#crow mail
Madam Mayor, so glad to see you on tumblr. Do you have any thoughts on the upcoming American elections?
Thank you kindly. Glad to be seen.
As Mayor, it is my duty to stress the importance of any and all elections. Now remember, don't slouch and be a responsible citizen - make informed decisions and make your voice heard.
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antarctic-malewife · 2 years
Are there any good food spots by where you are?
What part of “there is a metal bracelet around my ankle that keeps me trapped in my own home” is so hard to understand
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morkify · 2 years
[gives you a very soft bear bcs you deserve it] :)
awwww thank you! Here I have something for you too!
[object acquired: Igor the Tigor)
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I'm so so happy to see you posting again! I missed your works! Goodness they are as beautiful and immersive as ever!
You're amazing Hazel-chan.
Sending you all the love in the world
my dearest sweet crow - 𓄿
It's lovely to hear from you, I hope you are well and safe <3! thank you for being so encouraging and motivating to me all these years. It means so much T.T
sending you my love and more works to follow! you've all got me so inspired !!
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sprnklersplashes · 1 month
I just remembered it's canon that Inej went through Van Eck's letters to Wylan and now I want to believe she keeps up the habit of going through Wylan's mail post-CK.
She goes over for dinner and the conversation becomes,
"Oh by the way Wylan your replacement coach is arriving on Monday."
"Oh thanks Inej, I swear they always come at the most inconvenient-" Wylan pauses and sighs." What did I say about my mail, Wraith?"
Inej rolls her eyes. "That it's wrong and an invasion of privacy and only Jesper is allowed to read your mail."
Inej sips her tea quietly.
"By the way the furniture shop is having a sale and I think you should consider it because the couch in your front room is hideous."
"That's my mother's couch!"
"And I love Marya! I just don't love her couch."
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shaylogic · 3 months
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l3viat8an · 10 months
So I just remembered a thing
So what if
MC just. Collects small things. They are theirs now. Rocks, feathers, ribbons, anything interesting
I have wayyy too many rocks , dice sets, Lego figures, etc.. I am Crow Brain Mentality as some friends would say
So imagine if MC just. Has a shelf of Collected Things in the HOL and they get upset or angy if their Collected Things are touched bc THAT'S THEIRSSS :(.
Now remember how I said feathers & shiny things?
What if MC sometimes just finds fallen feathers / scales / whatever in one of the brother's rooms & just. Takes it. Theirs now. Lucifer's feathers, Leviathan's scales if they can come off individualy, hell if the brothers can shed their horns like deer then MC would take them too
Now what if said MC also has a tendency to give small shiny things to people bc "ooo cool, (person) will like it" , so the brothers end up with like. A vaguely cool rock , a button, whatever, that MC found, bc MC thought they'd like it :>
ALSO the Crow Brain Mentality gave me another idea abt this. What if Mammon does something similar bc of his greed or something idk. So he has hidden collections of thingz too.
But now, would Mammon collect things FROM MC's collection if he does, or would he leave it alone 🤔
Bc it doesn't matter how much I love you, I will fight you if you take my Cool Things- those are mineee
Gonna start with crow brain Mammon is vv canon to me!!! <3 especially after the beach event where he spent hours looking for the perfect sea shell for MC!!!- crow brained ‘n gift giving he’s so fuckin’ sweet jsjsjsj
I can’t imagine the brothers messing with MC’s treasure shelf too much- besides looking at stuff or asking MC where they found a rock or what kind of feathers they have etc-
But Mammon would move stuff around to look at it better, tho he’d never take something of MC’s without asking (they are the only person he wouldn’t steal from after all lolol)
Ooooh!!! Adding to the part where MC finds stuff around the house and collects it!!- yk how in the surprise guest the boys can give you raven feathers?- same goes for the boys just giving MC scales ‘n their feathers!!- because the boys know Mc will treasure it just like the rest of their collection!!!
Anything MC gives to the brothers is getting treated like it’s made of gold even if it’s a silly stick or rock lolol
Like Lucifer keeps whatever they give him in a little trinket bowl on his desk, Mammon already has a box or place he keeps his stuff but MC’s gifts would get put on his nightstand so he can see them as soon as he wakes up and right before he goes to bed. Levi mixes MC’s little trinket gifts into on oh his display shelves right with the anime figures lmao
Satan would probably keep a little jar for anything MC gives him so he can keep it all together! Same for Asmo or a whole little drawer on his vanity that’s just full of little things MC gave him!!
Beel and Belphie are like Mammon- they keep a few of the gifts on their nightstands and/or a box under the bed so it’s like a secret stash!!
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skunkes · 2 months
This big guy reminded me of Al and I thought you would appreciate it
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savethegrishaverse · 25 days
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Back to Grisha School: we present our new physical mail campaign, in tune with the beginning of school year enthusiasm that every wizard student awaits!
There is seldom a fantasy fan that at the beginning of autumn isn’t nostalgic about all things magic, whether it be about brewing rare potions, escaping to a secret abode in the middle of the woods or invoking the spirits of the ancestors’. But nothing quite encompasses this cozy sense of belonging like a school of magic.
When for Grisha there was no safe place, Aleksander promised that There will be. When Grisha scurried fearfully across the lands, no haven in sight, the Darkling vowed: I will make one. And that’s how The Little Palace came to be.
So pick up a pen and tell Netflix how the Grishaverse has made you feel included or how the fandom is a space of belonging for you, just how The Little Palace is for the Grisha and how at the start of autumn you can’t help but long to be a new Grisha enrolling or a new student at Ketterdam University. Remind them that this fan beloved theme - the school of magic - is right there among their adapted stories, awaiting continuation!
Use the following Mailing Address to send a letter or postcard to Netflix:
Sunset Bronson Studios
ATTN: __________
5800 W. Sunset Boulevard
Los Angeles, CA 90028
Choose one of the names below for ATTN:
Bela Bajaria: Chief Content Officer
Cole Galvin: Director of Original Series
Jinny Howe: VP, Original Series
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bird-everyday · 1 year
If I get bit, I get bit. I still love him and I’m sure he had his reasons
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fancy-fangs · 1 year
Okay this might be INCREDIBLY nitpicky but there's this one continuity error (???) In SoC and CK that won't leave my mind at rest. (It's not even bad I just can't be normal about this). And it's this:
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Screenshot 1: "Wylan was a bit taller than Kuwei, his face a lot rounder". (Six of Crows, p. 450)
Screenshot 2: "Wylan was taller than Kuwei; his face was narrower too" (Crooked Kingdom, p. 345)
Does Wylan have a Babyface????? Does he not????? Is it a Pov thing????? Does Kaz just think his face is rounder and Jesper doesn't????? Who of them is right?????? Which one of you is telling me the truth????????
Ive been going insane about this in ways that I can't even explain without looking like I completely lost it. I need a solution to this. Please. Anyone.
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the-regal-reginamills · 2 months
Ever since you united the realms, people have been riding on horseback on roads meant for driving!! It's making my daily communate to work frustrating and I need to know what you're going to about it!!
Dear @operationmongoosesq, Thank you for reaching out with your concerns. I, on behalf of the United Realms of Storybrooke (URS), hereby apologize for the inconvenience this issue has caused you and ensure our team is working on a swift solution. In response to the growth and diversity the URS has to offer, streets and facilities are undergoing thorough renovations to accommodate horses and horseback riding. Both riders and horses are being trained to ensure a safe coexistence in public spaces and roadways, and a comprehensive education (for the riders without previous knowledge) in traffic code is being provided. Additionally, as a strategy to reduce traffic jams, I am pleased to announce that, with the help from the denizens of Agrabah and the Land of Untold Stories, our public transportation fleet has been reinforced to facilitate mobility among districts. Presently, all citizens of the URS are eligible to acquire a travel pass for a small symbolic monthly fee. Your feedback is valued and appreciated. If you have any further questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to reach out. Sincerely, Regina Mills Queen of the United Realms of Storybrooke
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antarctic-malewife · 2 years
Father of crows. The only man ever. Tell us, have you been a criminal before? (Well. Before this.)
does taking over the world count
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batwynn · 7 months
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Heads up: Proceeds from the sales of these Crow Fam stickers go to the World Food Programme!
Flapjacks, Waffles, and Knife Crow are here to support feeding those in need. They’re big fans of food! They think everyone should have some!
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Dear sweet Hazel-chan
I wish you the most gracious congratulations on your engagement! I'm so so happy for you 💓 I hope that this union brings you happiness and fulfillment! ✨️
My apologies for my long absence, but know that you cross my mind very often and I always smile and wish you good health and happiness when I think about you. ☺️
I'm just popping in to check in, be well sweet Hazel-chan may the wind guid your way 🖤
All the love in the world
CROW hello T>T>T>T>T>T>T>T 
how are you ????-- i missed youuu (i hope you are safe) - thank you for the well wishes! (there is so much to plan and i wanna just have the thing already llol) 
oh lovely, beautiful soul, today the sun may fall but tomorrow the new dawn rises. may it bring you all the blessings with it; i’m sending you my best <3 
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kazsbrekker · 1 year
what do you think about the fact that kaz was traumatized by the ocean and inej becomes a pirate and now he watches it constantly
okay, OKAY, wow. this is hate mail. this is how you get me. this is absolutely evil, i hate it. (this is utterly brilliant, send me more.)
in that vein, what do you think about the fact that, right before the harbour, the last thing young kaz ever thinks of wanting to tell jordie while he’s alive is, don’t leave me? and that one of the last things we ever hear from kaz is when he’s standing by the harbour and making it a point to tell inej that he bought her a berth that will always be hers so if she chooses she can come back? 
don’t leave me. come back. he’s a boy from lij. he’s the bastard of the barrel. he’s a child, he’s a monster. he’s kaz rietveld helplessly begging not to be left alone. he’s kaz brekker helping the woman he loves to leave but desperately hoping she’ll return. he is all those things at once, and he watches the harbour, hoping it can bring someone he loves back instead of only carrying them away. 
the water hears and understands.
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