#corny bitties
ilexlio · 1 year
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I love these noodley bois
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vex-bittys · 5 months
Hello! I was wondering if I could request a match up? I’m 23 and a mix of shy and bubbly and have anxiety. I tend to show affection by either physical contact or small gifts, I love to read, write and play video games. I love art and I’m in school for art and design and I tend to have a habit of over working to the point I burn myself into crashing on my days off. Thank you for taking my ask! ☺️
*Assistant Manager Honey the Papy Puppypapri and Assistant Assistant Manager Poff the skelepupper begin a hushed discussion about which lamia would be the best fit for you. Baby Butter (the Assistant Assistant Manager's Assistant) seizes the opportunity to add his input despite limited knowledge of human language and abysmal typing skills:
*Edgar quickly pulls the wayward young'un away from his keysmashing, much to lamia's dismay. Honey and Poff peer at the seemingly incomprehensible message...
*The interim management team recommends the following bitties:
Papython (UT! Papyrus): Papythons are very affectionate natural caretakers. Count on a Papython to show both a genuine interest in your pursuits (including hobbies and education) and a genuine concern if he thinks you're overworking yourself.
Corny (UT!Sans): Cornies have never overworked a day in their collective lives, and a Corny will make it his mission to ensure that plenty of breaks, snacks, and naps are taken. A Corny may not actively join you in your hobbies, but he'll always be nearby with a joke and a smile.
Chain (SF!Papyrus): Chains share a unique SOULbond with their adopters that helps them sense that person's emotions. A Chain will know if you're stressed or anxious and suggest a book and a snuggle or a video game to help you relax.
*Please let Honey or Poff (but probably not Baby Butter) know if you'd like to adopt, and they will set up a scenario for you.
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mossy-opal · 1 year
Sugar, Spice, and Everything Nice~
Sugar Baby Dabi x Reader
Warnings: Corny Title, Angst With A Happy Ending, Toe Curling Smut, Mentions of Pregnancy (nothing happens, literally one sentence joke)... I think that's it?
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He didn’t like the term “sugar baby”, it sounded… Well, gross. He preferred the term “escort”. Oftentimes he looked like security for old bats who paid for his services, most of the time they tried to get a little touchy feely, but the old hags didn’t follow through with much because he reminded them of their sons. It was funny, they never asked for much more from him, and he got paid for looking pretty.
A new client, a new rich old bitty to attend to. They always met up in quiet public areas, this time they asked to meet him at a small cafe in a corner of some quiet neighbourhood. He wondered if he could ever get enough money to stay somewhere like this, but it was highly unlikely…
Dabi waited in the cafe at a corner table, playing on his phone. He looked up when he heard the door open every now and then, but looked down when it wasn’t someone he’d expect. He didn’t even notice you until you cleared your throat.
“Ahem… Are you Dabi..?”
This had to be a joke.
You were young, and pretty. Maybe a few years older than he was, but still. He was used to someone who could be his grandma, not someone who could be his actual partner. He blinked not once, but twice, before he nodded, and you sat down.
You were silent for a few moments, twiddling your thumbs, he expected it to be out of embarrassment or nervousness. It didn’t matter to him, he was still getting paid. He played on his phone while you sipped your drink, before you finally spoke up.
“S-so uh… D-do we get to know each other?”
Dabi shrugged, not looking at you, “Doesn’t matter to me, don’t have to do anything you don’t want to, doll~”
You blushed at the nickname, “W-well I… I’d like to get to know you a bit…”
“Well you know my name, yours is…”
You gave him your name, he assumed your real name, since the one on your account was different. You two talked for a bit, exchanging meaningless details about your lives, before Dabi finally looked at you for more than a few seconds.
“So, anything else you want from me doll~? I can do lotsa stuff for you, for the right price of course~”
He looked you up and down, and was pleased to see you shiver at the innuendo. But you shook your head, surprisingly. Most of his clients jumped at the opportunity to sleep with him, he was young and handsome, majority of the time they hadn’t got any for a while. Older women were desperate in some cases, and younger women were picky. He was shocked you were a picky one.
“I-I’m fine with just talking I… I don’t really feel comfortable paying for… F-for that…”
“Well you coulda spent your money on a therapist if you wanted to just talk to someone…”
“M-my friend made me the account, I already paid to be on the site, I figured I’d get some use out of it…”
“But not for sex, huh?”
You shook your head with a blush, pouting cutely, “Listen I just… I don’t know- You’re right, I just wanted someone to talk to, who’ll listen. Can you do that?”
Dabi scoffed, shrugging. “Sure thing doll, whatever you say~”
You nodded with that, paying for your food and his, before you had to excuse yourself to go to work. From there, it stayed a bit stagnant. You’d ask for him to visit you, you’d talk to him about your problems with work, some guy who harassed you, an annoying ex who wouldn't leave you alone, but you never asked for more than a hug.
Hell, you even listened to Dabi’s struggles in return. He’d tell you about his “friends”, tell you about old family issues, tell you about his own issues finding work because of his looks… You really did listen to him, and you offered him support whenever he needed it. Of course, he never took you up on the offer, it was unsafe to trust a client the way he trusted you.
He didn’t trust you, he couldn’t trust you. He barely knew you, just like you barely knew him.
He had to remind himself of that, quite often.
But it was getting a lot harder as time went on, especially with all the gifts. You paid for his services each time you hung out, and it wasn’t as if he was cheap, he valued his time, especially if he had to embarrass himself for old hags- But you paid him a lot of money to spend time with you. Lately you had started paying just below twice as much, and you never asked for more of his time for your money. You sent him money casually, sending him a quick message of;
[[I’m busy at work today, sorry for the short notice. I’ll still pay you for your time, thank you!]]
Always so curt, always so polite. Never an excuse other than work, and never using it against him. If he had to cancel on you, you never held it against him either always saying-
“Well, take at least half of your earnings, seeing as though something came up. Be sure to let me know how things go, okay? Be safe.”
You never asked questions either, just asked him if he was okay in the end. It was odd, so he figured taking different clients would get him back into the groove of things. He’d take old women to fancy parties, if they weren’t too old he wasn’t afraid to show them a good time afterward. But it didn’t help him in any sense, if anything it confused him further. The old women would pay him just what they owed him, and they expected sex almost every time. But with you, you never expected anything from him, so it made him wonder why.
So, he asked.
You two were having a casual walk through a park, eating crepes you got, before Dabi sat down on a bench, damn near pulling you down with him. You laughed gently, and that made Dabi even more confused- He liked the sound of your laugh.
“Why haven’t we fucked yet?”
You blushed and sputtered out, “Ha-what? P-pardon..?”
Dabi rolled his eyes, “Don’t play dumb, you give me a hell of a lot more than you’re supposed to, and you’re entitled to having sex with me, so why haven’t you?”
You furrowed your eyebrows, sneering a bit, “I said I wasn’t comfortable paying for that-”
“Oh please, don’t lie to me! I’m not stupid. What is it, am I too scarred for you? Too ugly?”
Your eyes widened, you could feel tears brimming at that. “W-what’re you-”
“Pretty girls like you don’t have to waste your time and money on people like me, you could get anyone you want, so why the fuck don’t you?”
You were silent, giving Dabi even more time to release his frustrations and anger. “What, think you’re too good to pay for it? Think you can make friends with me and then fuck me? What, to get it over with? Is that it?”
You were crying now, trying to hide your tears from him. The heat in your chest was twisting as you bit your lip. You hated crying in front of people.
“Come on then, doll, quite crying like a baby and do what our contract says, fuck me and get it over with-”
You got up abruptly, leaving your crepe next to him as you stormed off. Dabi scoffed, rolling his eyes as he leaned back onto the bench, still fuming and confused. He figured this would be the easier way to take care of you, rip the bandaid off before it got to be too much for him to handle…
So why did he feel so bad when he looked at you walking away?
Things went back to normal for Dabi after that, he went back to his usual clients after that, making just enough to keep up on his bills. He hated to admit it, but he missed you-
Your paycheck. He missed your money, he didn’t miss you.
He couldn’t miss you, he barely knew you.
He didn’t get worried when he noticed your account was gone. He was worried you’d want refunds on your money that was it. He was worried he’d get his account blocked, nothing else. He didn’t feel a pit in his stomach when he looked through old text messages you sent him, pictures of your outings together, messages you’d send him just to check on him.
It was hard to focus on his clients when all he could think about was you.
So when he found himself in the cafe where you first met him, he was shocked to see you at the front of the counter, ordering some coffee. When you turned to leave and you saw him, you jumped, before looking down and walking past him.
He followed you out of the cafe, trying to weave past the people on the sidewalk as well as you did- He had to talk to you. He called out your name, trying to get your attention.
“I need to talk to you-!”
You stopped, turning back to him with pricks of tears in your eyes, a furious blush on your face. “Why do you need to talk to me!? You said enough!”
“I was-”
“You were, what? Worried about me? You don’t need to be worried about me, Dabi, I didn’t pay you to be worried about me! I paid you for sex, that was it!”
He flinched at that. “I was worried ya… Ya got hurt or somethin’… Your account-”
“I deleted my account, got my money back from making the account. It was useless after-”
You cut yourself off, shaking your head. “What do you care… I haven’t paid you to listen this time…”
He grimaced at that, walking up to you, “Doll, listen I’m-”
“Don’t call me that.”
“I’m sorry, okay!?”
He was silent for a few seconds after that, looking down. “I’m sorry I said that shit to you… I… I was stupid.”
“.... No shit.”
He chuckled, shaking his head, “I was stupid to take your kindness and… Generosity for granted… I was stupid to yell at you like I did…”
You stayed silent, and he went on. “I was stupid to assume how you felt about me, and I’m sorry I assumed you were… Like everyone else…”
“... I don’t know if I can forgive you…”
“I don’t expect you to…”
You looked down, pouting. “I never blocked your number… You could’ve texted me…”
Dabi looked at you, you wouldn’t look at him. “I have to go to work, but you can text me… We have some catching up to do.”
Dabi smiled softly and nodded, “Yeah… Yeah I’ll do that, doll…”
You looked up at him shortly, before looking back down, “See ya…”
With that, you turned away to cross the street. Dabi felt better after that, knowing at least some progress had been made. He knew he fucked up, but he was more than happy to make it up to you.
It wasn’t easy, feeling normal with you again. It was difficult getting back into the swing of things, feeling comfortable talking to you, getting you to feel comfortable talking to him. You kept it formal, only ever talking about work again. He tried to do the same, but he noticed how you would grimace at every mention of his clients.
He’d never admit to you, but ever since he started talking with you again, he slowly stopped visiting his clients. Sure, it made things a bit tighter on the finances, but it was worth it to spend more time with you. You made him feel good inside, made him feel like he was worth it. With all the time he spent with you, he could feel safe with you. Secure.
With enough time, it was slowly feeling normal again. You slowly started telling him about guys, you wouldn’t grimace at his work stories anymore, in fact you offered him help and advice when dealing with his old-ass-clients. You even asked how work was going for him currently, and he told you without hesitation at how work has slowed down. You agreed, telling him your own job was becoming easier, but it would pick back up in no time. You would laugh over his horror stories of trying to get it up for any old-bitty, and he would laugh over your horror stories about terrible dates you’ve been on.
He loved hearing your laugh, and he liked seeing you smile, it made him feel warm… Which wasn’t something he wanted to think about, much less admit to you. This happened last time, granted you weren’t paying him this time but-
He looked down at his phone, you had sent him money. A lot of money. He felt his heart drop into his stomach at the sight of that on his home screen. What did it mean? Did you want him to do something for you? Did you expect him to take the money and keep it? Did you want him to have sex with you? What about your friendship? What about all the work you two had done to get back to normal?
His head was spinning, he felt sick to his stomach, he didn’t like how this felt. He left his place and immediately showed up at yours, banging on your door. You opened it with a smile, before your smile dropped at the sight of him-
Why did you frown? Did you not want to see him?
“Dabi? What’s the matter?”
“Why did you send me that!?”
You jumped, stepping back as he stepped into your home, slamming the door shut.
“Why did you send me that money!? What do you want from me!? Did you want to-”
“I sent it to you to help you!”
Your shout shocked him into silence, and you immediately noticed his confusion return.
“... Why?”
You sighed, “Because you said work was slow for you… I wanted to help you out.”
“But what about your own finances?”
“Dabi I make enough money to support a small army if I wanted to… My job is generous, especially if I work hard. Not only that I… I felt like I needed to give you that money to make up for all your lost time with clients-”
“I don’t care about the clients, I don't care about losing that money… I just wanted to… To…”
Say it.
“Wanted to what…?”
Say it.
“I wanted to…”
He had to tell you. He had to tell you how you made him feel.
“I wanted to spend time with you…. You make me happy and… I don’t care about any of the clients like I care about you and- Fuck we haven’t even…”
“Dabi… I care about you too, that’s why I wanted to help you out…”
He sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose.
“I appreciate it, doll… I’m sorry for getting so-”
“It’s alright I probably should’ve asked… Are you okay?”
Dabi paled at the question, chuckling slowly. “Hahaaa… Yeah I’m fine, doll, ‘s just… I’m not used to people giving me money without any strings attached, y’know?”
You laughed, “I get it…”
You two watched a movie that night, and Dabi spent the night on the couch. You woke him up when you had to leave for work, and let him know he could stick around, but if he left you asked him to lock the door.
That happened far more often. You’d invite him over for a movie, or dinner, and he’d stay the night on your couch. You often asked him before you sent him any more money, and even if he asked you and begged you not to send him a lot, you still did… Until you asked him something crazy.
You wanted him to move in with you.
He originally thought you were crazy, after all he still had clients and work, but you brought up how often he stayed with you, and instead of him wasting his money on an apartment he never slept in, he could move in with you. You altered your spare room to be his new bedroom, rather than your home office. You promised to never bring any men home with you, you were too busy to date anymore nowadays. All you asked for in return was that Dabi did the same, hell, he never took his clients back to his place before, especially now he never would…
Well, it’s even easier now, since he stopped seeing any of his clients. You knew he wanted to stop, but you always questioned why. It wasn’t that he didn’t like his clients, some of them were fine. It wasn’t because he felt guilty for seeing other people aside from you-
It was exactly that, he just hated to admit it.
He used to be fine, getting it up wasn’t an issue, he’d just imagine something hotter than whatever old bitch was beneath him, but… Ever since he moved in with you, it became an issue. In order to not disappoint his clients he’d imagine it was you beneath him, that the skin he was feeling up was smoother, softer. He’d imagine their banshee-like moans to be like yours he’d hear while you were alone at night.
He’d imagine it was you…
But when he couldn’t imagine it anymore, when he craved the real thing more than anyone else, everyone else became… Subpar. Nothing could replace you, and there was nothing he could do to fix the problem at hand.
So he left.
He actually picked up work at a piercing shop instead, having experience in it from his past. You still insisted on giving him money though, and that itself paid for any licensing that he needed to become a professional. He was thankful for everything you did for him…
He only wished he could repay you somehow…
So, he took you to dinner one evening.
“Dabi you really didn’t have to do this…”
“Yes I did, now shut up and let me do the spoiling for once.”
You giggled at that, taking the arm he offered you as he led you into the restaurant. This was his first official date in a very long time, where he actually wanted to pay for the meals and the service. He was slightly nervous, but he’d be damned if he let that ruin his evening. The table you two got to was nice, allowing the two of you plenty of privacy from the other patrons. He even pulled out your chair for you.
“Dabi, are you certain this isn’t a little… Much~?” You asked, smirking over your menu.
“For you doll, certainly not~”
He winked back at you, peering over his menu before ordering.
With that, the evening went swimmingly, the two of you chatted over a nice dinner, drank some wine together, it was relaxing and more than fulfilling.
Once home, Dabi opened the door for you, before taking your coat off for you. You laughed, shrugging out of your coat as he hung it up.
“Dabiiii, what in the world are you up to now~?”
He chuckled softly as he kneeled in front of you, “Don’t worry, I’m not proposing,” He grabbed one of your feet, gently taking off your heels one by one, “I’m just helping you get comfortable~”
He kissed your calf at that, making you flush as he slowly got back up, taking one of your hands and leading you into the bathroom. He let go of you before he turned on the water and lighting some candles, and you laughed again.
“Now this is overboard…”
“Nonsense doll, I’m just spoiling you, can’t a guy spoil his friends every once in a while~?”
“When the guy is a roommate that belches as loud as you do, it’s a little out of character~”
Dabi chuckled as he shut off the bath, shaking his head.
“I know it’s odd, but just… Let me spoil ya, okay?”
You sighed with a smile, shrugging, “Alright fine, you’ve twisted my arm… Could you help me out then?”
He looked back at you and flushed when he saw you turn your back to him, and he got up to help where you had asked, unzipping as much as he had to, gently brushing his hand against your skin, pleased with how soft he knew you would be…
“Sure thing doll~”
He loved seeing the goosebumps run down your skin at that, before he turned to leave you to take a bath. His work wasn’t done yet, lighting candles all the way to your room, all around your bed, he then made himself comfortable. He got undressed slowly, taking his time.
When you got to your room, he was still in his boxers. You were in your robe and your face immediately got red.
He turned to you and smirked, “Yeah?”
“W-what’s all this…?”
“I think it’s kind of obvious, don’t you?”
Your eyes were looking everywhere but at him- Please look at him…
“.... Do you not feel the same?”
You stuttered, your eyes blinking before you finally looked at him.
“I-I do I just…”
He understood when you looked away again.
“Hey… Look at me doll…”
You blinked up again, looking at him quickly before looking away, your face going red. He held your face, moving your head gently to make you look at him.
“Who paid for our meals tonight…?”
You muttered out, “You did.”
“Right, I paid for us. You didn’t pay for me. I don’t owe you shit.”
You couldn’t help but laugh gently at that, the small tears in your eyes being blinked away as he smiled at you, gently kissing your tears away.
“I want you doll… Do you want me~?”
You answered him with a kiss. He kissed you back with the same passion you kissed him, pulling away only to move you to lay on the bed beneath him. He continued to kiss you deeply, your robe gently falling open beneath you, allowing him to slowly and gently grope at your newly exposed flesh as he kissed your neck, carefully biting into you to mark you. Your sighs and moans made him so hard he felt like he could explode without anything else…
Kissing down your chest slowly, he kissed your thighs, gently biting the inside of your thigh, making you yip. He chuckled softly, before you whined. He looked up at your flushed face, and you shook your head.
“What’s the matter baby~?”
“D-don’t want your tongue…”
“Hmmm, then what do you want~?”
You huffed, wiggling your hips in his face- Why would you do that if you didn’t want his tongue? He gave you a quick lick, making you moan and shudder.
“What do you want, baby~? You have to use your words~”
You whined again, “Y-you… I-I want your cock…”
He groaned with a smirk, pulling himself away from you and taking himself out of his boxers, lining himself up with you.
“Haa, ready baby~?”
He chuckled again, slowly pressing himself into you. He actually moaned at the feeling, his head rolling back with his eyes as he pressed himself against you, getting as deep inside of you as he possibly could. He wanted to feel every inch of your wet heat for him, wanted ingrained in his fucking memory. Ugh, and your cute little moans had him bucking his hips into you, already fucking you with a fast pace. You gripped his shoulders, pulling him against you. He leaned into you, kissing you quickly.
“F-fuuck baby you- Ah you feel so fucking good baby… You got me hooked doll- Aah~”
“What is it baby doll, come on- Tell me-ah- fuckin tell me what you want~”
“P-please let me- P-please let meeaah~”
“Do what you-you want baby- Cum on me, cum as much-fuckin cum as much as you want baby~”
You moaned again when he bit your neck, he could feel you clench around him, making his hips stutter. There was no way he’d finish so soon, despite your heavenly body making it incredibly hard to hold himself together. He gripped your hips as he fucked himself into you, looking down at where the two of you connected, watching his dick slide in and out of you, he could feel himself drooling at the sight of your juices coating his dick. He looked at your face and smirked, he saw you looking too.
“You like that baby~? Like the sight of my dick in you haa~?”
You nodded, moaning out a cute, “Haaaa-yeaaah~”
“Yeah baby, that’s what I thought- Fuck you’re so fucking perfect~”
You clenched around him again at the praise, making him smirk again, “You like that baby doll~? Like it when I praise you? Hah- Knew you’d be good- Fuckin’ prayed you’d be good f’me~”
You moaned again, “Dabi~! D-dabi- Dabi~”
“What baby- What is it~ What do you want~?”
You groaned, throwing your head back with an actual scream, “Y-ya-your cuuuum~!! W-waaah-nt your cum inside meeee~!!”
With how desperate you sounded, and how slick you were with your own cum, he couldn’t hold himself back anymore. You did so much for him, did so much just because you wanted to help him and care about him. You loved him, and you didn’t even have to say it.
He loved you too, and he’d do anything for you.
He thrusted a few more times before pressing his hips against yours, cumming inside of you as deep as he could, swearing through gritted teeth- He never thought he’d ever be here, balls deep inside of you, emptying himself in you.
As the two of you caught your breath, Dabi carefully pulled himself out of you, kissing you hard. You knew he loved you as much as you loved him, and you kissed him back. You two laid like that for a moment, just holding each other.
“I’m not gonna get pregnant am I?”
He laughed loud at that, shaking his head, “Haha! No doll… I got snipped a few years back, but I can get’cha the pill if you’re worried.”
You flushed, “I think I’ll be fine then, haha~”
“You outta be, or else I’ll be asking a lot of questions.”
You rolled your eyes, before smiling cheekily.
You were silent for a moment, “I love you.”
He jumped slightly at that before smiling into you, nodding his head.
“Love you too, doll face~”
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Tags: @slayersins @shadowsandshapes @dabislittlemouse @dabislittlebeaniebaby @malewifetouya @the-milk-anon @shockinglysubmissive @elias-fable @starstruck-flames @daniidil @223princess
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gabessquishytum · 10 months
hob getting dream to dress up all fancy and slutty anytime the two of them leave the house so that he can 1. show off what’s his but also 2. be corny with how possessive he is. he yells at a guy for looking at dream for too long. he tries to break someone else’s nose for asking him if he’s single. all the while dream is thinking to himself that hob is akin to a leashed attack dog (and hob probably doesn’t know it either. he wants to be cool so bad. but he is so cringe<3 )
I love cringe Hob he’s my favourite <33 such a silly boy, kicking and screaming while Dream holds him by the scruff of his neck and drags him out of fights. Such a cringefail boyfriend <333
Dream just encourages the behaviour though. He’s happy to go out in a skirt that he can’t even sit down in because it’s so short. He likes batting his eyelashes at strangers and encouraging their attention to be on him. If he’s going to be Hob’s arm candy, he might as well go all the way! Why not show off his itty bitty tits and arse in the skimpiest clothing and let Hob grope him in public places?
The irony is that sometimes people also check Hob out and flirt with him and Dream is just as (if not more so) rabid and trying to scratch their eyes out. How dare they look at HIS silly human attack dog boyfriend??
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omppupiiras · 5 months
hi!! dropping by to say this showed up on my instagram feed and it instantly made me think of your corny son 💚💛💚
OHH MY GOD i have no clue who that adorable lil thing is, but it's so stinking CUTE!!!! the way he sliced that apple into itty bitty pieces & turned the burner knob aaaaaa 🥺😭💚💚💚
and yay this was a nice reminder that i've been meaning to draw the corn boi doing some baking for forever but i never got around to it.. now i've got to start thinking about what his baking adventures would actually look like 😁
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doggernaut · 5 months
Professional singer AU for Zimbits? (Holster as Jack's ex and also a singer: optional but encouraged.)
Jack, son of legendary duo the Zimmermanns, had brief success as a one-hit wonder/teen heartthrob with a corny song that he wrote when he was sixteen.
When Jack failed to produce a follow-up hit, he retreated behind the scenes and went to music school. Now a writer and producer, he's determined to redeem himself so he'll be taken seriously by the industry.
Bitty, an aspiring singer, goes viral with a surprisingly intimate cover of Jack's song. In Bitty's hands, it's not a corny love song but a depiction of romantic (gay) yearning.
Naturally, this irritates Jack, who wants nothing to do with that part of his life. And now he can't get away from that song.
But Jack's friend Shitty, a talent manager who's just started working with Bitty, thinks Bitty is something special and suggests Jack write a song for Bitty...
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subskz · 1 year
my rinnie please tell me you saw channies new bbl pictures.. he’s so so baby boy.. i am so fond of him ㅠㅠ don’t get me started on all his moles n freckles on his thighs and arms i want to smooch each and every one of them!! i can already imagine some corny line in the butterfly bandage universe about how his moles r the stars that make up the constellation/ galaxy of his body or something during a body worship scene ㅠㅠㅠㅠ he’s so so precious. i missed him so muchhshajdskdbfb
i absolutely did…i really can’t handle him how do u deal w this on a daily basis ㅠ the adorable way he was sitting, his big brilliant smile…his NOSE 😭😭😭😭 just pure and utter heartbreak he is so baby boy bite sized itty bitty 3 apples tall
the moles and freckles im really gonna melt into a puddle…he has been kissed by so many angels ㅠㅠ and PLEASE LOL the way u know exactly what kind of tragically lovesick metaphor the reader would conjure up for him…don’t test me i just might include it 😭 though i understand why channie’s been more withdrawn lately i really missed him too, these pics were such a gift. this one esp was an arrow straight through my heart u can practically hear his laughter
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es-peon · 11 months
rewatching transformers age of extinction here’s how it went:
-pretending Optimus was 100% taking the best and longest nap of his life when some guy started fucking around with him
-they’re keeping tradition of blonde skinny girl 100% underage and yet all shots including her are overtly sexual
-A SLAVE JOKE IN 2014 “i don’t think you can own someone, that ended a while ago, even in texas”
-wowie optimus ‘insert fuckboi meme here’ green ooze for blood not looking too hot there babes
-lmao fuck the government <3
-“my face is my warrant” thats so fucking corny omfg
-i forgot how ruthless transformers used to be <3
-god we should go back to when movies had some real weight, where are my character deaths, my ultimatums with consequences, we don’t get both, something has to be sacrificed <3
-God i wish theyd bring back the whole scanning a vehicle to, um, pick how they want to look cause its sick as fuck
-Please i do miss the time when Bees puppy dog eyes were a disguise <3
-the governments keeping secrets who would’ve guessed <3
-i love lil hostage dude but he’s definitely a caricature
-“the trouble with loyalty to a cause, is that the cause will always betray you”
-dog/wolf transformers are sick as fuck
-please not the tongue ew ew ew ew
-bitchboy of a bf js
-Tess for the love of God
-“To lay some hate” amen
-the repeated racism and sexism is a bit much…
-haha megatron been playing their ass..called it (ive seen this movie three times)
-lmao Cade x Joshua
-awww Joshua’s having a change of heart (not really hes a narcissist)
-okay metaphors
-“Go find my seed” —pause
-aw here we go the whole “don’t give up on us humans, sure your kind have died due to our selfishness but that was an itty bitty mistake and mistakes make us human so don’t stop protecting us giant robot man 🥺🥺”
-Mama deserves a raise
-a fucking battle right now in the middle of everything
-prime be so fucking fr
-they’re so real “im staying the fuck outta this” me to babes
-the “no thats optimus prime” line was timed nicely but the way he delivered the line fucked it all up
-anyway uhhh 4/10 movie racist/sexist/pervy jokes are simply unfunny and the lead human characters were stupid and the big bads were all stupid, im only here for the giant fighting robots that turn into vehicles xoxo <3
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Peppermint Rescue
Peppermint Rescue
Name: Olivine
Species: Peppermint(ochako uraraka lamia from fantasy fields)
Morph: Spring, Pastel, Split Tail
Variant: No Variant
Age: Adult
Size: 9 Inches Tall (Average Mini)
Personality: Withdrawn, Kind, Depressed
Compatibility: Olivine is a kind but tragic soul, often needing frequent reassurance that she has a future and she’s going to be okay.
After the death of her old owner, Olivine has been isolating herself from people and other bitties alike, most of the time being curled up in her nest staring at the small necklace she was left with. The only part of her old owner left.
She’s depressed, but still wants to be as kind as possible to other people when she isn’t cooped up away from them. But that becomes hard to do, when she’s so sad.
She prefers fluffy materials to make her nest out of, especially because she spends most of her time in it.
She’d be better as a single bitty, as she lived that way for most of her life.
Given enough time and patience, she could heal from what she went through. If you can be her friend, she’ll return that love tenfold!
Feeding habits: She doesn’t eat often, but when she does she prefers warm, homemade foods that remind her of her old home.
Additional info: She likes to watch romance movies and make fun of the characters in those movies for being corny and stupid.
Injuries: N/A
Special requirements: She requires a quiet and dark space that’s just for her, and that’d usually be where her nest is.
Warnings: N/A
Reasons for rescue: She was owned by a kind soldier, but one day, he died during a war. She was found in his old home, answering the door to find out that he had died. She was juggled between owners for a while, before finally being given to the rescue after countless times of being returned.
Difficulty: Intermediate - Advanced
Color/Pattern: Fair skin, Green dusting on cheeks, Green gradients on arms, White flower patterns all over skin and tail, Light brown hair, Pastel Pink and Purple tail.
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scramble-crossing · 7 months
no please tell us your joshua thoughts i insist
You’ve hit me at a crucial moment of procrastination and utter dread. ON HIS BIRTHDAY.  Ideal circumstance to talk about Joshua.
Right off the bat though I’ve gotta say that a lot of this is probably not the most canon-adherent stuff and also only Josh-adjacent in some cases since I tend to focus on how he relates to other characters + the series’ worldbuilding over his actual self-contained character. I like him and all I just have the most fun using him as a narrative tool for the characters I like a little more ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
First of all, I usually put Joshua as having died and become Composer sometime between 1900-1920 following a near-and-dear headcanon that Kariya became a Reaper during the cultural shift of the 1920s with the advent of the salaryman lifestyle-if you’re going to sell your soul for guaranteed work it might as well come with the perk of being able to spend most of your existence lazing around the city instead of being boxed up in some itty-bitty cubical.
However this is mostly based on the assumption that Joshua predates all of the Shibuya Reapers. Otherwise they would recognize him, right? In opposition to this I really really love the headcanon that all trace of a person’s existence is erased from both the RG and UG upon becoming Composer (or any position higher than Conductor). In that case I think it’d be fun if Joshua came shortly after Kariya. They knew each other at some point.
^When Kariya confronted him and Neku in W2 Josh had a brief moment of “Holy shit does he remember me?” before Kari said he was alive and he got the biggest, shit-eatingest grin on his face. Yippiiiiie!!! Oily Josh has wriggled his way out of consequences once again!!!!
(Kariya is aware that there was a change in Composer sometime during his run as a Reaper. He sensed the city shift with it. The way it sings now, it’s almost…familiar? He doesn’t think about it too deeply, it saddens him a bit if he does)
Speaking of Josh & Friends, @starocide has a ton of very very fun ideas about Joshua and Coco being partners during their Reaper’s Game and it being the connection mentioned in That One Interview. That’s gonna be a whole separate essay one day, suffice to say for now that the Joshua from A New Day was reminiscent of the person he used to be, but twisted by Coco into a mocking caricature of himself.
(Coco doesn’t remember him, but she knows who he is. Joshua remembers her perfectly, but it doesn’t matter anymore.)
The Toxic Shithead Squad continues with Minamimoto. I have a LOT of thoughts about Joshua and Minamimoto.
By far the most interesting thing about W2 for me is just how much Joshua talks about Mina. Not just talks about, describes. He’s a math fetishist (rude) he’s an attention-seeker (rude…but fair) he’s the magic word I’ve been thinking about for the past two years: lonely. I think it’s incredibly interesting how many judgments of character Joshua makes about this guy despite the fact that we’re given no inclination to treat him as some sort of cat-whisperer or someone who’s in a position to understand Minamimoto at all. For the pure intrigue of it I like to see a lot of these calls as being accurate (idc if it’s cliche or corny, imply to me that Sho, somewhere in his heart of hearts, craves companionship and I will eat that shit up) but I also think that it’s equally interesting to question why Josh’s making these calls in the first place. Where's this stuff coming from? Why does he keep acting like he knows exactly what he's thinking?
I think Joshua sees a lot of himself in Minamimoto. Here’s a kid who’s deeply dissatisfied with the world around him, someone who thinks so little of other people that he, in his arrogance, is willing to reject every different thought, opinion, and action, shunning the people around him, treating them as little more than bugs he’s willing to step on in his all-consuming quest for the power to make something better than before: the world as it ends with him. Minamimoto isn’t just pursuing Joshua, he’s following his every footstep. Joshua sees this, recognizes it (though maybe not consciously) so that when he erases him he isn’t ridding himself of a potential threat or batting away this annoying little gnat that keeps interfering with his plans, symbolically he’s destroying himself. And if anything, isn’t that an act of mercy? Wouldn’t it be better to be dead than to waste away on his throne, watching a world he no longer recognizes slowly pass him by? Isn’t that what he wanted all along?
I think Joshua's story ended perfectly with twewy. I don't think there was anything left unresolved about it, and frankly I'm glad he barely had anything to do with the plot of neo. He made his choice. Was it the wrong one? Was there ever another option? Did he ever have a chance? Who knows! He's a walking worst-case-scenario and I love seeing how detached and apathetic he's become in neo, how he never let himself connect with Neku even though he gave him the chance (which was so, so much more than Joshua could ever have asked for), how Neku doesn't even seem to trust him anymore, how he's become little more than an anecdote in his life and the lives of is friends, a passing comment, a joke, a distant, sour memory. It's fantastic. I love Hachiko gang. I love fan content where they're all friends and Josh is this cryptic little sillyguy who has fun pushing all their buttons but is deeply unequivocally loved at the end of it all, but I hope that never happens in canon. I hope he stays a tragedy.
Happy birthday you little freak <3
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ashirisu · 3 months
Hi ashirisu, happy Storyteller Saturday.
Have you ever written something that’s been so emotional that you’ve almost (or actually) cried, yelled out loud, or even just felt emotional while writing it?
@aquadestinyswriting Happy STS to you as well! <3
I have, and it's my favorite writing-related story to tell bc it's atrociously corny and also the itty-bitty personal achievement that I'm proudest of.
So I've had this fantasy story rattling around in my head since I was about eleven, though I've only ever actually written a couple of scenes down. I have entire notebooks full of worldbuilding details, though, including a whole marriage tradition based around flower language and crafting flower crowns for the couple to exchange on their wedding day.
I went hard on this, too. I was really into flower language at the time, so I had meanings for all the different real and fictional flowers and which ones were most frequently paired with each other, but I also got uncharacteristically into the history and culture of the thing. I went into how the tradition has changed over time, how it differs based on class and region, what marriages in different seasons are meant to symbolize based on the flowers that are available, which flowers were most commonly associated with brides vs. grooms and why couples may choose to deviate from it, what to do with the crowns after the wedding, etc. etc. It's hands-down the most in-depth worldbuilding I've ever done, all for a story that has maybe seven written scenes, tops.
Out of those handful of scenes, my favorite one involves the engagement and subsequent elopement of the main character and his love interest (pretty much the whole story revolves around their childhood-friends-to-lovers romance arc). It's the dorkiest thing in the world and so far from actually good, but writing it was an act of completely self-indulgent glee and reading it is a joy and a delight every time. It's important to note here that these two are the OCs, the original blorbos from my brain, and no matter how many times I change their names and appearances, a silly scene in which they decide to marry each other and go exchange marriage crowns in a field full of flowers gets me so fuckin giddy that I can't stop grinning for an hour.
But the other big reason that this whole scene means so much to me is that I've had this piece of worldbuilding in my heart and mind for so long that it's practically become synonymous with marriage for me. I'm in love with this idea so much that, when my now-husband proposed and we started planning our wedding, one of the very first things I asked was if we could dedicate part of our extremely small budget toward real flowers so that we could have flower crowns, very timidly explaining where the idea came from and why it was important to me.
He's like, "Obviously we're going to do that??"
I realize, of course, that I'm not the only one to ever have flower crowns at my wedding, but the fact that I did and that the whole reason was based on this silly thing I wrote makes me so happy. Every time I look at those notes or at my wedding photos, I'm reminded that I wrote this romantic little tradition that made its way into my actual real life in at least some small way and I just feel so proud of myself. It's a good feeling.
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fandomlover84 · 1 month
Bittybones In Twisted Wonderland; Bittybones
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Y/n’s Bittys
Y/n: Kya {Pure Bite}, Solar {Lumen}, Lunar {Nocturne}, Blaze {Fire Papa}, Flare {Bloodymoon}, Prince {Fire Royal}, Macaroon {Macaron}, Casper {Ghost}, Royal {Kingding}, FireFrost {Alpha Baby Grillby}, Icy {Omega Gaster Babybones}, Shard {Alpha Gaster Babybones}, Tundra {Beta Gaster Babybones}, FireFlame {Beta Baby Grillby}, Icicles {Alpha Papy babybones}, Frostbite {Alpha Sans Babybones}, Snowfall {Omega Papy baby bones}, Fireflurry {Omega Grillby babybones}, Blizzard {Beta Sans babybones}, Arctic {Beta Papy Babybones}, Glacier {Omega Sans babybones} (19)
Lux: Switch {Swap}, Soldier {Mutt}, Lumière {Dream/Paladin}, Green {Blind/B}, Captain {BlackBerry}, Melrakki {Snowberry} (6)
Haruki: Curly {Sea foam}, Spookheart {Spoopster}, Fintan {Yanby}, Bunbun {Punny}, Tea {Teacup}, Barzellette {Corny}, Blend (7)
Nymphe: Void Goop {Goopster}, Aiden {FireRing}, Windy {Suave}, Knuckles {Brassberry}, Axel {Dadster}, (5)
Aria: Rose petal {Bud the Rose} Comet {Stars}, Fedora {Yanberry Swapdere}, Rhythm {Maestro}, Anwar {Mamba}, Graphite {Error/Gaffes} (6)
Belladonna: Stormy {Savvy}, Naia {Dolphin}, Sea {Papy}, turtle {San}, Anti {Krait}, Azure {Baby Blue}, Bean, (7)
Aaron: Lucifer {Boss}, Diablo {Edgy}, Satan {Fell}, Amon {Coral Lamia}, Jaune {Dream/Marvels}, Jokester {Honey Bo}, Electro {Wingdings}, Hounddoom {Heckberry} Leo {Papython}, Stampy {ink/Stamps} (10)
Indivar: Hunter {Horror}, Honey {Little Bro}, Fusion {Yancap}, Catena {Chain}, Feather {Pygmy}, Majesty {King}, SugarTrap {Teeth}, Smooth, (8)
Hades: Kit {Kitcat}, Pup {Pupy}, Sleepy {Softbones}, Black {Nightmare/Dreads}, Sombre {Nightmare}, Nurse {Poppy}, Cherry Red {Runt/Cherry}, Reef {Coral}, Dee Dee {Daze The Flower}, Tiger {Babybones kitty Alpha} Lion {Babybones kittys Beta}, linx {Babybones kitty Omega}, Mort {Baby Pup Alpha}, Flash {Baby Pup Beta}, Vie {Baby Pup Omega} (15)
(Page will get edited as time goes on or When I wanted to add another Bitty)
[Note] I do not know the over all Idea of Bittys bone that be Mama Cry, I only own my Ocs Part of the plot as it mostly following The Twisted Wonderland plot but with my own plot ideas added in to make this Story my own. Not copy and Pasta Or Get someone say in the Comments “YoU’Re CoPyInG _____ WoRk” And the Drawing that have the L🖤S or With the Fandomlover And the Otter on it or the Symbol I made for my storys. Which is at the top of the Chapter on Quotev. The Alphatale Bittybones Belongs to AlphaMamaLioness on Tumblr and A lot of the Other Bittys are From Tumblr I can’t find all of them or They belong to fandom, I will try and Put all the Creators of said bitties when I have a Chance I will put in on this Chapter. P.S I forgot my password word for My tumblr but I found it and Now going to Publish my Story on here with the chapters I have done. with that out of the way. Creepypastalover84 Signing Out. ☮️
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vex-bittys · 2 years
Could you post all the little lamia icons in one post?(im not gonna reuse them, i just wanna see what they all look like lol)
*Of course! I commissioned these from IwuvCofi on Twitter, and they are just... so cute... and chonky... (Long post ahead)
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*Please do not respost, edit, or claim these works as your own. 
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limpfisted · 9 months
wyll SLEEPY hcs
wyll is actually super expressive and fruity. they all are tbh, but wyll has an especially giddy flair to his movements, and is corny af
a lot of his animations in game are like. pumping his fist to his chest to signify warriors or taking charge
tipping to one side to make a point, etc
so i think while wyll has like an itty bitty hampster sneeze
he is actually a HUGE loud yawner. and he takes forever to get comfortable and shut that big beautiful imaginative brain off. so u just hear all these silly wide+mouthed yawns
wylls that kid at a sleepover who keeps u up tbh, v annoying, love him for it
in his defense he has to sleep in different positions to get used to the horns
but NOT in his defense he stays up reading and if he does he’ll say lines out loud if hes laying in bed with u even if YOURE trying to sleep.
he s a heavy sleeper with vivid dreams, when he wakes up hes very contemplative as he tries to figure out the details of them.
hes very easy to wake up tho, and then the whole sleepy time process starts all over again
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eco-finders · 7 months
I have a cute corny lamia bitty for a couple of days now but he's a rescue bitty and even though he is happy as one would, he is still in a pretty bad shape, sooooo I want to get him a geo buddy! Which one would you recommend for my itty bitty?
Muse looks at you excitedly. "Awww a bitty for your bitty! How sweet!! It really depends on if your corny noodle has depression. If he does then the best choice for him would definitely be a Pyrite bitty or Py for short. He can inspire joy and help your bitty live his best life! Py is there to help you or your bitty through anything! Depending on how much trauma your Corny has been through he may need more than one. But for right now I believe your best bet is a Pyrite!"
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I’ll take a match-up! I’m an INFP-T and my love languages are touch/quality time, so I love hugs/cuddling. I have autism (I'm good at masking though), mild social anxiety, and ADHD inattentive type. I'm also a people pleaser and I don't like conflicts, so I have a hard time saying no to people. I also struggle with sleeping at night, so I compensate with naps. I do tend to hyperfixate on my interests, and I do have the classic ADHD executive dysfunction, and I tend to be very forgetful as well.
I also get overwhelmed with a lot of social activity so I need recharge days (this can include hanging out quietly playing games/reading/watching YT, really anything that doesn't involve a lot of movements and social interaction). Some of my hobbies include reading/writing (high fantasy), D&D, gaming, and listening to music. I've already adopted a King, a Corny, and a Papython from Vex’s bitty shop, and I’m thinking about adopting maybe two from here. I would prefer ones that maybe are not quite as high energy since it can be kind of overwhelming for me. Thank you!
Welcome to the shop! For you I recommend:
Nebula: These guys are laid back to the max, he’d probably get into napping competitions with your Corny, if that didn’t seem like too much work. Nebulas like to feel tall, so having them wrapped around your shoulders or have a perch on a bookcase or other tall object. They’re the perfect hang out companions for introvert adopters since they can interact as little or as much as you like!
Espresso: Espressos appreciate a creative adopters service since they love to create themselves. He’d be a good sounding board for your world building ideas and would love to hear about your DnD campaigns. Espressos are quiet bittys and can get overwhelmed easily, it’ll take him a while to get used to your King and Papython, but he will.
Suave: Suaves are flirty dorks, his dorkishness will love the stories you create and the random YouTube videos you’ll watch. You’ll just need to do the same and listen to his hyperfixations. I think he’ll be a good match for your and your current bitty family!
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