#could you imagine if this happened to humans
phyrestartr · 3 days
Their Burning Bodies Keep Us Warm (1/2) | Sukuna x M!Reader
W/C: 3.4k #NSFW, top!Sukuna, bottom!Reader, ABO dynamics, cannibalism, mentions of sex trafficking, mentions of cults, questionable relationship, suggested Stockholm syndrome, post-apocalypse, enemies to friends to lovers, angst, drama, gore, typical zombie shite, not rlly edited kekw SORRY
tags: @flowersatwork @tr4nniez @kamote-kuneho @prettorett @better-imagination-9
You ran. Even when your lungs tore apart, your legs burned to ash, your mind split and ruptured, you ran. 
The destination was simple: anywhere. Anywhere away from the hell hole you'd been swept up into–a camp full of soldiers getting hopeful little bugs stuck in a honeypot with promises of safety and a life well-lived despite the end of the world. A colony. A chance to stop hoping to simply survive. 
But that wasn't what happened. You and so many others were victims of a breeding ring–a puppy mill, so to speak. One where those able to bear young were forced to. One where a hivemind fooled the naive into thinking this was all for the ultimate goal of repopulation, for a chance to reclaim the world should the infected finally fall.
Yet humans, as smart and powerful as the hive claimed, had already lost once, and now twice as they lit their humanity ablaze for the greater evil of satisfying twisted desires under the guise of necessity. You couldn't take it anymore. 
So, you ran. 
Then, you saw a light. Just faintly. It whispered promises of warmth in the cold deadness of Winter's night; you couldn't help but be drawn to it like a moth to a flame. 
But that meant someone was inside, too, which could be a blessing or a curse–if they found you, sidling up to the house, listening for signs of life or unlife, they could turn you in to the men chasing you; on the other hand, you might find a friend. A companion. A safe person to sleep by at night. To eat with. To talk to. That'd be nice. 
Your daydreams shattered when the voices of those soldiers echoed in the empty streets of the town you'd found yourself in. You peeked from your perch by the front door of the house, and ducked out of view when you saw two bobbing lights flicking and scanning over the snow. 
Shit, shit, shit. You swallowed thickly, trying to thick through the frost biting you and the snow melting on your bare arms. What were the odds they'd be able to follow your scent? All the way down to the spot where you hid beneath the front steps? It was hard to track another when it was raining, so snow had to be the same, right? So why were they coming closer and closer, why were their voices becoming hushed and their words rushed, why were they–
The door above you slammed open with the unmistakable sound of a gunshot. You covered your mouth with a shaky hand, hoping the boom coupled with your stalker's shocked, angry barking (just one voice?) stifled whatever pathetic squawk you garbled out. 
It must've. Because the person--the man--standing on the weather-worn deck above you laughed, and stepped down the creaky stairs with heavy, lazy steps before following that soldier's voice. 
Go, go, go. You forced yourself to move, pushing yourself up the steps under the cover of barked threats and the outbreak of a fight. You thought men like that stuck together. That they'd help each other out with delivering omegas back to one another. That they'd invite him to join their diabolic cult–especially when the thick scent of alpha filled your lungs.
You swallowed thickly, your inner omega going wild with curiosity and wonder and a need to curl up in the musk and laze in it all day, but your petrified self picked up the slack and kept you in motion, kept you scrambling for a place to hide. Staying the night was the plan–you wouldn't be able to survive outside, not like this. Not with a t-shirt, worn joggers and runners being your only defense against the cold. 
What happens in the morning? He'd no doubt catch your scent. He'd no doubt realize he had an unwelcome guest. What would he do with you? What would he do to you? 
“I don't care,” You breathed as you jammed yourself into the darkness of a bedroom closet and burrowed into whatever lay on the floor. “I don't care.”
And that was true; being a slave to one was better than being a slave to many. 
His eyes shone red.
You weren't sure if you woke in the night to find the demon. You didn't know if your dreamscape simply enjoyed tormenting you. But the burns left by that searing, glowing gaze were real. 
He stood there. Features melded with shadow. Body engulfing the snowy light of night. Staring down at you. Quiet. Still. Inhuman. 
Only your shaky breathing filled the thick, damp void of silence his presence brought. What were you supposed to do? What were you supposed to–
He closed the closet doors, and his lumbering footsteps sauntered away.
When morning came, the stranger was not so willing to leave you alone. 
You thought you were being quite crafty, quite sneaky with how you planned on escaping; you waited for sounds of his to stop in a far-off room, then you donned yourself in whatever gear and warm clothes you could find in the closet, and then you carefully, so so so carefully, opened the closet doors and–
“Leaving already, little omega?” A deep, playful voice taunted from the doorway of the room, just out of sight; if you pushed the doors all the way open, you'd see the man standing in the doorway to the left. 
But your hands fumbled alongside your heart. Your voice died in your throat. 
You were caught.
A large hand gripped the side of the closet door and pulled it open. You stumbled backwards, heart shattering from its frosted paralysis to jump into overdrive. 
Because the man, the alpha standing before you, was unlike anything you'd seen before. 
He was tall. His shoulders stretched wide and, judging from the strain of his shirt, his build was formidable and downright predatory. Muscle shifted and adjusted under an expanse of gilded skin everytime the beast moved, changing from looming over you to leaning against the doorframe. Maybe in an attempt to make himself smaller. More likely because of his cocky laziness. 
The smirk plastered on his face bore the same arrogance, too. As did the care in brushing back his hair and actually looking presentable in the guts of a fucking apocalypse. But maybe he relished in the anarchy. You could only assume so much from tattoos marking his skin and the mirth gleaming in hellborne eyes. 
“Go on,” the man drawled, hooking a thumb into his belt, bringing your attention to the thick knife strapped to his side, “Let's hear your pretty voice.” 
“I wasn't gonna stay,” you choked out, and the demon in front of you smiled wider. “I just–I saw your light, and–” 
“And you walked on in without even knocking.” He sighed and shook his head. “Kids these days.” 
“M'not a fucking kid,” You bit out, surprising the both of you with your venom. You thought you'd lost it long ago, but maybe not. 
The man laughed, showing off his brutal, jagged canines. You swore you saw red staining them. 
“You've got some bite, huh? Like that in a bitch.” He stepped closer, and you tried to meld into the wall of clothes behind you, but failed to escape the calloused hand that grabbed you by the jaw and forced your head up, down and around as he inspected you like a piece of meat.
You tried to pull away, tried to turn your head to break free from his grasp. “Don't fucking touch me–”
“Hah. This how you tried to get those alphas off of you?” He taunted, grinning at your sudden wide-eyed stare. “No wonder they used you up like a–” 
You headbutted him and kneed him in the dick before pushing past him and running. Your head pounded thanks to your stupid opener, but at least it worked. Now, you just had to get out of the damn house and–
–and escape from the devil chasing you. 
His growling voice ripped through your skull like a chainsaw revving to life as you threw yourself down the stairs and out the front door. You slipped and slid, nearly falling and breaking your fucking neck on the porch, but you caught yourself and made a break for the street as the thundering of footsteps clamoured after you. 
Churned snow painted in sour shades of rusted red greeted you. You could almost envision the struggle, the stabbing, the warmth bleeding from their bodies as they died for their selfish desires. It chilled you, gave you pause–and that's where you fucked up. 
The horizon reeled and spun when a heavy body crashed into you and pinned you to the ground. You gasped, straining to catch the breath that'd been punched from your lungs, failing to stop the burning in your chest as your face froze against the pavement. 
“Wily little cunt, huh?” The stranger breathed, rage and amusement fighting through his words. “You bring that much fight to the sack, omega? Hey?” 
You tried to rip free or push him off or something as he taunted you, but you couldn't. You were trapped. Again. Again.
“Fuck you,” you spat. “I'd rather fucking die than–”
You froze. The slow, stuttering shamble of footsteps pricked your ears before low, ungodly moaning and wheezing rattled through the streets. The noise was quiet, but so loud to a frightened deer. 
“Lookit that,” your captor whispered, leaning down to your ear, “Guess God heard your prayer.”
Your heart hammered. “Get off, get off.” Your voice quaked and broke as you thrashed beneath him. “Please.” 
“Thought you said you'd rather die.” His knee ground into your back and you bit back a yelp. 
“Please.” The diabolic gasping came closer, became more frantic as the thing saw you. You couldn't see it, but they always got so fucking excited and loud when they saw fresh, living meat. You knew it was coming. 
“Ah-ah, can't let you go. Your buddy won't be able to catch up and end things for ya.” The stranger cackled something hideous and unnerving. “That'd be a right fucking shame.” 
“Let me up,” You begged.
“Not yet.”
It got closer.
Just a metre away, now.
“I'll stay.” 
The scent of alphan approval washed over you.
“Good pet.”
You were pulled up and off the snowy ground with ease as soon as you submitted. You even vaguely saw the man kick the undead back with ease, sending it toppling over into the snow and stuck on its back like a helpless turtle. Its motor functions were shot in this weather. It probably wouldn't be getting up for a while. 
You wondered if you were going to suffer the same fate: stuck on your back, unable to move, at the mercy of a sick freak you accidentally met while running away from other lunatics. You were doomed. But at least you were alive. At least you'd be warm.
The pink-haired menace locked up the door before throwing you down onto the couch with little grace. You would have been more mad if the purring roil of the fireplace didn't breathe warm gusts of comfort over you. And, well, you weren't being dragged into a bedroom and tied down. Not yet, at least. 
The make matters worse, the man didn't really say much. Just closed the blinds and ensured the entrances and windows were secured while you sat still and quiet, patient lest you suffer a worse fate. 
He glanced at you over his shoulder before returning to the task at hand. “If I wanted to kill your sorry ass, I woulda done it last night,” he said into the quiet of the room. 
You remembered those eyes staring down at you. How inhuman and evil they were. How much fear they bred in you. And now, you had to accept how real that was. 
He sat down on the coffee table in front of you and leaned towards you, resting his elbows on his knees, holding your gaze with his own. 
“Here's what's gonna happen,” he said, low and dangerous. “I'm gonna let you stay. Real nice of me, yeah? I'll give you food, water. Keep you warm, keep you safe from all the bullshit going on outside. Sounds good, doesn't it?” 
You looked over his face, brows furrowed, heart pounding so loud you almost couldn't hear him. But you nodded for fear of what he'd do otherwise. 
He smiled, satisfied. “Good. And in return,” he started, letting a hand slip up to your knee, “You'll make like a good little whore and keep my bed warm. Fair deal, don't you think?” 
You nodded. It wasn’t like you had a choice, anyway.
Sex with the man–Sukuna, as you’d come to learn–wasn’t the worst thing imaginable; for one, he had some level of patience and tact when it came to stretching and lubing you up for your occasional “duties,” which put him in your “good book” right away (Christ, your standards had fallen so low). 
Secondly, he didn’t make you participate. He’d command you in the same way each time (“face down, ass up, don't bite”), and he'd have his way with you. He never made you kiss him. Never demanded you speak. Never bullied you. He seemed like he just wanted to stuff his cock somewhere warm and forget about the world for a bit.
And you didn't really mind it. Sometimes. you almost looked forward to it. Sometimes, you let little noises escape when he railed you into the bed with reckless abandon. Sometimes, you wanted his hands on you just a little longer. 
Because when he wasn't fucking you, he might disappear out of the blue and leave you all alone, only to return a week later with supplies and clothes, unperishable goods and other random odds and ends he found along the way. Once, he even found a retro game store and scooped up an endless supply of gameboy advance and colour games and consoles. Another time, he carried home a bag full of weather-worn books. 
What'll it be today? You wondered when you caught sight of the man wandering back up the steps. He cursed under his breath as he messed with the lock for an eternity, and you took the opportunity to scurry away from the living room to put some distance between the two of you just in case; at this point, you didn't expect him to hurt you, but wild animals were unpredictable, even when seemingly domesticated.
“Fuckin' shit-ass door,” Sukuna grumbled as he nudged it open before kicking it closed and locking up. “Need to fix that shit.” 
You peered down at him from your perch halfway up the stairs and watched him saunter around, heavy boots clunking on the floors you just washed as he looked around. You had to wonder who the hell had taught him shoes inside was okay. 
“Where the fuck is that little bitch,” he mumbled, walking out of your line of sight. He traipsed through the bottom floor thoroughly before walking past the stairs again, pausing, rewinding, and meeting your patient statre. “The fuck are you doing?”
I don't want you to bite me; I don't know if you'll randomly kill me if you're in a bad mood; I don't trust you like that, all ran through your head, but none felt like a good option to admit to. So, you shrugged.
Sukuna sighed, loud and laced with an aggravated growl. “Downstairs. Now. Need you to do something.” 
Your brows furrowed slightly. Normally, you weren't asked to do much. The sudden command had your skin itching. 
“Coming.” You tried to control the quivering of your legs on your descent to him, and just prayed he didn't notice. 
He stared down at you with narrowed eyes and a bit of a sneer before he leaned over, sniffing for your scent, circling around you a few times, and finally rubbing his wrist against your neck to half-heartedly re-mark you. 
You cleared your throat. “Is that it?” 
Sukuna scoffed and turned away, grabbing the medical bag from the kitchen cabinet and dumping it on the counter. “You know how to sew, yeah?” 
“Well, yeah. I can sew.” You approached warily as he gestured you closer. 
“Hah. Good to know you're not completely fucking useless.” He sat down heavily onto a bar stool and shrugged off his jacket and shirt before turning his back to you; a long, jagged gash marred his skin with trails of dark, gooey ichor and scarlett smears. Whatever had happened was serious.
“Holy shit,” you breathed, scrambling to look through the medical bag to find something, anything, that seemed like it'd help. You found some essentials: gauze, tape, bandages, antibiotic cream, disinfectant wipes. But you'd definitely need more than a few dinky wipes to deal with his back.
You felt his eyes on you as you puttered around the kitchen, grabbing this and that and some other things before returning to his side with salt, bottled water, and booze in-hand. 
Sukuna quirked a brow. “The fuck is all that for?” 
You jumped a bit when his voice interrupted your whirling thoughts. “I–gonna, um, try to make some kinda…saline. To clean it.” You cleared your throat again and set the mostly-empty bottle of sake by him. “That's for…y'know.”
“Loud and clear,” Sukuna sighed, dreading what was to come, and took a long, long drink from the bottle.
You pursed your lips and nodded to yourself before starting to mix the salt and water together in the bottle. You weren't sure what the ratio should be, but you figured there wasn't necessarily a limit, not when you were lacking isopropyl alcohol and hydrogen peroxide. You'd be sure to mention it to him next time he went out. 
“So. This'll…suck,” you warned, voice nervous and weak. 
Sukuna sighed again. Took a swig again. Then ripped his belt from his waist, folded it a few times, and bit down. 
He gave you an unenthused thumbs-up, and you found the nerve to jab a hole in the plastic bottle cap before spraying your makeshift saline solution against the wound. 
You nearly shit yourself as Sukuna growled with the force of a jet turbine. Faintly, you heard the creaking groan of leather crackle from his mouth as his teeth sank in deep. His canines probably already pierced through the material. 
“I know,” you whispered, actually feeling badly for the animal keeping you prisoner. “I know.”
You took your time cleaning the wound out, being sure to remove any sort of gravel or shrapnel embedded into his flesh. Luckily, the gash looked worse than it actually ended up being. It bled a lot, but it didn't cut all the way through to his ribs or beyond. Talk about lucky. 
When a majority of his trembling and snarling ebbed, you hazarded the question: “So…how’d this happen?” 
Sukuna groaned, and you almost smiled. “Fell off a fucking roof. Hit a sign on the way down.” 
You cringed at the thought. “Well. It's…not that bad.” You drenched the wound with another round of salt water before patting it dry.
“Yeah? Then no stitches,” he half-declared, half-asked. 
You gave his back a pitying look before reaching for the needle. Sukuna scoffed and muttered colourful obscenities when he saw your fingers snatch up the tool before disappearing behind him again. 
“Fuck me.”
“Sorry,” you offered softly, trying not to laugh. 
You saw his knee bounce in trepidation as you wiped his skin and the needle down with those cute little towelettes. You kinda felt bad for him. Healthcare in the apocalypse was a bit lacklustre.
As carefully as you could, you pushed the needle through his skin, and tried not to gag at the obscene feeling. The sound of his fist hitting the countertop helped ground you, though, and helped keep you on task stitch, after stitch, after stitch, after–
You set aside the tools and cleaned off your trembling, crimson-stained hands as best as you could before applying whatever ointment you could under gauze, and finally bandaging his torso up. Sukuna's eyes followed you, but you couldn't bear to look at him, quietly afraid of what he might do if your unsteady gaze met his; but that wasn't acceptable, judging by how he grabbed your arm and stopped you from turning away to clean up the mess. 
You looked at him, then, eyes laser-focused. Every shift pumped your veins with ice. Every flick of his attention sent electricity down your spine. Every silent word his lips failed to commit to filled you with dread. 
“Thanks,” he said. And he let go. 
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grind-pantera · 2 days
Courting Imagines. ( Caesar x Reader, POTA. )
I'm a romantic at heart leave me alone. How did this end up being 6K+ words? Idk, but enjoy Next on this list for this series ( Courting ): Noa and Blue Eyes ( Potentially open to other characters, if you guys wanted! )
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Does not know he’s actually courting you until it is brought to his attention by Maurice one slow afternoon. ●・○・●・○・●・○・●・○・●・○・●・○・●・○・●・
The two of them sitting and biding time, there’s not much to get done fortunately and Caesar is allowed a solemn downtime to rest and recoup after the chaos that had been happening recently as far as the influx of Humans stumbling upon the Colony and threatening them. As great as he was to lead his people, he wanted moments like this on occasion where he wasn’t being torn in thirteen different directions. Koba, Blue Eyes, Rocket, Ash, all having thoughts, all encompassing to Caesar who listened so intently to each of their concerns, and even the concerns of those outside of his council.
His gaze? Subsequently right on you as you were helping Lake rally in the young Apes into a circle. You had been blessed with time to spend with them for reading and learning, sharing the opportunity with Maurice when the attention was made that you were able to communicate to them to the point of understanding. Caesar paused when you lifted up a small Chimpanzee baby, giving himself a small huff as they climbed along your shoulder blades and began digging into your hair as you were talking. What about? Caesar could not hear but was more than entranced at watching your mouth form words.
Quietly, he drifted his eyes back forward to stare at the bonfire pensively. There was always a sense of pride that rocketed through his entire being at the notion that his people were free and prospering, but this time, he felt a bit more of an aggressive edge to the thought when you were added to the equation. It wasn’t an unsavory feeling, in fact, it was quite the opposite and Caesar preemptively accepted the lingerance, able to see your face when he closed his eyes.
You’d begun spending much more time together, almost all his days when he wasn’t thrusted into situations that beckoned his full attention were spent with you. Listening to you talk about Humanity, always a great perspective to Caesar who wrote off his eager curiosities about you as being the same as his curiosities for humanity as a whole. You’d gone fishing together, hunting on one occasion which he was partial to because you ultimately rode on the back of his horse and your entire body pressed against his own, you spent later evenings sitting by the fire in either silence or playful banter, sometimes even managing to get him to crack a smile or release a memory about his childhood with Humans.
He took silent pleasures when you would grasp his arm in laughter as you threw your head back in a laugh, green eyes lingering just a second too long on your exposed jugular, or when you would grasp at his hands when talking. All so Human, all so familiar to him but he wanted more deep down. Caesar especially liked it when you and he would spend time together and he was consciously aware that the rest of his Colony could smell his scent radiating from your body from the mere proximity you had to him. There was an animalistic prickle on his ears if he rested on that thought too long.
Maurice, attentive and intuitive to Caesar’s body language and thoughts, chittered silently to himself and that captivated the Ape King to break his glance on the fire. He had been in a deeply meditative state about you, somewhat grateful to the Orangutan otherwise Caesar was going to waste the entire afternoon recollecting the moments he had with you out of obsession to pick apart at the smaller details of them.
A great pass time for a King who loved strategy.
“Good,” Caesar spoke first and nodded his head in the direction of Lake, primarily you but he covered his tracks with the Ape his son had an acutely oblivious connection to, “She can take part of your duty.”
Maurice followed Caesar’s gaze and nodded in agreement, knowing fully well what he was alluding to without any more context, ‘She is smart.’ He signed, ‘Compassionate, would make for a great mate.’
Caesar scoffed at that, picking up a rock and throwing it mindlessly into the fire in front of him, his eyes sliding to you every few seconds. He’d linger only as long as he felt necessary, as long as no one else took notice. The thrown rock, a deflection of sorts, he shuffled back and looked at his wise friend, green eyes focused and determined. His gaze asked ‘what do you mean?’, almost grateful in a way that he didn't need to verbalize for Maurice for him to understand the expressive nature of Caesar’s brow ridge arched in questioning.
The large ape continued and chided Caesar, ‘You have considered that as a possibility, have you not?’
“Human as mate?” Caesar felt like his breath got caught in his chest as his voice came tumbling out in a deep baritone. Enriching, he would imagine, if he brought his face to the shell of your ear and whispered against it. ‘Distraction,’ Caesar signed to Maurice, ‘She….’ He hesitated his hands before choosing words, finding them a bit easier now to express instead of putting more effort into sign language. “Helps me forget what happened before.”
Maurice understood that. Cornelia, always such a sore point to bring up, especially when it was around both Caesar or Blue Eyes. She had passed away from complications after Blue Eyes was born and Caesar vowed to himself to never gravitate towards another, but in a bid to be less lonely in the scape of his longer life, he found himself drawn to you despite his best efforts.
‘Cornelia would understand,” Maurice was gentle with his actioned words, rumbling deep in his chest to Caesar who only nodded in minor agreement. ‘She would want your happiness. I can see it already, the way you look at her.’ Maurice turned his small green eyes in the direction of you and Caesar was prone to follow. He was captivated at you, how you were expressing with your arms now, two Chimpanzee babies cradling themselves along your shoulders now instead of the one he had seen climbing before.
Caesar broke away from that quickly and turned to look off in the opposite direction, ‘Just a distraction.’ He signed fervently.
Maurice, letting out a small sigh let his eyes rest on you for a few moments longer, knowing fully well that Caesar, as subtle as he tried to move and angle himself, was looking at you again, though this time the emotions of his eyes altered. They were almost softened, but the ridge of his brow stayed hard. Maurice knew better - Maurice could see the shifts in Caesar. It was only a matter of time until the Ape King came to the same realization.
Being brought to have a meal with him for the first time. ●・○・●・○・●・○・●・○・●・○・●・○・●・○・●・
Being escorted up the trail that landed where the Royal Ape family sat was not on your bingo-card for the timid Summer evening you found yourself swimming through. There were two Apes with you - Luca, who had to have been the definition of gentle giant and became a quick friend to you during your time at the Colony and Rocket, Caesar’s right hand man who had to be tied for that position with Maurice. You smiled graciously as they dropped you off at the perched ledge, your feet finding it difficult to move forward when you finally rested your gaze on the King himself. The pure intensity of his green gaze always left you feeling melted and soldered to the very ground you were standing on.
He wasn’t alone and you were quick to break your gawk to flicker your eyes to Blue Eyes, who in his reserved demeanor, only looked at you curiously and popped a berry into his mouth rather reluctantly. The smile you gave him was gentle, understanding. You’d be hesitant of a species you had never met just like he was. He had every right and it was never taken as an offense.
“I-I was told you wanted to see me.” You laughed, trying to cover up the nerves but you knew that Caesar was more than well aware of them based on the sweat radiating off your palms and forehead.
Silence, he just looked at you and captivated your gaze in a dance. It was hard not to look at him, his entire self, the way his shoulders carried his weight, the way his brow sat so sternly against the rest of his features, a permanent scowl always encasing the wrinkled lines along his cheeks, especially under his eyes. Caesar was an experience himself, in every sense of the word and you flexed your hand wanting nothing more than to know what his fur felt like.
He was sitting next to his son, picking up a fresh bowl of what looked like the Elk that had been caught in the hunt earlier in the day and a handful of select berries with a splash of roasted seeds. Your stomach churned at the sight, mouth suddenly dripping as it dawned upon you just how hungry you were.
The bowl slid your way along the slick rock and rattled right at your feet. You looked at it, and then at Caesar and then back at the food. You were about to open your mouth in protest, but Caesar spoke first, that delicious tone he used more than enough to stave off your hunger for days.
Stumbling forward, you were quicker than you wanted to be to grasp the bowl, feeling a bit dizzy when you stood with it in your hand, “Y-- You want me to join you up here? I don’t know, Caesar. Koba’s gonna---”
“Will take care of Koba, join.” Caesar assured you and tentatively put some seeds into his mouth. The crunching of his teeth against them enlightened your senses to how powerful of a jaw he really had and the floating notion that he could rip your limbs off one by one with them was alluring to dive into. Morbidly, you just wanted to know what it felt like. Instead, you felt encased in synthetic movement as you drifted towards him, like he was the source of all gravity, and sat cautiously down.
Cross legged, you placed your own bowl in your lap and set your eyes on the large Ape next to you, then to Blue Eyes who seemed equally curious at his Fathers choice of dinner guest, and then back to Caesar again. Swallowing softly, he did not meet your glance. Instead, silence fell over the two of you as he continued to eat, prompting Blue Eyes to do the same. It looked good, no doubt.
You felt hungry, but all of a sudden, all your eyes wanted to feast on was Caesar. The rise and fall of his shoulders as he moved through his own food, obviously picking out what he liked best from the assortment and bringing them to his lips. You paused there, watching as he placed a berry against them as if in contemplation, the juicy nature speaking wonders as a drip fell onto his chin as he turned towards you slowly. Swallowing, you looked down at your bowl in a bid that maybe he hadn’t seen you staring at him and pretended to be rather interested in the seeds you played around with with your pointer finger.
“Not… hungry?” He finally broke the silence that was radiating through the air like a daft bullet, looking at you from his periphery. The shaking of your hand was more than indicative, the flushed appearance of your cheeks made Caesar want to pick you up right then and trail to the nest. But, reservation was preserved, as it so often did.
“Starving.” You finally admitted with a bashful smile and licked your lips. “Don’t know where to start.”
“Berries are good.” Caesar commented hap-hazardly, delving a bit into the small talk that he knew Humans enjoyed, knew you enjoyed because it drew on your most basic instinct of belonging. He wanted that - for you to feel like you belonged, in fact, that was the entire basis of getting you to come join him for a meal. Just one, and if he felt it went well, there would be another, and then another.
You nodded at that. Berries are good. So, that’s where you started as you picked between them and placed a blueberry in your mouth, Caesar watching with great interest from between the focus on his own food and the floating eyes from his son as you placed it on the tip of your tongue first before bringing it into your mouth with a delectable chew.
Caesar giving you gifts/tokens. ●・○・●・○・●・○・●・○・●・○・●・○・●・○・●・
It had been an incredibly long day - and it was one of those days where when one thing went wrong, the dominos began to fall and everything was coated in sour feelings. You had bumped your forehead rolling out of your hut this morning, forgetting that the doorway was smaller than your height, understandably so. Apes often walked on all fours, why would they need a doorway that gave enough clearance for an upright human?
The only place with that here was Caesar’s nest, perched high above the rest. It gave a sense of coziness, until you rammed your head against it. Every feeling in your body from that moment onwards just told you to stay home, that you’d be less of a detriment there than out with the hunt party that was departing at dawn. There was no sustenance to eat- you ended up at the Colony bonfire for breakfast too late. Only a few lingering berries remained, maybe an apple that had a bite taken out of it. Your horse refused to comply with your commands, almost biting your fingers off when you brushed your fingers a bit too close to their muzzle and looking at that now in self-reflection, she probably hated that you were in such a downward mood and sensed to play off of it and lastly, you had stepped in a puddle and the worn nature of your boots caused water to seep and linger on the wool socks you had on.
Grunting quietly to yourself as you trailed back towards your small home after arriving back from the hunt was more egregious; you just felt incredibly sore from sitting on your horse for most of the day, watching as the Apes embarked on a hunt. The grace of which you had never seen. They took to the skies from the trees, getting the advantage of pure silence as they were able to sign amongst each other when prey was spotted. They took to the ground, either on foot or on horseback, all encased in the vivid whitescape of their paint, some adornments of blue and red splashed against the most prestigious.
Caesar’s was red, the detailing on his face and down the center of his chest caught your attention right away but you tried not to linger too adamantly on that and figured you’d have time to obsess alone. And alone you were for most of the day. It was slow on your part- you found no human remnants to scour goods from, another thing to go wrong on a day that you didn't even want to be out of bed for.
Bringing a hand up, you lightly rested it against your shoulder and sighed to yourself, tendering the skin at the base of your neck with the pads of your fingers. Your horse had been given to Luca to place in the paddock, he must have sensed the sort of day it was from the way you dismounted the animal and grumpily handed him the reins. He did not say anything to you, but the kindness of his eyes spoke wonders as you had given him a slight smile before trailing off on your way. You just wanted to sleep and nothing more and your hut was only a few more paces away. The sweet victory of the idyllic nature of your nest was taunting you with its call. The warm animal pelts you had taken in, the knitted tight branches that were surprisingly buoyant when you shifted in your sleep. All things you wanted, all things you needed.
Your feet came to a slow stop against the slick rock underfoot as you rounded the corner towards your own hut, happily situated on the ground rather than floating up-above, as was the preference with Apes. Eyes widening in surprise at the basket in front of the entryway, you narrowed your gaze on it as you got closer, a bit afraid that perhaps Koba was playing a practical ( or cruel ) joke on you.
Upon further inspection with your eyes as you bent down to look at the contents, you deemed it safe and drove your fingers down to see what was in it. It was a simple wicker basket, but it wasn’t made by an Ape - you could tell from the fabrication and the glue that was holding some pieces together. Very obviously human, the Apes made better items than this. You imagined that, the idea of things like this being so mass-produced only ten years ago before the Flu took that away.
Lips parted as your fingers scaled the items in the basket and you were able to properly see what was inside, you felt a rather uncomfortable sensation lifting against your spine, upwards towards the base of your neck and then back downwards. There were… Human things in the basket. All human things. All things you enjoyed, a few bars of soap that were actually encased in original packaging, rare in this society. You looked at them, feeling tears hit the back of your eyes. Shampoo, conditioner. All things Apes wouldn’t understand, the vain essence of humanity holding and rearing its ugly head right against your chest at the fact that you had sorely missed these luxuries and you were going to savor them as long as you could. The last item - incredibly personal in nature.
You picked them up with vicious intent and peeled the box open. It was nearly full and you tilted your head back in pure relief, knowing that you could alternate between them and the cloths you had to be forced to use and re-wash when that time of the month came. There was only one Ape who had a vivid understanding of what it was used for which gave away the suspense of figuring out who had set the items out for you. These were given to you from the King himself; Caesar.
Jaw clenching tightly, you placed all the items back into the basket and lifted yourself up with the basket in tow as a few tears slid down from your eyes, across the barren nature of your cold cheeks and off the drop of your chin. You had no idea where he got ahold of these items, when he had split away from the pack he so often found himself surrounded by to go searching, but you were so incredibly grateful for them, the knowledge that you were able to hold onto a bit of yourself from before the Flu more evident now than ever.
Caesar paced himself on all fours, two or three meters away from you between the trees to make sure you got the items. There was no way for you to not deduce he was the one, there was just the added touch of assurance that you got the items that he was worried more about. He did see you look out, and for a split second, he thought his cover had been blown as you appeared to look right at him, but the nature of his fur catapulted him into a more camouflaged nature and he watched contently as you drifted into the hut you had made your home, arms full of the goods he was able to supply.
Caesar felt obscenely proud and selfishly so at the idea that these things would rocket him on your potential list of suitors. If you had one. If he oh so happened to even be included.
Caesar finally admitting to you his intentions / Forehead Touching for the first time. ●・○・●・○・●・○・●・○・●・○・●・○・●・○・●・
It was a remarkably clear day, the thought was only spurred by the sun that drifted downwards and captivated against the skin of your shoulders deliciously. Geographically, you were burdened with many foggy days, many days where the sun could not peek its head out from behind the clouds. But today? Not a problem as you tilted your head back and drew a deep breath in with shut eyes. The way your body moved, the rounded entrancement of your chest, exposed as you were only wearing a light t-shirt, caught the attention of Caesar right away.
He had been so used to the fall and winter months where you were layered beyond belief - an undershirt, over shirt, long sleeve shirt, sweater and jacket. So many layers for him to dismantle when he was left to his own devices in a certain mood. Seeing you like this, the caress of your body against the thin-fabric of the worn out shirt was more than a sight to behold for the Ape next to you. There was a symbol faded against the fabric, lost to time Caesar figured.
The meadow you had so graciously decided to stop and have lunch at on your way back to the Colony from a day spent scouring some human desolations was open for what seemed like miles on all sides. It was happily flushed with lush green grass, dandelions that were just now beginning their transformations from yellow to a pillowing white, wild flowers sprung in patches against your forearms as you rested back against them in a bid to get more sun to soak into your pores. Caesar, as diligent as ever, looked down at you with eyes that could rival the shrubbery in color and elegance.
You smiled at him briefly, bringing a hand up to shield your eyes, your arm grazed along his as you put yourself into position to look up at him without blinding, the rest of your weight fell onto your one supporting forearm. “Seems like so long ago,” That was softly said, as soft as the breeze that touched the most delicate flowers and rattled their petals.
Caesar couldn’t look away from you, could not focus on anything but the way you were speaking to him, your eyes unable to be detected from behind the shielded nature of your outstretched arm and he was left with the delectation of your lower face, your jaw which he wanted nothing more than to bite along, your mouth which he wanted nothing more than to urge and please in a bid for you to say his name. “The days when the sun didn't stop.”
He knew what you were alluding to. The Rise itself and the infraction that humans had to associate that with the ever encompassing wilderness that took its hollow place. There was no argument to be made from Caesar though, the sun did seem to shine so endlessly in the memories he had of his human life.
“Do you… think about them often?”
Your eyes shut and you rested your head back onto the ground in contemplation. It was always a loaded question from Caesar. He asked you when he felt you were being reminded of that time and the answer always depended on how you felt in those moments. Sometimes it was a very flat and honest ‘yes’, sometimes it was a more forlorn and yearned ‘no’, and sometimes? There wasn’t any verbal answer and you just hummed a response, not wanting to answer because there was nothing to truly answer.
You would always think about them, sure, but that did not mean you missed the all encompassing position it was to be a human. The cruelty far outreached the good in most cases and it left an incredibly guilt-ridden emotion to linger along the base of your neck, like a pulled muscle you couldn’t tenderize back into compliance.
“Don’t you?” You finally retorted, Caesar drawn back at the action in your voice. You hadn’t ever answered his posed question like that before.
“Used to a lot,” He admitted without hesitance, “Soon after finding the Woods, establishing,” Caesar gestured broadly. He was talking about the Colony itself. “Thought of them a lot.”
You drew into his words with such passion, reaching for anything he was willing to tell you about that time in his life and how it led him to this moment. Taking a deep breath into your lungs, you savored the smell of honeysuckle mixing with Caesar’s waft, so crisp like the river water but musky like the ground of the woods after a clear rain. Consequentially, when you finally looked up at him and caught eyes, yours were widely dilated from the pure draw of his essence. “Did it hurt to leave them?”
Caesar seemed to contemplate that for more than a moment, his head tilting to the side and brows relaxing with the thoughts running through his strategic mind. How you wanted to bury yourself into his brain just to capture a glimpse of his outrageously confident and skilled thought-process. It still rattled you to your core this day when you thought about it for too long.
A strict admittance, but you expected nothing less from him. “I thought… it would kill me.” Pushing yourself into a seated position instead of resting on your back, your gaze fell on the King and you found yourself tracing the smoothened lines under his eyes and how they always appeared to make his expression sad and tired. Maybe he was, you had no way to know unless he explicitly told you how he was feeling. Rare in and of itself.
“But, then… Cornelia… My… Son…” He nodded to himself and shut his green eyes in a contemplative melancholy, almost hypnotic state like the memories he was remembering where pulling his entire soul back to the moments they happened. “I would not be here had… had I not left… them behind. We… Ape...” There was a sudden flicker of heat in his gaze when he opened his eyelids and looked towards you, captivating your view with pure and undiluted strength and confidence in his answers.
“Would not be here. All… I have ever wanted,” He was marked with emboldened taste as he raised a hand to place it against your cheek. Not the first time you had him touch you, though certainly it was the first time he put intentional thought and provocation behind it. “Here. Now.”
His fingers were incredibly thick, one of them in diameter equaled two of your own. The strength at which he held the side of your face, your head tilting towards the warmth of his open palm as your eyelids drooped to a slow shut, told you wonders of what lay underneath. Caesar was undoubtedly holding back, the knowledge that he could touch you and cause bruises more than catering to his subconscious desire to tear you bit by bit just to get more of you. “Why… think about the past…”
His speech was slower but the words he was picking up from you to complete more coherent statements was remarkable in the time you had known each other. His fingers had drifted inwards ever so slightly, a centimeter apart until he had encapsulated your bottom lip with his thickened thumb. You swallowed with action, bringing your head forward and with a rush, Caesar had his forehead against your own and the back of his hand was embracing the back of your skull to keep you close. “When we have future?”
Caesar being protective / Defending You. ●・○・●・○・●・○・●・○・●・○・●・○・●・○・●・
It was difficult to describe. The way that Caesar looked at you, his hands splayed with blood when he went to cup the side of your face to keep it steady, the bloodied hand print adorned the usually smooth and loved nature of your skin. Frantic, the way his eyes split between your fluttering lids, the way that he looked at your lips before bringing his face close to feel the air coming from them. Alive, that action said. Lulling your head to the side, you found it difficult to maintain the stance your neck had to stay upright. You looked at Caesar for a second in a gartered haze, your eyes blurring to focus with intent. Swallowing softly, you narrowed your gaze but could not find it in yourself to centralize on any focal point.
Your head lulled back, your vision blurred.
Snapping yourself out of unconsciousness, you gasped when you felt your body weight leaving the ground but you couldn’t do anything about it, not even struggle to get a grip on whatever, or whomever was picking you up, one arm was resting against your chest, the other sprung out to the air as you were hoisted upwards. The fur that stuck to the fabric of your cargo pants, usually such a treat against your bare skin, was starch with a mixture of blood and rain water.
Your head lulled back, your vision was flushed with red.
You could see Koba, at least you thought in whatever drift of awareness you found yourself in. Smiling, it almost looked like as he signed a rather vague ‘weak human’. A body next to him--- You groaned to yourself at the approximation of his stance, the pure sweep of aggression he had against his fellow brother, gait intimidating and wide, staring Koba down with the intensity of what had to be the sun. Movements, you couldn’t pick them apart. The two Apes became a tanglement of nothing but arms and legs scratching into the air, scratching at each other and your mind was unable to dictate them apart from each other as it became one continuous blur of darkened fur. You could have sworn you yelled his name, telling him to stop but that was tangled in the actions of you being carried away.
Something wet against your temple. You wanted nothing more to get rid of the aggravation that the sensation caused as it dripped from the side of your head into your hair and bunched the strands together but your arms weren’t complying with your brains commands to move. Words were fluttering around you, rumbling in nature like the thunder that would shake the Earth during a storm.
Koba. Pushed. Hit head.
You got that and you were suddenly placed against what felt like stone. Cold and smooth, there weren’t divots poking their way into your body, but the burning from your head made you wonder if you were even comprehensive enough to know that or if you were floating off into oblivion. Intentionally smoothed, you thought to yourself and laughed at that, trying to feebly hold onto brittle consciousness. The comfort of a smooth rock, the rock itself being harder than anything else against the curvature of your spine. With swiftness, you were being analyzed. Your head, primarily. A set of hands, calloused around the edges, were cradling your neck before aiming to place a cloth against the right side of your temple. You groaned at that, squeezing your eyes shut as it came almost flooding back to you in waves.
You had been sitting with Caesar, Blue Eyes, Maurice… Rocket, Ash, you felt silly like you were naming the entire Colony but there was one more scarred face that no matter how many times you were encountered with it, left you chilled to your spine from the lack of empathy every shown towards him and the hatred that seeped through, even through his one milky eye. Koba. The eternity of Caesar’s closest council… You had been there.
Smacking your lips, you tried to open your eyes all the way but the sting of liquid in them caused you to squeeze them shut as the presumed wound on the side of your head was being tendered by the beautiful adorned staff of Female Apes whom had knowledge to treat, primitive as the methods were to you at times. Caesar had… asked you to be there, at the meeting itself, the topic was what to do about the Human Colony in San Francisco. He figured maybe you could give good introspective advice given you were a human.
Something… God, your memory was blurred in a heated frenzied chase to remember the smaller notions of how you ended up with a head injury. Something was said, something Koba didn't agree with - you cracked your fuzzy mind but there was nothing you said that could have been said that would cause Koba to lash out and blatantly attack you. Not in front of Caesar, at least. He was aggressive around you, but he was also incredibly coy.
The room came to a halt, cloth pressed against your temple and swiped away the blood before ceasing as heavy thudded footsteps radiated through the small hut you were warmly encased in. Or the warmth was coming from your body's natural response to being hurt, you had no idea but it felt good enough as you urged your eyelids open for a split second. Caesar.
There was a rush of signing between the King and the other Apes in the room, and with one last glance at you, they dissipated, almost into the air behind Caesar as he sauntered forward, the prickle of his fur on edge still, blood on his hand but now? There was blood casing around his nose, downwards and against his thinned lips, into his mouth and splattered along his teeth.
Guilt surged in you, “Kob- You- Attacked---” Whatever you were trying to say was hushed as Caesar grasped the side of your head, gently this time and tilted so he could get a better view. “‘M okay. Just…” You made a clicking sound with your tongue, “Bonk.”
“Injury like this…” Caesar chuffed, trying so desperately to stop his heart from flying right out of his chest and going back to finish the job with one of his most trusted advisors, “Can… be bad for humans.”
You shut your eyes when he put your head back upright. The primal perception was washing off of Caesar like it was a deep revelation. It was almost smothering, the way that he grasped for the cloth and began cleaning your wound himself, eager to see just how much damage there was in some attempt to bid his time rather than lashing back at Koba for what had been done. “Ape,” His voice was nothing more than a low surge against you, “Do not kill Ape, but…”
There were no buts, you wanted to say as you squeezed your eyes shut when he placed the cloth against a rather tender spot. He pulled back adamantly, and moved forward to work another spot in your hairline and further into your hair. He knew, oh how he knew that you were going to complain about the dried blood in your hair, subconsciously Caesar found himself drawn to cope with that before you really became aware of it.
“Koba… wanted to prove… Human weaker than Ape… Should attack them. Pushed you to show,” Caesar gritted his teeth together and you swore you could hear the friction from inside of his mouth. It was evident in the stiffening of his body language that he was beating himself up for not being able to react fast enough to the situation, “Hit head on rock. Blood,” His voice hushed into a minor but hard whisper, “everywhere. Had you carried off… Before… ”
He didn't bother continuing on that train. It was dead and gone as far as Caesar was concerned, not wanting now to recollect how perfect it felt to have his hands against Koba’s threat when in the surge of a protective instinct that washed over him at the mere sight of you on the ground, unconscious. Caesar cradled your head with surprising gentleness and you found yourself relaxing right into it. The action itself spoke wonders of his true, deeply ingrained feelings. Mate, the hold said, my mate.
“We are weaker.” You laughed out, finally snapping yourself into a more lucid state. You suspected a concussion, but there was no clear way to know as you finally got your eyes to stay open and focused on the green and gold nature of Caesar’s irises. So close to your own, you could swoop up and kiss him if that was your desire. He only chortled in response to your words, knowing that joking was often used as a way to cope with messier situations.
“No,” Caesar reassured and brushed a hand through the other side of your head. Never with his fingers really ingrained in, but more like a mild petting of comfort, usually reserved for moments after climax when you had tangled against him in pleasure. “Koba… weak. You…” The Ape King took a deep breath in and let himself sink his head down to kiss his forehead lightly against yours, upside down. The captivation he had on you down to the minute detailing of his fur tickling under your nose always left you dizzying for more, and you were grateful that Caesar did not pull away this time and lingered, “You are my strength.”
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gil-notskajla · 3 days
im thinking over and over again abt micah and cayde and damn,, that entry where she found her human memory brain scan is fucking me up.
she knew cayde for so long, even before he was vanguard, even before andal was vanguard probably! and he knew her, he knew all his hunters very well, as he said "you must know your hunters!" "watch everyone's back". with her ghost caring gig she was known and he was a leader so everyone knew him.. and…. they were just living like that, having no idea who they are to eachother. cayde was literally building significant chunk of his entire identity around a vague memory of her. and then when he died, one of last things he hoped for right before was to see her again.
and only couple of years later when crypt got discovered she realised who he, the guy who was there all along for all these decades, if not centuries, was. and that he was the person who "saved her". from boredom, from isolation, from how much exoprogram broke her family and from crisis of identity. he was her home and she was his.
they were family and they didnt realise that in time and she was left alone with that knowledge. she could perhaps share this information with mihaylova but does it make it any better? it was only relevant for her and cayde, who died tragically never knowing what he did for her and she was stuck unable to ever thank him. and he could never learn that his ace wasnt just a coping mechanism made up by breaking, desperate mind of suffering, lonely exo, but that she was real. ace is real, alive, well, smart, compassionate, helpful, and loves him. and misses him. and she maybe wouldnt be any of it all, maybe she wouldnt even be here if not for him.
crow's accidental wish gave cayde back to us and gave him a chance to apologize but the longer i think about it the more i feel like it was even a bigger blessing for micah than it could ever be for us. she finally had a chance to get it off her chest, and, if we assume she told cayde all of it, it was a blessing for him too. how validating it must have felt to learn that presumed falsehood (as is the case with maya) you chose to believe, used to build a better you, treasured and called upon in your last moments is real after all? not only that but feelings are mutual.
since ghost quests happen about 3 days before alliance attack and micah together with cayde left the comms several times to have private conversations i chose to believe they had this talk. i could not imagine a more complete ending for cayde than learning that ace was and is real and better resolution to this situation for micah than taking this weight off her shoulders.
excuse me i need to cry.. ♤
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i really hate it when people act as though zuko is being selfish or self-serving in some way when he tells aang in the finale that the only choice he has is to kill ozai because a) at this point, zuko is right and b) zuko's brutal honesty here is coming from a place of fear for both aang and the world.
are we all forgetting that unlearning his own idealization of his father and realizing that ozai never had been, and was never going to be, the person zuko thought he was, was a significant part of zuko's own arc? it took him sixteen years to understand that giving ozai any grace or understanding or forgiveness was a mistake, because it would be just another tool for ozai to manipulate him with. and that's not zuko's fault, because he was an abused child growing up in an incredibly damaging environment, but it does make sense that he doesn't want anyone else, especially aang, doing the same thing.
zuko is harsh on aang here because he sees in aang the person that he used to be - the innocent, naive kid who wanted so desperately to believe that ozai wasn't a monster, that there was any shred of humanity within him at all to be appealed to. it's not a coincidence in this show so rife with parallels that aang goes to face ozai at around the same age that zuko has his agni kai. and what did it get zuko, when he threw himself at his father's mercy and counted on ozai's non-existent humanity and compassion to save him?
zuko isn't coming down hard on aang because he's angry that "aang won't do his dirty work for him" or whatever other bullshit version of this argument i've seen zuko antis make - he HAS to impress upon aang how dire this situation is because he knows better than anyone that believing for even a second that ozai can be redeemed is incredibly dangerous. aang cannot give ozai an inch because it will only be used against him (and indeed, this does happen in the final battle when aang turns down the opportunity to redirect lightning at ozai and in return ozai presses his advantage to the point where aang would almost certainly have been killed if not for rock ex-machina).
furthermore, this idea that zuko wanted ozai dead for self-serving reasons doesn't really have much basis either, because if that was the case zuko could have just killed ozai himself during the solstice. he doesn't because at that point, he still had an alternative: aang (and you'll notice his word choices never explicitly refer to what ozai's fate will be; it's only "i'm going to help him defeat you" or "taking you down is the avatar's destiny"). as with many abused children, it's likely that zuko himself didn't really know if he wanted his father dead, but when it came down to the final battle without any other viable options presenting themselves, it was something he had to resign himself - and aang - to.
zuko himself does not lack faith in others (in fact, his whole journey is about understanding that his love for and belief in humanity is a strength, not a weakness) but he's learned the hard way that having this faith in the wrong people can result in devastating consequences, especially when the stakes are so high.
i imagine it terrified zuko to see the echoes of his younger self in aang, knowing he's sending him to face his father at the height of his power. at this point, with no knowledge of energybending or any alternative way to defeat ozai, well aware that a fight with his father can only end in bloodshed, zuko has no choice but to give aang the reality of the situation: kill, or be killed and doom the world alongside you.
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whatshehassaid · 21 hours
“I LOVED HER.” “BUT SHE DIDN’T LOVE YOU. Not like he did. Not like I have”
That isn’t Armand saying Claudia didn’t love Louis. She did. What he’s saying is that Louis was so fucking focused on PINING for Lestats love, superimposing Lestat on Claudia AND Armand that Louis refused to accept love from them. Because he didn’t want Claudia. He didn’t want Armand. He wanted Lestat and he couldn’t have him (whether it be because Louis convinced himself Lestat was bad, or dead, or because Louis is in denial). He tries to make villains out of Armand and Claudia.
“Speaking of mistakes…”
“Vintage Lioncourt.” “I’m not Lestat, Louis.” “Okay….”
“Picked ANOTHER ONE over ME”
“It was NEVER ABOUT ME. Another chapter in the FUCKED UP ROMANCE OF YOU TWO”
“If you want to escape this cage of empathy I’ve trapped you in all you had to do was ask, Louis.”
“Imagine me without the burden of her”
Louis can’t face the fact that he was IMPLICIT in what happened to Claudia in Paris. She wants a companion in Madeline cause she’s not getting in from Louis.
I feel like we may be going the route of Armand and Claudia (probably immediately after the trial and before her death) bonding over their experiences. Not just to do with Louis and Lestat… but their childhoods… being raped… being used… being turned so young…
I’m not 100% on this but if they do include the head swap thing (which is still fucked up, I’m still upset at Armand for that) I feel like Armand will frame it or believe that he can save her if he can just give her a woman’s body to match her mind. And I feel like Claudia will jump at the chance. Again, not 100% with that and it’s STILL super fucked up.. but I think if that happens Armand (AT THE TIME) would believe he was helping her. Like how he “helps” his victims. How he was never helped as a human child and as a vampire. They relate to each other because they’ve never been someone’s first choice… and I think the moment Armand hears her say those words (“it was never about me. Another chapter in the fucked up story/romance of you two”) he’s gonna realize how much they really have in common and feel empathy for her.
It makes a lot of sense with how Armand’s character (especially in the books) is. He has a thing about consent (it’s a bit twisted because you could argue he assumes he knows what’s best for people… and acts accordingly thinking that he’s helping them) But he needs people to consent at least somehow. Even if it’s coerced.
That’s also why I believe after Paris… Louis initially agreed to have the memories of his role in Claudia’s death suppressed. He couldn’t handle the guilt that he didn’t care enough to save her. Armand just took it to the point of constantly suppressing the triggering memories. Plus on TOP of that I’m 100% sure Louis is schizophrenic and it’s causing blackouts.
Armand wasn’t really lying when he said that “I protect Louis from himself.” He WAS being honest. It’s in a fucked up way, but I believe it’s true.
And then with Daniel, that’s a whole other can of worms because I don’t think Armand wiped his memories right after San Fran. I’m starting to believe it wasn’t just Louis telling him to keep Daniel alive. The minute Daniel admits he finds Armand fascinating… and tells him “you can read minds right?” Alluding to the fact that he ISN’T LYING. Daniel is intrigued by Armand… and that immediately catches Armand’s attention. We’ve only seen up to Louis attacking Daniel from an unbiased POV (the tape recording). The rest is MOSTLY FROM LOUIS. Who had had memories taken whether by Armand or by the blackouts… and remember he has a habit of trying to make himself look good in Daniel’s eyes. He tries to convince himself constantly that he’s not a bad guy - but in reality…. He’s done some shitty things too. So it wouldn’t surprise me if some of that was also lies to Daniel. “You’re a liar Louis. Whether you know it or not.”
Something happened in those 4 days with Armand and Daniel that I’m not sure Louis realizes. He may come in and out of actual remembrance where he KNOWS Armand and Daniel fell in love… and he uses it against them both… and then goes back into not knowing what’s happening.
I have a feeling we’re getting the trial/claudia’s death/a reveal about the blackouts etc/the fire from ARMAND. Hence the “imagine me without the burden of her” line that Louis says. He would NEVER in a million years admit to saying that. Definitely not to Daniel.
The Merrick storyline plays into this here. Finding Claudia’s diaries… realizing that Louis really treated her badly and that she hates him for it. And Louis not being able to take it.
I also feel like Lestat and Armand have teamed up in Dubai without Louis or Daniel realizing it. They may be trying to help cure him with the help of Dr. Bhansali.
(Also, devils minion definitely happened in the past… you can just see it in the way Armand sometimes looks at Daniel - and in the books even though he was a stickler for rules… his only exception has ALWAYS been Daniel. He loves Louis, he wouldn’t have put up with any of this if he didn’t… but Daniel? Daniel is really the love of Armand’s life. And Lestat is Louis’. I need them boys to figure this shit out - and with the fact that Daniel wasn’t listed in the Talamasca victims folder? Even though he was attacked, held hostage and tormented… means he is probably in ANOTHER folder - *cough* ARMANDSPARAMOURS *cough* I hope they have Daniel find his name in there cause THAT is gonna be J U I C Y.)
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fanofstuff02 · 2 days
Demon King Lucifer x Human Prince Adam Au
How would Alastor find out officially about them? Not only that they are in a gay relationship but that Lucifer is a demon.
Would he follow them and see their tender moment? Cause imagine when they got back, they flew in the sky, they kissed, they did more than kiss.
Alastor standing beside Sera with a smug look on his face.
Alastor: See your majesty they were together.
Adam: *Scoffs* He's my guard you idiot of course he was with me.
Sera: Adam this is serious. Lucifer, remove your helmet.
Confused, he does as he's told. Vox comes up behind him and dumps holy water on him
Lucifer: AHH! *His real eyes come out for a moment*
Sera: So it's true. And you knew this Adam?
Adam: I-I-I, why would you do that?! Are you okay?
Lucifer: I'm fine.
Sera: Obviously he has used his demon powers to manipulate you. Alastor, send that THING back here it came from. And have prince Adam locked up until he's come to his senses.
Adam: What!? No! Let me go! Luci!
Lucifer: Adam!
Yeah this is great.
Alastor knew he was both gay and a demon before he brought Sera with him. Knowing he’s a demon from watching him talk to Charlie and knowing the prince is gay because he watched them dance one night. That is how he found out.
Him and Sera didn’t say anything to them there in the forest. They instead went straight back to the castle and Sera told the other knights to prepare and bring angelic steel. And Lucifer and Adam were in the forest while this happened and returned to the castle not knowing this’ll happen unfortunately.
They bring them to the throne room and these happen.
But… this is a bit more angsty than them just being dragged away.
They immediately cuff Adam with handcuffs made of angelic steel so Lucifer couldn’t save him.
And before he could end the others..
They kill Lucifer by stabbing him with a knife made out of angelic steel, it would force him to return to the underworld.
You can imagine how devastated Adam is after this. He does know Lucifer’s immortal, but he thinks he is stuck in the underworld now.
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2smolbeans · 2 days
Your opinion on Obey Me is very real. I stopped before I got to when (spoilers) Belphie murdered MC, because I found out that literally everyone doesn't give a fuck after a short time and it pisses me off.
Also because of how awful they do my boy Mammon even further down the line
Warning: Im gonna go on another unorganized long ramble, but to sum it up. Yes, fully I agree!! They did my man Mammon DIRTY
Thank you cause no fr, the characters are so NERFED, and I don't like how they establish them. With Mammon being the second eldest and second most POWERFUL demon lord in hell, you'd expect his relationship with his brothers to be more different. Like greed, the sin that every animal and living being is born with- its a part of nature, inescapable - powerful, is not treated with respect or explored with?
I mean if the devs wanted to do that dynamic I guess they could, but don't do it to the extreme y'know? Perhaps the brothers do tease Mammon, but know not to go too far because their aware of what he's capable of. If the brothers are in a hierarchy (eldest to youngest), then incorperate that then.
But hes just used as a punching bag by the brothers and MC further down the line it seems. Like I geniuely don't like how he's treated or how there's no character relationships being built around him. Why is Mammon the way he is? What is Mammon's position in hell? How is Mammon in debt if greed is all about taking and taking? (Shouldn't he be wealthy and a hoarder?)
It feels like missed potential y'know?? And with the whole time travel thingy with Barbatos was so confusing.. Like huh??? Instead of doing time travel where Belphegor kills us, it would make more sense (for me personally) for us to be revived by the brothers/solomon through dark magic/whatever. They are the most ancient and powerful beings afterall..
And which thats where Thirteen (the grim reaper) can be introduced as a character who is now in conflict with the brothers. Mc has died and death was supposed to collect their soul, but look at that, somehow their alive! Which can then bring another issue where Mc has to now figure out what happened. (Is Mc now actually human? How are they still alive?)
A human going against death is a sin beyond imaginable. Its against gods nature, and Its why perhaps she hates Solomon since hes a human who has rebelled against death for so many years. (Thirteen: "Damn it old man just die!" Solomon: "Nu-uh ☝️")
The time travel plot could've been used differently, like perhaps Barbatos takes us to a time period when the brothers are in heaven to show the whole celestial war and how it happened. Or maybe he can take us to a time period where the brothers are establishing themselves as the great sins. Perhaps in a time bubble so its just a memory (meaning that Mcs actions wont necessarily do anything).
Like so many ideas could've been explored, but they don't ever do that. Instead they make another game that doesn't even do the story telling of the celestial war properly..
Like GODDAMN IT WE DIDN'T GET TO SEE GRAND ADMIRAL LEVIATHAN 😭😭😭 (Levi stans punching the air rn)
I could go on more and more of what could've been written, fixed, and how the game could've have multiple endings..
But that would be WAYY to long to read lolol
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anon-sect · 1 day
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Picture source: internet
Story request by the winner of the 1K followers celebration contest: @pup-jaxx
Kyle had been looking for a handler who was a good fit for him for quite a while. He had been with several, but mostly didn't have much time for pup play due to a busy life.
One day, Kyle was messaged by a handler named Eric the Dom. After an exchange of numbers, he had a good conversation with Eric to see if both would want to proceed forward. He did.
Kyle met with his handler two days later at his house. Eric had given specific instructions for him. He was as to have his hood on upon arrival at his house and be ready to play.
Kyle rang the doorbell. Eric looked to be 6'1" tall muscular hunk with a hot body. He walked in after invited. He immediately noticed the collar and leash in his hand. After Eric had closed the door, Kyly got on all fours. "Good boy." Eric said as he placed the collar and leash on him. "Now follow." Eric commanded. Kyle crawled behind his handler to the den. Kyle received a rub on his head.
For the next two hours, Kyle was instructed to roll over, play dead and fetch the ball. He enjoyed every moment of it. During that time, Eric had him lick clean the tops of his shoes and lick his feet. Kyle saw that he was pleased with their first session of pup play. The last part ended with him cuddling next to him on the couch for a nice movie. Eric was pleased how obedient Kyle was and decided to continue their fun for more sessions later.
After six weeks of meeting, Eric was quite fond of Kyle. He wanted to keep him around much longer than a one-to-three-hour session on the days both of them were freed up. He wanted Kyle to be there more on a permanent basis. He came up with a plan that he could keep Kyle with him in a way that would seem normal to anyone who noticed.
Kyle began to sip on a drink that Eric had given him. It had a fruity taste to it and was very sweet. Other than that, it tasted good. He drank every last drop from the glass. He saw Eric smiling at him with glee as he put the glass on the coffee table. "Good boy." Eric told him as he just looked at him in a curious way.
Kyle suddenly felt weird. He felt like something was definitely off with his body. The room was looking somewhat bigger than before. He thought it was his imagination at first, but it wasn't. "What's happening with me?" He asked Eric, pondering if he had something to do with this strange occurrence. He saw Eric smiling back at him, which confirmed his suspicion. "You see, pup play is fun, but I thought to make our pup play would be a little better if it was more real." Eric paused, as he examined the chance taking place. "Sorry to say, but the transformation will be permanent. I don't have a reverse formula just yet." He added.
Kyle was shocked to hear the part of the transformation being permanent. "What am I turning into?" He asked, knowing full well what he was about to become, but wanted to confirm it from Eric. "You will be my pet for a long time, but don't worry, I will take good care of you." Eric responded, confirming Kyle's worst nightmare. Pup play was fun, but being a literal dog was not something he had signed up for. He tried to protest, but all that came out was barking. He lost the ability to speak plain English. He was growing more hair over his skin. His feet and hands were changing, too. All of this was overwhelming his mental capacity. All of these changes happening at the same time was just too much for him to mentally handle. He passed out from the stress.
Five minutes later, Kyle woke back up. Things seem to normalize, or so he thought. His vision looked different. He felt much closer to the floor and had four feet instead of two. He looked up to see a smiling Eric looking down at him. He realized that he was no longer human anymore. He was now a dog. He tried to speak his protest to what was done to him. In his mind, his words sound like English, but all he heard was barking. Seeing that his circumstances were permanent, he had no choice but to accept his fate as Eric's pet.
Two years later......
Eric and Kyle were at a photo shoot for a magazine show casing owners and their pets. Eric was selected as one of the models to be featured in one of the many photos. Eric posed holding Kyly in his hands. It had been two years since he turned him into a dog. He really loved his pet dog so much. It was much better than just regular pup play. Kyle was really his pet dog. He didn't know exactly what Kyle was thinking or even saying since he could only bark now, but he hoped he was happy with his new life. The formula he used on him is supposed to give him triple the life expansion of a normal dog. Kyle would be his pet for a long time. The best part was when taking Kyle on his daily walks. No one was the wiser that his dog was once a human being. He didn't know if Kyle really love being a full-time pet, but from the love he gets back, he figures, Kyle loves his owner so much.
After two years, Kyle fully gave up ever being human again. Eric was a good owner though. He guessed, being a dog for the rest of his life wasn't too bad of a fate.
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we-were-beautiful · 14 hours
The Fox and The Hounds pt.5
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A/N: At long last we finally have part 5 for The Fox and The Hounds. I do apologize for those who have waited so long for this part but here it is and I got to give a huge thanks to @loving-and-dreaming for Beta reading this for me. That being said we are all still human and there may be some errors and I apologize in advance. Hope y’all enjoy  
Up next on my writing schedule is Unraveled ends and I already have about 2000 words already written for that so stay tuned.
Summary: Its autumn court tradition to give your mate a fox kit before your ceremony. after years of knowing the Vanserra’s a mating bond snaps between the Autumn Heir and a well known smoke hound breeder
Warning: none that I know of but if you see something please reach out and let me know.
 WC: 4k
As the door shut, I placed my back to it and gently slid down to the floor. I truly had no idea how to interact with this male. The last two months had been a whirlwind and all of Eris' current behaviors contradicts the information that my cousins in the night court have given me.  Gods I can only imagine the fuss that Rhys and Mor are going to kick up when they hear that my parents allowed this little unchaperoned weekend getaway, but in all reality there is not much they could do without inducing the High Lord of Nights anger. We had been invited to a formal dinner at the night court once word of the engagement and mating bond reached my uncles; the High Lord of Night and Keir, the Steward of the Court of Nightmares(who happens to be Mors father), had been overjoyed that The Night Court would now have ties with the Autumn Court. What the two of them had attempted with Mor they would have with me.
While the High Lord of Night doted on his older sister and her husband for the excellent match between Eris and myself; across the table Rhysand and Mor looked horrified. Rhys had pulled me aside after his father bid the residents of the Hewn city to go play. My dearest cousin begged me to call off the whole thing. Told me what had happened to Mor, and he was so worried that I would become the Vanserras next victim. The heartbreak on his face when I told him it was inevitable, this marriage was happening whether we wanted it to or not. There would have been no place for me to run. Uncle would not have sheltered me in the Night Court, and Beron would have me hunted down. The marriage was far too advantageous for him. He hugged me tight afterwards and seemed reluctant to hand me over to Eris when my mate wanted to steal me away to dance. 
That seemed like so long ago but in reality it was three weeks ago. I move over to the bed and take a seat. This weekend was going to be awkward between the two of us. Eris for the most part is trying; he’s gentle with me in a way that I have only seen him be with his mother. Every morning if we don’t have an event together, he sends me a small sweet note and flowers. He sends them often enough that the ones I have in vases barely have had time to wilt. He’s a good male; it's just awkward since we barely know each other. I had always thought that he was attractive, but with him as Beron’s heir I didn’t stand a chance when there were more political matches to be made. I had figured If I were to end up with any of the Vanserra boys it would have been with Ashton, the second brother. Ashton was a carbon copy of his father always aiming to please the male even if it pushed him to act monstrously. But I guess I have to thank Mor for fucking the Illyrian Bastard, it had saved me from potentially being married off to an abusive male and instead with my mate, even if we did not know it at the time.    
I don’t know how long I sat on the bed going over the events of the last two months absentmindedly stroking Paprikas soft fur but a swift knock pulls me out of my thoughts. 
“Excuse me, Lady Y/N.” A melodic voice flows through the door. “I’m here to help you get ready for dinner.” 
Ah so Eris had already secured a ladies maid for me. I let out a soft groan as I moved to stand. That at least saves me the trouble of having to find one myself. I open the door to see a high Fae standing there. She is pretty if not a bit plain. Her brown hair is swept up into a neat bun at the nape of her neck hiding her pointed ears; the simple oxblood dress is a touch big for her frame. The uniforms I have seen on the servants and slaves at the forest house have been expertly tailored to the Fae that wear them, so she must be new.
“Oh” she squeaks before dropping into a curtsy. “Lady Y/N, I am Melonie, Lord Vanserra has hired me to be your ladies maid.” 
“It's a pleasure Melonie, and please it’s just Y/N. If you are to be my ladies maid then we shall be spending quite a significant amount of time together; so we may as well be on a first name basis.” I move aside to let her in.
“Only while we are in private though at the Forest House we need to remain as formal as we can be.” I tack on. There is a rigid hierarchy in the Autumn Court and while we are in a private residence, such as here, we can act as we please; the moment we step into Beron’s halls everything has to be as formal as possible.
“Understood Ma’am.” She nods her head and steps into the room. “Now we must get you ready for dinner.” 
“Of course. Did my mate say what dress is needed.” I’m certain my family's servants packed everything from casual wear to a ball gown for this trip. I honestly don’t know why, as this is an informal trip for me to get to know my mate better. I’m sure he told my father that there wouldn’t be any major formal events that the two of us would need to attend.
“Yes Ma’am, Lord Vanserra said that it was to be a casual dinner.” She tilts her head a bit “I do believe his words to his attendance were that it is just a simple dinner between my mate and I there is no reason for us to don finery.” I let out a small laugh, that does sound like Eris. There had been a few times when we had been in the forest house after dinner that we had gone on an evening stroll and he had expressed his distaste for the show that we had to put on. Having to put on our finest to awkwardly sit at a table under the scrutiny of our families. 
“So a simple dress it is.” I let out a soft sigh. Thank the Mother, I’m so glad he doesn’t want to stand on formalities. I move through the room to the wooden armoire and shift through the dresses my family's servants had picked, settling in on a simple green dress trimmed with a delicate cream lace.
“That will look lovely Y/N” I smile at her statement and take a step back and allow her to help me get ready.
It takes us about 45 minutes to get me ready for dinner. The dress had been easy enough, I Honestly could have gotten myself into it but help is always appreciated. My hair had taken a bit more time, but soon enough I was headed down the stairs to the dining room. We had passed the room briefly on our tour but now I had the time to take it in. It was large enough that we could easily entertain a party of 18 people, but I had a feeling that would be an extremely rare occasion. The table was a smooth walnut wood polished to a near mirror finish. It was large with many elegantly carved chairs pushed under; it is nearly too large for just the two of us. While I haven’t gotten to explore the house I can only hope that there is a smaller informal dining room for us to use. Eris is there when I arrive, dressed in a simple cream colored tunic and brown breeches tucked into dark brown boots. Upon hearing my arrival he jumps to his feet giving me a short bow. 
“My mate you look lovely this evening.” He moves and pulls out a chair next to the head of the table for me. “I apologize for this. The staff had already set this table before I could tell them that it wouldn’t be necessary.” 
“Thank you.” I say as I gently take a seat in the chair that he had pulled out. “There is no need to apologize. There is an informal dining room?” the question hangs in the air.
“Yes, there is a smaller dining room that I use when It’s just me here; I figured that we would use it while we reside here unless we are forced to entertain.” He responds, giving a nod to one of his staff standing beside a door that I think leads to the kitchen. 
“Oh good. This is a lovely dining room but it feels like it might be a bit much if it’s just the two of us.” A plate is soon placed in front of me, I mutter a thanks, and begin to pick up my silverware. 
“It really is.” Eris laughs as he picks up his own silverware and digs in. 
Conversation flows freely between the two of us as we talk about everything and nothing. I take this time to figure out more about the male that I am bound to for the rest of our immortal lives. I find that he adores his mothers baking. He insisted that I should get her apple strudel recipe from her and that I would love it. He likes the spicy foods that are common in the Summer Court, but he cannot stand the Summer Court's tendency for sour things. I also learn that his father has him acting as an emissary for a few courts including Spring, Winter, and Dawn. It is an eye opening conversation as the two of us go back and forth. We sit at the table telling each other our likes and dislikes long past when we finish our meals. At one point after the table had long since been cleared, save for a few bottles of wine and our glasses, Eris dismissed the staff while we continued talking. It takes one of the hounds whining for attention for us to actually leave the table taking our glasses to the living room. Eventually we have to let the hounds and Paprika out one last time before bed. Sadly the rain hadn’t stopped. It seemed to have gotten worse over the last few hours and what once was a nice steady rain is now a downpour. Ever the gentleman, Eris offers to take them out and wait for them to be done. 
I knew that there would be some paw wiping that needed to be done, but what I didn’t expect was for all of the hounds to come back into the house covered in mud.
“Oh no.” I exclaim as Eris carries in a mud covered Paprika, setting her on the floor only after the door is shut and locked.
“I think we are going to have to give them emergency baths.” Eris sighed, running a hand through his damp red hair.
“What happened?” I swear my eyebrows have probably reached my hairline as the hounds continue to play with each other getting mud all over the living room floor. 
“Well I thought that they would do their business, be done, and come back into the house. Apparently I was wrong and they decided that they wanted to play.” I can see the steam rising off of Eris as he uses his powers to dry off. “Paprika on the other hand accidentally landed in a mud puddle. And I already dismissed the staff for the night.” 
“Shit.” It's always nice to have an extra hand on deck when bathing the hounds “Well looks like we are on bath duty then.” 
We had relocated from the living room up to the bedrooms; the click of nails on the floor followed behind us as the dogs followed along behind us. I let him lead me through the halls my arm laced through his taking in the warmth that radiated through his shirt. The Vanserra’s were known for their fire wielding abilities, but it was like fire ran through his blood heating him from the inside out. I didn’t quite want the evening to end. 
“We probably should have kept some of the staff here when we saw that it was going to rain.” Eris laughs. 
“Probably, I’m sure your housekeeper will skin both of us tomorrow when she sees the mess.” I chuckle glancing behind me to see the whisper of smoke hounds trailing along behind us leaving muddy tracks along the wooden floor.
“Our housekeeper.” Eris’ gently corrects “I hate to say that she is almost used to it. She’s not a fan of bathing the hounds though.” 
“I don’t blame her, it’s a task and a half, and with the lot that we have it’s going to take us at least a few hours.” I try not to pay too much attention to the way Eris uses joint ownership. I should be grateful that he has already gotten used to us being a pair although it is a bit harder for me. 
Since the engagement Eris has always referred to us as a unit. It was “our plans for the mating ceremony” and “Of course we will be attending tonight.” It seemed to come easy to him; however, I am still trying to wrap my head around things. For me this is still just Eris’s home and his belongings and employees, not mine. Although in two weeks, I guess it will partially be mine. I need to get used to the fact that we are now a unit and respond as such. This will be our home that we fill with our hounds and if we are lucky enough down the road maybe a few messy haired faelings that we created. 
We make our way to Eris’s room. The room is not what I had thought it would be and vastly different from his rooms in the forest house. His living quarters in the high lords ancestral halls were cold. Deep emerald fabrics were selected and paired with polished dark wood furniture. We had had tea in his sitting room a few days after the bond had snapped and the whole room just felt impersonal. This room however felt warm. The large bed that dominated the middle of the room facing the window, looked like it was crafted with smooth unfinished red wood and decorated with large antlers. The crimson duvet looks soft and inviting and for a male there is a surprising amount of pillows strewn across the top of the bed  A smaller bookshelf resided along the one wall and much like the massive wall of books in the living room this one is packed with books, but these seemed to be much more loved, with signs of wear along the spines. Next to the window there is a small table that appears to just be a log that someone placed a glass top on and called it good and an arm chair that honestly looked like it had seen better days, if the patches on the arms of the chair were anything to go off of. More dog beds were spread along the floor but I had a feeling quite a few of them slept in the actual bed. Smoke hounds while they don’t shed a ton of fur, still shed, and if the short white hairs clinging to the crimson duvet say anything it is that the dogs are on the bed. Which is fine with me since I typically have one or two with me in my bed on any given night and since Paprika came into the picture she’s always cuddling in bed with me. 
“Come on, the bathroom is through here.” He opens the door on the furthest wall to reveal the massive bathing chambers with a large tub.  
“We might want to shut the bedroom door so that they can’t run off.” I quietly mention once I noticed that all of them were in the room. 
“Good idea.“ Eris sidesteps me quickly making his way to the door. Nineteen sets of ears pop up at the sound of the door clicking close. I move to quickly scoop up Paprika before she has the chance to dart under Eris’s Bed. 
“We need to do Paprika first; she’s still getting used to bath time.” Hearing the word ‘bath’ the fox kit starts to squirm. I quickly manure her in my arms and hold her under her front legs; her bottom and tail dangling limply in the air.
 “You are covered in mud, no amount of wiggling will get you out of it.” I speak to the little kit as if she were a naughty child. Her ears flop as if resigning herself to her fate. 
Bath time is eventful to say the least, Paprika gave us hell once we set her in the warm water. She just about screamed the entire time and only calmed down once she was wrapped in one of Eris fluffy towels. Having Eris around for bath time had its perks. Using his fire magic he was able to dry the hounds and Paprika rather faster than having to let them air dry. The hounds were bathed without complaint; but there were some trouble makers. Once we had shut the bathroom door to bathe Paprika, one of Eris’s hounds jumped up onto his bed and proceeded to cover not only the duvet in mud but Eris’s pillows and sheets. Then one of my hounds decided that I needed a bath as well and grabbed my dress and tugged just hard enough to send me sprawling into the tub. By the time the all nineteen of the canines are bathed Eris and I are drenched; the bathroom is soaked and quite frankly there is pathways of muddy paw prints throughout the house. 
“I know I said we don’t need a kennel, but I would like to retract my statement. We need one if only to prevent things like this from happening again.” I slump alongside Eris resting against the side of the tub. 
“Agreed.” Eris runs his hands through his hair. “We still have to get cleaned up ourselves.” 
“And remake your bed; one of the hounds got on it.” Eris lets out a groan at that statement. 
“Let’s get cleaned up first and then we can deal with that later. Worse comes to worse; I can sleep in one of our spare rooms or the couch.” 
“Please don’t sleep on the couch.” I laugh “Especially when there are perfectly good beds in the spare rooms. 
“I will have you know Dear Mate that the couch is one of the best places to sleep in this house. I have spent many nights on it.” 
“Now that's just sad Eris.” We both end up laughing. 
“Come now let's get cleaned up and off to bed. Eris moves to stand offering me one of his hands to help me off the floor. I end up stumbling into Eris’s chest as I am pulled up; he steadies me, one hand on my hip the other not letting go of my hand. I had noticed in the time we have been courting how much bigger his hands are then mine, they almost completely engulf mine whenever we dance, and they are so very warm. My heart races in my chest, being so close to this male without anyone else around. There is an awkward silence that fills the space between the two of us.
“Well I will leave you to it.” He moves to open the door to the room. Immediately dogs start tripping over one another in their attempt to escape the bedroom. Eris meets my gaze and we burst out laughing at the scene. We laugh for a solid few minutes; we would slow down and when we would look at each other we would start laughing again. An endless loop of pulling ourselves together only to fall apart again and again.
“I don’t know why that was so funny.” I hold my side as a wait out the stitch that I had gotten from laughing so hard.    
“Neither do I” Eris places a hand on my lower back as he leads me towards my room “Here is where I leave you.” 
“Thank you Eris.” I laugh as he takes my hand and places a kiss on the back of it. 
“You are quite welcome.” He releases my hand and steps back.
 “Please let me know if you need anything.” With one last look he walks down the hall presumably towards one of the spare rooms to clean up. 
I turn into my room and see several of my hounds lounging around as if they didn’t just turn bath time into a whole event. I give them a glare before heading into the bathroom to take a bath of my own before getting ready for bed. The Lady of Autumn truly tried to make this suite as comfortable as she could. Various soaps and oils lined the counter and a few small candles decorated the edge of the bathtub. It was a place that one could easily find solace. Maybe tomorrow I will take full advantage and soak in the large tub, but tonight I feel drained. While it wasn’t a super physically taxing day, mentally it was draining. This trip is giving me a golden opportunity to learn just who my mate is. Already had got to see a completely different side of him. 
When we are out on an official engagement or in the forest house Eris has always seemed so cold despite the fire that flows through his veins. He has always seemed closed off to everybody except for his mother and me. I got to hear him laugh for the first time in the 60 or some odd years that I had known him. I move through the motions of bathing and getting ready for bed. By the time I am turning down the bed I am ready to simply relax. Paprika paws at the bed, her way of asking to be picked up and placed on the bed. I grab her and set her down on the sheets. Ramiel and Rosie hop up on the bed unprompted ready to make themselves comfortable on the large bed. My ears twitch as I hear scratching at the door. I quickly glance around the room taking a head count of Hounds that are lazing around the room. All seven of mine are accounted for plus Ichabod who also decided that he wanted to sleep on the bed as well. So one of Eris’s lot wants to stay in here tonight. I move to open the door to let the pup in; my eyes widen once I open the door because not only is there a smoke hound begging to be let in but Eris is standing there with two steaming mugs. The hound darts past me, with the speed that they are famed for, as I continue to stare at Eris. 
“I figured we could have a cup of tea before bed.” I smile widely at him. He had listened when I was rambling shortly after our engagement. I had offhandedly mentioned that I liked to have a nice cup of Herbal tea before bed. And here he stands holding two cups of tea. 
“I would love that,” I step aside and let him walk into the room. He walks towards the bed and takes a seat holding out one of the cups for me to take; I sit down beside him taking the cup from his hand. 
We sit and talk for a long time. Eventually we have drunk our tea, cups sit forgotten on the nightstand, but Eris stayed. We eventually moved from sitting on the edge of the bed to sitting propped up with pillows against the headboard. The last thing I recall before I go to sleep is looking over at Eris who had fallen asleep not ten minutes ago. I don’t have the heart to wake him since he looks so peaceful. I roll over and wrap my arms around Ramiel before letting sleep take over me.  
Tag List @b0xerdancer @imma-too-many-fandoms @judig92 @fall-myriad @j-brielmalfoy @highlady-ofillyria @percyjacksonspeen @nyctophiliiiiaaa @marigold-morelli @azzydaddy @isa1b2h3
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sunnasweet · 19 hours
Anna and The Auction
Anna is stolen by space pirates and prepared for auction
I tried 1st pov this time! let me know how you guys like it!
Warnings: noncon, fingering, no sex
F!human x M!alien lizard , 2.4k words
When I woke up from bed this morning in my res-unit, I did not expect to be abducted by space pirates.
Alas, now that I’ve been hogtied and thrown in a cage on my way to Neo Nebula; home of the depraved. I’m starting to get worried. At first, I thought they were going to keep me for themselves but now that I know we’re on our way to Neo Nebula Station I know whatever is going to happen to me is far worse.
Bad shit goes down there, from drugs to selling illegal weapons or even human trafficking. I know what’s waiting for me won’t be nice.
I’m not alone either, there’s several cages—several other girls whimpering and crying all around me and it’s driving me fucking insane. Maybe if I was alone I could think for a minute, and come up with some sort of plan but because all I can hear is weeping. I’m losing my mind and morale.
I can’t even tell them to cry quietly, my mouth has been gagged and all I’ve been tasting for the last two hours is spit-soaked cotton.
It could be worse I guess, I haven’t pissed myself. Unlike some of the girls if the smell in here is anything to judge by. Being hogtied is already pretty uncomfortable, I can’t imagine sitting in my wet piss while being hogtied.
I shift around uncomfortably and grunt as my forehead presses against the cage. I feel like an animal. I’m pretty damn sure this cage was made for animals.
My ears strain to listen to my alien abductors over all the wailing going on.
“Must…then…drop off.” How helpful.
I hear the hiss of the door depressurize and crane my neck to see one of the aliens—the biggest of the three space pirates come in the center of the room. This causes an influx of whimpers and cries and garbled speech which roughly translates to “Please!! Please let me go!!” Or so I assume.
He says what I’ve been wanting to say this whole time, “Shut up.” he growls or, rather, hisses, he’s one of those giant lizard folk. I don’t know the real name for his species, not like it matters, I don’t really care about formality right now.
Because I’m the unluckiest girl in the galaxy, he comes straight for my cage and squats down in front of it. I stare at his ugly snout and glare. It’s…a pretty pathetic glare considering I have saliva spilling down my lips and I’m kind of rolling back and forth on my belly.
He pokes a claw through the bars of my cage and brushes a lock of my hair back behind my ear. “You’ll do lovely in the slave markets.” he rasps and my eyes widen. “A human girl like you will break so prettily” I struggle and spit—literally—curses at him through my gag.
He walks behind my cage and begins to slide me forward. I scream and kick my bound legs in defiance. He chuckles
“The fighters always sell the best…” The lizard hums. “But first, we must prepare you.”
Unfortunately, when I am freed from my bondage, I’m put directly back in it.
Despite my fighting and flailing after I had been taken out of my cage and unbound, the lizard man was too strong for me to fight off and had me tied up within minutes.
I hadn’t even gotten the chance to run away.
Cuffed spread eagle on a metal frame was not on the bucket list…but yet, here I am. On the up, I’m ungagged and get to say things like…
“F-fuck you!” I chatter at the lizard man as I’m sprayed head to toe with freezing water. My nipples harden and the lizard begins to scrub me down with a rag and liquid soap. Cleaning the merchandise I suppose. I struggle against the padded cuffs but I’m stuck and forced to stand in an x shape.
I’m completely at this alien’s mercy and we both know it.
Shivering, I ask. “What are you going to do with me?”
“Sell you.”
“Why me?”
He smiles, slowing his scrubbing to a light glide over my thigh. “Because a pretty human like you will sell for many credits.” He says, then rubs between my thighs with the cloth. I scowl at him and he pays me no mind.
The lizard man pauses his ministrations and pets my pussy hair, he tsks, “Too bad we’ll have to remove this.” his claws rake through the hair and I shiver with gritted teeth. This creepy motherfucker.
“You’re going to remove my hair?” I ask, scandalized.
“Yes.” he nods with a look as if to say ‘what a shame’, “Buyers prefer it this way,” he explains and I grunt.
True to his word, he walks over to a machine after I’m washed clean and says “Close your eyes if you don’t want them burned out of your skull.” I reluctantly listen to his orders. Hearing a beep, I feel a warm presence radiate off my body from the neck down, and I know I’m getting my hair removed by laser. I’m familiar with this cosmetic procedure, having seen it advertised in the bazaar of my home station.
Once it’s over, I open my eyes.
Noticing he’s behind me, I ask “What now?”
“Now we make you soft.”
I frown then yelp when I feel his scaled—slick hands over my shoulders. I grunt as he massages them. I won’t lie. After being hogtied and having to stay in that position for multiple hours, this feels pretty good.
Still, I keep my eyes forward and my jaw tight. I don’t want to look at his ugly face, not that I can even turn around. I don’t want to think about my situation right now, not while I’m getting some sort of reprieve.
His palms dig into my shoulder blades and I groan, he leans forward, right next to my ear, and murmurs “I will take great care with you pretty human.” my eyes squeeze shut and I spit out another insult that he just laughs at.
I bite my lip when he gets to my lower back, holding back a moan.
He moves down to my calves, ankles, and even presses his thumbs into the soles of my feet. He oils my toes and between them, coating every bit of my body.
Things turn awry when he gets to my ass.
“Watch it!” I hiss when he dips his hand between my cheeks.
“Careful,” he purrs, “With an attitude like yours, you’re going to be punished very often by your new masters.” I gasp in outrage when he dips his hand back between my butt cheeks. “Or would you like that little one? Do you want me to give you a preview? Spank you and turn this lovely round ass red?”
“Go to hell.” I seethe.
He moves in front of me and I glower up at him. He smiles at me and runs his claw over my cheek. “You’re lucky I’m here little human, Nauru wanted to send you to the arenas because of how unruly you are but I convinced him your new master would love breaking you in.” He cups me between the legs and I gasp, “If you don’t want this pussy fucked raw every day, you better learn to play nice.”
I flinch back. The arenas…is a nicer name for what is more commonly known as the Neo Nebula sex dungeons.
All of this is starting to catch up with me and I’m starting to panic. I can’t go to the dungeons. I can’t. I wouldn’t last a day. Humans are one of the smallest species in the galaxy. How am I ever going to escape if everyone is physically stronger than me and I’m constantly restrained? I have to be smart about this, I have to—
I gasp as the lizard man’s warm oiled hand grazes my cleft. Then. He runs his entire hand over my mound. I squirm.
“Stop it.”
“Every part of you must be treated.”
My heart races, he runs his hand over my pussy again.
“I-I said stop!”
He ignores me and continues.
This goes on for a couple of minutes. He doesn’t actually dip inside but he does enough rubbing to nudge at my clit and it’s making me feel…weird. Yeah. We’ll go with that word.
He digs his knuckles into my hip bones next and runs his palms over my belly with his oily hands. Then he cups both my breasts in his large hands and begins to squeeze and fondle them. I grit my teeth as his thumbs circle my peaked nipples. He rubs the tender tips. I whimper.
“Stop.” I repeat for a third time, slightly breathless.
He grins, “This arouses you, yes?”
“No,” I say pointedly even though I can feel that familiar ache in my core.
“Then be quiet.” He hushes me and I snap my mouth shut.
After some more fondling, he moves to my shoulders…then back to my breasts…then…back to my pussy.
“I thought you said…a-ah!” My complaint is cut off when he dips his slicked knuckles into my pussy and begs to caress my labia, I whimper, I’m wet. Not just from the oil but from all the massaging of my mound from earlier. I can’t even squeeze my legs shut because of the way I’m chained up. “W-what are you doing? You already did this part!”
“Not inside,” he murmurs. “Have to get all of you.” he insists and I twitch.
“You’re a perverted freak,” I growl.
“You like.”
“No, I do not!”
He purposefully runs his knuckles over my clit, back and forth, back and forth and I whine. He gives me a look as if to say, ‘see? look how horny you get as I molest you.’ I shake my head and close my eyes. This is not happening. I am not getting turned on by one of my captors. This is just a regular bodily function and—
His claws retract and the tip of his finger probes at my hole. I gasp.
“No, no, no—Aghn!” My hips flex up as he inserts his finger knuckle deep and curls it inside. I groan. His other hand comes to play and begins rubbing my clit.
“Stop it,” I whisper, this time, humiliated and horny.
“You like,” he repeats, curling his finger once again and making me moan as if to prove a point.
“No…” I mewl.
"Yesss.” He hisses, his forked tongue flicking out.
I start gasping as he begins to pull his finger out halfway, then back in, fucking me with his long alien finger. He rubs my G-spot and clit in tandem and I writhe against the table, crying out.
I need to resist. I have to resist, resist, resist—
A second finger is inserted and a third prods at my asshole.
“No!” I squeal, “Wait, no! I’ve never—!”
“Must prepare all holes for buyers,” he growls, then sloowly prods his way into my puckered asshole. I cry out a garbled moan and my body thrashes back and forth because it’s the only way I can move as I’m assaulted by pleasure.
“That’s it human. Accept your fate. You will make a nice fuck toy.” He purrs in my ear, working both my holes and clit.
“No!” I wail.
I can feel that familiar heat building inside me, rising in my core and tensing my abdomen and tummy. I don’t want to cum, I don’t—but I need to.
My hips begin to buck and my thighs quiver.
It rises and rises and—
"Ahh!" I cry, humping frantically against the alien’s hand as best I can while restrained, my mouth gaping open and my toes curling as I clench my cunt and asshole against his thrusting fingers.
He slows his fingers down as I come down from my high, exhausted, and limp as I dangle from my cuffs. my head lolls to the side.
“Good job little toy.” He murmurs, “Now you are prepared for auction.”
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misc-obeyme · 3 days
I remember when my older sister used to drive and I would ask to play some music, but she would never let me because she thought my taste in music was "wack." One time, when my sister invited her friend while driving, her friend had the same music taste as mine. As we enjoyed the ride with her songs, I felt like I got a form of revenge on my sister. After we finished driving, I told her friend that we had the same taste in music, and my sister always refused to let me play music because she thought my taste was "wack." The friend was highly offended and it led to an argument between my sister and her, and I walked away pretending like nothing happened.
What I'm trying to say is that it would have been funny if the MC had manipulated the situation and made the brothers get into a fight or argue with each other.
It would actually give them a complex personality, cause I always see them as goody-two-shoes and perfect silent human being.
Well, I have to say that I don't think MC would have to try quite that hard if they really wanted to get the brothers to fight with each other. They kinda seem like they do that a lot anyway?
Of course if you have a more manipulative MC, I'm sure they could easily increase the amount of fights between the brothers!
Generic MC is indeed written as being very nice and perfect. They do have occasional dialogue options that are completely out of left field and sometimes they do some things that are completely chaotic. But I think that's more for the humor than because that's how their character is actually written. Far more often, MC is the one that's working out everybody else's problems.
Perhaps this is why I like to hear about other people's MCs. It's interesting to see how other MCs would react to things because they always have a much more interesting personality and complex character.
It's kind of inevitable that they have to keep generic MC... well, generic lol.
But if you had a manipulative MC that does this kind of thing just to create arguments, it'd be easy to do amongst the brothers. I mean, all you'd have to do is like... choose someone for something and they'd already start fighting over you. I think it'd be more difficult to do this with the side characters. They don't already have that sibling rivalry going on, you know? Like could you even manipulate Barbatos at all? Let alone in such a way that caused him to get into a fight with Diavolo? Solomon would be easy enough, just tell Barb that he's in the kitchen or something lol.
Anyway, I wonder if they'd ever figure out what MC was doing? I think Lucifer might. And Belphie probably would, too. He's smart, but he's also manipulative, so he'd recognize the tactics.
Imagine if manipulative MC and Belphie teamed up. Neither of them would ever need to do another chore 'cause they'd just get everyone else to do them all the time. Either that or they'd cause so many arguments that the HoL gets destroyed.
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suzukiblu · 22 hours
Hi! I have a funny lil question for you. Did you ever end up continuing your AO3 story “To The Victor Goes The Spoils”? If you didn’t, do you ever plan to? I know it’s literally almost been ten years LOL but it’s SO good so I had to ask lol. If no to that too, could you at least share how you think it would’ve ended? So my imagination can be sated haha. Thanks :)
oh mannnnn, how did I forget to go back for Viktor and his dragon and write them a part three?? hOW, self???? I LOVE that story, it's just been so long. Though I think it's only been four or five years, I haven't QUITE managed to pull another "yes it's been roughly a decade since this fic updated, now have 20k of complicated feelings about abuse and trauma and codependency via an ATLA/Animorphs fusion fic".
( . . . yet. 👀 )
I haven't written another installment/sequel for it, alas, but I DID have designs on doing one more update, and I do have a lil' bit of it started. So like, for that reason I'd prefer not to share exactly what I was planning for it in the hopes that I'll eventually get my brain to go back to it.
Buuuuut since you're asking and I'm easily influenced, lemme toss up the first scene behind a cut for you in offering to your imagination and thanks for your interest, haha.
( also, gonna include a link to the original human/dragon fantasy omegaverse story, for anyone who's currently reading this post and wondering which of the two HUNDRED things I've got on AO3 we're actually talking about right now, haha )
My treasure, the dragon rumbled. Viktor didn’t look up from weeding the garden. He was dealing with a particularly stubborn taproot. 
“What is it?” he asked distractedly. 
I have learned things, the dragon said, leaning into his line of sight. Viktor eyed them, then ripped out the taproot. 
“I still haven’t forgiven you, you realize,” he said as he tossed the root aside with the other weeds. 
You ASKED to be bred, the dragon grumbled sullenly. 
“You don’t even know if it’ll have claws,” Viktor said. 
All dragons have claws, the dragon said. 
“And that seemed like a good idea to you?!” Viktor demanded. “That seemed like it would work out?!” 
You ASKED, the dragon repeated, visibly put-out. 
“So you just did it without thinking and now we don’t know what’s going to happen,” Viktor said. 
I know what will happen, the dragon said. There will be a hatchling.
“But what kind of hatchling?” Viktor said. “Will I even be able to carry it?” 
Yes, the dragon said. If you wish to.
“It wasn’t a wish,” Viktor said, ignoring the way that thought made his heart clench. He’d been stupid with lust and heat and the dragon had fucked him so overwhelmingly and he’d just . . . 
It hadn’t been a wish. 
I know what a wish sounds like, my Victor, the dragon said. Viktor bristled. 
“And I know when I’m making one!” he snapped at them, getting to his feet and abandoning the weeding. The damn weeding could wait. This was at least the fourth fight they’d had since he’d realized what the dragon had done, and he didn’t want to have it. He didn’t want to fight at all. 
It was just hard not to, under the circumstances.
He just wasn’t this kind of omega.
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respect-the-locals · 3 months
🐠 Daily Fish Fact: 🐠
Larval Flounder are born with one eye on each side of their head, but as they grow from the larval to juvenile stage through metamorphosis, one eye migrates to the other side of the body. As a result, both eyes are then on the side which faces up. The side to which the eyes migrate is dependent on the species type. As an adult, a flounder changes its habits and camouflages itself by lying on the bottom of the ocean floor as protection against predators.
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lokh · 2 months
oughh i wanted to do a cute laishuro take on the blu ray extras (what if laios had been eaten instead) but lets be honest. they absolutely would not have made it as far without laios
#they wouldve died. badly.#unfortunately ive lost the link saw it on twitter but i think laios gets knocked unconscious and imagines that it had been him that got ate#and not falin. and falin is the only one to advocate for them going back#but no one wants to go along with her presumably because they dont care for laios that much#(or at least this is laios' perception as this is just his imagination)#but also because she doesnt know as much about monsters and couldnt come up with a good argument for going back in#<- didnt know about prolonged digestion in red dragons and marcille assumed the interval was the same as in humans (1-3 days)#BUT...................... when everyone leaves falin turns back and goes in herself. and laios realises that shes always been that sort#of person and theres no point in ruminating over what could have been.#now. i want to believe that had they known falin would turn back without them. that at the very least shuro would have gone in with her.#theres no way he would have let her go on her own. and frankly i dont think he would have assembled his retainers#to go save laios rip...#marcille would have gone if she had known falin would turn back. and honestly i think she mightve known her well enough to guess this irl#anyways what i was GOING to say was maybe as they venture thru the dungeon shuro gets to learn more about laios thru falins view#maybe they get to know each other more and he opens up more about how he thinks of laios and like. falin is able to explain more about him#diffuse tension and give him a better understanding. like yeah hes still annoyed at him but he has a better view of how laios is#they get close and become better friends but maybe it also helps falin make up her mind and let him down gently............................#and maybe they go and save laios but the dragon thing still happens to him#and its again a 'you felt like that all along??' situation irt him wanting to be a monster but it turns out ok and they (laishuro)#open up to one another in the end.........................#but. again im gonna be real. they would not have made it that far LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO laios the goat for real
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whatudottu · 10 months
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Thinking about fucked up dead people clone human Predaking again- have a gaunt but muscular dragon!
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whitmore · 7 months
charlie slimecicle slash lore very clearly knows codeflippa isn’t juanaflippa somewhere inside of him. the specific avoidance of questions with codeflippa points us in that direction and is further confirmed by the direct questions he asked juanaflippa today during dia de los muertos— are you safe? are you in a happier place? he’s not in any level of denial barring performative, he’s just willing to settle for a codeflippa rather than no flippa at all, and that’s paraphrased but he’s said something very akin to it out loud. plus today he realized that if the missing eggs don’t have ofrendas they’re likely still alive, and i think to some end even after really processing that his current flippa isn’t the original juanaflippa, he’d still want her around emotionally to cope with the possibility of bearing witness to everybody else’s real egg reunifications. mariana isn’t around, his entire family was fundamentally gone at one point. he doesn’t want to have nothing again. and if codeflippa leaves, he’s left with nothing. again.
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