#cr bor’dor
arclundarchivist · 1 year
Orym: “I don’t know if you can hear me, I don’t know if you can hear any of us anymore. I hope you can. I’ve heard too many stories first hand and read too many tales to discount the good that you, many of you have done in this world. I don’t know if you have anything left in ya, but… I’m praying. We could use a little help down here and I know you do to and we’ll…we’ll do our best. Any miracle you can spare.”
Bor’Dor: “Fucking idiot.”
You hold your tongue you fucker. Who the fuck are you?!
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criticalbeauregard · 1 year
bor’dor’s art is giving me j’mon sa ord vibes
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its-your-mind · 6 months
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Bells Hells as textposts 3/???
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stickandthorn · 1 year
The Bor’dor reveal does make his introduction so incredibly funny. He tires to kill them with a crossbow and a 5th level lighting bolt, doesn’t succeed, and the excuse he runs with is “Uh, well, shit, fuck- I HAVE MAGIC POWERS?!? When did THOSE get here?!?!? What’s going on?!??? I am but a humble shepherd from *checks notesapp* Wildmouse” And it works?!?? No one did it like Bor’dor fucking Dog’son.
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lunarrolls · 1 year
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team issylra’s doing so good you guys
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playerkingsley · 1 year
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aeoris4lovers · 1 year
he made fruit rollups and cut them into little shapes. he got the whole party magically high. he fell asleep cuddling with an elemental cougar. most character of all time
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tieflingpride · 1 year
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scriptmyworld · 1 year
I love how fucking dark this all is. Orym, the guard, the eternal watchdog, just watching and doing NOTHING. giving Laudna the okay to brutally kill this man who betrayed them.
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Second guest
Utkarsh Ambudkar as Bor’Dor
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arclundarchivist · 1 year
Man I love Orym so much. He’s scared and he’s uncertain but he’s still believing he’s still got that tiny bit of hope. He offers his prayers, refusing to give into the slow death of “accepting a new normal”. Bonding with the spirits, acknowledging the good of the gods. He sees the truth of the world. There is good and beauty in the dark times, and that is what you need to fight for. This world isn’t fair, but at the same time it’s pretty good a lot of the time.
And then you have Bor’Dor calling him a “fucking idiot.”
Change is coming to Exandria, that is clear, I do believe at least some of the Gods are going to go.
But I do hope there is a bright light on the eventual horizon.
And I don’t trust that gangly “Shepard” at all. He gets so randomly intense and confrontational at very specific times, and then switches back to not having a full understanding of things. I don’t know what to make of him but I know I don’t trust him at this moment in time.
Prism is such a sweetheart and it’s been fun watching her and Ashton bond. I’m also truly wondering what will come of Ashton’s delving into his elemental side. I do hope something will come out of it.
Laudna/Marisha why you gotta do the Imodna shippers like that.
And uh folks, I don’t think their getting that teleport.
Like what is this?! A giant hunk of Residuum with a human shaped whole in the middle? Creepy smiling face on the ceiling?
Within the Verdant Tomb, we Keep her Spirit Enduring.
Who is her?! Is this Hishari? Is it other Titans shit?? I joked about Melora actually starting as a Titan, could I have done an Apollo???
But then again, this is largely Earth-based, and wasn’t the Titan Ka’Mort, the Empress of Earth? I have a FEAR.
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critical-yeast · 1 year
I know people are theorizing that Bor’dor is some secret agent or a powerful being pretending to be some guy or whatever but I think it would be funniest if we kept going “no, he can’t possibly be that pathetic, he can’t!” and then he just. Is. He’s a sad wet cat with a yogurt cup stuck on his head. He’s the worlds most confused coathanger. He just wants to go tend his sheep and his brother and instead he can shoot lightning out of his hands and is *so* stressed about it. Someone get this man a blanket and tea and possibly a valium.
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its-your-mind · 6 months
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Bells Hells as textposts 9/???
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lunarrolls · 1 year
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a moment of peace
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Bor’dor, inadvertently, displayed the biggest difference between the Bell’s Hells and the Ruby Vanguard
The Hells have been very deliberate. Kill only the cultists. turn those who can be turned. Orym even felt guilt for the ripples those controlled actions might cause. And yeah, they dropped an airship on the key, but it was Ludy’s shield that caused it to kill most of the vanguard in exchange for preserving his ultimate goal
When it came time to hurt the people that attacked the site, Bor’dor struck indiscriminately. The only person he downed was Prisim, who, in other circumstances, might have been swayed to join his side. (she attacked an avatar of the dawnfather with a fucking demon, for fucks sake)
Collateral damage didn’t matter as long he had a *chance* to hurt those that hurt him. No thought to consequences because there is nothing more important than destroying
so even though most of the Hells don’t give a fuck about the gods, they are still very different on a foundational level
and even if the gods die, it’ll be the Hells cleaning up the mess, because the Vanguard has no plan for after, because the after isn’t important
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aeoris4lovers · 1 year
bor’dor 24 hours ago: herding sheep, caring for his brother, literally just some guy
bor’dor now: taking an angel’s face in his hands, giving it a kiss on the forehead, telling it “enough,” and taking what’s left of its life force
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