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Cor-Vex and Dru-Zod, the Brothers El, on Earth during the Golden Age
While environment factors--largely connected to the Red Sun phase shift and the stellarium depletion--prevented any kind of manned spaceflights from leaving Krypton, Zeta Beam technology was able to provisionally send out small parties to scout out other worlds. As the Zeta Shift prevented their physical form from fully stabilizing, Kryptonians on Yellow Sun Worlds couldn’t benefit from the abilities unlocked by that radiation, but some members of the Science Guild still took the opportunity to scout out other worlds, should plans for even a single-passenger rocket ever be completed and implement.
Cor and his elder brother decided to visit E-Arth. A curiously high traffic planet with all manner of extraterrestrial visitors like themselves, Cor became “Dr. Jordan Elliot” while Zod took on the identity of “Andrew Lane” and later, Superman. Encounters with Diana’s Society and the Golden Age Batman, Aloysius Fox, left Cor confident in sending his son, Kal-El, to Earth years later, but his adventure also gave him something of an aversion to Earth’s major cities, so Jor-El (having long since taken his patrilineal name) decided a rural setting might be better for little Kal.
When Jor-El returned himself as one of the Unknown Superman, he took on an identity inspired by one of his favorite Earth Films: The Wizard of Oz.
Dru’s time on Earth softened some of his imperial bloodlust when he escape the Phantom Zone, but seeing the cruelty man could inflict on other men--the same kinds of hierarchies that had negatively effect his and his mother’s life back on Krypton--left him with the need to reshape his adopted world, by whatever means necessary.
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orange-s-mario · 2 years
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Kryptonian woman destroying kryptonian gender norms
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pupsmailbox · 7 months
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NAMES ⌇ ada. adrien. aiden. aj. alice. altair. ambrosia. amy. angel. apparition. appendix. arius. arrow. arthur. ash. asher. aspen. atticus. augusta. bane. barrett. ben. benny. bernadette. bones. brain. brains. briar. caden. caleb. callan. carl. carlos. casey. casper. ciaran. claud. claudia. clay. clementine. coffin. corps. corpse. corpsie. dakota. damion. david. dearil. decay. diego. doom. dustin. echo. edward. elkridge. ellie. ember. emilee. emily. ethan. eveline. everett. flesh. frail. frailesse. frailette. frailita. frank. frankie. ghost. ghoul. ghoulette. ghoulia. ghoulita. grant. grave. graves. gravestone. grayson. griffin. grim. grimm. gutesse. harper. hazard. helen. horrell. horrelle. hunter. husk. jesse. jill. joel. john. judith. jules. kade. kaiden. kilian. klaus. kyle. lee. leon. liam. lily. luke. lurk. maggie. maggot. mangled. mara. marcus. marion. marionnette. max. maxwell. medusse. mera. merle. mira. mist. misty. mona. morb. morbesse. morbette. morbid. morgan. morganna. morgue. morguesse. morguette. mort. morte. morticia. mould. muerta. muerto. mura. mutt. myra. myrtle. necro. necros. nemesis. neo. nick. nikolai. nox. nyk. nyx. octavia. ophelia. parker. perseus. plague. priscill. quille. rain. raine. rayne. resurrect. resurrection. revenant. riley. rob. roman. rookie. rose. rosemary. rosie. rot. rotesse. rotette. ruin. ryan. saifu. sam. scar. scaresse. scarette. scarlett. scottie. scratch. shade. shadow. shaun. six. skull. slash. slashesse. slashette. slug. star. stitch. stitches. stitchie. stitchy. strike. sydney. tank. thorn. thorne. tomb. trickie. valentine. vamp. vertebrae. vex. victor. violet. virus. walter. wesker. wren. wyatt. z. zack. zed. zeke. zob. zoe. zomb. zombesse. zombette. zombina. zombita. zomblita. zon.
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PRONOUNS ⌇ axe/axe. ba/battle. bite/bite. bleed/bleed. bleugh/bleugh. blood/blood. bo/bone. bone/bone. brain/brain. break/break. chain/chain. coff/coffin. coffin/coffin. cor/corpse. corpse/corpse. corr/corrupt. craw/crawl. dark/dark. de4/de4th. de/de4d. dea/dead. dea/defeat. dead/dead. death/death. decay/decay. decay/decayed. dir/dirt. empty/empty. end/end. es/escape. evil/evil. fa/fate. fang/fang. freak/freak. fright/fright. fungi/fungi. ghou/ghoul. gloom/gloom. gore/gore. grave/grave. green/green. grim/grim. grim/grime. gun/gun. gut/gut. ha/harm. holy/holy. hor/horror. horde/horde. hurt/hurt. hx/hxm. hy/hym. infect/infect. it/it. ix/ix. k1/k1ll. ki/kill. kill/kill. lab/lab. li/lich. lurk/lurk. mo/mold. mold/mold. morbid/morbid. mou/mourn. mould/mould. mu/mutant. mutant/mutant. nec/necro. prey/prey. rain/rain. reap/reaper. rib/rib. rip/rip. rot/rot. rot/rotten. rotten/rotten. sa/sacrifice. sa/save. scar/scar. sea/search. shatter/shatter. shoot/shoot. shx/hxr. sick/sick. slit/slit. snarl/snarl. thxy/thxm. thy/thy. tomb/tomb. tri/tricked. un/dead. undead/undead. vamp/vamp. vi/virus. viru/viru. zo/zombie. zom/zombie. zomb/zomb. zomb/zombie. zombie/zombie. ⚰️/⚰️. 🍖/🍖. 🧟/🧟. 🧠/🧠.
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buntress · 1 year
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༒︎~☠︎︎°˖✧- ℤ𝕠𝕞𝕓𝕚𝕖 𝕀𝔻 ℙ𝕒𝕔𝕜 -˖°☠︎︎~༒︎
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[PT: Zombie ID Pack]
Req By :: Anon
TW :: Death + Gore, FR slur (Rhymes with Leak)
༒︎~☠︎︎°˖✧- ℕ𝕒𝕞𝕖𝕤 -˖°☠︎︎~༒︎
[PT: Names]
Ash(er) // Arius // Bane // Brain // Clay // Corpse // Coffin // Doom // Echo // Frank(ie) // Ghost // Ghoul(ia) // Grave // Grim(m) // Hunter // Husk // Mona // Muerto // Necro(s) // Nyx // Rob // Rot // Saifu // Shade // Shadow // Shaun // Six // Skull // Slug // Tank // Thorne // Vex // Wren // Z // Zack // Zed // Zeke // Zob // Zon
Note :: As some of these names are from various cultures, please be mindful when picking a name for yourself! Do your research and such <3
༒︎~☠︎︎°˖✧- ℙ𝕣𝕠𝕟𝕠𝕦𝕟𝕤 -˖°☠︎︎~༒︎
[PT: Pronouns]
Blood / Bloods / Bloodself || Bo / Bones / Boneself || Coff / Coffin / Coffins / Coffinself || Cor / Corpse / Corpses / Corpseself || Corr / Corrupt / Corrupts / Corruptself || Craw / Crawl / Crawls / Crawlself || Dea / Dead / Deads / Deadself || Decay / Decayed / Decays / Decayself || Di / Dir / Dirt / Dirtself || Freak / Freaks / Freakself || Ghou / Ghoul / Ghouls / Ghoulself || Gore / Gores / Goreself || Grim / Grime / Grimeself || Gut / Guts / Gutself || It / Its / Itself || Li / Lich / Lichs / Lichself || Nec / Necro / Necrom / Necroself || Rot / Rots / Rotself || Un / Dead / Undeadself || Zomb / Zombie / Zombies / Zombieself || 🧟 / 🧟s / 🧟self || 🪦 / 🪦s / 🪦self || ⚰️ / ⚰️s / ⚰️self || 🧠 / 🧠s / 🧠self || 🍖 / 🍖s / 🍖self
༒︎~☠︎︎°˖✧- 𝕋𝕚𝕥𝕝𝕖𝕤 -˖°☠︎︎~༒︎
[PT: Titles]
The Undead // One With Rotted Flesh // Zomb Who Came From The Earth // It Who Craves Flesh // The Living Corpse // Living Dead Girl // He Of Grime and Death // The Decaying Ghoul // The Risen Dead // The Infected // Hy Who Is Bitten // The Living Dead // Thon Of Putrid Remains // The Scourged // The Walker // The Rotted Zombie // Kie Of Rotted Remains // It Who Craves Brains
Note :: All pronouns can be replaced w/ your preferred pronouns!
༒︎~☠︎︎°˖✧- 𝕃𝕒𝕓𝕖𝕝𝕤 -˖°☠︎︎~༒︎
[PT: Labels]
// Aldercormangic // Aldercorpse // Bloodzombic // Corpsegender (HQ Flag) // Cutezombigoran // Deadboygender // Deadthing // Deaissmic // Deathing // Decomgender // Draugrgender // Fouscizte // Fuzzetix // Genderanimate // Genderverval // Genderzombie // Ghoulexic // Ghoulfrilled // Gravedeux // Gravelexic // Incordycepic // Livingdeadboygender // Lovizomb // Malizomb // Mortemgender // Neu/Fem/Mascdead // Notzombie // Zombie Omninoun // Zombie4Zombie // Zombiecoric // Zombiecorngender // Zombiegender // Zombieic // Zombieish // Zombiespiderman // Zombiething // ZOMBiN // Zombmedix // Zombnurse // Zombun/pup/catgender // Zomflodernic // Zomidolic // Zomroyalty
Note :: The first letter of each term is a link to that term!
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liahleeh · 3 months
Em meio à escuridão das Ilhas das Sombras, uma solitária yordle se move com pesar, abrindo caminho pela névoa espectral, satisfeita em viver nas trevas. Com uma poderosa sombra no seu encalço e uma fonte inesgotável de mazelas nas costas, Vex evita a todo custo qualquer vislumbre de alegria e felicidade do mundo exterior, e aqueles seres enfadonhos que nele vivem e se dizem "normais".
Ela cresceu em Bandópolis, mas nunca sentiu que aquele era o seu lugar. As cores e a extravagância do universo yordle lhe causavam enjoo. Apesar de todo o esforço dos pais, Vex nunca se identificou com o "espírito yordle" nem teve amigos com interesses em comum. Ela preferia passar boa parte do tempo emburrada no quarto.
Foi lá que encontrou sua improvável alma gêmea, a própria sombra. Era toda preta (a cor favorita de Vex) e não emitia sequer uma palavra: a companhia perfeita para uma jovem taciturna. Vex aprendeu a se entreter com a sombra, realizando pantomimas lúgubres para se distrair.
Infelizmente, era apenas uma sombra, incapaz de protegê-la da repugnante alegria que a cercava. Devia haver algo melhor que aquilo para ela no futuro. Algo mais sombrio. Triste. Algo que fosse igual a ela.
Aquilo que ela tanto esperava chegou na forma de um Tormento, nuvens espessas de Névoa Negra que engoliram Bandópolis, despertando o pânico entre a população. Enquanto a maioria dos yordles lutava corajosamente para impedir o avanço da Névoa, Vex estava intrigada com aquele miasma pestilento e o seguiu até sua fonte.
Ao chegar às Ilhas das Sombras, Vex não conseguiu acreditar no que via. Vastas extensões de terra e mar sem nenhum sinal de vida nem cor bem diante de seus olhos. Ali ela poderia finalmente fechar a cara sem ser incomodada pelas gargalhadas e alegria dos outros.
À medida que os dias se passavam, Vex foi percebendo que a Névoa Negra tinha um estranho efeito sobre ela. A sombra que a acompanhava tinha assumido uma nova identidade fantasmagórica, muito mais expressiva e vivaz que ela, e sua magia yordle benigna tinha se transformado em algo muito mais sinistro. Agora, Vex era capaz de levar sua tristeza a distâncias muito maiores.
"Quem é o responsável por um lugar assim tão maravilhoso?", ela se perguntava.
Logo teve a resposta quando Viego, o Rei Destruído, surgiu nas Ilhas decidido a espalhar a Névoa pelos quatro cantos de Runeterra. Ao se encontrar com Vex, Viego percebeu que a yordle tinha a incrível habilidade de espalhar o desespero, deixando as pessoas mais vulneráveis ao Tormento. Por sua vez, Vex se sentiu inspirada pela visão dele de um mundo dominado pela Névoa Negra. Os dois logo se tornaram aliados e partiram na missão de tornar o mundo um deserto angustiante.
Antes que os planos de Viego pudessem se concretizar, Vex descobriu a verdadeira motivação dele: recuperar a alma de sua falecida rainha, Isolde, e juntar-se a ela em júbilo matrimonial. Ela estremeceu, enojada, sentindo-se traída, pois acreditara que aquele homem mataria a felicidade do mundo, mas, na verdade, ele a desejava para si. Vex permitiu que Viego fosse derrotado pelos Sentinelas da Luz e que os sonhos dele de uma união matrimonial fossem esmagados pelos destroços de Camavor. Sozinha mais uma vez, observou, com desgosto, o mundo voltar a ser aquele lugar iluminado e colorido que ela sempre odiara. Encontrar uma melancolia duradoura seria mais difícil do que imaginara.
Havia só mais um lugar para onde ela poderia ir. Um lugar onde certamente encontraria a tristeza pela qual tanto ansiava. Vex foi visitar os pais em Bandópolis, ansiosa por mostrar a eles no que tinha se transformado e desfrutar da desaprovação deles.
A jovem yordle só observou enquanto os pais, emudecidos pelo choque, não mexiam um músculo. A expressão que tinham no rosto foi mudando de choque para negação, até a relutante aceitação.
"Querida. Não conseguimos entender... isso", disse a mãe, apontando para todas as partes da filha.
"Mas amamos você incondicionalmente", disse o pai. "E, se você está feliz, nós também estamos, por você."
Revirando os olhos, Vex deu um suspiro sonoro e exasperado. "Fala sério", resmungou.
Saiu se arrastando da sala de estar na casa dos pais, ansiosa para voltar às Ilhas das Sombras, onde poderia ficar de mau humor sem ser incomodada.
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eclipse-vixen · 2 months
hi! may we humbly request for violent/angry NPTs please? thank you very much if you do accept!
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Violent & Angry Themed NPT
Names- Fury, Rage, Blade, Rogue, Abyss, Arsenic, Onyx, Knife, Pierce, Cain, Damien/Damian, Nemesis, Vex, Venom, Crimson, Spite, Genesis, Razor, Banshee, Sable, Pandora, Blackout, Belladonna, Mars, Demona, Vengeance, Crash, Oblivion, Arachne
Pronouns- wra/wrath, blo/blood, bite/bites, pain/pains, fang/fangs, cha/chaos, hex/hexs, de/death, gore/gores, burn/burns, lo/loathe, ra/razor, sha/shadow, ir/irate, py/pyre, slash/slasher, mon/ster, cor/corpse, fang/fangs, wound/wounds, rot/rots, vo/void, dis/disease, vi/vile, ven/vemon, poi/poison, da/danger, de/decay, hunt/hunts, co/corrupt
Titles- The Anger, The Fear, The Disgraceful One, The Vile One, The Burning One, His Bloodstained Hate, The Sick Sin, The Twisted One, The Grudge, The Butcher, His Vengeance, The Great Monster, The Bloodied Hand, The Wrathful Blade, His Pure Wrath, He Who Seeks Blood, He Who Fights Back, The Terror, He Who Craves Violence
(You can replace he/his with your own pronouns)
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I hope these are good!!
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vcxed · 1 year
☠️ —— Seus olhos procuravam alguém em que pudesse se encostar, algo que pudesse fazer para fugir daquilo. Sua cabeça zunia com raiva e ódio, as mãos tremiam de medo e pânico, mas não eram seus. Não em sua maioria. E era por isso que pouco a pouco o enjoo começava a embrulhar o pé de seus estômago, tornando cada vez mais difícil de se manter de pé. "Deuses...", Vex suspirou nervosamente, a mão tapando a boca antes que acabasse vomitando na frente de todo mundo. "Eu preciso sair daqui", murmurou para si, ao que cambaleava, esbarrando em um outro alguém, os olhos tremulando entre o vermelho vivo, característico de seu pai, e a cor clara que normalmente tomava conta das orbes. Nem mesmo concentração tinha para tornar mais ameno os ânimos de todos ali.
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In another world where Matthew isn’t in love with Cordelia, Matthew is rooting for James and Cordelia and he’s her confidante whenever she wants to talk about her feelings for james and she’s talking like a thirteen year old and Matthew is the best listener to her hardcore crushing. And Matthew is like a very vexed exhausted friend. Like
Cordelia: oh his eyes. It’s so easy to get lost in those beautiful eyes
Matthew: I know. Like flames borne from molten gold. Like if fire is only one colour and it’s James’s eyes
Cordelia: YES! Exactly. and his hair. I can spend hours writing songs about it. Dark, soft like I might come undone if I touch it
Matthew: black ink across a canvas, I know
Cordelia: and do you ever see the smooth column of his throat? its like flawless marble and sometimes it’s such an effort to not stare at it when I’m looking up at him
Matthew: well then thank goodness I’m taller than him
Cordelia: and raziel, his shoulders. Like wings spreading out, so much so that I have to keep myself from touching them just to see if they would actually feel like wings
Matthew: that sounds hard. Maybe that’s all I need to hear cor—
Cordelia: and his arms. I have to tear my eyes away from them every time I look at them. Every. Single. Time.
Matthew: all right, this is a little too much info—
Cordelia: and his lips. I wonder if they would feel as soft a they loo—
Matthew: I’M LEAVING
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dfroza · 10 months
An instrumental thought that seeks to find its way into the heart of another
(willing to be embraced)
not as something short-lived, that burns away, but something that will last (to always be)
the 2nd track on the new album Ephemeral by Dave Wilson
What shines is a thought that lost its way
A reflective post by John Parsons:
Today I learned that a friend from my childhood recently died.
When we consider our brief lives in this world, it is important to cherish the gift of others whose lives intersect with our own... We are on a journey that leads to what is eternally true and abiding: “The grass withers, the flower fades, but the word of our God will stand forever” (Isa. 40:8). God is the only enduring Reality in a constantly changing world, and He has designed it this way to cause our hearts to search for him. “All flesh is grass, and all its beauty is like the flower of the field” - such is the condition of this ephemeral world with its flux and fortunes. The flesh fades because the breath of the LORD blows upon it (Isa. 40:7). God Himself has ordained human life to be a vapor.…
This world is not our home; we are “strangers” here. It is an affliction to wait for the LORD, a sort of “homesickness” of heart... The apostle Paul says our loneliness and alienation prepare for us an “eternal weight of glory” beyond all comparison, because we are not looking at what can be seen but at what cannot be seen. “For what can be seen is temporary, but what cannot be seen is eternal” (2 Cor. 4:17-18). Just as the “two-souled” man is unstable in all his ways, so the process of being “educated for eternity” means learning to focus our heart’s passion and hope on the glory of heaven. “For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.”
God is our "Rock," a metaphor that implies that He is the immovable foundation and cornerstone of all reality. God is our strong refuge in the stormy changes we all face in this world. His Presence both grounds us and sustains our way. Nonetheless we walk by faith, not by sight, and often the sojourner in this world faces testing and even tribulation. In his despair, Job once asked, "If a man dies, shall he live again? All the days of my warfare I will wait until my change comes" (Job 14:14).
We must give our secret pain to God, even if we don’t understand it, and even if it refuses to go away... Our hearts are often vexed; we are a mess of mixed motives; we are strong to be made weak, weak to be made strong. We bless and curse from the same mouth... And yet, despite all this, despite our inner contradictions, the dance between the “old man” and “new,” the divided house of our lives - our present sorrows, our troubles, our fears – we must endure ourselves, we must press on, and we must never let go of hope in God's love. Therefore we must not hide ourselves from God’s presence, nor pretend to be what we are not. We are invited to come boldly before the Lord to help in our hour of need (Heb. 4:16). O Lord my God, be Thou my healer, the One who makes me whole... Refa'eini Adonai, ve'eiafei: “Heal me, O LORD, and I shall be healed.” Amen.
Please keep fighting the "good fight" of faith (1 Tim. 6:12). You infinitely matter to heaven; your life has great value; you are significant and you are truly loved by our Heavenly Father... There is a "future and a hope" reserved for you (Jer. 29:11); there is "a white stone, and on that stone will be written a new name that no one can understand except the one who receives it" (Rev. 2:17). This promise is given to the "one who conquers" because of the love and grace of our God. Indeed, by faith we are made "more than conquerors" (lit. "hyper conquerors") through Yeshua our LORD (Rom. 8:37).
Happy Chanukah and my love and appreciation for you.... May God's overcoming light shine within your heart of faith! Amen.
[ Hebrew for Christians ]
Psalm 103:17a reading:
Hebrew page:
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idapasquim · 1 year
𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧á𝐫𝐢𝐨 𝐬𝟑
Cor favorita:  Preto.
Cor odiada: Todas, menos preto. Consegue suportar lilás e vermelho, se for escuro.
Comida favorita: Comida mexicana. 
Comida odiada: Sopa.
Gênero de filme favorito: Terror.
Filme(s) favorito: A bruxa de Blair (1999), O Brilho Eterno de Uma Mente sem Lembranças, A Noiva Cadáver, A Mulher de Preto (2012) e Os Irmãos Grimm.
Filme(s) odiado: Filmes de terror sem criatividade repeteco com execução ruim tipo A Noiva, todos os filmes de dinossauro tipo Jurassic Park, filmes de monstro ou carros bombados tipo Godzilla, Transformers, Pacific Rim filmes de animais tipo Bambi, Babe o Porquinho Atrapalhado etc.
Filme de terror favorito: A Bruxa de Blair (1999), O Iluminado, A Hora do Pesadelo.
Seriado favorito: Westworld, Criminal Minds, CSI, Gossip Girl
Seriado odiado: Breaking Bad
Desenho animado favorito: Coragem - O Cão Covarde, Danny Phantom, A Corrida Maluca e Hi Hi Puffy AmiYumi.
Desenho animado odiado: Tom & Jerry, Pica-pau, Bob Esponja e Looney Tunes.
Personagens favoritos: Sam Manson, Emily (A Noiva Cadáver), Vampira (X-men), Yumi Yoshimura, Derek Morgan, Shego (Kim Possible).
Personagens que se identifica: YUMI (gótica e cantora).
Hobbies favoritos: Tocar guitarra, navegar por horas em sites de compras, fazer leituras rápidas de coisas aleatórias.
Hobbies abandonados: Escrever (no sentido de narrar o dia dela mesmo). 
Música favorita: Equalize - Pitty (ela quer que toquem essa no funeral dela)
Música odiada: Sertanejo num geral.
Artista musical favorito: Pitty, 5 Seconds of Summer
Artista musical odiado: Cantores de sertanejo num geral.
Jogo infantil favorito: Pique-esconde.
Jogo infantil odiado: Elástico.
Jogo de cartas favorito: Poker
Jogo de cartas odiado: Nenhum.
Jogo de tabuleiro favorito: Nenhum, num geral gosta de todos.
Jogo de tabuleiro odiado: Xadrez.
Esporte favorito: Nenhum, mas ela gosta de dança e luta.
Esporte odiado: Nenhum
Time(s) esportivo(s) favorito(s): Não tem
Time(s) esportivo(s) odiado(s): Não tem
Jogo eletrônico favorito: Mortal Kombat X
Jogo eletrônico odiado: Nenhum
Livro favorito: Zona Morta - Stephen King
Livro odiado: Nenhum.
Maior medo: Perder a voz, perder as habilidades, ficar louca de novo, perder a noção da realidade, nunca ficar limpa. 
O que o faria perder a sanidade totalmente: Perder quem ela ama, descobrir que na verdade tudo isso é só coisa da cabeça dela.
O que os deixa com raiva: Quando são injustos/violentos/cruéis com quem ela gosta, quando a tratam com inferioridade.
Medos mundanos: Danificar a voz, perder a relevância.
Sonho atual: ... Nenhum.
Objetivos de carreira: Transformar as Encantrix num grupo famoso internacionalmente.  Conseguir dominar a habilidade pra poder ajudar mais efetivamente a proteger criaturas sobrenaturais pelo mundo mesmo (enquanto está em turnê).
Ponto fraco: Os sentimentos mal resolvidos com o próprio dom.
Sentimento positivo que o rege: Amor
Sentimento negativo que o rege: Insegurança
Três memórias queridas: 
Três piores memórias:
Melhor momento em cada temporada:
Até então, os três momentos favoritos são conseguir ajudar os gêmeos na Vex, usar Possessão na batalha da Besta Pálida e contra os Sanguinários.
Pior momento em cada temporada: 
Aparecer bêbada na barraca arcana e mais atrapalhar do que ajudar. 
Maior erro: O citado acima.
Maior orgulho: Os melhores momentos + todas as vezes que conseguiu consolar o Guga e a Anaju.
Maior arrependimento: Ter ido embora deixando as coisas sem resolução, porque isso só magoou quem amava ela e ela mesma.
Maior desejo: Atualmente é conseguir ser mais útil.
Primeiro beijo: Ensino fundamental, pessoa aleatória.
Primeira vez: Ensino médio, entre o namoro da Annamarie e o do Guilherme.
Primeiro amor: Guilherme Sassaki
Linguagens do amor que gosta de realizar: Dar presentes, Atos de serviço, Tempo de qualidade
Linguagens do amor que gosta de receber: Receber presentes, Palavras de Afirmação e Atos de serviço
Opinião sobre os deuses virtuosos: Grande benefício, grande sacrifício, basicamente.
Opinião sobre as divindades celestiais: Não sabe muito sobre. 
Opinião sobre as bestas: Divide a opinião geral de que né, elas precisam ser derrotadas, mas ao mesmo tempo, tem uma certa curiosidade de entender como algo pode ser feito só de maldade. Desde quando? Por que? Por que existe?
Opinião sobre os demônios infernais: Curiosidade.
Opinião sobre magia arcana: Ela certamente tem Problemas com magia arcana, não acha muito confiável também, a não ser que a pessoa que utiliza saiba muito bem o que faz.
Opinião sobre magia divina: A mesma opinião sobre deuses virtuosos.
Opinião sobre humanos: Passou grande parte da vida achando que era uma, tem esse senso de proteção porque... Humanos deviam permanecer humanos, inocentes e ignorantes. É melhor assim.
Opinião sobre bruxos: Curiosidade também, mas é porque ela sabe que é uma coisa mais contratual então ela queria entender a extensão disso.
Opinião sobre praticantes de magia: Mesma coisa da opinião sobre bruxos. No caso, também acha meio injusto que eles não tenham o mesmo poder, teoricamente, do que bruxos.
Opinião sobre místicos: Curiosidade, também não sabe muito. 
Opinião sobre xamãs: Pretty nice, but scary. Especialmente pra ela que é pessoalmente vitimizada por xamanismo.
Opinião sobre caçadores: A mesma opinião que ela tem sobre quem caça animais ela tem sobre a espécie caçadores: desnecessário. Todo o conceito de caçadores que ela conhece grita intolerância, mesmo sabendo que algumas ordens protegem humanos, até aí, beleza, mas né.
Opinião sobre alquimistas: Misturas muito loucas, uma pena que é feita sobre um bando de pau mole que dificulta mais do que ajuda.
Opinião sobre sentinelas: Lindonas, mas, se ela souber que o funcionamento é meio igual o de alquimistas, ela já fica meio... Hum... Mas no caso delas, pela postura ativa, ainda acha muito melhor que Alquimistas e tem uma visão bem mais aceitável delas do que de caçadores.
Opinião sobre mediadoras: KKKK Injusto. Você não escolhe, você só é, e se você não quer ser, você sofre. Ao mesmo tempo, ela tem apego e ela sabe que mediadoras podem ajudar, ela gosta de sentir que está ajudando uma alma a seguir o caminho dela, mas ainda assim, é um sentimento muito contraditório, especialmente porque ela sabe como a mediunidade e as mediadoras tem um laço, bom, meio tóxico.
Opinião sobre sanguinários: No momento, pelo trauma, ela tem uma certa aversão, e medo.
Opinião sobre subjugados: Nenhuma opinião forte.
Opinião sobre druidas: Muito complicado e com ainda mais regras, apesar disso, ela tem curiosidade.
Opinião sobre câmbios: Ela gosta de câmbios, porque sente mais familiaridade com eles. 
Seu(s) guia(s) divino(s): Nenhum
Seu(s) guia(s) arcano(s): Perséfone
De quem sente inveja: Honestamente, de todos os amigos dela, porque at least they seem to know what they're doing. É uma inveja no sentido de querer muito ser como eles. Especialmente os que são tão bem resolvidos com o que eles são.
De quem sente admiração: Preciso ver no decorrer dessa temporada.
Modelo (Role Model): No sentido mais mundano possível, Pitty. Agora, dentro do que interessa no rpg, por hora ninguém.
Maior inimigo: Os Quartzo. Já teve tudo isso, mas antes mesmo da merda explodir, ela já estava puta com essa família pelo que Jessica sofreu com eles e pelo que ela quer evitar que a Rosé passe.
Maior rival: Ninguém.
Maior identificação: Ninguém.
Maior paralelo: O dom dela, num geral, é o maior paralelo. Agora, uma pessoa em específico, não saberia dizer no momento.
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wizardthlng · 1 year
↑ cor(vin) / scar
[🌈♾️] [🚦🏜]
it/he/vex [transmasc. agender]
↓ gay qplatonic aroace
↑ #↕ vin talks - text only tag
#↕ vin draws - my art
↓ #↕ reblog - reblogs
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Kryptonian Naming Conventions
[excerpts from the collected writings of journalist Lois Lane on The Superman in PRINT IS DEAD: a History of the Daily Planet]
The Kryptonian language is difficult to translate literally into any earth equivalent, as a single Kryptonian letter takes on a variety of meanings: take the famous “S” symbol, which—depending on spatial positioning—simultaneously represents hope, resurrection, and, well, the letter “S.” Because of this, how a given Kryptonian refers to themselves has been difficult to parse out, especially as even the friendliest and most forthcoming of the species is still immensely secretive in many regards.
Traditionally, it was believed that Kryptonian males had a compound name consisting of their given name, hyphenated with a house name (ex. Kal-El) while females had a given name, followed by their father or closest male relative’s full name as a surname (ex. Kara Zor-El). With the appearance of individuals like Cir-El, Lara Kon-El, historical examples like Lyta-Zod, and personal details from Kal and Kara themselves, the issue of Kryptonian names has been born illuminated and complicated.
Kal’s full traditional name is Kal Jor-El, following what was previously believed to be a formulation reserved for female names. While referring to a Kryptonian male of high social standing with either their house name (El) or full legal name (Kal-El) is perfectly acceptable, to simply use their given name (Kal) suggests a level of familiarity and intimacy reserved for deep familial or romantic connections. Superman’s insistence to being referred to as such started quite a stir in Kandorian High Society during one of his trips there, a woman apparently taking a swing at him when she thought he was trying to romantically proposition her wife in a public forum.
Following this, traditional Kryptonian names can be complicated in several other ways. Continuing with Superman as an example, his name could be extended out a generation to be Kal Jor Seyg-El; this specifies not only his house, but the particular branch and lineage within the House of El. This formulation quickly becomes unwieldy and even traditionalist Kryptonians consider it needlessly archaic. Alternatively, another spelling of Kal’s name is Kal Cor-Vex or Kal-Vex, based on a previous name used by his father, Jor-El having been born under the name Cor-Vex.
The slight difference between Jor and Cor is significant here, as it maintains a level of aural continuity as to ease a child from the name they were referred to in their younger years into the name they will be known as in adulthood. These name changes can occur for a variety of reasons, mostly connected to ideas of honor and social status of the individual parents.
As Nyssa Daron-Vex was of higher standing than Seyg-El when their child was born, Cor-Vex was given a matrilineal house name, with the decision to take on the other parent’s house name made later in life of the child’s own accord. Conversely, Seyg’s older son, Dru-Zod or Dru Lyta-Zod, denied his father’s name and maintained the matrilineal option. All great houses of Krypton’s late period are fairly intermingled—as great houses of dying empires tend to be—but Zod’s decision would and did have far-reaching social and even political ramifications, exemplified in Dru-Zod himself often being referred to as the mononymic “Zod” despite have two sons and other family members who all share that house name.
Interestingly, there seem to be no historical or living examples of a married Kryptonian taking on their partner’s house name as their own. Kal’s mother was Lara-Van (Lara Lor-Van in full) and a recognized head of the House of El, but only ever carried “El” as a sigil and never as part of her name. As the House of Van was technically of higher standing than the House of El by the end of Krypton’s planetary lifespan, it would actually have been advantageous for Kal to take on his matrilineal identity as Kal-Van or Kal Lara-Van. Kal would then simply choose one or the other at adulthood. That Lara believed in the fallen, supposedly “cursed” House of El enough to give her son that name suggests that—against the customs of Kryptonian high society at the time—Jor and Lara were very much in love.
Lara Kon-El, Kal’s daughter and Lara Lor-Van’s granddaughter, represents an interesting variation with a good amount of historical precedent. Transgender, nonbinary, and otherwise gender-nonconforming Kryptonians could, if they wished, take on a new name in traditional and legal capacity basically at will. Lara would be within her legal rights to refer to herself as “Lara Kal-El” or “Lara-El” depending on context, social setting (her sister Cir using Cir-El almost exclusively) but choosing to use her previous given name in place of her father’s name to establish her branch name has particular social connotations.
Kryptonian society is, in some ways, obsessed with the idea of resurrection or rebirth. While this could be attributed to the long period of decline between the collapse of their imperial phase and the physical self-destruction of their planet, the fascination seems to predate either by millennia, back to the Golden Ages of Krypton. Part of the supposed “Curse of El” involved a kind of mystery cult that utilized mysticism and superstition in attempts to revive the dead. Cloning became prevalent for much the same reasons, having major ramifications for Kryptonian society as even great houses began reliant on multiple clone members in their lineage to survive the rapid environmental degradation of their planet and plummeting natural birth rates caused by radiation and other pollutants.
All of that is to say, Lara choosing to give herself a new name amended to her old name—what we might call a dead name as humans—has cultural connotations of Lara claiming an individual identity and branch, resurrecting Kon-El as Lara Kon-El.
Outside of the House of El, there are other interesting outliers. Non was a Kryptonian soldier-deemed-criminal exiled to the Phantom Zone. As not only a felon, but also a foot soldier and clone, Non’s mononymic given name was not a mark of “greatness” as with Zod, but a sort of shaming or othering attempt, a weapon to lessen his personal worth by separating him completely from his house name and any familial lineage or social position that name would afford. Some historical examples exist of individual earning their house name back or being afforded a new one in light of distinguished service or excellence—something Non could choose to be afforded by the house of Zod—but again, it is presented as a personal choice whether one accepts the name or not.
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pupsmailbox · 7 months
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NAMES ⌇ acheron. adelaide. adonis. adrian. adrienne. aero. alaric. alfonso. alistair. allure. alluria. altair. amber. ash. asher. ashlin. avenal. bara. batte. belladonna. bianca. bitelle. bitte. blade. blaine. blair. blaire. bloodette. bloodie. bloodier. carmilla. cathedral. cecilia. celeste. chatelaine. ciel. claude. claudia. coffina. corbin. count. countess. crimson. crowley. dali. damienne. dirge. dorian. drac. drusilla. eleleth. elisabeta. elizabeth. elspeth. eve. fangcheska. faustus. felix. feronia. gorey. gossamer. gothita. guinevere. hemlock. hesperia. ivy. james. jasper. jericho. juliet. karnage. kings. lenore. lilith. louis. luci. lucian. luciel. lucien. lucienne. lucious. lyn. magnus. marce. melancholy. mercer. miriam. morcant. mortem. mortis. muse. nikolas. nosferatu. onyx. orpheus. pandora. princely. raven. rhys. rosalie. salem. sangue. scarette. selene. shadow. silas. silhouette. silvias. stoker. suckite. talon. valeria. vamp. vampira. vampiress. vamplita. vampress. vampyr. vampyre. velvet. velvette. victor. victoria. viktor. viktoria. vile. ville. vincent. virtue. xander. zak.
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PRONOUNS ⌇ ?/?. bat/bat. bi/bite. bit/bite. bit/bitten. bite/bite. bite/vamp. bleed/bleeding. blo/blood. blood/bled. blood/blood. blood/bloody. bloody/bloody. bur/bur. clo/clot. cof/coffin. coffin/coffin. cor/corrupt. corp/corpse. cro/cross. crypt/crypt. curse/curse. cy/cyr. dae/daemon. dark/dark. dea/dead. dea/death. drac/drac. dri/drink. en/tombed. evil/evil. fa/fang. fang/fang. grave/grave. gri/grim. grime/grimey. hau/haunt. hex/hex. horror/horror. it/it. ix/ix. kill/kill. mist/mist. mor/morbid. ne/nem. ni/nightlife. night/night. ny/nyx. pale/pale. phan/phantom. pyr/pyr. re/red. red/red. rot/rot. roy/royal. scare/scare. sharp/sharp. si/sire. spook/spooky. stake/stake. su/suck. syl/syl. teef/teeth. tomb/tomb. un/dead. un/un. undead/undead. upir/upir. va/vamp. vam/vamp. vamp/vamp. vamp/vampire. vampi/vampire. vampir/vampiric. vampire/vampire. vampy/vampyre. vampyre/vampyre. ve/vir. vex/vex. vile/vile. wi/wine. xi/xir.
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notagamepiece · 5 years
“Give me back my son” 
UGH my heart. i can not WAIT.
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ladyvader1984 · 6 years
This week’s Krypton thoughts:
A few things I want from Krypton:
1. To officially meet Cor-vex. Seg has to man up to the fact that he will be a soon-to-be-father. And who is going to raise/take care of this child?
2. Adam is bi or gay. He clearly is obsessed with Clark.  We ALL saw how Adam looked at that male Sagitari. Syfy can easily get away with so much more than any other tv channel. I wouldn’t mind some more character development from Adam either other than being Seg’s friend.
3. Who is Jor-el’s mother? Will Jor-el and Cor-vex be raised together as half siblings?
4. Who is General Zod’s father?
5. I miss Jeffery Combs voicing as Brianiac. 
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thedarklordmegatron · 4 years
Consider: Blind Cor AU in which Cor loses his eyesight in an explosion when he's in his late 20s.
He notices a bomb hidden on one of Regis' vehicles and just manages to throw the King behind him when it goes off.
The shrapnel takes his eyesight and his left arm.
He spends weeks in intensive care as more complications arise.
Regis and Clarus are holding his remaining hand/arm when the dr tells him that he'll never see again.
They never tell anyone about his tears or the way he shook.
Being the ever stubborn man he is, Cor refuses help until he's sitting in his apartment and realises that he can't even find the bloody toilet.
Eventually he ends up moving into Amicitia Manor where the 3 Amicitias help him relearn how to move etc.
When he does finally get a prosthetic arm, it takes less than a year for him to have earnt himself a fearsome reputation once more.
He may be blind but he wields his blade as well as anyone with full vision.
Years later he's helping Iris learn her forms on the Lucian coast when Cid calls to tell him about Ignis' injuries.
He absolutely does not (totally does) steal a boat and set sail for Altissia with Monica in tow. Someone has to pilot the damn thing after all.
He knows how hard it can be to relearn everything, he'll be damned if Ignis has to struggle the way he did, and if he can help the boys in the process then all the better.
And when he finds out about the Ring and the deal with the Lucii, he spends 3 hours insulting said Ring.
Regis' ghost finally appears, looking utterly exhausted and Cor demands to speak with the 'bastards in charge of this bullshittery'.
Long story short, Cor and Ignis quite literally bully the Lucii into helping them save Noctis' life.
Fuck Bahamut and his Crystal.
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