#cr nd headcanons
me headcanoning yet another critrole pc with moral purity ocd
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scenessystem · 1 year
Mighty Nein ND/Disability Headcanons
Beauregard Lionett: C-PTSD & Depression
Caduceus Clay: Autism
Caleb Widogast: C-PTSD
Essek Thelyss: AVpD, PTSD
Fjord: ADHD, C-PTSD, & depression
Jester Lavorre: ADHD, Autism & PTSD
Marion Lavorre: Agoraphobia
Veth Branatto: ADHD & PTSD
Yasha Nydoorin: Autism & C-PTSD
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mostrum · 2 years
detailed muse info sheet. please repost, don’t reblog!
*bold = current // *italics = former
✖ FINANCIAL – wealthy / moderate / poor / in poverty
✖ MEDICAL – fit / moderate / sickly / disabled / disadvantaged / deceased
✖ CLASS OR CASTE – upper / lower / middle / working / slave / unsure
✖ EDUCATION – qualified ✨  / unqualified / studying 
✖ MARITAL STATUS – married, happily / married, unhappily / engaged and devoted (with money) to a fault ✨ / partnered / single / divorced / widow or widower / separated / it’s complicated
✖ CHILDREN – has a child(ren) [mostro lounge💜 ] / no children / wants children / adopted children
✖ FAMILY – close with siblings  / not close with siblings / has no siblings / siblings are deceased / it’s complicated
✖ AFFILIATION – orphaned / adopted / disowned / raised by both parents ( + step) / other
✖ disorganized / organized / in between
✖ close-minded / open-minded / in between
✖ cautious / reckless / in between
✖ patient / impatient / in between (will obsessively, but somewhat impatiently wait for a goal, if he can’t discreetly speed up the process himself)
✖ outspoken / reserved / in between 
✖ leader / follower / in between 
✖ sympathetic (superficially) / unempathetic / in between
✖ optimistic / pessimistic / in between
✖ hardworking / lazy / in between
✖ cultured / uncultured / in between
✖ loyal / disloyal (opportunistic) / in between 
✖ faithful (superficially) / unfaithful / unknown 
✖ SEXUALITY – heterosexual / homosexual / bisexual / asexual (grey-asexual) / pansexual / demisexual
✖ SEX – sex repulsed / sex neutral / sex favorable 
✖ ROMANCE – romance repulsed / romance neutral / romance favorable  
✖ COMBAT SKILLS – excellent / good / moderate / poor / none  
✖ LITERACY SKILLS – excellent / good / moderate / poor / none
✖ ARTISTIC SKILLS – excellent / good / moderate / poor / none 
✖ TECHNICAL SKILLS – excellent / good / moderate / poor / none
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shishkos · 5 months
MY INTRO!! ^_^🍋
--- basic information on the pic below ---
DNI-LIST + MAH OTHER SOCIALS HERE >>> *click me, c'mon click mee*
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My pronouns: he/him/mirror prns > she/they
Rus/bad?Eng (yeahh English not my first language I'm sorry)
my tag: #shishkos
request: open ig
pfp cr: my friend
Content u can see on my page::
[1]some arts/doodles
[2]shithpost idk
[3]headcanons ig
- I have a fixation on Wild Kratts, ssoo wild kratts or kratt bros fans pls interact (BUT KRATTCEST DNI)
- I'm multifandom
- Im dumbdumb
- Maladaptive daydreaming
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I still don't quite understand how tumblr nd everything here work, but I hope it's ok 0_0
guys this is wild.. .. hwlp.........
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mahgck · 2 years
For the characters asks I'll throw you some CR characters: Chetney (basically required), Imogen and Beauregard
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first impression: if you fuckers do to her what you did to kiki ill kill every last fucking one of you
favorite moment: the fact that it was BEAU to say the m9s first i love you........ Oughghgnggnndhsg
Idea for a story: i want to set beauregard loose in a chucky cheese
unpopular opinion: IDK!!!! im not really involved in the cr fandom too much. I guess while i do love beau so very fucking much of marishas three main characters shes probably my least favorite BUT she is still like one of my all time faves lol
favorite headcanon: she rlly likes having her hair played with and every m9 member has a different way of braiding her hair nd idk theyre just soft about it
first impression: laura baileys southern accent, the likes of which have only been seen before in travis willinghams yeehaw game ranch......
impression now: im not caught up but i love the way people expected her to be the calm and sensible think things through one giggle
favorite moment: the series of Decisions at the masquerade lol
Idea for a story: i got no clue
Unpopular opinion: MAYBE THE BLUE HAS RIGHTS
Favorite relationship: i have the laudgen username
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kivault · 11 months
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essa é a ramona yoo, que se parece muito com a rosé do blackpink mas convenhamos que mais bonita. nascida dia 11 de fevereiro de 1997, ela trabalha como baixista e vocal base na banda hedonist. além disso, soube que ela é bissexual!
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headcanon: ao mesmo tempo que ramona tentava ser o exemplo perfeito para sua irmã mais nova, ela não conseguia fugir do ditado “faça o que eu digo mas não faça o que eu faço”. extremamente instável, dá pra dizer que ela é um furacão por onde passa. não por ser agitada ou animada e sim porque, como muitos costumam dizer para a garota, ela destrói tudo que toca. tem uma personalidade introvertida e quieta, os únicos momentos onde a escutam falar pelos cotovelos é quando o assunto é música. a yoo e alguns amigos decidiram apostar em seus sonhos, o que começou sendo mais uma banda emo de garagem se tornou realmente algo rentável. eles conseguiram contrato com uma gravadora e lançaram seu primeiro álbum, apesar do estilo que fugia do mainstream, conquistaram uma legião de fãs e a pequena se sente cada vez mais próxima de alcançar o que queria. tanto que pode ser esse o motivo de ela ignorar os problemas de sua vida pessoal, ela não precisa lidar com isso, certo?
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possíveis plots:
são os anos 70 e tudo gira em torno de rock 'nd roll, drogas, sexo e apenas deixar sua marca na história da música. me dê muses que estão secretamente saindo, comemorando cada show de sucesso com uma rapidinha no primeiro armário vazio que encontram e fazendo tudo ao seu alcance para que os outros companheiros de banda não descubram porque, caso contrário, isso poderia arruinar a banda. (cr.)
me dê líderes autoritários, rudes e teimosos que estão constantemente na garganta um do outro porque ambos pensam que são os únicos que podem levar a banda para o próximo nível, então antes o que era uma reunião para compor algo novo se torna uma zona de gritaria e brigas e com isso vem ser empurrado contra uma porta para deixar todas as frustrações saírem. (cr.)
ou de modo geral qualquer coisa daqui.
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your-turn-to-role · 4 years
In my opinion Yasha is autistic. That's it thats the ask :) (Also her and Caleb use sign language for when they go semi/non-verbal because I bet Yasha and Molly learned it together and of course Caleb would know it because it's Caleb) Have a lovely day!
oh excellent?
and i am 100% on board for non verbal buddies caleb/yasha/molly! (since molly canonically was for a bit at the start there)
(and yessssss gimme autistic team introvert, i already had caleb as a definite but i can for sure get behind yasha as well)
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myfandomrambles · 2 years
Vox Machina ND headcanons
Pike Trickfoot: ADHD & PTSD
Scanlan Shorthalt: ADHD & PTSD
Keyleth: ADHD, Autistic, GAD & PTSD
Percy De Rolo: Autistic & PTSD
Vax'ildan: Autistic & PTSD
Vex'ahlia: Autistic & PTSD
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c-kiddo · 2 years
i was out for 9 hours straight today in edinburgh doin stuff and being on the train. and it was busy too. brain absolutely obliterated. .. . . 
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microcosmtoxin · 3 years
today on hot takes to see if my posts are finally showing up in tags:
veth is neurodivergent
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xhumbuugx-a · 6 years
Scrooge 'FIX HIM' McDuck
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cringefaecompilation · 4 months
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and finally vm nd headcanons! taryon darrington not having a place on critrole.com's character descriptions upsets me every single day
[c2 headcanons here!]
[c3 headcanons here!]
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gorgynei · 2 years
are there any other cr characters (besides yasha) you hc as neurodivergent? &could u share ur fave nd fics please 🙏
oh boy so yes, most of the nein and various members of the other parties.
caduceus, keyleth, imogen, laudna, and caleb (duh) r the ones i see as autistic the most!!! and yasha, ofc. vex is also autistic i think. jester and beau i see as having adhd. and i think fjord has tourettes. those are my CORE headcanons basically :") but ive seen other ones that are nice i just dont count them as primary ones for me
i don't really have any nd fic recommendations outside of dragonfly year by @/c-kiddo which is very good and cad-centric!! the only other thing i can recommend is just combing thru the tags for autism/adhd/etc on ao3 :o
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compassionately · 4 years
i hope youll be okay..!! its not silly for your feelings to be hurt over something like that though, i hope you know that. and if you ever wanna talk about your hcs then i can come off anon and listen to them! 💖 stay safe and have a good rest of your day
Thanks U <3 I'll be fine, these things happen . U don't gotta listen 2 my headcanons unless I post about them nd it isn't enuff 2 make you unfolllw. tho they're all cookie run related since that's all that ever goes thru my head at all times HAHA I don't think most of the ppl who follow me like cr besides 3 people I can think of immediately. tenha um bom dia 🎀🍬🌈💕
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juggalism · 4 years
peach coogie :o?
Sexuality Headcanon: yes he is a “lesbian”
Gender Headcanon: he/him nb
A ship I have with said character: UMMMM gee thats hard um. maybe cherry blossom? or sandwich all ik is he Loves Waman
 A BROTP I have with said character: plum nd peach.... siblings
A NOTP I have with said character: peach nd jujube or peach nd plum since i see them all as family (jujubes basically been confirmed 2 b peaches dad anyways) nd thts gross
A random headcanon: hes super good at fighting & video games but he like. sucks at most other things. even tho hes like super chipper nd friendly he doesnt have good social skills, either. also mains isabelle on smash and will Fucking Destroy U
General Opinion over said character: I LOVE HIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i love him. hes like top 3 cr characters (my feelings 4 characters fluctuate so sometimes hes #1 sometimes hes not)
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centiparty · 4 years
vampire perhaps 🥺
vamp boy... Sexuallity headcanon: bi little man!!! Gender headcanon: idk,,, my brain wrinkles a lot A ship I have with said character: oh you know.. roguevamp :) A BROTP I have with said character: vamp nd sparkling!! :] A NOTP I have with said character: again idk!! A random headcanon: he does the “bleh bleh blehhh” thing to annoy alchemist like a slut General Opinion of said character: love him!! one of my top 3 fave cr characters!!
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