#criminal minds g/t
a-tiny-frog-girl · 2 years
To Mars and Back ch. 6
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Chapter 6! Special thank you to Becky and my other proofreaders for this chapter! Reblogs >>> likes
warnings: self-waterboarding, trauma trigger and flashback, implied abuse, injury mention, accidental fearplay, panic attack, Criminal Minds typical violence (mentioned), implied kidnapping
words: 3,126
summary: The BAU talks to Mars to find out some things they didn't know. Mars isn't sure how to feel about telling them.
"Just try to remember as much as you can, don't stress about the details." Morgan said. Mars hummed in agreement and shut her eyes. "Picture the building you were kept in. What does it look like?" He asked "It's run down. There are vines breaking through the wall and dirt everywhere. It has an entrance room, a basement, the cage room, and one more room, I think." Mars focused as hard as she could on the picture in her mind. "Can you see a window?" Morgan asked. "Not from my cage. I think if I... Yeah, I can see a window from the table." Mars said. "Can you see what's outside the window?" Morgan asked. "Trees. Lots of trees. It's a forest as far as I can see. I can see the front of a blue car, but I can't tell if it's a wreck or actually usable." Mars said. "Can you see a license plate?" Morgan asked. "I can see part of it, but I don't remember the numbers. It's just blurry." Mars squeezed her hands into fists as if it would bring her memory into focus. "Sorry." "It's okay, don't worry about it. Is there anything else you can see?" "It's flat, there's no ditches. I don't see any flowers." "Okay, how about the building itself? What is it made of?" "It's wood. The round wood things." Mars held out her hand as if to feel it. "It's old, I think." "A log cabin?" Reid asked quietly as he walked past. "Yeah. I think it's a log cabin." Mars affirmed. "Can you hear anything?" Mars stiffened at the words. "I-- There's, um, cars. In the distance." "Can you hear anything inside? Any plans?" Morgan pried a little harder. "N-no, I--," Mars winced at a sound only she could hear. "I didn't hear much..." "What are you hearing right now?" Morgan asked again. Mars' body curled up at the question as if to protect herself. "It's-- It's, um," She took a shaky breath and tried again. "Sorry, um, I- I hear, I can hear--" Mars stuttered. Her fingernails dug into the flesh of her palm as tears stung her unopened eyes. "Stop." Hotch interrupted, voice low. "Mars, remember you can tell us you need to take a break any time." "I don't need a break." Mars said stubbornly. "I'm fine." She rubbed the tears out her eyes and shut them again. "I think we should stop, at least for now." Morgan said. "It's too soon. There's no reason to put this much stress on you right away." But there was. The other borrowers were still there, still going through what she had miraculously escaped. She couldn't leave them there. Did they not know? Reid did, but he was in the other room with Rossi, Prentiss, and Garcia. Maybe he hadn't told them yet. Mars took a deep breath. If they were going to help, they should know. Their reactions would tell her more about them, too. Why did it feel like she was trying to convince herself and failing? "Mars?" Hotch asked softly. She had been lost in thought for a little bit now. Mars just had to say it, get it out before she could think about it any further. "There are more. Like me." Mars said. She wanted to hide, to look away from the humans in case they reacted badly. But she had to know. She had to be ready. "More people your size?" Morgan asked. Mars nodded stiffly. "Belovich has them. They're still there. I- I can't leave them there." Mars said. There was a pause, shock flashing over Morgan's face. Hotch's face stayed terrifyingly blank of any emotion. "How many?" Hotch finally asked. "25? 30? Maybe more, I'm not sure." Mars' voice wavered under the pressure. Hotch and Morgan locked eyes, communicating silently. "Does he have some sort of machine to make people like this?" Morgan gestured at Mars. Mars tilted her head, confused. "How does he make you small?" Morgan clarified. "He... doesn't." Mars said, as though it were obvious. "Is it someone else?" Morgan was confused now. "We-- I was born this way. This size." Mars answered, arms crossing over her chest self consciously. The statement surprised the two men so much that it showed even on Hotch's face. "Reid?" Hotch turned and called into the other room. "Be right there!" Reid responded, his footsteps coming closer in an instant and shaking the table minutely. "What's up?" He pulled out a chair and sat down, careful to not scare Mars. "This is Mars' natural height." Hotch said, forcing his voice to stay even. Mars looked up at Reid, watching as confusion and concern took over his features. "What? That's-- That doesn't make sense. How could a human be born that small?" Reid said. "Like Belovich shrinking people is any more reasonable." Morgan said.
"I'm, uh, not." Mars' voice petered out as everyone turned to her. "Not what?" Reid asked. "Um," Mars wrung her hands. "Human. I'm not a human. Or a person, I guess." "But you're literally just a smaller human!" Morgan said. "No, I'm a bor--," Mars redirected herself, not sure if she was ready to tell the humans their name yet. "I'm different. We're different than you humans." Morgan looked back to Hotch for some sort of support, but Reid's eyes glittered with curiosity. It made Mars' stomach turn at the sight. Should she have lied and gone along with them? The colony rules flashed through her mind. They'd have kicked her out if they knew one human had seen her. But just because there was no going back she couldn't betray her entire species just like that. "The others, the ones Belovich has, they're all like me." Mars took her spiraling mind off the topic. "They're not human. He knows that." "Mars, can I test something really quickly?" Reid asked. Mars only nodded because he had let some of the intense excitement out of his body. "Hey, Prentiss!" Reid called over his shoulder. Mars hissed quietly like a punctured balloon at the sudden volume. "What?" Prentiss replied. "Can I borrow your compact mirror?" Reid noticed Mars' flinch, luckily, and lowered his volume. "Why do you think I have a compact mirror?" Prentiss answered with a scoff. "Is it 'cause I'm a girl?" Reid stuttered, trying to find a response. "Hold on, I have one!" Garcia interrupted. There were a few quick clacking and crashing noises before she came running into the room and dropped a bright pink embellished circular object in front of Reid. He popped it open and stood, sliding the mirror to point at Mars before crouching behind her. Mars waited for instructions, but none came. Reid's eyes were on her and the rest of the humans were staring at him. She'd have to figure it out herself. She closed the distance between it and herself and shakily reached out a hand to touch it, glancing back at Reid to make sure she hadn't done anything wrong yet. "It's okay," Reid reassured her with a soft smile. With that confirmation, she leaned in to look at the mirror. For a second, she was surprised by her reflection. She reached out, hand pressed against the almost unfamiliar girl's. For the first time she saw the deep colored eyebags and bruises that covered her body. Her hair was far messier than usual with strands sticking out from the bun she had corralled it into days ago. After another quick glance back, she carefully untangled the yellow ribbon from her hair, letting it free to flow down her back. She pulled her fingers through her hair, detangling every knot she found. Then she held the yellow ribbon in her teeth as she regathered her now calmer dark hair, using the mirror to check that she had every lock and tied the ribbon securely. Now her reflection looked a little more like when she had last seen it a lifetime or two ago, she thought. Or the best it could be despite all the injuries. She turned back to Reid, still very aware of his stare locked onto her. She just wished she knew what he wanted from her. "What was the most recent dream you can remember?" He asked after a moment. "I dreamt I was home, but I was invisible and no one could hear me or interact with me." Mars answered honestly. She wondered what this had to do with the small mirror.
Reid suddenly stood and grabbed the mirror from behind her, snapping it closed. Mars yelped at the sound, imagining herself crushed in the cold reflective case. "Sorry," Reid apologized as he leaned over her to return the mirror to its owner.
"Want to clue in the rest of us on what exactly you're doing?" Morgan asked. "Oh. Yeah. The self-awareness test." Reid answered. The humans immediately understood whatever he had done like he had explained it to them in full detail. She would never understand humans, she thought to herself. "Why? People are all self aware, aren't they?" Garcia asked. Hotch sighed. "Hold on, Garcia. We might as well tell everyone at the same time." Hotch tapped some buttons on his phone, making the every phone in the next room beep once. The last three people shuffled back into view, making the massive human room feel crowded. Mars hadn't even known that was possible. "Okay, quick update. Mars?" Hotch said. Mars' heart froze in her chest at the realization that she was supposed to confess that she wasn't one of them. For a second, she sat silent in inner turmoil. Reid gently set his hand within arm's reach of Mars, startling her out of her panic. He gave her an encouraging smile, and she took a deep breath. She just had to get this over with. "I'm not a-- not human." She pushed the words out, leaving them to sit with the humans surrounding her. Last time she hadn't known that they'd had a reason to react at all. Now the terror of 'what if' was all she could think about. "I've always been this tall." She added, remembering the confusion. The silence that followed made Mars terrified to look up from the table she sat on. "Belovich and his people found us and took us away from our homes and families to--" Mars' voice cut out. She wasn't ready to talk about that yet. She cleared her throat and started again. "There's a whole bunch like me in the hideout-thingy. We have to go get them out." Desperation slipped into her voice. "Hey, it's okay, we're going to find them as soon as we can. Just breathe, in and out." Reid reached closer, cupping his hand protectively behind Mars, breathing deeply to model the calming strategy. "Where do you live if you're always this small?" Prentiss asked, bemused. Mars froze in the middle of her breath at the question. These were the types of questions she was never supposed to answer. There was only one question worse that she could think of. At least they hadn't asked her what she is. "You don't have to answer that." Reid hastily butted in, seeing the fear paralyze her. She looked up at him and despite the kind smile he was giving her, she could still see the spark of curiosity in his eyes. He wanted to know too. "I-I--" Mars started, pushing down the tears welling in her eyes. "Seriously, it's okay. It's just a dumb question." Prentiss offered. She was right, it was just a dumb question. Mars took a shaky breath in. "I live in a human house. I think we all do, but maybe some of us live outside?" Mars straightened her train of thought away from the tangent. "We, um, take stuff to survive." She finished, wincing at how that sounded. "So other peop- humans know about you?" Morgan asked. "No. We hide and only take stuff that won't be noticed. Or needed." Mars added on at the end, trying to not paint herself as a thief. "Where do you live that humans don't notice?" Rossi crinkled his nose in thought. Mars hesitated before answering. "In the walls." "So you tiny people live inside the walls with a bunch of stolen shit?" Rossi asked in disbelief. Mars flinched like she was hit at the profanity. "Rossi!" Morgan hissed through his teeth. "Mars, breathe. In and out. No one's going to hurt you." Reid focused her back on him. "We kinda have to. If we had a different way to survive we would." Panic edged into Mars' voice as she tried to manage the tone into an apology. "It's okay, Mars. Nobody's mad at you for doing what you had to to stay alive." JJ said. Mars' eyes darted back and forth, looking for any sign of anger or contempt on all the members of the BAU, still not resting when she didn't find any.
"I think those guys that took us were." Mars gestured to a scar peeking out from her shirt. "We aren't them." Hotch stated firmly. "I-- I know, sorry, I, um, I just--" Mars' words tangled and jumbled at the sight of his stone face. "Mars. Breathe." Reid cut her off, getting down to her level and making eye contact. Mars' breaths were erratic as she tried to find some way to fix her mistake. "We're called borrowers." She finally blurted out before slapping her hands over her mouth, hyperventilating. "Rossi, get a cup of water. Prentiss, grab that half empty soda bottle." Hotch slipped into boss mode seamlessly. "Reid?" Mars didn't know what any of that meant, especially not the last bit. Was Reid supposed to do something to her? He wouldn't, right? She looked up just as Reid's other hand rose over the table to complete the semi circle he had started with his hand cupped behind her. Mars gasped at the hand enclosure that formed around her, blocking her from the world. "C'mon. Deep breaths." Reid said, muffled by the hands keeping her in place. She couldn't read his tone, not through her gasps for air and his hands. It might have been an order. It probably was an order, Mars thought. She forced her breaths to slow down as far as she could, feeling faint from lack of oxygen. Whatever she had to do so they wouldn't hurt her. In an instant, Reid's hands disappeared back to where they had come from, replaced with a tiny plastic basin filled to the brim with water. "Drink." Mars heard, the speaker and the rest of the sentence lost with everything else in her head. That was definitely an order, though, so she scooted over to the water and leaned down to scoop water into her mouth like she hadn't seen it before in her life.
"Whoa, whoa, Mars, calm down!" Someone said, the sentence far away in her state of pure panic. Her mind felt weaker by the moment. Was she allowed to stop to take a breath? She really needed one, but she was afraid to risk it. "Mars, Mars!" She didn't respond until fingers closed gently around her, holding her still while removing the water. "Mars, look at me. Please." Reid said. She turned to him, eyes wide and shaking so hard he was worried she'd topple if he let go. "You're not in trouble and no one's upset. You're safe, okay? I swear you're safe. Breathe with me." Reid took a comically large breath to keep her attention before letting it out slowly. Despite how gently he held her, he could feel her hummingbird heartbeat racing in his fingertips. "I'm sorry we scared you. We didn't mean to." Reid reassured between breaths. "Wh--" Mars was cut off by a coughing fit from her abused throat. "We wanted to make you feel better." Reid explained, correctly deducing the rest of Mars' question. "You're having a panic attack. Sometimes water and less noise and light can help. We didn't mean for you to hurt yourself." "Sorry," Mars managed to say through her coughs. "It's not your fault, Mars." Reid said in a softer, sadder voice.
Mars' coughing died down and she sat down, trying to breathe in a pattern that felt like it wouldn't kill her. "Can you tell me why saying that you're called burrowers made you have a panic attack?" Reid asked gently. "It's, um. Borrowers. We borrow stuff." Mars corrected, avoiding the question. "Borrowers?" Reid checked to make sure he heard right. Mars nodded. "Why did that make you panic?" He repeated calmly. Mars sighed anxiously. "I'm not supposed to tell humans anything about us, especially that we're Borrowers. No human is ever supposed to find out about us even existing." Mars answered the actual question. "Who says you aren't allowed? Why?" Reid asked. "It's just a bo-borrower rule." Mars stuttered, feeling uneasy saying any of it out loud. "You saw what happened to me when those humans found me. I'm just lucky those guys decided to keep our existence from the rest of the world or we'd all be screwed." "I'm sure most humans would be decent to you guys." Garcia said, creasing her brow. "We are, right?" Mars stopped, looking between Garcia and Reid, hoping an answer would fall out of the sky. That question was a trap, she was sure. "It's more about the risk, Garcia." Hotch eventually cut off the roaring silence. "Humans can do anything to us. We can't-- We can't stop you. Them." Mars said quietly, shaking noticeably again. "We won't do anything to you or your friends." Rossi said gruffly. "But you could. If you ever changed your mind--" Mars' voice wavered at the thought. "Nothing will change our minds, Mars." Hotch softly cut her off. Mars looked down at the table, too afraid to meet anyone's eyes, tracing a scar under her pants leg out of habit. "I know this is scary, trusting a bunch of strangers. But you're being really brave and you're doing the right thing." JJ added after a moment. Mars still didn't look up from the table. "Why don't you and Mars go take a break in the other room." Hotch said to Reid when it was clear Mars didn't feel like talking anymore. Reid nodded and laid his hand next to Mars. Mars stood and stepped on, trying to ignore the stares she could feel focus on her, and sat down cross legged. She never lifted her gaze from the ground. Weight pulled at her stomach, something between guilt and fear, plus the vertigo and dread made her almost sick with worry. She just wished these humans would drop the facade and turn on her already.
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only-one-brain-cell · 8 months
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First Round! Gender Envy Elimination
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mskenway97 · 9 months
Bot in flames
I have been wanting to write this for a long time and I started thinking about heat cycles in robots.
My mind was focused on bayverse optimus prime and I came up with all this.
Forgive me but I couldn't help but want to XD.
Bayverse Optimus Prime X Fem!Human!Reader
Summary: You are a new mechanic working at NEST after the problems in Egypt, you became very close to the autobot leader, until one moment he started to avoid you, the rest of autobots warnning to you. Until you find out why.
Occurs between revenge of the fallen and dark of the moon.
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Words: 2,451
Warnings: heat cycles, belly budge, cumflation, masturbation, multiple orgasm, size difference,possessive, g/t
You had always been interested in technology, you had gone into mechanics although many people would not take you seriously in what you were doing. Until you started seeing something that caught your attention, the Mission City events.
A lot of people said it was a lie, a hoax… Other websites said they had witnesses and testimonies about giant robots. You tried to see more images but nothing.
Everything seemed to be a lie until a giant robot appeared on your TV telling you that you were not alone, that there were more beings in the galaxy. That even though everyone was scared, you were more interested but you were just a mechanic, no matter how much you wanted to meet them you were not going to find them, until you received a letter because of your knowledge, they were needed at the base of NEST.
They blindfolded you and put you in a black car without asking, like the movies, the ride was a bit long until you got to an interrogation room, showing if you had a criminal record, not to reveal the information here without ending up dead. Once finished they took you outside a huge hangar and put you on hold, until a middle-aged man who seemed to be the general, came to pick you up in person.
-Y/N, General Lennox we have seen that your knowledge in mechanics and your project of coexistence between machines and humans is unique. I'm just telling you try to stay calm, you're going to be surrounded by autobots. The first time is usually a surprise.
He wasn't lying when he took me to another hangar with huge beings of different sizes looking at you. I had a feeling of nervousness, butterflies and above all that he would not try to give me a heart attack. It was one thing to see fuzzy pictures on the web sites you had seen and another to see them in person…. Besides your height was not the tallest, you literally understood how the ants felt.
You saw the biggest of them all approaching, it seemed to be the leader, with red and blue flames, with what looked like parts of a truck, despite your situation it seemed interesting to you.
-Y/N, my name is Optimus Prime, leader of the Autobots…. It is a pleasure to meet you, we read your project, it caught our attention, in part we need more human allies that promise us their commitment. If you decide to leave I will understand your motives but if you stay you will be apprenticed to one of our best doctors as well as learning about the coexistence you seek. Do we have your word?
You were trying to calm down when you saw that huge being kneeling in front of you and the rest of them looking at you, seeing that your nervous system was somewhat altered by the situation. Trying to calm down until you felt Lennox's hand on your shoulder as they were waiting for your answer.
You nodded as your mouth had gone dry trying to speak, the giant black robot was amused by your nervousness, he moved closer showing his cannons causing you to stumble to the ground, making him laugh.
-I like this squishy…. I'm going to like working with you
Well in the rest of the news they started to introduce you to the rest of the team, you already knew names like Ratchet, Optimus Prime, Ironhide, Sidewispe, etc. And the rest of the facilities, they put you in charge of working with Ratchet.
The weeks of adaptation were somewhat curious, as you were startled by every scare the twins and Sidewispe gave you.
Ratchet carefully taught you the systems of a robot to take care of them carefully: you learned the different parts of the body of a cybertronian, Ironhide taught you the workings of the weapons although his demonstrations still scared you so much firepower that you reflexively hid behind his leg.
Your favorite sessions were with Optimus, even though he was the biggest of them all, he was very nice to you… You started to get a little more trusting as you told each other about different experiences. He told you about his culture, his planet… You were more and more interested, he was also interested in your customs, your history. Besides, I know that his way of treating you was to carry you in his servos with care, sometimes he was contemplating, with his finger he touched your cheek, it was a strange contact but you felt quite comfortable. He had also put you on his shoulder. You didn't know if it was friendship you had with this bot, but you were happy to finally have a confidant.
You had been in NEST for a few months now, you learned quickly but there was something that had been bothering you in the last week about the behavior of a certain autobot leader.
At first it seemed to you that he was stressed out from the missions in order to find Megatron but every time you were near an Autobot he would get sideways and also with the humans you were working with. You don't talk like before either, every time you tried to talk to him alone he would disappear saying he had something else to do. This was starting to bother you a lot but with the meetings you didn't have the time or the moment.
-Y/N aren't paying attention to the lessons…. - Ratchet said as he tapped me on his digit.
-Sorry, Ratchet, I just had something else on my mind.
-You should be focused on where you are right now. Although I guess it's about Optimus right?
You were surprised to see that the doc bot had guessed it. Seeing your expression, he laughed at you a little.
-It's obvious, everyone at the base is aware of you… The truth is, we haven't seen Optimus happy with someone in millennia.
You sighed as I grabbed the tools and went to work on one of Ironhide's weapons.
-I don't understand his behavior lately… He's been acting so strange, I'm worried.
Ratchet cleared his throat as he became serious while forcing you to look at him with his digits on your chin - This business you should stay out of, y/n. He'll get over it, just try not to be alone with him.
You didn't understand why Ratchet gave you that advice you tried, he looked at you again - Believe me y/n, it's best to keep your distance from Optimus for now.
There was something you didn't understand about what was going on, you asked the rest of the Autobots about it, almost everyone gave you fuzzy answers about what was happening to the autobot leader, until you got to Ironhide who gave you another warning that left you even more surprised.
-Squishy, there are some things you shouldn't meddle with no matter how curious you are. Although if you solve your doubts I wish you luck so you can get out of it - said Ironhide
You were thoughtful about everything you had heard from the autobots, you missed Optimus since the last few months you had felt an attachment to the autobot leader that went beyond friendship with him. You admitted that you had fallen in love with that big guy with blue optics, his kindness, his authority and obviously his height and figure.
Although you were still curious about what was going on, you decided to follow the advice of the autobots not to be alone with the autobot leader for the time being. You were succeeding but every time you entered a room his gaze followed you everywhere. You literally felt like cat and mouse, there would come a time when cat would end up getting what he wanted even though you didn't know what.
Until one day when you were almost ready to leave because you had overstayed your welcome at the base, you heard a noise in the hangars.
Lennox and the military team explained to you that the farthest hangars of the base were for storage or special equipment for both autobots and humans. Something in your instincts told you that you should not go there but you decided to go out of curiosity, you opened the big door carefully, that place was dark so you stepped carefully not to touch anything dangerous.
Your nerves were on edge and the adrenaline was the only thing that kept you moving, you were getting closer to the source of the noise, at the same time you were seeing that there was smoke around, making this put you more alert than before, it was clear that you were not alone in this place.
You came to see a dim light at the back of the warehouse, it was difficult to pass with so many boxes around but you passed as you could. Finally you arrived carefully at the origin where you were surprised to see who was there.
It was Optimus, with his exhaust pipes producing smoke while on a large part of his body there was a pink liquid around his body.
You were about to approach to see if he was okay but you stopped when you heard him…
He was moaning?
He was at the same time rubbing what seemed to be his spike, while there was even more transfluid.
You remembered certain lessons that gave you some embarrassment from Ratchet. You were trying to remember but seeing the leader like that made you tingle. You shook your head it was clear you were not supposed to be here. You were going to tread carefully until you heard him moaning your name….
You tried to leave carefully until you bumped into one of the crates making a lot of noise.
-Who's there?" growled the autobot leader.
You tried to hide quickly only to feel a servo around your body. You closed your eyes, you were trembling at the sight.
-Look at me...
You opened your eyes to see how it was caressing you with its digits. - How long have you been here? - asked the autobot leader.
That tone made you shiver, it didn't seem like Optimus was the one he was talking to.
- I haven't seen anything, I'll leave without bothering...
-No... I've been avoiding this situation for the past few weeks, feeling jealous of the rest that came close to you and what hurts me the most is that you started avoiding me. My y/n... This time, you are going to stay by my side.
You didn't understand what was happening, until two of his fingers were touching your thighs making you shudder.
- You know how much I wanted you, your kindness and curiosity. Your smile, your beauty... and your figure. Oh Primus, my spike was begging to enter your body. To make you mine... I know you want it too
You moaned again, as you felt the pressure on your thighs... you were starting to feel hot I knew you should stop but at the same time you wanted to know where I wanted to go.
His optics were watching you seeing a smile on your face.
-Well I see that you agree....
Then you felt his glossa lick your neck and then kiss you while continuing the pressure on your thighs. Right now you were reacting to several streams of pleasure that you never thought was possible.
His digits removed your pants while he kept kissing you and you felt his glossa tasting your taste.
You moaned as you felt a digit around your entrance.
-I'm just preparing your body for the best part... let yourself go, my little one," he whispered in your ear as you felt his digit touching your insides moving up and down making you moan in different ways for the leader's pleasure while he whispered how much he wanted you, he loved you madly but at the same time he didn't want to scare you away.
You moaned again as you looked up at him.
- Then you too... - you said between moans as he digit around your walls.
-Yes... I love you and I need you...
You climaxed as he pulled out his digit and licked it. He smiled at you as you caught your breath. You thought you were going to rest but you saw he was bringing his spike closer.
-We're not done yet... I want to feel you more... Mine all mine
You were going to protest but you felt his spike enter inside of you and saw a big bulge through your body. He started to move slowly.
-You are so tight
As you gasped as you tried to take it, it overcame the digit. Once he adjusted to your body he began to move faster and faster and you both gasped at the same pace. He was about to climax, you fell in as he could.
-Wait I can't... ah! It's going to be too much.
-Ah! -Easy... i can't out! Ah! Oh Primus! - gasped Optimus as well.
You both climaxed as you felt your body fill with the transfluid.
Your belly completely swollen as he carefully removed his spike while some transfluid fell out.
-That was... Intense - you said while touching your belly - What happened to you?
Optimus kissed your forehead as he placed you close to his chest.
- We have heat cycles something your species would say in heat, I couldn't take it anymore.... I should have done it sooner though, my little one.
You smiled and I snuggled close.
-Then I won't move away next time.
Optimus chuckled and held you close.
You had learned a lesson from the heat cycles, something that was not to be the last time.
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miley1442111 · 5 months
transfer- s.reid
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a/n: intended for fem reader, but as always imagine what you like:)))))))))
summary: how your sudden transfer forces certain feelings to the surface
pairing: spencer reid x bau! reader
warnings: none
“It’s an executive decision Y/n, they are not asking,” Hotch sighed and you felt bile rise in your throat as the team stared in horror. You were being transferred to the Pentagon. “I know this will be an emotional time for all of us-”
“It’s not emotional, it’s a horrible idea,” Spencer said, his voice calm despite the storm raging in his mind. He wouldn’t be able to see you everyday? Bullshit. “She’s a crucial member of this team-”
“Spencer, they aren’t asking. Strauss expects her to be back in DC within the next hour,” he explained and exited the room. Everyone fell silent and Spencer raised his eyes to meet yours. You looked terrified and angry, he hadn’t seen you this angry ever.  
Not only were you one of the most vital members of the team, you were the thing that made all this shit just that small bit easier to deal with. What would he do now without your teasing jokes? How would he even want to go to work when he knew he wouldn’t see your tired smiles in the mornings? When would he remember to rest if you weren’t reminding him? 
And how would he be able to tell you he was in love with you when he didn’t see you everyday?
“I-I’ll… I’ll go get my bag,” You sighed, accepting your fate and leaving the room, Spencer trailing behind you. 
“Y/n!” He called after you. “Wait, I-I’ll come with you to grab your things,” He internally kicked himself for not thinking of something better to say. When he caught up with you outside the building, he could see the tears falling from your eyes, even in the darkness of the night. 
“I don’t want to leave,” You sniffled. “I told them I didn’t want a new position, I told them that I was h-happy here, that I want to be h-here.”
Spencer took you in his arms, letting you cry into the side of his neck. Had the circumstances been different, he would’ve over thought about the fact that you were so close to him. So close that he could smell your hair, so close that he could feel your soft skin on his, so close that he was very much enjoying the way you clung to him. 
“I mean… I don’t have any say? T-there’s so much more I wanted to do… I- I had this whole plan-”
“It’s ok,” he soothed. “You’ll do great things at the pentagon-”
“Fuck the pentagon!” You exclaimed, pushing him off of you. “I wanted to… I wanted to tell you for so long, a-and then the moment never seemed right, a-and I just assumed I-I’d lost m-my chance and I’m was sure you were already s-seeing someone so it didn’t even matter but then we g-got even closer a-and-”
Spencer’s heart was beating out of his chest, were you trying to say what he thought you were? “What are you trying to say?!” He shouted over your rambling, stopping the pacing you were doing in front of him. 
“I’m in love with you!” You shouted back. Spencer stood there, stunned, as you anxiously waited for an answer. You got one in the form of the grin on Spencer’s face. One of his hands reached out and grabbed your waist, while the other cupped your cheek, pulling you in to kiss him. His lips against yours were electric. You were relieved that he felt the same way and you were ecstatic that he kissed you.
“I’m in love with you too,” he whispered against your lips, pulling away. Your hands rooted themselves in his hair as he kissed you again, only pulling away when the rest of the team cheered from the door. 
You two were met with congratulations and cheers, happy that the two of you had finally told each other how you felt. 
You walked onto the airstrip, Spencer’s hand in yours, not even scared for your new role. 
You had Spencer, what else did you need?
criminal minds masterlist :)
navigation for my blog :) (criminal minds, marvel, top gun, challengers, obx+)
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nanamiluvs · 8 months
wriothesley nsfw alphabet !
pairing : wriothesley x reader
rating : explicit
wc : 1.7k
warnings : smut content, reader is afab, wriothesley being both a cutie and an ass, handcuffs, biting, breeding, choking, oral (both receiving), wriothesley is clingy, slight cum play, roleplay, jerking off, spanking, creampies, rough sex, it's wriothesley what do you expect, dirty talk
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a : aftercare
wriothesley gets cuddly after sex. it may or may not lead to another round, but he loves the feeling of aftermath with you in his arms. has mad separation anxiety, leading him to make sure you're not leaving his side by pulling you closer into his embrace, whispering sweet nothings in your ear.
b : body part
wriothesley is everything but a humble man. he knows his body is one sculpted by gods and wouldn't shy away from admitting it. if he has to choose one, he would pick his biceps or torso. if you asked him about his favorite body part of yours, he'd say hips and ass without hesitation.
c : cum
wriothesley is generally a messy person, and there's no exception when it comes to sex. he likes it messy. he likes seeing your body covered in ropes of white cum, loves filling you up to the brim and then fucking his cum back into you. off-white in color and a little thick in density. he also cums a lot, so there's that.
d : dirty secret
wriothesley loves being handcuffed and dominated. treat him like he's some filthy criminal and he's cumming in his pants. also likes it when the roles are reversed, and most likely not going to hide that version of the scenario.
e : experience
wriothesley has had a fair share of men and women in bed before and it's quite obvious. he knows he's experienced, he knows how to make you beg for mercy and come untouched. not proud of it, but not embarrassed either.
f : favorite position
wriothesley's favorite position is doggy style and he doesn't even try to hide it. he loves holding your hips while thrusting into you, fucking like an animal and watching as his cock disappears inside. he would lean forward, press his chest against your back and bite your neck, kitten licks and kisses following. he likes it especially as he can whisper filthy things directly in your ear. that being said, wriothesley fucks in a lot of different positions and likes to try them out, so nothing is off the table with him.
g : goofy
wriothesley has a variety of moods when it comes to sex. if it's usual, he's going to be the little shit he is. if it's intimate and gentle, he will whisper reassurements and praises, repeating how much he loves you and how well you take him. if he's jealous or stressed, it's obvious from how angry he gets.
h : hair
wriothesley likes body hair in general, and doesn't prefer to groom himself often. he's not at the level where it gets in the way, but definitely likes it to be there. he likes it better when you're also not shaven, but it's only a preference for him and not really a game changer. he loves seeing the hair down there get sticky with your mixed fluids, like i said, wriothesley likes it messy. he would shave if you tell him to because he wants to appear as the best form of himself in your eyes. won't tell you he did it because of you, instead saying he had a change of mind.
i : intimacy
wriothesley doesn't see sex as a necessarily romantic thing. yes, it can be, but most of the time it's the pleasure and release it brings. on rare moments of vulnerability, when the your usual act of fucking becomes making love, wriothesley is whipped. he will caress your body, holding you in his arms as he slides into you. he doesn't believe he deserves this moment, not with you. making love is very intimate to wriothesley and it takes a long way of trust to get to that point. regardless, wriothesley mostly fucks and wouldn't change that.
j : jack off
wriothesley isn't shy at jerking off to the thought of you. at work, when he's especially stressed, he doesn't mind palming the bulge formed in his pants, wishing you were there to help him out. he prefers to do it with you, obviously, but when you're away and he has no choise he's alright with masturbating. he also likes to watch you get off by yourself, dick hardening to the sight of you chasing your high.
k : kink
wriothesley has a long list of kinks up his sleeve.
‎ ‎ ‎ biting : wriothesley is a biter. doesn't matter where, doesn't matter when, he will bite and that's that. he will bite your lips while kissing, bite the insides of your thighs before going down on you, bite your neck while pounding into you, just bite and bite wherever he can.
‎ ‎ ‎ breeding : wriothesley would get aroused to the thought of cumming inside you, filling you up with his cum over and over until he sees your belly bulge. he loves to see the cum gush out of your hole, sore with the way he abused it with his cock. also loves it when you say you want to breed him. breeding is one of the things he won't admit he particularly likes, yet it's so obvious with the way he grunts and groans in your ear.
‎ ‎ choking : wriothesley loves having control of you and you having control of him. his hand reaches out to wrap around your neck, pressure just enough for you to feel it yet need more. he would also get turned on when you do the same, choking him while you ride him, he thinks you're just too adorable with your hands around his neck.
‎ ‎ ‎ spanking : considering you have given him the permission to do so beforehand, wriothesley loves spanking you as he fucks you from behind. he thinks it's just so cute seeing your ass redden with the impact, his large palm immediately coming down to soothe the area with his touch.
l : location
wriothesley may get off to the risk of getting caught but he doesn't want anyone else seeing you like that. so sex with wriothesley is mostly in his office, your bedroom, the shower, any closed space where you two are alone can be a place to fuck.
m : motivation
wriothesley gets turned on to everything about you. he's generally a quite horny person, so just seeing your body writhing under his much larger one is enough to keep him going. he's also motivated to pleasure you the way no one else can.
n : no
wriothesley is very much larger and stronger than you and sometimes fails to control his strength. so with him, things like knife play are out the window. he may be extremely kinky and like it rough, but he would never forgive himself if he actually hurts you.
o : oral
wriothesley is a man who will eat you out for his own pleasure. he loves the taste of you, loves dipping his tongue between your folds and lapping up your slick, the taste getting him drunk the more he has it. he wants you to come on his face, to squirt on him. his tongue will work you through your orgasm, careful not to waste a single drop while your walls clench around the small muscle. regardless of how much he likes going down on you, he thinks it's even better when it's your pretty lips wrappiny around his cock, your saliva mixing with his precum and staining your chin. he would hold your head and thrust inside of your mouth, lost in the feeling of your tongue swiping across his member. he likes to cum inside your mouth but he wouldn't mind cumming on your face either.
p : pace
wriothesley is ruthless when it comes to bed. he can and will pound into you without mercy, the bed creaking with the force of his thrusts. no matter he's being fast or slow, wriothesley knows how to push in deep.
q : quickie
wriothesley is up to every single kind of sex, so quickies aren't off the table with him. but he would much prefer a long, dark night to spend with you, to take his time relishing in your body and pleasuring the both of you.
r : risk
wriothesley is talented when it comes to sex, almost everything he tries turns out to your likes. he's very experimental and thinks trying everything at least once won't hurt anyone.
s : stamina
wriothesley can go longer than you ever can. it takes a lot for him to cum, and even then, he can last several rounds with ease.
t : toys
wriothesley doesn't really care about toys unless it's for binding. he loves being handcuffed, he loves handcuffing you, he loves tying you up and he loves getting tied up by you. anything restricting movement is a turn on for him.
u : unfair
wriothesley may as well be a criminal the way how cruel he is during sex. he will use anything and everything against you, wanting to get you all riled up before even properly touching you.
v : volume
wriothesley doesn't moan, but he's definitely a groaner and grunter. almost guttural as he pounds into you, voice deep and low with vibrations straight down to your core. he speaks a lot, too, with dirty talk being an indispensable tool to him.
w : wild card
wriothesley likes being dominated every once in a while. he wants to be at your mercy, to give up the authority and power he has to bear all the time and just submit to you. you wanting to dominate him makes him want to fight back, turning it into a battle of power igniting the thrill in his gut.
x : x-ray
wriothesley is longer than average and quite thick down there with a slight curve to the right. the shaft is a shade darker than his skin, the tip having a reddish tone underneath. has veins sparking up here and there, overall, wriothesley likes the way it looks.
y : yearning
wriothesley has quite the high sex drive, he's going to be up for the act whenever you want him to be.
z : zzz
wriothesley wants to hold you in his arms and drift off to sleep after making sure you did. he tires himself out during each session so it doesn't take long for him to fall asleep. he can stay awake if he wants to, but honestly, why would he?
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i might expand on the dirty secret with a drabble if someone requests it bc i know i want that.
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navia3000 · 4 months
a l l m y g h o s t s
Includes : Aaron Hotchner
Genre : Angst
Warnings : Crying, sadness, mentions of bombs and terrorists, typical Criminal Minds topics, Morgan’s kind of a dick, curse words
Based on : All My Ghosts by Lizzy McAlpine
Part one Part three
A/N : This is a part two to So Long, London. I’m trying something different with my writing style, and I don’t really know how I feel about this fic overall, so, let me know your thoughts. And, yes, there will be a part three.
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The headquarters of the International Operation Division of the FBI was alive with the chatter of agents and the ringing of phones. The IOD had been investigating a major threat against the United States from a major terrorist group in Iraq. There had been two bombings connected to this group, and there were more to be expected. The case is so dire, the IOD decided to call in the Behavioral Analysis Unit to aid in catching the attackers, a fact Y/N wasn’t thrilled about.
It had been two years since Y/N had left the BAU. She hadn’t told anyone of her transfer, leaving without saying a word to the team. She had gone as far as ignoring their calls and texts, and, as time passed, she eventually stopped receiving them. It had pained her to leave her friends, no, her family in that way, but she couldn’t stand having to pretend everything was fine when it wasn’t. She couldn’t be around the source of her heartbreak any longer, or she would explode. So, she took matters into her own hands.
Y/N knew her and the BAU’s paths would eventually cross again, she just hoped it wouldn’t have been so soon.
As she walked through the bullpen, she felt her heart racing. She wasn’t nervous about seeing Hotch, well, she was, but, she was more nervous about seeing her old friends. She knew they would be angry at her for the way she up and left. She would’ve been too if it was someone else on the team who did what she had.
She finally reached the doors that would lead her to the moment she most dreaded; the Behavior Analysis team would be sitting there, going over details of their profile. And, since she used to be a part of said team, her boss thought it best for her to be the one assisting them.
As she walked through the doors into the room the team had set up, she heard them grow quiet. They stared at her in disbelief, each one of them, and she couldn’t help but take each one in. Morgan looked stronger than when she had last seen him, Emily looked even more beautiful, JJ had grown her hair out, Penelope had dyed her hair cherry red, Rossi had more gray hairs than before, Spencer got rid of his glasses, and Hotch, well, Hotch looked exactly as she remembered him. Tall, handsome, and utterly exhausted. She didn’t fail to notice the missing ring on his left hand.
“Hi,” she spoke after minutes of silence. When she received no answer, she continued, “I was sent by my boss to assist you with building the profile on these terrorists.” She could feel her heart racing as the minutes wore on, and the disbelief in their eyes turned into confusion and anger. “I know we haven’t spoke in a while, but-”
Morgan was quick with his anger in cutting her off, “and who’s fault is that?”
Taking a deep breath, she continued, “Please, Morgan. I hate how I left things with you guys, but, right now, my priority is this case. So, if you could all put your feelings about me aside for the sake of our jobs, that would be great.” Morgan let out a scoff at her words, rolling his eyes and turning back to the whiteboard at the end of the room.
She made eye contact with Hotch, her eyes becoming watery at Morgan’s reaction to her presence. He didn’t seem all too different in his sentiment towards her, making her feel even worse.
“Alright, here’s what we have so far,” Hotch said. It was going to be a long night.
As the days wore on, the tension between her and the rest of the team grew. They kept things professional, and Penelope and Emily were nicer than the rest in accepting her back, but it was still a challenge. She understood why they felt how they felt, but, still, it broke her heart. Even worse, she tried being friendly with Hotch but he wouldn’t even acknowledge her outside of discussing the profile.
It was late at night, most of the team had gone back to their hotels, leaving Hotch and Y/N working by themselves. Her eyes kept wandering to him, her thoughts consumed by having him so close to her again. Yet, he continued to ignore her.
“How’s Jack?” She asked, attempting to make conversation whilst they went over old case files.
“He’s fine.”
“How’s the rest of the team? I’ve missed them a lot. And you, of course. But-”
“They’re doing alright.” The finality in his tone was making her hopes fall like the petals of a rose fall over time.
“That’s good. What about Haley? How’s she doing?”
“Haley’s dead. She was killed by an unsub.” At that, her head snapped up.
“Oh my God, Hotch, I’m so sorry. I didn’t know.”
He still didn’t look up at her from the papers scattered on the table. “How could you have? You left.”
His words cut deep. Her eyes grew teary for what felt like the fifth time that day. “Hotch, I had to.”
At that, he finally looked up at her. His eyes were hard as stone as he said, “no, you didn’t. And even if you felt that way, you could have told us. I had to explain to everyone else that you left and weren’t coming back, Y/N. You were a part of this family and wouldn’t even answer our texts and calls.” No, his words didn’t just cut deep, they burned. Upon seeing her tears fall, he seemingly decided that was a conversation not worth having. “Let’s just focus on the case.” But, like that night in the restaurant, she stood up and left him at the table.
The next day was no different. Spencer and Morgan refused to talk to her, Hotch was cold as ice when addressing her, JJ was hesitant anytime she had to speak with her, and Emily and Penelope were trying their best to dissipate some of the tension in the room.
It all seemed to boil over when she suggested that her and Morgan go over to the last bombing site and see what they could find.
“No,” he said.
The room was so quiet, you could hear a hairpin drop. “What?” she asked, mostly because she couldn’t believe that he shut her down like that.
“No,” he repeated. At that point, she couldn’t take it anymore.
“Alright, Morgan, I get you’re upset with me. But we’re here to do our jobs. And, you have zero right to treat me like I don’t matter just because you’re upset.”
“Don’t give me that bullshit, Y/N. You left us! You were a crucial part of this team and you left us. Without even an explanation. Nothing! So, don’t come in here expecting everything to be the same as it was because it’s not.”
“I had to leave!” She exclaimed. “I couldn’t take being around you guys after everything that happened!” Tears were streaming down her face. Her throat burned from the lump in it. Her heart sank with the weight of Morgan’s hatred for her.
“Nothing happened, Y/N!” He yelled as he stepped closer to her. “You just up and left!”
“Damn it, Morgan, I was in love! What was I supposed to do?” That grabbed the attention of the others. “You might not have known it, but… but, me and Hotch had just broken up, and I couldn’t be around him anymore. I just couldn’t.” Her sobs racked her body as she finally admitted what she couldn’t those two years ago. Morgan seemed to finally understand. And Hotch? Hotch just stood there, staring at her with the usual expression which occupies his face.
She hated it. She hated the pitiful stares from the team. She hated the way she cracked under the pressure. She hated the way she cried in front of them. But, most of all, she hated how all those feelings she had buried deep down in a dungeon of sadness had broken out and swam up to the surface.
After everything blew over, Y/N decided enough is enough. She was done trying to work with the BAU, so, she went to investigate some tips on her own.
Her interest was piqued at an anonymous tip that claimed that the terrorist group’s leader was living in a house a few blocks over. She knew she shouldn’t go over there alone, but she it wasn’t like she could ask the team to go with her, they practically hated her for everything that went down.
The house was dark when she arrived. She knocked on the front door multiple times, and, after no answer, she found it to be unlocked. Drawing her gun, she went in. It was clear. As she suspected, it was a dummy tip. She let out a frustrated sigh as she stepped out of the house. They were no closer to catching the bombers than they were when they started. Walking down the front porch steps, she heard a loud boom, and everything went black.
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nobody-nexus · 10 months
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Ya know I WAS going to make a cool comic before revealing the design, but I can't hide this yummy color palette, so here's another crossover character for the Sinful Circus AU! Thanks for the given permission from @ask-the-rag-dolly, the influencer has now infected this AU as well!
I'd like to this that the reason she resembles Ragatha is because she wants to torment the ragdoll due to her being the most innocent prisoner within the circus. The Influencer had taken a multitude of forms, even once being Jax and Caine- however Ragatha's her favorite one to torment. Not to mention, she knows how much her servants appreciate her recent form as well
Being basically a wanted criminal AI, of course she's not as strong as she COULD be. She avoids the other AIs due to the wanted poster. Also her and Pomni have a very complicated relationship (and she often flirts/teases with the jester)
Abilities she has (inspired by @ask-the-rag-dolly's general blog ^^)
-Can shapeshift her hand into things -Makes grayish bland mannequins with sunglasses as minions -If you're insane enough, she can basically mind control you Bioshock style by asking politely for you to do something, and you'll just do it no question -Give you D I G I T A L H A L L U C I N A T I O N S if you piss her off enough
We love gaslight, gatekeep, girlboss
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a-tiny-frog-girl · 2 years
To Mars and Back ch. 5
first // previous // next (ao3)
Welcome back to long chapter town! This one is also a little rough, but of course, the tw's will be just below this so you can decide if this chapter and/or story is for you. No shame in taking breaks for your mental health. Hell, I'd even recap it minus triggers for you in my dm's if you wanted! Anyways, love all of my readers lots and I hope you enjoy! (reblogs/comments >>> likes)
warnings: implied abuse, blood and injury mention, accidental fearplay, panic attack, Criminal Minds typical violence (mentioned)
words: 4,061
summary: Mars bonds more with the whole team over food, bandages, and casework. Can she trust them enough to let them in on the situation?
Mars woke up as she always did. Carefully. She didn't open her eyes or change her breathing pattern to pretend to still be sleeping until she was sure it was safe. She noticed the sounds of pages turning too frequently for it to be a borrower. So she was in proximity to a human. Only then did she notice the softness of the surface she laid on and the warmth of the fabric draped over her. It sang a siren song of comfort, almost lulling her back to sleep. 
Instead, Mars focused harder on staying awake and figuring out where she was. Why wasn't she in her cage? Was she going to be in trouble when she got up? Was it a trap? Mars racked her brain but the sleepiness clouded her memory. She covertly opened her eyes to look at her surroundings and found herself in the middle of a sea of fabric, white and untouched like fresh snow. She closed her eyes again and turned her body, making sure it looked like a random movement she made while she was asleep. At once her leg and back started throbbing with pain. It took all her effort not to cry out. She bit her cheek, drawing blood. 
Yesterday's events came back to her with the pain. The new humans, the hotel, the food given freely, the dilemma of trust. Finally, Mars let her eyes flutter open and stretched with a groan, officially awake for all to see.
"Morning." A voice rough from sleep rumbled from above her. "Did you sleep okay?"
Mars nodded, not exactly sure what would be considered okay sleep. It didn't really matter anyways.
"That's good. Hotch and most everyone left to the precinct earlier this morning. They figured you probably wouldn't want to go, so Hotch told us to stay here. Garcia's next door in the suite." Reid said. Mars nodded again in response.
"Do you think you would be up to helping us today?" Reid asked, studying her body language to make sure she wasn't upset by the notion.
"Help you?" Mars echoed suspiciously.
"We want to find Belovich, the guy who kidnapped you and put him away. His whole gang, too." Reid said. "It's our job, remember?"
"How could I help with that?" Mars asked, confused.
"You were at his hideout, right? If we can find it we can probably find enough evidence to get him and his underlings in jail, or at least hold them for long enough to get what we need." Reid said. Mars stiffened at the last sentence, recalling the shelves lined with cages exactly like hers. 
"They have more like you, don't they?" Reid read her like the book he was still holding in his off-hand. "It's okay, we just want to help." His voice was soft and caring, but Mars couldn't help the fear that raced through her body. Now the humans had a reason to treat her nicely. How long had they known? Was she just a means to an end?
Mars started to curl in on herself, only stopping when she felt a stab of pain in her back. Warmth soaked into her bandages, turning them red if they hadn't been completely red already.
"Damn, your bandages need changing." Reid noticed. Mars couldn't help but flinch at the swear, even though it was comparatively less harsh than others. She hoped that he had just noticed her leg because otherwise, it meant she stained her only clothing. But luck was not on her side as she reached back to feel the cloth damp and her fingers red where she had touched it. At the realization, she turned to look at the pillow she was still sitting on and her eyes widened at the splotch of blood. Automatically, she turned to look back at Reid, fear in her eyes. 
"Oh yeah, that is a lot of blood. Do you feel okay? Are you dizzy?" Reid asked worriedly, turning her fear to confusion.
"I'm... a little dizzy," Mars admitted, still tensed, waiting for the other shoe to drop. 
"The first aid kit with everything in it is still in the suite, is it okay if I take you over there?" Reid dropped the blood stain as if it was completely unimportant. Maybe he'd forgotten somehow? Mars wasn't going to push her luck either way. She nodded and waited for him to scoop her up again.
She startled slightly at the poof of air the hand disturbed as it dropped, palm open, next to her.  It was the same gesture as last night, an offer to get on. Mars stared in surprise for a moment before bringing herself to her senses. His patience wouldn't last forever. She gracefully untangled her legs from the fabric she had been using as a blanket and pushed herself to a stand. Her leg complained, but she pushed herself off and took a step into his hand. 
"You might want to sit down, just in case." Reid said. Mars nodded and lowered herself to a seated position.
"Okay, you ready?" Reid said with the same anxiety from last night. She nodded, but in her head, she was thinking hard. Could he just be worried that she wouldn't give up the location of the others? Could it possibly be genuine worry? Mars went to bite her lip in thought, hissing in pain as her teeth made contact with the open wound on her cheek from a few minutes ago.
"You okay?" Reid stopped mid-step to check in on Mars.
"Mhm," Mars said, still lost in thought.
"You sure?" Reid asked, putting a finger gently on Mars' back for support. It shook Mars out of her brain, but she was surprised when it didn't feel... bad.
"Yeah, I'm okay." Mars answered honestly, meeting Reid's eyes. He smiled and continued on, then knocked at the door in front of him.
"Who knocks at the lair of genius unrestrained?" A voice called from inside.
"Uh, Dr. Reid?" Even Reid seemed surprised by the strange words. There was the sound of mechanics in the door and the door clicked open, Penelope Garcia on the other side.
"And here comes sleeping beauty! Dost thou wish to commend me on my magnificen--" Garcia stopped as Reid stepped into the room, staring at Mars.
"Garcia?" Reid asked.
"Sorry, I, uh, thought she was a weird dream." Garcia said. "Mars, right?" Mars nodded and waved, which had the exact same response as last time. A returning wave and an awed smile.
"How can I help you two?" Garcia asked, sitting back down in a comfortable chair in front of a laptop.
"Mars' bandages need changing." Reid said. "I thought maybe she'd be more comfortable if you did it." He looked at Mars, checking his theory. She didn't seem to have a strong reaction.
"My dear, I would love to. However, my hands are made for hacking, not re-bandaging." She wiggled her fingers as if in demonstration. "Wish I could help." She said with a shrug, then immediately went back to tapping away at the keys.
"It's okay." Mars said, just loud enough for Reid to hear. "You can fix it, I don't mind." Her voice shook a little, but she meant it. 
"You could do it by yourself again if that would make you more comfortable!" Reid said, the nervousness from before creeping in again.
"I don't think I can unwrap the one for my back." Mars admitted with a shaky sigh. It wouldn't be too bad, she just had to get it over with.
"Okay. If you're sure." Reid said, sounding unsure himself. "You can tell me to close my eyes or whatever would make you feel better." 
"It's okay." Mars said again, mostly convinced of her words.
Reid let out an anxious breath that ruffled her messy hair and navigated towards the couch and short table from last night where the kit was still sitting. He started depositing Mars as he had before, but stopped, seemingly rethinking it. He put his hand flat on the table like he had to pick her up earlier and waited. Mars looked up at Reid who gave her an encouraging smile and decided that she was meant to get down by herself. Another surprise, much less alarming than having the floor drop out from under her. It was a little harsh on her leg, so she sat down as soon as she was settled on the table.
"Okay, do you want to do your leg or your back first?" Reid asked as he grabbed the gauze and other medical supplies.
"Leg. Um, please." Mars hastily corrected herself.
Reid nodded and reached toward her leg outstretched in front of him. He hesitated for a minute, hand hovering an inch away. He looked up at Mars and when he didn't see any dissent, began to carefully peel the gauze from her leg.
The cool air stung against her still open wound, but not enough for her to care much. She was more focused on the fingers the size of her torso.
"Did you put any bacitracin on it yesterday?" Reid asked. 
"bass-ih-tracer?" Mars sounded it out, racking her brain.
Reid pulled a tube about the size of Mars out of the first aid box.
"Oh, uh, no. Was I supposed to?" Mars' voice raised in pitch with worry at the end.
"No, no, it's fine. We should just put some on now. It'll keep it from getting infected." Reid explained. Mars nodded and Reid took off the cap.
"It might feel cold," Reid warned Mars, squeezing a bit of the gel onto his fingertip.
Mars held her breath, but it wasn't as cold as she imagined. She let out a sigh of relief.
"Might have miscalculated how much you needed." Reid said, most of the fingerful of medicine still unused. "Oh well. I can use it on your back?" The end of the sentence turned upwards like a question, so Mars nodded once, her hands tight in fists to distract her from the dread pooling in her stomach. 
"So, um, how do you want to do this?" Reid asked awkwardly.
Mars took a shaky breath. Take the dress off, turn around. It seemed so simple in her mind, but she was shaking even though she hadn't moved. Take the dress off, turn around. Turn around, take the dress off. She repeated to herself in her head. Just take the dress off...
In one quick, fluid motion, Mars pulled the cloth over her head and dropped it next to her. Her hands grabbed onto her arms the moment they were free with such force she didn't think she could release them if she tried. For a second, she stayed frozen, staring at the pile of blood-soaked clothing. 
Only when the cold seeped in did her brain process what she had done. It felt wrong, felt terrifying to have taken it off on purpose. Her face slowly rose, expecting to see the look of hunger and greed that she had seen so many times before on Dr. Reid's face. 
But the shock Mars felt at her actions was mirrored by Reid. 
"Are you... okay?" He asked carefully, backing up to give her a little more space.
Mars' hands clamped harder onto her arms. She shivered a little and looked away. She couldn't even pretend she was okay. Wordlessly, she stood and turned around, her back facing Reid. 
"I'm going to start taking off the bandages now." Reid said in a quieter voice, giving her a few second's notice before even reaching out. Mars still flinched at the touch. Reid paused when he felt her jerk away and waited for a moment before starting again. 
"Can you lift your arms, please?" Reid asked. In her head, Mars wasn't sure she could. But somehow, with the question, her hands let go of her upper arms and her arms moved out of the way, like they were voice activated. 
She felt the human's shadow fall over her and his breath tousling her hair. She watched his hands appear in front of her with the bandage, carefully unwrapping. She tried to keep her shivering at bay as she watched the fingers bigger than her whole body disappear and reappear, taking up her entire vision and going away faster than she could ever move. It would have been hypnotizing if she weren't fearing for her life.
"Okay, I got it." Reid said as the cold hit her back. "Hold on, the medicine's next." 
The cold gel sent a shock of cold through her body, making her gasp in surprise. Then the burn it caused crept in. Mars' body was confused, shivering and aching all at the same time.
"Sorry, I just gotta rub it in a little." Reid said, a little nervousness entering his voice again. "Almost done, I promise."
When he removed his finger, the cold burned even worse. Whatever heat he had been giving Mars pulled away with his hand and her shivers nearly knocked her off her feet.
"Arms up." Reid said in a patient tone. Mars complied, not having even noticed her arms come down from before.
"Tell me if it's too tight, okay?" Reid asked as he started wrapping again. Mars nodded. His hands danced around her again, carefully keeping a steady pressure. The pad of the bandage felt better this time, Mars vaguely thought. It must have not been in the right place last time.
"Is that good?" Reid asked. Mars nodded. It was less loose than last time, certainly. That was probably good.
Reid curled his hand around Mars, turning her back to face him, and handed her her dress back. Between his fingers, it looked so small. Was she really that small? She pulled the dress over her head, still shivering. The clothing had lost any warmth it had held. 
"All done." Reid said, offering his hand again. Mars walked robotically forward and almost collapsed into his grasp, leg upset from the amount of standing she had done.
"Geez, you're really cold." He said.
"Sorry." Mars managed to mutter through the haze in her brain.
"Don't be." Reid said softly.
Reid walked back over to the dinner table Garcia was sitting at and sat down. He flattened his hand on the table, but Mars looked up at him with big, sad-looking eyes and he cupped his hands gently around her. He wasn't going to make her get off and be freezing.
Mars surprised both herself and Reid by relaxing back against his hand. Her body was so exhausted she couldn't fight it. Or, at least, she didn't feel like she had to.
Some amount of time later, a beep from the door woke Mars from her sleepy haze. She sat up and peeked over the edge of Reid's hands just in time to see the door open and a flood of people come through.
"What a surprise! Our boy genius made it out of bed! Welcome to the land of the living!" Morgan teased loudly. A paper bag crunched against the table, startling Mars into hiding under Reid's thumb. The rest of the humans were all talking to each other and though they weren't as loud as Morgan, the noise added up and Mars couldn't help but cover her ears.
"Hey!" Hotch's stern voice cut through the sea of voices. "Quiet down." Mars curled up at the tone, even though the words helped her. Thankfully, the rest of the humans listened and quietly apologized. Mars was sure it was to Hotch and not to her.
"Where's the kid?" Morgan said with a tinge of panic from somewhere further into the room.
"Over here." Reid said just loudly enough for his voice to carry. The thumb that had been keeping her hidden lifted away. Mars looked up, trying not to let the anxiety of everyone staring at her get to her.
"Good morning." JJ said with a smile. Mars returned it as best she could.
"We got you a few things." Hotch said to Mars as he pulled out a chair to sit in. He reached into the paper bag and pulled out a smaller wooden box. He opened the latch and slid it towards Mars and Reid. 
Mars leaned over the edge of Reid's curled fingers to inspect the box. Inside were small bundles of fabric of various colors.
"A few changes of clothes. I'm not sure if they'll fit, but I can go look for others if it's too big or too small." Hotch supplied.
"I can sew, too. If it's just basic alterations, I mean." Reid added.
Mars’ jaw almost dropped out of shock before she collected herself. It was a nice gesture, but if she showed too much interest in it, they might take it away to make her behave later. The idea of real clothes instead of whatever the other humans who had kidnapped had forced her to wear felt amazing, she couldn't let it slip away.
"Thanks." Mars said shyly. 
"Don't worry about it." Hotch said with a small smile. "Do you want to try some on right now?"
Mars looked alarmedly around at all the humans watching her.
"We can set you up a private place, so you can change without anyone looking at you." Hotch reassured her.
"Yes please." Mars said, nervousness churning in her gut.
It only took a few minutes for Mars to find and put on some clothes from the box, with help from Reid getting to and from the bathroom, of course. Her borrower instincts demanded she pick dark clothing. The black t-shirt and navy blue pants were much nicer than her old dress. Her pants were slightly too long, and even though she tried to cuff them at the bottom, they fell past her feet. Another obstacle the humans had created so she couldn’t run away, her cynical mind said. Her logical mind shot back, how could they have known which pair of pants she’d pick?
“I brought lunch for you guys. Well, breakfast for sleep-a-roo here.” Morgan shoved Reid playfully just enough for him to nearly fall out of his chair. Mars flinched at the large, sudden motion and tried not to think of how the power it would take to nearly unseat a human could kill her in an instant.
“Ooh, you got Dick’s burgers? Remind me to thank you later.” She said with a wink at Morgan.
“I’ll hold you to it, baby girl.” Morgan bantered right back.
Mars blinked a couple of times, unsure what she had just overheard.
“Oh, I didn’t know what to get for you, so I got a few different sides. You can try my burger if you want.” Morgan said as he pulled paper-wrapped objects out of a bag.
“For me?” Mars had barely processed the clothing being gifted to her. She was not ready for another act of generosity so soon. Her stomach churned even more as she wondered if this is how far they went to be nice, would they go even further when she stepped out of line?
Any hunger she had felt had long ago left her, whatever space it would have filled doing somersaults instead. But when Morgan pushed a paper plate toward her, she crossed the distance for the food despite her leg and stomach. She would be insane to not take food when it was offered while she was with these unpredictable humans. She reached for a piece of food but stopped when Reid’s attention turned to her. It was being offered, wasn’t it? Mars held her breath for a second, silently asking for permission and hoping this wasn’t where they turned on her. Reid didn't nod or shake his head, instead reaching toward her. Mars' legs shook even more. She wasn't sure her hurt leg could handle this much longer. Although if Reid killed her now, that wouldn't matter much, would it? 
His hand stopped right in front of her, placing a piece of meat and cheese on the plate before disappearing back to Reid's side of the table.
Mars sank to her knees, still shaking slightly. Reid didn't seem to notice as he went back to his burger. She looked away just before he took a bite the size of her whole body. She felt sick, but she grabbed the piece of meat and cheese and took a bite anyway. 
"Garcia, any luck on the plate?" Hotch said from behind Mars, making her squeak in surprise. Luckily, the sound was drowned out by the humans above her.
"Just another stolen car. Big cities have tons of 'em." Garcia replied with a sigh. "It's like this guy doesn't exist! I can't even find a highschool yearbook with him in it!" 
"He doesn't seem like the type to know how to live completely off grid. These days with mobile phones and cards for everything, he'd have to actively avoid the internet. That's gotta take brains." Morgan said.
"He's right, most Americans use Google regularly these days. If he even searched for nearby bars on a normal device, we'd have something on him." Reid said.
"These encryption methods are crazy smart, too. I could have written these." Garcia added. "That guy must have been some kind of computer whiz."
Mars couldn't help but scoff at the idea of that man being anything more than literate. Every member of the team in the room turned to her at the sound, most of their faces unreadable. 
"Sor-Sorry I–" Mars' words stopped in her throat, feeling like a loose bite of food trying to strangle her.
"It's okay, Mars." Hotch's deep voice startled Mars into jumping slightly. "Did you know something about him?"
"He, um, wasn't smart. At all." Mars said nervously. "I think the boss does all the crypting or something."
"So that would mean all the encryption would be the same then?" Garcia asked.
"Probably, I think. I didn't really see any of it." Mars answered.
"So if I can crack this, I can crack any of the gang's computers! That's genius, Mars!" Garcia's eyes sparkled as she aggressively tapped at the keys on the keyboard. Mars turned bright red at the compliment, turning back to the food she was eating to distract her racing brain.
"Did you overhear anything else? It might have seemed like nothing, but it could point us in the right direction." Hotch followed up.
"I don't-- I'm not sure I can really help. I'm not, um, very good at this stuff." Mars said quietly.
"You just did help us, just now." Reid pointed out. "But if you don't feel like talking about it, that's okay."
Mars hesitated, tapping her hands together as she thought. They had been helping her and being generous. It would be nice to help them in return. But what if that was their plan to get the information out of her? Mars scooted herself around to face Hotch.
"Why do you want to find those guys?" She asked. 
"They've been killing a lot of people and getting away with it. We want to stop them and put them in prison so they can't hurt anyone else." Hotch answered.
Mars noticed that Hotch hadn't mentioned the other borrowers at all, almost like he didn't know. But it wasn't enough information to decide if she could trust them yet.
"What if," Mars stopped mid-sentence to take a breath. "What if I don't help you? What'll you do with me then?" 
"A lot of people don't want to talk about bad things that happened to them. Other victims we've talked to haven't been able to help us before. It wouldn't change the way we act if you don't help us. You don't owe us anything." Hotch said. Mars turned the words over in her head, examining them closely and looking for loopholes. Other victims... he had to be talking about humans. They didn't seem like they'd ever met anyone like her before. Was he comparing her to a human? The people who had taken her barely even considered borrowers animals. The thought of the other borrowers made memories of cages covered in blood and dirt appear in her head. It was easy to say things and not mean them, but Mars couldn't let the others rot in there.
"I'll help as much as I can."
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blackbrd · 5 months
too sensitive
one shot | criminal minds m!list | m!list
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Fandom: criminal minds
Pairing: g!p Emily prentiss x Jennifer Jareau
Genre: smut, pure smut
Warnings: 18+, blowjob, face fucking, sloppy makeouts
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Emily thinks she’s in heaven. 
Scratch that. She knows she’s in heaven.
Emily used to think Heaven was a full belly of warm food after a long day of work. But recently, Heaven is indeed, with Jennifer Jareau on her knees, mouth full of Emily’s hard meat, sucking like she's the tastiest thing on earth. 
“Oh shit baby, oh~”  Emily whines erotically, her hands gripping either side of the sheets tightly, trying her hardest not to thrust into the warm mouth sucking on her.
Jj looks up at the pretty sound, big eyes wide and blown with lust. She releases the cock with an audible *pop* giggling and pumping it slowly with both hands, just how Emily likes.
Emily whines again and squeezes her eyes shut, hips bucking against her will.
“Is it good?” The blonde asks innocently, knowing damn well what the answer is. 
Emily opens her eyes, meeting blue ones, she bites her lip and nods. “So good. You’re so good, fuck," she moans. "So fucking good at this."
Jj giggles again, she rests her head on Emily’s trembling thigh, hands starting to pick up some speed. 
For a few minutes, they just gaze into each other's eyes, the only sound in the room being the wet lewd sound of Jj’s hand milking Emily.
Eventually, Emily rests her hand on Jj’s head and guides her waiting mouth back onto her. Her hips buck once more at the eager mouth.
“Mmm,”  Jj picks up speed, starting to gurgle and slurp on Emily’s cock. She’d taken a liking to deep-throating Emily, especially since it tears the most beautiful sounds from her.
Emily knows this, so she keeps her hand buried in Jj’s blonde locks, guiding her movements. She feels herself get harder at the gurgling noises and the way Jj’s face starts to get red with effort. She didn't think it was possible.
It was such a turn-on, how excited Jj was to be on her knees for her. To take Emily to a hilt. 
Emily throws her head back in pleasure, chanting as she feels Jj’s nose repeatedly hitting her pelvis. 
“Yes, yes, yes, yesss! F-fuck, fuck, fuck!” 
The bed begins to shake with the force of their combined movement. It’s been a few minutes since Jj’s come up for air, but they both know that she can handle it.
Almost without notice, Emily feels that tightening feeling in her stomach. Her balls starting to tingle as well.
“Ohhhmygooddd,”  Emily cries.
Jj uses Emily’s thighs to push herself off of her cock, gulping up a few mouthfuls of air. 
“You gonna cum baby?” Jj moans, squeezing her legs together. She can feel wetness coating her thighs, sending a zip of pleasure up her spine. She’s sure she could cum without even being touched. 
Emily whines and nods her head rapidly. Her thighs tremble as she reaches both hands to grab Sana’s face. Emily gives her a quick kiss, her lips now coated in a mixture of spit and her precum. 
The next moment Jj’s mouth is occupied once more. 
Emily uses all of her strength to assist in bobbing.
Jj’s head bounces off of her cock at a rapid pace. The woman takes it effortlessly. Happy to be Emily’s toy. 
It’s not another second when Emily lets out a keeling wail. “Fuck!” 
Emily’s mouth hangs open, eyes squeezed shut as her body curls forward. She’s angled over Jj’s body, her orgasm so intense that she can’t bring herself to let Jj go. 
Emily’s hands greedily hold the back of Jj’s head to her cock as she spills her hot load into her throat. Her body shakes violently, the sounds of Jj gagging only have her cumming more. 
Jj for her part, lets Emily hold her. One of her favorite things in the world is pleasing the woman. She chokes and breathes violently through her nose, hands gripping pale thighs tightly as she swallows roughly, not letting a drop go to waste. 
When Emily lets go and flops back onto their bed, Jj flies back and allows herself some much-needed air. She coughs and wipes at the tears that had poured down her face.
“Your mouth,” Emily starts, gasping for air. “Is  amazing,” she praises in disbelief.
Jj huffs out a laugh and stands on shaky legs. Only then does she feels and sees how much she needs to be taken care of. She whines and mounts Emily, who looks blissed out.
“Em, I need you.” 
Emily squeezes onto Jj’s thighs, hissing when her wet pussy rubs against her cock.
“Too sensitive,” Emily covers her cock with her hand. 
“Babyyyy,” Jj pouts and it’s way too cute for how sinful they were being. 
Emily rolls her eyes playfully and leans up for a kiss. Humming as she tastes her salty cum on Jj’s tongue. 
The kiss gets heated fast, tongues fighting for dominance. Emily lets Jj have it, it’s her turn to be submissive anyway. 
Emily pulls away, panting. Her eyes are dark with desire again, all exhaustion forgotten as her cock slowly hardens once more.
“Sit on my face,” Emily says. 
Jj’s hips buck at the words, "with pleasure."
170 notes · View notes
jeanxarminweek · 3 months
Hey, jearmin nation!
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You asked for it, and you got it: our jearmin fic rec list is finally here!
Small disclosure: this list is by no means exhaustive and contains a small handful of fics in both canon and alternate universes. Only complete works have been included, and we've done our best to include a diverse selection of writers. If we're missing any of your absolute favorites, feel free to suggest them so they can be added!
Lastly, be sure to mind the ratings and the tags.
This section will include works that take place in the canon AOT universe. This does include a mix of post canon, canon divergent and canon compliant fics of various ratings and lengths.
love, hate, and the language of violence by pylons
T, oneshot, 21.2k
There is Safety in His Arms by Insomnia_with_dreams
E, oneshot, 2.2k
to see another tomorrow by orphanedaccount
M, oneshot, 6.3k
Obelisk by corbaccio
E, oneshot, 6.3k
Paint Tomorrow Blue by batwake
M, oneshot, 41.9k
Survival by suchakidder
M, oneshot, 4.4k
In For a Penny by fizzydreamer
E, oneshot, 4.2k
For as Long as We Have Left by xajie
E, oneshot 7.5k
Water Will Hold You by onewhodiedyoung
T, oneshot, 1.6k
the knot by orphanedaccount
Not Rated, oneshot, 1.7k
give me your strength (our life is so short) by itspointydumbass
M, oneshot, 1.2k
Torrential by malfxy
E, oneshot, 4.4k
Nightmares by MissErikaCourt
M, oneshot, 5.3k
I'll Be Seeing You by bitchbot3000
M, oneshot, 5k
Nimbostratus by imriel_montreve
E, oneshot, 2k
Stay by jearminbrainrot
E, 2/2, 16k
Worthy of You by bees_n_sunshine
E, 8/8, 34k
The Night Will Keep Our Secret by UntamedValleyOfThePatriarch
T, 4/4, 3.8k
Before / After by LoneSweetPea
M, 17/17, 36.1k
In Moments Between Battles (we find peace) by AceofAliens
Not Rated, 16/16, 27.5k
This section will include works from various alternate universes.
Wicked Inheritance by wordsforjearmin
M, royalty AU, oneshot, 9k
In the Tent by xajie
E, cowboy AU, oneshot, 2k
homeward bound by yeokseobam
G, farmer AU, oneshot, 7k
Growing Pains by little_miss_jearmin
G, modern AU, oneshot, 3k
Duty’s Price by malfxy
E, royalty AU, oneshot, 4k
please take what i can give by likeanoldcardigan
Not Rated, university AU, oneshot, 1k
in shades of red and gold by aster_rain
T, modern AU, oneshot, 11k
Meet Me at Midnight by levicoffee
T, university/serial killers AU, 8/8, 30k
Cowboy Like Me by justalevisimp/levicoffee
M, cowboy AU, 6/6, 52k
No Strings Attached by cinnamonghost
E, modern AU, 26/26, 93k
Copy-Room Romance by fandomette
E, university AU, 19/19, 129k
Different From the Rest by arminloverfae
E, modern AU, 33/33, 126k
Peaches by vidnyia
T, cowboy AU, 10/10, 32k
Rockin’ Your Heart by simpingsuzuki
M, modern AU, 28/28, 229k
Wind in the Sails by vidnyia
T, 1800s/sailor AU, 16/16, 60k
Blood Like Ice by luna_trancy/porgatino
M, detective/criminal AU, 28/28, 87k
Orange Sorbet & Summer Sea Breeze by bees_n_sunshine
E, modern AU, 25/25, 116k
seven years by harrystyleshotpocket
G, university AU, 4/4, 5k
A King and His Knight, Whose Hearts Become One by simpingsuzuki
G, royalty AU, 3/3, 20k
bite the hand that feeds me by likeanoldcardigan
Not rated, modern AU, 11/11, 16k
112 notes · View notes
rainee-da · 4 months
Hello <3
Is it ok to request the "What they said when you're sleeping" but with the Divine Visionaries? Tysm!
🍀 The Talk When You Sleep [2]
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CHARACTER ❥ Orter Mádl ⏳ / Sophina Biblia 📕 / Tsurara Halestone ❄️
W A R N I N G ⚠️ R13 for general fluff w/ slight angst as spice / Relationship HCS / BIG SPOILER!!!! / might be a bit too OOC for you.
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O R T E R M Á D L ⏳
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he opened the door to your bedroom and sighed loudly "Seriously? We're supposed to be at the office at 9 o'clock, and you're still sleeping in your bed? Your laziness is absolutely revolt-" he shook his head in annoyance and marched closer, but stopped abruptly as his hand hovers in the air "That eyebags... you must be staying up late again," he sighed and sit at the edge of your bed, thinking for a while "There's no urgency... I suppose it's fine to let you be for some more," his face is annoyed as he loosened the tie in his neck he looked up the window, his expression remained unchanged "Yesterday was quite frivolous, I didn't remember there was anything in particular happening... what made you stay up late?" he mumbled as he turned his head to watch your face "Are you overthinking again? Or is there something that I missed?" he frowned as he is thinking to himself, before sighing again "No matter... we'll just sleep together later at night so I can fix your sleep habit, should've done so for a long time anyway." he brushes your hair to the side with his finger, his frown softens slightly "Your expression is good, and your temperature is normal. At least you're not sick physically," his hand moves to stroke your cheek as he enjoys the silence for a while, his expression grows solemn as the deep thought overwhelms his mind "Every time I see you as innocent as this, I always wonder... Why do you want to be with someone like me?" his finger rubs your eyelids gently "I rarely said this to you, and I know I should, but... You're a smart person. You're strong, able to defend yourself when danger strikes. You also had good friends that cherish you," he tilted his head as he got immersed by your face "You're... a beauty, so beautiful that it made me wonder how many people felt envious when we made us official... And, most important of all," he paused as the word got caught up in his throat, he blinks rapidly to clear some of his senses "You're so altruistic, so kind... unlike me." he chuckled lowly "I don't even know how many people have died by my wands, for the sake of order," he sighed as he turned his eyes away to stare at the view outside the window "Order is made for a reason. I believe that as long as the order is properly maintained, there will be no more Alex in the world. No people would get hurt anymore... But," he paused "The whole incident with Innocent Zero made me reconsider those beliefs... But, if my actions all this time were wrong, " he paused, his face darkened "Wouldn't that make me.. a. criminal?" he sighed, rubbing his face wearily "No use thinking about that now. It only brings unnecessary questions that will hinder my rationality," his gaze shifted to you and his mouth formed into a thin smile "It's a new dawn, and the citizen will need to get used to the new order. A riot would be inevitable, and bringing the previous sense of normalcy would be a grueling task ahead for the Divine Visionaries. But," he leans in and gives your lips a chaste kiss "With you, I believe I'll do well—maybe even better than before." "𝘼𝙛𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝙖𝙡𝙡, 𝙄'𝙢 𝙣𝙤 𝙡𝙤𝙣𝙜𝙚𝙧 𝙖𝙡𝙤𝙣𝙚 𝙣𝙤𝙬."
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S O P H I N A B I B L I A 📕
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"Oh my, the way you sleep is so vulgar! This won't do," she hurriedly move to fix your sleeping position and remove her coat to put it over you "There, all better," she smiles in satisfaction as she move your head to put it over her lap "You really had no grace, sleeping during work hours like this... you're lucky I'm more pliable than Mr. Madl." she sighed and shake her head as she opened the book in her hand to starts reading "Well, I'm only this pliable towards you if I'm being honest. If Mr. Revol's the one who's doing this, I would've already cursed him so he would dance bare-naked in the courtyard," she coughed softly and hums to stop herself from laughing "That's... such a tasteless threats coming from me, I can't believe I just said that." she tried to focus on reading but her mind is wandering "Let's see... Didn't you promises me that you would never napped at work anymore? So I think a punisment should be in order, no?" the thoughts in her head brings subtle-yet mischievous smile in her stoic face "What if, you have to cook dinner for a week? Or maybe I'll make you read one of my books? That's not really a punishment though," she tapped her chin as she's thinking "Or, I could also punish you," she leaned closer and blow into your ear "Like this? Fufu, you're so cute when you're wincing like that." she sighed and close the book to put it on the side, and her hand moves to brush your hair gently "You bring out sides of me that I never thought I have..." a soft smile formed on her face "For example... I never thought that feeling your hair against my fingertips like this could be so addicting," she lightly pinched the tip of your nose, and giggles at your reaction "Or that teasing you would be so much fun? Your reaction is so lively, it's never boring to be around you," she sighed and close her eyes as she lost in her own thoughts "Being with you has become one of my hobbies... Fresh scent of new book will never compare to the scent of your fragnance, and reading become a chores if you're not by my side," she smiles dreamily, slowly getting sleepy "Your influence is kaleidoscope of color in my life, I never thought that something as abstract as you would be so enjoyable... Really, I would trade everything in the world, if it means we could always be together like this," her hand lied in your chest as she slowly dozed off "𝙄 𝙬𝙞𝙨𝙝 𝙬𝙚 𝙬𝙞𝙡𝙡 𝙖𝙡𝙬𝙖𝙮𝙨 𝙬𝙧𝙞𝙩𝙚 '𝙤𝙪𝙧' 𝙨𝙩𝙤𝙧𝙮, 𝙩𝙤𝙜𝙚𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙧"
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T S U R A R A H A L E S T O N E ❄️
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"Brrrr…. oh, you're asleep?" she lowered her hand from her mouth, her body shakes slightly "I guess you've been waiting for long… I'm sorry," she walked towards you, her face expresses remorse "I should woke you up, don't I? But… brrrr…. let me use your body to warm up first… You don't mind, right?" she lied beside your sleeping figure, and snuggle closer to your side "Hehe… your body is so warm," she smiles dreamily as she hugs your body "I'm sorry that it took me so long to finish my work… I was getting in the zone with my research, and finally made some progress… But then," her gloved hand move towards your neck to rub it gently "The heater suddenly broke down… I have to waited for the mechanic to arrive, and I didn't realize that it was already this late" she sighed and closed her eyes, looking exhausted "I should've told you to go home early... I'm sorry that you have to wait for me." her body shakes again, and she lay her head on your chest "Brrrr... Why is it so cold," she lost in her own thought as she listen to your heartbeat, a soft smile formed in her face "Your heartbeat is steady, that's good... I always used your body as my warmer, and I know you said that you didn't mind that one bit... " she blushes and shyly buried her face to your neck "... But I hope you're not forcing yourself... My magic made my body cold, I didn't want you to get sick because of me." she stumbles as she risen up, her smile is warm and her hand is stroking your cheek "I think soon enough I can make some potion that will help keep my body warm temporarily! Tomorrow I'll show it to you! I don't know how long the effects would last... But," she leans in to kiss your cheek, accidentally biting her inner cheek out of nervousness "Ouch! Eh, what I'm saying is, with those potions we, hopefully, can starts hanging out outside! Do some dinner date, movie night at cinema, stuff that I know you want to do but you never asked out of consideration for me. " she hums happily as she snuggle closer to your cheek "You're warm," her eyes is full of adoration as she stares at your sleeping face "I love that the most about you... You're such a warm person. You're patient with me, even though sometimes my magic combined with my clumsiness causes you trouble. But you're always being so kind with me... It made me so happy," she turns to look at the clock "Ah, It's already this late! I should wake you up now." "𝙊𝙣𝙡𝙮 𝙮𝙤𝙪𝙧 𝙡𝙤𝙫𝙚 𝙘𝙖𝙣 𝙬𝙖𝙧𝙢 𝙢𝙮 𝙝𝙚𝙖𝙧𝙩."
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Long time no see! I've been busy with my irl stuff and just finally got the time to write again. I kinda projecting on some of the characters lol I hope you don't mind... I originally planned to write for all of them, but I decided to split it into different parts since when I'm writing this I have a severe case of writer's block lolol. I promises that the rest of them will be uploaded in due time!
I've made similar prompt before w/ Devil's Quintuplet+Cell War so check it out! And I tried to make it as less OOC as I possibly could, but I don't know if it will suits your interpretation. I hope you like it all the same though! Thank you anon for your request 🍀 and thank you for reading!
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aziraphales-library · 10 months
Hi! I was wondering if you had any fics where Aziraphale has autism and/or Crowley has ADHD? Thank you! ^^
Hello! We have #autistic aziraphale and #crowley has ADHD tags. Here are some more to add to the collections...
Holding Hands by Asexual_Enjolras (G)
Crowley begins to worry when Aziraphale stops holding his hand quite as much as he used to and he starts to panic that he has done something wrong. This is just a silly little story where a Demon asks his Angel to hold his hand again. "And anyway, they like holding hands." - Neil Gaiman about Aziraphale and Crowley.
That Crooked Smile Again by Treestackss (G)
A minisode, if you will. 1949. Eight years since they last spoke, and the demon Crowley insists on taking Aziraphale to a local bebop club. It's stuffy, loud, and worse still, Aziraphale spends the whole evening watching a blonde girl hanging onto Crowley for dear life. Not the night out he envisioned.
Withdrawal by IneffableToreshi (T)
Crowley is just trying not to let his stupid brain destroy him. He could never expected a guardian angel to show up to help.
Be Gay Do Crimes by wyrmy (T)
In The Beginning, there was an angel ( or rather a small boy named after one) and a demon ( or rather a small boy who wasn't always well-behaved) and a walled garden.
They Don't Teach This In School by Rozavie (T)
Aziraphale has been working at Berwick Academy for a very long time, and he could never ask for anything more. Feeding young minds, sharing the beauty of the English language and the written word. He doesn't need anything else. On the first day of the new school year, the instructor meets the new science teacher Crowley, and something about him is very strange, if not eerily familiar. The two strike up a quick friendship, despite their starkly different approaches to teaching, and something a bit more might be striking up between them as well.
You now seem to belong to me by Quinn_Taeyoung (T)
Crowley, a successful criminal, and Aziraphale, an autistic literature student, never thought they would run into each other or have the chance to get to know one another. It was while walking one night that Aziraphale witnessed a shootout between two gangs of mobsters. And witnesses usually don't live long. But the police are already close, so Crowley has no choice but to take the boy with him.
- Mod D
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nexxocatt · 27 days
Genuinely how can I live my life normally after this. Like,, HOW.
TWs/CWs: swearing, mentions of violence and death ig. If you're uncomfortable click off any time!
And without further ado, let's gooo!!
- Gosh, 'Suffering' is maybe probably most definitely my second fav song (after 'Thunder Bringer' ofc) in this saga. It's just so GOOD UGHH!!! I'm utterly OBSESSED with whoever voices Penelope/Siren Penelope cause they just sound ETHEREAL. Also the amount of memes with the "You know I'm too shy" is astounding. Def my fav part of the song.
- I hc that Ody, in 'Different Beast', when he said "You are no wife of mine!" that he pulled an "erm, actually-" and basically: "Nah cuz you got a few details ab my wife wrong, homie. You see, her ponytail's tips actually reach 3.5 cm lower than that, plus you got the shade of her eye color wrong. And gods she'd never wear that tunic without matching earrings!" Homie's obsessed lmao.
- Oh. My. God. KJ. KJ! THE ABSOLUTE QUEEN GAHH!!! The fucking growl Scylla had on "Give up your honor and wraith!" Made me literally almost fall over. I had a ton of fun just dancing to KJ's vocals. My GOD that's beautiful💯💯
- Tell me y'all can hear the absolute desperation in Eury's voice at the start😭 bro does NOT wanna believe his home bro Ody just gave up six men's lives like that. Also not Jay bringing back the "This is the home of the wind god" bullshit like pls I cried enough at 'Monster'😭😭 And not Eury turning Ody's words around by saying "I'M JUST A MAN!" then stabbing a cow, like HOMIE. WHY.
- Here comes Zeus the party crasher everyone! Yippee! But no, seriously, I've had 'Thunder Bringer' stuck in my head for a while cuz my boy Luke Holt's vocals be giving me shivers. Imma cry cause the absolute pain and crack in Ody's voice when he says "I know..." like,, 😭😭 Also the animatics where the crew just attacks Ody and the dude just accepts his fate are CRIMINAL. Ain't nobody asking me to cry today bro🙏🙏
- Gotta be my fav saga yet. The "Watchu gonna do about it, champ?" line was delivered PERFECTLY🙌🙌 Ayron is the absolute Top G. Also Miguel's voice for Telemachus is just UGHH SO GOOD!!! Also Tele be like: "STAY BEHIND ME MOM I'LL PROTECT YOU!!🤺🤺🤺"
- Let's fucking go Athena is back on track, baby! Literally LOVE both hers and Antinuos' vocals. They were ON. TOP. I couldn't help but giggle at Tele's "Woah,, that is so sick!!" Like he's my baby boy I love him smmmm!!!
- I ain't got no shit on Athena no more. Home girl's just guilty frfr. "You're a good kid." "Thanks!" AHHHH THEM>>> Anyway, great song. I love Athena now. I don't hold no grudge against her anymore, no siree. She my homie now💪💪
- WANGUI. THE LEGEND FRFR. They could never make me like Calypso but Barbara served. I listened to 'Love In Paradise' on my headphones and did not expect to hear Polites' voice in my left ear and Eury's in my right😭😭 The time-dive was LEGENDARY (haha.) and Ody's screams then him just yelling "ATHENA!!" cause he doesn't have anyone else to call for help was heartbreaking 💔
- Ahhh the fact that Jorge got his dad to voice Hephaestus is so cute <33 And Mr. PAM-PAM was right. Luke Holt's BEASTMODE ZEUS IS PHENOMENAL. I adored the transition between 'Warrior Of The Mind' and 'Legenday' after Zeus supposedly struck Athena down, which were – by the looks of the animatic shown in the livestream – the memories that got the goddess determined to stand back up💪💪 The way Ares' voice almost broke when he asked "Is she dead..?" broke me like😭😭 And whoever voices Hera is an absolute legend how the fuck is your voice that HEAVENLY😳
Also pls let the 'Silly Saga' be a thing, I had all the vids from Jorge's Disney Princess Era plus the Jimmy Neutron specials stuck inside my head non-stop for daysss🙏
Ooh and if we're lucky (and Jorge wants to ofc) maybe we'll get an album with cut songs! That would be amazing!! No pressure for the team tho, whatever they choose will be respected by everyone!
Also guys dw Athena's not dead, goddesses can't die you silly geese🙃 She's just injured n I'm absolutely sure we'll hear more of her in the upcoming Sagas! ^^
That's all for now! Take care y'all!! Stream the Wisdom Saga NYEOW👿👺!!!!
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angelyuji · 1 year
professor miguel o'hara headcanons :)
miguel o'hara x gender neutral reader
+ yandere headcanons!!!!
professor miguel o’hara would be so OFUAN:EOAFIDNWFBOWE”NJP sorry im just feral for him
professor o’hara would actually be the worst professor to get tbh like he’s a strict grader, he’s super anal about late turn-ins, all that jazz. like he’s got a shit ratemyprofessor rating… he’s the worst. he’s not the type to insult you or make you feel like shit for getting questions wrong or failing an exam HOWEVER he does say that if you fail an exam, just drop out cuz you’re not passing yeahhh he sucks lol
also he has a p.h.d in genetics and genomic sciences (totally didn’t just search up what the major is called and pasted it on here… definitely not) so he’s a huge stickler on being called doctor o’hara
however, when you mess up and say professor, he doesn’t seem to mind it all that much
professor o’hara who obviously has favorites (based on who participates more/does the best on exams)
Miguel would send students that come to him for help to students that do really well in the class (he does not care to reteach or help with essays) “you should’ve paid attention when i was explaining. im sure one of your classmates like (y/n) can help.”
motorcycle professor, office hours are always open for questions or concerns, he’s honestly chill just super strict and mean-looking
however no matter what, every single bitch has a crush on him… have you SEEEEEN him. yall know that scene in criminal minds when spencer reid is teaching a class and basically the entire class was auditing the class becuz he’s hot… yeah that except miguel o’hara is a lot meaner about chasing those people out.
yandere :0
lemme set the scene, ur one of the smartest of your class, you’re his favorite student like ur pretty, smart, and kind to your classmate and honestly…. he was downright obsessed like mf knows ur entire class schedule, he knows ur address ur number ur email. e v e r y t h i n g
ur kindness to your classmates is gonna be ur downfall, someone (who is known to be a cheater) is gonna go to him asking for help on a project. miguel is gonna be like “lol im not helping u but yk who will? (y/n).” miguel knows that your classmate is gonna cheat, but that’s a part of the plan
they go up to you, ask to see ur project and when ur not looking, take pictures of ur research and everything. you won’t know a thing becuz ur a nice friend :)
you’ll just turn in ur stuff and chill. the next class after the due date, professor o’hara asks you to stay after class.
“(y/n), it looks like you and another classmate have almost exact project.” miguel turns his screen towards you, showing your project and your classmates
“what? dr. o’hara, i don’t know what’s going on, but i promise you, i didn’t cheat off of anyone.” you beg.
“i’m sure that we can get to the bottom of this, (y/n)…” miguel pretends to think for a second. “how about this, come to my office around 6. i think i’ll be done with classes for the day. we’ll have a chat.” he stands, rearranging his papers.
“of course. i’ll be there!” you thank him and rush out to meet your friends, holding back tears.
i mean, of course you’ll go to see your professor. you’ve been accused of plagiarism and that shit can get you expelled.
you knock on the door. “dr. o’hara?”
“come in.” you walk in, anxious to get the situation resolved. you see your professor sitting at his desk, but you don’t see your classmate.
“i thought the other person would here too…” you feel a weird sense of dread fill in your stomach.
“ms. (l/n), i don’t think we need them here for this discussion.” he motions for you to sit down at the chair. “plagiarism is a very serious offence.”
“professor, you can’t seriously believe that i copied off of them!” you’ve got the best grades in the class, you feel flabbergasted.
“ms. (l/n)!” he frowns.
you lower your head, ashamed, “i’m sorry, it’s just. they came up to me, asking for help…”
“i understand, (y/n), but do you have any physical proof of that?” you stay silent. “i can… find a way to help you, but… you’re gonna have to do something for me, (y/n).” miguel leans in and you feel that dread in your stomach worsen, but you have no other choice.
“of course, professor! anything!”
he’s gonna take advantage of your situation. at first, it’ll be like secret dates, small (expensive) gifts at your door, then it moves up.
soon, he’s making you come to his home, making you stay overnight….
it was raining when you had went over and the rain was getting worse. his house was in the middle of a neighborhood in the woods, everything about this situation was grossing you out. “dr. o’hara, i don’t-” you, hesitantly, walk through the doors into his home.
“miguel. i’ve told you, (y/n). you should call me miguel when we’re alone.” he smiles at you and locks the door behind you.
“right… miguel, i don’t think that this is appropriate.” you look around his home. it was quaint, clean… almost like it wasn’t even lived in. you would’ve thought it was a random rental if it wasn’t for his diplomas framed on the wall.
“(y/n), do i need to remind you of our deal?” he looks at you, and for the first time since this situation started, you felt afraid. miguel disappears into the kitchen and you decide to step back closer to the front door, itching to run. “(y/n),” he pops his head out and smiles, “take a seat at the dining table.” you see fangs in his mouth and your fear grows.
dinner goes by uneventfully, but you feel uneasy as miguel chats it up with you. he had been too… nonchalant about the arrangement, but this was a new development. he wouldn’t ask you questions about yourself, but he somehow knew everything about you. it creeped you out. “if dinner is over, i should go home.” you stand, pushing back your chair.
he grabs your hand, “there’s no need to rush, (y/n)… unless,” he lets go and leans back in his chair, thinking. you freeze. “if you want to leave, i can always go to the board and tell them about your essay.” miguel shrugs and gets up.
“no! no… i’m sorry, doctor- sorry, miguel, i’m not leaving.” you sit back down.
miguel laughs, straightening, “you’re so cute, sweetheart. i’ll go get dessert.” he steps back into the kitchen. you grab your phone and text your roommate asking for help, but they don’t respond. miguel walks out with two plates of cheesecake. he continues to talk to you, asking about your classes for next semester. you gingerly answer his questions and eat, eager to finish and go home. you look behind miguel’s head and notice that the rain had gotten worse. if you didn’t leave now, you’d get stuck here.
“i should get going then.” you carefully place the fork down. “the rain is getting pretty bad.” miguel turns to look and you check your phone. still no response. miguel hums as the rain pelts the ground. he looks back at you.
“any minute now.” he doesn’t say anything else.
“ha, yeah. it’ll get worse any minute now.” you repeat and stand up. all of a sudden, your head spins. you stumble and grab your chair. immediately miguel is at your side, helping you steady. your head won’t stop spinning and you hear your words slurring, “fuck, i don’t feel good.” miguel picks you up with ease, holding you bridal-style. “put me down, please, miguel. i need to go home.” you feel yourself lose consciousness and lay your head against miguel’s chest, too tired and dizzy to fight.
“everything is okay, (y/n). all you need is me.”  the last thing you feel as miguel whispers in your ear, is a kiss against your forehead.
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nortism · 3 months
Nor's Les Mis Fic Recommendations
I've been scouring les mis ao3 for a few months now so here are my fav fics I've found. I've tried my best to tag tumblrs where I can but let me know if you are the author of any of these and I'll tag you!
Three Days (or The One Where Javert and Valjean Take a Road Trip Through France and Raise a Child) by zamwessel
Rating: E
Ships: Javert/Jean Valjean
Javert calls what he thinks is Valjean's bluff about needing three days to find the child Cosette and intercede for her. The Inspector comes along for the ride -- and gets much more than he bargained for, in the process.
Notes: First Les Mis fic I ever read and its an absolute banger. It's pretty much exactly what it says on the tin and I'm a sucker for a kid fic so I absolutely adored it.
A Change of Bizarre Kind by M_Moonshade
Rating: E
Ships: Javert/Jean Valjean
Six months ago, Doctor Henry Jekyll sought to escape the dramatics of London by coming to M-sur-M. Tonight his murderer pays a visit to the Mayor Madeline. (Being the Curious Case of Inspector Javert and Mister Hyde)
Notes: Criminally underrated. Jekyll and Hyde AU but I went in knowing very little about that book and I could understand what was going on. Each chapter contains bits from the past and present day until the timelines eventually add up which makes the main mystery all the more compelling. Also Fantine is alive and well which is always nice.
Our Souls Still in Fetters by Cinaed
Rating: E
Ships: Javert/Jean Valjean
After Javert is assigned to discover a blackmailer within a public-house that caters to men who prefer other men, Valjean is unexpectedly drawn into the case. Together they must stop the blackmailer before any lives can be ruined...including their own.
Notes: This author has so many great Valvert fics but this one is probably my favourite. There's the classic "undercover as a couple" trope as well as old timey gay bars. Also a huge fan of how this author portrays Cosette and Valjean's relationship.
In Defiance of all Geometry by idiopathicsmile
Rating: T
Ships: Combeferre/Enjolras/Grantaire
Amis House might not be the biggest student co-op, or the fanciest, but it's got something all its own. Specifically, smoke damage on the kitchen ceiling from that time Courfeyrac lit a political pamphlet on fire. In which there are secrets, pining, pancakes, and revelations, and sometimes the shortest distance between three points is not a triangle but a circle.
Notes: I love a good poly fic and this is one of the best. Also just a generally fun and wholesome friendship fic. Definitely a nice comforting read after all the old man angst I've got on here.
Gimme Gimme Gimme (A Man After Midnight) by Need_To_Comment_Rising (@aromantic-enjolras)
Rating: T
Ships: Courfeyrac/Enjolras, Combeferre/Courfeyrac (Its complicated)
Enjolras takes a swig of his drink with everyone else, and then smirks at Courfeyrac over the rim of his glass. "You didn't seem to mind much me being bossy yesterday night when I had you in my bed..." At his side, Grantaire chokes on his drink and starts coughing. But how did we get here, you might ask? Well, let’s rewind. ------- Enjolras and Courfeyrac have had a friends with benefits arrangement for a while. But when Coureyrac starts dating Combeferre, Enjolras is left with the question of where he fits in the new status quo...
Notes: Another poly fic with aromantic!Enjolras. I love fics with unconventional relationship dynamics as well as people actually communciating with each other (though not before there's been some hijinks ofc). Criminally underrated.
How Marius (Painstakingly) Won the Hand of Mlle. Fauchelevent by writingsyrup (@syrupsyche)
Rating: G
Ships: Cosette/Marius
When setting out to woo his beloved Cosette, Marius had never imagined that it would bring him to this: sitting at a dining table next to her grim-faced father, and staring at the marble that was Enjolras picking at his peas. Or; Enjolras and Cosette are siblings in 19th century France. Marius has to deal with the consequences of this.
Notes: Probably the best Marius characterisation I've ever read, he's just so awkward and weird bless him. I love a good awkward "meeting the parents" and this filled that hole in my heart. Is part of a wider series but can be read as a standalone.
Omnia mutantur, nihil interit by Apathy and saltedpin
Rating: M
Ships: Javert/Jean Valjean, Cosette/Marius Pontmercy
Valjean's panting breath does not belong to him. He scrambles out of the bed and stumbles on too-light feet to the mirror in the corner, although he already knows what he will see. Peering back at him from behind a curtain of dark hair, wide-eyed, is Éponine Thénardier. Jean Valjean awakens one morning from uneasy dreams to find that something quite unexpected has happened during the night.
Notes: Cosette and Javert get bodyswapped and Marius is weirdly into it, if that's not enough to convince you to read this fic then idk how to help you. Not normally a huge body swap fan but this was absolutely hilarious as well as having some genuinely sweet moments. Also Theodule is there which means something to some people.
It's Not the Same Anymore by ShameDumpster (@shamedumpster)
Rating: T
Ships: Enjolras/Grantaire
Grantaire is a bookstore clerk in his late twenties, and to everyone’s eternal disbelief, a father. It’s been years since he’s seen anyone from his former group of friends, after a falling out cleaved him from the ABC, but everything changes when Enjolras walks into his bookstore. Can they rekindle their friendship, or something more, while they both come to terms with how their lives have changed over the past decade?
Notes: SO SO GOODDD!! Top tier slowburn kid fic, I could wax poetic about it for days. Had me gripped from start to finish.
Acts of Mercy by cruisedirector and Dementordelta
Rating: M
Ships: Javert/Jean Valjean
After witnessing and reporting a murder, Javert is dismissed from the police and takes a job protecting the women in a brothel, where many of his long-held ideas about justice are challenged.
Notes: Breaking, man from the 1800s finds out that life for women is hard. Such a solid redemption arc fic with some really memorable ocs.
Lynx's Claws and Wolf's Mane by Kaleran
Rating: T
Ships: None
When he is older, when he is a prison guard, he thinks back to his childhood and realizes he had been considerably fortunate. "Prison is no place for a girl like you," his mother told him often, usually fussing with what rags they could use for clothing. "Forgive me for this, draga mea." And so, instead of a daughter, she pretended to have a son.
Notes: Completely canon compliant except Javert is trans and the impact that has on the story really adds an extra layer to his character that I find really compelling. Warning, it is very depressing bc canon.
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