#creative studio website
madcryptings · 3 months
Armur is committed to serving your cinematic world. They take a holistic approach at making sure your vision comes across through every department that involves physical craft.
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TOP WEBSITE DESIGN: https://youtu.be/d9FJUyBbRIU https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TgYsXd-8dqI&feature=youtu.be https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p2qzptCjH-s https://youtu.be/PhyvI4vOhwM?si=V79LMro5MsCqilH0
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happywebdesign · 2 months
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vanillabat99 · 2 years
Thinking about testing out RPG Maker! I have some game ideas that are proving to be difficult in my current Roblox Studio limitations, and from what I've seen of RPG Maker it would work really well with what I have in mind!! If anyone has worked with it before, I'd love to hear your thoughts!
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animationstudio · 10 days
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pitastudiosofficial · 4 months
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Tau nggak, sebenarnya penting banget lho punya nama brand yang kuat buat bisnismu. Yuk, ikutan kita eksplorasi bareng tentang betapa pentingnya sebuah nama yang tepat . . Di konten menarik ini, kita akan bahas seberapa besar pengaruh nama yang pas dalam membentuk kesan, ngebuat pelanggan tertarik, dan membangun bisnis yang sukses. Jadi, jangan diremehin ya kekuatan dari sebuah nama brand . Ini adalah langkah awal menuju kesuksesan ! . Ayo kita mulai perjalanan branding bersama @pitastudiosofficial!
Pita Studios siap membantu kamu dalam pembuatan konten digital yang menarik dan berkesan. Dengan layanan pembuatan konten dan video eksplainer kami, kamu dapat menghasilkan karya-karya kreatif yang memukau !
[ Let's make your creation is real ! ]
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Instagram - @pitastudiosofficial
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Website - www.pitastudios.com
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Join Saluran Whatsapp Rise Up bersama Pita Studios yuk !
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darcey-stone · 11 months
Capturing Creativity: Exploring Creative Product Photography in NYC and CT
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Today, when the world of commerce runs on online marketing and e-commerce platforms, it is essential to understand the significance of high-quality product photography.  With the increasing dependence on digital platforms for brand engagement, product marketing and shopping, businesses cannot do without visually engaging product images capable of enticing potential customers. If you are interested in capturing engaging pictures of your products, New York and Connecticut are happening cities where you can easily locate the best product photography near me.
What makes brand photography so important?
There are many reasons why you seriously need to consider hiring the brand photographer near me for your business. Photography is a fine art that goes far beyond simply clicking photographs of different products. A photographer needs to be creatively oriented, technically skilled and possess a profound understanding of the brand and its target audience. In fact, in the hands of a gifted photographer, even the most mundane products magically come to life and create a sense of need in customers.
Experimenting with looks
The role of a photographer from a product photography studio near me begins with creating visuals that align with the identity the brand is keen to project. The photographer will meticulously learn about the brand values, target audience and the overall theme before designing a impactful narrative that resonates with your target audience. Whether you are aiming for a classy, vintage look or a contemporary, sleek look, the photographer will work closely with you to transform your vision into compelling visuals.
Perfect backdrop for stunning images
The bustling cities of New York and Connecticut offer excellent spots for creative photographers to unleash their product photography set up in NYC. From the enchanting countryside of Connecticut to the pulsating streets of Manhattan, these locations provide exciting settings to bring out the best in products. A photographer with creative vision will leverage visually appealing surroundings to create innovative images that enhance the brand identity in unique ways.
Playing around with lighting
If you browse through images in the best photographer website, you are sure to notice how lighting affects the mood and reach of images. Given the quickly changing light conditions in NY and CT, photographers operating in the area are experts at manipulating natural and artificial lighting to highlight the best features of your products and create the intended mood. In addition to their experience in managing light, they are also equipped with reflectors or diffusers that help soften light or create spectacular shadows. 
Final word
With the fierce competition out there, businesses have to invest in high-grade product photographs to catch the attention of potential customers and stand out from the crowd. Photographers specializing in creative product photography in the NYC, CT area are equipped with the artistic vision, talent and technical skills to craft fascinating images that showcase your products in positive and engaging ways. Whether you are interested in photographs that highlight creativity or engage your audience with visual storytelling, these photographers can adapt their styles to align with your expectations.
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ocmdesign · 1 year
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tepkunset · 21 days
Marvel Studios is an American film and television production company. Marvel Comics is an American comic book publisher.
As of the current date, the official BDS Movement has called for a Boycott of Marvel Studios upcoming Captain America film that features a zionist Israeli character who supports apartheid. There has been zero mention of Marvel Comics - or anything else Marvel - in either of their two statements I can currently find mentioning "Marvel" on their website, unless something is missing from that tag.
April 27, 2023: "Palestinians call for widespread boycotts of Marvel’s 2024 film, Captain America: New World Order, unless it drops Sabra/Ruth Bat-Seraph, its “superhero” that personifies the apartheid state of Israel. ... We encourage creative, peaceful protests to challenge Marvel Studios’ – and its owner Disney’s – complicity in anti-Palestinian racism, Israeli propaganda, and the glorification of settler-colonial violence against Indigenous people. ... We urge conscientious audiences worldwide to join us in boycotting Captain America: New World Order, and standing up for freedom, justice and equality."
November 23, 2023: "Marvel’s next Captain America film features Sabra/Ruth Bat-Seraph, a “superhero” personifying apartheid Israel. The character’s backstory includes working for the genocidal Israeli government and its occupation forces. By reviving this racist character in any form, Marvel is promoting Israel’s oppression of Palestinians. It is complicit in anti-Palestinian racism, Israeli propaganda, and glorifying settler-colonial violence. Tell Marvel you won’t buy its toys, clothes or accessories."
It is my understanding that the only way a boycott will work is if it's organized and targeted - thus the reason for BDS in the first place. The demand was that Marvel Studios remove the Israeli character from the film. Since the demand has not been met, then the boycott remains in place. But boycotting some random comic book writer's work and some comic book shop that makes pennies, with nothing to do with the MCU, is not what is being organized at this time.
The character in question hasn't even been featured in comics in 10 years - though of course she never should have been created in the first place. But Marvel Studios is choosing to pull her out of nowhere, when they have thousands and thousands of characters they could adapt instead. Please boycott Captain America: Brave New World (formerly titled New World Order) set to come out February, 2025, even if you're a Sam Wilson fan.
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nitarakk1 · 1 year
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Digital Marketing Agency India
We are India's best digital marketing agency based in Bangalore. We believe in data-driven, highly creative solutions that address all of your requirements. We're the ideal business partner for you. We are a company that has been operating in India for several years and has completed over 350 projects.
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findheronline · 1 year
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Puro Design have a unique multidisciplinary team, working together to provide full range of services from brand management, creative graphic design and copy writing to website development, maintenance, and SEO.
We approach each project with a clean slate and open mind, to allow us to create a unique brand that is pure to the goals and values of your company.
At Puro Design we passionately understand and value how great branding and marketing can be fundamental to a company’s success. We provide creative and innovative design and digital solutions to a diverse range of clients globally, allowing organisations to visually communicate with clients and stakeholders through informative multimedia and marketing products that enhance brand strength.
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happywebdesign · 8 months
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lady-raziel · 1 month
and alright, here's my last (let's hope) and boldest take yet. lots of people have been talking about the level of staff (around 25-ish people) at watcher, and whether downsizing that number could have been a potential avenue of reducing costs before just jumping to a subscription model. at first i was like yeah, i'm not sure that there needs to be 18 people involved in making a lets play. i was in the fucking trenches in the unus annus days and i'm still amazed how markiplier and ethan nestor managed to put out pretty well edited videos every day for a whole year with only a handful of editors and a couple people filming. what unus annus was trying to do and what watcher is trying to do are obviously pretty different, but the point is that you really don't need a whole crew of people to make lots of different types of content and do it well.
i still think there probably doesn't need to be a whole production crew involved with the creation of some of the simpler types of content watcher puts out. however, i don't think the size of the staff is the real problem. in fact, i think the staff of watcher probably should have been larger.
let me explain. if i begrudgingly go to one of my most detested websites (linkedin. *bleeegh*) and look up watcher, i can see that pretty much every person on staff is in a creative role of some sort by their own admission. at first glance, its like, oh, that makes sense. they're making creative products, it's natural that they should all be in creative roles. however, once you think about it for a little longer from a business perspective, that fact is really concerning.
after all, by watcher's own definition, this is a production studio. this is a company. So in this sea of creative roles, who's doing corporate planning? Who's managing finance? Who's doing payroll? Or brand outreach? Or human-freaking-resources??? you can hire outside groups for all this. i'm aware. but those services cost a lot of money to contract too. i'm just finding it concerning that there is pretty much no one on full time staff that is there to at least do some of this stuff. if watcher wants to be a big-boy company, that's fine, but that means you have to pay some people to be part of your company to do the not-fun business stuff like accounting. or resource management.
if they want to be a real company, they should actually have a lot more people on staff to deal with all the non-creative parts of running a company. even if they contract out most of it, you want at least a few people that are your people and don't actually work for someone else. that's how you don't get screwed over or end up in a contract you can't get out of.
which leads me to my last train of thought. like, as i go through the staff of watcher and look at what they do, it really seems like one of the ONLY people who's job it was to look at the business side of things WAS steven lim in his role as CEO. and thinking about that, i'm like god, can you imagine?? here's a guy who just wants to create cool stuff too but as one of the few people who has to think about the realities of Brand and the Business, HE has to be the one to burst the bubble. He as CEO has to say no to people and make decisions to make sure the company survives. In a group of creative people who just want to make things they're interested in, no expense spared, he was probably the guy who had to stay at least a little tethered to reality.
I'm not about to say that steven lim isn't to blame here. everyone involved in making the decisions that have led up to this point is part of this. but shit, it absolutely sucks to have to be the person at the end of the brainstorm session when everyone is coming up with their best ideas and to have to say "guys, i don't think any of these things are possible unless we make some big decisions."
is that what happened at watcher HQ? i don't know. at this point, with radio silence from everyone, speculation is all we've got. but if you follow the thread of a bunch of creatives striking out on their own to make their own business after being burned by their former employer, despite not knowing really how to run a business, and then only hiring fellow creative people and not other people who actually run business things... well, all of this starts to make slightly more sense in WHY none of watcher's actions make sense. everybody wants to stick it to the man and be their own boss with their own business, until it actually comes to the hard parts of doing that. at that point people start to realize, "oh, maybe some of the things that existed at my old job were there for a reason, actually."
all this is why lots of creatives striking out and starting their own businesses don't work in the end. they're thinking about in terms of creative products still, when they really need to be focusing more on the "business" part of the "creative business." it's sad. it sucks. it destroys a lot of good ideas and good people, because one person in every company like that has to be the one who thinks practically. could this have been avoided if watcher had been hiring people all along to manage this business and not just adding people to add to the creative output? maybe. even then it might not have been enough to curb other predictable impulses that led us down this path.
i feel bad for watcher, and i feel bad for the fandom. but i can't help but wonder if this was always the kind of situation we were going to end up in, and we just missed some of the warning signs because ALL of us were thinking, "well, that could never happen to us. we're different. not the Ghoul Boys."
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hd-junglebook · 25 days
The Art & The Muse
Pairing: Luke Hughes x Artist!Reader
a:n currently spiraling at the moment so don't be shocked if I release five more fanfictions that I wrote 30 minutes before posting with no proof reading. lol.
Masterlist Link
Summary: A struggling artist finds inspiration in the most unexpected place - a painting class which the famous Luke Hughes has joined. y/n is in awe at his beauty, finding herself fascinated by his masculine beauty.
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word count - 1568
Luke let out a deep sigh as he sank back into the worn leather of his favorite chair, relishing the rare luxury of a day off. No early morning practices, no media obligations, no road trips - just him, his apartment in New Jersey, and the peace and quiet he craved.
Well, almost quiet. Luke could hear the muffled sounds of his older brother Jack clattering around in the kitchen, no doubt raiding the fridge for a snack. Luke rolled his eyes and tried to tune it out, savoring the silence. He loved his brother, but sometimes Jack's boundless energy and enthusiasm could be a bit much, especially on a lazy Sunday like today.
As if on cue, Luke heard Jack's familiar voice echoing down the hallway. "Hey, Lukey! Get your butt out here!"
Luke groaned, resigning himself to the inevitable interruption. "What is it, Jack?" he called back, not bothering to move from his comfortable spot.
Jack appeared in the doorway, mouth half-full of what looked like leftover pizza. "Dude, you need to find a hobby or something. All you do is sit around and talk to girls all day."
Luke raised an eyebrow. "Excuse me?"
"You heard me." Jack gestured emphatically, spraying crumbs. "Go out and find a girlfriend or something. Do something productive for once!"
"Close the door," Luke said tiredly, waving a hand.
Jack just laughed and turned to leave, still chewing noisily. "Whatever, man. Your life is boring."
Luke waited until he heard the click of the door, then let his head fall back with a groan. Sometimes he wondered how he and Jack could be brothers, let alone teammates. While Luke treasured his rare days off to recharge, Jack always seemed to have boundless energy, constantly looking for the next adventure or party.
A girlfriend, huh? Luke mulled over Jack's words. It wasn't that he was opposed to the idea, exactly. He just hadn't felt that spark with anyone lately. Between his grueling hockey schedule and the demands of his public persona, it was hard enough to find the time and energy for a social life, let alone a serious relationship.
Still, maybe Jack had a point. Luke had been feeling a little...stagnant lately. Perhaps it was time to try something new, step outside his comfort zone a bit. With a decisive nod, Luke reached for his phone.
Luke drummed his fingers against his thigh as he scrolled through the endless list of activities and classes, feeling increasingly discouraged.
His brow furrowed in concentration as he skimmed through the options, mentally crossing each one off as it failed to pique his interest.  Maybe Jack was right - he really was in a rut, stuck in the same old routine day after day.
Just as he was about to give up with a heavy sigh, a flash of inspiration caught his eye. An ad for painting classes at a local art studio.
Luke felt a faint tug of nostalgia as he remembered the hours he used to spend painting with his mom back home in Michigan, a small smile playing at the corners of his lips as the memories surfaced. It had been years since he'd picked up a brush, but the idea of reconnecting with that creative outlet was strangely appealing.
Intrigued, Luke clicked on the website and started browsing through the class schedules, his blue eyes scanning the page intently. The next session was in just two days - perfect.
Without overthinking it, he quickly signed himself up, a spark of determination lighting in his chest. With a decisive nod, he shut off his phone, feeling a renewed sense of purpose.
With a newfound spring in his step, Luke headed out to the living room where he could hear Jack clattering around. "Hey, Jack?" he called out, drawing his younger brother's attention.
Jack poked his head out from the kitchen, mouth full of what looked like leftover pizza. He quirked an eyebrow curiously, his cheeks puffed out like a chipmunk's.
Luke wrinkled his nose in mild disgust at the display, but pressed on. "I, uh, took your advice. I signed up for a painting class that starts in a couple days."
Jack's eyes widened in surprise, a spark of amusement flashing across his features. He let out a bark of laughter, pizza crumbs flying. "Painting? Seriously?" he asked, shaking his head in disbelief.
Luke shrugged, feeling a slight twinge of self-consciousness creep up his spine. "Well, I figured it was worth a shot. Gotta try something new, right?"
"Hey, that's great!" Jack grinned and clapped him on the shoulder, his infectious enthusiasm cutting through Luke's lingering doubts. "Who knows, maybe you'll meet some cute girls there or something."
Luke rolled his eyes, a faint smile tugging at his lips. "That's not really why I'm doing it, Jack."
"Sure, sure." Jack winked and grabbed another slice of pizza, seemingly satisfied with the conversation. "Whatever you say, bro."
Luke shook his head fondly and turned to head back to his room, a newfound spring in his step. Maybe this whole "trying new things" thing wouldn't be so bad after all.
Luke pulled his beanie down lower over his sandy blond curls as he stepped out onto the street, trying his best to stay as inconspicuous as possible.
He had thrown on his most unassuming outfit - a simple t-shirt, jeans, and a well-worn pair of sneakers - before hesitantly heading out the door, Jack's cheerful "Good luck!" ringing in his ears.
As Luke made his way down the sidewalk, the nerves started to kick in. What was he doing, really? Signing up for an art class on a whim - it was so unlike him.
The old Luke would have scoffed at the very idea, content to spend his rare days off lounging at home or chatting up pretty girls at the local bars. But that Luke felt stale, stuck in a rut. Maybe it was time to try something new.
Still, Luke couldn't help the self-conscious twinge that made him want to turn right back around and high-tail it home. He could already hear Jack's teasing laughter, the endless ribbing he'd have to endure. But Luke steeled his resolve, forcing his feet to keep moving forward. He'd come this far, might as well see it through.
Luke rounded the corner, nearly colliding with an elderly couple out for an afternoon stroll. "Sorry, excuse me," he murmured, deftly sidestepping them.
The last few minutes of his journey passed in a blur, and before he knew it, Luke found himself standing in front of the art studio, its glass door beckoning him inside.
Taking a deep breath, Luke pushed open the door, immediately greeted by the soothing scent of lavender. His eyes swept over the space, taking in the rows of easels and the vibrant paintings adorning the walls. A petite woman with a thick accent approached him, a warm smile on her face.
"Hello, welcome! Can I help you?"
Luke cleared his throat, suddenly feeling a bit self-conscious. "Uh, yeah, hi. I'm Luke - I signed up for the painting class?"
"Ah, yes, of course!" The woman's eyes lit up with recognition. "It's so wonderful to have you join us. I'm Helena, the instructor. Let me show you where you can set up."
As Helena led him over to an open easel, Luke felt a flicker of genuine interest. He followed Helena through the halls of the art studio, he couldn't help but feel a growing sense of intimidation.
The walls were practically bursting with vibrant, expertly-crafted paintings - from sweeping landscapes to intricate still lifes. He found himself glancing around in awe, suddenly self-conscious about his own artistic abilities.
Helena continued to speak animatedly, her hands gesturing as she explained the layout of the classroom and the materials available. Luke nodded along, trying his best to appear engaged, but his attention was diverted the moment they passed by a particularly striking piece.
The painting was dark, with soft whites and deep blues creating a moody, almost mystical atmosphere. But what truly captivated Luke was the subject - a male figure, rendered with such realism and attention to detail that it almost looked like a photograph.
The sculpted planes of his muscular torso, the veins in his hands, the play of light and shadow across his skin - every element was meticulously crafted, drawing the viewer in with its hypnotic allure.
Luke found himself stopping in his tracks, unable to tear his gaze away. It was as if the man in the painting had somehow come to life, his masculine beauty radiating off the canvas.
Helena let out a light laugh, drawing Luke's attention back to her. "I see you've noticed one of our more...popular pieces," she said, a knowing smile playing at her lips.
Luke felt a faint heat creep up the back of his neck, suddenly self-conscious about his obvious fascination. "Uh, yeah, it's...it's really well done," he stammered, clearing his throat.
"Indeed." Helena gestured towards the open doorway of the classroom. "Shall we? The class is about to begin."
Luke nodded, stealing one last glance at the captivating painting before following Helena into the studio. As he took his seat at the easel, he couldn't help but wonder who the artist was behind such a stunning work. And more importantly, would he have the chance to meet them?
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pitastudiosofficial · 4 months
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" Konten kreatif bukan hanya tentang membuat gambar atau video yang bagus. Ini adalah tentang membangun koneksi yang lebih kuat dengan konsumen, meningkatkan nilai branding, dan menciptakan pengalaman yang tak terlupakan."
Pita Studios siap membantu kamu dalam pembuatan konten digital yang menarik dan berkesan. Dengan layanan pembuatan konten dan video eksplainer kami, kamu dapat menghasilkan karya-karya kreatif yang memukau !
[ Let's make your creation is real ! ]
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- Animation Series
- Design and manufacture services 3D animation
- Educational Animation and Learning
- Game Development
- Company Profile & Advertising
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Instagram - @pitastudiosofficial
Facebook - Pita Studios
Twitter - @pitastudiosid
Website - www.pitastudios.com
Website - www.pitagroupcreative.com
Join Saluran Whatsapp Rise Up bersama Pita Studios yuk !
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rwrbmovie · 29 days
📌 prime experience screening + panel
It's May 8th, the day of the RWRB screening + panel at Prime Experience! I got a lot of questions about what to expect, what time, who'll be there, etc., so I decided to make this post with what I know. Hope this helps!
What's happening? The times below are in PDT (GMT -7). To see what time it will be in your timezone, use this website.
Photocall Screening - 7pm Panel - 9pm Reception
Edit: unclear when the photocall will occur, but it seems it will precede the panel.
nya studios WEST, Los Angeles
Who will be there?
CAST: Taylor Zakhar Perez, Nicholas Galitzine, Uma Thurman, Ellie Bamber CREATIVE TEAM/PRODUCERS: Matthew López, Casey McQuiston, Greg Berlanti, Sarah Schechter MODERATOR: Jenelle Riley
How long will the panel be?
Probably between 30 min to an hour. The Música panel is 30 min but only the 2 leads were participating. Panels with only showrunners for other shows were an hour long.
Will they record the panel?/Will we be able to watch it?
TLDR: It looks like Amazon does record the panels and make it available for the public to watch, but they don't upload it immediately afterwards. See the full answer here. If they do upload it, it will be on this website.
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ocmdesign · 1 year
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Are you tired of dealing with outdated websites? Our company specializes in website development in York, and we can help you create a modern and user-friendly site that will impress your customers.
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