#cowboy Alucard
demigoddessqueens · 2 years
Based off this prompt from @thewriterwhowritesnot , I thought of a small drabble for cowboy Alucard
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You had your reservations about this, given the dark night, ocean waves roaring nearby, and how far you all were from the city. The lights from the car shone on the sign in front of you.
“Tepes Tackle and Ranch”. Hopefully where we can all relax for the week, you thought to yourself. You felt Sypha lean into your shoulder for support. “Don’t think too much of it. You deserve a nice vacation after some time.” You turned to smile at her before Trevor’s voice interjected.
“Alright you lot, each grab a bag before it gets left behind. I’ve been driving for hours, and if I do more, I’ll crash.” Greta smirked over at the gruff voice. “Hope you keep some of that charm with our host this week.” Trevor nonchalantly shrugged his shoulders. “As long as the host isn’t some prick, that’s alright with me.”
Entering into the quaint, colonial style ranch house, you all saw a neatly written note sitting in the middle of the mahogany table in the living room.
“Hope your travels here were safe. Please enjoy the ranch facilities and your rooms before breakfast at 10.”
Well, this seemed like the best way for a host to introduce themselves.
In the morning, you woke early. The nerves and excitement from this place were catching up to you. Getting dressed for the day, you thought to kill some time before breakfast. As you walked outside the ranch’s premises, you took it all in. The barely risen sun, white waves crashing upon the rocks, and the salty sea air. Seemed like something truly off a post card.
As you walked along the way, you could hear the horses starting to stir for the morning. Making your way over to the barn, you carefully and casually entered the barn to admire them. You took your time admiring each of the breeds that nestled into your hand: Thoroughbreds, Clydesdales, palominos, Chestnuts, and many others.
A silken, yet dignified voice caught your attention. “You know…these creatures have been known to be such an excellent judge of character. And I would trust them on this.”
You turned to see the culprit of such a voice. Standing tall, otherworldly before was this…man. Tall, lean, a crisp white shirt and body hugging blue jeans that had a rope slinking to his hip side. The blonde waves held back by a bun as he strode in with a matching black hat and boots. And a face that rivaled the art of the Old West.
The first thought that came to your mind were the stories of cowboys from your books. And how they were in the films you used to watch. Dashing and daring heroes that seemed to be a figment only of imagination until now. You could feel yourself staring for what felt like an eternity. The man seem to catch on as he extended his hand in greeting.
“Adrian Tepes, keeper and owner of this ranch estate. Welcome.” You took his hand and prayed he couldn’t sense your racing pulse or the rising pink on your cheeks. “N-nice to meet you, Mr Adrian, sir.”
If this was how you were now, you hoped you didn’t fumble over yourself this much for the rest of the week.
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classifiedwaste · 1 year
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The A team 🦇
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whoishotteranimepolls · 2 months
"Who's Hotter?" Battle of the Anime Trios
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*edit had to switch out the JoJo photo because possible fan art to a different definitely official image of each of them
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veskoshitassprofile · 4 months
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Same vibe
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manglednatalia · 18 days
If you fuse these three
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You'll get him
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Edit: Forgot an important component
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Cyborg with majorly mechanical body whose family was brutally taken from him
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moliathh · 8 months
Vamptober 2023 Day 14: Cowboy
Alucard/Western gothic horror
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the-cytherean · 2 years
Cattlevania: Aria of Constant Sorrow
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biscoitocraft · 8 months
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You know, I think I might have a type....
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lonleyhumanbeing · 4 months
Fictional men with slutty waists>>>>>>>>> but specifically these ones.
Spike Spiegel
Baz Grimm-Pitch
Alucard Tepes
Kite (HxH)
Koro- Sensei's human form
Sigma from BSD
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mattodore · 10 months
sometimes i log in but i'm still not ready to be fully online™ so i just silently draft everything i want to reblog when i'm wired in
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manndelion · 1 year
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There's a color wheel art meme going around on the borb site. I'm packing mine with nostalgic animes that fed my little angsty teenage brain in the 90's/00s
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demigoddessqueens · 9 months
Thinking of touch-starved men…, their eyes follow your hands and fingers so carefully, anxiously, getting easily jealous at how casual your touches are with others who are not them; always lingering where you are, seeking out your presence and just wanting a sliver of your attention away from everyone else; touch-starved ones who have a quiet gasp whenever you place your hands over theirs or just a casual friendly touch; chills along their spine and entire body as you play with their hair; hugs make them freeze in their tracks before arms tentatively wrap around you like your made of glass or a stardust that will vanish the second it’s over
EDIT: they can’t help but swallow down their moan(s) when your fingers brush through their hair, lightly touching the exposed back of their neck
Just….touch starved characters…
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aluvian · 10 months
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The kind that came before Spike Spiegel. Next question.
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jonmyblaze · 1 year
Hey, I just had a fanfiction idea where Julius Belmont signs up with the Hellsing organization in order to get experience for the Battle of Demon Castle in 1999 .
The Integra and Julius are like cousins (one being from a Morris and the other being from Helsing it)And seras Victoria gets a crush,
(probably going to alter the Morris family history, Just so it fits)
Oh and catboy will get a crush on Adrian. I encourage comments, and criticism.
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animeloverinsignia · 2 years
When first starting Trigun I knew Vash reminded me of someone. He kind of reminds me of Leorio from Hunter x Hunter.
On the other hand the anime itself gives me Hellsing, Devil May Cry with a sprinkle of Cowboy Bebop and Trinity blood vibes. Or at least reminds me a lot of those anime's main characters.
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afieldinengland · 2 years
have said it before but i love thinking about what insane theme hammer would have given their next dracula film if they a) didn’t go bust and b) were able to either blackmail or cattle-prod christopher lee into doing it. personally i think they should have gone for cowboys
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