#crowley defender
unforgivablego · 1 year
About the kiss.
As an Aziraphale type of person (I think so), this would’ve been so unexpected that I would punch Crowley in the face, and then also between the legs. Despite how much I love someone and how I feel, if we quarrel (in my case), a kiss is not a solution or an argument (especially when it is the first kiss, especially when it is so unexpected and especially when it is not mutual). But this is me and my manners as an aromantic and asexual person.
Sorry, but as I wrote here once before, Crowley’s kiss was neither romantic, nor sweet, nor gentle, nor kind. It was quite rude, cruel and left no choice. If I were Aziraphale, I would feel, at a minimum, forced towards him, and at a maximum, raped (if this is not the same thing, of course). And these are not the words that you want to pop up in your head when you talk or think about your one love.
It was a desperate move by Crowley to get his point across. He just didn’t find another way out, didn’t find words and here we are. And that was really cruel to Aziraphale. Yes, unintentionally, but cruelly.
"Here's what we could have."
It was manipulation. It wasn't a love kiss. It was demanding, sudden, angry, non-reciprocal, rude and parting. The moment Crowley decides to kiss Aziraphale, he already knows that he will leave after it. Yes, there is hope in him, but it is an illusory hope. He understands that even such a desperate step will not convince the angel. And Aziraphale allowed himself to answer Crowley for a while, but not in the way he REALLY wanted.
Aziraphale can't. He can't stay with Crowley. He can't afford to run away when he has so much on his shoulders. He cannot agree to leave with Crowley and hide all his life in eternal escapes. Knowing him, Aziraphale will blame himself for what he didn’t prevent, what he couldn’t prevent. If he has even the slightest chance to change something, he will grab it. That's why he can't run away with Crowley. Even if in return he receives Crowleys love.
Crowley knows this. And he still makes the Aziraphale choose.
And he says “I forgive you” (for this kiss, for your cruelty, for your rudeness, for your refusal to fight).
His love is so strong that even if Crowley did something like this to him, he actually truly forgives him. There is no hidden connotation in this phrase. Aziraphale just confesses his love again.
Crowley escapes. He refuses to be with Aziraphale. He refuses to fight together against Heaven. He's not going to solve their problem. He's going to break the angel's heart.
And Aziraphale forgives him for this.
Because Crowley lost hope. Because Crowley gave up. Because Crowley runs away again. Because Crowley is ready to leave instead of staying. Because Crowley never understood why the angel was doing all this. And for whom?
And Aziraphale will forgive him again. And when Crowley returns, he will accept. And when (Lord, I beg you!) they finally talk, I think this will be a decisive step in their relationship. Difficult, but correct and the last thing before allowing ourselves to simply love each other.
They are both - BOTH! - guilty. In mutual egoism towards each other. In the fact that they consider only their own point of view to be correct and refuse to listen to someone else’s. The fact that they don’t listen to each other. The fact that they don't even try to listen. The fact is that they don't talk about problems. They are not brought up for discussion. And this is important in a relationship. Even if your main intention is to protect, you still have to give each other a choice: agree or refuse help. Otherwise, nothing meaningful will happen between them.
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aziraphales-lawyer · 11 months
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azfell-ajcrowley · 7 months
The offers that can't be refused: the Metatron-Beelzebub parallels.
Because people keep telling Crowley said no, Aziraphale said yes. Oh, God, give me strength.
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Crowley said he rejected Hell's offer, but did he? Let's compare the Beelzebub's and Metatron's methods. Let's find the parallels between the scenes.
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The appearance of the superiors is accompanied by bell ringing in both cases.
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Crowley and Aziraphale are unpleasantly surprised, they exclaim their superiors' names. Why would such high-ranking bosses personally visit a traitors' hideout?
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They remind about the arrangement with their superiors.
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The threats: the direct one from Hell, the veiled one from Heaven.
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The change of guises.
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The flattery.
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The knowledge of the Earth as the deciding factor for their choices.
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The mentions of Gabriel. It's logical for the conversation with Beelzebub, because the Prince's of Hell motives are already clear. Crowley was summoned for the purpose of finding their beloved Archangel.
What is the reason the Metatron mentions him? And as a benchmark for assessing Aziraphale's actions. From the point of view of the Voice's of God manipulative art, one can understand why. Aziraphale cannot be evaluated on the Michael or Uriel scale, because he himself considers them as bad angels.
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And finally, the position offers. Crowley nodds while looking at Beelzebub, Aziraphale says he don't want to go to Heaven.
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Bonus: the threats of erasing from the Book of Life. Crowley rushes to Aziraphale intending to save him. And Aziraphale having received additional threats from the Metatron tries to reproduce their conversation for Crowley.
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They're the same, Your Honour!
Crowley has refused to be a Duke of Hell just like Aziraphale has agreed to be a Supreme Archangel. Neither of them have responded yes or no.
It's clear this demon lied to Beelzebub, but his angel is also very experienced in this matter. And Aziraphale is accused of doing exactly as Crowley did. Without a chance to get out of it, he decided to keep silent, so as not to incur the wrath of his superior. Namely the Metatron who is even higher in rank than Beelzebub.
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yourangle-yuordevil · 2 months
So Aziraphale finds a mysterious man that broke into his home at night while knowing someone is trying to kill him think “ oh the gods have answered my prayers and given me a protection.”
✨ He trusts his deities and trusts people even more ✨ …and this can create some misunderstandings x°D
For example, after befriending Crowely (without knowing that he's the Snake of Ithaca) Apollo grants him a vision and-
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grim and yuu in year 4
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Because Yuu and Grim come as a 2-in-1 deal (with Grim doing all of their assignments that require magic), it occurs to me that Yuu would be SO fucked with their schoolwork if anything happens to Grim. And Grim needs Yuu to keep him under control— This is particularly true in the later school years, as first year classes focus on theory and transition into requiring actual magic use in the upper level classes. This is, of course, assuming that assuming that Yuu stays in Twisted Wonderland and continues their education at NRC.
So… what does that mean for the fourth year internship that is a prerequisite to graduate?? Yuu cannot complete a magic internship on their own, and it doesn’t make sense if only one of the pair can formally graduate. Does Yuu have to follow Grim wherever he decides to go?? Together forever… (There are fan theories about Yuu and/or Grim becoming the new Ramshackle dorm leader + vice or even the new headmaster, which might be an… interesting avenue to take for an internship 🤔)
One idea I think could be neat (if not corny) is Yuu doing a cumulative project instead of an internship. (This way, Yuu is actually doing some kind of active work in addition to babysitting Grim at his own internship.) They could submit a photo album of all the pictures they took with the Ghost Camera. Three years of good and bad times, documenting how Yuu and their peers have changed over that time…
“What’s this?” Crowley will ask, looking confused at the thickness of the tome. What would possible be contained within its pages?
“This is the summation of everything I’ve learned at Night Raven College. My thesis,” Yuu states plainly, “on the magic of friendship. Take it or leave it.”
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fellthemarvelous · 7 months
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Do not ever tell me that Aziraphale is being selfish here.
Never. Not once. If you try to even start, shut your fucking mouth.
Do you know how hard it is to admit something like this when you're not even supposed to want anything?
Gabriel was surprised the first time he was given a gift.
Aziraphale is telling Crowley he wants to make things better, but he doesn't think he can do it without Crowley.
He is pouring his heart out right here. He doesn't think he can do enough good without Crowley. He wants to make Heaven better, but he thinks he needs Crowley to make it happen.
This is the one time that Crowley cannot help him, but that doesn't mean that what Aziraphale is doing is wrong.
Me saying that Aziraphale isn't doing anything wrong by going back to Heaven doesn't mean I'm saying Crowley is wrong for the choice he made either. Neither of them is wrong. This is not a black and white situation.
Aziraphale told Crowley he needed him while the Metatron was within hearing distance.
Let me say this as loudly as possible for you, m'kay?
We all remember how that's a no-no, right?? That's exactly the kind of language Aziraphale always avoided because even ducks have ears. And the one time he used that kind of language was when the Metatron was waiting to take him back to Heaven because the Metatron knows about their history.
The last time Heaven implied that Aziraphale and Crowley were together, Sandalphon punched him in the stomach.
But go off with how Aziraphale is so selfish and only ever thinks about his own wants and needs after he bared his heart to Crowley in front of the fucking Metatron. Go off with how you keep proving you didn't understand the first thing about Aziraphale and Crowley's shades of grey discussion from 1941.
Be mad at Aziraphale if it helps you heal, but don't assassinate his character by turning him into someone he's not just because you're desperate for your villainized version of him to be real.
Crowley wouldn't stand for that shit because he's perfectly capable of taking care of himself.
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Aziraphale didn’t leave because he wanted a promotion.
Aziraphale didn’t leave because he wanted a promotion.
Aziraphale didn’t leave because he wanted a promotion.
He left because the Metatron fucking threatened the love of his existence.
Everything the Metatron says is so vaguely threatening.
A “jigger” of almond syrup (fun aside, ‘jigger’ also means “to alter or rearrange especially by manipulating” according to Mirriam-Webster)
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That comment isn’t ’restore your demon friend,’ it’s ’come quietly or we’ll erase him from the book of life and take you anyway’
The fact that so many people don’t recognize the signs of manipulation and threats worries me. Are you all okay?
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theelastword · 8 months
something new about aziraphale that i’m getting emotional over on this fine night (no one is shocked): i cannot stop thinking about the first scene of season 2. specifically i cannot stop thinking about the fact that even then, in a moment where both he and crowley even looked younger due to their innocence / lack of doubt or questioning just yet, aziraphale is already doing somersaults to worry for those around him. he doesn’t even KNOW this angel, and the idea that crowley could get in trouble for asking questions shouldn’t occur to him yet, but he’s still so burdened by anxieties and doubts for other peoples’ well-being and conditioned to protect others at his own expense (not to mention eerily close to seeing through Heaven for what it is). aziraphale is so fundamentally good, worrying about other people and caring about them before the very idea that bad things could happen to a fellow angel SHOULD have ever crossed his mind in the first place. and to me that disproves all notions that aziraphale is naive, because he’s been tragically aware since before the Beginning— and before crowley. which makes moments like the post-Job “what does that make me” scene even sadder because by all accounts, if aziraphale was familiar with what it’s like to doubt and worry before the Fall even happened, before he ever should have known what those things were, then he should have been one of the angels to fall, right? Wondering and doubting and worrying about things leads to a Fall, right? Only he didn’t. In a world in which there’s a line dividing doubtless, brainwashed, “happy” angels from doubtful, too-curious-for-their-own-good demons, aziraphale might just be the loneliest being in existence. he’s quite literally the sole person (that we know of) who stayed an angel but is forced to carry a burden that never should have been his, that NOBODY around him in Heaven has to carry. and he can’t ask about it because now he knows for sure where asking questions leads you, but he probably doesn’t understand why he has to carry that burden in the first place. the one he’s been carrying it since before Earth was even created.
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perigilpin · 11 months
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During the scene in episode six what always strikes me is that I absolutely think Crowley knows pre-kiss that Aziraphale’s decision has been made. So when he decides to go in for the kiss, he knows it’s not something that he’s going to change Aziraphale’s mind with. That’s already done. It’s not a card Crowley is trying to play to change the outcome, it’s a card he’s playing specially to hurt Aziraphale in the way he’s deeply hurting in that moment. Based on Aziraphale’s face after he moves the fingers away from his lips I think he knows this as well.
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katsco · 5 months
Rejecting heaven to spend eternity with the ‘most important person’ you know, take notes aziraphel.
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a-bisexual-panicking · 8 months
I think that people have gone over too quickly about the fact that Aziraphale has a fucking gun in his bookshop. Yes it's a fun gag but it's not something to be taken so easy. This angel has more experiences with guns than an actual demon from hell, which is stereotypically the one that should know all about weapons. And it's also something that can be useful. We know that Aziraphale can and would fight if necessary, and since season 2 we have to consider the fact that he has a weapon theatrically placed inside a fake book, and I have a feeling that we will see it being used in season 3
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televised-eyes · 7 months
it just hit me that crowley as a character is especially attractive and sympathetic to kids and teenagers because he’s the “cool moody sexy rebellious one” whereas aziraphale is deeply uncool, typically follows the rules, and is not conventionally attractive. so of course the kids and teenagers on this website are going to defend crowley at all costs even if it means having cruel and uninformed opinions…
this truly explains everything to me
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brideavocado · 7 months
No cause I literally cannot understand how people can be angry at Aziraphale! I understand both Crowley and Aziraphale’s side in the s2 ending so according to me, neither of them were in the wrong for what happened. Like what did you expect him to do? HE’S A FREAKING ANGEL!! And Aziraphale has a much stronger attachment to heaven than Crowley has to hell so that’s why it’s a bigger deal for Aziraphale to leave. He’s manipulated and he’s trying to do what’s right!!!
Obviously I feel bad for Crowley, but I feel really bad for Aziraphale as well. “Aziraphale left because he didn’t love Crowley”, HUH? Aziraphale left because he believes that heaven can change, because he doesn’t really have a choice. It was honestly very in character of him to feel like he needs to go with heaven. And also, if that look he gave Crowley after he kissed him didn’t mean he wanted to stop Crowley from going, then idk what!
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So to summarise, if you don’t like Aziraphale then I don’t like you. How can you even be mad at him!!?? He’s so cute I can’t even look at him without smiling😭
Aziraphale defender for life :)
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vroomvroomwee · 1 year
I don't think some of you should be coming down on Aziraphale so hard for his decision and I'm going to point out something not enough people take into consideration.
Just think of the circumstances he was in. He got offered a deal that could fix pretty much every single problem they have and that could consequently make both him and Crowley incredibly happy.
At least that's how he sees it. It all comes crashing down once he realises that that's not what Crowley wants. That it's not that easy for them to have that perfect life. Having that opportunity and then it being ripped right out of his hands. Just look at how giddy he was when he was telling Crowley, after which he straight up went into denial and refusing to listen to what Crowley has to say, because this. would. have. solved. everything.
But... it's not what Crowley wants. And it's not as if he can make him go with him to Heaven (thank god) because he's not that kind of person. He's not possessive or controlling. And more than anything he loves Crowley and up until that moment he had the perfect means to make him happy. And now it's gone.
So not only does he have this earth shattering realisation about Crowley and what he wants he also now has to deal with what he himself wants. Now if anyone knows how it feels to be in such a stressful and agonising dilemma over something, you will probably feel and emphasise with Aziraphale pretty hard in this scene. Because this is where old coping mechanisms start to hit. This is where he falls back on something reliable, something he can trust will make the right decision, and that is his old belief that Heaven is to be obeyed and that it can do no wrong, that is still so ingrained in his instincts and decision making. This is where his trauma comes into play.
And he fights it.
How fucking strong do you have to be to be able to fight your own gut feeling, that has been trained and created for millions of years. He actively tries to tell the Metatron "no" multiple times, shame that the Metatron is a master manipulator and doesn't let him the opportunity, but he still does it nonetheless.
(This is the part I wanted to point out) This boy had to make a life changing decision that would determine how he would spend the rest of eternity itself. And he didn't even have 10 minutes to make it.
He had only minutes to make this decision. Imagine the sheer soul-shattering heart-rending turmoil that has been going on inside him. The sheer panic and dread he was probably feeling.
And despite what millenia of training and what his thoughts and logic were telling him, he still followed his heart, he still chose Crowley... until the Metatron sensed exactly that and told him about the Second Coming.
Well, now that made things much simpler. His happiness or the universe. And he sacrificed himself. Again...
And to top it all off, he had to fucking smile. He has just lost everything he loves, earth, the bookshop, crepes... and Crowley. No. No, it's more than that. After Crowley's confession he realised he lost everything he never even had. Utterly and completely alone. And he cannot dare shed a tear. How. Fucking. Strong. Do you have to be to be able to do that.
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Uriel and Michael: hi :) can we come in
Muriel, flipping through handbook: piss off! :)
Uriel: Great Heavens
Muriel: Mr Crowley?
Crowley, cracking knuckles: are you here to buy a book?
Crowley (to Michael): fuck off customers only
Crowley (to Uriel): fuck off we don't sell books.
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