#crevice and pitting resistance
gassyandnasty · 5 months
Could you make one for Nick Jonas on the backstage series?
Backstage - Nick Jonas
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When I heard about the new Jonas Brothers Tour, I knew it was the perfect opportunity to meet Nick. I scrolled through videos, and they were as fine as ever, specially him, so when they came to my city, I had to get the tickets.
The day of the concert came and of course I watched, all of them looked hot. Tight leather pants, pits out, the lights reflecting the drops of sweat, hypnotizing. When the concert ended, chaos followed them back to the hotel, so I took advantage of that to sneak in.
Luckily the window for his room was open, so I hid, waiting for him to come in. I heard footsteps and laughter, must be him and his brothers, then the door opened.
"Gosh, I'm so TIRED." It was Nick, my heart almost stopped. I could see through the crevices of the closet. He took his shirt off and sat on his bed, his hairy chest bare, all sweaty from the concert.
He got up and opened the closet where I was, and he jumped. "Who the fuck are you?! I'll call security!" The only thing I could focus on was how his guns flexed when he was talking mad at me.
"Uhm... Nick... I'm a big fan, could you give an autog-" I was about to say, when he cut me off.
"I was about to call security, but you seem like those inoffensive fags... How about you lick the sweat off me first?" Nick says, showcasing his sweaty and hairy pits for me, and it had a strong odor... strong as the manly man he is.
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I couldn't resist and lost no time: I burried my face on his left pit and started to lick. The hair on it tickled my tongue and the salty taste of his sweaty covered my whole face, while the strong B.O overpowered my senses.
I felt his hand on the back of my head pressing me further into his pits, while I heard from afar: "That's right... lick it clean, faggot." He mocked while I did the same job. He might thought that he was humiliating me, but little did he know that I was having the time of my life.
When he felt my job was done on the left, he roughly pushed my face into his right pit. "You are not leaving til both are clean, haha." He mocked while I did the same job. I was liking it, but his pits were so ripe that I was slowly losing my senses, getting on my knees.
"Haha, too much for you, stupid sissy?" He taunted while towered over me. "Why don't you try a dose of this, then?" Nick turned around and revelad his plump jean-clad ass, that I was oogling on the whole concert.
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"Been holding that since the beginning of the show... HNNNGG"
I could notice it was stuck, cause he forced it out and it came really deep and loud, lasting for more than I could handle. While the fart exploded and rumbled on my face, I slowly passed out, only hearing his laughter in the end.
I'll be posting mini stories like this about a crazy fan who discovers his idols are gassy hogs. You guys can suggest me who should I do next.
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frayaziwriter · 1 month
I'm A Spider - Wait, What?
Chapter 2
When you died, the sun was just barely peeking over the treetops. It was too bad you couldn’t see it rise once more; your eyes were glued shut and you couldn't move. You could vaguely hear the heart monitor beep from its place beside your bed. 
‘It hurts..’
You were too tired, too limp to make even a whimper.
‘Please, make the pain stop.’
[Request fulfilled. Notice; you now have {Pain Resistance}.] <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><
You woke slowly.
‘..What?’ You thought, struggling to get your feet under you. ‘What happened?’
[Congratulations on your evolution. You have acquired new skills.]
‘New..skills?’ That’s when you noticed the crackling shell littering your cave floor. You shrieked, bumping back into the somewhat cramped wall of the crevice. ‘The hell?! What is that?!’
[Answer; that is your molted exoskeleton. You will molt with each evolution to make way for your bigger form.]
You whimpered. ‘Oh..okay. Okay. That..was ew.’
[Notice; you have acquired new skills.]
Hesitantly shoving the exoskeleton out of your home, you nod. ‘R-Right. Right, okay. What are they?’
[Answer; in total, you have ten skills, including myself. Your new ones are the {Skill; Thought Communication}, the {Skill; Venom Resistance}, and the {Skill; Venom Fang}.]
A grumble from your stomach had you mentally groaning and you headed back for the pit of baby bugs. ‘Okay. And what do they do?’
[Answer; the {Skill; Thought Communication} allows you to communicate with others via a mental link. The {Skill; Venom Resistance} gives you complete immunity to any venom. The {Skill; Venom Fang} gives you the ability to inject venom into prey or enemies.]
‘Huh, okay. That’s pretty useful.’ You think as you finally arrive at the pit. The parents aren’t here again. How lucky can you get? ‘And what about my other skills?’
[Notice; you have the {Skill; Pain Resistance}, which is self-explanatory. You have the {Skill; Double Jump}, which doubles your normal jump distance. You have the {Skill; Sticky Thread}, which can trap enemies or prey and can prevent them from moving. You have the {Skill; Steel Thread}, which can be used to defend against attacks or when making nests. You have the {Skill; Night Vision}. This should also be self-explanatory.]
You munched on another centipede. Man, evolution takes a lot out of you, huh? ‘That steel and sticky thread can be very useful already. And what about you? You said you’re also a skill?’
[Answer; I am your {Unique Skill; Chiron}. I am meant to teach and guide you.]
‘I see.’ Then, you huffed out a trilling laugh. ‘I sure got lucky, huh? Thanks for everything, Chiron.’
[Answer; you are very welcome.] <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><
‘Hey, Chiron?’
According to your Google Home equivalent, it’s been a few days since you became lost. You were now cleaning your blade-like legs of monster bug blood after eating your fill. 
‘Can I have my Spidey Sense on at all times?’
[Correction; it’s called Spider’s Sense. Answer; yes.]
You paused and glared up at the ceiling. ‘That’s a very weird hill to die on, bud. I’m calling it Spidey Sense and you can’t stop me. But anyways, cool! Are there any special conditions I need to do first?’
[Would you like permanently activate the {Skill; Spider’s Sense}? Notice; will be unable to turn it off once you do.]
Huh. Guess not. You softly churred. ‘Can I think about it first?’ It was an insanely weird sensation the first couple of times, you’re not sure you’d want to feel it 24/7.
Silence from your Google Head. (If you had the right mouth, you would smile at your little joke. Unfortunately, you do not, and you’re not sure how to feel about that.)
You decided to take it as an affirmative. ‘Well, let’s get back to my little crevice home! I’ve eaten and cleaned myself to the best of my ability! Time to rest!’
And then you followed the now familiar route from the Centipede Pit (as you’ve taken to calling it) to your temporary home. You thank any god willing to listen that you managed to avoid the parents of the baby monster bugs, as you’re 100% certain you would face total annihilation if they caught you eating their children. 
Your temporary home was a little crevice you found near the ceiling. It was just big enough for you to fit but small enough that no other creature in the Sealed Cave could enter. And with a little door you made from webbing a piece of rock to one side of the entrance, it was the perfect little hidey-hole! You could spend your days waiting for rescue as safely as possible here!
Finally reaching your little nook, you slipped in and closed the ‘door’ behind you with a shot of webbing.
‘Night-night, Chiron. Wake me up if anything happens!’
And then you settled in for sleep. <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><
‘Let’s see..’ You think to yourself, turning on your Spidey Sense as you tapped your front two forelegs together. ‘Nothing nearby.. It should be safe then..’
Opening your ‘door’, you cautiously slipped out of your home. ‘I should put up some defenses since I have the time. Maybe I should make a fake home to confuse would-be predators?’ You muse while you march forward. ‘Hmm. I should also put up a small storage area for food or nicknacks or something..’
You skittered up the wall and stuck a blob of Sticky Thread up high before leaping off and landing on a pillar. Pulling it taut, you wrapped it around the rock and climbed down. ‘Hey, Chiron? Can I slice through rock yet?’
[Answer; only Knights and Arch Knights are able to slice through rock.]
‘Aww, man!’ You think while wrapping the thread around a few other things and slicing it off. ‘I was hoping to make an escape tunnel..’
You stuck the end of the thread near your ‘door’ before turning around to repeat the process. ‘Oh, well. I should work with what I got, then.’ <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><
Over the course of two and a half days, you constructed several defensive webs to protect your home. 
The ones closest to your little crevice were made almost entirely out of Sticky Thread. You used those as a last resort, and for capturing any prey small enough to fit through the gaps. The ones further away had Steel Thread, which were for warding off large predators.
Nearby, you had found a hole to stuff your things inside for safekeeping. (Not that you had any as of now..) 
You stared up at your ‘nest’ with pride. It may not be the best job you could do, but it got the job done and you made your first home! One step closer to total independence! Good job, you!
‘As a celebration for finally finishing the defenses for my home, I declare a feast!’ You jokingly say to yourself, quickly heading out to the Centipede Pit. ‘I shall eat baby bugs until I’m kicked out by the parents or completely full! Let’s go!’ <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><
It was two weeks after you were separated from spider civilization when you ran into trouble.
You didn’t have your spidey sense on, so you didn’t notice the large monster slithering up behind you until you were almost hit.
It was thanks to you turning that skill on at the last minute that you survived the initial attack. You screeched as you jumped away, narrowly dodging the massive tail slamming into the rocky ground you were once standing on.
‘What the fuck is that?!’
[Answer; a Black Snake. Notice; this monster has the {Skill; Poisonous Breath} and the {Skill; Heat Source Sense}. Its scales are tough and are thorned. Suggestion; tread lightly.]
‘Hold up, that’s the thing I ate a couple weeks ago?!’ You thought as you jumped out of the way of another tail attack. The giant snake hissed at you as you landed on a pillar. ‘It didn’t look like this before!’
[Notice; a Knight’s claws are sharp enough to cut through the scales of a Black Serpent.]
You skittered across the ceiling. ‘Ah, so that one got descaled. Hah. So, should I flee or fight?’
[Suggestion; fight.]
‘Alright!’ You jumped once more to avoid a cloud of the poisonous gas the serpent spewed at you. ‘Okay, activate Spidey Sense and Double Jump to create some distance.’
And then you jumped away. Shrieking, you skitted to a stop. ‘Holy crap, that was quick!’ Alarms blared in your head and quickly jumped away with your newfound skill once more. With each jump, you became more and more proficient in using the skill. ‘Okay, I think we have enough room. Sticky Thread!’
The white substance shot out of your spinneret as you jumped between the walls of the cavern with Double Jump. ‘Steel Thread!’
Another stream of white silk shot out of your rear and you intertwined the strong steel with its sticky counterpart just as the monster serpent pounced. You jumped through a gap of webs just as its jaws snagged on your wall. Pausing, you watched it struggle for a moment. This wasn’t what you were going for, but you weren’t complaining!
‘Chiron? How likely is it that once this thing gets free it’ll come after me?’
[Answer; highly probable. Suggestion; dispose of it now.]
‘My thoughts exactly, Chiron, bud.’
[Would you like to use the {Skill; Steel Thread}?]
Steeling your nerves, you use Double Jump once more and make your way up to the head of the snake. You took a moment to observe the giant serpent before sticking a spool of Steel Thread around a horned scale and jumping off its throat. You swung yourself underneath the serpent and around. The Steel Thread tightened against the neck as you tugged it taut, slitting the monster’s throat as you went.
The serpent shrieked in pain, the sound quickly dying to a gurgle as it lost a copious amount of blood. It thrashed violently and you cut off the Sticky Thread before landing nearby.
You turned around just in time to see it free itself of your web defense and lunge at you. ‘Eek!’ You darted for the other side of the wall of webs with Double Jump assisting you and only stopped when you reached a cavern wall.
Turning around, you watched as the snake slowly died, poisonous gas filtering out of its open maw as it went. 
It was silent for a long while after it wheezed for the final time. You took that moment to breathe.
‘That was...terrifying.’
[Notice; energy low. Suggestion; eat the Black Serpent.]
‘Yeah yeah, I know.’ You grumble back as you carefully made your way back to the downed serpent. ‘Will I get any extra skills from this?’
Silence. Okay then. <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><
[Notice; evolution requirements met. You are now evolving into a Medium Taratect. Congratulations. Suggestion; find a safe place.]
Wait, what? You startle as you finish eating the Black Serpent a few days after killing it. ‘Huh? What do you mean, ‘evolving’?’
[Suggestion; find safe place.]
‘Alright! I heard you the first time!’ You huff as you double-time it to your little hidey-hole. ‘Didn’t I already evolve though?!’
[Answer; you will evolve into a Medium Taratect. This is due to absorbing the required amount of magicules. Notice; evolution will now commence.]
You were just a few meters away from your little crevice when your vision swam at the sudden sense of vertigo. You stumbled, almost crashing painfully to your feet when a wave of exhaustion washed over you directly after. ‘W-What’s going...on?’
[Answer; evolution is now commencing.]
‘This..didn’t happen...before! What’s..going on?!’ You think sluggishly as you reach your little nook.
[Notice; this hole will not be big enough for your evolved form.]
The world faded away at that exact moment.
[Congratulations on your evolution to Medium Taratect. Notice; you have gained new skills.] <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><
Pain resistance? What is this voice talking about? Are you having a fever dream again? But, you don’t think you have a fever.
God, it was getting harder to breathe. ‘I can’t breathe..’
[Request fulfilled. Selecting form with passive breathing.] <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><
You awoke to a molted layer of exoskeleton strewn about around your crumpled form.
Shrieking, you jumped away, your claws clicking against the rocky ground. Backing up, you ran into a large stalagmite. You then promptly shrieked again and jumped back from the spike of rock. Upon realizing that the cavern was empty, you struggled to stop the trembling in your body.
‘Okay. That was..a terrible experience. I don’t ever wanna go through that again.’
[Congratulations on your evolution to Medium Taratect.]
‘Thanks, Chiron..’ You flumped to your belly again. ‘Am I ever going to get used to waking up to molted exoskeletons?’ You thought to yourself.
[Notice; you have acquired new skills.]
You perked up. ‘Oh? What are they?’ And then your stomach grumbled. Ah, right. Evolution takes a lot of energy. Welp, you might as well go hunt more baby bugs!
[Answer; you have acquired the {Skill; Regeneration}. This skill gives you the ability to heal injuries and regenerate lost limbs. You have also acquired the {Skill; Food Buff}. This skill turns the food you eat into bursts of strength by storing the energy for later. Can also keep you alive during periods of famine, depending on the amount of energy stored up.]
‘So, like blubber in seals and whales. Got it.’ You crawl to your hole, examining your now longer legs. ‘The next time I evolve, if I have enough energy stored up, I shouldn’t need to immediately eat then. That’s good.’
Wait. Hold on.. Is your home-
[Notice; you are now too big to fit in that hole. Suggestion; find a new one.]
‘Dammit! And I spent so much time perfecting it, too!’ Slumping in disappointment, you turn and leave the cavern. ‘Oh, well. I better get moving anyways.’ <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><
You froze.
‘Uh, Chiron? What’s up with that pressure?’
[Answer; you are nearing the cave Veldora the Storm Dragon resides.]
You could feel your legs trembling. Will you even be able to stay standing soon? ‘Okay, that’s good to know.. Just have to skirt around this area and we’ll be a-okay! Say, how long has it been since I first got lost?’
[Answer; four weeks. It’s been four days since the Black Serpent attacked, one day since your last evolution, and four hours since you last ate.]
‘O-Oh, thank you,’ You think as you reach your new home. Unlike your last one, it was situated on a nook in a wall. The opening was too wide for you to find a working door, but you made it up with webs surrounding the area. Sure, other monsters might be clued in on your location, but only small baby monsters such as yourself can get through the gaps! And then it’ll be easy pickings! (You’re rather proud of your new home. Your web-making is coming along quite nicely!)
‘So, I think I decided on the Spidey Sense.’ You say, taping a claw on the edge of your cliff home. ‘I think it would be beneficial to have it on at all times as I don’t want a repeat of the Black Serpent. I really don’t wanna die this early in my second life..’
[Would you like to permanently activate the {Skill; Spider’s Sense}? Notice; you will be unable to turn it off afterward.]
[Notice; the {Skill; Spider’s Sense} is now permanently activated. You are now unable to turn it off.]
‘Yay.’ <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><
In another section of the cave systems, deep below the ground, the birth of a new era was beginning with one simple meeting.
‘Wait. Before we do this-’
‘What is it now, Veldora?!’
The dragon raised a claw. ‘I have one last thing I need to impart to you. It’s important.’ The Slime sitting before him tilted his ‘face’ to one side. ‘What is it?’ The dragon cleared his throat. ‘There is something out there, deeper in the caverns, that you need to be wary of. Don’t go too far down if you can help it.’
Humming in confusion, a question mark of slime appeared by the Slime. ‘What do you mean? What’s down there?’
‘It’s been many years since I last felt them, but recently, something has shifted.’ The dragon nodded. ‘Yes, shifted! The Jorogomo clans are preparing for something big! I’d suggest leaving here as soon as possible once we’re done here.’
‘The Jorogomos?’
‘Just be careful.’ The dragon leaned forward, pinning the Slime under an intense gaze. ‘They rule the lower levels of the cave, so if you stay up here, I believe you’ll be just fine.’
The Slime grumbled. ‘But.. What are they?’
His new friend frowned, leaning back to stare somewhere up above him. ‘You know.. I don’t quite remember. They had already dug deep into the earth long before I was imprisoned here. It’s been many centuries since I first met one, and even more since I heard of them. Let’s see.. They have eight legs and eyes, oh, and venom!’
‘..Are you talking about spiders?’ The Slime shuddered. ‘That sounds like spiders.. Or maybe scorpions?’
The dragon shrugged. ‘Well, anyways, that’s all I needed to tell you.’
‘Thanks for the warning!’ The Slime bounced in place. ‘Well, I’m gonna eat you now! It’s time to bust out of that Unlimited Imprisonment!’
Laughing, the dragon eagerly agreed. ‘Let’s do it! I’m sure we’ll be face-to-face again in the near future!’
‘We will! Unique Skill; Predator!’ <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><
A few hours later, you were strolling through the Sealed Cave.
‘Hey Chiron, what are these plants?’ You tap a claw on a leaf of a plant with a white flower.
[Answer; Hipokute Herbs. They are a rare magical herb that can be used in healing potions.]
You tilted your head with a churr and poked it once more. ‘Really? That’s so cool! I guess I should have expected that magic potions would also exist in the same world magic monsters live in. Kinda wish my old home had this; would have made my life better, at least.’
Suddenly, the air pressure from Veldora’s section of the caves lifted.
You grunted, jolting when the sudden pressure change disoriented you. ‘The hell? What just happened?!’
[Notice; Veldora the Storm Dragon has vanished.]
‘...Excuse me.’
[Veldora the Storm Dragon has vanished. The sudden change in air pressure is due to his aura disappearing suddenly.]
You nervously glanced behind you, where the air pressure was thickest. ‘You didn’t say he died...so, that means only one thing.’ You stepped back. ‘Veldora’s free.’
[Correction; no. The Strom Dragon Veldora is still very much imprisoned.]
‘But you said he-?’
[Veldora is still imprisoned.]
Curiosity dug its claws in you, and you slowly took a step forward. ‘So, is it safe? To go and investigate, I mean?’
[Notice; there is a 50% chance of you dying. Suggestion; hide.]
-You watched through the window as the neighborhood kids laughed while they played a game on the street. Coughing, you turned away to grab a tissue. You..kinda wished you could join them.-
-“I’m sorry, I don’t think you can go outside today. It’s much too cold for your fragile immune system. How about we play some games inside?” The nurse smiled at you brightly, holding up a board game. You weren’t in the mood, but the nurse was much too kind for your horrible attitude. So you smiled just as brightly and agreed.-
-You couldn’t even attend your own parents’ funeral. You were too sick. Always hiding inside, away from the rest of the world. From the possibility of death if you did even the smallest thing.-
‘I think,’ You started, paused, and rolled on ahead, ‘I’m going to take that chance.’
And then you cautiously marched towards Veldora’s previous location before Chiron could persuade you otherwise. <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><
You yelped, dodging another attack from the Armorsaurus’ whisker whips. 
‘Okay! This is so not fair!’ You think loudly as the Monstrous Centipede lunges for you. Jumping away with Double Jump, you land on a stalactite and hiss at the two giants. ‘I just wanted to get by with no trouble! Why the hell are you attacking me?!’
You were peacefully skittering through the caverns when these two appeared. The Armorsaurus had been thrown right in front of you by the big ass bug and when you screeched at the sudden surprise, the two turned to you and attacked.
‘Not fair not fair not fair!’ You hiss and jump away again. ‘Chiron! Do I have enough stored energy to get out of here?!’
[Answer; no. At most, you will only be able to run faster with the {Skill; Double Jump} and the {Skill; Food Buff} for a few minutes. They will catch up quickly.]
‘Dammit! Fine!’ Jumping off another stalactite, you land on the back of the centipede and skitter up to its head. ‘This thing has Paralysis Breath, right? That means, if I play my cards right-’ You jumped off the monster and landed on the back of the Armorsarus. 
You clung to the thrashing monster and challengingly clicked your chelicerae at the Monstrous Centipede. ‘Come and get me, bitch!’
The bug reared back with a screech as one of the Armorsaurus’ whisker whips slapped it across the belly and lunged. You jumped away just as it released a puff of smog at your ride, and it fell to the ground in a slump.
You landed nearby and brandished your claws. ‘Nice! Now all I have to do is get rid of that centipede!’
[Would you like to use the {Skill; Sticky Thread}?]
‘Do it!’
Jumping off, you lunged for the bug and skittered around its body. It thrashed around, trying desperately to knock you off, but it only succeeded in entangling itself more in your thread. You wrapped it up nice and tight in the webbing before leaping away and high-tailing it out of the cavern.
‘Alright, by the time that Armorsaurus is free, I should be far enough away from them! Hopefully, they’ll be more focused on each other instead of me.’ <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><
‘So, these gems are important up top?’
You peered at the blue-green crystals before you. They were mesmerizing; the glow they let out lit up everywhere you could see, and the tones of blues and greens shifted with the difference of angles you stared at them with.
[Answer; correct. They are used to forge magisteel, and are extremely rare.]
‘..Are they more valuable than even gold?’
[Answer; yes.]
You backed up from the magic ore. ‘Damn
notes: and we're finally meeting Rimuru! what did you guys think of their first meeting?
stay safe out there, guys! and please remember that you're all AWESOME! XP
.. That’s a lot.’ <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><
A couple of days passed since Veldora’s disappearance.
Even you could feel the tension in the air as the monsters residing in the Sealed Cave grew restless. You’re pretty sure a power struggle would occur soon, and while you would prefer to stay as far away as possible when that occurs, this newly discovered reckless side of you was calling for adventure. 
You wanted to learn the cause of the Storm Dragon’s disappearance, and nothing was going to stop you from satiating your curiosity!
Even that Black Serpent you could see in t
notes: and we're finally meeting Rimuru! what did you guys think of their first meeting?
stay safe out there, guys! and please remember that you're all AWESOME! XP
he distance!
...H-Hold up. Did a Slime just...? Did you really just watch a Slime behead a Black Serpent with a wave of water?!
You flinched back when the Slime expanded and consumed the corpse in a single move. There was nothing left. Your claws clicked against the ground as you slowly stepped back, watching nervously as the Slime started hopping in place. ‘Okay. I think it’s time to leave.’
Then the Slime turned to you, and the two of you stood frozen, watching the other.
‘AND WE’RE RUNNING!’ You turn tail and ran as fast as you could on your eight legs. ‘TINY LEGS DON’T FAIL ME NOW!’
Was it coming after you?! You’re pretty sure it’s chasing you!
But, by the time it reached your previous spot, you had already turned down several different tunnels and you weren’t stopping until you were sure that Slime wasn’t right behind you. You’re not dying today!
Finally reaching your little hidey-hole up high, you flopped down with a groan. ‘Jeez, what’s up with that Slime? I don’t think that’s normal..’
[Slimes are low-ranking, unintelligent Monsters. They cannot normally think.]
‘So, do they have skills? What are their normal ones?’ You poke a nearby web strand in boredom, your eight eyes staring straight down for any movement.
[Answer; Slimes normally have the {Skill; Di
notes: and we're finally meeting Rimuru! what did you guys think of their first meeting?
stay safe out there, guys! and please remember that you're all AWESOME! XP
ssolve}, the {Skill; Absorb}, and the {Skill Regeneration}.]
‘Huh. You said, ‘normally’. That implies this Slime is abnormal.’
[Answer; yes.]
You huffed. ‘So I’m probably dead if I run into that thing again. Good to know.’ <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><
If Rimuru had a mouth, he would be grinning victoriously.
‘Aww yes!’ He thought as he hopped up and down. ‘Predator is the bomb dot com! That’s it! I’m gonna acquire ALL the skills!’
And then he turned around to see a giant spider staring at him from down the corridor. He froze. It was at least twice as big as him and completely white. The light glinted off of its sleek exoskeleton, and its eight glowing red eyes bore into him. ‘Uhh, Great Sage? What’s that?’
[Answer; that is a Medium Taratect. It belongs to the Jorogomo Monster species, and is the first of its clan.]
Rimuru perked up. ‘Jorogomo? Isn’t that what Veldora warned me about?’
[Answer; correct.]
‘Then they really are spiders.’ He thought. And then he flinched back when the thing turned and ran away. ‘H-Hey! Wait!’ But it didn’t. Instead, it turned a corner and disappeared from view. He bounced forward, trying his best to catch up.
The Jorogomo had vanished. ‘Almost like a ghost..’ Rimuru shivered. ‘It certainly looked like one, too.’ Sighing, he glanced down the tunnel he had seen it turn down for a moment or two. ‘Hey, Great Sage? Veldora also mentioned that there was more than one clan. How many are there?’
[Answer; the Jorogomo Monster species, commonly known to the world as Giant Spiders, is currently divided into four clans; Obsidian, Bronze, Ruby, and Golden. This one is the very first with its color, signifying the birth of a new clan.]
‘O-Oh. That must be what Veldora meant when he said they were preparing for something..’
Humming, he bounced after it. ‘Maybe, it can help me find the exit! Let’s follow it!’ <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><
‘Why is it so close to my home?!’
You peered down at the Slime bouncing down the tunnel from the safety of the ceiling. Horror washed over you, causing your legs to shake in fear. ‘Is this thing following me?! But I ran away from it just yesterday! How can it still be after me?!’
Just then, you heard a familiar screech and you swore you felt your blood freeze in your veins. 
That was the sound of a Jorogomo Monster. Oh, no. Are you about to watch your kind get eaten by this Slime?! You duck your head just as an Obsidian Jorogomo appears and lunges for the Slime. In the next few seconds, all you could hear was the sound of flesh being sliced through and the heavy thuds of limbs falling to the ground. Peeking once it was all over, you ended up catching the exact moment when the Slime expanded to eat the corpse.
Fear crashed into you at the sight of your brethren piled up in slices. One second you were on the ceiling, and the next you were falling to the ground. You shrieked, flailing.
The wind was knocked out of you and for a split second, you could have sworn you saw your soul leave your body.
Silence greeted you, and you slowly rock to the side to see the Slime staring at you. ‘Oh, shit. Oh, SHIT!’ Shrieking, you scramble to get to your feet only to discover that you were stuck on your back. Your clawed legs waved frantically in the air as you rocked back and forth.
‘NO! GET UP YOU STUPID BODY! WE’RE ABOUT TO GET EATEN!’ If you could cry, you would be sobbing a waterfall right about now.
[Would you like to use {Thought Communication}?]
‘Yes! Do it! Whatever saves my exoskeleton!’
The Slime slithered closer and your cries grew louder. ‘No! Don’t eat me, please! I don’t wanna die so early in my second life!’
It froze. ‘...You mean, you’re..reincarnated, too?’ Your legs stopped flailing as the words sunk in.
The voice had spoken in your head, and your Spidey Sense skill told you that there was no other living creature close enough for Thought Communication. So this Slime was able to think. And if this Slime’s words were true, then that means... Your legs curled up against your belly as shock settled in.
‘I’m not the only one?!’ The Slime wiggled happily in place. ‘We’re not alone! Nice!’
You stared at it for a long moment. The Slime flinched back, its body tilting to the side. ‘Uhh, something the matter? Why are you staring at me like that?’ (Unbeknownst to you, your red eyes started sparkling, almost like you were about to cry.) 
‘I-I’m okay. It’s just...I’m so glad I’m not going to die!’ You let out a loud sob. ‘When I fell, I was sure that I was going to get eaten! Thanks for not eating me!’
‘U-Uh, you’re welcome?’ The Slime moved forward. ‘I’m Rimuru. What’s your name?’
‘I don’t have one right now, but I went by the name (Y/N) in my last life?’
Rimuru bounced once. ‘Well then, it’s nice to meet you (Y/N)! Do you...need some help up?’ You glanced down at your body. Yeah, you weren’t getting up without some outside help.. You turned back up at him, letting out a soft trill. ‘Please?’
notes: and we're finally meeting Rimuru! what did you guys think of their first meeting?
stay safe out there, guys! and please remember that you're all AWESOME! XP
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oblivious-troll · 4 months
Going to drop by here and say that I absolutely adore your Mermay entry with the Jalim snippet your wrote 🩷🩷
Now I gotta ask how you envisioned their first meeting went like ? How did they cross paths and how did such an unlikely romance between a merman and siren unfold ?
Thank you! I'm glad you like it ♥️ I might have gone a bit overboard with this answer, so bare with me, lol
I think they'd meet pretty simular to how they meet in the game, kind of forced to work together to survive and the longer they get to talking the more they tease and flirt until, oops! They're in love!
For different reasons they're both looking for a place to establish as their territory, Salim to settle down and live a peacefully secluded life when his old territory gets too filled with predators, Jason to get out of his old pod he doesn't want to spend the rest of his life with (Sirens are solo creatures once old enough to live on their own, until they mate and then they keep to just two and their young until they also grow up and leave. Merfolk are more pod oriented, usually in groups of 10-20, but solo merfolk aren't unheard of.)
They both come across this old ship wreck in a large cave, the perfect bit of territory to claim as a home. Neither know who got there first, bumping into each other not long after they get there- a short fight ensues but is cut short when a minor earthquake has the cave shaking and the entrance is blocked off when a chunk of rock is shook loose and falls.
The alliance is temporary and unstable at the beginning, both expecting the other to suddenly attack and that when they find another exit the territorial battle will continue. Maybe that was once the plan for both of them, but the environment has a way of interfering.
The cave goes deep, way deeper than either thought, and it's filled with octopus of various sizes, seeming to get bigger and more aggressive as they go down. Too many times are they grabbed by Giant Pacific Octopuses, Salim needing to take the brunt of them because he can withstand their toxic bites better than Jason- not immune like poison, but resistant enough to shrug off a good solid few. Not that Jason lets him take any bites, throwing himself back into the battle whenever a beak gets too close to Salim.
Distracted by the octopuses, it takes a while for them to notice that there's a lot of ship wrecks down here too... way too many with splintered wood suggesting they'd been dragged.
And at the center of it all, in the deepest pit of this hellish cave they've found themselves trapped in, lay a Kraken.
They thank Neptune that it sleeps, carefully maneuvering through the landmine of octopuses, unable to swim too high off the ground without disturbing the Kraken.
It's a mad dash at the end, jumped by an octopus that shreaks as Salim jabs in through with an old bar torn off a ship they'd passed earlier. Not such a stupid accessory after all when Salim had been fighting fine with his teeth, tail and claws up until now.
Jason's relived when they make it out of the Kraken's nest, turning around to laugh his stress and adrenaline off with Salim... but Salim's not there.
He doesn't hesitate a second, diving back into what has to be of the most dangerous place in the sea, swimming as fast as his tail will take him.
Salim’s in trouble, struggling to get multiple octopuses off him, claws chipped from overuse and too many scratches from strong beaks, suction cup cuts and bruises on the scaleless bits of his skin.
Jason’s helping Salim up just in time as a giant tentacle spears into the ground where his head had been, he keeps Salim's hand in his own as he dashes for the crevice too small for a Kraken- he's moving so fast he can't stop when he sees another tentacle of the now awake beast try to strike again, he just braces for impact and hopes Salim will make it.
A shriek louder than anything Jason's heard pierces the air and shakes their surrounds. He looks up to see the tentacle flail back, a distinct metal bar pierced through it. He gives Salim an incredulous look, and Salim's shit eating grin confirms it. The bastard speared it with the bar.
There's no time to think as they flee, hardly time to recuperate either as a bunch of octopuses try and follow them- they're lucky they find an exit on the other side of the vast cave only needing to kill a few more, but they have the advantage in the open and the blood of the octopuses lure out other sea creatures that thankfully aren't interested in either of them, seals the biggest help.
They don't part ways after this, continuing to search for a territory that will be best for both of them instead. And when they finally do, mating is the next step for them :)
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suhjihanma · 1 year
Fashion Leather
Pairing: Rindou Haitani / Female Reader Word count: 1,287 words Content: Boot worship, Boot fetishism, slight-moderate hints of leather fetish, crying, mentions of worship, fully submissive female, heavy submission scenes, bruises, mentions of saliva, power dynamics. Author's Note: This was such a fun story to type. I was never a person who was into things like this but; I wanted to challenge myself. Also, I'm having a debate as to see if Rindou is the final boss of someone doing fatherless activities with. Want to debate, send a message. Also, I take requests, by the way. Just trying to get into the writing spirit before I take my state board exam this weekend. Wish me luck guys. Hope you all enjoy. Glad to be a part of the Toyko Revengers smut gang.
How would such a beautiful woman like yourself head to dominance? You were familiar with the dynamics of power yet, here you are at mercy’s door begging her to give you relief. A relief that circles around the fact that you want to be used just by the others. It’s no surprise that such a beautiful face got bruised by the hands of someone who couldn’t raise concern about your safety. Each sting that lands on your face, the heat stings from your puffed cheeks, the tears fall gradually across your face, and yet the swelling pit between your thighs couldn’t resist.  
A masochist of sorts, you were.  
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The unforgiving yearn for pain made you seek Rindou’s touch even more.  
“Lay.” The word that corresponds to his order. You moan out in protest before giving in. Your ears had to perceive every word that forms from his mouth, plus your body gave into his orders. Perfectionism was a concept that you wanted to become one with, but Rindou corrected your nonverbal complaint by tapping the toe from one of his boots to your chin. The warmth slowly gets covered by the cold touch of his boots, leather encountering the bruised skin. Scarily therapeutic, you slowly closed your eyes before the sound of his stern voice echoed across the room.  
“Lay.” He repeated his demand. His boot was slowly raised to the top of the head beneath him. Curiosity began to sink in as you started to wonder about his next move. Your eyes meet his that were piercing through your submissive state. Then, pressure began to form at the top. What is this? The feeling feels too much yet, it gives you a reminder of the dynamics being at play. You were at his feet, on the cold, hardened floor with bruises decorated all over. The man on top was seeking entertainment. Could being entertained by a woman who was turned on by being stepped on result in pleasure? Seeing how you can still take a quick glance at Rindou, you see him slowly palm himself while keeping his eyes on you. A small smirk was presented in your retaliation from earlier.  
“I feel as though I always repeat my words with you.” Acknowledging complaints only continue to arise from Rindou as he slowly brought his foot that was resting on your head to the front of your face.  
“No.” You protest as tears continue to form in the corner of your eyes. Crying was a form of weakness for you. Rindou sees your tears as fuel for his sadistic nature. The anxious feeling of being used to his contents continues to rise as you tried to wipe your tears away from the floor. Such a failed attempt, you tried to regain your composure of a submissive, yet the fear trembles across your body like a deer in front of its hunter.  
“Rindou...” His name came out as a drawl moan of pity while you continue to soak the floor with tears. The resting back of his foot has landed straight in your face. Hints of black with decorative patterns fill the bottom as you mindlessly study his boot. Desperation was beginning to break you as you slowly licked the small crevices of the designs with your tongue.  
“I take it that you want a well-kept man, huh?” Chuckling, Rindou continues to look at you in your desperate state. A state that never overtook you as you were lost with solutions. Everything that you had and owed was given to him, and you wanted to fall underneath him. Less of equals, you wanted control, obedience, and submission. Rindou can give you everything that you want and need. Obeying the orders of a man who can control men of hundreds, yet thousands, is something you had to become worthy of.  
And being a woman that is lower than low is something that Rindou saw in you.  
“Well, with just the right amount of performance, you may get a reward.” Informing you about your reward, you couldn’t help but slowly drench saliva across the sewn details of the leather that was placed across Rindou’s cold boot. “I love getting rewards from you, Rindou.” A tone coated in comfort. You just couldn’t wait as to what the surprise was, let alone from the pit that was continuing to swell beneath you. You obviously couldn’t hold out any longer. Wetness was forming between you as you continued shamelessly worshipping. The possibilities were racing across your mind as you wondered. Hopefully, he will be forgiving and give you your release that you desperately needed. Your needful sex couldn’t help but to be fully inviting with the strokes of his long fingers or aching cock. Maybe will be gentle for once, throwing in a bit of idle teasing and helping you achieve your orgasm, or there might be the usual chance in which he throws you on top of the bed and fucks you deep and raw into the mattress with the suppressing of moans and screams. 
The body of a submissive woman aches for the dominance of a man.  
“Really?” You ask. A small string of saliva was attached from your lightly blistered lips as you detached yourself from his leathered toe. The erotic sense of wanting more rewards piqued your interest as you gave Rindou a gloss-like stare, too intoxicated by pleasure to question his truthfulness in regard to his word.  
“Of course.” Rindou smiled before a small moan came from under his breath. Seeing you lap at his foot was showing nothing but the personality of a peasant. Rindou can go even lower and tell you that you were nothing but a whore who liked to get herself off by doing the most ridiculous task. Yet, he decided that you give yourself the offer of cleaning his boots was more than enough. Being so vulnerable, even towards the floor made Rindou turned on by your state of submission. Having the characteristics of a loyal dog of to his master, Rindou couldn’t help but to be intrigued by your nature of fully submitting yourself.  
“I want you to worship them. Worship them more than me.” He moans out again before continuing to watch your state of helplessness. You looked at the man that was writhing from pleasure as he continued to palm himself. His eyes were squinted while looking at you, breathing slowly became hitched as you now place small kisses across the top of his toe. The coldness of the boot’s surface blends well with the warm and soft kisses. Greediness overtakes you as you wanted more of him, from the top of his head to the bottom of the feet.  
You couldn’t tell yourself that you were already there.  
“Do good, and I will let you choose between two options.” His voice developed a deep undertone with hints of a lurking deviant hiding in the darkness. You looked at him with a head tilt in confusion. The anxious atmosphere as to what your options were had started to eat away at you. Excitement wants to grab you by your submissive soul yet, the fear of going to extremes was all too worrisome.  
The same deviant smile still appeared on Rindou’s face as he now leaned forward to you. The submissive in you made you feel small as he announced the preferences to you. You know that he was enjoying himself all too well, and yet you couldn’t help but hide the quivering anxiety that was willing to escape from inside.  
Rindou simply feeds off your energy.  
“Your choice, _______. Either you wanted to get fucked passionately. Or, get fucked until there is no trace of common sense in you?”  
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lorebite · 2 years
𝒐𝒅𝒅𝒔 𝒐𝒇 𝒊𝒕 | 𝐣𝐚𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝐤𝐨𝐥𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐤 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
warnings: 18+ minors dni. cursing. fem/afab reader. suggestive content (lots of dirty talk, begging, mild fingering (f receiving), a bit of handjob, finger sucking, a bit of hair pulling, cunnilingus, masturbation instructions, [unprotected] sex against the wall, creampie, slight breeding, switchy Jason). i might've watched too much attack on titan but reader is, like, super physically strong in this one. enemies to more. Jason is hella touch starved and needy but also a cocky mf. just two fellow enemies not being able to resist railing the shit out of each other; what else do you expect from me? 😜 big dick™ Jason. this is that "Salim + Nick scene" but reenacted with Jason in mind. probably the horniest piece i've written on this blog to this day.
summary: after the ambush, Jason finds himself stranded from his team in the hellish depths of the Sumerian temple. once he comes across a promising opening, an enemy soldier he hasn't run into before pulls him away before he walks himself right into certain doom. what will become of this unlikely due in the face of danger?
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It was a disaster. The ambush had depleted more than half of Jason’s energy – to hell with everything else he went through since they fell. Alas, he had no time to waste; with a sealed off exit and a long unknown path ahead, he had no choice but to stand back up and find another way to his team.
This wasn’t the first time he was finding himself on his own, navigating the harrowing crevices of these ungodly caverns that echoed even his sharp uneven gasps of breath. The sound of debris crushing beneath his soles was far from comforting, only exacerbating the gnawing panic in the pit of his stomach which made him too alert to the blinding darkness that seemed to close in on him the farther along he went.
At last, the soft glow of an opening loomed in the distance that seemed much like the mouth of a tunnel. He began walking faster, gun held tightly and at the ready. However, as his boot skimmed past just the fringe of the precipice, he cowered back into the shadows. He almost walked himself right off the cliff of the ruins. Cold wash of realization prickled his face as he drew a wavering breath and stalked farther away; but then his back collided with… something.
Air locked in Jason’s throat, eyes blowing wide in panic. He went rigid for the briefest moment, eyeing the foreign hand that wound around his face to plaster over his mouth. The unknown arm pushed him further back into what he only thought to be a person’s chest. His heart hammered in his throat, his grip growing loose on his rifle at his side.
A gentle “shhh” was breathed against his ear. Goosebumps raced down the back of his neck as he futilely looked to the side in an attempt to catch the slightest sight of this soldier – or whoever it may have been – whose arms enveloped him.
“Don’t make a fucking noise,” whispered a low feminine voice Jason didn’t recognize and although he already expected it, still it managed to aggravate his growing dread. Another hand stretched out from behind him and pointed at something in the distance, drawing his attention to a sight that made him gasp into the palm pressed over his mouth. “They hunt by sound. If that thing hears you now, we’re both done for.”
A few feet away just below the cliff, there crouched one of those monsters he barely managed to escape only minutes ago. It hunched over the carcass of a soldier, emitting those nauseating clicks and sniffing curiously.
“I’m gonna let go now,” said the faceless voice behind him again, quiet and careful. “If you try anything stupid—”
But Jason didn’t even let the sentence finish. As soon as the hand loosened slightly on his face, he made a grab for the opposing soldier’s wrist. However, she seemed to have anticipated his decision, her hand curling immediately around his forearm instead.
It took him aback. A choked noise of surprise caught in his throat as he was harshly shoved into the jagged wall of the temple. He bit his lip to hold back the pained groan threatening to tear out of his throat. Two hands were wrapped around his neck now, squeezing the breath out of his lungs. His eyes grew round and frantic as they peered into the eyes of his attacker.
That face. How long has it been since the last time he was in the same proximity with a warm attractive body? His brow gave a twitch as he silently marveled at the way his own body betrayed him. His waist jerked involuntarily, his fingers winding around your wrists as you thrust your hips into his to stop his nervous movements, unaware of what that action alone did to him. You snarled at the man.
“What did I tell you?” You spat in a harsh whisper. “You have a death wish?”
All Jason could manage was a short strangled moan – a noise so pathetic that even he could swear it made your smirk deepen. You cocked your head, face cast in the shadows. 
“Don’t look at me like that. If I didn’t know better, I’d actually believe you’re enjoying this.”
Oh, hell. He was enjoying this. The insistent pressure of your knee in between his legs was already making his vision swim. Fear. Panic. Lust. The few hours down in this hellhole seemed to be truly fucking with his head. There must’ve been something absolutely wrong with him or why would he groan so deliriously when you shifted your feet and pushed the curve of your knee deeper against his clothed hardening cock. What were you even trying to do to him?
“Nothing to say?” You scoffed and Jason nearly moaned at the caress of your hot breath over his lips. “Typical. Maybe you’re better at following orders. That’s what a good soldier does best after all.” 
He made no words. He couldn’t. As the pressure of your hands increased on his throat, his mouth went slack and his eyes rolled back into his head. He wished you’d just put him out of his misery already. You were so close. If only you leaned in a little closer and shut his mouth with yours.
“Let’s find out. What do you think?”
And you were pulling away from him then. The cold distance was sobering and Jason found himself shivering as his mind finally registered the weight of his rifle in his hand. He almost leapt to aim the muzzle on your chest – nothing but a knee jerk movement; but he stopped himself before he ended up putting himself in a stickier predicament with you.
You suddenly looked more restless than he remembered just a few moments ago. All confidence gone and panic giving way to the previous complacent look on your face as you paced up and down the short length of the vicinity. A quick glance down your form told him that you weren’t armed. At least not with a gun. And that relieved his unease, that sour stewing emotion growing into a firm sense of superiority in his chest.
He raised his rifle, just barely, to establish some level of boundary that had been missing since he ran into you, eyes glimmering with confidence once again. 
Your eyes shifted skyward almost as if you meant to roll them but decided otherwise, taking a step back with your palms held up in front of you, though not in a show of surrender; rather, with an irritated flair as your lips twisted into an ugly line.
“Just when I thought we were getting along—”
Sarcasm seeped through your sneer, turning then into a faint smirk as Jason stomped a step in your space, his gun now zeroing on in your neck. That barely there upturn of your lips unnerved him – some hint of smugness, some tinge of sharpness. As if you knew something he didn’t and it made the blood rage hot in his veins. His face crumpled with a scowl.
“Don’t get fucking smart with me. Turn around. And put your hands where I can see them.”
He motioned rudely with his gun and you obeyed, sighing exasperatedly as you faced the open balmy air that led down the precipice. The monster yet remained perched on the ground and absorbed in the corpse, ever oblivious to your presence despite the little situation you had only minutes prior. The sight was unsettling enough that made your impatience grow and you speak up as the man loitered silently – assuming with hesitation – behind you. 
“Are you planning to stand around and wait for something to happen?”
He scoffed, accent thick with panic as he spat his next words. “I’m thinking.”
“And what do you have so far?”
“I’ll come up with something if you shut the fuck up!”
You rolled your eyes this time, lolling your neck along with it as you resisted the dire urge to groan loudly in disdain. You turned a glance over your shoulder.
“How about you listen to me instead.”
It was much less a question and more a curt demand. Jason opened his mouth to object and quickly jerked his gun higher, alarmed, as he watched you calmly brandish a combat knife from your belt.
“The fuck you think you’re doing?”
You ignored him, stalking closer to the edge of the cliff and still safe within the shadows behind the uneven wall. Truth of the matter was, Jason could fuss all he wanted but unless he wished to risk drawing the monster’s attention to both of you, he needed to keep at least some of his problems to himself. And you knew that very well. 
He followed you, more so out of detested obligation and his covert fear of being left to his devices again; however, it was only his frustration that surfaced to his mouth when he slapped the back of his hand to your shoulder and hissed under your ear.
“You outta your damn mind?”
“You’ll have to excuse me. I don’t listen to loudmouthed idiots.” You mumbled apathetically as your eyes searched the vicinity, not even once turning to look at the man who might as well be frothing at the mouth from sheer anger. “Does that answer your question?”
Now you looked at him – now that Jason was red in the face and clenching his teeth as he, quite literally, ripped you a new one with his eyes. Only if looks could kill…
“You got some fucking balls. Know who you even talking to?”
You cocked your head with a small frown, eyes taking in his flushed dirty face, his flaring nostrils and his pursed lips. “What’s your name?”
Jason blanched, eyelids flickering and voice silent, as if assuming he heard you wrong. But your gentle face staring at him, waiting patiently for his response proved him otherwise.
“I’m (Y/N).” You said softly, offering a handshake.
“I ain’t here to make friends.”
You shrugged, looking away from him and ahead as you withdrew your rejected hand. “Well, I just assumed you wanted me to know who I’m talking to.”
Jason scoffed. Again. You gave him a look from the corner of your eyes, shaking your head slowly as a dejected smirk crossed your lips. He puffed out his chest, moving in closer to you as if you had just challenged him, chin lifted and eyes narrowed.
“Something funny?”
His tone was far from friendly. Testing, rather. But you stayed put, pinning him with that same scrutinizing look from beneath your lashes. He didn’t shrink back. He held your gaze with such defiance it was admirably stupid.
“Listen, when all hell breaks loose, I will be the least of your worries. So, the sooner you realize that, the better for both of us here.” You paused for the briefest moment, turning your face enough to leer at the man, voice dropping low and melodious. “As much as I enjoy watching you pop a vessel.”
You snickered to yourself, satisfied at the look of incredulity that struck his features. 
“When shit hits the fan,” he started slowly, voice deep and rich with venom. “The only thing you gotta worry about is my damn gun far up your ass. So, don’t even think about crossing me.”
“I think you need to calm down a little.”
“Don’t tell me to fucking calm down!”
“Then shut the fuck up and focus!”
That finally silenced him. He eyed your fingers which pointed your knife at him, the sharp tip barely even grazing his shirt. Somewhere in his mind, he felt justified to slap your hand away and throw you back against the wall behind you, your offending wrist held tightly in his grip by your head. And he did just that.
You cursed and squirmed, eyes burning with a fierce look as you scowled at the idiotic solider who pushed his weight against you with a grunt, his face, damp with sweat, hovering a hair breadth away from yours.
“Fucking hell—”
“Don’t like to smell your own shit now, do ya?” 
He sounded unbelievably smug for the predicament you were both in – mere inches apart with an insatiable monster prowling just a few feet away. His smirk widened when you began to squirm again and he slammed your wrist once against the wall, loosening your grip until the knife slipped from your fingers to the ground. 
“You motherfucker!”
“Shh shh shh! Let’s not try to alert the beast now. We’re having fun.”
“Like hell we are—”
You raised your free hand to go for a punch to the throat before he caught you firmly in his fist, pushing your arm to join the other up against the rough texture of the wall that scraped mercilessly at your skin. His fingers, almost as if without realizing, wove within yours as his eyes peered down at you and time suddenly slowed. 
The strong knot of tension eased into a tingling air of titillation between you as you held his softened gaze, your own eyes flickering curiously up and down between the suggestive look in his dilated pupils and his parted, much too tempting, pink lips that beckoned you like a siren’s call. What the fuck was going on with you – why weren’t you fighting back anymore?
His warm body was pressed tightly against yours like burning coal, his erratic breaths on your face doing so little to soothe the mounting spiral of arousal within you. You felt your core grip at air as he eyed your mouth with his own lips fluttering slowly, silently contemplating whether to take that leap.
You took the initiative, driven by your impatience and growing need. He gasped into the kiss but it took him no more than an instance to reciprocate eagerly, his fingers tightening their hold as his hips moved restlessly against yours. He groaned, teeth hooking on your lip and coaxing an abrupt moan from the back of your throat.
“Shhhh,” he giggled, pressing another kiss to your lips. “Careful now, sweetheart. We ain’t in the clear, yet—” his mouth drifted from yours and down the length of your neck, leaving kisses and bites along the skin until he was at the hem of your collar. “As much as I love to hear you moan – mmm, fuck! You sound so fucking pretty though.”
It was impossible to not feel his firm bulge that pushed insistently into your thigh while he continued to grind against you. His hot breaths fleeted over your ear as he panted into your skin, a low growl riding along the breathlessness that escaped his lips. 
“Fuck, I wanna hear you say my name – please, baby. Please, will you say it for me?” You were stunned at the plea and the stark desperation it clung to. “Say I’m your Jason. Tell me I’m yours. Even if it’s for a couple fucking minutes. Say you want me so fucking bad. Pleasepleaseplease.”
He whined his request in your ear. Over and over and over. Until your knees nearly gave from underneath you as his lips continued to leave a warm trail of kisses on every inch of bare skin they could find. You were breathless and unable to respond for a good few seconds until your lips opened to the litany of praises and filthy promises.
“Fuck… Jason… you’re mine… all fucking mine…”
Jason couldn’t hold the moans rolling off his lips at every instance you spoke his name. Soon, his grip loosened on your hands only for it to slide down your body and hook under your thighs, your own hands fidgeting with the buckles of his vest. 
“Take these off.” You growled through teeth as your fingers proved useless to pry the man of his clothes. “Now.”
He drew his hands to himself only to quickly rid himself of the thick layers that filled needless space between you, leaving himself in only his blue t-shirt and his unbuttoned fatigue pants that were slowly sliding down his waist. His hands were back upon you to search your silhouette under his rough fingertips. 
He looked much smaller now – less intimidating than when he had all that equipment crowding his frame. The status of danger having now turned into something entirely foreign; just another factor to play into the hands of that white hot desire churning deep inside you.
“Come on, sweetheart. Go right ahead and touch me. See how fucking hard you make me,” Jason took hold of one of your hands and pushed it gently against his bulge. Your warm fingers slowly closed around him and squeezed carefully. He let his head back to moan. “Fuck—yes. That’s it, baby. Keep going like that.” 
“Keep it down, Jason.” You hissed.
“I can’t. I really—I fucking can’t.”
You clicked your tongue disapprovingly, raising a hand to his wet panting lips. “Open up.” And he did, accepting your fingers onto his tongue. He moaned through the mouthful, muffled yet still loud. You tutted again. “God, you’re so fucking pathetic.”
Jason sputtered and whined when you slipped your other hand into his boxers and cupped him firmly, sharp bursts of breath flitting through his lips as his palms braced by the sides of your head on the wall to support his trembling legs.
“Oh—fuck,” he mumbled around your fingers, a thick thread of drool leaking from the corner of his mouth. His tongue continued to suck on your skin, noisily slurping and lapping up his own saliva that was slowly running down the side of your hand. “Fuck—feels good—it feels—”
“Feels nice, sweetheart, doesn’t it?” You finished for him and he moaned his agreement, albeit much too incoherently to sound like proper syllables but his sweet little whimper that was stifled on your digits was enough answer. “Sure, it does. Look at you. So needy just from my hand.”
Your playful taunts only stirred more noises from him. He began rutting his hips into your hand, making his throbbing cock slip clumsily through your fingers. You shushed him softly as his whimpers grew constant and more high pitched. 
“It’s okay. You’re okay. It’s been so long, hasn’t it?” You cooed and he nodded fervently, his eyes sweetly round and glistening. “Of course, it is. You’re already leaking through my fucking fingers.”
He began to go on a tangent of garbled words and desperate moans, trying to speak but failing to convey anything; his rationale so far deep beneath the heavy heap of lust that his thoughts hardly strung together. But the urgency in his voice was clear.
“What is it, sweetie? Use your big boy words. You can tell me what you want.”
“I wanna cum—”
“What was that?” A feigned frown of confusion pulled at your brows as you neared your ear to his lips as if to hear better. “I didn’t quite catch that.” He whined petulantly and you shushed him again. “Come on. You can do it.”
“I wanna—I wanna cum inside you. So fucking bad. Please—Can I?”
You hummed, as if deep in thought and pondering the decision before you offered him a cheeky grin.
“Are you gonna be good?”
“Mhm, yeah—” He nodded, shifting impatiently against you. “I’ll be so good for you. I promise.”
You smirked and cocked your head. So adorably pathetic. All reason gone and replaced by that one simple objective fogging his brain. 
Slowly withdrawing both of your hands from him, Jason let out a shaky sigh, rigid shoulders growing visibly relaxed as his eyes found yours, his gaze more clear and focused now. His fingers made quick to unbutton your pants, his lips returning to yours with their feverish kisses. 
Once your pants slipped down your legs, he slid a middle finger along the crotch of your panties, his fingertip finding your clit through the fabric, rubbing firm tight circles over the swollen bud. You gasped, hands flying to brace against his strong shoulders as your weight grew light on your feet.
Jason pried past the slip of barrier and with small inches into your soaked folds. A choked moan rolled from his lips as your slick gathered on his skin, two thick fingers pushing with ease inside you. You plastered a hand over your mouth as a sudden moan erupted in your throat, head lolling back against the wall.
“Fuck—so wet already? Your pussy practically sucked up my fucking fingers.” He began pumping his fingers. Slow and careful. The empty tunnel echoed the obscene wet noises of your cunt. The crooked grin that grew on Jason’s face made blood rush to your ears. “Hear that? Who’s the needy pathetic one now, hmm?”
“Shut up.”
He cooed mockingly at you, lips puckering into a moue of pity. “That all you got for me? You can do better, sweetheart. Hurt me like I know you damn well want to.”
You snarled, eyes narrowed and brows drawn deep. Your hand was reaching for the back of his head then, the movement so hurried it flicked his hat off of his head. Your fingers buried tight into his soft hair. He hissed, the pressure of your grip jerking his head back and revealing the swell of his throat. He met your gaze with a scowl of his own.
“Shit—you li—shit!”
A smirk tugged at the corner of your mouth. Pulling the man closer by the hair, your lips began a descension of kisses down the span of his neck. The movement of his hand stuttered inside you the longer you went on, gasps of moans coaxing through his parted lips. A string of curses tipped off his tongue as your teeth scraped harshly across his neck, digging in and abusing the skin with every bite. You were adamant to leave your mark on him.
You only leaned away when you were wholly satisfied and could see the growing bruise that blossomed across Jason’s skin where your mouth had been. The smirk on your lips quickly parted for a moan when he resumed the movement of his fingers inside you. You covered your mouth as moan after moan bubbled up your throat. It was his turn now to leer complacently at you.
“Why go all tough on me when you’re just gonna give up that easy? It’s so fucking cute that you even try.” He buried his nose under your ear, a hand wrapping gently around your throat as he sucked your earlobe between his lips. “Wanna know what I’m gonna do to you? I’m gonna stretch you open with my big fucking cock. I’m gonna fill you up till your pretty little pussy’s dripping with my cum.”
You swallowed. Hard. A delicious shiver ran down your spine as Jason kissed your jaw and breathed a taunting chuckle into your skin. Your fingers coiled tighter in his hair and a faint growl vibrated under your ear, rousing a sharp gasp from you. 
“Are you gonna just keep running your mouth like that?”
He didn’t respond. Not immediately. He guided you carefully out of your pants, kicking the heap of fabric aside with one foot before removing your panties next. He lowered to his knees, his palms cradling your hips as he peered up at you.
“You got a better use for my mouth?”
You blinked, lips fluttering wordlessly at the sight of this man knelt at the ready for you before you mustered up a proper response.
“I do now.”
A knowing smile crossed his lips as he leaned in with a sensuous kiss to your clit before sucking it loudly into his mouth. He moaned, low and delirious, his fingers digging into your skin and eyes fluttering shut. As if you had just satisfied a seething hunger deep within him and he needed a moment to savor the flavor before it disappeared. 
His mouth then molded hot against you – fast and eager. His tongue fluttered along your swollen lips, lapping up your slick and gliding over your clit. Over and over. A steady rhythm that only picked up in pace. 
Your fingers, once again, sunk in his hair and grabbed a fistful. He groaned between laps of his tongue as you pulled tightly at the roots, the deep sound resonating deep within your core. You struggled to rein in your moans, pushing another hand to your mouth to smother the noises that escaped much too freely, your will worsened by Jason’s breathless demands.
“Shit, baby. Fuck yourself on my tongue. You wanna use me, don’t you? Be a good girl and grind on my fucking face.”
You moaned louder through your fingers as your orgasm rose high like a rogue wave, only instances from crashing over you and swallowing you whole. You squirmed against Jason’s mouth, meeting his tongue with your cunt as he panted and downed you hungrily, pushing you closer and closer to falling through the tidal walls of your climax. 
Jason whispered dirty praises into your pussy as your stifled moans rose in pitch, your breaths growing much more quick and stuttered – until you cried into your palm with the first pulses of your orgasm rippling through you like wildfire. 
Your fingers flexed in his hair, your other hand pressing deeper to your mouth. The dark of the cavern turning even duller before your dazed vision as your mind only focused on the now intermittent aftershocks of your climax quivering inside you. 
You let your hand fall from your face moments later. Once your thoughts slowed to an easy pace and the trembling of your body grew calm, you looked down at Jason who was now staggering soft kisses to your thighs; up – on your stomach then higher and higher – until he was in between your breasts, smearing your arousal all over your skin before his lips finally collided with yours.
His small content moan slipped into the kiss as he held your face in his long fingers, offering you kisses sweet and desperate until his gasps turned into rough groans; his leaking bulge pressing persistently into your thigh as he bucked his hips with pleading urgency to be satiated. 
He hardly managed to pry himself away to speak his question, stealing kiss after heated kiss and muddying his words as he muttered against your lips with eyes shut.
“Could I—should we—can I please fuck you? I need to feel you ‘round my cock. So so fucking bad, baby. I need to feel this gorgeous pussy stretch out for me.”
“I—fuck, Jason. Just—dammit—just do it, you needy fuck.”
Jason stopped all movement. He leaned back far enough to take in your face; sweat beaded at your brow, hair disheveled and dampened against your forehead, lips parted and panting. You were truly a sight. He raised a stern brow at you despite the grin fighting to take over his face, one of his hands slowly tugging his boxers down. 
“You keep giving me that attitude and see what I’ll do to you.”    
You rolled your eyes, opening your mouth to throw back a gibe at him before the words withered into a shrill gasp. That was when he hoisted you on his hips with a small grunt, his large palms curling firmly into your skin. Instinctively, you hooked your legs around his waist moments before he thrusted you back against the wall and stole the air from your lungs. 
Jason pressed his mouth to your ear, already pushing his hips up to yours to tease your soppy cunt with the head of his cock, giving you just the slightest taste of what was to come.
“I’ll fuck you sore, sweetheart. Don’t fucking try me.”
You clicked your tongue, noticing how Jason went stiff against you at the small sound, anticipating whatever clever remark that was going to roll off your tongue next. 
“You’re all talk, Jason. All bark and no fucking bite.”  
He scoffed under your ear, offering you only a false lull, leaving you waiting for his reaction with burning thrill building up deep in the pit of your stomach, as if he was planning his next move in that moment of silence that you spent trying not to squirm in his arms. 
Jason lifted you silently before sitting you back down, the swollen tip of his cock prodding into your slit. Your walls clenched instinctively around him as his thick length tried to plunge deeper into you. You whimpered. God, he was so big. 
“Mmm—so fucking tight—” he cut himself off with a loud gasp as you squeezed him again. “Sto—stop it. I’m gonna fucking cum already if you keep doing that.”
But you couldn’t help it. Your cunt burned and stretched, making much needed room for Jason’s size. He barely moved. And when he did, a loud moan would stop him again. You could feel him throbbing, his cock hardly even half way inside you, yet. 
“Shit. Don’t think I can make it, baby—please. Just—just try to relax a bit. You’re fucking killing me.” A defeated groan escaped him. “Fuck it. Come here.”
He tugged you forward, his lips finding your neck and restarting the trail of warm kisses along your skin. His mouth teased your earlobe, his heated breaths fanning across the shell of your ear and waking goosebumps down your back.
“Touch yourself.” A vague noise of confusion caught in your throat. His kisses didn’t once let up when he spoke again. “Go ahead now.”
You slipped a tentative hand between the crammed space between your bodies until your fingers found your clit, sensitive to the touch now. You grimaced but, nevertheless, let your fingers press firmly down on yourself. Jason began whispering hoarsely against your ear.
“Start making circles ‘round that clit for me. Nice and slow. That’s it. Just like that. Good girl. Take it easy now. Don’t make yourself cum, yet.”
Your throat gripped with short piercing whines as the dull ache in your core waned into pulsating pleasure and you had to resist picking up the speed on yourself as Jason continued to guide you patiently. 
You were slowly loosening up. You could feel yourself slowly sinking farther down on Jason’s cock the longer you touched yourself. He carefully tried again, sliding his cock deeper into you only to be faced with much little resistance this time. 
Jason pressed his mouth to your neck to smother his moans as he began moving at a steady pace, bucking his hips up to yours and heaving a small grunt each time you glided back down on his shaft. You felt delightfully full, your walls perfectly framing his cock, easing more and more into taking more of him inside you.
He could hardly manage a word through the heavy pants that left his mouth, the praises on his tongue broken by each thrust and gasp of breath. Yet, he remained generous with them, not once neglecting to remind you how good you were doing.
“Good fucking girl—taking my cock so well. Yeah, keep—touching yourself like that.”
And you only listened and followed, bouncing up and down in Jason’s arms as he fucked himself senseless into you and your next orgasm loomed over you. A muttered succession of curses rushed through his teeth as he felt your walls tightening around him again.
“You close?” He croaked. You nodded, a soft moan punctuating your response. His voice swooped high and staggered with gasps, turning into a quivering whimper as he spoke his next words, “I can feel you fucking throbbing. Shit.”
Soon, Jason’s breaths have grown loud and erratic, his chest heaving unevenly against yours as his own orgasm approached rapidly. His pace was relentless now, his arms holding you tightly against the wall for leverage. 
His moans slowly tapered into an accension of melodious whines in your ear as he finally came apart inside you, brimming you whole with his thick cum. His filling warmth was enough to propel you over with him; and you buried your face in his neck as the crushing wave of your next orgasm took hold of your body in shuddering pulses.
His pace gradually slowed, his damp forehead pressed tenderly against yours as he drank in generous gulps of air. His body trembled, breaths ragged yet finally returning to an even pace when he finally set you back down on your feet, wincing with a hiss as he freed his cock from your pussy that still gripped tightly onto him.
You could feel yourself gush with his cum when he, at last, released from you, the warm trail rushing down your thighs. Jason eyed the pale stream and swallowed, pupils visibly blowing wider again as his lip rolled back between his teeth, his cock already reacting to the sight. But he shook his head and smiled softly at you, raising his chin to look at you with a newfound admiration in his eyes.
“That was crazy…” you muttered, voice roiled with a breathy chuckle, already reaching for your pants on the ground. “Good crazy?” You heard him ask as you began to dress and you offered a simple but jovial “mhm-hmm”, peeking over your shoulder to smile at him.
You craned your neck to peer over the slope of the precipice at where the vampire once was only to find the corpse to be now on its own. 
“Looks like it got bored and left.” You remarked, finishing fastening your vest.
Jason stepped up beside you, now fully clothed and his arms cradling his rifle once again, and followed the path of your gaze down the opening of the cave. You heard him hum dryly and when you turned to look at him, a pursed smile was on his flushed lips. 
“Let’s hope it stays that way. Come on. Let’s move.” he said curtly, his tone loud and demanding as if he was speaking to his subordinate soldier; already walking ahead of you to the edge of the cliff. He paused momentarily to turn his shoulder and address you again. “Stay close. You got a weapon—besides that knife right there?” He waved a hand at the glinting blade that flipped absentmindedly between your fingers.
Your silence was all the answer he needed to reach for his holster and brandish his pistol, twirling it on a finger before handing it to you handle first. A courteous smile adorned his lips as you took the gun and cocked it, taking the cue to lead the way out of the tunnel. 
You followed close behind, cautioned eyes watching for movements in the shadows until you made it into an opening – a vast room of debris. Up ahead in the darkness of yet another cavern came rushing two orbs of pale light and a set of hurried footsteps. Jason quickly turned to you to say something but it was already too late for any assurances.
You cowered back a few steps, gun clutched tightly as two American soldiers hastened into the dull light of the vicinity; one of them – you assumed to be the leader – immediately demanded for you to drop your weapon but you held your ground with a scowl. 
Jason stood between you and his comrades, arms raised and shielding you from their assaulting barrels. As if he could protect you from the bullets once they came soaring at you. 
“Hey, hey, hey! Calm down. She’s with me.” He tried to pacify the tension but to no avail. 
The fair-haired man didn’t yield, only lifting his head slightly to address Jason with a curt tone. “With all due respect, Lieutenant, we can’t let an enemy soldier walk freely when we have bigger issues at hand. Tell her to drop her gun or I’ll shoot.”
Jason looked back at you, utterly defeated. His wide eyes glowed dully, mouth hanging agape with unspoken words. He then heaved a sigh, shaking his head as a dirty look crossed his face. 
“Fucking shit—fine! I’ll take care of her.”
His glared turned to you and you swallowed back your complaint, your fingers growing loose on the pistol. He accepted the coil of rope from the other soldier before walking closer to you, another hand stretching out and beckoning the gun in your hands with a twist of his fingers.
Perplexed and frustrated, you dropped the weapon on the man’s palm and watched it slide back inside his holster. He circled you, taking your arm and pressing it close to the other before wrapping the rope around your wrists. 
Panic simmered deep in your chest even though your face showed otherwise. You gritted your teeth, fingers flexing into fists against your back. 
Jason’s fingers brushed past your shoulder blade. You would assume it was merely accidental until you noticed the lingering warmth of his skin over your shirt. As the two other Americans turned to walk away, Jason leaned into your neck, his whisper against your ear raising goosebumps along your back once again.
“I won’t let ‘em lay a finger on you. You’re my responsibility.”
You released a long sigh. “How romantic of you.”
“Can’t help it,” you could hear the grin in his voice – and his warm breath on your neck before his lips pressed a slow kiss to your skin. “I’m a damn good lover.”
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⛓️❤️‍🔥 Taglist!
@kassiekolchek22 @yellowroses-world @house-of-kolchek @yeslieutenant @katsufairies @ptichkayago @gaypanic1 @wadiyatalkinabeetmate.
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lamemaster · 1 year
Pits of Joy (Finrod x Reader)
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"Can you stay still, Melda?" he pleads, his voice filled with amusement and a touch of exasperation.
"Just for a moment," he insists, a curious glint in his eyes.
He urges you to smile, understanding the significance it holds for him. As you lay with your head resting on Finrod's lap, you ponder how you ended up in this delightful predicament. His nimble fingers delicately trace the contours of your cheek, attempting to measure the depth of your dimple.
"I must ascertain if it can hold water," Finrod announces, his playful nature on full display. He moves about, retrieving a glass of water from the nearby nightstand. Resigned to your fate, you lie there, struggling to contain your laughter as you witness the mighty king of Nargothrond becoming obsessed with the small indentation on your cheek.
Elves, renowned for their perfection, rarely possess dimples—the tiny crevices of happiness that grace the faces of some mortals. But in your case, the charm of that subtle feature had captivated Finrod from the very first moment. He couldn't resist poking at it whenever your smile emerged, enamored by the joy it brought forth.
"By Eru, these dimples can indeed hold water, Melda!" Finrod declares, and you feel droplets of water trickling down your face. Reaching out, you grab the glass of water, and caught in the haze of his curiosity, Finrod unwittingly hands it to you while you remain reclined.
"Does it leak in yo-" Finrod begins to ask but before he can finish, a sudden splash of water hits his face. It's the water from your mouth, your playful retaliation. Laughter bursts from your lips as you dart away, escaping the surprised elf. And in that moment, your dimple seems to wink at Finrod, teasingly and full of mischief.
"You men are nasty," Finrod mutters good-naturedly, before rising to his feet, determined to catch you in your playful chase.
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manilaxmiindustrial · 2 months
Things You Should Know About Hastelloy Flanges By Manilaxmi Industrial
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Manilaxmi Industrial: When it comes to choosing materials for industrial applications, Hastelloy flanges stand out as a top option due to their remarkable properties and performance। Understanding Hastelloy flanges' characteristics and benefits can help you make informed choices about your projects, whether you're working in chemical processing, oil and gas production, or power generation। What you need to know about Hastelloy flanges is here।
What are Hastelloy Flanges?
Hastelloy flanges are components made from Hastelloy, a high-performance alloy primarily composed of nickel, chromium, and molybdenum. This superalloy is renowned for its excellent corrosion resistance, high-temperature strength, and durability in harsh environments. Flanges are used to connect pipes, valves, pumps, and other equipment, ensuring a secure and leak-proof system.
Key Properties of Hastelloy Flanges?
1. Corrosion Resistance: Hastelloy flanges are highly resistant to various forms of corrosion, including pitting, crevice corrosion, and stress corrosion cracking. This makes them ideal for use in aggressive environments where other materials might fail.
2. Temperature Resistance: These flanges can withstand extreme temperatures, both high and low, without losing their structural integrity. This property is crucial for industries that operate under severe thermal conditions.
3. Mechanical Strength: Hastelloy flanges offer exceptional mechanical strength, ensuring durability and reliability even under high stress and pressure.
4. Versatility: Due to their unique properties, Hastelloy flanges are versatile and suitable for a wide range of applications across various industries
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Types of Hastelloy Flanges?
Hastelloy flanges come in different types, each designed for specific applications and connection methods. Common types include:
• Weld Neck Flanges: These flanges are designed to be welded to the pipe, providing a strong and leak-proof connection ideal for high-pressure applications.
• Slip-On Flanges: Easier to install than weld neck flanges, these are slipped over the pipe and then welded. They are suitable for low-pressure environments.
• Blind Flanges: Used to close the end of a pipe or valve, blind flanges are essential for testing and maintenance purposes.
• Socket Weld Flanges: These flanges are similar to slip-on flanges but have a socket for welding, providing a smoother flow inside the pipe.
• Lap Joint Flanges: These are used with a stub end and are ideal for systems that require frequent disassembly.
Applications of Hastelloy Flanges?
Given their superior properties, Hastelloy flanges are used in a variety of demanding applications, such as:
• Chemical Processing: The exceptional corrosion resistance of Hastelloy makes it perfect for handling corrosive chemicals and acids.
• Oil and Gas: In the oil and gas industry, Hastelloy flanges are used in pipelines and equipment exposed to harsh environments and high pressures.
• Power Generation: These flanges are used in power plants, particularly in high-temperature and high-pressure sections.
• Marine Engineering: Hastelloy’s resistance to seawater corrosion makes it ideal for offshore and marine applications.
Advantages of Using Hastelloy Flanges?
1. Longevity: The durability and resistance to wear and tear extend the lifespan of the equipment, reducing the need for frequent replacements.
2. Safety: Enhanced mechanical strength and corrosion resistance ensure safer operations in critical applications.
3. Cost-Effective: Despite the higher initial cost, the longevity and reliability of Hastelloy flanges can lead to cost savings over time by minimizing downtime and maintenance.
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egginfroggin · 1 year
(Claustrophobia, trauma, and mentions of abuse and death ahead)
I was kicking a lot of Mistborn AU thoughts around in my head a few days ago, and on the topic of Ingo being sent to the Pits of Hathsin, I came to the realization that there would probably be a lot of residual trauma from being trapped in a place where your options are:
Try to resist your captors and be beaten, likely to death, as a result
2. Try to survive between the mistreatment and doing your one (1) job, which is crawling around in an enclosed, dark, probably stuffy underground crevice to find fancy metal and shredding your arms to get that metal.
And when I say "residual trauma," I mean Ingo doesn't like enclosed spaces anymore.
No narrow tunnels.
No tight alleys, even; especially at night.
I whacked him with the claustrophobia stick.
I just think that Hathsin ducked him up in the head a little, that's all.
I don't remember a whole lot of the books -- I have yet to reread them -- or how in-depth they went with Kelsier's time in the Pits, but just thinking about the concept... yeah. Not just from the abuse, but from the place -- the job. It's taxing, and the entire place is probably steeped in melancholy and despair because all the other prisoners know that they aren't getting out of here, that this is their life, and abuse by their captors is rampant.
The Pits of Hathsin are a man-made, man-run hell. It is meant to be a prison for those with life sentences, yet those sentences manage to be terribly short in many cases.
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Why DB6 apt for making #forging dies and molds? Why DB Steel is the best choice for metal forging based manufacturing? DIN 1.2714 equivalent grade DB6 / L6 / SKT4
As the designation itself implies, DB 6 is a #DieBlockSteel conforming presumably to AISI L6 (U.S.) and similar to DIN 1.2714 (#Europe). Containing Nickel (1.5 to 1.8%); Chromium (0.8 to 1.2%); Molybdenum (0.35 to 0.55%); and traces of Vanadium; it is a borderline high-Carbon steel since its Carbon content is between 0.65 and 0.75 and being higher than that of steels of the DIN 1.2714 class, it is harder without an increase in brittleness. Its Nickel content gives it great impact resistance, while its Chromium content provides both, toughness and corrosion resistance, so wear is minimal. It is also resistant to thermal shock and thermal fatigue cracking. Molybdenum contributes to high temperature tensile strength. In austenitic Chromium-Nickel steels it inhibits pitting and crevice corrosion, even when Chloride and Sulphur levels are high.
Thus DB6 is a versatile steel that may be used for both hot and cold work, and can be forged into dies of all kinds. Being relatively expensive at around $ 2,000 a tone, in comparison to steels suitable for work at lower temperatures, it is mainly used for “hot work”.
DB 6 possesses all of these and so it has become an almost universal steel for forging dies such as press dies, extrusion dies, trim dies, as well as dies for Drop Forging Hammers and Mechanical Presses, Die Molds, Shoe Blocks, Die Holder, Cassettes, Piston Rods, Cranks, Boaster, Shearing Blades, Tools, Plastic Molds and Shafts.
Mode of Supply: Virat Special Steels Pvt. Ltd., is the largest stockiest and supplier of DB6 steel in flat, square and round bar. We provide steel in all sizes as your requirements. DB6 steel / DIN 2714 is available in flat, square and round shape. We offers to make custom forging dies in high quality DB6 ( DIN 2714 ) steel and has been serving the diverse sectors of metals based forging.
Learn more: https://www.viratsteels.com/db6.html
Any queries feel free to contact us: [email protected] or call +91 9814021775
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limitlessmonster · 2 years
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Title: Burn Down the World Pairing: YinWar Rating: E (nsfw) Multichapter Ch 1 WC: 1600 Summary: “But it was Yin.And for Yin, he would burn down the world as he took himself with it.” A YinWar Partner In Crime AU A/N: Expanded the pain and UST from the YinWar Concert teaser I wrote on Twitter from a few weeks ago. Based on their concert promo mini film. Thanks to the amazing @caedi​ for the stellar graphic and the cheerleading, and to my zucchini @kaijoskopycat​ for the extra pair of eyes. 🖤🤍 Inspired by these two songs.
On AO3
The hotel room smells like old cigars and stale alcohol.
War never was much of a drinker until Yin, but now as he watches him get ready, puttering around the room with such ridiculous giddiness like a kid in a candy store, he finds himself gravitate toward the happy bottle with more enthusiasm than he cares to admit.
He takes a swig now, the slow burn of it tracing a line of fire down his throat before settling in a pool of lava in the pit of his gut. It should have helped quell his anxiety, should have eased the pang of jealousy he feels but has no right to feel while his eyes follow Yin’s movements across the room as he finishes preparing for their unwelcome guest.
Well, unwelcome to me anyway…
War lets out a humorless chuckle, the sound soft but biting, a far cry from his unabashed laughter that Yin always said crinkles his nose and radiates from his eyes. There would be nothing of the sort radiating from any crevice out of him tonight. He shouldn’t be angry. Shouldn’t feel shunted aside and forgotten. Shouldn’t feel possessive. He scoffs at that and takes another swig directly from the bottle.
Fuck the glass; fuck everything at this point.
Because despite the gravitational pull, the pleasant warmth he feels when Yin’s undivided attention is centered on him, Yin isn’t his. Would never be his despite the voice in the back of his mind that tries to convince him otherwise. This is a partnership. A business transaction. A way to give themselves a better life than anything they could have built working at that shitty restaurant breaking their backs like a pair of fucking servants, dirt poor for the rest of their lives.
“Will you work with me?” Yin had asked him then, sparking the fire in War’s veins that spread and caught like kerosine on crack. He would never admit it, but even then he had been Yin’s already.
An hour later, War is well on his way to I Don’t Fucking Careville, half the bottle already making a warm little home in the seething pit of his stomach. It has helped to tether the inexplicable rage, keep it at bay, even as Yin drunkenly sways in disjointed rhythm in front of him like a sad uncle pathetically gyrating the air at some family party. War’s eyes follow Yin’s movements, his head subconsciously (or perhaps a little drunkenly) tilted to the side as he watches Yin lift the bottle to his mouth and take a generous gulp of the expensive bottle of Dom he had insisted on splurging on in honor of their guest. His gaze stays on Yin’s mouth, traces the curve of it, the purse it makes as Yin winces with the alcohol’s unforgiving burn, and finds himself thinking about another drunken night only days ago when that mouth was on his before it trailed like whispered embers down his neck, his torso, following a path that led much farther south than War usually let anyone go.
But it was Yin.
And for Yin, he would burn down the world as he took himself with it.
He swallows hard at the recollection, takes another long swig of the alcohol as a knock interrupts his unwanted trip down memory lane. Yin immediately lights up like a Christmas tree and War resists the urge to throw the fucking bottle.
The music plays quietly from the speaker in the corner, some old-timey jazz number Yin had picked thinking it sounded a little like music a stripper could dance to. War resists the urge to tell Yin that the stripper would fucking dance to Hansen’s Mmm Bop if he throws enough money at her, but Yin had wanted the experience to be as authentic as he’s seen in movies. War supposes he can understand the fantasy; encouraged it, even.
Another drink, slow and steady.
Then an eyeroll to end all eyerolls as he regrets his life decisions.
He pays attention to the room now, the stain on the carpet from the tomato juice Yin had spilled trying to drunkenly make himself a Bloody Mary, the scratches on the wooden coffee table from War’s fingernails a few nights before. He closes his eyes, lips hard-pressed into a line so tight it causes him to exhale sharply through his nose at the memory.
Another swig.
He’s going to finish the entire bottle at this rate.
If Yin has noticed anything, he makes no mention of it. Shows no sign that War’s discomfort at having this trashpile bodyrolling in front of Yin as he showers her with a wad of cash is anything of immediate concern.
War doesn’t know if this makes him feel worse or if it makes it easier to forget things they had done together that now takes an entire bottle to almost block out.
Another swig. And then another. The edges of his vision have started to cloud, hazy wisps of fuzz framing everything with a filtered glow. His mouth quirks at that, grateful for it, but cursing it all the same because it’s never fast enough, never potent enough until he’s seen too much, felt too much, before, finally, the forgetting begins.
He drapes his arm over the side of the couch, relishes the numbing buzz he’s starting to feel, the tingle on the ends of his fingertips exacerbated by the acute awareness of Yin’s hand, close enough to touch if his fingers flicked toward it just so.
When the girl twists her blonde strands around her fingertip and gives Yin a cloying look that makes War’s stomach turn, he clenches his fists to pause the tremor rolling through his body, the instantaneous way his breath is sucked right out of him.
He catches Yin lick his lips, his mouth parted in awe and eyes slightly shuttered as the girl undulates her hips toward him, the strap of her trash red lingerie falling down her arm as she uses her free hand to unhook her bra. Her fingers then reach for Yin, toying with his open collar before brushing wisp-soft touches along Yin’s bare skin.
Smashing the bottle tightly gripped in his hand is starting to sound pretty damn good now, if it weren’t such a waste of expensive liquor.
Yin exhales achingly slow in response, and War feels a twitch in his pants, curses his weakness with it. He momentarily tracks the girl’s movement, rolls his eyes and fights the urge to vomit up half the bottle he’s consumed when he catches Yin’s eye. Yin tilts his head toward her, an offering of sorts, come here, have fun, do it for me, and War shoves himself to his feet, feigning sickness and waving off Yin’s silent invitation as he barrels into the bathroom.
A half second is all it takes before his pants are halfway to his knees, the belt buckle only partially undone as he slides his hand into his boxers and exhales relief at the first stroke. He bites his lip, the taste metallic and bitter as he breaks skin. The pain is nothing compared to the wrenching ache that had bloomed in his chest at having been made to watch whatever the fuck that was going on outside the sanctuary of the bathroom.
He grunts as he strokes faster, dropping his head back against the door with a soft thud. Eyelids hooded. Eyes glazed as images of Yin kneeling before him flood his brain like a hit of coke directly into every brain cell his inebriation would allow. His body reacts as it remembers Yin’s mouth, remembers the heat it left on the tip of his cock, the flick of his tongue before he took War into his mouth entirely, devouring him like a man starving, desperate. Reverent.
War keeps pace like that, matching his body’s memory of Yin’s movements, the stunted rhythm, the stifled moans as War had thrusted into the back of Yin’s throat, and sooner than he’s ready, War feels release claw out of him, his free hand clamping shamefully against his mouth as streaks of white spurt at intervals across the tile floor, his body rolling through the sensation in jilted spasms.
He bottoms out, sliding graceless on the soiled floor and breathing hard through his nostrils. If Yin were to discover him, he would never be able to explain without bringing up something else he is fairly sure neither of them want to discuss. He closes his eyes, forces his heartbeat to slow, remembers the way Yin’s eyes had looked at him when he was sure War had been satisfied. The near worshiping way his gaze had darkened, the trail his tongue had left on the split of his lips when he licked away remnants of War from his mouth.
Heat prickles behind War’s eyelids and he presses a palm against them, an imperceptible shake of his head the only thing he allows of himself to mark his inexcusable stupidity. After all, sex and love are different things.
But it was Yin.
And for Yin, he would burn down the world as he took himself with it.
A few minutes later, he hears muffled voices — an argument maybe? — then a shuffle of movement, faint footsteps. A door slams, rattling the paper-thin walls. He’s too tired to see what the commotion is about, too fucked out drunk and frankly, a little humiliated with his own little party to bother leaving the comfort of the small space.
He closes his eyes, exhaustion creeping in, darkness crowding and grasping the corners of his vision, his memories. War exhales slowly, a smile tilting a corner of his mouth, grateful at last that the bottle has started its long-awaited work before he remembers nothing at all.
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thesteelexporter · 2 years
Alloy Steel Buttweld Fittings Available Types
There are a variety of shapes and sizes available in alloy steel buttweld fittings. Fittings like these are used in a variety of industries, including automotive and industrial. Alloy steel fittings are made from alloy steels and other metals. The alloy steel buttweld fittings can be welded, machined, and heat treated to produce a wide range of products. When purchasing a set of steel fittings, as well as larger quantities, most fitting manufacturers offer package deals. Bulk purchases may also be discounted. Find out if shipping and handling charges are included in the pricing offered by your local supplier.
The article Alloy Steel Buttweld Fittings Available Types introduces Alloy Steel Buttweld Fittings Available Types. The book explains the composition and characteristics of alloy steel. The book includes detailed information on the basic machine processes and operating conditions of Alloy Steel Buttweld Fittings Available Types, heat treatment, machining procedures, and test methods for Alloy Steel Buttweld Fittings Available Types. To get a feel for what this product is like, you can also view our sample products. Do your research before buying. 
Click on the links below to learn more about Alloy Steel Buttweld Fittings Available Types. A typical size is approximately 4 inches in diameter (roughly 0.926 inches thick) and 1/2 inch in thickness (roughly 0.127 inches thick). Standardized to BS EN 642 and AIB 6073, typical values are approximately 4 inches in diameter and 1/2 inch in thickness. Based on the total weight of the alloy, the material contains approximately 0.5% carbon by weight.
The versatile alloy of alloy steel buttweld fittings is used for a wide range of applications. Weldability, pressure bearing strength, and thermal stability are excellent. For superior durability under heavy loads, it possesses chromium, molybdenum, and ferrous. While fitting in the processing system, it resists corrosion caused by hazardous gases and chemicals. Weldable alloy steel buttweld fittings have a low carbon content and are resistant to carbide precipitation.
Various types of alloy steel buttweld fittings are made with chemical compositions of great strength and hardness. These chemicals include carbon, nickel, aluminum, manganese, titanium, and iron. There are even numerous specifications for these alloy fittings, such as size, standards, grade, types, thickness, forms, ends, surfaces, finishes, lengths, widths, applications, tolerances, conditions, and pressure. 
Various properties of these alloy fittings include hardness, corrosion resistance, and sustainability at annealed temperatures. The properties of alloy fittings include thermal conductivity, electrical resistance, modulus of expansion, density, melting point, elongation, and electrical conductivity. There are numerous types of these fittings, including seamless, welded, fabricated, and ERW.
Among the many industries and general works that use alloy steel Buttweld Fittings are the pharmaceutical industry, gas processing, chemical equipment, pharmaceutical equipment, offshore oil drilling, industry, heat exchangers, condensers, seawater equipment, petrochemicals, power generation, food processing, paper mills, pulp mills, rail components, road transportation components, pumps, shafts, and military applications. The alloy steel Buttweld Fittings are made with several properties that enable them to be used in annealed temperatures and chloride environments without any deformation. The fittings are resistant to crevice corrosion, stress corrosion, cracking corrosion, pitting corrosion, and impact corrosion.
Pipe fittings (as opposed to Tube fittings) are butt-welded onto the pipe. They are produced according to different ‘schedules’. Based on the nominal bore pipe size, the schedule determines the wall thickness. It is common to find schedules 10 and 40, but schedules 80 and 160 are also available.
For more information visit 
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navneetmetalcorp · 1 hour
Inconel 625 Sheets & Plates: A Comprehensive Guide to Properties, Applications, and Benefits
Inconel 625 is a high-performance nickel-based superalloy that is widely recognized for its exceptional resistance to oxidation, corrosion, and extreme temperatures. This makes it one of the most sought-after materials for use in demanding environments such as aerospace, marine, chemical processing, and power generation industries. In particular, Inconel 625 sheets and plates have become indispensable in applications where both strength and resilience are critical.
Key Properties of Inconel 625 Sheets & Plates
The unique combination of elements in Inconel 625, including nickel, chromium, molybdenum, and niobium, gives it a wide range of superior properties, including:
1. High Corrosion Resistance
Inconel 625 is highly resistant to a variety of corrosive environments. It offers excellent protection against pitting, crevice corrosion, and stress-corrosion cracking, especially in seawater and acidic conditions. This makes it ideal for marine applications such as offshore oil and gas platforms.
2. Superior Temperature Stability
One of the standout features of Inconel 625 is its ability to maintain its mechanical properties even at extreme temperatures. It can withstand temperatures ranging from cryogenic to over 1000°C (1832°F) without losing strength. This thermal stability makes it perfect for applications in jet engines, gas turbines, and furnace components.
3. High Tensile Strength and Durability
The alloy's combination of molybdenum and niobium strengthens its matrix, allowing for impressive tensile strength and flexibility. Inconel 625 can handle high-pressure environments and mechanical stress, even in extreme heat or corrosive environments, which is why it’s often used in nuclear reactors and chemical processing plants.
Applications of Inconel 625 Sheets & Plates
Due to its remarkable properties, Inconel 625 is widely used across multiple industries:
1. Aerospace
Inconel 625’s ability to maintain its strength under extreme heat makes it a preferred material for aerospace components, particularly in jet engines, turbine blades, exhaust systems, and heat shields. The alloy’s resistance to oxidation and corrosion is especially valuable in high-altitude, high-temperature environments.
2. Marine Engineering
Because of its outstanding corrosion resistance, particularly in saltwater and harsh marine environments, Inconel 625 sheets and plates are commonly used in the construction of marine hardware, seawater heat exchangers, and offshore oil platforms.
3. Chemical Processing
Inconel 625’s resilience to acidic environments makes it an excellent choice for chemical processing equipment, including reactors, heat exchangers, and piping systems exposed to corrosive chemicals like sulfuric acid, phosphoric acid, and seawater.
4. Nuclear and Power Generation
Inconel 625 is also used in nuclear reactors and power generation plants due to its ability to maintain its structural integrity at high temperatures and in corrosive environments. It is particularly effective in applications involving steam and superheated water.
Benefits of Using Inconel 625 Sheets & Plates
The use of Inconel 625 in sheet and plate form offers several benefits for manufacturers and engineers:
Versatility: Inconel 625 can be fabricated into a variety of forms, including sheets and plates, which can be further machined or welded to suit specific applications.
Durability: Its resistance to wear and tear, high-temperature degradation, and corrosive environments ensures long-lasting performance, reducing the need for frequent replacements.
Low Maintenance: Inconel 625’s corrosion resistance translates to lower maintenance costs, as components made from this alloy are less likely to degrade over time.
Inconel 625 sheets and plates stand out as premium materials for high-performance applications in some of the most demanding industries. Whether it's aerospace, marine engineering, chemical processing, or power generation, the alloy's exceptional combination of strength, corrosion resistance, and high-temperature stability makes it an ideal choice for those seeking reliability and durability. As industries continue to push the limits of technology and materials science, Inconel 625 remains a cornerstone for future innovations.
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udhhyog2 · 4 hours
Buy SS 316 Blind Flange for Ultimate Durability and Performance
In industries where strength, durability, and corrosion resistance are paramount, the SS 316 blind flange stands out as the preferred choice. Udhhyog offers high-quality SS 316 blind flanges at the best prices in the market. Whether you’re in the chemical, marine, or pharmaceutical industry, choosing to buy SS 316 blind flange from Udhhyog ensures you receive a product that meets your specific needs. Let’s explore why this flange is a must-have for your industrial operations.
Why Choose SS 316 Blind Flange?
SS 316, also known as marine-grade stainless steel, includes molybdenum, which significantly improves its corrosion resistance compared to SS 304. This makes the SS 316 blind flange ideal for environments with high chloride exposure, such as coastal and marine applications.
Key Advantages of SS 316 Blind Flange
Enhanced Corrosion Resistance: With its molybdenum content, SS 316 is highly resistant to pitting and crevice corrosion in harsh conditions.
High Tensile Strength: It can withstand high pressure and temperature, making it ideal for demanding applications.
Versatile Applications: Suitable for both industrial and sanitary applications, offering flexibility in usage.
Benefits of Buying SS 316 Blind Flange from Udhhyog
Quality Assurance: We ensure that every SS 316 blind flange meets stringent quality standards.
Affordable Pricing: We provide the best value without compromising on quality, making it affordable to buy SS 316 blind flange for your projects.
Reliable Service: From product selection to delivery, our team offers unparalleled support.
Where to Use SS 316 Blind Flange?
Marine Applications: Ideal for use in shipbuilding, offshore platforms, and coastal infrastructure due to its excellent resistance to seawater corrosion.
Chemical Plants: Suitable for use with harsh chemicals and corrosive environments.
Pharmaceuticals: Ensures hygienic conditions for sterile applications.
How to Buy SS 316 Blind Flange?
Purchasing your flange from Udhhyog is quick and easy. Simply visit our website and click on buy SS 316 blind flange to place your order. Enjoy competitive pricing and fast delivery to your location.
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dnyastainless · 1 day
Unlocking the Benefits of Duplex Stainless Steel Sheets for Your Projects
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Introduction: What is Duplex Stainless Steel and Why is it Important?
Duplex stainless steel is a unique family of stainless steel that combines the desirable properties of both austenitic and ferritic stainless steels. The term "duplex" refers to the dual-phase microstructure, consisting of approximately 50% austenite and 50% ferrite. This balance gives duplex stainless steel enhanced characteristics compared to conventional austenitic or ferritic steels.
Why is Duplex Stainless Steel Important?
Critical Infrastructure: Duplex stainless steels are essential in industries like oil and gas, chemical processing, desalination plants, and marine environments, where structures are exposed to aggressive environments (such as high pressure, heat, and corrosive media). Their ability to resist corrosion and cracking is vital in ensuring the long-term durability of critical infrastructure.
Energy Efficiency: Its strength-to-weight ratio allows for lighter constructions, saving material and energy in manufacturing and transportation. This efficiency is especially important in industries focused on sustainability and cost reduction.
Growing Demand for Corrosion-Resistant Materials: As global industries shift towards more stringent environmental standards and the need for materials that can withstand harsh conditions increases, duplex stainless steel has become increasingly popular.
Innovation in Material Science: Ongoing advancements in duplex stainless steels have resulted in new grades, such as super duplex and lean duplex, which offer even greater resistance to specific types of corrosion or provide more cost-effective solutions depending on the application.
The Key Advantages of Using Duplex Stainless Steel Sheets in Construction
1. Superior Strength
Duplex stainless steel offers almost twice the yield strength compared to standard austenitic stainless steels (like 304 or 316). This high strength enables the use of thinner sheets without compromising structural integrity, reducing the weight and material costs of construction projects.
Impact: Lighter structures reduce material costs and make transportation and installation more efficient.
2. Excellent Corrosion Resistance
Duplex stainless steel is highly resistant to various forms of corrosion, particularly:
Pitting and Crevice Corrosion: Especially in environments with chlorides (e.g., coastal or chemical environments).
Stress Corrosion Cracking (SCC): Duplex steels are significantly less susceptible to SCC, a major problem in high-stress and high-temperature environments.
General Corrosion Resistance: The high chromium and molybdenum content in duplex stainless steels provides superior resistance to oxidation and corrosion.
Impact: This resistance extends the lifespan of structures in aggressive environments such as coastal areas, industrial zones, or chemical processing plants.
3. Cost Efficiency
Despite higher initial costs, the combination of strength and corrosion resistance makes duplex stainless steel cost-effective in the long run. The ability to use thinner sheets, coupled with reduced maintenance and replacement costs, adds to its financial advantages.
Impact: Over the lifecycle of a building or infrastructure project, the reduced maintenance and increased durability lower total project costs.
4. Durability in Harsh Environments
Due to its high strength and superior corrosion resistance, duplex stainless steel is ideal for construction in challenging environments:
Marine Environments: Its resistance to saltwater makes it perfect for bridges, ports, and coastal structures.
Chemical Processing Plants: Duplex is ideal for tanks, pipes, and other equipment exposed to corrosive chemicals.
Desalination Plants: Resistance to chloride-induced corrosion makes it well-suited for desalination plants.
Impact: Structures made from duplex stainless steel can last longer, even in aggressive conditions, minimizing the need for frequent repairs or replacements.
5. Sustainability and Eco-Friendly Properties
Duplex stainless steel is fully recyclable, which makes it an environmentally friendly material. Additionally, its strength and reduced material requirements contribute to sustainability in construction projects.
Impact: Using duplex stainless steel reduces the carbon footprint of a project, supporting environmentally conscious construction practices.
6. Fire and Heat Resistance
Duplex stainless steel has excellent performance in fire and high-temperature conditions due to its high chromium content. This makes it a preferred material for construction in fire-prone areas or where fire resistance is required, such as industrial facilities.
Impact: Increased safety and reduced damage during fire incidents, enhancing the resilience of buildings and infrastructure.
7. Aesthetic Appeal
Duplex stainless steel sheets offer a smooth and modern finish that is aesthetically pleasing. Their sleek and contemporary look makes them an excellent choice for both exterior and interior cladding in high-end architectural projects.
Impact: Enhances the visual appeal of buildings while maintaining durability, making it popular in modern architecture.
8. Weldability and Fabrication
Modern duplex stainless steels have improved weldability and are easier to form, cut, and join. This allows architects and engineers to incorporate complex designs and structures while maintaining the material's high performance.
Impact: Simplifies the construction process and enables innovative design flexibility, without sacrificing strength or durability.
Applications of Duplex Stainless Steel Sheets Across Various Industries
Oil and Gas Industry: The oil and gas industry requires materials that can withstand harsh, corrosive environments, including exposure to seawater, chemicals, and high pressure. Duplex stainless steel is ideal for this sector due to its strength and resistance to stress corrosion cracking and pitting.
Chemical and Petrochemical Industry: Chemical plants often involve corrosive environments, high temperatures, and the handling of hazardous materials. Duplex stainless steel sheets offer high corrosion resistance and mechanical strength, making them suitable for various equipment used in chemical processes.
Marine Industry: Duplex stainless steel sheets are widely used in marine environments, where saltwater and chlorides present significant corrosion challenges. The material’s high resistance to pitting and crevice corrosion makes it ideal for seawater applications.
Pulp and Paper Industry: The pulp and paper industry operates under high temperatures and requires resistance to a wide range of chemicals. Duplex stainless steel is ideal for withstanding the acidic and corrosive conditions in paper production.
Water Treatment and Desalination Plants: Duplex stainless steel sheets are commonly used in water treatment facilities and desalination plants, especially in areas with brackish or saltwater. The material’s high resistance to chloride-induced corrosion and pitting makes it ideal for desalination and water purification processes.
Construction and Architecture: Duplex stainless steel sheets are increasingly used in construction and architecture due to their combination of strength, aesthetic appeal, and resistance to environmental factors. Its durability and ability to withstand harsh weather conditions make it a go-to material for modern buildings.
Food and Beverage Industry: The food processing industry requires materials that are not only hygienic but also resistant to corrosion, especially from acidic or saline food products. Duplex stainless steel meets these needs by offering superior resistance to corrosion and bacterial growth.
Power Generation: In power plants, duplex stainless steel sheets are used in high-stress environments, such as nuclear power plants and renewable energy applications. The material's durability and corrosion resistance make it ideal for critical components that must perform under extreme conditions.
Automotive and Transportation Industry: Duplex stainless steel sheets are utilized in the automotive industry for their combination of strength, weight reduction, and corrosion resistance. These properties allow for lighter, more fuel-efficient vehicles without compromising safety or durability.
Comparing Duplex Stainless Steel Sheets to Other Materials: Why Choose Duplex?
Corrosion Resistance
Duplex Stainless Steel: Superior resistance to pitting, crevice corrosion, and stress corrosion cracking (SCC), especially in chloride-rich environments. Suitable for more aggressive conditions than austenitic grades.
Austenitic Stainless Steel: While grades like 304 and 316 offer good corrosion resistance, they are more prone to SCC, particularly in high-chloride or high-temperature environments. They perform well in less severe conditions.
Duplex Stainless Steel: Nearly double the yield strength of austenitic stainless steel. This allows for the use of thinner sheets while maintaining structural integrity, leading to weight and cost savings.
Austenitic Stainless Steel: Though sufficiently strong for many applications, it requires thicker materials to achieve the same strength as duplex.
Cost Efficiency
Duplex Stainless Steel: Generally more expensive per unit than standard austenitic stainless steel due to alloying elements (e.g., chromium, molybdenum), but its high strength allows for the use of less material, often making it more cost-effective in the long run.
Austenitic Stainless Steel: Lower initial cost, but the need for thicker material and more frequent maintenance can increase lifecycle costs.
Why Choose Duplex?
Duplex is the better choice for applications in corrosive environments where high strength and resistance to stress corrosion cracking are required. It offers longer service life and lower maintenance than standard austenitic grades.
How to Properly Maintain and Care for Your Duplex Stainless Steel Sheets
1. Regular Cleaning to Prevent Contamination
Though duplex stainless steel is resistant to corrosion, contaminants like dirt, oil, and grease can adhere to the surface and cause localized corrosion over time. Regular cleaning is crucial to prevent this.
2. Removing Surface Contaminants
Over time, duplex stainless steel may accumulate contaminants such as fingerprints, dust, grease, or pollution. Regular removal of these contaminants is key to maintaining the sheet’s aesthetic appeal and preventing corrosion.
3. Preventing Scratches and Surface Damage
Duplex stainless steel is tough, but scratches can still occur if the surface is exposed to abrasive materials or rough handling.
4. Protecting Against Corrosion in Aggressive Environments
Duplex stainless steel is more resistant to corrosion than many other materials, but in particularly aggressive environments (such as areas with high chloride content or industrial pollution), additional protection measures can help extend the lifespan of the material.
5. Inspecting for Signs of Corrosion or Damage
Even with proper maintenance, regular inspections are important to detect early signs of corrosion, contamination, or damage. Early detection allows for prompt remediation, preventing more serious issues.
6. Handling Welded Areas
Welding can sometimes lead to a reduction in corrosion resistance, particularly if the welded area is not treated properly afterward.
7. Avoiding Cross-Contamination with Other Metals
Duplex stainless steel can suffer from galvanic corrosion if it comes into contact with dissimilar metals (e.g., carbon steel, aluminum) in the presence of an electrolyte (like water or moisture).
8. Surface Finishing and Restoration
Over time, the surface finish of duplex stainless steel may degrade due to environmental exposure or mechanical wear. Restoring the finish not only improves appearance but also enhances corrosion resistance.
9. Long-Term Protection
For installations in very demanding environments, consider these long-term protection strategies to enhance the durability of duplex stainless steel sheets:
10. Dealing with Stains and Discoloration
Duplex stainless steel sheets may occasionally develop stains or discoloration due to improper handling or exposure to certain chemicals.
Duplex stainless steel sheets are a premium material known for their high strength, durability, and excellent corrosion resistance, making them ideal for a wide range of industries and applications. However, like all materials, they require proper care and maintenance to maximize their longevity and performance. Regular cleaning, surface protection, and the use of appropriate tools and methods help preserve the appearance and structural integrity of the sheets. Addressing surface contamination, preventing scratches, and treating welded areas are crucial to maintaining corrosion resistance.
By implementing a consistent maintenance routine and taking preventive measures in harsh environments, you can significantly extend the lifespan of duplex stainless steel sheets, reducing the need for costly repairs or replacements. With their superior performance in challenging conditions, proper maintenance ensures that duplex stainless steel continues to deliver cost-effective, reliable, and long-lasting solutions for critical applications.
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mehta-metals · 4 days
SMO 254 Pipes & Tubes Exporters and Manufacturers in Mumbai, India. | Mehta Metals
Mehta Metals produces high-quality SMO 254 pipes and tubes as per the requirements of the Indian industry. Mehta Metals products use a special alloy that gives the maximum resistance against pitting corrosion, crevice corrosion, and stress corrosion cracking in extreme environmental conditions. Pipes and tubes of SMO 254 are highly weldable and formable, so it is a trustworthy option for use in chemical processing, oil and gas applications, and in marine use also. For superior performance and ruggedness in your piping solutions, Mehta Metals is always here for you.
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sheetalfasteners · 5 days
What are the features of Super Duplex Steel S32760 washers?
Super Duplex Steel S32760 washers are known for their excellent strength and corrosion resistance. Key features include:
1. High Strength: Superior mechanical strength compared to standard duplex and austenitic steels.
2. Corrosion Resistance: Excellent resistance to chloride-induced stress corrosion cracking, pitting, and crevice corrosion.
3. Toughness: Good toughness and impact resistance at low temperatures.
4. Wear Resistance: High resistance to wear and erosion.
5. Temperature Range: Suitable for use in a wide range of temperatures.
Sheetal Fasteners likely offers these washers as part of their product line, providing reliable and durable solutions for demanding applications.
Visit for more information:  sheetalfasteners.ae/
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