#counter strike strats
hungwy · 8 months
teammate is being a very vocal strategizer -> gets made when we dont play strat perfectly -> starts calling us the r-word -> teamkills a teammate to get his gun because hes mad no one is doing the strats -> someone says clutch or kick -> he does not clutch -> he is kicked -> we lose the game but our spirits are lighter than before. counter strike flow chart
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fluffypichu876 · 10 months
If you were to recommend Sekiro to someone, perhaps a Mutual even, how would you go about it?
(I'm always on the roll looking for soulsborne design content, as it is a big topic in the industry, and I am too much of a whimp to play something that openly sadomasochistic xD, but sekiro is the one I'm lest knowledgable about of them all and I'd love a first-hand opinion on it/maybe a reccomend to see if there might be something interesting to try to brave it For, and not just difficulty for difficulty's sake)
That is a GREAT ask, mutual, and I am very glad to answer it to you! (i never miss an opportunity to discuss game design xD)
Well, the game is REALLY good. It's rewarding and it just feels good to play. That's why I recommend it in very simple words, with the small warning that it is, indeed, a difficult game.
But if I was allowed to go into detail on why I love it and recommend it so much...
Sekiro is a very interesting soulsbourne. It follows many traditions of FromSoft's other games, but it also breaks enough of these rules to stand out as a game of its own.
One thing that differs in Sekiro is the very way that you tackle bossfights. Boss design is one of, if not the most important aspect of a soulslike. I have yet to play other soulsbournes, but from what I've heard, in these games there are usually multiple ways of dealing with a tough boss. You can grind and find better equipment to fight them, use cheese strategies, get help from another player (co-op), or just git gud and try to defeat the boss by learning their patterns and relying on pure skill. Each boss is always designed with that in mind, focusing on providing a fair experience to the player no matter which option they choose.
But in Sekiro, there's none of that. No co-op, very little cheese strats, a stat system that requires the defeat of a major boss to increase damage output (by very little), and a EXP system that only grants a few new skills (some of them are very useful though, such as the Mikiri counter). Oh, and you lose EXP when you die.
To beat a boss here, you must rely on pure skill. Git gud, as people say. This skill consists basically of your ability to recognize and correctly counter all the types of enemy attacks. Deflect strikes, dodge grabs, Mikiri-counter thrusts, jump over sweeps and ocassionaly redirect lightning. If you don't understand and properly use these skills, you will not get very far, because every enemy and every boss will demand varying levels of your knowledge about the game, and more importantly your ability to actually use said knowledge. Their very design is based on the player's skill.
It may sound bad, but this focus on pure player skill is exactly what makes this game so compelling and rewarding. When you fight a boss in Sekiro, you are not mastering the bossfight, you are mastering the game itself. Each boss requires the same skills to defeat, consisting of a single core gameplay loop, and extra items or tools are merely extra help and not really necessary to win (with the exception of a few gimmick optional bosses). Master these skills and the whole game becomes much easier to understand and overcome. You'll still die a lot, but you will feel your progress, understand why you died, and become even more confident after every defeat.
Once you beat Lady Butterfly and Genichiro, you have already mastered the game. From now on, you will be just sharpening your skills.
In simple words, Sekiro's definition of getting good is very different from other soulsbourne games. Beating this game is like a personal journey of improvement, in which you aim to improve because you know it's worth it.
The revival mechanic is also very interesting to me. From what I understand, it serves both as a mid-battle breathing room, and as a motivator.
Dying in a bossfight doesn't feel good, and enough deaths can motivate the player to give up, so giving them time to breath and consider their options before reviving and trying again is very nice. It's a period of time used to strategize and reflect what exactly is going wrong. Allowing the player to revive once or twice during a fight doesn't make the game easier, it makes the game fair. The player will not have to repeat a part of the fight that they have already mastered, and will have another opportunity to try and understand what's currently going on. Then, they can carry this new knowledge to the next attempts, making the whole "die and try again" experience much more fluid.
Following this logic, the revival mechanic also serves as a motivator. If the player has good enough base knowledge of a bossfight, giving them a second chance will motivate them to take risks, which leads into the discovery of potentially better strategies. Dying now will not really grant too much of a bad consequence, so why not risk something new? The whole combat system revolves about your agressiveness and lack of hesitation, so a motivator like this is very important.
Sekiro also has stealth mechanics, yipeee!!! Fitting, since you are a shinobi. Stealth here mostly serves as an second option to deal with areas filled to the brim with enemies. Attacking any enemy from behind without their notice will instantly delete an entire healthbar. This means death to most lesser foes. It also helps you deal with mini-bosses who have more than one healthbar.
Having said all of that, Sekiro is an amazing game, and I can't recommend it enough. In my opinion, you don't even have to be too much of a masochist to like this game! I found the whole experience to be pretty fair and rewarding, and not really painful at all (maybe it's just me on that xD). Patience is all that you really need, patience to slowly learn and understand, as if you where learning how to use a sword in real life. After all, that's exactly what you must do to beat this game.
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monsterkissed · 1 year
i said on that post about art last night that it's an inherently flawed strat to respond to someone saying "nobody liked my art, so i am a failure" with "actually there are people out there who will love your art! you just need to find them!" because baked into that counterargument is the validation of the anxiety, i.e. if nobody liked your art you would be a failure
and i think that applies to loads of stuff? "your friend doesn't secretly hate you, you are loveable!" implies that if it turns out your friend is drifting away from you, you're not loveable. "the thing you're worrying about will turn out alright and you'll be okay" implies that if the thing currently troubling you ends poorly then you are, in fact, fucked. they are responses that sound like they're countering anxiety but they're not, not really. they're telling you the worst case scenario you're obsessing over would be a disaster, you just need to stop worrying bc it won't happen to you
and i know saying that kind of stuff feels nice as the person saying it (way nicer than something more nuanced, usually) but i think by accepting that the premise of the anxiety is entirely true and worth fearing it kinda sets some people up to fail very very badly when disaster does eventually strike, as it does many times over the course of most human lives
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crystalelemental · 1 year
Every six months or so, I wind up doing a "favorite sync pairs" thing, where I post about my favorite general pairs.  And it's stale. I always post the same few, and guess what.  It still hasn't changed much.  Would it really surprise anyone that SC Jasmine, SS Kris, and H!Caitlin are my top three still?  My absolute favorites don't really change at all.  So instead, we're going to talk about my favorites from just the last six months.
10) Variety Lorelei.  Okay.  Okay, listen.  I know, the Variety scout system is bad. I agree with you.  I hear you.  It's cheap and shitty and I don't like it either.  But listen.  This is all Lorelei will ever get.  And after what they did to her base form, she needed something.  And this?  This is a pretty nice something, admittedly.  I know it is currently very popular to dunk on the Kanto Variety scouts, and in particular the Lorelei and Bruno are carbon copies of one another.  I also know Bruno seems to be the preferred due to Screech strats.  But I like Lorelei a lot.  I think her Cloyster is super good.  I think team Endurance is massively underrated.  I think her 3/5 grid offers some fantastic sustain tools.  I think there's fun to be had.  That said, she's also really limited.  I wish it were Pep Rally and not Fast Track.  There was no reason to limit her that way.  And Punishing Strike 1 is just insufficient for anything.  At least make it level 2, man.
9) New Years Lisia.  January brought me a great opener, with the New Years alts.  Lisia is a character I generally like well enough, but I really do not care for the idol aesthetic, so the outfit bugs me.  Her Altaria form is also...kinda bad.  So it's nice to see her get an alt that can be good!  And...it's fine.  It's a cute outfit, I enjoy the fact Lisia finally got her due, but...Galarian Rapidash.  I'm gonna be real with you, I would've prefered Ponyta.  It's cuter.  Moreover, I feel like Lisia is in this awful position where it's hard to actually use her.  We have three Fairy Zone setters, and they all skew special.  Being a physical damage dealer in this type is maddening.  She makes up for it well enough when on-type, but trying to off-type with Lisia is...frustrating at times.  I think she turned out okay, but the Zone situation is dire for her.
8) Anabel.  God, yes, they finally added Anabel!  I'll admit, Snorlax wasn't my initial favorite pick, but after reviewing the lore, it's basically her ace, so this tracks.  Anabel is a pretty fun sync pair...that I do not utilize as often as I would like.  The fun of Anabel is really just having Looker Fam and being viable, but that's more Emma's role.  Anabel on her own is riddled with limitations, but I find the overall concept fun.   Dual Screens, Crit Shield, Protect, staggering with Headbutt, and Max Moves to replenish MP.  If there's anything that does make me frustrated, it's the lack of shield extension, and general grid struggles.  Given Anabel's poor speed, the best means to counter this is always having an effect up at 4/5.  But the effects aren't too long lived, so it's mildly frustrating.  Still, I really like playing her.   She's a fairly tactical unit with a lot of options in her favor. The grid may be awkward, but it offers a lot of versatility in her effects.
7) Emma.  Emma's the real winner of Kalos VA, if you ask me.  The decision on Crobat is...unexpected, but the results speak for themselves.  Buddy Cross Poison is ridiculous.  She trucks even off-type stages like nobody's business. The only serious problem for Emma is that Poison is required, or she becomes borderline useless.  This makes Gauntlet a bit of a struggle when the opponent is immune, but more commonly, when they remove it halfway through the HP bar.  Emma definitely has limitations. Exceptional power, but at exceptional cost. But she's so much fun.   Like I love getting to run her, it's the best.
6) Champion Bede.  God, this is such a stupid good support.  Champion Bede offers the most ridiculous offensive support the game can currently muster, with unparalleled sustain for longer Gauntlet matches.  Like, the dude cannot fail.  It's absurd.  His offensive presence is divine, he has actual bulk behind him, free moves next applied at least once per rotation is hilarious gauge control for a guy with mostly 4-bar moves. And I love that it's Articuno.  I'm usually not big on the random application of legends, and this whole Galar event is not exception, but I love Articuno and I'm glad it got something nice.
5) New Years Dawn.  I think this was one of the more interesting reveals we had, based on what's not said.  When the Extra Special Ghost Damage skill was revealed, people didn't know what it would do, but largely assumed some passive buff of like 20-40%.  As a result, most people considered her extremely limited, and noted that hey, Anni Lillie is rerunning, just get her.  But then we found out that it was literally a second attack, at a full 100% damage.  And suddenly Dawn was worth looking at again.  And you find out...wow, her debuffing game is immaculate, and she has evade strats with a pop healing move.  Dawn's been hysterical in Gauntlet, and frankly achieves plenty in CS. She works well with lesser supports thanks to the double buff, and I've personally really liked using Speedy Entry 2 on her.  The gauge control matters. I think this is another of those pairs that is just Peak Dawn.  It plays ridiculously, but it works.  Like you don't expect it to, but then it does, and it's like oh.  Dawn's just a mad genius.  Got it.
4) Lodge Dawn.  Speaking of, Lodge Dawn is my favorite Lodge unit, and I think the best overall.  Lodge Dawn got exactly the right tools.  Built-in Vigilance, Team Sharp Entry, a buff kit to rival Roxanne, Natural Remedy and Escape Artist, Gradual Healing on entry, and potential evasion play on sync.  Oh, and she can double debuff special attack, as a support, which sets up Alder well. The only tool she didn't get is Endurance.  And with this incredible F2P sync pair, whose merits outshine all others, what Pokemon did Dawn bring?   Leaf Coat Wormadam.  A Pokemon I don't think anyone in history has thought about.  I absolutely adore Dawn.
3) Adaman.  Hey kids, it's the Sinnoh Hour, starring Sinnoh!  Yeah, recent events have been good to me, if nothing else.  Adaman rules.  My biggest thing with this alt is that it's Leafeon.  I fully expected Dialga, but no, the Eeveelutions get to be Master Fairs.  Can't wait for Penny on anniversary.  Anyway, Adaman's an obscenely powerful sync pair, bringing in Sun on entry and every sync, and having Sun Extension at 3/5.  Two applications of Grass-type Rebuff, hit AoE, makes him ridiculous, but the big money is that he never once touches gauges. If he crits, free moves.  It is ridiculous.  Dude even tanks well, thanks to defense boosting and Synthesis.  This is the kind of physical behemoth that Leafeon should always have been.  I'm so happy for it...
2) SC Zinnia.  I don't think I will ever truly be over this alt.  Zinnia is not at all a favorite character.  I don't think I'd typically even consider Zinnia.  I almost skipped her outright, but wild success on the Tapu let me double back for her, where she also showed on like track 2.  And man, that was such a great outcome, because this alt rules.  Thievul!  They let my fox baby be good!  So good that it's...actually kinda horrifying.  Like, 70% flinch rate, an AoE Snatch after they introduced Five Stats +3 to CS, rebuff, blocks opponent buffs, and has an absurd sync nuke?  Zinnia is so much fun.  And her kit finally, after all this time, completes Champion Calem.  Zinnia's X Atk All perfectly caps physical Dark-types in one turn, gives Rebuff, buddy move is a 3-hit move in CS so Calem gets to apply Dark Zone with reasonable speed.  Suddenly, Calem is looking competent.  Which is a statement I never thought I'd make.  And I think this alt cracked me a bit and I like Zinnia now.  Like, aside from the really cute outfit, I think just the way she's constantly being threatening and on about achieving justice in her own way...I can vibe with it.  I am a huge fan of this Zinnia.  Like she's so hilarious, I adore her.
1) Irida.  If there's one thing Adaman fails to do all that well, it's let teammates shine. Adaman kinda takes over and gets the job done himself, and as a result, he's maybe not so strong at backing his team.  This is especially notable for weaker Grass-types; all the physical ones that like his defense debuffs are high-tier.  The lower tier options are mostly special.  And truthfully, I like it better when the field effect setter is good at helping, rather than being the best damage dealer present.  These effects exist to help, not override.  Enter Irida, whose support game is so strong I think she has legitimate claim to be one of the best sync pairs in the game.  Irida's Hail and Ice Zone, simultaneously, is so strong she pulls options like Pryce and Lorelei over the finish line for off-type clears. And to be clear, her DPS is not what's doing it.  Often her allies will deal better damage. Irida just helps.  I've seen complaints that she doesn't help the good pairs, and thus "doesn't have good partners," but this is nonsense.  She's giving what's needed to physical damage dealers just as much, thanks to Zone, and when you're carrying Lorelei off-type?  Like, come on.  What more do you want? And of course, Glaceon.  My second favorite Eeveelution gets to be a Master Fair, and one of the best around.  I love it.  So far this year, Irida and Glaceon is my favorite sync pair.  
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zwycistwa269 · 6 months
Kiedy zazwyczaj występuje przecena skinów w CS:GO, która mogłaby być korzystna dla graczy chcących obstawiać lub grać w kasynach?
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Kiedy zazwyczaj występuje przecena skinów w CS:GO, która mogłaby być korzystna dla graczy chcących obstawiać lub grać w kasynach?
Najpopularniejsze skiny CS:GO to przedmioty, które cieszą się ogromną popularnością wśród graczy na całym świecie. Skiny, czyli wzory ozdabiające broń i przedmioty w grze Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, stanowią integralną część rozgrywki oraz wyraz indywidualizmu i stylu gracza.
Wśród najbardziej pożądanych skinów CS:GO znajdują się m.in. AWP Dragon Lore, M4A4 Howl, oraz Karambit Gamma Doppler. Każdy z tych skinów wyróżnia się nie tylko unikalnym wzorem, ale także wysoką wartością na rynku skinów, co sprawia, że są one często poszukiwane przez kolekcjonerów i graczy.
Ponadto, skiny CS:GO są również elementem ekonomii w grze, ponieważ mogą być sprzedawane i kupowane na rynku Steam. Niektóre z najrzadszych i najbardziej pożądanych skinów potrafią osiągać niebotyczne ceny na rynku wtórnym, co przyciąga uwagę inwestorów i spekulantów.
Dzięki systemowi skórek w CS:GO, gracze mają możliwość personalizacji swojej broni i wyrażenia swojego stylu podczas rozgrywki. Skiny te nie mają wpływu na mechanikę gry, ale stanowią ważny element dla wielu graczy, którzy cenią sobie estetykę i prestiż posiadania rzadkich i unikalnych przedmiotów. W ten sposób skiny CS:GO przyczyniają się do bogactwa i różnorodności w świecie popularnej strzelanki online.
Terminy przeceny w CS:GO, czyli popularnej grze sieciowej typu first-person shooter, odnoszą się do określonych okresów, podczas których skórki broni oraz inne przedmioty w grze są dostępne po obniżonych cenach. Dla wielu graczy jest to doskonała okazja na zakup swoich ulubionych elementów w kolekcji bez konieczności wydawania dużych sum pieniędzy.
Istnieje kilka rodzajów terminów przecen w CS:GO, z których najpopularniejszymi są Steam Sale oraz promocje organizowane przez samych twórców gry. W trakcie tego typu wydarzeń, gracze mogą nabyć skórki broni, naklejki czy klucze do skrzynek ze znacznie obniżonymi cenami, co stanowi prawdziwą gratkę dla kolekcjonerów i inwestorów.
Terminy przecen w CS:GO są z reguły ogłaszane z wyprzedzeniem, co pozwala graczom na przygotowanie swoich środków oraz określenie, które przedmioty zamierzają zakupić. Dodatkowo, podczas takich wydarzeń, popularne platformy handlowe dla skórek, takie jak Steam Market, mogą być oblegane przez tysiące graczy jednocześnie, co może prowadzić do wzrostu cen niektórych przedmiotów.
Dlatego warto śledzić terminy przecen w CS:GO oraz być przygotowanym na szybkie działanie, aby zdobyć ulubione przedmioty w grze za przystępną cenę. Przeceny to doskonały sposób na urozmaicenie swojej kolekcji skórek oraz innych rzadkich przedmiotów w CS:GO, dlatego nie warto przegapić okazji na zakupy podczas takich wydarzeń.
Gry hazardowe i skiny CS:GO to popularne elementy w świecie gier online. Skiny CS:GO to wirtualne przedmioty, które zmieniają wygląd broni lub postaci w grze Counter-Strike: Global Offensive. Gracze mogą zdobyć skiny poprzez otwieranie skrzynek, rywalizację w turniejach lub zakup za pieni��dze.
Jednak istnieje także druga strona medalu, gdyż gry hazardowe związane z skinami CS:GO stały się problemem społecznym. Istnieją strony internetowe umożliwiające zakładanie skórek z broni w grze, co przyciąga zarówno małoletnich, jak i dorosłych graczy. Wiele osób traci znaczące sumy pieniędzy na tego rodzaju hazardzie.
Pamiętaj, że uczestnictwo w tego typu grach hazardowych związanych ze skinami CS:GO niesie za sobą ryzyko uzależnienia oraz strat finansowych. Dlatego ważne jest, aby zachować umiar i zdrowy rozsądek, grając odpowiedzialnie i świadomie podejmując decyzje.
Warto pamiętać, że gry hazardowe związane z skinami CS:GO mogą prowadzić do nielegalnych działań, takich jak nielegalne handlowanie skinami czy oszustwa. Dlatego zawsze sprawdzaj wiarygodność i legalność strony, na której dokonujesz transakcji związanych ze skinami CS:GO.
Podsumowując, skiny CS:GO i gry hazardowe z ich udziałem przyciągają uwagę graczy na całym świecie, jednak warto być świadomym potencjalnych niebezpieczeństw z nimi związanych. Pamiętaj o zachowaniu ostrożności i odpowiedzialności podczas korzystania z tego rodzaju rozrywki online.
Strategie obstawiania skinów w CS:GO to popularny sposób na budowanie kapitału wśród graczy i miłośników tego popularnego strzelanki. Istnieje wiele różnych strategii, które gracze mogą zastosować, aby zwiększyć swoje szanse na wygraną i zdobycie cennych skinów. Jedną z popularnych strategii jest tzw. "granie na pewniaki", polegająca na obstawianiu na faworytów meczów, co może zapewnić stabilne, choć nie zawsze duże, zyski.
Inną popularną strategią jest "martingale", która polega na podwajaniu stawki po każdej przegranej zakładzie, aż do momentu wygranej. Ta strategia może być ryzykowna, ale potencjalnie przynosi większe zyski w przypadku sukcesów. Istnieją również strategie oparte na analizie statystyk drużyn, formy graczy czy mapy, które mogą pomóc w trafniejszym typowaniu wyników meczów.
Warto pamiętać, że obstawianie skinów w CS:GO niesie za sobą ryzyko straty, dlatego ważne jest odpowiedzialne podejście do tego typu działań. Gracze powinni zawsze obstawiać sumy, na których ewentualną stratę są przygotowani, unikać niepewnych zakładów opartych tylko na szczęściu oraz korzystać jedynie z zaufanych stron i platform do obstawiania.
Podsumowując, strategie obstawiania skinów w CS:GO mogą być interesującym sposobem na zdobycie dodatkowych skinów i rozrywkę, ale wymagają odpowiedniej wiedzy, ostrożności i umiaru. Zawsze warto pamiętać o ryzyku, jakie niesie za sobą hazard, i przestrzegać zasady odpowiedzialnego obstawiania.
Na rynku skinów i przecen stale dzieje się wiele interesujących rzeczy. Skiny, czyli wirtualne elementy dostosowujące wygląd postaci w grach, stanowią ważny element dla wielu graczy. Rynek skinów to dynamiczne środowisko, w którym codziennie odbywają się transakcje i wymiany, a ceny mogą różnić się w zależności od rzadkości danego przedmiotu czy popularności gry.
Istnieje wiele platform, na których gracze mogą kupować, sprzedawać czy wymieniać skiny. Często organizowane są również przeceny, podczas których ceny skinów są obniżane, zachęcając tym samym graczy do dokonywania zakupów. Dzięki takim promocjom można znaleźć atrakcyjne oferty i urozmaicić wygląd swojej postaci bez konieczności wydawania dużych kwot.
Warto pamiętać, że handel skinami może wiązać się z pewnymi ryzykami, dlatego zawsze należy korzystać z zaufanych platform oraz zachować ostrożność przy dokonywaniu transakcji. Ponadto, warto śledzić aktualne trendy na rynku skinów, aby wiedzieć, który skin warto zakupić jako inwestycję lub po prostu dla własnej przyjemności.
Podsumowując, rynek skinów i przeceny to ważny element dla wielu graczy, który pozwala na personalizację postaci oraz handel wirtualnymi przedmiotami. Z odpowiednią ostrożnością i wiedzą można znaleźć atrakcyjne okazje i cieszyć się unikalnymi skinami w ulubionej grze.
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grawpytania18 · 6 months
Jakie są najpopularniejsze strony do obstawiania meczów CS:GO w 2024 roku?
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Jakie są najpopularniejsze strony do obstawiania meczów CS:GO w 2024 roku?
W dzisiejszych czasach obstawianie wirtualnych rozgrywek, takich jak popularna gra Counter-Strike: Global Offensive (CS:GO), stało się niezwykle popularne. Osoby zainteresowane tym sportem elektronicznym często poszukują platform oferujących możliwość obstawiania meczów i turniejów CS:GO. Ranking stron do obstawiania CS:GO pełni więc istotną rolę w wyborze najlepszej platformy, która spełni oczekiwania graczy.
W celu znalezienia najbardziej odpowiedniej strony do obstawiania CS:GO warto zwrócić uwagę na kilka kluczowych kwestii. Przede wszystkim istotna jest reputacja i wiarygodność danej platformy. Interesując się rankingiem stron do obstawiania CS:GO można znaleźć informacje na temat opinii innych użytkowników oraz ocen ekspertów, co pomoże podjąć decyzję.
Kolejnym istotnym elementem jest oferta zakładów dotyczących CS:GO oraz dostępne bonusy i promocje dla nowych użytkowników. Dobrze jest wybrać stronę, która oferuje różnorodność zakładów na mecze CS:GO oraz atrakcyjne nagrody dla graczy.
Dodatkowo, warto zwrócić uwagę na bezpieczeństwo transakcji oraz obsługę klienta. Ranking stron do obstawiania CS:GO może zawierać informacje na temat szybkości wypłat, dostępnych metod płatności oraz jakości wsparcia technicznego.
Podsumowując, wybór odpowiedniej strony do obstawiania CS:GO może być kluczowy dla satysfakcji z tego rodzaju rozrywki. Dlatego korzystając z rankingów stron do obstawiania CS:GO, warto dokładnie przemyśleć wszystkie wspomniane aspekty, aby wybrać platformę najlepiej dopasowaną do osobistych preferencji i oczekiwań.
Zakłady na mecze CS:GO cieszą się coraz większą popularnością wśród fanów tego popularnego e-sportu. Ważne jest jednak, aby pamiętać o legalności i bezpieczeństwie takich zakładów.
Legalne zakłady na mecze CS:GO to takie, które są oferowane przez licencjonowane i legalne firmy bukmacherskie. Dzięki nim gracze mogą stawiać zakłady na wybrane rozgrywki bez obawy o oszustwa czy nielegalne praktyki. Tego rodzaju zakłady zapewniają uczciwe warunki gry oraz bezpieczne środowisko dla wszystkich graczy.
Aby wybierać legalne zakłady na mecze CS:GO, warto zwrócić uwagę na renomę oraz licencję danego bukmachera. Licencjonowani operatorzy gier hazardowych podlegają rygorystycznym przepisom prawnym, co zapewnia dodatkową ochronę dla graczy. Ponadto, legalne zakłady często oferują lepsze kursy oraz różnorodne bonusy dla swoich klientów.
Dla fanów CS:GO, legalne zakłady stanowią emocjonującą formę dodatkowej zabawy podczas śledzenia ulubionych turniejów i rozgrywek. Bezpieczeństwo oraz pewność co do uczciwości takich zakładów są kluczowe dla pozytywnego doświadczenia związanego z obstawianiem meczów CS:GO.
Podsumowując, legalne zakłady na mecze CS:GO to doskonała forma rozrywki dla pasjonatów e-sportu, zapewniająca uczciwe warunki gry oraz bezpieczeństwo transakcji. Warto zainwestować czas w wybór renomowanego bukmachera oferującego legalne zakłady, aby cieszyć się emocjonującym światem zakładów sportowych w świecie CS:GO.
Oto trzy najnowsze bonusy w obstawianiu meczów CS:GO, które warto sprawdzić:
Bonus powitalny: Wiele platform oferuje atrakcyjne bonusy powitalne dla nowych graczy obstawiających CS:GO. Zazwyczaj obejmuje on darmowe zakłady lub dodatkową gotówkę do wykorzystania na zakłady. Jest to doskonały sposób na rozpoczęcie swojej przygody z obstawianiem e-sportu.
Cashback: Niektóre serwisy bukmacherskie oferują cashback na przegrane zakłady. Oznacza to, że w przypadku nieudanej obstawionej rundy, otrzymasz częściowy zwrot postawionej kwoty. Jest to świetny sposób na zminimalizowanie strat podczas obstawiania meczów CS:GO.
Bonusy za lojalność: Dla stałych klientów serwisy bukmacherskie przygotowują specjalne bonusy za lojalność. Może to być program VIP, który pozwala zbierać punkty za aktywność na platformie i wymieniać je na dodatkowe nagrody, czy też ekskluzywne promocje dedykowane tylko dla najwierniejszych graczy.
Koniecznie sprawdź oferty bonusowe na różnych platformach obstawiania CS:GO, aby wybrać te najbardziej korzystne dla siebie. Pamiętaj jednak, że zawsze warto dokładnie zapoznać się z regulaminem promocji, aby uniknąć nieprzyjemnych niespodzianek. Życzymy powodzenia i dużych wygranych przy obstawianiu meczów CS:GO z wykorzystaniem najnowszych bonusów!
Istnieje wiele strategii, które można wykorzystać, aby zwiększyć swoje szanse na wygrywanie zakładów w popularnej grze CS:GO. Oto cztery skuteczne podejścia, które mogą pomóc osiągnąć sukces:
Analiza formy drużyn: Przed zawarciem zakładu warto przeanalizować formę obu drużyn biorących udział w meczu. Sprawdzenie ich ostatnich wyników, formy graczy, taktyk czy nawet składów może pomóc w podjęciu bardziej przemyślanej decyzji.
Obserwacja rynku zakładów: Monitoring zmian kursów oraz trendów w zakładach na CS:GO może dostarczyć cennych wskazówek dotyczących potencjalnych zysków. Ważne jest, aby być na bieżąco z informacjami i reagować na zmiany na rynku.
Wykorzystanie wiedzy o mapach: Każda mapa w CS:GO ma swoje specyficzne cechy i wymaga od drużyn różnych strategii. Znajomość preferencji i umiejętności poszczególnych drużyn na konkretnej mapie może wpłynąć korzystnie na decyzje dotyczące zakładów.
Korzystanie z analiz statystycznych: Dane statystyczne, takie jak średnie wyniki poszczególnych drużyn, skuteczność na poszczególnych mapach czy historia konfrontacji między nimi, mogą być użyteczne przy podejmowaniu decyzji zakładowych. Świadomość faktów może zwiększyć szanse na trafienie zakładu.
Pamiętaj, że zakłady w CS:GO, podobnie jak w innych dyscyplinach sportowych, wymagają analizy, strategii i przemyślanych decyzji. Dzięki odpowiedniemu podejściu i wykorzystaniu dostępnej wiedzy można zwiększyć swoje szanse na sukces w zakładach e-sportowych.
Na rynku zakładów na sporty elektroniczne, w tym na popularną grę CS:GO, istnieje wiele platform oferujących różnorodne kursy i możliwości obstawiania. Porównanie kursów na zakłady CS:GO ma kluczowe znaczenie dla graczy, którzy chcą maksymalizować swoje potencjalne wygrane. Istnieje wiele czynników, które należy wziąć pod uwagę podczas analizowania kursów oferowanych przez różne platformy.
Po pierwsze, ważne jest, aby zwrócić uwagę na różnice w kursach oferowanych na poszczególne wyniki meczów CS:GO. Niektóre platformy mogą oferować bardziej atrakcyjne kursy na zwycięstwo określonej drużyny, podczas gdy inne platformy mogą mieć lepsze kursy na konkretne typy zakładów, takie jak liczba rund czy najlepszy zawodnik danego meczu.
Po drugie, warto sprawdzić, czy dana platforma oferuje bonusy i promocje dla nowych oraz stałych graczy. Dodatkowe środki czy darmowe zakłady mogą znacząco zwiększyć potencjalne zyski z obstawiania.
Kolejnym istotnym aspektem jest reputacja i wiarygodność platformy oferującej zakłady na CS:GO. Wybierając miejsce do obstawiania, należy upewnić się, że platforma posiada odpowiednie licencje i cieszy się dobrą opinią wśród graczy.
Podsumowując, porównanie kursów na zakłady CS:GO może przynieść znaczne korzyści dla graczy, pomagając im wybrać najlepsze oferty i zwiększyć swoje szanse na wygrane. Warto poświęcić trochę czasu na analizę i wybór najbardziej opłacalnych opcji dostępnych na rynku.
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rosjavspolska · 6 months
Jakie są najpopularniejsze strategie obstawiania w grze CS:GO 1 na 5?
🎰🎲✨ Darmowe 2,250 złotych i 200 darmowych spinów kliknij! ✨🎲🎰
Jakie są najpopularniejsze strategie obstawiania w grze CS:GO 1 na 5?
Strategia Double Entry Frag jest jedną z najskuteczniejszych taktyk w grach taktycznych, które wymagają umiejętności strzeleckich oraz zdolności do szybkiego podejmowania decyzji. Idea tej strategii polega na tym, że gracze atakujący wchodzą jednocześnie do budynku lub pomieszczenia, eliminując wrogów z dwóch różnych kierunków, co pozwala im zaskoczyć przeciwników i zwiększać swoje szanse na sukces.
Aby skutecznie zastosować strategię Double Entry Frag, gracze muszą doskonale współpracować ze sobą, planować swoje ruchy i komunikować się w celu uniknięcia chaosu i przypadkowych strzałów. Ważne jest także wykorzystanie granatów błyskowych czy dymnych, aby dezorientować przeciwników i ułatwić sobie przejęcie kontroli nad sytuacją.
Osoby grające w gry taktyczne, takie jak CS:GO czy Rainbow Six Siege, powinny doskonale znać strategię Double Entry Frag i regularnie ją stosować podczas rozgrywek. Dzięki odpowiedniemu przeszkoleniu i praktyce będą w stanie przewidywać działania przeciwników oraz skutecznie reagować na zmieniające się warunki na mapie.
Warto podkreślić, że strategia Double Entry Frag nie jest łatwa do opanowania i wymaga dużej precyzji oraz skoordynowanych działań z resztą drużyny. Jednakże, gdy zostanie właściwie zastosowana, może przynieść imponujące rezultaty i przynieść zasłużone zwycięstwo.
Taktika 3-1-1 jest jedną z najbardziej skutecznych strategii w grach taktycznych. Ta konfiguracja polega na rozlokowaniu jednego gracza na pozycji rozgrywającego, dwóch napastników oraz jednego obrońcy. Dzięki temu ustawieniu zespołu, można skutecznie kontrolować środkową część pola gry oraz wywierać presję na przeciwniku.
Rozgrywający w Taktice 3-1-1 odgrywa kluczową rolę w budowaniu akcji ofensywnych i dyktowaniu tempa gry. Jego zadaniem jest kreatywne podawanie piłki do napastników oraz wspieranie obrońcy w zabezpieczaniu swojej połowy boiska. Napastnicy natomiast mają za zadanie atakować bramkę przeciwnika i strzelać gole, wykorzystując stworzone okazje.
Jeden obrońca w tej formacji odpowiada za zabezpieczenie linii obrony i przerywanie akcji przeciwnika. Musi być zdyscyplinowany i skoncentrowany, aby zapobiec groźnym kontratakach. W Taktice 3-1-1 ważne jest także zachowanie równowagi pomiędzy ofensywą a defensywą, aby zespół działał sprawnie i efektywnie.
Przy odpowiedniej współpracy i zrozumieniu ról każdego zawodnika, Taktika 3-1-1 może być niezwykle skutecznym narzędziem w osiąganiu zwycięstw w grach taktycznych. Kluczem do sukcesu jest odpowiednie zaplanowanie strategii, precyzyjna realizacja oraz umiejętność szybkiego reagowania na zmiany sytuacji na boisku. Taktyka ta wymaga współpracy, determinacji i umiejętności, ale może przynieść wiele satysfakcji i sukcesów drużynie stosującej ją z determinacją i zaangażowaniem.
Metoda Rush B to jedna z najpopularniejszych i skutecznych taktyk ataku w grze Counter-Strike: Global Offensive. Polega na szybkim i agresywnym natarciu na punkt B na mapie Dust II. Ta metoda jest często stosowana przez drużyny, które chcą zdobyć punkt kontrolny jak najszybciej i zaskoczyć przeciwników.
Pierwszym krokiem w metodzie Rush B jest szybkie zbieranie graczy na punkcie respawnu i wyposażenie ich w odpowiednią broń oraz granaty dymne i wybuchowe. Następnie gracze ruszają prosto w stronę punktu B, omijając ewentualne przeszkody i stając do walki z przeciwnikami.
Kluczowym elementem metody Rush B jest zachowanie szybkości i zaskoczenia. Drużyna musi działać sprawnie i szybko, aby zdominować teren przed przeciwnikami. Warto również korzystać z granatów dymnych, aby zaciemnić pole widzenia przeciwników i ułatwić sobie przejęcie kontroli nad punktem.
Metoda Rush B wymaga dobrej komunikacji i koordynacji w zespole. Gracze powinni wiedzieć, kiedy i jak atakować, aby uniknąć zbędnych strat i przegranej. Ćwiczenie tej taktyki może przynieść wiele korzyści dla drużyny, poprawiając jej umiejętności taktyczne i zgranie.
Podsumowując, metoda Rush B jest skuteczną taktyką ataku w grze Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, która może przynieść wiele sukcesów drużynie, jeśli jest odpowiednio stosowana i ćwiczona.
Sposób na ustawienie pewnej bombsites
Jeśli chcesz zwiększyć swoje szanse na zdobycie rundy w grze Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, kluczowe jest odpowiednie ustawienie bombsites. Jednym z istotnych aspektów taktyki w grze jest także odpowiednie pozycjonowanie swoich graczy, aby skutecznie bronić lub atakować bombsites. Dlatego warto poznać pewien sprawdzony sposób na ustawienie pewnej bombsites, który pomoże Ci osiągnąć lepsze wyniki w rozgrywce.
W pierwszej kolejności ważne jest, aby przeanalizować mapę i zrozumieć, jakie są najlepsze miejsca do ustawienia bombsites. Następnie należy odpowiednio rozmieścić swoich graczy wokół bombsites, aby maksymalnie wykorzystać ich umiejętności i zapewnić skuteczną obronę lub atak. Pamiętaj także o ustawieniu pułapek i innych elementów taktycznych, które mogą zaskoczyć przeciwników i dać Ci przewagę w walce.
Kolejnym ważnym elementem jest komunikacja między graczami. Upewnij się, że wszyscy mają jasne instrukcje i wiedzą, jak mają działać w danym momencie. Współpraca i synchronizacja działań są kluczowe dla sukcesu, dlatego działajcie wspólnie i radźcie sobie z trudnościami jako zespół.
Pamiętaj, że każda runda w grze jest inna, dlatego bądź elastyczny w podejmowaniu decyzji i szybko reaguj na zmieniające się sytuacje. Praktyka czyni mistrza, dlatego regularne treningi i doskonalenie swoich umiejętności są niezbędne, aby stać się lepszym graczem w Counter-Strike: Global Offensive.
Dzięki powyższym wskazówkom oraz solidnej strategii, będziesz bardziej gotowy na wyzwania, jakie stawia przed Tobą gra. Życzę powodzenia i sukcesów na polu walki!
Taktyka na opanowanie mapy Cache jest istotnym elementem sukcesu w grze Counter-Strike: Global Offensive. Mapa ta jest jedną z najpopularniejszych w świecie e-sportu i wymaga od graczy strategicznego myślenia oraz doskonałej komunikacji z drużyną. Aby efektywnie opanować mapę Cache, należy przestrzegać kilku kluczowych taktyk.
Po pierwsze, ważne jest kontrolowanie obszarów takich jak bombsite A i B oraz mid. Dobra znajomość tych lokalizacji oraz umiejętność szybkiego reagowania na przeciwnika może znacząco zwiększyć szanse na zwycięstwo. Wsparcie drużyny i efektywna komunikacja są kluczowe podczas atakowania lub obrony poszczególnych obszarów.
Po drugie, rotacje są kluczowym elementem taktyki na mapie Cache. Sprawne przechodzenie z jednego bombsite na drugi lub zmiana pozycji podczas obrony może zaskoczyć przeciwnika i zapewnić przewagę. Ważne jest, aby zawsze być przygotowanym na szybkie zmiany sytuacji i reagować zgodnie z planem działania.
Po trzecie, umiejętne wykorzystanie granatów i flashbangów może znacząco ułatwić opanowanie mapy Cache. Poprawne rzuty granatami mogą zatrzymać atak przeciwnika lub wyeliminować go z ważnego obszaru, otwierając drogę do sukcesu.
Podsumowując, opanowanie mapy Cache wymaga doskonałej znajomości taktyk, współpracy z drużyną oraz umiejętności szybkiego przystosowywania się do zmieniającej się sytuacji. Dzięki ścisłemu przestrzeganiu tych wskazówek, gracze mogą zwiększyć swoje szanse na zwycięstwo i osiągnąć sukces w Counter-Strike: Global Offensive.
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choco-bloop · 6 months
Ranking all of the floor 6 bosses from Silent Hope
Spoilers for the game under the cut
Farmer / Geomancer
Who let her have healing on her BASE FORM skill and then HOMING PROJECTILES in her 2nd form????
Blessed RNG on healing rolls and bam easiest fight I ever had to do
2. Fighter / Destroyer
Tbf I think part of this is cuz of how familiar I am with Fighter's over skill set. That and grapple counters the ring skill easily
3. Traveler / Drifter
Scummiest move with Air Cutter. The only one that actually went through the cover (which wasn't helped by the fact that I fought Sharpshooter prior to this and was under the assumption the covers blocked everything). ofc once I recognised the skill charge up it was easier to dodge at the very least
But nonetheless p easy cuz Traveler's base damage is p high with his skills
4. Caster / Summoner
As much as I struggle with his kit, somehow his fight went really easy? I blame his barrier skill for giving temporary invincibility. + his skills are surprisingly easy to dodge
Also im just going to say the shock when i realised "Shadow familiars" is the other members was insane I took quite a while to process that.
5. Warrior / Berserker
Pinwheel helps a lot in this fight, as long as you avoid her stuns. + Warrior's naturally high HP helps a lot, the 2k+ health really works in your favour to combat the stuns that Berserker likes to pull on you
But yk what was harder? Trying to get to the boss fight because i died TWICE before even fighting the boss. (once to my own stupidity and another to like the scummiest stun lock I've ever seen. and I almost died AGAIN to the shock status effect)
6. Rogue / Ninja
I'd probably say, the dancing blades was the hardest part about the fight since it means i cant use any of my close range moves as well.
That and ring of daggers increasing the amt of damage I take (with rogue being on the squishier side of the characters). But not as bad as some others thankfully cuz Sneak Strike is insane
7. Archer / Sharpshooter
His was SO HARD. Mostly because my Archer has like 800 HP and one skill from the boss takes HALF of his HP. I died on my first attempt because of how hard it was.
Thank god for Bomb Rain and the covers my entire strat was just to circle around them until bomb rain killed the boss. And bomb rain isn't the strongest so YEAH...
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44gamez · 9 months
5 Useful Inferno Smoke Line-Ups For Counter Strike 2
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Listed below are 5 helpful Inferno smoke line-ups for Counter Strike 2 Because the 2023 season of CS ends, we're slowly enhancing the ever-growing library of line-ups for Counter Strike 2. With main occasions like BLAST Premier: World Closing and IEM Sydney 2023, gamers have improved the strategic and utility-based facets of the sport. Upgraded and extra environment friendly line-ups paired with a greater understanding of the brand new mechanics of CS2 have affected the utility in any respect ranges of the sport. With that in thoughts, we’re trying ahead to the longer term for much more efficient and structured methods. So let's check out our checklist of 5 helpful smoke line-ups on Inferno for Counter-Strike 2. Be sure you additionally take a look at our article on efficient CT-side strats on Inferno for CS2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b9ldhhB5dPc
5 Helpful Inferno Smoke Line-ups for Counter Strike 2
Inferno is a really utility-dependent map to seek out success. There may be nice emphasis on coordinating the map with crew play and gadgets like smokes and Molotovs to filter out angles and take management of areas. You will need to even be proactive throughout a recreation in Inferno, this enables your opponents to be hesitant and disallow them from taking management of positions simply. Prime Mid to Moto Moto is the world between the Library and the A-Website. It's the area it's important to cross to get to the location. Apart from that, it permits gamers from the Library to battle gamers inside the location via very lengthy angles. This may be very harmful for anybody within the A-Website, particularly if the opponent has an AWP.
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So smoking off this space is essential to soundly enter the A-Website. It not solely stops anybody from Lengthy and Library from discovering picks on gamers on the location but in addition isolates anybody inside from any help. So it makes taking the A-Website that rather more simpler. In addition to anybody may lurk contained in the smoke and have a flash thrown on the opposite aspect to push the gamers ready for the smoke to dissipate. This may purchase extra time and delay the retake for the CT-side. Any type of supporting utility like nades and Molotovs behind the smoke can also be helpful. Even a late lurk in direction of lengthy to try to select any unsuspecting gamers ready for his or her retake alternative can also be doable. The purpose is, that this smoke offers a variety of choices and methods gamers can play off of. Underneath Flats to A-Lengthy Coming into the Prime Mid space earlier than heading to A will be fairly troublesome. Since there are two sides to clear on two sides, it is fairly arduous to cowl each avenues without delay even with teammates. On high of that, there are hiding spots on either side, inside Boiler and Lengthy Cubby.
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Read the full article
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thetoxicgamer · 1 year
Saving strats for IEM Sydney: How aliStair and Grayhound are preparing for a homecoming blitz
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sixteen days out of one thousand two hundred and eighty. It has been that long since an Australian core team has advanced past the group stage of an S-Tier international Counter-Strike competition. The days of an AZR-led 100 Thieves destroying the IEM Katowice stage are long gone. Australia's best chance at international success right now is Grayhound Gaming, although their calendar year has disappointed many supporters. Imagine if they break that playoffs duck, of all places, in their own backyard. After nearly four years, Australia will taste top-tier CS once more as IEM Sydney returns this October. Sixteen of the world’s best will descend on the New South Wales capital for a bumper prize pool and in front of the best audience in esports (no bias here, whatsoever). https://twitter.com/IEM/status/1671043955918528515 To Alistair Johnston, the rumors of IEM’s return down under had swirled for a long time, and he could barely keep his excitement when talking to Dot Esports. “We kind of been hearing words about it for like, nearly a year,” aliStair reveals, positively wrapped the tournament is making its long-awaited return. To the surprise of few, aliStair noted the raucous atmosphere and how the entire Oceanic scene just glows when given a chance to witness premium CS at home. “IEM Sydney is so nostalgic, it was where Josh and I really started off our careers and it’s just an amazing environment.” The COVID-19 pandemic canceled the tournament’s initial move to Melbourne in 2020, and since then Aussies have been teased with events like ESL Challenger in 2022 and 2023—both of which saw large crowds in their own right. But aliStair hopes those events will pale in size and scale to IEM Sydney at the Aware Super Theatre. “It brings the whole Australian CS community into one place; even if you’re not at the event, people are going out together afterward to catch up. It’s so good.” Alistair graced IEM Sydney twice as a player; first for The Chiefs in 2017, then with Order a year later, pushing an American Cloud9 roster to the limit in the group stage lower bracket. Alongside current teammates Jay “Liazz” Tregillgas and Simon “Sico” Williams, aliStair fell short of taking to the Sydney stage, but he and Grayhound are out to rep the home crowd in the arena this time. They did so in late April this year at DreamHack Melbourne. Even at 9am in the morning—far from “gamer hours”—the Aussie crowd was there to back GH home against Bad News Eagles. “I just love the Aussie culture and the move it’s made into esports,” aliStair reminisces, pointing out in particular how amazing it was to bring friends and family into their world. These events are far and few between for the scene, which were on the rise prior to 2020’s COVID shutdown. Motivation was at an all-time high and the scene held an abundance of cash-strapped organizations willing to get in the action. Without these events, as well as an economic turn away from esports in the region, Oceanic CS fell hard. IEM Sydney could be the catalyst to spark a revival. AliStair in particular would love to see these big-name orgs return to give the region’s best and brightest a chance to make esports a living. In the process, it would improve aliStair and GH’s experience at home, which has become stale of late. “Scrimming and practicing is really shit because there’s no funding for these teams and players to spend their time on,” aliStair explains. “It hurts us because we don’t want to scrim at home, we end up practicing against the same teams over and over—it becomes pointless.” First Vox, now Grayhound: The regression to the mean Let’s wind the clock back to 2015. Veterans of the scene know full well the dominance Vox Eminor held over the Oceanic region. Team Immunity nipped at the heels of the Chad “SPUNJ” Burchill-led outfit but couldn’t quite get above them consistently enough. It’s easy to draw parallels to the stranglehold GH has over Oceania today. Outside of a shock loss to Vertex at the Fortress OCE Masters and a smattering of smaller events, Grayhound have won every single OCE tournament or qualifier they’ve attended—well over two dozen trophies and qualifier wins in three years. The major difference between the two cases, aliStair believes, is the opportunities and pathways the scene can afford today, even in its currently weak state. “It felt for us it wasn’t about being No. 1, it was just about landing these international opportunities regularly and making it to these events,” aliStair says. https://twitter.com/grayhoundgaming/status/1587286703949189127 While it’s hard to pass up the resources on offer to GH for making the Major, aliStair acknowledges the pathways to overseas competition are there for the taking if teams are hungry for it, but admits to doing so without organizational backing is incredibly difficult—something he hopes the boost from IEM Sydney will remedy. “I’d hope to see some familiar organizations to step back in and pick up a team,” aliStair says. “Just landing that one international opportunity and exposure and breaking out that way is a huge start.” And if it isn’t orgs stepping up to cover the gap, it’s the grassroots scene. Smaller scale offerings such as BrisVegas, a tournament local to Queensland’s capital city, are replacing the big leagues and are more than making up for it with a professional broadcast and a competitive atmosphere. These grassroots events not only allow players another outlet to showcase their skills but also a chance for those unable to compete to develop their skills in the industry. “A closer top five to top eight teams makes the scene so much healthier, and grassroots events like BrisVegas bring a lot to the scene,” aliStair says, pointing out that players, including Grayhound captain Josh “INS” Potter, even fly interstate just to play offline CS. “There are even teams playing together at these events and using them as prep for the rest of the season. Stuff like that goes a long way and I don’t think people realize how important it is for the health of the scene. To qualify for something on LAN in Australia is so much fun.” What would it take for GH to grace the Sydney stage? 2023 hasn’t been kind to Grayhound. The squad has struggled to leave its mark in tournaments outside of the Major: The Doggies have won just three series over five events attended. Even at the BLAST Paris Major, despite coming closer than ever, the squad couldn’t crack the Legends Stage. Their follow-ups in Cologne and Malta really didn’t land either, even despite returning from the player break more relaxed than ever before, aliStair says. The global CS calendar cares little for Oceania, often scheduling events during Grayhound’s downtime. “Usually Australia gets disrespected a little bit when it comes to the calendar and we normally end up having to play some qualifier or tourney right at the start or end of the player break,” aliStair explains, adding that the roster made assurances not to go near a computer so they could totally reset. Alistair, playing for Grayhound Gaming, sits at a PC at ESL Pro League Season 18 playing CS:GOTime for the ‘Hounds to rise up. Photo by Helena Kristiansson via ESL GamingThe reset also came with a change in the back office. Coach David “Kingfisher” Kingsford departed the roster at the beginning of 2023 and, without a replacement, the team has had to step up collectively to match his work rate. “We’re putting in a lot more work now, especially without David. It felt like with him, he did a lot of stuff for us,” aliStair says, adding that while the departure of their coach hit the team hard, there are positives. “It’s been a little healthier not having him around as it’s forcing everyone to be putting in more work.” A lack of coach was a point of discussion at ESL Pro League last week where, at critical times during their ill-fated group stage run, the ‘Hounds lacked the poise to take a timeout and discuss the game state with a sixth man. For their final match against FURIA, the squad was even given a mannequin in a Grayhound jersey to “sit” behind the team. Naturally, the mannequin didn’t help. Also not helping—GH’s lack of participation in tier two and three events during their European bootcamps. This, however, isn’t for a lack of trying, as aliStair reveals. Grayhound had reached out to many tournament organizers hoping to secure an online event spot to get their reps in before IEM Cologne and ESL Pro League. Alas, they weren’t able to secure anything. “We’re always open for those events because I think they’re really good experiences to be playing, even if they’re online,” aliStair says. “We were keeping our heads out and actively reaching out looking for an event, but we never really got anything back. Then we started seeing these events were going ahead and playing and it was sad because that definitely would have helped us to get some game time, just to get ourselves ready to take on the big teams.” In their current state, Grayhound would really struggle to survive what will be a brutal Sydney group stage against the world’s best. With the likes of FaZe Clan, Vitality, and NAVI all invited and attending, GH’s road is tough, to say the least. But between the jetlag for these top, the ample time ahead of the event to practice, and the home-ground advantage, aliStair is confident he and the ‘Hounds have what it takes to repeat their DreamHack Melbourne antics and make it to the Aware Super Theatre stage. Alongside Justin “jks” Savage at G2 and Chris “dexter” Nong at Fnatic, as well as fellow OCE qualifiers Vertex, there will be plenty flying the flag, and aliStair is keen to see OCE esports thrive at IEM. “Everyone kind of takes the piss out of every team but it’s all harmless,” he says. “Everyone’s having a beer and having fun—it feels like a lot of good humor and messing around.” His final words on the topic? “Get rowdy for IEM Sydney, hope to see you there—and shout us a beer.” You bet, mate. Forty sleeps to go: IEM Sydney is slated to begin Oct. 16. Read the full article
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snvxiii · 1 year
Estelle’s starting Paradigm roles would be Synergist, Commando, and Medic. She’d be a guest member with a selfish AI.
Until Chapter 11, she’ll only heal and buff herself with Haste/Bravery/Faith.
She will never coordinate with your party to attack a single target (i.e. you can’t bring a party full of Ravagers and expect her to attack the same target; she’ll always target another enemy unless there’s only one).
She becomes a full party member after Oerba. To make up for being an AI member (and jackass) for the, practically, entire game; she’ll have access to one extra role to reference that she’s been a l’Cie longer than the others. Player’s choice.
Stat-wise, she’s built to be a glass cannon. Low HP, but a good split between ATK/MAG.
As a Commando, she gets access to most of the role’s skills, except Blitz and Ruinga. Estelle is bad in group combat.
As a Ravager, she’ll have access up to the -Ra spells and sticks to ranged -Strike attacks. Weirdly, her AI does not move closer to the enemy in this role. Her skill animations will push her back until a certain point on the field.
As a Sentinel, she becomes an evade counter tank. One of her weapons will cut her HP by 40%, but allows her to Evade magic attacks and increases her ATB recharge rate by 20%.
As a Medic, she has access to Curasa at base and can learn Curaga soon after. She is a very developed Medic.
As a Synergist, she has base access to the -Ra versions of Faith and Brave, as well as Haste. She gains Protectra and Shellra late in the Crystarium. Despite insisting they’re not friends, she’s very good at buffing her friends.
As a Saboteur, she gets access to the basic single-target spells in Poison, Deprotect, Deshell, Pain, and Dispel.
Weapons-wise, aside from the one mentioned, she has one that buffs the duration of her buffs; one with increased healing; and one that has a chance to inflict a random debuff (from her own list) whenever she attacks.
Her element would be Dark.
Her crystal shape is a star.
One of her voice lines would be telling you to get on your knees.
In XIII-2, her monster role would be Synergist. You can get her crystal after her boss fight. Serah can throw Mog at her and, oops, crystal!
Her Eidolon is a snake, because I like snakes. 🐍 To defeat it, she has to buff and heal everyone. Her Eidolon will cast Dispel and various debuffs throughout the battle. The other two party members are Snow and Serah. Strat is to have Snow defend, while Serah acts as Sab/Rav, and Estelle focuses on buffs/heals.
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waywardcamel · 2 years
Csgo callouts dust 2
Counter-Strike: Global Offensive (CSGO) is one of the most popular first-person shooter games. With millions of players around the world, it’s no surprise that the game has become so popular. One of the reasons why CSGO is so fun to play is because of its maps. There are several different maps in the game, but none as iconic as Dust 2. This map has been a classic since its introduction in 2001 and is still played by many people today. But what makes Dust 2 so special? The answer lies in its callouts. In this blog post, we will take a look at some of the common callouts used on Dust 2 and how they can help you become a better player.
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What is the map dust 2?
Dust 2 is a map in the Counter-Strike series that is widely considered to be one of the most balanced and iconic maps in the game. It is a symmetrical map with long lines of sight and small choke points, making it perfect for both attacking and defending. Dust 2 has been featured in every Counter-Strike game since its release, and has been played in nearly every professional match.
What are callouts?
In Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, a callout is a specific location on the map that has been given a unique name. Callouts are used to help players communicate with each other during matches and can be particularly useful when calling for strats or giving directions. The most common callouts are for specific sites, such as A site or B site, but there are also many others for key locations such as dropdowns, chicken coops, and catwalks. Knowing the callouts for a map can give you a significant advantage over your opponents.
The different types of callouts
There are three different types of callouts in Counter-Strike: Global Offensive. The first type is the most basic and simply tells your team where an enemy is located. The second type gives more information about the enemy, such as what weapon they are using or how many there are. The third type is a special callout that can be used to warn your team about something specific, like a grenade being thrown.
How to use callouts
In order to use callouts effectively in Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, you need to first understand what they are and how they work. Callouts are simply a way of referring to specific areas on the map, usually by using abbreviations or acronyms. For example, “B Site” is a common callout for the bombsite located at the bottom of the map de_dust2.
This system of calling out locations is important because it allows players to communicate quickly and efficiently without having to describe the location in detail. It also helps everyone to be on the same page, especially when things are happening fast.
There are many different callouts for each map, and some maps have more callouts than others. The most important thing is to learn the most common and basic callouts for each map so that you can at least be understood when communicating with your team. From there, you can learn more specific callouts as needed.
Here is a list of some common CS:GO callouts:
• A Site – The bombsite located at the top of the map de_dust2.
• B Site – The bombsite located at the bottom of the map de_dust2.
• CT Spawn – The Counter-Terrorist spawn point on any given map.
• T Spawn – The Terrorist spawn point on any given map.
Dust 2 is one of the most popular maps in CS:GO, and its callouts are essential to mastering it. Knowing these callouts will give your team an edge when playing on Dust 2, as you can quickly and accurately communicate where enemies are or where a push should happen. There’s no need to memorize all the locations but brushing up on them from time to time won’t hurt either! Have fun experimenting with different strategies on this iconic map!
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sorashiro001 · 4 years
BlueShift's Stream from Other Side of The Screen
POV you are a bored Twitch streamer and decided to scroll through your recommendation stream page on Twitch. 
A Freemanverse Casual-Competitive Gaming AU Oneshot.
You are bored. Not much of your favourite streamers were going live in Twitch and you need your daily entertainment. Sleeping is futile, so you decided to check on your recommendation list. One of the recommended streams caught your eyes immediately with their title.
  Day 1 of attempting to stream peacefully (VetExpert asleep, STFU)
BlueShift (5k viewers)
You remembered BlueShift, he was one of the top 20 AWPer in CSGO and one of the top pro players in NA Region. He then retired from the game to become a streamer after getting benched and replaced by his old teammate but quickly getting another attention when he showed up again in the pro-league scene, this time in R6S. Many of his fans weren't happy with his decision to ditch his old stage, but it was a refreshing starting point for some of his older fans.
Another name in the title also one of the reasons the stream caught your eyes.
VetExpert? That name echoed through your memories, reopening some of them. You remembered how enthusiastic your gaming friends were when you asked them about that name. Apparently, the username belongs to a prodigy at FPS games, from the first Counter-Strike and Call of Duty franchise to their latest ones, pulling out one-tap shots and out-of-box strats. The man also rumoured to be a genius in his academic days, getting his PhD at a very young age in MIT, yet you're confused why he threw his potential away and turned into a pro player instead.
You quickly shook those thoughts out and clicked on the stream, oblivious to the chaos awaiting behind the screen.
"Dagnabit, their Ash is blind as hell."  The familiar southern accented voice filled your ears as you watched the man, currently playing as Smoke, throwing his gas canisters to Bank Garage in Basement and watched as the yellow toxic gas filling up the area widely. Seconds later, Blue got three confirmed kills with his gas. "Poor whoever those two followin' that dumbass."
You could hear a crackling noise from the game's voice chat, this time it's from his squadmate; Hawkeye01.BMesa.  "TOUCH THE FINAL TWO AND YOU ALL DEAD TO ME!!!"
 Damn, he's one loudmouth fella-
And just like that, 4th round finally ended with the final two headshot kills and the game ended in Blue's team victory. You caught a glimpse of the last killcam and stared in awe as Hawk obliterated those last two attackers with Vigil's double-barrel BOSG shotgun in just two headshots. The voice chat erupted in cheers of disbelief or simply laughed along, while Blue chuckled in amusement and Hawk grunted in satisfaction. In the end, Hawk's Vigil stood up in the middle of his team victory screen as the MVP. Blue flashed the scoreboard, and you felt your jaw dropped.
Hawkeye01.BMesa got 17 kills and 0 death, followed by BlueShift.BMesa 3 kills and a single death.
This man got at least 2 aces in the match.
Holy shit, what kind of monster is Hawk-
Even before you finished your thought, a medium brunette-haired man barged into Blue's room and quickly threw himself into the streamer, knocking him out from the chair and let out a pained groan. The screen then shifted from the game's home screen to a full view of his room. The room's size isn't too big nor small, a Black Mesa esports jersey is hanged on the wall right behind him along with posters of his old CSGO team members and a single bed with a blue-orange sheet cover. On top of it, however, you could see another brunette, this time with short messy hair, was sleeping peacefully while wrapping his body in a puffy orange lambda-symbol blanket despite the chaos happening in there. A pair of black square-framed glasses sat on the nightstand beside the bed. You guessed he's VetExpert from the stream title alone.
"Ross, I'm still streamin' here-"  His panicky voice was interrupted by the brunette man's oddly-familiar hysterical laughter. The brunette man stood up tall and fixed his glasses' position, looming over the southern streamer while smirking, full of his ego.
"Who cares?! I beat your highest kills!!!" The man cackled out loud, his rattail-tied brunette hair swayed as he grabbed a beanbag chair and threw it on him.   "You fuckers finally witness my fucking pure fragging skills, unlike those cowards at last time major."
What does this man mean by- oh.
 He's talking about those 17 kills.
 He's that fucker Hawkeye01.
You quickly check the stream chat and witnessing a chaotic clash between two sides. There are the ones that spamming PogChamp and Popcorn emoji, and the others spamming random copypastas to "Ward off Ross' shitshow", while you and (maybe) a handful of people could only type "???" on it. There even Bits spams and multiple donation notifs with its TTS mostly consisting from "Ross get the fuck out, I'm playing Minecraft!" to "GORDOS YOUR BOYFRIEND GOT ATTACKED BY A FUCKING FIEND WAKE UP!"
 ...Wait, who's Gordos?
As if on cue, the short brunette haired man sat upright, rubbing his eyes while yawning widely, and effectively stop the current chaos somehow. Those two froze in their place, eyes staring at the short-haired brunette as he also staring back at them. The freshly-woke up Vet blinked twice before signing something, he points at them and formed his hand to make ASL fingerspelling of O and K with added confused expression. Both men went silent for a moment, then nodded in sync. It seemed to please the sleepy man because he went back to burying himself again inside his puffy blanket. The room went deadly silent, only sound of Blue's CPU fan could be heard.
You thought it was over, but you were wrong. Badly wrong.
From the background, you heard a loud fire alarm noise accompanied by panic screeching and angry screaming, sending both men scrambling out from the room. Between those muffled panic screams from outside the room, you saw another brunette, this time he's way bigger than other brunette men, busting down the door, grabbed Vet out from the bed with his blanket, then put him on his shoulder like a sack and ran out again. White-grayish smokes slowly seeping in through the door and filling the bedroom, successfully getting on your nerve. You quickly opened the chat again and found another two separate sides, this time in betting who's the one cooking and causing the fire (most of the name in the bets were either Dean and Antoine-whoever, you didn't know about them much) and some of them mentioned that they'd called the team's "Administrator" (or as the chat typed; @min. that's one strange username, you thought). As the smoke was getting thicker, you decided to spent your own Bits for the TTS to gain the chaotic chat's attention.
[privatepolar] is giving Bits x500: "WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON SOMEONE PLEASE EXPLAIN PLEASE???"
The chat slowly sent fewer messages after that TTS message, saved for the bets and small amount of copypastas, but somehow it raised a red flag inside your brain.
What comes next almost short-circuited your brain cells.
[OwOGamer] is giving Bits x10: "Bet u r a newcomer to this stream. Don't worry dis 1 is milder."
[helpmeimdying] is giving Bits x50: "Yo should we tell them about how gordos obliterated ross with a crowbar?"
[Ashe.R6] is giving Bits x100: "nah lets go with wayne chase tf out of dean for cussing in front of joshie (1/2)"
Oh, this one isn't sound too bad- wait why it's got split into two parts-
[Ashe.R6] is giving Bits x100: "then john tackled wayne to ground along w/ barney and antoine sandwiched them all (2/2)"
...You could feel your sanity slowly draining out the longer you listen to Bits TTS' robotic voice as if to mock you for being the only sane one here. You silently begging to whatever the ones that took your sanity away for a peaceful death.
The last thing you heard in the background was a sound of the fire department's siren as the stream came to a sudden stop.
The next day, you subscribed to his Twitch channel.
Screw your sanity, you wanted to see more of the mayhem behind BlueShift's stream.
You lightly chuckled to yourself.
You've become the very thing you'd feared, and you don't regret it at all.
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crystalelemental · 2 years
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I’ve decided that Kris should get Noctowl.  It’s such a cool bird, and it’s an owl that symbolizes wisdom which is her thing, and now I need this.
I opted for a Lodge unit, because I can’t imagine Noctowl gets prominence enough to be a special costume thing, and she just got another generic costume with Jolteon, so I guess it’s Lodge.  Which means I have to hold back, while still making it useful.  I can do that.  I’m good at balance.
So I gave her Hypnosis.  If literally nothing else, sleep strats to counter Bulu and Azelf reliably.  In tandem with this, I wanted to introduce something goofy to it.  So we’re going to bring in Dream Eater.  This is not a good move.  But it’s an attempt.  The main issue is that sleep is so short-lived that it effectively can’t accomplish anything.  It’s why I don’t like multipliers that are based on the foe being asleep; no one stays asleep.  So I tried to split the difference, by having pretty bad BP for a 3-bar move generally with generic 10% healing, but if the foe is asleep it’s doubled power and healing.  This absolutely requires the foe being asleep due to an ally’s move.  I specifically thought about Melony, who has Sing, but also whose trainer move supplies the missing crit rate that Kris needs.  She’s able to fix her special attack and accuracy issues, with a bit of speed boosting if it’s rainy, but legitimately I wonder if that’s not too much and speed shouldn’t be locked to Fast Track on grid.  Too late now, I’m keeping it.  It should be fine.  Setting Rain means having an ally that does it, or waiting to boost until after first sync, which isn’t great.
The main damage dealing focus is on Hurricane.  Full disclosure: I like that Kris got Jolteon.  I think the connection of Water/Electric gives her team this cool storm-focused vibe, and I think Hurricane Noctowl fits that really well.  In particular, it benefits from having Rain set, and gets a passive to set Rain.  I couldn’t justify Rain Caller.  It felt like too much, even if it’s what I want.  But after that first sync, she can throw out Hurricane just fine, and gets Aggravation 1.  I’d add another on grid, confuse rate should be high, it’s not that good a status.  I included Foul Fighting 3, avoiding rank 5 because it’s a Lodge unit and I didn’t expect them to allow that to be good.  So instead, rank 5.  This is the core of her damage.  I also want Mind Boggler 4 on grid.  It’s a minor debuff to special defense at a 50/50 rate, but like...is that too much for a lodge unit?  It’s hard to tell.
My goal should hopefully be clear.  I want a decent damage dealer for Flying, with a nice sleep effect.  Her limitation is being slow outside of Rain teams where she’s a decent speed support, but having high-gauge moves.  Sleep chaining also demands high gauge production, which Kris wouldn’t necessarily match.  She also needs to pick between Crit Strike 2 for damage, or Troublemaker for Hypnosis, meaning her attacks should hit weaker than Winona, who has a better lucky skill and better multipliers.  But I think it would be fun.  And I think that, with the upcoming introduction of “You can use the same unit with multiple Pokemon,” this is a fun option to combine SS Kris, Eevee Kris, and Lodge Kris into a team that all benefit from rain and the special attack focus.
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jones-friend · 5 years
Legendary Commentary: Dimir
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Its Bastard Time.
The dimir are specialists in the long game. By building your opponent’s graveyard (and sometimes yours) your effects become more potent. Dimir are also excellent at emptying out your opponent’s options before they even draw them. Lets take a look.
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If you haven’t heard of Lantern Control, the idea is you use Lantern of Insight to monitor the top card of your opponent’s deck. You then manipulate the top of their deck from drawing anything useful. Circu enables that, and facilitates a more controlling mill deck. There’s a few effects that reveal the top card of every player’s library, and he offers a more surgically precise mill strategy. The goal is to mill, your commander stops specific threats from surfacing. Circu helps establish dimir as a colorset that mills and manipulates.
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YUP THAT IS A LOT OF MANA. Continuing the trend of high cost legendaries is Szadek. While dimir doesn’t really do counters, the mill instead of damage can get out of hand as Szadek doubles P/T every turn. Your mill engine runs with Szadek assisting.
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Oh ho ho ho HOOOOOO. Lazav is far and away my FAVORITE option for mill. Hexproof keeps opponents from casually removing your commander until you can make it a threat. Even when he’s a threat he STILL has hexproof. What makes Lazav fair is he’s only as powerful as the bomb cards your opponents run. If they’re running synergy he’ll be less effective. I had a turn 4 Ulamog 1.0 because the Mayael deck ran every expensive 5 power creature and my mill kept Oath of Druids from tossing it out that turn. Even cooler, sacrifice and discard trigger Lazav too making for interesting builds with Lore Broker group loot or Inevitable End optional sacrifice. If you haven’t tried him out I super recommend it. Lazav 1.0 doesn’t enable more mill, but gains free value for milling.
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Then we have Mirko Vosk, the mana friendly Szadek. Mill took on this “mill until you hit X lands” mechanic I felt appropriately bolstered the power of mill. Where mill 3 cards is different standard to EDH, mill 3 lands is more equal format to format. Mind Funeral on combat damage is really nice. To make Mirko do more all you need to do is add double strike. Trepanation Blade is also a good mill on attack trigger to throw in. Lord of the Void fits in with this offensive Dimir Aggressive Mill build, as does Nemesis of Reason. Then you can add combos like Undead Alchemist + Altar of the Brood and Guiltfeeder + Mindcrank for aggressive value. Wash them with mill.
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And here we have the inverse, Lazav 1.0. You REALLY feel the lack of hexproof here. There also becomes a shift from milling others to milling yourself for value with Surveil. What makes this Lazav have an edge is the instant speed shifts. Black and blue have a lot of good instant speed options: Phyrexian Obliterator, Fog Bank, Sphinx Ambassador, Sheoldred, you want non-ETB effects, combat tricks encouraged. Just have that extra mana ready with Thran Dynamo and such.
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Etrata is.. a rough commander. Interesting, but rough. We want to one shot people in this strat, so Strionic Resonator lets us hit two combat triggers as double strike won’t finish resolving. Then to recur Etrata we want tutors. Some kind of rogue based deck would provide the necessary combat support. Blind Zealot, Blighted Agent, deadly combat effects that are slippery and hard to prevent causing lethal combat triggers.
That wraps up Dimir commanders, I’d love to hear your thoughts on these. Safe planeswalking.
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concubine-mamas · 6 years
FE Heroes - Mamas and co. stat update
So I’ve been doing quite a bit of Heroes stuff myself lately, and I came across an older post featuring Heroes stats for Katerina, Ione, Livilla and Ikona. Since FEH has greatly evolved since that post, I thought applying some updates would be cool. Let’s get right to it!
Katerina - Shield of Nohr (5★) “First Queen of Nohr, and Garon’s first wife. Said to be a goddess of battle.” = Type: Green Axe Mov: Cavalry Weapon: Bölverk - 16 Mt. Grants Spd +3. Deals +10 damage when Special triggers. After combat, if Special triggered during combat, deals (inflicted damage/3) damage to foes within 2 spaces of target. Stats: 42 HP / 34 Atk / 30 Spd / 35 Def / 16- Res = BST 156-157 Assist: Harsh Command Special: Ignis A-Passive: Brazen Spd/Def 3 B-Passive: Axebreaker 3 C-Passive: Def Tactic 3
I’ve tried to differentiate Katerina from Walhart in terms of usage. Her overall kit makes her noticeably speedier than Walhart, potentially reaching similar Speed to Spring Alfonse, and Bölverk lets her rack up some AoE damage as well. Might be fun when combined with an AoE Special. Of course, she reaches her full potential on cavalry-oriented teams.
Ione - Stoic Sorceress (5★) “Camilla’s mother and concubine to Garon. As solemn as she is beautiful.” = Type: Blue Tome Mov: Infantry Weapon: Poltergeist - 14 Mt. Grants Atk +3. At start of turn, inflicts Def/Spd -4 on foes in cardinal directions with Res < unit’s Res through their next actions. Stats: 35 HP / 34 Atk / 19 Spd / 26- Def / 38+ Res = BST 150-152 Special: Glacies A-Passive: Distant Defense 3 B-Passive: Quick Riposte 3 C-Passive: Atk Ploy 3
Ione’s job is to ploy things, be it for herself or for others to then slay the opposition. Just like hexes, ploys are a nuisance to deal with, and Ione’s massive Res makes sure she’ll almost always get her ploys off. Poltergeist further drives her function home, allowing her to quad-ploy similarly to Arvis and Saias, just with different stats. Of course, you want a Res Ploy seal on her for that.
Theodora - Sly Strategist (4-5★) “Leo’s mother and strategist for Garon. Easily beguiles and manipulates others.” = Type: Colorless Staff Mov: Cavalry Weapon: Panic+ Stats: 34 HP / 30+ Atk / 34 Spd / 20 Def / 27- Res = BST 144-146 Assist: Rehabilitate Special: Windstorm Balm+ - When healing an ally with a staff, grants Spd/Res +6 to all allies for 1 turn. B-Passive: Dazzling Staff 3 C-Passive: Savage Blow 3
Theodora’s pretty straightforward. Atk superboon might make Razzle Dazzle strats pretty fun, especially considering she has innate Savage Blow. Aside from that, Windstorm Balm lets her allies become even faster when triggered.
Livilla - Vying Servant (4-5★) “Elise’s mother and maid in Krakenburg. Always vying for her Garon’s attention.” = Type: Green Dagger Mov: Infantry Weapon: Venom Dagger+ - 12 Might. Effective against infantry foes. After combat, if unit attacked, inflicts Def/Res -5 on target and foes within 2 spaces of target through their next actions. Stats: 35 HP / 30+ Atk / 37+ Spd / 23 Def / 26- Res = BST 150-152 Assist: Swap Special: Reprisal A-Passive: Triangle Adept 3 B-Passive: Poison Strike 3
Livilla mostly exists to plague Blue Mages, especially Ione. With Triangle Adept and Venom Dagger+, she can dish out nasty damage to any infantry mages – and wouldn’t you know it, most of the good ones among those tend to be Blue. Other than that, she’s pretty flexible, with more mixed defenses for a mixed approach.
Ikona - Sunset Queen (4-5★) “First Queen of Hoshido and wife to Sumeragi. Has faced a lifetime of hardship.” = Type: Colorless Dagger Mov: Cavalry (Mechanist) Weapon: Barb Shuriken+ Stats: 32 HP / 31 Atk / 38+ Spd / 14 Def / 30 Res = BST 145-146 Assist: Draw Back Special: Glimmer B-Passive: Desperation 3 C-Passive: Fortify Cavalry 3
Unfortunately, Ikona’s frailty isn’t doing her any favors here. Physically she’s about as frail as a piece of paper, but rapid-firing Glimmers with insanely high Speed is always fun enough to warrant being used.
Kameko - Adventure Chaser (4-5★) “Mother of Kaze and Saizo. A spirited woman with an insatiable curiosity and wanderlust.” = Type: Colorless Bow Mov: Infantry Weapon: Firesweep Bow+ Stats: 36 HP / 32 Atk / 35+ Spd / 26- Def / 22 Res = BST 150-152 Assist: Rally Up Spd+ - Grants Spd +6 to target ally and allies within 2 spaces of target (excluding unit) for 1 turn. Special: Moonbow A-Passive: Steady Posture 2 C-Passive: Odd Spd Wave 3
Again, not a whole lot to say, but Rally Up Spd+ lets Kameko spread some Speed buffs to her entire party provided they’re within range. Otherwise, pretty decent Firesweep Bow+ user, though she could also work with Slaying Bow+. Mixed defenses also help her a bit on multiple fronts, as with Livilla.
Cadros - King of the Waves (5★) “King of Valla, and Azura’s father. A serious yet compassionate man who used to be Anankos’s friend.” = Type: Blue Lance Mov: Infantry Weapon: Verðandi - 16 Might. If Sing or Dance is used, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+3 to target. Stats: 39- HP / 32+ Atk / 19 Spd / 30 Def / 30 Res = BST 149-151 Assist: Sing Special: Dragon Fang A-Passive: Close Defense 3 B-Passive: Geyser Dance 2
This good king takes to the battlefield with a holy lance to sing to his comrades! Like father, like daughter, like grandson. Being the good king that he is, Cadros steps in supporting his allies with additional turns and some valuable stat buffs. Like Performer Azura, his Prf is sure to further aid him in his buffing duties. Unlike daughter dearest, papa’s a bit more resilient, though he doesn’t like to run around if he can help it.
Asher - Nohr’s Sunshine (5★) “Second prince of Nohr. A fleeting ray of sunshine in his kingdom.” = Type: Red Sword Mov: Infantry Weapon: Sterling Blade - 16 Might. Grants Def +3. Effective against cavalry and armored foes. Neutralizes foe’s bonuses during combat. Stats: 43 HP / 34 Atk / 37 Spd / 31+ Def / 23 Res = 168-169 [Trainee] Special: Growing Light A-Passive: Atk/Def Bond 3 B-Passive: Spd/Res Link 3 C-Passive: Infantry Pulse 3
To make the young prince stand out from the infantry sword crowd, Asher is a Trainee unit with an effective Prf that lets him stand a good chance against armored and cavalry teams alike. He works best when supported with another unit and directly adjacent to them, as he can buff all of his own stats that way. Either way, Asher does his best, so be sure to cheer him on, alright?
Cecil - Paranoia Paramount (5★) “Third prince of Nohr. Serves his father unconditionally and is perpetually on edge.” = Type: Blue Lance Mov: Flier (Wyvern) Weapon: Anthracite Pike - 16 Might. Grants Def +3. If unit is not adjacent to an ally, grants Atk/Spd +6 during combat. Stats: 41 HP / 38+ Atk / 33 Spd / 35 Def / 16- Res = 162-163 Assist: Smite Special: Blazing Thunder A-Passive: Distant Counter B-Passive: Vantage 3 C-Passive: Hone Fliers
To conclude, everyone’s favorite spear-swinging Wyvern Lord and preeminent pretty man of the blog! Cecil’s stats can grow incredibly beefy with the right setup; just make sure you’ve got a Blue or Green Mage ready to take him out. He works best on flier teams, as he comes with innate Hone Fliers to support his… ‘allies’. He’d rather get them out of the way, though; this big boy fights his battles alone, no matter whether they’re fought up close or from afar!
And that just about does it! I really hope you’ve enjoyed this read, especially if you’re a FEH player yourself. I’ve had a blast writing all of this, since I love doing data- and number-related stuff like this. Anyway, thank you very much for reading! Feel free to comment in whichever ways possible if you’ve got any suggestions; I’ll gladly listen. Have a nice day!
this was done by @end-of-paradox and I’m so touched by how well done this is!! thank you again! ;w;
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