#corny fluff
rosylights · 1 year
synopsis: a smol storyline; home-alone Charlotte struggles to find ways to have a pleasant Christmas. content warning: ꒰Rayan x Olivia꒱ heavy romance; no xxx, sister chooses love over sister (aka betrayal) author's note: the entire plot is a first person pov of Charlotte; the characters are non-fictional, i.e., they do not represent a face of movie/anime/series/show, yes it's a heavy romance this time word count: 1.6k
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“He broke into my house.”
“He’s an architect.”
“That, is a trait of a thief.”
“He had no choice, you were passed out.”
I groaned, resting my head in my palm before glaring at the apparent couple sitting on the other side of the dining table. I observed Olivia, closely noticing how she defended her lover rather than supporting her sister.
“Are you both dating?” I questioned, clearly unamused when Rayan choked on his cappuccino and Olivia glared at me with a furious blush.
“What?” I shrugged in defence before pointing at them, “You both look like you’re already married for 10 years.”
Olivia jolted up, rushing to my side and pushing me out with her towards my room. I blinked at Rayan, who stared at our disappearing figure while wiping his mouth.
“For god’s sake, Eli. Shut up.” She sighed, shaking me by my shoulders once we entered the room. My face scrunched in confusion, “What did I do?”
“Why do you talk like that when he’s around?” She groaned and I plopped on the bed, rolling my eyes at her ignorance.
“Bro, you talk like you have been dating him for ages when he is around. You both flirt in front of my holy eyes, and when I state the obviously obvious,  I’m the one who is making assumptions? Just kiss already.” I buried my face in the pillow and winced at the smack on my head.
“Come on, Eli. We’re taking it slow. Besides, I won’t make a move before him.” This girl.
“Okay, whatever helps you not blush and make your cheeks maroon.” 
She threw a glare at me, to which I just raised my hands in surrender. She shook her head before wringing her fingers and began in a soft, appealing tone.
“I told you that I called him to check up on you since you were not picking up my calls..”
He came from Dubai to Manhattan just to check on me within 5 hours? Sounds fancy and not so Rayan.
“..and that our flight was delayed, so we could not come on time to you.” 
My eyes rolled at how she was trying to mould things into something justifiable. Her excuses were quite lame, considering she was a lawyer.
I gasped in mock surprise, pointing a hand at her as I whispered. “Let me guess, you both have already been meeting. It would be too obvious that you both are together, so you decided to send him first and come later. Moreover, you have the spare keys to my house. Oh shit! Why did I not think of it earlier? How did he have the keys?”
She blinked. I smiled and flicked her forehead.
“If it’s not evident enough, then let me break it to you. You are dumb when you are in love.”
Before I could receive another smack, my phone rang in my pocket. I slipped it out and looked at the flashing screen. My heart dropped and my smile faltered when I saw the caller id.
“What’s wrong?” Olivia frowned at me, clearly noticing the change in my demeanour. 
“I- It’s him.” I stuttered. After last night, I barely had the guts to talk to him.
She tilted her head before snatching the phone from my hand and answering it.
“Hello. Hi Jiju, it’s Olivia.” – “Yes, she’s here.” –she glared at me as the conversation continued– “Talk to her.” I shook my entire body in bewilderment, but she did not listen.
Olivia kept the phone in front of me as his voice echoed through the speakers.
“Charlotte? Baby, I’m sorry.”
I dropped my head with a low groan. This is the part that I hate the most. It would not be his fault, yet he would apologize. And that would make me feel bad because he never did anything, to begin with.
I hate it so much because despite knowing what he did or not, he said sorry. He would be worrying about me the entire time, thinking it might be his fault.
I hate to see him like this.
And at that moment, it made me miss him more.
“Darla, are you there?”
His voice broke my little head rant and Olivia sighed beside me. “Yes, she is.”
I looked at her and she held my shoulder assuringly. “Talk to him” was what she mouthed before leaving me alone with him, his voice, to be exact, in the room
“You did nothing,” I mumbled and for once doubted if he heard me or not.
A tired sigh came from the other side. 
“Of course, I did something that made you ignore my calls and texts. I’m sorry, baby. I didn’t mean to hang up on you like that.”
I shook my head as if he would see me disagreeing with him. “Seriously, Clyde. You did nothing. I should be the one saying sorry. I overreacted, as usual, I missed you the entire day. It made me upset that you didn’t call or even text me the entire day. Moreover, I was feeling a little low.”
“You were not overreacting, love. I know it’s my fault. I should have texted you, I’m sorry.”
I hushed him, hoping he would stop apologizing. After a small pause, he continued.
“I heard about Rayan from Olivia.” My eyes widened slightly, I had no idea why my heartbeat was fast.
“I’m glad you have people around when I’m not there.” He said it in such a gentle tone that my eyes teared up.
“They’re not you, though.” My bottom lip trembled and I averted my gaze. The lighted screen with his photo was not helping the situation.
He smiled. I felt it. 
“I’m trying, baby.”
“No.” I hesitated. “Work is important, I get it. You don’t have to rush things because of me.”
“But I feel upset being away from you too, Charlotte.” 
We both sighed.
“You don’t have to hurry things because of me, Clyde. Take your time.”
I looked at the clock ticking on the wall. “Baby, your meeting.”
“Yes, Darla. I’ll go in a while. I love you. Take care of yourself, hm?”
After a few moments, the call was declined. I stared at the ceiling.
It was supposed to be our first Christmas together.
There was a knock on the door, my head turned towards it and before I could answer, it flung open.
I rolled my eyes seeing that conceited apple.
“We are going out. Do you wanna tag along?” He leaned over the doorframe and I smiled at him.
“You want me to third-wheel?”
He turned around to leave while commenting. “It is fun seeing you third-wheel.”
I stuck my tongue out at his figure. But I was bored being at home the entire month. It would be a good change.
Good change, my ass.
“I feel like I’m single.”
I stood in the middle of the pathway, watching the apparent couple being lovey-dovey.
“You have a husband,” Rayan remarked, pointing a finger at me while wrapping Olivia in his overcoat.
I grinned, turning my head towards a tomato-Olivia. “Will you mind being single again because I’m going to kill him?”
She averted her gaze, breathing heavily as the fog through her mouth hit the crook of Rayan’s neck while he fixed the collar above her back.
“He’s not wrong though. You torture us all whenever Orhan is around.” She mumbled, clearly fazed by their proximity. Wow, I feel utterly single.
They will never stop with this, would they?
“Stop guys,” I wailed, walking ahead of them while ticking my boot over the snow-covered walk lane as my gaze roamed around the decorated street and well-lit colourful shops, “If you talk about him, I might miss him more.”
Turning around and walking backwards, I see them smiling at me. A pout formed on my lips. “What?”
Olivia tilted her head, shrugging with a beam. “It’s good to see you both still together.”
“Yes,” Rayan chimed in, “When are you making me an uncle?”
I rolled my eyes, staring at him from head to toe before swirling around. “You already are one.”
Olivia gasped, running over to me and grabbing my arm, “Are you pregnant?”
In my silence, which was just processing time, she jumped and ran to Rayan. “She’s pregnant! I knew it. The way you’ve been acting, I knew it. Oh my god.”
The guy just stared at me, bursting into laughter when he read my face. 
“Jesus,” he muttered, and as Olivia bent to talk to someone in my tummy, he came over and held her by her shoulder, pulling her back. “She’s not pregnant, Bee. It was just an attempt to call me ‘uncle’.”
Her face scrunched in disappointment, “Are you serious, Eli?”
“Well, now I know how you’ll react to the news.” She smacked my head, making me wince.
“By the way, why did you come alone?” I questioned as we walked down the lane, casually contemplating entering a store but then not.
“Vivi? She will come tomorrow.” Olivia answered before dissolving into a conversation with Rayan.
I sighed, entering a shop which had snow globes stacked on their entrance.
“Charlotte?” Rayan called out as they both entered after me.
“Yes?” I touched the pretty designs, but one caught my attention. It was about the size of my hand. In the glass globe, there was cotton snow. A couple standing right beside a small tree, holding hands, kissing. A perfect gift.
“Let’s go to Dubai for Christmas.”
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acciotherapists · 2 years
Loki x Reader
Warnings: Angst (with a happy ending), thoughts of not being good enough, self-doubt, fluff, mentions of cheating
Based on the mashup of Infinity by Jaymes young and Kristy Lee (Tiktok)
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It wasn’t supposed to be this way. We’d promised each other forever but it appeared he had other plans. 24 hours after he’d promised to never hurt me I caught him kissing another woman. I found myself standing there, wondering how I let myself end up in this situation again. I promised myself I would never let a man do this to me again, and here I was, in the same situation yet again… but this time I refused to be the victim. I refuse to let him see that he’d hurt me. Last night when I found him kissing her I simply told him to enjoy his night and left without another word. He’d tried to contact me but I ignored him. I wasn’t going to let him in again… I couldn’t… no matter how much it killed me.
“Where’d you go, love?” Nat asked, pushing a drink toward me.
I chuckled, taking a sip, before answering. “Nowhere important.”
“Thinking about Loki again?”
I rolled my eyes.
“I’ll take that as a yes.”
“It’s just so frustrating, Nat!” I huffed. “Not even 24 hours after he was promising me forever and that he’d never hurt me… I find him kissing her.”
“I’m sorry, love.”
Just as she’d finished speaking my eyes found the girl he had been kissing and I felt the bile rise in my throat. She entered the party as if she owned the place, a smirk on her face as she locked eyes with me before making her way toward a group of men in the corner of the party.
“Suchka,” Nat hissed. I placed a hand on hers as she reached for the gun she kept on her at all times.
“Don’t, Nat. She’s not worth it.”
The atmosphere at the party suddenly changed as a slow song began playing and couples partnered off to dance as I downed the rest of my drink, signaling the bartender for another.
Baby, this love…
I’ll never let it die
The bartender placed another drink in front of me just as Loki arrived.
I’m a mad man for your touch, girl, I’ve lost control…
I’m gonna make this last forever, don’t tell me it’s impossible…
My heart clenched as his eyes locked with mine.
Cause I love you for infinity
I took a breath, looking away from Loki, as I grabbed the glass in front of me and downed this one as well.
I jumped as he spoke, his silky voice filling my ears and making me question my resolve.
“I suggest you walk away, Laufeyson,” Nat hissed. “There’s nothing for you here.”
“My everything is here,” he murmured, looking directly at me.
Oh, darling, my soul…
You know it aches for yours…
“Go away, Loki… I can’t do this again.”
“Please, my love… just let me explain.”
His hand reaches for mine and I quickly stand, knowing if he touches me it will be far too easy for me to give in. “I’m not doing this again, Loki… I can’t, okay? I-I know what I saw.”
“My love, please… it’s not what you think… I promise I’ll explain everything, my darling… just listen to the words of this song… I had them play it for us… for you.”
Cause you’re the reason I believe in fate, you’re my paradise.
Loki took my hand, pulling me against him as his lips brushed my ear and he murmured the words of the song in my ear, his voice lulling me to a sense of calm.
And I’ll do anything to be your love or be your sacrifice…
Cause I love you for infinity…
Suddenly the promise of infinity snapped me back to reality as he’d made that same promise less than two days ago. The song lagged for a moment as the DJ rushed around trying to get the song back on track. As he did I looked to Loki, my heart clenching as he lifted a hand to my cheek.
“I love you for infinity.”
“Right,” I scoffed, no longer able to contain my anger as the lyrics began flowing from my lips at the perfect moment. “Infinity turned out to be a set number of days and when you said forever… Did you mean ‘till seasons change? You really had me fooled. I truly thought that you would stay but I just wasn’t it for you… a new girl’s in my place.”
“Darling, I-.”
“Beautifully done… I thought I found the one. Damn, you did that… you sure had me at infinity… you really got me to believe, oh… you’d love me for infinity.”
With that the song picked back up as Loki’s eyes filled with tears.
“I forgot how beautiful your voice was, my love… the thought of never getting to hear it again… that’s worse than any punishment Odin could inflict upon me.”
“Don’t say things like that, Loki… Don’t say things you don’t mean.”
“I mean all of it, my love… Please, just listen to me… She kissed me… you walked in just before I could push her away from me. She’s been after me since I started working for Stark but I love you, darling… all I want is you.”
Cause I love you for infinity.
“I will only ever want you, my darling… please… Please believe me.”
“I never meant to hurt you. I- I didn’t kiss her. I-.”
“No, Loki… why? Why do you want me?” I could feel my voice threatening to crack as I spoke, not understanding why he would choose me over her.
He looked confused before pulling me against his chest. “You saw me when no one else did… my heart beats for you and only you.”
I love you for infinity.
The song slowed as Loki gently swayed us to the music, whispering a thousand apologies and promises in my ear. I only hoped I could believe them.
Nat translation
*Suchka - bitch
A/N: There is a potential for a smutty part 2 if y'all are interested! Let me know!
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prettyboykatsuki · 5 months
✮ tags ; gn! reader, established relationship, fluff, alcohol.
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"You're drunk,"
Your boyfriend leans his head on your shoulder and makes a noise in the back of his throat. "A bit."
More than a bit, you think. In actuality, you don't think you've ever seen him this drunk before. He's okay with alcohol, usually - but tends to stay away from drinking too much. You think the last time you saw him get actually drunk at all, you were both twenty and he was barely tipsy then.
He doesn't like getting drunk, he's told you before. A few times. The lack of control and hazy memories make him just slightly anxious, so he's careful around liquor.
You've been dating for years now, and unless he's living some double-life (a different one than being a hero) - you've never seen him get this wasted. Ever. To everyone else in your surroundings, it probably doesn't look that way.
But you've spent enough time to know him, and he's not like this usually. Nowhere near as absent minded he is now, at least. He hasn't been able to sit still since he downed that last bottle of shochu. He went to go play with Bakugou's cat, Momo and you couldn't find him afterwards. You lost sight of him for about half-an-hour until you finally found him in the living room while everyone else was outside, feeding Momo some treat that squeezes from a tube.
(You still don't know where or how he found where Bakugou kept the treats, but you decide it's better you don't ask. Plausible deniability, or something.)
You're both grown-ups, and you're not one to worry about his liquor intake. Still, though - you're worried. Even if it seems like he's not different to everyone else, you can tell. And it's bothering you.
"Shouto," You call out to him, your hands reaching to pet the back of his neck. He's a head taller than you, and a little heavy. Palms smooth against the prickly ends of his hair - tapered and neat. He presses his cheek to your shoulder. "Shouto, love."
"Oh," He says, suddenly remember where he is. He stands up but doesn't back away far enough to give you space. You're in a far off empty corner. Most people are in the backyard but Shouto wanted some air - so you're crowded against a wooden fence and wall with your boyfriend locking you in out by the entrance. He smells nice, you think - clean with a soft touch of aftershave. You look up at him. "Hi,"
"You're drunk," You repeat, watching him blink rapidly - bleary eyes and the faintest line of a smile whenever he glances at you. He's bent over, staring at you hard. "Is something wrong?"
His expression is the same as always. Unchangingly neutral with a strong and uncharacteristic rosiness to it. Your boyfriend is handsome, alarmingly so. You're aware of it constantly, but this new face knocks the air out of your lungs.
He's... pouting you think. But not fully. His lips aren't drawn together, it's subtle like most expressions on him.
But it's...there. You're not imagining it - the soft furrow of his brow, the press of his lips. His expression grows warmer and it only makes you more confused. He shakes it off, all of a sudden, a micro-expression that fades just as quickly as it appears.
"I'm okay."
"Are you?""
He blinks slowly at that. Concern aside, you can't help but think he's cute like this. His ears are pink enough to stick out against his skin, cold air making them flush even darker.
"I'm okay," He says, then looks at you. He sobers up if only for that moment. "Had something on my mind."
"Something you can't tell me?"
"It's supposed to be a secret," He mumbles. He's really drunk. You realize this late. "So I don't know if I can."
"Mm," You reply. You feel like doting on him suddenly, so you do, petting the back of his neck before hugging him a little. "That's okay."
He follows up with a light groan. You've never heard him complain like that, so you laugh. "But I want to tell you."
"I promise I'll keep your secret at least."
He smiles at you more fully that time.
He pauses for a minute, thinking it over. You don't do or say anything in return. A beat passes of you two standing and swaying with silence where Shout to grabs your hands from in front of you. You think he's being affectionate again, wanting to hold them.
He draws your hands to his pocket though. The angle is awkward, makes you bend your wrist on the inside of coat pocket until you feel something hard and square touch your fingers. It's velvet from the material. A box of some kind.
...A box?
Shouto guides your hand again, this time out. When you pull it out, his palm is over yours. It's a jewellery box. You blink a few times, confused. Shouto hasn't let go of your hand.
"I keep missing the timing," He says, hiccuping. The lack of sobriety more clear than ever from the slight slur in his words. "It's been in my pockets for a while."
Your eyes go wide open. You can feel your own confusion and excitement twist and tangle inside of you, frantic to get a better read on the situation. He smiles down at you, disarmingly and then closes his eyes. His forehead is warm as it touches yours.
"...I thought you didn't want to married. Not really, at least." You whisper.
"Me too," He says, a wetness to his laugh that tugs at your heart . "It was on a whim. I wanted to talk to you about it. But." He frowns a little "It's tough."
You chuckle, a sudden wetness to your voice too. "I bet it was,"
He smiles at you, big and stupid. "I love you," He closes is eyes and presses his forehead to yours more. "Thank you for everything."
"Shouto," You repeat, unsure of what else to say. "What brought this up?"
"Mm," He shrugs, getting sleepier by the minute. "I thought giving you my last name would make you suffer." He admits, soft and unsure. "But taking yours. That felt...okay. Felt nice."
"You're silly."
"Yes," He says, not denying it. "And I love you."
"And you love me." You repeat, a grin splitting your face. Big tears at the corner of your eyes, making your vision sting and your cheeks ache. You look up at him again. "Enough to marry me?"
He seems almost sheepish that time. "If you'll have me."
"Are you sober enough to even remember this?"
His embarrassment makes him blush and laugh again. "My heart is beating so loud I'm a little afraid of it. So yes. I'm sure I'll remember." He admits.
"Let's get married, then." You repeat to him, so achingly happy you think you could die. You wonder when to tell your friends. Bakugou will be pissed you did at his place. "If you'll have me."
He smiles. "I'd like too."
You lean up to press a kiss to his mouth, and Shouto holds you there to kiss you longer than you expect. When you're done kissing, he's smiling.
"Anymore secrets?"
He thinks on it, then hums.
"We should get a cat."
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ddawnee · 1 year
hobie’s seen some of miles’ graffiti work and took interest in it himself, so one day he asks miles if he could spray paint a spider on one of his plain tees to give it pizazz.
usually, miles isn’t really worried about his graffiti art being perfect; but this time it’s different. hobie’s cool as hell, what if he doesn’t like the finished product? that’d destroy his ego.
so he’s been circling around the t-shirt that laid on the floor, shaking a can of black spray paint for about ten minutes now. it was simple, really; all he needed to do was a circle and then the spider on the inside, but he couldn’t bring himself to start just yet, because what if the circle comes out lopsided, or he doesn’t make the spider big enough to fit four legs on each side?
it didn’t really help that hobie leaned against the wall in front of miles, observing miles circle around like a nervous mess.
“miles.. you good?”
“you’ve been doing..” unsure of what to call it, hobie motions with his hand, “this, for the past ten minutes. do you like.. need some inspo?”
“oh no, it’s not that, it’s just..” he isn’t sure how to cover it up, so he just is honest, “i don’t wanna mess it up, it’s gotta look nice.”
“it’s fine, no big deal if it’s messy.”
“you sure?” miles stops his pacing, looking down at the blue tee. it was modified, the collar and bottom hem messily torn off to fit hobie’s style more, and now miles felt a bit stupid for overthinking his craft; hobie was all about messy!
“yeah, the shirt don’t got any sentimental value for me yet, so i’m not gonna get mad if you absolutely fuck up the spider.” hobie shrugs.
miles raises a brow. “yet?” he’s really curious about what that means, and even finds himself hoping it means what he thinks it does.
he totally isn’t sure why though, of course.
“yeah, right now this shirt is just like, basic.” hobie starts, and miles doesn’t realize it but his voice gets a bit softer. “it doesn’t really have a meaning, but once you give it your touch it gets its value, because it’s your craft that you’re giving to me, y’know?”
there’s a lot more that hobie wanted to say, but he couldn’t get the courage to do it. he realizes he kind of went off on a tangent, and possibly annoyed miles, if it weren’t for the wide eyed look on the boy’s face. “sorry, that was a bit too much.” he grimaces.
“oh, oh no, it’s fine!” miles reassures the other, a smile on his face. “i appreciate your appreciation a lot.”
he shakes the can of spray paint, a hint of determination in his eyes as he looks at the tee once more.
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bunnisari · 1 year
ARMIN sits squished between the arm of the couch and your plump body. You’re sitting so close to him, his arm is practically in the engulfed by the division of your boobs. Your legs aren’t fully on his lap but hanging off. His eyes were red and low. He was definitely not in his element. You turned to check on him multiple times, to make sure his high was going good. Armin was no doubt a ‘good boy’ but you were trouble. And he liked that. A random Ice Spice song that Armin heard you play multiple times boomed through the speakers of the house. Armin could barely focus on his surroundings. Smoke clouded the air, the purple lighting making it no better. And the noise – it was so loud but he still heard you perfectly clear. All Armin could do was focus on you in his high state. Your pretty pretty eyes and gorgeous gorgeous smile. Everytime you turned to face him he got a whiff of your scent. You smelled so sweet, it was driving him crazy.
You shifted your body onto Armin’s lap, the action throwing him off guard. Your hand cupped around the blond’s neck, mindlessly rubbing back and forth.
Armin was now in heat, literally. “You wan’ another hit baby?” Your sweet voice rings out to him in an echo. Armin has never felt like this before, he wanted to fuck you hard. You and Armin haven’t made it to that stage yet, just simple oral. So to say he was nervous was an understatement.Armin takes a minute for your question to register, “Yeah” He slowly nods. You lazily smile at him, “You’re so cute” You compliment, watching the boy become even more flustered.
You inhaled from the joint your friends had passed to you, grabbing Armin’s chin before blowing the smoke out into his parted lips.
Armin immediately inhales, ignoring the urge to cough . You pull back, eyes low and red as you smile at him. You watched as he tried to chase your lips for a kiss.
After a few minutes of chatting with your friends, you can feel Armin shifting under you. You turn to look at him, seeing your boyfriend looking the most uncomfortable you’ve ever seen him.
You immediately fall into a state of worry, “Armin? Baby, you okay?” You start to move off of his lap only for him to grip your hips tightly, “No. No..No! I mean yes, i’m okay just…. don’t move please” He gulps and then you feel it.
His cock strained against his cargo pants, itching to burst through the fabric. Your ass was sitting right on it. You tilt your head to the side, acting clueless as you slowly grind your hips on his lap.
You hear him wince out, gripping your waist with all his might to hold you in place.
“L-let’s go home” He rushes out. “But why ‘min? I’m having so much fun” You use those eyes on him, your glossed lips settling into a pout that has Armin ready to absolutely devour you.
“I…I wanna fuck you…so bad, please?” He whines right back at you, his hands slowing moving you around on his lap.
“I wanna fuck you so hard” His head goes to rest on your shoulder , his eyes tearing up with frustration.
“Of course ‘min” You feel so bad, for completely corrupting him and for the horny daze the weed put on him. “I’ll let you fuck me”
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mediumgayitalian · 5 months
“Happy birthday!”
“Still not my birthday, Solace.”
“Eh. One day I’ll say it and it’ll be right.”
The flowers he’s holding — pretty, ruffled deep red, although Nico doesn’t recognise them — remains extended between them, clutched fist unwavering. Nico rolls his eyes, biting the inside of his cheek, and takes them.
“Of course, you could also just tell me when your birthday is.”
“No.” A pause. He brings the flowers up to his face, pointedly ignoring Will’s wink, and inhales. They smell almost identical to the shampoo Will wears. “You’re such a loser.”
“And yet you spend all your time with me.”
“Not — all,” Nico protests, cheeks burning. “I spend —”
Time with others, he was about to say, and while it is indeed true that he does, in fact, socialize with more than one person, he realises with startling clarity that Will is almost always there.
Will grins, wide and cheeky and knowing. “Having some thoughts, there, Neeks.”
“Shut the fuck up.”
Will gasps dramatically, and when that is not enough he holds up a hand, digs a string of plastic pearls out from his many pockets, clasps them around his neck, clears his throat, and gasps even more dramatically, clutching said pearls.
Nico laughs.
But he chokes it back last minute and turns it into a weird horse noise instead, so he’s victorious, basically.
“How dare,” says Will, indeed dramatically, “how dare, di Angelo, deride me, your closest friend, in such a way —”
Nico deliberates his options. Should Will have the space unimpeded to continue on than he shall do so, with increasing gusto. At the six minute mark he will graduate to elevating himself on whatever surface makes itself available, from an infirmary stool to An Actual Roof, and project his voice to make sure that everyone suffers his Elizabethan histrionics, not just Nico (or Kayla or Austin or Lou especially Cecil or Mitchell or Piper or or or or). At the nine minute mark he will be accompanied, magically, by intense background music, because Apollo deserves all of his trauma. Nico doesn’t know what the ten minute mark will bring, but frankly he’d rather walk on hot coals with open sores on his feet than find out, so.
“— good friends, sweet friends, from this group I hail, and to such a sudden flood of mutiny! To bend to the leadborn suffering —”
When Nico gestures he is graceful, obviously. And poised. When Will gestures he narrowly avoids smacking himself square in the face nine times out of ten, and sometimes, like now, he actually does smack himself in the face, but for some reason this does not deter or embarrass him. Perhaps because he, like most Apollo children, does not actually have the part of his brain that produces shame, and such gleeful shamelessness shows in his devastatingly wide eyes. Which are, Nico notices, beginning searching for the nearest climbable surface.
Ah. Level one has been exceeded.
“Hide not thy poison with such sugar’s words —”
Drastic times, drastic measures; in time of theatre kid, regress to caveman instincts. Et cetera. Nico knows the drill. He’s a twice-adorned war hero. He understands sacrifice. He understands betrayal. He knows timing, knows difficulty. He knows the burden of doing the right thing to prevent further tragedy.
He sets his flowers delicately on the ground beside him, ties his hair back out of his face, does a couple stretches, exhales peacefully, and tackles Will to the floor.
“Shut up,” he grunts, over Will’s screeching. Will, predictably, does not shut up, moaning instead about his spleen, his spine, pausing to yell, loudly, et tu, Brutus?!, moaning about his kidneys, and then once again wallowing about Brutus and betrayal.
“Someone should take away your Riverside,” Nico says solemnly, pinching Will on the arm one last time for good measure before crawling off him.
Will remains on the floor, arm thrown over his eyes. “I would sooner live without the lungs in my chest.”
“It’s gonna be me. I’m taking away your Riverside.”
Will lifts his arm, searching to meet Nico’s eyes before pouting. It is a remarkably well-planned strategy, because he has very pretty eyes, and Nico is a flaming homosexual who is openly weak to Will’s wiles. Will, who is a shit and judging by the smirk he is barely fighting back in favour of a quivering lip, knows this.
“Don’t you love me?”
“No,” Nico lies. He forces himself away from Will’s gaze, ears burning. “Go away, you walking annoyance. I never want to see you or anything about you ever again.” He scoops up his flowers and stomps off, smiling as Will cackles.
He carries around the flowers for the rest of the day.
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Hey love! if you're still accepting requests, could I get an extremely wild, rough and feral nsfw Daemon x wife fem!reader please? (feel free to ignore and sorry if the request is weird, but I'm thirsty for this handsome fictional man who unfortunately doesn't exist)
Frost Bite
Daemon Targayen x Stark!Reader
Summary: You were travelling back to home soil in anticipation of your wolf's heat cycle. Besides the fact that you could not stand the sound of your prince husband's breathing and the fact you were certain he would perish in the cold, there was one more reason why you did not want him to join you: the fact the heat was affecting you too.
Word Count: 5k+
Warnings: Basically PWP, 5k+ SMUT T_T (non-con [daemon touches her while she's asleep], virgin!reader, she cries for various reasons, fingering, choking, biting, degradation kink, corruption kink, spitting, marking, edging, oral [fem receiving], breeding kink, cream pie), RIP feminism, opens with a wet dream, brief mentions of near death experience in a snow storm, dark!daemon (but imo its just canon daemon) fem!reader, wife!Reader, soft!daemon, typos, etc.
A/N: YEAH MINORS DNI. LOL SO I was planning to write this for my part 2 of my Stark!Reader, but i got lazy and didn't want to create a whole plot leading up to the smut, so i removed it all together, which I guess worked out swell for you nonnie, since I was planning something absolutely unhinged. I hope you liked that fic of mine since you're basically getting a p3 of it So here's part 1, here's part 2, but you don't need to read any of them to understand, but i suggest you do for background cos lol this is PWP T_T Next part ig but its a blurb "✨Magic✨" OMG NEXT PART BUT ITS NOT A BLURB "Moon Cycle" Also nonnie, i wanted to tell you albeit asking for smut is pretty awkward HAHAHAH you gotta process these feelings somehow you know. i mean, we could have been criminals, like Daemon, instead but we're not, and that's what matters (unless you are a criminal in which case im closing my eyes) this gif of him is so large on pc but idc he's so hot MATT I WANT YOU SO BAD FUCK OFF if someone snitches to big brother again like in In Your Defense /: Idk if you want to be, but I'm tagging everyone I tagged in the previous fic, as well as the others that commented there SO HI THIS IS SMUT YOU CAN GO IF YOU WANT LOL HAHHAH @aralezinspace @em-the-lurker @blue1006 @mukduk-not-murder @min-jianhyung @deniixlovezelda @moonmaiden1996 @thatmysteriousblog
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I caught him. I caught him doing the very thing I dreaded to catch him do. The one thing I accused him of doing every night, though in my heart of hearts I wished he did not... not that I would ever admit it to his face. Because why would I? Admitting it would mean- "You want me," Daemon heaved against the neck of the woman beneath him. He cranes his neck up as he thrust into her, smirking, eyes dark, "you want this to be you," he pants as he stares at me, "don't you?" I am in my place, frozen, watching and hearing the woman come undone underneath my husband who kisses her tenderly. "Daemon," I whimper helplessly, teary eyed, "Daemon please." "Fuck off."
I jolt awake, sweat sheening my neck and chest. I turn to my bed, empty, because though Daemon insisted we sleep together and I could not fight him in his decision, he did not return to me until nigh dawn.
I wipe my face as I recall my intensifying dreams.
It seems my travels up North would come quicker than anticipated.
And as much as I wanted to tell him I told you so, oh to all the gods, how badly he deserved it, there was no time for me to gloat when Daemon did the very thing I warned him not to, fall into the icy river.
It was instantaneous. The cracking of the ice, the splashing of water, the scream that escaped me. Maybe I should have left him in the cave we kept Caraxes, who he insisted on bringing. But then again he would have insisted on joining me to the cabin, the way he insisted on joining me here up North in the first place.
And now I had to deal with the consequences of his actions.
It was sheer miracle that I got him out of the river without falling into it myself, sheer stupidity of me to rid him of his coat and offer him mine when the blistering snow storm was not relenting, and quite clearly the sheer will of the gods that both of us made it to the cabin... barely.
The moment we walked in, I shut the door and scrambled towards the fireplace. As my fingers shivered, I thought of Havoc, and how at least I know she would find mine and Daemon's corpses if ever we do not make it. I had sent her away when the storm came out of nowhere because we had to find cover for Caraxes, and she would not have been any of help to us if she were here with us anyway.
My poor pup. She would be heartbroken if she saw me frozen. And Caraxes...
I curse the flint, I curse the cold, I curse the gods, and I curse Daemon for every time I failed to light a fire. I thanked the Stranger for finally allowing me the mercy of my eventual success.
Once the fire was burning steady, I get on my feet and run to Daemon, hauling him over to the fire roughly in haste where he helpelessly kneels in front of. He could do nothing but shiver as I scramble to get some dry clothes and sheets for the both of us.
I yank him closer to the fire and begin to undress him.
Seeing as he is nothing but docile to my actions and how his skin was turning grey, I began to grow frantic, "you cannot fucking die, you prick!"
I rip his top off and quickly clothe him, "I did not go through all the trouble of marrying you for nothing. I refuse to be forced into another marriage because your stupid ass froze to death."
Daemon's shudder comes out in a thick condensation.
"Fuck," I whimper, as I struggle to get him out of his boots and breeches.
I shrivel up at the feel of his frozen fingers then brush against my arm and I shake my head rapidly, realizing there was no choice. The only way I can warm him quickly enough is if I share my own.
I strip him naked, pulling off the shirt I struggled to put on him as well, then wrap him in a fur blanket in the meantime. I then take off my own clothes and hiss at the nipping cold.
The fact Daemon does not even look at my naked form strikes a chord in me.
I straighten him up and fix the blankets on his legs and thighs before I sit on his lap. I press my bare chest against his and whimper at his dangerously concerning coldness.
He shivers against me as his face rests helplessly on my shoulder. His breath that hits my skin is not even hot.
"Remember, you're too fucking stubborn to die," I say as I wrap my legs around his torso and graciously place his fingers beneath my bottom.
His lack of warmth literally brings tears to my eyes.
I reach out for the other blanket and wrap it over myself, consequently Daemon, before I wrap my arms around him and breathe hotly against his face.
I rub his back, "will you allow irony to take you? The hot blooded prince defeated by the cold?"
He releases a shiver and moves his head. He mutters something, but his quaking body does not allow me to make sense of it.
"Do not waste your energy," I chide.
And so for a long moment, we stay like this, wrapped in each other's arms, sharing each other's heat. I do my best to warm him. I even nuzzle against him, the way Havoc did me, just so I could warm his stupid face.
Daemon finally finds it in him to lean against my touch, and when he does, he mutters under his breath, "irony-" shudder, "-would be if the- N-Northern princ-ces-s-ss died in the cold."
My face contorts and yet I cannot help but chuckle at him, glad he can sputter his nonsense again, "then I should make Caraxes burn you for your stupidity."
I shiver when I feel his icy lips kiss my neck. Goosebumps form on my skin when I feel the hot breath that follows. My hands rake up to his nape, where I then dig my fingers as I pull away.
"N-n-nno!" he stutters, hands coming around my hips to brace me tightly, "I ss-swear I'm not warm yet-t-t."
I pull back again though to face him when I said, "I only wanted to tell you," I lean my forehead against his face, "I fucking told you so, you stupid idiot."
I rest my face on his shoulder and close my eyes, knowing I would not be off him any time soon.
I dream about him. I dream about kissing his shivers away. I dream about pulling the fur blanket that separated our legs away, and riding him until he was warm.
I dream about how good he feels, and how he burns inside me. I dream about calling his name, unlike how I did in my other dreams. I was no longer calling out in betrayal, I was calling out in pleasure.
"Daemon," I trail off in a groan, willing my heavy eyelids open. I feel pressure building up inside me before I understand what's happening.
I not know how, but I am laid on a bed, head on a pillow, form still naked. Daemon is sat up beside me, peering down at me and his hands.
I whine.
His fingers-
"Oh fucking hell," he groans as his other hand begins to knead at my breasts, "you feels so good wrapped around my fingers, I-"
I cut him off with my squeak, hands flying to his arm, thighs closing shut, squeezing this hand in between my thighs.
"Daemon," the dazed quality of my voice is gone.
He tilts his head, face twisting, a challenge.
When I struggle and wrangle against him, all it takes is his hand on my throat to make me go still. I barely manage a choke and my breath continues to leave me as his fingers quicken their pace inside me.
He only releases me after I shake and shudder when I come.
It is overwhelming and nothing at all like I have dreamed or imagined, unlike all the times I've touched myself in secret. It was intense but there was a shame tied to it.
My entire body is hot and tears prick my eyes at his relentless ministrations.
"You were too fucking ready for that," Daemon mutters dryly as he quickly pulls away and shifts in his spot, "how long have you imagined fucking me, hmm?"
Before I even have the brain to do something, he crawls down the bed, "was it when you caught me touching myself to you?" He sinks down, grabbing my legs, "or have you done it before and withheld me of your sweet cunt for no fucking reason?"
All at once, he brings his face between my legs and begins to lick all the slickness off my pulsing core.
"DAEMON!" I scream, pressing my thighs close as I push myself up on my elbows, trying to break free of him.
He ignores me and forces my legs open even as I kick them in protest, "you will not deny me something you so clearly want yourself."
He grunts and pushes my legs down before grabbing my hands that were shoving him away, "you fucking bitch," he grips me tightly, "you will not find it in yourself to fight me off once I make a whore out of you."
I growl at his words, feeling my stomach drop along with my tears because of it.
I was realizing just how strong he really was, and how in moments where our arguments got a bit physical, he has probably holding back. The revelation of this does not cease my attempts at freeing myself, but it is as pointless as I feared.
Daemon rises up from his spot, nearing me, up until he is breathing against my cheek and rubbing his hardened length against my wetness.
I turn away from him, unable to really do anything else and shudder as he speaks, "you said it yourself, you did not go through all this trouble marrying me for nothing."
I screw my eyes shut, feeling tears fall, "Daemon."
He shushes me, pulling my arms up above my head, "you should not worry. I refuse to die now that I know of your lust."
I whimper as he rolls his hips against me, "still, the idea of someone claiming you- fuck-" he groans gutturally, "had I died..." he trails of in another groan, "someone else would have gotten my prize and it would have been all be your fault."
Daemon squeezes my wrist in one hand then grabs my jaw, forcing me to turn to him. I keep my eyes shut though as he heaves hotly, "I should utterly ruin every part of you so you can never have anyone but me. Though make no mistake, I would never let that happen as I so fucking breathe."
"Hypocrite," I scoff.
He laughs and I tense at the feeling of his vibrations, "she speaks."
I dare to look at him as I pant, "you do not desire me. You're just a spoiled brat who merely wants to wet his cock, just like how you do every night."
"Oh," he groans, "is this jealousy I hear?" He squeezes my cheeks, "is my pretty whore jealous that she is not the only one?"
"Fuck you!" I manage out though muffled.
Daemon laughs at the feel of tears rushing down his fingers, "do not cry, foolish wife. I'll have you know I have not wet my cock ever since I called out your name when I fucked someone else before our wedding day."
He releases my face. I attempt to even out my breath.
"I hadn't even realized until she asked me who-"
"And you think you deserve an award for that?!" I quip through my heavy breathing.
He lets out a laugh that makes me whimper, "I think you ought to know that mine own want for you has made everyone else undesirable," he licks my cheek, making me pull my head away from him, "I have been so pent up in want and for what? Because you're too bull headed to allow me anything other than my lonely hand?"
I try to wrangle out of his grip again, and he presses his whole body on me in response, "it's quite adorable that you still have it in you act like you didn't just call my name out loud while you dreamt of fucking me."
He rubs his nose against my jaw, "you wanna know how I know?"
"Fuck off-"
"You were rutting against me like a hussy," he sighs, "by the gods, had I known you were so wanton at night, I would have never granted you the insult of sleeping alone."
I could feel myself burn hotter with each word that leaves his lips despite myself. I did not want him to catch me like this, but there was no use; I was already caught.
As Daemon rocks his hips on mine, he hisses, undoubtedly feeling how much wetter I had gotten was beneath him.
"Fuck," he trails off, "here's what going to happen," he whispers, rutting against me rougher.
I cannot for the life of me withhold my whimper.
He chuckles as he presses his face against mine, "I'm going to make you come with my tongue and then I'm going to fuck you until you cry."
"Daemon, please stop-"
"Your heartbeat against my cock and how fucking wet you are disagrees with your protest, little liar," he croons. He lifts his head, then leans his forehead against mine, "don't worry, my little virgin, you will not cry because it hurts, you will cry because you'll want it so bad that it hurts."
"You will not refuse me," he whispers, though it is anything but sweet, "not when there is not a sliver of doubt in my mind that you want this too."
He brings his hands to my neck again and I wait for his grip to tighten, but it does not, "now say it."
I look up at him as my breathing quickens.
"Yield," he commands, breathing heavily all of a sudden.
I look up at him feeling my belly swirl in ways I could not ever explain.
"Admit to both our ears that you burn for me just as I have been fucking burning for you."
I yelp when he puts pressure on my throat then releases it.
"Say it," he barks.
"Say you want me," he says softer this time.
I am disarmed by his quick change in tone and a shiver leaves me as the cold finds its way to my belly as he pulls away. Daemon releases my hands then begins to crawl down. His eyes are fixed on my as he mutters once more, "say it."
I shudder as he presses my thighs against his cheeks then whispers, almost begging, "say it."
I turn away from him and close my eyes, awaiting his next actions, for it was not like I could stop him if I refuse.
"Say it," he urges louder, "you know you want to."
I clench my jaw, "just do what you want and be done with it."
He growls, and goosebumps form on my skin when I feel him bite at the inner most part of my thigh. I grip at the sheets at the feel of teeth and tongue. I bite my lips tightly to keep myself from making any noise.
"I should, shouldn't I?" Daemon mutters.
I yelp and look down at him when his finger strokes my core.
His eyes are dark as he airily chuckles at my reaction, "after all I have given you my name, my Targaryen queen. You are no longer your own, you are forever mine."
I watch him as he lifts his head up and kisses my sopping heat. I flinch when he nips at me, drawing my nub out with his teeth. He lifts his head as he releases my flesh. His chin is glistening with my slick as he says, "I want you."
My breath leaves me when he says this.
"And I know you want me too, but I have to-- I need you to say it." He repositions himself in my thighs, "you are after all married to maniac," he breathes against me, "now, say it."
He shakes my thighs, "SAY IT!"
"I want you," I snap, "Daemon, I-" a loud cry rips out of me before I can even continue.
The sound of him lapping his tongue on me, eating me out as if I was his final meal, was somehow louder than my cries. I cannot help but so violently react to him as he devours me. He forces me still in his grip and fights off the movement of my thighs with his face.
It seems as though my admittance has reduced me into nothing but needy sounds.
Without another thought, my hands reach down at him and dig into his silver hair. I arch my back and pull at him when his tongue flicks into me.
"Fucking slut," he mutters, squeezing my thighs as he pulls me apart.
I scream out his name as he digs his face deeper into me. I lift my head up when he pulls away to laugh, "look at you, rutting against me like the needy whore you are."
I don't have time to find offence in his words because I still, not even realizing I was in fact moving my hips against him. He laughs as he continues his work, leaving me no time to feel embarrassment and only hot pleasure.
He is fucking good at what he does. He's so fucking good that my mind wanders where it should not. How much practice has he gotten to be this good? It is precisely because of this that I finally break, "all for you, Daemon," I grab his cheeks, "all for you-- all mine."
I do not see how his eyes dart up to me for I then throw my head back and whine. I feel myself come close to my undoing, "fuck, Daemon, don't stop."
I shriek when I bites me.
Just as I am inching so close, all at once, he pulls away from me.
I pant and stiffen as I hear and feel him spit on me. Much like all other moments, I do not have time to react. When I turn to him, he grabs my legs and shoves me to my side.
I begin to panic when he rises to his knees.
"I'll be fucking damned if I don't make you come on my cock right now," he grunts, making my eyes drop down to the very thing, erect, hard, and angry.
"Get on your knees, bitch," he blurts, though he doesn't give me much of a chance to as he drags me up into the position he wants me by my hips.
I haven't even propped myself up on my arms yet when he unceremoniously begins to pound into me.
I am certain if anyone could hear us in the middle of this storm, they would think I was mad, or worse, being tortured.
"I'm going to breed that prurient wolf in you, just as I'm sure your wolf, Havoc, is being bred right now."
I growl at the idea and feel my belly tighten at his words.
Daemon groans before he chuckles, "that's it, isn't it?"
His relentless thrusts begin to grow sloppy. Suddenly, he yanks me by my hair and lifts me up. His other hand slaps to my throat to offer painful support as he pulls me up against him.
I choke on my spit when my form presses against him with difficulty. He sinks down on his knees, my core wrapped around his length as he shifts me in a snug position atop him.
His hands make their way to my breasts to roughly grope them. His teeth sink down on my shoulder.
I release a wild sound as my own hands come on top of his. I am left moaning at how his mouth sinks into my skin.
Daemon makes sure to suck hard before pulling away. For a moment he catches his breath before speaking, "you did not want me here because you are affected by your wolf's heat, aren't you."
The way I begin to slowly bounce on top of him is enough of an answer to him.
He laughs as his hands depart from my tender breasts, one going down to my sensitive nub, the other sealing my throat again, "you are a fucking selfish bitch for keeping your cunt from me."
My breathing becomes arduous when he tightens his grip around me.
"You would have preferred to touch yourself to the thought of me?" he questions as he rubs on my sensitive nub.
"Daemon," I gasp, pushing my head back as his lips latch on my neck again.
He ceases the moment of his fingers as he finishes grazing on my skin. "Yes, my pretty whore?" he mutters in between his kisses, "what do you want, hmm?"
My breathing strains when his hand tightens around my throat more. I catch my breath when he releases his grip to push my hair off to the side, "tell me what you want me to do to you."
I call out his name. He calls out mine.
I find myself grabbing his hands as I moan out, "I want you to fuck me."
Without another word, I am thrown down to the bed. The only reason I'm still on him is because of his hands that latch on my hips.
I am nothing against his strength. He handles me like a ragdoll, fucking me with absolutely no regard and nothing else in mind.
I make sounds that mean nothing. His name is polluted by my whimpers and cries that you cannot make head or tail of.
I would not last any longer with how he was handling me, even if I wanted to, even if I tried.
"That's it my easy bitch," he pants, "come around me like the needy whore you are."
"Your eager cunt will take my seed well when I fill you up," his one hand leaves my hip and rips my head back by my hair again, "don't you think, pretty wife?"
"Yes," I reply without thinking, "yes, yes, yes, yes-"
"And you will give me your pups," he mutters, "bare my dragons, like a dutiful wife will you not?"
My only response is my body breaking orgasm. I shiver beneath him, falling powerless as I scream his name and crumble, absolutely boneless.
Daemon lets out a string of curses as he milks out my reaction for all he's got.
He does not waver once bit and it maddeningly delicious.
My voice hikes up when I feel him release inside me not too late after.
"Fucking come slut," he barks as he snaps his hips in me, "take it all just like that."
I bury my screams in the cushions he presses on, unrelenting. When he finally does grow sloppy, I take a moment to catch my breath and relish the feel of him.
I whimper when he pulls away and slaps my ass.
"The absolute mess you've made of yourself," he coos, as he rubs the skin he slapped.
I can feel myself leaking, I can feel it all over my legs, on the sheets, and I could practically feel his pleased smile as he watches the lewd display. I could not bring myself to care at all though, not when my legs begin to fall.
I squeak when Daemon rearranges me on the bed. He is not at all as rough as he was with me a while ago, but his strength and my lack thereof does not really allow him to be gentle.
He falls onto the side of the bed next to me and gathers me into his chest. When I roll over to him, I groan at the feeling of my wet thighs pressing together.
"Do not make issue of that," Daemon says as he watches me squirm. He pulls me close to him, arm over my shoulders. His other hand hooks behind my knee, dragging me atop him. I whimper and push my hand on his chest when I feel core empty out on his thigh.
He does not allow me to pull away and I turn to him because of this. Daemon forces me close against him, "are you so haughty over my come that you cannot bare the thought of it-"
"But it's getting everywhere," I start off loudly but end with a whisper.
Daemon's nostrils flare as he shakes his head, "I should sure hope so."
I feel my cheeks burn and so I decide to hide my face in his chest.
His laughter intensifies, and I do not enjoy how my head bounces on his ribcage because of it.
"Oh meekness suits you well, my dear."
I weakly mumble, "fuck off."
His amusement continues as he rubs my arms, "you mean, 'I want you to fuck me, Daemon.' "
"I did not say it like that!" I quip, lifting my head as I turn to him, finally making him cease his stupid laughter. The sight of his stupid smug face still glimmering in slick renders me frozen.
Suddenly I am aware of how cold the room still was.
"Pray tell, how did you say it?" he hums, pushing hair behind my ear.
I furrow my brows and press my cheek on his chest again, admitting lowly, "I didn't say your name at the end."
"My," he draws shapeless figures on my skin, "I'm glad to know the moment is burned in your very being."
"Fuck off," I mutter under my breath, scratching my eye. It dawns onto me that my face was equally as wet as Daemon's. Heat rises up my face again when I realize I really did cry because of how good he felt.
"Don't fret," he sighs, "there is a reason why you should not worry yourself about how your pretty cunt is leaking blood and come. I shall fuc-"
I turn to him in concern and push myself up.
Daemon furrows his brows and shakes his head, "it is normal," he soothes, grabbing my cheek, "or did you just forget your maidenhood was still intact after imagining fucking me?"
I am suddenly aware how real everything was. My husband has finally gotten me to consummate our marriage and all his talk of me bearing his seed could may well come true. My chest begins to constrict as my mind floods with endless scenarios.
"Well, if you start frowning like that, I might actually feel bad," Daemon mutters, lifting himself up on his elbows, "what's wrong?"
I look at his concerned expression and find myself speaking before I realize, "did you mean it?"
"Mean what?" he clarifies quickly.
"That you want me," I quip just as fast.
He stares at me for a moment, as if he was taken aback or measuring the truthfulness in my voice. When a prolonged moment passes between us, he realizes I was serious.
"Fuck," he drops his head back, "it must be exhausting to be a woman with your overthinking."
"Well, pardon me for not-"
"You are pardoned," he blurts, making me whimper when he suddenly flips us over.
I am beneath him again. He does nothing but press his weight on me, but I struggle beneath him, not enjoying the idea of remaining in an uncomfortable position.
He misreads my intentions and hinders me from moving, as he wraps his arms around me, "I just told I want you, that I burn for you, that I want you to mother my children. Do you honestly think I am one to say that to anyone?"
I gulp as he shifts to nestle his face in the crook of my neck, "I..." he breathes against my skin. He does not continue as he opts to kiss my neck instead.
When I move to wrap my own arms around him, he speaks again, "I am at your mercy. You saved me from freezing to death when you could have easily decided to rid of me."
I press my cheek against him and begin to comb through the long hair on his back, "I was serious about my distaste to remarry."
"Well, you will not," he quickly retorts, "you will have me until the end."
I bring my legs around him as I release a sigh, "consider me overjoyed by the thought."
He chuckles as he shifts, "you do not sound-"
"I did not want to admit it," I cut him off, "but I think I..." I turn to him as he lifts his head, "I think I... care for you, Daemon... I-"
"Love you," he finishes, staring at me with an unreadable expression.
And for the first time since our nuptials, he kisses me. He kisses me not because he has to, not for the sake of showing everyone present, but because he wanted to, for the sake of showing me.
He is nothing but warmth, nothing but fire, nothing but him. Daemon is not sweet, but in this moment he put even honey to shame.
He begins to stir on top me, though he makes sure his lips do not leave mine. It is because of my moan that we are broken apart, the moan that leaves me when I feel him slip inside me.
"You know how I fuck," he sighs, rubbing his nose against mine, "but now we'll both know how I make love."
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strawberryspence · 2 years
Okay yeah this is going to be corny whatever. They deserve the corniness. Eddie calls Steve sweetheart and yeah, Steve loves every bit of it. But the first time Steve calls Eddie a petname, Eddie freezes and he tears up.
Steve has been calling him Eds since they became friends and Eddie loves it. Only Steve calls him that and it's a nickname for his nickname.
Eddie also knows that Steve wants to call him something. They once talked about it when they start dating. Eddie explaining to him why he calls Steve sweetheart. Steve said nothing was good enough for Eddie, baby or babe is sweet but it's just not Eddie. He wants it to be good because Eddie calls him sweetheart and means it.
The thing is Steve doesn't know this kind of love. He grew up alone, with parents who showed him that love was sleeping in two separate rooms and still going together out of town, with parents who forgot holidays and birthdays. He's only starting to learn what love is after Nancy, the real one, without bullshit, with the help of the kids, and Robin and Eddie.
Eddie's kind, has the kindest heart Steve's seen on anyone. He's been given the toughest shit from a young age with his family situation, struggling to be gay and being bullied. The whole Vecna debacle proves this, like what town goes after one guy without zero evidence? Despite all that Eddie is still kind. He forgives Steve, without a moment of hesitation, when Steve apologizes for all the shit he did in high school. He helps the old lady at the grocery store even if she lectures him about satanism. He helps swing the random kid on the swing even if their mom glares at him. He can't adopt random pets, but he has about 6 cats he has to feed everyday. Steve sees it everyday.
Eddie's gentle. Yeah, laugh it up. But he is, Steve says. He hides it well, Steve will give that to him. Eddie's gentle in his black shirt, ripped jeans, dark eyeliner, rings that could make your nose bleed and a tough exterior that could scare you away. But he is gentle. Gentle with the way he holds Steve when the nightmares catch up on him, the way he paints miniature figurines, the way he draws on El's tattoo with a marker, no matter how many times it has been, the way he wakes up Wayne, always with a cup of coffee. Steve sees it everyday.
Eddie's brave. He still doesn't believe Steve that he is, some days he believes it, but there are days that he still doesn't. Still regrets running away from Chrissy and not helping Fred. Steve reassures him that he is brave. He is brave in the way he loves so loudly and so openly. He is brave with the way he expresses his true self so freely without fear. He was brave, when he followed them to the Upside Down, was brave with Chrissy and Fred, was brave in his almost last moment. He is brave for continuing to fight every day. Steve sees it everyday.
Eddie's a lot of good things, and Steve can list it all in one sitting if he wants to.
Steve's watching the latest episode of Golden Girls when the timer beeps. Eddie's in the kitchen, sitting on the breakfast bar, writing like a maniac for the next campaign.
"Eds! Can you please get the cookies? I don't want to get up! The guy Rose slept with died on her bed!" He can hear Eddie laughing from the kitchen as he shouts an Okay.
Steve's immersed on the episode's story, just as Eddie comes waltzing into the room, gloved hand holding the tray full of cookies.
"Sweetheart, the cookies came out good!"
Steve nods, he doesn't even look at the tray, not wanting to miss a piece of this episode, "I know."
Eddie cackles, setting the tray at the coffee table, "Can I have one? Or is it only for annoying, invasive 16 year olds?"
Steve snickers, still not paying attention, "Of course you can have one, love."
Eddie freezes, just standing there, one hand reaching for a cookie, one hand still wearing the mittens. Steve immediately clocks this, is it Vecna again? That can't be they killed him.
"What? What's wrong? Are you okay?" Eddie nods, but something is wrong, Steve knows because Eddie's tearing up. He hits mute on the tv, focusing his full attention to Eddie. He'll just watch it on a rerun.
"What happened? You're scaring me, love." Eddie makes another chocked out sound, collapsing beside Steve as Steve scoops him into his arms.
"You... You called me love."
And yeah, Steve did. He didn't plan it, it wasn't even on the list of petnames when Steve was deliberating what to call Eddie. It just slipped out.
But it made so much sense. Love is... love is the warmth of a cup that says "worlds best uncle" full of coffee in the morning. It's the soft, worn out yellow sweater you wear on bad days. It's the beat you tap your hands to, a song that saved your lives. It's fresh baked cookies. It's in kind gestures, gentle hugs and brave actions.
Love is kind and gentle and brave. Love is who Eddie Munson is.
"Yeah... I guess I did."
Eddie smiles at him, tears still brimming in his eyes as they look at each other.
He looks soft. Maybe Steve will add that to the list of what love means for him. Soft.
"You still want that cookie, love?"
Eddie nods, "Please, sweetheart."
Steve sees it everyday. He sees love. He wakes up with it everyday, cooks with it, sleeps with it, reads with it.
Yeah, love really is the perfect petname for Eddie.
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celestials1mp · 7 months
Haloooo :DDD
Would a Mash request be alright?🙏🏻❤️ Fluff post pls!
Mash x reader - After-school picnic
First request!! <3333 (this post is corny af) Might have grammatical mistakes :,)
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After school one day, Mash tells Y/N that he has a special surprise planned for them, and invites her to meet him in the cherry blossom park later in the afternoon. Y/N is surprised and delighted at the idea of a surprise, but agrees enthusiastically.
  When they meet at the park, the cherry blossoms are in full bloom and the air is scented with their sweet aroma. Mash leads Y/N to a quiet corner of the park, where he pulls out a picnic basket with some food he packed, he packed mostly different flavours of cream puffs, including his favourite. As he sets out the picnic spread, he pulls out a small wand and hands it to Y/N as a gift. “This is for you, Y/N, I hope it’s not too bad.” Mash was just scared that Y/N would think he didn’t choose a good one. The wand is made of a dark, polished wood with intricate carvings on it. It has a distinct aura of magic about it, and Y/N was grateful, since they needed a wand recently. Y/N thanks Mash for the wonderful gift and they share a little laugh. The two of them begin to eat the picnic food. 
  Mash and Y/N sit and chat as they eat the picnic food. At first, Mash is a little bit nervous and stuttering slightly as he talks. He starts with asking Y/N about their day and about their classes, and she replies enthusiastically. They talk for a little while about the divine visionary exam, which they're both excited about. Alex eventually starts talking more confidently as he gets used to her presence, but he still sometimes stutters when he gets nervous. They laugh together at the moments when he stutters, adding to the sweet and gentle vibe.
  Mash had been feeling nervous throughout their entire conversation, and he knew he had to summon up his courage to confess his feelings. He waits until the end of their meal to make his move, when he finally musters up the courage. He takes a deep breath, looks into Y/N’s eyes, and says ‘Y/N... I like you." It's a simple confession, but their entire time together that day has been leading up to this moment. Mash was flustered and quickly said ‘Pretend I said nothing, I-I knew this was dumb, sorry for wasting your time Y/N..’ Mash stood up but someone grabbed his hand.
  Y/N’s face lighted up when they heard Mash’s confession, and they leaps up to throw their arms around him in an excited hug. "Me too!" They says happily, their eyes shining brightly. Mash was all red but very relieved, They both laugh and hold each other tightly, both excited and happy to have declared their feelings for each other. They spend the rest of the 
afternoon together, enjoying each other's company and basking in the joy of their budding romance. At the end of the day, they both go home together with a warm and happy feeling in their hearts.
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noosayog · 1 year
wc: 800
part 4. directory here.
warnings/content: angst, tw cheating(?)
Despite your reluctant affections for Atsumu, much about your dynamic remains unchanged. He still makes you mad enough to yell at him at least once a day, all while wearing that cheeky grin that you hated that you loved.
Something that has changed, though, is Atsumu taking you out and showing you off, teasingly introducing you to all his teammates and friends as "his girl." You, bonafide relationship-newbie, do not have the courage to ask him directly as he continues to toe the line between dating and… not.
The most degrading part of it all is the fact that you know why you don't just talk to him. It's true that you just don’t know the proper procedure for the natural progression of a romantic relationship, but that's an excuse. You're scared of what you'll find when you ask wonderboy Atsumu, well-liked by most everyone and incredibly physically blessed, what he's doing with a rain-cloud grump like you. If prolonging that conversation would mean that you get to enjoy this limbo of having his attention and affections in private, there are worse games to play. Probably. 
It's not unusual to find yourself in Atsumu's apartment these days. You’re a mainstay when he throws parties after games. Ironically, it's been a whole semester since your first encounter and it's once again finals week when Atsumu had begged you to at least show your face at his party. It was the least you could do for him since he allowed you to skip his game in favor of studying for your last final, consequently making you miss his game-winning service ace. In your usual grumbly fashion, you had agreed and let him press a sweet, indulgent kiss to your cheek. He had gotten a smile out of you in reward when he cheered rambunctiously at you agreeing to merely grace the party with your presence.
The time is far past 10 PM when you finally look up from your notes and you curse, getting up to bolt for Atsumu's room to keep your promise. You run past your mirror on your way out to be greeted with your eye bags and creasing on your cheeks from when you took a brief nap on your textbook. You scrutinize your face and figure you'll try to look a little nice for Atsumu tonight. After all, he had a big win today and you're already a bit late, so what's the harm in a few extra. In a manner truly unlike yourself, you take some time to doll up before heading out. You're practically skipping on your way to his door, looking forward to the look of shock Atsumu will give you then the subsequent teasing. You can already hear his lazy drawl, smugly grinning as he says "all dressed up for me, sweetheart?"
When you knock on the door, his teammates answer, all greeting you pleasantly and politely making comments about your appearance. They all sweep you into the kitchen, offering you drinks and snacks and asking how your day was. Had you been a little less excited and a little more yourself, you would have noticed the tense looks on their faces.
It becomes a bit strange when even Sakusa continues to badger you with questions about your semester, finals week, and vacation plans. You level them with a look containing the usual sharp glint in your eyes and ask where Atsumu is. Shifty eyes don't meet yours as they all scramble to respond simultaneously.
"He's actually asleep-"
"Went to find dinner-"
You frown and push past the wall of hulking athletes towards Atsumu's shut bedroom door. Your fingers are curled around the doorknob when Sakusa places a hand on your shoulder. He doesn't say anything and you don't turn to face him, only turning the knob. His hand on your shoulder falls away.
You're not sure what to expect when you enter Atsumu's room but this is certainly not it. Cliché as it is, you have never imagined yourself in a situation where you would see someone who filled you with so much hope and took so many of your firsts and inflicted you with so much of an unfamiliar emotion kissing someone else. 
You see Atsumu lying on his back, on his bed, with a woman you've never seen before straddling his hips and hovering incriminatingly close to his face.
At your intrusion, Atsumu's eyes fly open. You can see the thoughts and excuses flash across his eyes in one second, but you've seen all you need to so you back away without a single word, fleeing the scene.
That's when you realize that you and blondie have maybe been playing different games this whole time. Or at least playing the same game, but there you were, perfectly content with your measly houses on Pennsylvania Ave on the Monopoly board while Atsumu's building hotels down the street on Park Avenue.
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rosylights · 1 year
synopsis: a smol storyline; home-alone Charlotte struggles to find ways to have a pleasant Christmas content warning: ꒰Rayan x Olivia꒱ romance; urge to throw Rayan off a cliff might rise, no xxx word count: 1.4k author's note: before Xie(Olivia) comes at me, the romance is not heavy, ily.
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It was Christmas week, technically two days before Christmas. Viviana and Olivia had invited me to hangout with them, exploring the decorated streets and flowery-scented shops. I agreed since I had no plans for Christmas. Clyde was out for work, and I was all alone. He did say he would try to return sooner, but the seemingly closing day made it sound elusive.
“You need to get out of the rat hole you’ve created in the place you once called your house.” Olivia rebuked, glaring at the wrappers of lollies and chips behind me. I sighed, lowering the volume of my laptop and scratching my ears. “I can hear you well enough even if you whisper,” I mumbled under my breath, sliding the packets underneath my blanket.
“Oh my god, Eli-” The reprimand was thankfully cut off by Viviana, who laughed and leaned over her palm. “Charlotte, if you were single, we would be cuddling and fucking under the very blanket you’ve covered yourself with.” 
I grinned, falling back on the edge of the couch while fixing the mattress I was sitting on. Olivia, just, rolled her eyes, making my grin turn into a giggle. Suddenly, there was a rush over me. My smile faltered, and I sighed. There was a huge silence over the call and I felt my lips wobble while I wriggled my hands. “Guys, I miss him.”
Viviana groaned, her tone turning accusative. “Look, Olivia. That’s why I told you we should reach there early. Charlotte, baby. Don’t cry.” Her words made a broken sob leave my mouth, and I heard Olivia curse. “Eli, don’t cry. He’ll be back soon.” I wiped my tears with the sleeves of the sweatshirt and shoved another piece of candy in my mouth.
“Are the cramps painful, baby?” Vivi asked in a soft tone. I shook my head, looking at the screen, “My date is near. It’s just pre-mood swings.” 
After the call, I went straight up to the laundry, putting his clothes to wash, because for the past three weeks, I had solely been wearing his clothes.
My phone rang, and the familiar tone made me squeal as I jumped on my feet before hurrying to the living room. Jumping on the couch with every ounce of excitement, I picked up the call. It had started snowing outside, and the glass door of the living area, separating the cosy hall from the house garden could give a full view of white cotton falling from the sky.
“Hi, bubu.” I grinned, resting the phone on speaker while laying on the couch over my belly, swaying my legs.
“Hi, baby. How are you?” I could hear him smiling, and my heart fluttered. I felt like crying though, I missed him a lot.
“I am pretty upset, just going to turn in my husband for not calling me for the past…3 hours.” I tried changing my tone, but he laughed on the other hand.
“I can hear you smiling while you say that, Charlotte. And I’m sorry, baby. I was stuck in a meeting.” He spoke before I heard some muffled sounds behind him. It was an incoherent trail of conversation, I could barely understand anything.
“Mhm, I know I know.” I sighed, plopping on my back and holding the phone in my hands. “Can I video call you?” I asked vaguely when Vivi’s text popped up on my screen.
“No baby, I need to go now. I’ll text you in an hour. I love you, Darla. Take care of yourself.” He babbled before declining the call.
My head tilted, trying to process what just happened. Suddenly, Olivia’s caller id popped up. It was a video call and the moment I picked up the call, I admitted, “He’s cheating on me.”
Olivia, who was apparently going to elaborate on Vivi’s text, opened her mouth agape in pure bewilderment. “How can you even think that?”
A pout formed on my lips. “You know, I heard some woman talking to him on the call. And he even abruptly put the call off saying he’s busy.”
Olivia rolled her eyes, shaking her head in disbelief. “You’re overthinking. Sleep, Eli. And yes, for tomorrow’s Christmas Eve, Vivi and I are coming to your home. So please clean the mess that you’ve made like a kid. Don’t overthink, he’s not cheating on you.”
Now that she mentioned sleep, I felt sleepy. But if he was cheating on me, I swear to God. Sighing, I threw the phone aside and snuggled against the cushion, pulling over the blanket and dozing off to sleep.
Suddenly, the blanket was snatched off. Despite the heater working perfectly amazingly, a chill ran down my spine but I was too lazy to open my eyes.
I whined against the cushion that was tucked cosily in my arms, "Clyde, what are you doing? Let me sleep-" my eyes fell open as I jolted up.
Clyde was not at home.
“Xie? Vivi?” Of course, if not him, it must be them. They said they would be here for tomorrow’s day.
I sat back on the couch, the lights were out. Looking out the glass door, I found it was already nighttime. The snow was glowing under the garden lamp. Though, I could barely outline the silhouette of anything inside the hall.
Shit, did someone break in?
I tried to search for my phone. It was not on the couch. A sigh of exasperation left me, and I got up, carefully keeping my foot on the floor without making any noise while squinting my eyes to look around.
I kept my foot on something…cracky. The crispy screech right beneath me made me flinch and sob.
“What the fuck?” The mood swings were not helping at all. My eyes could barely see anything, the tears came to bless its way.
Suddenly, my phone buzzed. The dim light coming from beside the couch received another cry from my heart. How thankful I was for the caller.
Rushing up and picking up the phone, I saw it was him. Simultaneously, my gaze fell on the time. It was thirty past ten at night. My heart fell, but I answered the call.
“Baby? I’m sorry I was busy, I couldn’t-” My frustrated sigh cut him off. “Let’s talk later, I’m busy right now,” I spoke before declining the call.
“Fuck these lights.” Grumbling under my breath, I headed outside the room. Why was it so dark?
“Charlotte.” I flinched hard, who was this? Whipping myself around, I searched for any sign of visibility.
“You found your phone.” Eh? My face scrunched in confusion.
The person sighed, before speaking again, “Turn on the flashlight, Rat.”
Oh. It was a man.
My fingers stabbed into the screen before flogging the white light in that direction, and the moment I saw him, my eyes rolled with a loud curse. Over six feet, arrogance plastered on his face like nature’s gift, hands folded in front of his wide chest, eyebrows furrowed in clear disappointment but with no surprise that I was still as stupid as ever.
“Who the fuck let you enter inside?”
Rayan Emir Yildiz, a famous architect in Dubai, my childhood best friend but more of an overprotective brother, four years older than me and conceited as fuck.
Throwing a pillow on his face, I rolled my eyes again and when I found the switches off and the MCB had fallen, I glared at him. He shrugged, responding to my unasked question nonchalantly, “You were sleeping.”
“I would wake up,” I stated, clearly annoyed, “and why were you standing there like Enderman?”
“Didn’t expect you to.” He mumbled but I heard him, throwing another cushion at him. Catching it effortlessly, he walked towards the couch and made it up. “The heater was melting the ice on my boots pretty amazingly.”
My eyes darted on his boots, orbs almost falling on the ground when I whipped my head and saw the muddy wet footprints he had marked in my entire living room. A loud groan left my throat. “Rayan, tomorrow is Christmas Eve! Look what mess you’ve created.” Plopping down on the chair, I stared at the mess.
“I think the house was already under the impact of the earthquake and the volcano eruption–” he pointed at me for that– “tornado–” he picked up the mat, revealing the empty wrappers of junk. I averted my gaze and looked around the living as I felt my cheeks turning red in slight embarrassment– “and now just a little touch of the flood.” He nudged his head towards his boots.
“Tsunami.” I corrected, giving him a sweet grin. “And you’re planning evacuation and before that, managing the casualties all by yourself. You’ll find your troops in the bathroom which is on the left turn the moment you leave this area. Good luck, Soldier.” I stood up and patted his back, heading to my room upstairs when his words stopped me dead in my tracks.
“Olivia called me here.”
They both are finally seeing each other?
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acciotherapists · 2 years
Me: I'm going to work on my WIPS!
Also me: hears the 'infinity' song and creates an entirely new idea in my head...
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Please prepare for the corniest, cringiest, most disgusting piece of fluff I have probably ever written... with a little sprinkle of angst...
followed by a potential part 2 with smut
Probably being posted in the next few hours
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0vinosparv · 5 months
Hero shook their head slowly, pursing their lips as they watched the Villain pace back and forth in the room as they blabbered on about their nefarious plan to destroy the local dam, resulting in the city’s demise. Today was the day. Just to be sure everything would be executed smoothly, Villain kidnapped their arch-nemesis and forced them to watch the whole ordeal unfold before their eyes. But Hero had another plan up their sleeves.
“You sound so sure of yourself.” The hero interrupted their monologue, and Villain flashed them a small frown.
“Why wouldn’t I? I have the city’s greatest protector in my clutches, they have no one to come to their rescue.”
“And what about the heroes out of state?”
“They wouldn’t know. They’re too busy having that vacation retreat to even notice whats happening.” Villain waved a dismissive hand at their rival as they spun around to face the multitude of screens that lit up the dense room. They were projecting multiple security camera footages of the dam, which was about to be blown up in a matter of minutes.
“Plus I sabotaged all the power lines in the state, so I’m basically winning. And you’re losing!” The villain laughed to themselves, they could hardly contain their glee as they brought down their fist triumphantly. Meanwhile, Hero was sure the Villain would have to think twice.
“Hm, I dunno Villain. I wouldn’t get my hopes up that fast. Theres still a lot of things to consider before you can drown a whole city.”
Hero smirked as Villain turned around and marched towards them, towering over them while they brandish their supposed “victory” in the Hero’s face.
“And what exactly do I have to reconsider, dear Hero? What could make me change my mind about the one thing I’ve been working on for the past six months?” The foe raised an eyebrow as they questioned Hero with a stupid grin on their face. Hero tsked.
“Tonight.” Was all Hero said. Villain’s face distorted to worry.
“…you’re not actually considering-”
“I am.” Hero’s grin only grew wider as a look of horror was now bestowed on the once confident villain.
“Not only will I cancel tonight’s cuddle session, but I’ll have no problem in putting them off completely.” Hero didn’t seem as bothered by what they were saying as the Villain was, who was staring at Hero like they were a ghost.
“Y-you’re bluffing Hero, you wouldn’t be able to go a day without…” Villain faltered, their voice trailing off as they realized the look on their beloved Hero’s face remained the same. Hero was SO sure of themselves.
“It’ll be your loss Villain, not mine. So what will it be?”
For the first time in their entire career of villainy, Villain actually reconsidered putting off their evil deeds.
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leviscolwill · 1 year
trent blurb — #1
things have been a bit weird between trent and you lately. you'd always been close to your best friend but after sharing a drunken kiss one night, things changed a bit.
ever since that night, a few more kisses and innocent touches made you reconsider your friendship with him. trent always made it very clear whenever he talked to a new girl, he wasn't ready for a committed relationship. you never questioned him, never asked him ‘what are we?’, in hopes you could keep him close to you a little longer.
trent also liked to keep you close to him, you gave him confort and familiarity in the midst of the noisy crowd partying downstairs. he ditched his surprise birthday party to make the most of some alone time with you, perched on his lap kissing him softly.
“y’know what would make that day perfect?”
you pretended to think for a second but ended up shaking your head.
“if i was your boyfriend.” you rolled your eyes and slightly pushed his chest, silently pleading him to stop messing up with you and your brain.
“i'm serious, i understand if you're cool with whatever is going on between us right now but i just needed to tell-” you don't let him finish and press your lips on his.
when you looked up at trent, his gaze made you feel the urge to hid your face in the crook of his neck when you felt the heat creep up on your cheeks.
“i love you.” your words were muffled but if trent didn't hear what you said, he definitely understood.
“i didn't catch that love, could you say it again?” you could practically hear his smirk in his voice. “come on, i wanna hear you say it again...”
you looked up at him again, ignoring your abnormally fast heartbeat, “i said, i love you.” you'd never been one to be shy in front of trent but this was different, this was admitting you were taking a new step with him.
“now that's more like it.” he kissed your temple, and whispered those same three words in your ear, the music still playing downstairs long forgotten.
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afewproblems · 1 year
I dunno if ur still doing prompts buuuuuttttt 87?? If u haven't done it yet?
87. "Hey! I was gonna eat that!"
Please enjoy my friend, this one was a lot of fun to write!!
“Hey! I was gonna eat that!” Robin yells as she walks back into the living room to find Eddie sitting with Steve on the couch with a brownie in his hands. 
The plate it had been sitting on is empty except for several crumbs and a sliver of chocolate icing, the glass of milk on the coffee table is also empty, just to add insult to injury. 
Steve rolls his eyes and flips the page of the magazine in his hands, he would be pulling off the appearance of ignoring Eddie and Robin except for the way his eyes jump to the pair of them and the ever present smile on his face that grows whenever one of them says something particularly snarky.
“Wow, that’s really weird,” Eddie says as he hastily stuffs the last half of the brownie into his mouth to avoid Robin’s grabby hands, “because I think it's almost gone,” he laughs as much as one can with a mouthful of chocolate.
Robin wrinkles her nose at the sight and sucks her teeth as Steve lifts the magazine slightly higher this time to block them from his line of sight.
“You wanna share the last bite,” Eddie says with a sly grin as he sticks his chocolate covered tongue out at Robin, who squawks in outrage.
“You’re disgusting, Steve, how could you let him take my brownie?”
Steve sighs from behind the magazine, “I’m not involved--”
“You damn well are!” Robin growls, crossing her arms over the large front pocket of the overalls she’s wearing, “you involved yourself the minute you let him take it while I was in the bathroom!”
Steve groans and drops his head to the back of the couch, “Robin, there is a whole pan full of brownies in the kitchen,” he finally puts down the magazine in defeat, “just get another one”.
Eddie leans back against the couch as well, putting his hands behind his head in triumph and lifting his feet to sit on the coffee table as he shoots Robin a wink.
“You don’t care that he’s picking on me, you’re supposed to be my best friend!” Robin pouts as she walks forward and sits cross legged beside the table, shoving Eddie’s feet away from her. 
Eddie waggles his eyebrows at her as he slides down the couch, now leaning heavily against Steve’s shoulder. He tips his head back to look at Steve with a wide grin, “I guess that means I’m the real favorite here, eh Buckley?” 
Steve rolls his eyes and stills for a brief moment as a wide grin suddenly takes over his face. 
He looks at Robin, then back to Eddie, and without hesitation leans down to cup Eddie’s cheek before planting a kiss on his slightly parted lips. 
Robin feels her jaw drop as Eddie freezes, his eyes the widest that she’s ever seen them as Steve pulls back briefly to place another soft kiss on Eddie’s lips and the tip of his nose. 
He sits for a moment longer, holding Eddie’s face before he stands up with a snort.
Eddie sits there, frozen in the same leaned back position before slumping down onto the couch cushions Steve just left.
“Thanks for sharing,” Steve hums as he swipes his thumb over his bottom lip and sucks the tip of it into his mouth, “I just assumed the earlier offer was still on the table”.
Steve smiles broadly at the choking sound Eddie makes and the bright red flush that slowly climbs up his neck, rising into his cheeks. 
Robin stares, completely speechless, this was not at all how she saw their morning going and by the looks of things, neither did Eddie. 
“I’ll grab you another one Bobs,” Steve hums pleasantly as he brushes past her, making his way into the kitchen.
“Oh, and I don’t play favorites, I love you both equally,” he pauses at the door, lifting his gaze up to a point on the ceiling as he considers the words for a moment, “but maybe just a bit differently”.
He shoots them both a wide grin and disappears into the hallway. 
Neither Robin or Eddie move for a moment, too shocked to even breath as they listen to Steve hum to himself in the other room, the clinking of plates punctuating his little song.
“Boy, he’s a smooth motherfucker when he wants to be isn’t he?” Robin mutters under her breath as Eddie practically melts into the floor.
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mediumgayitalian · 6 months
Nico has been watching him intensely for the last twenty minutes.
Will has been letting him.
Nico watches him a lot, actually. While he heals, if he’s tagged along to the infirmary; while he plays volleyball or basketball with his siblings. When they’re sat in Nico’s cabin, curled next to each other on his bed, Will reading, Nico, supposedly, playing on his DS. While Will trains, especially, although it doesn’t take long watching that clusterfuck for him to get up and come help out.
(“You are not this bad at swordfighting, William.”
“No clue what you’re talking about, darlin’. It’s just not my strength!”
“You are holding the sword backwards, William.”
“Oh, am I?”
“I am going to kill you, William.”)
Will doesn’t mind. He watches him, too. It’s hard not to.
“I thought you said you don’t have any musical talents.”
Will shrugs, whistling the last notes of the melody. A quick one that Michael taught him, years ago — something to ease nerves, to calm the mind. “It’s just an extension of my sonic powers, really.”
Nico stares like he knows the exact day you’re gonna die. Will knows a lot of people find this unsettling. He doesn’t get it. He relishes the attention, if anything; the scrutiny. One hundred percent of Nico’s intensity on him is — intoxicating.
“Sounds pretty musical to me.”
Will grins at him, cheeks aching, stomach flipping. Nico’s expression doesn’t change; eyebrows narrowed, mouth twisted into a thoughtful scowl. Evaluating every shift in Will’s expression. He squints one eye, when he’s focused. Will aches to brush his thumb under it.
“Do you know how to whistle, Nico?”
Nico’s dark eyes flip up to meet his. Will’s breath hitches — there are a thousand layers of Earth in those eyes. Like the crackling fractals of Pangea; eyes browner than earth, darker than black dirt. Deeper than the burnt sepia of the planet’s mantle. Two round abysses that Will has been falling down for half his life; air billowing around him, slowing his descent.
Gods, Nico is gorgeous.
“I — think so.”
His endless eyes squint, slightly-freckled nose wrinkling as he focuses on the purse of his lips. He glances down at them like that’ll somehow help, going goofy and cross-eyed. Will’s soul melts like a grape popsicle on a scorching summer day. His impulse melts away with it. He darts in close and pecks Nico’s pursed lips, pulling away just as fast. Those crossed-eyes blow open wide, pupils shrinking, and the air comes out of his lungs in a quiet, punched-out whoosh. Nowhere sharp enough for a whistle.
Will smiles sheepishly, rocking back on his heels.
“Um. Sorry?”
Nico’s thin fingers come up and brush the swell of his lips.
“Solace, you are the corniest motherfucker on the planet, you know that?”
Ducking his head to hide his laughter, Will nods.
“I know.”
“‘Can you whistle’, he says.” Nico scoffs. “Get over here.”
“Why?” Will asks cheekily. “Gonna ask me to show you?”
“Shut up.”
Nico grabs the back of his neck and yanks him down. Will can feel the press of his teeth, this time, the warmth of his skin now that he’s not pulling quickly away. He tastes good, too, like the citrusy chapstick he’s always got on.
He kisses as intensely as he stares.
Will finds he doesn’t mind that, either.
based off this tweet
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