#cos the extractions are in like a week
reasonsforhope · 4 months
Green energy is in its heyday. 
Renewable energy sources now account for 22% of the nation’s electricity, and solar has skyrocketed eight times over in the last decade. This spring in California, wind, water, and solar power energy sources exceeded expectations, accounting for an average of 61.5 percent of the state's electricity demand across 52 days. 
But green energy has a lithium problem. Lithium batteries control more than 90% of the global grid battery storage market. 
That’s not just cell phones, laptops, electric toothbrushes, and tools. Scooters, e-bikes, hybrids, and electric vehicles all rely on rechargeable lithium batteries to get going. 
Fortunately, this past week, Natron Energy launched its first-ever commercial-scale production of sodium-ion batteries in the U.S. 
“Sodium-ion batteries offer a unique alternative to lithium-ion, with higher power, faster recharge, longer lifecycle and a completely safe and stable chemistry,” said Colin Wessells — Natron Founder and Co-CEO — at the kick-off event in Michigan. 
The new sodium-ion batteries charge and discharge at rates 10 times faster than lithium-ion, with an estimated lifespan of 50,000 cycles.
Wessells said that using sodium as a primary mineral alternative eliminates industry-wide issues of worker negligence, geopolitical disruption, and the “questionable environmental impacts” inextricably linked to lithium mining. 
“The electrification of our economy is dependent on the development and production of new, innovative energy storage solutions,” Wessells said. 
Why are sodium batteries a better alternative to lithium?
The birth and death cycle of lithium is shadowed in environmental destruction. The process of extracting lithium pollutes the water, air, and soil, and when it’s eventually discarded, the flammable batteries are prone to bursting into flames and burning out in landfills. 
There’s also a human cost. Lithium-ion materials like cobalt and nickel are not only harder to source and procure, but their supply chains are also overwhelmingly attributed to hazardous working conditions and child labor law violations. 
Sodium, on the other hand, is estimated to be 1,000 times more abundant in the earth’s crust than lithium. 
“Unlike lithium, sodium can be produced from an abundant material: salt,” engineer Casey Crownhart wrote ​​in the MIT Technology Review. “Because the raw ingredients are cheap and widely available, there’s potential for sodium-ion batteries to be significantly less expensive than their lithium-ion counterparts if more companies start making more of them.”
What will these batteries be used for?
Right now, Natron has its focus set on AI models and data storage centers, which consume hefty amounts of energy. In 2023, the MIT Technology Review reported that one AI model can emit more than 626,00 pounds of carbon dioxide equivalent. 
“We expect our battery solutions will be used to power the explosive growth in data centers used for Artificial Intelligence,” said Wendell Brooks, co-CEO of Natron. 
“With the start of commercial-scale production here in Michigan, we are well-positioned to capitalize on the growing demand for efficient, safe, and reliable battery energy storage.”
The fast-charging energy alternative also has limitless potential on a consumer level, and Natron is eying telecommunications and EV fast-charging once it begins servicing AI data storage centers in June. 
On a larger scale, sodium-ion batteries could radically change the manufacturing and production sectors — from housing energy to lower electricity costs in warehouses, to charging backup stations and powering electric vehicles, trucks, forklifts, and so on. 
“I founded Natron because we saw climate change as the defining problem of our time,” Wessells said. “We believe batteries have a role to play.”
-via GoodGoodGood, May 3, 2024
Note: I wanted to make sure this was legit (scientifically and in general), and I'm happy to report that it really is! x, x, x, x
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ticktokrobotsnot · 9 months
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Pairing: Carmen Berzatto x fem!reader 
Summary: Two chefs, one needs a distraction and the other needs anything but. 
Word Count: ~11k
Notes: This one has been stuck in my drafts for almost 6 months, google docs was my editor so if you mention any grammar/spelling mistakes I'm gonna blame Google lol.
Y/n always had the idea that life never let her be too happy. And not to be unnecessarily pessimistic or ungrateful for the good things that happened in her life, but it was really only a matter of time before the other shoe dropped. To be completely honest, if she was remotely better at anything else or something else paid more, she wouldn’t have been a chef. She thought her career as a chef was the universe having a good laugh at her, making her a part of a culture so deeply rooted in making connections which she couldn't reciprocate.
“They aren’t your friends.” The lesson was so deeply ingrained into y/n’s psyche that it was impossible for her to even spare a simple congratulatory smile after finding out her co-worker had won a James Beard award a few years prior or give that same co-worker a nod of approval when he retained a star. They were at best two instruments in the same tool kit, easily replaceable to the other, and y/n wasn’t going to offer an olive branch. 
The French Laundry’s kitchen had perfected the skill to make even the best chefs throw their thousand dollar knife in a huff and quit on the spot. The head chef was a maestro of pushing buttons, ensuring a constant undercurrent of tension that never reached extreme highs because, in that kitchen, there was never a low.
That was before y/n was hired. There were chefs with better referrals, more experience, were more likable but there was something in her that put her above the rest, she didn’t crack. 
She didn’t flinch when the head chef lowered himself to her level, still towering over her, and told her that she didn’t deserve to be there in the middle of a dinner rush on her first week. 
Carmen kept his head down, anticipating the impending sobs and sniffles. However, as moments of silence stretched on, he resisted the unseen force compelling him to remain bowed. Slowly lifting his gaze, he noticed her studying the head chef as if extracting more from his irises than his words. Her eyes then swept over the rest of the staff before locking onto Carmen's. There, in that shared glance, he sensed her silent inquiry, a question of whether he, the second in command with a James Beard award and a Michelin star, was a coward.
He bowed down, focusing on the plate in front of him and pretending to wipe a nonexistent splatter.
The silence echoed while the rest of the chefs continued to slice, dice, and stir not sparing a glance, this was nothing new. When the head chef figured that she wouldn’t say anything back, he sauntered over to his next victim. Carmen lifted his head one more time, there was nothing he could do to comfort her if she was a mess but he already knew which chef would have to take over for her while she sobbed in the freezer. He was met with her side profile, she was smirking.
For a brief moment it felt like Carmen finally got a good look at her since she had been hired a week ago. It took a few moments for Carmen to decipher her expression. She was unimpressed with him, the head chef, and the kitchen. It wasn’t possible to be unimpressed and here she was looking at everyone like she was a parent listening to the squabbles of an irritable child, it was different.
She was a dangerous person because her small stunt inspired him to do something he had never done in the French Laundry, roll his eyes when the head chef left after his criticism. It was a small taste of delicious, slippery, freedom that was bound to kill him later. The day ended and Carmen didn’t even notice that he was walking up to her until he was right in front of her. 
Y/n was expecting an apology and Carmen was expecting an opening to start talking, something had to give but it was too raw to do that here. After one more glance, Carmen started parting his lips but y/n slipped right past him and walked out. 
They aren’t your friends.
Y/n had many aspirations growing up: pop-star, astronaut, scientist, and ice-cream vendor. As she got older the list matured, and consequently shortened. It didn't take much for her to enroll in culinary school, a decision made almost impulsively. 
In the busy kitchen, amid clattering pots and the aromatic dance of ingredients, she watched chefs passionately invest themselves in each dish. She had heard stories from her colleagues, the heartfelt narratives that bound them to their culinary journey, and she couldn't help but feel a pang of shame that she couldn’t reciprocate. Her presence in the kitchen wasn't driven by sentimental attachments to food; she was here for a paycheck, a stark contrast to the fervor surrounding her. As she navigated the world of flavors and aromas, she grappled with the solitude of her own motivations, wondering if there was space for her in a profession driven by love, memories, and a deep connection to the culinary craft.
Unable to reciprocate the profound connections others sought, a sense of bitterness and unrest festered within her. Her internal conflict wasn't born out of disdain for those more accomplished; instead, it stemmed from a profound inability to fathom the emotional intricacies that seemed to drive others but couldn’t seem to reach her. 
Y/n didn’t allow herself to confront a nuanced flaw—projecting her perception of routine loneliness onto the world, all while unconsciously imposing a self-isolation rooted in a complex interplay of guardedness and yearning for genuine connection. She kept herself busy by watching, judging, others in the hopes that eventually she would see something that clicked. 
Y/n spent the next few years in relative ease even if every single soul in the French Laundry were a bunch of battered devotees, who regularly got verbally and emotionally beaten black and blue, but still came crawling back. It was almost humorous to watch all the chefs line up to leave and look like they just had their soul siphoned out from their puckered assholes. 
Carmen felt like a cautionary tale to her, never getting too involved. He had crafted his own prison cell, a second in command with no real power, no life outside of work, and y/n bet he told himself that this was his peak. His self created pathetic life was so intensely interesting to y/n that she resisted asking about his life so she never made the same mistakes. But the way his focus scattered across the kitchen told her that he didn’t know why he was like this either. 
He didn’t come to work on a Friday, which was a bit of a shock, and it rippled when she walked in on some janitor emptying his locker a few days later, and just like that, Carmen was gone from her life. 
Months went by and by then y/n had completely forgotten about the chef that wasn’t strong enough until she saw browsing a food blog, and she found a name that she thought she would never see again. A post about a restaurant in Chicago that had served yet another "dish to die for". She refreshed the page a few more times, wondering if this was someone with a similar name but after a bit of sleuthing, a slightly blurry google review photo, it was undeniable, Carmen was indeed in Chicago. 
They shared certain similarities—they had comparable resumes, education, and paychecks. Given the exorbitant rents in New York, it was likely that their living expenses were almost identical. They were both engulfed in the demanding world of cooking, leaving little time for anything else. Yet, despite these parallels, a puzzling question lingered: why did Carmen have the financial freedom to make a spontaneous departure, a luxury y/n had yearned for but couldn't grasp for years?
Y/n wished that she felt that pulling force, like seeing a familiar face after a long time bloomed an ache in her heart. She spent a few moments trying to will her heart string to pull but she was unsuccessful. She was looking for a reason to leave the French Laundry and she was hoping that Carmen’s scribble tattoos, wavy hair, nauseatingly blue eyes would make a path for her to escape, or at least reveal what gave him that final push. 
She liked the restaurant that she used to work at, a local hotspot that was known for its penne alla vodka and other vaguely Italian dishes. Over there she was the hotshot young chef freshly graduating from the CIA and was leagues above anyone else. No one towered over her asking if she knew what she was doing, no one ever asked her if she remembered to stir the roux, or if she was an assistant. The only reason she left was because her student debt was closing in and she was exhausted from constantly debating if she should buy a replacement for her shitty knife or groceries for the month. Being poor was so tiring that y/n caved when someone came in with a job offer. As much as she hated the French Laundry it graced her with a different type of freedom, the freedom to not worry about if she could afford to survive. 
She waited till The Beef closed to give them a call, and unsurprisingly someone picked up with a heavy sigh, “ We are closed.” and then hung up. Y/n dialed again, “I need to speak to Berzatto.”
“Yo Cousin, some chick is looking for you.” A muffled, we’re closed, was heard but y/n insisted.
“We worked together in the French L-.”
“She says she’s French or something.” And before y/n could correct, Carmen was handed the phone. 
“The fuck do you mean French?” Still arguing with the guy with a gruff voice.
“Maybe it's a "pro" you sobbed in front of in France, you virgin. I don’t know your fucking life.” 
“French Laundry.” Y/n interrupted and just like that Carmen was glued to the phone. 
“Y/n?” Y/n ignored that he was able to recognize her voice even after all this time and how that made her almost soften her voice. 
“I’m in Chicago for a few days, when can I stop by.” 
“You want to come?" Carmen hastily recovered, "You can come when you can but we are doing some renovations and it's a mess-'' 
“I’ll be there tomorrow afternoon.” And with that y/n  hung up and emailed HR that she would be out for the week because she was sick. 
The Chicago air was unbearably similar to New York's and y/n was glad she didn’t have to spend too many miles on the same shitty city. And Carmen understated the “renovations”, it was a gut. The door scraped open dragging the paint cans that were leaning it. The door isn’t the working issue, it's the fact that the whole restaurant looked like it was on the verge of being classified as a collection of bare load bearing pillars and plastic tarp. Y/n was glad that she settled for sneakers because heels were begging for her to eat shit. 
“Ms. New York!” The man with a gruff voice yells with laced hostility, alerting everyone.
The echoing music was promptly shot off as curious onlookers tried to decipher why an unknown woman was waddling through a battlefield of loose nails and scattered sawdust.
Y/n didn’t have to look long before Carmen came tumbling out the kitchen door, looking at her like she was glowing. Y/n wordlessly walked over to him and extended her hand and much to her shock the shake was firm, eager even, the last time they shook hands was when y/n had to take a photo with him 3 years ago for Gastronomica. Y/n was the first to slip her hand away, not remarking on his softened calluses, it seems like he hadn’t done much cooking lately. 
Carmen ushered them towards the kitchen and held the door open for her, the room was empty and oddly quiet. They were holding the work outside so they could hear what they assumed would be confessions and passionate love making. 
Carmen probably sensed it too because he took them to what looked like the skeletons of an office. 
They both stood against the wall on completely opposite ends, their words would have to fill the gap. Carmen parted his lips a few times trying to formulate what he practiced last night but all the words seemed to die in his throat. His staggered inhale was followed by a soft, “What brings you here? I mean I’m glad you're here-”
“I wanted to know what you were up to.” Y/n twirled a strand of hair, looking into his eyes trying to relearn him again. 
Carmen’s breath stalled as he fiddled with his apron to avoid eye contact. “I’m running this place now so-” Carmen’s eyebrows furrowed, “How did you know where I was?”
“I saw the restaurant in a blog and thought I would….” Y/n noticed him deflate, trying to figure out from disappointment or finally relaxing. 
“I thought I would get something to eat but it seems like…” Y/n waved her hands at the bare walls, “That's not gonna happen.” She let out a soft chuckle but was a bit peeved that Carmen wasn’t doing anything but staring at her. 
Y/n crossed her arms and leaned against the wall, Carmen sighed and thumped his head softly on the wall behind him. Being across from him, gave y/n a familiar view of Carmen at the end of shift, pitiful and enervated. Y/n didn’t fail to notice that his arms had gotten bigger.
“Manual labor suits you.” Carmen let out an embarrassed but bemused “ha” as he failed to stop his lips from curling up. 
“Yeah, I have to do a lot by myself. Don’t exactly have the funds to be hiring a million contractors to do shit.”
“How do you afford all this?” Y/n lifted her gaze and tried to not look too eager. 
"A ton of loans. We're barely holding it together," he admitted with a soft chuckle, passing some papers to y/n. As he continued, Carmen listed the financial burdens on his shoulders, payroll for the chefs, government permits, contractors, vendors, appliance suppliers,each itemized until it culminated in a big, fat, red zero that highlighted the crushing reality of y/n's shattered dreams. There was no money left; they couldn't afford to keep her. The devastating truth settled in, she couldn't afford to work here, and Carmen couldn't afford to save her. 
Carmen walked over to the desk between them before plopping on his chair and balanced his head on his right fist as he looked up to y/n.
“What are you doing right now?” Carmen asked, the new view let him see more of y/n, which she didn’t know if she liked.
“I'm still at the French Laundry, it pays the bills, Carmen.” The air stilled and all the oxygen in his lungs contracted in his lungs as his name echoed in the otherwise silent room. He wasn’t Berzatto anymore. Y/n’s small smirk was enough of a reaction for Carmen to solidify that he had no clue about the women in front of him. 
As she basked in the lull, she extended her leg to stretch them out to, noticing that it wouldn’t take much effort for her to put her foot on one of the legs of his chair and roll him closer. Y/n wasn’t without decency so she resisted messing with Carmen anymore. She was being stupid and immature, it wasn’t his fault that he couldn’t help her, but a part of her still yearned to inflict some measure of discomfort on him.
“Enough about me…what have you been up to?” He was finally worth talking to, y/n thought. He would finally have something of value that she couldn’t get out of any other seasoned chef, a spark behind his eyes. Maybe there was something else that gave him the power to come here, something that could move her too. 
“I'm taking over the restaurant from my brother and we are remodeling and shit to make it…a spot.” He realized how stupid he sounded when he said it outloud. 
Y/n’s lips quivered downward, he was taking over a family obligation. He didn’t unlock any of the universe’s secrets that he could share with her, that would make the road ahead clear. He really couldn’t help her. The crushing feeling in her chest was worsened when he carelessly tossed out, “You could work here, ya know?”
A pile of bills at home dared her to throw caution to the wind and fail spectacularly. Y/n shut down any part of her that could have been swayed and diverted instead.
“What are you serving?” 
“You would be head chef, y/n.” Carmen's intense gaze made her look at him in bewilderment.
“It’s not a good fit.” Y/n pressed with a self-assured chuckle.
“Syd would be number 2 and I can focus on the business shit-” 
Y/n wasn’t going to justify his ridiculous proposition with a response, so she gave him a pointed look before asking a final time, “What are you serving?”
“Whatever I want.” His eyes focused on y/n’s, almost daring her to be enticed by the freedom.
Y/n's stomach somersaulted. The room around them seemed to close in as the weight of the unknown pressed against her. Y/n grappled with the question of what she had truly come for. The initial curiosity about his past now collided with the reality that the person standing before her was somehow a deity that had broken free from the shackles of depriving the self from freedom but also a mortal with dangerous arrogance that she couldn’t replicate. 
“You finished the menu?” 
Carmen nodded as his eyes wrinkled.
“Show me the menu.” 
“You’ll see it on opening night.” Carmen leaned back in self-assurance.
“I won’t be back.” Y/n briskly asserted as she went back to twirling her hair and crossing her arms.
Y/n heard a chuckle and a soft, “Doubtful”. Just as she lifted her head to argue, the words were gone and so was Carmen, who was at the door now, holding it open for her.
“You're the worst, you know that?” She presented him with a vicious side eye. “I came all the way to the menu, you know.” That wasn’t remotely true.
“You can see the kitchen.” His hand hovered over the small of her back before catching himself and slipping his hand back down. 
Carmen gave a run down on where the stove would go in relation with the expo, being mindful of speed but also spatial restriction. Y/n walked with him wondering if she would care enough about the minutia to organize a restaurant from the ground up like this. Her fingertips grazed the silver gas stove, teh cool metal brought back memories of working in LA. His expo covered in plastic wrap was the exact one she saw in her first internship. And most damning of all, Carmen specially picked out everything; so just like y/n, he had a story to tell with each piece. 
His eyes shimmered as he talked about not beating his time around the kitchen yet, and y/n felt her stomach roll over as a wave of… something rolled over her. 
Eventually, Carmen led her out to the front where she talked about table choices and the lighting to match, her eye’s glazed in wonderment wondering if the version of Carmen that cared about interior design was always a part of him or if it was a new development. Just as she was about to ask, Richie interrupted her.
“We’ve held it long enough, I think we would ALL love to know who you are.” He spread out his arms and nodded like a politician who was, “asking the real questions”. Y/n went from floating around the kitchen to being slammed shut in a bird cage. 
“Ms. New York didn’t give it away?” Y/n replied, doing her best to ignore the nagging whispers in her head telling her she wasn't wanted here. 
“Then why are you here?” He challenged right back, pointing an accusatory finger at her before migrating it to Carmen, “Why is she here?” The urge to run away tugged at her, to a place where it didn't matter if people liked her.
Carmen squinted his eyes before letting out an exasperated sigh, y/n could tell he was used to Richie’s machinations. Looks like the three of them didn’t know why y/n was here.
“Just ignore him, that's Tina..” pointing at an older woman who looked like she was just about to leave. 
“..Nat” was buried in a binder but her head still shot up and smiled which y/n politely reciprocated.
“.. and Syd '', who looked pissed that y/n was here, y/n looked at her hands clasping a notebook. Recipes…a menu…y/n tucked her lips to hide her laugh, they didn’t have a menu to show and she had interrupted their brainstorming session. Y/n made a mental note that Carmen wrinkled his eyes when he lied.
“I was just in the neighborhood, and I'm just about to leave.” She walked towards the exit, not failing to notice that Carmen was in hot pursuit.
It didn’t take a genius to know he was going to offer her a ride so she beat him to it, “I’ve taken enough of your time.” 
And just as Carmen was about to say something, Y/n hid her disappointment with a  smirk, “I’ll let you get back to making that menu.” Y/n caught a quick glimpse of shock before the door swung open and she walked the Chicago streets wondering if she got what she was looking for. 
This place wasn’t for her at all, and no amount of small town romance novels could convince her to leave her cushy job with a bunch of pompous clowns for a DIY restaurant. Her heart quickened as she allowed herself to be momentarily seduced by the idea, only to shatter any hopeful illusions with the harsh reality that Carmen couldn't rescue her from her financial nightmare. She needed a paycheck, a big one, and Carmen couldn't give it to her; he could barely afford the stove he wanted. It was almost cruel to give her a taste, let her acquire it, and then realize that she couldn’t have it. 
Y/n went back to her hotel and had the difficult choice between watching Pawnshop or Diners, Drivers and Dives when she got a text message from an unknown number. 
I’m off tomorrow, let me take you somewhere other than a construction site. 
Y/n let herself have one last taste of freedom and dialed the number, “Who’s this?” she asked to tease Carmen.
She could hear Carmen’s grin loud and clear as he gave her a soft, “The worst person ever.”
Y/n laid flat on her bed and made herself forget that he didn’t have a backbone, that he ran away without a word like a coward, and (most damning to her) he couldn’t save her. She pushed the part of her that screamed that she should run away before they realized they didn’t fit because right now, she wasn’t talking to Berzatto. He was Carmen. He had dreams and aspirations that were bigger than him or maybe just as big as him. He was working hard and confident; everything else he wasn't in New York.  
As she confirmed a good time for tomorrow, she sat up on her bed as she said her goodbye.
“Have a good night, Carmen.”
Y/n had trouble falling asleep that night. 
The week had reached its end a lot quicker than y/n thought it would. Before she knew it she had repacked her life back into her suitcase and was sitting at her gate waiting for boarding to start. 
Y/n had her legs propped up on her carry-on, balancing an egregiously priced coffee in one hand and a book in the other. It’s not like the book was any good, it was an autobiography about a famous chef who had died of cancer. She recalled her outing with Carmen a few days prior.
The pans that y/n had to use in her shitty old apartment were non-stick because she couldn’t afford the non-cancer kind till after she graduated from the CIA. She remembered joking with her classmates about it while they were learning how to take apart a chicken, and everyone gasped in disgust. Y/n gave a careless grin while hiding her warming cheeks and mentally punching herself for even saying that out loud. 
Her birthday came around and all of her classmates pitched in for a set of pans, non-stick pans. She laughed with her friends, went home and invited them for dinner made entirely from the pans and watched as they ate their dishes, nodding in pretentious considerment, not knowing it was made on Teflon and wondered if this is how that guy who served his customers human meat felt. 
Y/n told the story to Carmen during their lunch at a Korean restaurant and felt a surge run through her as he met her eyes and instead of laughing at what was meant to be a humorous story and mumbled, “That was shitty.”
Y/n’s lips parted as her eyebrows furrowed in anger and, more embarrassingly, shame. 
Before she could defend herself, Carmen added, “I wouldn’t call those friends.” 
He played with the condensation on his glass, y/n knew better to look down at him playing with the wetness with his pointer and thumb. 
“That’s how it is there. How was your first week here?” Y/n sipped her soup.
“I lost my knife, found it beat up on the floor. I would have quit if I could.” Carmen gave a soft chuckle and y/n hated that she wanted to know more about him. 
“Which knife?”
“It was the Yoshimi.” 
Y/n quirked her lips up, “I remember when you first got it.” Carmen looked up quizzically.
“It was a shit show.” The head chef was not in a good mood and Carmen pulled up, with a pep in his step and a new knife, begging to be shot down. Honestly, y/n was surprised that Carmen didn’t kill anyone that day. 
Y/n’s flight had started boarding so she threw all of her stuff in her bag while fishing for her passport. In her hustle she missed her phone vibrating till she was in her seat trying to catch her breath from shoving her overloaded carry-on in the ever shrinking compartment. 
You got on yet?
Just sat down, TSA sucks ass, might have to start working out bc im winded rn.
Have a safe flight. 
Y/n finally made it home and just as she was about to pass out, she quickly texted a picture of her exhausted face with a cringy thumbs up, she would regret that in the morning. 
Y/n fell right back into her regular rhythm, with two new additions. She had started running in the morning. The other thing was a new pen pal, of sorts. 
They tried texting more regularly for the first few weeks but their schedules were too different so they had simplified it to a photo every few days. 
The Bear  
Y/n got the photo on her train ride home after months of “talking”, a picture of a decal on the restaurant window, y/n didn’t miss Carmen’s furrowed eyebrows and grimace from having to be out in the sun to take the picture. His reflection exposed his paint stained t-shirt and y/n rubbed her eyes to check that his arms had in fact gotten bigger. 
Y/n sent out the first actual text message in months, Why The Bear?
She saw the bubbles disappear and reappear a few time before settling on,
Come and find out
Y/n snickered and the women sitting next to her gave her a side eye as she got up to leave. 
I don’t want to install appliances or check the plumbing for free. 
Carmen texted back uncharacteristically fast, maybe they had shot down texting too soon. 
“Don't want to” or “don’t know how to”?
Y/n squinted her eyes, he should believe her even if she was lying. She texted a middle finger back. You should be so lucky to see my trade skills in action, I could have been your contractor and it's sexist that you think otherwise.  
I’ll settle with you coming by as a guest.
Y/n called him, it was a split second decision that she didn’t have time to regret. He picked up just as quickly as she called. 
“I’m not coming back if you guys are still building shit.” Y/n asserted as she unlocked her front door. 
“We finished that a while ago, now it's real shit this time.” There was faint rustling in the background and what y/n could decipher as yelling. 
“We're missing some stuff, repair guys to call, and we still have some vendors to deal with but doors open in a few weeks.”
Y/n giggled, “Sounds like you're cutting it close, Carmen.” There was rustling heard on the other end, “You can probably get all that shit done with time to spare if you don’t get distracted.”
A laugh erupted from the other end, Richie’s. 
“He’s plenty distracted, got himself a girlfriend.” Y/n stomach fell to her ass as she stood in her kitchen with her work bag still slung on her shoulders.
“Really?” she croaked out. Richie must have slapped Carmen on the back because she heard him slap Richie back. 
“Ignore him. Doors open on the 1st.” The line stayed quiet for a second. 
“I’ll see if I can make it, but you know it gets.” Y/n wasn’t going to make it, she was taking it out of the calendar right now.
A door closed on his end and the line was disconnected. 
Before y/n could chuck her phone at her couch and sleep off her day, it rang again. Facetime. 
Y/n picked up and was met with a new setting. Carmen noticed her slight confusion. 
“New office, what do you think?” He propped his phone up and angled his body so she would see his fully stocked bookshelf. If y/n didn’t know any better she would have assumed that he was trying to impress her. 
“Dewey Decimal?”
“Alphabetical.” He pulled out a book and showed her the self-made label on the bottom that proved that it was in fact in alphabetical order. 
Y/n let herself be a bit difficult, “Your handwriting leaves something to be desired.”
Carmen covered his smirk with his tattooed hand before locking into her eyes,”Why don’t you come over and help me out?”
Y/n almost let herself fold before recollecting herself, “Unless you plan on working part time for our HR department, I don’t see that PTO being approved.”
“Sick days?” 
“Why don’t you come back to New York. Wanna slice oranges for our tarte á l’orange? Maggie misses you.” Y/n was referring to the kitchen’s pastry chef who didn’t miss Carmen in the slightest. 
“Are you opening a restaurant?” Y/n was a bit floored that she was getting sass from a man who put his jeans in an oven and shirts in kitchen cupboards. 
“Are you? Looks like your team thinks you're distracted? If I didn’t know any better I would say you're calling me to distract yourself from calling the repair guy.” 
“He can wait… tell me what I have to do to make this happen.”
“I took a week off, and we live in a capitalist hellscape so I already used up my PTO for the year. Don’t worry, I’ll make it to the next one.”
“You think I'm good enough to franchise.” Carmen ran his hands through his hair as he laughed and y/n cheeks warmed as his shirt slightly lifted as he leaned back.  
“No, when this one fails and you have to make it another Mcdonalds.” Carmen gave her an adoring smile that made her wonder if he heard something else. 
He put his right leg on his knee and spun in his chair, thinking. 
“It’s better if I don’t come, what if your team hates me or worse they love me, force me to be their leader, and kick you to the sidelines.”
“I can be on the sidelines for you.” Y/n ignored the fluttering in her stomach. 
“I’ll see…”She offered.
Carmen let out a sigh and y/n almost felt bad but the distance was good. They didn’t work together anymore, they texted irregularly, they barely were face to face, and it was working for them. 
She was forgetting the man who froze like a battered dog when she was being shredded in the kitchen, and she could forgive him for being selfish because now he was too far away for it to affect her. Closing the gap risked her relearning why she didn’t get close to him in the first place.  
His lips parted like he was constructing the words.
“What?” Y/n was just about ready to hang up and get ready for bed. 
“I just…I don’t know. I thought that I could…you would see something different.”
“It’s a restaurant, I've seen plenty of those.” 
“It’s different, I swear. I worked hard on shit and it's new and different. It's …better.” A chef analogizing his restaurant to represent himself was so unoriginal y/n would have laughed in their faces if it wasn’t Carmen.
“I’ll save you a table.” He offered.
“Looks like you’ve got a lot of tables to save.” Carmen quirked up his eyebrows.
“Your sister s, Sydney’s dad, Richie’s friends, me. Are there going to be any tables left for customers?”
“I need them all there, y/n.” He didn’t need to say her name but it still reverberated inside of her sending a shiver down her spine. In response, y/n felt a warm wave of relief wash over her, knowing that she couldn’t quite explain why that felt good to hear.
“I'm nobody.” Y/n squinted her eyebrows in doubt. 
There's a hint of desperation in his voice, as if he's been searching for something that y/n couldn’t figure out, “You saw me in New York and here so you're the only person who can compare the two. I don’t have anyone like that left.” Carmen rounded his eyes in closeted adoration and y/n’s throat closed up.
“I’ll see what I can do but no promises. I have to go… don’t forget to call the fridge guy.”
Y/n was a strong independent woman who built her own furniture, threw out her own trash, and even back out by putting an arm around the passage seat headrest so when she got an email the next day with tickets to Chicago, her head began to swim.
Her phone buzzed, Meet me halfway.
Y/n left him on read and gave herself the freedom that Carmen had unknowingly denied her. 
Birthdays were never y/n’s favorite holiday, she didn’t bother taking the day off and she stopped telling people since her CIA days, so she felt a little disgusted when grown adults would make a whole situation about this day. Celebrating birthdays in a restaurant was annoying for the kitchen but celebrating management’s family birthdays made y/n nearly quit every year. 
It came around like clock work, just as she forgot about it, her boss's friend's (or whoever) birthday would roll around and she had to remind herself that the only reason she still had a job here was because she didn’t break down in hysterics and the only reason she stayed was because the bill wouldn’t stop just because she disliked her job. 
It had already been a month since she and Carmen last spoke, they went back to curt messages. Y/n couldn’t help herself from texting back even though she knew better. The last message was a picture of Carmen in front of a finished kitchen, he puckered his lips to hide the full grin and seeing such joy, even if it was from a photo, was infecting every corner of her mind. 
The week was just as difficult as it always was, and the last thing y/n wanted to do was a large dinner like this but it was like the universe wanted to beat her numb. 
Y/n forgot to mention that the HVAC system had gone down for the afternoon and it was still over 100 degrees in the kitchen. As she chopped some chives, she ignored the expo coughing, and she walked over her collapsed body when expo inevitably passed out, to grab some more butter from the walk-in.
Y/n stole a glance from the corner of her eyes, they had no expo and a full house. Y/n puckered her lips in hidden contentment when the head chef practically roared and the unconscious women to get up and y/n swallowed a laugh when he had enough and started to manage the expo. 
Y/n’s eyes darted to her left and finally felt that Carmen wasn’t working there. He had long been replaced, twice over, and y/n went back to her foie gras terrines trying to figure out why it even mattered now. 
As orders were being barked and a rehearsed chorus of, “Chef” played back, y/n stalled her knife noticing that the pitch was off. It was missing the bass of a chef that had left just about everything to run away and was trying to convince her to do the same.
For the first time in years, y/n flinched. It wasn’t noticeable barring the fact that her little jump made her slice her finger. Her breath picked up as the blood pooled over the chives, she grabbed her cutting board and dumped the herbs in the trash and grabbed another board. She pressed the kitchen towel deeper into her finger, trying to remember where the first aid kit was from her orientation week. 
Just as y/n was about to run to the stove to cauterize the wound herself so she could keep working, someone grabbed her arm and handed her a bandaid. She looked up to give them a silent thank you but they were gone. She hastily wrapped herself up and tried to lean inconspicuously on the counter because heat was getting to her too. 
A few minutes later when by and y/n had fallen back to her usual rhythm even as a waiter walked in, she had learned to ignore waitstaff when they entered the kitchen because they never brought good news. Y/n could feel a piercing glare on her back.
“You sent out a Coq au Vin, chef?” Y/n didn’t have to look up to know he was talking to her but she still met his searing glare.
“15 minutes ago, chef.” Y/n resisted wiping the bead of sweat that was torturously grazing down her face.
He stared her down like he was waiting for her to admit that she had actually eaten it, she kept her nose high and bit her tongue to stifle the grimace that was forming. 
“It's missing.” An ugly pause passed throughout the kitchen, she had almost convinced herself that she hadn’t actually finished it but the shift in his gaze brought her back to reality, he remembered her bringing it to him. 
In the smelting kitchen, in her cramped corner, with her chef whites sticking to her, she almost let this pathetic man think he knew more than her.
The command echoed out of her before she could contain herself, “Refiring the coq au vin.”
A familiar chorus of, “Chef” was missing its usual thoughtlessness, y/n wasn’t supposed to do anything till the head chef told her, she had given herself a command, it was sacrilege. 
Y/n was never a target, she watched as others were shot down time and time again, and moved on when she saw them break down crying in the middle of a dinner rush. The most she could give them was aloofness but as she stood in her corner, drowning in orders, and having every single one sent back from expo to redo, or having to wait longer for plates then everyone else and getting reamed for her dishes coming in late, she felt the weight of the kitchen’s gaze on her shoulders and wished someone one was there for her.
She kept her face composed as she finished up the last of her orders, her vision swaying from dehydration. Just as she was about to give into the weightlessness, the clock struck midnight and the kitchen was officially closed. 
She did her best to walk to her locker, and sat on a chair with her head in her hands wondering how she was getting out the door, let alone go home. Her phone buzzed in her lap and knew that it was Carmen. His restaurant was opening tomorrow and she didn’t want to hear about it right now. 
 The rest of the chefs filed out, each giving her a glance that told her that she had finally been properly assimilated, just five years too late. 
Carmen was giving her a taste of freedom in Chicago and that fleeting freedom was too seductive to ignore. The job offer echoed in y/n head, she wasn’t a good fit with them, she didn’t want a “work family”, but the temptation was poisoning her. 
She opened the text, it was a simple picture of Carmen in his chef whites, he was practicing the “look” the day before the restaurant opened. He had even slicked his hair back with pomade like he used to in New York, and for the first time in months she laughed.
The sips of warm gatorade had sobered her up enough to walk out, just barely missing the head chef on her way out the door. She performed a blasphemous act in the back of the uber, she opened the email that Carmen had sent a month ago and checked the tickets date and time. Tomorrow morning, and like the universe was giving back after being shitty today, the French Laundry was closed for the next few days.
Y/n got home, ate two day old Thai food, sat on her couch astounded by her sheer audacity as she checked in for her flight. She was sure that Carmen would have gotten the confirmation email by now but he did her the service of not mentioning it.
Y/n packed a carry-on early in the morning and got to the airport, each checkpoint moving much faster than usual. The TSA didn’t make her take off her shoes, her gate was super close, and they had upgraded her to first class because a couple wanted to sit together. All the stars were pointing to Chicago…to Carmen and she tried not to think about how she was running away from her problems just like he did. 
As she reached her hotel room, she hesitated to text Carmen. Nothing felt right to say, so she gave him the best thing right now, some space. She busied herself with getting ready and watching the shopping network.
As y/n approached the restaurant, she was a bit taken aback that the line was still so long. She stood next to an elderly couple who were talking about mortgage rates going down which meant that another housing bubble was bound to burst and the economy would be in shambles. Y/n tried not to think about how she couldn’t afford to lose her job right now because she had nowhere else to go.
No special treatment tonight, Carmen wouldn’t know when she got here so he could focus on his own work. She entered the restaurant and was relieved that the host and the waitstaff were new. She was led to her table and hesitated to pick up the menu. This was a long time coming and opening it felt so empty. It was like when she submitted her last assignment for highschool, alone on a Thursday night wondering why something so big wasn’t registering. 
As she digested the menu, she let her fingers trace over the faux leather and the brown stitching. She wanted to know why he chose brown stitching, or why he stuck with Seven Fishes despite the fact that he must have made it a million times in the French Laundry? Why did he choose certain wines, or why was there a donut on the menu? 
It's not like she hated the menu but a horrible thought dawned on her that all she wanted right now was for Carmen to sit across from her and talk about everything that she had missed. Every detail of this restaurant that reflected a better him, and how she had so much more to learn.
Her phone burned on her lap but she didn’t text him. Instead, she watched the people murmur about work and the food and y/n couldn’t help but hate herself for her self imposed loneliness. 
Y/n did herself a disservice by coming towards the end of the shift so the crowd was thinning and her cover was close to being blown. Her dish arrived and she didn’t need to walk into the kitchen to know that Carmen made this, after years of taste testing his food, his flavor was ingrained in her DNA. Y/n finished her bucatini and felt compelled to order another despite being stuffed, just to swirl the flavor around her tongue for a bit longer. She ordered the aforementioned donut, paid and left. 
She stood in the crisp Chicago air, a few steps from the restaurant, grappling with the audacity that led Carmen to abruptly leave the French Laundry. Immaturely, she couldn't help but wonder why he got to leave and she couldn’t. She knew why, but she let herself fester in the pain, it kept her alive. 
She was used to being alone but for the first time in her life she yearned for someone to be there for her. She had isolated herself to such an extent that she knew that right now no one knew where she was or what she was doing, even Carmen couldn’t be sure that she actually went on the flight.
She could hear the last of the customers file out and the bussers clearing tables. She felt her phone vibrate and took a few breaths before she picked it up.
How was the bucatini?
Y/n lips waivered and a pit dug itself in her chest as she tried to compose herself, but she felt her eyes watering. This wasn’t fair, he wasn’t playing fair. 
She hid her face in her hands, and tried to regain some of her dignity.
 She stood there for what felt like a few seconds and felt someone stand next to her followed by the familiar sound of a lighter. 
Y/n bit her lips shut and stared ahead, knowing that she was stronger than this.
“I didn’t take you for the donut type.” Carmen said in between puffs, he had changed into more casual clothes.
Y/n inhaled deeply through her nose and put her arms down, the night has hidden any trace of her vulnerability. “I wanted to try something different.” Y/n tried to put more power behind her voice but it came out too soft for her liking.
Carmen studied her profile and y/n knew better than to turn away, so she faced him. Her moist eyes turned his eyes into a kaleidoscope of silvers, blues and gold. 
“How did you know I was in the restaurant?” Y/n was relieved that she was able to get it all out before her voice cracked.
A silence passed through them and y/n wished they were doing this somewhere more private. 
He gave her a look, I know you.
The air hung heavy with tension as Y/n responded to Carmen's humored dismissive look. "You don't know shit,", a sardonic smile playing on her lips. She nonchalantly extended her hands toward Carmen's cigarette, a move that seemed almost too casual for the charged atmosphere. She was reaching out for the small remnants of warmth that she knew she would lose in a few hours, because right now and right here, he was there for her.
Their fingers brushed in the exchange, a subtle yet palpable connection that lingered in the air. It was a moment that could have easily been avoided, but neither of them seemed willing to retreat. 
As the smoke curled around Y/n, she maintained a facade of cool composure, seemingly unfazed by the intimacy of the shared smoke. It was as if the brief touch and the exchange of breath and saliva meant nothing more to her than the inhale and exhale of the smoke itself. The proding sense of sadness thumping in the back of her head telling her that this couldn’t last, they couldn’t last. 
“I liked the food.” Y/n returned the cigarette. “It's different…better.”
Carmen looked at her like he had a million questions that he wanted to ask and y/n wondered if she was giving him the same look. 
She leaned back, “Don’t you have an alley or something? Smoking out front is so highschool.”
“Syd threw up in the alley.” 
Y/n raised an eyebrow and wondered if this is how far they would go, she would have savored him for a moment longer if she knew it was going to end so soon.
Carmen stood straight and tilted his head so she would follow him. 
“They cleaned up fast.” Y/n marveled at the vacant restaurant, the lights were dimmed and Carmen led her to the office. 
“I think they wanted to get out of here before the last train left.” Carmen held the door open for her and the familiar heat of his hand hovering over the small of her back was a welcomed surprise.
Despite the practicality of the situation, the impending departure and the need for a clean, cold goodbye, there was a lingering question of whether she could maintain that distance. Carmen's proximity, the heat of his touch, and the shared space was going to make it challenging to stick with a clinical farewell.
The door clicked shut and y/n let out a breath she didn’t know she was holding. 
“Do your worst. I can take it, y/n.” Carmen sighed, y/n’s stomach fluttered and she dug her nails into her palms to compose herself. 
“Service was good, the waiter filled up my cup when it was halfway. The silverware was clean and rolled tight. Points off because my fork was from a different manufacturer from the rest of the dinnerware.” Y/n saw Carmen clench up for a second before nodding in concentration. It felt as if each syllable was being burned into his memory and the intensity of his gaze was making her sweat.
She gave herself the satisfaction of sitting because her feet were killing her and Carmen sat on the floor, leaning against the wall. 
“The saltiness of the guanciale harmonizes with the richness of the eggs and the sharpness of the Pecorino Romano. The dish was velvety but delicate. The guanciale provides a necessary contrast in texture. Simple but precise. I think…I know that it was the best thing I’ve had in a while, chef.” 
Yn was met with a humming silence. 
“We can do this tomorrow, I know you had a long day.” Y/n offered.
“No…” He shook his head and his eyes were distant before landing on her’s, the severity behind them had made her sit back, “I want to hear what you have to say.”
She extended her legs towards Carmen, “You see these, chef?” Carmen hesitated to look forward like he was in the middle century and ankles were scandalous before gazing at her soft legs.
“They hurt like a motherfucker.” She flexed the back of her heel to show the blisters that had formed. “I gotta take care of this back in the hotel.” 
Carmen slowly shifted his gaze from her legs to her face before wordlessly getting up and walking out. Y/n rubbed her temple and allowed herself to be selfish once more by downing Carmen’s abandoned sugar free Redbull left on the desk.
As she collected her stuff to get back to the hotel, Carmen returned with ice and first aid. 
He placed everything on the floor so slowly that y/n could only assume that he was stalling. 
Carmen looked up at her with his bright, almost silver, eyes and his eyes asked, Can I help you? Can I be there for you like you were here for me today?
It was like time had stopped as y/n struggled to bring oxygen to her lungs. She mindlessly nodded yes and the first touch made her heart thump against her chest. His hands were scorching against her skin and every lingering touch imprinted its memory on to her. As he iced the swelling and followed it by placing his warm hand to ease the shock in temperature, it became hard for y/n to focus.
Carmen did her the courtesy of abandoning the ice pack. She took a hollow and staggered breath, “Ask me anything.” 
Carmen looked up from her, she hadn’t noticed that he had removed her heels, and asked her about every minor detail about her experience. He wasn’t aware that he was softly rubbing his thumb across her ankle, and y/n couldn't seem to move on from it. 
When y/n finished her summary, Carmen’s fingers seized dancing across her skin and she regretted not talking for longer. 
He didn’t let his hand leave her even as he asked, “How is work?”
Y/n grunted out in dismay and she leaned back and would have fallen backwards if Carmen hadn’t grabbed the seat between her legs. They both stared at his hand before Carmen quickly pulled back, y/n mumbled a quick thanks. 
“It’s great.” Y/n sarcastically pushed. 
Carmen quirked up his eyebrows in a sarcastic manner and y/n ignored him. 
“It was Henry’s birthday.” Carmen hummed in understanding, birthdays were always a mess.
“You wouldn’t guess who was doing the expo yesterday.” 
“I have an idea.” Y/n couldn’t deny that his smirk sent her spinning. He understood the fiber of that world so well even though he was hundreds of miles away, and she was barely hanging on to a tread. 
Carmen continued, “Feel bad for the poor bastard who was his punching bag for the night.”
Y/n swallowed the burning lump in the back of her throat and kept her gaze relaxed and gave him a soft, “Yeah.”
The silence was making y/n uncomfortable so she mustered her remaining energy to give him a relaxed smile. 
Carmen’s face didn’t give anything away, “How bad was he?”
“I'm here, aren’t I?” Y/n chuckled humorlessly. 
“I know you're strong but I was being serious, y'know…about the job.” Carmen asserted.
Y/n softened her eyes, he was making this so much harder for her. “Noted, chef. Why Chicago?” Y/n diverted.
“Inherited the restaurant from my brother and I had to deal with it. He killed himself.”
“I shouldn’t have brought it up-”
“It’s fine, I was going to have to tell you anyway.” Y/n didn’t have to know anything, she was no one and she didn’t deserve his trust. “It was a sandwich place before we renovated it.”
Y/n laughed in disbelief, “You made sandwiches? They sell truffles in Chicago?”
Carmen smirked as he went back to mindlessly rubbing her ankle again. “Regular sandwiches.”
Y/n widened her eyes and couldn’t hold her laughter in, “Pictures or it didn’t happen.” 
Carmen fished out his phone and showed her pictures of a messier restaurant.
“I get why you had to gut the place.”
“It's not that bad.” He asked humorously. 
“What you have right now is more your style, I like this version better.” Y/n heart skipped a beat when his hand shifted a bit higher up her leg. 
“I love the look though,” Y/n squinted at a picture of Carmen standing behind a counter at what looked like a bachelor party. 
“What look?”
“You know, the rugged, tired look.” Carmen rolled his eyes. “No seriously, I didn’t even know you had so much ink.” Y/n zoomed in on a tattoo of some numbers on his biceps. 
“I'll show you all of them later.” Y/n let out a laugh as she handed back the phone. She wondered if she was hiding her nerves well. 
"You spend all your time at work, when do you find the time to sit in a tattoo shop?"
"Prioritizing important shit, I guess."
"If you can prioritize getting tattoos and running a restaurant, when do you have time for your girlfriend?" Subtle, passive, non-probing was what y/n was going for. She forced herself to watch his reaction.
Carmen gave a puzzled look, his scrunched up eyebrows and distant look was accompanied with a quiet, "Don't have one."
Y/n gave a casual "Hmm…you sure? Seems like you got time to kill, always so relaxed." Carmen curled his lips up and bit his lips to stifle his smile. His lips turned pale pink before returning to rose red and y/n wanted to reach down and run her pointer finger along his lips to feel his heat.
"When I have the time. The restaurant is new and I need-"
"I thought you said you knew how to prioritize?" Y/n leaned back and rested her cheek on her fist. 
"Maybe if she's really special."
"And not distracting." Y/n added.
"Then I can prioritize." Carmen adjusted his posture before asking y/n.
"What about you?"
"I am a realistic romantic, so love is real but just not for me. I don't have it in me to text everyday or go to family dinners. But who knows, Mr. Right might make me less shitty and more sunshine and rainbows. "
"Your personality is fine right now." Carmen offered. 
Y/n jokingly scoffed before adding, "Then maybe I just need someone to distract from my own problems."
They sat in comfortable silence, but y/n’s eyes widened as she checked the clock, “It’s late.”
“It’s only one.” Y/n gave him a look of disapproval before nudging her foot against his stomach, where it had been resting for the past hour. 
“Go home, Carmen.” Carmen wordlessly picked up her heels and slipped them back on to her feet. He stood up and offered his hand. 
They walked out the restaurant and y/n pulled out her phone to call a taxi.
“I can drive you.”
Y/n looked over her shoulder at Carmen checking the locks. 
“If you drive me, you won't be getting any sleep.” A pause passed through them.
“I didn’t mean it like that.” Y/n rushed out. 
Carmen cleared his throat, preserved her dignity by not saying anything else and led her to the car. 
“You know these things will kill you.” Y/n lifted a Red Bull from the cup holder and cracked it open and took a few healthy sips. 
Carmen wordlessly slipped the can out of her hands at a red light, “I need it more than you.” He looked down at the lipstick mark and took a few savored sips. At the next light, y/n could see the remnants of red lipstick on his bottom lip. 
They reached y/n’s hotel too fast for each other's liking. Y/n swiveled her head, Carmen was already looking at her. She was fighting heavy lids a few minutes ago but now she was sprung with energy. 
Y/n looked up in feinted innocence before casually offering, “You want to come up for some tea?” The kettle in her room didn’t work, she checked this morning.
Carmen blinked a few times, wondering if he heard her right, before slowly nodding his head like he wasn’t sure it was a joke. 
She unlocked her room door for the both of them and Carmen shut it behind him. With a cautious gesture, y/n extended her hand, placing it close to Carmen's body. The darkness clung to Carmen's form as y/n's fingers grazed his side, a brief but intimate contact that went unnoticed in the dimly lit corridor, to check if the door was locked.
Carmen walked over to the office chair in the corner. Y/n room was so cramped that she was still within arms distance of him as she sat on the foot of her bed. 
“The Bear?” Y/n’s inquisitive gaze and playful smile made Carmen’s heart stutter as he nearly forgot what The Bear was, or what his name was. 
He cleared his throat, “Berzatto…Bear. It was a nick-name my brother gave me.” 
Y/n leaned in a bit closer as she scoffed, “Even the name is good. I kinda hate you a bit more.” She bit her bottom lip to stifle the laugh but was pleasantly surprised that he was bouncing from her eyes to her lips.
He parted his lips to formulate a coherent sentence but y/n extended her heels to the legs of Carmen’s chair and pulled him closer. The look of his thoughts scrambling right in front of her was making it difficult for her to be restrained and poised. “Sorry, I couldn’t hear you.”
His grip on the arms of the chair was telling her that she was headed in the right direction. She kept her hold on Carmen’s chair, as she softly assured, “I have to go back soon, so I’m trying to soak it all in right now.”
“You're leaving?” Carmen mumbled, sharing his attention between her eyes, lips, and her leg. He let his legs relax, which made them meet with y/n’s legs. 
“I hate Chicago.” Y/n leaned back. “And I don’t really belong here. My whole life is in New York, and I don’t want to change everything just for-.” 
“Come work for me-” 
A swift pang of anger rippled through her, he didn’t need her. “You’ve got your plate full, you don't need a distraction.”
“But you do.” Carmen placed a warm hand on her thigh and the heat made her breath heavy, y/n knew where this was going but she wanted it to last as long as it could because she knew that once the sun rose, they were done. 
“It’s going to be messy.” 
“It won't be.”
The room held its breath as they teetered on the edge of something undefined. The impending dawn loomed, casting a shadow on the delicate illusion they had woven. “I don’t want something serious.” Y/n argued. 
“And I dont have the time for something serious.” As Carmen leaned forward, pushing his hands high up her thigh. 
As y/n searched for any other reason no to do this, Carmen’s cerulean eye’s hazed with lust seemed to have the opposite effect. Any reservations, logic, or inhibitions that could have prompted her to stop were forcefully pushed away amidst the intoxicating allure of Carmen.
Y/n didn’t know who leaned in first but it didn’t take much time for both of them to topple in the bed. In between huffs and shirts flying off each other Carmen whispered into her lips, “Just pretend it’s real tonight.”
Y/n reeled her head back a second, but Carmen's intense gaze and his trailing hand convinced her otherwise. She leaned back in, hooking her legs around his waist pulling him closer.
Carmen stalled his kisses down the column of her throat, “I thought you wouldn’t come.” 
“I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else.” Y/n twisted her hips and in a flash she was straddling him.
She sensed the subtle shiver that ran through him, his unsteady hands finding a resting place on her hips, torn between the desire to reciprocate from below and allowing her to continue her torture. Taking charge, she decided for both of them, lowering herself down to grind against his jeans.
Carmen’s mind went blank and the last thing he saw before he lost all sense of restraint and reason, was y/n’s eyes sparkling. 
You can read more of my stuff here
End Notes:
I love reading your comments, and that's what motivated me to finish, so share your thoughts bc I want to hear them.
I currently have like 10 half baked drafts and they all suck so this was the sole survivor. This one is kinda self indulgent because I hate my job so much but sometimes no matter how much something makes you miserable, there isn’t a way out, so you have to find something to distract yourself from the dull pain. 
I tried to keep it as realistically healthy as a relationship with Carmen can be because that man just needs some space to grow. Honestly, I'm not sure if they'll ever meet again, or maybe they might meet up more now. Im really not sure.
688 notes · View notes
snippychicke · 6 months
Poppy Seeds -- Part One
As you may have guessed, I fell into a new hyper fixation. Poppy's Playtime of all things. >.<
Inspired by TooManyPsuedonyms work, which in turn was inspired by @semisolidmind fanart/cabin!Au for Playtime Poppy.
I know right now we have no idea who or what Ollie is, but I decided to go with the assumption he is just a kid and not the Prototype as some theorists are assuming. This will likely be debunked in chapter four, but I'm running with it until then.
Dogday/Player!reader (attempting keeping it gender neutral)
Warnings: will touch on the after effects of trauma, but nothing is super explicit. Maybe some unhealthy coping skills (Dogday holding Reader on a pedestal) But otherwise we're giving everyone a happy ending. (Everything is wonderful and nothing hurts)
One: Home
Your hands gripped the steering wheel tight as your old truck climbed up the steep incline. It hadn't liked the rough road on a good day, let alone with Kissy and Dogday in the back trying to drag it down. Now it whined and complained, the wheels occasionally skidding on the gravel. Ollie clutched to Poppy tightly next to you, his sunken eyes wide with fear. Poppy, to her credit, looked confident that everything would be okay.
By the time you reached the cabin nestled high above the valley, it was close to midnight. It was a sizable two story home, complete with a barn, garage, and even a chicken coop. Thick forest surrounded the homestead, assuring complete privacy. A year ago your grandparents had moved into an assisted living community in town, leaving the whole place to you. The rest of the family had not been happy but in your defense you would come out every school break growing up to help them out.
And then, after you left Playtime Co, you had moved in under the guise of getting your life sorted out. Your grandparents never asked why it was taking you a decade to figure it out. Which you were glad, because you didn't know how you would have answered them.
Ollie’s fear eased into wonder as he looked at the flock of sheep you had in the pens up front. You were just thankful they were still there, looking rather healthy despite the fact you had been unexpectedly gone for a week or so.
When you had received the letter and VHS about the old Playtime Co you had interned 10 years ago while in college, you thought you would be gone for a few days at most considering it was a few hours away. You prepped your home as best as you could for being gone that long-- giving extra water and feed to the animals, setting the sprinklers for your garden on a timer-- but had little hopes of your own survival let alone that of your animals after being dragged deep into hell.
You didn’t bother with the detached garage, but pulled up right next to the porch. You were exhausted, and you could only imagine everyone else was as well. The truck seemed all too happy to shut off with a rough sound. You looked over at Ollie, who was still looking at everything in wonder, though Poppy was carefully extracting herself from his grip. “You okay there kiddo?”
He looked back at you, “This is where you live?” he asked instead, voice full of awe. “It looks like it's from a fairytale book!”
It really wasn't, it's a typical farm for this part of the country. Hardly one of the fanciest or beautiful, just simple and sturdy.
“Let's get inside and get settled for the night,” you offer instead of remarking. “I should have the stuff for some sandwiches at least.”
“Sand…witches?” Ollie repeated, sounding confused.
“Meat and bread,” Poppy answered, unbuckling the boy. “Sometimes with ketchup, mustard, mayo, cheese.”
“So, food? I like food!”
Your heart ached. You knew the boy had been raised in the factory, hidden away and protected from the Prototype or hungry ‘toys’. The fact he had was a miracle enough--especially considering how small and thin he was. He had to be ten at the youngest, but barely looked as if he was half that age.
The passenger door opened, which considering how much trouble Kissy had with her hands, was surprising. Yet the pink creature reached in and pulled both Ollie and Poppy out of the truck.
Dogday waited for you as you exited the truck, your legs shaky from the long ride. However, his attention wasn't on you but the dark sky above. It was a new moon, meaning the Milky Way arched overhead with dozens of stars. A glance over to Kissy and the others showed they too were amazed by the stars--you could hear Poppy trying to explain all of it to Ollie quietly.
“It's beautiful, isn't it?” You said as you stepped closer to Dogday.
“Yeah,” he whispered. “I-I’ve never seen the night sky like this.”
“Well, now you can see it every night,” you said, shouldering his arm lightly. “Best place for meteor showers too.”
Dogday tore his gaze away and looked down at you. “Are you sure we can stay here, angel?”
“Of course. As long as you want, even if it's forever.” Granted, you didn't know where else they would go, especially Dogday and Kissy. But you didn't want to assume anything either, or make them feel trapped.
His hand found yours, so giant compared to yours but soft and warm. “Forever it is then.”
You felt your cheeks warm against the chilly night air as you laughed self-consciously. “Right, you might wanna sleep on that kind of decision, ‘Day.”
Two: Sleep
You woke slowly, feeling warm and cozy. Something soft was surrounding you, with the faintest hint of vanilla. At first you thought maybe you were wrapped up in a thick blanket, but when you opened your eyes to matted brown fur you realized it was Dogday instead, his arms wrapped around you and holding you close as if you were the toy. You could feel him breathe softly, each inhale and exhale caressing your skin softly.
(You didn't want to think about the amalgamation of organic and inorganic parts inside of him. You saw enough when you helped attach his legs to leave you with nightmares.)
For once, Dogday looked relaxed. Dark eyes closed and his smile softened. You couldn’t resist running your fingers along his face. He had been one of the few you had instantly trusted in that hell. One of the few that never even seemed to think about harming you.
Poppy had used you for her own means, not giving you a real choice ever since you released her. Kissy Missy had always been kind but you had soon realized that her partnership with Poppy may have played a part in it. And of course there was Ollie, though it took a while for you to trust the faceless voice on the phone, especially after you learned that the Prototype could mimic voices and Ollie had a very… peculiar way of phrasing things.
Yet Dogday… he had raised his head, and saw you as someone special as soon as his gaze met yours. Begged you to leave him behind and to run when the miniature Critters started to swarm. Actively fought to defend and protect you despite missing the lower half of his body at first.
And ever since, had refused to leave your side. While everyone else did their part, he determinedly stuck with you. Even last night after everyone finished eating and all anyone could think about was sleep. Kissy happily cuddled Poppy and Ollie in her arms as she climbed up the stairs to claim a bedroom. You expected Dogday to follow suit…
“Hey, uh, angel?” Dogday said softly, sounding rather shy. He had stuck around to help you clean up, though all that consisted of was a few plates, cups, and butter knives. Though the number of sandwiches consumed had emptied out all the bread, lunchmeat, cheese, as well as peanut butter and jelly in your pantry.
“Yeah?” You were getting used to the nickname, though you still felt as if it was undeserved the way he said it. As if you truly were an angel from heaven, sent to save.
“... Could I sleep with you?”
His question surprised you, and you almost dropped the cup you had been washing. Thankfully he quickly grabbed it before it could fall very far. “Sleep…with me?”
Granted those last two… days? You weren't sure, but you and him had found safe spots to watch out for each other while the other slept. It was the only time during the whole ‘adventure’ you managed to sleep. Wrapped up in his arms, feeling him breathe, listening to his heartbeat. It reminded you weren't alone anymore.
“I… don't want to be alone,” he continued, drying off the cup and placing it on the shelf. “Even if I know you and the others are nearby, I…”
Your surprise shifted into sympathy and understanding. Kissy, Poppy, and Ollie were together… and now that you thought about it, being alone right now did not fill you with any sort of ease.
“Yeah. I mean, if you don't mind cuddling close. My bed is barely big enough for two normal-sized people, let alone one me and one… well, Dogday.”
His smile widened. “With you? Never.”
Dogday shifted in his sleep, turning his head to nuzzle into your hand before his eyes slowly opened. His smile widened slightly, and you heard more than saw his tail thump against the bed which in turn made you smile wider as well. “Morning,” you greeted softly.
“Good morning, angel,” he said just as softly. “Did you sleep well?”
“Best sleep in a long time,” you admitted with a slight laugh. Trying to sleep in the factory had been a scary experience. Finding small places to hide long enough to close your eyes. Waking and jumping at every little sound. Plagued by endless nightmares.
And you had been there for just a few days, a week at most.
“What about you?” you asked. Him and the others had lived in that hell for a decade. You didn't startle awake from him lashing out at nightmares. Which you had seen him do a few times before at the factory. You had held him in your laps as best you could, reassuring him he was okay as he broke down.
He leaned closer, nuzzling your cheek slightly. “Next to you, how could I not?”
You laughed between his flirty words and his fur tickling your skin. “You're such a flirt!”
Three: Morning After
“It's so bright outside!” Ollie gasped as he looked out the window while you worked on breakfast. Thankfully none of the eggs had spoiled, nor had any milk, meaning you were whipping up a full course of scrambled eggs and pancakes-- as well as cooking the few boxes of frozen sausages you had found in the freezer.
Dogday was currently watching them like a hawk, occasionally licking his lips as he moved them around in the skillet.
“Actually. That's cloudy. See how the sky is gray. Not blue?” Poppy pointed out, also gazing out the window. “On sunny days, it's a bright vibrant blue, and even brighter.”
“Really?” The boy looked up to you to confirm the doll's words, and you nodded your head. To think he had never seen the sky before. To be unable to tell a sunny day from a cloudy one.
“It actually looks like it could rain,” you pointed out. “Maybe we should hold off on a bath until after you have fun in the mud.”
His brow furrowed in confusion. “I thought if you get caught in the rain, you'll get sick?”
“Psh, no. At least, not as long as you can dry off and warm up afterwards. It'll also give me time to look through stuff down in the basement. I think there should be some old hand me downs that should fit you.”
“A good bath can do wonders.” Poppy hopped down from the windowsill and into Kissy's hand before the giant monster also gently corralled Ollie to the table where the food was waiting. “It's been such a long time.”
“Er, excuse me for being intrusive…” you set down a towering plate of pancakes before sitting yourself. “But can you guys get wet?”
“We may not be flesh and bone anymore, but we can still enjoy a good shower,” Dogday answered as he set the plate of sausage links in front of you. “Or even a swim.”
“Why is the water white?” Ollie interrupted, looking oddly at the glass of milk Kissy poured in front of him. “I've never seen it that color before.”
“It’s milk,” Poppy answered. “You used to love it when you were a baby and we had access to some.”
Ollie sniffed suspiciously before taking a drink… and then nearly gulping the entire glass in one go. You took the opportunity of everyone chuckling at the boy to split the sausage between the others. Kissy noticed first and clapped excitedly, her mit-like hands muffling the sound.
“Angel,” Dogday sighed, though you weren't sure he was touched or exasperated. Or maybe both.
“Shh, I saw the way you were eyeing them. I can always buy more when I go to town.”
He was silent for a while before taking a bite of the sausage, savoring it unlike Kissy who had all but inhaled hers. Ollie was following Kissy’s example with the banquet of food, while Poppy was benign as dainty as could be, cutting everything into tiny bites, even for her smaller size.
You couldn’t help but savor your own food, feeling rather happy and optimistic about the future.
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velvetures · 1 year
Vulnerable pt.1?
A/N: A not-so-little thing I've had for a few weeks, and wanted to see if a part two was something anyone would be interested in reading. If so, please let me know. Summary: You try and get Ghost to relax after a harsh mission and find a bit of a quiet moment. T/W: not proofread :)
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Bad intel led to you and your Lieutenant being nearly hunted down and killed by a not-so-small group of arms dealers who caught on quickly to the pair of foreigners lingering just a little bit too close to their sheltered storage garage right in the middle of a market district in the South East. The task force assumed sending in an entire squad would be overkill just for some simple recon information and decided that you and Ghost would be the perfect pair for the job. ‘In and Out…’ Price had said quite offhandedly, sliding the prepared information in two files across the table to you. Only Price’s sources hadn’t double-checked if the area was secure enough for them to enter without full backup on standby. Not necessarily a lethal kind of mistake when bringing you and the Lieutenant into the equation, but there were too many close calls and stray bullets that were clearly heard for either of you to feel super confident in getting away unscathed.
Your only savior was a small farmhouse that had been recently abandoned due to the illegal and dangerous activity that had been surrounding the small city. Modest in size with two bedrooms and running water. Perfect for a makeshift safe house to keep the trackers off your asses until an extraction could be arranged and put into motion. Contrary to belief, the 141 didn’t have the bottomless pit of resources everyone believed they had at their disposal. Which included access to evac and trained air-support teams. This wasn’t a big mission that had a lot of working parts and multiple organizations involved that had enough liquidated funds to through out for a helo and heavy gunners to rescue two operators from the middle of who-the-fuck-knows-where.
That means with busted equipment, inoperable comms, hardly enough ammunition to fight out of a wet paper bag, and zero way of knowing when and if you’d be rescued, there was nothing left to do but try and relax in one of the most difficult predicaments. It left you searching through cabinets for maybe some kind of food to keep the both of you while Ghost did one of his favorite things. Pacing the house from window to window looking for the slightest bit of movement. The trouble being, there wasn’t anything for at least two miles in any direction. The people who owned this place were farmers of some sort, and had placed their home right in the middle of crop fields that gave a very advantageous sightline. While that information gave you quite a bit of comfort, it was not effecting Ghost positively in the slightest.
Your relationship with the Lieutenant was complex, to say the least. When you were first introduced it was for a succession of short co-op missions that were nothing if not brief and very impersonal leaving you with more questions than answers about the man who stayed hidden under the mask. Through some talks that you hadn’t been privy to being in the room for, John Price decided that your skills would be more useful to Task Force 141 than for the U.S. Division of Clandestine Service and offered you a position that you couldn’t possibly decline.
By day-in and day-out contact with Ghost, you got a lot more comfortable with him and learned much of his little idiosyncratic behaviors. Maybe a little too well…. He didn’t particularly act much differently towards you in the grand scheme of things, but something in you felt like trust had been developed to where he could depend on you when the situation called for it.
“Go hit the rack, I’ll take first watch.” He called gruffly from the living room where he had moved a chair from the kitchen to sit facing the front door head on with his MP5 resting lazily on his chest.
You couldn’t help but notice just how damn tired he looked under all that gear and through the black smeared around his eyes. He couldn’t be carrying less than one hundred pounds on him right now; even sitting in that chair with it wasn’t a good enough solution. Let you take a moment or two for yourself, stripping out of your tac vest and heavily weighted gear to drop it on top of the kitchen counter with a little grunt. Two days ago you both got the luxury of sleeping, and since then it’s been nothing but being on the run.
This would be the safest place for you that wasn’t in the belly of an evac bird, and the thought of Ghost not taking the time to sleep sat in your mind like a lead sinker. Leaning against the doorway and watching him for a long moment, you start having thoughts. Dangerous thoughts. Ones that normally wouldn’t surface if you’d been able to separate working with Ghost from the more personal aspect of literally sharing almost every part of your life with him. Thoughts about how you could make him feel better… even if just for the night. That no one was around for miles and whatever happened could safely stay between the pair of you.
By utter carelessness of your position with the team or lack of fear about how the Lieutenant might respond, you walk into the living room and kneel down right in front of him with your fingers reaching out to unlace his dusty boots. Off instinct alone, you expected and watched as his foot flinched away from you. His whole body jumps and stiffens at the contact and sight of you kneeling on the floor. He quickly pauses and collects himself, taking several moments before his gravelly voice breaks the silence.
“What’re you doin’ Sergeant?” His eyes grew heavy and showed more expression than the rest of his massive body as they flashed with confusion and a little swell of anger. That aloofness didn’t hide that slight guardedness of something that made him uncomfortable in one way or another.
“I’m perfectly capable of takin’ care of my fuckin’ self.” He adds with zero discernible sign of either offense or gratitude. You can’t help but smile tiredly, feeling like you’re attempting to soothe a feral wolf into letting you pull it’s paw out of trap.
“I never said you couldn’t L.T.,” You reply gently, reaching back to start unhooking the laces from their claws on his left foot. “Just thought you couldn’t use some affection.” Smirking to yourself, you can’t help but think something this small being considered ‘affection’ didn’t fit anyone save for Ghost. He was just too hard to approach. Walls so thick and tall that it would take someone with patience beyond that of a human to break through and see what rested behind all of that brash posturing and icy disposition.
“You know affection is something I’m averse to,” he utters, watching yet making no effort to stop you. “What you’re doin’ is unnecessary.” A small sound close to a growl escapes from behind the mask when my hand reaches to the back of his leg to help aid my effort of pulling his boot off.
Chuckling softly and sitting the boot down at your side you respond, “I know you don’t like affection,” You’re already working on the other one, purposefully moving slowly as not to overwhelm or spook him. “That doesn’t mean you don’t deserve it, L.T..” You can’t help but look up at him almost exhaustedly yet still trying to be reassuring.
“M’fine without it.” He spits out quickly, looking away from your face back down to your progress on the laces, his masked face otherwise unreadable. “Didn’t ask you for this shit, Sergeant.” Tinged with an undercurrent of irritation his deep voice sounds near the bridge of turning to anger.
“Mothering me isn’t in your best interest.” He growls low and threateningly in your face as he bends down to grab the boot sitting next to you and giving it a quick look of observation before sitting it back down closer to him. You just finish taking off his other boot and sit it down next to the other without much more of a verbal fight and put a hand on his thigh to steady your sore legs as you get back up to your feet.
“I’m younger than you Ghost, I can’t mother you.” You reply, holding out your hand for him.
He doesn’t make note or stop you from using him to help yourself up, however, Ghost follows your movements carefully… closely. He’s doing everything in his power to hide his emotions, but there’s still a faint twitch of his lips when he looks down at his boots sitting at his side. You’d done something very unusual, and he knew berating you was what he should’ve done. Yet a flinch of a smile was what really moved Ghost’s mouth. It’s gone before it even surfaces, pushed down by the sight. of you holding out your little hand in front of him. The sounds of his deep breathing fill the quiet house as you both sit there unflinching of each other. The Lieutenant shifts in his chair, readjusting his rifle on his chest.
“Go to bed. It’s late.” His repeated command felt softer now. Wavering a bit with you hand still held out and your fingers wiggling a little.
“Come on,” You hold steady and patient.
Reward comes in the form of feeling Ghost’s heavy and large hand falling into yours and gripping just hard enough to allow you the phantom sensation that you’re actually helping him up from the chair, hearing a short grunt as his back straightens up. Without explanation, you lead the Lieutenant through the small house back towards the only bedroom in the house with an actual bed left behind by the owners, pulling him to the center of the room and turning around to face him.
“Put your arms up for me.”
“Excuse me?” Ghost’s frown can be heard from behind the mask. Despite his apparent bewilderment, he hesitantly obeys, extending his arms above his head with an exhale of a tense breath, looking down at you with dark and questioning eyes. “What are you doing now?”
You just smile and hum to yourself softly, reaching out to begin unclipping and unzipping the sections of his tac vest holding it on his upper body and the multiple ammo belts. Carefully draping them over you shoulder as you release his body from them one by one. Seeing the way Ghost’s body sinks into itself with the weight being pulled off after days without rest. You feel his eyes scan over you, over your hands finding ways to take off his gear for the first time in your life, feeling your way through sunch an unusual yet careful act.
“Bein’ fuckin’ ridiculous…” He growls, covering up the feelings of not being so concealed by barking at you a little.
“Shhh.” Your hush does enough to stop his quiet and brooding complaints.
Long enough for you to kneel back down at his feet and work at the thigh straps over his pants and even remove the ankle holster you’d left alone while taking off his boots. He doesn’t resist this part, just watching you undress him bit by bit with half a mind questioning just what had happened for you to start acting so strangely. You’d always been sweet. Much nicer than your job allowed for. Yet even this was quite off the edge of the character Ghost had built for you over the years. This felt downright intimate for just two operators to be doing.
Then again your shared situation wasn’t exactly one of professionalism at this point. You’d been improvising for nearly a full day just trying to stay alive. Once back on your feet, you take hold of his hand again, this time with a little less caution since you’d already touched him there, and begin pulling at the fingertips to slide his sand and dirt-cakes gloves off. Even seeing his bare skin under his gloves be seen in the dim lamplight of the house, Ghost doesn’t do more than flex his fingers once you’ve rid him of the stiff material.
Purposefully avoiding his mask, you get Ghost down to nothing more than boxers and a t-shirt, even with his help at certain parts without him growling more or acting like you were irritating him. While he still gave off a feeling of all-around grumpiness and more than a little confused as hell, you paid it no mind as you led him towards the edge of the bed and pointed to it with a short yet polite command for him to ’sit’. Right away you noticed his hesitation and the way that his shoulders and arms tensed, his attention solely on you, flashing between your eyes and mouth like he was trying to reassure himself that he’d heard you correctly. But with one small tug on his hand, he turns around and sits on the bed with his feet resting on the floor and his arms braced on both sides of him a little stiffly.
“Now what?” His voice held a bit of rasp to it as he tracked your movement from his side, seeing you climb up into the bed and position yourself on your knees behind him. The close proximity didn’t go unnoticed by the Lieutenant as he cleared his throat, once again interrupting the calm silence in the house. His tension filled the small space between you, heating the gap of air, almost electrifying it.
“Just relax Ghost.” Easily touching his shoulders, you begin working your palms flat against the slopes of his muscled neck.
Purposefully but gently rubbing at the stiff cords of muscle and introducing the sensation to him as easily as possible in the case that it was a bit too overwhelming for him all at once. You knew you’d pushed the boundaries with him much further past anything you’d expected to achieve in one night. But now that he was sitting here in front of you, it was hard not to smile brightly that he was trusting you so much. Allowing your hands to be on him. Accepting that you had positioned the both of you in a very vulnerable position that could lead to a lot more violent options than affectionate ones. Torture and nightmares had given more than a fair share to Ghost, yet he was patiently staving off his own clear hesitation so that you could play out whatever this was turning out to be.
Your command went unacknowledged just like all of Ghost’s from earlier had; His breathing steadily slowing down into a deep and rich, relaxed sort of rhythm. Power of your hands and calming attitude worked faster than you anticipated, leaving the massive man sitting between your thighs begin to release. Tension falling out of his body not only under your hands but by sight of his jaw loosening. You’re even lucky enough to spot him trying to take glances at you from the corner of his eye, only to look back ahead since you were in quite the blindspot. Taking your thumbs in a sweeping motion from the edges of his shoulders inward, you apply pressure on the back of his neck and experimentally reach higher up under the hem of his mask. A dangerous game to play. Rumbling sounds of appreciation filling your ears are better than any sort of medal you could earn or bet you’d ever cash in. His head rolls back slightly with each small circle of your thumbs and fingers, pushing against you. Silently asking for more pressure.
“Feel good?” You ask at just a whisper, not wanting to disturb the warm sort of feeling the room has right now by speaking too loud.
Under the safety of his mask, Ghost’s mouth curves into a smile hearing you. He rolls his head back again, arching slightly to accommodate your small hands struggling to find good purchase to keep working at the intensity he’d been hinting at. A much less controllable sound escapes his mouth when you begin working at a very sore spot he didn’t even know was present right at the base of his skull.
“Keep going,” His sleepy-sounding mutter makes your chest ache.
Grinning at the feeling of his harsh accent and sudden domestication you work away diligently down his back carefully and methodically so as to not miss a single thing. And while it’s not necessarily going to help him much, you go ahead and use your fingernails to gently scratch up and down. It’s then a groan interrupts your focus and you see Ghost shift on the edge of the bed. Believing you’d found the end of your time, you leaned back on your heels and expected him to get up and leave you in the bedroom alone. Watching him tug at his t-shirt and pull it over his head to toss it somewhere across the room was how you were told that Ghost did indeed want more. Only his shirt was getting in the way of something he wasn’t getting.
Hearing him give a deep sigh when your fingertips returned to his now bared skin gave you a rush of adrenaline and nearly caused you to wiggle happily that you’d been able to share this with Ghost. He leans back into you a little more, letting your hands and arms take more of the weight as he groans out;
“You’ve done this before.”
“Yeah, but not for a long time.” You answer, eyes smoothing over the muscles rippling as your hands work at them.
“You’re good,” He grunts, closing his eyes and zeroing in on how to focus his attention between your small hands working so efficiently and the conversation he’d begun. “How’d you get so good at it?” His head turns a little, trying to get at least one good look at you. He keeps shifting now, allowing him to keep you just in the edge of his periphery.
“Had a good teacher for a few years,” You answer, working in tight circles over a large ball of muscle fibers all collected just at the edge of his shoulder blade, earning another growling sound from the Lieutenant.
“Teacher? When?” He asks, giving a slow release of a deep breath giving a short indication that the muscle you’d been working to release was getting a bit uncomfortable. Pulling back for a moment just to give him and your hands a break, you hear him make a noise then lean back a little further, pressing his back against you almost like a dog wanting to be pet more.
“Don’t stop.” He requests in a husky tone. You chuckle aloud, returning your hands and taking a less aggressive approach by smoothing your palms over him in less-than-planned patterns, just enjoying feeling his tattooed and scarred skin under your hands as you think about how to answer him.
“A woman in London taught me,” you start, using your nails again on his skin softly. “In the year or so between my U.S. military discharge and acceptance into the task force with you.” You see the effect of your touch on Ghost as it takes him longer to respond and the way he keeps leaning more and more weight back into you, unable to keep himself from subconsciously trying to get closer. Wanting more whether he’d ever admit it or not. There’s no mistaking it between either of you, he’s enjoying this.
“I assume she was special to you.”
It was your neighbor just across the hallway from you. An older woman named Sarah. Eccentric in modern times, you’d always believed she must’ve been a force to be reckoned with when she wasn’t hindered by an aging body and an even more ailing mind. A massage therapist by trade, and a pianist by heart there wasn’t much that Sarah could accomplish without someone helping her once she became limited in movement living on the eighth floor of the apartment building you shared. Back then you didn’t have much in the way of contacts after leaving the country, and it led to a friendship with the old woman living across from you. Sharing stories, eating dinner together, grocery shopping together when she felt like going out, and trading some skills between each other. After telling Ghost this much with your fingers tracing out letters and shapes over his back, you can sense he’s listening carefully. And Ghost is feeling a slight fuzzy sensation building in the back of his brain, spreading out in a warm wave down to his fingertips and toes.
“She taught me massage since at the time I wasn’t sure what I was going to do with my life.” Your head falls to the side, examining how the lamplight shines on ghost and deepens the already significant definition in his physique.
Ghost falls against you even more, and this time he lets his head fall back against you. Trying to counterbalance his weight and keep both of you from falling backwards with just him limp he’s becoming, you wrap on arm around his neck and hold his head in the bend of your arm. He gives another sigh, and settles against you heavily. He. looks at you in silence out of the corner of his eye listening to your explanation.
“Why was she your only friend?” You can’t help but chuckle at his question, resting your chin on his opposite shoulder and bringing your other arm under his to begin scratching and rubbing at his chest, feeling deep and puckered scars littering nearly every inch of him.
“I didn’t know anyone else. And you know me well enough to know that I’m not exactly extroverted.” You smile, tracing lightly up and down his well-defined arm. Ghost couldn’t be more comfortable laid against you.
“Sorry to hear that.” His voice low and husky with his mouth so close to your ear. “She must call or ask about you…”
You shake your head. “No. She died just before I joined you all. Her mind was… failing her. And there was some kind of accident in the middle of the night The police told me she was likely trying to get to the bathroom and fell. She apparently died on impact… they didn’t say what, but I think her head hit something.” You explain quietly. “And you and I both know that means lights out. So she didn’t suffer.”
“Sorry to hear that,” he answers as softly as he can manage after hearing the darker part of your happy memories. “How did it become… intimate, like this?” He asks, nodding to the way you were leaned up against his back with your hand tracing over every inch of him that you could reach. The longer you’ve both let this go, the more boundaries get pushed further out of reach, making it hard for either of you to really know where it could end.
You smile with a blush creeping up your neck onto your cheeks, thankful you’re somewhat hidden out of sight. “This isn’t really what she taught me,” You mutter a bit quiet. “When i was massaging you… yes. That I got taught. But this, it’s… just me.”
Out of your sight Ghost’s face flushes slightly as well, his cheeks a warm rose-color. You’re touching him in a way that he’d never expected. But hearing that you’re not just doing it for… relaxation, it’s a heavy but welcome thought. And Ghost can’t help that his body reacts to it with chills raising all over his skin despite the house being perfectly warm. He lets out a deep breath focusing on your words, repeating him over just to ensure that you’re not saying it one way and him interpreting it differently due to your hands being all over him, making him feel so good. Mind racing, heart pounding, he truly realizes just how vulnerable he is under you at this moment.
“I can stop if you’d like?” You offer, preparing to move away from him.
“No,” His hoarse voice gives away his sudden dry mouth. No matter how much your touch is affecting his body, he’s not willing to stop you right now. You’ve crossed into a level of trust that he can’t think to make you abide by anymore. It’s a foreign feeling for him, but he wants to push through it. Hoping he can feel more of you if he just holds on a little longer to this.
“Don’t stop."
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drabblesandimagines · 10 months
Leon Kennedy x fem reader Thinking of making this a little series, will be a fluff, bit of a slow burn, bodyguard trope?
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You aren’t sure how you’d got through the last few hours.  Everything’s a blur as you try to think back of the horror that had occurred, now you’re now sat in an unfamiliar chair in an unfamiliar office. Your right arm is in a sling, shoulder throbbing somewhat from a reset dislocation, broken fingers splintered together on the same arm, medical tape holding a wound closed on your temple, disinfectant swiped across the numerous scrapes, your body aching with developing bruises on your legs, poking out from under your dress, from the fall down the stairs – the fall that apparently ended up saving your life from the unearthly creature that had rampaged through your workplace and tore your co-workers apart.
After being treated by a DSO medic, you’d been escorted by a tall, armed to the gills, annoyingly silent man. He’d confiscated your phone, despite the fact the screen was smashed and wouldn’t turn on, and taken you across the city to the main HQ, ushered up a side entrance into the room you now sat, told you to wait, and left you alone for what felt like hours.
The door eventually opens and a smartly dressed, pretty woman, hair pinned up in a bun and wearing glasses enters, immediately heading to the other side of the desk and taking what you assumed was her seat. A handsome man accompanied her, shaggy brown hair, dressed in cargo pants, fingerless gloves, knife strapped to his thigh, finished off with a leather jacket, a holster poking out from underneath. He gives you a sympathetic once over as he sits down besides you, careful not to brush your knee with his own as he does. Considerate.
“Were you given adequate pain medication?” The lady asks abruptly, beginning to type on her keyboard.
You stare at her a moment – she’s all business. “Er… Yeah. Thanks.” Though you’re sure the two of them have noticed the wince as you shuffled in your seat. The medic had offered you stronger stuff but you’d declined, wanting to keep your wits about you. “Sorry, what’s happening now?”
“I’m Ingrid Hunnigan, this is Agent Kennedy.” She nods to the man opposite her.
“Name’s Leon.” The man besides you offers his hand and you notice he’s adapted for your incapacitated arm, in what will surely result in a very awkward handshake but the gesture is nice. You take it, hoping the tremor in your grip isn’t so painfully obvious. “Hi. Erm, I’m-”
“Dove.” Hunnigan cuts you off. “I am aware of your identity, but we will be referring to you as Dove.”
“It’s a codename.” Leon explains, a little less business. “For your safety.”
Hunnigan pauses in her typing, hitting backspace slowly as she replies. “Agent Kennedy will be your protection detail until we get this mess squared up.”
Your breath catches in your throat at her choice of word, a sick feeling twisting in your stomach. “Mess? It was a massacre in there-”
“I know. We know.” The agent besides you stresses. “I’m sorry you had to see all that.”
“Am I the only one who…?” You don’t know why you ask.
“I’m afraid so.” Hunnigan replies, a little softer in tone. “We’re going to send you to a safe house. Agent Kennedy will stay with you.”
“O-okay.” You nod, not taking it all in. “You… You think they’d send whatever that thing was after me?”
“That’s what we need time to establish.” Hunnigan replies. “From the CCTV, after the attack, there was a breach on the database. We need to establish how much data they managed to extract, if any. Agent Kennedy will keep you updated as much as he can when he receives any intel.” She turns more to him then, cutting you out of the conversation. “I’ll send the co-ordinates of the safe house when you’re out of the city. They’re loading up an SUV with supplies for at least a week. If it goes on longer, we’ll arrange a supply drop via another location.”
“That long?” You feel like you’re interrupting.
“Worse case scenario, Dove.” Leon offers you a smile. “I’m sure we’ll have you back home in no time. Did they send you away with any meds?”
“The medic sent in a report – with a treatment plan. It’s in the information pack, prescribed medicine is in with the supplies. Again, enough for a week.” Hunnigan replies. “I’ve arranged clothes too – medic guessed your size for me. We’ll be keeping your phone for now.”
“We can’t allow you to contact anyone – for your safety and theirs.”
Your heart skips a beat at that comment. “Wait… You think I might be behind this, don’t you?”
Hunnigan purses her lips. “It is an avenue we need to explore. There are questions as to why you alone survived. We will be dispatching a team to your residence once the two of you are out of the city to help in our investigation.”
“Again, that’s just protocol.” Leon tries to reassure, but your mind is whirling. “No-one is accusing you of anything, Dove.”
“I… I’ve worked here for years, I passed all the clearance checks. I wouldn’t, I didn’t…”
“As Agent Kennedy said, it’s just protocol. If you have nothing to hide, there is nothing to fear.” Hunnigan resumes tapping away at the keyboard as she talks, pausing as the computer emits a ping. “SUV’s ready. I suggest you two go.”
Leon gets to his feet, once more offering his hand to help you to yours. He smiles, sympathetically, as he takes in your appearance – your face has lost what little colour it had.
“Time to go, Dove. It’ll be all right.”
You want to say no, you feel like you need to stay to plead your innocence, but you catch sight of the gun holstered by his side and the flame of defiance is extinguished. You take his hand, allowing him to pull you to your feet. He places his hand on the small of your back to guide you back through the door and you can’t work out if it should feel like comfort or a threat.
You felt numb as Leon had escorted you to a large SUV with blacked out windows in an empty carpark. He’d opened the door for you, helped you climb in before hesitating.
“Need a hand with your seatbelt?”
You stare at him for a moment too long.
“Because of your arm, I mean.”
“Oh. Please.”
He leans over you, grabbing the seatbelt and clicking it into place.
“Right. Comfy?”
“Yeah.” You swallow. “Thanks.”
He nods, closes the door behind him – softly, you note, rather than a slam and it’s then you realise that you also can’t see out the windows. He hops up into the front, buckles his own seatbelt and starts the engine, swinging the SUV out of the parking space with ease. You can’t really see anything from where you’re sat, bar the back of his head and it must be deliberate.
“Hopefully it’s not too long of a drive.” He comments. “Had one that was a twelve hours’ away once and we are not allowed to stop for bathroom breaks.”
“Are you allowed to tell me how far away it is when you know?”
“Don’t see why not. Hunnigan will ping it through once we’re clear enough.”
It’s hard to tell how much time has passed when, eventually, the promised ping echoes around the car. You can hear him tap his fingers against something and he hums to himself.
“We’re in luck – about two hours away, Dove. Want some music on? Don’t have any CDs but got the radio.”
Maybe the music will help drown out how loud your heart is thudding in your ears. ”Yeah, sure.”
He fiddles with the dial – sound crackling around the car before it settles on some acoustic tune you don’t recognize. Must be some easy listening station.
“You can nap, if you like.”
“Maybe.” Though you’re not sure how you’ll ever sleep again after today.
The rest of the drive passes in silence, apart from the sound of the radio. You close your eyes a few times, leaning your head back against the seat but the creature seems burned into your retinas, haunting your vision.
“This is us.” Leon breaks the silence as you feel the car turn and he reduces the speed. He switches off the car and unclicks his seatbelt, turning back to face you. “Wait there just a moment, okay?”
 He smiles, opens his door and hops out, again closing the door softly behind him. What must be a few minutes later, your door opens and he once again offers his hand.
You unclip your seatbelt with your good hand before accepting his outstretched one, helping you step down from the SUV. You’re in a garage now of some sort – spacious enough to fit the car and what looks to be a chest freezer, washer and tumble dryer - the whole room illuminated by an orange bulb.
“So, we said safe house – seems more like a safe bungalow to me. I’ll give you the tour.” He gestures forward towards an open door and you walk forward, once again his hand falling to the small of your back. It leads through to a modest sized kitchen – usual white appliances and opens out into a living room with two couches, a coffee table and an entertainment unit with a television. There are two more doors along the wall, but what really strikes you is how small the windows all are, covered in thick panes of glass.
Bulletproof, you wonder.
“Bathroom’s this one,” he opens the door in demonstration, revealing a typical bathroom, before moving along. “And the bedroom.” It has a double bed, white linen sheets, a wardrobe and dresser. “Your bedroom,” he corrects. “I’ll be on the couch.”
“Oh. Is that comfortable?”
He smiles at your concern. “I’m pretty good at sleeping anywhere, but it looks comfortable enough. Speaking of, it’s pretty late so I think we should call it a night.” He ducks into the bathroom, pulling out a washbag from under the sink and empties the contents on the counter. “Standard toiletries kit to start us off. I’m gonna start bringing in the supplies. Sound good?”
You nod and he heads back towards the garage. You kick off your shoes before you step into the bathroom and close the door, twisting the lock closed. You use the facilities with some difficulty, your first visit since being an arm down, though thankful to be in a dress so as not to battle with trousers. After what some might call a best attempt of washing your hand, you pick up the toothbrush and immediately put it back down in annoyance as you realise you’ll need to deal with the toothpaste first. Thankful for the flip cap, the tube slips from your grip as you squeeze, shooting across the counter and knocking a glass off the counter, sending it smashing to the floor.
“Fu-” The word doesn’t even make it out of your mouth when the door is broken open, slammed against the wall and Leon is stood there, gun raised as you scream.
He scans the room with his eyes, concedes it’s clear and lowers his gun. “What happened? You okay?”
“I… I d-dropped the t-t-toothpaste and smashed the g-glass and…” Your breath catches in your throat again, tears burning in your eyes.
“Hey,” he holsters the gun on his thigh. “Hey, it’s okay, you’re okay. Sorry for scaring you. I thought there was a window in here.”
He looks down at the broken glass that’s exploded over the floor and your sock-clad feet. “Sit down, all right? I’ll clear this up.”
“No, I s-should-”
“I can do it. Just sit, please. I’ll go grab a dustpan – they have one. Not my first safe house.” He soothes, heading off into the kitchen cupboards in search of it.
You sit down on the closed toilet seat lid and wonder bitterly if he’s at more safe houses than his own home. You take the moment to try and settle your breathing, your heart still pounding.
Leon appears at the door once more, grinning as he holds the dustpan and brush aloft in triumph. “Found it.” He crouches down, beginning to sweep up the glass. You watch in silence as he tackles the floor methodically, making sure to brush along each square of bathroom tile until he seems satisfied with his work.
“There. All done.” He places it to the side and grabs the troublesome toothpaste tube, before standing up to his full height. “So, this was the culprit, huh?”
You nod. “I don’t know what happened - the only difference was the toothbrush being on the counter, so I should be able to do it, just-”
He picks up the toothbrush and squeezes a blob of toothpaste on it. “On the house.” Leon jokes, offering it back to you. You stand up and accept it, hesitantly.
“I kinda feel pathetic.” You admit.
“Dove…” You’re getting a little used to the name now. It sounds nice off his tongue – soft and sweet. “You’ve had a shitty day, give yourself a break.”
“No, I mean, it just feels like you’re my servant or something – sweeping up, squeezing out my toothpaste...”
“To protect and serve’s the motto.” He smiles at your confused look. “I was a cop before I was an agent.”
“And this is the stuff you did as a cop?”
“Yes, alongside the helping old ladies with their groceries, helping ducks cross the street…” He teases, before nodding at the toothbrush in your hand. “I’ll leave you to it.”
After brushing your teeth without further incident and taking a few more moments to compose yourself, you exit the bathroom. Leon’s stood at the kitchen counter, paper bag in hand, looking at pill packets. There’s a couple of duffel bags near the garage door, one unzipped.
“Medical notes say it’s painkiller time, I’m afraid.” He grabs a glass from the cupboard, fills it up with water from the tap and places it down besides two white pills. “They’ve given you some sleeping tablets as well, but that’s up to you.”
“Do they stop you dreaming?”
Leon grimaces at your question. “From personal experience, yeah. No dreams.”
You hold out your hand. “Then I’ll take them.”
He nods, shaking another two pills out of a bottle and into his hand, picking up the other two and drops them in your hand. You open your mouth and throw them in, before accepting the glass of water, swallowing it all down.
“So, er, this is gonna be a little bit awkward, but I don’t know what you prefer to sleep in, obviously, but I’m assuming not that.”
“Oh. Yeah, no.”
“So, I pulled out a couple of things.” He nods towards the bedroom, where you can see some items of clothing laying out on the bed. He’s turned the bedside lamp on, the room softly illuminated in a white glow.
“You really are a safe house pro.”
“Ha, yeah.” He grins, rubbing the back of his head. “I guess my question is, do you need a hand with changing? 100% respectful offer, obviously.”
You nod. “Please.”
“Okay. After you.”
You walk into the bedroom, Leon keeping his distance this time. There’s an oversized t-shirt in the pile, looks like it will reach your knees. You pick it up with your good hand, clutching it close to your chest and turn to face him.
“Can you help with the sling?”
“Yep.” He nods – professional, unstrapping it with ease and removing it gently. “Afraid medic says you need to sleep with the sling for a week.”
“Mm.” You nod, hanging your arm down loose before turning around. “I guess if you could unzip and I’ll…”
“Got it.” He tugs down the zipper of your dress slowly – if it was some other encounter you’d say he was being a tease. He stops as he reaches the small of your back, just above your underwear. “What can I do now?”
Your breath hitches in your throat, but there’s no getting around it now. “Any good at undoing a bra? Professionally.”
“Professionally, yep.” You feel gentle fingers deftly unclasp it with ease.
“I think I’ve got it from now until the sling needs back on, so-”
“Say no more. Just call when you’re ready.”
The door closes behind you and you exhale, trying to compose yourself. It’s more months since a man had helped you out of a dress and this, after everything today and the situation you’re in, unsure if he sees you as victim or villain, shouldn’t be making you feel flustered.
Gingerly, you slip one arm out of the dress, followed by the other, wincing as you do so and allowing it to pool down at your feet. Next comes your bra, and then you gently pull the t-shirt over your head, again flinching as your shoulder smarts.
Decent, or decent enough, you call out. “Leon? I’m ready.”
“Coming in.” He announces, pausing a moment before opening the door and immediately moves to pick up the sling from where he placed it on the bed. “I’ll be as gentle as I can.”
With practiced hands, he positions your arm into the sling, adjusting it carefully and fastening it in place once more. “There. Feel okay?”
“Yeah.” You look him in the eyes then – beautiful, blue eyes, before fighting back a yawn. “Thank you.”
“You’re welcome.” He smiles. “That will be the sleeping pills kicking in. I forgot to mention they’re real heavy duty.”
“Mm.” You sit down on the bed then, a little too heavily, before picking up your discarded dress on the floor. “Could you bin this?”
“Of course.” He takes it from you, no question. “Anything else I can do?”
“No. Thank you.”
“You don’t need to keep thanking me, Dove. It’s all right – I told you, part of the job.”
“Still, thank you.” You mumble, head feeling heavy.
“Here,” he pulls back the covers as you scooch yourself back and lean your head back on the pillow, tucking the duvet in over you. “Arm still okay?”
You nod, looking up at him with bleary eyes.
“I swear what happened wasn’t anything to do with me. I swear.”
“Shh,” Leon hushes. “I know.” He feels it in his gut, felt it since the moment he lay eyes on you in Hunnigan’s office. “Maybe tomorrow we’ll hear some updates. But, for now, just sleep. Okay, Dove?”
“Sleep, okay…” You mumble, closing your eyes.
Leon hovers a moment, noting the change in your breathing as the sleeping pills pull you under. He turns off the bedside lamp and leaves the bedroom, quietly, your dress clutched in his hand. He places it in the kitchen bin – there’s an incinerator round the back to erase all trace of their visit, but he’ll do that in the morning.
He makes his way over to the sofa and lies down, not even bothering to remove his boots.
He won’t be sleeping tonight.
-- Do let me know if you'd be interested in a part two! x EDIT: Part two!
Masterlist . Requests welcome . Commissions/Ko-Fi
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-Heiji girl dad au.
One of the most horrible cases that Heiji solved was the murder of a young little girl who was barely five years old. The three suspects were the mother, the father and the live-in nanny of the little girl.
Murder cases always had a suspenseful air that he grew used to, but nothing compared to this. The mother wept and howled for her dead daughter. The father sobbed and was barely coherent during the interrogation. The nanny kept staring into blank space and the police struggled to get her attention.
Truly, a horrifying case.
The little girl was found in her bed, a knife to her chest. Despite being surrounded by dolls and plushies, forensics informed them that the little girl desperately hugged one particular toy in the brink of death : a Barbie doll.
Heiji kept staring at that bloodied Barbie doll, feeling a sense that he recognised it, but couldn't put a name to it.
He tried focusing on other aspects. But nothing helped. It was a locked room murder, and they still haven't found any key evidence such as the clothes the murderer was wearing. The suspects were all too out of it to get any more info.
But seriously, he knows he's seen that Barbie doll.
Forensics were finally done tracing and taking photographic evidence, so they began extracting the lifeless body. The mother's screams grew hysterical and the father wept louder and fell to his knees as their little girl was taken away.
Truly, he could only look away solemnly to prevent himself from imagining his own daughter in such a state.
Please, never.
He noticed an officer about to put away the bloodied Barbie doll into a ziplock bag.
"Excuse me, can I have a look?"
After wearing his gloves, he took the doll and inspected it. In true Barbie fashion, it had blonde hair, wore a pink dress and a pink tiara. The only noticeable difference is that this Barbie had a microphone in her hand and a built in necklace.
Wait, a built in necklace?
He realised something and pressed the heart shaped necklace.
A song played.
Everyone in the room stared at him as the Barbie doll in his hand started singing a song he's heard before.
He knew this doll. He knew which Barbie movie this doll was from.
A few months ago, Kazuha and their daughter were having a Barbie movie marathon in the living room and dragged him along. Despite his initial protests, they were able to shut him up by shoving some homemade Okonomiyaki into his mouth. One movie stood out to him because their daughter basically held a concert while watching the movie; Barbie the Princess and the Popstar.
And during a visit to the toy shop last week, she managed to secretly show him a Barbie doll she wanted before Kazuha caught her red-handed.
"Ya already have so many dolls at home"
"But Mama! It's Princess Tori!"
"Nope. Auntie Sonoko just bought ya a Barbie doll the other day. And YA BARELY EVEN PLAY WITH IT!"
"Papa!! Help me out please 🥺"
Heiji took one look at Kazuha's glare.
"Sorry Princess. Your Mama wins"
Their daughter looked at him with such an adorable sad face that he almost gave in. Luckily, Kazuha snatched the doll from his hands in time before walking away to place it back on the shelf.
As Heiji carried their crying daughter and rubbed her back to calm her down, Kazuha walked next to him outside the store.
"Trust me, she's not going to remember that doll at all when we get home"
And sure enough, when they reached home, their daughter turned on Youtube on their smart tv and watched Kpop girl group music videos instead.
"Papa, I like Le sserafim"
"Hmm? Why so?"
"Because Mama's in it"
Kazuha laughed before explaining to him that one of the members is also named Kazuha. And just like the wonder of childlike innocence, her current favourite K-pop group is simply based on the fact that a member has the same name as her mother.
"How did she even found them?"
"I don't know. I looked away for just half an hour to cook dinner and then suddenly she's now a Le sserafim stan"
" ..... I'll try coming home earlier to reduce her screen time"
Suddenly, he realised the nanny's name: Hirai Tori.
Suddenly, it all clicked together and he started noticing little bits and details that he initially looked over because they were too circumstantial.
And sure enough, within minutes, he figured out where the evidence was and how she managed to perform an almost perfect locked room murder.
When he cornered her with his deductions, the nanny stared at him wide eyed and her feet gave away "H-How?"
"I won't deny that you planned all of this really well. Unfortunately for ya, the one thing that gave you away was this Barbie doll"
"that Barbie doll?"
Heiji felt a prick of annoyance. "What the? You're her nanny and ya don't even know her toys? Ahou, this Barbie is a Princess Tori doll"
"Tori???" The nanny asked in rage.
The father, who barely managed to calm down, asked with a strained voice "so, our daughter was trying to tell us who killed her?"
Heiji contemplated whether to tell them the truth.
The nanny lunged towards Heiji but the police were quick to restrain her.
"Even after death, that little monster still manages to ruin my life"
"No. You're wrong"
Heiji looked at her dead in the eyes.
"She's just a kid. She wasn't trying to ruin anything. It's simply the childlike innocence of hugging the one toy that reminds her of her beloved nanny for comfort "
After a moment of silence, the murderer was finally dragged away from the scene hysterically laughing at the irony of the situation. The parents broke down further into tears, holding each other in a futile attempt to console each other.
He heard some officers whisper of the possibility to make the murderer take a psychopath test, but for now he's exhausted and just wanted to go home.
To his own little girl.
"Okaeri" Immediately Heiji was caught off guard by a fluff of pink running into his arms.
"Woah there Princess!" he caught his daughter and lifted her up.
"Papa you're back! You can become Prince Charming and save me from the monster!"
"Who are you calling a monster you little brat?"
The girl shrieked and hugged Heiji's neck to hide her face while Heiji laughed watching his favourite two girls.
"Welcome home" Kazuha smiled and gave him a peck on the cheek. "Dinner?"
He nodded with a smile and three of them ate with the usual scenario of the little Princess chattering away whatever adventure she had today. However, Kazuha noticed that Heiji seemed a bit distracted whilst responding to whatever it is their daughter was saying.
In the background, the night-time news started airing on tv and the news reporter began reporting on a murder case of a little girl that happened just a few hours ago in Osaka.
Despite the tv being on low volume, Kazuha's sharp hearing caught the news reporter stating that the young girl was murdered by her nanny whom police suspected was a psychopath.
"Turn it off. Please"
Kazuha was surprised that the father-daughter conversation was interrupted by the sudden request, but she noticed him clenching his fists.
That was his case.
Their daughter seemed unfazed by her mother getting up to turn off the tv or her father's tense face. She gobbled up the last remaining pieces of her meal and drank from her sippy cup.
"Papa! I'm done! Let's play!"
Heiji snapped out of whatever daze he was in. "What? Oh. Alright. But let me help Mama with the dishes first okay?"
Their daughter was about to pout before her mother came back to the table. "It's okay Heiji, I can handle the dishes"
"But.." Heiji looked at Kazuha in confusion. Kazuha smiled and whispered to him to go.
He looked at her once again.
She knew.
She knew exactly what was bothering him.
He thanked the lucky stars for the angel of his wife.
"Okay Princess. Let's go fight that big bad dragon you were telling me earlier"
"Yeayy!" Heiji picked his daughter up from her seat and carried her to the sink to wash their hands together. After drying off their hands, they start heading towards the living room.
On their way, Heiji managed to sneak a little kiss on Kazuha's head and a soft 'thank you'.
That night, for the first time in a long while, Kazuha suggested a 'sleepover' and have their daughter sleep together on their bed instead of in her own bedroom.
The little girl was delighted to be held in between both of her parents under their warm blanket. After a good night kiss from Mama and Papa, she drifted away to dreamland and slept soundly.
Heiji, who held his family close in his arms gazed at the two people he loves the most. He brushed his thumb over Kazuha's cheek gently, which prompted her to look up towards him sleepily.
"Love you"
Kazuha smiled and held his hand that was holding her cheek. A few moments later, he watched as his wife also fell into slumber without letting go of his hands.
Truly, it was a horrible case that would likely continue to haunt him for the rest of his career. But for now, with his wife and daughter safe in his arms, he's going to be okay.
I think I read somewhere before that in Japan, it's quite rare for people to actually say "I love you" literally even between parents and children. Something about saying "I love you" too often takes away the sanctity and meaning of it.
I kept going back and forth on whether Heiji would say 'thank you' or 'love you' before falling asleep because it is even rarer for men to directly express their affection verbally.
But you know what, I believe this case took a heavy toll on Heiji who he himself is now a father to his own little girl. And despite trying to (kinda?) hide it, Kazuha still caught on that the case disturbed him and so tried to calm Heiji's nerves by making him stay close to their daughter in small but subtle manners.
And I think that the subtleness is exactly what Heiji needed to calm down on his own instead of direct words and affection.
It would comfort him more to see his daughter jumping around and having fun with his own eyes instead of having someone tell him that their daughter is safe verbally.
Hence, the "love you" had a deeper meaning of thank you for understanding me. Thank you for knowing exactly what I needed. Thank you for being patient. Thank you for marrying me. I love you and I'm truly grateful for you. God damn I should have confessed earlier.
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🌿How to harvest & dry herbs🌿
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⚠️This is just my personal approach based on research, mentors and my own experience, please do your own research too ⚠️
Some general guidelines:
These are all recommended for both uses, magical and medicinal, but particularly for plant material you’ll want to give medicinal use.
Always harvest ~10 meters away from contamination sources (roads and cars, railroads, constructions, factories, etc. Even more serious stuff like landfills and heavy metals) Plants can absorb toxic chemical compounds from any these sources, so if you plan to ingest them or apply on your skin etc, avoid contamination sources. Examine your area to find where it’s safest to harvest plant material from.
Only take up to 30% of plant material, preferably less (leaves, flowers, berries, roots) this is to allow for healthy regrow.
Don’t take material with visible harm, illness or bugs, such as yellowed or bug bitten / holey leaves, etc. Educate yourself to recognize different possible bugs or parasites or plant illnesses that may affect your local flora to avoid these.
Sometimes you’ll have better results with fresh materials, you don’t always need to dry them. Know when to use what, depending on your goal and what compounds you want to extract, and how it’s best to extract them.
If you prefer fresh, you can keep fresh herbs in a vase with water for up to a week, more or less.
Clean the branches & leaves by soaking them or washing them in saltwater to scare away little critters, and dry them stem-up, making small bundles with stems fairly separated so everything is well aireated, and always away from sunlight. Do not clean with alcohol, detergent, or any other substances. Just water or salty water will do.
Roots, flowers, berries and bark can be dried in drying racks or basquets. Separate them from each other, specially flower petals, to dry them thoroughly and keep in a dark place until they’re fully dried (you’ll know if they crack when handling them and don’t feel soft anywhere anymore). For roots, bark and berries, move and rotate every so often to make sure they dry evenly, or just dry them in the oven if you’re brave! (be careful not to burn them)
Aromatic herbs should be harvested before they bloom, when you see the fully formed buds and their smell (and taste!) is strongest. 
When cutting the stems, cut at an angle to allow for healthy regrow.
Always make sure you’re harvesting what you think you’re harvesting. Learn to identify plant species properly, and always, always research about lookalikes it may have, as they could be toxic or poisonous or harmful in some way. This is necessary for safety reasons.
Store everything in glass jars or paper bags, away from humidity, to prevent mold. I don’t recommend plastic bags or containers as they can more easily retain humidity but that’s me. Check on your stuff often too!! Different things will last more or less time on the shelf.
⚠️Extra reminder to always check which part of the plant is medicinal, check if any other parts could be toxic or harmful, check for dosages, contraindications, possible allergies, and possible interactions with anything else you’re taking!!!!!!!!
For specific plant parts:
Flowers: Harvest as soon as they’ve fully bloomed, during the full moon.
Berries and fruits: Harvest right after the first frost, generally in autumn. Look for deep color and tight, glowy skin. I like to harvest these under a waning moon.
Seeds and pods: Collect these when all flowers are gone, usually in late summer, under a waning moon.
Leaves: Ideally, collect these from bright green and flexible limbs, the first warm days of spring when there’s new sap and no flowers yet, but for many species you can take some leaves all year round. Under a waxing or full moon does it for me.
Bark: Harvest during the first warm days of spring, when the sap rises. You’ll find newly formed bark easier to peel off. Rather than peeling the trunk directly, cut off a branch or limb and peel it off completely, it’ll cause less harm to the tree or bush. Under a waxing moon it is.
Roots, rhizomes, tubers: Harvest after all the leaves are gone, around late autumn, but before all the good stuff stored in them is used during the winter. Under a waning or new moon.
Some superstitions:
These are more specifically for the magical properties of the plant. 
Some folks say you shouldn’t harvest plant material with iron scissors or other iron tools, as iron scares away the spirit of the plant, and thus, the potency of whatever your working on will be less.
For some plants, you’ll find specific prayers, chants or charms, more or less complicated rituals, to harvest specific parts at specific dates. This is, again, for the spiritual properties rather than medicinal. I am the type to believe proper harvest makes both the work and the medicine stronger, but it’s up to you to decide how to go about harvesting certain plants considered “sacred”, and even what plants are considered “sacred” will also change depending on your own practice, culture, tradition, region and more, so do your research!
It’s common belief to not speak while you’re going to harvest the herb, and neither when coming back, as to not alert the spirit your intentions and out of respect for what it gave you or what it’s doing for you.
But while you’re there, after harvesting, let the plant spirit know why you’re in need of it’s aid and leave some kind of offering in return (again, do your own research on specific plants and their folklore, but some general things such as water, sugar or eggshells, and more traditional things like a certain number of coins, will likely work just fine)
With some plant species, particularly the poisonous kind, or some associated with the devil in folklore, you’ll likely find ways to protect yourself from the spirit’s anger upon being unearthed or cut. These range from giving praise to the spirit in the form of poems, songs, or offerings before getting to harvesting, to drawing circles in the dirt around it with holy water, a knife, or your own hand, and may even be having to cut the branches or unearth the plant in a specific manner (some say backwards, some say away from you) to prevent it from harming you. Sometimes simply carrying protective charms will do. Learn the folklore of each species you work with!
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television-overload · 4 months
of our own making
(an X-Files fanfic)
Chapter 23/34 - filing cabinet
[Read on AO3]
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The water cooler gurgles as he fills a small paper cup and takes a sip. Today had been the day. After weeks of going through personnel files for prospective replacements, they finally met with a few candidates. He meant what he said to Scully; he’s ready to let go of the reins a little. That doesn’t make the actuality of handing over the X-Files any easier.
Force of habit, he thinks, to resist any and all efforts to boot them from the X-Files. He has to keep reminding himself that it was his idea this time, and that they’d still be working on them in a consulting capacity anyway. He isn’t quitting cold turkey. And besides, they’re moving on to bigger and much better things.
Lost in thought, he doesn’t notice at first when a few other guys gather around, each filling their own cups with water.
“So, Garcia,” the first one says, addressing a man Mulder vaguely recalls works in Organized Crime. “I hear the wife’s about to pop. You ready?”
Agent Garcia smiles, nodding his head. “Oh yeah. We’re going out tonight. One last night on the town before the baby gets here, you know?”
“You gotta do it,” another agent says. Agent Mann, or something silly like that, Mulder thinks. “They call it a ‘babymoon,’ you ever heard of that? My wife and I took a trip down to the Isle of Palms for ours before Michael was born. Great beaches. Now we’re lucky if we make it to the coast without one or all of our kids ingesting sand.”
The men share a hearty laugh, and Mulder feels a little out of place.
“Amy would have killed me if I hadn’t taken her out for a nice dinner before our first,” the first agent says. “It was another two years before we were able to go to a nice restaurant alone, so I wouldn’t have blamed her!”
Is this something people do, Mulder wonders? Is Scully expecting it? Maybe he had missed the memo at some point. Is there a soon-to-be-dad handbook somewhere that tells them how to win points with their wives before they become parents? Should he have come up with a plan to do something special for Scully? Their lives are about to irreversibly change, and he hadn’t even considered, really, that very soon, it won’t be just the two of them anymore. There will be a third person, someone entirely dependent on them just to stay alive.
He fills his paper cup again, feeling sweat begin to form under his collar.
Dinner. He can do dinner, that’s a good idea. He should ask her. One last hoorah as the infamous Mulder-Scully duo for old times’ sake. She’d like that.
With a polite nod and a forced smile at his fellow agents around the water cooler, he heads back toward the elevator, and back to the basement.
“Hey, there you are,” Scully says as he shuts the door behind him. She’s elbow deep in one of the filing cabinet drawers, evidently rooting around at the back for a stray piece of paper that has escaped a folder. “Help me figure out which files to make copies of. I know you’re going to want to keep some of them,” she says.
She knows him so well. He’s already started making a mental list of ones he wants to have in his personal collection. The Bellefleur file, for example. And of course, the ones with his name or Scully’s in it, but those are for much less happy, nostalgic reasons.
Slouching his suit coat off his shoulders, he rolls up his sleeves and approaches the drawer, offering his assistance in reaching the wayward scrap of paper. Her little arms are too short, a fact which he intends to tease her about later. His fingers successfully find the edge of the document, and he extracts it with careful precision.
A familiar picture stares back up at him, giving him a hearty chuckle.
“Remember this one?” he asks, turning his sketch of the Jersey Devil back toward her.
She laughs as she takes it from him, inspecting it. “How could I forget?” she says, “I think this image is forever ingrained in my psyche.”
“Hey, don’t make fun of my drawing,” he says. “I want a copy of that file. With my beautiful artwork, please.”
She rolls her eyes, but opens up a folder and slides the paper in its rightful place. He can’t help but notice it was already in the ‘to-be-xeroxed’ pile before he said anything.
The office falls silent as he continues rifling through the cabinets, plucking out a file here and there that he wouldn’t mind keeping. It’s a walk down memory lane, for him. Flukeman, Big Blue, the vampire sheriff in Texas… Who would have thought that seven years later, he’d still have Scully by his side as he prepares to let go of what became his life’s work? Their life’s work. She should have run screaming from here years ago, but she didn’t.
Now look where it’s gotten them.
Glancing up at her from over the top of the overstuffed file drawer and filled with a sudden surge of gratefulness that he doesn’t know what to do with, he blurts, “Let’s go out to dinner tonight.”
She freezes, and he mentally kicks himself for the hasty delivery of his idea. Theoretically, he should have planned a better way to ask her. After a second that feels like an eternity, she turns to him with a skeptical tilt to her brow and a small smile. 
Well, at least he knows he’ll still get to see her make that expression at him even when they’re off the X-Files.
“I mean, we could try that new place in Dupont Circle. The one your mom was telling you about? If you want.”
“What’s the occasion?” she asks, folding her arms expectantly in front of her chest as she leans back in his office chair.
“You know,” he shrugs, “pretty soon it won’t be just us anymore, and I– I like… spending time with you… So I just thought it would be nice to—”
She smiles shyly. “That sounds great, Mulder,” she says, interrupting his fumbling explanation. “Tonight at seven?”
He grins, ducking his head to hide his goofy expression. “Yeah, seven. I’ll make the reservations.”
In hindsight, this is a crazy idea. The restaurant they’re going to is extravagant. Ostentatious. And he knows Scully knows it, too. The margin of error for plausible deniability here is extremely small, and if she doesn’t have some idea of his feelings for her already, he’s going to have a hard time keeping it that way as they sit in a low-lit room munching on those fancy breadsticks and drinking expensive wine.
What had he been thinking? He asked her out without even sparing it a thought, not realizing how it would sound. To be going out on a date with your best friend who is also technically your wife? Langly and Frohike were right. He is an idiot. What is he supposed to do on this ‘date?’ How is he supposed to act? Does she expect anything from him? Is this his last chance to make a move? What does it mean that this is one of the last nights they’ll spend alone together before someone literally hands them a baby and lets them take it home?
The idea of making a move, after all this time spent explicitly trying not to do exactly that, has him in a spiral. He paces around the floor in his bedroom, trying not to think about what dress Scully might be putting on in her room on the other side of the hall or what she might be doing with her hair.
He can’t upset the status quo like this with the baby due any time in the next few weeks, can he? Bad idea. Bad, bad, idea. But at the same time, when else would he get the chance? He’d heard what the other agents had said… it was years in some cases before new parents got the chance to really be alone. What if he had to spend the next several years silently pining for his own wife in the home they share together, watching her be a mother to the baby they adopted? Maybe there’s a reason people don’t get into arrangements like this with their platonic best friend, after all.
How stupid was he to think he could do this without letting his feelings get in the way? Why on earth didn’t he just tell her months ago, before all this started, instead of getting his hopes up?
The answer, of course, is that he wants this. He wants this family more than anything, even if it's never anything more than friendship and cohabitation with Scully. He would have scared her away if he told her the same day she found those adoption brochures on his desk. It would be too much at once. He knows her, she would have been overwhelmed.
But, man… What if?
He checks his reflection in the mirror one more time, smoothing his hair into place. He hopes he didn’t overdo it on the cologne. Should he be wearing a tie? He puts on one that Scully got him several years ago, complete with a tie clip he’d gotten from her mother at Christmas.
He hesitates over the chain he wears under his shirt. What would Scully think if he took it off and wore it on his finger tonight? He finds that he wants to. Just a normal husband and wife grabbing dinner together. Without giving it much thought, he loosens his tie and unbuttons the top button of his shirt to free the necklace from its usual place. He knows that if he gives it much more consideration, he’ll talk himself out of it, so he pushes those thoughts to the back of his mind and slides the band onto his left ring finger.
There. He’s ready.
He takes a deep breath and opens the door to his room, intent on continuing his pacing in the living room if Scully isn’t ready to go yet.
“I’ll be ready in a minute,” he hears her call from the bathroom as his door creaks open. At a quick glance, he can see the back of an elegant dress he’s never seen before, black with a neckline that swoops down low in the back. She stands at the sink, fastening an earring in place, and it feels like junior prom all over again.
“Oh, I’m in deep trouble,” Mulder mutters to himself, rubbing his hands over his face. Forcing himself to turn away, he walks straight to the kitchen and fills up a glass of water, downing it in record time.
Not five minutes later, he hears her emerge, and he prepares himself for the sight of her.
Sure enough, it knocks the breath out of him, a fact which he makes every attempt to hide. He’s pretty sure she catches it, though, because the corner of her mouth quirks up and her eyes drift to the floor, as if she were somehow self-conscious about her appearance.
He’s suddenly very glad he opted for the tie, if this is what she's wearing to dinner. Although, it’s feeling a little tight, at the moment. 
“You, uh—” he starts, at a loss for words. His mouth is bone dry, despite the water he had just chugged a few minutes ago. “You—”
“Thanks,” she says, mercifully sparing him from further embarrassment. She tucks a gently curled tuft of hair behind her ear, drawing his attention to the careful way she’s arranged it. “I figured this might be my last chance to get properly dressed up for a while, so… It’s been… years, I suppose, since I’ve had the occasion to.”
This just confirms it. He’s been an idiot. Years of missed opportunities, chances he’s wasted. He could have been taking this gorgeous, magnificent woman out to fancy dinners all the time, if he’d just been able to pull himself together and see past the end of his own rather distinguished nose. 
If time travel is ever invented, he’s gonna use it to go back in time and kick his own—
“Mulder?” she says, smiling amusedly at him. He gets the sense that that’s not the first time she’s tried to get his attention, and he feels his cheeks warm. “I said, are you ready to go?”
“Yeah,” he chokes out, finding his voice at last. She reaches down to grab her purse, and he coughs to clear his throat. “Yeah, let’s go.”
She shakes her head at him in mock admonition, but happily accepts his proffered arm as they exit out the front door of the apartment. In the hall, he glances down, taking in the sight of her hands wrapped comfortably around his right bicep.
Her ring. She’s wearing it. He swears his heart might leap out of his chest at the thought. This might just be the thing that does him in. Put it on his death certificate. ‘Cause of death: the woman he loves is wearing his ring.’ What a way to go.
He doesn’t say anything��couldn’t, even if he wanted to—but he can tell that she saw him take notice. How could he not, with the way it sparkles on her finger, like it belongs there? He feels her hold loosen, and it stirs up a mild panic in his chest. She shouldn’t be embarrassed. Please, please don’t be embarrassed.
He lifts his hand to stop her from releasing him, running his thumb over the diamond inset on her finger. It’s okay, he’s saying. Look, I’m wearing mine too.
He sees the moment her eyes fix on his ring, as he rests his left hand over hers on his arm. She avoids his eyes, but he can tell she’s moved. She swallows back her emotion, and her hold on him tightens again, which sends a wave of relief through his body. 
“Come on, we’ll be late for our reservation,” he says, his voice low, just for her ears. 
She nods, and lets him lead the way.
His first mistake was thinking that he could get day-of reservations at one of the trendiest places in all of Washington, D.C. His second mistake was not considering that his straightforward request for a table that evening might somehow be misconstrued to mean that evening a year from now. 
It takes all his self restraint not to raise his voice at the host at the host stand, because really, why would he be asking for something like that? He’d like to give them a little lesson on the use of the English language, but he won’t, only because Scully is there and he doesn’t want to completely ruin the evening.
She’s there watching him as all this takes place, undoubtedly amused as he fights back frustration. After a moment, her hand lands on his arm, her typical method of pulling him back from the brink of a poor decision that she’s perfected over the years, and she shakes her head.
“It’s alright, Mulder,” she says. “We can just go somewhere else.”
Yeah, but where?
“Have a good evening,” the host says dismissively, and his tone is just a little bit too smug for Mulder’s taste. It reminds him of stuffy dinners with his father’s associates or interactions he had with the pompous law students at Oxford. Maybe they don’t want to eat here after all.
Scully feels him tense under her touch, and gently guides him out of the restaurant before he can respond. What would he do without her? He’d probably get beaten up a lot more often, that’s for sure. Or at least kicked out of places, like he would have been tonight.
She leads him outside, and soon enough, they’re standing on the sidewalk by the street, at a loss for what to do next.
“I’m sorry, Scully,” he says, mentally kicking himself for screwing this up so badly. “I just wanted to do something special, and now—”
“Mulder,” she stops him. “Seriously. It’s okay. I’m happy with wherever we decide to go tonight. This is about spending time together, right?”
“Then let's go,” she says, grabbing his hand. “Come on, I have an idea.”
She holds tight to him as she leads them down the sidewalk, passing other couples on the street on this lovely spring evening. He has no idea where she could possibly be taking them, but she’s in a great mood, so he tries not to let the minor setback ruin his night. If she’s happy, then he’s happy.
The sun draws closer to the horizon, casting a golden glow on everything and everyone it touches. It makes her hair shine like fire, and once again he counts his blessings. It feels a little bit like the night of their wedding, and that thought brings a smile to his face.
They walk past several up-scale restaurants, and Scully doesn’t even spare them a glance. Wherever she’s taking them, she must know the way there. After a couple more blocks, she comes to a stop, standing out front of a greasy diner, maybe just a little nicer than the ones they frequent in small-town America. 
“Really?” he asks, looking dubiously up at the neon sign. “You sure you don’t want to go somewhere a little fancier, Scully? You got all dressed up.”
Her answering smile is resplendent in the glowing light.
“I want to eat here, Mulder,” she says, stepping toward the entrance. A bell above the door jingles as she pushes it open. “It seems fitting, doesn’t it?”
It does. A wave of nostalgia hits him like a truck when he realizes why she brought them here. Why a diner, of all places, would be the place she chooses for their ceremonial last meal, just the two of them. He can’t count how many formica tabletops just like this one they’ve shared a meal at, over the years. Hundreds of hamburgers with a side of fries, maybe a milkshake they end up splitting when Scully’s ice water loses its appeal. Ripped vinyl booths that Scully thoroughly wipes down with wet wipes she’d started keeping in her bag for that exact purpose.
“Well, don’t you two look nice?” a waitress in uniform says as she approaches their table. Her hair looks like the 80s have come back with a vengeance, all frizzy and permed, and she chews a wad of bubblegum aggressively, smelling like her last smoke break.
In short, it’s perfect.
“What’ll it be?” she asks.
Mulder orders for the both of them, knowing Scully’s usual order by heart. She smiles the way she always does when he remembers to ask for a lemon for her water, and he makes sure to tell the waitress to bring two straws for the milkshake instead of one.
When he looks across the booth at Scully, again, he imagines a little girl sitting next to her, coloring away on a kids menu with two, cheap, plasticky crayons that break in half if you look at them wrong.
It won’t be long, now. That will be their life. Mulder, party of three. Maybe Scully will start to carry a plastic baggy of the good crayons in her bag, for when they go to places like this. He’s absolutely certain she’ll at least double her use of wet wipes and sanitizer. He’ll become a chicken strip connoisseur, knowing all the best places in the city to get the child-favorite delicacy.
“To us,” Mulder toasts once their drinks arrive, lifting his chocolate milkshake in the air between them. “To… endings and new beginnings.”
“To endings and new beginnings,” Scully repeats, clinking her glass against his.
It’s past dark already, barely a hint of color lingering on the horizon, but that doesn’t stop them from prolonging the evening with a walk to the National Mall. The moon is bright, and the streets are lit up for tourists making the most of the warmer spring weather. It’s a pleasant walk. Scully feels drunk, despite the absence of alcohol with their dinner. She wonders if Mulder feels it too.
He guides her with his hand in its usual place, and she feels what can only be described as complete and utter contentment, as each brush of his fingers propels her gently forward. The street leads them straight to the reflecting pool on the National Mall, a favorite spot of theirs, not that they find the time to visit often enough. They’ve missed the cherry blossom blooms by only a couple weeks, but the sweet smell of them persists, unless it’s just her imagination.
Something about being with Mulder like this dials all her senses up to eleven. She has never experienced life like this before. Are the stars always so bright? Does the cool breeze always feel like silk on her skin?
Maybe it's his cologne that has her feeling tipsy. She selfishly hopes the scent of it will linger on her clothes and in her hair even after this night has come to its end.
The Mall is quiet and mostly empty at this hour. The Washington Monument looms in the distance, lit up brightly and casting its imposing reflection on the still waters of the reflecting pool. A family of ducks disturbs the glassy surface, sending ripples radiating outward as they paddle from one side to the other.
Mulder has this peaceful expression on his face, the corners of his mouth quirked upward ever so slightly. If she didn’t know any better, she’d think he had never been here before, taking in all the sights for the first time. He watches the ducks for a moment, expelling a breath of laughter through his nose as a small duckling falls behind, then swims faster to catch up with the rest of the crew.
His hand drops from her back, but before she has a chance to mourn the loss, he entangles his fingers with hers, clasping their hands tightly together. She follows after him in a daze, her lips pulled back in a self-conscious sort of grin. She can’t help it. He makes her feel like a teenager, and… she doesn’t even know what this is, really, but she likes it. 
They circle the reflecting pool for a bit, wandering aimlessly at a lazy pace, reluctant to put an end to their time together. Eventually, they end up sitting on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial, the gargantuan statue of the nation’s sixteenth president a silent sentinel behind them.
Scully leans her cheek against Mulder’s bicep. Despite her best efforts to keep them open, her eyes fall shut, her body succumbing to the serenity of their surroundings and the comfort of good company. He offers her his coat, draping it over her shoulders to combat the slight chill. It dwarfs her, the extra fabric at the hem pooling on the ground behind her.
“How about we come here on the weekends?” his voice rumbles, the first words spoken since they left the diner almost half an hour ago.
“Mm?” she hums in question.
He jostles her slightly with his arm, and she forces her eyes open again.
“You know, take the stroller for a spin around the pool,” he says, gesturing ahead of them. “Maybe stop into the Air and Space museum if we feel like it…”
She smiles. She can picture it so easily, the two of them experiencing the wonders of this city through the eyes of their child as she grows. Of course Mulder would want to go to the Air and Space Museum. It’s a wonder he hasn’t dragged her there before.
“Every weekend?” she asks doubtfully, her words slurring slightly.
He wraps his arm around her shoulders, pulling her into his side as he chuckles.
“No, not every weekend,” he says, pressing a kiss to her hairline. “I’m sure some weekends we’ll want to sleep in. Maybe have a late breakfast and watch movies. I can make pancakes. Chocolate chip.”
“Children need to have healthy breakfasts, Mulder,” she says admonishingly. Something tells her it will be a constant battle to keep Mulder from spoiling their daughter with sugar and empty carbs. But if that’s the worst of their disagreements when it comes to co-parenting, she’ll happily accept the challenge.
He rolls his eyes. “Fine. Half blueberry, half chocolate chip,” he concedes. She decides to let it slide for now.
Above them, an airplane soars across the sky, lights blinking rhythmically as it passes overhead.
It’s funny. Before Mulder, she never looked twice at things like that. But now, she finds herself checking a second time, her gaze lingering a little longer, just in case it might be something other than an airplane.
What has this man done to her?
Mulder follows the direction of her stare, his chin tilting upward. Against the backdrop of stars, the perfectly normal, human-built aircraft flies out of sight. The hand on Scully’s shoulder drops to the ground, his palms resting against the stone steps as he reclines back a little.
“Thanks for hanging with me all these years, Scully,” he says softly, his eyes never wavering from the heavens. “I really couldn’t have done it without you.”
Her lips pull back in a smile. “We make a pretty good team, huh?” she says over her shoulder.
His lowers his gaze to meet hers. “I like to think so. You think that will translate to raising a kid?”
She has often wondered that exact thing, but for the life of her now, as she looks into his eyes, she can’t think of even one reason why she questioned it.
She leans back onto his shoulder, her eyes falling shut again.
“Only one way to find out,” she answers sleepily.
He sighs happily. “Any day now.”
What a day. What a night.
Mulder can’t sleep, lying stiffly on his back in bed with his hands clasped on top of his torso. All he can think about is how beautiful she looked in the blinding fluorescent light of the diner, with a bit of ketchup smeared on the corner of her mouth from when she stole one of his fries when she thought he wasn’t looking. How she held his hand, content just to walk in silence beside him in the shadow of some of the nation’s most revered monuments.
What a perfect way to put a cap on their time working on the X-Files together. He couldn’t have planned it better himself (clearly). Who needs expensive wine and stale classical music when you have bottomless milkshakes and a jukebox playing the greatest sock-hop hits of the 1950s?
It wasn’t a real date, he has to remind himself, but it sure was close to one. Usually a first date doesn’t end with both parties going home together, that’s one difference. Or, well, going home to the apartment that they both live in together, he should say. But tonight, as they returned home, they got ready for bed side-by-side at the sink, brushing their teeth and washing their faces, and it felt like they’d been doing this for years. There was no awkwardness there, just a wave of peace and stability he wasn’t sure he’d ever feel in his adult life.
If they ever move somewhere else—somewhere closer to Quantico, maybe—he’ll make sure the bathroom is equipped with a his-and-hers vanity. A sink for each of them, and plenty of counter space for all of Scully’s specialty serums and creams. It’ll be nice, he thinks.
When he finally falls asleep, it’s to visions of wraparound porches and matching rocking chairs, and maybe a nice playset in the backyard with a couple of kids running around. Now that’s a dream worth dreaming of.
This is ridiculous. She should just go back to bed, try one more time to actually fall asleep, get a few hours of rest at least. 
But she can’t sleep. Because Mulder had gone and put it in her head that everything is about to change, and it really could happen at any moment. Somehow, when she’s with him, she forgets every apprehension that plagues her, lured into a sense of security and assurance by some mystical power he possesses. Okay, maybe not a mystical power, but it is frightening how easily she casts aside her doubts when he’s within eyesight.
But then it all comes flooding back the moment she’s left to her own thoughts. It’s infuriating. She thought she was ready for it—for this massive life change—but she’s not. It terrifies her.
What if she can’t do it? What if she misses working in the Hoover building with him too much? What if she and Mulder have a disagreement about something trivial and it pulls them apart? What if he meets a nice woman at Quantico and wants out of this arrangement? What if it’s not enough for them to just be friends and raise this baby together? What if her feelings get the best of her, and she scares him away?
Or perhaps worst of all… What if they don’t get to go home with a baby at the end of all this? What if the mother decides to keep it? What then? Would they even have it in their hearts to try again? To wait a little longer, when there are drawers full of onesies and newborn diapers already in their home?
For weeks, the same nightmare has plagued her. Standing in a hospital hallway, their path blocked by people from the adoption agency telling them to turn around. Go home. You do not get a child.
She wakes feeling emptier than ever, and wishes for the millionth time that things could be easier.
There’s so much to think about, and she can’t take it anymore. She’s scared. And there’s only one person she likes to go to when she’s scared, and he’s sleeping peacefully right behind this door.
She sighs, leaning her head up against the door frame in exhaustion. She’ll just poke her head in for a moment. Remind herself that he’s there, and he’s not going anywhere. She repeats the words he’s said to her over and over in her head like a mantra, ways he’s reassured her in the past that he’s in this for the long-haul. But for some reason, they’re hard to recall in these moments of doubt. Maybe she’d misunderstood him. Maybe she’s remembering it wrong, applying more meaning to his words than he’d intended.
Her stomach tosses and turns uncomfortably with nerves. She’ll never be able to sleep like this.
As quietly as possible, she eases the door open, a sliver of light from the hallway piercing its way into his room. He looks warm and soft, the way his face lays slack against the pillow. He’s made himself at home here. His knick knacks line the shelves, unpacked from their boxes after the move and scattered about. As she steps carefully inside, she spots a photo of them that once sat on a shelf in their office. He must have moved it here recently, part of the slow transfer of their lives out of the basement of the Hoover building. She can’t help but notice that it sits beside him on his nightstand, right next to his glasses and whatever book he’s been reading lately.
She lets out a breath, allowing the comfort he unknowingly offers to dull her senses. Just a minute longer, then she’ll go back to her room and give sleeping another shot.
Or she would have, if he hadn’t started to stir, slowly waking from his peaceful slumber. It’s almost like he’d sensed her there, some kind of psychological link that told him when she was near, and in distress. She quickly turns back to the door, hand on the door handle to open it and make her exit before he truly notices her presence, when she hears her name spoken in a confused whisper.
Her shoulders slump in defeat, and her hand falls away from the doorknob.
“Sorry,” she says, turning to face him sheepishly. “I didn’t mean to wake you.”
He props himself up on an elbow, blearily rubbing sleep from his eyes with a fist.
“You okay?” he asks.
Her mouth drops open to reassure him that, yes, she’s fine, but she takes just a second too long to answer, and she knows he sees right through her. It’s not even worth lying to him.
“Come here,” he says, scooting over to make room on the bed beside him. “We can talk, if you want.”
She really shouldn’t, but his offer is tantalizing. She’s too vulnerable to be in this position, right now. Who knows what will slip from her mouth in her exhausted and overwhelmed state? Her feet carry her toward the bed anyway, and she slides into place under the covers, staring blankly up at the ceiling as he settles on his side facing her on his side of the bed.
“Can’t sleep?” he asks knowingly.
She shakes her head, her hair rustling on the pillow.
“Took me a while to get to sleep too,” he admits. “A lot to think about. A lot, a lot.”
At least she’s not alone in this problem, she guesses. She hates feeling like the insecure one in any situation, and that’s how she’s felt more often than not throughout this process so far.
“What’s keeping you up?” he asks, gently urging her to open up.
She tries to shrug, but she knows she’ll have to come up with an answer sooner or later. There’s no reason to hide this from him. Sometimes, he knows her better than she knows herself, and that can be a blessing and a curse.
“I’m going to miss working with you, Mulder,” she says honestly, her lips sealed tight to fight back the slight tremble in them. She can’t stop hearing her own words spoken by the reflecting pool a few years ago. ‘If I quit now, they win.’
She feels a hand land on her upper arm, stroking it comfortingly. Her eyes flutter shut. She can lie to herself all she wants, but this is why she really came in here. There’s a type of comfort only Mulder has ever been able to bestow, and she needs it now more than ever.
“We’ll still be in the same building,” he says appeasingly. “We can get lunch together every day, talk about our classes, complain about the new recruits.”
It’s silly, but his words do help. She imagines sitting across from him in his own private office—probably decorated a lot like their current office is—and munching on a salad while listening to him complain about an essay one of his students turned in. It sounds pleasant. Easy. Maybe he can come help decorate her office too. She’s gotten used to his clutter. She isn’t sure she’d be able to work in the sparsely furnished office space like she’s naturally inclined to.
“And besides– We’ll still see each other here,” he adds. “Every night. And the weekends.”
The thought sends a thrill through her. Sometimes it still feels like a dream, what they’re doing. Giving up the X-Files… that’s a tangible thing. But the baby? She’s still an abstract idea, despite the fact that physical reminders of their plans are scattered throughout her apartment. The picture he’d painted earlier of a relaxing day at home together feels out of reach—like a nice idea that isn’t really attainable. Is she that traumatized from all the disappointment in her life?
“Are you sure you’re ready for this?” she asks, her mouth downturned in a frown. “I mean– I know you’ve said before that this is what you want, but I—”
“You’re gonna have to learn to trust me sometime, Scully,” Mulder says, a slight sadness in his voice.
She does. She does trust him—maybe even more than she trusts herself. That’s what the problem is.
“I do,” she says. “I’m sorry. I guess I’m just…”
“Freaking out?” he finishes, smiling at her in amusement.
“Just a little,” she says, returning his smile.
He breathes in deeply, his face pensive like it always is when he's mulling over a difficult question.
“I think we’re ready,” he says, projecting confidence into his voice. “I think you’re going to be a rockstar mom, and we’ll wonder why we didn’t do this years ago.”
“You think?”
“I know.”
“But what if—”
He shakes his head, putting a stop to her words immediately. “You gotta stop that, Scully,” he says seriously. “This is going to work out.” His fingers find the dainty necklace she wears, his thumb brushing over the cross. “Have faith,” he implores.
She closes her eyes, letting out a breath, and with it, trying to release some of the fear that keeps her up at night. She wants to do what he asks, to let herself go, but it's not as easy as that. Sometimes she can't help but feel like they're trying to cheat destiny, to force things into going their way when they've been repeatedly told “no” at every turn.
His reassurance does help, though. Wasn't that why she'd come here in the first place? 
Mulder settles back, turning his attention back to the ceiling. 
“What did you think of the new agents?” she asks after a moment, changing the subject. It’s hard to believe that it was just this morning that they’d interviewed a few of them, hoping to find some trustworthy hands to leave their work to.
“Reyes seems sharp,” Mulder says. “I think her background in folklore and ritualistic abuse is a good starting point.”
“Mm,” Scully hums her agreement. “And what about Doggett? Too staunch of a skeptic for you?”
Mulder chuckles. “He comes highly recommended by the higher ups, so I don’t know,” he says. “It’s always good to have a variety of opinions around, though, don’t you think?”
She turns her head to the left, her eyes meeting his in the darkened room, lit only by what little moonlight comes through the blinds. 
“I think… we’ll be okay,” she says then, willing the words to be true as she speaks them. Her assertion brings a smile to his face, and he leans back on the pillow, focusing on the patterns on the ceiling like she had been a moment earlier.
“We will,” he agrees. “For once, I think we’ll be better than okay.”
Lovely tag list ♡: [if you would like to be added or removed, let me know!]
@today-in-fic @ao3feed-msr @agent-troi @angegova @baronessblixen @calimanc @captainsolocide @clo-thespin @cutemothman @danasculls @deathsbestgirl @edierone @enigmaticxbee @figureofdismay @frogsmulder @gillian-anderson-in-the-tardis @hippocampouts @invidiosa @monaiargancoconutsoy @msrafterdark @numinousmysteries @primrose19 @randomfoggytiger @skelavender @skylarksong @stephy-gold @teenie-xf @the-redhead-in-a-dress @vincentsleftear
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tumblingxelian · 7 months
Wednesday Fanfic Concept - Rivals and Roommates to Lovers
Summary: With her parents fast approaching for a string of "Family Therapy Sessions" and with the looming promise of their intervention in her nonexistent love life, Wednesday is forced to take drastic action.
"Enid, Barclay, I have need of one or both of your assistance in a little deception for the duration of my parents extended visit."
Concept: Wednesday's parents are coming weeks before parents day for multiple family therapy sessions at Kinbotts suggestion. They also insinuated they would use this chance to introduce Wednesday to some 'respectable suitors', much to her chagrin.
Wanting an excuse to bail on them at a whim, use others to distract them & something to obscure their interests in playing match maker she corners Enid & Bianca after fencing (With Yoko & Divina watching) to request one or both of them play the role of paramour.
Flabbergasted shock and intrigued amusement reign but discussions do happen; though be it not all at once as the topic brings up... Revelations.
Enid is willing to go along with things cos she's a friend but does expected some repayment in girls nights. She is also insistent the fake relationship be healthier than her parents decades long marriage and is very committed to it.
Bianca is more put off at first, but a blend of anger at Xavier, competitiveness, and the desire to extract Wednesday's promise to help them win the fencing tournament is enough to get her to go along with it.
There are revelations however that come fast and quick:
Outcasts of high standing do practice arranged marriages, but it is possible to cancel them as they are more a ceremonial idea to maintain alliances.
However the process to do so without creating huge problems or looking stupid requires several steps to be met for everyone's pride.
Wednesday is furious she was not told she had fiancé's (Her parents never intended to force the issue they just didn't want to bring it up until they felt she'd not actively cause a political incident out of spite)
Bianca is furious Xavier lied to her about having no prior commitments or relationships as it has become evident he never intended to stay with her in the first place.
Enid was the one who actually figured out there would be arranged marriages due to culturual osmosic and snooping.
Yoko is roped into assisting with the cancellation process, & Divina into helping helping stage semi real dates.
Thing was assigned to spy on Weems so he's missing all this.
Said fake dates and manufactured confessions of interest primarily exist to give the relationship legitimacy for the romantic Addams:
Wednesday: My parents are romantics at heart, they can readily accept mny things if it fits a narrative they would like to see spun.
Bianca: Oh do tell, what made us so perfect for the role of your paramours?
Wednesday:... With yourself Barclay, they would hardly question the simmering tensions that can emerge between rivals of the blade and intellect. Though your penchant for social climbing would perhaps raise eyebrows given my tastes otherwise.
Bianca: Oh how charming.
Enid: So what about me, they seemed kind of put off by my pastels.
Wednesday: Surprise would certainly echo in their otherwise empty heads. However it is not unprecedent given my uncle Festers tastes in women and for all our differences... You are very careful with my eccentricities.
Yoko: Rivals to lovers, oh my god they were room mates; fake relationship 400K slow burn, another win for the gays! (cackling)
Romantic inspiration moments discussed include:
Wednesday forcefully revaluating her opinion of Enid after she threatened Wednesday on the first night and revaluating her opinion of Bianca after her loss in their first duel. (Her parents find both the roommate romance and rivals to lovers very inspired)
She confessed to Enid recently, after seeing her maul the schools bus in a rage & Bianca a few days later after a roof top duel in the rain that ended in a draw. (There was wine drinking from each others glasses before & after, cos while this is all staged, Wednesday is not a some uncivilized boor who won't treat her dates well)
Enid romantic moments are Wednesday helping with the Poe Cup & she says she used to crush on Bianca before she dated Xavier. When Xavier is pissy about Wednesday "Breaking things off" and her refusing to sit near him in class, Enid goads him by kissing Wednesday's cheek and then mocking him at fencing.
Xavier loses it, but throws his sword at Bianca rather than Enid thinking its her scheme and Enid attacks him. So violently that they Yoko, Divina, & Coach Vlad just to hold her back. (The former two actually know Enid's temper)
For Bianca the moments would be Wednesday's words to her before the Poe Cup forcing her to take a look at her truly and parse her feelings regarding the matter of Xavier, followed by the roof top duel.
While for Enid it would be seeing her efforts to maul Xavier and them having a "Talk" after the fact. Her & Enid's relationship is framed as "Seeing where it goes" while their interest in Wednesday and hers in them is more direct.
Naturally real feelings start to or are already developing. They also time it all before the dance so they can make their dramatic debut.
Also thanks to his spying Thing learns that Weems is in talks with the Mayor regarding the monster and seems to know something, so they get confirmation of it from that angle rather than Xavier's art and the cave.
This also means Thing is flabbergasted when returning to the room & seeing Bianca there, putting herself right in the middle of the room, to mildly intrude on Wednesday's space but not go overboard. This is to be in contrast to Enid who is more careful with Wednesday's boundaries but sometimes to the point of inaction.
Xavier's inability to respect Wednesday's boundaries or words & Wednesday hating Galpin's dad and finding Tyler confusing (Cos of his rambling about signals) is why she didn't go to them. Meanwhile Eugene makes her think of her brother which squicks her out so he was off the table.
Also parents day likely ends up hella more dramatic and Bianca and Enid get some big development from their mutual mom situation. Plus Wednesday realizing she's growing… protective.
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koralira-kira · 1 year
him as your co-barista ❆park sunghoon❆
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pairings : barista!parksunghoon x barista!reader
genre : fluff, romance, cafe love, coworkers to lovers, friends to lovers, sunghoon just being an absolute cutie
synopsis : sunghoon always wanted to try being a barista for a while ever since he moved to college. now he's giving it a shot
warnings : none
wc : 898
notes : i'm back again! honestly, i've been really tired lately. i moved in to my dorm, then it was the first day of school, and now i'm busy training dancing because i have a performance coming up (god bless my soul). and now there's new exchange students from japan that are coming to my school next month. to add up, my classes hasn't even started yet 😭. i'm doing fine though! just need a bit of rest then i'm ok. anyways, this fic is inspired by me cuz i'm a barista myself and i just had to write this down as soon as i thought of this. im quite proud actually and i hope you enjoy this as much as i do! i almost forgot, here's the link for the latte art that sunghoon did in the bonus part of the fic. hope you enjoy!
co-barista!sunghoon who asks you what to do on his first day working as a barista. obviously you started off strong by teaching him how to take orders. you also taught him how to extract espresso shots too! man was so happy and proud when he made his first espresso shots.
co-barista!sunghoon who stresses out while taking orders during lunch rush. rants to you about it as soon as the orders had quiet down. you didn't know why but you find it cute seeing him lowkey panicking while taking the orders. bonus! he also may or may not have mistaken a few orders during the rush.
co-barista!sunghoon who attracts girls in the coffee shop and will sometimes ask for a picture or his number. sales have been going up rapidly ever since he started working.
co-barista!sunghoon who on the next day arrives early and shyly asks you to teach him to make latte art. of course you did but you gave him a heads that it might take him a couple of tries to somehow achieve it.
co-barista!sunghoon who was amazed by your latte art skills and had sparkles in his eyes as soon as he saw the final product. he didn't even know that you could make a swan let alone a penis! of course he was impressed.
co-barista!sunghoon that tries his hardest to impress with his first latte art but fails miserably and makes a lopsided heart instead. of course you reassured him that it was good enough but for him it really wasn't. he really wanted to impress you the way you impressed him. and so, he tried doing it again.
co-barista!sunghoon who accidentally burnt himself while trying to steam the milk and it ended up all over his apron and the floor. you immediately went to get the mop while sunghoon was left alone embarrassed. poor boy just wanted to impress you.
co-barista!sunghoon that you taught how to steam the milk properly and got flustered as you helped him guide his hands to angle the pitcher right. he found it cute how you had to go on your toes because the machine was a bit too high for you to see the milk steaming. he didn't really listen the whole time you were talking but he was damn sure that it made his heart go a bit faster than usual.
co-barista!sunghoon who watched multiple videos on how to make latte art as soon as he went home. though he didn't have any equipment in his apartment complex, he listened carefully and attentively as if it would really affect his grades. he wouldn't admit it but he stayed up until 2am just watching videos on how to improve your latte art and how to steam the milk correctly.
co-barista!sunghoon who clocked in while looking like he was sleep deprived. his under eyes were dark and he looked like he could sleep anytime. you asked if he was doing fine but then he replied, "yeah, don't worry about it. just slept a bit late last night."
co-barista!sunghoon who subtly gets to know you by the playlist that you made for the coffee shop. after about a week of him being a barista, he learned that you like niki a lot, especially her album 'nicole'. what you didn't know is that he secretly scans the coffee shop's spotify to see what you mostly play during your shift. he also has seen you singing the lyrics while making a few orders.
co-barista!sunghoon who asks you out to get food after your shift. you tried to decline thinking that it would waste his time but he insisted it. both of you ended up in a ramen shop just nearby and ordered away.
co-barista!sunghoon who insisted on paying the bills and now the two of you are bickering about it. both of you ended up deciding that you pay the bills. now sunghoon's determined that he'll surely pay the bills next time.
co-barista!sunghoon who asked you out for the second time to roam around town and tell you that it's his treat this time. you'd be lying if you said it didn't make your heart flutter.
co-barista!sunghoon who always waits for you then accompanies you after your shift and will walk with you to your apartment complex. he doesn't care if it's a bit far from where he is, all he needs to know is that you're home safe.
co-barista!sunghoon who asks you out again for the fifth time this month and tells you it's just a "friendly hangout". little did you know that he'll admit his feelings for you. of course you accepted and returned the feelings back.
co-barista!sunghoon who gets too excited and kisses you with so much passion that he forgot to ask for you consent. but as soon as he tried to break this kiss, you pulled his collar back to you and kissed him again. the both of you pulled back to catch some air then eventually smiled at each other. thank god that the lights in sunghoon's car was off, or you could've seen him being as red as a tomato.
co-barista!sunghoon who has finally mastered his latte art skills, surprises you with his works from time to time. but it's mostly a just a penis.
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suesimming · 5 months
Dawn Of The Simfected Challenge
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Corporal Jess Sigworth kisses her sleeping little girl goodbye as she heads out on a top secret mission. She's been tasked to rescue scientist from a secret lab way out in the desert. They've only been told that there was a "accident" and it's a "time sensitive matter". You take a small team to extract the scientist, contain the threat and then forget it ever happened.
They arrive at the base before night turns to day. At this early hour no one is up yet but there should be a guard in the tower. One of your men, having scouted the perimeter, comes back and tells you a army truck has punched a hole in the fence…from the inside. As you approach, it's clear someone wanted to get out in a hurry. Something very bad happened here and you get the feeling this is a containment mission rather than a recue one.
As you enter the lab, you find it in a state of disaster. Papers every where, furniture knocked over and what appears to be dried blood. You order your men to suit up in their hazmat suits when you find the door to the lower level sealed shut with a smeared bloody handprint on the door. As you get the keycard from your pocket, you get the feeling you should turn and run but you are a soldier and you have your orders.
You swipe the card, the door opens with a hiss and you are blasted with brightly coloured specs of dust. What happens from here is a haze. You remember growls, howls, gun fire, blood and screams. By the time you rip off your hazmat mask, you're speeding away from the lab…alone.
When you get home, your husband, outside watering his "victory garden" mentions that a storm must be coming and you notice a massive towering cloud over the desert, right where the lab is. He then rushes over to you asking if you are okay and only then do you notice all the blood. You grab him by the arm, run in the house still clutching your weapon and all you can say is
"They lied to us and we opened the doors of hell."
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San Myshuno a few weeks later:
It's 4am and you just finished your shift at the docks. You decide to stop by The Caboose for a cup of coffee and whatever Bill has on the grill. You stare out the window watching the city skyline turn orange as the day starts to break. As you take a sip of your coffee, you glance up and notice the sudden silence in the diner, everyone is staring at the TV. A little town called Strangerville has been in the news for weeks because of a strange new "flu" that has spread like wild fire. The fever it is said, causes Sims become violent. Rumours are that this so called flu was created by the government in a secret lab not to far from the town or it's a disease from aliens they experimented on but what ever it is, it got out of the lab.
You watch as disturbing video of Sims attacking, dare you say biting other Sims in Strangerville, plays on the news. A chill runs down your spine as SNN is suddenly interrupted by a emergency broadcast. The flu has now spread from Strangerville to other towns and cities.
"Effective immediately Simsnation has gone into full lock down. All Sims must return home and not leave until otherwise instructed. This is for your own safety as the government works on containing the flu and finding a cure. If you experience any of the following symptoms please contact the number below: Bloaty head, seeing stars, steam coming from your ears, high fever, bloodshot eyes and extreme hunger. A mobile clinic will be set up in your neighbourhood to help treat sick Sims. We ask that everyone remain calm and co-operate. We can beat this together." The mechanical voice switches off and the news pops back on. Everyone sits there for a moment, one man, shaking his head says
"Flu my ass. My cousin over at the base in Oasis says this thing is a straight up deadly virus. They call it The Rage and those poor bastards in Strangerville were left to fend for themselves days ago when the army shut the whole place down. I'm not hanging around to see what happens in a big city like this."
You are a more cool headed Sim that wants all the facts before you act so you decide to do as you were told, go home and watch the news closely. You don't trust the government but you also won't panic without good reason. You decide to snag a few bread rolls and fruit because you know the stores will be over run with panicking Sims. You go home and fall asleep watching the news.
You wake up to find the city quiet and the streets empty. In the distance you can see the mobile clinic going up. The military presence around the camp makes you feel uneasy.
Meet Charles Barnhart. Just your average Sim trying to make it to tomorrow.
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The neighbours seem a little different these days.
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jacobmybeloved · 11 months
Far Cry 7 Leaks!
okay. so a few weeks ago I saw this video from one of my fave youtube channels.
TLDR (6:39 mark on video):
-Non-linear story
-The story centered around saving the player character's kidnapped family
-The premise of the campaign is for the player to rescue their entire family within a specific time frame (in-game timer 72 hours, 24 hours in real-time (timer can be paused when the player enters on of their safehouses)
-Family members can be killed off which can impact the story.
-New interrogation mechanic; enemies can lie or remain quiet or help, kinda like LA Noire.
-Game planned for Fall 2025
-Game will be developed by Ubisoft Montreal and will move away from the Dunia engine to Snowdrop (The Division engine)
SO TODAY, I saw this clip on youtube:
-(TBD) Title: Far Cry Rise
-New setting is a small island off the coast of South Korea
-Lead villain played by Lee Jung-Jae from Squid Games.
-North Korean insurgents have taken your siblings.
-Campaign can be done in co-op mode
-Player character can be male or female
-New multiplayer mode called Conquest (open-world extraction mode) --> squads of three complete a series of objectives and engage with 90 other real players in search of valuable items while struggling to survive until extraction.
Update 10.6.23 [from this article]
-FC7 may combine elements from the highly regarded FC3 and FC5
-Return of narrative designer and lead writer Drew Holmes suggests that FC7 may carry over and expand his previous vision and ideas from FC5
-The setting is a tropical island called Kimsan, located in the "Yellow Sea next to Korea"
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hide-in-imagination · 6 months
So, I was watching this video about personality types that people develop as a childhood trauma response and I couldn't help but thinking of Ámbar because that's what my brain does kjsdfn. Hearing this information, I came to think that Ámbar has a mix of 'The Doer' personality and 'The Hostile' personality, being the first one more prominent in seasons 1 and two, with 'The Hostile' taking prominence in Season 3.
I won't write down everything because it would be too much-- Watch the video if you're interested-- but I will leave some extracts down below that resonated with me:
"The hostiles are very capable of actually softening if they want that. They have to see the hostility as a problem. But they won't soften if they don't see it as a problem and embrace this 'double down on who they are', which also happens too, unfortunately." (Ámbar in Season 3 claiming 'this is the real me and everyone will just have to deal with that.')
"A way for hostiles to become more present and authentic is doing work around softening, which, paradoxically, is exactly what the abuse was about: being labeled as weak, or soft, or not having any power. So that feels like kind of a 'no-go' zone for them but self-compassion that is taught by safe people helps soften a hostile whom they respect and trust."
"A hostile usually deals with their feelings from a hard anger place at front and detaches from childhood grief and sadness. (...) Hostiles really struggle with being loving. They might confuse control for love."
"In healing childhood trauma we can kind of shift to the opposites instead of center and find who we really are." -> Ámbar going from more of a 'doer' personality first and 'hostile' second, in which she wanted to ace everything and succeed so she would please Sharon and be popular but her way of doing things was always very aggressive and demeaning to others, to a 'hostile' personality first and 'doer' second, in which she embraced this 'Okay, if I'm the bad one of the story, I'll just do it upfront, I don't care what anyone thinks and I don't need them or their approval anymore'. She still has this goal of being the best at what she does and takes on a lot of work (being the manager of the Roller, organizing an Open in record time, organizing another event two weeks later) but this need for control falls into a secondary category where hostility is the main characteristic now.
"For treatment, I would encourage any of these personalities to become more real about their childhoods and find some anger about what happened to them and hold abusive parents accountable, like, you were kind of set up to both adapt this personality and miss out on developing what you were born with, and to become more real about what it was like growing up."
I think that Ámbar really shows she's on the journey of healing when she starts realizing that Sharon is the one in the wrong and starts comparing how she treats her versus how Mónica treats her, for example, and seeing that there are other ways that families can function and that adults can function. It's deeply sad that something as drastic as 1-Sharon lying to her about her identity, and 2- Sharon later abandoning her and fleeing the country, was what it took for Ámbar to finally stop mirroring her image and want to not be like her instead. It really comes to show how deeply ingrained some ideas and damage can be in someone when they come from family and it's all you've ever known.
It also puts her whole Season 3 Wears-All-Black persona in a new perspective because it can be seen as her lowest point in life, the moment where she's furthest from who she really is, but it very much could've been necessary for her to go through that phase, to embrace that anger and that part of herself, because it was a part of her that always existed but that she hid in order to be seen as perfect, which was a toxic unreachable standard she was holding herself to. In not denying the darkest parts of herself anymore, she could finally deal with it and where that anger and that sadness comes from, and eventually be able to find who she really is or wants to be within a mix of all the aspects of her personality.
Anyway, I think I talked too much, but I really love exploring Ámbar's character and applying any new information I find to her (and Simón) and so I wanted to share it with the fandom because you're the only ones who'll understand my brainrot 😂
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eros-thanatos89 · 6 months
some thoughts on Dune
It's 5 AM and I can't get back to sleep, so clearly it's time to ramble about Dune on the internet.
I recently rewatched part one of Villeneuve's movies and then saw part 2 in theaters this week.
I've seen the David Lynch Dune a couple times in the past few years, mostly because I wanted to see the Villeneuve. I love Lynch, but his adaptation is wild--very fun, but it feels like a fever dream, and he has spoken openly about how the studio fought him and the process of making the film was awful for him. It's also such a dense source material, that it's so hard to fit into one two hour movie. Hence, the last 45 minutes try to cover major plot points and it feels rushed and scattered.
So the new Villeneuve adaptations have more time to really introduce to Dune's world of interplanetary Empire, the warring houses and factions under the Emperor, and the planet of Arrakis which is coveted by the Empire for its precious resource of Spice--and therefore exploited and oppressed.
I didn't really catch the very clear commentary on imperialism and extractive capitalism until I saw part 1 of Villeneuve's Dune (because I was just so bewildered by the fun fever dream quality of the Lynch movie). But it's so clear--especially that scene where the Atreides first arrive on Arrakis and leave their ship with their flags flying and an honor guard playing bagpipes and Duke Leto and Paul in ceremonial Caladan attire while Lady Jessica has donned traditional Arrakian clothing. It's so clearly an intentional parallel to the British Empire in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA).
What's wonderful about Dune 2 is now that the stage is set, we really get to dive into the world of Arrakis through the lens of its indigenous population, the Fremen.
A friend and I binged through the SyFy Dune miniseries between part 1 and the release of part 2. And something that has been pointed out in video essays, and was very striking and meaningful to me, is that the novel and every adaptation show us Arrakis through the eyes of Paul Atreides, Princess Irulan, and other outworlders. Villeneuve's Dune is the first adaptation to open with a quote from a Fremen, Chani, who says "My planet Arrakis so beautiful when the sun is low..." in the opening shot of part 1, as the camera pans over a sea of sand dunes, glimmering in the evening light. It really sets the tone for both of the new films: Dune is Arrakis' story; it's the Fremen's story.
And in part 2, we get to watch Paul transform personally and reach mystical, messianic superhuman status (against his own will and intuition) but just as importantly we watch him integrate himself into Fremen culture and learn to fall in love with the culture, language, and ways of the Fremen, as well as falling in love with Chani. It becomes her story as much as his (FINALLY an adaptation where we get to see Chani really become an interesting character in her own right! I don't really remember her from the miniseries; she has an active role, but clearly didn't really stand out to me. And she barely has any lines in the Lynch movie).
Part 2 lets us see the anti-colonial struggle for independence and autonomy and protection of the planet and native culture from the perspective of its native people, and also the harm of outside cultures like the Bene Gesserit co-opting and exploiting the desire for freedom and independence to spread religious zealotry.
The debates between Chani, Stilgar, Lady Jessica, and Paul regarding the messianic prophecy and the counterpoint that the Fremen should save themselves is so compelling and rich!
I was reminded throughout the film of the story (and movie) of Laurence of Arabia. Which I now want to rewatch. In interviews Villeneuve pointed to the film as a direct cinematic influence on not just Dune but his entire process as a film maker. And Frank Herbert cited the real events of Laurence's time with Arabic Uprising against the Ottoman Empire in WW1 as a direct influence on the first novel in the Dune series.
A couple friends and I all started listening to the audiobook recently and have started an accidental book club. I really love the prose and the richness of the world Herbert creates and his focus on the environment and ecology of the planet Arrakis as well as the political intrigues and critique on colonialism and extractive capitalism.
So the other day I was curious about the social context of the novel and other inspirations Herbert may have had, so I consulted my favorite scholarly journal Wikipedia (as the hilarious hosts of the podcast the Bechdel Cast call it. If you like movies, intersectional feminism, and funny people, give it a listen. It's so fun!) and was quite surprised that one of the major influences that inspired the novel (published in 1965) was that in the 1960s that state of Oregon in the USA where Herbert was living was having a crisis of sand dunes shifting and moving, due to the native grasses that anchored them dying out. Herbert had several Native American friends who grew up on reservations in Oregon who were actively writing about ecology and environmental protection and who were activists. He was inspired by the notion of these sand dunes potentially swallowing up whole cities and the crisis of an environment becoming uninhabitable due to human destruction of the environment.
I was fascinated to learn that Dune is regarded as one of the early examples of novels tackling themes of climate change and ecology and environmental protection, along with Silent Spring. (Thanks Wikipedia!)
Anyhow, this is a really long and rambling post so I'll wrap up. But I encourage anyone who's interested in really rich, complex sci-fi or fantasy which grapples with real-world issues like colonialism, capitalism, and the environment as well as the hero's journey to give Dune a watch and/or read. It's such a rich world! And the new films are a stunning sensory experience! The aesthetics alone are captivating. Good shit.
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queen-rainy-love · 7 months
Cookie of the Week: Espresso Cookie
This Cookie of the Week is...
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Cookie name: Espresso Cookie
Pronouns: He/Him
Rarity: Epic
Position: Middle
Type: Magic
Lore: Espresso is from the Créme Republic, growing in Mud Town (with evidence of him being descended from the Coffee Tribe). He plays a major role in his and Madeleine’s Story, Couldn’t Care Less…And Yet. He also appears in the Parfaedia Institution Event and The Expedition To Protect Earthbread. He plays a bigger role in the Cookie Odyssey as the lead researcher of the Soul Jam. He is dedicated to perfecting Coffee Magic (magic well known to the Coffee Tribe) to the point of neglecting his care and drives students out to continue his research. (He’ll still get students wanting to take his class, proving their dedication. He will show appreciation for their genuine efforts.) He is the same race as the Coffee Tribe from the Dark Cacao Kingdom, however, he is from the Crème Republic like Madeleine. It is unknown how he or his family got there. He also does not like Light Magic (which is why he at first doesn’t like Madeleine).
Personality: Espresso is a serious, smug, and intellectual perfectionist who does things with absolute precision. He speaks in a formal and calm accent but can come off a bit rude. He doesn’t hide his displeasure. He will take an interest in other’s actions. He takes pride in his expertise and Coffee Magic. He is highly meticulous and observant. He hates doing co-research projects but will team up if the situation demands it. As a perfectionist, he expects a lot from himself and others. He is a workaholic due to being made of coffee.
Skills: Espresso's Skill is called Grinding. This skill has Espresso summon a giant whirlwind that inflicts periodic area damage to enemies and pulls them to its center (even if resistant to interruptions). The final burst of damage may interrupt other skills. He will become resistant to interrupting effects. With his magic candy, his skill becomes Perfect Extraction. With the effects from Grinding, the final burst inflicts Injury and may interrupt skills.
Costumes: Espresso has two costumes: Classy Ceremonial Suit and Roasted To The Char. Both can be obtained at any point in the game, both are part of costume sets (CCS is part of Report of One Dine Day Off while RTTC is part of Danger: Mala Hot Pot!), and both have special effects on the skill.
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Cookie Decor: Espresso does have a Cookie Decor Brewing Laboratory. It does take both his interests and makes it pretty cool.
Thoughts: He is a pretty strong Cookie and the fact that Devsisters hinted at him and Madeleine being in a relationship is amazing!
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eddiehashands · 2 years
Another leaving party.
This one isn’t even a party. Just “Do you wanna hang out one last time before I -” - “Yeah. Yeah, sure. That’d be nice.”
One last time.
There was a real party, too - Steve wouldn’t have fit in, all those involved eight years younger than him at least. Besides, it wasn’t really Erica’s party, it was all of her friends, too, all of the ones going off to college like her, at least. 
Just another place he wouldn’t belong.
“You could’ve come, you know,” she says.
She’s wrong, but he doesn’t tell her that. It might hurt her, and he still has this weird need to protect her from stuff like that. Stuff that he’s glad isn’t about physical danger anymore. 
She doesn’t call him on not answering, just pushes open the squeaking wooden gate to the cemetery. Holds it open behind her.
It’s cold for August, but it suits today. Maybe the sky knew that this was where they were coming, that this was the place Erica wanted to spend her last day in Hawkins.
“You still come here every week?” she asks.
Steve hesitates for a minute before shaking his head. “Not that often,” he gives a self conscious laugh. “Robin told me Max would get sick of my stupid face.”
She had said that nearly a year ago, now. Despite how long it's been, it had sounded so much like something that Max would’ve said that he had felt sick, in the moment, and just breathed down the phone, each breath shaking and forced. Moments later, she had backtracked. “Shit, Steve, I didn’t mean -” - “Don’t worry about it, Rob.”
It’s not like they stopped speaking after that. Sometimes he feels as though he can barely breathe until he hears her voice. And it’s nothing to do with how she talks without thinking and says dumb shit. That’s why he loves her.
It’s just that he’s learning to breathe on his own now. It’s the worst thing he’s ever had to teach himself, and the only thing he wishes he’d learnt sooner.
It’s just that their phone calls have longer in between them now. The one they had had last night was the first in - nearly a month.
Erica snorts, oblivious to his internal whirlwind. “She’s got a point. Max would definitely say that.”
It doesn’t hurt to agree. “She would. Little shit.” 
Erica looks down at the ground, smiling. They’re getting close, now, and her grip tightens on the two white lilies she’s holding in one hand. “She’d hate the flowers, too. I mean, sometimes she would be over at mine and I thought she was crying ’cos her and Lucas were having another fight, but it was just her hayfever.”
Agreeing out loud seems unnecessary at this point. He simply nods, smiles. Lets himself remember.
“But tough shit,” Erica continues laying down a flower at Max’s grave. “She’s getting one.”
Steve digs a hand into the pocket of his jeans and carefully extracts the almost-not-crumpled origami bird.
“Robin taught me how to make it over the phone,” he explains to Erica. “You would not believe how long it took, that girl does not explain things well.”
“Oh, I’d believe it,” Erica says. “Hey, you’d better have one for Eddie, too.”
“What do you think of me?” Steve asks. “Although, that’s a point, hang on.”
He digs his hand back in his pocket for the other bird, and sits cross legged in front of Max’s grave to take back the one he had just placed. He holds one in each hand, scrutinising them carefully. They’re both just made of the same plain white paper, but the one in his left hand that he had put down first is just a little more crumpled, one of its wings having been folded the wrong way in his pocket. 
He saves that one for Eddie. Something about looking out for the outcasts.
He places Max’s down carefully beside the lily, and makes casual conversation as he does. Casual, like, I want Max to be able to hear this, just in case she can. 
“You heard from Lucas recently? How’s he doing?”
“You want the answer, maybe you should call him sometimes,” she retorts quickly, her eyes narrowed. 
He knows how she feels about this already, it’s not the first time he’s asked after Lucas to get that response. And she knows he hasn’t done anything about it since the last time he mentioned it.
She sighs dramatically, rolling her eyes. “He’s fine. He got that job that I was telling you about. At that sports centre.”
“The one for disadvantaged kids?”
“Yeah, that one. So annoying, I can’t even bully him for being a nerd for it, because he’s actually, like, helping people.”
Steve lets himself smile softly, fondly for a moment, then turns to look at Erica with the smile turned lopsided. 
“So you’ll just hope one of those kids will do it for you, right?”
Her laughter, when it comes a second later, is a sound that he realises he’s going to miss desperately. 
She’s the last one left, has been since Dustin left two years back. 
(He’d had to repeat senior year. Steve had found him in the middle of spring break after vanishing for two days - Claudia had been worried sick, Steve too. In the end, where else could he have found him but the abandoned trailer park, his clothes drenched from the rain and scuff marks from his boots hitting what was left of the trailer over and over again. Steve’s hands still hurt now at the memory of letting Dustin punch them so hard. He didn’t go back to school that year. Didn’t graduate. It wasn’t fair.)
“Hey,” Erica’s voice comes, petulant in a way she hasn't really been for seven years now. “Am I here to hang out with you or just to watch you think?”
“Thought you and Robin established I don’t have a high enough IQ to think?”
“Well, you do seem to be straining with the effort.”
He jumps to his feet and shoves her shoulder - not hard, though she’s strong enough now with all that boxing she did after - that he’d barely be able to budge her if he tried.
She shoves back, anyway, and soon enough she’s wiggling in underneath his arm to wrap her arms round his middle and her head on his shoulder. 
“You’ll come visit me, right?”
“What, when you’re a big shot lawyer?”
“Answer the question, Steve.”
He thinks of the others. Counts on one finger the amount of times he went to visit Nancy like he promised, counts on one hand the amount of times he’s visited Robin in six years. Hasn’t made it out to see Dustin, yet.
He knows it’s over, now, he knows nothing is coming back to Hawkins, but he knew it was over three times before, too, and if he leaves - 
Even though there’s going to be no one here he cares enough to save, after tomorrow. 
Nothing is coming back to Hawkins. No one is coming back, either. 
“Yeah,” he lies. “I’ll come visit.”
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