filter for that specifically. if you ever do happen to see something you don't want to see on a site (it doesn't have to be an ad) you can remove it with ublock origin. ublock origin will block ads in spotify and on youtube in the web browser. if you use add-ons to make youtube better in other ways, disable their adblocking features or they may interfere with ublock origin.
blockada is a mobile app that blocks ads in apps before they even reach your phone. you will only find the subscription option app on the app store, but if you search their website and click download there is an option to download Blockada 5 which is free and works fine. if you have iOS you have to buy the subscription version, I don't use iOS so I can't offer you alternatives. some of your apps may break when blockada is turned on. you can whitelist those specific apps in blockada or try to figure out which specific url needs to be whitelisted. However, it can't block ads in the youtube app. So...
NewPipe is a youtube replacement app. It does all the things you can do in youtube but faster and better and doesn't show ads.
aside from that, if you want to keep your stuff secure the number 1 thing you should be doing is using randomized unique passwords with a password manager. there's one built in to firefox. it even syncs across devices.
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freeweb2app · 1 year
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Web2appz assist to Convert Website to iOS app without any effort Visit: https://web2appz.com/createapp
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sealapkdownload · 1 year
Seal APK - All in One Video downloader app for Android and iOS
Are you tired of being unable to download your favourite videos or audio files from various platforms? Well, we have just the solution for you! In this blog post, we'll introduce you to Seal APK (sealapk.pro), an incredible third-party app that empowers you to download media content from YouTube and other platforms with ease.
Say goodbye to the frustration of not being able to save your favourite videos for offline viewing or enjoying your preferred audio tracks on the go. Let's dive into the world of Seal APK and unlock a new level of media downloading convenience!
What is Seal APK?
Seal APK is an amazing third-party application that revolutionizes the way you download media files from various platforms. It offers a convenient and user-friendly interface, making it incredibly easy for you to save videos and audio files from sources like YouTube, ensuring you can enjoy them even when you're offline.
Why Choose Seal APK for Video Downloads?
Versatile Platform Support:
Seal App supports a wide range of platforms, including popular ones like YouTube. It enables you to download media content from different sources, expanding your options and giving you the freedom to choose where you find your favourite videos and audio files.
Seamless Media Downloading Experience:
With Seal APK, the process of downloading media is effortless. It provides a straightforward and intuitive interface, making it accessible to users of all skill levels. Say goodbye to complex procedures and welcome a smooth and enjoyable media downloading experience.
High-Quality Downloads:
The app ensures that your downloaded media files maintain their original quality. Whether it's a high-definition video or a crystal-clear audio track, you can trust Seal APK to preserve the integrity of the content, allowing you to enjoy your downloads in the best possible way.
Offline Access to Media Content:
One of the standout features of Seal video downloader is its ability to enable offline access to your downloaded media. You can enjoy your favourite videos or music even without an internet connection, making it perfect for long commutes, flights, or any situation where connectivity may be limited.
How to Download Seal APK:
Official Sources for Seal APK Download: To download Seal APK, visit the official site- sealapk.pro recommended by the developers. The above website ensures that you get the most up-to-date and secure version of the app.
Be cautious of third-party websites, as they may provide modified or compromised versions of Seal APK. Installing apps from third-party sources can expose your device to security risks. It's always recommended to download Seal APK from trusted and official sources to ensure the authenticity and safety of the application.
Ensuring App Safety and Security: Before installing Seal APK, it's important to enable the "Unknown Sources" option in your device settings. This allows you to install apps from sources other than the Google Play Store. However, exercise caution and only enable this option if you trust the source of the APK file.
Installing Seal APK on Your Android Device:
Once you've downloaded the Seal APK file, locate it in your device's file manager.
Tap on the file to initiate the installation process.
Follow the on-screen instructions and grant any necessary permissions to complete the installation.
Once installed, you're ready to embark on your media downloading journey!
Exploring Seal APK Features:
Effortless Media Downloads: The app simplifies the media downloading process. With just a few taps, you can download videos or audio files from your favourite platforms. Whether it's a YouTube video, a podcast, or a music track, SealAPK.pro has got you covered.
Video and Audio File Conversion: Seal offers the convenience of converting video files to audio formats. If you want to extract the audio from a video, Seal APK makes it easy to do so. Simply select the video and choose the desired audio format for the conversion.
Batch Downloads and Playlist Support: Seal app enhances your efficiency by allowing batch downloads. You can queue multiple videos or audio files for download, saving time and effort. Additionally, Seal APK supports playlist downloads, enabling you to save entire playlists with just a few clicks.
Customizable Download Settings: It gives you control over your downloading experience. You can customize settings such as download quality, file format, and destination folder. Tailor your downloads to match your preferences and device capabilities.
Comparison with Other Media Downloading Apps:
User-Friendly Interface and Intuitive Design: Seal pro apk prioritizes user experience with its intuitive interface. The app is designed to be user-friendly, ensuring that even beginners can navigate it effortlessly. Enjoy a smooth and pleasant media downloading journey from start to finish.
Enhanced Download Speed and Stability: Seal latest version apk optimizes the download process to ensure faster and more stable downloads. Say goodbye to long waiting times and interruptions during your downloads. Seal APK strives to provide a seamless and efficient experience.
Additional Features and Functionality: This application goes beyond basic media downloading. It offers additional features such as the ability to share downloaded content directly from the app and the option to manage and organize your downloaded media files conveniently.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):
Is Seal APK legal to use?
Seal APK is a tool that allows you to download media files from various platforms. However, it's essential to respect copyright laws and use the app responsibly. Ensure that you have the necessary rights or permissions to download and use the media content.
Can I download copyrighted content using Seal APK?
Downloading copyrighted content without the necessary rights or permissions is illegal. Seal APK should be used responsibly, adhering to copyright laws and respecting the intellectual property of content creators.
Are there any alternatives to Seal APK?
While Seal APK is a fantastic option for media downloading, there are other alternatives available as well. Some popular alternatives include TubeMate, Snaptube, and VidMate.
Is Seal APK available for iOS devices?
Seal APK is currently available for Android devices only. For iOS users, there are alternative apps available that provide similar functionality.
Where to download Seal APK?
You can download the app by visiting the official website - Sealapk.pro. There you can see a button at the very begging of the page. Just click the button and it's done. The app will start downloading.
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Wrapping Up:
Seal APK is a game-changing tool that empowers you to download media content from various platforms with ease. From its versatile platform support to its user-friendly interface and customizable settings, Seal APK offers an exceptional media downloading experience.
Remember to download Seal APK from official and trusted sources [https://sealapk.pro] to ensure your device's security. Enjoy the convenience of offline access to your favourite videos and audio files wherever you go. So, what are you waiting for? Dive into the world of Seal APK and unlock a whole new level of media downloading convenience today!
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convertixo · 1 year
Convert Website to App Online with Convertixo: Android & iOS
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Convert your website to a mobile app effortlessly with Convertixo .Our online platform enables easy conversion of websites into Android applications. Convert Website to App Online today!
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joshiobaskey17 · 1 year
I will convert website to android app and ios app
 Do you want to convert your website to mobile app?
 I'll convert your website to attractive mobile apps ( Android App and Ios App). I will convert your Website, Blog, and other Web pages into the Android app and Ios App. I'll provide you APK and IPA file, uploading of apps and if you need source code, then I can provide it too. Whatever pages present on your website everything will show in your App. Any changes you will do on your website it will automatically reflect in your App.
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How to download high quality videos onto iOS devices using Shortcuts
So you want to make GIFs or a fun little video edit for your fandom. The problem is, you don't have access to a standard desktop computer—just an iOS device that is not jailbroken (i.e., you're limited to apps in the Apple App store). You can always just screen record. But if you want something that gives you a clean file at its highest resolution, there's a pre-made shortcut for the Shortcuts app will allow you to download video files from hundreds of different websites at their highest available quality with a few clicks.
Operating systems: iOS (iPhones, iPads)
Difficulty: Easy
Required apps/tools: Shortcuts SW-DLT shortcut; A-Shell Mini (recommended) or A-Shell
Optional apps: VLC Media Player and Video Converter and Compressor.
Input: video links (compatible with links from hundreds of websites)
NOTE: If you have a desktop computer or an Android device, there are ready-made apps that will do this for you which you can download freely—for example, 4kVideoDownloader.
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If you're unfamiliar, Shortcuts is an pre-installed Apple app that lets users make "shortcuts" that execute a series of operations across one or more apps on their device with the click of a button. You just need to add a community-made shortcut that does all the downloading for you to your Shortcuts app, and give it the free terminal app that it needs in order to do its thing.
NOTE: Shortcuts are, by nature, open source. This shortcut in particular is a "wrapper" for yt-dlp and gallery-dl which are also open source and hosted on GitHub.
1. Required materials
A-Shell Mini
You can download this terminal app for free in the app store. Don't worry—you don't have to type a single thing into it. All you need to do is download it.
NOTE: The full version, just called A-Shell will also work, but it's over 1 gb in size while A-Shell is a few hundred MB, so save yourself the bloat.
Shortcuts SW-DLT shortcut app.
The SW-DLT shortcut can be shared to your Shortcut app via this link on RoutineHub.
Select "Get Shortcut" to open the shortcut in your Shortcuts app. Then tap "Set Up Shortcut"
The following panel will open:
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All you need to be mindful of here is the "isMini" line. If you downloaded A-Shell Mini, this line should read "True".
If everything looks how it should, select "Add Shortcut" and it'll be added to your shortcut library in the Shortcuts app.
2. Copy the video link you want
I'm going to copy a youtube video as an example, but you can download links from hundreds of sites. When you've copied your link, open your Shortcuts app, go to the "Shortcuts" view and select "SW-DLT".
A prompt like this should open (it'll automatically grab your link from your clipboard).
NOTE: Throughout this process, Shortcuts is going to ask you for a lot of different permissions. If you just click "Always Allow" for each one, going forward you shouldn't get those prompts a bunch).
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Select "Download Video" and two more panels will open. The first asks you to select your desired video quality/resolution and next asks you to select frame rate (choose 30FPS if it's a TV Show or a Movie).
After selecting your FPS, the shortcut will automatically open A-Shell Mini and begin running a script that downloads your file.
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NOTE: The first time you ever use SW-DLT, A-Shell-Mini won't download the video—it's instead going to set up everything it needs to get videos downloaded from here on out then it's going to send you back to the Shortcuts app. Just go back through the process of clicking the SW-DLT shortcut and choosing the quality and FPS again. You won't have to do it twice anymore after the first time.
When your file is finished downloading, a share sheet will open.
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Select the drop down arrow at the top of the screen to select how you'd like to save your file.
DO NOT click "Save Video".
Hit "Save to Files" instead.
Selecting "Save Video" will result in your device trying to save the file to the Photos App, which can't load or save some video files because of their codec. A video's codec is different from it's container (file extension type). In other words, the MP4 file format of this trailer I downloaded isn't the issue. The way it was transcoded results in its codec being incompatible with the Photos app.
If I just want to play the video locally as is, I can download VLC Media Player and play the video there. But if I want to use it do edits on my phone... it'd be a hell of a lot better if it was in my Photos app, since a lot of apps only access media from there, right? So I need to re-transcode it.
3. Transcode the video so it can be moved to the Photos app.
Transcoding a video allows you to change its codec and its extension. I've come up with two free ways to do this on iOS so far.
This is what I recommend you use. It's an online tool that converts videos up to 4GB in size to different video and audio codecs and file formats and can give them back to you at their original quality in just a few clicks. I was able to upload my 4K video in this tool on iOS and have it transcoded to the (default) H.264 codec, playing on my device still in 4K in a few minutes.
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Hit "Open File" and select the video from your Files app. After it loads, you can choose your video and audio output options. However, I left everything at default and it worked.
If you open "settings", you can see the video codec that Video-Converter plans to use. If those codecs are H.264 and AAC for video and audio respectively (which should be the defaults), you'll get a file that plays back on your iOS device. Click "Convert" and it'll begin making the new video for you and will give you a download when it's done. You can save that new download to your Files app, and then share it to the Photos app by finding it in your Files app, holding down on it to open options, and selecting Share > Save video.
Video Converter and Compressor
I would only use this if you need something offline. It's slower, it has annoying ads, and it bugs you about a paid version you don't need. It will work though and it's the only one I found in the app store that doesn't paywall what you need or limit you to some kind of free trial. Select "Video Converter">Files/iCloud and select your video. The following panel will open:
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This is again—a lot of options. But if you toggle "Advanced" you should again see the H.264 and AAC video and audio codecs are the defaults, and those will play in Photos. Select "Convert" and it'll serve you an ad, but once its done, your video will begin downloading.
NOTE: While there is a 4K (2160p) resolution option, I had to stick with 1080p because the app crashed every time I tried to set the resolution that high. ymmv.
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sojust · 2 years
Waltr crack
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Hackers can use this backdoor to take control of your computer, copy data from your computer or to use your computer to distribute viruses and spam to other people.
WALTR 2 2.6.7 keygen or key generator might contain a trojan horse opening a backdoor on your computer. These infections might corrupt your computer installation or breach your privacy.
While you are searching and browsing these illegal sites which distribute a so called keygen, key generator, pirate key, serial number, warez full version or crack for By Softorino WALTR is a 3rd party software that exists for the sole reason of hassle-free transferring of media (audio and video files) from your PC to your iPhone and iPad, without worrying about. Your computer will be at risk getting infected with spyware, adware, viruses, worms, trojan horses, dialers, etc Including WALTR 2 2.6.7 Rapidshare, MegaUpload, HellShare, HotFile, FileServe, YouSendIt, SendSpace, DepositFiles, Letitbit, MailBigFile, DropSend, MediaMax, LeapFile, zUpload, MyOtherDrive, DivShare or MediaFire, WALTR 2 2.6.7 torrent files or shared files from free file sharing and free upload services, Download links are directly from our mirrors or publisher's website,
WALTR 2 2.6.7 license key is illegal and prevent future development of WALTR 2 Key is a program that allows you to use iTunes-free file transfers of music.
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→ How to add music to your iPhone without iTunes using WALTRįor those wondering, the name of the app is inspired by Walter White from the legendary crime drama series, “Breaking Bad”. Available for macOS and Windows, WALTR PRO is compatible with Apple Music, supports all the latest iPhone 12 models, as well as iOS 14 and Big Sur.įor more information on WALTR PRO, visit the official website.Top 4 Download periodically updates software information of WALTR 2 2.6.7 full version from the publisher,īut some information may be slightly out-of-date. The app packs in a bunch of other features that are outside the scope of this article, so I’ll only list them here: trim-less ringtones, audiobooks, smart encoding detection, high-resolution audio, 4K video, video content detection, forced subtitles, Light/Dark theme and more. You’ll be able to stream FLAC from any device, including the new HomePod mini. And for the audiophiles with FLAC music collections, WALTR PRO can safely convert your files into Apple Music (without losing quality). With iCloud enabled, your music will be backed up and ready to play from HomePod. Using WALTR PRO, you can add files to Apple Music. Siri on HomePod is great-but there are times when Siri cannot access or play our high fidelity music collection. Yes, you can can manually select the target app for the transfer. freeload Softorino WALTR 2 full version standalone offline installer for Windows, it is used to copy music, video & Epub files to iPhone without iTunes. And while the original WALTR was limited to native Apple apps, its Pro counterpart allows you to send virtually any file to your iOS device, like comics, Microsoft Office documents, VLC videos, Kindle books and so forth. WhatsMessage (Bulk WhatsApp Marketing Software) With Crack. In addition to automatically scanning and filling missing metadata like before, WALTR PRO gives you full control of the way your media looks by allowing you to manually edit your cover artwork and metadata. Softorino WALTR 2.6.7 2018 WALTR 2 helps you wirelessly drag-and-drop any music. The items will be automatically converted into iOS-friendly formats on the fly and transferred to the right app on your connected iPhone or iPad. Like its predecessor, WALTR PRO is a simple app that allows you to drag and drop a bunch of media files onto its window. WALTR PRO brings several new pro-grade features, plus such perks as a standalone media converter, beautiful design, vastly more control than before and much more. We wanted to challenge ourselves and redefine our product approach entirely. Download Latest Version of WALTR PRO https://softori. We didn’t want to make ‘just’ an incremental improvement. Introducing WALTR PRO packed with powerful features, beautiful design & vastly more control. WALTR, an awesome Mac app for converting and transferring videos, music, ringtones and other media types to iOS devices, just got more awesome with the release of WALTR PRO.įor the past four years, we’ve been collecting your feedback and learning from our customers’ experience.
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