#corona shut down my school
tarjapearce · 1 year
Omg omg could we get a story about how Miguel and wife/reader first meet? Like maybe they both meet from high school or reader was watching Miguel play soccer with his friends in college!
Had this one sitting for a while cause I didn't know what to do. UNTIL, hehehe >:D Carneadas. (Mexican style bbq)
Pt 2
If someone would have told you that you'd find your future husband in a friend's of a friend gathering you would've just laugh it off.
Jessica and you were fresh out of college, and to celebrate it, she decided to take you on one of her outings. A suburban area, nice houses loitering around in every corner your eyes turned, a lot of parked cars and of course, people that clumped in the decored entrance.
Lights and loud spanish music were just the spark to create ambience, the true star of the night was brewing in two enormous pots. The smell of food lingered in the air the more Jessica pulled you within the crowd.
"Remind me again, who are these people?
"Friends of friends. Never been in a carneada before?"
"My family does these once a month, just don't get why is there so much people."
"We'll, everyone's for the food, so... yeah. Just have fun."
You greeted the people as your feet took you to the drinks. Beers, sodas, more beers and pitchers of horchata, Jamaica, and some lemonades were placed on the coolers.
Reaching for the horchata, you grabbed a plastic vase and poured yourself some. To your surprise a man, the biggest one you have seen in your whole life, stood next to you, his eyes focused in the different brands of canned beers submerged in ice.
Your hand reached for a Modelo and popped the lid out with one of your rings. The man eyed you with amusement. He grabbed a Corona but frowned upon not finding the lid popper. He was going to take the lid to his mouth and you gasped
"Wait! No. Don't do that."
"I can open them, thanks" His voice deep.
"Mano, si que eres terco." (Man, you're stubborn)
He blinked at your voice and handed you the beer, you just popped the lid with the corner of the table.
"Don't mess up your teeth."
The man seized you, a lax smile on his lips.
"Too late for that" He smirked, revealing a longer than average canine. Your eyes went up in surprise.
The music changed and you took the drinks to then sit next to Jessica. You gave her the beer. Some people danced, others were lining up for the food.
"What were you doing?"
"Just met Dracula."
Jessica tilted her head in confusion and laughed.
"I'm not joking, the man had big ass fangs."
"Didn't know you were into that sort of things, but we don't kink shame."
"Jessica!" Her boyfriend had swooped off her feet and took her to dance. Great. You were ditched.
At first, you refused to dance, but as the music changed, your feet were itching to do so. Another man was brave enough to approach you and ask you for a dance, then another, you danced with Jess and clapped once the song was over.
You went to the drinks again to refresh yourself, this time you got a Corona and took a long swig of it.
"My, that was so fun."
Even though your evening had been fun, you needed a break from the party. The host, Peter, seemed like a very easygoing person. Jessica was his acquaintance.
You went to the kitchen in search for another glass of horchata, even though beers were tasty and reminded you a bit of home, the horchata was simply delicious. There was no glasses, but spotted a pack of plastic cups ontop. Problem, was that the fridge was a bit too high for your likings.
You pulled up a chair, ready to climb ontop when the same large hand reached over and pulled a couple of cups down.
"Who said it was for you?"
The man from before teased, you rolled your eyes and climbed ontop of the chair to reach for a cup yourself.
"No te vayas a caer, Pitufina." (You'll fall down, Smurfette)
"Cállate, Drácula." (Shut up)
He shook his head with a chuckle.
What a douche
"No, I can do it."
"Te vas a caer con esos tacones." (You'll fall down with those heels)
"It's not a big deal!"
"-Ta madre, lo que tienes de bonita lo tienes de terca. Bájate" (Your stubbornness only matches your beauty. Get down.)
Your lips pouted, a mild flush sweeping your face. You took his hand and he helped you to get down the chair. Even in your heels, you still looked small.
"You are supposed to say thanks."
"For doing something myself?"
His smile went a bit wider.
"Food's done. Let's go"
"Wait." You poured another glass of horchata
"Didn't know my recipe would have a fan."
"Meh, my mom's better"
Your smile smug as he deadpanned.
"Just bit more of sugar. And blend the rice well. There are some little pieces of it in the bottom."
He was about to protest when a man, similar to him spoke. His brother you supposed.
"Miguel?" He looked between him and you, "Ya está la carne, hay que servir" (Meats done, we gotta serve up)
He then left
"Wanna go critique my food as well?"
"Ohh, I'd love to yeah."
He'd serve the food along his younger brother, you were one of the last ones in getting your portion. He prepped your plate with a little more care, the Birria's consomé (broth) in a side, another little container for the sauces and of course two big loaded quesabirrias and a bunch of different roasted meats.
"Hope it's from your likings, chaparrita"
"We'll see about that, Dracula" You smirked and took the dish, fingers brushing for a moment.
"Provecho" (Bon Appetite)
"How was it?" He sat across you once more upon seeing you alone. Jessica had ditched you again. Oh she so owed you this one.
You shrugged with a smile.
"Good? Bad?"
"I'm teasing. It was great. Specially the broth. Thanks for cooking."
He took a swig of his beer.
"De nada." (You're welcome)
"Miguel! Hay que limpiar" (We gotta clean up)
Gabriel's voice boomed behind him.
"Need help with it?"
His eyes stared at you for a moment and pursed his lips, trying to hide a smile.
"Si quieres" (If you want to.)
You had waved your goodbyes and hopped in with Jessica in her car and left. He just then realized that he never asked your name.
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hannahssimblr · 10 months
Chapter Seventeen (Part 2)
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We get dressed and head off to the festival grounds after that, and Claire, Shane and I agree that we want to go and see Fight Like Apes who are playing at midday. Jen opts to come with us, and I expect Jude to come too, but he decides to go with Joe and Kasper to see some DJ called Tiga, which throws me even more.  Maybe I’m just overthinking. I tell myself he’s being normal, and that he’s probably just playing it cool.
The festival is so busy that day that I don’t see him around again after that, but I try my best to ignore the heavy feeling in my stomach, and the increasing thoughts that maybe I did something to annoy him, or maybe I’m a bad kisser and he’s disgusted by me. Maybe I’m too young and immature, or that he’s figured out that I’m actually a big loser with nothing interesting to say. Maybe everyone is right about me.
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Claire is having fun though, and she looks so beautiful dressed all in white in the sun. Every time I think it’s impossible for her to look prettier, she somehow does, and I know I’m not the only one who’s thinking it. I catch Shane looking at her more than once with an expression I’ve never seen him wear before: pure unabashed adoration. Like she’s the sun that lights up his sky. I hope he realises how lucky he is. They’re inseparable all day, and stand together through every concert we go to with their arms around each other, him delivering little kisses to the top of her head as he holds her. Watching them like this makes my heart ache. I want more than anything for somebody to look at me like that, or to touch me like that, but instead I feel heavy with the knowledge that the boy I like is off somewhere, lost in the realm of this gigantic festival, probably with a plastic cup of Corona in each hand, listening to some mindless electronica that he doesn’t even enjoy and not thinking much about me at all. 
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I don’t do a good job of hiding my listlessness when Jen and I sit down for lunch together in the shade of the marquee we were just crammed into for a Crystal Castles gig a few minutes ago. 
“What’s up, chicken?” She unwraps a burrito and lays into it. 
“Nothing. I’m tired.”
She nods. “Have you had anything to drink?”
She slides the cup of beer she bought for herself across the picnic bench to me and gestures to it like Bon Appetit. “Have one on me, it’ll make you feel better.”
“Won’t drinking just make me feel worse?”
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“No! There’s truly nothing a drink won’t fix, right?” She nudges Shane, who’s just joined us at the table with Claire still stuck to his side. He looks at me disapprovingly and then starts to say something boring about how I’m too young to drink, even though he was miraculously fine with Claire doing it yesterday, but Jen just rolls her eyes and tells him to shut up. “You have to stop with this protective-older-brother craic, let her live her life.”
“Well I know her mam, and I know what she’d say if she knew she was drinking.”
“Are you going to tell on her?” 
He knows it’d be heinous to do that, and I know that he never would. I grab the beer and I gulp it down, just to show him that I can. I’ve been drinking since I was fifteen and I know how to handle it as well as he does.
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“Better?” Jen asks me, and I nod, even though I find beer to be generally disgusting. The taste transports me to days spent drinking Tesco lager in a field after school until someone throws up. I bring the empty cup over to a nearby bin where a guy with shorn hair is openly urinating. “That’s so foul.” I tell him, letting my horrible feelings seep out of me. I don’t care, he’s a stranger. 
“Piss off.” He suggests, and then directs the stream towards me instead. I jump out of the way too late and it splashes on my wellies. I cry out and try to shake them dry while he cackles with delight. Everything around me seems ugly, I’m so aware of the litter all over the ground, overflowing bins, the horrible man who pissed on my boots, and the smell of distant porta-loos. The sweet, cloying taste of beer in my mouth is making me feel ill. 
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Claire is so happy that she’s able to buy alcohol now, so throughout the day I keep giving her money to get me cups of white wine. I drink them quickly, and eventually they do make me feel better, in an synchronously awful kind of way. We go from gig to gig, and I have drink after drink until the day blurs together into one long smear of loud drum beats and bitter wine. I don’t ever really get drunk, the time between each break and the queues for the alcohol stands is so long that I just stay in this queasy purgatory state between states of being until I run out of money and nobody wants to buy anything else for me.
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The evening settles down with the smell of bonfires, and eventually we meet up with the three others under the entrance to go and see Foo Fighters, which everyone unanimously decided would be the unmissable gig of the weekend. I feel nervous in anticipation of seeing Jude, now so entirely convinced after a whole day of catastrophizing that he hates my guts, actually, and wouldn’t come to my funeral if I died. 
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He’s not that bad, but he’s not being especially friendly either. The only way I can think to describe him is as neutral. Like he’s not experiencing any emotions right now, and when I’m used to him being so lively and expressive it’s very unsettling to be around him. When we start pushing into the crowd I give in to my anxiety and touch Jen’s elbow. “Is Jude okay?”
She nods while rolling her eyes. “Yeah, I think he’s just in one of his moods.”
I didn’t realise he had moods. I can’t think of what to say to that, my thoughts feel fuzzy, so I just utter a dejected: “Oh.”
“Don’t worry about it, he woke up on the wrong side of the bed. I had to see him like this all the time at school. Just ignore him, he’ll be grand tomorrow.”
“Nothing happened to him, did it?”
“I doubt it. He’s just in his head about something, probably.” She leans towards me. “He’s a scorpio.” She explains, as though that’s supposed to mean something to me. 
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I’m still trying to remember what scorpios do when we reach the churning centre of the crowd. It makes me anxious, but everybody else is just diving right in, so I do too. I’m wedged between walls of bodies on all sides of me, but there’s a distinct excitement rising all around. I’m still holding on to Jen, the others seem to have been swallowed up by the crowd like they were never there in the first place.
The first thing I can hear is the soft plucking strings of the opening line of The Pretender rings through the air, and then I can’t see Dave Grohl, but I can hear him. The crowd starts to transform from a solid mass of bodies into something fluid, and I realise that I’m being pushed out of the way, my spot being stolen by big men shoving their way to the front, all limbs flailing everywhere, launching themselves through the crowd to try and get closer as the drums start pounding. One of them actually grabs the back of my shirt and yanks me backwards out of Jen’s grip like I have no right to be where I am, no girls allowed in the Foo Fighters mosh pit. Another one crashes suddenly into the side of my ribs and I am so desperate to escape. When a third bangs his body against me he catapults me into the man behind me and tears spring to my eyes. I let myself go totally limp and let the heaving motion of the animal spit me out to the back shoulders shaking, sobbing and alone.  
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When I look back at the pulsing crowd I can’t believe I was in there. It’s a rat king of testosterone, men shoving each other around to the music, hands grabbing collars and shoulders, and in the middle of it I see Joe, Kasper and Jude, gleefully participating in the chaos. I can’t help but feel dismayed, remembering how quick he’d been to save me from the crowd yesterday, holding me in front of him and shielding me from pointy elbows and stomping feet, and today when the crowd is bigger and rougher he’s left me to fend for myself. I don’t know what I did. Maybe I’m just too inexperienced, and he wants a woman, not some seventeen year old. I should have let him keep kissing me, I should have let him take me back to his tent and shown him that I’m grown up enough. That’s what a normal girl would have done. 
I go and stand at the very back where I can see the band, but barely. They’re just little black smudges on a blazing stage. I know the songs but I don’t sing along, or dance, or even uncross my arms from my chest. I stand there until they finish, crying my makeup off my face. I feel like a husk. Hollowed out, nauseous, tipsy. 
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awalkoflife · 4 months
cont. from here with @redemptioninterlude / euphoria's harrue !
he's ATTEMPTING to make better decisions.
senior year is right around the corner. as is college. the future. he's heard it all before. what he's trying to do is live in the moment. enjoy this time for what it is. harrison knows what he should and shouldn't be doing. drugs. cigarettes. unprotected sex with girls who have boyfriends. they're not the WISEST CHOICES to be making. so he's here. at his friend's party. drunk only on bottled corona. he's not even had a joint. it's been a little over a month since he touched anything. four weeks since his last high. they'd made somewhat of a pact. he and rue. to calm down with it all. take it easy.
what he soon realises when she finds him --- more than a little delirious and shaking --- is that it's not going exactly to plan. his hands immediately outstretch, gently gripping hold of her waist as he guides her to a quiet patch of grass. his first thought is to worry; about what she's taken, who she got it from, if she got it here, what if it's a bad batch? "thought we made a deal ruru." her nickname falls drunkenly from his lips, the one he only ever calls her when he's had too much alcohol. OBVIOUS CONCERN is present in his gaze, brown eyes glassy and bloodshot from all the sleep he's been missing out on because withdrawals are a bitch.
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harrison counts the beat of her pulse slowly, shutting out all of the OUTSIDE NOISE and the distractions around them. her heartbeat remains strong, thank fuck. no immediate cause for concern. it doesn't make it okay though. not when she's cracking jokes. "yeah, you're real fuckin' funny. hilarious." he releases his hold around her wrist and glances over his shoulder, eager to catch the culprit who might've supplied her. "what'd you take?" he asks first, not trying to be an asshole about it. "did you get it here? tonight?" he presses, erratic anxiety getting the better of him. he knows he needs to chill, but he can't. he fucking hates it when she's going through it like this. hates that he can't do anything about it. that he's not there with her.
the mention of food has him standing up off the grass, hands taking hers to pull her up with him. "c'mon ---" the house they're in belongs to carter. a friend he's known since middle school, someone he frequently works out with now too. "you're not eating fuckin' lays." he guides rue back through the yard and into the kitchen, shielding her with his taller frame from the crowds of RANDOM BODIES. "chances are, carter's got fuck all to eat in here anyway." his statement proves true and after checking for any hint of something substantial, he grabs her a bottle of water from the fridge instead. "you wanna head back to my place? i'll make you real food when we get there?" the offer is made to prioritise her comfort. "you can stay in the spare room tonight? your mom already thinks you're hanging with lexi anyway, right?"
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justawolf17 · 1 year
A Moms Story
Hi everyone,
I ask myself what am I doing here? What am I doing with my life? When I was young, I seemed to have everything figured out, but what I didn't know was just how my life would actually turn out. I wasn't a great student; I always had a problem with authority and being told what to do. I've had an attitude my whole life and thought I knew EVERYTHING. Here I am 33 years old and now know I never knew squat. I graduated high school just barley, I failed 2 required test that was needed to receive my diploma and when I walked across that stage on what should be your first proudest accomplishment, I was given a piece of paper instead of a diploma stating I still needed to take the required test to complete my schooling. I went back to summer school as a "graduated" senior to finish these testing's, wait weeks and then did I receive an actual diploma. I thought I was on top of the world then. 18 years old and now no one can tell me what to do. I started college but since I wasn't a great student and I had more flexibly now and no mom making me to go to school I fell behind, missed too much class and couldn't catch back up so I quit... a feeling that become too easy for me. I went to work and through the years continued to quit when things felt too hard. I partied to hard, fired from jobs, tried going back to school a few more times and quit each and every time. I struggled my whole life, and it all goes back to that moment I first quit at something.
At 28 years old I become a mom, there is no feeling in the world to compare to that first breath your child breathes, that breathe of relief that they are okay. Then sets in reality, it is no longer just you anymore, it's you being able to provide for a child who is helpless and depending on you to feed, change, bath and cloth them every second of everyday. I tried going back to work 8 weeks after my son was born, he stayed home with his dad while I worked and when he was old enough, he went to daycare and that feeling of leaving your child with people you do not know just took over me. I decided to quit my job and become a stay-at-home mom. That was the best years of my life. I was there every day for my son, from the minute he woke up until he went to bed. He is my best friend. However, money doesn't grow on trees and with 1 income and 3 people to support my husband struggled and we struggled. We did what most of Americans do and that is look to the government for assistance. We were given WIC for formula, food stamps for food, and Medicaid for myself and my son. I grew up struggling, living in bad neighborhoods since that's all my mom could afford, I refused to raise my kids in that same environment yet here we were living the same life. We had some moments things were okay and great but more moments of struggling and crying.
At age 30 I had our second son, reality set in again, we now have a family of 4 to support. How are we going to do this? How are we going to afford the things we need. My second son was born 2 months before the corona virus pandemic took over and everyone was on lock down and jobs were not hiring, people were getting let go, many people died, and the world wasn't the same. Here we were with a 2-year-old and a newborn in the midst of a worldwide shut down. My husband had lost his job and was taking many odd jobs just to keep us afloat. We also at one point got evicted from our home but luckily, we made the rent just in enough time and made it through our lease. Times have been tough for us, but times are also tough for the rest of the world. I think when you become a parent all you want is to give your children the life you never had. The life they deserve. I don't write this blog for anyone to feel sorry for us. We are 3 years later, and I can't say we are perfect, but we are better than we were 3 years ago and isn't that what life should be like? Continue to grow and lean? We trusted in God, and he's always prevailed and granted us with many things in life and HE continues to bless us daily.
If you've made it this far, I thank you. I am now 33 years old, working a part time night job to avoid daycare cost for my 3-year-old while my husband works days. I have found something to keep myself busy during the day to bring in extra income. As a mom the motivation to hustle never ends. I want to give my children the best life I can. I started working as an amazon affiliate and this is making a small commission when someone purchases items through my amazon link. I'm asking everyone to check my link out and support this small business I am working on. I'm far from where I want to be, but I no longer give up when things get hard. I want to show my kids what never quitting gets you, I've made mistakes, I'm not perfect but I will try every day to be better than yesterday and do better than before. Please show your support by checking out my link, sharing my story and help me reach my goals.
"Having a strong mom is like having a best friend that can carry you when your legs are too tired to walk.” – Unknown
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bopinion · 2 years
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2022 / 48
Aperçu of the Week:
"Better a spectacular failure, than a benign success"
(Malcolm McLaren - "The man who created the Sex Pistols" - remembering an advice from an art-school teacher)
Bad News of the Week:
We don't have midterms in Germany because parliament is elected at the same time as the federal government, so to speak. And the elections at the state level are spread out colorfully on the calendar. So there is no concerted punishment of the current government on any particular date. It takes place anyway. But as a gradual process. And the (mood) picture that is currently emerging is frightening - a year after the election and not yet a year after the current government was formed.
In response to the question "In general, how would you rate the work of the traffic light coalition in its first year as a federal government?" only 29% still answered positively, compared with 16% negatively and 45% very negatively (survey by Civey for Der Spiegel). So two-thirds of the population are not satisfied with how the coalition of Social Democrats, Greens and Liberals is conducting politics. In the eastern states, approval even goes down to 12%. That's fierce.
At the same time, approval ratings for the opposition are going up. The conservative CDU/CSU parties have been ahead of the Social Democrats for half a year, most recently with 28% to 19%. Other demoscopes see them at over 30%. And their party leader Friedrich Merz has been in first place for months on the question of who people trust to do a good job as chancellor. That's even more fierce. Because neither is justified in any respect. Because Merz lacks any format and the CDU/CSU is ossifying into fundamental opposition without meaning or goal.
The "Progressive Coalition," on the other hand, is working surprisingly well despite internal friction. In its first year, it has had to cope with a mix of crises unprecedented in history: climate, war, Corona, energy, inflation, hunger, supply chains, democracy, and so on. Which they probably managed well to some extent, because conservatively governed (neighboring) countries perform at the same level and no one has a patent solution.
And yet, in their first (!) year, they have implemented an astonishing amount of their original plans in parallel: a fundamental reform of the welfare state ("citizen's income" instead of "Hartz IV"), massive changes in immigration policy and naturalization law, a gigantic special fund for the German armed forces, various strengthening of civil rights and self-determination, many sometimes strong pro-climate protection measures, reasonably solid budget management, some solutions for low-income earners (minimum wage) and families (child benefits), etc.
But just as Joe Biden was mainly chalked up to inflation in the U.S., so it is in this country. Our society is apparently so spoiled ("full coverage mentality") that someone must be to blame for every misery. So we like to blame "those up there". This is much easier than understanding complex global dependencies or even questioning one's own consumption behavior. Unfair, childish, unconstructive. And now I'm going to complain to the mayor that it's raining because I forgot to bring my umbrella.
Good News of the Week:
China is anything but a democracy. The people are denied basic rights that should be self-evident in this century: Freedom of speech and expression, self-determination and free elections, personal rights and liberties. Instead, the state or the party determines everything. The media are controlled by the same party, there is no opposition, and citizens are under constant surveillance. At times, the control measures of the apparatus seem so absurd that they would have to come from a dystopian Hollywood.
The so-called "zero COVID strategy" was most prominent in this country, with such excesses that, for example, chronically ill people were locked in without their medication, with the entrance doors welded shut - and died. In comparison, it seems almost harmless not to be allowed to leave one's workplace in the factory for weeks with a sleeping bag. But despite all the control of any communication, it has nevertheless made the rounds that these absurd measures do not even work. And that leads - believe it or not - to protests. In the streets, loudly, by the thousands. Using the symbol of a blank white sheet of paper to expose the censorship.
At first, the regime brutally tried to stifle the protests. With control like frisking cell phones for banned apps to coordinate demonstrations to naked violence. Even a BBC reporter was beaten and kicked - and only released from custody after hours. Increasingly, protests turned not against anti-Corona measures but against the regime in general, even against Xi Jinping by name. The parallel with Iran is obvious.
But as unlikely as the overthrow of the government is, there has been some movement in the Corona context in recent days. For example, if one is infected, one may now go into domestic isolation and no longer has to go to a state institution. With a single positive test, the entire apartment block is no longer sealed off. And in some cities, you can even ride the subway or go shopping without a daily negative test.
Coincidence? Possibly. But perhaps the leadership is finally realizing that not everything can be imposed by hook or by crook against the will of the population. Again, there is a parallel with Iran, where the "morality police" responsible for the death of Mahsa Amini are reportedly being disbanded. The courage of these protesters, the likes of which have not been seen in decades, may actually have brought about a fundamental realization. Chapeau!
Personal happy moment of the week:
This week I learned that I am "iconic." That's it. Thank you. Oh, you want to know why? Okay: because I made home order television (decades ago!). On screen. Live. About a dozen times. For a - drum roll please! - set of tape dispensers. Woohoo! I don't share this often because it's a wee bit embarrassing. But it's exactly what my daughter's university classmates find - yes, I'm happy to repeat it - "iconic." Still, I guess I'll have to have a serious talk with her sometime about which anecdotes of my personal past are more personal than public... ;-)
I couldn't care less...
...Ye. Nothing more to add here. I just don't care about the artist formerly known as Kanye West. Full stop.
As I write this...
...I realize that Chopin goes very well with candlelight and the scent of fir trees. When it has become cold and uncomfortable outside, one should be cozy inside.
Post Scriptum:
Japan and Costa Rica continue - Germany and Spain out. A sensation. Really? Because it was only a snapshot in the 70th minute. But it fits the picture: the underdogs are the heroes of this World Cup of soccer. Not only in this group. Because, for example, Tunisia also won against the favorites and defending champions France. It's a pity that - I had mentioned this - one has to virtually boycott this event. Because there really doesn't seem to be a lack of excitement and surprises. Even without Germany, whose tournament performance can be well described as "First we had no luck and then we had bad luck". Or to put it another way: we just weren't good enough.
What I find shabby, on the other hand, is the host's gloating commentary: on TV, Germany is openly made fun of; on Twitter, it goes from "Goodbye to all those who don't respect our Arab and Islamic values" to "Schadenfreude about the worst scum of the West is obligatory." Excuse me? Belgium was officially a top favorite. And is just as out. Denmark, after all, a "secret favorite" (whatever that is supposed to be). And is just as out. While expectations for Germany were low from the start after its preliminary round exit in Russia four years ago. But what should the worst scum of the West expect other than the usual bashing? Grrr...
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rexneous · 5 months
Quarter Of A Valean Mile Ch 2
9 years later 
---Jaune’s garage, Commercial District, City of Vale---  
Darkness. There was only darkness. Then there was light.
“Holy halibut!” Jaune groaned as he arose from his rickety twin mattress. “Man, this is what I get for drinking the cheap stuff, this migraine is killing me.” The Arc stumbles as he changes out of his Pumpkin Pete PJs and into some jeans and a black tank top, trying not to wake his slumbering partner, he looks at her long black hair and pointed lynx ears, then lumbers down the stairs.
“Oh!, hey boss” greeted the gruff-looking teenager. He raised his right arm with a Mistrali-style dragon tattoo to give Jaune a playful jab on the shoulder. “You look like crap.”
“Thanks to yOU buying that cheap Heineken stuff instead of Corona like I asked.”
“You and your Corona obsession will kill you one day.” mocked Vince
“Not today though” Jaune laughed as he took a swig of bottled water. “Did Mia finalize the list of parts we need for Race Wars?  
“Yes, she finished it last night. Right now she’s at the Edge making the arrangements with Harry. How’s Letty doing?”
“In my room sleeping. Had another nightmare, it took me a while to calm her down.”
“Damn, Letty has been attached to your hip since we took you in nearly a decade ago, and it nearly took all that time for you two to become official”
“Letty would kill you if she heard that, but you're right if I hadn't met you guys I would probably be working for Hei or gods forbid Johnny Tran.”
“Come on, I think you would be a handsome biker. Leather compliments your big ass.”
“Shut up HeHeHe”
“Speaking of Hei, you heard his place got demolished last night”
“Really? No way” questioned Jaune
“Yeah. Apparently, some goldie wrecked the place. Sounds like someone you know?” Accused Vince
“That is libel. Just because I’m blonde it doesn’t mean I know all my kind”
“Sorry to burst your but libel is written. When you yap your gums, it’s slander”
“Sorry. I forgot you literally went to law school.  All this talking has made me hungry. What would you want for breakfast, Mr.Goodman?”  
“Breakfast? It's 1:30 in the afternoon Jaune.”
“ Shit! I promised my folks I would meet them for lunch.” Jaune quickly put on his shoes and ran out of the garage. “Look over the garage for me!” he yelled.
---Outside the township of Suburra, Vale---   
Jaune sighed as he sat alone on the airbus in transit to Suburra reeling, trying not to puke all over the floor. This brings back memories of when he went on an Airbus for the first time: when he moved out. It was scary leaving the only home he had ever known but he couldn't not after all the things that happened after that day. He would never forgive those pricks no matter how hard they kissed his parents’ asses. His grandfather, Flavus founded Suburra with his own two hands even when people said it wouldn’t work so far from Vale, but look at it now: a trading hub of the whole known world. For half his life, his home was where he no longer felt he belonged. 
It was a torturous 30-minute ride. 
As the airbus landed Jaune thanked the divines he didn’t embarrass himself. As Jaune exited the terminal, dreading the disaster, he called a cab. As the taxi came near, he saw the license plate read, “Fresh” and had dice in the mirror. Jaune could say this cab was rare but disregarded the thought and hopped in. The taxi driver was blonde and scraggly much like Jaune, and really… talkative: Questioning his business here, am I meeting someone, what do I do for a living? ‘F-ing annoying’ He introduced himself, his name was Orion or something he couldn’t remember. 
Jaune casually glances at his scroll: 2:15 pm. “Damn, I’m going to be late”
“Say no more boss!” exclaimed Orion as he slammed his foot on the accelerator.
“Wait…Nooooooooooo” Jaune screamed before his body was slammed onto his seat.
The cab zipped through the streets, weaving through the afternoon rush like a maven surgeon stitching up a wound. No one on the road could match such speed and ferocity. It was like he became speed itself. Nothing could stop Orion from getting to the destination. Aaaaaand zoomed right past a speed trap.
Jaune’s heart sank at this realization. ‘This would be the most ridiculous way to go down. Letty, Vince, and the rest of the crew would never let this down.’
*WHOOP WHOOP* That was the sound of the police. One of Vale’s finest was now on their tail. “Hahaha bring it on you Culatello Bastard” challenged Orion. The Bee-like vehicle turned corners like a mad dog; left then right, left, right, left, right, left, right. But Vale PD won’t be easily discarded. “Looks like I need to take it up a notch”. Orion waited until he found an intersection ahead to pull a lever revealing something:  N₂O(Nitrous Oxide), simply known as NOS. Orion takes a deep breath, the light turns red and he presses the big red “Release” button. The cab flew past the oncoming cars from the sides leaving the cop to get rear-ended. The officer could only watch helplessly as they got away.
A couple minutes later, the officer stumbles out their door Revealing their copper skin, teal Beret and Combat Skirt, and white boot chaps. “You’re going to pay for that,” they growled. The officer raises their hand to speak into her silver wristwatch “General, Agent Soleil reporting. Status report: phase one is underway. Just as planned” 
---Arc Residence, The Township of Suburra, Vale--- 
          Eventually, they arrived at their destination. Jaune looks at his scroll: 2:50 pm. He exited the vehicle and grabbed his bag. “Hey, you are one crazy cabbie” Jaune approached the driver. “But you are one heck of a driver” Jaune digs in his pockets and produces a business card. “Orion, you should consider a job at my garage, you can nurture your talent there.” Jaune puts the card in Orion’s hand. 
“Do you mean that?” The cabman blushed.
“Arc’s word! How much do I owe ya?”
“That would be Ⱡ5,762” [About 38 USD]
“Sure” Jaune taps his scroll on the cab’s reader.
“Oh, and another thing: the name is O’Conner, Brian O’Conner” Orion Brian drives off into the distance.
Jaune was now alone in front of the imposing Arc estate. Originally they had a smaller house, but after the attack and the new residents, Hunter and Serana decided to upsize. Jaune was initially against the idea but it beats sharing a room with that pancake-loving ginger. She was sweet but could be too much sometimes. Jaune looked at the enormous colonial house, its white and gold paint still fresh and full of vigor. Jaune took a deep breath and unlocked the door with his scroll.
“John John!” a shrill voice called.
‘Well speak of the devil.’ As soon as that thought was finished all breath left Jaune’s lungs and his arms were pinned to his side—the Valkyrie death hug. “Please, I want to live.” 
The Amazon let Jaune down. “Sorry, it has been so long since you’ve been home,” she said sorrowfully. “Come on, Mom and Dad made Flittas they’re like pancakes but you can eat them in the afternoon without judgment.” 
“Nora, I have seen you ate a whole stack as a snack”
Nora drags Jaune into the dining room. “Reality is what I make it to be! HAHAHAHA”
As Jaune regained his senses he froze in awkwardness. He was face-to-face with the people he had been hiding from for nearly a decade. His father was at the head of the table with his mother to their right. 
Hunter stared at his son, his silver eyes aflame with fury. “So after all this time, you decide to return. What have you got to say for yourself, son?” There was a long pause—the tension- thicker than a plate of disco fries. “HAHAHA Just joking around with you boy!”
Jaune rolled his eyes. He still felt a little hungover and had no patience for this nonsense. “Very funny Dad” Jaune gritted his teeth. “So what’s on the menu, pops?”
“Ah yes, the entrées. For today’s supper, we’ll have some crispy Flittas, Ackee and Saltfish, and to top it off fresh Callaloo. All the ingredients were sourced straight from Azure Island.” Hunter said in a faux French accent.
“I’m sure it will be tasty” Jaune sat at the opposite end of the table, and Nora joined him.
“Les serveurs bring out the food!” Hunter claps his hands.
The door to the kitchen sprung open with Ren and Blake with trays of food in their hands. Ren had a pink apron that read: “PLEASE DO NOTHING TO THE COOK” in bold black letters. ‘Did he have that custom-made?’ thought Jaune. He couldn't help but notice they both had their ring finger bandaged. That wasn’t the strange part it was that the bandages didn’t have a speck of blood on them. They silently line up the food on the table. It smelled amazing; the faint saltness, the flakey crust, and the fresh greens came together to make a sensation that would make even a creature of Grimm cry. Ren went to sit next to Nora and Blake went next to him. Nora looked at Ren salivating, this wasn’t because of the food there was something different on her mind. By the end of the night something in fact will be done to the cook.     
“Girls, dinner is ready!” proclaimed the patriarch.
In a flash, red, white, and scarlet-bronze blobs zoom past the visible staircase. Ruby Rose, Weiss Schnee, and Pyrrha Nikos in the flesh. Weiss was talking to someone on the scroll. She said goodbye and closed the call putting the device in her skirt pocket.
“Hey, Jaune!” said Ruby.
“Good afternoon, Arc.” said Weiss coldly.
“ Oh, Hello again!” said Pyrrha, her cheeks redder than a vial of fire dust and avoiding direct eye contact. 
Jaune couldn’t for the life of him understand what the heck Pyrrha’s deal was. She avoided him most of the time he was around but was polite when he managed to start a conversation.
The girls sat on the parallel side to Jaune with Pyrrha directly in front of him. With everyone present the feast began. Sounds of merriment and warmth fill the room. Nora with But something, Jaune noticed, was missing. 
“Where is Yang?” Asked Jaune
“Yang sneaked out to a nightclub and got caught” replied Ruby
“That just seems like the usual Yang-scapades”
“She also beat up a dozen people including the owner and trashed the place.”
Damn, Vince was right. “Hahaha, that sounds like her. Wish I could’ve seen the fireworks.”
“Trust me you don’t. I was there and the police questioned me. I was so scared. I’m too adorable to go to prison.”
“That's debatable” interjects Weiss.
Man, Weiss is such a pleasure, isn’t she? Jaune looked at his scroll: 3:35 pm 3 unread messages. He looked at his messages: Vince wanted to know when he would be back for cake(it was his favorite: vanilla ice cream and velvet cake). Jaune texted back: in 30 min. 
“Speaking of children. I talked to Whitley earlier, he is coming home from boarding school for his break.”
“He is such a sweet young man. I can't wait to see him again” Serana rejoiced
“ Yeah, he and Ruby are very capable. This is why I organized this special lunch to celebrate her progress in her special training” Hunter’s silver eyes gleamed.
“Thank you, Dad. I appreciate it and what you have done for my sister and the others.
“Cheers!” everyone did a toast.         
The announcement made Jaune sick. He wanted to get out of there as soon as possible. “Sorry to dine and dash but I got a date with destiny” Jaune gets up and makes a beeline for the door.
“Well, I got to go too. I need the latest Weapon Magazine. This month's issue feature is Pistol-Caliber Carbines”
“Hey Jaune, since you’re going the same why not accompany Ruby?” 
“Sure, Dad” said Jaune who couldn’t find an excuse to say no.
“Yay family road trip” exclaimed Ruby
---Outside the City of Vale---
It was an awkward flight. Ruby tried to make small talk but Jaune wasn’t having it. He plopped in his headphones and curled into a ball hoping not to spill his lunch all over the place.
---From Dust Till Dawn, City of Vale---
They were in front of the shop after a short walk from the airport. 
“Okay, we’re here. Enjoy looking at them firing pins” Jaune turns away from Ruby.
“Pwease >.< big bwothew stay ://// with OwO me XD” pleaded Ruby as she tilted her head and widened her eyes.
Jaune, no matter how hard he could try could resist the temptation of Ruby’s puppy dog eyes. “Okay you win”
“Ha, sucker!” Ruby grabs his hand and Petal Bursts into the store.
“Please Ruby I don’t want to get kicked out.”
The Shopkeep grunted signaling his annoyance.
At the magazine corner, Ruby became embroiled in the world of weaponry; Vacuan Rifleman, Guns Digest, The SmithBros. Legends, as far as Ruby was concerned. She picked one up gleefully and tore into it as her life depended on it. While Ruby’s mind was entranced Jaune’s mind began to wander: ‘Should I buy some shotgun shells for me and Vince?’ He walks over to the shotgun ammo. ‘Should I get the Winchester Jackal 12 gauge? It’s Ⱡ21,660 for 250 rounds’ [About 140 USD]   
“P-please! Just take my Lien and leave!” cried the Shopkeep.
“Shhh, calm down, we’re not here for your money.” said a gentlemanly voice.
‘Fuck’ Jaune heard there was a rise of dust robberies lately but never thought he would be caught up in one. He turns to identify the assailants: an all-black suit with Red Sunglasses and Tie. ‘Man Junior must’ve fallen unto some hard times after Yang wrecked his behind.’ Jaune then notices a particular ginger man in a white trench coat and black bowler hat. ‘Wait. Is that Roman leading them? Man, Hei must be really desperate to loan his men to him’ Jaune tries to think of a plan to dispatch the goons, but before he can…*Whoosh* a red blur passes him by. ‘Man, she threw herself and the goon out the window. Impressive’ With the rest distracted Jaune puts a mook into a sleeper hold and then slams his head on the floor, knocking him out.
“Oh, so you are here too, Lancelot. Trying to foil another one of my operations, I see.” Says the Gentlemen Thief
“Come on, you know the Kuchinashi job was an accident”
“What you did at Kuchinashi was way more than an accident and you know that Lancelot, And unlike then you and your new little Red friend will stay out of my way” Roman proceeds to raise his cane popping out his iron sights revealing it was also a gun. He proceeds to fire—Jaune ducks behind a shelf. This creates a massive hole in the shop wall. Jaune was scared he was outnumbered, without his weapon, and facing down a criminal mastermind. He wondered if this was how his grandfather felt on that fateful day. No. He couldn’t let himself go there he had to see this encounter through. He rolled from his cover. 
Jaune scanned the room. There, he spotted Torchwick getting away. ‘He’s getting away’ Jaune starts to chase him until he hears a voice
“Help me, Heeelp” beseeched the Shopkeep. Part of the roof caved in on him due to Roman’s theatrics.
Jaune sighed. He had to help the old man. Papa Arc would be ashamed if he didn’t. He effortlessly moved the heavy debris from the Shopkeep and very slowly assorted him out of the premises to avoid injuring him. Jaune laid him out on the sidewalk. He noticed around him Ruby had knocked out all the goons. “Don’t worry an ambulance is on its way”
“Thank you, young man. Go, help your friend I’ll be alright”
Jaune turns to face the shop and is welcomed with the sound of jets. Ruby and an unknown huntress were continuing the fight on the roof. Torchwich and an accomplice were attempting to escape on a bullhead. The mysterious accomplice and the Huntress were exchanging blows. She is too competent to be one of Junior’s men. Explosions and ice spikes were viciously thrown, but the robbers were victorious and disappeared into the night.
“You’re a Huntress! Can I have your autograph?” Jaune could faintly hear Ruby’s voice.
Knowing Ruby was in safe hands Jaune tried to get out of there. He could get to his garage unnoticed he booked it double time.
“Halt! Vale PD. We’re going to detain you for questioning. You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have a right to an attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be appointed for you. Do you understand?”
‘Man!’ Jaune had the worst of luck on his birthday.
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stuyouknow · 1 year
I Remember the times before.
I am old enough to remember when society was not actively at war with kids.* (In this context, "kids" refers to anyone under 50) We got to play outside, roam neighborhoods in little packs as we socialized and frolicked in communities. I remember that being taken away.
I remember the police coming as we congregated, telling us to go home, go to the park just go somewhere else. So we did. Then the skate parks, the unused fields, and the other places we went were shut down. Suddenly groups of kids weren’t welcome at parks you must be with parents.
Our parents were busy, just told us “go play outside” blind to the fact we couldn’t anymore. They voted to throw money at the police, who used that to make sure kids, especially teenagers couldn’t get a moment’s peace when outside. Suddenly the arcades and malls were all we had.
The arcades and malls worked for a while. Then we were chased from the malls. The arcades closed down or became too expensive for child money. We were kids and we got squeezed to play and congregate. We couldn’t afford it, so the arcades shut down. Then the era of home consoles-
Suddenly we had something we could do. It just happened to be in our homes. That meant you could have friends over but only in smaller groups. Then parents got sick of 6 kids that weren’t theirs eating their food. We were told to play outside. We couldn’t anymore.
So we, well now just me, could either play alone at my grandparents house, or read or play video games, alone. Alone alone alone. Introverts like me were fine for a while. The non introverts weren’t. They got angry, antsy, depressed. It was hell for them.
Then suddenly, the internet. People could find others to talk to. We felt less alone. Then the moral panics came for the internet. They couldn’t shut it down, but our new refuge was under siege. The only place for kids to socialize, was schools. Schools have cliques. Always have
Suddenly the youth had been carved up into cliques and small, predictable groups. We were made manageable, more homogeneous. And the adults picked favorites, and played favorites hard. The outcasts retreated further, while the favorites only had community until they graduated.
Is it any wonder people flocked to social media? They found an echo of what humans crave. Community. Then those spaces were used to pit each other against each other. Now we live in a world of chronicly lonely people who cling to the only connections they have.
But here is the thing. Even that pale echo is being taken from us now. Our spaces are crumbling, our leaders scheming to control and clamp down further with tick tok bans and stricter content guidelines. The youth have been hounded for most my life.
"ok Boomer" is nothing compared to that. millennials to gen-z can only lie in the bed others have made for them. Everytime we carve out spaces, they collapse because of corpo greed or puritanical meddling with any finical system attached. It is a tiresome pattern.
Want to know what would fix all this? Make people less chronically online? Give people their spaces back. Let people congregate and not be chased off for loitering, let us gather. Like we could before. Vaccinate, cause Corona is still a thing, and your politicians ignored it.
Make walk-able communities, set aside spaces for parks, libraries, gardens. Stop sending the cops after anyone just minding their own business outside their homes. Stop caging us like animals, and we will feel less like caged animals. We might even stop wanting to hate each other.
Fight for your place in the world. Make the places you fight for homes for everyone, including people not like you, and to do that, you absolutely can not tolerate those who will not tolerate the other. There is enough anger to go around as is, don't let yourself fall into contributing to it.
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lunna-bish · 5 years
Update time. So in my state, all school have to be closed down for a bit, so I'm off for sometime. I'm doing digital leaning now. So I might actually be active and have a posting schedule for once in my whole life! I will try to post twice a week, once in Monday and once on Thursday. And it started Thursday (yesterday)! Stay safe and wash your hands!!
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sleeping-lilies · 3 years
this is a precalc hate account
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jjbatweets · 5 years
OK SO LIKE SAW THE HW ASK AND I JUST GOTTA!!!!! me too. Hw is life jnjnaegjjnnjag
It is, we can all collectively agree that Hyrule Warriors has taken over our lives! We are just that advanced.
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writingat-night · 4 years
my school: we can’t make wearing a mask mandatory because it might intimidate younger students
also my school: yes of course we’ll be requiring school uniform, why do you ask?
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urgeforgoing · 4 years
My official grades came back and my GPA is back above a 2!!!!! still not the best and need to get it up further in the next year but I had a really hard year last year mentally and my GPA fell to a 1.83 and I was super scared for it to drop further as you can’t graduate with under a 2.0 GPA so this was a very happy end to a tough semester
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navyhyuck · 4 years
lord can someone be my friend i seem to have none
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parasolids · 4 years
legitimately can’t tell if i either 
a) feel alright
b) am going nuts because of corona
c) am going nuts but its not because of corona i’m just like this
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humandisastersquad · 5 years
According to the letter, Australia's health system and spread of age demographics are similar to Italy's, rather than China's.
"On current growth rates, the 300 cases in Australia today will be … 10,000 by the 4th of April" the letter reads.
They argue that under current preparations, Australia will be "in a worse position than Italy is currently in"
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