#could also be steve and Dustin
petalsandpixels · 5 months
steve and hopper
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steddiealltheway · 7 months
Something that is canon in my mind that I forget to tell people:
The reason why Steve can’t get bitches in his Scoops Ahoy era is because there’s a rumor going around that he’s gay (probably because someone caught him hooking up with Eddie)
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morganbritton132 · 1 year
Hi, I binge read the entirety of your EMTTS and i absolutely love it! I wanted to thank you for your dedication and for how much you made me laugh. It's really great to find a saga that's funny and also gut-wrenching and written by someone who's a) very talented and b) clearly loves the characters and makes them very well rounded even in little snippets of life. So thank you!!
I also can't stop thinking about the initial "is Dustin a person or a dog" confusion and how much it reminds me of that episode of B99 where everyone's asking subtle questions to their coworker to understand if Kelly is his wife or dog, like "did you two go on any nice walks recently?" and i can see someone like David trying it and failing
Thank you so much for so many kind words and I’m glad that you’re enjoying the series because I am too! (Also, super impressed you got through it because it’s a lot!). I love that cold opening of Brooklyn 99 and it was the inspiration for that tag.
Also, I love the idea of the first-year teachers trying to figure out if Dustin is a person or a dog. That’s brilliant!
And what’s funny is that David’s not even wrong in this situation.
He is like 99% sure that Dustin is the name of Steve’s brother, but he’s been wrong about literally everything else, so this debate continues into its third week at their table in the teacher’s lounge.
David argues, “I’ve heard him refer to Dustin as a kid.”
“People call their dogs their fur babies all the time,” Marissa argues back. “He’s had that dog for a few years, right? Certainly not a baby anymore so, kid.”
It is not helped by the fact that none of them have any memory of ever hearing Steve address his service dog by name. They’ve heard him call him ‘buddy.’ They’ve heard him say ‘c’mon, pal.’ There was even an unenthused ‘Ozz-some’ last week when Ozzy alerted Steve to an impending seizure during his lunch break.
Have any of them thought of looking at the dog’s collar? No.
They haven’t even considered asking a student.
They are in the middle of this debate when Steve comes into the teacher’s lounge to refill his coffee mug for the third time that day. If he notices that the room goes quiet every time he walks in, he doesn’t make any indication of it when he smiles tiredly, “Hey, guys.”
They murmur their hellos and give each other significant looks, daring the others to ask the important questions. No one asks. No one actually says anything until Steve yawns.
“Long night?”
“Yeah, definitely. Dustin had me up ‘til two in the morning,” Steve yawns again. He doesn’t notice how everybody perks up at that. “Poor guy gets so anxious this time of year.”
“Oh, really?” Marissa asks, giving David a look that says ‘see, dog.’. “Because of the homecoming fireworks?”
Steve hums in agreement and shakes his head like he sometimes does when he’s shaking a memory loose. He’s speaking more to himself when he adds, “I think I’m going to take him to the park after work. Get some fresh air, some exercise. He’s been cooped up for too long.”
“Anyways,” Steve says with a smile, tipping his coffee mug to them. “Gotta get back to grading papers.”  
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momotonescreaming · 9 months
Thinking about a scene where Steve tells Dustin to stop insulting him at every chance he gets, it fucking sucks, actually.
Dustin just scoffs. Rolls his eyes. Steve can take it. Plus, Dustin's just saying things that are true. Steve is dumb. His grades were bad. He didn't get into college. He makes dumb comments and gets things wrong. Not to mention his hobbies. He says he can't pick them up from Hellfire because there's a basketball game he wants to watch, like what? He spends all his time watching sports and talking about sports and playing sports. Its either that or working on his car. What kind of hobbies are those? They're not real hobbies. Can't be much of a reformed jock if he can't even give up sports.
So Steve just tells Dustin that if he isn't going to stop being a bully, Steve doesn't want to be his friend anymore, and leaves.
And it's like a slap in the face.
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fizzseed · 2 years
i don’t think i can accurately describe how much i need everybody wants to rule the world by tears for fears to be in s5 of stranger things. i will combust into flame if we get there’s a room where the light wont find you / holding hands while the walls come tumbling down / when they do i’ll be right right behind you
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psychotic-nonsense · 3 months
For all their greatness, the Sun and Moon envy each other.
The Moon will only ever be a reflection of the Sun's light. He doesn't have the history of importance with the Earth. Can't provide warmth or light for life like the Sun can. He'll only ever be in the darkness, thriving where no one ever wishes to be.
The Sun will never be loved like the Moon. He's much too harsh to be adored, only noticed once he's hidden away or leaving. Amongst all the light and noise, he's a nuisance, an inconvenience. He'll never be a beacon in the darkness, never waxed poetic about like the Moon. He'll only ever be loved for what he can do, never for who he is.
The Earth needs them both. They know they both need the Earth. So they keep quiet, with only the Stars and Meteors to hear their cries.
Steddie Week Day 7: Free space
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artiststarme · 1 year
Pain's An Old Friend
Based on a prompt from @nburkhardt! I hope it met your expectations. Let me know what you guys think in the comments!
Now with a second and third part!
Steve was no stranger to hiding his own injuries. Growing up in the home that he did, it was practically second nature to hide unsavory things from people in order to protect the Harrington image. From a young age, he would go to school with his mom’s concealer painted high on his cheekbone to cover the evidence of his father’s anger. He’d hide his pain during practice when he sprained a ligament so his coach wouldn’t pull him from the Friday night game. He was well used to hiding his pain in front of people that could weaponize it. 
After joining the Party though, Steve started to lower his guards. He’d speak freely about past injuries and slightly more loosely about his current ailments. He was still the babysitter though, the guy that the kids looked toward to protect them. He couldn’t be fully transparent about his migraines or the constant blurriness in his left eye. 
One day though when the kids needed a ride to the arcade on Steve’s day off, he had to be honest with them. His brain felt like it was trying to escape the confines of his skull and his vision pulsated with every heartbeat. 
“Hey, I’m sorry guys but I can’t today. My head is killing me so I need to just relax and wait for it to blow over. How about you guys ask Eddie? He got off at 4 today so I’m sure he could give you a ride.”
Dustin, Lucas, and Will were satisfied with his explanation. They wished him well, volunteered their moms to come drop off soup to him later, and got back on their bikes. Mike though was visibly annoyed. He hung back after the others and turned to face Steve with a glare. 
“Seriously, Steve. You can’t do one thing to help us? It’s not even that far out of your way!”
“Dude, I already told you I have a headache. I’m not driving anywhere,” Steve tried to explain. He didn't know why Mike was so mad. Yeah, they’d wasted time biking to Steve’s house instead of directly to the arcade but it only added an additional five minutes to their commute. It would only take them about ten minutes to get there on their bikes, a completely reasonable distance. 
“A headache? You know how pathetic that is? There’s people that are dying, Steve. And you’re complaining that your head hurts a little bit. You’re just useless!” Mike hissed at him. 
And wasn’t that a surprise. He and Mike still weren’t on great terms, obviously, but he liked to think that they were making progress. To find out that they were still in the same position as they had been all those years ago when Steve was Nancy’s asshole boyfriend and Mike was her bratty little brother, was gut wrenching. 
“Fine, I’ll give you assholes a ride. Let’s go guys. Leave the bikes, you can pick them up tomorrow. Come on, before I change my mind.”
The drive to the arcade was uneventful. They all made it to the arcade in one piece and no one said thank you aside from Will, as per usual. 
The ride home however was a different story. The sun had started to set and Steve’s headache had devolved into a migraine. His vision was tunneling and he could hardly keep his eyes open against the pain in his head. He was taking one of the back roads home and was almost there when a shadow passed in front of his car. Steve’s left fender hit the being before he could turn the wheel and when he did, he steered the Beemer directly into a tree on the side of the road. 
Steve’s head slammed into the steering wheel, hard enough to lacerate his temple and spill blood all over the driver’s side dash. Thankfully, he didn’t lose consciousness and his migraine wasn’t significantly worse than before so he was reasonably sure that he didn’t have another concussion, at least not a severe one. 
Now, a normal person might walk to the nearest house and call the police or an ambulance. Steve though, was not normal. He picked up his keys, wallet, and sunglasses, and walked all the way home. It wasn’t too far, a mile at most but with his head hurting the way it did, it felt like forever. He would call Thatcher Tire tomorrow morning and get the Beemer towed then he would call his dad to beg him to cover the damages and everything would be fine. But the second Steve got back to his house, he laid on the couch and took a nap. He’d worry about everything else the next day. 
Steve had forgotten that he made plans with Robin for today. He woke up to manic rambling that he was too tired to follow and his best friend pulling at his arms. 
“Go ‘way,” he mumbled when she once again jostled him. 
“Steve, wake up! What the hell did you do? You have blood all over your head and you weren’t responsive. You were supposed to come over to my house to pick me up so we could make cupcakes and watch movies! I walked over when you didn’t show and I had to walk in to find you dying on your sofa! What the fuck, Steve?!”
“Not dying and please stop yelling, my head hurts.”
“I’m sure it does, Steve! Your entire forehead is black and blue and there’s blood everywhere. Oh my god, I might actually throw up. Stay alert, I’m going to go throw up then I’m going to call Eddie for a ride since neither one of us has the cash to pay for an ambulance. Stay conscious or I will hurl all over you,” she promised.  
True to her word, she went and threw up in the kitchen, grabbed some ice for his head, and then used the living room phone to call Eddie.
“Hey Mr. Munson, is Eddie there? It’s Robin Buckley… I know but I don’t have a license yet, I’m poor… Touché, Mr. Munson… Okay, great! I’ll see him soon then!”
She hung up the phone and returned to Steve's side. “Okay, he’s on his way so we just have to wait. We’re both going to give you a long talk about taking better care of yourself and not damaging any more brain cells, got it?”
He tried to nod at her but the miniscule movement only caused his vision to white-out and his eyes slammed shut. The last thing he heard was Robin screeching at him to wake up before everything went black. 
When his eyes opened next, Steve was in a bare hospital room with both of his hands restrained. No, people were holding them. Upon further investigation, he noticed that Eddie was sleeping at his right side with his hands wrapped around Steve’s wrist and Robin was at his left with her fingertips pressed over his pulse point. 
With both of his friends there, the feeling of security almost willed him back to sleep once again. But then he heard loud yelling coming from outside of his hospital room. 
“Where is Steve Harrington?! I got a call about another head injury, is he alright? I will not calm down, that’s my kid and none of you goddamn idiots will tell me anything about him! Where is he?”
The door flung open to reveal Chief Jim Hopper in all of his furious glory. All of his anger melted into worry when his eyes met Steve’s. 
“Hey Hop,” Steve told him with a small smile. 
“Do not ‘hey Hop’ me. What the hell, kid? First I get a panicked call from Robin that you’re in the hospital again, then I get a call from Callahan that he found your car bent around a tree, and then I find out that I’m your emergency contact.” His eyes still held a hint of panic but now they looked tired too as if the events of today had aged him several years. 
“Okay, it’s not bent around the tree. Callahan’s a fucking liar and I keep telling you so! I lightly bumped the tree. Lightly! Everything worked out fine! It’s all good, Hop.”
“Are you not hearing me? Do we have to get your hearing checked too?” Hopper laughed sardonically and threw his hands up exasperatedly. “Steve, you gave all of us heart attacks because you didn’t tell us that you had been in a car accident! And you could’ve died going to sleep like that with a concussion! You know better.”
“Look, in my defense, I didn’t know it was a concussion. And what else was I supposed to do? I couldn’t drive myself to the hospital,” It made sense to Steve but apparently not to Hopper or the now-awake Eddie. 
“Steve-” Eddie whispered in confusion but Hopper’s screaming cut him off.
“You should’ve called someone! Me, Munson, Wayne, hell even Joyce! Wha-the-fu-goddam-ahh!” He stammered with feeling. “Why were you even driving in the first place? You were at home!”
“The kids wanted to go to the arcade and when I told them I couldn’t, Mike said that people had bigger problems than headaches. And he was right. I just wanted to do something useful and then it hit me all at once when I was driving home,” Steve shook his head. He should’ve taken a nap or something instead of giving them a ride then they wouldn’t be in this position right now. 
“Of course it was Mike. It’s always Mike fucking Wheeler,” Hopper scoffed under his breath. His profound annoyance towards the kid continued. “Steve, you can’t listen to that bitch-ass kid! He doesn’t know what he’s talking about. Next time, call me and I’ll handle it.”
“Okay, well I will remember that for next time. Next time I have a migraine, I won’t give the kids a ride and I won’t crash my car lightly into a tree. Alright, when are they releasing me? I just want to go home and go back to normal,” Steve said. 
Hopper and Eddie shared a look before Eddie woke Robin and lugged her from the room. Watching that display, he knew he wasn’t going to like what he was about to hear and he didn’t.
Hopper chuckled humorlessly, “I’m detaining you. You’re coming home with me when they release you.”
“‘Detaining me’? For what? I didn’t do anything,” Steve asked him in confusion. 
“For acting like a dumbass. You’re going to recover back at my place, Harrington. El and I are going to keep an eye on you.”
“I’m not going to-” Hopper cut him off with a yell that made him jump. 
“You’re detained, Harrington! No more arguments!” 
“Hop, that’s kidnapping!” He proclaimed in outrage. 
“You’re not a kid, it’s fine,” Hopper brushed him off. 
“What- that’s not even, you can’t just force me to accept your help!” 
“Watch me!” Hopper said indignantly. This was ridiculous, despite the evidence, Steve was more than capable of taking care of himself. He was an adult, dammit!
“Hopper, you can’t just hold me against my will. I-I have rights!”
“Yeah? File a complaint. I’m the chief of police and I’m basically your dad so I’m going to take care of you whether you like it or not. Now, are you going to accept this so I can let your friends in and we can all eat Jello or are you going to keep arguing with me?”
Steve looked at him blankly for a moment before he yielded. “Jesus Christ, fine. You win.”
“I know kid, I always do.” He patted Steve’s foot and opened the door for Eddie and Robin to slink back in. “Alright, you better have gotten orange or I’ll kick you both back out.”
Steve had a lot to learn about accepting help and being forthcoming about his injuries. But with his dad, his boyfriend, and his best friend by his side, he had no doubt that he'd get there eventually. He didn't have any other choice.
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devondespresso · 6 months
Mr. Crayola Henderson
T | 1791 words | ao3 link | cw: minor ableism from a side character, also they swear, I always forget f-bombs bother some people sorry guys | STWG Prompt: Telling a story to get out of trouble
EDIT: I NEARLY FORGOT thank you @pearynice my beloved for the brainstorming GENIUS and @hairstevington for the sensitivity read! You guys are awesome!! Also thank you @saradika-graphics for making free dividers!!
((little bit of context for extra clarity: this universe is vaguely canon divergent, post season 2. Steve is hoh (hard of hearing) and already adopted by the Hendersons, and in this one they're in the middle of a sort of family reunion/gathering))
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Steve went to duck inside the house, holding the door open for Aunt Tracy on her way back out into the backyard where the majority of the gathering was taking place. She smiled and said something, probably just a thank you that he would’ve heard if the batteries in his hearing aids hadn’t died. He smiled back at her and gestured to his ear and she nodded again with a smile that did its best to not be patronizing.
She left and Steve went inside, sighing a little and tried to not hold it against her, the lack of filter seemed to run in the family, but it was moments like that that made him grateful his mom was the most laid-back of the Henderson women.
Steve went over to the media room and dug through the little bin of batteries under the phone, pulling out an opened pack that had just enough left. He took both aids off, changed the batteries, and put them back on to make sure they worked.
He heard a strong thud from his bedroom, followed by muttering.
Steve put the dead batteries down on top of the table and stared at his bedroom door. The muttering escalated to hushed bickering.
Steve walked closer to the door, hearing the bickering more clearly, then opened the door.
Dustin and their cousin Aiden both jumped and turned to look at the door, Dustin relaxing when he saw it was him. Steve paused for a second, looking at both of them crouched on the ground, bright pink paint on their hand and clothes and the carpet around them with no bottle in sight.
Steve leaned against the doorframe, crossing his arms and raising an eyebrow at Dustin.
“We were just… snooping through your shit. ” Dustin said.
Steve glanced back down at the paint everywhere, and gave him a look.
Dustin just smiled like a little angel, which worked on mom and maybe Steve-from-two-years-ago, but not now.
“Oh no, you found my secret stash of… bubblegum pink paint.” he deadpanned.
“The cheap kiddy bubblegum pink paint.” Dustin corrected, looking down at the carpet. “It’ll wash out.”
“Of course.” He looked over to Aiden, who had relaxed significantly as he realized Steve wasn’t going to blow up on them. “And… why is there totally washable pink paint in my room specifically? Weren’t you guys sticking to dicking around outside to avoid doing stuff like this?”
Aiden opened his mouth to give a better excuse, but Dustin started tapping his shoulder excessively to get his attention.
“He’d help us.”
Steve raised his eyebrows, not arguing because odds were good he’d end up doing something, but he still played it up like he wasn’t already planning to.
Aiden was turned mostly towards Dustin and muttered something he couldn’t catch, throwing a glance at Steve.
“Trust me, this is like a walk in the park compared to–” Dustin said.
“Hardly a fair comparison, man.” Steve interrupted. 
“–compared to the other shit he’s helped me with.”
Aiden thought about it, then glanced towards Steve. “And he's not going to jump ship afterwards and get us in trouble?” 
“Of course not, right Steve?”
Steve looked at the two of them and ran a hand over his face.
“You know step one of not getting in trouble for stupid shit is not starting stupid shit, right?”
Aiden groaned but Dustin agreed immediately, “Yes, 100% understood.”
Dustin elbowed Aiden, and he nodded despite his clear annoyance. 
Dustin smiled and looked at Steve.
He rubbed his temple one last time before throwing his hand down.
“Okay. Step two then.”
Dustin jumped up and shot him a thanks before running around him towards the kitchen. Steve watched him go then turned back to Aiden who looked just as confused.
“What’s he doing?”
“I don't know.” Aiden lied, looking at him curiously, “What's step two?”
“Find me and let me finish the stupid shit.”
Dustin came running back with a slice of deli-meat in one hand.
“Dustin, this isn’t looking much better than last time.”
Dustin paused his mad dash for just a second to look at him.
“It’s significantly better, I swear.” he said, then ran to sit back down, dropping the slice of meat on the floor in front of him, and waited.
After a few seconds of nothing, a fuzzy little white face poked out from under his bed. Cautiously, a opossum with pink paint splashed on its back came waddling out. It sniffed at the food given to him, nibbled at it, then opened its mouth as wide as it could to awkwardly chomp at its new snack.
It was a wild animal, Dustin brought in a wild animal inside, during a family gathering with some of the most worry-wart mothers he’s ever met–
But god, the tiny opossum was really fucking cute.
Dustin beamed at the little guy like a proud mom, then up at Steve. Steve shook his head in disbelief and joined them carefully around the opossum. He picked up the deli meat and placing it on his hand to get the little guy used to it.
“You’re crazy, Henderson, you’re fucking crazy.” He grumbled, playing up annoyance to avoid losing his better judgment. 
Dustin said something probably cheeky as hell, but he didn’t catch it.
“One more time.” he said, looking away from the opossum for just a second.
“And what does that make you, Henderson?” Dustin smiled, definitely cheeky.
“Reluctantly, also fucking crazy.” he sighed, shaking his head before moving the deli meat further up his hand to lead little Mr. Opossum onto it.
He lifted Opossum gently, letting it have the rest of the deli meat so he could use two hands to hold it steady. He stood up slowly, and started walking towards the bathroom.
Dustin and Aiden went around him to get the door, lights, and sink ready– apparently, to continue where they left off. There were pink handprints around the edge of the sink and a bottle of dish soap sat next to the hand soap.
“Wow, I wonder what happened here.” Steve deadpanned. He looked over at the both of them, not a hint of guilt in their eyes. “And this is why there aren’t two Dustin Hendersons.” he bitched with no real anger, and set Mr. Opossum down gently in the sink.
 “You mean this is why there aren’t two Aiden Haults.” Aiden said, leaning over the sink.
“Nope, Dustin gets the credit for this one.”
Steve closed the drain to make a pool of water and Opossum gravitated to it immediately, taking a drink before waddling into the pool and almost rolling in the water to get his fur wet.
Steve tried and failed to bite back a smile.
“His name is Sir Crayolan.” Dustin said.
Steve had no choice but to bark out a laugh.
“Sir what?”
“Sir Crayolan.”
“Oh god, I heard you correctly.”
“It’s a great name!”
“You know Sir Crayolan isn't staying, right?”
“Yeah, we were gonna let him go after we washed him, we just–” 
Aiden muttered something and tugged on his sleeve, pointing out the bathroom doorway towards the back door.
Just out of the window, Aunt Tracy was caught in conversation with someone, looking like she was laughing, but clearly stopped just before she was going to come inside. Steve quickly rinsed some of the minimal paint on his fingers, careful not to scare Mr. Crayola or whatever.
“Does she know you’re in here?”
“No, we hid in your room–”
“Good, you guys wash him, carefully and quietly, I’ve got the rest.” He whispered, wiping his hands off on a towel.
“You’re the best, Steve.” Dustin said, giving him a quick side hug to avoid getting paint on him.
“Oh really? I’m gonna need that in writing.” He smiled and Dustin stuck out his tongue. Steve returned the gesture and slipped out of the bathroom, straight across the hall and into his bedroom.
He turned off the lights immediately to hide the pink mess on his floor and waited to hear the front door. 
He heard Aunt Tracy’s laughing rather than the actual door open, heard her wave off whoever it was she was talking to through the door. He took one hearing aid off before he walked out of his room, closing the door behind him. He made his way back to the abandoned dead batteries and put his aid back on, messing with it a little longer than strictly necessary.
“Oh, Steve, there you are. Everything okay?” she said, joining him by the tv room. 
“Yeah, just had to find batteries. What’s up?” 
“Oh yes, well– now, I know I could be overreacting, but I haven’t seen Aiden anywhere for– oh, for god knows how long–”
“He was with Dustin earlier–”
“I know, I know, but they were near those woods weren’t they? And you know there were those missing kids stories–”
“Trust me, I know.” he said, dropping the dead batteries into their battery jar. “I can help you search for them if you want, but I don’t think Dustin’s ever gotten lost. He carries around a compass like it's his wallet. Worst case scenario? They’re messing around in the woods somewhere a little too far away and they’ll come running back once they realize we started eating hotdogs without them.”
“God, you know Claudia said the same thing, I just worry…”
“Ron just lit the grill, right? Let’s give them twenty minutes,” he checked his watch, “Until five… five fifteen-ish. If nobody sees them, I’ll help you look.”
“Twenty minutes, alright, I’ll tell Claudia.” She said, and circled back to the door.
“I’ll join you guys in a second, I’m grabbing a coke.” he called, jutting a thumb back towards the kitchen.
She called something back with a wave and Steve just waved back until she disappeared out the door. He walked over to the kitchen and grabbed a cold can for himself and a diet pepsi for mom, then circled back to the bathroom.
He checked over his shoulder once real quick before tapping on the door and opening his coke.
Aiden answered the door, cracking it open just enough to stand in the doorway.
“You got all that, yeah?”
“Twenty minutes, we’ve been exploring in the woods.”
“Yup. Release your critter out the front door and circle around. I am not joining a search party for you guys today.”
Aiden nodded and gave him an overserious salute. Steve threw a more casual one back.
“Tell Mr. Crayola I said ‘bye’.” he said, then turned around to leave as Dustin came to the opossum’s defense. He hid his smile by taking a sip of his coke, and went back out the door.
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(obligatory disclaimer uhhh dont pick up wild opossums please ok thanks guys love ya)
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chirpsythismorning · 2 years
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Heavily inspired by this epic analysis by @stranger-chichka
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asstroyess · 2 months
Edit: (Disclaimer of possible spoilers in case you don’t wanna see speculation)
Another post made me realize that in this clip
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Dustin is wearing the same hat as in this pre-vis from quite awhile ago
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Which then put me down a little rabbit hole to see what specific scene this could be from, which lead me to this Reddit post
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Putting this all together, with the matching hats and outfits as in the two pre-vis’s and Nancy, Jonathan, Steve and Dustin appearing to be in or somewhere near the Upside Down in the promo clip, might mean we are gonna get these four on a little impromptu Upside Down trip
link if you want the full post
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starship-buccaneer · 1 year
Steve: Well yeah, Eddie flirts with me constantly and touches me all the time and I do it back and everything, but we're just two guys horsin' around, y'know?
Everyone: No Steve. We do not know.
Steve: Yeah, Eddie's fruity with me, so what? Just because I'm a guy and he likes guys doesn't automatically mean he's into me. He's just comfortable being himself with me!
Everyone: Steve. He's sitting in your lap, playing with your hair. He calls you pretty boy, Steve. He's wearing your sweater, Steve. Steve, please.
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sinclairstarz · 10 months
hot? take i do not like stonathan or steddie
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the-lark-ascending69 · 5 months
> be a robin buckley fan
> be lesbian
> project on robin
> look up "internalized homophobia robin buckley" on tumblr because it's cathartic
> 3/4 of the posts are about st3ddie or just about steve
#saw one in which steve was like ''no robin you don't understand! i have never been loved! i don't know how that feels like!''#i have several grips about that interpretation#going from the fact that's not true (dustin is clearly a big steve fan + robin herself cares about him deeply)#to the fact he probably wouldn't be introspective enough to voice his emotions this concisely not to mention he'd probably wouldn't take#a moment to realize he's never felt loved if that were the case. i mean. he could think that. when he's like 35 and more in touch with his#inner world. 19yo steve can't even get the hint that hitting on a girl who's already clearly taken (nancy) is wrong so like i don't expect#him to be that smart#but i can live with people having takes i don't agree with. my opinion doesn't have to be everyone else's opinion if you see steve that way#it fine#what bothered me was the fact he was saying this to a lesbian living in the 80s lmao#who tells him that 1) her whole life has been an error 2) she doesn't think he'd want to be close to her if he truly knew her and 3)#3) is paralyzed by fear of social suicide if she dares believe for even a second that the girl she likes may like her too#like i dont need people to do deep dives into robin lore and quote from memory lines from Surviving Hawkins abt robin feeling like she's#rotten inside. not supposed to have friends. feeling like something is wrong with her and that pushes people away etc etc#the fact that she's a lesbian should tell you enough abt who has the biggest chances of being loved 😭#also bothered me that it showed up when looking up posts abt internalized homophobia because?? where's the internalized homophobia therw#unless it's gay steve feeling bad abt it in an AU (as if canon robin didn't go through it)#like look im not bothered to find steve-centric content in the robin tag cos people are gonna tag her in posts mentioning her.#she's his friend.#but there are barely any posts at all about robin's internalized homophobia. like i saw 2 or 3. compared to all the steve or steddie ones#where's the love for my babygirl 😭😭#anti steddie#not really but y'know i don't wanna bother anyone#edit: the bit about there being like 3 posts on robin w internalized homophobia isn't exactly true. there are a few. but they still feel#drowned in st3ddie posts#like something isn't right here
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kurokoros · 4 months
but what the fuck was the point of having Eddie, Robin, and Dustin all batting for team st@ncy in S4??? i don't know what would make me angrier. the writing continuing that plot thread or just dropping it and never addressing things in S5. why the hell would you devote time to that in an already bloated season just to drop it in the final??? could these characters not have had anything meaningful to talk to steve about beyond his less than a year long high school relationship???
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lighthouseas · 8 months
lowkey Thinking abt a st au inspired by mean girls + how that would play out....wanna write it but i know people would get mad lol
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inthewychelm · 6 months
wait, has anyone done eddie leaving hawkins after the events of season4, be it government pressure or just hightails it bc fuck hawkins, but like instead of going to the city(chicago or indianapolis) or out west to make it big, no he goes south, back to tennessee, he ends up making the right connections with producers and such and eventually makes it big as a musician/songwriter except the party never finds out because he's working under a pseudonym And in a totally different genre (im learning towards folk/bluegrass)
anyway this specific blorbo thought was brought to you by "who will sing for me" by the stanley brothers playing at work a lot recently
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