#counter conditioning
flock-talk · 1 month
Thunderstorm vibes
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fayeandknight · 2 years
I think something a lot of people don't fully realize is that counter conditioning works but it often takes more time than you (general use) think. This is certainly true for me.
When I brought baby Faye home she hated the nail clippers. Like it was on sight.
So after many unsuccessful attempts I decided to go with conditioning her to the nail grinder instead. That was a much easier process, mostly I suspect because it was conditioning instead of counter conditioning.
Anyway fast forward to me bringing Forte home 3.5 years later and being determined not to have the same issue.
It did not take Faye long to realize that if she hung around me holding the clippers and Forte she could also get the good snacks.
Now when I'm doing Forte's nails with the clipper, I am frequently interrupted by Faye offering me her paws. (She alternates between the front two.) I pretend to clip them and treat her, then go back to Forte.
Tonight I decided to clip the very edge off of one of her nails. She didn't flinch or pull away, just looked at me expectantly. I jackpotted her, obviously. But I expected her to walk away. Nope. She continued to lay near us and continued offering me her paws while I finished clipping Forte's nails. I treated her for each offer but didn't try to cut any more. No need to push too far on a good thing.
It may seem like a small victory to some. But for me it was huge. Granted her counter conditioning has been mostly passive rather than active. And it probably wouldn't have taken about a year if I had been active instead. But still, it's a huge win. And honestly, I think taking a less direct path actually paid off more.
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Meet Billy! Billy is a 12 year old rescue pup, who has some big feelings about other dogs, and isn't so sure how he feels about having his collar and harness taken off. He has two wonderful pawrents who are super excited to learn how to help him manage his fears! They are learning how to read his body language, and help him have some more positive feelings about other dogs. They're also working on cooperative care with him, so that he can feel more comfortable with his gear!
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adobe-outdesign · 4 months
Everyone makes fun of the main Pokemon anime because people keep yelling at their Pokemon to "dodge" but honestly I think that makes sense. It's the trainer equivalent to the guy yelling at the baseball player on his TV to run faster
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cissa-calls · 5 months
Countdown to Agatha: Darkhold Diaries: Day 683
Wanda: “Don’t you think we need to get Y/N some new furniture? As nice as it is for you to give them your cast offs, they usually are gifted in…rough condition”
Agatha: “Cast offs? You mean vintage, well loved pieces. I’m gifting them pieces of history! They should be thanking me really, because right now they’re at their desk, working-“
*distant crash*
Wanda: “Is everything alright?!”
Y/N: “I’m okay! The duct tape holding this on chair leg gave way though, maybe we should get some glue?”
Wanda to Agatha: “Oh yeah, they really should be thanking you”
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fjordfolk · 9 months
i always say that shelties and j-spitz are very similar to live with. but one significant difference turning up now, that i used to see as a lunaism but also rings true for melis, is this v spitz vs herder thing? where when one of the spitzes get An Idea they strongly believe in it and it becomes fact to them. versus i feel that the shelties also get Ideas, but are much more open to outside input and can be reasoned with to change their minds
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pawsitivevibe · 22 days
Wow I actually managed to cut all of Haley's nails without a veterinarian present*
(* clipping them for me, while two assistants hold her steady and I constantly pop cookies into her mouth)
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eqan · 10 months
i’m in a few corgi groups and was perusing for tips on how to counter condition resource guarding in a multi dog household and everyone’s just like “oh yeah that’s a corgi thing” like ???? ok but it still needs to be shaped ????? lol????
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the-kipsabian · 10 months
kip is so fucking good and i need so many more people to give him so much more credit
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orcelito · 2 months
Omfg I never actually posted about this but just like 2 days ago I realized that no it is Not normal to experience lightheadedness near daily when I've gone just a little too long without eating
I looked it up and apparently lightheadedness/dizziness CAN be a part of fibromyalgia (which I think I have for a number of different reasons), so like. It all makes sense.
Fuckin fibromyalgia. It's the source of like 95% of my physical problems, I swear. Every Damn Thing can be traced back to it. What a pain.
#speculation nation#'what a pain' haha get it bc chronic pain#frankly speaking the chronic pain part of it isn't the Worst. it's only a few times a month that i get my arm and leg aches#(though sometimes ill have bouts that last longer. like in january i think when i had arm aches for over a Week)#then again my rib cartilage inflammation is a permanent thing. my ribs Always are fucked up.#and i dont know 100% that it's bc of fibro but this condition has been linked to fibro and it didnt go away with anti-inflammatories So#in the end the pain isnt my biggest concern for treating my fibro. aside from the frequent headaches. i Would like to counter those.#what i really need is help with my chronic fatigue and weakness spells#i hate how fragile i feel so much of the time. bc im NOT weak. for my size im actually surprisingly strong.#but im quick to tire and if i push myself too hard then im practically bedridden#i will literally get symptoms of sickness if im too fatigued. including nausea and coughing and headaches#all fixed after ive gotten some rest. so im not Actually sick.#im tired and fed up with how finicky my body is and how i have to eat on time always or i'll be threatened with passing out.#havent passed out Yet but ive had some times where i end up Having to sit bc i get tunnel vision and my scalp is prickling#and it feels like my brain is squeezing and i know i Have to sit down Right Now#idk. there are many things like this. and i am sooooo tired of it.#i want a fibro diagnosis so i can actually get some help for the things that make life so hard to live.#im not depressed im just chronically fatigued. and so very tired.#give me some Energizing Meds or smth. help me please 😭😭😭 i hate living like this 😭😭😭😭😭#i wanna be able to do things without being bedridden for the rest of the day 😭😭😭😭 please 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
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Really feeling the height dysphoria tonight y'all... :))))))
#seriously there is only one grown adult man in the world alive who i know is shorter than me#most children are taller than me an adult dude of 24 fuckin years old#i can only buy children's shoes and often online because they dont really sell those in stores#i am swimming if i get an adult medium shirt and pants are always far too long for me because 30in is way too much#working anywhere is so hard because all equipment abd surfaces are far too high up for me#and then the job refuses to buy a stool or ladder tall enough to accommodate me#my father renovated the kitchen around 2 years ago and raised everything in height#the counters are now up to my neck and the cabinets are entirely unreachable but for all other folks theyre fine#even with a stool i cant reach beyond the front of the second shelf for anything#i cant even sit down in chairs unless they are table chairs and not restaurant or bar stool height#if they are i just straight up fall over trying to sit in them or the chair falls down or both#if im going to a seated event i have to research the venue first to be sure they have tiered seating and its tiered enough#otherwise i wont see anything because the person in front of me regardless of age is always far taller#the entire world already is run by folks who are against trans people like me and who dont accommodate me#doctors dont accommodate my chrochic conditions and pain at all and never have so i just suffer#and the entirety of every place house and establishment is specifically built for people above my height by tons#so i basically live in a world that wasnt made for someone like me and i just already feel like i dont belong here#and this lack of accommodation just makes it worse
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mvfm-25 · 4 months
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" VALVe's Counter-Strike update brings single-player action to the most popular shooter online! "
Computer Gaming World n204 - July, 2001.
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cissa-calls · 1 year
Countdown to Coven of Chaos: Day 440
Agatha: “I’ve always been doomed by the narrative!” *dramatically sighs*
Y/N: “Not necessarily! It’s your own agency now to break from your mothers cycles of lusting for power and knowledge. Denounce your folly and tragic flaw of ambition!”
Wanda: “Pfft! That’s funny”
Agatha: “What?! You think I couldn’t do it?”
Wanda: “If you’ve been around this many centuries…I doubt you can change it now, could you?”
Agatha, stomping outta the room: “Yeah!? Well???! Probably not! But maybe I want to entertain the idea! Y/N - put together a redemption playlist for me and we’ll play it on the drive to get some plants!”
Wanda, yelling: “You’re still not allowed to after the mailbox incident!”
Agatha: “FEEEEECK”
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muzzlemouths · 1 year
sorry for being a little quiet both on the social and writing front. my headaches have become daily and debilitating at this point and it's getting harder and harder to focus each day. just tryna get Something out at this point
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texas-bbq-pringles · 8 months
anyway, good night to him
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ignatiusteto · 9 months
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enoch live reaction as we near the end of act I
mystra's stupid ass command is probably enoch's breaking point which is fitting as it's nearing the end of act I and in this amount of time I imagine a person can only bottle up so much before exploding on top of a distaste for the gods already
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