#correct you its not as if i dont expect you to not make these mistakes again and i was like stop... im so emo right now....
terrorbirb · 10 months
I think permanent corrective actions and root cause analysis exist solely to cause people with OCD and anxiety disorders to ruin their brains.
#totes bro#every time i make a mistake i make 3 mistakes#1 i mixed up letters in a word and pulled the wrong thing#2 i know i mix up numbers and letters so i should have had a system in place to prevent this#3 whatever system i come up with is guaranteed to not be permanent so if anything similar happens its also my fault#and then it's 'if you keep asking why what is the cause of the problem'#and the answer cant be human error or lack of funds so its some system i didnt design always#and this is sthe same thing if someone else makes a mistake because i didn't design a process that would have prevented that#and once again whatever i do change is guaranteed to fail in the future and then it's nicole didnt you try to fix this already#but often its like some tangential problem like i pulled the wrong qty of the right item#i tell my therapists this and they ask is there an answer where i am not to blame in this entire company and the answer is no#♥️#because I design the processes and if people dont follow the processes its because i designed them wrong#anyway! having really bad anxiety hours#I've tried to bring this up and I get told 'well design a better process where this isnt the problem ' and that.... misses the point#Because now the problem is i feel anxious because i failed to make processes that are infallible (which is the expectation) and so i need t#make a process to handle my anxiety which is guaranteed to fail#and is also my fault that i feel the anxiety because why didn't i correct for this sooner when i started my anxiety#they say these things like 'look on the bright side you can improve' and really i cant because even if i do i wont fully improve#which you know makes the permanent corrective action not permanent#and they say you know permanent doesnt mean definitely permanent but then any time theres a problem theyre like 'why wasnt it permanently..#and i try to say you told me last time permanent doesnt mean permanent and its no. bad. youre just trying to stop short of a well polished#process. look at 5s#and it starts over and over and over#i try to say the way we do this doesnt work for me because everything is my fault even if its someone elses error#and because it causes me anxiety because I know no process is perfect but it was supposed to be permanent#but hr my bosses everyone just do not empathize with me at all and cant figure out why im anxious and how this makes it worse#because there's room for improvement!#also if its not clear many of the mistakes are because im dyslexic
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yutadori · 1 year
omg just finished up my sixth shift of work and if i dont get fired by this sunday then ill have completed a full WEEK of shifts !!!! that might sound a little pathetic but it's also a little funny hdskshskd
anyway i feel a lot more comfortable compared to like a week ago somehow?? im more familiar with the different ratios of the drinks and stuff now my head supervisor said that i just need to work on how quickly i work and i think i can dew that 0: im just a bit worried because im sooooo clumsy and im worried that im going to spill shit u__u it was nice because she went out of her way to say if her tone sounds rude when she points out my mistakes, she doesn't mean it and i was like omg thank you for clarifying that ): ive learned to remind myself to not take things seriously / personally in the workplace especially because i havent worked with them long so there really shouldnt be a reason for them to hate me but i think it was really nice and reassuring of her to tell me that ouuu T__T
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im-goodpup · 7 months
I need a man to convince me that Im dumb
Gaslight me into thinking that my opinions dont matter,
talk condescendingly to me like you would with a kid,
praise me for every little basic task that I do like its the hardest thing in the world to lower my expectations,
tell me how much I'm smart for a girl,
correct every mistake that i make,
every time I get something wrong, remind me how dumb I am
make me dependent on you, so that I cant complete even the easiest tasks without your help.
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heongiu · 1 year
Hello may I request gun, jake, and goo when their s/o wants to go to the gym for the first time? Headcanons, maybe sexual (😏😏) or not, it's up to you
Thankyou for the request Anon! and Omfg I'll try to add a little nsfw in between hehe ;)
Park Jonggun
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Well you were the one who approached him and asked him if you could accompany his gym for the first time.
And it did not go well haha..
"What? You? Going to gym? Are you sure you'll be okay?"
He's continuously gonna question you, well uh you've never thought about going to gym before. He's kind of..worried.
Well if you insist, he'll let you go, but dont expect him to let you do your thing.
"Y/N that's not how we do pull ups.. "
"Y/n that's the wrong set of dumbells.."
"You should've learnt some basics to start with, it's would've been easier that way"
Y/n this Y/n that, you got so frustrated you simply left, and he didn't care too much, cause he knew you'd come back in an hour or so because you didn't know what else to do (lol)
NSFW: There can be instances where you're all panting from exhaustion after doing so much of exercise/cardio or whatever and he'd get turned on by your well, moans. He wouldn't care to find a spot to fuck you, he'll uhh just do it.
Kim Joongoo
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Let's just say, he'll annoy you, pester you and irritate you as much as he likes.
"Y/n you're going to gym?! SERIOUSLY?!"
"do you wanna be muscular? Haha I bet you do because you wanna fight and defeat me, but you still won't be able to~"
Well you can do whatever you want, wherever you wish to and just don't hurt yourself, and if you do..
"PFT-- oh I'm sorry like did you get hurt really bad sweetheart?"
He does care about you but he won't stop making fun of you for your silly little mistakes
"Hey your posture was so off *insert wheezing* o-oop sorry but like THAT WAS HILAR-" You smack him on his head with your bottle and he goes "ouch-ouch" in pain.
Well at least he cared to help you, so next time, maybe learn the basics and the advance by yourself.
Its better I promise, and if you really wanna learn from him, well uh then good luck!
NSFW: he's a little touchy whenever he teaches you, touching and rubbing your thighs up and down when he corrects your stance. Or 'accidentally' placing a kiss every now and then on your neck when he's close to you. And not just any kiss, it's very seductive.
Kim Gimyung
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Yayy Green flag arrives once again!
You tell him you wanna go to the gym, and he's all happy and smiley.
"Really? That's great" giving you that cheesy grin, winking at you.
You both at the gym omg it's gonna be a great time together.
He would like love to help you out like whatever you're doing he'll keep asking you if you're fine with it.
Even when you're doing just fine.
Might cackle in between of your struggle but will rush to you for your help.
And he'll smack your ass in between your exercises, especially when you're hitting legs and your back is visible.
He'll make sure any creep looking in your direction gets disposed of.
Occasionally even Jerry is accompanying you both, maybe even lineman, brad and Jason, but that's just when Jake feels like they should come as well. Other than that if you want that time to be spent only between you two, he has no problem.
NSFW: Sometimes when you struggle, he finds it sort of, cute. And it's kind of a turn on for him. He loves your little frame trying to do courageous tasks. Smacking your ass in between exercises, touching your ass unintentionally when he's helping you. Phew.
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pommunist · 10 days
To the anon who disliked the fact that many people still dont trust the studio: the argument that "the new admins have been personally vetted" is not something that holds any relevance to me. As far as we know, the former administration also was vetted by Quackity, and it didn't stop them from turning around and exploiting people while stealing from him. And yeah, he probably was more careful this time, but now that Quackity isn't in the administration anymore (as far as we know), how can he personally make sure that it won't happen again? Like, unless I've missed some information, the possibility of it happening again is very much present. We have to wait and see.
But yes, people keep expecting the worst because the worst has repeatedly happened for the last three months. People wanted it to get better, but it never did, or we got curveballs making us think it did before being told that no, actually, everythings still broken. So why trust that it will get better now?
To be clear, I do hope it will actually get better. I hope they correct all their past mistakes (especially compensating the admins that were exploited) and make sure it never happens again. I hope they take their time to open the qsmp again to make sure everything is running perfectly. I want the QSMP and all its good effects on the international gaming community to succeed. But as always, I won't hold my breath, and you can't blame people for being pessimistic, too.
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burnedwriter · 2 years
"A tiring journey"
A/n:sorry for delaying this fic for so long i have been feeling a little bit under the weather and now that im kinda better im able to upload again.idk how good the story is if there are any mistakes plz let me know
Warnings:none,sfw,angst/hurt to comfort?,scaramouche being scaramouche,scara calling you a useless worm
A/n:you and scaramouche are lost on your way to sumeru city,scara and you got into an arguement bc of it but this time it has an unexpected ending
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"I think we have to go left???''
you said pointing to the map trying to figure out what was the correct way only to be met with a sign from scaramouche.you and scaramouche have been walking around for hours trying to reach sumeru city but only ending up going in circles
he was looking away from you with his arms crossed even though he wasnt looking directly at you you could feel his eyes like daggers at the back of your head
''or right?'' you said
With that he snaps walking aggresively towards you and grabbing the map out of your hands,making you jumpa bit from the sudden action
''give me this thing,or else we will stay here for an eternity,you clearly dont know how to do onething correctly,you useless worm''
though you are used to his mean words since you knew scaramouche can be very moody at times sometimes they didnt fail to hurt you deeply even if you didnt want to admit it.Ever since you met him,you had a difficult time getting along,his arrogant didnt make it easier either constantly looking down on you
you didnt say anything back not wanting to start a fight that you knew it will lead to nothing at the end
''we have to take a left then go straight and finally we are going to reach sumeru city''
you only nodded as a response and followed behind him
the silence between you growing louder and louder
you started to question why did you chose him as to be your travel buddy? was it his looks or that you secretly liked his rude attitude?
every time you talked to him you couldnt help but stare at his indigo eyes,occasionally you could see him blushing but given that he would always turn his gaze away from yours you couldnt put your finger on it if it was true
lost in your thoughts following behind scaramouche, sumeru city could be seen in the distance finally both of you would be able to take some rest from this long journey
breaking the akward silence between you scaramouche says
''if it wasnt for me,we would still be going in circles,you are a burden to my journey''
that was it you have had enough of his arrogant attitude.
''if im such a burden to your journey why dont you leave''
tears of anger threatening to leave from your eyes,the lack of sleep trying to reach the city has had a tall on you and scaramouche's attitude didnt make it any better.though its true you didnt know why he sticked with you if he didnt like you and thought you were a burden.
scaramouche turned around and looked at you after what you said,his frowned brows and hostile glare made it obvious that he was angry.
Great another one of your usual fights is about to begin you thought to yourself,but what you didnt expect was the sudden change of scaramouche's expression after he saw the tears still threatening to escape at the corner of your eyes,his expression now calm and relaxed unlike his previous one
he a signed
''come on,let's get some food and find a place to rest for the night,tomorrow we can talk about it''
you expected him to insult you like he would always do but this time was different,his response left you speechless.
''ok let's go'' you said still shocked as you followed him into the city
that only opened more questions about scaramouche,did he respected you for standing up to him?,did he actually like your company? did he actually cared about you?the questions are endless but you could only hope that they will be answered in the near future
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dappersautismcreature · 6 months
gonna tentatively say that i think sometimes people (cough twitter cough) overreact to small hiccups when it comes to cultures clashing in the qsmp. you can't expect people to be perfect, if you have that mentality and attack ccs for any interactions you don't give them time to grow or change.
and its not like theres been any really huge racism incidents between ccs, as far as i can tell just some accidental weirdness and culture differences, its LEARNING you make MISTAKES WHEN YOU ARE LEARNINGGGG
im not saying dont criticize ccs for the ways in which they are actually being rude, racist or xenophobic, im saying, A. dont write off their potential for change and B. dont underestimate the fact that they are an adult, with adult friends, who can correct them if need be.
and if you think this is about any substantial racist incidents, i am not talking about that, im talking about people jumping down bad's throat about when he jokingly called etoiles uncultured. im talking about when a cc mispronounces something, or guesses wrong, or takes the easy way out when learning and uses a translator, or when someone says something thats offensive in another language by accident.
again, mistakes, learning, change, they are adults they don't need you to defend them.
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hypocriticaltypwriter · 10 months
Fankid Ask game for the little vampys🩶
💬: what was your child's first word? was it a nickname for you or your f/o or something entirely different?
🪁: does your child enjoy learning about their parents' hobbies, or do they prefer to find their own?
🍼: what's your child's comfort item and where did it come from? is it a hand-me-down?
🧁: what's your child's favorite thing in the world? what's their least favorite thing?
💬: what was your child's first word? was it a nickname for you or your f/o or something entirely different?
David's daughter Anastasia had been super quiet and hadn't made much noise other than a few cooes and squeaks till she was around one or one and a half.
Her first word ever was 'Dav', and she'd crawl or walk around the cave, repeating it until David found her or aided her in what she wanted/needed. Another silly thing is he'd always correct her when she said it, too.
"Dav-id. With 'id' at the end-"
"Don't interrupt me."
Of course, once she got bigger, it developed into Daddy or Dad. When learning Chrysta's name, it was just an easy 'Mama'.
Now Jennifer, Dwayne’s daughter, had a rough time learning the difference between mom and dad. Due to some issues during Jenny's birth, Chrysta was left in some pretty bad shape for a good few months, so Dwayne was around to help more than he was expected to.
So Jennifer had actually started calling Dwayne 'Ma' or 'Mama' when she was becoming vocal. Of course, it didn't bother Chrysta or Dwayne too much, but he'll admit it was kind of embarrassing when he was on the boardwalk and his baby girl had called at him happily 'Mommy!'
"Jenny, it's 'daddy' see? I'm 'daddy.'"
"OK, mama."
"No, Jen -"
Paul tried soooo hard to get Tiffany's first word to be 'Papa' or 'Daddy' the poor guy spoon fed her books about it, making sure to linger and explain the specific pages including daddy animals or point out the parental figure considered the dad.
But it seemed no matter how hard he tried. Her words were always 'Mami!' Which soon followed a 'fuck' under Paul's breath.
... He didn't learn his mistake until one night on the boardwalk Tiffany had run a little too fast and dropped the ice cream cone Paul had just bought for her... And she exclaimed very loudly:
Paul didn't know whether to be laughing or dreading what he had to explain to Chrysta later that night.
"Now Tiff, those are very bad words- and their not nice to use, especially in front of Ma...
But you're aloud to say it one more time for Daddy and his friends."
Katherine learned how to say Mama first due to Marko referring to Chrysta with it 24/7. Marko knows its cause he says it every dawn before they go to sleep, but he likes to think it's just imprinted into her little brain due to him always giving Chrysta's tummy two taps of his fingers, and saying 'hey little mama' while she was pregnant with Kat.
Chrysta also thinks it's the most darling thing whenever Marko goes: "Goooood night mama." Soon to be followed by Kats: "Guuuuuu night mama!"
Christopers first word was actually one David wasn't happy to hear. At all.
David left him with Marko and Paul for five minutes. Five. And the moment he saw the mischevious smirks from his mates as his son was being handed back to him while gumming down on a cherry lollipop, he already knew they'd done something. And the second he opened his mouth to ask, he heard from his darling baby boy's mouth:
Oh, sweet heavens above he was going to murder those two.
"Chrissy. I'm Daddy. I'm not your-"
"Bith! Bith, bith, bith-"
*sounds of muffled devastation and full unadulterated rage into his coat sleeve*
🪁: does your child enjoy learning about their parents' hobbies, or do they prefer to find their own?
All the girls+ Christopher (once he's old enough) collectively enjoy hunting or going on the boardwalk with their dads and mom. But they do each have their own things they like to do with each parent!
Anastasia likes learning to drive David's bike. Spending many late night hours riding around on the beach or through the fog of Hudsons Bluff with David. It's intense and thrilling, but she feels safe on the back or in the front of her dad's bike and has never at all felt like she'd get hurt or be in danger.
It's also nice when he sneaks off to go do it with her and only her - no siblings or mom and dads involved. Just a night between her and her dad for once.
She likes doing her makeup with, for, or getting it done by Chrysta. Since she isn't exactly risking mirror checks by walking into salons or makeup booths, it's nice to be able to keep herself well groomed and spend quality time with Chrysta.
She gets her hair done or nails made pretty, all while telling her mom about a cute boy she saw on the boardwalk she knows if she told David about he'd never get off her case. 🤭
Jennifer likes making jewelry with Dwayne. He always brings back teeth or cool bones he finds and teaches her how to tie or braid them into necklaces or anklets.
He also likes braiding her hair and putting beads in it- (This kids got his thick hair and Chrysta didn't go through 9 months of heartburn for it to not be taken care of.) teaching Jenny the same while being her personal model to test it on. Even if his hair ends up in knots, he praises her for her hard work. 🙏🥺
Jenny likes stories with Chrysta. She always tells the best ones while she's falling asleep or unable to sleep. In all honesty, she just seems to like Chrysta's voice. If she's being honest, her mama has a calm, lulling hum that makes her feel all cozy and safe.
Tiffany loves- and I mean LOVES dancing with her Daddy. Paul's always blasting music on his boom box and it's blasting twice as loud when it's just the two of them left in the cave.
Either their thrashing their heads together or jumping around the water fountain screaming along to the heavy metal, or he even plays a few of Tiffs favorites (a few Disney CD specials he stole once 🤫🤫)
But Tiff adores when Paul holds her on his hip and sway along to some slow dance songs, tiring her down after the few songs involving moshing and swinging. Even humming a little to them while doing some twirls just to get her to giggle. 🥺
Tiffany likes quality time with her mama! Maybe for the fact Chrysta can't say no the the perfect little puppy dog eyes she gives but does this girl no how to get spoiled rotten.
She likes being able to go around the boardwalk and walk through stores or booths looking at things, especially anything that sparkles. Chrysta has had to pat down her own child for jewelry snatches sneakily away from booths before.
Now. We all know Marko’s got to know at least a little handiwork when it comes to sewing or stitching. I mean, have you seen this man's jacket? He's bound to teach his offspring a little bit of his magic.
Katherine enjoys sitting on Marko’s lap as he either works on a new patch in his jacket or fixing up some of her own clothes. It's probably one of the only things she stays completely focused on and stays still,making sure to listen to everything he says.
He let's her take a go a few times- but that only lasts ten seconds before she's crying about poking her fingers or her hands are tangled in thread.
Kat likes dressing up with Chrysta. The two like looking through some old clothes or stolen goodies and putting on their own little fashion shows in the cave.
Since mirrors are a no-go, they like putting on the most flashy or hideous combination you could imagine and trying to make one another laugh.
Christopher likes learning to fly with David. David is probably the most safest option when it comes to difficult or riskier tasks to learn and he knows it.
Chris struggles getting the hand of it, and sometimes David can't fight the smugness when his son just likes to ride on his back or curl up underneath his buttoned up jacket while hovering around.
You know how mama bats hold their young in their wings when their upside down or something? That's how David holds Chris in his coat LMAO if anyone needed visuals.
Watching movies with Chrysta is one of the things Chris holds dear to his heart. Especially in his younger years when he's still not old enough to join hunting, his mom will happily stay behind and binge some cheesy cheap horror movie or soap opera with him.
I mean, they'll watch anything they can get their hands on, especially knowing they can easily get Max to give up a few VHS with the 'Grandpa' card.
🍼: what's your child's comfort item and where did it come from? is it a hand-me-down?
Anastasia's sentimental item is a pocket knife her dad used to have all the way back in 1900 when he was a pick-pocketer. It's not in the best shape, obviously, but it's a piece of him back before his immortality, and Annie is extremely intrigued about her father and his mates past.
Jennifer's comfort item has to be the skirt she seems to wear and never take off. It's sewn with multiple bits and pieces of beaded or detailed fabric her dad can find, and mom can sew. Chrysta could swear that sometimes Jenny purposefully makes tears or holes in the skirt just so Chrysta can add more to it.
Tiffany probably considers anything she owns as a comfort item - she's kind of a hoarder in the making with her collection of trinkets and jewelry Paul has spoiled her to death with. She does love the red lensed sunglasses passed down from Chrysta to her.
Katherine's jacket is probably the second thing she loves most in life. The light pink fuzzy thing couldn't be pried of her very body if one tried. Marko bought it for her after he saw the sparkly rhinestones on the front of it that spelled out 'Princess' in cursive. Ever since Marko told her that she's "Daddy's little princess," this kid has a COMPLEX.
Christopher's a little dude, but he's probably got David's coat promised to him when he's older. If you want to see David turn into a puddle of goo, just watch his son waddle over to him and crawl underneath his coat and snuggle with his dad. Or the times at the boardwalk where he'll play hide and seek with Dwayne and hide underneath it if David's standing around.
🧁: what's your child's favorite thing in the world? what's their least favorite thing?
As dangerous as it is, Anastasia loves the sunlight. The very thing that could kill her in a matter of painful seconds is the thing she's completely fascinated and intrigued by.
She can't help but feel a bit envious of humans who are able to feel the sun on their skin without agonizing pain to follow. Let a sunrise run up their fingertips without having to pull away. She fantasized about the summer days her mom would tell her about whenever she asked Chrysta what sunshine was like when she was human... Sometimes, she thinks she and her mother have a mutual agreement that they both wish to experience sunshine at least once in their immortality.
Now the thing she hates? David's overprotectiveness. If there's anything she can't stand it's when her dad demands or orders her around- sometimes it feels like she can't go seven feet in front of him without him demanding her to come back and never leave his side for the rest of the night.
Jennifer's favorite thing is her Daddy's hair. Like I've said and will stand my it RELIGIOUSLY is that Dwayne’s hair is probably the most cared for and well groomed than most of the boys. And Jennifer LOVES to play with it or snuggle with it.
This man is 100% willing to spend hours sitting perfectly still while his daughter covers his head with bows, clips, flower crowns, and the most ghastly knots considered braids. Maybe a few tears of pain are shed when she runs the cheap plastic come through his hair a little too hard, but he's enjoying the time nonetheless.
Jenny DESPISES social interaction with anyone that isn't her pack. She's the shyest thing anyone in the coven has ever seen. Whenever they're on the boardwalk Jenny is hiding behind Dwayne’s legs or her mom's side.
And when she's allowed to split off and go with her sisters, she's following behind Anastasia like a lost puppy, eyes trained to the floor.
Tiffany's favorite thing is the beach! Paul gives off some very low surfer dude vibes imo,(I mean there's a split shot in the movie where we see some surfboards) but I don't think he does anything extravagant or hardcore- I feel he'd just swim out a a ways with Tiffany on the edge of his board and moonbathe for a little bit, laying on his back with Tiff on top or hanging her legs over the ledge, both taking a little nap.
As much as Tiffany likes the sea and the beach, she hates baths. She's like a feral cat clawing and clinging onto her moms arm to avoid touching the soapy surface of the bath at Max's home.
Now Katherine's favorite thing? Marko. You know how I said the thing she loves second in her life was her jacket? Marko takes first place. (Sorry Chrysta LOL.)
Kat loves her papa and clings to his very being like a koala. She's always making sure she's the star of his attention whenever he's around. If no one can find Kat, just look on Marko’s back, leg, or arm. She's probably latched herself onto there.
And the thing Kat hates is when Marko has to leave. Whether it be hunting or simply just a boys' night out, she's pouting and asking when he's gonna be back. She thinks any second without her dad is gonna end up with him in danger or hurt. She makes some of the cutest excuses as to why she can't go to bed so she can hopefully stay up till Marko gets back. She's definetly attached to this vampires hip but he isn't complaining. 🤷‍♀️
Christophers' favorite thing has got to be the boardwalk! The little guys eyes just get all big and excited at all the sparkling, twinkling lights and colorful stands or rides. He even starts to babble or squeal happily whenever the word affiliated with his favorite place is mentioned.
Christopher hates Daddy's vampire face. Like- when David and all the guys get vamped out, Chris'll start crying. It's similar to those videos with babies' reactions when fathers shave their beards for the first time in their lives.
It's worse when David does it on purpose to get a good laugh too, and he isn't doing anything malicious or cruel to scare his son, he's just holding him and this kid will go into hysteric sobs while hiding in David's coat.
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sea-dwelling-wizard · 3 months
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who are you?
call me wizard!
i go by she/her pronouns.
i live in the mariana trench. if you wanna visit pls make sure you have the correct equipment i am not responsible for any harm or injury
this blog is for me to infodump about my interests and talk about my passions and thoughts! dw it doesnt bite :D
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what things do you like?
dancing with the fae, singing with the sirens, swimming with the ones down below, stargazing with myself, writing about realms beyond, sketching all that i see, summoning those above, coding the divine (HTML, PHP, now learning CSS!)
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fun facts
im not aesthetic at all im trying so hard to make this look good rn send help
im super girly :D
im not a picky eater, but put figs in front of me and i will explode
i love stuffed toys, figurines, and those of the like!! i still sleep with a plushie akajjshsh (its a whale plushie i love it sm)
i collect stationary. i dont use any of it
im thinking of opening a neocities but i dont know enough CSS to do that hhhh
im in a MASSIVE book slump rn 🙏im trying to get back into it thoo
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i don't live in the USA nor Europe. my timezone is in IST, so please be patient when you interact with my posts! i may stay up late on weekends tho ;D
i do not tolerate racism, transphobia, homophobia, sexism, TERFs, etc. on my blog. if you are an NSFW blog, you will be blocked.
i am a minor. please refrain from sending suggestive/graphic/violent asks.
on the other hand, please feel free to tag me in tag games!!
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some other stuff!
my favorite songs: reincarnation apple by pinnochio-p, non-breath oblige by pinnochio-p, god-ish by pinnochio-p, odo by ado, dramaturgy by eve, konoyo loading... by REOL, no title by REOL, wozwald by nilfruits, CH4NGE by giga-p, soleil soleil by pomme, hole-dwelling by kikuo, matryoshka by hachi
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my favorite books: the midnight library by matt haig, klara and the sun by kazuo ishiguro, and tons more!
what i'm reading: once upon a broken heart by stephanie garber!
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my favorite shows: puella magi madoka magica, sailor moon, arcane, dungeon meshi
indie shows i like: the amazing digital circus, hazbin hotel, port by the sea (pilot stage), lackadaisy (pilot stage), ramshackle (pilot stage)
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beneath the waves, within this soul: book 1 of the Heavenly Tetralogy
The Abyss consumes. It gives no mercy for those damned.
The dark is home for Ourra, a trench-dweller with plans of chaos. Haunted by his mistakes, he yearns to make all well again.
Atticus, a lost soul with nothing to lose, enters the Abyss to save those he loves; for a price, of course.
So, what will it be? Love, or the pain of a man turned evil?
Progress: outlining the third draft since the second was too wobbly
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on this sunset shall i sing: book 2 of the Heavenly Tetralogy
Having magic beyond the set boundaries of the realm you live in means high expectations. And when you break those expectations, it isn't pretty.
Now, the Impyreum is stuck in a state of chaos and darkness: who's to blame?! No, no, no, Apollo did not drown the Sun. That's what he said, anyway!
The First Protector sets sail for the seas to search for the missing fragments along with the smartest, dedicated, and the top investigators and strategists. Apollo is invited, and nobody really likes him for a while.
Where's the Sun? Will the light ever come back?
Progress: Nope. Nothing. I haven't even decided the team-
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Dive in!!! It'll be fun!!
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sttoru · 10 months
I'm a writer too, and I just have to say: it's just writing, dear. You're just writing some very good silly things and posting it on Tumblr, of all places. It's just some writing, no big deal here. You might feel like it sucks. But honestly? Nobody cares. It's Tumblr. No one has big expectations for anything here, or they shouldn't have, at least.
(By the way, I don’t mean all of this in a bad way. This is just how I, myself, cope when I feel bad about my own writing. I usually minimise it, try to brush it off, and pretend it's nothing. And it actually is.
I usually feel insecure about posting because I feel like nobody is going to read or like my work. And... so what if they don't? I'm already expecting them not to read/like the moment I post something. So, what am I worried about? Worried about them not reading or liking it? When that was precisely what I was expecting to begin with? If you think about it, insecurity makes no sense.
+You are popular. Maybe not as popular as some others. But you have more than 2000 followers, correct? Imagine a room in which you expose your writing. There are people who come and go, leaving notes on your things (that have a lot of notes, from what I have seen). Some of these people decide to stay inside the room. There are two thousand people who chose to stay in the room and support you. That's actually a lot of people, isn't it? And I'm pretty sure they wouldn't be there if your writing was bad.)
anon im gonna have to tell u here … ☝🏽 u seem like a very healthy person bcs ur coping mechanism and thoughts on this are what i strive to have sobsobsob. . . ik its simply silly little ideas of mine that i publish on a random app, its just that i have anxiety / am anxious about the smallest of things and stress very easily ,, even abt things that dont matter at all (ex. tumblr fics) like i tell my brain repeatedly ITS NOT THAT SERIOUS !!!!! (sometimes it works ngl and i just laugh at myself) but sometimes it still wont listen 😞
as for interactions, most of the time i dont mind if my works get little to no interactions (unless i spent like 4+ hours on a reaaally long fic and get 0 feedback like !!! i wanna improve & know whats good and what not bcs writing has been one of my biggest hobbies since i was very young :<) — what bothers me most is that my english doesn’t make sense sometimes. or if i use a word twice in one sentence. or if i misspell a word and it makes me look dumb— but then again like u said !! so what if people read those mistakes? unfortunately, my anxiety always has me in a chokehold . i try to not take my insecurities seriously and downplay it most of the time but it just comes back again and again,, basically a never ending loop ARUGHH
lastly.. yeah, im gonna try & do what you said and just hope my anxiety reduces with time !
this felt like a v refreshing therapy session, thank u anon ilysm u r an angel :3 hope u have the best day of ur life forever & pls stay hydrated !
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anon who doesnt have aspd and taught myself empathy here yet again! i am Now Thinking and remembering that a huge part of why i've never tried to go to therapy or anything is coz like i Know i'd use what i learn to like, manipule ppl better and shit. i enjoy playing w ppl Too much and coz Fun Childhood i've been good at it all my life, but cognitively i recognise its bad so it would be bad and not fair for me to go to therapy and get even better at it and manipulate ppl i love for my own fun. and like even i dont do illegal shit or even like drink alcohol or smoke coz then i can keep the moral high ground in arguments w ppl and i can say whatever i want and call em out on shit and create a fuss for them and stir the pot and they cant call me a hypocrite. like so much of what i do is about making sure i have a level of ability to manipulate and control ppl and situations. so many behaviours which arent explained by autism, idk why i've just brushed all of them aside except that i've gotten bored by overthinking abt them, and ive mostly gotten to a point where they're under control and im content w life
but back to remorse and empathy i honestly just think they're not really necessarily useful things and ppl place so much importance on "oh im such a good person i have so much empathy" but will also use their empathy/remorse to control ppl? like i know ppl w bpd who use their genuine guilt and worries and stuff to get ppl to feel sorry for them and indulge them instead of confronting and working on it. like even ppl w/o mental illness will sometimes try to use the fact they feel bad abt smth to erase their culpability instead of actually fixing their mistakes. it can be confronting for them that some ppl can be like "oh shit i made a mistake. fuck. oh well" (and sometimes fix their mistake/take responsibility) w/o remorse or other emotions to it coz i think it makes them realise their emotion doesnt absolve them
thanks to listening to me ramble!
man i feel that, im also obsessed with having the moral high ground, except i think my view of morality is the best one and everyone else is stupid. also i'm a hypocrite. i also hate hypocrites! yes this in of itself is hypocritical i am aware. do something morally reprehensible? shame on you! doesn't matter that i do the same thing with no intent to stop. its over anakin i have the moral high ground!! i have Standards and Morals and also i'm correct all the time. if i had the death note there would be no story and everything would be okay. i simply would not go mad with power and i'd only kill people who are deserving of it
also yeah i hate the empathy = morality thing i hate it so so so so much. i do think cognitive empathy is a useful tool and remorse can be useful as like, the emotions equivalent of getting spritzed with a water bottle and also you are a cat. do something shitty? feel remorse? my cuck ass is NEVER doing that again!! because remorse felt so bad the first time, why would i risk doing it Again and feeling remorse Again? its just not worth it. but then again if you get more and more used to its presence it wouldnt work all that great and also would suck balls
and i've known a dude w bpd who was like that, and ive known people with good ol fashioned Anxiety Disorder that were like that- worse, even! they thought that bc they had anxiety, they were these cutesy little waifs and anything they did could be rebutted with "but i have anxietttyyyyyy" and everyone was just expected to pity them because of it- no matter what they did! people put too high of an emphasis on emotion as the standard of morality- if you're a scared abuse victim, thats Moral and you are Pitiable, which is Good. however if you fought back, you are Immoral and you are Secretly Probably The Aggressor, which is Bad. (consequently, if you're too scared, that's Moral, however you Didn't Fight Back, which means you were acting Illogically, and Had It Coming, therefore you are Bad) which is hypocritical as fuck! ive taken responsibility w/o remorse and i've takne responsibility with remorse and remorse is Not the important part of this argument, it's emotional intelligence.
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at illuminati base ted cruz was there with the most powerful men in politics “megamangx is back i am tired of losing to him!” ted cruz slam fisting into the tables.
the golden doors open and a stinky fat man in a suit and white ugly boots comed in it was ron desantis “ron why are you here what happened to trump?” ted pointed.
“trump was too woke so i killed him this group has a new leader but it must be purged made pure becuse even illuminati has become woke and i must make it pure like me!” ron said and the politicians looked scare
“are you betray us?” shouted sargon
Ron smile and started to fart real hard as the room was filled with fart gas and air was green with farts “silent but deadly my friends” ron laughed as the illuminati members choked to death “smell my freedom farts you woke fucks its time to build a new empire a strong mepire filled with strong white strong people who think like me no parish you cucks!!!” he farted real bad and the room was farts and he even grebbed turd cruz face and sat on it and forced him to smell the farts and he die of fart “eat my farts of freedom EAT THEM YOU FUCK!” Ron laughed with villainy as everyone in the room die of poson
shadiversty and some medevil knights on horses comed into the room with steampuink gas marsks “peasants remove these dead bodys i would be speking with the great leader” said sadiversty with an english old voice
“i pledge my sowrd to you kind desanta becuse i fear woke will turn my daugter into a woke and i can not live in that world we must purge weakness and go back to tradation and middle ages where life was better” hje said.
ron laughed and started eating some meatballs “dont worry in exchange for helping my side you will be rewarded i know like me you hate democrcy and want an empire of the powerful”
shadiversty nodee “yes america was on the wrong side of the revoluiton engerland should have won but the mistake will be corrected and everyone shall know the glory of king charles our ruler and the true emperoer of america and knights and castles will come back like the olden days”
a chamber opened and a bald cyborg had come in “lord putin i had not expected you so soon” ron kneeled to his master
“i was near death after that megafool gx killed me but russia sciance has made me powercul again and i will build my empire and have ravengence” said putin.
shardiversty kneed “what about gensokyo this realm they are after why not let me take it and i will make these girls into wifes who know there place as it is in the naturol order”
Putin opened a window and below was 1000s of robot “we will turn them against themselfs these bots can bend in and spread my ideals and turn everyone against each other i shall infest gensokyo with them and spread russia desires to everyone”
Robbie rotten woke up “why did i get here where is that pesky megaman gx” he danced out ofg bed
outside was megamangx in a cool mage trenchcoat over his armor studying the arcene boots “robbe you comed back good you must listan to me illuminati are bad guys and can not trust them woodman knowed this its why they tryed to kill him ten years ago” megamankgx explined
robbie was sad “i just am a villain but these people want to destory the world and make it a not fun place for everyubody in it and no matter how many times you beat them up or getting new super forms they just keep cominmg back and being worse” he signed
megamangx equiped his magibuster “we needing to find yukari she will have answers to what is going wrong and help me unlike my mage forms”
but then the two of them got blastered by glowing numbers as they hit a tree “what was that attack!” robbie gasrped!
a man in a suit was there “MATHS!” he laughed and blasted them with a beam of numbers.
“IS THAT RICHIE SUNAK!!” megamangx shouted.
sunak throwed a body with white hair on the ground and a blue jacket and wound on back with smoke “ITS CAT BOY SANS WHAT DID YOU DO TO HIM YOU SON OF A BITHCH!!” screamed megamangx
richie sunak laughed evil “the uk has decided the catboy fandom needs to be banned for public order so i decise to do the banning myself with death” he laughed mad and kicked catboy sans body and got megamangx real mad
two more was there in powered armor with laser sword it was kemi banderdock and sueila beaverman “youll pay for killing boris” kemi banderdock spit at megaman gx and beaverman point her laser sword at robbie rottens back “
megamangx glowed with the elemental runes as he flaoted in the air with books “i am not letting you hurt more friends you will pay for catboy sans death!!!”
sunak blurst inwto laughter “you think its just us 3 ever since brexit we needed more power to keep order in england it was dark time but now we privatized the army with our new friends THE PSYKO SYNDINCATE!”
bald men in purpel jackets and guns comed “YOUR WORKING WITH THE PSYKOS YOU IDOTS YOU CAN NOT CONTROL THEM THEY WUILL DESTORY YOU!” robbie rotten glasped.
a green portal appeared a beam of green light and bullats blasted into 100s of psykos and sunak was shocked “WHO DARES!” he said and fired maths at the portal but the man with blonde hair blocked it “I DID! THE X SLAYER!” SAID ZANE ROCKS!
to be continued
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literary-mafuyu · 2 years
I rate my all(probably) teacher because i have absoloutely nothing to do and i hate my life and i hate studying and i hate school and i am going insane (i really hope now one of my school knows that its me and sees this or ill maybe actually kill myself).
TLE Teacher: first impression of him was intimidating but is actually not that bad lol, but still tho, why the fuck did you make us memorize 10 procedures in exact at the ass nighttime, 7/10, i will never rate anyone above the 8
MAPEH and ENGLISH Teacher: ok, i must admit, you are nice, BUT WHY THE FUCK ARE YOUR EXAMS AND INDENTIFICATIONS AND QUIZZES FUCKING IMMPOSSIBLE AND YOU REALLY EXPECT US TO FUCKING GET IT CORRECTLY AAAAAAAAA-, 2/10, why, its always hard to review the indentifications 😭😭😭😭😭, the source of my endless will to kms
SOCIAL Teacher: why so strict and scary 💀😭, he has the same vibe/feeling/looks or what ever as the TLE teacher but he's more cheerful-like and less akward, oh dear they were complete polar opposites, the other one looks scary, but is actually a bit nice(atleast), he looks approachable(he still tries to at this even time and i always fall for it bc his activities was 'not boring'), but is SCARY AS FU-, bro is scary, i feel like i was about cry when he said that i should speak more louder like "What did i say about my rules in this class" always says it like that in a scary way bro im gonna cry dude why does nobody understanddddd 😭😭😭😭😭, he fr dont understand us shy people, bro actually looks like hes always about to cry ive got a theory that hes always like hes about to cry bc he gets scholed by some person or idk abt him being so strict and is actually holding back on scholding students (bro probably hit a student by his attitude dont judge me its a students responsibility to assume ok) and like actually mentions on getting scholded by some idk, bro i saw that "IM DONE" in ur files bro prol venting (ik im probably misunderstanding like who tf would leave that in the whole ass class but he could be just like me fr to ignore and act like its isnt there and hope they dont notice it like me 💀 i can assume ok bish) probably has anger issues? BUT THATS JUST A THEORY, AAAA- Man, 2/10, wtf
FILIPINO Teacher: Hello advisor, you chill, and nice good humor, good tiktok dancing mov- ...excuse me, nice good easy pc exam, i hate essays tho, also why high expectations for me and give me the unfairty and made me merorize the hardest speech even if i was a tranferee 💀💀💀😭😭😭, and why my hardwork of studying on a lesson then you skip it tho, thank you for that tho, bc the mfing lesson is hard thank for skipping it, thank for the swimming pool, 8/10
SCIENCE Teacher: She feels like just my old school's English teacher, she chill, she cool, thanks for actually hearing out my excuses to get perfect grades lol, 7/10, W teacher
MATH Teacher: 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀 Dont even get me STARTED im already tired bro, like, ik you old but, WHY YOU ALWAYS TEACH SO WRONG AAAA, like dude, just look at her answers youll literary understand me, its ok if it just a little mistake but like umh... thats too much for a "Pro,fe,tio,nal teachers" 💀💀💀, she wont accept crap, she either ignores it, or blames the student 💀💀💀💀, i also have that fucking feeling where shes favoriting the son of the principal on the school like wtf dude, also why do you make us just copy the answers 💀💀💀💀💀 i can excuse the lack of activity on checking our answers even if you promised to do it already like 2+ times but pleaseee why are you making us copy the answers except of making us train our brain and say that "Parents will come here and complain about your grades" like broooooooooooo 😭😭😭, everyone of us got probably atleast 15 mistake in math exam for no reason just because of her one single typographical error and didnt even correct it 💀, 2/10 u and my father is literary the same whats worse is me put both in the same room with both of you and math, i feel like dying
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maschotch · 2 years
the henry growing up problems please 👀
aldhkshd ok this is definitely 100% made up and based purely on my interpretation of the jareau family since we get very little on how jj actually is as a parent (and even less on her kids’ personalities). so dont take it too seriously
to me henry seemed so.. quiet. to be fair he’s like three the first time we meet him aldhsk but im gonna go ahead and interpret his demeanor the few times we see him as a mild temperament. kind of like will, but will’s comes from consideration and courtesy while henry’s comes from having a very clear and simple path laid out for him with no options available
i think what im actually basing a lot of this on is jj’s relationship with her own mom. its such a strained relationship. her mom can barely get out a sentence without jj rolling her eyes and jj seems hypersensitive to her mother’s criticism. this is undoubtedly because she was likely criticized constantly as a child—constantly under scrutiny by a prideful, humiliated family under scrutiny by a “tight-knit” (invasive), traditionalist town. sucks to say it lol but the jareau family was probably judged a lot by her sister’s suicide: a dark stain on the reputation of the family. and with a mother who would rather pretend nothing happened for the sake of their image instead of putting jj’s needs first… not only did her family shove aside this devastating event, they placed all expectations of their family’s success on their remaining daughter’s shoulders. it was jj’s duty to make up for the embarrassment of her sister that she wasnt even able to mourn
when someone grows up under such omnipresent, overwhelming pressure, it can sometimes lead to them applying similar pressure to their own children as a way to prepare them for the world of their own childhood rather than the world their child is currently experiencing. that combined with jj’s pride in being a mother (prioritizing a pride in the position it gives her over actually mothering her children) creates a certain ~energy… it doesnt feel right to just say she’s assertive and leave it at that: it doesnt fully encompass the actual situation. she’s making up for all the freedom she lacked by decisively doing things her way now, not realizing that its placing a similar barrier on her own children. we know she’s repeating the same mistakes her mother made through the way jj talks (more aptly put: doesnt talk) to henry about rosaline
from the few interactions we see of will and jj as parents, its clear that jj has the final word. she feels entitled to make decisions concerning their family, and resists any kind of correction or suggestion. i feel like jj would be the kind of mom whose love feels like a cage: henry can sense the boundaries established by a mother he’s never seen challenged. i really do believe that jj wants to do whats best for her child, but her view is so cut and dry that her devotion to her child twists into defense of her parenting skills. while she has henry’s best intrest in mind, she’d only looking at it from her own perspective by only considering what happened in her own childhood
i think its almost worse for henry that all of this is done out of love, bc theres no way to argue against that. “im doing this because i love you” “i just want you to be happy” “i want whats best for you” are all seemingly loving sentiments that sours any attempt of contradiction. henry seems too sweet to further challenge his mother, so i think henry gives up defying her by the time he’s a teenager. even if he’s hurting, even if he cant do what he wants, even if the constraints feel like a noose around his neck, “mother knows best.” “be true to yourself, but only within the realm of what i find acceptable”
between his mother’s unyielding resolve and his father relenting, its unlikely henry grew up with much of a backbone. he has no confidence in himself as an individual: everything has been dictated by his mother, who’s been forever unopposed in his mind. she’s like a next level helicopter mom: her hovering presence is always felt and he always remains in his mother’s shadow. he has no hope to see beyond the barriers his mom has constructed bc the concept of confronting her has never been a possibility in his life—whether its him, his father, or anyone else for that matter. jj gets her way no matter what.
im uncertain on how self aware jj is about this constant conflict within her. assuming she truly wants whats best for her child, at some points she must realize that what she’s doing isnt healthy either. i just dont think the jj we see in the show is capable of acknowledging such a huge mistake. i think she’d double down on it instead of changing her ways, refusing to acknowledge any harm she may be causing despite knowing the truth. it would take a long time, and a LOT of introspection, for her to actually acquiesce
it would probably take a lot of work to undo that submissive mindset thats been instilled in henry his whole life. i think if he was an only child he’d probably stay in his mother’s grip, unwilling to hurt someone he knows genuinely cares about him. “its not worth it,” he may think, “what i want doesnt matter.”
im not sure why i think things go differently from michael. maybe bc little brothers, so im told, like to act like little shits. but between the two children i think he’s far more likely to butt heads w their mother. instead of accepting his mother’s limitations as just the way the world is—the way henry does—michael would get fed up with the constant handle jj has on every aspect of his life, rebelling against his mother’s control. i think it’d definitely be amplified once he’s a teenager, and i think the persistent fighting would lead jj to reflect on herself in a way henry’s obedience wouldnt. she’ll realize how much she’s become like her mom and learn to do what she wished her mother had done when she was a kid: listen
again this is all just speculation. i feel like jj would be a very domineering mother, even if it comes from a good place. will doesnt know how to stand up to her and his easygoing nature means he doesnt really mind letting her have complete control of the reins. but choosing that environment and growing up in that environment are two very different things, and i think henry would suffer for it
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d-druxy · 1 year
hi german person here, saw you reblog the thing about Margali saying Liebe in the comic and yeah </3 Comics really like using google translate german and direct one to one word translations instead of words that make more sense. (they do this with other languages too, 100%) You are completely correct though, Schatz would make alot more sense or of course actual full on bavarian words of affection. I am. not bavarian. but idk something like Spatzl would be. a really nice nod to the fact that they are from bavaria??? or maybe even something french since margali is noted to have been born in france
Omg hi! haha I didnt expect anyone to react to my comment haha. Yeah Im german too, thats why i felt the need to comment under it.
Ugh yeah I know, games have that problem too unfortunately, I just expect better sometimes. Especially when its for small stuff like that.
"Mein Liebling" hätte auch gut gepasst, instead of just "Liebe". It sounds so clunky. Ohh I didn't know. I literally only responded to the post because of that mistake, i dont really go here (here being that comic haha)
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teamkicksource · 2 years
i read your site and that may 10 blog. you seem nice so this hard to do. you arent wanted or needed in king kota fandom. its a family because it only accepts people who are known by people held in high regard. rest can linger dont expect anyone to care you there. charlie said on twitch she doesnt want you in her fandom. btw your correct her gift list isnt for fans even if it public. you fucked up. she pissed at you dude. find another fandom because we dont want you. im sorry.
I was going to ignore this Anon Ask. I've been busy with other stuff since last weekend so just saw that earlier.
Common sense encourages me to think you've read my personal blog over at the resources site and are trolling me. My low self esteem and mental health being in a muck has me think you might be correct.
The Team Kick Source resources site has been a flop after eight months since I've been unable to bring more awareness to it anywhere I've tried. I've been unable to connect with the Dakota Kai fandom just as a fan for close to a year. I never get any notifications about the Twitter in my email like I should if there is feedback. I'm keeping hope this Tumblr can become a good resource for Charlie and Nixon in general.
Now if the Dakota Kai fandom doesn't want me or have use for the resources site, I can retreat to the corner I was in before. I made an effort to join the fandom because I wanted to take part in something for my heroines/favorites (Kota & Nixon) and be helpful to other fans.
Can you provide proof Charlie (Dakota Kai) said that on Twitch? I don't think she's even aware of the site let alone a nobody like me. What you said does not seem like something she would do. If you or anyone can provide proof I'm not welcome in the fandom I'll gladly go. I respect the fandom and most of all Charlie.
I did offer an apology on Twitter to her for sending from the public Amazon Gift List in case I did wrong. If making a mistake in the first place is why I'm not welcome, I'll say that would be understandable. I just think it's fair to ask for proof.
This should be a happy and exciting time for all of us. I was happy earlier tonight. I only got bummed when I read your message. Considering my string of bad luck I'll offer you a chance or anyone for that matter to provide proof. If I've done some wrong, I'm willing to offer apologies and go.
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