#karen whump
stoic-whumpee · 11 months
Ooooo best trick or treat ever. Trick please 🥺
Oh damn a trick?
You're getting some cracked whump then >:D
Karen whumper didn't expect the seemingly helpless Cashier Whumpee she was yelling at was actually a serial killer. Now she was chained in their basement, and they would make sure she could scream to her heart's content.
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letthewhumpbegin · 8 months
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Jumanji: The Next Level (2019)
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afewproblems · 24 days
Difficult Days Part Four
Part One, Part Two, Part Three, Read on AO3
Detective Vick is not what Shawn expected. 
First of all, it's Detective Karen Vick, and second, she's much younger and softer spoken than her association with Henry would suggest. 
When she comes to collect Shawn a good twenty minutes later, she clears her throat and waits for him to acknowledge her presence. 
Her shoulder length blond hair hangs around her face in a ‘Shag’ cut that vaguely reminds him of a Friend's character, Phoebe? No that's the blonde, what the hell was her name again?
“Rachel,” Shawn says, snapping his fingers in triumph, only to realize he's spoken aloud and the Detective is starring with an amused, if slightly bewildered, expression.
She presses a hand against her chest and says, “no Mr. Spencer, Detective Vick”. 
Shawn feels his ears burn but still manages a small grin as the Detective motions for him to stand up and follow her to a small room just off the bullpen. 
The tall rookie from earlier is sitting at a desk in the far corner, he watches Shawn before looking back down at the paperwork on his desk, a small self satisfied smirk on his face.
“So,” Detective Vick says as she opens the door and steps aside to let Shawn go first, “I'm sure I don't have to tell you how this works Mr. Spencer,” 
“Uh,” he swallows and runs his now sweaty palms down his jeans as he takes in the ink pads and paper on the metal table in front of him. 
Holy shit.
Holy shit, he was going to jail.
This was real, he wasn't a minor, his fingerprints would be in the system for the rest of his life, he was going to be shipped off to the state prison, how many years would someone get for taking their neighbors car? 
Everything is slipping away from him, Anthony, his parents, his fucking future.
Shawn feels his chest stutter as he realizes he hasn't been breathing.
“I get a phone call right?” Shawn croaks out, his voice quiet enough that Detective Vick has to lean closer to hear.
She raises a single polished eyebrow, her eyes scanning Shawn’s face for a brief moment, assessing something.
Maybe it's because she's a stranger, but her stare isn't nearly as intense as his dads so Shawn meets her gaze, despite his internal panic, waiting for her to say no or brush him aside.
“Okay kid,” she says, tipping her head over to the door, “there's a phone at my desk, dial nine to call out, then come back here and we'll talk”.
Shawn nods, stepping away from the Detective and the open door and making his way over to the desk she pointed out. 
The first thing Shawn notices are the pictures among the neat piles of paperwork and files, one of the Detective receiving an award in her dress uniform, another with the Detective and a tall man who looks about her age, probably a boyfriend based on their expressions. 
The rookie from earlier clears his throat loudly across the bullpen, staring Shawn down as if to say, quit stalling.
Not that Shawn wants to spend any longer here than necessary. If by some miracle he does get to walk out of here tonight, he’ll never so much as jaywalk again.
Shawn shakes himself and reaches out for the phone, dialing the number with a practiced hand.
It rings, long and loud in his ear once before pausing briefly and ringing again. Shawn holds his breath, please, please, pick up, he thinks miserably.
“Hello?” a sleepy voice says over the line and Shawn releases a shaky breath of relief.
“Hi Mrs. Guster, can I speak to G--Burton please?”
“Shawn? Do you know what time it is?” Mrs. Guster says, her voice firm but the barest hint of concern seeps into her question.
He takes a deep breath and releases it slowly through his nose, “I know it's late, but it's important, please Mrs. Guster.”
“Okay, hold on,” she says tiredly. Shawn hears the rustle of clothing as Gus’ mom makes her way upstairs with the cordless phone, then muffled voices in the background as Mrs. Guster finally passes the phone to her son.
“Shawn? Do you know what time it is? You're lucky mom even woke me up!”
“Gus stop, I-” he swallows the heavy lump that has started to form in his throat, “do you remember when T.S gets dumped by his girlfriend in that Kevin Smith movie we went to see?”
“What? You called me to talk about Mallrats? Shawn--”
“Gus, just,” he feels his voice waver as he tries to keep it light and quiet, hyper aware of the way Lassiter’s eyes keep flicking his way.
“That movie,” his voice cracks slightly and Shawn winces, curling further away from the blue eyes across the room, “it didn't really do it justice, uh, how much getting dumped sucks”.
Gus is quiet on the other end of the line but Shawn hears the sharp intake of air and suddenly he can’t stop the words from coming, falling out of his mouth like vomit. 
“You were right Gus, he uh, he's going to Princeton, can't have someone like me dragging him down, wait, maybe I'm the Brodie in this scenario,” he tries for a laugh that comes out watery and wipes his nose, “I should have listened to you”.
“And Henry knows,” he blurts out, cutting Gus off before he chickens out, “it's--it's not good Gus, I'm at the station--”
“What!” Gus exclaims, loud enough that Shawn briefly moves the receiver away from his ear, “the f-- he can't arrest you for being Bi, this isn't the 50s!” 
He hears rustling in the background, the sound of jeans and a belt buckle clinking as Gus presumably gets dressed.
Shawn feels some of the heavy weight in his chest lift and can’t quite stop the ghost of a smile from pulling at his lips. He knew he could count on Gus, he could always count on Gus.
“Could you and your mom come down?” Shawn says softly into the receiver,
“We’re on our way honey”.
“Mom!” Gus sputters and Shawn nearly drops the phone this time, he manages to catch it and bring it back to his ear just in time to hear Gus say, “you were listening?!”
Mrs. Guster sucks her teeth and Shawn can almost picture her rolling her eyes, “oh please Burton, you think I'm not going to listen when Shawn calls us in the middle of the night? I don't need a mother's intuition to know something's wrong”.
Shawn holds his breath again, as some of the anxiety from earlier creeps its way back into his spine, how long had she been listening? 
Shawn knows Mrs. Guster isn't overly fond of him after all the years of trouble-making and roping her son into his antics, garnering more calls to the Principal's office than the Gusters would have expected for their boy. 
And what if she had heard what Shawn said about Anthony, if she was listening the whole time–
“Shawn? Are you still there?” Mrs. Guster says sharply, halting the panicked spiral of thoughts before he can tumble all the way down, “don't say a word till I get there okay? We're on our way”.
“Yeah, that’s--okay,” Shawn breathes out as the wave of exhaustion that has been threatening to wash over him finally spreads down from the top of his head to his shoulders, making him slump slightly as the tension begins to bleed out of his shoulders. He hangs up the phone after another beat and releases a shaky breath, lifting his hands to press his fingers into his eyes for the second time that night.
The sound of a throat clearing behind him has Shawn lookup, slightly startled, to see Detective Vick standing behind him. The rookie is also pretending not to watch him from behind the Detective. He stands at the water dispenser, all legs and lanky arms; it's comical to see him try to be inconspicuous with a half empty paper cup, blue eyes pinched in something awful, like pity. 
Shawn wonders if he could get away with kicking the cop in the shins without adding another charge to his new rap sheet.
“You get a hold of your mom?” Detective Vick asks softly.
“Something like that,” Shawn says quietly as the Detective nods and beckons him back into the room. 
After a long night of taking his fingerprints and photos --where Shawn was reprimanded several times to face the correct way and to stop standing on his tiptoes at the last second to inflate his height, and finally his statement --though this was even harder for the Detective to get through without cracking just a bit after Shawn referred to Henry as, ‘what the Assistant Principal in the Breakfast Club wished he could be’.
It takes well over two hours before Shawn is released back into the main lobby. It’s still dark out thankfully but Shawn has no clue what time it is between the lack of daylight and the new wave of exhaustion that hits him in the gut as he slowly makes his way to the waiting area. 
Despite the wait in the horrible chairs in the lobby, Mrs. Guster and Gus are both there, waiting patiently for him. 
Gus launches himself off the chair faster than Shawn can say his name as he finds himself nearly tackled to the cold tiled floor.
“Don’t do that again man,” Gus says softly into Shawns shoulder as he hugs him tightly before pushing him away harshly, “it’s two in the morning, what the hell did you do that it took so long to get out? You didn’t actually murder Anthony did you, because I was hoping to get a shot in--”
“Dude!” Shawn squawks, his eyes dart to Mrs. Guster who is pointedly looking at the clock on the wall above their heads. She’s wearing a long cardigan over her pajamas and a tired expression on her face as she turns her gaze back to Shawn and her son. The periwinkle bonnet covering her hair does nothing to soften the air of annoyance following Mrs. Guster as she gives them the barest shake of her head and tells them to get in the car or start walking. 
Shawn releases a sigh of relief as Mrs. Guster herds Shawn and Gus into the little Ford Pinto, she hasn’t said a word since they left the building and seems content to listen to Gus speak for the both of them as they pull out of the department parking lot and onto the empty Santa Barbara downtown streets. 
He was expecting a lecture, or at least a stern warning to never call their home in the middle of the night like this again. But the silence is almost more terrifying as Gus begins to nod off next to Shawn in the back seat, he can’t get a good read on Mrs. Guster in her silence. Shawn picks at his thumbnail absently as he turns his head to the passenger window, startling slightly as Mrs. Guster clears her throat from the front seat.
“Shawn,” she says softly. Her eyes catch his in the rearview mirror, “I know we haven't always…” 
She breathes out and tries again, shifting her gaze back to the road, “Burton has always said you were a good boy, and we--I…”
Mrs. Guster releases another long breath and goes quiet, her brow furrowing slightly as she grips the steering wheel just a little tighter.  
Shawn holds his breath, the seat belt stretching tight across his neck like a noose as they continue down the highway. 
Then, in a voice softer than Shawn has ever heard Mrs. Guster use in more than ten years of knowing her, she says his name and holds his gaze in the rearview mirror once more. 
“You have a place to stay. With us…I hope you know that,” her voice is steady now but just as soft as when she said his name, “and I don’t care what that father of yours thinks, there is nothing wrong with you, do you understand?”
Shawn only manages a small nod as the lump in his throat doubles in size, erasing his voice completely. It earns him a kind smile in return from Mrs. Guster as she holds Shawn’s gaze for another beat before shifting her attention back to the dimly lit road. 
Shawn doesn't speak for the rest of the ride that night. Content to let the silence in the vehicle, punctuated by Gus's soft snores, and the soft golden light of the street lights wash over him as they make their way home.
Tag List: @adaed5 @drakkywolf @newgrangespirals @riverofrainbows (If you want to be removed or added to the tag list please let me know!)
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irondadfics · 4 months
Okay I actually have one this time. I believe it’s a one shot but I could be wrong. Peter gets stabbed and I think it’s partially due to lack of sleep (again, could be wrong and mixing up fics or something) and he calls Tony via Karen and Tony comes to his rescue while he’s at some party. I’m pretty sure Tony calls him “baby” and it’s really emotional as he’s flying Peter back to the tower and telling him to stay awake and be okay and all that. Hope this makes sense.
hello! Could this be your fic? Scene is in Chapter 5
For Want of a Dad (in need of a son) by GhostInTheBAU
“So, have you given the camping trip any more thought?” Ned asks, and he groans internally at the change in subject.  He'd much rather go back to talking about his non-existent love life, thanks.  The trip is during spring break—a four day long trek out into the wilderness, camping and hiking and gathering who even knows what, learning all about nature and the great outdoors. But the real kicker?  It's an event specifically designed for fathers and their sons, which is something Peter doesn't have, and something he will never be. Not again. ————— Or: Peter longs to have a deeper relationship with his mentor, a more meaningful connection; but he's managed to convince himself that the only reason Tony Stark spends any time with him at all is purely because of his enhancement. Because of Spider-Man
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daniwib · 6 months
Dammit I do not want to life I just want to 911
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kumquatqueenb · 5 months
I have a fic idea,
what if instead of in season 5 when Chimney was tortured and Hen had to watch; Buck was tortured and someone had to watch. all while the others are breaking down trying to find him. Buddie ofc could/would happen but what do you think?
Ok so first of all, let me just say, I immensely enjoyed the Hen&Chim arc in season 5. Anything featuring their bestie-ism and unwavering support of each other is something that I would sell my soul for.
Second of all, ok, I am running with you on this fic idea, potentially in a different direction than what you originally intended, but I am running ok?!
So to set the scene, we’ve got Buck who somehow got kidnapped, I haven’t figured out why or how yet, but it happened. The rest of the 118 finds out, don’t know how either, but they did, and now they are consequently freaking out. Bobby is stressed but trying to keep his cool so he can keep the rest of the team functional so they can do whatever is necessary to get Buck back. Hen and Chim have a full crime board set up trying to put the pieces together. Eddie is going back and forth between helping Hen and Chim with the crime board and just generally spiraling over potentially losing the love of his life.
Things are not pretty, but there is still hope! Something that Bobby has been fervently reminding them of.
“118! Heads held high, we are going to get through this! We will find him!” Bobby calls to his coworkers gathered around in Buck’s trashed loft.
“Yes Cap.” Hen and Chim parrot dutifully.
Eddie is staring somewhere middle distance and not at all paying attention.
“Hen, Chim, make sure Eddie is breathing please.” Bobby sighed, running a hand through his hair to try and deal with his restless energy, “And nobody start panicking, I’m going to call Athena and she’ll know what to do.”
“Did anyone turn on the TV?” Eddie asked, voice so blank that it tore Bobby’s attention from where he was scrolling through his phone to get to his wife’s contact.
Bobby turned and found that the TV was showing a staticky screen, which was weird because Bobby could’ve sworn it had been off when they’d entered the apartment.
“Uh, that was off before, right?” Chim asked, panic creeping into his voice as he glanced around the apartment nervously, “Eddie, Buck hasn’t mentioned his place being potentially haunted lately, right?”
“Obviously not. Ghosts aren’t real.” Eddie said, gaze still fixed unwaveringly on the TV.
“Look, it’s fine. It’s just some static.” Bobby said in his calmest voice, “I’m sure we just… missed it, when we came in.”
“Right. A group of first responders who are all trained to take in an entire scene in seconds all just… missed it.” Hen said, eyebrows raised to show her skepticism.
She was right, of course she was, Hen was rarely ever wrong, but for the sake of keeping everyone calm and rational he really didn’t need her poking holes in his explanations. In fairness though, Hen being overly critical and suspicious was her own way of panicking in these types of situations. Sometimes he just forgot that because she rarely ever panicked.
“Either way, it’s fine.” He said, taking a deep breath as he turned his back on the TV to face them, “It’s just some static, it isn’t going to hurt us.”
It was right as he finished his sentence that they all gasped and rushed past him to huddle around the TV screen. He whipped around to see what had startled them so much and found that the static had been replaced. Now, displayed across Buck’s flat screen was Buck himself.
He was tied to a chair that was bolted down to the floor and he was gagged with what looked like some cloth and duct tape. He had also clearly been beaten and there was blood and bruises all over him.
“Jesus, kid.” Bobby muttered as he darted forward to get closer to the screen like the others. “What did they do to you?”
“I’m going to rip whoever did this to shreds.” Eddie muttered darkly, and the others just nodded along.
“Bobby, it’s time to call Athena.” Hen said, not daring to take her eyes off the screen, “Buck doesn’t look great, we need to get him to a hospital.”
Bobby didn’t bother arguing with her, instead unlocking his phone which was still in his hand and tapping the call button on Athena’s contact. The phone rang once in his ear before Bobby was hearing Athena’s ringtone.
That made no sense though, because Athena wasn’t here so why would her phone be?
Hen straightened, shooting Bobby a puzzled look having also recognized the ringtone as her friend’s. “Bobby, what-”
Hen cut herself off as there was a sudden movement on the screen. There was a gloved finger being ticked back and forth in front of the camera in a ‘no no no’ motion. Then the camera was swinging sickeningly fast and the screen showed a new person sitting in an identical chair tied up and gagged.
It was Athena. She looked decidedly better than Buck did with no visible injuries and enough wherewithal to glare at the camera with enough fire to melt the world. The gloved hand came back into view, holding Athena’s phone this time with the screen lit up showing an incoming call from Bobby. The hand waited a minute, probably to give them enough time to see what he was holding before it pulled away and then the phone was smashing against the wall by Athena’s head.
To her credit, she didn’t even flinch, her fiery gaze unwavering on whoever was behind the camera. Then suddenly the image froze and then the screen turned black once more.
It was dead silent in Buck’s apartment before Chimney asked, “Uh, Bobby? Is it time to panic now?”
“Yes.” Bobby breathed out before he could think better of it, panic clawing its way up his own throat as his breaths turned shallow and ragged.
He couldn’t do this, not again. He couldn’t lose his wife and his kid again, he wouldn’t survive it this time.
“Ok, woah! No one panic!” Hen called, snapping her fingers in front of all their faces as forcefully as she could.
“Bobby, calling your wife obviously isn’t going to work.” Hen pointed out, “So now it’s time to call mine.”
Cue Karen coming in and kicking ass with her investigative skills and her ability to create investigative computer programs. Then we get Bobby&Eddie double teaming saving the people they love while Hen&Chim provide back up. Maddie comes in about halfway through when Chim panics and tells her what’s going on and she gets dispatch to help Karen&Co with her investigation. Buck is super injured by the time they got to him, Athena is ok but incredibly pissed because she wasn’t rly the target. The kidnapper knew the 118 and knew that Athena would be able to find them cause she’s awesome so they just kidnapped her too as a precaution. Unfortunately they underestimated the rest of the 118. But anyway, happy tearful reunions for all and plenty of buddie, Bathena, Henren, and even a bit of Madney content.
Anyway, tysm for this ask, this was fun to write :)
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capturedpain · 6 months
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Daredevil 3x10
Matt does everything he can to protect the ones he loves.
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zanazirafanfic · 1 month
WIP Whenever
Now that the weather's cooling off, I'm finally getting some of my creative juices flowing again. (Can I just say, summer SUUUUCKS?)
Here is my planned fic schedule for the the rest of August and September. (I've got my publication schedule outlined through the end of the year, but will be releasing it a month at a time.)
8/28/24 - "A Wee Bit Wobbly" Whumpcember Day 13 - "Restraints" + "Collapse" - Ch. 2 Sean whump, guilty Arthur, helpful Charles + Javier
9/9/24 - "Like A Drowned Rat," Whumpcember Day 14 - "Drowning" - Ch. 2 limp!Arthur, reluctantly-heroic Micah
9/11/24 - 25DCC, Ch. 14 - "Getting Snowed In" - 1896. Jake and Sadie Adler find ways to pass the time during their first blizzard together.
9/14/24 - "Cloghinne Winds," Whumpcember Day 15 - "Hallucinating" (idea inspired by @tiredcowboyy) - 1907. Dutch Van der Linde angst/grief, hurt-no-comfort.
9/16/24 - 25DCC, Ch. 15 - "Icicles" + "Someone Spiked the Eggnog!" - 1910. A day of fun and frolicking in the snow in the MacGuire-Jones-O'Shea household, followed by a night of mischief and merriment (and eggnog.)
9/17/24 - "Ringing A Bell," Whumpcember Day 16 - "Head Injury" - pre-canon/pre-John, injured!Hosea and worried! Dutch & Arthur
9/24/24 - "Where There's Smoke," Whumpcember Day 17 - "Fire" - Ch. 3, feat. scared!Jack and heroic/hurt!John
9/26/24 - 25DCC, Ch. 16 - "Family invited an old crush/first love to a dinner party." - 1895. Dutch and Hosea plan an early Christmas dinner, with a surprise visitor for Arthur.
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@photo1030 @cassietrn
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ex0rin · 1 year
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"Hi. Uh, could you please... break my arm?" Jack Quaid | The Boys S03E03: Barbary Coast
+ bonus:
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thaliaisalesbian · 2 months
i get myself twisted in threads
Chapters: 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30
Chapter 31: could it be easy this once?
“Jon, come on, it’ll be fun.”
“Working at the mall together?”
“Yeah! Nancy said she might if her internship at the paper falls through.” Why Steve is looking at those applications this early, Jonathan’s not sure. The internships are different; everyone knows the mall is going to be desperately hiring when it opens.
“I’ll think about it.” He’s working on getting an internship at the paper, too, though Steve might be right. Don’t malls sometimes have photo stations? He’ll have to look into it. Maybe he’ll find a record shop or something, that might work too.
He and Nancy were really looking forward to working together, though.
They’ve still got time, anyway.
“Are you doing anything for your classes over the summer?”
“No, I don’t think so. I don’t know that it would be a good idea, anyway. Probably better to work and get something saved up.”
For what? As far as Jonathan knows, Steve’s parents aren’t going to kick him out or stop paying on the utilities when he turns eighteen, though honestly it wouldn’t be too surprising if they did.
“My mom called. She talked my dad around, apparently. He’s still upset that I didn’t get into any colleges.”
“Talked him around from what?” Nancy doesn’t even bother knocking anymore; Mom had somehow gotten Steve’s house key and made copies at the same time she made copies of their house key. Jonathan is not going to ask questions.
“He wanted to send me to a military school, though I’m not sure how that would have worked for him after I turned eighteen. After that, the plan was for me to pay the property taxes and utilities.”
“What are you actually going to have to pay for to stay there?” Steve doesn’t even seem upset about this. He must have been expecting worse news.
“Just groceries and gas for my car, still. At least until I graduate high school. Mom’s convinced him to start up my allowance again because ‘at least I’m trying to graduate’. It’s a lower amount, though.”
“How much do you have saved already?”
“I’ve got cash hidden in three spots in my room.” Steve says. “They’re still on my back account, I can’t take them off until I’m eighteen, so if they wanted to shut it down they could. Probably about two grand, total. I don’t know how long it would last me if I needed it. I’d rather have the extra, just in case. If something happens and I have to leave, my dad will shut down my accounts and I’d have nothing.”
Jonathan hasn’t even looked at his bank account in at least a year. He cashes his checks in sometimes, but mostly Mom just takes his to the banks with hers and puts them all in at once.
Though she hasn’t really been doing that for the past year or so; he’ll have to ask why.
“What about the money from Owens?” Nancy paces for a minute. “Where’s that? Mike and I both have some; we can’t access the full amount until we’re twenty-one, but there’s a monthly allowance put into an account our parents don’t know about for us.” When neither of them say anything, she continues. “Jonathan, your mom would probably have yours, because she’s in the know, Steve, you should have at least some of yours.”
“No one ever said anything to me about that.” 
“Really? They talked to Mike and I when we signed the NDAs. I’m planning on using it for college.”
“I’ll have to check with Mom.” Jonathan says slowly. She has been really insistent lately that he doesn’t need to work, but she’s always done that. And there have been some repairs done on the house, but he’d figured some of that was paid for by Owens, after everything. “She hasn’t said anything to me, if that’s the case.”
But then he thinks about some of the art supplies Will has now; how Mom had brought him new film rolls for his camera; they have a new stove, even.
“You should. Steve, you might want to talk to Hopper.” Nancy’s got a plan going already, grabbing paper off of Steve’s desk and writing out the details.
If they have this money, then he can go to college without having to take out loans, probably. Especially if he gets a scholarship.
But then, if they have all of this money, why haven’t they moved? Gotten a bigger house, or added onto it or something?
Mom has to have a reason for that.
He wants to call her right away, but she’s at work, so it’ll have to wait. Jonathan doesn’t want to get her in trouble with her boss.
“What do you want for dinner?” Steve leans into him so that he can whisper and not interrupt Nancy’s muttered calculations and planning.
“How about that pasta bake you were telling me about the other day?”
“Yeah, I can do that. Chicken or ham? We’d have to throw the chicken on the grill, but the ham could just go right in.”
“Ham.” Sounds easier than chicken.
“Nance, you can plot your world domination in the kitchen, we’re making dinner.” Steve pulls her up smoothly, then does the same for Jonathan—only he sends them both to the floor instead.
“Really, Steve?” He kisses Steve’s cheek anyway.
“What, I’m not allowed to help you up now?”
“Not if we both end up on the floor. Did you hit your head?” When Owens and Irene had come by for a check-up last week, they’d told them about the concussion and bruising.
Now, they just have to convince Steve to go in for a bunch of scans to make sure he's okay. Owens said it’d be covered, so he won’t have to worry about his parents finding out through insurance or something.
“Wait, what are you making?” Nancy holds one of Steve’s crutches out to him, looking a little startled when he actually takes it.
“It’s a surprise.” Steve tells her. “You just worry about world domination. Jonathan and I will take care of everything else.”
“Everything else?”
“Yep. Your wish is our command.”
“Just name the time and place.” Jonathan adds. “If you’re going to take over the world, you need minions, right?”
“That’s what the kids are for.” Nancy’s mouth turns up at the corners. “You two wouldn’t be mere minions.”
“Then what would we be, my lady?” Steve asks, more dramatic with every word. “Your harem, kept up in a room for you to admire as you wish? Your enforcers? Arm candy?”
“I’ve heard that you can be quite threatening with that nail bat, Steve.” Nancy muses. “But we can’t have you getting any more injured, so publicly you’ll be arm candy. You’ll be in charge of the kitchen for the appearance of keeping you busy when you’re not with me, and you’ll make me any dessert I request. Jonathan, you’ll be in charge of making sure most of the place looks like it came right out of a photograph, and of course you two will have to switch off on your arm candy duties.”
She pauses at the bottom of the stairs, turning to grin up at them. “And secretly, you’ll be my most trusted advisors.”
“Why secretly?” Jonathan asks. Not that he minds; he doesn’t know of many people who would call him arm candy, especially next to Steve, and, well, he really likes that Nancy does.
“Well, if no one knows you’re my advisors, then why would they target you for anything? You’d just be my pretty boys.”
Steve stumbles a little, but Jonathan can’t tell if it’s because of what Nancy said or if it’s because his crutch slipped; he grabs his arm either way.
“You’ll have to tell us more while I—” Jonathan tightens his grip a little as Steve falters again, “while we make dinner. What would you make your little minions do? I can think of a few things for the shitheads.”
“I’m sure we all can think of more than a few. But that’s not the important part… yet. We have to get there first.”
“Whatever you say, High Lady.”
“No, that’s not going to work as a title.”
Their world domination chatter slows as their dinner bakes, and by the time they’re done eating and cleaning up, Nancy and Jonathan have to go home.
It’s a shame, really. Jonathan was looking forward to seeing how many times he and Steve could make Nancy blush with different titles for her new-found position.
finish on ao3 or continue reading
Once she’s safely in her room, Nancy lets herself think a little more about this world domination plan.
Mostly, she lets herself think how Steve had reacted when she’d called them ‘pretty boys’, and although Jonathan had been better at hiding it, she thinks he liked it too.
That just means she’s going to have to use it more often.
“Nancy! Joyce Byers is on the phone for you!” Mom must still be by the phone downstairs. She checks the clock; it hasn’t quite been long enough for Jonathan to make it back home yet, if that’s what Joyce is calling about.
“Hey, Joyce.” She hears her mom get off the line on the other phone.
“Hi, Nancy.” For a minute, she can forget that she’s talking to her boyfriend’s mom. It feels like Barb one of her friends has called and they’re about to talk about their plans. “It’s been a few weeks since I’ve seen you, I just wanted to check in.”
“Oh. You’re—you’re not calling about Jonathan?”
“No, he just pulled in, he’s fine. I know things have gotten busier, and it’s different now that Steve’s not staying with us or with Jim—” She always forgets that Joyce calls Hopper Jim. It is his name, and they’re both adults, so it makes sense, but it still feels so weird to think of him as ‘Jim’. “But we’ve had some good conversations, when we get the chance.”
Most of those are just Joyce giving her advice. Usually about dating her boys.
She hasn’t been wrong yet. Nancy wants to know how Joyce figured all of this out.
“We do.” Nancy agrees. “I miss talking to you, too.” She doesn’t realize how true it is until she says it.
“Well, I have the day off tomorrow—how about a girls’ lunch, and if we feel like it, we can invite the boys for dinner.”
“Girls’ lunch meaning just us…?”
“Max and Jane are included in that.” Jane. Right. That’s the name they’re using for El when they’re not supposed to be talking about her.
Nancy hasn’t found out why; she’ll have to ask. “Just tell me when and where.”
“Jim is dropping Max and Jane off at noon, but you can come by before that if you want. Eleven, maybe?”
“If you’re hoping I can help cook, Jonathan can tell you that I’m hopeless.”
“I’m sure you’re not as bad as I am.” Muffled, she hears, “I’m talking to Nancy, honey.”
“I’m worse, ask him.” Nancy says.
“She is!” Jonathan’s further away, and she just saw him, but hearing his voice makes her smile anyway.
“What do you say, Nancy?”
“Sounds like fun. I’ll bring my nail polish and some dress-up clothes. Max might not be into it, but E-Jane might find something she likes.”
“You’re a good one, Nancy.” She can hear Joyce’s smile in her voice. “Jonathan’s taking the boys to the arcade for most of the day; I think Jim wants to check in with Steve. And then we can have a family dinner afterward.”
“Yeah. Yeah, that sounds nice.” Mom’s probably not going to be too happy, but Nancy doesn’t care. Mike won’t be home for dinner either.
“I’ll let you go, then. Don’t stay up too late!”
“I won’t.” She promises. “Have a nice night, Joyce.” Is it wrong that sometimes she wishes Joyce was her mom?
Predictably, her mom comes up to ask what the call was about.
If she was just going to ask anyway, she might as well have stayed on the line.
“Joyce just wanted to know if I wanted to have a girls’ day with her and the girls in Mike’s friend group tomorrow. I’ll be going over around eleven.”
“That’s sweet of her, to give them a break from all those boys.” Nancy wonders if one of them requested it. El might have, but given how attached she is to Steve, it seems more likely that she would have wanted a day with him.
Max… she doesn’t really know Max all that well. She doesn’t know if Max would have wanted a day away from the boys or not. Maybe she’d rather be beating them at arcade games.
“Yeah, it’ll be fun. I’m going to bring some of my old clothes for them to try on. They’ll be out of style by the time Holly is big enough to wear them, Mom.” She rolls her eyes when her mom tries to protest.
“Who are those girls? The redhead and who else? Someone at school?”
Fuck. What is she supposed to say about El?
“No, she doesn’t go to school yet. She’s staying with Chief Hopper for now, she was in a bad situation and school would probably be a little too overwhelming for her yet.”
“Oh, I see.” Her mom doesn’t step into the room, just stays in the doorway. How long is this going to go on? Normally she would have shut the door by now. “Well, you have a good time. Mike’s going to the arcade, and then he’s eating dinner at the Byers’.”
“I’ve been invited to dinner too, if I’m still there.”
“Of course you have. I’ll have to see if there are any movies Holly might like, then, and take her out. Just… you and Mike both be back before nine. Tomorrow’s a school night.”
“I’ll make sure we are, Mom.” She can’t tell what her mom’s thinking. It’s not like she told them she had anything planned for tomorrow; if she had, then Nancy would have declined the dinner invite. Mike would grumble about it a lot, but he’d make sure he was home for dinner, too. “I’m sure you and Holly will find a movie. Or you could bake something together, I remember we did that when I was little. It was always fun.”
That was before Mike was around, and when he was a baby. She and Mom had their special baking time when he was down for his naps, because Nancy had been ‘too big’ for naps.
By the time Mike was three, they’d become a monthly event instead of a weekly event. She’d been in school by then, so that limited their time, but they’d had weekends.
And when her mom found out she was pregnant with Holly, it seemed like the world had stopped. It’d only gotten worse after Holly was born.
It’s like her mom lost a part of herself, or something, and she didn’t know how to get it back but now she’s trying.
But she can’t make up for the years she’d missed, even when she’d been physically present.
Nancy hasn’t thought about baking with her mom like this in a while. She hadn’t realized how much she’d missed it.
“I’ll see if she’d like that.” Nancy has to restrain herself from saying ‘she will.’ Holly had been so happy when they’d made cookies with her. “If you want to, Nancy, we could try something a little more complicated now that you’re older. Just you and me, like we used to.”
“Yeah, I would like that. But I’m not very good at baking. Or cooking. Or anything other than mixing.”
“I remember your salty cookies.” Her mom smiles. “It was nice of you to try. I can teach you, you just need practice. I’ll go shopping this week and if you don’t have plans next Saturday, we can do it then.”
She’d been hoping to see Steve and Jonathan next Saturday, but given that she wants to spend pretty much all of her time with them, she’s going to have to disregard that thought for now.
“Next Saturday sounds good, Mom.”
“Good. I’ll set up a play-date for Holly, and talk to Mike about what he’d like to do so we can have the house to ourselves.”
As rough as things have been lately, Nancy’s just glad that her mom is at least trying now.
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whumpspacesw · 1 year
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Have some painful memories of Zigoola 💔
Clone Wars Gambit - Stealth, Karen Miller
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patr0nsa1nt · 7 months
Another Okada Masaki content. I guess I'm a fan of him now.
Jdrama - Meishi Game (this show is quite underrated and deserves lots of love)
Mysterious man X (Okada Masaki) kidnaps a corrupt producer of the popular quiz program Kanda (Tsutsumi Shinichi) and his daughter Mina (Otomo Karen) and attached the bomb coller around their neck and forces him to play Meishi Game where he has to return the business cards to their rightful owners. If he makes a mistake, his daughter will blow up.
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Don’t mind me, I’m just suddenly blinded by the angst of Deb saying that between Matt & Frank, Karen would probably spend the rest of her life with Matt, because my brain helpfully followed that up with because she knows she’d always be dreading the day that meant she’d been with Frank for the rest of his life but still had a lifetime to go.
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whumpythingy · 2 years
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Whumptober 2022 | no 8: EVERYTHING HURTS AND I'M DYING
Stomach Pain | Head Trauma | Back from the Dead
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donationwayne · 4 months
Feelin' Good (Could Be Better) || Buddie || 10/10 Chapters || 24.6k words
Hi, I just realized I never made a post for the full work since I completed this a month or two back, so I thought I'd give it a little post!
The Buckley parents unexpectedly visit, turning Buck's already shaky mental status from precarious to impossibly worse. Buck joins Maddie, Chimney, and his parents for a dreadful dinner. We take a little look into Buck's childhood through a series of flashbacks. And Buck is super fine thanks for asking, he'll just bake about it. And think about kissing Eddie, obviously. There's a family barbecue in attempt to keep the Buckley's on their best behavior. It doesn't really work. SNIPPET
Before he has a chance to make an attempt at opening the door, it flies open to reveal May, who stares at their offerings in disbelief and bewilderment. “How many more people are coming?” May asks, dazed. “We’re the last ones,” Eddie replies, amused. May takes the cookies off his hands and follows them to the kitchen. “Good Lord, Buck,” Athena exclaims, torn between horror and amusement. “He bakes when he’s anxious.” Eddie offers. “Maybe next time, just book an extra therapy session.” May teases. Buck, who is standing by the sink, grabs the hose attachment and sprays her with it, earning a shrieking laugh. “Don’t even try me, Grant,” Buck threatens. “You’re cleaning that up,” Athena informs Buck, who is already grabbing a towel to soak the water up from the floor. “I’ll tell Bobby you two made it inside.” Athena hesitates. “Everyone is already here. And your sister is babysitting your parents.” Buck nods, smoothing down his shirt. “Right.” Chimney darts inside, holding onto his glass for dear life, looking like a man in desperate need of a buoy. “Booze?” He blurts at Athena, who gestures towards the fridge. “That bad?” Eddie asks in amusement. "Oh, thank God, you’re here. It's almost your turn for babysitting duty.” “I agreed to no such thing. I plan on avoiding my parents until we all sit down for dinner.” Buck replies. Chimney opens the fridge, brandishing gold tequila at him. “Either of you in?” “Definitely,” Buck says, joining him. He grabs three disposable shot glasses from the drink area and hands them to Chimney. “I’m the potential getaway driver, so I’ll be drinking a beer early on at most.” “That’s genius. If you escape, please take me with you.” Chimney pleads, he fills all three shot glasses, and pushes two of them towards Buck. “You can have Eddie’s.” They cheers, tapping the shots on the counter before swallowing down the sharp, cheap tequila. He throws the second one back and shivers. Chimney glances at Eddie while grabbing three beers from the fridge. “Ready to meet your in-laws?” Buck feels himself flush at Chimney’s implication, but Eddie simply rolls his eyes, unphased. He cracks open the beer that Chimney hands him, “Come on, let's go rip the band-aid off.” Eddie offers. He sets a warm, grounding hand on Buck’s shoulder, steering him to the patio doors. Chimney leads the charge.
Above is a small offering of fluff to appease you. I'm sorry, there is a lot of angst ahead.
This is basically just a fic about how much I hate the Buckley parents and yes I made them even worse, you're welcome! I went Hater school so I would have the tools to properly hate Margaret and Phillip Buckley.
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panthera-dei · 2 months
Whumperless Whump Event Day 10 (Late Entry)
Prompt: "Forced to work while ill"
Fandom: Psych
Story Title: "Sickness, Search, and Rescue"
Story Info:
Characters: Carlton Lassiter, Juliet O'Hara, Karen Vick (other characters are mentioned but do not appear)
Rating: G
No warnings apply
Cw: sickfic, lost in the woods (canon-typical)
Story Link & Summary:
Right as Juliet is about to call in sick, she finds out that everyone in the SBPD is needed for a search & rescue case. How can she manage to find a missing person when she's struggling to make it through the day?
Aaaaand once again, here's a shameless plug for Psychfic.com, now available in Discord and Tumblr flavors! Get it now while supplies last! Available at all places where there are fans of delicious flavor! (No seriously, feel free to contact anyone on Psychfic if you're interested!)
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