It's funny how much more attention the minor characters from pjo get compared to every other series minor characters.
Like, people constantly talk about characters that got minimal screen-time (Page-time?), like Castor and Pollux, Michael Yew, the Stolls, Chris and I'd argue that Selina and Beckendorf could even fall into this category.
But then, take Trials of Apollo for example. I rarely see people delve into characters like Crest, Georgina, Hunter Kowalski and Meg's siblings, even though I think some of them would be fun to explore.
Of course, this has to do with the fact that Trials of Apollo just not as popular as pjo, but even within it's own circles, I usually don't see them getting discussed.
I just found at in interesting observation
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suraibru · 1 year
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jess 2.0
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imkuelllgremlin · 1 year
good news everyone! gorge is back with her boyfrineddd!!
they jus chillin in the same corner of my room again. i guess they just went on holliay for while
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jrwi-updates · 1 year
JRWI posted an announcement in the patreon!
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[Image ID:
A cropped screenshot of a patreon post by Just Roll With It. It reads “PD Update: Yo! Bebo here, we are getting towards the end of PDS2 and taking some extra time between sessions so I can plan it out and make it a banger.
Our upload on the 26th will not be a PD episode but another entry in the Paradise Cornicles DM'd by TIZEN!!!! I hope you will enjoy the four bros of Snail Mail.”
End ID]
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onenicebugperday · 1 year
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@clown-weed submitted: Any idea what these guys are? I dont want to get rid of them if theyre not harmful to the plant. Theres several of them on the underside of my radish leaves. One of the large dark green ones with a cluster of the smaller light green. There was also one leaf with a small white worm in the cluster as well. They dont react to me flipping the leaf. Im in [removed] in Idaho. If you post this, please change the location to just idaho! Thanks for the help!
Looks like an aphid? Pretty sure. Photos are blurry but shape looks right and I think I can see the cornicles on the butt. The smaller ones would just be younger aphids. Aphids don't have worm-like larval forms, so I couldn't say what the white wormy guy was. Possibly a larva that feeds on aphids or a caterpillar feeding on the radish leaves.
Plants can handle some aphids but may be killed by them if there are huge amounts.
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noivern · 1 year
also the aphid page repeatedly mentions that honeydew comes from the anus and NOT the cornicles in a way that comes across as very 'take THAT, entomologist i personally have beef with'
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drew-mga2022mi6014 · 3 months
Research | Common Garden Pests
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The main enemies in my game are pests and other garden nuisances that one may commonly encounter when gardening. Since I want to keep to the theme of the micro-scale conflict, I decided that I want to mainly have pests be represented by insects and other small creatures.
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Aphids appear to get into every garden one way or the other, by far they are the most common pest. They are soft-bodied insects that feed by sucking the nutrient-rich liquids out of plants in order to sustain themselves. There are about 4,000 different species of aphids around the world. Low to moderate populations rarely need to be controlled and typically do not harm plants. However, the issue arises when they infest in droves.
Generally, adults are wingless, but some can grow wings, especially if populations are high. They have two whip-like antennae at the tip of the head and a pair of tube-like structures, called cornicles, projecting backward out of their hind end.
One surprising benefactor of aphids are ants, who protect them and use them as a source of food. Ants do not eat the aphids themselves, but sustain themselves on a secretion made by aphids called honeydew.
Aphids cluster together and quickly reproduce once they have colonized their selected host plant. Aphids pierce plant leaves and stems with their mouthparts, just like other sap-sucking insects do, to drain sap, nutrients, and moisture from the plant in the process. Adults and nymphs consume plant juices. Depending on the species, they attack leaves, stems, buds, flowers, fruit, and even the roots of the plant. Aphids are particularly attracted to fresh, new growth. Many aphid species, like the green peach aphid, are generalist feeders, while others, like the rosy apple aphid, are highly specific in the plants they feed on. The younger the plant, the more vulnerable it is to long-term damage. As they feed on the plant, certain kinds of aphids inject a toxin into the plant, which causes additional difficulties to the plant’s growth.
Beetle Pests
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Beetles are a divisive group of insects in gardens. Some are beneficial, especially in vegetable gardens, while others are garden pests. Many beetle varieties feed on plant material, including a plant’s leaves and stems, which can ultimately kill a plant. Other beetle varieties are harmful because they carry bacteria that can infect plants. For any type of pest, it's important to kill a bad bug before it can lay eggs and cause a larger infestation. These are a few types of potentially harmful garden beetles.
Cucumber Beetle : Can destroy a garden in two ways: by feeding on or infecting the plant. The larvae feed on roots, and the adults eat the stems, stalks, and blossoms of flowering plants. If they don’t destroy your garden by eating the plants, they also carry bacteria that can cause a condition called bacteria wilt. Once the beetle infects it, the plant will die.
Flea Beetle : Eats plant materials like leaves, but they are more harmful because they carry viral and bacterial diseases that destroy plants.
Japanese Beetle : Capable of eating plant tissue quickly, and can kill a plant in a few days. A tell-tale sign of a Japanese beetle infestation is a plant with skeleton-looking leaves
Leaf Beetle : There are several thousand species of leaf beetles, and each one feeds on a different type of plant. For example, there are potato beetles, elm leaf beetles, bean leaf beetles, willow leaf beetles, and tens of thousands more. What they all have in common is that they destroy the plant by eating its leaves.
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Earwigs are among the most readily recognized insect pests in home gardens. Although earwigs can devastate seedling vegetables or annual flowers and often seriously damage maturing soft fruit or corn silks, they also have a beneficial role in the landscape and have been shown to be important predators of aphids.
The adult earwig is readily identified by a pair of prominent appendages that resemble forceps at the tail end of its body. Most species have wings under short, hard wing covers, but they seldom fly. Immature earwigs look like adults except they are smaller and lack wings. Earwigs feed on a variety of dead and living organisms, including insects, mites, and growing shoots of plants. They are voracious feeders on soft-bodied insects such as aphids and insect eggs and can exert significant biological control under some circumstances.
Despite their benefits, they can cause substantial damage to seedling plants and soft fruit as well as to sweet corn. Damaged seedlings may be missing all or parts of their leaves and stem. Leaves on older plants, including fruit trees, have numerous irregular holes or are chewed around the edges. This damage may resemble that caused by caterpillars. They are also common in moist environments.
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Whiteflies are a common pest of plants, particularly greenhouse plants, and a vector of several plant diseases. Despite their name, whiteflies are not true flies. Rather, they are in the order Hemiptera along with many other plant pests such as aphids, mealybugs, and scales. 
The exact appearance of whiteflies depends on the species. Generally, adult whiteflies measure less than 2mm in length and have four wings covered in white wax. The wings are usually white, sometimes with gray markings. All immature stages are wingless, and the first nymphal stage, called a crawler, is barely visible as it moves around the leaf before settling to feed. Later instar nymphs are immobile and flattened with reduced legs, resembling small scale insects, and may be visible on the underside of leaves. Adults and nymphs feed by penetrating the phloem with their proboscis and sucking plant fluids.
The main threat that comes with whiteflies is not the damage the bug can do to the plant itself, but the disease it carries with its infestations, and the potential spread of this disease to other plants.
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Mealybugs, similar to aphids, can pose a serious threat, especially to young plants. They feed off plants by sucking the juice from them, and can cause severe damage to most plants. One can spot mealybugs by their white, cottony appearance. They are small, flat, and waxy with oval, segmented bodies. Mealybugs are quite small, usually between 1/20 and 1/5-inch long. Mealybugs prefer warm temperatures and are often found in houseplants or outdoor plants in warm climates. 
The first sign of a mealybug infestation is white, cottony, or waxy substances on your plants. Mealybugs often cluster together in colonies, typically where they lay their eggs and continue to feed. These clusters can range in size from small groups to larger masses, resembling fluffy white cotton balls. Another telltale sign is the secretion of honeydew, similar to aphids. As such, they too have a symbiotic relationship with ants, who act as their protectors, which makes it even more challenging to cull the infestation. Overwatering your plants and over-fertilizing them can increase the risk of mealybugs, so it must be noted to keep these things in check when caring for growing plants.
Slugs and Snails
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Pest snails and slugs damage plant seeds, seedlings, underground tubers, leaves and fruit. Damage to seedlings often results in the death of the plant, which means major production losses. Snails like wet and damp conditions. They tend to come out into the open after dark, or after rainfall.
Snails are one of the more deadly pests that one can encounter in their home garden, and can sometimes come in waves that destroy entire gardens very quickly. They are not fussy about their meals and are particularly attracted to citric aromas.
Interestingly, some plants offer a natural line of defense against snails. Planting these snail-resistant varieties in a garden can help deter these pests and reduce the damage they cause.
Geraniums : These beautiful flowering plants have a scent that snails find unattractive, making them an excellent choice for a snail-proof garden.
Ferns : Many ferns, particularly the sword fern, are unpalatable to snails due to their leathery leaves and lack of tender, juicy stems that snails love.
Mint : This aromatic herb has a strong scent that snails dislike.
Lavender : Much like mint, lavender’s strong scent is off-putting to snails. It is also very hardy, and resilient against drought conditions.
Rosemary : This herb is both unappetizing to snails, and is a perennial plant requiring minimal maintenance.
These are the main, most threatening common garden presences when considering pests in a home garden setting. Others, such as porcupines, peacocks, groundhogs, and other small mammals are less common, but cause much larger scale damages to the infrastructure of the garden.
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amandi-mga2024mi5014 · 7 months
Research - Aphids
Aphid, (family Aphididae), refers to any of a group of sap-sucking, soft-bodied insects (order Homoptera) that are about the size of a pinhead, most species of which have a pair of tubelike projections (cornicles) on the abdomen.
Aphids produce honeydew. Ants protect aphids from weather and natural enemies and transfer them from wilted to healthy plants. In this way the ants ensure their source of honeydew, which they use as food.
More than 4,000 species of aphids have been described. The aphids that our ant shepherd cares for are apple aphids or woolly aphids. apple aphids are yellow-green with dark head and legs. Woolly aphids look like tiny cotton balls or little fuzzy balls of lint.
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The image of the woolly aphids from far away on a leaf remind me of sheep grazing in a field, so I though it would be fitting to have this species be the herd that our herding ant character shepherds.
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Woolly apple aphid a species of Aphids
Also known as: Woolly aphid, American blight,
Apple root aphid
Scientific name: Eriosoma lanigerum
The adults of Eriosoma lanigerum are small to medium-sized aphids, up to 0.08 inch long, and have an elliptical shape, are reddish brown to purple in colour but the colour is normally hidden by the white cotton-like secretion from the specialised glands in the aphid's abdomen which gives it the common name of woolly apple aphid. The wax is produced after each moult so newly moulted individuals lack the wax coating, the main purpose of which is thought to be to prevent the honeydew secreted by the aphids to contaminate them but it may also produce a shelter from the weather and from parasites and predators. It has sooty-brown antennae has six segments and the colour of the tibias varies from dark brown to yellowish. When the adults are crushed they leave a blood red stain. In many populations reproduction is wholly asexual and nymphs are produced by parthenogenesis. The nymphs are salmon pink in colour with dark eyes and circular cornicles which are slightly raised from the surface of the abdomen. The nymphs go through four instar moults before becoming an imago. The earliest stages are known as crawlers and they do not produce the waxy filaments until they settle to feed. The hibernating nymphs are very dark green, almost black, although they may be paler and can be dingy yellowish-brown and lack the secreted white waxy covering.
Northcross Drive, Oteha, Auckland 0632
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For the pjo ask game!
1, 43, 47, 49!
1. Favorite PJO/HOO ship?
Hm, overall I'd say it's Valdangelo. It's not due to any of their interactions, but strictly because of the character parallels. I don't even think I want it to be canon (Though I WOULD have liked to see a friendship), I just want more people to truly appreciate the dynamic they could have had. They are such different, yet disturbingly alike, characters.
But if we are talking strictly canon, I'd say Percabeth, Fierrochase and Carzia tie. I just think the ships that are the main focus of multiple books end up having better chemistry overall.
43. Demigod with the most awesome name/nickname?
Name, I'd say Leo. I saw a great post on here once pointing out that Leo was raised to be a sacrificial lamb by the gods (More specifically Hera) pretty much from the moment he was born with Hera singling him out as the hero of the prophecy and thus, the one to die. Leo means Lion. A lamb and a lion. Two animals people consider polar opposites and often refer to them as such, especially in a religious context. Leo's name is almost contradictory. It's Ironic, in a sense. And I just find that neat. (And also I am not immune to favorite character bias)
As for nicknames, I just like anything that's endearing to the characters. They can be teasing each other but when a name show's a clear connection between two characters, I quite enjoy it. Seaweed Brain, Wise-girl, Blond Superman, Beauty Queen- The list goes on.
47. Most “wtf” moment in Blood of Olympus?
Oh there are so many-
Wtf as in an absurd, maybe even funny moment, I'm going with this one:
"Annabeth, you know Morse code?"
"Of course."
"So does Leo," Piper handed her the mirror, "He'll be watching from the ship. God to the ridge-"
"And flash him!" Annabeth's face reddened, "That came out wrong. But yeah, good idea."
Idk man it had me cracking up.
Wtf as in, why was that decision made, has too many to count in my personal opinion but a lot of them are due to setups from previous books so I'm not going into them here. Blood of Olympus being the final book in the hoo series unfortunately bears the sin of being the culmination of a lot of very strange and questionable story decisions and thus falls a bit more flat than the others.
49. Favorite minor character?
I suppose that depends on what you define as a "minor" character, but for someone that had a big role in one book and none other, I'm going with Lavinia. She's just fun and I enjoy how blatant she was about her queerness and (and to a lesser extent, her Judaism) even though I'm disappointed that we never got to see Poison-Oak in person.
For a more minor role than that, Felix and Leonid from The Kane Cornicles were a delight every time they showed up.
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greatbigbellies · 2 years
Imagine a smol little fairy that somehow got pregnant with the spawn of a giant monster. That is all.
Mmmm yess the size difference would be lovely. As much as you could go crazy with the hyperpreg sizing in that scenario, a spiderwick cornicles sized fairy pregnant with a tarrasque or something, I actually kinda like the sizes staying a little more similar, but her still getting gigantic for her scale! Like, bonus points if she's a fairy with wings and grows so big she can't fly, having to walk everywhere instead. So embarrassed by being too big and heavy for the most common mode of transportation for fairies. Like, normally, even the most overdue fairy would still flutter around, but her sheer size and weight is too much, and she's grounded until she gives birth... weird thing is, fairy pregnancies are usually over by now...
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weirdmarioenemies · 3 years
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Name: Aphid
Debut: Real Life
Welcome to Funky Friday! This Friday is particularly special to me, you see, I get to talk about a creature I am very passionate about, if you know me outside of this blog, it should come to no surprise that Aphids are up there as one of my favorite earthlings ever! They’re part of my username, and hence, my internet persona, I even put little antennae on emoticons like this ==:) I’m obsessed! But I swear it’s all justified!
To protect the peace of those who may be afraid of bugs, I’ll be talking exclusively about Aphids in Videogames! They haven’t had the biggest presence, but in recent years they’ve made some lovely appearances!
Aphids. Just look at them! They’re very green, very round, and very small! They have very long antennae as well! Instantly checking off all the marks that make a perfect creature design!
Aphids are sap sucking insects, they just hang around in colonies sipping sap from plants, a very peaceful life, they’re incredibly good at just hanging out and slurping plant juice! So much so that they are sadly considered as pests by humans, but they’re just trying to get by! Like you and me, the way they’re vilified everywhere is really unfortunate, they deserve to live just like any other earthling, but whenever you google em you just get stuff on how to get rid of them, I believe their presence in art like movies and videogames can be very important to change this perception! 
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Name: Aphid
Debut: Bee Swarm Simulator (Roblox)
Let’s start with the face of the post, Roblox aphid! Look at this simple model! Just a pea with 2 red orbs for peepers and sticks for antennae, I love the charm of such a simplified bug! 
Bee Swarm Simulator is a lovely little farm game that has you collect nectar and breed all kinds of bees! While out in the flower fields, you may find an aphid while collecting nectar. Like all bugs in this game, they will attack you, but to be fair, you are very tiny, so it makes sense a giant bug could damage you, even if they don’t do anything particularly dangerous!
When your bees defeat them they can drop rare items! And as such, aphid encounters are quite a blessing, matter of fact, they have rarity tiers! And they change their appearance accordingly, there’s Rage Aphids
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Armored Aphids
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and Diamond Aphids!
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Overall very charming inclusion, aphids now come in new flavors! Every time I play this game I hope I get to encounter one of these sweet peas! Silly models of bugs are fantastic, so Roblox aphids make me very happy!
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Name: Aphid
Debut: Bug Fables
Now THIS is my personal favorite fictional aphid appearance in media ever! In the world of Bug Fables, they are livestock! And you even get to go to an aphid farm! Here, they keep regular Aphids for their honeydew, Cochineals for their red pigment, and Woolly Aphids for their wool! That’s right! This game gave us representation for TWO kinds of real life aphids! It’s such a delight!
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Everyone in the world of Bug Fables respects and loves aphids, people find them very cute! Some of them even keep them as casual pets! Could you imagine? A cat-sized aphid for you to hold? The people in Bug Fables are living my dream and I want in! I hope you can also agree they’re extremely cute, the artists nailed that sweet little drop-shaped face I adore so much! 
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On April Fools, the Bug Fables devs released a short game all about aphids! Aphid Festival! Here you can train and breed your aphids! Which allows you to get all kinds of different color patterns for your aphids! Can you believe this? If you told me “In the year of 2021 there’s a videogame that’s completely centered around aphids.” I would’ve never believed you!
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Name: Aphid Lurker
Debut: Jax and Daxter
Now I know what you may be thinking, “this is just a dog!” And yeah they’re definitely the doggiest bug I have ever seen, or is it the buggiest dog? Regardless of how you feel on the validity of their buggyness, you gotta admit it’s very impressive we have an aphid-based enemy in a game from 2001, most other aphid appearances I could find were very recent, was Jax and Daxter a trendsetter? Probably not, but maybe at least one kid out there saw Aphid Lurker and went “Woah aphid? What’s that?” googled them, and proceeded to fall in love with them! 
Regardless of their good impact for all of aphid-kind, they are very round, very green, and have antennae! So I really can’t dislike them, they even got spikes!! Which is something I like to see in my round creature designs sometimes, it just works!
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Name: Aphid
Debut: Grounded
Returning to modern games, Grounded is a survival game that has you shrunk down to the size of an ant! So you gotta survive among the towering grass blades in the middle of a garden! Fortunately for us, this means you get to interact with tiny insects very up close! Including aphids!
Don’t be fooled by the fancy graphics and realistic aesthetics, aphids in Grounded are arguably the cartooniest creatures you can find! They almost look like a real aphid, but they have a vertebrate mouth! Perfect for opening in surprise when you get close to one, they’ll jump, chirp with an extremely cartoonish expression, and then flop into the ground, before scuttling away!
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Now that’s a silly little mouth!
Aphids in this game are peaceful creatures, they’re a bit timid so they’ll run away from you but they will let you get close over time, they also drop honeydew, which you can use as food, so you really want to befriend and protect these little dudes if you can!
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Name: Aphid
Debut: Scribblenauts
Scribblenauts is a game where you can type anything and it’ll come to life! So the devs really tried their best at including everything they thought a player could think of, and they thought of silly bug fans like me! People who would type “aphid” in hopes an unloved little bug they love could appear in the game with them, and instead of being met with the usual disappointment, were met with a cute little rendition of this sweet green bug!
Design-wise, I’m a bit sad they added a neck, they have no necks! They’re funny teardrop shaped bullets! But they DID add the cornicles! (The two little horns on their butt). Out of all the videogame aphids I’ve shown you, this is the ONLY one to include the cornicles! Not even Grounded who went with a semi realistic design got it! So thank you Scribblenauts, for considering the aphid, as well as giving them their anatomically correct defense organs.
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Finally, I’d like to give a shoutout to Aphie from A Bug’s Life! Not a videogame aphid, but 100% one of the earliest aphid representations in media! And they’re very cute, just a little puppy! They got a puppy tongue and all, given ants herd and take care of aphids, having one of them keep one as a pet is a very cute way to humanize an ant!  Also Aphie has the cornicles!! Good on you Pixar, you did your research.
And that’s all for this special friday! Thank you reader for coming in this journey with me, here’s hoping there’ll be more aphid representation in the future! 
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Here’s an old doodle of a changeling 
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pearlescentsims · 4 years
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the salad making cornicles; featuring imogen
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onenicebugperday · 2 years
@meltedstairs-deactivated20211103 submitted: im afraid i dont have any pictures bc this guy was too tiny for my camera, but do you know of any tiny (like really really itty bitty) white bugs in the [removed] (pls remove location). it had three pink spikes coming off its butt and its head and legs were also bright pink. sorry if this is too vague!
I’m afraid it doesn’t ring a bell for me so I’d need to see it! Even a blurry photo is often helpful to at least narrow down what type of bug it is. And also where exactly you saw it crawling can help. Otherwise the only things that come to mind would be certain planthoppers since they are often very very tiny and the nymphs sometimes have weird stuff sticking off their butt, or possibly some type of aphid, as they can appear to have three butt spikes that would actually be their two cornicles and the pointy end of the abdomen.
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Writing Tag!
Oh my! I have seen this going about and am so happy @just-another-wasteland-merc gave me a tag cause I don’t usually have much to share when I get tagged. Not fully in the WIP phase yet. I am gonna toss a tag at @bluegrasskitty. @bagheera-is-back, @monsterboynyx and Anyone else who really want to dive deep! 
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
20! (Holy shit when did that happen?)
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
222, 078 (Again...when? How?)
3. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Rogue Robot(https://archiveofourown.org/works/20880674/chapters/49632014) Lil’ Red Ribbon(https://archiveofourown.org/works/24495550/chapters/59128345) One Universal Constant Is How Much you Get Fuck Over or The 5 Times Hancock Didn’t Get Lucky and The 1 Time He Did(https://archiveofourown.org/works/31545560/chapters/78042608)  Radstorm(https://archiveofourown.org/works/20836211) Connections Established(https://archiveofourown.org/works/22262128) 4. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Of course! I live on comments and really enjoy getting feedback from my readers. I sometimes look for how readers want to see stuff go, if they want to see a series or pairing continue, that sort of thing.
5. What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
I don’t usually write angsty and I am not sure if I really have anything with and angsty ending. I have been wanting to write a bit more angst and do have a few things in mind in the ME fandom so I don’t know how long I will be able to keep up with that answer.
The rest is under Keep Reading!
6. What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending?
I mean... In a joke term... a lot of my fics end with “happy endings” as I write a lot of smut. But if I was to think of a long fic that I have or am working on I would say 60 Minute Man. It won’t end... happy per say but I do believe it the the fic that has the greatest potential for a happy type ending.
7. Do you write crossovers? If so, what’s the craziest one you’ve written?
Not usually. I don’t usually read them, so I don’t usually right them. However I have been working on wedging Anna into the ME universe and we will see a few things out of that in a little bit. Also I guess you could count the Wasteland By Moonlight Series(https://archiveofourown.org/series/1769692) a Crossover that is... on it’s base incredibly hard for me to describe.
8. Have you ever received hate on a fic?
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Yes! Almost exclusively....
I am not sure what is meant by what kind but I am usually one for writing ones shots. A lot of my “style is stringing together one shots or shorter smutty fics that can then work on a long term development of the character or the relationships between characters
10. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I don’t think so? I haven’t looked and honestly don’t know
11. Have you ever had a fic translated?
12. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Nope. I have fics that have been discussed together, brainstormed together but never co written.
13. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
I don’t think I have one. All ships need love and smut and therefore I will write for the ones I can!
14. What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
Of gosh... Sadly Probably rogue Robot. I am not sure about it but I feel like I have written myself into a corner and am having a hard time working out of it. I might eventually be able to come back to it but I honestly have no clue
15. What are your writing strengths?
I honestly don’t know. Maybe speed? A lot of people comment on how fast, when I sit down to crank out a one shot, I can get it out. I like getting certain scenes done in sessions and I don’t feel like my brain lets me let it go until I have hit a point I am happy with it.
16. What are your writing weaknesses?
Planning. Oh my god golly gosh I am horrid at planning. I am working on planning out a fresh CoCo fic right now and I almost feel like if I set down to write it I would be farther along at this point. But I want this one to work out for how it establishes things in their relationship.
17. What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
It is very hard. I want to get specifically things like cadence in speech correct because speech patterns can be very character establishing. I have not tried it but I would reallyt want to find someone who was a native speaker to know if it came off as weird or not.
18. What was the first fandom you wrote for?
Ummmmmmm well I used to write for Vampire Cornicles fics that my friend edited way back but I honestly would not even consider those things I wrote at this point. They have also been lost to the purges so I have nothing to show. Outside of that I think... Skyrim?
19. What’s your favorite fic you’ve written?
Lil’ Red Ribbon.
Hands down it is the favrotie thing I have written, mostly because Nyx came up with the art first and I just had to write the piece to go with it. It spawned another fic which has spawned oh so many plot bunnies in my head. I need to get back to that one!
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