#cracked whump
stoic-whumpee · 8 months
Ooooo best trick or treat ever. Trick please 🥺
Oh damn a trick?
You're getting some cracked whump then >:D
Karen whumper didn't expect the seemingly helpless Cashier Whumpee she was yelling at was actually a serial killer. Now she was chained in their basement, and they would make sure she could scream to her heart's content.
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whumble-beeee · 4 months
Crack Prompt: Welcome to the Whumpee Store!
(aka totally not bbu what do you MEAN)
Whumpees stacked on shelves grocery store-style
Different aisles for different types of whumpee ("No ma'am, this is actually the conditioned aisle, the defiant aisle is on the other side of the store, aisle 9.")
Workers that are TOTALLY not whumpees themselves probably
Or maybe that teenager helping you really is just your average dead-eyed retail worker. Basically the same thing at this point anyway.
"Sir, that's the price for a fresh unaltered whumpee. You can mold them however you want."
"You want me to do YOUR JOB for you?! What kind of establishment is this?!"
On that note, whumpees made to order
You want a medium-sized defiant whumpee that'll start crying and freeze up the second you turn the lights off? Say less.
Tags on the more dainty and dewey-eyed whumpees that say "Torture with Care"
"Mx., you broke the warranty when you threw your whumpee down the stairs. The instructions clearly state they're meant for household chores only, you'll have to pay full price for a new one."
Whumpees in those sealed plastic action figure boxes, forced into a single pose for. however long it takes you to buy them please buy them they're begging you please PLEASE PLEASE THEY CAN'T TAKE--
Whumpees staring hopefully (or fearfully) at every potential customer that walks by.
Customers trying to get the conditioned whumpees to crack so they don't have to pay as much for them.
"I'm not sure this whumpee is trained as well as you say, I'm gonna need a demonstration"
Living weapon whumpees locked behind those stupid glass cabinets that you have to get a store attendant to unlock for you if you want to get at one
^Exotic/rare/expensive ones too
Thank you to all my friends on the Whump World server for all your suggestions and enabling me :) I probably have more too, but this was getting long lmao
@whumperofworlds | @randowhump | @kira-the-whump-enthusiast | @whumpninja
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letitbehurt · 3 days
When a stoic Whumpee is seen fraying at the edges. They ignore the way their hands shake, their breaths are uneven, and only a thin, straining thread of will is keeping them upright.
Maybe they’ve been poisoned. Maybe they’ve worn themself past exhaustion. Maybe Whumper has found a secret to use against them, and they are fighting to remain in control of themself.
And they are failing.
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whumperofworlds · 23 days
"Can I help you, Whumpee?"
*holds up a drink* "This is poison, Whumper! Please drink it!"
"...My, this is certainly an honest assassination attempt, Whumpee..."
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whumpninja · 2 months
The whumpee
They destroyed their cage
The whumpee is out
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Whumpee with a shock collar but it’s genuinely just one for a dog so it has a safety release buckle and every time whumper tries to drag them around/yank them/shove them with it… it pops off
Neither of them are really expecting it to keep happening
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whumblr · 1 month
Rescue mission
"Self defense protocols initiated," the Android droned, positioning itself before the injured Caretaker, shielding them from Whumper who strode towards them.
"Self destruct program activated. Self destructing in 20 seconds."
Whumper stopped dead in his tracks. Watched the Android as it kept counting down, red lights blinking in warning behind its eyes. And when it walked towards him, arms outstretched to catch him in an explosive hug, he swiftly turned on his heels and bolted out of the room.
"Nine... eight," the Android counted and turned towards Caretaker, now walking towards them.
Caretaker startled and flailed to get back, failing miserably with their broken ankle.
"There, oh--" The Android hit its temple a few times with their wrist in annoyance and the agressive red blinking light went out. "Sorry."
Caretaker stopped scooting back
"I didn't know you had a self-destruct program," they said, shaky.
"I don't," the Android merely said, and helped Caretaker get to their feet. "Now let's get you out of here."
General whump tag list: @firewheeesky @myfriendcallsmeasickwoman19 @whumpawink @painsandconfusion
@auroragehenna @chaotic-orphan @lolrpop
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crabofthewoods · 4 months
currently thinking about a universe where having your own whumpee(s) is like. a widespread thing. and i want to dump my train of thought somewhere so here you go
stronger/more durable whumpees are worth more because they last longer — maybe they’re used as lab rats for whumper to test a new torture device or weapon
on the other side of the spectrum, weaker whumpees are worth less — maybe they’re usually bought in bulk
whumpees being bought and given to family members as gifts during the holidays (like a dog — pet whump possibilities??)
“buy one, get one free”
“handcuffs/weapon(s) not included”
online quizzes telling you what kind of whumpee would be best for you (again, like a dog)
immortal/super-powered whumpees being auctioned off (i have the mental image of whumpee being in a cage in front of a crowd like in that one jurassic park movie idk)
whumpers trading whumpees
whumpees being used as currency; whumpers exchanging whumpees for food/resources/weapons
whumpees being labeled as “new” or “used”
whumpers complaining to each other about how much weapons/handcuffs/etc cost now because of how many people are using them
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rebelwiththecause · 14 days
I'm thinking about masochistic whumpees.
Whumpee's who don't realise they like the pain, that it comforts them until they're trussed up and in the hands of a sadist and they're only reaction is O.o
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loonybun · 3 months
whumper who literally just uses an immortal whumpee as an organ farm. like yes we love to see an entrepreneur on the black market! make those profits!
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abhainnwhump · 10 months
Tumblr media
Just insert any context into this.
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redstainedsocks · 6 months
Getting wounded by an arrow is pretty funny when you think about it. Someone wants to stab you but from really far away
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whumpshaped · 4 months
demon who cant make pacts because the legal stuff stresses them out so theyre just super broke and have zero souls
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writinggremlin · 6 months
Lock your whumpee in the freezer. Whether it's on purpose or on accident, it doesn't matter.
Just shut the door on them and leave them for a little bit.
Whumpee gets the time-out freezer for their sins.
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whumpninja · 1 month
Pick your whumpees. Pick…pick fewer whumpees than that. Put some whumpees back. That’s too many.
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whumperofworlds · 10 months
A whump scene, but it's a musical.
Imagine Whumper singing about how they would torture Whumpee while Whumpee sits there, strapped to a chair, listening incredulously.
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