#coquet finale
shina913 · 2 years
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btswritingcafe · 2 years
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in honor of jeonnguk’s birthday we have put together some of the fics of our members for you to enjoy right in one masterlist. happy reading and happy birthday to jeon jeongguk.
please note. we only compiled a few fics as the quantity that has been reblogged on this network for jeongguk is too much to include in one post. with that being said, do not hesitate to look through our tags by searching for m;jeongguk.
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K E Y:
fluff [❀] | angst [♛] | smut [❦] | series [✎] | oneshot [✓] | drabble [⊕]
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coquet | ❀ ♛ ❦ ✎
On your brother's wedding, you dread traveling to see your family–whom you have successfully avoided for over a year after moving across the country for work. In an effort to save face, you hire an escort to get them off your back and perhaps even make your ex–who happens to be the best man–a little jealous. — Sincerely, @shina913
memories | ❀ ♛ ✓
in which moving on completely from your ex-boyfriend turns to be extremely difficult, especially when he suddenly shows up on your doorstep, asking to spend the night. — Sincerely, @pjmsdior
as it was | ❀ ⊕
on a sweet autumn noon with you in his lap and his heart in your palm, jungkook thinks he might finally have it all. — Sincerely, @ditttiii
the damsel & her knight | ❀ ♛ ✎
Extraordinarily intelligent, really handsome but insincere as heck, Jeon Jungkook is your childhood enemy, the Chairman's son, the apple of your parents’ eye and now also a co-worker that you are forced to rescue out of sticky situations every other day. You fear it is only a matter of time before he has you entangled in his mess as well. — Sincerely, @jimilter
silent gym buddy | ❀ ⊕
Trying out a new gym really can be a series of trial and error, but something about the cute guy who's always working out near you keeps you coming back day after day. — Sincerely, @dntaewithluv
our beloved summer | ❀ ♛ ❦ ✎
You made a vow to hate Jeon Jungkook ever since he packed up and left you without a single explanation, but when he shows up at your door after years of radio silence, it turns out that maybe your resolve isn’t as strong as you thought. — Sincerely, @jeonqkooks
officially yours | ❀ ❦ ✓
you're his and he is yours on the paper – but what is the reality? — Sincerely, @personasintro
at the end of the day | ❀ ♛ ❦ ✓
You and Jungkook have been best friends for 8 years, going through absolute hell and back together. After senior year of high school, you and Jungkook began a tradition of taking annual vacations together during the summer months. This summer is no different, with you and Jungkook celebrating graduating college just a couple months prior. You're set to move to NYC after the summer, with you and Jungkook soaking in the sun and as many moments as you can together. You'd think nothing could ever tear your friendship apart with him, but when you've sat on the beach for too many days in a row watching him surf, you can't help but wonder - when did your best friend get so hot? — Sincerely, @starshapedkookie
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These are only a few of the many fics that we have reblogged to our network! Thank you to all of the amazing writers who create such beautiful stories!
— Cafe Admins
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snurtle · 1 year
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Hey y'all! I've wanted for ages to set up a shop where I could sell my art, and I'm in the final stages of making that happen. To that end, I'm taking a few commissions to raise money for setup costs such as a P.O. box for shipping, samples from manufacturers, and other little bits and bobs.
I don't open commissions often, and only take a few slots when I do. Details and order form link under the cut.
Read this but can't justify the cost/can't think of anything? Consider sharing or leaving a tip at paypal.me/snurt ! It's the little things. 👽👽👽
These are commissions for single characters (no groups this time, sorry!) and are for✨personal use ✨ only. If you want to print it out and eat it, great! Go for it! Just don't use my art to sell something of your own. (a notable exception: if you're reselling a character that you commissioned my art for, feel free to include my art at the cost of your commission adjusted for inflation \o7)
The specs:
Full color, with minimal and/or spot shading
Whatever camera zoom you like. Can be full body, doesn't have to be. The price stays the same.
Comes with 2 free revisions from thumbnails to the end of the sketch. After the lineart is finished, additional revisions will be a flat $5USD fee each.
The How:
Payment is up-front. I will send you an invoice!
Turnaround is ~2-3 weeks from start.
NOTE: Extremely fine details may be simplified- please specify if you want me to pay extra attention to something important. The style of my examples and the art on my blog are great guides for this.
Backgrounds, environments, and big narsty props (like the statue in the last example) are $25-50 extra depending on complexity. If you don't want a background scene the art will either have a transparent bg or a simple gradient/pattern of some kind. Your choice.
If you've read this and want to reserve a slot, you can
Request a commission here! -> https://artistree.io/request/snurtle
(You don't need to have an artistree account to use the form! Please include the email you want me to send an invoice to.) :]
CC Icons used (checkmark and X, both modified) are by Alice Design and Adrien Coquet from the Noun Project.
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xjulixred45x · 1 year
¿Tomás peticiones de voltron? Porque pensé en una idea super tierna de los paladines(con lotor y allura) con un lector que básicamente es como yui komori, realmente me parece una idea super tierna y reconfortante💞
Holi! Si, Voltron sinceramente me encanta, aunque el final es una mierda😅se tenía que decir y se dijo. Tuve que hacerlo medio corto por muchos personajes.
Los Paladines (+Lotor y Allura) x Komori!Reader.
Lector: femenino
Género: Headcanons
Advertencias: nada preocupante. Fluff.
Y bien te conoce está como "PROTEGER A TODA COSTA"
lo más probable es que te hayan salvado de algun grupo de imbéciles personas con malas intenciones. Por lo que Shiro es un buen escucha después de eso. te quedas con ellos porque bueno, no hay mucha opción.
Limpiando un poco el castillo, cocinando con Hunk, asegurarse de que todos estén bien alimentados y felices, te vuelves prácticamente una mamá espacial.
Y Shiro es el padre espacial.
No es muy goloso pero se comerá todo lo que tú cocines.
Trata de ayudarte a alcanzar las cosas de los estantes altos. Si bien le resulta lindo, el mismo bajara las cosas de los alaqueles altos para evitar futuros accidentes.
Yui mide como un 1.58 y Shiro más o menos 1.80, LOS ABRAZOS SERIAN FANTASTICOS.
Es de por lejos el más gentil de todos. Entiende que tener esa actitud todo el tiempo puede ser un gran desgaste mental, por lo que si necesitas un descanso o ser quien cuiden un rato. Cuenta con el.
Diciendo como aprecia como levantas la moral del grupo a tu manera🥹.
Es demaciado lindo, no puedo-
Es el más difícil de por lejos, pero no imposibles (más con tu actitud).
Al principio te vio más como una víctima, una pobre alma en cierta forma. No esperaba que después fueras tan...vivaz.
Ver cómo pese a todo seguiste siendo feliz, animando a todos-ANIMANDOLO, cuidarlo, preocuparte por todos...
Hizo que te viera más como un superviviente que como una víctima.
Lo hizo respetarte por manejar la situación así. A la par que empezó a mostrar más interés, en cierta forma.
De forma similar a Shiro, muestra su aprecio a ti por los actos de servicio. No solo ayudando con las cosas pesadas, sino también siendo el primer en saltar delante tuyo si hay un ataque en el castillo.
De nuevo, no es goloso, pero si le pides que pruebe algo para la cena, pretenderá que lo hace de mala gana si aja.
Cuando pasen a una especie de relacion, no cambia mucho, excepto que es más abierto y la protección se dispara.
Si Keith se enoja con algo o alguien(cofcofLANCEcofcof) irá directamente a ti para desahogarse, esto aplica especialmente cuando se vuelve el piloto del león negro. Quiere saber si lo que dice es válido o si se está dejando llevar.
Eres de por lejos la persona en la que más confía en la nave(junto a Shiro).
El que cae más rápido, y cae FUERTE.
Deja bastante en claro cuando quiere algo contigo, pero no de la misma forma que cuando coquete casualmente con alguien. Son como preguntas un poco más personales, sabes si puede tener algo contigo.
Lance extraña mucho la vida en la tierra, es un hecho, por lo que el que quieras cuidar de el, escuchar su problemas y asegurarle que no es la "séptima rueda" del grupo significa MUCHO para el.
También el cómo no invalidas sus preocupaciones y lo contrastas con hechos reales y positivos sobre el, no tiene que ser el payaso del grupo para poder hablar contigo.
Es probablemente el porque se enamoró tan rápido.
Caballeroso ASF, abrir las puertas, ceder el asiento, ayudar con cosas pesadas que apenas puede cargar,etc.
También hay un poco de inseguridad al respecto de salir contigo, le comen las dudas de si es Realmente suficiente para ti, comparándose con los otros paladines del grupo. Aunque tú lo callas de inmediato porque sabes que lo es cierto.
Mimoso! Muchos abrazos y besitos en los cachetes. Especialmente si hiciste algo como cocinarle a TODO el grupo o si solo pusiste un límite sano entre ayudar a todos y ayudarte a ti misma.
Definitivamente te quiere presentar a su familia(más si no tienes una propia) !te asegura que te recibirán y te querrán tanto como el a ti!
! compañeros de cocina!
Ambos pueden pasar horas y horas intercambiando recetas, contando historias de la cocina, experiencias, etc y cunca aburrirse.
Tienen algo así como un sistema para poder hacer las comidas ente los dos para no sobrecargar al otro con trabajo. ej, tu los postres, el la cena, tu la cena, el los postres, miti miti,etc.
Prueban la comida uno del otro 🥺
Hunk es concidera do también como el que más levanta la moral en cierta forma, por lo que bajo ninguna circunstancia dejará que tú te sientas mal o inferior a ellos solo por no ser un paladin !ayudas de muchas otras formas!
Es el mejor hombro para llorar si las cosas se ponen demaciado tensas o si solo no puedes mantener feliz por una vez, está bien.
de forma similar a Lance, quiere presentarte a su familia, sus padres más que nada, sabe que los niños naturalmente te quieren, pero es muy IMPORTANTE que sus padres te aprueben.
Sobra decir, lo tienes alrededor de tu dedo ;).
Está acostumbrada a ser de quién el grupo se preocupe más al ser la más joven, por lo que te unas es un respiro de aire fresco.
No la malinterpretes, los Paladines la respetan, pero no de la misma manera que como TU la respetas. Sigues viéndola como una niña, pero también reconoces su mente brillante y confias en ella para protegerte.
Estás muy pendiente de ella, ya sea para que se bañe, se acuerde de comer, dormir tiempo suficiente, etc. Le recuerdas mucho a una madre gallina.
Puede que al principio parece molesta por esto, pero en realidad es porque le recuerdas a su propia madre, lo que le genera nostalgia y algo de tristeza.
Pero rápidamente lo súpera porque SABE que lo haces con los mejores interés en mente.
Ama tu comida, realmente la ama, más si sabe a mani.
Si se mete en problemas con Lance o cualquiera de los Paladines, va y se esconde detrás de ti, como un niño pequeño con sonrisa diabólica.
Maldita gremlin.
Noches de chicas Noches de chicasNoches de chicasNoches de chicasNoches de chicas-
Se hacen amigas muy rapido! Ella se lleva muy bien con los paladines, si, pero contigo es un nivel muy nuevo.
Dudo que Allura alguna vez se haya sentido atraída por una mujer, por lo que cuando empieza a verte de otra manera, no sabe que hacer o si actuar "normal"
Probablemente incluso vaya con los otros paladines para pedir un consejo porque lance y Koran no ayudan mucho.
Creo que es la que más trata de esconder este enamoramiento, más por querer dar la imagen de una líder segura y decidida, quiere tomar el valor suficiente para poder decirlo.
Y cuando lo dice igualmente se pone nerviosa y algo torpe. Pero de forma adorable.
PROTECC no dudará en usar la fuerza bruta si te pones en peligro.
Protectora, incluso peor que Keith.
Tardes de cuidado de pelo con los ratones espaciales(en serio MIREN SU HERMOSO PELO).
Seamos honestos, probablemente lo conociste cuando fue prisionero de los paladines y te tenía cierto grado de recon al principio.
Pero después empezaste a preocuparte por el(talvez porque te recordó a ti misma cuando fuiste salvada por los paladines) y no podías dejarlo así.
Así que, por el bien de sus salud mental y tú tranquilidad, te aseguraste que estuviera...cómodo en cierta forma.
Los Paladines+ Allura OBVIAMENTE no querían que los hicieras, pero poco pudieron hacer para detenerte.
Le trajiste comida, Agua, cosas para entretenerse, mantas por si hacia frío,trataste de hacer charla,etc.
Al principio simplemente pensó que era por pura lastima, por lo que lo rechazó las primeras veces.
Pero se dió cuenta bastante rápido que más bien era...empatía. te sentías identificada con el. Por lo que no fue tan borde contigo y empezó a apreciar eso, lo trataste como un ser vivo indiferentemente de su raza. El gusto.
Cuando le dejan andar por el castillo de leones lo más probable es que te agradezca por el buen trato en comparación a como lo veían los paladines.
Trata de "agradecerlo" de otras formas, principalmente ayudándote cuando los demás paladines no estén o no pueda encargarse, aprender un poco más de la cultura humana, y en general hablando de forma mas general para pasar el tiempo.
Si Allura y Keith era malos con la sobreporteccion, Lotor es eso elevado al cuadrado. Ahora que te aprecia, no hay escapatoria del afecto.
Aparte, Lotor es ALTO, incluso las que Shiro, fácilmente podría tirarte por encima de su hombro y nisiquiera sudar.
Simplemente no puede evitar encontrar a tu ser humano demaciado ADORABLE.
Perdón no se me ocurrió mucho más para esta parte :')
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maleahisthin · 9 months
I was on the phone with my boyfriend today and my sister came in the room I decided to show her all the cute new fall coquete clothes I want to get she then proceeded to tell me I will never look like the girls in those pictures there tall and I’m short she then proceeded to tell me I trigger her by being so small she looked away and i body checked my wrist and am finally able to touch my pinky to my thumb around my whole wrist she then screamed even louder my sister is 5’9 and 180 pounds
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wingedvow · 1 year
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I was sharing my thoughts on Derek/Odette recently and don’t remember if I have on here or not yet but...I think Derek and Odette’s story is a complicated one. She’s a very finite person- where Derek says he’ll love Odette much longer than forever, Odette simply asks him if he’ll love her until the day she dies. She thinks in very limited terms, she isn’t a fantastical person, and I think that’s rooted in how tied she is to her human experience due to her trauma in childhood and how she could never escape being perceived. The way Derek neglected her and belittled her as a kid resulted in a lot of wounds- we can see how disappointed and genuinely hurt she was in those sequences of “This Is My Idea.” Her Father was kind, but not much better at accepting her. So, to gain the respect she wanted, she studied femininity like a science and appropriated it- as we see in her violet dress era. She played the bashful belle and coquetted about and loved all the access and attention it brought. She didn’t have to be upfront about loving archery anymore and being laughed to scorn for being athletic- instead, she could flirt with the castle guards and learn even more about the swords and the battles, while being revered for making herself desirable to men. She loved the power it brought her, but it felt hollow after a while. That’s why she sang that Derek was immature, while he continued to claim he could’ve done better than her. However, once he finally did accept her, she knew it was for the artifice of her beauty that was, admittedly, manufactured. Sure, it was all her, but it was still inauthentic- she was dressing up, playing a part society wanted her to, this wouldn’t have been who she was if she were left to her lonesome. Still, his excitement got her excited- but when he showed himself again, failing to be eloquent and speak on his love for her, instead proving himself to be nearsighted, she walked. This is the way it would’ve continued to play out had she not lost the King. I think suffering that death made her feel like she was alone in the world and it was the first time she ever really mourned. She longed for family, for someone familiar- and she had grown up with Derek. Couple that with the strain she was under to find an anecdote to Rothbart’s curse and she convinced herself Derek must’ve been that person, against all odds...but he wasn’t.
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blogperfumes · 1 year
Mademoiselle Azzaro Eau Toilette - Floral Frutado
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Feminina e leve, Mademoiselle Azzaro exala joie de vivre, a alegria de ser mulher e o prazer de viver em uma das cidades mais bonitas do mundo: Paris. Felicidade que é contagiosa e viciante. O perfume é o elemento de sedução para a marca Azzaro, inspirado pelo estilo de vida mediterrâneo e os valores autênticos (alegria de viver, cumplicidade, convivência, transmissão, sedução …). Para prosseguir a busca de novas emoções, a marca compõe os seus perfumes em colaboração com os criadores mais talentosos e permanece fiel a uma tradição: uma obsessão pela qualidade dos aromas e a escolha das matérias-primas mais nobres. Líder em perfumes masculinos, Azzaro é o cúmplice de todos os sedutores.
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Uma sedução sem ostentação, sempre discreta, com o humor e a generosidade que caracterizam todos os grandes sedutores. Mademoiselle Azzaro é um perfume Floral Frutado Feminino. Esta nova fragrância Mademoiselle foi lançada em 2015. Azzaro Mademoiselle é a essência da mulher na sua rotina diária. As suas notas descrevem uma elegância discreta e uma vivacidade luminosa em torno da flor de mandarina e da frescura frutada e aveludada do pêssego. Flores exóticas e de beleza única como a Peônia e o Jasmim dão o encanto característico do perfume, que fica ainda mais feminino e acolhedor com o fundo almiscarado. As notas de topo são Pêssego e Flor de Tangerina. As notas de coração são Peônia, Jasmim e Flor de Laranjeira. As notas de fundo são Raíz de Orris ou Lírio Florentino e Notas amadeiradas.
Mademoiselle Azzaro: a parisiense num frasco de perfume
O frasco de Mademoiselle Azzaro O frasco de Mademoiselle Azzaro é o must-have da temporada. O seu vidro facetado sofisticado e elegante contém um belo perfume rosa, enquanto o laço de cetim evoca os códigos de alta costura icónicos da marca Azzaro. Simplesmente irresistível!
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Uma fragrância fresca, lúdica e chique que é leve e arejada como um vestido de alta costura. Mademoiselle Azzaro E se a parisiense sonhasse com um perfume…. Um perfume para iluminar os seus dias, perambular pelas ruas de Paris, de café em café, de livraria em boutique…. Um perfume tão leve e vaporoso quanto um vestido Azzaro de mousseline de seda usado para captar os raios de sol nos terraços dos cafés.… Um perfume Azzaro livre como o ar, fresco, jovial, chique… enfim, à sua imagem. Horas de travessura na filmagem do vídeo O vídeo publicitário de Mademoiselle Azzaro narra um dia turbulento na vida de uma parisiense interpretada por Lola Le Lann. O que é que ela faz? Ela diverte-se! Caprichoso e brincalhão num minuto, mal-humorado e rindo no próximo ... A actriz francesa faz de tudo. A coquete parisiense nunca sai sem o acessório que dá o toque final e vem completar o seu sofisticado visual. Envolvida pela sua fragrância preferida, ela admira o rasto florido que se espalha na sua passagem à medida em que caminha pelas calçadas ensolaradas e rodopia pelas ruas de Paris no alto dos seus tacões. Caminha da Torre Eiffel à praça da Concorde, do Jardin des Tuileries ao Jardin du Luxembourg, ou até a boutique Azzaro na chiquérrima rua do Faubourg Saint-Honoré, o tempo de uma escapadela para as compras. As fragrâncias Azzaro foram desenvolvidas em colaboração com os perfumistas Maurice Maurin, Michel Almairac, Aurelien Guichard, Lucas Sieuzac entre outros. Ocasião As notas florais com toques de fruta acompanham a rotina do dia a dia, seja um almoço com pessoas especiais, uma happy hour ao fim da tarde ou numa reunião no trabalho. Mademoiselle Azzaro destaca-se pelo seu lindo bouquet floral e frutado. Amante da liberdade, elegante e luminosa, a composição da Eau de Toilette é radiante, por sua vez delicada e vibrante. Read the full article
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zimtphilosoph · 1 year
Raiha Falls
A dark timbre hailed out into the courtyard as sharp and clear as a bullet dislodging into the night.
“Tch. It seems you're fair game to me now.”
As soon as Gin's hand disappeared beneath the lapel of his overcoat, as was his usual modus operandi, Vermouth in pursuit of both, the male executive and the girl, abandoned her cover.
The disguise of Kudō Yūsaku forsaken, and the mask forgone. To drew the noose ever tighter around the Kudō family, was something she'd shun till her last.
Gin at least, would've seen through one of her games, as the man had the keen sense of a bloodhound, able to sniff her out, even when no one else seemed to glean the truth beneath.
“I beg to differ. Lay off her, Gin.”
After tailing both, the male executive and the girl to a corporate building whose premises are bordered eastwardly by the Teimuzu river, Vermouth's voice still held an ounce of breathlessness within as it carried out into the courtyard.
Intercepting his line of fire, the actress drew her Belstaff coat closer to her lithe frame, missing the trusted weight of her gun, more than she would care to admit. And yet, her steps betrayed none of it. The almost meandering yet self-assured poise clad the woman in a habitual veneer of cold composure.
Ran stood pale and unmoving, her back flush against the rails, and a vast escarpment just beyond. Torrents of glistering black cascaded into one of Raiha-no-taki's sunken pools and further onward into the river itself and left a constant roar in her ears.
A gaze of inquisitive indigo bore into the actress only in passing, but after a merest moment of indecision, seemed to come alight with recognition.
Her ever so quietly uttered “It's you.” so genuine in its sentiment, yet so profoundly wrong to the woman who struts upon this worldly stage in the guise of her own daughter.
If this evening was to steep in a grand drape of blood, at least this abhorrent lie shall take its last bow with her.
“Our traitor coming out to play. It shall be your undoing, woman.”
A heavy-booted prowl conquered its path on the concrete pavement.
Gin licked over his canines with decadent relish, tasted out on his words like a connoisseur would savour a comet vintage. He finally had her, the grande dame of deceit, no longer untouchable to him.
“We'll see.” she crooned in a low contralto.
Vermouth tilted her head to one side with an air of coquet aloofness, a lazy cavalier smirk thin on culpable quirked lips. All but acting the Agent provocateur she was.
It reaped her nothing but a contemptuous scowl.
Calloused olive iries seethed, narrowed in utter distrust, as Gin considered the little karateka to whom Vermouth seemed so unequivocally drawn.
“Far from that sleuth, it has been the Mōri girl and the bouya, you were drawn to. Our line of work should've ridden you of such foolish sentiments. It doesn't become you, Vermouth.”
The defiant gleam in vibrant turquoise bedimmed into guardedness. “Is there something you're looking for, Gin?”
The man ground his jaw, a low baritone deepening further till it bled into a growl. “Tsk. Doesn't matter. She'll merely precede them. That brat and dilettante tantei will be disposed of soon enough.”
The silver blond executive flared his nostrils, keen to mete out the coup de grâce, now that his game was afoot.
“No, yamete.” a soft outcry, followed by a cascade of lightsome footsteps, draw the immediate focus of both syndicate members.
The muzzle trained to the high of Vermouth’s heart aligned its aim in a split second.
Her attention never to stray far from Gin, she read his intention not a moment to soon.
Acting on a desperate momentum, Vermouth lay one gloved palm to the small of Ran's waist, and spun them both around. Outmanoeuvring the muzzle until it no longer trained on the girl, but left the elder woman vulnerable in its stead. Negligent to her own, Vermouth took utmost care to coax Ran's head into a protective dip against her own sternum.
Mere seconds later, a shot rang out into the courtyard like a bell tolling.
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oatsynalliums · 2 years
Ayo so like,
Archaics could end with a happy denamu soon,
Meaning that all the problems aren't particularly solved, but the story ends because they won't be solved.
For example, it could end with Zes, Coquet and Kamila finally just living on to have a normal life. But the situation with Biripendā is: he's still alive doing who knows what until he dies of his crippling oldness. And nobody knows who the fuck the clown is still. Hell, Monnie can even come back now though- and Kegashite will live a happier life with these guys.
I could introduce more characters, make more problems until the next generation where we'd probably write forever as we'd go onto when Kamila grows older.
But I like writing Archaics too much and it'd just kinda be sad to end it lol
Know what?yeah,thatd be cool to just not end it lmao-
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omagazineparis · 1 month
Cancer, chimio : comment bien choisir sa perruque ?
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La probabilité que la perte de cheveux se produise dépend du traitement médicamenteux administré durant les cures de chimiothérapie. Votre oncologue sera en mesure de vous informer à ce sujet. S’il est en effet prévu que le traitement conduise à une alopécie, partielle ou totale, il est conseillé de choisir sa perruque en amont. Nombreuses sont les femmes à trouver plus acceptable de se faire couper les cheveux très courts, voire de les raser (chez le coiffeur avec une tondeuse ou un rasoir électrique) avant de commencer la chimio. Psychologiquement, cela peut sembler moins douloureux que d’assister à la chute de longues mèches. Bien choisir sa perruque Au moment du choix de la perruque, la première question qui se pose consiste en la matière. Convient-il d’opter pour une perruque en cheveux naturels ou une perruque en fibres synthétiques ? Outre son prix onéreux peu accessible à tous les budgets, la perruque en cheveux naturels réclame beaucoup d’attentions pour préserver sa beauté. Après chaque lavage, celle-ci nécessite un brushing et des produits spécifiques pour hydrater la fibre et en resserrer les écailles. C’est pourquoi, les plus pressées lui préfèrent la perruque en cheveux synthétiques qui demande très peu d’entretien et n’est pas sujette aux frisottis comme le serait une chevelure naturelle. Ce faisant, ce type de perruque ne supporte pas la chaleur. Les effets de style au fer à friser étant proscrits, il est essentiel de ne pas se tromper quant au résultat final. Quant au choix de la couleur, il s’avère être tout aussi personnel. En règle générale, une teinte plus claire que sa couleur d’origine tend à adoucir les traits. Un ton ou deux en-dessous flatte souvent le teint qui a tendance à pâlir durant toute la durée du traitement. Ainsi, si vous êtes naturellement dotée d’une chevelure ébène, un brun aux reflets subtils sera plus flatteur. Une brune optera peut-être pour une perruque châtain foncé ou châtain, et ainsi de suite. Notez que le blanc peut également se révéler séduisant. Les alternatives à la perruque médicale Porter une perruque médicale, ou une prothèse capillaire totale, n’est pas toujours assumé, et peut être inconfortable à porter. Heureusement, des alternatives existent rendant le port de la prothèse plus facile et revêtant un habillage de la tête plus ludique, et plus coquet aussi. Les prothèses capillaires Les Franjynes consistent en une frange, dont l’aspect s’apparente au cheveu naturel, associée à un accessoire, de type bandeau, turban ou bonnet, bonnet, spécialement étudié pour le crâne sensibilisé durant la chimiothérapie et pour accompagner toute la phase de repousse. Du plus classique au plus mode, il y en a pour tous les goûts. Et ce n’est pas tout ! Leur prix accessible permet de disposer de plusieurs combinaisons et de les associer en fonction du look du jour. Rester coquette, avoir plaisir à se faire belle, est l’une des armes pour lutter contre la maladie. Enfin, porter un bandeau ou un bonnet spécial chimio laisse respirer le cuir chevelu et ne ralentit pas la repousse des cheveux. Ils peuvent se porter à chaque étape du processus. Read the full article
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shina913 · 2 years
Hi! i hope this doesnt come off as a rude, but do you think you'll be writing any drabbles for the coquet couple?☺️
Hi!! Not rude at all 🤗 For now, I'm going to say 'no,' because the epilogue was their ending and I will leave it at that. Then again, I said that about my other series and ended up doing a 4K+ one-off 🤪 So who knows? If I miss them enough, I will revisit this couple at some point but not in the near future.
HOWEVER!!! I do have a spinoff planned 🤭 I haven't written out anything yet and it's mostly outlines and character sketches. I'm hoping to post a teaser or something like that around September-ish...👀
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missbunnydior · 2 years
Ñ vejo a hora d estar bem thispo na meta final e fazer o feed do insta bem coquete/disco girl cm várias e várias fts minhas fininha, sério eu vou virar mt bloguerinha d ed
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inkygemuwu · 3 years
It was dark.
The hero prowled warily around the villain’s lair, their head tilting at every direction, searching for a spark of light.
Their breathe hitched in panic, the hole of anxiety opening in the pit of their stomach, slowly devouring them.
Suddenly, lights at either sides of the large corridor opened, one by one, revealing an elaborate red carpet on the floor, and finally a staircase, ending with a royal-looking throne.
The hero instinctively blocked their sensitive eyes with their arms in protection, groaning in pain.
“Oh-ho ho ho ho ho~!” a familiar laugh could be heard from the end of the hall.
“God damn it, [villain]! Should you always put such a dramatic show up like that?!” the hero snapped, fuming.
The villain ended their laugh with a deep sigh of satisfaction. They flapped their red and intricate cape with their hand, gracefully so, and then their murderous gaze fell upon the scowling hero, hands placed on their hips in a swagger, their chest puffed up arrogantly.
“Oh, little hero. You should’ve seen the look on your face.” they said amusedly, smiling brightly like they always did.
“Shut up. You always do this kind of attention-seeking non sense, it’s annoying. You must cut it out.” the hero rubbed their eyes.
the villain widened their eyes and gasped, hand dramatically on their heart, feigning mock hurt. “Attention-seeking? How harsh of you to say that! I was only trying to present myself in the best ways I can offer.. just for you.” the villain all but gushed, voice dropping to a flirtatious purr at the end.
They took a few steps down, their golden heels tapping on the stairs. “You know, I’d been looking forward to our next meeting, thinking about how I’d invite and dine you in.” the villain flapped their hair with their hand, “I couldn’t resist my patience, I’d been desirous to see my favourite little hero again.” the villain stopped in front of the hero, tall and intimidating, yet shimmering with jewelry and wondrous.
They were so close the hero could practically smell the villain’s rich cologne. Their face burned.
“Oh yeah? Dine me? So you can gain information, or possibly persuade me to your evil deeds? That surely won’t happen.” they pressed, looking the villain up, eyes narrowed.
“Is this what you think of me? A malicious operator? It kind of hurts, you know.” the villain said, pouting, “I am not the kind to do such follies, especially to my special little hero.” they tilted the hero’s shin up, gingerly. “I just wanted to see you again, maybe have a nice dinner, a lovely waltz on the dance floor, or a cordial chat.”
“What?” the villain tilted their head and raised an eyebrow in bewilderment. “Is there something bizzare about that, love? Or are you” they leaned closer to the hero’s face, a sly smirk engraved on their lips as a luscious glint appeared on their eyes, “.. flustered?” they continued.
The hero’s breathe hitched, hyper-aware that their lips were only inches away. They cleared their throat, averting their eyes.
This wasn’t the first time the villain flirted with them. It’s been going long since months. The silly pet names, the looks of awe the villain gave when they stared at them, the smirk, the frequently tossed compliments and flattery.
The villain has always been a coquet(te). The grandeur, the softness in their voice, the gleam in their eyes, the stylish language, making the hero’s stomach flutter with heat.
And what was worse, was that the villain never failed to distract them and leave them feeling completely and utterly helpless, and with butterflies in their stomach.
“Ah ah ah.” the villain purred, “Look at me when I talk to you, there’s no hiding the little blush.”
The hero tensed at the tone. They looked back at the villain.
“There you are.” the villain smiled, tracing a line on their cheek. “Don’t you just look exquesite when you’re blushing. I bet your heart is beating so fast now.”
They placed their hand gently over the hero’s heart, and like they said, their heart was fluttering uncontrollably under their burning skin. “Just like expected.” they locked gazes with them.
The hero didn’t look like they had any idea what to do with the villain’s eyes piecing through them. Their breathe hitched.
The villain smirked, drinking up the sight in front of them.
The hero blushed more, speechless.
“So,” the villain said, “let’s dance, shall we.” they offered their hand.
The hero took it.
Not a prompt.
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dansnaturepictures · 3 years
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21/06/2021-Post 3 of 3: The fantastic Cemlyn-The wildlife 
This afternoon we headed to Cemlyn where we hoped to see some terns which we had read about here. Instantly upon arrival we heard the distinctive shrieks of a seabird colony and could see the terns and gulls in the distance and some flying overhead.
We excitedly walked onto the shingle beach area and alongside the lagoon and it was brimming with terns. We had Sandwich and Common Terns flying spectacularly over our heads and it was astonishing to see them. We spent several minutes marveling at the magnificent scene of the terns busily flying out to sea, fishing and bustling in the lagoon. It was exceptional and enjoyable to get lost in watching the hundreds of terns, the large Sandwich Terns with their black and yellow tipped beaks and familiar Common Terns with their red beaks and black tip. We were also overjoyed to spot some special Arctic Terns out there with their extremely long tails and real bright blood red bills and feet. They were distinctive and amazing. A year tick for us and also only the second time we had ever seen them after the Farne Islands a couple of years ago. A sort of (given the ones I saw at Coquet Island and Farne Islands were all in one week in Northumberland in 2019) second only second ever in as many days after Black Guillemot yesterday. It was so lovely to see these inspiring vast international travelers. On the lagoon I enjoyed seeing young of all the tern species as well as adorable Black-headed Gull and Oystercatcher chicks which was special I took the first picture in this photoset of the Black-headed Gull chicks. They really did help bring the lagoon to life alongside their parents. I took the second and fourth pictures in this photoset of Common Terns and third of Sandwich Terns with some more of them I tweeted on Dans_Pictures tonight. 
There were sensational moments as the whole colony of terns took off into the air at certain points which I tweeted pictures of on Dans_Pictures. So immersive and wonderful to observe showing the real wildlife spectacle we were so lucky to enjoy. I did a phone sound recording of the charismatic wall of noise which was so great to hear. All walk and looking at the terns today we got to speak to some brilliant and nice people about the birds, the area and other topics. Looking behind us we were stunned on the sea water to see four more super Black Guillemots after yesterday a bird I was over the moon to see then and I was so sweetly embraced by the defining and phenomenal wildlife of Anglesey being so fortunate to see these again! I feel this will be one of the big species I remember this trip for. There was also a lovely Razorbill on the sea and we saw some Grey Seals pointed out by another couple of people who were nice that we got talking to. A top scope view of this aquatic wonder and important mammal for the UK with our internationally important population another great mammal year tick this holiday and great to see them for another year.
We then walked around the low headland with the sun eventually really emerging I said how beautiful this looked in my last post with 10 landscape photos I took today and a splash of colour was applied to the area in the form the delightful array of wildflowers, including fantastic foxgloves and sea campion, red campion, white clover shown in the eighth pictures in this photoset that I took today, bird’s-foot trefoil, thyme these two shown in the seventh picture in this photoset buttercup, more saxifrage after yesterday and beautiful thrift like the one in the sixth picture in this photoset of all of which I am having a great year for. I loved seeing and learning the gorgeous wild cabbage on the walk today too the fifth picture in this photoset if of these. It was also lovely to see birds we are more used to seeing at the coast at home, Cormorants flying over and delightful Ringed Plovers as well as lots of terns flying over. Sandwich Terns we do see at home and have had a brilliant few years for but rarely had we seen so many coming so close and I almost got used to it at one point which was surreal. It was nice to see a Shelduck flying over too a bird very common locally at home this is one of my favourites and one of the first I ever saw at Titchfield Haven on my first intended birdwatching trip to a nature reserve aged 10 another favourite bird I thought there may also be the right habitat here to see to add to this real festival of favourite birds for me whilst away so far with so many seen. 
Upon getting back to the car the word was a Roseate Tern a rarer tern that had been around but was not here when we looked over the colony earlier had been seen. After I saw a stunning swollen-thighed beetle on some thrift a different flower for me to see them on which I got the ninth picture in this photoset of we went and found a very kind Wildlife Trust person who told us where the bird was and as we watched I was thrilled that the Roseate Tern came into view. It was brilliant to watch this bird with its sweet black beak lacking the yellow tip of the Sandwich Tern. It was really good to take in another monumental species and one of my birds of the year. Only my third ever time seeing them if like the Arctic Tern you count the Coquet and Farne Islands sightings as one time. Very interestingly, this one has made a nest with a Common Tern not something I’ve heard of before.
As my Mum chatted to this person in more sunny conditions to before I had goes at getting more flying tern pictures. When doing so my attention was fixed on a gull as I was stunned when a cute round headed black tipped Kittiwake flew by! A target this holiday too possibly at the more traditional place I would expect to see them in a colony on the Puffin Island trip if we get to do it or the more sheer cliff areas. But I had known they can pop into flatter lagoon areas and I was in my element watching the first of this one my favourite birds I’d seen for two years like Puffin yesterday since Northumberland in 2019 fly along the beach, into the lagoon and back up again. A stunning moment, one of my best of the trip so far. I took the tenth and final picture in this photoset of this.
Roseate Tern and Kittiwake in the more maybe, than we’re really gotta go for that section of our list of trip targets for this trip were amazing to see today. It means we’ve seen most of our targets already on this week away which has been incredible. It takes my bird year list to 167 after two days of three year ticks, ahead of how many birds I had seen at this stage in 2018 now sitting second only to 2019 for the highest amount of birds I have ever seen in a year on this date which I’m so pleased with. Furthermore, I’ve now seen 28 of my favourite birds so far in 2021. The highest amount I’ve ever seen in a year leaving only three on my list of favourites that I haven’t seen this year and this is fantastic and represents a lot of happiness at being able to see so many of my favourite species this year. That’s also eighteen of my favourite birds seen this holiday so far which is extraordinary, I did start the year with nine of my favourite birds ticked on New Year’s Day so this is another key moment in this big thing for me this year. I thoroughly enjoyed this truly wild and rich in life piece of coast it was so much fun and I left with a very positively strong impression of this place. 
Wildlife Sightings Summary: Cemlyn-My first Arctic Tern, Roseate Tern, Kittiwake and Grey Seal of the year, three more of my favourite birds the Black Guillemot, Razorbill and Shelduck, Grey Heron, Cormorant, Ringed Plover, Oystercatcher, Sandwich Tern, Common Tern, Black-headed Gull, Great Black-backed Gull, Meadow Pipit, Linnet, bee and Swollen-thighed Beetle.
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watchmegetobsessed · 5 years
Slipped - Shawn Mendes
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The bathroom’s acoustic is fantastic, Shawn’s voice is echoing from the walls perfectly as you sit in the bathtub, listening to his singing and just staring at him in awe. You love the shirt he picked out this morning, especially how he didn’t button the top and now you have an amazing view of his chest hair. His head is bopping to the rhythm, his eyes close from time to time as he gets lost in the song, focusing on the lines even though he has done it a million times. You rest your head against the edge of the tub, the cold surface pushing into your skin as you follow him move around in the room. It’s the first show after his break from the European leg and he has been going on and on in the past week about how excited he is to be back on the stage and you truly believe this is his true element.
“You know, your stare is more intimidating than having thousands of people watch me,” he speaks up snapping you out of your thoughts and you haven’t even realized he stopped singing. You lift your head up as he strolls over to you and leans on the edge, smiling down at you.
“Do I stress you out, Mendes?” you coquet at him with a half-smile. His soft curls are bouncing around his forehead and you just want to curl them around your finger, but you don’t want to ruin it before show time, because once you touch his hair you go hard on it.
“A little bit. But it’s kinda good, I like having you with me.” Leaning down he captures your lips in a quick kiss. “When will I be able to do this outside of arena bathrooms?” he questions making you slide lower in the tub as you don’t have a valid answer to that.
“Um, soon?” You try with a charming smile, but he just chuckles shaking his head at you. He has been definitely struggling keeping your relationship a secret and you feel his pain, but you agreed to do it. You’ve been dating for only two months and even though it feels like you’ve known each other for years you still have a lot to work on. Him being back on tour and you working in the summer is just hard to coordinate even without the world eyeing every step of yours. You just need time to figure out how to deal with the situation before going public.
“I’m sorry, we will figure it out, alright?” you sigh caressing his rosy cheek.
“I know. I just want the world to know that you are mine so guys know you are taken.”
“It’s not written on my forehead,” you chuckle at him as he squats down and rests his chin on the edge, so your faces are at the same level now. You scoot closer and nuzzle your nose against his, making him smile.
“I think I’ll get you a shirt that says taken on it.”
“Very clever,” you chuckle pecking his lips. “Are you done with singing?” you ask trying to turn him back to the reason why you are here. He has to focus on the show, you cannot be the reason he loses his attention on the important stuff.
“One more song,” he sighs before standing up and starting the lines to his new song, If I Can’t Have You.
An hour later Shawn takes his spot for the Q&A and you listen to it from the other side of the background he has behind him. Sipping on a bottle of water you hear him answer all kind of questions, taking the time to answer everything as detailed and lengthy as possible, putting all his thoughts into it. The fans are over the moon, loving every word of his and honestly, you can relate. You just love listening to whatever he has to say, getting to know what’s going on in that pretty head of his, you could listen to him talk all day long and not get bored.
“What is the hardest thing in being on tour?” a girl asks and Shawn almost immediately answers.
“Obviously, not seeing my loved ones. It’s hard, because everyone has their own lives so they can’t just drop everything to come and see me. I miss my parents, I miss my sister, I wish they could come with me and be with me all the time, but it’s just not possible. My girlfriend is-“
He immediately stops, sucking on his breath as the whole room starts rumbling ad you feel the blood running out of your face.
“I-I mean…” he stutters nervously and you see that everyone around you is kind of panicking as well. There is no way to save this, he really just accidentally outed your relationship on a Q&A.
“Who’s your girlfriend?”
“Who is she?”
“Is she here?”
The questions are bombarding him, but you don’t hear an answer from him, he is probably just as shocked as you are. Andrew runs out, then returns a few seconds later and snaps you out of your shock.
“Y/N, it’s over, okay? He is going to answer questions about you, I’m sorry, but there is no way we can keep it down. They probably tweeted it out or something.”
“Yeah, okay,” you nod dizzily, knowing there really isn’t any other way.
“Um, so yeah. I do have a girlfriend,” you hear Shawn’s voice again as everyone quiets down, waiting for his explanation.
“We’ve been dating for a few months, but we really don’t want to make it such a big deal.”
“Is she here?” someone asks.
“Yeah. But she is not coming on tour with me, as I said, everyone has their own lives. People can’t just come on tour with me for months.”
“What’s her name?”
“Can we skip this, please? I really wasn’t supposed to tell this and now I’m nervous. Can we just talk about something else?” he pleads with a nervous chuckle and I feel bad for him that he had to face all the attention alone.
It feels like the Q&A takes forever, but it finally ends and you are waiting for Shawn in his dressing room. You can hear him approaching from far as he excuses himself from everyone to get to you as quick as possible. The door opens, he appears with worry all over his face and he rushes over to you starting the apologizing right away.
“Baby, I’m so sorry, I swear I didn’t mean to say it, it just slipped out. I was just not thinking and-“
“Shawn, stop,” you chuckle, cupping his face in your palms. “I’m not mad, okay? I know it was an accident.”
“You’re not mad?” he whispers surprised.
“No. I know you are under a lot of pressure, so I’m surprised you made it this far,” you chuckle making him finally loosen up.
“I’m so sorry.”
“It’s alright. We’ll make it work anyway, right?” you smile up at him, wrapping your arms around his waist as his arms find their way around your shoulders.
“Yeah. At least I can kiss you anytime now,” he chuckle leaning down and pressing his lips to yours.
“Mmm, maybe you did it on purpose so you could kiss me whenever you want?” you tease him, but his face turns white pretty fast as he takes your comment seriously.
“I swear to God I didn-“
“Shawn, I was just joking,” you laugh cutting him off, watching him relieve.
“Don’t make me shit my pants, I have to be on stage in thirty minutes,” he mumbles pecking your lips a few times.
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melodiouswhite · 5 years
Say it with flowers!
He blinked confusedly at the huge, colourful bouquet of flowers shoved into his face. "What the hell is this?", he asked the person offering him the bouquet. The taller, black-haired man frowned. "A bouquet of flowers, obviously. That's a ridiculous question, even from you, Hyde." "I see that, but you do know, that I'm not the kind of man, who-" "It's for both you and Jekyll", the other interrupted him impatiently. "Now shut up and take the damn flowers!" Then he shoved the bouquet into Hyde's arms and ran off. Now that was uncharacteristic for him. Was he in a hurry? The brunette frowned, then balanced the bouquet in one arm, to get out his key and open the door.
"Hey, Jekyll!", he called out, as soon as he was in their lab. "What the heck just happened?" At once, the distorted image of his other half appeared on one of the glass cabinets. "I don't know, Hyde." "Do you think he put something in that bouquet? Something poisonous, or-" Jekyll laughed: "Don't be silly, Hyde! Like he would do that!" "He did look pretty miffed." "You would've been miffed too, if you caught him coming home from a night of visiting the coffee houses*." There was no arguing with that. Hyde had spent a fun night, as usual, when he returned to Jekyll's home.  But tonight, as he was approaching the backdoor to Jekyll's lab, it had happened like a replay of their first meeting, that he met with Mr. Gabriel John Utterson, Jekyll's lawyer. Who currently also happened to be the lover of both of them. Now one might think, that he would be faithful to his lover, but Edward Hyde wasn't someone for monogamy, even though he was extremely possessive of Utterson and ready to murder everyone, who coquetted with his lawyer.  Utterson didn't seem to mind, or if he did, he never expressed it. It would have been pointless anyway. But still, what had that just been about? "Still though, what's with these stupid flowers? What am I supposed to do with them?" "I think he wants to tell you - us, something with them. It's popular to exchange words through flowers. But don't ask me what flower means what, I really don't remember." Hyde thought for a moment. Maybe some of the servants would know the meaning of the flowers … oh, like hell would he admit to a servant of Jekyll's, that he didn't know something!  What time was it anyway? He looked at the grandfather clock at the opposite wall. It was midnight. Huh … it's not as late as I thought. Suddenly, he had an idea. "Hyde? What are you doing?", Jekyll questioned, when Hyde slipped back into his coat, "You've had your fun for tonight, where else would you want to go at this hour-HYDE!!!" "Calm down, Jekyll", the brunette giggled, "I'm just going to your study! I need to use your new telephone." Then he leapt out of the window, with the flower bouquet tucked in his coat. "Was zur Hölle-?!**", Lady Summers grumbled, when her telephone rang, just as she had been about to retire.  With a sour expression, she took up the receiver. "Hello?" "Hello, this is Edward Hyde speaking", he timidly spoke into the telephone. He had never used the apparatus before and wasn't quite sure as to how it worked. So he was relieved, when he heard the Prussian's mellow, faintly lisping voice answer, albeit slightly distorted by the receiver. "Ah, Mister Hyde! What a surprise! I hope you have a good reason to call me at this time, I was about to retire." "It won't be long", he assured her, "I just wanna know something. Hark, I just met Gab- Mr. Utterson and he gave me a bouquet of flowers." For a few seconds Lady Summers didn't answer and Hyde wondered, if there was something wrong with the telephone. But then he heard her amused chuckle. "Well, that doesn't sound like a problem to me!" "But Jekyll says that this could be a message and that the flowers have meanings. But he doesn't know what meaning, that's why I'm calling you." "Oh, I see. Well, don't you worry, I'm an expert on floriography! First off, if he gives you a bouquet of flowers, it usually means, that he loves you very much and wants you to be the only one to know." Hyde snorted: "As if. He's my bed-fellow, nothing more. And Jekyll and I already are the only ones who know - well, except for you and Lanyon." He heard Jekyll snort in his head, which overlapped with Lady Summers' giggle.  "You keep telling yourself that, Mr. Hyde", she chortled, "But back to your flower bouquet. Tell me what the flowers are and I'll reveal, what he means to tell you." "To me and Jekyll." "Oh?" "Yes, the bouquet is for both of us, he said." "Interesting. Then I hope the doctor is listening?" "I am", Jekyll whispered in his head. "He is", he informed the Lady. "Good. Now, tell me what flowers there are." Hyde opened the ribbon and lay the flowers out on the table next to him. It sure was a colourful assortment. Jekyll, I don't know all of the flowers. "Don't worry, I'll help you with the ones you don't know." "So it seems every flower in this bouquet is there twice. One for Jekyll and one for me, I guess." "Go on." He picked up the first two flowers, two fragrant lilies. "I have here two lilies." "What colour?" "Orange." "Oh." Her voice sounded surprised. "Go on." "Wait, what does it mean?" "I'll tell you in the end. Go on and don't forget to give me the colour with the sort of flower. The meaning of a flower also depends a lot on the colour", the Prussian explained. Hyde was worried at her tone, but continued: "Two yellow carnations …" "Huh …" "Two geranium flowers …" The Lady snorted audibly. "Two marigolds …" "Oh. Oh dear …" Hyde picked up two flowers that looked like hyacinths - but since when could hyacinths be yellow? "They can be", Jekyll told him, "They're just not that easy to get your hands on." "Alright, I also have two yellow hyacinths." "Not surprising at this point", the Lady replied. Hyde, by now thoroughly annoyed by her dry commenting, continued: "Then I have two daffodils and two petunias. That's all for now." "I see … uhm …" "Well?", he growled impatiently. Her answer came rather hesitantly: "Mr. Hyde … I'm afraid he wants to say - pardon my French - 'You're bloody arseholes and I can't stand you'." Hyde almost dropped the receiver. "In flower?!", he cried incredulously. "In flower", Lady Summers confirmed. She didn't sound like she was joking. Jekyll was dead silent in his head, obviously just as shocked as he was. For a few minutes not a word was exchanged. Finally Lady Summers' worried voice broke the silence: "Mister Hyde? Are you still there?" "Yes … are you sure, Milady? I mean, the flowers - just explain!" Why am I feeling so anxious all of the sudden? I mean, it's no surprise- "Alright, Mr. Hyde: orange lilies mean hatred. Yellow carnations essentially mean the same, or to be more specific, they mean 'You have disappointed me'. Geraniums mean 'stupidity' or 'folly'. Marigold stands for cruelty, despair, grief or jealousy. Yellow hyacinths simply mean 'I'm jealous'. Daffodils stand for egotism and petunias stand for resentment and anger. In conclusion, he is angry with you and done with your behaviour and your attitude towards your relationship." "…" In his head, Hyde could hear Jekyll sob bitterly. He was probably having a nervous breakdown about how he had known it all along, that Gabriel hated them both, that they weren't worthy of him and so on. Hyde himself didn't know, what he was feeling. Shock? Disappointment? Upset? Hurt? Anger? Resignation? He had no blooming clue! "Mister Hyde?" Lady Summers' voice snapped him out of it. "What?", he snapped in annoyance. "Check if there are any more flowers hidden in the bouquet." "What? Why?" "Just try it. What do you have to lose?" Curse that Prussian bitch for always being right! How did she do that?! He searched the bouquet and lo and behold, he did indeed find a tiny bouquet that was hidden within the bigger one. "There is! But how did you-?" "I didn't. It was just female intuition. What flowers are those?" "Two primroses and two violets." I swear, if this is another 'I hate you'-bouquet, I will- Suddenly, the Prussian cackled at the other end of the line. What the bloody hell was so funny now?! "Oh, Mr. Hyde and Dr. Jekyll, you two are some lucky rascals! Your 'bedfellow', as you call him, is way too good for you!" "What?" Hyde heard Jekyll gasp in mortification. He himself usually found the Lady's bluntness rather amusing, but right now he was just confused and wanted answers. The Lady giggled, before explaining merrily: "Primroses mean 'I can't live without you'. Violets mean 'I will always be true' or 'I will always be there'. They stand for modesty, faithfulness, loyalty and devotion. That adds a nice bonus to the arsehole message, don't you agree?" Hyde nodded absently. Then he shook his head in disbelief. That crazy lawyer … "Mister Hyde, are you alright?" He blinked. "But of course!", he cried, "Why would I not be?" It was true. He was feeling just fine. So why- Oh. "Jekyll is bawling in my head", he informed the aristocrat. "Don't mind me", Jekyll sobbed, "It's just tears of joy!" "Just Jekyll?", she queried. He could picture her lifting an eyebrow. It was only after her retort, that Hyde realised, that he too was crying. Tears … where the hell did they come from? "No", he admitted quietly, not quite sure, if the Prussian noblewoman could hear him through the phone. Then he cleared his throat and continued a bit louder: "Don't worry, I'm good. That's it for now, Milady. Thank you." "My pleasure, but next time don't call me in the middle of the night. Good night." "Good night." He hung up the phone. Then, for some reason, he began to laugh giddily. While he was crying. What's wrong with me? Now it was Jekyll's turn to laugh: "Isn't that plain, Hyde? There's nothing wrong with you! You're happy! Those are tears of joy you're crying here! You're happy, because Gabriel loves you just like me!" Hyde didn't even feel like arguing. He just continued to laugh like an idiot. Suddenly two arms wrapped themselves around him from behind. "Edward", Utterson cooed gently. Hyde squirmed, turning around in the other's arms.  Then he grabbed the lawyer by the collar and pulled him into a searing kiss. "Fuck you too, you bastard!", he rasped, when they broke apart. "You got my message then?" "Damn right, I did!", Hyde growled and kissed him again. "If you ever break that promise and leave me, I'll bloody kill you. You're mine." "Then it's only my right to ask the same of you", Utterson growled back, "If I am to be yours, you must be mine as well." The younger man smirked and wrapped his arms around the lawyer's neck. "Fine with me, Gabe", he purred seductively. Another make-out session ensued. The black-haired man was cradling Hyde in his arms and the brunette allowed himself to melt. Is this what love feels like? 
I've been wanting to write this for quite a while, so I did it, as long as I still had the inspiration. Btw, in the Victorian age it was popular to convey feelings through flowers, especially if saying them out loud would be inappropriate. There is an entire language built around it, it's called 'floriography' or 'Semlalik'. This custom is an import from the Middle East, or from the Ottoman Empire, to be specific. *the coffee houses - euphemistic Victorian slang for the brothels **Was zur Hölle - German for 'What the hell'
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