#dustin and max add to it sometimes
starship-buccaneer · 1 year
Steve: Well yeah, Eddie flirts with me constantly and touches me all the time and I do it back and everything, but we're just two guys horsin' around, y'know?
Everyone: No Steve. We do not know.
Steve: Yeah, Eddie's fruity with me, so what? Just because I'm a guy and he likes guys doesn't automatically mean he's into me. He's just comfortable being himself with me!
Everyone: Steve. He's sitting in your lap, playing with your hair. He calls you pretty boy, Steve. He's wearing your sweater, Steve. Steve, please.
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rogueddie · 7 months
Helpless T | 497 words Prompt for steddielovemonth: Love is watching them do the stupidest things and falling harder for them every time
Steve Harrington is smart.
It's a fact, something that Eddie is entirely unwilling to move an inch on. He knows Steve is smart, far smarter than he realizes himself, and especially smarter than any of the kids give him credit for.
But, quickly, he learns not to defend Steve on his intelligence. He quickly notices how often Steve uses their assumptions.
Sometimes he'll use their assumptions to get away with shit.
Usually he uses it to play the fool, playing a little into slapstick to make the group laugh. It's so easy for him to lighten the mood, knowing exactly what each person finds especially funny.
For some reason, when it's just him and Eddie, he doesn't play into the idiot role. He's calmer, relaxed... comfortable.
"One time I got Dustin to snort," Steve says, brushing past Eddie questions. "I've been trying to get him to do it again ever since. You shoulda seen his face. Priceless."
That was a day that Eddie tries his hardest to forget though.
He'd been so distracted when Steve lifted his shirt by the hem to wipe at his face that he'd walked straight into the sliding glass doors that lead to his backyard.
Steve had rushed over, panicked, and fussed over him, despite Eddie's mumbles assurance that he was fine.
"I've done it before," Steve says, patting him on the shoulder. "It's an easy mistake to make. But there's a trick, look, here, watch. This bit, here, is only visible when the door is open."
Other than filing the fact away, Eddie didn't think anything about that specific detail.
It wasn't until, two weeks later, when the kids were arguing over something small and starting to get heated that-
Steve walks straight into the glass door, bouncing off with a comical 'thump'.
The kids are immediately distracted from their argument, Max loudly cackling, Dustin yelling his teasing comments over the burst of noise.
"Hey, come on, how was I supposed to know?" Steve complains, rubbing at his head. "It's glass, man, you can't see it!"
"Oh my god," Mike groans, rolling his eyes. "It's so obvious!"
"Alright, genius, just because you've apparently got it all figured out-" Steve taunts, hands on hips.
"You don't have to be a genius, you just need eyes!"
"Not even," Max adds. "I can get through it fine."
Eddies attention is locked on Steve, who's defences only get progressively worse.
But, when he catches Eddie's eye, he shifts a little. Like he knows he's been caught, like he knows the gig is up.
He holds a finger to his lips for a moment, winking, before turning back to the kids.
"Colored glass doesn't really count as glass though, right? That's visible. Glass isn't."
Eddie shakes his head, biting back a laugh at how much louder the kids get.
He sends Steve a subtle thumbs up when he glances over again, resolutely ignoring the butterflies wiring around his stomach when Steve grins back, wide, eyes crinkling.
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myosotisa · 2 years
i'm starvin, darlin - e.m.
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Eddie Munson x Reader
ǁ summary: Since coming back from the Upside Down, Eddie has slowly been changing. Each week seems to bring something different and he finds himself doing things he never thought he would.
ǁ tags: gender neutral reader, no pronouns, no y/n. nickname used (sweetheart). mentions of season 4 final episode and what occurred. canon divergent (every one lived). it's not smut, but smut adjacent. it's sexy
ǁ word count: 2k
ǁ notes: i sat down and wrote an entire one shot in one sitting again. and i am also not going to edit this one. and i do not feel bad for lowercase hozier title, so don't even try me like that. if y'all really like it, i can add a part 2 with smut, but this is it for now
There are still a lot of things Eddie is having to come to terms with since the night his heart stopped.
That night in the Upside Down, laying in Dustin’s arms, he had died. Without a doubt. Dustin had felt his pulse and there was nothing there. And though he didn’t know CPR, had no idea what he was doing, Dustin had laid him down on the ground and started to beat against his chest. Like maybe if he hit hard enough and in the right place, his friend would come back to life.
Somehow it worked. No one bothered to ask why.
But they all knew something was wrong two days later. Eddie, barely breathing and with a weak heartbeat, had been dragged back to the surface and hidden away in the RV they had stolen. Someone watched him round the clock as they debated what to do. If they should try to get him to a hospital, how they’d be able to explain it. But then something miraculous began to happen:
Eddie started healing. All on his own. Way faster than any person should have been able to.
His skin stitched itself back together faster than should be possible, leaving less scar tissue than it should have behind. His chest began to rise and fall in more steady breaths, his heart beat getting stronger, bones resetting themselves with slow and quiet creaks as he laid in that RV bed and slept. He’d been asleep since they brought him back.
The day he woke up, his body had almost entirely healed itself. From the brink of death, having even stepped over to the other side, and now he was almost back to before it ever happened. It had only been a week.
Everyone rejoiced, refusing to question anything weird that may have happened in the Upside Down and just thinking they finally won for once. Max had casts on both her arms but was otherwise unharmed, Steve had recovered from his own injuries at the rate of a normal human and now sported a scar around his throat that he sometimes felt self conscious about. Dustin was on crutches with his broken leg for another month at least. Eddie was alive and whole and back to himself. They’d made it, everyone had made it.
He began to notice more and more things that were different as the days went on.
The first thing he caught on to was that he had the capability to be strong. Way stronger than someone who had recently been bed ridden should be. It was like in the comic books with the Hulk – if he wasn’t paying attention or if he got too emotional, he could easily break anything. A walkman destroyed, a ceramic bowl reduced to shards, a metal pipe bent beyond fixing, the wooden handle of a hammer shattered in his grip. The boys were all present for the hammer incident and sighted it as one of the coolest things they had ever seen. They swarmed him, asking him how he did it, what else he could do, how strong he really was.
Only the other teens, Steve, Nancy, Robin, you, started to look a little bit closer.
When the next few changes became apparent, it was clear something unnatural had happened to Eddie that night in the Upside Down. He could feel other people's feelings. They brushed against his consciousness like ghosts whenever he looked at someone. Happiness like warm rays of sunshine, fear like a shuddering gust of wind, anger like hot coals pressed to his skin. It wasn’t a conscious effort – in fact, there were a lot of times he wished he could turn it off. Whenever he looked too hard at someone, it’s like his brain adjusted to a different frequency and their emotions reached out to him, no matter what they were. And he didn’t struggle to make sense of the sensations like he thought he might, his brain completed the dots easily at first, but then he began to recognize them consciously. It was certainly useful sometimes, especially when it came to you, but it still felt a bit invasive. When he’d explained it to a few people, he assured he tried to ignore it whenever he could, but sometimes he couldn’t help but react. The icey spike of terror he felt when you woke up next to him from a nightmare. The velvet comfort that enveloped you and him when he held you after.
The first time he spoke into someone’s mind it was an accident. Steve had whipped toward him, breath catching in his chest, eyes wide and mouth open in a gasp. Eddie felt it like ice down his spine. “Did you… You did that?” He’d asked breathlessly. It had been so shocking, Eddie wasn’t even sure what’d he said, or projected, or whatever it was.
“I - I don’t know.”
Steve stepped closer, suddenly looking determined. “Try to do it again.”
It was a slithering feeling when he dipped back into Steve’s mind. Like sliding his way in between cracks to a place he didn’t belong, seeping into the forefront of his thoughts to plant one of his own. It made him feel dirty, uncomfortable, and wrong. But it worked. Steve explained it as having a thought like his own but it came out in Eddie’s voice instead. An intrusive thought but not an uncomfortable one.
As with all of the other discoveries, a meeting was called. Dustin, Mike, Lucas, Max, Will, El, Robin, Jonathan, Nancy, Steve, and you. Steve did most of the talking while Eddie sat and looked at his hands. These meetings, while he acknowledged were important for everyone to keep track of his progression into… something, it still made him feel a bit like a zoo animal in a cage. A magician with a magic trick. All the boys immediately begged him to do it to them, they wanted to see what it felt like, wanted to see how easy it was for him to do it. 
Nancy and Jonathan had shooed them, catching on to how overwhelmed Eddie was, their excitement and curiosity battering against him like a whipping wind of too much. Once it was just the older people in the room, you crossed over to where he was, kneeled down in front of him, reached out to hold his hand.
Pity felt like someone was pissing in his pants.
“Are you okay?”
How could he say no? How could he admit that he was scared, confused, and feeling more and more like a monster with the passing days? “It’s just a lot. To deal with.”
Your smile was pained as you pushed yourself up onto your calves and wrapped your arms around his shoulders. His came around your waist on instinct, the breath feeling like a wheeze in his lungs as he held tight. Face pressed into your hair with his eyes squeezed shut, he inhaled deep in relief.
That was when the next thing changed.
It was a desire. A need. One he couldn’t place a name to. Like he was desperately missing something, desperately craving something and he didn’t know it was. It crawled under his skin like ants and sent him scratching for a feeling that couldn’t be satiated. No matter what he tried: eating, drinking, masturbating, exercising. The feeling wouldn’t go away. It got stronger day after day, his mind focusing more and more on the void it left behind until it was all he could think about.
Steve threw a little get together at his house once a month or so. Just time for everyone to get together, eat some food, listen to music, play board games, maybe watch a movie. This was the first get together since his hunger began.
He was sitting on the couch on his own, decompressing. While normally he was right in the middle of everything, today it was a lot to handle when he was hyperfocused on the crawling beneath his skin. He had his legs spread wide, hands resting on them, leaning deep into the cushions of the couch in Steve’s basement. While he had initially tried to close his eyes, hang his head back, maybe stare at the ceiling – he couldn’t stop his attention from drifting back to you.
You and Eddie had been friends for a long time. Understandably, you’d gotten much closer after the events in March. The two of you had helped each other through hard nights of nightmares, panic attacks in parking lots, flashbacks in public. You’d been a great comfort to him since he came back. But today your laugh sounded like music. The smell of your perfume hit him even across the room. Each emotion crashed over him in waves, pushing and receding like the tide as he tried to get off your frequency, unentangle himself from you before he did something he didn’t mean to do.
I’m starving.
Your back stiffened, the grip on your plastic cup getting just a bit tighter. A moment of fear quickly shifted to mellowed surprise, curiosity. He’d never spoken into your mind before, hadn’t meant to do so now. But you still shifted, your eyes slowly coasting across the room until you caught sight of him on the couch.
A shock of electricity shot down his spine as you made eye contact, his hands tightening over his thighs in reaction. Unsure exactly what to do, he settled for projecting again. Slithered his way into your ears and settled a respectful distance from the area he’d never been brave enough to venture. Sorry, he offered with a wince, didn’t mean to.
What he didn’t expect was the utter flood of feeling that hit him next. Like a drip of warm honey settling into the space between his hips, pooling there in a subtle swirl as the warmth from it started to diffuse outward. You realized you’d been staring and your eyes flit away, but the feeling didn’t cease. In fact, it only got stronger. Your lower lip caught on your teeth as you shifted between your feet. Things that would be completely normal to see, wouldn’t have anyone looking twice, but Eddie could. Your desire. The want that poured from you like water when your eyes first met his.
Was this the first time? Had something changed between you and him? Or had he just never caught on before?
The ants beneath his skin began to vibrate as he narrowed in on the feeling, on you. Like the part of him that had slithered into your thoughts was now bearing down, digging in for purchase, wanting to stay awhile and feed on this new feeling, what you were offering. It didn’t even occur to him what he was doing, how invasive it might be, how wrong he normally would have felt. All he knew is that it felt like licking at the thing he’d been craving for so long and he was helpless to chase after it.
Sweetheart. It came easy as breathing now, teeth sunk into your consciousness from where you stood across the room. You whirled on him again, another flood of warmth hitting him deep as you leaned your hip against the counter you were standing next to and focused on him. What’s got you so worked up?
He couldn’t even consider how bold he was suddenly being, the fear that he might ruin this friendship well out of his grasp. Especially when your embarrassment spiked along with the want, the pool of warmth now suddenly coming to life to have a heartbeat of its own. Your eyes widened, shifting on your feet again as you broke eye contact. It only took a few moments before you couldn’t help but look back at him again. The buzzing settled further, now like a purr beneath his skin. It was bearable as long as you kept your eyes on him.
You wanna do something about it?
thanks for reading, please reblog and leave a comment if you liked it!
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loveinhawkins · 1 year
After the almost end of the world, Steve tells Eddie that he can have a shower first.
It feels surreal that they’ve both made it here—that Eddie is standing in his hallway, leaving mud stains on the floor from his boots: remnants of The Upside Down mixed with normal dirt.
Steve almost wants to ask if he can walk around some more, create countless marks as proof of his existence; hell, even take his hand and run it down the beige walls.
Leave a trail, Steve thinks, through a fog of complete and utter exhaustion. So I know it’s real. So I can find my way back to you.
What he says instead is, “Try not to get your dressings wet.”
Eddie pauses on the stairs. Smiles. “Okay, nurse,” he says, and it’s a gentle tease if anything, his voice softened by tiredness.
He’s holding himself a little stiffly while turned to speak, his upper body almost at an angle.
Steve thinks about the jagged line down his side (“If the bats died, like, ten seconds later, you’d have—you asshole,” Dustin had rambled through tears, thumping Eddie on the arm); how Eddie had narrowly avoided a hospital stay. Thinks of the way Eddie tried to reassure Dustin, fiddling with the guitar pick hanging around his neck in a show of nonchalance—but Steve still saw how his hand shook.
“Guess I’m just a lucky son of a bitch, huh, Henderson?”
It shouldn’t have been luck; it should have been a guarantee. Steve should have ensured it.
Eddie makes his way upstairs with slow, heavy footsteps. Steve waits until he can hear the water running, then heads to the phone.
He’s used to this routine by now. Robin and Nancy first, as he knows they’ll pick up rather than their parents.
“Oh, thank god,” Robin had said when she answered the phone after Starcourt. “I thought it was a horrible dream.”
“Thank god?” Steve echoed, laughing.
“Yeah,” Robin said, quite seriously. “It was either I dreamed up everything alone, or we saw it all together.”
And Steve, touched beyond words, had called her a dingus instead.
Tonight, their phone call is much quieter.
“I’m home,” Robin says. “I love you.”
Steve’s hand clenches around the phone. “Love you too,” he whispers, and he ignores the warning sting in his eyes, because he doesn’t have time to—he still has so much left to…
“I’m home,” Nancy says. She adds, “Get some sleep, Steve,” in the fatigued tones of someone who will not be taking their own advice.
Eddie comes downstairs sometime during Steve’s phone call with Mr and Mrs Sinclair. He’s quiet; the only sign that alerts Steve to his presence is the faint smell of mint body wash.
When Steve hangs up, he has to take a breath, still clinging to the phone pointlessly.
“What are you doing?” Eddie asks quietly.
Steve breathes out. “Checking in,” he says.
He dials another number.
It began after Starcourt, the Sinclairs having bought the excuse that Steve had been trapped with Erica in a broken down elevator as the ‘fire’ began—technically true, Steve had thought, just in the wrong order.
Their conversation had been all anxious tones, all, You were there, Steve, what exactly…? Should we be worried that…?
And he gets good at it, at bridging the gap between worlds: keeping the full truth from parents, but giving them just enough information, little things that go beyond the surface level cover story, that somehow help put their mind at ease—cultivating the sense that Steve is the witness, the one being honest with them.
Christ, he’s tired.
The call with Max’s mom is hard. She’s still at the hospital, and technically there’s nothing to really worry about (Max’s arm had a clean break), but that doesn’t change how it all felt, how she shook with pained sobs as Steve tucked her into his side.
“She’s sleeping now. She said you were with her,” Susan tells him, voice low. “Steve, I’m—I’m so grateful.”
But I wasn’t, Steve thinks. Not when it mattered.
He doesn’t realise that he’s still holding the phone after the call has ended until Eddie takes it from him and puts it back in the cradle.
“Hey, can I, uh, use the phone? Wanna call my uncle,” Eddie says.
Steve doesn’t mention the fact that Eddie has already spoken with his uncle, that Steve had overheard him fighting tears in the hospital as he called the plant where his uncle was still working: because even the earthquake-like rumble felt all over town as Henry Creel died wasn’t enough of an excuse to warrant clocking out early.
“Pretend I’m s-someone else calling,” Eddie had whispered, his voice breaking. “Wayne, I-I’m okay. Got stitches, but I’m okay. Fuck. I love you.”
And Steve tried not to think about how it could’ve so easily been him making the call, telling Wayne Munson that his nephew will never come home again.
Eddie pauses, hand hovering over the phone. Then he twirls his index finger in a little circle: turn around.
Steve does. Can’t find the energy to smile.
“Shower,” Eddie says, then taps him very gently on the back, once, twice, like he’s saying off you go.
Steve manages to twist his body so his own fresh bandages don’t get wet, carefully tilting the shower head away from them. He methodically washes away the dirt; the heat of the water is welcome, but it also seems to weigh down his limbs with every drop.
When he goes back downstairs, Eddie is on the phone. He keeps repeating vague little mm-hmm sounds, and Steve somehow is sure that he isn’t on the phone to his uncle.
“Yeah,” Eddie says as Steve approaches. “Yeah, he’s here.”
There’s a little side table next to the phone; Eddie reaches for the notepad, scribbles, then turns it round so Steve can see.
Dustin’s mom
And Steve…
He knows he should talk to her. He knows Claudia will no doubt have questions, even if Dustin’s probably already given his own half-baked explanation about how he hurt his leg—“It’s just a sprain,” he’d insisted, even as Steve hoisted him up, took all of his weight.
The right thing to do, surely, is take the phone from Eddie.
But Steve suddenly can’t bring himself to even lift his hand for it. He feels drained, feels vulnerable and exposed after the shower—that along with the grime being lifted from his skin, it’s also left his stupidly fragile, exhausted heart on show.
Eddie’s eyes flicker over his face like he can see it, see everything, and without so much as an awkward pause, he murmurs into the receiver, “He’s tired. Yeah, he’s—he’s okay. Mm-hmm. Yeah. Yeah, I will.”
He hesitates for a moment, a fleeting sheen to his eyes, and then he says, “Thank you. Goodnight, Mrs Henderson.” Another little pause. He smiles, adds, “Goodnight, Claudia,” and hangs up the phone.
“Is she… okay?” Steve asks. “What did she—is Dustin—”
“All good,” Eddie says. “She was just… checking in.”
The checking you were okay goes unsaid, but Steve can still hear it.
It weighs him down like the shower had done. He doesn’t register that he crosses through to the living room, just knows that he’s suddenly sinking down onto the arm of the couch, that Eddie is sitting next to him.
Steve doesn’t consciously decide to speak, the words tumbling out of him like it’s inevitable.
“This wasn’t supposed to happen,” he mumbles.
He can practically hear Eddie frantically trying to make sense of what he’s said.
“Well, yeah, no plan’s gonna go perfectly, man, that’d be—but, hey, we fuckin’ made it, we—”
But Steve is shaking his head. “No, I… I thought I’d figured it out, I—”
He doesn’t know how to explain it; it’s too much to…
It’s something too big to put into words.
The fact that, as Nancy relayed each phase of the plan, he had listened closely, only agreed because at least he was in the group that would be closest to the ‘blast zone.’
That he’d hated leaving Lucas, Max and Erica alone, but had tried to reassure himself that at least they weren’t in The Upside Down.
That once Dustin knew where Steve was going, he wouldn’t take no for an answer, that he’d follow him to The Upside Down no matter what.
And, honestly, Steve would’ve preferred Eddie not getting dragged into this bullshit for any longer than he needed to be—that if it was feasible, Steve would’ve just told him to take the RV and run.
But Steve had seen how he was with Dustin, roughhousing in the grass. Knew that where Dustin went, Eddie would follow, too—a shield in his hand.
And Steve also knew something along those lines was true for him and Robin: that if he thought he could get away with it, he would’ve told her to watch over the kids at the Creel House, but knew she’d choose to be with him.
That all he could feel about going into Henry Creel’s lair himself was relief—not because he thought he was an essential part in all of this, but because he just…
He needed to be there. Just in case.
Because there was a look in Nancy’s eyes that terrified him. It said that if she had to, she’d die with Henry Creel, so long as it would all be over, so long as Barb would be avenged.
Out loud, all he can say is, “It… it was too close.”
“Steve,” Eddie says. “No-one got—”
“You’re not listening,” Steve says, and there’s a scream in his throat begging to be released; he doesn’t let it go. “It was too—I almost—almost had to—”
“S-someone’s gotta call home,” Steve goes on. “And I—fuck, I was so scared I’d h-have to—to tell them that—”
“Steve,” Eddie whispers.
“But I-I would’ve,” Steve says. His voice cracks. “I couldn’t have just—they would’ve got a-answers, I would’ve—”
“I know,” Eddie says softly, and he’s got a hand in Steve’s hair suddenly, guiding him to his shoulder. “I know you’d—hey, I’ve got you. I know.”
The first sob, when it starts, hurts—feels like it comes straight from his stomach. Eddie holds him through it, almost like he’s afraid Steve might drift away to some unreachable place.
“I’ve got you,” he keeps saying. “Oh, sweetheart. I’ve got you.”
When it’s over, when Steve gives a final, shuddering breath against Eddie’s shoulder, Eddie murmurs into his hair, “S’too late for any more phone calls, Steve. C’mon. Show me where to sleep?”
It’s not even all that big of a thing, when Steve leads Eddie to his bedroom, lies down on the farthest side of the bed. Leaves deliberate space.
“You don’t have to—there’s a guest room,” Steve says, tongue thick with exhaustion. “Don’t wanna—kinda worried I’ll hit your dressings in my sleep.”
Eddie looks at him from the doorway. “You’ve been patched up too, Steve,” he points out.
Steve shrugs.
Eddie steps into the room. “It’ll be fine,” he says, smiling. “We’ll both be gentle, huh?”
Steve nods through a yawn. When Eddie makes to shut the door, he says, “Don’t, leave it open. Just—just in case the phone… I’ll sleep right through it otherwise.”
Eddie’s still touching the door handle. “D’you trust me?”
Steve’s eyes keep closing against his will. “Yeah,” he says. “Yeah, I trust you.”
Eddie shuts the door so quietly that it barely makes a sound. “Okay. ‘Cause I have, like, freakishly good hearing.” Through his lashes, Steve sees Eddie smirk wryly. “Like a bat.”
Steve thinks he makes a noise of acknowledgement—isn’t quite sure as his eyes have closed.
He feels Eddie lie down next to him, feels the covers being drawn up.
“I’ll hear the phone,” Eddie says. “I’ll answer it, ‘kay? I’ll come wake you up, if I need to.”
A gentle hand on Steve’s forearm.
“Promise,” Eddie says.
Steve breathes in. Out.
“Okay,” he replies, and he falls asleep completely: not needing to stay half-awake, not needing to pick up the phone—not needing to do anything at all.
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sunshinesteviee · 2 years
only you - s.h.
summary: steve finally wakes up after surviving the upside down, and all he can ask for is you, though you're not sure why; gn!reader wc: 2.1kwarnings: mentions of injuries, the hospital, a touch of angst?, slight enemies to lovers, canon? we don't know her a/n: this was originally supposed to be a blurb for my 8k celebration, but got way out of hand! for my wifey @sparklingsin
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You’re lucky to have escaped the upside down fairly unscathed, you know that. You’d been scratched and bruised, briefly strangled by the vines, but aside from that, you’re okay. Most of your friends weren’t that lucky, and many of them sit in hospital beds still. Meaning you’re still rotating between their rooms, making conversation with Eddie, who, despite having literal chunks of his torso torn out by the demobats, seems to be in good spirits, comforting Max when she’s awake, and sitting silently in Steve’s room. Steve, who has yet to wake up. Steve, who you’re not totally sure would even want you there. 
The relationship you have with Steve is complicated, to say the least. You’d never liked him in high school. He’d been arrogant and rude, and at times, he could be a bully. It wasn’t until a weird twist of fate — Max being terrorized by this otherworldly creature — that you really got to know Steve. He wasn’t the same as he’d been in high school, but you still had your reservations. The feeling seemed to be mutual; Steve didn’t seem to care for you much either with how cold and distant he could be. And still, you find yourself spending a large chunk of your time sitting in the silence of Steve’s room by yourself, willing him to wake up.  
When it’s just you, though, you pull the chair in the corner of the room closer to his bed, and grasp his hand in yours, whispering soft encouragements to him, even though you’re not sure he can hear you, “Don’t give up now, Steve.” 
With each passing day, you lose a bit of hope. Eddie, who had suffered an arguably worse attack from the demobats, had woken up quickly. Max, who the doctors still don’t know if she’ll fully recover, is making conversation sometimes, even though she sleeps most of the day. The doctors think that on top of being attacked and bitten like Eddie, maybe Steve had just worn himself too thin. He had been attacked, and then carried on like nothing had happened. He’d winced as Eddie’s rough denim vest slid over his bitten back and arms, but hadn’t said anything else. You still don’t know Steve very well, but you saw how much he pushed himself to keep everyone else safe. And now everyone was worried he’d pushed himself past his breaking point. That he might not recover. 
One day, Dustin bursts into Max’s room with a breathless gasp of your name, eyes wide. Your heart races, and you know that something has happened, though you have no idea if it’s good or bad. Dustin’s eyes dart from you to Max, and then back to you, “Sorry to interrupt, I just— Steve’s finally awake.” 
“He is?!” Max asks, an urgency in her voice you haven’t heard before. 
Dustin nods, still looking at you intently. The way he’s looking at you gives you a funny feeling, and your stomach turns as he murmurs your name again and adds, “He’s asking for you.” 
“Me?” you ask, jaw dropping as you balk at your younger friend. You can’t imagine why Steve would ask for you, of all people. 
He nods again, “He won’t… All he can ask for is you. Won’t say anything other than your name.” 
You glance at Max, who quickly nods, and you shoot up out of your seat, following Dustin out of her room and down the hall to Steve’s room. There’s a bit more commotion behind the door than you’ve seen in a while, and it causes you to freeze. You’re not sure what you’ll find in there. Dustin notices your hesitation, the way your hand pauses at the handle. He knows about the moments you’d had with Steve, when no one else was around. It had been an accident, really, when he’d opened the door, and found you bent over Steve’s bedside, grasping his hand tightly in yours like you never wanted to let go. At the time, he’d quickly and quietly backed out of the room, but stored that bit of information in the back of his head for later. He knew the dynamic between you and Steve was odd, but he also knew that Steve cared about you, even if he hadn’t known how to show it. “It’s okay,” he assures, nodding to you, “He asked for you.”
Sucking in a deep breath, you nod and push open the door to find that Steve really is awake, and is half-sitting up in bed. He’s still connected to quite a few wires, and there are a bunch of nurses surrounding the bed, checking his vitals, but he’s awake. He’s awake, and he’s alive. You let out a soft gasp, hand flying to your mouth, as you breathe out his name, “Steve.” 
You’re not quite sure how he heard you, your voice had barely been above a whisper, but Steve’s head whips to the doorway, eyes going wide when he sees you there. His voice is raspy from not using it for a while as he croaks out your name. 
“Steve,” you say again, louder this time as you start across the room, “You… you’re okay. You’re awake.”
A few of the nurses step away, realizing that you’re the person he’d been asking for, letting you step up to his bed. Steve cracks a tight smile, and he nods, “Yeah, I am. At least I think I’m awake��� this isn’t a dream, right?” 
Laughing a little, you shake your head, “No, not a dream. This is real. Are you…” You trail off, not even sure what you were going to ask, and your hand pauses it’s descent to Steve’s arm. You’d held his hand frequently while he was out, but you’re not sure he’d want you touching him now. Instead, you let out a soft sigh and ask, “How are you feeling?”
“Umm… you know. Weird. Everything… everything hurts.” His voice is still scratchy, and he stumbles over his words with a wince, eyebrows drawing together and nose scrunching up. “Shit.”
“Shit,” you echo softly, sinking into the same chair you’d already spent many hours in over the last few days. The same chair you’d sat in only an hour ago, begging Steve to wake up for the millionth time. Your eyes dart down to your lap where your fingers pick at a piece of fraying denim. For some reason, your voice comes out shaky when you speak again, “I-I’m glad you’re awake, Steve. Dustin, he—“
Steve cuts you off abruptly, unable to help himself from blurting out, “I heard you, you know.”
You feel like the air has been sucked out of your lungs, and the only thing you can think of saying is, “What?”
“While I… while I was out, I could still hear everything. When people were talking to me and stuff. I heard the things you were saying. About the kids, and Max and Eddie. And… about me not giving up, needing me to wake up.”
Heat rushes to your face, and no matter how far you sink into your chair, it won’t swallow you whole, unfortunately. Unsure of what to say, you pull one foot up off of the floor, hugging your knee to your chest, and press your cheek into your shoulder in an attempt to hide. You can’t look at Steve as you reply, “Oh… Steve, I—”
He interrupts you again, voice as firm as it can be in his current state, “Thank you.”
Your gaze snaps up to meet his, eyebrows drawn together in confusion. Shaking your head slightly, you murmur, “What for?”
“For caring.” This time, Steve is the first to look away as he tilts his head back against his pillows, eyelashes fluttering as he blinks rapidly. “I mean, I know those twerps care, and Robin and Nance, too, but… I don’t know. Means a lot that you care even when you don’t particularly like me.”
“Steve, I don’t—“ you pause, taking a moment to collect yourself, and then scoot the chair you’re sitting in closer to his bed. “In high school, yeah, I wasn’t particularly fond of you.” Steve opens his mouth to say something, but you keep talking, “But you’re a different person now, I think. I hope. Max is like a little sister to me, so seeing how much you care about her — how much you did to protect her — means a lot.”
A soft pink springs to Steve’s cheeks, crawling up to his ears as he stares at you. He pulls his bottom lip between his teeth and nods, glancing away again, “I am. A completely different person, I mean. I-I’m sorry if I was ever awful to you in high school. How… how is Max, by the way?” 
You wave your hand in the air, dismissing Steve’s worries. Whatever had happened in high school was behind you now. His question, though, makes you realize that the still doesn’t know everything, and that you’re taking up all of his time. “She’s okay. I mean, she’s alive. Not totally herself, though. I can— I don’t want to take up all of your time, I’m sure you’d rather talk to Robin or Dustin or Max. I’ll see if a nurse can bring Max to your room.” 
As you stand up to leave, Steve’s hand darts out, fingers catching yours to stop you from moving. You notice a flash of pain on his face as he outstretches his arm towards you and mumbles, “Stay.” 
“Okay,” you nod quickly, not wanting him to push himself any further, and drop back down into your chair next to him, “Okay, I’ll stay. Don’t hurt yourself on my behalf, Harrington.” 
Steve huffs out a laugh in an attempt to mask the pain on his face. Instead of saying anything, though, he asks, “What about Munson? I was worried he wouldn’t make it when we got to him.” 
“Oh, Eddie’s fine. They treated him, and he was begging to be up on his feet after like two days. He’s still here, his room is down the hall, but he’s doing well. Maybe I could ask for you guys to room together?” You finish with a mischievous grin, and don’t realize that the pad of your thumb is rubbing back and forth across the top of Steve’s hand. 
“Oh, god, please don’t,” Steve groans with a grimace, nose wrinkling, “Turns out I don’t mind the guy, but I think he’d drive me insane in here.”
Letting out a small laugh, you nod in agreement, “I know what you mean. But it’s actually been good to have him around, he’s been keeping everyone’s spirits up.”
“Has it been bad?” Steve asks after a beat of silence, pursing his lips slightly, eyebrows furrowing together.
“Steve, no one was sure when — or if, quite frankly — you’d wake up.”
“Oh.” His voice is small as the reality of the situation starts to set in, “I didn’t realize.” 
“Needless to say, we’re all glad you’re awake,” you murmur in reply, your gaze set on him.
It’s quiet again as Steve glances down to where your fingers are still intertwined with his, but he can’t find it in himself to pull back. Just as he’s about to reply, the door to Steve’s room flies open, the handle nearly banging into the wall as Robin bursts in, eyes wide and voice frantic, “Steve!” 
The two of you jump in surprise, your hands flying apart as you scramble backwards into your chair. 
Robin looks and sounds nearly angry, but you know she’s on the verge of tears as she rushes across the room, pointing at Steve, “You just had to wake up the one time I went home, didn’t you, you asshole?! If you ever scare me like that again, Steven, so help me god—“ 
Steve grins, wincing once more as he pushes himself further up in bed, and Robin gives him a hug that you’re worried will cause him even more pain. You’ve come to learn that Robin is quite the talker, and she’s quick to launch into a rant — something about how worried she’s been, and updating Steve on everything that’s happened. 
You know that your conversation with Steve is done for now, and start moving towards the door. He notices, giving you an apologetic look over Robin’s shoulder — a fleeting look before turning his full attention back to his best friend. It’s only a moment, but you have a feeling there’s much more to be discussed at a later time. You'd sit by his bed all day, if he asked.
And he does ask for you again, only an hour later.
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werepuppy-steve · 10 months
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*slams file down on the table* here, it's the party's pokemon teams.
doing it by game was easier for me since i'm more familiar with gen 1.
we're going off vibes, not stats. don't yell at me.
character type specifics will vary from game to game, sometimes they won't. it depends on what i feel when looking through the pokedex's.
tagging: @nburkhardt @simplebtromance @spectrum-spectre @corrodedcoffindisband @matchingbatbites @sugarcookiesteve @sentient-trash
we're starting with gen 1: firered/leafgreen, aka my first pokemon games. i tried to be as creative as i could with this one, but kanto's pokedex is so limited in gen 1, it was a little difficult.
*first set of pokemon are the battle teams. the rotation set is who i felt also fit the characer (will and mike don't have rotations bc i was honestly pulling blanks) *steve has an eevee/eeveelution and eddie has a haunter in every gen, that's just the way it is
alright enough babbling. if yall have any suggestions per gen, feel free to add them in the replies or tags!
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Eddie - Ghost/Poison
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murkrow • sneasel • ditto • ekans • jigglypuff • venonat
Steve - Water/Ice
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eevee • magikarp • kingler • seadra • octillery • delibird
Robin - Fighting/Grass
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clefairy • lickitung • meowth •psyduck •sandshrew • ditto
Nancy - Fire/Flying
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dragonair • persian • primeape • magmar • venomoth • charizard
Jonathan - Bug/Ground
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raichu • voltorb • weedle • oddish • graveler • pidgey
Argyle - Grass/Rock
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dugtrio • rattata • snorlax • venusuar • oddish • ditto
Chrissy - Poison/Water
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dratini • golduck • polywag • vaporeon • clefable • zubbat
Dustin - Bug/Grass
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bellossom • rattata • weedle • butterfree • golbat • magnemite
Lucas - Water/Fighting
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cloyster • cubone • omanyte • quilfish • remoraid • raticate
Max - Electric/Fire
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flareon • moltres • pikachu • polywag • staryu • zapdos
El - Psychic/Normal
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clefairy • growlithe • nidoran ♀️ • persian • rattata • tauros
Will - Normal/Ground
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Mike - Fire/Dragon
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Erica - Normal/Poison
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clefairy • ditto • eevee • lickitung • pidgey • rattata
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up next: pokemon crystal
226 notes · View notes
stevesbipanic · 2 years
No-one can ever tell who's taller in Steddie, Robin claims it's Eddie since she's sure Steve and her are the same height half the time, Nancy says it's Steve and that Eddie only look taller because of his platform boots he always wears, Max says Steve is taller and that he just slouches sometimes around Eddie so that he can lean on his shoulder, Mike says Eddie is taller and that Steve only looks taller because of his ridiculous hair. Only Dustin knows the truth, since he decided to find out for sure, getting out his tape measure and getting them to remove their shoes and flatten their hair and stand up straight. They're the exact same height, down to the millimetre. They swear to tell no-one to add to the mystery. Steve likes feeling shorter some days when he's feeling soft in his fluffy socks and sweater and smoothed down hair, and sometimes Eddie likes feeling taller in his rockstar getup and platform boots. Neither cares who's taller since they're always the perfect height for kisses.
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sweet-villain · 1 year
Fashionably Late~E.M
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Words : 6.1K
@amberolivia666 asked:
I have a request 🥺
Eddie is best friends with the reader and another girl. The other girl knows about the reader's huge crush on Eddie. One night, Eddie gets drunk, and the reader is taking care of him. You're laying him down on his bed, and he starts drunk mumbling, saying "oh by the way, the other night i had sex with (girls name) on this bed." And he keeps going on with the details. And the reader is just heartbroken.
You could decide if you want a happy ending .
@babyloutattoo89 @palomam18 @becca-alexa @sadbitchfangirl @irish-newzealand-idian-dutch @steddieandstonathansprincess @haileighboi @bookshelf-dust @moonchildquinn @strangerfreak
You threw the doors open to Family Video almost ripping it off it’s hinges while putting on your vest and running your fingers through your hair. Steve’s head popped from underneath the counter watching you stomp around until you stood next to him. His eyebrow rose in question on what has gotten you so angry all of sudden. He was too afraid to ask why you chose to almost rip the door like it was on it’s last breath. 
You threw your hands up in frustration and annoyance, “ I don’t understand what that girl has that Eddie can’t seem to shut his mouth about.” 
You were expecting an answer from Steve who’s yet to stand up from his position and instead be crowded himself in the corner while he stared up at you. 
“ Earth to Harrington? Did you hear what I said?” You waved a hand in front of his face thinking he’s too lost in his thought or simply wasn’t listening to you. Steve blinked a couple of times before he stood up and leaned against the other side. 
“ I did hear you and I don’t know what you want me to tell you. Tell me again who this is about?” Steve questioned like he had no idea who you were talking about when he kew exactly who it was. It was the girl that Eddie has been hanging out with a lot. It was getting on your nerves and all you seem to hear about how interesting she is or something new each day. 
“ You know exactly who, Harrington. Stop jerking around” you mumbled, rolling your eyes. He put his hands up.
“ You know, why don’t you.. I don’t know, stop hanging out with Eddie… you’ve only been hurting yourself. Are you ever going to tell him how you feel?” 
Your eyes got wide and you slapped a hand over his mouth like someone else was in the store and has heard you. You looked around to see if Steve had any earlier customers but the place was deserted and it was only the two of you. 
He mumbled something into your hand which you didn’t understand. Steve licked your hand and you brought it away from his mouth to wipe it on the polo shirt he’s wearing. He glances down with a deep frown. 
“ Thank you for that” he sarcastically says. “ There is no harm on telling him how you feel. What’s the worst that could happen?” 
“ Um.. Harrington, you do know he’s my best friend and I might lose him. No, thank you. Where is your head today?” 
“ I’m aware about your best friend being Eddie Munson of all people and my head is where it should be.” 
“ I don’t know how sometimes I’m friends with you” Steve shook his head as he pouted. The door opened and the both of you turned to greet them when you saw it was only Max and Dustin walking in with Mike and El trialing behind them.
“ Oh it’s just you” Steve mumbled. Dustin stops as he puts his hand on his heart. 
“ That was very hurtful Steve” he says. “ I have feelings you know” He adds. 
Max rolled her eyes at the two as she smiled over to you. Her smile drops when you don’t return her smile and it looks like something was bothering you. 
“ What’s with the face?” She asks, motioning with her hand on her face. 
“ She’s pissed off about the girl that Eddie keeps talking about and hanging around with” 
“ Oh she’s cool” Dustin says like he didn’t just hear that you were pissed off. If looks could kill, Dustin would be underground by now from the look on your face. 
“ She is mad” El says as she looks over to you. “ Why?” 
“ Because boys are stupid” Max answers. 
“ Don’t worry about it El, Y/N is very sour that she’s not the girl that Eddie wants to hang out with.” 
You took the films he stacked on the counter and knocked them on the ground as you stared at him. 
“ Clean it up” 
“ My tapes!” He shouted throwing his hands up in the air. “ That was uncalled for” he points a finger at you and walks around the counter to pick up the tapes you had dropped on the ground. 
“ You know you should tell Eddie how you feel” El suggest. “ It might make you feel better” she adds. You throw her a shrug and shake your head. 
“ I don’t want to lose him” she gives you a sympathetic look. “ Hey are you going to Tina’s party that’s happening on Saturday?” Steve asked forgetting he’s been inviting and dreaded going alone. 
“ Why?” You ask. 
“ Because I don’t want to go alone.” 
 “ Why don’t you ask Robin?” 
He gives you the look like why didn’t I think of that but he already did. 
“ She has a date with Vicky” he says. “ She’s finally got the courage to set something up to surprise her.” 
“ At least someone has their balls” Mike mutters. Next thing he knew he was falling to the ground with Max towering over him, she glared at him. 
“ Say that again and it will be your fingers I’ll snap” 
You were thankful Max was on your side at least for this. But you spoke to soon when she turns her head saying you should tell Eddie how you feel otherwise you might miss a chance. 
“ Just think on going with me, will you?” Steve asks. “ I really don’t want to go alone” he says. 
Your lips draw in a thin line and he’s well aware that parties aren’t really your thing to go to. You weren’t really a people’s person either. Not the people you went to high school with and not the people you saw at parties. 
“ They are stupid” you muttered. “ I’m sure you’ll find some girl there to charm and then you’ll leave me, all alone” Steve shakes his head. 
“ Eddie will be there” he says. He was probably going to be there to sell to make some money. He wasn’t very much of a partier either. 
“ Are you picking him up too, or is he meeting you there?” 
“ He’s going to drive over there. There is no way he’s coming inside of my car” Steve says. 
“ Will you pick me up, then?” Steve’s eyes got wide at your question and a smile appears on his face when he takes notices that your agreeing to go to the party with him. He slide over the counter but it was more like rolling to the ground. 
The rest chuckle at this. 
He quickly got up, fixing the vest and looks around.
“ No one saw anything” he says. Max smirked. 
“ We saw everything” she says while Steve walks over to you and picks you up, twirling you around. Your feet hit the films on the shelf which he doesn’t take notice after the second twirl. 
“ Awe man, come on! I just put those up this morning” he puts you down and groans. 
“ Your own fault, Harrington” you muttered fixing your shirt. You hadn’t noticed the others have left during this leaving you alone with Steve. 
“ Where did they go?” You looked around trying to see if they were playing hide and seek or something which was weird. Steve shrugs and looks over his shoulder.
“ It’s been awhile since you’ve been to party. Do you know what your going to wear?” 
“ Don’t worry about what I’m going to wear, Harrington. I think you should be more worried about if you’ll go home with a girl” he glare over to you when he shoots back a you. 
“ Oh? What about you and Eddie?” 
Your eyes squint at him not knowing where he was doing with this. 
“ What about it?” You asked. 
“ You’re not going to tell him?” You shook your head. 
“ Are you joking, Harrington? I’m sure there will other girls that would be more happy to go home with him than me. I mean, I’m not really pretty” you motion to yourself and Steve shoots you a look.
“ What? I am” 
He shakes his head. 
“ You’re pretty. Eddie is just blind to see it” 
“ Is that suppose to make me feel better?” 
“ Look I’m trying here!” He shouts throwing his hands up. “ You’re my friend and I would hate to see you get hurt by him. He’s dumb.” 
The door opened and Keith walked through the door staring down the two of you. 
“ We were stacking these” Steve says motioning to the shelf. Keith says something and walks to the back while you look at Steve. 
“ Oh shut it, go put these in another section” he hands you a box of fills that were by his feet. The rest of the week went by quicker than you thought and it was Saturday. The party was happening tonight and you were dreading on going. Not because you were going to be around people you didn’t like. 
But you were kinda scared seeing Eddie with another girl. 
You were looking into your closet what you would wear to the party, throwing clothes left and right and creating a pile all over your room. Your anxiety was making fun of you because you started to question what if you chose the wrong outfit or what if you chose something that shown too much skin.
Your mind was racing with too many thoughts. You didn’t even know your bedroom door opened and Steve walked in. His eyes fallen on the sight of your room. 
“ It looked like a tornado hit here” you jumped at the sound of his voice, throwing a shirt into his direction that was on the hanger. He catches in his hands and raises his eyebrows on what just happened.
“ You scared me, warn a girl” he pointed behind him to the door. 
“ I have knocked and told you it’s me walking in” he says. 
“ Be louder next time, Harrington” he sets the shirt he had in his hands on the chair while making his way to the chair in your room that didn’t have clothes on and sits down. 
“ Let me guess, you want to look pretty to catch Eddie’s eye?” You cast him a look going back into the closest looking at the colors you had and the dresses. You were thinking on a skirt but you felt self conscious of your legs. 
“ Should I wear a dress?” In your hands you held up two dresses and turn to Steve who had his arms across his chest as he looked between the two of you. 
“ You wear what your comfortable in” you groan, throwing your head back. 
“ You’re not helping, Harrington. Pick one” he hummed putting a finger to his chin while he thought on it. You sighed seeing the was taking his precious time in deciding. 
“ You know what, your not any help at all. Maybe I shouldn’t go to the party” Steve stood u from the chair and walked around your room were he looked at your clothes and picked up a shirt for you to wear and a skirt that looked cute too to go with the shirt. 
He hands you the outfit and turns you around pushing you into the bathroom. 
“ Go get change, you are dramatic as Eddie. No wonder you like him so much” he mutters underneath his breathe.
“ I heard that!” You shouted from the closed bathroom. “ You were meant too, now hurry up” he says through the door. You mutter underneath your breath how he was being annoying as you changed into the outfit he has chosen for you and surprisingly it looked really cute. 
Your heart raced at the thought of Eddie looking over at you and noticing you. It’s not like he didn’t notice you but you wanted him to come up to you and tell you how pretty you look. 
He has never told you. 
You opened the door and stepped out.
“ Well?” You did a twirl. Steve’s mouth hung open as he stared at the sight of you. You were really pretty like he always told you. “ Munson is missing out” Steve says and stood up from the chair he was sitting again in making his way to the door. In his hands he had his keys. 
“ Ready?” You nodded, slipping on your shoes and following him out there door to his car. The party had many people you knew and didn’t know. Your eyes scanned the familiar faces. Those familiar faces turned to look at you, eyeing your chosen outfit and giving you a whistle.
Steve’s hand was on your shoulder leading you through the crowd. 
“ I need a drink” you shouted to him through the loud music and scrunched your nose at the many popped around. This wasn’t really your scene. 
You spotted the back of mane of curls and the Dio vest. Steve nudged your side as he motioned his head towards where Eddie stood. It looks like he was making a sale as he talked to the other girl. The two exchanged something while your eyes watched Eddie’s hair bounces as he looked around after making the sale. 
Those brown doe eyes happen to fall on you and a smile spreads on his face. His eyes move to the person next to you, Steve and his smile drops. There is a hint of change in his eye as his jaw clenches. 
“ Look there is your best friend” Steve mutters to you. To Eddie, it looked very different. He thought you came with Steve to the party and the two of you were flirting. He gripped his lunch box in his hands, tightly and vanished through the crowd. He wasn’t going to stand there and watch you flirt with Harrington. 
He never really thought someone like him would be a match for you. He thought Steve Harrington would be more your style since Steve could spoil you more than he could. Eddie was your best friend. 
You frown losing Eddie in the crowd thinking he went to do another sale. 
“ Do you think he’s avoiding me?” You asked Steve who was too busy looking around the crowd in hoping to catch girls eye. He didn’t hear you which caused you to frown. You left him standing there making your way into the kitchen looking at the various drinks laid out and a stack of red cups for you to take. 
Your hand reaches for a cup when another hand beats you to it. Your heart races seeing the ring clad hand and your eyes raise to meet the face of your best friend once again. He doesn’t have a smile on his face or any kind of look for that matter. 
“ Sorry” you mouth to him through the loud music. He makes his way around the counter where he stands next to you. His arm brushing against yours and you swore you felt electricity from that brief touch. 
“ I’ll make you a drink” he shouts through the loudness of the music, which isn’t his taste but he’s more here to make some money. He was surprised to see you here though. He knows your not a party person. 
“ Surprised your here” he says starting a conversation as he makes your drink. His hair shield his face where you don’t see the look on his face and you badly wanted to reach out to move the hair away from his face. 
“ I wanted to give it a try” your voice speak out for the first time seeing him after a week. He nods and hands you the drink he’s made for you. 
“ You’ll like it, I promise you” he says. Your hand brushes his own causing you to gasp. You grabbed onto the cup and quickly draw it to your chest like his touch has burned you. 
“ Thank you” he nods and leans with his back at the counter with his hands on either side. 
“ So, Harrington? Huh?” He looks around the party, a deep frown on his face as he stands there still talking to you but avoiding eye contact. 
“ Harrington, what?” You were confused on what Eddie was on about. 
“ You like him or something?” Eddie didn’t want to look at you. He was too afraid to look to find out if you liked Steve. If you did, then it would break him and he didn’t know how to handle it. 
“ Steve Harrington?” Your eyebrows knit together with a small chuckle leaving you. Eddie turns his head at the sound with his eyebrow knitted together in confusion on why you were laughing. 
“ I don’t like Steve, he’s my friend” Eddie tilts his head to the side but nods. He’s not really convinced you don’t like Steve. Every girl seem to like a guy like Steve Harrington. 
Your eyes don’t miss the girl that walks by who waves her hand over to Eddie as she calls to him. His head snaps over hearing his name being called, a smile appears on his face as he waves back at her. 
“ Who’s that?” You asked, never really seeing the girl before. She looked to be new. 
Eddie turns his head seeing the look on your face. He blinked twice to see if the look he saw was real. Jealousy. That’s what he saw. He blinked again and the look on your face was gone. 
“ She’s my friend” he shrugged. “ Met her at the Hide Out. She came to watch us play” He adds. Your heart sinks knowing now you weren’t the only girl to watch his band play. Something in the air between you and Eddie felt different and you hated it.  
“ Do you like her?” The question came from you suddenly catching Eddie off guard. His eyes scanned your face before he answered.
“ No” he shook his head. “ I like someone else” He adds. His eyes your reaction as he says it but to only to have you look away. Your eyes fall down to the drink in your hand finding the color of the drink more interesting than his face. 
“ That’s cool” you nod feeling your heart sink to your stomach. “ I’m going to go dance” you add wanting to get away from his area, from him, you wanted to cry. But you took another drink from your drink slipping through the crowd leaving Eddie on his own.
His lips form a deep frown watching you walk away. What was that all about? He shrugged it off hearing his name being called. 
Meanwhile, you were looking around the dancing face, scrunching seeing the sloppy making out sessions some of them were having while others were groping each other. You leaned your back against the wall when a voice catches your attention. 
“ Well, Well, Well, if it isn’t the nerd” Jason’s voice calls to you as he stands next to you. 
“ Go away, Carver” you rolled your eyes at the sight of him. “ You look lost” you add. He laughs. 
“ So the nerd does talk” he looks you up and down as he sways. “ How about I teach you a few things?” He licks his lips as his arms falls to the wall next to you as he peers down at you. Your nose scrunches up smelling the alcohol on him. 
“ Where is Chrissy?” You asked. “ Your little cheerleader broke your heart or something?” Justin frowned at the mention of her. His silence was giving you an answer. 
“ You piss her off or something? “ He sighs as he leans next to you on the wall.
“ We had a big disagreement and told me to go cool off” he mumbles. 
“ Poor you” Steve makes his way over to you seeing Jason talking to you. 
“ Is he bothering you?” He asked, standing in the space between you and Jason as he glares over at him. Jason chuckles at the sight of Steve, and looks behind him at you.
“ Is this your dog?” He asks. Steve notices that Jason is drunk and grabs onto your wrist, puling you into the kitchen where he turns to ask if you were okay.
“ He didn’t hurt you or anything?” You shook your head. The red cup in your hands you left near the table where Jason stood. You didn’t want to drink anymore. You were feeling out of place at the party. 
“ Can you take me home?” You asked. Steve was about to answer when the girl from earlier that you saw waved at Eddie walks over to you. She looks worried from the looks of it. 
“ Are you, uh… Y/N?” She asks, looking you over. Eddie had given her a description on what you look like and the outfit you were wearing and from the look of it. She had found you.
“ Yes, did you need something?” 
She nods, pointing behind her. 
“ Eddie is in the bathroom asking for you. I believe he had more than a few to drink and I think it’s best if he goes home. I’ve tried and he’s only pushed me away.” 
You look at Steve as he says he’s going to go start the car. He didn’t drink. 
“ Thanks, I’ll take it from here” she nods averting her eyes for a moment feeling like she wanted to say something else but says nothing as you slip past her making your way to the stairs. There was a couple of the stairs making out.
“ Excuse me?” You shouted trying to move past them but they didn’t hear you. Your hand reached out to tug on the guys jacket who pulled away shooting you a glare. 
“ Move!” You shouted into his face. He moves mumbling “ bitch” underneath his breath and takes the girls hand as the two walk downstairs into the living room while you head upstairs to find Eddie. You knock on the first three doors but they only have been bedrooms before you found the right door. Eddie was leaning against the bath tub with his head back while e had a bottle besides him that he’s been drinking from.
“ Eds?” The sound of your voice and the closed door catches him off guard. His head moves and his eyes land on you where his eyebrows knit together. 
“ Is that you Y/N?” He slurs, moving to sit up but he groans and lifts up he bottle to take another drink from it when your hand stops him. “ I think you had enough for tonight. How about we get you home?” 
“ I don’t want to go home” he says slurring looking up at you with a dopy smile on his face. “ You’re so pretty” he adds. “ such a pretty flower.” 
Your cheeks flush from the comment and leans down to move the hair away from his face. “ Come on, drunky. Let’s get you home and into bed.” 
“ Bed” he hums, “ sounds nice.” 
“ Can you stand up, Eds?” He groans something and uses the bath tub with one hand to stand up. He’s wobbly on his feet and almost falls on top of you. “ Woah there, sleep will do you some good.” 
You mange to help him out of the bathroom where he stumbles into some people when he gets outside. 
“ Sorry!” You shout helping him down the steps.
“ They look funny” he slurs, chuckling as he points. “ They have circles. Are you a circle too?” He asks. You were holding in your own laughter, taking one step at a time. The door to the house opened and Steve steps in looking around for you. 
“ Harrington!” Eddie shouts. Steve looks up watching as you were trying to help Eddie down the stairs. “ Oh Jesus” Steve mutters making his way up the stairs and helping you with Eddie down the steps. 
“ Did you know Y/N is a circle? Does that make you a square, Harrington? What am I, then? A triangle? I am defiantly a triangle. I mean look at me, it screams triangle” Eddie kept muttering to himself while you and Steve were carrying him down the steps to the car. 
“ Do you think I could be a star one day? They are so pretty and bright and they are free” Eddie continues. Steve opens the back door of his car while you push Eddie inside. 
“ Hey, if you wanted me to be rough, sweetheart. You should of told me” Eddie says as he leans up on the seat putting his head behind your seat. You got into the passenger side looking at Eddie. 
“ What kind of sandwich do you think I could be? What color do you think I could be? I would be black because that’s metal. You know? Peanut butter sandwiches are nice, I could give to flavor too. You know?” 
Steve looks at you while he drive while Eddie continues to question what he would be like as an animal, a treat, a plant etc. It went on like that until Steve drove to the trailer. You never seen his side of Eddie before. 
You didn’t know weather to laugh or comment on his questions. You sat in silence hearing what he talked about. He did have a lot to drink but why?
Once you reached the trailer, you turned to Steve thanking him while Eddie looked between the two of you.
“ Are you not going to kiss him, goodnight? What kind of person are you? Don’t be a meanie” Eddie says. You look at Eddie with a look and looked at Steve who looks amused. 
“ I have one better” you tell Eddie. Eddie watches with wonder eyes and laughs when you flick Steve in the forehead. Eddie leans back into the backseat clutching his stomach while he laughs. 
“ Alright time to go home, drunky” you slip out of Steve’s car as he helps you get Eddie into his bed. “ Will you be okay?” Steve asks, looking down at Eddie who’s laying on his bed with his hands over his head staring at the two of you. 
“ Yeah, I’ll be fine” you muttered. “ Thank you, you know for the ride and this” he nods telling you to call him if anything. Steve leaves, leaving you with Eddie who’s happily wiggling his eyebrows at you like something is about to happen.
“ Oh, Eddie. What am I going to do with you?” 
His eyebrows knit together in the question.
“ Love me” he says with his hands out making grabby motions with his hands. He was still dressed in his clothes. 
“ Why don’t we get you out of your clothes and into something more comfortable? How does that sound?” He nods happily listening to you and sits up with a groan. 
He watches as you take out some pajamas out of his top dressers while he leans down to take off his shoes and nudges them off with his feet. He lays back down on the bed working on his handcuff belt but doesn’t seem to get it off as he can’t. 
“ Help” he says his hips are thrust up as he struggles to get his pants off. You turn around seeing the trouble look on his face and the little pout he has. When he sees you have not came over to help, he kicks his feet on the bed and whines. 
“ Help” he says, trying again. “ Please” he adds. He was adorable even when he was drunk.You make your way over to him and help him take down his pants, cheeks were lighting up red having to undress him. Your eyes peek at his tummy trail that looks delicious to leave kisses on. But you bite your lips watching him slip his shirt off and turn around after handing him his pajamas. Your face was bright red and when he giggled telling you to turn around seeing him in bed with his brown doe eyes staring up at you. 
“ Stay” he says patting the space next to him. You couldn’t help but look at how cute he looks right now. You couldn’t not stay with him, you were going to anyways until he was sober up. 
“ Let me get you some water and ibuprofen and I’ll be back” Eddie huffs putting his arms across his chest having to wait for you but doesn’t say anything. You make your way into the kitchen searching around. 
“ Y/N! Y/N! Y/N!” Eddie kept shouting your name from the bedroom being impatient meanwhile you told him you’d be back. Once you found what you were looking for, you walk back to find him curled up on his side with his hair over his cheeks, some strands in his eyes too. 
“ Hi” He says happily once he sees that your back. “ I want to talk to you about something” he adds. You slip off your shoes and crawling into bed with him while he scooted back to give you some room. 
“ What is it?” He giggled hiding his face into the pillow. His cheeks were red.
“ You know the girl that waved to me at the party?” You nod, not sure where he was going with this. “ We had sex on this very bed, last week!” He shouts, slapping his hand on the mattress with a giggle. Your smile drops from your face and your heart sinks to your stomach.
This wasn’t something you wanted to hear from him or talk about. 
“ She would make all these noises and guess what, I’ve made her squirt! Squirt! I never done that to a girl, you know?” He says. He doesn’t look at your face. Your eyes were becoming glossy. He thought you were listening to to him.
“ She has even left her marks, look I think one of them is still there” he says looking down at his chest searching for it. It was very small when he finds it and points to it with his finger.
“ Look, it’s so small” he says looking at up you. “ Are you looking, Y/N?”
“I’m looking” you wren’t really looking. You were staring at his bat tattoo instead of the make. It was hurting too much that he’s talking about the girl he had sex with. Why now? 
Does he know you like him? 
“ She scratched me up pretty good too know and she made me cum more than twice! I think it was three… wait.. no four… was it four?” He asked, laying down on the bed. There  was a sudden change in color on his face and he shot up in bed, covering his mouth.
“ I think I’m going to be sick” he says racing to the bathroom where you found him hurling into the toilet. You took the rubber band off your wrist and wrapped his hair up in a pony tail while you rubbed his back.
There were tears rolling down your cheeks from listening in what he told you before he races to the bathroom. You had a lump in your throat that was very hard to swallow.
Eddie flushes the toiled and you helped him up as he stood by the sink, gripping it with his hands. 
“ I’m never drinking again” he says taking his toothbrush and putting some toothpaste on it. You helped him steady it as he brushed his teeth. He has yet to notice the tears rolling down your cheeks and how heart broken you look. The silence finally hits him as he takes notice you haven’t had said a word. His eyes meet yours in the mirror. 
“ You’re crying” he says. His eyebrow knit together. “ Did something happen?” You shook your head with a hand on his back. “ Let’s get you to bed. You need sleep.” 
Eddie follows you to bed where you help him in. He watches your every movement and you start to head to the door when you shut off his lights.
“ Stay” he says. The sound of his voice has your heart breaking even more. But you can’t handle being around him right now. No matter how much you care about him and how much you love him. 
“ I’ll be on the couch” Eddie doesn’t say anything anymore but he looks as you close his door and hear the sound of your footsteps making their way to the living room. He hears the small plump of you sitting down on the couch. He rolls over on his back as sleep takes over him. 
The next morning when he wakes up. He has a pounding heading and reaches over on his beside table for the ibuprofen and the water bottle that you had left there for it. He yawns as he stretches and stands up from his bed making his way into the living room. His eyes don’t catch you sleeping on the couch in the morning, it’s only the sight of Wayne that he sees there. 
He looks around his kitchen seeing no note or nothing from you. His brain races knowing last night you were there helping him. There are bits and pieces that he’s remembering but no all of it. He turns around heading to the bathroom for a shower. He’s going to call you later.
When Eddie calls you later, the phone rings and rings and your not picking up. You stare at in your bedroom as it does. You know it’s him but you don’t want listen to him. You heard enough yesterday. The person he likes, it’s not you. It’s her. You felt really stupid for falling for your best friend when you weren’t even a choice to him. 
You thought things would be different with him. 
You’ve been really quiet at school too, not really answering question and sitting away from Eddie. Not defending him against Jason. The Hellfire table felt empty without you. You spend your lunch period in the library catching on studying. At work you don’t speak to Robin or Steve either. 
You aren’t yourself and everyone can see that. 
The drama room opened and Robin stepped in with Steve trialing behind her. 
“ Robin?” Dustin asked. 
“ Alright, dingus” she looks at Eddie sitting on his throne looking at her confused on why she’s here. “ What did you do? Because if you haven’t noticed one of our best friends, the person you seem to fawn over has stopped communicating with all of us. I want to know what you’ve done and you better stop talking or I’ll throw your ass across this room..” She glared down at Eddie.
Eddie looks at her wide eyed. 
“ We don’t know what he did either. None of us do” 
“ She was last seen with you, we took you back to your trailer from the party. What did you do?” Steve asks this time. He leans his hands on the table as he glares at Eddie. 
“ Talk now” Steve demands, slamming his hand on top of the table. 
“ I don’t know what I did! She won’t talk to me either!” Eddie shouted standing up from his throne. 
“ Think Eddie, what did you say to her last?” Jeff says.  
Eddie stands there looking around his friends as they all look at him for answers which he doesn’t know. His brain races at the last time he saw you. You were crying at something. He remembers telling you about the girl he slept with too.
“ I told her about the girl I slept with…” he says. Robin’s eyes are wide and Steves too.
“ You’re an idiot, Munson” Steve says. 
“ What do you mean?” Eddie asks, his eyebrows knitted together as his chest feels like someone is clenching it. 
“ she’s in love with you, dammit! How stupid can you be!?!” Dustin shouted as he stood up from his seat. “ Are you that much of an idiot to notice she hasn’t dated anyone and spend all of her time with you?” Mike asks. 
“ You’re all she talks about” Steve tells him. Eddie’s eyes grow wide and his mouth feels dry. He had to talk to you.
“I’ve got to go!” He shouts. 
But, when he gets to your house, your mom answers the door. 
“ Is Y/N home?” Your mom shakes her head.
“ She went to take some time off visiting her grandparents. She wasn’t doing so good, the school agreed she needed some time too. I’m sorry, Eddie” his heart sank knowing he was too late.
“ Would you tell her I’ve stopped by if you talk to her?” Your mom nods. “ Take care” your mom tells him as she closes the door. Eddie walks back to his van with his head hang knowing he has hurt you to cause you to go away.
You didn’t want to see him and he would wait for you to come back. 
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inklessletter · 1 year
No, but hear me out; Steve is genuinely good with kids and toddlers. Like, absurdly good. He engages with them because he finds them not only adorable, but really fun to be around. Steve kind of gets how they think, loves to play with them, their funny logic, how seriously they take what’s happening in their busy little minds. He finds them fascinating, and they often surprise him in the best ways. Steve respects them, and kids perceive that and love and respect him back. Also, to Steve, spending time with kids is socially freeing. When he’s around kids he’s not worrying about social cues, or saying something wrong, or can stop paying attention to his manners or his looks.
Steve loves kids, and kids love him back. 
And Holly Wheeler is the living proof of that.
Read it on Ao3
There is a bonus scene of this, just saying
You drew stars (around my scars)
Mike was the only one in the family who actively resisted to like Steve. Since he set foot in the Wheelers household, everyone in the family seemed to be head over heels for him. He had heard his father admitting more than once that Steve was a fine good young man; his mom was delighted with him since the very first dinner because he helped with the cleaning up after every time (he even brought flowers every now and then, ugh); and of course, he had to endure Nancy’s annoying pining and giggling for months. Then they started dating and he was at home almost every day and it was insufferable having him around every goddamn day. 
But the worst one was Holly.
Before Steve, Holly used to chase Mike around, wanting to be with him all the time. Of course, Mike shoved her out almost every time, especially when his friends were over. Lucas understood him; he knew what having an annoying little sister was like. Sometimes she was around, when they were drawing their D&D characters, Will would save a seat for her and let her borrow his big box of colors, or Dustin gave her treats under the table.
Mike Wheeler didn’t want to deal with Holly after him all the time, but when Steve showed up, Holly got totally smitten with him. He wouldn’t pressure her to give him a kiss, but instead, he high fived her. Steve called Holly “Super Star”.
“Hey, what’s up, Super Star? How was school today? Did Timmy borrow your doll? Again?”
“Hey Super Star, wanna sit next to me for dinner? I bet I can beat you, I’ll eat my baby carrots faster than you!”
“I heard Super Star was feeling funny in the tummy today. Are you okay? Will you feel better if we make a tea party with your stuffed buddies? Yeah?”
Then, suddenly Super Star didn’t want to do anything with Mike anymore. Now it was all Steve. 
(Sure, Mike didn’t like having her around, but he didn’t want Steve to steal her from him either. That’s two out of two, not that long ago, Nancy actually DMed campaigns for him and his friends, and then she decided she liked him and now it was suddenly a dumb game.)
When Nancy dumped his stupid ass in November of 1985 Mike almost made a happy dance. The nightmare was over.
But the fucker appeared at the door the day before Christmas with a gift for Holly. He didn’t stay for dinner, but he handed it to Karen. 
It was a stupid light board.
Dustin was suddenly attached to him now. Now they were friends. Lucas was also fond of him. Steve was cool now for his friends too, apparently. And don’t get him wrong, what he did to defend them was amazing. He hated to admit that it was a little bit cool (but Steve’s panicked face when he woke up in the back of Billy’s car driven by Max was awesome). 
Yeah, after all that shit they talked a little bit. Mike made himself crystal clear that he still didn’t like him, and Steve just sighed and told him that he knew. Mike was about to go victorious after that, but Stupid Steve had to add “anyhow, if you need anything, you can always reach me.”
He still kept showing up for Holly’s birthdays. He still brought her Christmas presents secretly. Mike knew that Steve showed up considerably early when he was going to pick him up and his friends to give them a ride to the arcade, or to the mall, or wherever just to spend half an hour playing with Holly. 
Holly laughed the loudest whenever they were playing in the living room together. And it’s not that Mike wasn’t glad that his sister was happy, it was just— He couldn’t be so flawless. Nancy called him bullshit, she must have seen something in him. No one was that perfect.
He was still around for the upcoming apocalypses. He was starting to make peace with the fact that Steve wasn’t going anywhere, when he stole yet another friend from Mike.
Now he and Eddie had bonded. 
They were often together and that riled Mike up like no other. Hawkins was full of people, did Steve have to put a goddamn spell on anyone around him?
Even when Mike hosted in his basement the Hellfire campaigns after Eddie graduated, Eddie showed up at his front door with Steve.
“You are not a Hellfire member, Steve,” Mike deadpanned.
As an answer, Steve lifted a box. A brand new toy doctor kit. He smiled.
“I didn’t come to see you anyway. Isn’t Holly’s birthday this weekend? I have an early gift for her.”
“You’re so lame.”
“Get new material, Wheeler,” Steve rolled his eyes.
Eddie observed the interaction, both of them coming in. Mike closed the door.
“Well, I mean, I’m not surprised you want to spend so much time with Holly, I guess you need someone of your intellect so you can stop feeling stupid all the time around adults.”
Steve stopped for a second. He looked at him as if he wanted to actually reply. He let out a sigh, and went upstairs. God, Mike resisted the urge to fully smile. He glanced at Eddie, who was giving him a dead serious, borderline angry look.
Mike rolled his eyes.
“Wheeler, while I do appreciate that you’re hosting the new campaign, I’m gonna say something, and I’m gonna say this just once, so listen carefully. Treat him like this once more, and you’re out of Hellfire.”
“You heard me.”
“That’s bullshit!” 
“No, you being an asshole with him is. I already lectured Dustin for this, and now I’m lecturing you. I will not tolerate any Hellfire member to behave like this towards friends. That, that is bullshit.”
“He’s not my friend.”
“Like hell he’s not. He cares for you, he does shit for you and you not only do not thank him, you pay him by treating him like shit. He’s saved your ass several times. He pays your fucking late dues, man. Like, shit, give back the tapes on time, Christ.”
Mike was fully uncomfortable now. He crossed his arms and bit his tongue to not snap at Eddie any more.
“Look,” Eddie said, calming his tone. “I don’t know if anything happened between you two, and I don’t want to know, but he’s going through a lot lately. A lot, Mike. You don’t—Shit, you don’t have to like him. Just—just don’t treat him like this, okay? I’m serious about cutting you off Hellfire if you keep this shit.”
Eddie headed down the basement, and Mike was left uneasy.
That afternoon was by far his worst performance in D&D. He had been replaying the conversation with Eddie in his head on and off all the time, but Eddie didn’t give him shit for it, because he knew.
Eddie, an understanding DM as he was, called on a break, and Mike bolted upstairs.
He headed to Holly’s bedroom, the door wasn’t closed all the way. He stopped before coming in to put his thoughts in order and apologize properly. He heard the voices behind the door.
“Doctor Super Star, there are no more patients for you to save! You did great! You cured them all!” Steve said in a funny voice.
“But your tummy hurts!”
“My tummy hurts? Oh, no, ugh! It hurts so bad!”
Mike peeped, still hidden, observing the scene. He saw Steve doing a pretty poor performance of a faint, and he fell, belly up over the rug, amongst the plush toys scattered around. Holly, dressed as a doctor, rounded him and kneeled at his side. 
“I’m going to give you an injection to save you!”
“Oh, please, Doctor Super Star, please, it hurts so bad! N-no, Holly, holly don’t lift my—”
Holly did, and Mike froze. 
Both Wheelers looked at the sudden exposed skin of Steve, all covered in nasty, pink scars. Eddie’s words resonated in the back of his mind loud and clear, and he suddenly understood what Steve was going through lately. Those scars were—God, they were gruesome. That must have hurt like shit. He heard what happened, but now he was seeing it.
That could have been his sister.
Or Robin.
That could have been anyone there, but it was Steve.
Mike gulped, feeling a heavy weight in the pit of his stomach. 
“It’s okay, Holly,” Steve spoke softly, but Mike could feel the nervous, vulnerable tone after his words.
Holly passed a finger ever so slightly, over one of the scars. She looked both curious and serious. Steve’s abdomen flinched a bit.
“Does it hurt?” Holly asked, softly.
Steve closed his eyes and put on a flaky smile, facing the ceiling.
“Yeah,” Steve whispered. “Yeah they—they hurt sometimes.”
Steve let her wander her small hand, examining his torso. 
“They’re pretty.”
A silence. A broken voice. “They’re not.”
“Yes, they are. They look like stars.”
Then, Holly, slowly, put against his stomach a bright pink toy syringe and faked an injection.
“Now you’re cured. Now it doesn’t hurt.”
Mike couldn’t see Steve’s whole face, but he saw enough before he turned away from Holly to see. His expression crumpled, and he saw Steve’s bob apple up and down a couple times. If he wasn’t crying, he was about to.
“You cured me, Doctor Super Star. Good job!”
“Wait! I’m not finished!”
Holly jolted to his drawer, where he kept all her drawing stuff. She came back with a few colored sharpies, and got back to the same position she was before. Steve observed her. 
Then Holly put the sharpie nib softly against Steve’s belly, and he observed.
She drew stars over Steve’s scars.
“See? They are pretty. They’re stars.”
Steve smiled at her. She beamed.
“They are stars. They are pretty.”
After a few seconds, Steve cleared his throat and suggested Holly tidy up all around and draw for a little bit in the living room. Only then Mike reacted, and left the hallway, going back down to the basement.
By the look he gave Mike when he came back, Eddie must have noticed something weird in Mike, but didn’t say anything.
When it was time for all of them to leave (seriously, Mike had been a total disaster), Eddie hushed them all to the van. Steve was saying his goodbyes, and then Mike spoke before he left.
“Hey, Steve.”
He turned around. “Yeah?”
There was a silence, in which Mike tried to find the words. Steve waited.
“I never—I will give the tapes back on time from now on. I’m sorry for that.”
Steve was puzzled. 
Mike was shit apologizing. Mike was shit communicating, at best. He was shit at being vulnerable. Mike was shit at feelings.
“Yeah, and—thank you for—you know. The, um—yeah.”
Mike pursed his lips, crossed his arms. He pinned his eyes to the floor. He could feel his ears and his cheeks grow hotter and pinker.
“Yeah. No problem.”
He could feel Steve’s soft smile in his voice.
“You can go now.”
“Yeah, okay. Bye, Mike,” he said. “Good night Doctor Super Star!” 
Holly waved him from Karen’s arms. She even threw him a kiss. He captured it in the air and put it in his pocket.
Mike rolled his eyes.
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steddieas-shegoes · 1 year
Request: the party is at the Hopper-Byers house for the July 4th celebrations and Steve has a really bad nightmare caused by childhood trauma/abuse mixed in with Upside Down horror. He wakes up but is still lost in the nightmare + PTSD from the fireworks. Eddie can't calm him down. Nobody in the party can calm him down, he isn't fully awake. Its terrifying. What calms him down is Wayne, speaking in low tones about Garfield, and the weather and Eddie. He refuses to talk to anyone about the pleas and desperate sobs of "no..get off" & "leave me alone" but is extra clingy to Eddie & Wayne once he comes out of the flashback. It's also the 1st time he calls Wayne 'dad'
MY LOVE!!!!!! Sometimes I make myself cry so hard that I have to add the most ridiculous fluff to make it better. That's what's happened here. It's sad, it's hurt, but then it's so so so much comfort and fluff. I can't resist and I can't apologize. Plus you know supportive Wayne is like MY BRAND. Steve calling him dad? Jesus the tears I let out. I'm actually a pretty firm believer that at some point over the years, Eddie started calling him dad because he was a better one than his own ever was. Hope you all cry in a good way with this. - Mickala ❤️
Steve went to bed a while ago, his head hurting a bit too much to handle the fireworks show that Hopper and Jonathan were putting on. Eddie went with him, though he wasn’t tired, at Robin’s insistence.
She’d given him a look that said enough.
They’d all been dreading this day, at least a little, because of Starcourt the year before.
Steve was asleep in Will’s bed, curled up against Eddie’s side, breathing even.
Until it wasn’t.
Until his hands were gripping Eddie’s shirt like it was a lifeline, his feet started kicking like he was running from something.
He was whimpering in his sleep, clearly terrified of something, but Eddie couldn’t be sure what.
Steve tended to have a wide variety of nightmares: reminders of his childhood traumas, reminders of the Upside Down and Russians, and terrible visions of something that would hopefully never be the future.
They all caused him to struggle to wake up, and usually he was crying uncontrollably for hours when he finally did.
Eddie tried to prop himself up slightly, ready to try to hold Steve as still as he could.
Steve fought him off though, mumbling something in his sleep.
Eddie let him, knew better than to actively attempt waking him up during a nightmare.
He kept a hand on him, adjusting as Steve shifted in the bed. Trying to talk to him quietly, barely whispering reassurances that he was safe and loved and everyone would protect him.
Sometimes that worked. It wasn’t quite enough to wake him up from it, but he’d calm down and drift back into a mostly dreamless sleep.
Not this time.
He started sobbing, tears streaming down his cheeks from his still-closed eyes. He wasn’t quite tossing and turning, but he was moving enough that Eddie didn’t want to stay too close just in case either of them ended up hurt.
It killed him, but he put space between them.
“Eddie, no!”
Eddie flinched at the despair in Steve’s voice.
He heard a knock on the door, but couldn’t pull himself completely away to open it, so he yelled for them to come in.
Robin and Max were at the door with wide eyes, Dustin and Will standing behind them.
“Is he okay?” Robin started as she walked in.
“He’s having a nightmare.”
“Why can we not just wake him up?” El asked curiously.
“He wakes up on his own. If you try to wake him up he could accidentally hurt you.”
“But he is hurting,” she said, deep frown settling on her features as she watched Steve moving in bed.
Robin sat down on the edge of the bed just as a firework went off in the backyard, making her jump.
Steve’s eyes shot open, and he stopped moving.
But he wasn’t awake.
“Please stop. I can’t-“ Steve’s voice was pained, like he was being tortured.
“Hey, why don’t you rugrats go get Joyce or Hop or something?”
The kids hesitated, clearly not wanting to leave Steve even for a moment, but finally all turned to grab an adult from the firework show.
Joyce came in only a minute later, eyes wide and searching.
“Steve?” She asked as she got close to the bed, watching his open eyes crying silently now. “Sweetie, can you hear me?”
“This only happened once when I was around. He’s like, lost in the nightmare. He says when this happens is when he can physically feel what’s happening instead of just picturing it.”
“Bless his heart,” Joyce sighed. “Do you know what the nightmares are?”
“They’re different all the time,” Eddie said quietly.
“No, not her! I’m the one you want, right?” Steve yelled suddenly.
Everyone jumped and Steve and Robin shared a long glance.
“Maybe the Russians? We’ve had a lot of reminders today.”
Joyce placed a hand on his face to wipe his tears, but Steve flinched and curled himself into a ball.
“No, no, no,” he repeated.
“It’s okay, honey. It’s Joyce. We’re all gonna keep you safe,” she said softly, her hand still stroking through his hair.
She was trying to comfort him, but it seemed like the touch just made things worse. After another minute, she pulled her hand away and Eddie could see she was fighting back tears.
He put his hand on her shoulder as he heard a few more people come in.
“It’s okay. When he wakes up, he’ll be happy to know you tried,” Eddie said, though at this point, he figured if Steve knew that everyone was watching him have a nightmare, he’d be embarrassed at best, ashamed at worst.
“Maybe we should give him space,” Max suggested from the corner.
She suffered from terrible nightmares, too. She hated sleepovers now, usually chose to take the guest room of Steve’s house instead of on the floor in the living room with everyone just in case she had one. El would sometimes go with her, but most of the time, Max preferred being alone.
Steve was similar in that he usually hated anyone trying to take care of him, but Eddie and Robin usually didn’t give him a choice.
“Max is right,” Hopper said from the door, though he looked just as concerned as Joyce. “If he wakes up to all of us standing around him, he’s just gonna feel worse.”
“Let me get in there,” Wayne mumbled from behind Hopper.
Wayne had never seen Steve’s nightmares firsthand, just heard recounts of them from Eddie, but he’d felt terrible for the boy. He had his own share of nightmares from the war, and wouldn’t wish them on anyone.
Eddie and Wayne shared a look, one that had Eddie moving so Wayne could sit on the bed with Steve instead.
“Alright, everyone but Wayne and Eddie out!” Hopper said just loud enough to make a point.
Wayne wasn’t paying attention to everyone leaving, too focused on reading the situation at hand and preparing for whatever it might take to get Steve out of it.
“He ever punch when he’s in a nightmare?” He asked Eddie as he sat down close to him.
“Only once with Robin, then she learned to leave enough space that she could get up if he started throwing his hands around. It’s happened to me a couple times because I don’t want to leave him alone.”
“Alright, just stay right there for a few minutes. I’m gonna try to hold his wrists so I know if he’s gonna punch.”
“You aren’t restraining him, right? He doesn’t like to be restrained,” Eddie started nervously chewing on his hair.
“No, son. Not restraining. I’m gonna let him go if he starts to push against me, but it’s just so I know when he’s gonna start throwin’ his hands around.”
Eddie nodded and watched as Wayne sat back against the headboard of the bed and pulled Steve completely into his lap.
Steve wasn’t fighting it, but he was letting out little “no, no, no”’s until Wayne got him completely settled with his head against his chest, ear pressed to his heartbeat.
“Alright, bud, we’re gonna get you through this. You and me, kid. Just us. I’ve got you right here, you hear my heart? I got you.” Eddie watched as Steve’s crying continued to get worse. “Oh! You know that stupid Garfield mug? Broke the handle on it again. Damn thing seems like it’s giving up for good. I’ll have to steal the one you keep at the house.”
Steve’s whimpering was a bit quieter, his body relaxing a little more into Wayne.
“Tomorrow’s s’posed to be nice, maybe we should head out to the lake and fish. Leave Eddie behind, he scares the fish,” Wayne smirked over at Eddie, who was only holding back a comment because he was still too worried about Steve.
Steve was now silently crying, and Eddie knew he was probably closer to awake than asleep.
“I know you’ll probably say Eddie’s welcome, but that kid don’t shut up. Don’t know how you put up with him. Of my two boys, I’d much rather take you fishin’ and take Ed to a bar.”
Eddie bit his lip at the implication that Steve was one of Wayne’s boys. He knew Wayne adored Steve, but didn’t realize he was ready to adopt him as his own.
“There you are, bud. You awake?” Wayne was talking softer than Eddie had ever heard, and when he looked at Steve, he realized why.
Steve had finally managed to wake up completely, and his whole body was shivering, more from fear than being cold.
Eddie still found a blanket at the end of the bed and covered him, watching as Wayne mouthed a quick thank you over Steve’s head.
“You want me to keep talkin’?” Wayne asked.
Steve nodded.
“You got it, though this is more what Eddie’s good at. Ya know the first night he lived with me, I couldn’t get him to even say hello? Poor kid was like Bambi, didn’t trust anyone or anything, big brown eyes watching every breath I took until he was in his room. The next day I woke him up with pancakes, the recipe you like most with the cinnamon apples, and he hasn’t shut up since.”
Steve let out a breath that could have been a laugh if he wasn’t coming down from one of the worst nightmares Eddie’s seen him have.
Wayne’s hands were running along his arm and back, comforting and keeping him warm.
“Maybe we can head back to the house, I can make us those pancakes in the morning before we go fishin’. That sound good, kid?”
“Yeah, dad.”
Eddie’s eyes widened, and he saw Wayne’s hands freeze.
Then Steve was trying to pull away, his eyes shining with unshed tears that hadn’t been there a moment ago.
But Wayne pulled him back, held him against his chest and placed a kiss to the top of his head.
“I’m not lettin’ you go yet, son. Not unless you would rather be with Ed.”
Steve shook his head.
Eddie didn’t take offense to it, he was with Steve all the time and he knew Wayne was the best at giving support in times like this.
“You wanna talk about it?”
Steve shook his head.
“You ever talk about it with anyone?”
Steve shook his head.
“You think you should?”
Steve nodded.
“I ever tell you about when I got back from Vietnam?”
Steve shook his head.
“Is it okay if Ed sits down on the bed with us? Maybe you can hold his hand.”
Thank every god for Wayne Munson. Eddie was practically crawling out of his skin with the need to have his hand on Steve, make sure he was really okay.
Steve nodded.
Eddie sat down on the other side of Wayne, letting his head rest against his shoulder while Steve propped his legs in his lap.
“Everyone cozy?”
“Mhm,” Steve said.
“Yeah,” Eddie replied.
“When I first got back, I couldn’t sleep at all. Sometimes I’d drift off in my chair when I got too tired, but I’d usually wake up so quick my body didn’t even know I fell asleep. That went on for months until Jim got back. He was so much younger than me, ya know? Didn’t seem right that he had to go through what I did. We met for lunch a few times, we talked. He didn’t have much to say, neither did I, but sometimes we had a story to share. And ya know, dammit if it didn’t help.”
Eddie remembers back when he first started living with Wayne how he would sometimes have Hopper over for dinner, but never explained how they even really knew each other until he was older. Even then, he didn’t say much except that they had a lot of similar war stories.
“Didn’t have the time or money for professional help, but sometimes just gettin’ stuff off your chest can help. Ya know, I cut back my hours at the plant. Don’t need to work all that overtime now that the government bought us a house and pays the bills on it. Kinda nice to just have some time for doin’ what I wanna do. Maybe we could start takin’ a few hours a week to go fishin’. Maybe have lunch at the diner and chat.”
Eddie could feel tears running down his face at Wayne’s offer, at how much he cared for Steve.
“You’d wanna do that with me?” Steve’s voice was shaking, and Eddie didn’t have to see his face to know he was crying.
“I’d love to, bud. You’re my kiddo, ya know? Just as much as Eddie is.”
Steve let out a sob, and curled further into Wayne’s chest. Eddie squeezed his knee, letting him know he was there if he needed him.
“I love ya, kid. You’re gonna be just fine, alright? Not gonna let anyone or anything hurt you.”
“Thanks, dad.”
“Anytime, kiddo.”
They stayed there for a while, probably close to an hour, Steve holding Eddie’s hand while Wayne talked to them both.
Eventually, everyone was heading home and Steve decided to head back with Wayne and Eddie instead of staying with the Byers as planned.
“Get some rest, honey. We love you,” Joyce wrapped her arms around him and squeezed as he said his goodbyes to everyone.
The ride back was quiet, Wayne driving them both in his truck, the radio playing old country the whole way home.
When they got home, Steve decided to take a quick shower before he went to bed, said he didn’t feel clean.
Wayne furrowed his brows, but nodded.
Eddie kissed him once on the forehead before letting him head to the bathroom.
Wayne turned to him when they heard the shower turn on, his face pained.
“Has he ever talked about his childhood?”
“Not much. Said he used to spend summers with his grandparents and cousins when his parents didn’t wanna take him with them. He hated it, but didn’t say much about it.”
Wayne looked, somehow, worse.
“Has he ever been scared to be touched? Even just a hug? Outside of the nightmares?”
Eddie nodded.
“I mean, not so much with me or Robin anymore, but sometimes with the others, yeah.”
Wayne put a hand on his shoulder and gave him a sad smile.
“It’s not my place to make assumptions, but I think he had plenty of good reasons to hate staying with his grandparents and cousins. Just promise me you’ll listen if he talks to ya? No interruptin’ or judgin’.”
“Of course. I love him, I don’t want him to hide stuff from me,” Eddie responded.
“I know. I love ya, kid.”
“Love ya too,” Eddie was slightly confused, but didn’t ask. Steve would be done soon in the shower and he wanted to make sure he had some of his clothes to wear to bed.
Wayne made his way to his own room, giving a quick knock to the bathroom door and yelling that he loved him. Eddie heard a “love you, dad” in response.
Eddie had viewed Wayne as his dad for years, had called him dad sometimes when he let his guard down a bit. Wayne just had the natural protective, caring personality that a good father has, and Steve wasn’t immune to it.
When Steve made it out of the shower, Eddie was pulling the extra blanket out of his closet for Steve to wrap himself in like he did anytime he had a nightmare.
Steve walked over to him, towel wrapped around his waist, and leaned against him.
Eddie let his hands rest on his hips, right where the towel rested.
“Doing okay, sweetheart?”
“Yeah. Thanks.”
“Thanks for sharing Wayne with me.”
“Oh, angel, I don’t make that call. Wayne pretty much adopted you day one and I just had to let it happen,” Eddie smirked.
Steve giggled and kissed Eddie’s collarbone.
“I’m gonna talk to you about it all someday. I will. I promise.”
“No rush, sweet love. When you’re ready, though, I’m right here. So is Wayne.”
“I know. Love you.”
“Love you so much.”
As they fell asleep in Eddie’s bed that night, he realized what Wayne was alluding to and his heart broke into a million pieces. If he was right, then Steve had horrors unimaginable even before the Upside Down.
But Eddie would be here to listen to it when he was ready. He knew it would be hard to hear, but not nearly as hard as it had to be for Steve to live with.
And they both had Wayne, who wouldn’t let either of his boys hurt if he could help it.
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fandoms-in-law · 16 days
Eddie's One Track Mind
Summary: Eddie wants to use the murder accusations to inspire a music video for a Corroded Coffin song. The rest of the band is reluctant but the party steps in to help.
Author's Note: When it comes to Eddie I use 2 people IRL to inspire my writing, my brother and my step brother. Since my step-brothers are in a band that sometimes means a music video becomes a fanfiction like this.
Eddie had struggled with the accusations for a while. Just managing to remember that it had been disproven and announced by the police that he wasn’t guilty and should have been a suspect didn’t change the towns reactions to him and it would only take so long until he tried playing into it the same he had being called a freak.
“Come on guys! Let me play into my murder accusations! It’s just for a music video.” He had tried suggesting it casually but slowly got the rest of his band to realise he honestly wanted to do this, which led to now, having had a clear rejection of the idea and arguing that they should do it.
Gareth shook his head, throwing the notebook Eddie had planned the video out in over to him/“A witch hunt would be easier to convince us to do.”
He pouted in reply, but grabbed a pen instead, writing while he replied, “That could be the next one! Pair the songs up! One video that seems to show me wanting to kill and possibly killing someone, the next the witch hunt and proving my innocence!”
Jeff sighed heavily. “That is not what he meant. We’re not doing this. Who would even agree to play the person you murder?”
“Steve! And he’s already agreed.” This concern Eddie had expected and kept an answer ready for, even if he hadn’t actually mentioned it to Steve at all yet.
“So music videos are becoming a big old thing.” Trying to be casual and acting as if he had completely ignored anything about the music scene was the difference that Eddie had just failed to find.
Thankfully Steve didn’t comment on that, only humming a little before replying. “Yeah, have been for a while. What are you wanting to do?” He watched Eddie, clearly realising music videos had been brought up for a reason.
“Murder someone in a music video, make it a story, maybe show them still alive at the end just in case.” The summary was given more easily to Steve than it had been to Corroded Coffin. Eddie didn’t worry he would argue with it in the same way.
Steve leant back, tilting his head towards him. “I could be convinced to let you fake kill me. Bet Robin would also go for it; Jonathan and Dustin too.”
“And Nance, Max and you could stop me having the chance to kill them before I kill you.” Eddie beamed at the easy agreement, nodding rapidly as he listed other members of the party.
“Why Max?”
“Only her, El and Lucas would actually stop it if it’s pretend. The rest would push Dustin towards me and Max is most comfortable on camera.” Eddie pointed out about their friends, deciding that, as long as Steve didn’t question it, he wouldn’t bring up the rest of Corroded Coffin not being included in his plans.
Steve was nodding though, “If she doesn’t want to because it’s Dustin then I can just stop you twice, make my final death after seem more motivated. You’re thinking I stop you killing Robin, Nancy stops you for Jonathan and Max for Dustin, right?”
“Right. And we’ll probably need the entire party to play for the follow up music video.” Eddie tacked on, pulling his notebook to add the planning down as well as note who he needed to ask to join in.
“Is that cause your band mates don’t like the idea of this one?” Steve asked.
“Yep, entirely shot it down until I said you’d be on board to do it.” He agreed. “And suggested doing a witch hunt video instead so I said that could be the sequel where it’s shown you’re all alive.”
For a moment Steve was quiet, reaching out to hold Eddie’s wrist. “I can’t blame them for that. Do you know which songs this is going to be to?”
Nodding, Eddie grabbed his guitar. “I’ll play them for you.”
After hearing the songs Steve was laughing. “You want the song that sounds like you’re sex obsessed to have a video that shows you instead obsessed with murdering someone, and the video proving you didn’t kill anyone in the first to be about sheep? Never did stop wanting to yell from cafeteria tables, did you?”
“Not at all.” Eddie laughed too, “Gotta get people thinking somehow.”
“You want us to what?” Dustin and Robin stared at Eddie as if he was insane.
“Play murder victims in a music video, not even that really, just people who almost became murder victims, really it’s just standing around, chatting to someone when the come over. The camera will barely focus on you, seriously.” Eddie rushed to explain, wondering if he should have led in with his idea for the video rather than the roles he wanted them to play.
Robin looked from him to Steve. “What have you talked Steve into doing?” She asked after a moment.
“I’m the one who actually seems to get murdered, and the one who distracts you so you don’t. We’re waiting to find out if it’s me or Max that stops Dustin being the victim.” He answered coming over. “And the one returning at the end of the video to show I definitely didn’t get killed.”
“Are you trying to make Hawkins forget you were once accused of murder?” Dustin asked bluntly.
Eddie shrugged, “If they haven’t by now, this is honestly more likely to make them remember it more all over again.”
“Then slowly either get more annoyed or doubt it more as everyone else reacts to mentions of it saying ‘that was a music video; Not everything you see on TV is real.’” Steve added on. “It’s one of the things getting popular helped me learn, everything can be forgotten if enough people insist on something more recent being what’s referred to.”
“You need to tell Gareth that.” Eddie clicked at Steve before carrying on. “Also I want you in the follow up video either in the angry mob or scenes showing my innocence, possibly both.”
Robin met Steve’s eyes for a while, an entire conversation happening that Eddie couldn’t guess at before she nodded. “Yeah, that sounds fine. Just let us know when you want to be filming and please tell me you’re getting Jonathan to film for you? I’ve seen your attempts at home video and you need a professional or at least a great hobbyist.”
“If he’s not, I’m telling Will and he’ll have to. I’m down to be in the video though.” Dustin chimed up, smirking when both Steve and Eddie chided him for the ego in his tone.
Gareth looked at the finished video dubiously. It was very close to the description Eddie had originally come to the with and he still worried that it could bring back Spring break of 86 all over again. “Are you sure we have to use this video? Can’t we just get like a video to follow Steve’s failed flirting attempts for a few days instead?”
“No! This is perfect!” Eddie protested immediately, despite the sighs of the rest of the band.
“We’ve put too much effort into it now, plus do you want to field questions over why the next one is so odd if we don’t keep this one?” Jeff commiserated.
Grant shrugged, “I don’t think we’d get Eddie or Steve to agree to that. Besides it definitely looks metal now it’s done. We could even release the videos together, back to back so-”
Eddie held up a hand halting his suggestion, “I don’t think we’ll manage to get any channel agree to hosting songs back to back except maybe the most local. Jonathan might be able to swing it there as he worked on them.” He cautioned. “But yes, if we have private releases of the videos we can play them back to back. The songs mesh relatively well together.”
“I do think it looks like you could be dating Steve in the video though. Jonathan added a lot of extra scenes of the two of you together before that faked murder and reveal he was still alive.” Gareth hummed, deciding not to focus on getting the videos broadcast since he didn’t understand it all.
“Well I am, and we weren’t meant to be getting recorded in any of those moments.” He replied, rolling his shoulders, “Jonathan just decided the dynamic it added to the video was cool.”
Jeff nodded, “He’s right. Definitely adds more of a story to it which I didn’t think was needed.”
“Eddie? You said you were looking at the finished video today, can I see it? Jonathan said I was in it a lot.” Steve called, letting himself into the trailer and quickly joining the band around the TV.
Eddie was already rewinding it after hearing his voice. “You are, Big boy. Stealing the show constantly with your parenting of the group.” He teased over his shoulder before hitting play again.
Steve groaned in response, even while watching the video with a furrowed brow from concentrating. “Are you okay with the changes to what you wanted?”
“I like it.” Eddie reassured. “And any extra shots of us together are always fun to have.”
“Sap. What about you guys? I know you weren’t certain about making this the music video but are you happy with it now?” He glanced around at the other three for a moment before watching the video again.
Grant shrugged. “It’s still a risk to put out, but I’m happy enough with it. Might even catch the attention of more metal fans for such a storyline I bet.”
“Here’s hoping.” Jeff and Gareth agreed.
“Definitely. You guys are sure to make it with your music soon.” Steve agreed easily. “And I’ll be right there helping any way I can.”
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rogueddie · 2 years
The entire group hadn't been back to Hawkins, all at once, in nearly 20 years.
The last time they were truly all together was the Christmas before Eddie left for Chicago and Nancy left for college, back in 87, the first to 'escape'. Though, it didn't take many years for everyone else to follow their lead.
Steve is the only one who stayed behind. But he didn't think it was all that bad. Robin had moved back to Indy city once she finished college, so she visited often. He's not truly alone, even if it does feel like it... most of the time.
2007 is a good year though. It's the first year that Eddie comes back to Hawkins. They've been having little reunions with as many of the group as they can, every Christmas. But there's always a few people too busy- Eddie is always one, always on tour or writing or recording.
Not this year though. And Steve is finally excited, looking forward to something so much that it buzzes under his skin.
The others are already there once Eddie arrives, the last to arrive. Steve reluctantly hangs back, trying to downplay his excitement as he watches Dustin and Erica shove their way ahead of the others, trying to greet him first.
He looks great, Steve notes. Healthy.
"And Harrington," Eddie finally greets, already saying his hellos to everyone else. "I see the crows feet only add to your charm, shame on you."
"Yeah, it's good to see you too."
Eddie laughs, eyes scrunching up, dragging Steve into a hug. Steve is happy to note that he lingers, forehead pressing down against his collar for a moment before he steps back.
"Come on, it's Christmas Eve! We're all together, at long last! Put some music on, get the alcohol!" Eddie snaps.
Everyone does as asked and, soon, Steves usually cold, empty house is full of music and laughter. The burn of cheap alcohol warming his stomach and the smell of Eddie and Argyles weed filling the air are an old but familiar comfort that he hadn't realized how much he'd been aching for.
Steve sits in the corner, on his own.
For a moment, he just wants to watch everyone else. To look around his living room, so full of people that Mike, Robin, Argyle and Lucas are sat on the floor. So full of people that Max had grabbed El with shaking hands, pulling her onto her lap, coaxing her into sharing her wheelchair.
As soon as Eddie wiggles out of the corner he'd squeezed himself into, Mike and Lucas are fighting for the space. Mike only wins, sitting down on the sofa with a smug grin, before Will helps him.
Eddie sits down on the little side table, next to Steve.
"How've you been holding up?"
"I've been good. Not as good as you, though. The Rolling Stones, huh?"
"Oh, uh, you saw that?" Eddie smiles a little sheepish. "Yeah, it's... it's been getting crazy. I don't know how it happened. One day we're a small, underground thing and the next, we're almost mainstream."
"Underground," Steve parrots, snorting. "Your first single was played on the radio. You guys have always been big."
"You listen to us, Harrington?"
"Of course. And, you know, I have a first name."
"Really?" Eddie gasps, throwing a hand to his chest. "By the Gods!"
"I know, crazy!"
They fall silent, watching the new little fight breaking out. By the yelling, Steve guesses that Dustin stole one of the pieces of candy that Mike is eating.
"I missed this," Eddie quietly admits. "I'm sorry I didn't come back sooner."
"Nah, you were busy with-"
"I wasn't. I wasn't busy. I lied to just... avoid this. Avoid Hawkins. And it's... it's not good being back, I won't lie. But it's... seeing the kids again, seeing- seeing you... it's..."
Steve waits a moment. "What?"
"It makes it worth it. It makes me wish I never left."
"You had to. Corroded Coffin was your dream and you made it happen."
"I know, I just... sometimes I wonder. You know, maybe I could've been happier here. Maybe I could've... I don't know."
"Maybe. But you're happy now, right? And you're so successful! You're doing everything you said you dreamt of doing."
"Mhm..." Eddie hesitates again, for another long pause. "Robin said that you... you're bi."
"Yeah?" Steve frowns, turning to face him a little, wondering where he's going.
"I keep thinking that, I don't know... maybe if I'd stayed..."
Steve nearly presses a hand to his chest, so sure that his heart must have missed a beat. "Wh-what? We... we could've..."
"Yeah, maybe," Eddie whispers. He tugs a strand of hair in front of his face, eyes peaking out at him. "It's just a thought. Or something. I don't know."
"I mean... you're here now."
"What, you wanna give it a shot?" Eddie laughs, shaking his head. "We're going on tour again, in a couple weeks. There's no point in-"
"There is. I mean... if you want to try, I'm willing to, like, put in the effort. We could make it work."
Eddie laugh turns into more a sigh, an almost dreamy look taking over his face. "You're sure?"
"I am." He reaches over, grabbing his hand. "I really am."
"Steve Harrington... Merry fucking Christmas to me, huh?"
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We need more bisexual rep, which is why I headcanon Steve, Eddie, Lucas, Max, and El as bisexual. I'm still unsure about Mike. I think he wouldn't label himself, but I'm not sure. I sometimes lean toward him being gay. Sometimes, I lean towards him being bisexual, and sometimes, I lean towards him being pansexual. I can't get a read on him. He's definitely queer. I also could kind of headcanon him as aromantic like Nancy. I headcanon Dustin as asexual along with El, and I could also see Dustin being pansexual. For me, Argyle is a trans man and pansexual. Hop and Joyce are bi4bi like Steddie. Jonathan is definitely pansexual to me. Scott Clarke is gay to me. Wayne is another question mark to me. He might be one who doesn't like labels like my dad. There's something about Wayne who reminds me of my dad a little bit. Well, a mixture of Wayne and Hopper. Tommy H is gay and Carol is a lesbian. They're beards, okay? Karen Wheeler is a frustrated closeted bisexual (I refuse to believe she lusted after Bully. It didn't happen for me because it didn't add anything to the story.) Jason Carver is a deeply closeted gay man (I still hate him). Yeah, I definitely headcanon Chrissy as bisexual but I can see her being a lesbian or pansexual too. Hell, I could see her being someone who doesn't label herself either. The conservatives hiding behind their religious guilt hate Eddie because he's not afraid of hiding who he is. Anyway, no one in Hawkins is straight. Stranger Things? More like Queerer Things.
Canon: Robin Buckley is a lesbian, Will Byers is gay, and Vickie is bisexual.
I was only going to mention a few people. Whoops, I got carried away.
EDIT: I ALMOST FORGOT ABOUT GARETH. Gareth is definitely gay!
I can also see Eddie and Steve being trans as well as Max.
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tartarusknight · 2 years
King of the Freaks | Part 7
Ao3 Link | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15
Steve had the guys over maybe twice a week as time went on, and Thanksgiving was just around the corner. Some days when they were over, Steve stayed out on purpose on others he curled up on one of the couches to watch them. And for the first time, he finds himself with others more than he is alone. Monday and Thursday are Hellfire. Steve still has swimming on Tuesday and Thursday but they already stopped doing Hellfire on Tuesday for him, he wasn’t going to let them shift to another day than Thursday. Most Wednesdays he spends with Dustin at the least. Sometimes more of the kids tag along but he doesn’t mind. He’ll give Max a ride home if Billy drives off without her. And he’ll babysit Will if both Jonathan and Joyce are busy.
 Weekends are still quiet but sometimes they radio him and ask for rides. But they’re generally quiet. He tries not to hate them but he does. He tries to stay busy by trying out recipes Jeff gave him or doing homework with the radio playing loudly but it never works. The sun goes down and Steve ends up next to the pool. He’ll sit and hug his legs to his chest. He’ll spiral until he’s shaking from the cold and barely awake. The sun starting to light up the sky. Then he’ll head in and head down to the couches in the basement. The radio on the floor next to the sofa as he passes out. Using the small throw pillows and blankets as he falls asleep.
 Rinse and repeat. Well, for the most part.
 Steve woke up from a pounding on his door and groaned. “Steve! I know you're in there!” Dustin’s voice called through the house and Steve stumbled up from the couch. He stopped at a mirror and ran his hands through his hair a few times before the pounding truly annoyed him. He pulled it open and on his steps were Dustin, Max, Lucas, Mike, and Will.
 He crossed his arms and noticed Will murmur, “told you he wasn’t going to be up yet.”
Lucas glared at the other, “everyone’s up early on Sundays.”
Steve ran a hand over his face, “nope. Now, what do you gremlins want? Please tell me that Tews hasn’t been eaten this time.” He sighed and got a few snickers but Dustin huffed.
“My mom has brunch with her friends,” Dustin starts.
“Our moms,” Lucas adds.
Dustin shoves at Lucas, “and we wanted to go shopping for Snowball.”
 Steve blinks but then Dustin’s pushing his way inside. “So, come on and get dressed.” He stated, heading up towards where Steve’s bedroom was.
“Hey, dipshit,” Steve calls and waves the others in before jogging up the stairs to see Dustin pulling out a sweater and jeans for Steve. “Wow, Steve I would totally appreciate it if you spent your Sunday taking me and my friends shopping. Would that be alright with you?” Steve said in a mocking, high-pitched tone.
 Dustin rolled his eyes, “why’s your bed made? Did you make it before answering the door?” He asked instead. Steve groaned but changed into the clothes Dustin grabbed.
“I fell asleep on the couch,” he shrugged and headed into his bathroom. Brushing his teeth and grabbing a few things for his hair.
As he multitasked, Dustin snooped. “Is this car your dream car?” Dustin questioned and Steve shook his head, mouth full. “Has your room always been this color?” Another shake of his head. “I always wanted to repaint my room, you think I could convince my mom? Is it hard? What did you do?”
 Steve didn’t want to say that his mom goes through phases about every two years where she redoes the house to her liking. The old furniture goes to the basement or is tossed out. The walls whatever design she saw in the magazine. That his dad lets her do it to keep her happy. That Steve had never once picked out anything for his room, not even his sheets. He just lets his mom toss everything out of his room and redo it however she wanted. Hanging up a stupid car because it’s a boy's room, Stephen.
 He rinses his mouth and moves on to his hair. “Your room looks nice,” he says instead and Dustin sighs before launching into why he wants something new. Steve stays silent, just listening. Then he hears rustling and looks over to see Dustin pulling out the nail bat. The one he hid under his bed but apparently not enough if Dustin was able to find it that easily. “Do you play baseball?”
Steve washed the products off his hands, “Not with that." He jokes but at the glare he answers, "yeah. Baseball, swimming, and basket- and I used to be in basketball.” He fixes his hair up a little more before turning to see Dustin swing the bat with no proper form. “Come on,” he motions Dustin out of his room before tossing the bat back under his bed.
 The others are all over his living room and Mike is snacking on some of the chips Jeff left. “Hey dumbass, those aren’t yours.” He glares and plucks the bag from his hands. Folding it and moving to put it away.
“Why do you have chips here if you don’t eat them?” Mike questions and Steve pauses, looking back with a confused face. “Nancy told me that you don’t eat junk food.” The words feel like ice flowing through his spine. Of course, Nancy noticed how little he ate… she just didn’t see the truth.
He clears his throat, “their leftovers from the other night. My-” Friend? He shrugs and shoves them into the pantry.
 “Let’s get a move on,” he orders and the kids shuffle to the car. Only for Steve to realize there’s not enough room in his car. He looks at the car and the group of kids who decided to make him a babysitter. Sure, he could make them squish but it’s more than just an arcade run. “Fuck it, I’m gonna call a friend, then we can use their van.” He sighs and the kids complain that he’s taking forever even though he’s sped through everything this morning for the little shits.
 He goes to the phone and stares at it for a long moment. What if Eddie was busy? What if he didn’t want to deal with Steve today? What if-
“Are you going to just stare at the phone or use it?” Max snarked and Steve snaps into motion. Dialing Eddie’s number with far more ease than he should have. He’s called the man a few times. And sure Eddie’s been calling him most nights to say good night but he shouldn’t be so used to calling.
 It rings and he is almost ready to give up when it clicks and he hears a gruff, "hello?"
Steve freezes, Eddie's Uncle must have answered. Fuck. "Uh, hi Mister Munson, is Eddie there?" He asks awkwardly and shifts, watching the kids pile around his island, watching him. 
Then a muted yell then another before he talks into the phone, "he's coming."
 There's shuffling, then a tired “yeah?” Then a big yawn.
Steve glances at the time and feels bad, 9:07. He clears his throat anyways. “Hey, um, it’s Steve?” He says awkwardly and gets a snort from Max. All the kids waiting impatiently next to her. He glares over at them and flips her off before he makes a big shooing motion. When none of them move he looks to Lucas and Will who take pity on him and shove the others out of the room.
 There’s a pause before a smack and “Steve? Hey, what’s up?” Eddie’s voice sounds cheerful and it’s a giant leap from earlier.
“Uh, yeah, I was- well the kids I babysit were wanting to go shopping for Snowball, you know the dance? And my car can’t fit all of them. I was wondering if you wanted to join me. Or if I could just borrow the van. You don’t have to waste your day on me. I just- It’s not safe and I-”
“Slow down, sweetheart. Of course, I want to spend the day with you.” Eddie cuts in and Steve’s chest does something funny.
 Steve blinks, trying to shake off the weird feeling, “right. Yeah, great. Uh, I can meet you at the trailer. Sorry it’s so early, they literally woke me up knocking on my door. They’re little shits,” he tries to laugh but he’s too tired to get it perfect.
“No, problem, Stevie. I’ll have enough time by the time you get here to get ready.” There’s muffled noise on the other side before a laugh from Eddie. “Yeah, Wayne told me to get out and get some sun so, sounds like a perfect thing to do. See ya soon, darling.” Then the phone disconnected and Steve was left with Eddie’s laugh in his mind. An echo of sweetheart, Stevie, and darling in his mind.
 He scrubbed a hand over his face before marching the kids out and letting them squish in with Max in the passenger seat. Max fiddles with the radio until she’s satisfied with a Blondie song. “So, this friend of yours…” Dustin drawls out and Steve glances back at him in the mirror.
“What?” Steve questions and Mike scoffs.
The little asshole looks disappointed before they even see Eddie. “We’re not gonna have to deal with another jock, are we?”
“I didn’t think you had any other friends,” Max said and Steve’s gaze snapped back to the road.
 His hands tighten on the wheel but he can’t get mad. He doesn’t even know if he and Eddie are really friends after all. Maybe Jeff is his friend but the rest of them… well, all of them could be pitying him. “Yeah, I get it. Laugh it up,” he says sarcastically. “Just behave, I don’t need you scaring him off before we even get in the van.” He states and puts on a mask that is well-worn.
 The kids complain and argue but when they come to a stop in front of the Munson trailer they do quiet down. They let Steve walk up to the door alone and he knocks softly. The door swings open and an older man stands there in a flannel and jeans. “Uh, you must be Wayne, er, Mister Munson, sir? I’m Steve, uh, Harrington. It’s nice to meet you, sir,” he says awkwardly and Wayne raises an eyebrow at the hand Steve offers before taking it.
“Just Wayne’s fine kid.” He says and waves Steve in. Steve glances back at the kids and makes an I’m watching you gesture before he slips into the trailer. “Ed’s just finishin’ up. He’s not an early bird,” Wayne muses and he picks up a chipped mug from a fishing tournament it seemed.
 “I’m so close to being done,” Eddie calls from the room in the back and Steve can’t help but smile.
Wayne clears his throat, “so, Harrington, huh?” He questions and Steve goes rigid. He looks over at the man and he seems to be looking for something. He must find something because he frowns a little and takes a sip from his mug. “I didn’t care for your daddy.”
Steve smiles weakly, “You wouldn’t be the only one.”
The older man nods and waves him towards Eddie’s room, “go hurry my boy up or you’ll be here all day.”
 Steve nods sharply and goes to head back but Wayne stops him one more time. “And kid, you’re always welcome here.” He states and Steve knows who Eddie got his sheep herding habits from. He smiles and nods before he knocks on the frame of what had to be Eddie’s room. The door swings in from the knock and he leans in the doorway, the perfect image of calm and cool.
 He takes in the mess, the posters, the guitar, and the fucking handcuffs. Steve swallows hard and looks at Eddie who’s digging through a pile of clothes. “Sorry, I’m not finding my wallet. I think it’s in a pair of jeans or maybe a hundred different places. I’m not actually sure. Like I’ve tried going back from when I last remember having it but…” Eddie groans as another pair of jeans is empty.
 Steve moves further into the room to offer a hand but when he clears his throat, something else comes out. “Can you not say anything about Billy?” He blurts out instead of an offer to help look or a joke. It comes out all nervous and awkward like it couldn’t be stopped.
Eddie pauses and looks over at Steve, “yeah, course. I wouldn’t make you seem uncool or-”
 Steve laughs a little dejected, “dude. Trust me when I say they don’t think I’m cool. They watched my ass get beat by Billy already. I just- I don’t need them to know that he’s still, you know?”
Eddie stands and looks like he wants to pull Steve into another hug like the other day. (A hug that Steve still didn't fully understand but liked anyways.) But he doesn’t, he just nods. “Don’t worry, you’re secret’s safe with me,” He promises.
 Then he leans in close to Steve, arm brushing Steve’s neck until he pulls back with his wallet in his hand. “My backpack,” he grins and Steve glances back to see the bag hooked on the back of the door. Steve can only nod, his mouth dry as Eddie heads back towards the front door. He shakes himself and follows after him.
 When they get out they see Lucas and Mike arguing, Max and Dustin looking into Eddie’s van, and Will awkwardly watching it all. Steve clears his throat loudly and puts his hands on his hips. They all give him an innocent smile that only Will makes convincing. “Dipshits, meet Eddie,” he gestures to Eddie who’s got his black ripped jeans, an iron maiden shirt, a red flannel, and his leather jacket over it all.
 Mike blinks and immediately is bitchy, “wow. I didn’t think you’d have non-preppy friends.”
Steve snaps his fingers and points at him, “Wheeler you’re on thin ice.” He states and glances over at Eddie with an apologetic face. “Eds meet Max, Dustin, Lucas, Mike, and the only nice one, Will.” He points them all out and Eddie’s face goes through a few different emotions.
 “Okay, so let me get this straight,” Eddie starts and glances over at Steve, then the kids, then back to Steve. “You babysit Nancy’s younger brother, Jonathan’s younger brother, and Billy’s younger-”
“Stepsister,” Max interrupts with a sour look on her face.
“And Steve’s our friend, not just a babysitter,” Dustin adds looking a little annoyed to be labeled as a kid Steve babysat.
Steve moves and ruffles Dustin’s hair, “course, Henderson.”
 Eddie nods and tosses the keys up into the air and catches them. “Well, little ones I believe it’s time to embark on our adventure.” He says in his DM voice that has Steve smiling. The kids perk up and once the doors are unlocked, they scramble into the crowded back. It's messy back there but Steve knows Eddie keeps it clean enough for the boys to fit in when they need to.
 Steve sits in the front seat and jumps as the van starts up with loud music blaring. Eddie swears and quickly turns it off. “Right, yep,” Eddie gives Steve a small, embarrassed smile. “Uh, where to?”
However, it’s not Steve who answers but Dustin. Dustin’s head peaks out from the back, “we’re looking for stylish dance attire.”
Steve mouths stylish dance attire to himself as Eddie glances at the kid with a smile of approval. “You know Dustin Henderson, I think you and I are going to be good friends.”
  @zerokrox-bloglog @cyranyxx @adaed5 @the-redthreadd @lifeisnotsobadonceyoustopcaringceyoustopcaring @idontgetpaidenoughforthisshitorthisshit @failedstarsandgoldencloudsds @bisexualdisastersworldd @deadlydodoss @anythingyouwanttobee @nburkhardtt @bestwifehaverr @thehumblefigtreee @megzdoodlee @swimmingbirdrunningrockk @mightbeasleepp @bxlthazarar @autumnal-dawnn @chillichatss @nonbinary-eddie-munsonon @the-daydreamer-in-the-cornerner @eddie-munson-is-my-wifewife @a-little-unsteddiedie @sharingisntkaren @a-huge-nerdy-nerd @0o-queendean-o0 @beckkthewreck @vi-an-te @vampireinthesun @newtstabber @dinosareawesome2137  @spicemallow @hellomynameismoo  @luthienstormblessed @briceslayed @angeldreamsoffanfic @dbquills @prideandsensibility @iwouldsail @ponfarrtimeatthevulcannightclub @spectrum-spectre @the-chilly-kat @yearningagain @loopsmd @starlight-archer @sleepy-time @goodolefashionedloverboi  @crazyshipper67  @sherrylyn628  @bidisastersworld  @v3lnys  @n0connections  cherixxx69  theotalksalot  tailsfromthecrypt  ledleaf  grimmfitzz  @pyrohonk
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mikesbasementbeets · 7 months
it’s a little frustrating sometimes to watch people try to “debunk” gay mike evidence by quibbling over things that are. kind of beside the point? like arguing that mike’s consistently negative (or even neutral, if you want the benefit of the doubt) reactions to girls aren’t “disgust” therefore they don’t mean anything. but like 1. yeah i agree, cates gate isn’t about mike being “disgusted.” mike’s face when el kisses him isn’t “disgusted.” mike’s reaction to el, to max, to girls in general doesn’t really read to me as “disgust” either. so 2. what DOES it read to you as? incredulity? confusion? discomfort? those…. still aren’t positive reactions.
the point is that mike actively and blatantly Does Not react positively toward el kissing him. and he also Doesn’t react positively to dustin’s description of a girl being “hotter than phoebe cates.” he asks “is she cute?” with maybe preemptive incredulity (in line with will's question "girls go to science camp?") over a girl who goes to science camp being cute, or perhaps just a neutrally curious state over dustin's new girlfriend, but then dustin doesn’t say “she’s hotter than phoebe cates.” he says, “think phoebe cates. only hotter.” that’s a prescriptive statement. you want to know if she’s cute, mike? think about phoebe cates, and then imagine someone hotter than that. and mike’s expression doesn’t improve in the slightest. think about someone hotter than phoebe cates, dustin tells mike. and mike? remains confused and entirely unintrigued. no, he’s not disgusted, but the point is not his negative reaction, it’s a complete lack of any sort of positive reaction. if he’s listening to dustin, he should have, in that moment, thought of phoebe cates. and his reaction?
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(but. this is also just to say... i don’t even think it's fair to call most of mike’s facial reactions “proof” of his sexuality in any argument… i think they’re fun little easter eggs that add an extra visual element to his gay characterization. but. it’s not WHY people think he’s gay. it's funny to point out BECAUSE he's gay)
[edit: AND this is not even to mention the direct line drawn to this in season four via stobin's discussion of fast times, linking phoebe cates to 'people who like boobies.' #notmikewheeler]
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gayofthefae · 8 months
Thinking about how the pairs that fight, or don't fight, monsters together confirms who will be endgame. To clarify, you can be in the same setting a plot without being "paired off" and this happens consistently.
Mike didn't spend season 4 with El, he spent it with Will. Mike didn't spend season 3 with El, he spent it with the group. Mike didn't spend season 2 with El, he spent it with Will. He only spent season 1 with her.
Nancy didn't spend season 4 with Steve, she spent it with Robin. Nancy didn't spend seasons 1-3 with Steve, she spent them with Jonathan.
Max spent seasons 2 and 4 with Lucas, Jopper spent seasons 1 2 and 3 together and 4 focused on each other, to add a few as well.
The closest exceptions are Joyce with Bob and Steve with Robin but their time was still pretty evenly split between Hopper and Dustin and those were two couples you were meant to root for anyways to evoke the proper reaction at the end.
We see multiple couples, most notably Elmike and St*ncy, have moments together sometimes even in the same plot and group, but still be grouped with someone else. In season 4, Nancy is explicitly paired with Robin, even showing a scene of them picking partners. In season 3, El is repeatedly blocked separately from the group with Mike blocked with the group (specifically paired with Will). Do they have moments where they flirt and support each other's monster-fighting? Yes! Do they brainstorm solutions to the season plot together, one on one? No. Everyone else does. Everyone else.
It's even a very clear point of early season 2 that Nancy is able to work well with Jonathan on this part of life and not Steve, so they are not shy about the fact that they consistently say "fighting monsters together = romance" (when appropriate) and that has consistently been a received message. So it should be applied in the reverse as well: couples who do not fight monsters together are not romantic or endgame.
They want their romantic moments to bloom naturally from time spent together anyways, not to have to go out of their way to put them together for a single moment only to separate them again as soon as it's done - which is what they do do for strategic couples.
The message this sends is one of romance without friendship. They are only together for moments of romance.
(yet another reason I'm excited for platonic Elmike: they spent time together when they were friends in season 1. And in season 3, the main point was always that Mike saw her as his girlfriend instead of El, looking for a universal rule instead of going off of his knowledge of her)
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