#sassy android?
whumblr · 4 months
Rescue mission
"Self defense protocols initiated," the Android droned, positioning itself before the injured Caretaker, shielding them from Whumper who strode towards them.
"Self destruct program activated. Self destructing in 20 seconds."
Whumper stopped dead in his tracks. Watched the Android as it kept counting down, red lights blinking in warning behind its eyes. And when it walked towards him, arms outstretched to catch him in an explosive hug, he swiftly turned on his heels and bolted out of the room.
"Nine... eight," the Android counted and turned towards Caretaker, now walking towards them.
Caretaker startled and flailed to get back, failing miserably with their broken ankle.
"There, oh--" The Android hit its temple a few times with their wrist in annoyance and the agressive red blinking light went out. "Sorry."
Caretaker stopped scooting back
"I didn't know you had a self-destruct program," they said, shaky.
"I don't," the Android merely said, and helped Caretaker get to their feet. "Now let's get you out of here."
General whump tag list: @firewheeesky @myfriendcallsmeasickwoman19 @whumpawink @painsandconfusion
@auroragehenna @chaotic-orphan @lolrpop
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maximura · 8 months
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dataentryspecialist · 6 months
"what I lack in emotion I make up for with Sass"
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tanyayoung-322 · 11 months
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inevitablesurrender · 2 years
While it would have been a little funnier to wait until Barnaby’s birthday, this is done now and it’s nice and quiet and late at night so I can just slide this across the dashboard without any fuss.  Ten years ago I gave in to the urge to write about this fanon-based “what if” Black Tiger android idea and I would still protect this OC with my life, alright, I love him.  ...Anyway.
This is the first arc.  The first major story beats.  ...Without the intro chapters, it’s 14,798 WORDS.  ...JFC.
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local-lesbrarian · 1 year
Rewatched Big O. That show fucking rules.
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thequeerwizardcouncil · 5 months
Urgent News.
One of the largest threats to queer safety, especially queer youth on the internet, is the KOSA bill. It is effectively a censorship bill that will make access to the internet for queers, nigh impossible and constantly monitored.
Now of course the council's concerns may lie within the queer, but the bill will also affect pro-Palestinian messages, activism, truthful information, etc. It will make it difficult to look for sexual health information, information on Palestine, Sudan, the Congo, climate change, queer history, queer info in general.
It is a bill that the USA is going to use to effectively stop all the criticism against them, all the information on the genocides committed in the name of capital, and block out safe spaces for queers in and out of the closet.
And it is being discussed whether to have it added to the FAA. What does that mean? The FAA was the same way the Tiktok ban was passed so easily, a way for the US to pass bills without much resistance. So you might be thinking:
What is to be done?
Well for one, if you are a member of the council reading this, you are obligated to reblog this and spread the message far and wide. And we mean it. Whether through posters, posts, shouting, protests, whatever you can do, you must do. Even if you aren't a council member, morally you should still do it.
As evidently the internet is in jeopardy.
Other than that, sign these petitions, spread these links and urge others to do so. Call your representatives, email them, mail them, fax them. And again, urge others to do the same.
You don't need to be American to spread this or sign these. And you should care still even if you aren't American, as this will be a global effect if KOSA passes.
Woodhull Freedom Foundation | Stop KOSA
change.org | Stop KOSA petition
EFF | Look for your representative sand contact them
We must do anything and everything to keep the internet safe. For all.
So do not fall into despair that we will fail, and do not become complacent thinking we will win. Become active and make sure we win.
For in the dark we endure, and in the light we fight for who you call impure.
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teacupwrites · 7 months
Vees with a Android Reader
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Valentino had plenty of servants around, such as Kitty
So he didn’t really need another little assistant
But what he did need was a maid
And Valentino isn’t the biggest fan of actual demons that can make mistakes, so he just went out and bought a cleaning android
You were pretty small, about 4’11 and came with a little maid dress and a feather duster
When Valentino first powered you on, he expected a cute little robot who’d follow his orders and not say a word
But you weren’t normal- far from it actually
The Moth Overlord was greeted with a bubbly little maid who would follow him around like a lost puppy whenever you weren’t deep cleaning the place like a maniac
You were eccentric, though obedient and that was what he mostly cared about
Vox nearly had a heart attack when he first met you as you immediately jumped up onto him to clean some dust upon his flat face
Whenever Vox was gone, and Valentino didn’t have anyone to rant to, he would always make a mess of his quarters whilst screaming his frustrations out to you as you quickly cleaned up his trash
Slowly but surely, Valentino grew fond of you, and even would gift you in new clothes or cleaning supplies whenever he was feeling charitable
He treats you better than his other employees, but he also thinks less of you, like you are an Imp or something like that, but he still likes you
“Darling I’m pretty sure that it’s clean,” he protested, looking down at your skittering figure as you darted from place to place in an attempt to keep everything tidy. 
He was elegantly perched on his couch, holding up a drink Kitty had brought over earlier, watching in amusement as you dashed around in a panic. There was a party happening, and you were eager to make sure everything looked nice
“No it isn’t!” you called back, snatching an empty glass and quickly stuffing it into the dishwasher. “Everything’s so dirty!” You crawled around with such speeds that Valentino might have mistaken you for a little bug, which was actually one of his many nicknames for you
“Whatever you say, ladybug,” 
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Long story short, Velvette was running out of patience 
She needed models to advertise, and all of them kept dying or were just outright ugly in the outfits she provided
After complaining to Vox for forever, he suggested that she buy a model bot
With some convincing, she actually listened, and went out and purchased one, which happened to be you
Though you were bland, so before powering you on she was quick to pazazz and doll you up
And when you did wake up, and did as your manual said, she was pleased
For once, Velvette was nice to someone, and it was a little robot who was constantly pasted onto billboards, commercials, and magazines all dressed in her products
She was chill with you, and you weren’t complaining about free makeup, perfume and clothing
The only thing was that she was very controlling, and liked to have you as her arm candy basically wherever she went
But it was nice to almost never be on the receiving end of her Cockney accent and British slang
 Not many people knew your name outside of the V tower, so people online nicknamed you Dolly, 
You didn’t really have a name actually, but Velvette enjoyed calling you things like: ‘Sweetheart’ “Dollface’ and ‘Sugar’
And very…very rarely, she will sometimes listen to your opinions, things you picked up on when working with her
“Ugh! All of this is trash!” Velvette snapped, stomping with a deep glare at the line up of demons who had crafted the clothing you were dressed up in. 
They all winced underneath her sharp and furious gaze, recoiling away from her quippy and sassy comments as she scolded the people. Meanwhile, you glanced over at something on the pile of clothing.
“Velvette?” you called, making her whip over to glare at you, to which you shyly pointed over to a black and hot pink crop top that sat atop the pile. “What if I matched that with the skirt?”
She seemed skeptical, but with a snap of your fingers, your sleeveless turtleneck was replaced by the crop top, which magically seemed to match the boots and the fitted skirt you wore
Never before had you seen Velvette so surprised before.
“Sweetheart you’re a genius!” she chirped, her frown switching to a bright smile in a second. Velvette then darted over to you, grabbing you by the side and pulling you into a side hug. “Alright- we’re gonna go get you some upgrades today just because of how smart you are.”
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Vox is a lot different from the others simply because he had built you
Originally, you were going to be an assistant type of bot he was going to sell worldwide, with secret cameras in your optics so he could spy on more of Hell
But mistakes were made, and you, the first prototype, ended up adopting a personality he grew quick to enjoy
Though he did end up selling more advanced models like yourself, he kept you, the first
Instead, you were the main hostess of the News he kept up, as Vox was usually pretty busy
The people adored you, and Vox couldn’t just rid of you
Not that he’d want to- so he kept you
He was very attached to your original model, so you were usually denied when asking for upgrades to your system
Though sometimes, he would give you little things here and there
Switchable hands, Better cameras, cleaner plates, or better wiring
But Vox always refused when you asked for a different model
You would always stay in the same body, and he wasn’t backing out of that
He has a lot of nicknames up his sleeve, and enjoys your reactions when he brings in new ones
“Dearheart, Darling, Sugar, etc”
Overall, he’s probably the best to be owned by
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spirit-lanterns · 1 month
Also, haha, potato Kafka would be so ornery and >:I
I'm imagining Robot!Himeko just like, "Not looking too sharp, there."
And Kafka is just "ĐĪƏ!"
Oh, btw, did we even MAKE a Himeko backstory!?
Okay then!
Himeko was kind of like a working prototype of a robot meant to pump out blueprints, inventions, and a repairbot.
Sooooo, kind of like how people want to make robots that make fast food and deliver it. But people want vehicle mechanic-ing and making screws and stuff an automatic process.
Himeko is like that, but is moreso meant to invent working blueprints and create things herself (maybe her briefcase is a 3-D printer? I think that would be pretty cute!)
Anyway, being a prototype, she probably had poor optimization in the GPU and RAM departments, leading to easy overheats and circuitry damage due to that, which the engineer has to repair.
Eventually, newer models come out (maybe in the form of Misha? But he's not really an inventor... idk) and, as older models are, Himeko is cast aside, deemed not good enough to use for long term, and no one wanted to use money and resources to try to update her, since she's not exactly brand-new anymore.
Perhaps her AI was copy-pasted to HI3 Himeko, but I know not much about that series to properly talk about it, oopsies...
The "coffee" She drinks is a special oil and fuel that helps to optimize her GPU usage, though the exact formula went out of production, the instructions and how to make it is still retained in Himeko's memory, which she probably tells to Engineer.
She likely tries to help the Engineer with her job, but since she was made more for inventing and her repairing doesn't specialize in robots, she can't help the engineer with her job-job, so helps to repair or create small trinkets the Engineer has. So maybe she makes screwdrivers, or wrenches.
I bet she has such a wholesome relationship with Robot!Stelle. When the Engineer's busy, Robot!Stelle probably goes to Himeko to ask for help with mending two things together, or finding out what something is and what it's used for, if it can still be useful, etc.
EHEHEHE sassy and mean Potato Kafka makes me giggle 🤭
As for your whole deep dive on Android! Himeko, I am mighty impressed! I really like the idea of her being an android that’s sole purpose is to invent things, so I can see her being like a little assistant or helper in the Engineer’s laboratory. Maybe she’s really good at making coffee for you too <3
Oh and her relationship with Android! Stelle is just as sweet as their canon relationship in the game! I can see the two of them bonding over both being older model androids and Stelle looking up to Himeko like the mother figure she never had. It’s nice that Stelle finally has an android companion that doesn’t scare the oil out of her 😅
P.S: I can see some of the androids (besides Stelle and inevitably March) getting jealous over Android! Himeko because she works so closely to you. She spends almost every hour of the day holed up with you in your laboratory, and unless you are fixing up an android, you and Himeko are alone for majority of the day 👀
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niighttree · 11 months
Now I haven't interacted with this fandom too much, yet. But there is something I would Love to see more of:
Connor is not a soft boi, or well not just a soft boi; He is a TERMINATOR disguised as a soft boy.
Especially when he's just a machine but even deviant Connor, imo, retains this aspect of himself. He's cordial, friendly even and generally quite impassive to people trying to get a rise out of him (coughGavincough) and yeah I imagine after deviating Connor would genuinely embody those things. His personality wouldn't change much in that aspect except maybe becoming a little more sassy, but! He is also analytical, he knows how to be manipulative, he was designed as the perfect detective and if the need arises he can be cold AF. Not to mention he can and will kick most people's ass. Like bro, in the game the guy is shown to be able to take out an entire SWAT team singlehandedly.
Can you imagine how uncanny that would be to witness?
Tbh, I'd love to see a fic from the P.o.v of someone who is painfully aware of this aspect of everyone's favourite android detective. Let's say, someone who ended up on the wrong side of those hands once and would rather never repeat it again. Like our favourite asshole, Gavin Reed. So recommendations are welcome :D
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bleucalire · 9 months
Hello! I found you through Star Burglar and your art is amazing! It's so cool that you get to work on the anime you love. If it's okay to ask, how did Star Burglar ended up becoming Star Raider? Also was this person the original design for Risa? They look so cool :0
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Hi ! omg thank you so so much for liking Star Burglar !!! (Such an old drawing haha it’s funny to see it now)
At first I wanted to give him a stern/very cold-blooded detective counterpart. This one was actually an android ! Then when I made my graduation movie, i couldn’t chose between making the detective or the burglar the protagonist, so I kind of fusioned them, and that’s how Oscar was born : cute detective apprentice the day, flashy sassy burglar at night !
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But yes, I kept the stern mood for his sister, Risa ! Thinking of it, that android kind of split in two in the end haha
As for the title change, that’s a very good question. They never asked me.
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irondadfics · 2 months
Hello! I was wondering if anyone knows any fics of Peter being a bit of a dick? I love the stories where he is rude to people, normally as a way to push them away so they can’t see how bad his life is. Any examples of rude/sassy Peter would be greatly appreciated!
here are some for you! Happy reading
Wake up and smell the coffee by Bergen
The Avengers find themselves in need of Spider-Man’s help to improve their reputation. Peter Parker, however, doesn't exactly have the best reputation: he has been dabbling in a life of crime. Tony really doesn't care about picking up after some degenerate teen. Peter really doesn't care about some dumb adults telling him what to do. And nothing will ever, ever change their minds.
100 Hours (Community Service is for the Turtles) by orphan_account
“Hey there, Parker. I’ve got some exciting news about your community service sentencing,” the bright voice from the other line says. "It looks like you've been reassigned." “Oh, yeah?” Peter asks, warily. His social worker sounds excited, but he's been burned a few too many times to take any "good news" at face value. Peter listens to her explain with a furrowed brow, and when the call is over, he opens the web browser on his cracked Android and quickly types the words september foundation into the search bar. His eyes narrow as he peruses the top result. Oh, he is going to kill that Stark bastard. - All Peter Parker wants to do is fly under the radar. He wants to go to school, work off his sentence by picking up trash at the stupid park, and avoid going home for as long as possible each night. Unfortunately for him, Tony Stark has never been one to see untapped potential and not do something about it.
The seventh escape by Bergen
Tony and Pepper snatched Peter up only a few weeks after the first Spider-Man video went viral. Real fucking coincidence, right? Suddenly, Tony Stark rocked right up at his group home, strewing business cards around like he was Oprah. If Oprah were an ugly white dude with a goatee. “Big fan,” he told Peter, fasting forward through a video of Spider-Man catching a bus before it crashed through a road block. “In and out of foster care your whole life, am I right? I believe my wife and I could provide a very fitting home for you.” “Pass,” Peter said.
Paradigm shift by Bergen
Peter got a Stark phone when he was ten. Adrian took him to a big store with lots of TV screens that all played the same video of Tony Stark declaring to the world that he was Iron Man. They ducked behind the microwaves, both of them giggling as Adrian stuffed the phone under Peter’s sweater. They walked right out the door without tripping the alarm, and Adrian bought him ice cream to celebrate. — After his parents die, Peter is taken in by the Toomes family. Things slowly, then quickly spiral out of control. All Adrian wants is to take revenge on Tony Stark. All Peter wants is to do the right thing. Why is that so much harder than expected?
the long game by niniblack
“Your prints were a match for a missing persons case from ten years ago. A little boy who was kidnapped.” The officer pulls out a picture that she turns toward Peter. It’s a little boy around four years old, with curly brown hair. “That’s you,” she says. Peter shakes his head. “Do you remember how you got to that park? Who left you there?” “Lady, I don’t remember jack shit,” Peter says. “I was like four. No one remembers shit from when they were four.” --- Or: the biodad au where Peter gets arrested for selling drugs, and that actually improves his life.
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artist-heart83 · 1 month
SMG4 New Gen AU!!!
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*clap* Okay! Let’s go with this
SMG4 New Gen is an Alternative Universe become parents (by accident or voluntary) and we see the life of their kids and some misadventures of them.
Soooo let’s meet this first batch!
🎀 Suzy: An extrovert and chatty 16 year old girl who likes to spend time with her friends, make new ones and really enjoy talking about her interests; kinda sassy and mean, she is a chaotic person.
😈 Ivy: Contrasting with her twin sister; she is introvert and quiet, a 16 year old girl who spends most of her time working in the cafe, enjoy playing videogames and writing in her diary; more mature that her sister.
🦑 “Tanker”: A 15 year old inkling very competitive and with a short temper, wants to be the champion in several Splatfest; besides that, he likes cooking
📒 Shion: A 18 year old person who fall down of the sky with other two people, they come from an otome game being one of the player friends; they’re very nice and clumsy, and like to write poems and read books.
💎 Gemma: A 17 year old Gerudo who works for Bob as her assistant and partner in crime (neither of them considers themselves as a family); very slippery and cocky, can make potions and likes to do little pranks.
🧸 Bobby: A 3 year old kid, who can’t talk for an unknown reason but he is learning how to write; very shy and a nice kid, Gemma babysitter him and he sees her as a sister, he also loves plushies.
🌸 Hinata: A 15 year old cheep cheep very cheerful and positive, loves drawing and watching cartoons, she also has a lovely voice when she sings; she and Suzy have been best friends since kids.
🍄 Inocy: A 18 year old mushroom leader of a scout troop which are seen as a nice person, which they are but at the same time is a dangerous menace; they like helping others and they’re good at fighting, can see guns or firearms in general because that how they become a violent person; Ivy is their best friend.
⭐️ Stella V: A 17 year old android with a charismatic, sweet and quirky personality, she is very creative and loves to make the costumes for their father's productions; somehow they can still see things even with their eyes closed, oh and their eyes are light blue.
This is just the first batch of fankids for this AU, there is gonna be a second one, at moment are four characters in there but there are ideas for two or three more, so yeah
I’m planning to do some comics and if any have questions about them my ask box is always open!
Close up!
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It's Called: Freefall
Relationship: Machine!Connor & Reader. AO3 link.
Tw: canon-typical violence and behavior.
You were assigned to work with Connor against your best wishes.
And there's something. Connor shouldn't be able to touch a gun, ever.
It was supposed to just help with forensic bullshit, investigation, take your job. Whatever. Not do that shitshow it did on the Eden Club.
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When you were eight, your father had two dogs and the terrible habit of beating things into shape.
Two dogs. Dobermans. Trained to watch the door.
You still remember how they curled up close to you. How warm and soft and gentle they were with you. How your father kept them outside, pitilessly.
Remember how they kept going back to him, wagging their docked tails, love and forgiveness in their eyes despite all the pain.
Never forget: how your father trained them into obedience, until they loved him, and how they believed wholly they could be loved back as long they're good.
"Can I ask you a question, detective?"
You open your eyes, not startled by Connor. The cold hurts your cheeks, and you're not dressed for the weather.
It's difficult to remember why you're here, at first, head pounding with pressure. Eyes dance on the freezed playground and Detroit's river running cold.
Years on the job and your ears still ring with gunshots.
But there's a beer on your hand and an android in pristine clothing before you. You take one step back, back meeting the rail, body instinctively retreating. Shuffling with your feet on the white-covered ground.
"Do all androids ask so many personal questions–, you take a sip of the beer, voice too coarse to talk loud, "–or is it just you?"
Something on your mind tells you it's just him. And this little voice also sends a shiver down your spine– Connor shouldn't be able to touch a gun, ever.
It was supposed to just help with forensic bullshit, investigation, take your job. Whatever. Not do that shitshow it did on the Eden Club.
Connor tilts its head like it's analyzing your thoughts, reading you like an open book. Like it's innocent, and can feel how you tremble from the cold. "Why are you so determined to kill yourself?"
You glance up the sky, scoffing, unable to look it in the eyes. The sky is breathing and crying, tonight. And you pretend Connor's voice doesn't bury a knife between your ribs. How you almost flinches at it.
Humans are so irrational. At the end of the day, it rots between your teeth.
"I don't know what Cyberlife did with your social program, but it's not working," you say, baffled. Then, shaking your head, you mock, "An android with all the virtues I dislike and none the vices I admire."
Connor stands still, snow upon its shoulders. "Woking with an officer with personal issues is an added challenge, but adapting to human unpredictability to is one of my features."
Your eyebrows rise. If you didn't know better, you would say Connor were sarcastic, or even sassy, right now.
But you do know better, and your lips are bleeding red, tongue tasting blood from the mean uppercut that blue-haired Traci gave you, splitting your lips and toring a wound in your jaw, and how the android is better dead.
And Connor died once, already. In the interrogation room, Ortiz's android killed Connor before killing itself. And the paperwork was a headache. Thirium stained Gavin's favorite tshirt, too.
You don't like Connor.
But you don't like Gavin even more.
So you weren't too mad about the paperwork.
(Death is the only real elegance; a promise kept. Those two Tracis never lived but now they are dead. You could throw this at Connor's face; say, even androids want to kill themselves. )
Connor adjust his tie and you roll your eyes. "Cyberlife really thought of everything, huh. They even gave you delusions of adequacy."
You take another sip from the beer, hoping it'll wash off the blood aftertaste. Bitter fighting bitter. Tell yourself it happens to everyone; this reason-less undying grief.
Connor draws closer, never not scrutinizing you. It'll try to make it work between you both; your collaboration matters to the mission, and nothing matters more than the mission– Connor itself told you so.
"You should stop drinking, detective," Connor says, hunching on the rail by your side, human-like. "It could have serious consequences for your health."
You cringe. It sounds genuine, this feigned interest. And you remember that Cyberlife ad, how humans dislike perfection. Connor has uneven dimples, a soft jawline, and nearly-invisible wrinkles– and it infuriates you.
Rage is blood in the water– rage is something that gets stuck on throats–
"That's the idea," you say. And take another sip just to challenge it, or perhaps yourself. Irrational as it is.
Connor decides to ignore the fierceness in your demeanor, setting its eyes on the river. And you decide to swallow more beer, mindful of what battles to fight.
It furrows eyebrows, yet again mimicking human body-language. "We’re not making any progress on this investigation," it says, matter-of-factly. "The deviants have nothing in common. They’re all different models, produced at different times, in different places."
It was taking too long for Connor to rumble back to its ramblings. You sigh, tired. You're clocked-out and this android followed you to talk about work, and you're too sober for this bullshit.
You wish to put Connor's head between the asphalt and the tire of a very heavy truck. Making you work without payment. The audacity! "There must be some link."
With fascination, you watch his jaw visibly tense. "We know the deviants experience an emotional shock, a violent trauma or a sense of injustice," it says, forehead creased.
You glance at the empty and melancholic beer bottle on your hand. "Those android at the Eden Club sure had a reason to feel a sense of injustice."
Connor's eyes shot back to you, nearly indignantly. Nostrils flared and face washed in bafflement. "Nothing in their program allows them to feel wronged," it says, copying the mocking tone you used earlier. "They can simulate human emotions, but they're machines, they don’t feel anything."
You agree. And maybe you should keep your big mouth shut for once, but the edges of your visions are blurry from alcohol. "What about you, Connor? What are you really?"
A defiant act of creation. A crime.
A machine that can not only get your gun from you – you, an officer of the law, – but fire without hesitation. For its own benefit, no less.
"You know exactly what I am," he says, monotone. And it's true, but not what you want to hear. "In any case, I don’t see how that’s relevant to the investigation."
Connor tilts its head again, like a kicked puppy, like you are going to make sense at a 45° angle. You copy him.
"Were just executing a program when you shot those androids, them?" You question, an edge of impatience creeping into your tone.
Were you just executing a program when you left me to die?
You open and close your hands, flexing fingers, a dull pain radiating from the knuckles, spreading through the entirety of the muscles. You had to pull yourself back from the edge of a building.
Not that you were surprised when Connor chose the suspect over you. It made all logical sense. Especially when the deviant could have all the information you needed.
And, of course, Connor did not hesitate when he shot that Traci. Connor's hands can't waver nor tremble like yours.
Humans are too complicated, you'll give Connor that. This resentment bubbling on your chest doesn't belong.
"I did what I was programmed to do," it says, because Connor is just an echo of Cyberlife and Cyberlife doesn't care about who dies and who lives. "I didn't have any doubts, if that's what you're asking."
Suddenly, you are made aware of the gun sitting in your hip. The weight pulling your center of gravity down, how you won every shooting championship within Michigan in the last three years. And Connor knows that because Cyberlife knows everything.
You're so very aware of your gun that you can almost ignore adrenaline running through your veins until your hands shake, nor from fear nor pain, but from sheer instinct. How everything feels hot, burning.
Breathing deep and focusing hard on Connor, you say, "When you took the gun from me, did you feel anything? Didn't you feel it was wrong?"
"I'm sorry," it says, not even trying to pretend some kind of regret or confusion, "but I don't see what you're getting at."
You can't help but give a mirthless laugh.
("What do you want from this?" "A lot. Everything.")
Connor looks at you, brown eyes dull, empty. Studying you to the marrow, burning down like wax, slitting like razor.
What an age to live on! The world is collapsing. Nothing truly matters. Everyone is dying, and everything is dying also. You're going home with your own blood in your mouth.
The night gets heavy, like they always do. "Are you afraid to die Connor?"
Connor is sharp-edged steel and you're prone to cut yourself on it. "Why would I be afraid?"
Another chill creeps through you, lacing your throat with a knot.
" No. No," you say, shaking your head, vindicated if not exasperated, "I know that if I shoot you right now you'll just come back like nothing happened. They'll re-upload a backup. I know that."
Snow sets between you two. And something burns on the gaze Connor's giving you; stern, a furious snow storm behind artificial eyes.
"I am asking, are you afraid to die, Connor? " you say, more force behind your words than necessary. "What happens then?"
It takes a good minute for Connor to digest what you just said. I am afraid to die, you think, unashamed of your own weakness.
But looking at Connor right now, the aloofness behind dull eyes, you finally understand a pivotal element standing just before your eyes.
Connor is a dog someone beat into obedience.
And Connor truly believes that, as long as true effort is put into the mission, as long as the massacre is done and the blood is shed, Cyberlife will turn around and smile and will not raise its hand anymore.
He replies shortly, "Nothing. There would be nothing."
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insomniactiger96 · 2 months
Chapter update on I'd Give You My Lungs! Things are finally moving forward. Kinda.
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Featuring a sassy turtle android and no Disaster Twins shenanigans whatsoever.
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thequeerwizardcouncil · 6 months
Time for chaos and euphoria!
Go forth! The council decrees all spells are allowed, for we wage war on the transphobes!
We also encourage a healthy amount of gender euphoria spells! And TRANSformation spells of course
Hark all ye bigots, for the council has been awoken. We wage war on all who have done and encourage harm. Whilst also being bringers of gender euphoria!
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