cricketburger · 2 years
I can’t be the only person who sometimes forgets their ocs aren’t canon right?? RIGHT???
So fun fact about me: I have a South Park newsies comic au that I run on Instagram (not naming it but it’s obvious it’s mine if anyone finds it) and I have stopped myself many a time from having my main oc do something/ be someone because she doesn’t fucking exist??? Like I have my art acc linked to the au so it’s only a 30 second hunt to find out who tf valorie is and why she looks like that but even though she’s real in my heart it just makes no sense for her to be here at all!!!
I also have an owl house oc who’s a human in the witch world and I also have these little moments where I see memes about episodes and stuff and I’m like ‘no that didn’t happen Melly literally stopped that from happening??’ And then I remember that Melissa Belos isn’t real and Belos never dropkicked a baby (that’s a whole other topic for another time tho) and hunter isn’t actually dating her and Winter is real and I also sometimes get annoyed that Melly isn’t included in group fanart like there aren’t only like 55 people who even know she exists 😭😭😭
OHHHH MY GOD AND DONT EVEN GET ME STARTED ON VRISKA I have a bbc ghosts oc because why not and she’s just silly and goofy and also super cringe like she died in 2016 because she tripped on her shoe laces (which she stole from the President) watching a Steven universe theory video 😭😭😭 SHE NAMED HERSELF AFTER A HOMESTUCK CHARACTER 😭😭😭😭 but anyways I’ll be talking to my sister/irl friends who like it and I’ll be like ‘yeah wouldn’t it be funny if in season 5 pat and Vriska-‘ and then I have to stop like 🗿🗿🗿🗿 Vriska isn’t real you made her up 🗿🗿🗿🗿
This was super rambly and stuff but I’ve been caught out too many times there has to be at least one person who can relate to this stuff
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pleaseddesigns · 7 years
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Illustrations for The Cherry Cricket
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cricketburger · 2 years
I have to make a comic for school and the temptation to make it Ice Pick Joe’s origin story is SO BAD
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cricketburger · 2 years
I can’t believe nobody is talking about the Goncharov dream sequence?? Like I thought I’d see everyone talking about it because it feels so iconic to me and the symbolism and everything??
The way that he’s chasing after Katya in the abyss only for her to turn into Andrey (could the subtext get any bigger??) and the tie back to the clock theme with the ticking in the background (which could also foreshadow the bomb) and the way the pocket watch melts at the end, showing not only the horror of his dream but also a reference to Dalí’s ‘The persistence of Memory’, and the time on the hands foreshadowing his death?? The fact the background music is his theme mixed with the one playing in his death scene but REVERSED???? WHY ISNT ANYONE TALKING ABOUT IT????
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cricketburger · 2 years
Telling people that my coping mechanism is self shipping/ comfort characters is so embarrassing 💀💀💀
Like I’m glad I don’t have a therapist anymore because explaining to him that there was a period of time where Kenny McCormick was genuinely one of the only things that made me happy would be so embarrassing 💀💀💀💀 I bought a second hand broken picture frame because he was on it 💀💀💀 I BOUGHT WEIRD ASS MRCH FROM THE STORE BC HEWAS ON IT‼️‼️‼️‼️
Also when my mental health was really bad back in spring I had a phase where I self shipped with Scott Tenorman rlly hard (he’s still my babygirl but like… if I could find enough merch of him I would def have made a shrine 😧😧😧) I sometimes scroll through my selfship folder and am taken aback by how much this spotty little man shows up
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cricketburger · 2 years
Kinda related to the other thing I was talking about:
The fact that I can’t differentiate canon and fanon like where’d my media literacy go
I’ll start it now off with some anecdotes that a lot of people can relate to probably and then get more obscure as we get on okay??
Common hcs that I forget aren’t real
- Thomas is bisexual (idk where this one even came from but everyone just accepted it)
- Abe listens to weezer (look at him!!)
- Craig isn’t Peruvian (white Craig fanart always throws me off)
- Kenny doesn’t have freckles or scars (he’d fit freckles and also I hc he’d get a scar every time he dies like a bullet shaped one or one on his head from the chainsaw)
- Mike isn’t trans??? (Genuinely everyone I’ve seen agrees with that one)
Okay now the more obscure ones and Mandela effects I’ve forced upon myself (might as well divide them into fandoms):
The owl house:
These are all hunter ones because I like him the most
- Hunter texts like an old man and posts really blurry photos on penstagram
This one comes from a Headcanon I have relating to Melly that she’s the really tech savvy one and creates new slang in ever text and hunter is like a literal caveman like bro probably didn’t even know about electricity until he was 14
Lke melly prbly txts like ths 2 save time n all her txts
AN.d H un T3r TexTs.likethis be,aues hes nevER USEDA0hone be froe
- he also gives really heartfelt apologies for really silly things like
‘Dearest Luz, I am deeply apologetic towards you for my use of the phrase ‘Fatherless Behaviour’ towards you this morning. I was informed by Gus that it was a funny phrase used by humans towards people who are fans of the popular Minecraft Youtuber, Dreamwastaken, which you have mentioned to me that you enjoy. Thus, I found using the phrase to be appropriate for the situation. I was unaware that it had bad undertones however, as I had not been informed about the passing of your father. I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me. - Hunter.’
- Also all 3 of the blights ratio him on literally everything like he’ll tweet about what happened to Flapjack and they’ll have successfully ratioed him 1931029:1 in 30 seconds
South park:
Okay let me tell you there’s a lot of these so buckle in:
For context, most of these (all) come from a crack episode me and my sister thought up last year about a costume day, so they’re all really stupid and ooc ones (even more so than hunter’s)
- Craig is a huge Hamilton Stan
He absolutely went through a phase from 2016-18, this alongside Bmc and Heathers made him realise he was gay (he probably kinned Laurens and Michael and then realised why like 3 years later and was definitely into JD) his favourite song is what’d I miss and had to buy more storage because of the amount of Hamilton memes on his phone
- On the other hand, Mr Mackey despises LMM with a burning passion
This one started out as a joke where he threatens to expel Craig for liking Hamilton (‘if you come into my office talking about Lin Manuel Miranda I will expel you) but next time it was brought up it was misremembered as Kill so then it snowballed into this weed of a man threatening nuclear genocide on the universe at the mention of this man?? But he does gen seem like the kinda guy who doesn’t like Hamilton (principal Victoria would love it though she’d be super enthusiastic about the inclusion and stuff (not a pc principal level though))
- Principal Victoria is the worlds most performative activist
I drew fanart of her standing next to Craig in a hospital bed holding a pride flag like ‘get well soon!! Please don’t tell your parents about this!! I’m an ally!!’ (Context: she nearly accidentally killed him)
- Kyle and Stan don’t have really high pitched voices, Clyde doesn’t sound like a Chad, and Cartman doesn’t sound like a grater
Context: nobody involved in the voice cast of RotBC can voice act
Bonus, which isn’t from RotBC: Mysterion and Pip aren’t actually best friends and Kenny actually hates him as much as anyone else
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cricketburger · 2 years
As usual things have gotten out of hand with my new special interest bc how the fuck did I watch Jojo Rabbit and somehow decide that Jojo was now a silly little boy w 2 dads (and a brief emo arc), Elsa his older sister who gets dragged into his bs bc she’s the only one who would let him do it, Yorki a gamer with a minecraft yt channel, Captain K somehow even MORE cynical and depressed, and Finkel a mysterious twink who likes joy division & new order and also has a dark past w MCR like did I not understand the point of the movie at all or????
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cricketburger · 2 years
If anyone wants to know how my academic career is going… I rushed through all of my work today so I’d have time to write oc x canon fanfiction 😭😭😭
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cricketburger · 2 years
Hey guys!!! It’s me Wirt this is my tumblr (I have like 7 zillion more so if I’m never on here again it’s bc I forgot the login again (;_;)) this is kinda doubling as an intro for here so:
I’m 17 take with that what you will
mostly on here for the skunklys
not migrating from twitter (famous last words) but this is my side hustle
oh yeah and I’m bisexual and use any prns
Big fan of South Park, Newsies, and The young ones so go away if you don’t like those bc im insufferable about them
This is probably gonna be used for selfshipping purposes so yeah 👍👍👍
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cricketburger · 2 years
Changing something slightly for an au to justify the outcome that you make only for it to unpick several holes in the themes, foreshadowing and plot of of source is the literal worst 😭 like by the time I’ve managed to sort everything out by changing character motives and incredibly important scenes it’s barely even an au anymore I’ve just created a whole new movie that just happens to be similar to this other one I wanted to write fanfiction on
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